Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 02, 1858, Image 3

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    HOME AFFAini.
Kl I Vll'l llnUI..- ,y rrfci lug In mil'
vrliin(t ci1iiiiiii it will l) mt Mr
Win. A. Mnmi Inn taken tl.c lb ining
Ifol. 1 funni ily known n Iho "(ioml In
ti'iit," mid Im refilled mi rcCiii-iiMu-il it
1n tnmlem stjlc Mr. iM,n (.f t lio
linii-t txM'i'iiiii'.i hiitvlbirdi along the
route frnm Tyrone t I!rio, mid unu ton,
wlio never fails to limKo eninrurtul'lo thine,
who bei-nine 1 1 it (.'Hi st. 1IU houo will al
ways bo found to bo truly n home for the
"weary trawler."
One 'iioi.R i) ,v nn.l tho prospects
nf another, ii n 'vith winch wo have
lint bei 11 favoured for many wock until
yesterday mid to-duy. Tho wenth.ris now
Ieur, genial, ami spring like, ami yegein
tion is coining forward i-ujidly . Already
tin; fields mid forest, 'begin to w.-nr their
l.;l.t ,...., .,.!. .......
h"- fc'" "'-, ".lieu nu l(iMg will
tlcepen into tho dark mid lu.vtiriont hucx '
of luattiritv.
foe nar column of new advertisements.
Two or throe names of retailers of Mer- i
.. . , . wero omitted in the (mpraisois ,
list. They will bo found in our'advertis-
ing columns.
See fourth page for Tax sales, mercan
tile appraisers list.
T . , i at. last win, us blue Blues
and green fields. Now is the reason for!
Pic Nics and rural rambles.
Till! Rivrn was again very much Mvolh n
by the recent mine It was above a raft-
ing flood on Teusday,
May him departed.
but has rinee fallen
is now anion l
the things that were. We can not sav
eaeeto its ashes for it was too wet to
burn and therefore left none. Wc Should
t i ii f , . . . ...
speak kindly of the dead, and. -rwill ; but
we would just remark that there wiis'nt
may day in the whole month.
The American Amtic ii.ti ralist. This
valuable ncicntifie journal, continues to be
published in New York by 0. Judd F-sq.
at one dollar in advance . The June num
ber which wo have just received is espe
cially interesting and valuable.
Kmsrson's Magazine and Pctnam's
Moxtiii. y for Juno, has just reached us.
It ,. . . . ,. ,
lt Is nil nvoniiilimrli' in t..tA i m . .......1....
; fcv -'"s iiuui.n-i ,
sind is very welcome to our sanctum. Py
the way wo have not yet seen the May no
the publishers not furnish us with it ?
Peterson's Bank note list, What has
heroine of it? We received tlio first and
-eeond numbers of this publication, and
.... , ,
eavo it n eoninliiiioiitiii".-niidoo ninl i.hmc.l
, j ;
it upon our exchange list. Since then we
1-iavo heard or seen nothing more of it.
l)oes the publisher cortider us compensa
te! by two numbers? Vie wait a re
sponse. Some time last winter, in the eirly part
of it. Ono number (tho Pee.) of tho Lit
tle Pii.iikih found its way, (whether de
signedly on tho part of the Publi-hcr or
not we are unable to say,) into our snne
tum. Poing much pleased with the publi
cation we spoke oommcndingly of it, and
placed it on our list of exchange., presu
ming that we would be favored with aj
fight of it occasionally in future; but voj
are sory to say we have been thus far dis
appointed, j
Tun Democratic M'nus, Tlellefonte, Pa.,
lias re. -en tly changed hand, J-T. Jolin-1
(iton has retiicd, and Messrs. l!eed and
Roylc have n'sumed the editorial control j
of its coliinins. Tho retiriii;: Fditor has !
our best wishes for his health, happiness. '
mid pru-perity in whichever of theivniks)
of life it may be his future fate to tread. j
His successors have our sympathies nmi.l j
tho heavy responsibilities they have a-,-
sumed. Pcouniaiily we uish them iin-i
iiiii,.v.n, Mn i es.. i uiiiioiiiy, our wisii...-,.jvj
could do them no service, the catue in 1
which tho are embarked is hopeless. J
WAiimicn Frui'vdr (Fr'fnl T,
. j
is the title ofagerman Newspaper, the
.Jirst number of the first volume of which
:we have just received, w hich is published
:in Zioglersvilh) Montgomery county Pa.
.Not being able to read the language in
iwhieh it is printed with facility, wo are
.unable to say much about its merits or
sentiments except that it is neatly print.
ed, at one dollar per year ; and is strictly '(
.neutral. The name of either editor or
publisher docs not appear. May its mic-
ocm equal th exiioctntions of its f.,..n.ler8. 1
1 - . i
Distiies.sinu Ki knt Two Men Dit.-H NED.
