HOME A F T A I R 8 jrl' rln-ii'i, ulil.-h vxhil-iied her,. i ei the Ml tv lull I nf 1mI u ... I. .... .1 .. I : i. e neglected to refer t i ,,,. lr'l'i I of Hie finite! g itherings of the people tlmt me v;il:i:n tvitli 1 I r. . i , III lllllliy yell's MM'.' tiled j mm ami iH ' I """ turn mil i mi .'oris. shape nm is ,., r ii . . . i . K,"'l"- "ii'l kiz.-j. of liiiinm.ity Hint our .oui.ty ull'onN, to ; i.a ti.l i...,r.. ii , ........... ... i no ciri'iii l'ft- vilimi wiwi'oini,l..tMf . .n,..l...l ...i .i . . ! . . i urotHU'tors ti:iiil our .'ili..iw t 1 i .' ' - - ii' l III" ,.r , went ot riirni.-iiiiitf 0110 of I i. ,ir,...i .i ' I. .. . . - -. ...... i most oi'K'iiy nunioi, ccs tiicy i ... (. vored with hinct- tlu-ir outsi-t. Boi.i) Koiiiii'kv. At I.utlMMsl.m--.' 1 Tliiiisd:iy nijilit, ii most (luiinij iol,l,, iv wii.s 'oinii)ittc(l l,y some (icrsoi, or jm-is ,u- unKnown, i,y cnlcniiL' tlu sloct, iii,',i t. I 1 1 nu'iit of Hciij:iiiiii, i:,ih liruillord. h ho i . . . ... was sijoiiiiiiii ai win iioici ot W. Moor,.. , ami iilstriictin,2 from his iniiitnloons his walli't. conliiimn' 21") in nioncv, and inn- valtialila papers. J he room was sitnaled Hipon the secoud story of the Imildintt. ai d ,he outran, e. was ell'eetod through an open Vindow. Xo elue lias yet heen diseovi red 'of t!ie perpetratois. fitiTSiii'li weather as we aro lmvin. A t"V sultry and partially clear days in the early part of lat week ha.l inspired a hope in all hroa-ts that summer had rroh ahly "urriv :" hut towardsits closethe rain aaiti doseonde l and tii ' Hoods came, ami tlio prospect hecame ahout as watery as it had been during the spring. (N.Id weather sueeeeded tii? rain, and the at mosphere has felt for several days a.- if i. i i .. ., ... we nun oeeii a.'t mid. .-Ol'.l 7i;ireli. wiiere in 1-iV'I.ast 'dav in our Moil 'ay was town, Well c onite l:.vlv , "' ' iblted to V.- mind one of the (.I'.miencement of a bu,y Cjurt week; and in lad we -careely know hoiv to account lor the ununial crowd d'! people so early , . . , j " iin.i. n ".e.i- red to us that it was the dav ui on v, hi. !i the Treasurer made ,-a!e of th f de!';ii';l',ent t:'..-payo;'s. of tracts were s.dd din ii:;' the ; lands o! ;i mimber !ll'te I,,, in, Otic! t!;o saler went tl'ciiiile 1 visklv. C-3rLuiin,i.' our enuiitv ha tlie l ite storms and rains not escaped some lit lie ol the vast ruin an ecu it.ition w l.a-li h.i - i . neon e.per;enceil in Him is( cvorv p:u t d in the country to a :varr or less extent. In Biady town-hip iiitrii; the week b, fore hist it number of Mill dams ucro torn away The barns ol Messrs. Lining, I'-'cofield and! D,,... r i , , ,, , I otter, were unroofed, and nearly all the bri'i.L'cs in the town, hip washed aw.y, Cou-i lerable timber .m i ii'ini'.er of f. u'- s V.cre ihi'o'.vn d.ene, iind serious 1 1: n . .- . done to the corn field -i and i li.i r l.uu.U. Suur re.".dcis will ob.-erve w i 1 j a . much pleasure doubtless as wc make the announcement, that w e have Leon nit; bled this w.'ek to 'divest no.r columns of the list of tax sales, ".hicli has engrossed ncavly one jingo of our paper for more than two months. We will now 1 e enabled to in crease tlifl amount of nodiiiL' matter ac oordinjrly. Camcmfetixh. The Methodist Episco pal denomination intend holding a inmp mceting near Luther: -burg, to commence on lti 17th inst. (to-morrow. No elec tioneering will be permit ted on .Sunday. CHiididates for oflice will please make a note of this. flan away. A team lielonpn;; Jo the C'ltrwensville Butchers ran oti'in otn town yesterday morning. It started on fourth sstre?t ran about t.vo sfiia.vs and Lack, when it was catiLdit without bavin" (lone injury to w agon or horses. Daniixi! Scuooi,. Fiof. lknafeti, late of rittsbnro, is now flopping at the Mali- ! sion Nous,., and will, if sufTicictit cm n;r-j ngoment I if extended him, remain and instruct a class. Wo lately had the I'lons-- urof attending one of thu l'rofs snhr,-, ttlid can elicrrfully recotnnieinl him to our citizens. For particulars call on Mr. ',,n-, afon, w ho will remain but short time mi les a class can be laised. .rurviiineo has just receive' tt new assortment of cases and chemicals. Foreign Emigration. We notice some time since the fact that there was a faliim: oti'in tin; eini:!ra!; .11 1 .1 1 ' . . To Tilts, colli, I rv liom vnrionu onoi-lrou .s , v,r.....tl.. r : '.... 1 irave the reasons for this decrease. 1.'"-" r''''''Vo.Unto llie otl.ee ol the ..'...... .JilllLIH-lrILIII,lll.l,ll.L.IWt-.JIII(l Imve si;o learned that the average of cnpilal brought by the emigrants lias much increased the proportion of tho.