Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 09, 1858, Image 3

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    l t'it Avi,r("l l the. I lini,rl, ..rf 'rn
,..1)1. til din' lf a, . lol I lltllh i (n'l.Min.
t Inn. I. mil I. v the lnl m l, .riii(f l.nno,
llii lit'ntinii must l ft i n 1 by thrct..
crvntor or liulor npimintcil ,v - n,.,ir.
rl ponirlnnt jinlicinl nn 1 1 . i ity,
Tin nlilsnf n w idow (.' n ViLlirr nre
lost ill n second inaii iii'i", l.ul nro revived
again on the iIp.aIIi nf lim second luishniid.
If, however, there be inini.r children ol'
ho lirnt liiiflmn'1 living, they intiy chiim
in light of their Cat Jut luriii; the second
I'ti'lcT llip net of ls.'iil only mic!i were
regarded hm Illinois as were under twenty
one yrnrs of iiu'o ill tlio timp llip winiiil,
wait i.upil. I'nderthe pcsi-nl nit ml,
minority N reckoned juior (, 1 1 r M ol'
Jliir "h, InVi.
A power of attorney cannot lip executed
Hi 11 1 i 1 after a warrant hits lain issued.
The only mirvivors of Hie hcncficiurici
(embraced within Hip provisions of the net
are widows nnd minor children.
In eonipntinj: the time of service, in no
case is inilenjre allow ed.
Tin: (.'kevakm:. The Hunter's
Mis.) Jlmnior, Fjieitkin of the Hell cre
vasse, eny it li:is put over foity ilnntii
tions under wnlvr, mid destroyed cano en
ough to inaketweiity-tliieethousnnd ho:s
heuds of giinr. A lailrond that mil
lions of dollars lias nearly stopped opera
tions. The Texas steamers will for a sea
son leave our waters, and an immense lot
if plantations hetween the I.nfoitrelio and
lie (inlf of Mexico are under winder. The
llnnner inveighs strongly against the care
lessness and neglect whereliy crevasses on
the river oeenr. ' ;
BfDuAt riedmont, Va., a day or two'
Mncc, the rise in the north branch of the '
l'otomae was so great as to overflow a por-1
lion of the town, The citizens were ohli- j
ged to leave their houses ir. skill", hog-1
troughs, or on rafts, and one fellow who,'
in spito of the remonstrance id' his neigh
Ws, persisted in remaining at his house,
was finally compelled to abandon it by
swimming, with his wife on his back. The
fellow came near losing his life by the op
eration, and was only saved by clinging to
logs and planks which had been sent to
him by those who were on shore,
TV. at! i or an oi.ii Mmiici: or the I'hkss.
T.dwiii Paries, editor of the New York
iV'i, died on Thursday night at his resi
dence at William-buig. alter an illness of
eventecn days. I. ike mot of the profes
sion, he may bp said ! have died with the
harness on his back, ns he attended a
ineeling of the lioai d of ( 'ouncilmeii on
the night previous to his fatal attact of
Mckness. Mr. Pivies has probably been
connected, with the New York press for
liearlv thirty veai-s.
C11 wii.KsToN, ,lune I. Nothing' fuither
)ias been receive! from I'ensacola. relative
to the recent case of i-itation and blood
hliedby a lititish war vessel.
Wa.-iiim.tov, June 4. Secretary Cass
lelporaphetl to the postmaster tit Anvils
In, relative to the 1 eiort of nn Ainei uan
vessel bciii"; fired into oil' I'eiisaeola, and a
man killed. The osinuisler today re
plip that he is nimble to h urn anything
further than the minor.
E?3i,.V youii 111:111, on his way 1 1 Kan
sas, writes cm hoard of a steam boat, on
the Missouri river, as lollows: "JCinipraiits
nre pouring into Kansas by thousands.
Steamboats cannot be made loiiL'and lare
er.0u.5h to carry all that apply lor passage.
This boat refti-eil more than two hundred
yesterday, and still they come. Six boats
per day lenve St. Louis, with tin average of
lil'O passengers each, for Kansas and Ne
braska." SuTTi rn. The yomi Men's Christ inn
Association, of I'.oston, has been for some
time enaed in discussin;! the miestion
whether ii is con-islent wit h t he chat in ter
d' a Christian to piay the o.tine of -hes.
Tlie last account savs the matter ha been
deter min etl in t he tiliirmatii e, pro-ided lu
luger beer is drunk dutir.r tJ e pnnc, nnt
110 jicii mils are bet on the result,
PA letter in the Chi. apo TiVr'-r. ittti
Males that the Mormons i!id noMitirn the
(ilU'ei'Wmenl tvni.Kt rol fl... ..b.ii.u lot C, 11
but that the nrmv fontraetur did, in order!
to realize a law ;rn(lt. It is staled that I
.ii ,. . .'- .. .
1)11 the wheels ol the tvapons were first
carel'ully removed, which fact, if tin , is
oon.sidered to be strong evidence against j
(lie contractor.
' --- - 1
1'ISCTtKI.ITrn ISVNKS. Ihe followtnil
Jiaiiks ol tins Mate are set down amoiij; !
the. list of discreditetl ones, in Peterson's j
Detector: li.tnk of Crawford count.. ,;
fA.l..:n i . r .i.- ... i. .
Snwtlij-.ort, Pa. ; Nhamokin Hank, Shaino-
kin. Pa. ; Tiopa County Bank, Tioga, Pn.j
lioscOE, 111., June 4. A Clllvel t nt this J
nlnce. ivna invent nn-tir Insl l..tii.s,-. i
i Iiil' the residence ot the Rev. If Jpslev '
M. t .1-.. i i : ii iii
iiil' tho rcsiilene.. ot il.n Hnv If ',.. 1
'(,7:, ,.' VV , 41 I'0,:gcr. an,lll othr.iho ninv favor him with :,
j lsliC'l oiiMderuble damnpo was caused , 0ill. The house is largo and comfortable, and
toother houses in the vicinity, but as far ! travelers will find every convenience nccc..-nrv 1 1
j: at ascertained no other lives were, lost. j their comfort. Ample stabling is attached to 'the
i : premises.
