BOROtMi ORDINANCE Ti f it I.'virn m "ii'Umo ' y ill I'.llu II. I "i-MI 1'i'IHi. i! I ( tho 1'i'l.tll-ll f I i-ll . . I : . : . I I .. ....... I . I I I- ill it V U- (iimI i I,. 1 1 I ii u'l.- lie iluty if lli" Mn i t ihIii! I uM.T tl.t- Li-I ihiv 'mil' H . t . to Iny ' T il I" hi- lui'l " .'in I'.illim in.; t w.-.i i : J'li-iit stri i t, i-f I'll' l. Ill .V ill i'. ! I.KIMIlt ft. '.i'-I si'l mm Mt I , y,' t i 1.". iiM l. ! Vm-iiiI st. n. ( "iiic !iiuii lii.ii'M i I i M of Front mi'l ' lO'tMnl. In i'. W . iui:h' nl oust n!i from Wi.lir.if ; t. to Tine si. On Thiiil t., wot siilc Ii.'M iii'iiy !' I'iiiii st. o.ut iih lavi.-i n.!i' !..! I" J m-usl. (hi J'otirth I. ril 'i I.1 !V"l.i ! .I to I.(i.'lit. On il'iilimt t. - ili. Ii'.'ii i 0111I1 h'.il.- id.' I'l.'iii !i.' I:' I. 1 "r 'Ht in .'. st-noith ii. ! I iilr.l -.. Cherry hi. i,i 1'ii.rt In Fotiilh north in : . t. Market st. .inrlli ilili' olilii si. I. llOljl 'il'' liiiikv to I i!lh si. t'r..;n !'. "lit to I'uiirili ft. Ix- I USt ft. SI.Ulll !'.!. lini'lli si' I " Ii in I'-oni Third to Filth ft. 'iimI tn Fourth stri ct. I -i t 1 f s I' t I'liinl Htt.vt. I. f. .-.iu.! lots a- thore nro iiOWIDl.l'ick, Moil'cf flunk fklo walk, ulfWPlk Imir 1", 'twill-) oil nil stvo.'tscx- 0)t ...Ul'Ki'I Ji I ill r-i'i'iuu I niul .s.'i oiiil", on hicll -triiots five I' i't i'l". I'.iviii',' the nuter tlifVO'if fi'ii 'ee'. '.vou tlia front lilies "I" the lot:' iM'for" n-!::i'!i they utt Uiid. to 'icniiulo of tv o invhee thick mi'l ft--ui'vi-l to rt'.ci-jnM'- 1 in the c'jhil' of tho eiroot I'roviilfiil tliiubi'foro luyins .iile wiilks hosliall trive the oui.rror own of th n'si e ! ivn lots liontulitii; on i-niil ! rei'tti, or in mso tho ownor cannot ho mud, then tho occiifior of the tiuno ten lavs notiet" to I.iv or ciuifO .iile wtilk to 'O. hiid in front of their lots l.y or b-.'toro .r. lut '. T,,.,n nnvt r - n v i, lo,l that' .. " " ' ',': ' . ,;, .i,.,,,,).'1 lie inuiris ui luin iiuiuiii. w - i-ili o-mu' .f ..!!,. l .v 1. nr. . .lilll U U IIU il l'''l.iwl I",! -'a. . uaueiv -' j ' lank eiilov.-i.Ihri, luit v. nore jil.inU tide valks are laid they must ue luicuu a.on-. :aia. ' brcTinN 2d. That it shall bo the duty of he Street Coniini?sioner to give ten days ..otiee to tlie owner or ower- of the relco- live lots bounding on mid etrcets, or in use the owner cannot be found, then to he occupier of tho frenii-ses, to repair ucli Ride walks lis tire now or may Hero- ifter be out of repair, and in delault of iuch owner or owners, cr ooenfi'-rs to rc ,air such Ridewalk, then it chidl lo tho luty of the street comniisioner to repair or cause th'; stmie to he rejiaircd. Section 3d. It (.hall bo and is hereby made the duty of the .Street Conniusion- r to keen a re 'ulur and correct account ! .fall the work done by him or others un- j .h.r I. ni n nv nni- r.-imii iiil'i, side W.I kS md of the nature and amount of niuterials furnished specifying t ho respective lots efore which tho work was done and ran eriul used, and to make a weekly return . hereof into the office of tho Burgess and t'own Council, for w hich work and mate . ials he shall bo paid by nn order on the liorough Treasurer. " Section 4th. Whenever and as often a idewalks shall lie laid or repaired by the Street Commissioner, it shall b.3 the duty if the Secretary to furnish the ownor oi vners of the respective loin, or inf ise no owner run he found, then tho iccuuier of the jiicmint. with a till of ihe cost of tho work and materials with' iwctitv per centum added thereto, notify- np such owner or owners, or occupiers to pay the amount of Mich bill to tho Bor ough Treasurer within, ten days, and in default of such owner oi; owners or occu piers paying such claims, the same thall he collected in accordance with tho net of Assembly. v l'aised April 9. IS08, WILLIAM RADEBAUGII, Burgess, COURT PROCLAMATION. YiniEREAS, The Honorable JAMES BURN' SlllE. Eq., PrcaiJeut Judge of the Conr. f Common I'lea of tho twenty-fifth Judicial lia. rict, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Cen :ro and Clinton and the Honorable WM. L MOORE nnd 11ENJ. BOXSAL, Aasocinto Judge :n Clearfield couuty, have issued their precept bearing duto the twentieth day of Nov, luet, to me directed, for tlio holding of a Court of Com mon Vlena, Orphans' Court, Court of Qunrlcr pen dona, Court of Oyer and Terminer, nnd Court of lencral Jail Delivery, nt Clearfield, in nnd for nrficld comity, on tho THIRD M0XDAT of May., next, being tho 17th day of the month. Notice Is, tlirrcforc, hereby given, To tho Cornunr, Justice of the Pence, nnd Consta ble, In and for tho aaid county of Clearfield, to npticnr In tlieir own proper persons, w ith their Holla, Record, Imnuipitions, Examination, and other Reiueiiiiiriincea, to do those thiug which to tlieir nflieea, and in Ihi-irbchulf, pertain to be done, and Jurors nnd Witnesses are requested to be then and there niton. ling, and not to depart without leave nt their peril. GIVEN under my hand Clearfield, this 7th dny of April, in the year of our Lord, ono tlionsand eight hundred and iifty-elglit, nnd tho eijjhty li isver of j4iiierioHii Indepemlense. J0SIAUK.LEED, Sheriff. 