After wo lind oil" about ono fourth cf
our issue we revived intclhgrnuo of the
following niehuicholy and fnUil
renco, which took jdaee ntChcist lulls this
(Wednesday) nioriiiiip. A hirgo Fiar had
Wliroil in l.n ,;.,o f i...f ..i .i i
C- nil .. 'mi l.- nnu uu-
otruetcd nbout one hulf of the chunnel
A ruft belonging to n Mr. Sumineryillc
, . . , , . i
haying six men on Wd, came along and
ran under the spar, sweeping four of the
men into tho nt ream. Two of them were'
... ..i.n mn
. ., . . . ., .
rescued by the two remaining, on the raft,
.out oeiore uiey couiu reacn mo oiuer two, er to imagine his feelings, for ho said not
they wero swept under it and drown- J ft word.
d. Their names wero Summervillo nndj Later in the day, a representative from
(Connor. the pine tree State requested a gentleman
'r:r . ' r i i w,l was defending the bill under consider-3-
lt is Mid that nernps of leather !atUm ot to ,)0 so vehement in his decla
burned under t plu.n tree, when in lull motion, lost he should wake up those rn-
till Willi lifl Hint lira mill) n ill ,,r iniA Hm I . .
1 , :,i iv . ii i ii .
tree. .ll etWtually kill the enrruho in-,
l Seel Wlll.-ll lli.wlnva tlin frnil
v tuuv un: Biiiwfto l. ii.w, ih n
Tho people of .Varyland have voted
Against the I.egislative rroiiosition for a:
.constitutionnl conveution. '
Brig. (len. W. . Ilnrney succeeds totho'r" ?e"liT " V1 they were to be
Brevet Major! Oenernlship, made vueunt Vd ?.nt ,b"nl, U'. within the bar
by the death oraw P. 1- Anitli. .!e-ro- of ,ho II."P' Vn W,'ckl"p ntl"
;...i.. ... i . .. .man ncain found himself an obectnf wnr.
ji.-us iu l .uiiike me more.
Kscftltif tiewi from,
l.rmMVMiMii cnVi mv o)(l(
M lUiNM'IMV, ,ty -.'(.il,
A Inm. ltti i. .-.;. ...I ...... i
I'l mg,.,g the ,..,.,,, "exth,,"
".it,.n,,n letter. Ined fin,,, Mn,.k, I. inn
;;m..ty.n the illih. oivi, ,, e,,.i,t of
t..ff ulK-od r rtr:li,,, ofn daring out
!.;;.. Ill" letter Mat.., Unit on the .M,n
I'.uly ol I'rn-.huery nun, ho,,, Mi..uri.
''" n't') the trading p,, situm,.,, .,
In' r..iel Ironi Fort Neu ( I.eavenwoi Hi
it n o, the Oni-to.) (lll ,k Uvo
nu n. named Andre- ,,,( riu,,,,.n ..;...
Oiler. 1
The hand then marched r..nvard, and
further up .-apture ! a Mr. Siillwell, reeent
l.v l'iii Iowa, and a in. in named Heed,
and oaihnued on tho load toward Kau
nas ity. till they had taken twelve men
prisoner. ,
The party then halted in deep ravine
when the prisoners (will, (he exception of
Mr. Andrews, who had been di-mUsed i
Ironi custody) were formed in a line and j
tired upon. Five of i !..., .,.., i,.n..,i
iiameiv Jessrs l w e If.w i '..I.
IM.; , ,..... '." ' '.vr"
11 ainpiicii, ami m were
wo".,."1,'vi- ,.
I "'- ,,om)insiiniont ot this I
work the hand rode otV
j The alt'air has created intenso excite-
C ltZ'ZT V"' '""'i
ion. was iieing oiganied to liUJ'.suo the
perpetrators of tho nnh n.
(.eiieial J.nne was at Lawrence, but it
was not Miown whether he would partici-
pate in the pursuit.
J'ho contested Probate Judgeship was
decided to dav bv Jllchre I.oer,i....i. ; f...
vur ot .Mr
Gardner nclveiso tr Mi
Lot is, Jfav 27. The westoner. em-.
resp indent of the ll-pub'tcan gives a total
ly ilill'erent version of tho atl'.iir reported
from Le.ivenwor: ii.
From this account it appears that Cap
tain Hamilton and .somo twenty others,
who had been driven from Lynn county
l.y Montgomery's men, after placin,,' their
families in safety in Missouri, iletermined
to 1','u"''' Hie Territory to look after
M !"'",,Ct l,.".,ir P;i'ty.
On approaching ChoieauK Iradni! i.o-t
the mo.ninof tho VMU Ik
'stationed at that place mistaki'n-them for
I .Uongomory s men, came out to meet
j them, when they were all taken prisoners
j by Hamilton's party.
From one of the prisoners Capt. Hamil
ton learned that the robbers (.Jontyoiii-
1 cry's bund.) were stationed at Snvdei's, a
fortified house, a short diitauce fiom
((.'iioutau's post.
; Under promise that they would return
I home, tho prisoners were released and
i dismissed.
.'i.i,ii n.,...;ii.,' l.. ii
s..,. ...... e.-iiimuii a imriv uieu lno-
'.ii. .i i. , . 1 ......
eeciien to ine .--nycier liouse, w hich is sit-
uated in a ravine, Hanked by rocked walls,
! l''v'ding into two parties, they approach.
i' 'f ''"m;'1'!1' il!ilW'in-' "h-V ,,P?ri,,1,?
a gun tired on tho opposite iiide of the
i lill, they charged on the spot, w hen they
''"'""vered the men whom they had first
; t'ul . '"i"-' i'1.'1'1 '"" '"
, tlieuiseUes at a lieighl.orina house, and
1 ...t i . ... .. i
uiiv. ii soon i:ui tu nil viler s liouse.
V light ensued, resulting in the death
ol ten ot the robl ers. amons whom was 1
Captain Heed, one of Montgomery's Hoard
of Commissioners, before whom his pris-!
oners are tried.