-eirriving in comfortable pecuniary I'iicunistanet-s being much larger than in former yours. It is impossible to ii vertiiin all the r.i.sl, resources of the emigran.s, as many of them studiously conceal their treasure. Thus on 01111 oecision, the total report of ciipitul anions the nasseiiL'ers bv 11 siivde snip was .N,,,,tio, imt, a more thorough ; investigation having been called for in I foneuonoes ot circumstances connected scucntly the step-mother of her present with an in.beeih Igvant, tho amount husband. She had bv the lather of her actually counted exceeded ssoti.fjou and 1 present hu-baud three children. Sin- is 'even this was more or less below the true thirtv-two years old, nnd l,cr slop-son hits total. The passengers recently arrived by b.u.if is only twentt -one. Her pie out 'Tho .losepbitiH from Antwerp, numbering children aro hall brothers ami sister of -u nui -no, tirongiit.it is ascertained, dome- f - - . 'thing over half a million flolhirs; nnd -enough i, known to warrant tho assertion that, while th, hard times have diniin'sb- cd the number of emigrants from certain distiicts, they haVB given us a far more prosperous and thrifty class than have teen landed m some former seasons. Journal vf ( 'ommcrc, B.TI.e meanest style of stealing that we have noticed lately was invented by a iyw lone rascal, who possessed hitnsell He hud murdered two of hi., fellow-sol, li.is, lions of dollars. There areiiLout 'Jl'J miles or one of the subscription books of the and shot an otlicer in the arm in Texas. of the rotid yet to be let, which, if the eon House of the Friendless, and went about His grave had been dug that morning. ( actors carry on the second section satis- j " or,, ung money irom llie clnuitalde. I t lie wretch who would do that would i "teal the slop from a blind pig. I . tlom.,.. I.i .1... ....... I.. - r . . .. . . Io all- . r' "i'i" "i ioni iic. county, tii- muni, of si.iim.i cimi,., ,lf .,M, ,,.,;: . . . ))rii,(i Jl,yin miljed to the I"!)'. ,1,'r. ri 1 1 1 T :t t .!. , ,n,,, .,),, (,,,. ,(,,, lit till- l liMlilu' I. ,1 i.m in! "i i in- (in nit ic h'H I T heel, known " '"" ' I ilU'M'll.IIIL' . ilizen. 'I II II I .'ii'li;il ll' Milts mis ,,i..il, I i:i.. i... ' , ........ ,1 ini'i "iiiiiM v iiiiiiicii lor I he l, .i i,,i, ,. ; ' , i . 1 -i' ii'im 'in 'i lorlli,. I.. i,,i,.,,.sis r, , , ''"V"? :.in.. tin... I,.-,.. ,, ..nVt.-iit iiii'l Ikii,I woi-l.in,' im..,.,i i-.i... i. . "i inn iM-iiiu-' l-'H'I.V. Nic I, ii I,,,,!, il(.M.-yi's In ic ; f..,'. 1... . .... - ' 11 nominal ion s us I mst 11 1' III f, . i... i... . ... . .. . . .' " " I 'list llll'ilf . f, o'-i .-hi.-iii-i unit Miniil.t 1,0 l,c l Ucli . I I n- lot .w r,l il..w.ii:.....;ii i... .. : . i. ni-i tli.it s ho, i . ho 1. ' ...... .... li.iiii. .. I- i "" i" i mm-iik'h . ii : i:ith, ts.is. ' IMf AZIdfS Kim'K." J 'UN l'l I . -: : 1 1 -1 1 : i I , i-'-.-k in -'. OCK "I Mil Hoi VK-, V. iio had ,1-i U u :i!isli Mir;;..:!. i iii'', III I' IIIM, h Iti- i ii'i !'. '. II. 'i I.-.S. il'f of III.' of I ! ' il I 'V CI l.riT, ji; " ',: .; t-;,i'i-l-', ,-i,ii-r l.i.. Ui, I'Miiniiiin.' his :lii, wrs iiiiinil a,, i i ;.,! ...... I.lii-ult- ol S.r .i i ' .... .... ; ; I lyin to liis .junlili.-ut i,,,' 1M ri-.'i-ou , 'w '"""''ous tcstirnoninls from fitlit-!- I'll! 1,1'TII S l!,,r.!nw f. ,1 ..I.. .1 i.l.l. " r. ...-. up, i, iv in,, milli initios as a tii"tnl,er ol their profession. It iippeareu liom oilier papers that he had, heen, previous to ls-j;, sixt,.,.,, y,...s ; surgeon in the employ of the Hudson Bay ! L'otiipany, at 'heir various posts on thi'-, -ii urifii i . u, no was a practising surgeon in Lonilm,, holding intei course with the most eminent m n. Anions the papers he appears to have pirscrved'witli caiv, is a card ol invitation from the Lord Mayor and Mayoress of London to dine at tlio Mansion House on the l",th of May, the year omitted. Hut the papers which ne-eenisto li:ive ilcemed the most pre-1 nous, are a package of letters from ( ap-1 tain r.iny, tlie ".rent artie explorer, w ith j whom he seems to have enjoyed a f,ce mid J cordial intiiinicy. Anion;; his eM'ecis wci e ' also two lai'f'eand b.uitilul p,hl medals,! a'.vardeil to "lloetor .loin, l'ocock Holmes! by medical societies, for his valuable in- f v.-nt i.ni-i ol 'i.b.si.-rieal ami siiruicnl in-tru. ImiiiK" II'.' was i videtitlv a man of cor-' led. its -m.l I,'.,.. Hi I'.. bat mislori ' ,v- u !, had enjoyed j pvofe-sional ivputat ion , and iiad 1"'' "t'1" "'M"'l,'U' 1Vi""'1 "'' ''"'"'lit .i" ii. .is -ii iioiueiess iiu i poor, ami ii:e, .... ,,, , alone m t!)-.1 shunt v of i poor liidu! , ' niiix', h unknown. I r i- a ; if the sad vi i.-.-itudes of life, !.i. r '.tl'' I i ;t: i .. r;. lili-n eoun'y circii:,;- n. i.."d.! . l'.i., iali.'v- em;: v. on 1 v.-iv sn. I tlie COtl in I il. under i.m th: 'ii nit.. SU-l'i 'vhich excite. t -he I u ll-t.l!,, e i.f ;,. j iVele . .lo on '.I lie iil'o b.'dv ) a- tie tiKlilV lleult witli. At th. neighbors, ;i coroner and e 1. an I a b''ll illVe-ti (bei'ore t!ie b'lii'il of t'l cause oi hrrdea'ili. Aftrr iinjiiii-y tii" jury I'.niiid a vor lid i hut si c (anio : i h. r death ti on) violence at the hands of In r father, I-,... ,. . ... ... . ir.'imunu i.or.i. auu ins wile, and tlio-e no ue- en- in I i-i e.l ail. I I) ','1 I .1 M ;,, u ,, ,,.,.v , c Il.vr,,,;i,1 ' ,., : 1 ' :, I wo 01 t.,i, ,,y Hue V. '.o Wi i e n nil of the inv i ; at til" i'l-!:: !:cd v.o.i ; el s i'U'V ' ,is si:'. in -e.ro.!,Vt. 1 i! 