'!! In I HI M 111! t. ti 'I 1,1 I ,n t (,,. th il II ll-l' l.t I, ,. mil, nil. I if, v m ill , mil I ili il i Ill' IHlllii, . . i I' t'lmtl In II. IL I I III! O Mil I, III ' Inn. Ii . in v in I'l I' Ml 111, I Ml. h (. i ttiili Ini.iiii. II,,. I lotu -..!', mi. lllllll, II III.' til ... . I . 1. . . I i . . i i'i'' Him i i I in IM nil ii s. i I nni inn in l 1.- il tint M, lilt. . Hill V. Ii "lln I w i-1 . mill it i'i i ii 1,1 a. 1 1,1,. i tt ili-. ism .1 in I lii- i ..I, Inl II -i'.I" I hi v iniulil ' in tin- 1 1. 1, In), lit i i.i.( liiiiiiit . i . . . . iiiiii would in. i fin r in ,,,,. t., Pi'iiisc 1. 1 i.. ( : !). In iv ,lniv , ,, tlie SMIL', nil. I -;, .' III. . l. , i (loH'ihnn.i'an to 1 1 1 1 f i ii. T,,. ,v,,i,, pil'l'lll" tlielll-i if . ui M'..ii IM,., indeed, bill without .iM,iiii ii itli i. -n l. lut Willi tlnmies- - l, r i.iif nl those ,!. penile Mltlgjji - lll.i.'l, liavc.MIH" UP'! Ill ll,c Ii H !f llfmililinn BREVITIES. A im' Sm. n.--Thr W.-tniu-tni, vln, iM -iv.t,i v.... ,n tutiniii. ,.. .. ii. . i .. - . i V ... 1 1. i v.. .;..-1 I..... ...-n ii. Ii. I. 7 '- v" il nfl',."l'i . h - imp i."iiu n I urn pm il i,i ' "."...in, )". .V r"iiii.ntii n in i . Vi.,,,1... - 1 i-v , ,.o ,;r am,, J,r;:r,;n,;i';i;,,;:t -w ' j LV -ltir,v, 'TIiiio U a nr-nr M..lii, ili. n. .n i . "I UkiI o n. Tim hi,,.,,),,.. . nm withdrawn r..i. S & 'rS 'jCv ,0"",:'r "'"V '"'''. flint or jtyU ""II. wo l.-mn i ash,,,, iilmiii.) .". 'iVi'l tlm oily I p.n.li.idly It . '.V-v -W""nV.L" emigrate, or npprniltaii nit,,,. ... tL.... "7. . Um, l.ttitif to J,.l,.. V A M.coi.,1 I'lilieo force of .mi tin ill l f '.. -r-Jil ; k ..i:i... i !.... .? :. ..... ' i lit I'liti'.i is, i.i . . ;. ri' . i ...... v 1 Vu 1, .", -tf V . 'TFVr " '", in iniigni to ifnuv cotton . ... r. . ' ' "'"Kii'i . ... ! to nun h i.iiiil' orpniirrM i.y in.- Vi'Tr' ?XC!UittV.J J ""X'tt'-nt In-f., or M oi. , . . . ?" '" immih.. ,'.,.,,1 i, i ,,lliii,.,.. ii i . ' v yy rs. II ii inv mm. l int li.-nUni, .. , . .. k. -'.''i; Hy: :.. .wix .! Lla'-k wli.-ii lit ns nrirM,.,) .....i l."',M 'V i'i"!.i ' .i;i i.,.-ii v rn t IIV i;l;l l.'l IM ' -' .te . . ... il... .: ri: ... till' riiliM- ttf II,.. ' ... rr 1 1 I Ii .him' 'i ls-.s 1 rv,,l,l," " MlmnM ...If I',,. I I,', "! iiil-i'"' in ii"' '"-". Will, tlio imi i-i tiiiii.-.i mIh.Ii ii' ff i.f. . I i:i h h, i iMn UOxfi'l' I ho in i lint I lull i Suites iKi rn. ii -iifii'.-ili mi. I . ii.il.lt 'I it I in-u . r. i!n . -Iv ci'iil II I'.iH' tlmt nn v ' :,i ,.r i.i In i-i. in In In .iU li.. i in .'it ii i' ilmvii t tin- I'll1" .1 Mlrll llllitl'd tt'iii t ivill I..- 1 1 . ; 1 1 1 upon tli.'ir iml(' j'cndcm !. Wli.it, lieu f i-i1, lli.'V liiiii 1'rnMiiiul.ly !V:ii', . t . 1 v. h it tli.'V .In t'i-;i r. i.-, that in I In' r.vn ut;. ii i.i' i lii- ti .aiy, iji.'.ii nrcKivill be liiki-ii iiliirli i!ii' niii.-t n-i-t. Juv fiir tho net nl' ..in' of tlic I'lii'li,'- , nt- till' its l'l.-tllrlii.l ll ..M il I'lVIl lllltil .-. 11)1(1 tij.oll ill" ol.lijMtir.lis i'l' its (ii-fniill.'ii'-toi.i, nmy ii.viilv.! llii'-i. in ituy 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 I'nr const'iii nrt s, ( itliri liy tli ? ix io; ( i 1 1 of Hiniilar iwaiirrs or by tlicir ii'ji'.'tiiin. 1 do not nrosinnc to jml''..'. I'.'i tniii it is. however, llmt iftlio tin t, mul llm Vila auvaiicrd nv Loi il AIk i iI.-i ii" hi rct t, tlmt tli'.'i-e ticntii's for the iil.olitinii Prinocrntic State Ticket. !U';i:.i- III K Ml'l.'KMK cur WILLIAM A. TORTER. rn rn 1 1. 1 i.i i rn 1 1, ''AN A I, niMMlssi(i.i:i;, WESLEY FROST, i.r i ivi nr in. IVIlltl'. lit' IIIIK of Imir dv.' liil A ili-i'ii-i' l iilli iiilni'' in ih. tb. pini iiibtl,.., i,.ni..,l tin- ,,, ,. itimi oiiiintl. ill pmnn "'' '..." un lit I. MiilKc Ini-i iH'i'ilMiill il ' li'iiiilit and n." nmvnl'l.' il" .o-.-ibli! to nil, I tlio 'ut-li!i IrviT i-I'l - ill l.i iiMn.loL'V riitiili-'li lor in.'. I mil, mi n nf l.ibi'i iv Ti'iw. L'i'iitli'ini'1', iiinii'i' liiniiy nnd la-linu' olli- i .,i:.iU r,ii .i,., I,,, Hilt i'n..rii-i.il i, ii i.w to ., it i i . i in. ir iitiin 1 1'- ..,..,;, l., .,, 1 iln nm nil,. iithI . .......... i. i.i r ' "..,"',' I ......i;,... I in.... in i lit- iruiMiiiu. i; i'l irt'.ui nun. Iii tlinioiiL'li I'niiaticnl Mlyle lln-y i'on lll..1X tM.,--llii iinlmicm vnr. tlm 1 .'li'l nil. I Mil Imi l lb'' I.' '"I I'l till I'.UiW Itnllmr- lliilMlint li'l') It' Kiili'in; t ,r t, i' ft. ni ho Ii llU' i.'i.l iiti'l ni'i'iit "I tli" Mul,,, (lllii'tt l.inliilit ni' I Sini.'l), nli'l IiIhk Cniinl 1 : h U Imvti In n I ' l ii nun ki d l.y I.(m illgll- in nil K ' tinli" i t Unit !ililin..y I i iii,Vi S'liiif nil I'll! I IH'"' bus In i ll rnininilti " n niiiilnl Klili"!!!1 lib II iililmt In' trm ri I u i i 1 1 v n i)jlllili, c Ih.' luiilini'Mi'-i nil. I Hill i,"'l nl lln, ,,, infill, III." ili". iinin iMnliii'i.iMi ry, Wio n i i lilly tliiMi . 