CPl-The hiphest wnlerfall in the world I DAVID JOIIX.SON.
t i in the Sandwich Islands, nnd is said to! Vobruriry 1 0, 185S.
ho between four nnd five thousand feet' TjoDta- j vnJ:, e 1
i hipli. The stream on which the fall occurs I fBf nd ?&UnS Salo0n"
runs anions tho l.eaks of tho hi diest1 R TAy-OU begs leave to inform his old
' v.n...,i,.:n. i : i 4i ti . I J-Ve fnends nnd the pub ic, that ho lias just
moiintmns, 1, oh that the water never j replenished hi. stock of eatables, in Ins newJsa'
reaches the bottom, so prent is the dis- loon in the basemeni of Messrs. MerrelACnr
! -ance, and it ascends to the clouds again. ! tor's Iron and Tin-AVnre store ; nnd that hcreaf.
; tcr ho will always lie prejinred tn furnish hi rv.s-
j Cf-l'.X-President 1'ieree and wife are to! turners with every thing usually found in sneh es
; leave Madeira, June 1st, for a tour in Ku-' tnblinlitncnU to wif lee Cream, Ale, Lnur
? rope. Mrs. P.'s health is better but she is! T""r- Tol,acc, """l Cigars of tho very best qual
still an invalid. ity, I rulti. and Confeetionnry of all kinds, rf c.
' ' Thankful for past favors, he solicits a conliiui.
BPi.Tlio prospect for crops in Armstrong I n" nf r"Bli" pstronngo. finny 12, 'is.
io.iiiy me virry eneenng.
. . iMiiJllb.
Trseatirnr'i Rolonf TT "j t 3
J," H??.eated lands-
V . c. U ten 1,8?6 184T- Jf0-
. . i l . 11 7 R a .1 l'ur"1,nno of an ;
act of Asseuib y passed tho 12th day of June, A. !
i., ISIS, entitled "An act to amend an act direo- I
ting the mode of selling unseated lands for tax-
. ts," 4e., the following tracts of unseated lands in (
, 'Clearfield county will be exposed to public sale
! r out-ery, for fhe taxes unpaid and due thereon. 1
t the Court Ibmse in the boroiiffh of Cl.rB..b
j "nn the second Monday of Juno next 1
Hell Townshiji.
! Xo, a r.
Ceoifro Oakley,
Henry Beck,
Henry Beck,
5066 Ittoo
;5CfiO i(K)0
- 1AU I Hl!j-A1 nsrmni .va 1, ...... i : .
, . 1 ..V.VUJ .nUllUIICU
; xVn,"!1 " rntrel,li"g rertnin eounty onler, :
o. 3W4, dated July 17. 1857, payable to Edward I
.1.1.7 ." "'""""K. "rtwo hundred and
and TZ. Z " i" bV .VMn !"" 1r 'i''il,
m, - - - .-ecu iosi or u
nn a duplicate order iren ih .,,K.;i,-.
f 1 MlOAl ,..,... .....
.J 'Sln.1 Inrddll., .Ith lb, r..n.t,,t ,,rnpc,.
t.r, m lbs same haa hern fur. Im.r 4 ,t ,nj
I. loaned lo llmjamln lU-h.1. , , ,, ',
only, On. t .,, ,,! I'nlf H,ne, and hpc. 1
Hunan, 1 stand, 1 Clerk, , . I,i,,, , M. A ',.,,
d,n . r- t -f nfc , lk and Penning,
tel of ttRgmrmnker tnN M ,), 1 1 ..,.. H lm
.meineiiK there lie imw ;
.Wti.KVi. J n v ltls-t
are mil hoiie.l n,i
liobert J. Wallace Ks.p will be a
date for I)isiict Attorney, subject to the
decision of ihe I leinoerae'y at the l'rimnrv
Vk. are nuthori.ed t.i aiinounro the
iDinie of Wm. Merrell, of I.awienee town
ship, as a candidate for County Commis
sioner, subject to the deei-ion 'of the 1..
iiiocratie i arty of the ( ounly at its
liinry elections.
Wk are authorised to anouio-e the iirnno
of Major Vincent H. Holt, of Bradford tp.
as a 'iiinlidatp for County Commissioner,
subject to the action of the Oenioci ulic
voters at the primary election.
Vie lire nulliorueil tn niinnuiu'e (hut JIaviii
JIai.k, (.f Jb.riis tp., will lie n cHiulidntu f..r ( ii.
I'mmiiienioiiiT, mlijict to lMiiorruliv rule.
June II, IStiS,
We nre nutliorizrit to iiiiikhuic? Iluil Jacciii
Ilniivr.ii, iif bmvri'iiee twtihlii., will lie a eamli
ilulo for (.'. unity (.'oininif fiinirr, mljeot tn Iiriu.i
eiutiu iiiief. June f.
I'ltiirttrtd Count', 7Vii.oi'(mi!.
The .Mili.-eiilier lies lenve tj inr.irm liis nl.l
ensliHii.T.-, nnil the pulilie penprul ly that lie lnis
recently tnlicii the nltoro well known otiinJ, ami
llnit lie lots intirely refitted mill refuiiiiflii'd it ill
ft style duplet) to lite ngi; and tlie wiints of the
entile traveling cottiuimiilv.
ill iihvnys lie r j itli ererv luxury t ) i -tuurketr
nnd .iirr'iimilite,' et.untrv will nR.mi.
will lie itiplic'l with tlio choicest w ines und II
which nre the best nail nio.-t eoniintnlinii on the
i one within n duy's travel, will nUviiy n lie in
cluirgo uf cnreful and attentive hustlers. Jn
Kvery dcj.nil in.' n t uT Imk l'stiililishiiu tit will
ho supplied iviih nil the rom lint m und c.inveui.'U
t ies the wenvy traveller could il. sire.
June 2, jS. WM. A. MA SUN.
persons nre herel v enul'n.ned n"ain,t
A I.b
IV I"'
Itieddliiip with the forowin properly, now
ill possession ot . in. .As ey, ol l.os (p.. as Mod
H y helonps lo ni", nndwa, lelt with said
! Askcy subject to my order: 1 brown horse, 1
rrny horse, 1 (.it of double nnrtiess, nnd ono 2
horse w aon, nae dozen of chairs, four beds, one
table, ttiirlv vards of carpel.
j jtinovR l.i'.NJAMix d. i.ov::.
P A TTTTfl"!