'I'I.e -e, end .je.1V di diet. t : " ..i:;l n. e.-i.M,;, : ay; upon a v " 1'- . 'i'iio pll wjw liiiocii ,-c,s of no... had i . .... , i . . . ' . , ' .. u . -.. via ,io soine via.1 in uie iauiiiv ,. ,11, , 1 , ,. ., ,.l of Nicholas Dcptte, a respectable family ol , l.oliam, 111 tl.at eouiity, Until la-t V all, "lion sue reiurneii nome tsi iter latiicrs. Soon after her father, Edmund Lord, com menced a prosecution against 1'epue, for an tdh ded rape pecj etratod upon the girl while! in his service, in conse,Uciict3 of which she had I ooome o-'ifhtr. The pi-os- . - - ill! ill Ins service, m coiiseuuciice. o , , ',. ! fl'l.nif. ri. r.,'i.t. I n t.vr.- "T-utionis still pcudil!;: in like county j courts. The Piiigtibinty of the c.se is that j four physicians: win. conducted the pout !. rlnii examination, united in testifying j that tl:e:e v.ns IIO appeal :;tiC0 (if jilOgllall- y, 1 1 1, en tbe cvntvaiy, it was evident tin:; such could never have been her con-! dilim. There are a thousand -and-ono ru-' tnois afloat as to the appearance of tlio ! body, end circumstances attending her death, which is not worth while to repeat. I nt k. Mr at:i in the I! u.ri more Cuts. ' !.ft..i''o.m ii-ai,. (Von I'l. il.i,l. hil.idelo 0sU-rd iy af'n t mm, bioug!:t to the city the dead body of a female named Mrs. Sickles, w ho die.lon the passage Irom l'hil td"! phia to this city, w hen about ten miles liom t'.ie '"u city. The circtim. tam os are as f,,l : Mr. Bonlh, who was with his .hiiudi- or, aecui'vintr ii seat ndioinii'.g that of M s;,.i: ,.,,,1 1.,.,. .:... ,1.1..,. .,1 ........ ' 1. ,,, ,:,, ovi. ,,(i s'.' si,,.,' ,1,.'., .1,'. h,l fainted, immediate!) wciifto her r-' l''f, btit, on ex.iinination, found th.-.t siie " 111 11 ."V".' ei n. lit ton. 1 he une'or, with the i d of several other "eiitloinen. .removed her into the ladies' s;,lo., n, ami i rendered nil the assistance in their power, but without avail. She died bolero ti:t train renched the city. So sudden and unexpected was her ! nth, that her own daughter did not 1 calico the awful truth tmiil some lime aftorv, ar.ls, when Mr. Booth im.loi'took tbe ii'iinlcl !... of .P.. .., 1 . .,. cii siiie ine iiieaitiui iuei to nor, l pon . (. .. ... I arrival of the train, the body of the !- I .. .. ... .. . I desire t was remove. Mlito tlie ollice ol tl.e (j,,s isr,.;i ;, m iny to await its removal to the house 1. ,.,. r,.,. it,,.;,. ' :lIn''''7 lrt.l! V"U ' , U'm-, . .""!'-" : 01 nor iiiiiiLiiiicr, w no resides in tins i-;tv, I t is supposed tlmt she died from li ;.vL Missouri, con. milted various robberies nnd disease. linttworc ( pp-:r, Sulunur,. ; outrages in the above named counties, and M a it in : k l'l xt Aon 111 An v. (in the f 1 ,ete 'preparing for a more extensive foray of January tit Medie. says (lie Cleveland Keview, "Chillies Metger, Ii."'io, was .married to Mi's. (' Metier, white. Tii. patty were residents ol Liverpool, in di.i . oiint v. Mis- M. is the widow of the father of her present husband, and be the second wile of the older M. was c lug in- then father, and her children from tho innl niiiiti, nun ni l tiinwn ii iii'iu iiiij present iiiiirriio'e will be half-broi hers and sUters of these'ivho are hall-hrolheis and sisters ol their fiither. and be half iicl'IO at that. A n,,,,. ",,ov.,,t ,i ting state of alliiirs can scarcely bo iin'agi nod. tyM-X correspondent of tho St. Louis Ikmnil. writina from Leavenworth. Mrtv IMth, says that a soldier oi the seventh In- fnntry was to be e shot nt sir o'clock 1. M. The guard (some ot their muskets lieing loaded with ball, nnd some with Um-.k envtrid'je. but no mldies knowin-whether ' ( I I ll"l III. lllll-k.'l I'l'tlt :iin n ,',H ) tii r , tin- dtnj.ping of n handkerchief, , some itlMT HglUll. lit II lllllll ((,, , .f,0' I In-Ill mill bandaged eves. 'H,o l uhrl SOOII Me0OC. till- execution. k Xuv.-Tlm Xn- I'll r CiVIiITI.lv ... v.v b'egister does hid n,,i i . .... . i :,l.l.. 1UI .,f I .. .. .... . " ' . i, .... i I,,,,,, i . . m,. ,lmll , lilt Ihi'ti ii I w 1 1 1 1 ' , " ,. ' ' '" '.j,,,, ii,,! I .... . . ' " mi- ill lie in i-iiiuiiiK. "i lit liinr. . v filer ill thu Inlr-s, uniiljzifs thi' Navy i-Ikuvs the ri-.-ult to ho n's ninii 1?.U,. on mid " -v 10 ,-,.;. ,S7,;, . . . . . ' . .Of llii".o only ' lor S(-l, lit Very I lour nro on (hoi ...... ...... ciiiiih in.- riluipiii i i-iii, sidtfvnl.il' cn,i-i,m' -t'l . iv.Uiniij! ot, hmvo i(-,irs to fiu- tin tn: ami four iviiuiiv to I,., ivhnilt I ',,1,'t or cut ihmn to hi-uvv laivs h. Ii. v hoii,'.' I 'H I iv.- 1 f,,i- si. iiml at hi.v.. ox. ..,,.' I l'l l-Vi,,,,, III il,.-.. ,..,) t.i I... , i'IIU.im1 forsra, at i'i.ii-idi'ial,h ni.-t : i. . i i . . . . .....