'I tin' M iilln lii iirt of Km imi li.ni i 'ii 1 1 1 civil, ii i in Ili 1 1. In ijf .,,. .r, ton I. in'.' tin1 I'liMn nllii i-, l.i'in ii mil. iini . i i . 1 1 1 1 i ii .-i;'iii''l by I lii iiinii I.ntio ii- (iciH'inl nf tlm Militnry f..rc.'of Knn. n. l iil Hi'.. ci an' iin I nn .1 inciiiii ii , in.ii ! H- ni ib'i'i'iH'iiiti' .l.'Mi'lnbilit ii" " ' "" . . i i i ... i i'....... . I'licr til III!' ' .1111' "ii- inn." i. " . " "... .," I" I1HV0 la-lit 1 1 1 1 1 ami ii'. H i iic.iili' Moll in Till IT Win:. Mr I'lipt mi tin Mil.i,, is brief ii ml to I he aM'inbly. A inoro I'lcasinu' tiik I never noinl. SIicmiis: "KirHl ml ii h il'. kki-i.. : .leiloi'ini'il. HI were tbi niL'lit ill New ...inl, be patient." , it . v . .. i ii hie i no III nie .'ni in i ,. i ennl'e.lelatinll J.r. iiit f'l a M'li.'F nl' t (ions tlm I'nrtbest pru-ible r. ni.'te on n alliiir, to vi it, lMV.ly i. Iii l'ri in i ninl ml ( 'oininniis on hi nf eel, l ine I into tbe IIoiim I"1"1'- tlie India 1'i.liev ,.f .lid Ilriti-li Cnbinel. III .' i nl'- .... . . , ' iiu-is neeiiien n iiiuingiii nv nie I'eii.y of tho frlnve trade cannot be executed Mmntrv, allbouli Lord hlleiiborouli re witliout forcibly boardin,i Ainerienii sliijis f-jyn d In seat in the Cabinet iniinedinte ot Boa in time of ,eaee, and that tho obli- y , tl(. i ( ,.0l..ftioii of the resolution eationi" fronted bv them eonler not only ... . ... .. ..... the right thus to violate tho Aim'i i. an (W. " ltl"ml "mtlu I'"' (hseu-sion, orn vote but niako this nienuro a duty, then it i.i to be taken. also the duty of France to pin-tic the Naple rejects the demands made by Ihe same eour-e. Sliould he put thih con- Irtish -ov'crinncnt, of indcinnitv to the struction upon her oblixation., it is obvi- . , ., . " ... ii ..I i'. id ? i i i eii'Miieers caitured inion thesteniner ( n2- ous that tho L in toil Mates niu-t do to her e i i nstliey will do to lCndim.!, if sho persists linri, for tlieli-impi isoninent. The Neaj.o- in this nttaet uj.on their ind('iendence. lihm jroverninent was mnkinj; active niili Should Bhe not, it does, not become me to ,!iry jneparal ion for a defence. invpHtk'nte the nature of her position -n i, i t i . i . ... fc . . .., . . 1 , The lied Sea has been sounded to n.-ccr- with respect to oneol her associates, whose opinion respecting their relative diuies tain its iida. lability for liiyinp a marine wouid be so widely ilill'ei ctit li'om her nivn. telegraph. Tlm report is favorable to the nut I may ex.ress tbe hope that tho gov York or llcston, or nnv other land of p tn.iili.il lilertv. liresidiii!' at snme nbnli- r- A M k.h IiM Ision. Hie ( Hilton (Mo) ,,,,, or Cmatie liieet 1, I should Hoi led THE NEWS s,il1" tllnt' I'10 l-i'llislatiire of myself more ch vntcil, norlrill'so highly ,, ., i r i . ., . 1 Mi-'"" i, at Ihe fcssiiiu of IS'n',-7, j.asscd Lonorcl a I now feel. lmit tiling tlmt by the an n ni nf the Am.-nca at l!o-lnn . m, ,,, iIlstrll,.,iMjj ,lf. ..Sla,,. .iirnri),n M,! make this remark to pim the gnod-iiill on l iidiiy lai l, we have three days Inter fiirni-h each liielnber of the Legislature 0,. ,'i,-0 f nnv, I speak it from the hon- iM1, ivilh a co,y of (he Holy liibb.', .V. Jiwirn ,.( ennvietion of my own mind, .judging "''""' nli bv mvscll, that we are this night en- .ii .. ' . ' i . r... .1 htbv Ihi- ve,.-cl istheilelent oftbe Kx-t!..v. I'ollock is s.okell -A by the JJ 7" f '"'' I" ' '! ' 1 nnv ,'lnss ol men I ike to have said the introduced by Mr. nppns,,,,,,, a candidate for the .supreme ,;. , lA,ull (,,,..,,,1,i ,. .....,. ,,.. few cares to li-tuib the iieare of our advi. c-IVoin )'urn.e. The most im.ort intelligence ill a pnlitirnl jmint of view l iron i'i".oluti Caldivel tiived to make tlielil a niMHting n nicy w ere iin .-r t im-ti t . under n show of nn ex pression nf legislative opinion. They were sent during the last se-siou nf the Louisia na Semite.' but that body refused to bun dle the dirty nIVair in any manner, rcl'n sed to have tlieni inscribed on their min utes, or even to sutler any mention to be; made, in their recorded proceeding. 1 hey mo to light u nu n ami mvhi tint to In, liabo lieal I hiilaet. r. In H bile numbornf the Herald nf I'l ecdoln. a l'.lack Iteptibli. ,1'nu ilouina! I'liblished in the Territory of 1 , linia.. .biin.s lt'ei.iith, the editor of tlmt ipa.. r, and from hi o.-iiion well ncipnin. I led w ill) tlie net ion of La lie. s;i s : I ' "We arc ready to swear in any court nf ' Justice or to make "I'lenin nllidavit nf the ! fact, that (iencral Lane iutini'iled to in that if (iov. Iienvir challenged him, M I w. ,iil. I have him .ilt out of tlie way by the secret order known n the llaiules. 