1 persons nro hereby cniittoned npains-t buy. j
iuj 07 inedtllius with a certain note piveu
j by the undersipneil to .tames M. I.eouard, rl ited j
. Dcceinher FSj7, calling for $20, which we I
1 have nut received ntin for nnd which wo will
not pay unless compelled hv law.
j .lOSIM'll DF.Pri:i!T.
jtiue 2, V.S. JACOll KKllK HXF.I!.
4 I.b persons nra hereby cautiined nrninst
j l w pivingnr sciiini; lutoxiennns ol any
kind lo .Inntithn .1 W.-isi r at tho'r peril, either in
Clearfield or Ihe inljoininp counties, ns they will
Ihe prosecuted for foiluin'. june 2, V fl.
j'J'O sell l .nrnew irventions. Agents hnvc tnnde
: over Jo, ('till dollars on one, better than all
oilier similar spend c. Send nnd
j pet Ml pieces u tienbir'. matis,
, ' FI'IIIIAIM bit M I.owcll, Mass.
VI.l, r,
t .:it.
tiers. Pleaso proem e circulars gratis of
Dr. i;i:Ol;(li: IUIOWX, llarre, Mnss.
X73J,00 IN O.VK DY
Vl'lT? rl,'"rr'1 llT r"'rn? mv rntftit,.-
Sml fu"r Mnl"'''" f'T- wioTv i" v
b. J.KOi) .N. I.oweil, Muss.
. !
r?VThc loliowiiiti names ol' retailors of
merchandise have been omitted in the list
published :
i:mY Tovrxmir.
Snmnrl Arnnl.l Close It --fn
i-.oiiiiei i it.ii
K Arnold, " 14
covinoton' lotrxsitip.
Humphies, Hale & Co., Class ii
-J . '
Curwensville, Pcnna.
rphe subscriber, formerly of Iho Exchange Ho.
A tel. Philipsburp, having taken tlis above
new stand, situate on the bank of tho river, in the
lewcr end of Curwensville, would announce thnt
lrwcr cnl1 "f c"rWfnM''110' ,vu"l1 """ounce lha
he ia now ready for the accommodation nf stran
ilAUTIOX All persons are horehv enutieni;l
v-' K"inst nioddling with the following pronor-
,y, n(w in the possession of Thomas Beeres, as
said property was bought by mo, and left wiih
th "J lo". 'uhjert to mv order . One
ny mnre' 1 ''k or I Two HorSe
Wagon and one Timber eled.
May 19, 1H5S, WM. PORTER.
-TTAVTrn t 1..- . j. v
V A:JTED To ? Rood two-horse
. " c'vasuro carriage for a horso ono well
lra'.ncd,f"r, f"'"' .cr,v,"9 wo'(l b rn-f"".
: i " lurmar paruouian a;.pty to
May 10, 18JS.
1")LA!?TF.niXG.The euhscriber, having
located himself in the borough of Cleiirlield
would infnnn the public that he Ii prepared to
do work in the above line, from plain fo ornnmen
tal of any description In a wnrkmimliko manner.
Also whitewashing and repairi.g done in a neat
' .....".-. uK aim repninag
manner nnil nn rsna,,nnl.ln ....
. .....vixtuiD U..1US,
Clearfield, April 17, 18ST. Jy.
A LOT of raOing etoves, and a ett of wind,,.
ash. 10 bv 12. for sale hv
February 11. Cabthii.
nm-AT t'tt ovi.pv r ihk a.ik,
ltn 'utniil to
7".i,v7v; m:ii hi. 77 r: r;,v)c.v
The tiwtx.r-t;:....., y; ;.,.,
ttUtnell known und iii.-onirnvcrtiU,. fnrt
llml the iu, of T..l-ie.-. i- t!,,. pionmiim; c,. ,'
ii.Miv of (tie mo-' (,!,. M i:ta I. A M Vl
H' W, MSOItliKlls' whi I, , trt,c, r,,n i.
Milijert, cnrtul uivilyi nnd I. mi; und piiufnl
epetinee linvo el. nily proven llml it r..nt,nn
1,1111 iiiiie.itie tool pi.j. ,), properti... nioit
iliiiit-i'r..iif ill thei- . r.e.'l. nl.i.di l.v enlei inir into
the liluod d. inn-i'.- tU nini-iion uixl e.enili..n
of the henrt, villi -inK ninny to thnt oivhii
to he perimi'lv dit-eiis. .1.
TilllACCO ntlei-t- ul ;. ,.;r,, ,.,,. M.
teni, loniiire.fiiifr it-.-'f ;i nil who h)n.. ihe
m.iiniu. weed will l.:,r ,.. in I,,,.!,,,,
Ni rvoui. Irritiihility, Witter I'lnt.-li, lh'"p.-nia, A
; ninny other (lipoid, ,rn of u kh.iI r idnirii -ler
j;iik tasti: i:i:s'ioi!Aii i: ti;ih'iii:s ,
' desi;?iie. to e..ini!eriel llirv Imnrful inllii.-nee-,
nn. I l:iive roie.l eoniplitel., stt sfitl i:i n nnil.
t'iiM", rind w h. ri ver n-i I. IViif,' h:o in-
h"S in tli-iii -elven h.-y e.. It It l.ii..Yi? i fieri
upon the entire olnii, i . slot in;; tin. i , whiilt
'I'11" ' "ie vitini.ol or .les I r iy .ot l.y imliil.
'Kenee, conipletoly i etti'iv in ; the irritiitinn mi. I
iieconipinyiiiR lieklin;; ( en t ion of the Tl j
w iiieh nre nlny, t .'eiiieiil uon the nle tniuiny
; I'ltitn the use ol Tohiie. n. und l.y e'.vin J , , tj,
tone to the Mmnncli im i-oi .ile'the n hole m .-t. la
Person,- wlm nt'ii Irretri.-vnh: y iitiih riiiinin
their contitiiti.iii nnd leniiij; Uieir lives.
'should use thee Troel inline. li.tielv n-. ihrow
jOlllhu injurious nnd unpleasant lui'iit of lV.loie
I eo idiewiiif ,
! There Troches nr l.oetii:.'-' nre put up in a
cenvenient nnil pui'liil.le form nl llie low price of
Ml rent!, per box. A liberal disc-rut to the trade.
I Prepared solely by tlio undeii;;ned tonhoai
.all erdeis .-honld be uddiessed.