-. . . j ii ii tnuni in Com' v,., (,. I I.., iit ,i .1 j.. .. . ...... ....it. i, i ill . n;vi ii ui (heavy raw sloops-el'-war, before, beinj' 'prepared for sea, and at irent eot. '21 f ll'.r.-O!' these, nil are sia- wortliy with onlmarv repairs. J lirh.i. All in condition. 'J iV -W': ,. All in ooniljjioi,. S .SVr.'.c rrupcUin, first class frigates (new.) two on stocks. ti Sen u l'mpclkn. second class oiip atloiit and five on stocks, 1 ,S,r,-ir l'mpflUrs, third class, afloat, ami of little value. 7 7k'i7 Stiamers. AH in excellent coudit ion, .'i Stun- Ships In commission. -") I'trinanfHt AYi't'iYi'm Shi.t, AH uiisch uortliy. HECAI'ITI'LKTION. Ves-.cls which are sea-worthy, viz Line-of-hattle ships, Kri;:ates Sloops-of-war, I'ropeller Frigates, Paddle wheef Frigates, Dispatch steam tender.'!, Bri'-s. I, Schooners, Store shit'". Sivworthv vessels of nil classes, rnseaworthy, .,ll I otal vessels ol all 'las 7.s n commission for sea service, May, uu Frigates, lin' Ftiati", op -of- war, '.'i. ! I'M Mo und lit!'. Total, Such i-; t i aiaiion f,,r ! '.".nliin; up defence, t!: inilit in -u! :;o e mm total of our iiaval prep t:'i'. Aetily. if we were de ll our ( ioveriimet.t Navy for Weake-t power in Klllope . i's with impunity. From the Lenvcnuorth I.ed;;er, Tel. r ' ' Bt oonv Al'l lt.w IN K ansas. Kehable in-! lo;n;..li'.in reached here yesterday o isse o men w!i ! rcpi o-eiit.-.i tii" i ' I' in ... .ii- !! of de- ';; er !:-o(,i i '.- i ."'t:-.le i'rtti; . 'v.-i.t Io ! he h, .us , . ... . . t ' . . , . , that n Use ell a i.ISi; ' i '.!,'", ill I .'.,' .'.:.. ii'ii.til ..:. Iiiiii.tie.i mil. s s.t;itii ol Ll:i- oily, on the j ,!' he L'7t!l cf Mav I;::-!, air!, after in.'iiil'ili: whether any .,e-e'ic;s uete cone.., lei v ilhiu. ali-i t i v i 1 1 ' a nee itiv-' an-.wei insist. .I on s, . ii , him.' the pr.:ui-i. M : I I ,,.,,,.,, ,.,,!,, I..,,,., I,:. 1....1 ..,.,1 1,, ,1 1 ' .."'. ' 11, 'in ii. 001 .mil III me ,lss0 ..... ; .vus Tbev ,,..vt. ,'oe,.,l..;i to tlie residence of Abraham lledrick.and after making the same in piily, and recei ving the same treatment as r.t benton's, he ,.-.."sl.l .1.....1 Tl.., .1.-., .x.l.l . , " .' -.i.'V ... ..... I HIT llll-ll , 'I VI. Id IC I 1 1 1 i . 1.., 1 ex- 1. . ' 1 . . 1 uu; e.-siieneeui .mmhoii IMVIM, 1IIKI lorciutf .... ..... ;au entrance, sliot at I11111 while sitting up 111 hetl, one iniclcslmt luttinj! linn m the hand, the rosidue of the cluirge lodged ill the headboard of the bedstead. There was tnit one of the party recognized his name is Bi'ockett, The neighbors in the vicini ty de.-patched an express to Lawrence for assistance, which has gone down. These are t.!l tlie particular we have, nnd give them substantially ns related to us by a gentleman just from Lawrence, nnd whose veracity can bo relied 011. We hone that 1 '"' deral authorities of the Territory m ine tuts matter in liainl, utid, 1! nos sible, arrest the guilty parlies, in order that they nay be properly punished. n.f-KsTKF.M. We cannot conceive a more pitiable and unhappy circumstance than 1; person having too high an opinion o!' his own merit. They are always coneeiv i'.lg "ome affront ofl'ereil to them, w hen stK !i :l thing was lieverinteiided. Instead of pa.-.-i'ng through life with a smile upon the lips, and sunlight on the brow, tiiey are invariable fretful, moody individuals, lim.oiitig loudly at the slightest ill which crosses their path, mid imagining them selves insulted if every one does not ap pear to hold them in the same estimation in which they regard themselves. lin-el- Kansas i thu;;:? . ,V. .noV.May 28. The leli'i tson Cit.T, Mo , coriespondeiit of l'ii! KepublicMi stales that a petition has lien i',c -ive.1 I.v I '1 : it'niii, ,. -l ,,v,iit IV.,.,. n i,im,bcr oi cilii'.'iis of Bates and Cass Coun- ties, ?I issocri, asking that measures lie tn h' fov their protection against Montgou, ,.,.'. v,s l,.,.liiti i, i,.i ;,.... 1...1 into I he State 1 The Le-i veil worth correspondent of the same paper, says that Montgomery's men ouriic'i the tow n of Butler in Kansas, on the liigbt ol'the 21:.t inst. STSAlUIITF.VlNli THE M ISS1SKI I'I'l. The St. Louis News of tl c 7th inst., says tbe Mis sissippi bus broken the l.-vee at American Bend, destroying the plantation of a Mr. ..onus,,:,, on ,,,e .u Kansas sine, nic gap I ... ..-..I. ...'I.- n.i HHIr- MHilHl, l'r, III IIM1 lillt'M il ' I '( 1 11 1 1 I S, anoui iioee nu.idt eu yards w e and tl,,r- Iv 1 ... t I ei... I, .,, leiiu ..oti.n. t !. .....n. i hot h wider nnd deeper. I he new channel nvatcd wdll, perhaps, be, onie oerma- ll',l,, 111 ." ''lch case tho cut of! will suve ..v.. ...... tw v m In It,. 