In a feiv minutes, tho main force in Snv
der s house rushed to the woods nod is-
The correspondent of the Ilqwh'ican,
who gives the above account, distinctly
states that not a Missourian took l art iii
the al.uir, and that Hamilton's party waslpi'd a woman without it as strange if not
solely composed of thu men w ho had been 1 unhealthy, and godless men often select
driven from the Territory a few clays be-! l''0,ls wives, because they Fee that piety
fore. ' softens and deepens and elevates every
.. natural or.-ieo r.f iiei-kz-i.-i r.i..l ..-.-..i' ...........
TIT V. I is-l' i.- vu i.-ri.-,.Ti,iv i
The election in Kansas on the Leaven
worth constitution which was held on the
e.i.. .1 i : i . . i ... i .
nu. is sain 10 nave oeen a. verv meini-o
alliiir; nobody seemed to take any inter-
o t in it. In Doniphan county, at several
pre. 'hints the polls were not opened ; and
not half the vote of the county was poll-
cd. Jhe constitution is supposed to have-
carried by al-otit T-I'l majority. The vote
for Slate officers was nDo small.
A Sleeping Member.
Ye (onlay, whilst the Horn-owns in Com
mitter, of the ll'hole (..ii the state of tbo
l.'nion, engnged in the consideration of
the bill nniuimr npiii-'ii .nations for sundrv
t,p,n-e (!f
year entliiiL' the
expon-e-' of the government for the
".nth June, l.-.r,'.", it was
nu- of the representatives
was quietly sleeping on a
di - ci - . erci that
of "dear poo) 1
sol:l wit Ion 11
ii- ol t l:o liouse. He lay
at full length, hi, hair carefully pushed
from his brmv, and his urm carelessly
thi-ov. n over the back of his head.
(lo'-llv .lie ltel..i( i-i.l ,1. v.r-., ii.i.... I.
suhMitutea .liilerentlyeomtnicted X
boat lor that now inireon the coast ol ;
New Jersey was interrupted by the vigor-;
ous efforts or a member from' one or the
western districts of the Slate that boasts of'
the llermitaue." to obtain the ear of the i
uunnan. 1 lie itorfViMiuice of tlio nu'iii-i
bor was rowardcil, as s-ti.-li liprsoyoranrc al-
ways i-., wlicn bp imvc.l that the fiiii. ting
' .V' 11 " " Mn!,KC 0,11 '"i"?1' I
thut "tho M.'p)iiiL' ini-iiibcr from Vnxinia
;mi;ht be wiiki-d up." Another lin-nibcr, i
'' 'rom anothor Mate, raise.l a p.nnt oil
!"'Jl'r lutt it wnsnot comiiotpnt for the
ColnIIlitt(.e of ,ho Who, (0 ';,,, ft con.
owur-'mittee either to -uke un ft JeeninP mom-
i r .i ! i . ' . 17
ncr, or lor the n-coinislinu-nt of any oth-
er l,l,1'I,osc. It is needless to add that the
point of order was sustained; but, for nil
that, the object w hich the gentleman had
in Mihmittimr his motion was neromt.lM,-
,1,,., .1,. .1. , ,
ed. The eye of the whole Uoue, togeih-
j, . r .i.i- i .
or Uh those of the ttingglinjr Pjiectators,
. . 1
"1" w,u s , V "", "nhc' "ls 1 'J"""!
. , . i. " i
.-. tiwi.-v -jiii II i iruiil hub lliuuill.-l llll.l
(the clapping of hands. We leave the read-1
i' ""i" "im nnu iini'ii en iiiuii-;
funv tho other night to procure the nt-
'i 1 . e
TCt i(. in,,m ilipa ... 1 ... 1 , n. I
tendance of a quorum by Arresting honor-
. der, nnd iain was greeted with the lauaht-
or, . of is iellow-iuembers.- M'ashiniton
One line fills up this column. Exchange.
An old , lv r.'MdinttiuOhlodioiU f.w
d.ijs an,.-.' r,. in ,.,,(,,,,, U leaves of tho
r-inmnti h, whirl, me exceedingly
poisotimi., nil hough the Menu nrclinrm
low. A lai-rto I I U p,.-,.,! through Timkhnn-1
nock 'a one day hut w, k drstinod for
1 hilm elphia. It weighed nix hundred
pounds, ha been broken to bunion trots'
a mile in two thirt v, and has been cold for
f I'HMI. It mi, oiuighl in tho wilds of .No-'
biiiska imil is but two yearn old.
Sot. Willed or Indiana is lving ill and
llu( e.vpcee.l to live. "
Henry M. Itire, one of tho liemocra'iej
l lilted Slates Senators from Minnosotu !
is only thirty five years of ago, is a uativei
ol .Madison, X. y.f ,ui jH ,,rinl(r ;
Tin- time between New Oilans and tho
city of ashington is now reduced to four i
days and a halt'. j
A movenieiit has been made in Missis-,
sippi to reiue.t tho rosisiiation of (ioveni-
or Me 'i ;., Tl... . i . , . i . ... .