'I bis secret older of li.inites, are a bund f mi ll organized by the Mormons, hound ll,. l,,l.l l,..l.- lo the liolelll- nl mi l il,i.o"l.'iihoiii tb.-v had been received. ! together h the most bias , heinous oath, Heiieh of I Vnnsvlvaiiia nt the October cleetioii. I minds; the heavy icspniisibilitio of bu- ,. . . , .... siness matters do not crowd so heavy upon llcvy rams and storms very similar OUI.l,rilill . our thoughts are . ml somuch oc- those which done so much damage in the !cuiied upon the aecuiuulatinn nl wealth ; West, have prevailed in dillerent parts of1 therefore our sleep i sound and rel'resh- .i.iu .... Tim ing nt night, flur thoughts by day are waters havo also been very high. The istriot Court of the I'. S Judge (irier piesiding, meets at Willialiisport on the LMst inst. with the reniiest that he would ri.tiun them to the source from which they oiigi nated. This our lovernor has done, ue- coiiiianying them with the lolloiving brief and c ustie but dignilied and appropriate note: ' rii.',r 'yr, fr..ji ,''.'., fjit.j Aurit IT. ls,-,s. I I iii rvffilloiu'V t iO ( tilVf Till )1" nl' light and free, and we can think to-day M.,ine. -Sir the resolutions adopted bv how we shall enjoy- to-morrow. I he hap- m, st,l(n fl- jj,,;,, ())) thc j -,, March, .iest man nn cam; is nie . irisiam c. ..- js.-.s.md bv von forwarded to me, have ed man, who has just troubles enough to al your reiiest been laid before the Sen- i bank are said to be in circulation. I out for them. J lion, (.'buries 11. l.ucliidcw ha? been ap pointed minister resident to I'cuador, in! South America, at a salary of SlN'M) per iderati'in icell re- to . , . in.. . '"-""v . at(. of Louisiana, and due con and the iierlnrinaiico ol that makes linn .,. i,,,. .i,,,,.,, t i,.,.. ..... i . - i . , i , litmus i'i . ii iin-. v... . , A new hatch ot counterieits on oi k imp..v nnl cheeriui. ,,uested bv that bndv to relurn them Look I Not tew nor light lire the hurilens nl ' .. jlife; then load it lint with heaviness of Lonisi.inil .oanios the cnnstituti.ni nf .spirit. I here are threc-ehul rivers ot do.;., . i-.lited State's as cxnounded bv the spondeney sin. .orrow ami h ar. Ml. is ),;,,, jlI(iieii.l i ribunals nf the nation to thc deepest ; sorrow- hn its si, dloii s, and hl tUl. ,,. . f ,, ,. al,,l ranks li ar h a noisy raind. but even U, the ',,,,,.,:,. thereto nii.ong the nio.-t so darkest hole in guilt si'iol,. un. lest river, , i,i;.;u s!;l. .,s. whose business is to remove bv steel, bill et or poison, nnv person w ho becomes oh. jnnxisiis to the rulers of that religions com- mutiny, lo ims liana oi organized inur derers Jim Lane belongs, and he has used its members to carry out his scIh'iiips of violence and bloodshed ill all .arts of Kan sas. It is these men who shrieked for freedom in Kansas, and for the support of which money was laised in many of tht church.- in the Lnsti rii and Middle States. What will those oious interttieddlers nit f to tbi criiw, coining from one of their ow n political brethren, who knows Lane intimately? Will they still "shriek for freedom," and send on their funds for the support nf Jim I. line, Ihe Km, mis head of tho .Mormon order of Jinnitos? We shall see. V'.0'.i'','ii i ion. "I'aT.'III'.Ii." We i' hope Unit the gov- enlerniizc. The Lnclish funds were 1 annum. eminent ol his .Majesty, be ore rati vmg , . i i. ,- : 1 . ,i i . i I n ... , . ' i.i . buoyant, mid stocks in considerable ilc-j J'kettv wi:i. llllO 11 lilt , , 1, IU I Allllllllt ,11,1111. t i , nit; I'll- tcntions assested bv one of the imrlic and '"l. i!roalstulls and cotton hud dei li- thut the trustees of the agricultural socio . ,i i , ' . ... i .'. . .i . . i. . ..... nn i . eeiioiYiiiesuc.nl in; reconciled uoi oiiiv m-. i ui-i u is .....iiiuig iiiijioi inn i n ,n. ry oi j i il Isi 101 iugll couiliy, . . 11., nave the t'nir and the I.eaillV nl with the honor and interest of the United Frnneo. Several eonsiiirncies. it is re- nln..r.il mi !,. miliinn r,.. ,1., , i.,,. 'i... i!r,...,. raw and States, but with the received principle. ot the great maritime code ol nations. I may make this appeal with the more confidence from the relations subsisting between France and the United States, from a community ol interest in the liber ty of the seas, from a cninniuiiilv of inter est ol opinion respecting tho principles i hone can pein e with iiiiickcnin; notice 'nil those depths are lighted. I his very house I have .seen on a lor- nier occasion, crowded with the wealth, ashington : been crowd-' . l . .... I .1; 1 lrv . . . .. puiou, nave ueen (iiscovereu in (iiuercni jiahlum). parts of'Spuin, and some noted political ng- othy l'ntch nnd Kdward PuU-h, all of difler- John II. 7Wi, Joseph yVr., Tim- ' ith real hap; in-'-s or pleasure. Mich i'.s we colored people enjoy. Ilieie are r.... i :i I ' ..'