JAMi:s K. I'.oU KItS, Urugtri.-l.
I (.'or. I'd nnd llaee sircts. I'hil.
j April Ifi, ISO i. ly.
Mcrrlinnt and Produce Dealer, butlicrs
l.ur Cleiulit Id county, Pa.
I April 17, ISa?.
; PAIlIv & MUItltKLL.
! C.I!l:!.nr and sU'Itill M AIi I'll S. .!,,
on Fourth st., in 11. tinvder's new hutbling.
, July 2, 1S.ifi.--y.
4 TT'MtXKV AT LAW. t.u-:. :!,!. Pa. nT,.-,.
i 1l for the present in the c;i-!.-in ind of Co.
' I," buiiiliui.--. ni.iv '.'li. Is.'iS,
I.b person, nre hereby cautioned tiain.-l
purehasiiip or in any wi.-e nteddlin,' with a
'vcrlnin cow now in Ihe po-cs-ion of A, llabn of
Pcnn townsbip, ns laid cow- l-lons In tec, and
is I on lied to raid 1 1 ;: It 11 Mii-jret to niv ooler.
! .M AllTi.X M' KTF1I.
l'cnn tp.. May I".',--.
VI.l. persons i n
of Howler (i
I'liv w.-v itnu I. ted to the firm
Ake, hv jtnltnent note or
book aecoi. nt, will take notice that I. the snhsen.
her, htive been :ip ointcd icceivi r lor n'i l firm
l.y the Court ef C minon Pleas ot Clearfield coun
ty, nnd that I with Howler .1 Ake, will be at the
olliee of Samuel Sihtinp, in Xcw Washinplon,
Cleai liel.l county, on Friday the -Ith day nf June
next, at 'J A. M. fcr Ihe purpose of n-.i e 1,7 mi.
llriii'1,1', if'e. d e, on said dav and no lonper. All
those interested iv II please nttind and sue cm t.
I ns I cannot
.ootid lime. Those nu-
I p. lectin
v laliulatc on coiniiiL' !o seo toe.
W.M. ptiltTlM!.
lce:iver in the I'nrluerfhip Kstate id Don ler
Cleiirlield. May 21. 1 js.
j D 1 S S () I, V T 1 (.1 X .
! rfnllll Ptirl nershiji eii.-liii" between th" nn. ler-
ft. signed in the .i:i.-ti-" of the law, ha, liiis'
day lieen tins, m.-solvod by nuitual Consent. ,
U. .1. WAI.I.ACF.
Clcarllcid. May l.-t 1S.".S. Sm.
" I lvl!f HAN'T, PIIODVCK AM) bl'MItF.n
1H DliAbi:il. A.XH Jl'STK'i; OF Tin-;
1'hAt'K, Liithersbur. Cleiirlield Co., Pa.
icrcliant and Lumber Dealer, corner of
klj Front und Locust streets, Clearfield.
Dec. 2'.i, ISil.
rPiimu r, at the old stand in Curwcnsville..
L I'cc. 2S, 1 Sal.
nu. U. V. WILSON,
nAVIXG reniovcl his office to th" new dweb
ling on Second street, will promptly answer
II professional calls as heretofore.
CtAl' i'IOX All p?r-ons are hereby ciutionel
n.jainst ine.ld ing with Iho following prop
el ly now in pufsessicn of Daniel S, Hunlap : two
Cows. 1 Wngon and a lot of slieop, as tho same
belong to me, and subject lo my order.
May 111, ls;,s. SAMUKb SIIOFF.
fjVIE above Hotel, having recently been fitted
B. np for a house of entertainment, is now open
lot- the nccomniodation of tho j nblic. Travelers
will fintl this n convenient house.
May 10, ISiS, ,OIIX ,10 It I) A X.
Dealers in
ok DEscnti'TioN.
"1 ITHULEPALE and lletail, nt prices to suit
y nil. can be found nt their new Boot Shoe
Ptori No. 311 North Second st., n few doors bo
low tho Pluck Horso Hotel, Phila.
J: &-Vie try to jdcaso and sell che.ip. Notice
to country merchants. Constantly on hand a
largo assortment of Men and boys' boots, (iaiters
nnd llrngans, conrso und fino ; also, Wnncu's &
Misses' Laro Boots, (Iaiters, Slipper". Ac, nnd a
w ell selected slock of Youths and Children's wear
generally. Wo would respectfully invito you to
call and exntninu for yourselves.
N. B. Trunks manufactured nnd fer snle whole
sale and retnil nt No. .'141 North Second St.
April K, IS0S. 3m ,
TIMIK subscriber informs his friends and the
J. jiublic generally that ho is now ro-eslahlish.
ed in the old shop on .'Id St., lately occupied by
Jacob t-bunkwiler where ho hojies by strict at
loution, and keeping a stock of atortcd iron to
merit the favor of the public.
Country produeo and cash never refused. An
apprentice from 10 to If years of age will meet
with n good situntion if opplicnticn hemndesooo.
tlKO. W. ORU.
May 9, 1857.
CKNTRAI. 'llUTKl..Tjrniie,Pa
THE subscriber would respectfully Inform his
old friends in Clonrfiold co., arid the pttblio
generally, thnt he bos taken tho above House,
whore ho would bo harpy to accommodate all who
may favor him with their custom.
Juno 10, 1957. pil.
jas. n. t.AnnivKR. t T,,T
J ARimii:K i TP.ST. Atlorheyi at Law
J J Clearfield, Bn., will attend promptly to Col
tAiohs, Land Agonoioss, c, in Clearfield,
Centre and Klkoouhties. Jnly ,10. y
I ETAILER of Foreign and Domestio Mereh
JV andise, Phnwsville, Cleurfield county, Pa.
fchawsville, Angnst 15, 1855.
Tin nii..t Minnie, dumlile nnd efloeilt. Mi
i rindinir nil Mnd ..f rmin Into r 0,
oii ni ns ne.rr I 't lee, J ill.
Addfe... WM, J lltiVFIl A MIOTIIFH,
Alunute. turr of A,-il. ulinral Inipleme...,
No. Ii i, M.n U. I St., !'hili.,,!,lon.
.rvs. H. lt.M1,M,
1)ot .Miisler, Merrllniit, nnd mi n.ive J,-n
ler in f.iifoo timber, hour. In rliinelea. 4e
J i n Ii n in I
.ii, Uriiiliord
tow n- !i ip.