17 icrsMiTH &"co7 r Doalere in LOOTS, SIJUK.S and TJIUXKS. Sm OF KVERY HESCIlll'TION. lTIlOLK."ALi: and Retail, at price to uit W nil. c:''i b" found at lht,ir new Boot k Shoo Store, X.i. ;' II Xoi th See Hid St., a few doors be low the IJlmk Ib.rse Hotel, l'hila. i!-1 try tj please mid scil chop. Notice to country uicrchniiU. Coii-taaily on hund a large us-ovtinenl of Men and Buys' Hoots, Hailer nnd Brooms, coarse nnd fine; also, Wcmeu A Misses' Luce Boots, (Inilera, Slipers, ie., aud a Well selected stock of Youths and Childron' wear generally. We would respectfully iuvito you to call and exfunimi for yourselves, X. It. Trunks manufactured and fertnle whole sale and retail nt Xo. 344 Xorlb Second it. April 17, 185S. 3m. j "1TTAXTED To exchango a good two-horse y pleasure carriage for a horse one well. trained for family service would be preferred. Tor furlhir particular aiplv to May 1(1, lKiU. JOSEPH IRWIX. "CUEA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having recently been Cited up for a bouse of entertainment, ia now opon lor the accommodation of the public. Traveler will find this a convenient houie. May 19, 1S58, JOHN JORDAN. Eestntrflnt and Eatinp; Saloon. Ell. TAYLOR, b:ga lc.ivo to Inform hi old fiienda and the public, that he hoe Jut replenished his flock of eatables, in his new sa loon in tho basement of Jiessra. Morrcl A Car ' ter' Iron and Tin-Ware store ; and that hereaf ter he will alwny be prepnr?d to furnish hi cus tomer with every thing innlly found in such es tablishments to wit Ice Cream, Ale, I.ngur Ilocr. Tobacco and Cignrs of the very beat qual ity, Fruit and Confectionary of all kind, d o. Thankful for past favor, ho solicit a conlinu. euro of pnhlie pnlronago. fmoy 12, '58. "lAl'TION All person's are hurrby cautioned J against meddling with the following? tinnier, i ty, now in the possession of Thomni Bseres, as aid property mi fought by me, and left with the aui-1 Beers on loan, subject to my order . Oue Hay runre. 1 Black Or Brown Horse, I Two Horse Wagon and one Timber sled. May iv, 1 WM. rOBTBR.' , A. fttrt-h. AND NHHr (iOOI)S. n v ft liinui. u i . i i.i.i., r a .( . t . . .... . . l".'Tii-l iriK i f nn-tv lli i ) f( usually ki-'l In rn ua 1 1 V Mi. If-also a large quantity nf 1 II I ' S, lu hiii. h In- Im ll' the iill. nHon nf l'hvli lnn ;nn. ii 1 i tr iin.tiiiM ..f I'ATKNT .Ml l'll IM; nuiiiiit: wl ii li 11 1 1. T f'Hi 11. 1 the fi'lltmlng t V. J ntf't M. iln h. WtKii'itru'M l, .'in 1. V (Urmiin Ilithr.: ;. ('7i' .7'Vnrt niiiii'7 J'rnr, 7 Jr. ( 'l.trk' i-m,il.- ',., " 7Ji'. A're't I'irrry I'ictnrot 'and Vil's. Pr. Tlitiion Medicine, De. '.m'liv'i Ointment and I'ilh, he. V';..', y.iinctic Oiiitiiteit, Jh: 'eiiil't Lulitn Ve,ietMr Pit's. tie. Unity t Artttittin ijinliiieiit tor njhltn ,iit iKiHitmnea rcrnun cure. I I50. Flour, (Jrnin, Ki.h,('heei-e, Ilncon, Ifnn, Cryinl Appli'f. Suit, Ac, on IiuihIi, and for mle 1 at all llnita. ! T,,e ,., w o(r,r lliw rr CAiS,i 0r RKADV AV. Aswoivl. to adhere to the Km- .Iv l'y hvnlcn, (lor our pooU n low an th owest, mi I 111 e ape will take all kinilnof. rnduco at the JJihent Ciinh l'riccs. We wi-li . II to give un a full and juuV for ll'!e. . ; J-' - ! BACH AGAIN IS THE OLD SHOP. i T HIE M,1,e,;i,r i,.r..r.., 1.1, frien.l. . nrl .1.. I public ,fencri,lly that ho ia now re-ealnblif h-1 e,l i,. n,n ,.i,i .!,,, n i.i vi i.,i..u. ....1...I f,u I Jacob r-hiinkwiU-r-whcre he hope, by atrict at- tention. and keeping .lock of aaortcd iron to 1 merit Hit-favor of tho public. ; Cnimtrv ..,,..1,,,... nn,i .....i. r.r.... i npi.rcntic'e from 111 to IS veare of age will uuc t ! WUU a good si luut ion f ami ical ir. ll be made pooh, f . OKO. V OJt It. ; . m .T , i5j,. " ! "lKCL'LARS printed in tin nwitut and boa manner u tho "C'losrHeld Ui-puliliaij" Job oi.iae. j willuii a. Wallace, iiobcrt j. wai.mck ATT()KM:YS-AT-1,AU', j CLEARFIELD, PA. ItjaVE thi day aiaocinted themaelveaaapnrt : Xl ncra in the practice of tho law in Cloarlield ami adjoining cuuntiu. Ihe busiuea will. heri'tofore be cairiod on in the name of William A. Wallace. Businesa entrusted to theui, will re ceive prompt and careful atteution. Jurch-4, 1 li7, ly. CliXTK AL IIOTKL, Tyrone, Pa fHL' subscriber would reapecsfully inform hi 1 old liieiida in Clearfield CO., and the public generally, that ho lioa taken the above limine. where he wonld bo Luppy to accominodute all who m"J ,u,ur "" n,lu nioir ruaiuin. WM. II. HENDERSON. Juue 10, 1357. pd. joiin ii. ali:n & CO. Nos. 2 A 4 Chestnut St., (south side below water.) tiik woon-WAiia iioi sb ik nit cur, MAXl'FACTl'RERS aud wholesale dealer in Patent Machine-made BROOMS, Pat ent (irooved Cedar-ware, trarrnnted nut to aAri'ii Wood i Willow-ware, Cords, Brushes, A c, of ' descriptions. Please call and exunine our atue Feb. 25, 1857,-ly. rANCY furso"r'ladiesT' JOHN FAHEIUA tj- CO. 818 (.Vein .Vo.) Jnriel t PHILADULPIIIA. LnporUrs, 3I(mfictueer and dealers in La diet, Gentlemen and Children' FANCY runs. Wholesale and Retail. JF. i CO., would call the attention of ttca t lcrs, nnd tho Public goncrally to their im mcnae Slock of Fancy Furs ror Ladic, Gentle men and Cnildren; their assortment embraces every variety and kind ofWy F r; that will bo worn during the season, such a ' Full Capet, Half Capes, Quarter Capes, Tal-t whm, riWniw, 7im., Mitfi MhJ'u iets,jroti the Jiaet Jiussmn iV( lle, to the lowest price Ihmrstic Furs. For Gentlemen the largest nssortmentof FUR COLLARS, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS, Ac. boiug Ibe direct importers of all our F'urs and Manu facturers of them under our own supervision, wo feel satisfied we enn offer better inducements to d criers and the public generully than any other house, having nn immouso assortment to select from and nt tho manufacturers' price H'e only aek a call. Sept 16, 1857. 4m. jas. ii. t.AitniMKn. I AK III Ml ill & TKST, Attorney, at Law J Cloarlield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col tAiolia, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and Elkcountioa. July 30. y BUCKSKIN XO. 50 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. T) 1IEALY A CO., Manvfnclurers of Buck: X 'kin (Uovcb and Mitts, Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Uauntlot. Sparring, Sword and Cricket Glove, Bucks-in Shirt and Drawer, Riding A Shooting Leggings, Walking Gaitors, of Cloth and Leather, Buckskin nnd lndin Rubber Sus penders, Waist Belts, Money Belt and Purses, Sleigh Robes, aud Buffalo Skin of every doscrip- N. B. Buckskins of oil color nnd qimlitio, Enameled Cowhide, Importer of Chamois, Spon ge, Ac. .rThe attention of tho tncrchantr of Clear, field county ia respectfully 'called to the above advertisement. P. Healy A Co. manafucturo the above of .s themselves, and will receivo in ex- -I , . I ' I ' Tl 1 , - I - .- ... .... miMigo rivii?, ana allow the higheat casn price lor tlio same Sept. 2, lS57.-ly. . STAUFFKR Si II IRI.IiY. " Cheap Hatches aud Jewelry. YtrilOLSALE and RETAIL, at the "PhiUH..!. T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 148 (oiu no, o; norm tecond Street, corner of Quar ry, Philad'a. uoiu iicver w atche,full jewolcd 18 c. caaes $28 00 miiiu L,apiue, in carat, .... Silver Lever, full jowolod, . . . . 24 00 12' 00 - V 00 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 1 00 silver Lupine, jewels, . Superior Quartier, ...... Gold Spoctaclo, Fine Silver Spectacle, ..... Gold Bracelets, Lady's Gold Pencils, . . . . . Silver Tea Spoon, perset. . . . . 5 0 Gold Pen, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 uoiu ringer King 37 cent to $S0; Watch Glasses, plain 12' cents, pnlont 18, Lunet 25 j other article in proportion. All good warrauted to be what ther are sold for. STAUFFER A HA RLE Y, Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand some Gold and Silver Lever and Le. pines, (till lower than the above price. October 7, 1855.-ly. NOTICE. IETTERS of administration on the estate ef J John Jieichel late of Curthaua Ln.n.k . I deceased, having been granted to the aubscril if ii pnrnoua muwiog inemseivei indebted to sniel estate are requested to make immediate paymetk B. D. HALL. I feb. 24, 1858, 1 1 J AILROAD flOUSE; 'earner of Main and J V White SlreeU, Baooxvii.i.i;, Ta. I fb. 24. '48. R. R. MEANS, i'roprietor. "' " ) WMopistrntos' and Constables' blanks 'for ial at this offica. ntotiM, NEW FIRM U' fcMintOTI MAHUIFE, ! I ; TUTHAM 8 MONTHLY. I t0 OMAT.IU'IAUll H OSS. w,m copies tTHF. moxth. ' M AGNIFlCENT PROGRAMME port H:,.-j ! $2n,nio In work, of Art. F1VK IlH.f,Alt t.rV i GRAVING toeVery ulnrrlber. TUB GREAT LlllRAIIV OFFER. Agent K,,,'nH r'cn' TI10 union f Kmrrinii'i Mn(jln ''"'nnm'" Muullily lin L'ivrn In tut conmili Jnlf il Itt.rk circiiliiilun itocon il In but one ilmllnr fiulillrntlon in tin) I'Hiuilry, nj Iihh fociircil fur it cuinlii niilliin nf litimrr itti'l nrllnlio ttlrnl probii'-l.T un rivaled by tiny oilier M.iratri in the wnrl.l. Du ring the flrtt month, the enle in the treiiv nj ili'iiuiml from puh.pribrrii exi'ecilvil NO, 000 ci'iii-i inl the liuiubor alreeily imued of Ihe conmliilif ti'il work ore univermilly ronroilcil ) ' Imve mir io -scl, in the riohacsn of tlmir lili-rnry content!, end the bounty nnd irnhinenr of their pictorial illiMrnlion', nny ninRBiiie ever before Icmu-iI I from the Amerirnn prt'im. Kni'our);cd by there rriili'ncei of fnvor, the puhlinlirra litre letermi nod to commence the new toluine iu Jmiu. ry with eililitiunnl ntl rm-tinna, and to ofler tuch imliiueinrnti to r ubni-ribir. cnimot fuil to place it, in circulation, at the bead of American .Miiith- w '"! "';'""' H'"y now announce the f""""'"? 