..l... .l 1.. itators have been arrested in tho province cut towns. If this isn't a jmlched up Coin- iaVe reat'er piiulcgcs nf enjoying thein of Jaen. A battle was fought recently , initti e, we should like to see one. 'selves in nnv civil wnv. than iii Wushin.'- al a place called uolvra, between the Turks ' ti, ,n, .:.:.. f,i, t...... ,....i i ton, the garden nf North 'arolina. lur in.' til-ill II tin i-i'.u t'l nit: , t iviit; nn., , . , , . , mid Moiitcnoi'iiiins in which the biller .in .. . , . i ' . i singing school-, temperance and clianta iiiiii iiioiii(ui,.iiaus iniMiiiu nn. i.uiu j,,. i.IV(, Itailroad is to be nut under ....'..?:...: 1 ,i which guard it and from the community "'ere victorious, killing the Turkish com- t:0n, h, ft ,elv (Iavs Tll0 .pst(,.n is nl, ' y W;..A ,, ..erfctly h'a. n.l.'s'-.-in danger should It ever be menaced by niniider. and nuttiiiL' bis nrmv to tlbdif , ... ." .... .... . ... i u . . r- now neariv reauy ior nie sui'ersiruenne. .nuuiif m.- j" -i.-wn.- n...i . t.n.ji...-.- in, m, LblKI of the lurks nre said to have been i n : l i,ii,i i,i ii,.i . : there mav be some improper characters, killed. It s thought that sever th ambition of any maritime poncr It appears to me. sir. that in a-kiug the attention of his Majesty's government to the subject of the quintuple treaty, w ith a Christian provinces will rie rn mussr a view to its reconsideration, I am request- gainst their Turkisli rulers in consequence ing nothing on the iiart of the United r.. , , .. . s,.k. " .. . , .. .. of their late reverses. 1 he native troops States inconsistent with the duties ot . . . .... . 1 France to other powers. If, during the ,n J,Klm "re 'tl11 'l''ted m every en-, coulee of the diseus-iun.-upuii this treaty, pagemcnt with the British forces. The preparatory to the arrangement ol its pro- British outraies upon American vessels' limed in ion herself as a member of the confederacy. These resolution are es-en-lially aggressive and revolutionary in their tendency and aim, and . , ek tin- sub version of a compact which Louisiana ha; plighted her faith to support. Addressed a' they are to her, she can not therefore but regard them as solicita tions to treasonable disloyalty on her part, and a such, she not only deem her-e!f justified in repelling them, but feel that lier honor would be deeply wound, 'd were she to give them a place in her aivhio. With due consideration, your nl.e ii.'ii! servant. Ki iI'.KHTC. WK KLII Fi:. nvo It is also contemplated to put the whole j "7 '.'j "'""u ' "l" "po d nf the'. o . , Ibllt the lli-tltution theiuseiv line ol the Sunbury & Lne under contract , 'pheii, gentlemen, let ususe, ; hortly. The bar of Leavenworth, Kansas, now numbers over 10'J members, and is Niid to possess much legal talent. lion. Henry 1?. Anthony, Ex-C.ov. of visions.'Lngland has asserted lo thc other K(in ft(,nlinll(. vYorv H1.,.ivilU . ' Rho.lo Island, has been elected to the U. jmrtie the pretention sho now asserts to . (..if-'s- cnato from llmt State, to serve six the United States, as a necessary eonse- 1' add to tho nlieady extended eata i quenee of its obligations, F cannot be logue of wanton aggression ; and the Am-1 -vcal's llom tll 4th ol 'Mll,'('hnext- wrong in presuming that France would criean vessels sailing in tl e waters of the' John 11'. Forney and Morton M'Michael, not. nvo signed il wit nut KiiurUmj. (iulf Jln,l the Atlantic coast that have not it is said, have been invited to attend gainst i iii unpenning uuiicuuv. i lie es are riflil. mil not i.i .lis. these thing. To you, my brother firemen, areexti ml ed J.rivileges that none others have. To you every citi.en of Washington, from the richest to the poorest, looks forholp.w lien CaniM Scott t IMl'OIITANT FHOM ('!. I.UHOiiii"! K'l'f ( 'iiilln TAIL Il .,:!, V, I J !' .I'.JM,,I'.V 1,1 .1 I1.1', St. Loi is. June;!. Aib-spati'li from Lea venworth, 1st, mis that iutelli-eiiee li'oni o ihe t'.th of Mav had been it is said, have been invited to attend a iewof F.u.l o.,1 nre.mn ,liselo,Ho , ni. ''Con overhauled nrc the exceptions, those iirpuiuicau nieeung in j.eieiuue on nie ior every lire we conquer hut. fortunately before its ratification. that have the rule. 2-d inst. And this change ofeircunislanccrmay well Intelligence from Cuba of the arrest, by Miss Helen Cunniii'diam, eldest (laugh K such 1, il'S ThiililT . -rninent, of the Knglish ..ni- ,er of Mr. Cunningham-lUu-dell was mar- demanded by the grave interests involved ('cr w" "M "een so cons,icunus in his ried last week to a young dentist of New in this question. boarding operations, and his being sent (o York." ii i ,i. ru"i i i sin i .. t -.