V V. ",r '"T""" uie ,-iaie nro
very niuiuiiant at the hist exercise of I'x-
ocntive eleiiioncy, which has turned lojsc
notorious asa.Mi, named livsoii
The l!ev. I)r. llowinan. of I.niirnster
was yesterday elected Assistant I'.i-lmi. of
this Diocese. The choice is a most happv
one in all respects. Dr. llowinanisu most ,
sincere Christian, a learned divine, and a
man whoso many virtues eminently iiuali-'
fy him for tho post to which ho lias just I
been chusen. The fact that he is a Penn-:
-ylvaniau by birth, feeliiiL', and association, !
is also a reeomrnondationof no trilling im- j
porl.mce. PnmsiUnnuiii. I
The Saw and Plainins Mill owne.l 1,.-'
j Marcus M. Wheeloek, in this j.Iace, was j
' destroyed by tire on AVednesday morning'
ii.isi. i no are was not tliscoverd until t
was too lute to extinguish it. The loss to
the owner is probably between and
;il(K. lie have not heard whether tlio
property was insured. Clinton Democrat.
The second attempt at laying an Atlan-!
tie telegraph, is about being made; tho j
cable had been all taken on board and the I
vessels ready for atrial trip previous to
the last forrign arrival. We have not i
heard the result of the experiment with!
the machinery.
The highest waterfall in the world is!
said to be in the Sandwich Islands. It is !
..'ported as being between -1(100 and 5000 !
feet ill altitude. K.v. j
W under iT it i.- nt a mountain instead of
a waterfall?
li'm. Jones, the brother of Charlotte
Jones who along with Henry Fife was hung
in Pittsburg last fall, and who was once
tried and found guilty of the murder of
Samuel White, has been acjuitted at Pitts
burg on a second trial.
Why tiikiif. are moke Piers Women than
Mls. The reason there are more pious
women than men is not because, women
are weaker or their passions less powerful,
but because a feeling of dependence is
native in the female heart. It is because
the pride of independence has little or no
place there. U is because tho female
mind has to undergo comnarativelv a
small revolution to become religious. One
powcrlulliarrier that stands before the
ril(1' ol every man in his approach to the
valley of humiliation does not oppose the
passage of the true woman. It is very rare
that those w ho are denominated "s'trono
iiiiieiei. n.uiieu oecomc religious. J lie ;
pride of personal independence prevents.
So sweet and so natural a thing is piety
among wc-men that men have conio to re-
. ". 1 v...
plishmcnt of mind.
DIED In 1'iUo township, on Tuesday,
the 1st, John liorst aged about 54 .
i i
Restaurant and Eating Saloon.
1 I!- TAYI.OIt, licgs U-uvj to infunn his old
'""ii in the basement of Mes.-m. Murrrl A- fur.
ters Iron and Tin. Ware More : ami that hereiif.
ter he will always be prepared to furnish his cus-'
turners n iih every thing usually found in m.-h s-'
tiiblifhmenls to wit- lco frenin, Ale, I.nsur
liier. Tolnieeo nnd Ciirnrs of tho very best quiil- j
ity, Fruits nnd Coiifci-tioiiiiiy ofall'kinds, .t c.
Thiinkftil fi rpnst fiivors, hu' solicits a cinilinu.
nm e oi j iiLlic putroiKige. uiny I H, ' jS.
CAI'TION' AW persniis nre hereby caution.!
ii K u ' o ' uicdilling will, thn lolbiivini; proper
ly, now in the possession of Thonins Hecres, as
snid property whs liou-ht l.y me, alid lefi with
the ..lid licers on limn, subject to my order . Olio
ll.:y niaie, 1 Ilhu-k or lliowu Horse, I Two llorto
Uaon mid ono Timber tied.
May IU, l.iS, WM. P0KTEI1.
lITAVTr.Ii-Tn unnn n .i . i
pleasure carriage fr a horse one well
nni? i.., n..i ...! , , . ' ...
I m r , . i, . r l.,i-.f J. .l . i
-i- - v...s s iiiucui. is iiuw vyvu
for tli nrcommudution of rhe imLlio.
will find this n convenient house
Wny 19- 18;'8- OIIS JOltDAX,
7. . A
V j nnorv vriAirv n
tfV 0 ' ,.t,V
, JTT, ,. . . ' . , tion .
niJLLf ALE and Retail, at price, to suit
' l T1 ,'ir ncw 1Jo"' S!'09
( 'i"re o. a nuriii (-o.-onn i., a lew uoors 00-
jiow the Hhick Horse Hotel, Phila.
j piv Wo try to please and sell che.ip. Notice
, to country mcrclmnts. Constantly on hand
! lnl'K" iv-"'-tment of Men and lloys' Hoots, Gaiter.
i?"'1 BroKans, coarse and fine; also, Wrmen'i A
"'. '"I .''T. v 1PA"! 14o".'Dd
well .elected stock of louths and Children , wear
Kneriiy. w, WOuld respectfully iuvite you to
ca" """ CXI1"11U0 Ior yourselves.
jr,,"Ki mJ J"""'""0 .n,,a ' ""'-!
.i ., -,;i . iu.. "il
April 17. I8S8. 3,n.
iiorui occonu u
TIMIE subscriber informs his friends and the
I iiublie generally that he 1. now ro-establish.
ed in the old shop ou 3d st., latolr occupied by '
T I. I. .... 1 . : 1 .. . i. i . . ... . r
Jacob Miunkwilcr where he hope, by .triot at
tention, and keeping a stock of asortcd iron to
merit tho favor of the public.
Country produce and rash never refused. An
apprentice from Id lo 19 year, of age will meet
npprenuce irom 10 w is year, ol ace will meet
will, a ood .ituation if apHcaticn b.made soon
,.r.r. ...
UEO. v. OUR.
Way 9, 18i7.