'I'li-ndid proKrnmmo. Jlity have pnr- t!,n"l'J mid co.tly itcol-plate Edgra- ' ' TUJS liASl SUfriSK, KI, . fupy f u , evtry )hrco dol. In r rubin-ribiT for tbo yvnr ItiaS. It was cnRni- ed at a co?t of over Jil.UOO, bv (he late eelobrn- ' L-fr0,n ,h?. .mi" .ut H",h, urK'"'" ' n,lBr OIHirUl 1'U 1 Incl. ailll IH the '."""t fiigniving ever executed in "' eouniry, neing liiree iiinca tne me or the """-'"U'T enKravinK. . 19 V,1. "n''';t!llna! '" fRravmg are held at $10. nd it win the intentmn of the nr- Ht t Ii tit none of llio Engravings bhiiuld ever be .'r'r',J f"r " '"in than $:., being richly worth ... 'l,,,,'l,,lu '"'iv iiirfe-iiouareuoacrioi'r wl" t'K,'tyt "le .Mguine ono year cheapat $3 n it tins anion. In! eiigruviiij:. richly worth 5: tliua getting for J ! the value of We shall cuiiimi-iice striking olf the encrnviuE imiuediatelv, yet jf eun hardly bo expected that impression of so large plate can bo taken a Instil they will be railed for by subscriber. We shall therefore, furnish them in the order in nhicli subscription are received, Those who dcaire lo obtain their engravings early, and from the first impressions, should send iu their sub. icriptiona without delay. The engravings can le eent on rollers, by muil, or in other munuer, (uuscribcrs shall ordor. 20,000 IX M'OJIKS OF ART. In addition to the superb engraving of "THE LAST SUMMER," which will ha presented to very three-dollar subscriber for 185S, the pub lishers have completed arruny eineuts for the dis tribution, on the 25th of December, 1858, of a erica of splendid work of art, consisting of ono hundred rich nnd rare old paintings, valued at from $100 to $100 j each. Alae, 2,000 magniti. cent Stoel-Plato Engraviuga, worth rrom $3 to $5 each, and 1,000 choice Holiday books, worth from $1 to $5 each, making in all, over THREE THOUSAND GIFTS, worth TWENTY THOU SAND DOLLARS. Incline $3 to tho publishers and you will com mence receiving the Mngaiine by return mail. You ill also receive with the first copy a num bered subscription reeoipt, entitling you ti the Engraviug of -THE LAST SUPPER," and a chance to draw one of these "THREE THOUS AND PRIZES." eai-ons why you should lubscribe EM Elisors MAGAZINE for 1858. First: Because it literary rontents will, du ring the year, embrace constributioua from over one hundred different writers and thinker, num bering among them the most distinguish id of A merican authors. Second ; Because its editorial departments, "Our Studio," "Our Window," and "our Olio," will each be conducted by an able editor and it will surpass, in tbe variety jnd riehnoas of it editorial contents, any ether magazine. Third: Because it will contain, during the yeur, nearly six hundred original piciorial illus tistiuna, from dosigns by the first American ar tists. Fourth : Because for the aum of $3 you will receive tliia aitlemlitl n.n.. i that aum thnn any other magaiine, and the eu. perb Engraving of "The Last Sunner.1 F'ifth : Because you wtll very likely draw ono f tho three thousand priies to be distributed on the 25th day of Oecember, 1858 perhaps one tkut is worth $1,000. NotwitlMtnnding that these extraordinary in ducement can hardly fail to accomplish tho ob ject of the publisher without further effort they have determined te continue thru' the year" THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. ' To any pcrscu who will get up a club of twen- ij-iuui cuurcnucrs, ci iner at ono or more pott oflicea, wo will present a splendid library, con aitling of over Forty Largo Bound Volume em bracing tho most popular worke in tho market. The elub may 5e formed at the club price, $2 a year, without the encravinir. or t. tl. r..n $3 a year, wilh the cngroving ef tho last Supper .v ,lu.,,ul. anu nesenption of the Library, and snetimen conv of th M. ; i bo forwarded en receipt of 25 cent. Over 200 niurarics, or r.,wuu volumes, have already been uinriuuieu in accordance with this offer, and we mourn oo ginu to lurntsd a library to every cler gyman, to every school-master, or to somo one at overy post office in tbe country. AGENTS GETTING RICH. The success 'which our ngent are meeting with ia almost astonishing. Among the many evidences of thi fact, we aro permitted to pub lish the following :' rfii : Ths following fuel in rolntion to whtit your