Ju n
M htToliS Snrii l
nnder-ined on Audit
ttnteontcd by
Hi d... .s ( oi rt , (le ineld county nt
1 """" ' ' '"" '. "ilmtuistratorof
.,ic . ..i.iio J.ili.i I!. Phoni, tie, 'd. heroin- ;irei
noliee Ih;, I pi. will di-ehnri the of hi, n i
I'olninient on Thui-day the 'J'.th of Maieh, IS.SS,
at t o'i iot k, p. in. of mid d iy, rat tin. otl':e, nf
I.nrriinir .1 T"-'t in the lioroiti-li nf Cleiirfeld,
when mid v. here till ci.-ons intere,ltd lunv ,1.
1 .1. II. l.AKIII.Ml.i:. And, t nr.
Feb. 21, is;,.
X. B. All persons interest, d in then
i.ove suiii:i, n Hi take r.olice that it
ltel ;:
uiitil 'I'htii"
li.e snnie p!
day Ihe l-ltli of May
iiee und hour, b. I ho
.!. II. J..I!KIMi:h
'-.III, ISiS.
VAimvAi. i:cim liori'.i..--
i. 1 'J'he Mil. sci having taken the nhi.vo well
; known slaio I; lorinerly kept by ll'm. A. Mtisim,
in Cut-wen, villc, Ph., is lo tieeoiuinudatn all
i w ho may favor hitnwitn their p-tli'ona;;. Hi,
; lull!" will nlnur, be supplied with the best the
i mill k t tiMor-1,, nnd hi liar with Ihe choieu,t
j ltiUoV. Ills stable wi'l bn under :h" rare of n I
let, toe ho-tiers. HAY1H S'MU'll.
! Curweii'iiile, April 21. IS"(s.
Estate of A. Bcimct Dale, dee'd.
IIM'TIM'.S of Idiuinistrtition on tie eitiite of
J A. P., Hnlc. late of Pike tp., ilee'd. having
been granted r.i the unileri'ij.'iied, 11 1 persona in
; dobted to s.iid esinto will renke pnyiiintit imiuedi
jnl.dv. tin. I those having elnim- npuinst the Bainc
will preectil them duly anlhi-nticated for sell le
imi'iit. ZAI'IIAIUAU M'NAl'h.
i .Nov. IS, is;,7. i.d. '
- . ... I "l.l IIRASH nnd COPl'FM taken in ex
O TO Nil: A It I : J'OITi:itV l-'UIt XAI.I:" i V X fr TLX und 1IA?..)VARE t tli
k 1 Ihe i.fiiieriv i.eeitrle.l bv Porter A llro. in tp., 11 -: r bu'lic i sluirir. will bo sold low (us
the owner contemplates rent iviie- westward) the
potiery is in p 10 I order nnd has connected with
IVIlll ,
tl al t I'll to res of land. 11 bout one hall in
the I jii hi u. e ill Wood. 'i'liel e is a In W w e
il'vellinp and Miflicieitt Mablin'. and sheds on Ihe
Hood material for the miiuufnctutu nt
stono warn nnd nhuiidanco of ei
propeitv. J'or terms upplv to
L. J.'i'P.A.XS,
May 2. ISjf.-tf.
tl ore tn the
Cleni Held.
(U S IlllMllDY nnil i;i;
AN rr-iiii.i.
ror.ATivr:, tor
('"Ids, Cou;;h, L'rouji, A'c
Shoe Shop, Clearfield.
-Sjld nt Jus. lioon's
Oct. 28, 'i7.
VlT. VI.l
111. Clcarfe
IISOX IIOL'Sl-l Lumber citv. 1
Id co.. r.i. The iiiidcr.-incl noti- '
' lies Ine public thnt he has opened ut the above 1
j nani' d house, nnd that be ii well prepared to nc- I
I ciuiiioilate all w ho mny favor him w iih 11 call. '
j The hntive is three stories hiph, is commodious
I nnd w ell lurnislicil. and 11c ).; i 11 1 w ill be spared .
1 to render sal islaction to hi-puesls, ll'u Par is'
' ii I u iiy. supplied with choice li.jttor, of nil kinds
mere is plenty ol rtnbliiip connected with j
the lioce. lie solicits a shale of public patronage :
ndioiiiin' his residence, on Market strce
I I Icarfield. March:'., IS.".;'..
t leat
1) I'.MOV.
V. tlio "wl
.11. The linden igned anounces lo I
i holc world nnd Ihe rest of mankind,"
that hr lias removed to the shop recently oecupi
jed by Padcbnuph A ,Vhca, as a tailor shop, in
ISliaws How. where he will at till times be found
ready nnd willing to attend to the 'soles' of tho I
I bootless pari of ci calien, His wuik needs no re I
comttieiidatlon-it recommends itself, and he can
with pride point to his largely increased custom i
in pioof. ltendy-mndc work of nil hinds, will be i
kept con I n lit ly on hand. Ihe highest market!
pri. c paid for hides. JO.S. UOOX. I
! May Hth I sir. ,
"thYwondes of the age. I
, (.uVFUY. Vhi
h I" n purely rcij'tnhU
ii g vigor to tho Liver. Moinaeh nnd bowels, nnd
expelling from the system all morbid matter and !
substituting in its stead a healthful nativity thro'
all tlie litnetions ol life.
Tames 1!. TnorlaiKl,
fieo. I'oborts Smith it
Mary I!, his wife, nnil
Charles P. Fox
Wm. W. Flemin-.
F.jeetnient for about
In the Court
Common Plea:
( leai iiebl Lountv
No. ii-l, November
Term. 1 S;"7.
eiphtv acres
nnd in Pike township, Clearfield County,
iiounded north nnd east by the. -Erin turn
pike, west by lands of Win. M'Naul, and
south by the so'.ith linecf No. Stilll, being
art of" No. 3dl3. Writ returned Not
, , - ,.
And now, ISth Nov., I.s-ii, on motion of
m. A, v aliii(i., hsq. J'l lis' Att y,
nn ll Heft i, cenntcrl to nun nr nn.PTAH.IV. 11. r t1irlll-. . .,.
jden.l, and publication of mid rule or
...... ....... n. .... -ii
'lereri neeonlin to law.