1$ C I : X 1 K A I. llOli iTiyrone, Pa
fllllK subscriber would respecsfully inform his
JL old friends in Clearfield co., and the public
geuorally, that he ho. taken the above House,
where he wonld be happy to acoounnodate all who
may favor hi in with their custom.
Jun 10, 1357. pd.
I.,.,, ..:.. r
nHncaii,.,,, v,UUlMl-;ii
OF 1S58 liaTinjr cnminoiii-cil,
HKMY stun".!
KAN St Alt.-. ,,h tn impr.-M
llu-M) fiii-tn uii.iii tV tmlilir, vin :
"a '"'""
lilii &11UVV Jt Oii.
ConfuleiH hut thev hav ...
(led in this iei('i . nnJnt ciitill
(lent thut tlio i.iilili,. will mlinit
it, the niiiiiiii.iii roypcntrully in-
suo n,i t i ro'iil, beliulJ mid com.
pare. Tho Music Car
will enter town on thn morning
of exhibition, ami paimls thro'
tlio principal thoroughfares,
.liiiHii by iplcnilid Hoedi, tuni
contniuiiijr tho
New York Buglo Band,
It I C 11 A It D WILLIS.
Will Exhibit at CLEAR
FIELD, Tuesday June Kth.i
Admissios 25 centi
Doom opened at 2 and 7 o'clock.
Pefriirinmicii half au hmir Inter.
Two distiet perfornianceii after
nonn and cveiiiig.
Among tho muny splendid at
triietiouii of the French and A
merienn corps of
Riders, Vault. -rs, Tumblrrs,
si Accrobats, Magicians. Co-
Ttii .'1 "'ecuaiis, i;aneers, V o-
"" enlists, io. &c
x-rfJvL Are (hc.ulou-inr :
rV Tho Qu -cn of French Eiiuentri- IDA.
Tbo P:iry-I;ke French Rider
(Wi nn.l DniKcun.
--Xtx MR. cuas. k. tsiicinrooD,
i''3'?V3" '&'ru0 g"'"1"--'' Kcneral perforinor
Wiiiir MOKtiAX.
Tbo rrenih Uerculen, .Magician
nnd Ciintirlifinint.
ljbf The mntchlcfs Komemet ltider,
Tjfi Leuper nnd Vnuller.
M'-VL Tll French Acrobats.
2- MAST Ell C11AS. SII Ell WOOD,
The grcntcst Hoy ltider in tha world.
The Far Famed Ainericun Tno IIorao Rider.
Tho Juvenile Prodigy of tho ring.
llie American vloivn nnu lhwo linger,
This Company will also perform at
1 luiip-imrg on Monday June i th.
Lumber City, Wednesday, June, Oth.
LuUiorsburg, Thursday, June, 10th.
A. MONTSOUEIiy, u. x, lr.L,
Just Received at the store of Montgom
ery & Hippie,
critwl-svi n I.- ta
Cunjifting of overy ihiug usually kept 'in aco un
; ny Biore also a Inrge ((Uiintity of 1)11 LOS, to
1 which no invites the nttrnfion of Plivsieians Jaiid
j largo iiiiintit. of PATENT M EI)ICIS Et
j among nhi.h tuny be found the followiug :
Jh. Jane's Mc'liciiim,
J)r. Knnu-ilm's "
h. tlnjf'lmule' German Hitlers.
Dr. Cartife's Jfiicana Inhaling Vapor.
Dr. Clark's Female l(s,
Dr. Ayre' s Clerni Pietoral and Pil't.
Dr. Ttnmp.ion's Medicines,
Dr. IliJavafi's Ointment and Pills,
Dr. Ten.ik's M pnitic Ointment,
Dr. Wriplif's Jininn VnieaHe J'ills.
Dr. Jieaty's Aeahian Ointment for Spain
and Jlinrjhone i? certain arc.
Iko, Eloiir, Oraln, Fish, Cheese, Pncon. lleans,
tryed Apples, Suit, A.-., on linnd., ami for tale
at all times.
The nbove we offer low fur CASH or P.EADT
PAY. As wo wi Idly to adheio to the Kn J
dy Pay System, ffcr our poods as low as th
owest, sud in a n pe will tnko all kinds of
rn rtuce at I lie Jliirhrst Cnsh Prices. Wo wii.1,
1 '" glv0 u" nnl1 JU1S' r"r l'eivei.
fch. 3, ,i?.3m.
JOHN FA H Kill a .5- CO.
818 (AVie .Vo.) MnUtttt,,
Importers, Manufacturers and dealers in La
dies, Gentlemen and 'hildrcns'
fancy runs.
Wholesale and Eetail.
'I F" '0-' woul'1 the attention of Ilea-
Llllti C?
,U ,m' nd ,,h,, J "'lh,r K"erally lo their im-
. uicn(l, g,ot.k of l-,.y Furs ror Ladies, fientle-
. men and Cnildren , their assortment embrace,
vnrk-ty .n.l kin.l of '.i.rJ, f r,, that will
Ve worn during the season, such as
Full Capes, Half Capes, Quarter Capes, Tal
mas, Vietui incs, Unas, Muff ('' Muffa
ters, from the jinest Ilu,isnin Sa-
Lie, tn the lowest price Domestic Furs.
For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fl'H
the direct importer, of oil our Fur. and Manu
facturers of them under our own supervision, we
fuel .atl.slled we can oiler better inducements to
derlcrs and tho public gononilly than any olbor
house, having an iinmcnso assuriment to select
l from and at the manufacturers prices It'c eiify
ost o rail.