agent are doing iu this ection, may be of use to lomt enterprising young man in want of employruont. The Roy. John E. Jar don, of thla placo, has made, aiuee last Christ mas, over $4,000 in hi agency. Mr. Dnvid M Heath, of Ridgly, Mo., your general agent fo Fhilt county, is makinff $S per day on each mb ageiit employed by him, aud Welmer A Evaus, of Oregon, Mo., your agent for Holt Co., are making from $8 Lo S25 mr .1.. .. .i ...... humble lervant ha made, since the seventh day ' of lust January, over $1,700, beside hay-in" for ' .100 acre of land out of the business wertbeverl $l,0l'0. Yoif are at liberty to publish tins tute-l ent, and to refer to any of tbe parties namod. i """"ui umvijii, t'arrollton, Mo. With such inducements ai we offer, anybody can obtain ubcriber. W invite any gentle man out of employmeut, and every lady who do irei a ploasant noMBT-making occupation to ap ply at once for an agency. Applicant should inclose 25 cents for a specimen copy of the mag anue, which will alwayt bi forwarded with an swer lo appiication by return miil. SPECIMEN ENGRAVING. A we desire t place iu the hand of eyery person who propoeei to got up a club, and also of every agent, a oopy of the engravingor tbe "LAST SUPPER," u a specimen, each applicant enclosing ua $3 will re ceive the Engraving, poat-paid, by return mail alao specimen of our publication nd one oi the numbered aubacription receipt, entitling tee hoi oer to the Magaiine one year and to a enaace in tbe dutnbution. Thi offer i made only to tboie who deilre to act as agent or to form Clubs. Addre, OAKSMITH A CO., Janl1,185$, I'roudway, N. T. REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. The Tublihliera of tho Jtepublican are ma kingarraniiemcnts to lartrelvinereaj.. j 7 j ,, , P.,n ler,. will de Tire- rr0( 0 do "1 kinds of . fosTERS, Pamphlets, riottKAHMEs liLANis, Pater Books, Cmcci.ARs, Labels, Ball Tickets, Handbills, and every kind Of nrintinff ur uallr don in a country job ofi'c. Your wieri a tnwtfd to ns will be failhfuUy MsuVil Ih New Yotk HlMtn Bw Will, and MAftllXmDMt'.iSV' fAMTAl.Jf.n,it',. 1 lil fetnpany tin l.een ni(iinltnl llh IhMb.iil ill fur the pnrpe-a of iirrljli the de Inn nil for Ihe nvniaiTini 1'Ot.TAM.K STKAM SAW-MI I.L Am othrr Inifrovril Miit'liitury, Thef hn piirrbaed Ih entire Bmihinery titiainre lieretufore earrlnA 6 hjf J. M. Vmrt. on . t'o.i !' Ih Motilgiimery work at V link er, nn I lui llu'looii, rnar thi ellT, ami wilh the expel ience ami fmilitli'' combined In It oritnnl mtinn are pn-pnTtid 1.) furninh machinery of U kind at move rale, :hn hn. ever been offered at any other rIMii..l'i'nt. THE Cti.MI 1XATION HAW-Si I.'. I. J1"' j.nii.,1 riett.l.Mv IK.Srt. uml U now irenernl.'v ae- knowleilKed to be the chvupe't, niont fraction., ' and efficient lumber nianulucturing machine in1 the world. A birpe uuinher of llicm are in mic. cc.fiil operation in ilillcrcnt purlx of tli coun- try, Laniiila, lulia and ruiilh Ami'ricn, anil nncr-' ever their merit have been tented they nre bfiiiR I adopted by lumber miiiiurnclurer in preference to all other mill. The following letter expree the general opinion of llioic who aro using the Combination mill. Mera. Enri:iio; k Co. Gentlemen ; I hove tried the taw-mill pureliiired of yon, and will eny that it perform well, and more than meet my expectation. 1 am well pleased Willi ill perfor mance. I act il up on a aninll atri'iiiuu t int nf-1 t forded ciiimlunt wutur aboil a thick a my little fincor, which waa much more than auiririenfto aupply Ihe boilta W o nro able to cut 3 000 feet or lumber n 12 hour, with Fomenting le tliiin It ia th, very thi.ig we have oiich needed in our rotdty for long time- With a little K'Juble and exti xpenao wo nro able to i move it ten miles per day, . nil set it tip in tho heart of the timber, which raves the great bur den of hauling the lugs a long ili.tuiice to the mill. Yours, respectfully, JESSE KERR, Ji., Louisville, Tennessee. The Company are pur bused LUXD'S P.1T EXT FEED ARRAN JEM EXT, which ia illus trated and described in the Scientific American, fur October 24. Thi add greatly lo th effi ciency of the mill. The Combination Mill with oil tho recent im provements, and steam power of 15 horses, ia ca pable of sawing from 3,000 to 4,000, '-et in twelvo hours, and is sold for $1,050. The New York Circular Siiw-Mil. I mnnuta jred ocly hy this Company. It ia of superior nstrurtion, and aold for 25 per centum less th other mills of no greater capacity. A mill wi lb M to 54-inch saw can be sold for SI50 to $500, and with a 20 horse cugine and foil ir is old for for $2,200. H com A'nii'iiri and Jluitm i A'liri'iie of from 1 to 100 horse Jioworj Locumolivr, J'liic, T bulrr and I inder UuiUrt furnished at greatly redu ced i'ice from former quotations. rawings with plana nnd specification for buildings and machinery, furni.