Certified from tho Record
March, A. D. l.vjf.
this 23d
I'.V the Court
m n nn i
I AILKOAD llOl'SK ; corner of
While Flrccts, I'nooKVii.i.t-., pn.
leb. 21. 'uS. R.K. MEANS, Proprietor.
hooks; nooK.s:: 1
I !
DrniXfl tho recent firo tho undersigned ot
n number of Miscellaneous hooks, in the
'hasty removal nf hit library. Persons having
', tiny books belonging to him marked with hts
j name whether got on loan or otherwise, will
I confer a favor bv returning them iinmediateir.
II. II. bWOOI'U. '
March .11, 1.H5S.
MERCHANTS nnd Extensive pealers in Ltmi
her, Ac.. .N'cw Waahinlon, Clearfield emm
1 Pa. S". CP, '54 ly.-
.Vo. 1 1 ( Old Xt. C) iVn.rA Th;;i S'rer', h-'n-torh:t,
LtiATUtill DKALK .
Calf kins, foioecos, Linings, Bindings,
X. B. Rough Leather bnnght or taken In f.
chango March 3, 18a7 y.
i"fAXMioN norsr, i
Tho tuhscriher resjiectfully announces to the pnb
' lie that he hat taken the above stand, In the hor
I ough of ClenrHcld, and is prepared to ncenmmo-
1 date
nil who may give him a call. Tho nnhlia
iiiayrcst assnred that it will bo onnduelod in the
best manner possible. His table will be supplied
.III, II,. I..1I ll,. ...I,.. .IT...I. III. l.-.'r.M.j
. ov.i.n.... j..s unci
with the choicest brands of wince and Manors, and
his atuhles will be under the care of nttonlive and
careful ostlers. DAXlEtV .M. WEAVER,
Jb 1LJ357.-,.
StarM.igiMratr-V and ConsttvbW blanks
nl at- this oflice.
LEJlXf LPsJJLllLt'sUja,
no, im w ai.m r rt i it n k r
1) IIUAI.Y A CO,. Mnnvfnetutrn nf Ctnki
- 'mil 'iio'n. ,'1HI., I.ndien" nnd Urn
lleihi.i (InunlltK Hpsmnir. Sword nnd r.i,ltc
Ihii'k.lin Moil- nnd iaweu, Hiding A
Ml.ll.litli; berrilie. Wnllll.,, fiiillori ,,f I.
one I.eLClllir", VSnlHlli' timlor.. of ! ..t I.
nnd l.ei.llier, PueKU.In end Indm llul.bcr Sm.
p, iidet. Wni.l Hell,. Mey Pell, nnd l'ume, l!oh(., ii n i Fnntibi Hkim nfeverr doscrin
lion, ' 1
N. II. I'm I,-kins of ,11 col. n nnd nunlitlp.,
I.n iinele.l 1'onhide, liuportt ri of (lamoi., hi.nn-
iV The ntlenlioii of ihe mer. Lnntr (.r f
feld c.tmtv i' rest.e.-tlullv rlle,l lo .1,.
ndverli-euient. P. Ile.ilv f,. m..n,.r, .i..
nh,,ieR Ihcm.clvc. und will receive in 0f
es, ,.cn for the Mtne. f
r. pi. 2, 1 Si7.-I i-.
HTll'l-'l-'KH ; II V:I.U.
t hp Untrlieii n 11 1 Jewelry.
ir lior.CAM-: IIU.1 IIKTAnntll,e-rhil,lel-'
I'loti Mnleli nnil Jewolry Storo," No, IJH
fold No, till) N1.11I1 S. ad Ftrer't, corner of Otiur-
ry, Philnd'a.
tiold bever Walches, full jeweled lSe.c,e.2R 00
."!'! I.apme, IS enint. -Sliver
l.evcr, full jeweled,
Silver Lupine, jewels, .
Superior yunrticrs, . .
Hold Spectacles, - . .
Fine Silver Spectacle,, -Hold
bracelet,, . . .
body's tiohl Pencils,
Silver Ton Spoons, ner net.
21 On
5 fit)
tl 00
7 on
7 00
I Ml
.1 Oil
1 nn
ti 00
tiohl Pens, with Pencil nnd Silrer Holder. 1 tlU
Hold Finger lllnjjn cents to $8(1; Wntch
(ilftsses, dain 12J cents, pntont Isj, I.ttnet 25;
other nrtiele, in proiortion. Ail goods wnrrauled
to hi. w hat they nre fold lor.
Sucesssnm to 0 (V,or.,l
On hind some Gold nnd .Silver Levers nnd Lb-
jptne,, still lower than tlio above price.
1 veioner 1, lsj.-ly.
1"'ij sic lati, may be found either nt his odlee
nt Senfmltl's hotel, Curwcn.ivillo, when not
professionally absent.
Dee. 29, 1S0I
1 cslnhliihineut of.
MEMi;..: CJlTiR.
.Inly 10, lsj7.
1 y'' UfAWUV. WIt.ftOX respeelfully pif.
' notice in
nt he has resumed the IVaetie,
und w ill promptly attend lo all cull,
j I"5 l"'"!
I.uthersburp.ApT 2, ISitt.
roll l''mili(lci'S. Cm wensville. An extensive ,
assortment of Cas'iiiica mode to erdcre
Vrv. 2'.', ISjI.
ATTORXEY AT LAW. office adjCtinp h i
residence on Second Street, Chart .li, t
June 1. 1
tttt) T rri ItrnTTrTf 1 "" receiving the iMnpaiine by return mnil.-
1 UJaJLlli TvOTlCh- 1 You will nlso receive with the first copy a nttm
XY .ersona knowing themeelree indebted by bored subscription receipt, entitling you ti tl j
note or hook uecouut of one yenr or more ' Engraving of "TJIK LAST SCPPKH," nnd e.
sinudiiip, are positivelv requested to call and pay :. chance to draw on of these "TIlilEE TlIOl'.j
od, otherwiso they will bo treated according to , AND PHIZES."
law, without respect to persons. 1
Frcm h illc, May i, lHif.
I!r.iN ned nnd infirm in body, 1 am desirous
to settle nnd close up nil my worldly business
All persons bavin g claims npninst Mr are there
lore requested to present, them at once for settle
ment. I de.-iro lo be niv own executor,
(may 1(1, l.s.,S. JAMES UK A, Sr.