Sept. Hi, IS57. im.
jas. n. l.Anmvrn.
. . .
1. lust '
T A It It I MICK TIMT, Attorney, at Law
AJ Clenrfiold, la., will attuhd promptly to Col-
.ioli., Land Aconclo.. Ac.. Ac. in Clesrfinl.l. 1
Cedtroand Elk coutitic. July 30. y i
RETAILER of Foreign nnd Domestic Morel,.
... f.l.w.vil.e,Clo.rllHd county, I-a.
Oil. wsville, August IS, 1856.
Blarkamlth, Wagons, Hugies, Ac., Ac., Ironed
on short notice, and the very best style, alius
tld stand in the borough nf Curwentrille.
IHe. 20, 1853.
mj. mi U ai.m r f i it !: i, i'
;.. i hu.niiA,
II ISA I.T A CO., .Mnmlie Inrni ..r llielti
fklll lilnlPi mi l Mill., I.ielii mnl 1....,!
lifiiipn a Uminll. la, K,niini.. f-n.ini niel Cri.-ki'l
(llnn , liiu ktl.i, H,n. nh. I lln.m'n, lii.lin i -Khui.liin
I,1;iiii,;, Wnlkin II lil.m, ..f I ,n,
Hllil l,..ltlio, !nvlikill ninl In. lift Hlllilior ,K,. ,
IHinilrm, Wui 1 ll.Oi,, Mi.mhv IlclU ami l'urn, i
M-ili llubc, ami lJull.ilj fckirn n u.'iy doK'tiie i
N. II. l!nrt;!.(in nf nil t- "ml ipinlitirn, !
rniiim lcl Cnwlii.l.-, lm.urtin uf t'lmiuui. hpon- 1
f fl-TIm tlli-ntion of tin. iiii'rrlmntr i.f Clear- '
fli'l l I'.iiinlv in r.'Keooirnllv VhIIcJ In tin. I
ailvirlij.'iiirnt. I. II. 'iily ,t t o. tnntiii laeturo llio
clinntro I.KKIt pKI.NS, ami ,w tho 1, ..h,"l
......c j,- uii'iiifpivvii, nnn win roi'rive in kx-
tfiuli ii'ii'ti fur (lit aiimo.
..t. 2, ISOT.-ly.
C h a p a t c Ii c a a n .1 Jewelry.
WA'-K "WAIL, ..h. "Phil,.,!.!
' ? I'1"" ""' Mil Jcwiiliy i-turu." .No.
(,,, x. till) No, it, jiecouU .ir,H, corn.r ol 6
) v 1 ( , n u, , l . i imr ui
U..M l.vei Watches, lull J,MC1 IS .M.a.f 2S 00
I.i'l''liei i 1 curat, . . . . . . j, J,,
Mlvi-r la-ver, lull jewelud,
- 12 00
- II 00
7 OU
- 7 Ol)
1 60
. 8 00
. 1 00
"ver I.auiR., jewel,, .
Superior Qnui tierp,
, (Juld .Specliicloii, - . .
' Fine Silver Sijeeliicle. .
! (Jold llracelcls, - . .
j Lady'n Uold l'encils, -
Miver ioepuui, per not,
(juld Fens, with I'cncil and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finder Riuga :'t conti to $.S0; Watch
Glume, pluin li!J centa, pmont 18j, Lunet 26;
othor articles in proportion. All goods warranted
to b what they are (old for.
Suceessurs to 0. Conrad.
On hand ome (lold and SiUer Levers and L-
pine, vtiii lon er thau tho above price.
October 7, lSW.-ly.
1)!lsli-lau, may ho found either nt his office
lit Soollold's uotol, C'urneiuvillo. when not
profonnioaully ubaout.
Dec. 29, ISil
'! 1-.-. unit lurni: tnKen in ex
V cliniigo lr TIM and IIAZUwAKE ut the
clmiigo fur
cstubliiihiiieut of.
July 10, 1S67
Dlt. (;l'.OH(.i: II.SON respectfully giv.
iiotico that ho has resumed the IVactiee
lledii-ine, and will promptly attend to all calls iq
he prufenMon. LutlH'rsl.urg.Ap'l 2, ISifl.
roi, lMHiinlers. Cnrwonsvillo. An oxteiuivo
ansnrtinvnt of t'atili"S made to or.l..r
Dec. 29, Ibil.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office aj.'c ning
residence on Becond Street, Clcii1 ilJ,'f
Juno 1. lsj.
A ' persons knowing themselves indebted by
note or hook account of ono yeur or moio
rtauitiiiK, nru positively requested to call and pay
off, otherwise, they will bo treutcd accordini; to
law, without respect to persons.
FiencheiHc, Mny 5, 1S6S.
Ei:ic aged and iiilii m iu body, I mn desirous
to ettlo and close up all lay worldly business
All persona having claims nguimt Mr. aro there
fore requested to present them at one for settle
ment. I ile.-iro to he my own executor
cvi U'iTox.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned amount
buying, or in any way meddling with 2
Milch Cows, one red aud the other brin lle. now
tn tho possession oi Joseph Millivard, of Docatiir
tp., as tho sniil cows belong to mo, and aro in his
posses-sioa on lonu only, subject to my oi lies and
Sept. 2.1, 1SS7. St pil.