(....! i i . i . . i K , n IW II ?.u .din.aieaiorir.ai, nus ncen received, n NaiI(iVU, lKtiin.XKs.-Somobody once ready. In time of pence prepn.e for war. ".A . , , 0 . , V, " . , ' ' " of i o X'l do U 'K. c, e, The.l., r,arko.l that ,l,e Kgli,;,ma is never Uyl .i.... ..i ..: i... : l . r. . ...... uiai manning, iiesu iicin e. nun niien inni reecrved at thc Fort. (Ml that dav two unquenchable enemy fire-is about to iM()nnolls earne into the camp I'roni Salt destroy them and all they have. Let 1 Lllko cilVi having despatches from (iov. them not look in vain. II hen the alarm , 'nmmings Tor Secretary Cass. The troops is given, be not reluctant ; but go and do 1 wm. c..x,Jrcted to move towards the val yourduty; tight a though you were light- 1V towards Ihe end ol May. Nothing mg to save your own house and property. ,. llt ,ll0 , .,, Ilt ,,;. ,, ,,. no mat, ami we are apt to conquer ; and ,tii,ed of any i r..ecediugs witiiin the city. lie firMCi!n.r r-ilm ,v iii'iil in tin l.irt supper; or at least w'o II allow you the The expres man who Lmuaht it su.plies privilege, of breaking the j.ledge. e are ()i,m j,,,, n.l.l.iional .ai t iculars : yet in our iiilamy, and have not had a H., left foil I.i.i n.ie on the 1Mb ofM'.iv. chance to . show what we can do. l'.ut j At .-orl Kearney the commanding oflie'er don t be discouraged. It is never too Lite, diiected him to'info; in Col. Monroe thai too noon, too hot, nor loo cold Tor Iik s to l0 inf.trmati.n that (iov. Cummiiig breakout. I hen be watehlul, and always i,.i i. ,.,, ,.Vi.ll..,l r...i,, ;.,ii I .,! .. ..,.'. lei !1U- i ... consider it my duty to advert to theii'stin. mF 1,1 l'i"on during tho last week ""PPX "''" "u"!..', . K.u.goiu 10 u. ami in. necasmn is a , lu..sled ( 'ol. Monroe to ush . n as si . , !i- ulation-.. Their obligations ui.on the eon- Imvo boon of considerable importance;- niuhiniin and l-renchman is never at , clear deinonMration ofth.stact, and we lv possil.lo. This oommunienti. n it i- . - ii ni tin iiiit iv on in is ili iri in t iiiiti i 111 , r-r f i inn ti i .. .1 rti itriiri mum iiimi v. 'ih 1.1 whatever these may be. manv inmorlant bills have been rmssed i.n.l ... , . ........ ... : . 1 , , ..... h. ,. . ' understood, was 1 ecoivid nt Jolt Luirncv and it is for my cov- '...r :.. . .. . :.. . : nM.i.ian is ,-, r .. ,.c . .una- .s.oniy repay ny our oneuie. ce .ouu-ness, ,,,, H.einail brought by Ibis ,. trading l'lirties, nre now complete nientnlonelo deterininu what nieasures ...... . ... .... .. . 1.1 ....I.- .. the United States might to take to avert 1 "ls r,0"-v ,voul,l '" n" I'ro,,1"y ndjourn . un less lie is ..ore,. 10 ueain ny nusiness. the conseiiioneess w ith w hich they are on 'i,st Monday. Humors were current at : The Cold excitement in Ioiva still con threatened by the construction which one the national ca.itol, a few days ago, that ; tinues. Col. dray, of Pittsburg, purcha u. u,v !. m- i.M gnen 10 me.-e insiru-. a pulsion has occurred between thc U. S hinnia t I have the honor to transmit herewith ;st,'"""'r rimon flnl Uie J'ritiMi steamer Ihutlesnake l ulls, on the Desinomos river a copy of tho message of ihe President of ; St.vx. ,,ut tIlcy were no1, credited. Illi- which turns out to have a very rich gold the United States to Congress, in Ieeem- nois was visited by u terrific storm and tor- vein on it. ber hint, and of tho annual documents , ,,, on ast Sunday night a week. CJOth 1. 1 r r i 1 . which accompanied it. Among Ihe latter ,' , .rl - v.i- . lK. 111 Henry an liensaoler, Ksq. of Ogdens- will be found the eon esj,on!ence between f,,e Vllli' of KI1,'ton WBS ncnr,'V ' burg, N. Y. offers the whole of his estate the Uritish Secretaries of State and Mr. , 'lomolished, and over twenty persons kil-j f s.llo nt nu,.lion durin ,llis montu It cieveuson u)on nn; sunjeci herein reler- lcd. . revolution has nroken out in red to. From these you will learn tho re- j the city of New Orleans. The independ-, wiectivo views of the American and Brit- , . , . , 1 r n t ish governments. ent l,lir,-v ,vl'"'11 "on"" Major 0.1. It is proper for me to add that this com- Beaurepard, lato of the toI.oprnphical En niunication had been made without any 1 gincers, nnd one of the most gallant ofli instruotions from tho United States. 1 1 ecrs in the Armv during tho Mexican war, lTA,i''n,'TlUliSl'ir,,'H 'V''ifor Mayor, have organized a Vigilance nn American representative to a foreign J . . fc -... . 1 ... 1 1 . i j 1 .1 1 fiiiiiiniii'i 111 I'fiuiiii'nif'T inn TTinnunvau m .oe. s .ou.anci wan o.u nwa.i.ng the - - T l'lied 11 bill for the benefit of the iprK nlliN nm'i.i'11,,1111, nn, t,nni. 1 1' ' f lie k rmw.linf Inn ,ts who iiift-piil hi- nvm. c I .1' T 1 . . . rt . . I ' . , . .... ' t..;,l.,tt. nf tdn l.i.t 1 1,. llt- V T. ITnl'.llln.l ims i nave (leeeiveii mvse it t he resnonsi. ,i fn-.