4 of 1 Sll v.. 1 I.AR.ir. Uaii.foah Aicii.r.NT. l'obt. llar - vie. of Richmond. Va.. has received from tho Brazilian L'nveiiiment the contract for the. seennd section of the Don PmiIio. tho secondrailroadorBrazil. Tl.o amount of the contract niav 1 e-tiiiiiiied tit four mil - factorily, it is exi e led will be placed in the bauie hands,' This will amount to S"ine $1'2.0(hi,00o. Senator Wilson Chnllcngrd by Srna to Gwin "mixt..v. Juno II. -Mr. i, .in ),, .IimII,-i,l.,., Mr. V,l,n, in r,, .,, nil' ('iiiiiiy hetwoen tln two .StuitoH '"V ''" iimiii-iT. in i (in i(i',,i.i,. .. ii- ; ( i 1 ....... f 1 1 . t t.. Uu .... , . . '". lint f if i,i i. ..I 'ii.:. i . i :. . ,. ......... ... diid 'Hiiniiiinn1 I'o-llll id Wini .I'liiunrs ,i a, i I,,, W.' . . . . . ' . i" a iv cinli'iiv onilg KM IK l l HI, n,',. ,., IT"X..A Mi--oti,i ,i, r (.-ivi's th' follow ing list of tin- 'iiaii,-i,iiiioii .i, jn tlmt State: Tlio J Vimx-rat, A niiirrr, Povt mid Ni-s, of M. Louis; th.'.loilocoiiiiui I, i, -i-; iU Snrinti,.!,! Tilliiini-; ,,. rui-niui', . v . , :, ' rtl,'Xu'',' IH-Itii; ",!V. ' ' 1,1,1 !,'s I '-iiioci at ; H,,. C.uri,.,. " . ,',!'' J' ''"unt' ' "1" ''ll'.rsoiiiaii, ' ,au.l! .,""1,y- ol t!:o I'llftM-f '"'' midoiiht.-illy ui'I'im -ii-ii iiV monvv iiir- i . . j nished by abolitionists living in t!. free o:au's "I oiin i;fbicii .i iami:i, i;i;m:ii iiiuiin, ... ,, " ," ',. ' -!' r' l int" 1 arm. 'i-ship in iln.. i.limi' Im.-i-- ' "Isim:: tine ol our eoteiii'iorn- i wilt I,.. i,r,....,i,..i . ,,n o i. I lis lo-pon's (, the Virtue as follows : "We l:uv! watched thot-O lellows who aro early rsers, mid, as a pf neral thini' tboy i.re the hr-t , h,i,,s , ,, to the .-i-ol ceries of ,i Siormi. , I. i, ll . i d o , the viii'.i-l I , T T alK.ut the siimrtest ami iviitest men be- Hi), early l iters. Jt iniht have t'Oeli bo in old times, but liow-a-days, w hen you see a emip moving nliout pretty earlv, you may be certain he is alter a drink." ' Sll i;r )..i. I.m, v. An old lady from ,1,,. , I, , i . i . i i' .i -. tnecoiintrv iiad a tl.indv from the ci tv to dine wit von ii .,.,..;,, si,,,, V. ' ii oeeasion. t or the desert there was enormous apple, pie. '"La Ilia mil," .-.lid the gentlemen, "how : do votl manii"!' to handle such It liie ?" : "Kasv eiioit-h," was the quiet reply ; i "we make the crust in, in n W ho, ilii-i row, wheel it under t he apple tree, then shake the. fruit doWn into it !" air "fireat excileinent provr.ils nt folk in coiisfiiueiieo of al nlitioni.-ts run- jjniiiL' ciJ' slav.-s. An indignant meelin .(washeld r'cen,ly, and Captain V. Mott ' laud W . i;mnerbci' were ordered to leave mo city or Ue tiirreit ait'l leatiiered. ..)'?' A sensible "down east" female is decidediy opposed to the inter'erence of Wmi. ii in polities. The nointcdlv asks. "If men can't (h the votiint and take care lLiOl tno countrv, wliat is the u--e o: ihem. 1 ci i III KWaSA-VBBXmtaSntBBBBMXtXSMmSm DIED- i In ..".i:air. tp ley, l);:e.l iih.Ult : Mil the Ttl. of ; I'iitrii k Cm ley, mouths and 7 da .. April .Mr. .Jas. Cur years. March, Lavii lis')., aired I". vs. AlO.IIN'lSTkAToK'S MiTICK. I; 1.1'TKII.s of ii .1 in in i s t rn t i -in on tlu i-l ito .1 Al.raliaia li. s.-i. lute of Iti'L":- tnwnihi . ''' ';''iS ln sraulvd to il. mhs-riU; , I nil perMins know-in thein-elves indi'lrtel to mil . psiiita are ro.ni.slpd to inuku iiui.ieiliui., ....vinnn "'"I t'l"" liavins f liiiiim or deinmids apiiust the snino will j resent ll.i in for M'tHemciil v ithoiit do - i , ,- , Is v:m. i-oiiTKi:, a en r. I Cohens' Court aio, j Al.l'AM.E Cdst .Mil!. Saw .Mill, and 1. .,u,,n- i lily of 'i imi.er hand. Ily virtue oi' 1.11 ,-r- . d . r ol'the 1 , 'pie, ui-' court ol Cieiirfeiid "0., t, t M:,v : 'leiin, IsJ.i. th.-re wil he ep.-ed to pnhii.' sale ( in t!te t'l'vn of .S'.'w- ':i.-iiii,::t, 1,, o.i i'i..iav the 1 2d day f .Inly, Is.VS, at ' ,,', !, ', p. M. of' raid ' day, ull that lino llrist mill. Iiiiii'.hm in estahlish invnt, nnd land connected therew ith, etintaiiiinx in all iihiint tlirj linndred acres, the propeuy of Jonathan Tcarce, dee'd., sittvi',,' in Chest town- ship, Clcnrlield crt., Ii iun.led ns follows viz : by landi. of Joseph M'Murriy, Aaron I'e.nee, Th. MnliiifTci, David Woods Mini others, which prem ises were valued and nppraised under a wtU of partition, crniitod nt Dec T'eiui, I SO I, and the lieii s of said Joiiiitl.au l'enrce, d. c',1., having re fused to take tlio same nt ihc valuation, this or dcr of sale wi'.s :,ad... The properly is situiito upon Chest creek, in a populous neighborhood, mid in an excellent location for lumbering, rfe. The land is bcavi y liinbercd with while pitn .t (ink tiinhcr, Ss'H'lul lioiifes, stublcs, outbuild iurs upon the prciui -' S. Ti llMs of Sale. Tea per cent of tlio whole piirchn.-e inoiicv to he paid in cash when tho pr iperty is stricken dow n. One third of tho re- liiiin tier to be sec. aid upon the premises by bond nnd inortpinjo, the interest pnyn'oe annually to i:urb. 101 wner, line wuiow 01 .loniitnnn renrce, during lit.