(' I fTKl V
A LL ner.-on are bereliv nnnllnsail
buying, or ill nny way meddling with 2
.Milcli lows, one red and the oilier brindle. now
in the possession oi Joseph Millwnrd, of Decatur
tp., as ihe said cons belong lo me, nnd nre in his
possession mi loan only, subject to my ordes and
r. stH.
C, ,,,,... , , ,
1 At 1 tl-All persons are hereby eautiened
n-ainst purcha,inp a eerln.n note drawn by
me in lavor of Miler . Thompson, dated 29th
Atipust 1 s.i, , for 12.1, nslhnvo not received
nlue therefor nnd will not pay it.
April 7ih, lOT. .It -Jul.
r" OTILL continues tho business of Chair Mnklnc.
I kj and House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, nt
Il.f. slum r,,rionetv o,-i. .,i.,.l l.u T-..., . .. .. f. It
Howe ,
; at, Iho east end of Market stroct, a abort distance
west of Liu's Foundry. June 13, lS5j.
. ------ . ., ..
DIt. M. UODIJS. having changed his loca
tioo r, m r.,, . rn... ill.. ... i-il..., ,
pcetfiilly olfers his professional services
0f citizens of tlio latter jilacc nnd vicinity.
Kesidenee on cecond street, opposite ti u of
J. Crans, Esq. my "Ut).
riAI!I!IES on Clmirmaking, Wheelwright, nnrt
,V T'K" . P'nongat turwensville,
: iicnmcni eo. All ordere drouiid y attended to i
jn 5 is 1 ' I
, - - - ii i. . i ii g loenicu as
I r K.-,.rlnn-n tnn.1...H 1.:- : .
, tenders his professional service,
to the citiiens of Morris and the ndjoining town
T.!.' ,? V 1 " , '" c r1""' nt ,Uo refli'''n
I M "V 1 " " ""' ,"'of''iionally T"SfS
I ut I to int.tiv I cove
. V "10 lnn'' f Lk R it n , fivo milo from
" V. Clearfield,
M lif! CHANTS, and exteneivo
i Maniifarttirers of Lumber,
July 2."., LS.,2.
TIIK undersigbed would rcspcctfiill inform the
citizens of Ckarlield and the adjoining co'i.
Hint ho has just stored In I'hilipsburg, a very
large rpi-iulily of grain, Including
Eye. Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwhoat
Corn and Barley.
which lie will sell in large or small lots on the
most reasonable terms end at the lowo't price.
The attention, of those needing anything iu this
line is culled to the Mock, believing it would be
to their ndvantngo tn give him a call. Coin
aloog tin ii an I bo supplied by
(i. vv: KEn.r.H.
I'liil ii -V iir. March 3, l57.-tf.
Pin SrCIAX-Ofliee in CurwcnsTille.
VI.L person.-nre hereby cautioned against
meddling ith a certain note. givsT, by the
und. rsignnd to Bartholomew Hndden. dated Pep,
1st lS.i!, for SU5, aa.-nitl note has been paid.
Xew Washington, March 10. 1858.
TrTt of Land nl Prlralc Sale
mllK undersigned will sell on en-r terms
1 tract of land, contninin, .i.nn, "".
acres, with about !S ssni slnumj t..:.. .i..
West, near the horongh oi' i Icarfield,
with a good two storr dwelllnc house. lo him
...I -..' . ..!1J:- " -s, -v,
i..... in hit nuiiQinga. An orciiurit of young trees P,Tt, t
recently planted, and a large scope of good moa.,'1. ' 1 "'"'i
dew land rcu4 it a valuable, and de.itahle pro ' I',aNK''. i ape Ik oh
j . -II. Itl'CHKR SWOOl'K ! I-lin.. liu.i. Tickets
! April 2!., S.S7. ' ' lnllj ov,. i.,,,,, r ......
- TTA.H,,".AR,':",f Tl,r.v,(,',ril'ti'n for .ale'in a country job ndico. Your order. ,'
lljt J moderate advance ,t tb. st-.r. .f ; tmattl to lia will bo faithfully SJrl,
UnlVAP atthai not
li.Ml.n.o. i MAiMZIM:,
two nnr.ktM nf ir i i.Nr.
ini, rorirs.Tin: nnsr ymsrn
M 1 NITK tST I'itOd n K MM K poll H;,?
rM.nnn In woiki nf Art. I l K llill.bAII FX
lilllVtV.l ii..- 1 lie ri.e, r
(HI AW Nil loivert ul ,efib,r. Til V. 'i II KAT
1 IltKAHY Oi 'A-ent, petting ri.-l.
The tinlnn nf Kniersnn! MiiCKint nnd I'li'ami'.
Monlhly lins piven to the enn,n!idnte, wotk n
eireiilutinn ,econd to but one Miuilnr publicHtioii
In Ihe country, nnd lm, ,eenrcd for it a eoinbi
linlion of 'ili rnrv nnd nrlitie talent r ibablv nil
rivnled by nny other M.infine in the world.' Du
ring the ltrl inon'h, lh ,nlo In Ihe trade nnd
demand foun mb-e-lher, exceeded fin. 10(1 eepiei
nnd the nl'cndv i,ue. of the eonfolidn
ted work nre univcri!l ennee.le I jo hnvo nur
passed, in the richue, of their literary eot tentit.
nnd the beauty nnd pr.ilu,ene,it of their pielorinl
illutruti..p. any inn?nfine ever befors inniied
from the American press. I'licitirned by tlieso
eviib nec ol'lnvor, the publish,., hnre determi
ned to commence the new volume In Jnnun
r with ndd itionnl nt'rnctinnn, nnd tn eH'er ,neh
ludtiectiients to mhseribcr , ennnot fail in plncf
it, In rirculntion, nl the hend of Aniericnn Alapn
nines. With (hi, viiiw they now nnnouneo th"
fullnwine fplendid programme. They hnve pur
ehned euperb nnd costly sleel-plate K li;ra
'inj(. "THE LAST STJPjEil,"
nnd will present n copy of it tn eery thrco dol
lar subscriber for the yenr IS.iS. It wns enptra
ved nt n cost of over $11,000, by lie lute celebrn'
ted A. I,. Dick, from the nritrinnl of Jlnphnel
Murehen, nfler bcotiardi Da Vinei. nnd I, tlie
Inrjrcst fteel-plnte cnrnvins ever cxecutol ill
this country, buinj; t lire times tlio lire of thd
ordinary tlirue-dullnr ongravinpa.