- ,,n .,.,i,,,.i i;,....a r,.. . - . , . - y. . lll.tt ,,tu,lll.,1, 11I1M n 11 1,111 j.lll sion, will give you as a sent in. lit : Vi.' Aiuilioi-tcs. May tlie citizens ger, to whom it was comn.itted .r.b: for lack of time. i n- blv Nkm Oiii.i:as, June ,'!. A revolution broke out here last night. The Vigilance Committee in great numbers took posses--ien of the arsenal, Jackson square and lb.' ri-oiiei s. Thi- morning Ihe Kxeru live i 'ominii tee ealis for all law and order people in join iiii '.n, and announced a ile teruiiualinii to carry out their measures. Nothing else has 1 all-piled as yet, (-even o'elo. k.i but c inn. ni are po-t,' I about the Aim nal and about two hundred armed men are on giiiu.'c 'In.' (lenM.'iiof I be rising is the mini be! b-s 1 1 it orders, out rage. and 11 -sa ssina tioiis of I h" past f. iv ems. I'1 o'clock, A. M. I'll. m seven hiuidird to ei::ht l.illiili oil men are now under aims .Several a; rest ha c been made, nnd it is reported that opposition w ill be inn le to . , . , : . . . . , . t i .i.' ' 'iiiMiiijiee, in ii iijiii en so a si -, ei e i ..ii- r. lb' i certain. i.lnntec's are Mill croud ing i'ji. II..', lock. A. M. (ieneivl Tla.y's Hi vision litis been ordered out by the mayor. The Cniniiioti Council is in scel'O session. Con iderablo confusion is i. 'ported among Ihe iiioiubci's. There i- great excitement in the street. The count i! brve got pn-se.-i"ii cl'llie I'ir.-t I'i.-triel Armory, con-tainiii-, ho'.i f er. but tell rounds of inn- llililillii.il. A b,:lUe is expected this alter- noon, More arrest have been made. M'F.L FHUSTKATFI). ' Wa. ium. ton. June .j. In Ihe 1 louse ol Itepie-eiitntives, on the second instant, , .Mr. Harris, of Illinois, den iiiiiced a per sonal statement made by Mr. Hughes, of j Indiana as false, when Mr. Hughes called him a liar. Mr. Ilarri replied, "It is false, and you can wear it at your pleasure." 'Mr. Hughe siibseiUeii;y sent a challenge tn.M r.H .,! ri .- u hieh was prompt lv incepti-d. 'I hri ugh the. infl.ii nee of the friends of bolh i., i'(-. the cliallenge was afierward. siisjn mil d i r lei.i i.rarily withdrawn fur c.plniinl; us. And late to-night all nr , rung. lu.-iit v.-j: iiirde ! y which Ihe nllili- sive Inn.'tiage unsrtitl.ilrav.il by cadi ill ' tbe ( ld. r that i. w.is uttcicd. nnd tliusllif I'.iliicidti s have I n nainienl lv aniii-tcil. r., I '. f. .(Vi,,., ..V ,....., .,.1 ...... ....I llashington i.roperly estimate and a..!',- enty-livc miles beyond Fort Laramie. Thev ciate your exertnins to stive their liroi.ertv 1....1 i r . .. .i . . , ', sed a tract of land some time ago near from destruction by fire, and may y ov- N , V in n " ' i , , n c. p.oi.:,ou sencs v, u. ,., o, u e no.ice ,mims Wl ... Ve.V high. The Peace r-,. , )'"'. I oinmissioners had Missed l-ort bin .inne. i Iin, in I nvnlon consists of thirty thousand acres of land, including his niagniliceiit country resi dence of Woodford, in the vicinity of Og denshurg. This is tho largest offer of jiro pcrty at private sale ever made in this country. The United States Senate n few weeks l. : 1 : , Ill 1 . . . ......y win . e mine. Ai soon as i can rcjtWl,athlg in elections . ......... - j.,... in,, i until ei.nr There were in answer to my communications, I shall several hundred men under arms at the (the commanding oflieer of the Central I America at the time ofhcrlosson thc 12th Tnid.r. Mr.x Daow.NKi.. A party of four nun. named John Logart, of Third aven ue. Henry Keyser, ol 'Third avenue. Heir iv Scott, nl Twenty-second street, and by the fire department and citizens crally. of I'wenly lirst street, They were obligid to swim the Platte at Cowanus, stal led in n small boat fromlVn that jiost. It is reported that the troops nv Pudge, en Friday afternoon, on a fish- Excitement at New Orleans. Ntw Onrr.AXs, June 4. The Mayor's forces are yet unorganized. there lias been no outbreak yet, but ex- ai amp .coit were living on mule meat. Nootlicial information hud been received at thc Fort, but the aulhorily furnishing this intelligence is regarded as unquestionable. ing c cui'Mi n. J hey passed thc day plea santly : but on their return in the even ing, a fresh breeze sprung up, and tht 1 out wnsc.ipsied.'All being good swiiiiinen C f-y Mic. ceiled in turning the) boat lot . ! i ..ii i ,i . . , .... i . tensive properntioiis nre being made by1 , ,.,..,. T1 , , ,, r , ' ' "J'""'". ' "'.. aoieu ...em .o boll, ivnfii't ' I.Mi,:i'. Iiait. I ho largest mil of luin- above water. I he night was very dink, ooill p.iiuis. ....... herover fl.t.l .... tlm 1. ....... .....I .1... I ii. i. .1.. The commander o t ic- V eiiee ( ,m. . . . '"." -v.,.......