-, nnd nt her decease, the principal to he paid to the heirn of 1: 0 deceased. One. third of tho balance cash w hen the bale is eoniiriued by tho court and the remainder in two e.jual iin nual payments thcrcal'lcr with interest, to be se cured bv judgement bond and niori"ti2". Ton session of tho premises given nt tlie continuation of tho siile. May 1, 1S58. JSO. KoHABAl Cll, Trtts. im: sir.AMi.it ahctic idi.xo! n tlir front Wimliiw of Mrrrcll k Cur! it's Th rce-Slory Building, on Scrowl Si nil, in the liorungli of Clearfield. TH EU E tliev are prepared to iiiniiusiii turo nil kinds ol TIN nkd SI1LLT IUOX WAltE. They nre also prepared to furnish, nt reduced pri ces, the fellow-inn nrtieles in nil their varieties IJAlMliOX, XA11.S nnd STEM.. Also Thresh-. ng Inai'liilii'S. Ploughs, l'ntent Cutting l!ocs, Chain I'nin, l'utcnt huusugo-eutterii innl Fun nels, Self Sealing Cans for l'rescrving Fruit, us well nsn larL'..' vuiictv ol liousckcc.iii7 ttlciislls too numerous to mention. ti l - ..1... .. 1 I ..f ...... v . ... .7 ...... .. ...ip. li-o ...... en . ... both Cook nnd I'arlor Stoves, of the best and most approved imllcriis, nnd among them will be found the celebrated NEW WOULD COOK STOVE. All orders for castings will be thankfully recei ve.! and promptly attended to. llolisc-spiniliii;r dune to order. As they occupy a large and commodious house, is well as out buildings, they ate well prepared to do n Commission bus, n ess nnd nil orders, eiiher as ltd, liters or Wholesale Dealers will be thank fully received, nnd utlciidcd to with ih'-MMch. 0. V,. iVI.'.illKLL. limy in, 1851. h. i. C.U'.TEIl. Ut.M.V I.OUAIl. J. 0. It A UTS WICK, wriui'li, r,iRTi'.Rs:iip. I"R. IIEN'UV I.OP.AIN, hi.ving nssorintid X with him in the practice of Medicine Dr. J. 0." UAHTSWK'K, they uiVer their iirofessionid ncrvicis to tho cititf ns of t'l ea I field nnd vicinity 'Sll T,v win ,lU to pr ioniil c::!!.- at all Iiour. )( lllilll 8t'fl.-' Dr. llartsmck w.ll h. Lmmt 'l i...,g the.lnynl ,l,Air ..Ci . ,. ,0,1s, l, I'r. I.,, rum res'., .-tire itlt.l l .. . , , ,. i i niglit ni bis residence. ,,no c.oor lttVcr 4 M"ro- Clcnlr,id .oor iMir.a oi Kc-.i June 1R, Ksid .11 '.!. i Jl I r.t i.i;, i ''"''"''' 1f ''( v,"v- ''"' 'vi..vr.V v, l-n. "XE dour cn'st ,f Moulclius A Ten Eyck W wr. All bneinem culni-ted tn liimwill he Vmpt.y uttonrlerl io, and all in.tiUiiientu o I I "u'"X L"rt Uuik'" ! ' A. T. SCIIKYVLU, nAS ri-.iitneil the practice of ipediciuo, and will nllciid promptly to all rnlU in Ii i . pru lessi ,n, by dtiy or nl-ht. lt,id,'iieo npjioite the .Methodist c!in;ch. May 4, Isis. 8 inns. lltniik" f..' -i! nt t'.ii! otBof. '"' T, - T.,, I I r ..,y. AV77JyY 1 lltlTIW '''iiJii III I M',lt (1..ITK w 1111 K nVAX ) Unce it. nbove Third. Phila ' ------ I 11 r' ."1'0'" "" "' " "N I "nr.- 1 Inlillr I.l.l. lit li.-li. llri lii'i rnl I nll'.l.ii)... ., i . .... .. . .. ' i Ji iir, i.ikr linn i, .ill,,,, I i, I iii,.i,,,u ,,, jr ,..3 in, I nil- iv,,.,,,. , ,.y ,. ,u., , Ciilllinoiinli. 1,., i' f'.,v.,ri-.l Willi f.,,1. Ii'irnjr ill c iiinii.,.r in-n :)is lln h.m.p ,,,. ,P,.n iiii'mhihiii,v ii-iiihii,.,, Iii,,i,imii.i, ,,i Blij ........ ,-.M..,Mt i 1 1 1' in 1 1 'lis in fmili iiii,;iiiii). iii iiio ui'tirmini'.l ., ilrv,-,,. ,,r nii4 ntl-ii- '" ''''''I'l'-i'' "i I" I'li'ini'fn lin.l IhilliT iiiirn'Ivc.. will, lln)!,"r" 1 '" w'ri- Hi.i linn uu, .a ll,al u ;,i,:i tn, nl, I,. , i pll, rs.itialuc- Ii'i. .- I HI'S S i nVI.'i! .1. 1. -L lirrill -JOK win BIMIIVI I'D 111 ri-.i.l 1,1 cnnvi-y .ii f ntf.-rs ,., , ,', ,sIul,b,v, lMlhi ill).-" iiml ltiiilrmiil I r .(.-. Sis .March ai.-l. l.-JS.v. ulilnel, fliair .linking, A M) II lilts 11 1'AIX II ti. biKiiirra in tlio iilmvc lii,i on hliurt noiii u mi. I j u l"'"l,lr iiiiuhht. Tliey will ulsu keep e.iii-iuiitl v "" "' ""ir "'"'I' "" l"rki-t st.. ihmuIv 1,,,',. ll!t' Jl'w u U,r" ",""r"'"'1" "' .Mulnuro sy un,l Cain; liottuin (Iiiiiih, ii ii .1 Ciiliiiu-t Mure ol ." J- '-.P'i""-ll. Ilioy will l.e IoiiiiiI eve- my , .li;1,.-o f ,, nubia t. r... the sumo uriii li s nui lu lunl risen -hero in the eoui.ly. 'i ei r stock of (.'iil.iuet Ume now on hand, eoii. 8 ',!Mn '''''""'"I.' nJ 'onimoii liiir.'ini.. Solus, Sowing it I Wiish Siun.ls, lnkn uu, I Hook (.'uses, Fr.'ii.-h il 1 F I pi-. Killing. Urcukian, lou- tr Card mid I'ur 1 allien, Ae. . . . " .li'livercUMlMj i , a.,.!,....! May 2.1, 1854 1f'Tl All percoiiH nr- ht'rel.y onulioiied ins inod.lling with the folluwine; tirniiur- CAl an ty, im th 16 Ion lie. V' th" ",,"B ''"i" !"rclnii-pU liy me, and ": l Bemtom Kishel. aulu'eet f. my order " o ily: One Cow iiml Cull, II Moves mid l'ipc, 1 1 i llureaii, I stim l, 1 Cl.-ck, 7 rhiiirs, 3 l!i-ds i lied- dint;, 2UIM lent of Oak plank and Isenntlinp, one net ol wiigoirumker tooU ami the Jlouse and ua or urovenii'iits w here he now liven. June !), ISiS. JOHN lUSHKL. rN(! M(iH'ir .V A Sltnh'T ,-'CB-l .1 i;C I'. 'AM .VA' SHOUT ai.noiinees j to his friends tliil ho has removed mini' of his stock from the 'Short .Shoe Shop' on tlini I ili. ! taueo li'oin his old siniid, to Ihn shop forineilv ! netupied as a Wnteli and Jewelry Store, l,v It. It. Welsh, dce'd., nearly oH,iisiie io Keed and ' Weaver's Store, w here ho w ill l.e im, n I tit all j all titiies ready to iieeont moil .t c his old eu.