The lirst iuipressioiu of this enprnving urn
held tt $10, nnd it was the intention of th tit'
tit that nono of ih Engravinps should ever h
od'ercd for n les sum thnn S5. heintr riehlv worth
thnt amount. Thus every threo-dollnr subscriber
will receive the Mnpniino ono year chenp ut S:',
and this splendid onpracinp, richly worth fi 1
thus gettinp for $3 th vnluo of $s.
We shall cotntnonco strikinp off the cnpriiviiip".
itniiiedialuly, yet if can bnrdly ho expected thn'
impression.! of eo larpe a plate can bo taken 11--fast
as the.V will be CHlled for by subscribers.
We shall theroforo, furnish them in tho ordor in
which subscriptions are received, Thoso who
desire to obtain their engrnvinjfs early, and from
tlio first impressions, should send in their sub.
fcrlptions without delay. The enpravinj, enj
be sent on rollers, by mail, 01 in other luanuei,
t ruuseribcrs blmll order.
?20,000 IX WOIiKS OF ATI T.
In ndditioii to the superb engravinp of "Tlio
LAST SL' MM lilt," wliiuh will be presented t-i
every three-dollnr subscriber for ISiS, tho pub
lisher, have completed arranjrementi forthedis
tribulion, on the 2.'itli of December, 1 SJ ,-, s , of u
scries of splendid works of art, consistiup of on 1
hundred rich and rare old pnintinps, valued 1"
from $1(10 lo $100 each. Also, 2,000 mopni!..
cent Steel-l'hito Jitipraviups, worth from $!l t"
Jj ench, and 1,000 choice Holiday book,, worta
from $1 to $5 ench, making in all, over TIlKF.i;
sand dollars.
Incloso $3 to tho publishers and vott will com
ensoni why you thoulil tibscribe
' FMEHS0XS MA GA 7.IXF. for 1 VS.
. First: Eocause its literary contents will, i! .
j ring Ihe year, embrace constrihutious from o
. one hundred different writers and thinkers, nue
j bcrinp ntnong them the most distinguished of .'
merienn authors.
! Second; Hecnuse its cditorinl dcpnrtinen;
"Our Studio," "Our Window," and "our Olio.'
j will each he conducted by an nblj editor
it will surpass, in tho variety and riehncss of it
editorial contents, nny other magaiine.
J Third: llecause it will contain, tin Irig t'
roar, nearly six hnndi-cd original piciot il jlh -
unions, from designs by the first Amoncan n
i lists.
' f ... .T. . . n
j-uuiiu; because ior in e sum ot you w
receive this tpleudid monthly, more richly wor
that sum thnn any other magazine, and the s .
perb laigraving of "Tho Lust Supper,"
I Fifth : I. ecaufo you will very like
0f ,lc three thousand prizes to be di
, ,,e dny of 0occmb(r u-,
I ,knt is wortli $l,f)U0.
Notwithstanding that lhc:o extrat
J'lllu : l.eeaufo vou will very likclv draw n-
perhaps ot.
I ivolwitiistantling that theio extraordinary i"
I ilucemcnts enn bnrdly fail to nccomplisli the e ..
jects of the publishers without further efTo--I
they have determined t continue thro" the ye r
. V ft"-v Vcr"" w" Bct
lo any jicrseu who will get up a club of w, --four
subscribers, either at one or more n. t
, V " -,V " 1 u"Jr 11 "P.". or m,,r0 1
offices, we will present a sjdcndi.l library, co.-
7 s ., . ' , e' ""'" '
I !1'.r1,lc'",;!,tho m"'1 l'0!"1' rko in tho mark
j so iuiii.t-u 10, on. cam pries, 7
IT' W""U-t, 7, ,"nKrlnf?- r jt th. full j-p
i a .v-'ar, wil Ii the engraving of tho las t Sun
, ' -. r oeserimon Ol 1
"B, Library, and spe-.imen copy of the Magazino v
to each svbseriber.
I.Il. .1 .1 .-
( nc lorwar.iea cu roceipt ol i'.i cents. Over :
i Libraries, or S.000 volumes, hnve alrondy b:
I distributed tn accordance with this oflcr, and
1 should be glad to furntsli a library to everv el
fry man, to every school-master, or to some one
every j.ost odico in tho country.
Af:VVT fiVTTl srn
Tho iiiecess Jwhich ottr agents aro meet'
'" ' """"" . Among tUO ma
evuiences ni in is uiei, we are norm ited in
.... .. . . - "
lish tho following :
- ! Ut vti.em : Tin following facts in relaf
"I1"' v"r agents nro doing in this seeti
- f ""0 '"? enterprising young in
I c-iipioyntent. rue Jfev. John K. J
"""i "" i'.-, .. mime. siu.-e inst tun-
mas. over 4,IKI in his aeencv. Mr In.;j
He ith, of Ridgly, Jj your general agent .
Piatt county, is mnkiiitl'$S per dav on each so
agent employed by him, and Mossrs. Wclme:
Lvatis, of Oregon, Mo., your agents for Holt i
are making from 53 to $25 per day, nnd y
humble servant has made, since the seventh i
ef last January, over $1,700, besides having '.
.10(1 crc of land out of the business worth r.
f l.fli'O. Vou are at liberty tn publish ilu, Ml,
mcnt, and to refer u anv of the jiartiea name '
DANIliL GliEUQ, CarrollCn, Mo.
With 'i di ind ii omcnts as we nfTer, anyb
eon obtain tubseribers. We invito any gon: .
man out of employmout, nnd every lady who t.
ires a pleasant -ivjy. making oecupitiin to :
rly at on" for (tn agency. Applieanta sho
Inclose 2.' cenls f,.r a speel ci copy of tlie m
arine, hieb will always bi forward ol with . ;
swer to appiicnlion bv rlurn mtil.
SPKC1AIKX r.V'KAVl.r,.A. we desire
place iu the hni-Is of every person who propn
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the distribution. This offer r nmdo onlv to th"
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Addrt", OAhSMH u A r0.
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a ti v it , . w"1'
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Kinzrirrnncemonis tn lnrerd
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daily do:
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