-lud gratis to our cnslomer. Competent inechauies ure sent out to put up and set in operatiou our machinery, nhcii requi red. We also manufacture Shi'jh Mmhinci, 'In ning Jluchiiicn, Su'jar-MiUi, and Miuhintrg in general. Special attention paid to getting up Shafting, and I'ullirt fur manufactories, unci all kind of Hill Wriyhi work, This Company are selling in great numbers a Pateut Conical Burr Stono Mill, for flour, corn meal, and all kinds of feed, which i. ..1 !. eioerienee.1 mill,,,, both in thi. ., .,! in' Kurooe. I..., ,.., M.s ,., u J , griud mure grgiu in the same time, und with half ,h. power, of any mill of Ihe aani. price in the market We also furnish other styles of Grist Mills, when required. J. M. EMERSON A CO., Agents. No. 371 Broadway, N. Y. Jan 11. 1857.' HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED. In the foil ef 1854 a daughter of Mr. Lindsay waa suffering from a malignant attack of Can cruin Oris (Canker of the mouth.) She had pre viously boon prostrated by Ihe altork of Dysen tery, Inflammation of the Lung and Hectic F rerr successively, which resulted in tlio abo. named disease in ita worst form. Her condilioi wa most deplorable. her mouth nnd chock wor literally rotten the nttending physician pro nnunccd the case a hopeless one. Evciythi indicoied a speedy and horriblo death the dcatn rotting out of life, At Ibis critical juncture, Mr. Lindsay prepared a compound for the fur lopo of alleviating, possible the pains of the iil to sufferer. She was inndo to use it freely, and in a short time to his most delightful astonish ment, there wa a very perceptible ehunge for the better The mouth began to put on a bright nnd healthy nppenranoe tho foul breath became sweet the appetite was restored, and ihe child accinca to partake or a new ond fresh lifo. Hope waa inspired, nnd the use ,.f tl,. pound was faithfully continued, the result of which with the blessing of God, was her complete restoration. She 1 now perfectly healthy. From this circumstance. Mr. Lindsay wns led to pre- pare witn greater care nnd exactness, w hat ha.,1 so nslouishini'ly cured hia child, hii experimental t-fl'orts until he succeeded in "ringing to porrectnin hi drent ,'., ,vr lllm,d Sat h uf ,iie profession tliat have adopted Inha Impnrity since which time its effects' have be. n ,uti"n h,lV8 '"'"'d 't ejHcaciour in the Aigif de almost miraculous. Hundreds upon hundreds by 'Jr." "' i i'timj the proijrru e the rfi'.e.i.e and wor it have been snitched froT nn untimely gravel'".' """"I'rn in many denperate cnes, in verity, .. ..... ... me nncuis oi ncniin nnd Ihe en dearments of friends. The young nnd old have tested ita saving powora and sing aloud its vir tues. Say they : "Alter having used Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher, we felt as if a new ire was stirring our reins, nnd under God we owe o it mero than word con e.vnr ss " i... i ... . '. j.ui urar irom ineir own lip an.l then Jul of its valuable effect. The rew testimonials I hut' fiillriW ahniB li..t ll !. 1 .... 1 follow show thnt it ia deacrvedlv sivle.l H,......i. f Ditcorer afttit or any other a,e. J. M. LIXDSEY, Jlollidayaburg. Blair co., Pn. c a? d 1 (TO. a a G3 , . Pattohvile, Bedford co., Pa. Mr. J. M. Liniisrt. Dear Sir I wn severely afflicted rith Rheumatism a wholo yeur nino month of which time I win not nblo to leavo my bed when hearing of the wonderful effects of your Im proved Blood Searcher, I determined to procure some of it and give it a fair trial. After using three bottlei I wa able to walk about a gain a uual, and am now wholly cured. I ran recom mend it fo all who -are imilar'y afflicted, and believe it i all it clui a to be. Your. truly, JXQ. SHAFFER. ptT-A DESPERATE CASE OF TETTER and BARBER'S IPCH, curep by tbe use of Lindsey's Blood Searcher. I, the unddnigned, some time in last March, wa aeverely nfflioted with .h.i was pronounced by my physicians to be a certain kind of Tetter and Barbers' Itch. My condi tion wa one of the greatest mis. ry . my race was almost constantly running with the foul cor ruption thnt escaped from tbe tubercles, by which it waa almost complotcly eovored. Aftor being undor the enre of my fhvaiciana fr t. .i... without the least benefit, I wa Induced to make I""1 llfi haa removed to the shop recently occupi a trirl or'B Tiln.,1 c....i . .. fAd l. iin,i..i.....i. l l.i . .. . 