-toinors j and as ninny new ones ns lin y favor him with a ' cail, mi 1 do their work on ns short notiua ns it . nil he do. id eh-UMhere, nii.l as short neeoiints ! make Ion;; friends, he will s.'ll elicap fur CAS II. Ih.iiie-ninde work eon-l:.i,ilv on hind, an 1 wnr rante.l not In rip, ravel or eut in the eve. And I I n s t'.ii is tlio time for u ttlii, up, said Short re- e ol , o,:i'-- a, i "'i .-"o- in i, -i.iea to nun to come lor j j wind in, I setllih' lip tle.'ir aeeouiil-, mi l pay the jea-li or (iiui their i otes, and tiiey will suf eoets. ! ("I'lirtie. l, April 7th, Is.iS. :;,-., j X. J!. The person timt loiind one fmo linn X. . ; C. on the inoriiin,' nl'fr the lire, ohm have the mate of :t hy talltig at the Shoe f-hop of i-kam; shout. CAl'TION Ail persons lire lierehy euutinned against pnn-linsin n certain county older, Xi. 3'.'4, dated Jaly 17, 1857. payable to K.lwnrd 1 nna - "nMimir. tor two hundred ami six dollars, s the nn.ie hue been lest or mUlnid, and n di'pli.Mte order tdwn the nl,.er!bir. 1 J ii'ie V, I I.DWAKU PliKK.?: FLEMING HOTEL ( 1 oi:.vi;i;i.v known as 'in i: (i00U l.NTE.Ni,) I I KH KX.SVIl.Li:. ;l,MrM-J ',') ;, ; .,'.:,. The suhtei iln r liega leave to in form his old j i'""oiiur?, and the pnl.lic penerally that lie has I ri'i-ontly taken the ahove well known stand, and S 1 1 11 1 he lum intirely relitted arid refurnished it in ; n M.vk' adnpted to the ne, and tlio wanU of the : entire traveling l oaununity. HIS TABLE will always be prjiided with erery luxury tbe market! and fui rounding country will au"orJ. HIS BAS ' wHI bo supclicd with the choicctt int s nnd li .juo;;. HIS STABLES, whifb aro tlio lc.-t iirnl t.i.-t cnniiuoilitms uu tbe road witlun a by'b tnivet, will nlwnys be in cliiiro vf careful and ntteuuve hostlfr. In bliort 1 Every depni tuient of hie Establishment will : be supplied with all the comfort and couvenieu cics llic weary traveller could ilesiro. June VY.U. A. MASON". CAUTION 'A' nieiMliiik- with the fol'ow'.nj iiropertv, now 111 possession of . iu. As1 cy. of l.ostp.. as said proper y belongs lo lue, mid wus kit nilli said Askey sul ject to my order : 1 blown borhi-, 1 piny horse, I set of double liancss, ,:u, one '2 horse wngon, one doeu of chairs, fur bed.-, one table, tiiirty vnrds of cai pet. ju'ie 2,"'5S. llEXJAMIX V. I,0V. j CAUTION. j 1 l.t. ticr-.tns n..' berebv ,-t, n I ton s.l nrruM,.. l.,,u 1 inx " nieddliiii' v. it h ft (ertnin note given! Ily the : iindcisiecned to James M. Leonard, dated 1 ll.v eait.er s, is. ,7, callum lor ..tl, winch we haVe not received vatut. lor mid which v. e will Hot pay tuiicm couipelled t,v law. JOMil'H DEPl'KKT. juhc I, '.'S. JACOU KEHIt UNtK. TAUTION. nre lio-cl v ciuli uied 11 l'crser.:: nre tio-ciy ciuli .ned ngainst m. giving or .iiiiiS iiitoMcuing u.pn.rs ol any . nd Io . nnnlhifri Vie sr til t he'r n.-iil. i,iil,.r in - - , . ' , " Iciirhcld er tlie ul,,.,ning counties, ns they will prosecuted for sodi'ing. j,,,,, Z, 'i S. ! "r.V: tJVVU Alil'.iMb WAAI ILL), I U PcIMniMic'.T mvonlioDS. Airt'titf lmvo niatlo nviT ?;(0(HI Jnllilri on m htu.r tlmn all oftier siniilnr Hcnfit!. four hlai and t;otMI s mi rt iu inrf. ymftp. LI'llHAIM l;inV., Lov.oll, Mi,.,. r??..The !' Jbi'.i ing names of retailers of merciiamiise imvi i.eeli oiutlted in tl.e list published: iiKAi.v tow n: mo. Samuel Arnold, Cht-s 1 4 7,o0 7,00 J'- l- Arnold. " 14 I t'ol vi,J.,n t,,u siiii'. jiuiiipbi.-:, Hai.'.v c... n.,ss n " SUSaUEIIASKA" HOUSE 1 Cunvcasville, Tenna. 00 rU" MiWril.cr. formerly ..f the Exchange 1I I . . ... ... . . . .0 . i-inini.i.H, g. La'.,,,:- taken i ., ., i ,; , , ,. . a i,l e news', net s'tnutc on Hi,. I ai,k t the nicr. in the llcwer etui of t'urwei,svi!e, would nni.oiuit ,. that I he ia now re nly fr the i.ecoiiiiu,lai,,n of strnu- gers auu mi oiilms who limy i,n,,r l.i.u wuh a jcal!. Tho house is larg" and coinlort aide, nnd trnvcleis will Imd every mm , nicnee iii ei-s,ary tn ! their coiatorl. Axiplo stabling in attache 1 to the premise". DAVID JOIIXSOX. l;cbruary 10, ljH. PLATi;KI(i.Tb, siibsciilier, having located himself in llie borough of Clearfield would iuh.riii h,. ptil. Ho that be Is prennred to do work in the above line, from pi, tin Io 0,1,1,111, u- tnl ol any description In 11 w,,i l.iuanli ke lnnin.i r. A i si. whitewashing and repalri' i; done in a licit IIIUIIIKT Ui.d o;, 1011..:, in, .,1c l.'ii.i,. EDWIN f O0."I Ciar-VJ -.-.'-il if, T s7. i". Vl.l, fn.-n ft timr. n n J , V,PI, (nil Mil. i. I'l- x'f .r...'iur .-Irni'itri. crn ' I'r. lil ollUK iiiV., lUrm, Mum. I V TWO l)VS, ' i'' i i. iiiv. I l.v i'iit., iviniliinf in v , hi, ni,. ml I nir H:i:ii;.i .,r I. ti r iii I k. i:. l::nW., l.i.i, ,11, M Rosfaurnnt ana Ed ting- Saloon. I .' ' I'-nvc I., inr.iriu l.i, ul.l U iiii 'i..- , n. i;a. ,i, , ., . ,,M jnt 11. ini'i,. i' - !-;' " in.