-..-..,,- ,. ,, ,,,.. , luf; , , , ,, , , ,t, mittee forces is Major J.K. Duncan, late I 'r i t l T " ,v"', J'1;1(k piulually ilnlted down the bay. After of the United States army. Ilis forces ,l f. M' J'"",S' 0n "'M '""- "",gm tins er.Ious situation lor three are well organized and drilled. n ng' last. It . was the grcaivst sight (says , hours Kayn r gave out, and a heavy m The city papers are divided in the ex- . cv, r f.'""'" these w ale. s.' we,;t him olf, Pn.g.nrt and Scott ( hinder piession of sentiment this morning. The ' WW '""'"""I C- lWP"'y" ,'!,P "rwl "0i"1i k,,:0,' w,"'n ,lir-v' Wnn.l (Wrf ,,re in fm-or ,.f . I. s,"1,.!''. every man at his oar, and every came fatigued, nnd were wn-hed of! by guagc of the report, h has been expelled be enabled to declare to you either th.'.t ' ''unts. my conduct has been approved by the President, or that my mission is termina ted. I avail myself, Ac, LEWIS CASS. His Excellency Mr. Gimot, Minister of Foreign Affairs CA merchant of New York has writ ten a letter to (ien. Cass, suggesting a the facts in a few days. method by which, he thinks, a satisfacto-' ry arrangement could bo made with Great IT5., Another fire broke out in Harris! Krilnin for inquiring into the nationality j burg on Sunday night, in a building on of suspected vessels. He recommended r...i. -I.,... 1. ,:.i n r .... i ..i i.i. ' i rt., 1 1 , Tl.. I 1 !.. .1 . TT A report from an unofil- 01 l""" '' "ls !"l l"e 1 cialsou.ee is in circulation that Governor , 1,0 as enmie.i to ...ro per an-Cummin.-, has been comnelled to retire :"" Tho act referred to gives the w.d- from Salt Lake city, or rather, in thc Ian iciiyunf. city, and the Tmc Ih lUnxwX Jhlla in favor pf the Vigileiiee Coinmittec. The lest are neutral. A crisis is exected to-day . New Orleans, June 4 Noon. The ex citement is still on the increasi oar doing its work. Ihe sie ol the rait wave. Pavilion alone remained clinginj was 5f.ll feet long, by COO wide, nnd the to the cratt, until at last, a lmat from tht amount of lumber which it contained full I.icht 11 ou.-e. nenr I'oit llni.illon cjiniotO a w, II,,,,, ofjWt, together with C.'.tl.dliil lath, his relief nntl took him on shore. Hotris and J:!."(I,IK)I) shingles. There ieie two eom.letelv exhaused, and nearly an how houses erected on board, and the whole 'clinked before, bn was eimbled to detail MM. r 1 : 1 . ( .en ni.icers lousisieil OI caplalll. oars- the clleiiins niu es I n nus fnL-.oi to H ., i . i in. i.iiiii.i im issiit-.i oiiti-rs hi nricsi, i i .. ,. . . ow three years full pay. , , M....inr,U .r il. ""'n.two cx.ks.one clerk and bot lie wash- residence in Gowanus. The bodies had not The lai'L-est raft ever brousht down tho 'leaders of the Committee. Some of tb rr.w,.,K,. toccthcr with a black bear nnd i been picked up when the Herald went til bv lb Susnuehnniui river, was brot to ll'ri.dits- members ol the Committee -v . ......... , .... . x. ..t..t . I 1 - ... c? .....1 ... .1.. 1... 1 'I'l.:.. .1 . ',.,11,. P.. n,. T.w.u.l.,f 1. rinlnl .,..1 iini.i j inu ii,i, i,s moi,, ui...... v.. ...v....j. ....- '""""jthev will hang them. ",v J'" '"vr oen.ers. WIfN rutsiiiENTs Dinf On Ivy say the least, looks fishy. V. e will know of the Siiinemahoning creek in sections, Tlio rumor is current on the streets thai' x- Crocketts return to his constituents nfter declare that if , f'"' "'!' U the occupants. The! prcss.-.V. '. lhruhl. i arrest M-iinnm 11 nu! " "y .lames I ranet. One o . i auesi .u.iginnis, ,i, . ,.,-... i,...r. , . ... ' , land rafted at Lock Haven. It is 34S feet a ccmproinise has been elfoetod, by which i long and 22 feet in width. The news from Illinois and Indiana is New Samiatm School Misic Mr tliut an American Congress, nation of I negrii that those States are pretty much drown lieutenant shou Id be i .. . . 1 l t i ti. t..i r sworn in as oolieemen. nnr (vn-ri'sniin. i v "ll " " "" rub' s 111 1 placed on every British cruiser, and .hat a o, '.,e . ,,,,r,,, .,. a large stock , - v j (lont lms ,,eo'n r(,rus0(l admittance nt the for Sabbath Schools, of British lieutenant should be lilaced on ev ery American vessel, on tho look out for slavers, and that any suspected vessel sliould bo visited, and her papers exami ned by tho oflieer who.-e national flag she might carry. In this way, he believes, all feelings of national honor and pride might t respected, and the ends of a visit at tain ed without any possibility of offense. BQuJognt Chun. lor Gangooli, a young Hindoo of the Brahmin or high caste, who has embraced Unitarian Christianity in In di.i under tho ministrations of Hov. Mr. I.ill, is now in Uoton, having ?omo to ATirici for the purpose of perfecting his education, lie is a gentleman of raie in telligence and high culture. Blnen. Jackmun's saw mill at Lock iUveo w.w do: troved bv fire on M'ednos dsy. iow! fia.OJO. ' 1 ' 10- Ins first session in 11 11 1 w ...... . ... i ne cuy omciais arc to deliver up twenty- "-" m.