1 ...1. .. t. k 1 T'"1 "na 1116 r - c.. ' "uKu a. ouca, ae a unior shop, in suit was that in uaing one bottle and a half I Shaw. Row, where he will at all time, be found round perfect euro. I may alao say that I ea- reBdy and willing to attend to the '.olci' of the gerly tried whutever was reoommenped aa a cure 1 booties fart of creation, Hit work needs no re such was my wretoheduese that I eaen resorted ! eominendation it rooommondi itself, and he can to the dongerout experimeu' of pouring pure Cre-1 Prid Po'i' to his largely increased custom ,1 n". ?M atUl no,:k' but U t0 no P"-P0e ' .ln prouf' R,""'ynido work of all kinda, will be -the Blood 6earcher was the yrst and only thing k'pt constantly on hand. The highest market that did me any good. At a Blood purifyer itiair"" Pid for hide. Jos. G00 unequalled, and f have great reason to bi crate" May 8th 1857, U UU' iu. mat 1 ever made a trial of It healing virtue, aud I can eonfldently rooommend it to any wno ay .uffer from Telter or any other disease, arl ing from an impure state of the blood. . , ' JOHN DELEHTJNT. IIolidayburg, Pa, July 20, 1857 IT-AX INTEErSTIVii nuv rr t . . . . UtA CURED hv cn. bottu r u.r.L'. RnrM,. ti., '........, : : r'"""' """i , . ..... li'ii: 's ii.ui nrunt m da... .. our little son agud fou afflioted with whi.i th 1 amioted with wh,,.th..,.v' :r 1 "'1 trVir treaji an... V..,..i. ..j " ' I'r-niuunceu 10 v. .ruJB1a, ho eras treated aooordingly.for gear iii..r..., A. II Pllrt"! KUTAIt.F.nnf rnn'ln'" r"i'l irri. emllm, PhiHI, Clearfield eeunty, T. ohawlllf, AurkhI II, 1 M'Miu;i!Mr.N' Send far (l desmplwr Circular COLEMAN'S FARM MILL. The most simple, durable .ml effective Mill fcr (trlndinir all kiml of errnlit Into fine or core Inenl a Loire I - Trier. I.M). Adilre., WM. 1- lUAKIlA PrtdTIIKIt, Manufnclurer of Agriculluml Implcmeit, Jf'1. 1140, iMiuket Ml., 1'hiliidflpbia. JAS. B. ORAIIAM, Pnkl Maktcr, Mcrrhnnl, aid ettefnive dea ler la eipiaft timber, beard ihingte, e., Urnhamton, UniUford townihlp. Jn. 2.1, I8il. 'AVUfTOH'.S XOTICK. ... , . . . ffMK itndoriii);ned an Auililor appoinion oy I til Orpliacis Llilin OI ncnrucm muni; K..v.,.,l.r Selaiiill. !Hj7. to Bll'llt ttlB AUI11II1H- Iration acci 'inl of laaao Iilooiu, ailmiuiatrator of the eatntc John Jt. llloom, dee d, bercbe give notice that he will dinchnrgfl the ilfliea of hi ap pointment on Thiiradil.v tbo 26th of Mnrcli, IS.18, tit 0 ii Vi. in If ti. HI. nf tad day. at tho ofllci of I.'irrinier A. Tuht in the bo.W of CleurQeld, ivhen noil where all neranns (Merca'cd limy rt- d, J. 11. LAKlilJlc.1'! Auuuor. Feb. 2k 1 S jS. V It All nrrsrni. intrresti ri in tie bov awUl wl noti,,0 ,hnt it con- ' . . '.. , ., ..,,, M,.., tmuctl until tho Kith of y next at the same ilii' nnd hour, hv the auditor. J. JI. liAlUtl-Uklv. March 2'ith. 1858. jy ATioNAi, i:xi ii m;i: iiothi J. Th subscriber having taken the above woll known stand, formerly kept by M ill. A. Mason, in Curwenavi'ile, Pa., is ready to accommodate all who may favor him wiln ihcir patronage. His table will alwny bo supplied with the best Ihe iimrk.t affords, nnd hi" Bur with the elioicoit liquors. Ilis stable will be under t lie raro of a-) lenlivo hostler. DAVID SMITH. Curwcnsville, April 21. 1S5S. Estate of A. Bennet Dal", dee'd. T El lj A TTERS of -fldniiuislriition on lie estate of A. B, Dale. Into of Pike tp., dee'd. having been granted fo tho iindersigiied, nl persona in dohlcd to said estate will make payment immedi ately, and those having claims against the snniu will present them duly authenticated lor settle ment. ZAC1IARIA1I M'NAUL. Nor. 1?, 1857. pd. iNIIALATIONlNCONSUMPTIONr BRONCHITIS, LARYNGIXTIS, and other Discuses of tho Chest mid Throat, sueceas 1 ii II V treated by the Inhnlation of Medicated -Vapore und powders, by nbsoibtion nnd constitu tional treatment, as practised at the Stuy vcsiiut Medical Institute, Xew York city. Tho l'Ni'iti.cKiKNTi:i Sut'CKs's which has at tended this method of creuting discuses of Ihe Lungs and Throat has induced ua to depart from our usual course, nnd mail ourselves of tho col umns of the press, in order lo bring it to Ihe knowledge of such a may be luboriug under, or predisposed In such ofleclions. Tho dawu of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Con sumptive; the doctrines of the incurability of consumption Having at length passed awny. We 1 ' "u' ,u"'" uur I '""" that i.i..,. :.. .i.. i. i . . ""V V '" B'lliril, 111 I Dt V"1 b "cuWr srbt,on ; in the secon.t I by the transformation of tho tubercule intochnl- a .rL ".JtfJZ !. ions oi inc past may assert, Unit even uow con sumption ia incurable; such nre behind th) nge. To ull this great truth must bo apparent, vis. : that the uiediciucs inhaled in tho form or Vapor or powder directly into the lungs, must be much moro effective than that tuken into tho Stomach, whero tho diseaso doe does not exist. The ml vantnge of Inhalation in Consumption A Throat Disease is, that medicine in the form of Vnpoi is applied directly to the lungs, whore the diseuse exists; the stomach is thus left free to