C lt'T'OX All persons ar horeby cautioned
ngainst purchasinij a certain note drawn bv
mrt I.. ru.... ..r c ii' .ri . . . r-
'' ai'.T ii. innmpson, anted ZUlu
August, is;.r, for $2.), us I have i.ot received
value therefor und will not pav it.
, ., HA.NiEL E0WMAN'.
April nh. 18i7. 3t-pd.
STILL continues the buii,eS, of Chair Making,
aud House, Sign and Ornamental Pniuting at
the shop formerly occupied by Troutiimn Kowe
at tho cast end of Market street, a short distance
west of Liti's Foundry. Jull0 j( j
Dlt. 51. WOOD, having changed hisloca
tion from C'uiwcnsville to Clearfield, res
pectfully offers bis professional services to the
citizens of the latter place and vicinitv.
li'.'sidciipo on Second ttim.1. iii.m..;'. .. . r
U. Ul.lllB, 1'.SIJ.
' ue.
I Ar.r.IES on Chairiiinking, Wheelwright, ar
J huiis. ,n,d .sign paint ng at Curwensvill
I :ear3eld co. All orders drouiptlv attcuded to
Jan. 5, 1 8 OS.
Dlt. W. M. CAMPIIULL having located as
hylcrtonn, tender, his professional service,
to the cituons of Morris and tho adjoining town
ships 1 o will nlwaya he found at the residence
or Thos. hyler, when not iirofo.sionally cniraL'cd.
May 21, ISitt. ' " "
A T tho mouth of Lick Run, fivo miles from
iV. Clearfield, MERCHAXTS, and cxtonsiv.
Munnfactiircrs of Lumber,
July 2.1, lbj2.
THE undersigned would respectfull inform the
cititeiis of Clrarfii ld and thu adioininc co's.
II... I. 1
"....uuii.ia, suircii in riitiipsuurg, a very
s" ii.iimij in giiuii, inciuning
Rye. Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat ! n"inowl'ota'r soton luaa r otherwise, win
Com and Barley. : con,l'r 8 fyr by returning them immediately
which ho will .oil iu largo or small lots on the I Mliri., , ,4 "' "' bW00I'E
mot t rensoiinblo terms aud nt tho lowot nrle,. I -' .-
Tho attention of those DeodinK anything in this
line is oil , -d to the stork, believing H would bo
to tueir auvantneo to aivo him a mil r...n
along then and be supplied by
Philiptdmrg, March 3, 1857.-tf.
I)HT81CI AX (idc. in Cunvcnsrille.
ALL pcrsonsjare hereby cautioned against
meddling with a certain note, given by the
und.- rsigncd to liartholnmew Madden, dated Sep.
--" v.-, a mimi note nas nei-n pam.
v , THOMAS M AlIAl'f EV.
u"""Sln, Marco 10. 148. i
. T V Tl". !
rarl "I LflllU 111 ITIValC Sulf
unilei.-lgned will sell ou easy term, a
L tract of 1,, containing about .ixlv-tno
acre., wilh about 13 acre. elc,n.d lying on the
..1 llraneh Llr th'Von ? rf r 'n d"
,nd ,,,,or huiUlill.r,. ' A ofi.. of 'ounff re
recently planted, and a Inrge scope of good mea-1
dew l.i.d render it a valuable nnd dcsiinble pro.
II UliCHITt swn.ilip i
u. uemi.ii riaiwiL.
April 22. 1S57.
UAKO.VAItlJ of everydetcription for salt
at a moderate advance at the store of
ms j 111
Th ni"i vt in f iliimliln Mel rtlfi-lna Mill fni
grueling all kinJi if (iiiln into On or .
nifal plr I - I'lh'p, f Ml.
ami,.., wm, i jonr-ftA nnoTiiF.ii,
iliiiiiilin lulvn rf Aciirullurftl lln'1piiMin)v
.No. 1 1 la, Mnrl,rt M., I'liilii.Mi.hia.
1))t Master, Mrirtmiit, mi, I rllmialve
lor i u imr'. timlii r, liouulu vUinglr,
Uriilinmiiiii, I; i in! f. i d tin. mliiji.
Jm. :.!, 1 Sjil.
A i Diron s yrriL i.:.
fljIS timliThiifiK.1! an Ao.litnr npiolntod ly
1 - ' T 72 . ' "e."!V"
Iintuni ucrnunt of Isaac lllouin, inliniuiatiatur of
tho estate John It. llljom, dee'd. boreliT giro
I notice thut ho v. ill dUehnrfrf I ho iltties of hia ap
I poinliiient on Thnmdiiy the 2jIi of .March, I3j,
I at 2 oViui-U, p. in. of suhl tbir, nt thn oflies of
hummer A Test in the borongh of Clenrflold,
whin it ii d where all perMHiH inlerestcil mar at.
lend. J. U. LAKIUM Ell, Auditor.
Fob. 2(.
' N. B. All persons interest. .1 in the u
jbove audit, will take notice that it is con
jlinued until Thursday tho l.'Jth of May
'next at the same place and hour, by I hi
'auditor. J. II. L.Ui RIMER,
March JStli. 18.
X. The subscriber having taken the above wol
known stand, formerly kept by li'm. A. Mason,
in Curwensvillo, Pa., is L'idy tu accoinuiodute all
who may favor him witn their patronage. His
table will always bo supplied with the best th
mark.t affords, and bis Ilur with the choicosl
liquors. His stable will bo under :he care of a-l
icntivc hostlers. DAVID bMlTlh
Curweusville, April 21. Hi.