-u-Min i.usie . unnsuer and inem furrounded linn one day am five noted rullans to receivo their just de- Piano Dealer, of .V.3 Proadway, N. York t0 interrogate him about Washington. sorts at the hands ol justice, and that five lirls ipnentlv issued n v..v .. ii 'What time do thev dine ot Washing hundred men, from each side, are to be r........ .. .- ..." , ton. Colonel '' nsked one ivmns ari,,. . i i tu-iifc ini?. i.ei-ii iciusi-u mi. in. in. let? ni in of books, belonging to the. School Depart- "ntor. The rains have beaten down the ci(y j, nf) illfrnilltion cnn 1m o)). . , ntni in, I t.' I II II If II lin'MH'i ' mnro h you are Jiore. not thoir (iinnors nt onf OlMMSnll 1 1 I . . I X...A. ,1 It. . Jin ment oi tl e State, were in tho lower por- rendered corn planting impossi- tllln0( frnm tic cilv nutllol jtios. . tmn uuillt Tlie ,vol.dl) re ' excc,,lo,)t at three. As for representatives we dinf tionof the building, together with other l,,c- Ohio is not much hotter off. 'Ihe igileneo Committee, it is said, ' , ., .,.. .,,- v, . i .-. l . . i .' l'""', nnd the aristocracy and the Sen- naveonerod to giveup their present stand, " : h" -r-". "ni,;u,, n(, llon-t pot tu,ir9 til livc. B.The President has appointed Dr. C. j provided the city authorities will vest the nttwl to tne astos and life of the young, j 'Wei'., when does the President fodder. II. Ilunler, of Reading, agent for the iiur-i P0llce. H"11.08 in uicm- igilanceis very simple, easily mastered, and full of ked another, documents, a great portion of which were destroy d by tho water and flames. The fire was the work of an i ncrndiiny loss is not known. The! f!JThe Into heavy rains caused Borions floods in the Ohio, Moiiongnhela ond Mis-! souri rivers. In many instances, whole green trees, with heavy branching limbs, with the speed of a steamer. The amount of lumber, nhinglos, rafts, barges, flats, haystacks, boxes, barrels, cotton, and drift wood of every description afloot in those nver waa immense. ' '. : . , : i . r e , dp .i -, i A, i v.-t nn . i ii n e v- .s coiuouscu oi men oi an no lase of anthracite coal for the use of tho , .... . ,. . 1'" . , r, . ,,,, , . Iitical parties, and the movement cannot. United States government. I ho oflice is J therefore, be attributed to any particular said to bo one of tho most valuable in the party. It is conceded that, if the Vigi gift of the Executive the agent receiving l"" Committee succeed in their efforts, a commission on his purchases. t,ie ,Am,ori.oftn I-nrty connot elect their 1 candidate for mayor, Gerard Stith,, at tho , .. . 'election on Monday next. Bomeo tne miners near rottsvillo, New. Orleans. Juno 4-Afiemnon ... ii i . mi rjA'",,c v' iud iiiiircu nenr iinisiiiiui wvr Omriva standine unon the bnnkv ivm imi-nni,fl.,..rL..i.' i . i. .... iE u"l,I-"5i "."'"'-"i siniCK ior ii.Kuer wages on inn -win un., : rf,v ,., i,.r n ,,,,,, i.. . and lrne alonff .mn ti. .nn ii,iJ.,i ....!. it. T1' . flty men, liaung two cannons, havejust " "i - -... tiu. ".. " .t.. ...... -..a akrn nossession iiiiiLH & n.'i ions r il tM'ciirri.i. i .in ' x..i. ... -i , . . nt Militnrv wern called nut. anil ul'tr the or. -i-t. .. .. ' i T j " i i j nre S"1U lo De organized dv tno men mark- rest of the ringleaders quiet waa restered. e(l ont by the Vigilance Committee for punishment, and whose surrender toj'us- "Btllon. Thomaa Rufun, of 5t. C. do- tico had been demanded by tho city au clinea a re-election to Congrws. thorities. feeling and pathos. There are "Happy "Old Hickory,' exclaimed the Colonel greeting to all," "K nd words can never v ' . ? . 11 " uu ;i!..i ..-ei n. , , M neo with the dignity of the station f die, "Do good, "ihe Ttacher's prayer," Hickory ! well he don't dino till Uw ne "Let us be happy and lot us be ga)," "0 day!' that beautiful world," "I have a Father in I tho promised land," kc and many oth-' Monmoitii, 111., .Tune I-A terrible tor- ers eouallv attractive imefnl ,i . nft, Pnss' over FJliston, about 12 mil eis equally attractive, useful and pleasant, .t,,1 thilt , lfU n; ht. EverJ All for three cents, or two dollars per J house was blown down, fifteen person hundred copies. Postage, one cent. Wel were killed, and several others fatally i think it will ho a favorite in the school, The village contained 500 inlil"- onil t tho Rroi,l nf ii u i . ' i tatits, and the reiwt says that none esc r. mn.Ve tV r . I P iniarT' No particulars have been - ful music, or the animated faces ef happy ! ceived. The excitement in the vicinity ennaren. intense.