- m'.ii ii o ii . !.'. in Ins ni'W sa- '. .V i-vl ,t Car nail t!,i,( licienf i"'r '' I'l'i'i'iui it l..li,riii h 1 j cu... : """i s Willi pi, rv tliiinr u.unllv f,,n,,,l ;.. .,.,.1, ... iMi.,i.-i.i...-n.--.i mi- i'r,' .in,, AI.-. I.BKiir j Ili-.-r. 'l'l.l.ai i-u iiii I riyins .if U,o i-rv li,-t qiml. ilv, I iuii in, ,1 CmrcctioiKirj- ,.r nil kiixli., ,lc. ' TI...I.UI ul f.Ti-iiM Im.ir.-. ha li.--u n enntinu. I.I,,-,- l .l,ll, ln.,v 1: 1 VI TI'jN .111 ..,.r..i ru 1-it,i',iv I'ltiilii.ne.l : J ,1,11111-1 iihhM'. niv' -lt!i th" fullu.iin i.riMii'i-- l , now in I lu ,.i.-,iuii Tlii,i,i li.'.T'.,, nj ui.l ui"'rt.v wild lii'iihl liv ui", ui, I K'fl -.villi tlii'sui.l h.'cr." uu l.niii, ,-ul ju. t .. iuv or.l.T . Una liny iiiuri', 1 llln. k or lliuwn llorjc, I 'I'ivi. gr-o Wui;.,ii inul oiin Tiuilivr ali'd. .M:iy 1.1, Iss, V,M. I'OKTEIV A.NTKlJTu p.c'Iihii;o a cu,l two Uors I'l'-iisuri) rarrittictj lor n horse ono null I '"'"in'l lor 1'n.nily semen would to irel erred, I l l,r I l r , iIjuIuk iiy.ply in M-iy pi, hvB. Josiii'ii inwi.s. VLfVi' of lulling stoveii, mid a i:ett of window cash, 1" l-y 1-, lor hale l,y i'ekiaiiry II. ?'r.nnKLi.i Cabtkr. LIST l.iF lUM'AILKRS 01' loHKKiN .tXD IIOMtSI'le SIEKCllAVOlzr. In the County of Clearliold, for the year l'e. subject to payment of License. Toicitsiiljis L'Ihsx.-A int. lillAtllllllll. F.1 ward Williams 14 sT.tiO Matthew Forsey, J4 7,0,; ia:cAHit. .lot iniali Coojicr, i4 7,00 William Lewis, J 7 (B) Siinuiel Jlag.M'ty, 14 7,011 .luhn 'ovod. J 7,(ifi llHAIlV. Jehu lleborling i. Son, 7,im'i B::rr.'t - Ihotliers, 14 7,1111 I', b'. Arnold, 14 7)00 A. II. Moore, M 7.0 1 Carlile A: Co., 1 1 7.0-1 Jacob Kuntc, 14 7,0; r 1:1.1.. liecrge Smith .t Brother, 14 7, on t-ieddci March tV CO., 14 7,0 i III ItNSlI;!., James McMuu-ity, 14 7,0(1 Fat. heii ,v Suns, 14 7,o(: Kus-ell McMuiiay, 14 7.1K! Allison iv Co. ' 14 7,,'ti John Culililigs, 1 4 7,i:t ( T.I.AIIl lULU liOllot i 11. W. F. I rvin, l:, 10,00 lii hard Mossop, 1 7,1:1, 11'. L. Moore, :; io,ih C. Krater, ; 1 t,l M ' l!eed L Weaver, 1; lfl.li;) Charles liaison, 14 7,11:'. Thomas KobiiiK, 14 7.11 COVINl.ToX. J. A. Mul.m & Co. 14 7,oi- Francois t io.liy, 14 7,1.(1 A. Lecui.t, 14 7,oo CLItlCLNoVlLbE U06OLUH. Thompson .. Male, 14 7,i i., A. Montgomery o: Co., 14 v't ,, lebli l'allon, JI l.-j, Idi.'.a In in .V Sons, 1 j;,, H'illiam McBnde, 1 4 7,' Iltn. Irvin, H 15, liK. ATl II TT. B.mmaii L IVrks, 14 7, J. F. Stiller, 14 7, Go.-ilkS 1 1'. A. B. Shaw, U 7, L Irwin & Sons. H 7, Uol'sTON Tl'. David Tyler, 14 7, JolIllAN' T! David Megan, J4 7, Henry Sw,t', 14 7, Joiai Mo.lurvay oi co. 14 7, Knox Town.-hi,. .Vai'tin ,4';irk, 14 7, Lawrence Towush'p. J. Foi'ictt i co. 14 7, .1orris township. I'. F. Bieimoi', It 7, F.. F. rii'iiiier, 11 7, I'ciin Township. II. .1. Sl.yihf, 14 7, llcg.irty it in. 14 7; Union Township. Daniel 7?rubaker, 14 7. lioodward township. J. A. Ilegarty, M 7, Thomas Henderson, I t 7, John M. Chase, 14 7, Graham Town ship,. J. B. Graham, 12 l-2,."o Those interested will take notice that t here w ill be ail Appeal at the Comnii- loner s (Mice in the I'lorouuh of Clearlteld on the l'.llh day of . lime, Is.iS. at Mo'clocl p. m, S. II. SHALFXFK, Meriaiitilo Appraiser. 1)11. R. V. WILSON, AVINi! removed !,is ,,(Hce to tho new dwel ii J J i;,,. 0lI Second ,treet. will ,.romtlv ,, ., . . r Y . , ,, " "in prompt ij iinsw i . I 11 pi Ol I'SSI, IIIIU CIIIIS It Il Ct Ct ol lir C. I .... . . .. "AI'TMN AH ., .,., ,lr,. bo.vl.y ciiilionod ( J against ,:,e,bl!i . . ui . ,-ny i.., i v,,o, i .a,,f "iui s, D.in.r ! , ! 1 " "c-"'1 1 1 '"im hs ui o sun kl,vluI,r? ;;nj '.bjoi t to iuv order. Mm- L.. s..s. SAMUEL. sSlIOl-F; CUB 1 HOTEL, JAYXESVILLE, PA nb.ee Il.it, , .lining fciitiy ben till, ol eiilert:iin:iient. is ,e.ii on, 'r :1 llilll-e for the ,o'.-.,iiii,io. uion of the iiuMic. Truvrlc, will find ti Mnv l!, li e enient lion. 1S..S, .Oil N JaKDA X. A. II. SMITH & CO. D. filers jt, . y, SUnj:s .... '",. ".VA . y i: I l;v hr. i iiii'i i,i. j: ATJiI.I'ALi' f f all. can le ii tin 1 It' liil, at prices I,, u; I, mm! nt Oi.dr new I'.ool k Sho, Store, Xo. H4 1 North Second Ft., a few doom be low the i;l;.ek Ho.",' Hotel, l'i.ila. .rAVc (rv I , ,;.,:m, ,:, -i s, ; I'.c.ip. Xotics to counliy me, chin t-. Coiislnntly on baud a large n. --tn!ei,t of Men nnd I!vs' ii nm. Uaitors an.l Itrogan-, coarse tm i ti,. : also, IVnuen'i i .Misses' Lneo II. Is, tinil. r, S!ipp-p, 4e.,andli well selected stuck of Youths and Children'! woa; Li'i.nrallv. We would resnei tfulU ii.i-ita vnn i . . till nnd ex'iir.iiic t,.r yourselves. .N. Ii. 1 1 111, lis ini.tiulaciured and for snlo whole, side and retail U Xo. ;I14 Xoitli Second it, April 17, 1S..S. ;iu. DISS 0 1. 1'TIOK. f 'rlil'. lVrt.i"r.hiii txilinj het'trten the uader- X flgii. .1 in the prm tn o of thu Ww, hM this ii:iy Lie a this d .-s. H; 1 1 y ti.niu.il ronenL V. A. WALI.ACR. It. .1. WAXUCfl. ' i v , 1,.' J. M ' 1 -t 1 e;. ''.n, !'. I' f '