Estate of A. BennetDalo, dee'd.
IETTEItS of Administration on tio estate of
J A. II, Dale, lute of Pike tp., dee'd. bavin;
been granted lo the undersigned, al persons in
dobtvd to said e.tute will iniikc payment immedi1
ately, and those having cliiims aguinat the same
will present Ihoin dulv autlienticiitod for settle
Nov. 18, 1S6T. pd.
roi: haiie roTTiiitv von haw
Tho property occupied by Porter A Uro. in
llrady tp uear Lulhersburg, will be sold loir (al
the owner contemplates removing westward) the
pottery is in good order and has connected wills
it about oO acres of laud, about ono half in grasii
tho balance iu wood. There Is a new twe story
dwelling and sufheiont stabling and sheds on the
place. Uood uiutorii.l for the manufacture ol
stone w.iro aud abundance of coal oro ou th
property. For terms apply to
L. J.'CKANS, Clearfield.
May 3. 18i7.-tf.
Colds, Cough, Croup, Ac. Sold at Jos. Uoon'l
Shoe Shop, Clearfiold. ocU 28, '67.
T. Vr.HXOX HOI ST. Lumber citv.
Clearfield co., Ta. The uudcrsiirned noti-
lies tne pu'ilic mat lie lins opened . ut the abora
named house, and thnt ho is well prepared to ac
oomnioduto all who may fjvor him with a call.
The house is throe stories high, is cnmmodiuu'
and well furnished, and nc pains will be spared
to render satisfaction to hi-giiests, Ilia liar is
always supplied with choice liquors of all kiud
There is plenty of siabling connected wilh
the liouse. lie solicits a share of public palronag i
j7l. cuttlk,
VttoriH-y at and Land Afrent, ofdi'
adjoining his residence, on Mnrkot slroe
Clearfield. 51 arch 3, 1SS3.
OMOVAI.. The undersiL'iicd anounce. l
the "w holo world and the rest of mankind."
that he has removed to the shop recently occupi
ed by I'uidcbiiurrh & Alien, as a tailor shop, in
Shaw. How, where he will at all times be found
ready and willing to attend to the 'solos' of th..
bootless part of creation, Hi. work needs no n '
commendation it recommends itself, and he caif
with prid e point lo his liirjjcly increased custoM
in proof. Ke.nly-uinde work of nil kinds, will b.
kept constantly on hand. The hiirhcst market
price paid for hides. JUij. U00N.
Alay UlU IW.
( C0VEKY. Which is a purely rtirtal'
reparation, for tho purifying of the blood, gh
ing vijjor to the Liver, stomach and bowels, un I
expelling from tho system all morbid Biattor an-l
subetitiiting in ils slond a lieallhful astivily thr..'
all the functions of life.
James B. England,
(K-o. Huberts Smith it
Mary K. bin wife, nnd
Charles I', Fox
In the Court r.'
Common 1'lean i f
Clearfield Count;
No. SI.Novemb.v
Term, 1857.
Summons in
Wm. V. Fleming.
Ejectment for ubout
eigniy acre o"
and in l'ike township. Clearfield Countr.
bounded north nnd east by the Krie tuni
pike, west by lands of Win. M'N'aul, and
south by the south linecf No. 3013, heins
part of No. 3C13. Writ returned No'-,
And now, TSth Nov., IS.r7, on motion c.
Wm. A. Wallaeo, Esq. J'I'ilW Att'y, Rul
on tho I'.sf't is granted, to appear am'
plead, and publication of said rulo is Or
dered according to lar.
(.'ertified from the Record thli 5.-1
March, A. D. 1868.
I'.v the Court
GEO. WALTERS, rrot'j",
1 AILROAI) HOUSE ; corner of Main and
S Whito Streets, ISiiouk viur, pa.
feb. 21. 'i8. II. It. MEAN'S, Proprietor.
books: books:'
"Il'UIX(l tho recent fire tho undersigned los
a milliner or .Miscellaneous books, in
brifty removal of hi. library. Person, bavin;
linv lionka hfllnni'iniv tn lii.nmi.p1al i.k I..-
. ri.-Rf-l! i vt , ,? , '
riiRCIIAXTS and Extensive Dealer, in LnuT
i-IA. ber, 4c, Jow ashiiiKton, Clearfield coin,
'il i'o.
cp. 29, '64 ly..
Xo.HOld.Xo.C,)Shi,ih Third S'r(et, le'mt
i Calfskins, Moroccos, Linings, liinilingi,
X, B. Itough Leather houuht or takan in ti
M arch 3,1 Si7 y.
U,"xh'" respootfully aunounces to the pub
'i"",! ,!'0 bovo ,land' ln tU bo'v
T "f -learlicld, uud it prepared to accommr-
may roi-t assured that it will b conductml In ih
.v n nu i.t liid ii i in m r ii 1 1 . i un nun i.
L'",1 u:"n,,fr V'Mo. Mi. table will be snppllr f
-.7 . ,' l"e,marKOt '" 'r lit: f
T- . . ,,,,,,,J uf "ine n(1 liquors, an 1
"" win ue nn.icr ine ear ot lutenttre au !
e,rnl , niviti u ur-4'rn
l'eh. Il,18i7.-y,
I CufM.t'rihti'u.!. fi and fVmf nl.lrtj1 k1.a.l .
W. f. IK H7K. 1 or mlt nt this offic.