aid in re. storing hoi lth, by administering lo it healthy and life-giving food. There i' no cane o hxpclinttha, luhiitntinn trill nit cure. The means, too, an broi ght within the reach of all, tho manner oi udininistering tho vapor being so simple that tin invalid is never required to leavo home, where tho hand of affection lends eo much to aid the physician' efforts The Inhalution. method is on(n'ii', n ami rcnily, and consist in the administration of med icine iu inch a maimer, that they are conveyed into the Lungs in tho form of Vapor, and produce tlieir action nt the seat of disease, lis practicnl sense ia destined to revolutionize the opinions of the medical world and citublith the (Mux curabil ity of Conmiiiulion. X .1.. . ... . .-..(icsii v nppcui to ine commnn sense of all nm cic'i wnii j,ung discuses, to embrace at once llio advantage of Inhalation, and no lotigeropply medicine to tlio unoffending stomach. I claim for Inhalation a place nmong the priceless gifts that i aturo nnd art hath given us, that "our day " "'OK in mo uinu, anu in the oiiiy ark nf iieu f,,r the Vomumntirr a method not onlv ' ""'''"""' '"' 'imple ami rJienci'om. a signal triumph of our art over this fell destroy- 11 'H mil .-ieeu'B. Xotu Physicians wishing to make themselves acquainted with tho practice, ure informed that, our time being valuable, wo can only reply, a to ingrediuiits used, to such icttcra that contain a fee. Tlio lee in all ease of Pulmonary Affection ,vi" 1,0 10 " receipt of which the necessury iu- 1 .. .1 .. . . strument nnd medicine will be forwarded. Ap fliciints will slate nge, sex, married or lingle, how long affected, if any hereditary disease x iais iu tile linnilr. nnd m mnt..,,., nnn...ll T . .1.. - e...v...V. --OI 1110 nume town anu Male bo plainly written. I'oslnge for return answer must be enclosed. Lot- ter w hen registered at our risk. All lcUer must ho addrcasod to WALLAC 1 SI ER TO UN. M. D S. M. Institute, Xew York. Nov. 11, 1S57-0 m. AT. VI'HXOX IKJl'JSL;, Lumber city, 111. Clearfield CO., Pa. Tho underaiirned noti- lies tne public thnt he bus opened . ut tbe above unuied hoViae, and that he is well prepared to ac commodate all who may favor him wilh a call. The house is three stories high, ia commodious anu won lurnished, and no puma will be spared to render satisfaction to lii.e-oi. II iL"11-' ' "Tl'-'ed with choice liquort of all kinda I A, f" Vlen,y of ,,Mia8 connected with the house, lie lolicit a share of public patronage J. L. CUTTLE, 4 ttorncy at Law and Laud Apent, offie il adjoining his roidence, on Markot streo Clearfield. March3, 1853. "I ) ''MOVAI.. The undersigned nnouncea to IV the "whole world and the rest of mankind." THE WONDER OF THE AGE. tf COVERS .Which is a purely mA 'reparatwn, for the purifying of the blood, gir - In cr v 1 rrnr t,x el. T n .. ' B . ling vigor U, the Llv.'r. '"T ".i1 ; .i'i. r . .. - " .r nn. 1,1 . 4 ... .n . u - . ,. ... --r ...u. system ail morbid matter and fV.v, . . healthful a.tivily thro' an mo, mm tion of ifo. . - 1 - WW at n ... M . . . ' i.a . ..jii.) ; w.r.iimi. VH liliMliI kMoilmenl ef ai aJ I o" it hl ti the nnderlf.nei hiad,,7 Pl.if-a int.ra.ltt a ateftl varlt i . -1 folio !-Thi.oical, Law, lli.tortcai, 111 euortinent ef frheol llnnLe, lllnnk Bnoki, : ( Iunliir. Hpli tidid Copy Itoeki. AUa, , arlety of etatienary, at., are onertd talk , '"" Dook aupplled to etdcf on the ahrtet nnt.e1 v. v. n n i suj ClearBeld, Oi l, 27,. 1(54 017tiio.mps6n,' IJInrkamlth, Wagon, Ituggie. An., e., Ir,j J ) on lmrt notice, and the very beat ty 1( ,ti Id aland In the borough of Curwenmlle, ' " leo. 29, 1863. II. P.TIIOAIPSON, I)tiyalriail, may be found either at hi oOn nt HeofleM ' heel, Curwenaville, efirt kJ nrQienienaiij bhia.ii, Dec. 1M 2V, KM M.I) IIOASS and COPFER tAew I. J ihaiiBefur TIX and JIARJWAItB ai(l calabliahment of. July 10, 1S57. TT ASlO tWVSV. t ill tt'E V AKHAKOEMEST. ( iao uiiacnner reapectiuily announce to tbe pok. ; Ho lnt he hn taken the above atnnd, in th bar. ! ."J. ' t-iwruew, anu I. preparea toaeeonu dale all who may give him a call. The tnUi. inny rest assured that it will be conducted ia lit beat manner poasitiie. Jlia tauio will be lunpliti with the belt th market affords. Hi Bar lli witi. the choicest brands of winet and liqnor,acj hi tab.'e will Le under the care of nttentir tii enrerul osti". VA I X.U . IV JiAVIa, Feb. II, 1857.-T. Dlt. GKORCr. tVlLM)Mr.ip'iriill;iri notice that he ha rraumed the FraclH lledicino, and will promptly attend to all cillt tie proiossion. i.utherburg,Ap 1 2, VA TIIOMBSOXT H A U'lNOCK N CO? ron l oiiiirtt-ra, Curwemrille. Anexuneia X asaoruneni oi tasting made to erdere Doc. 29, 1851. ' L. JACKSON" CRANS", " ATTORXEY AT LAW, office adji'tiuf residence on Second ftret. Cleart Jd, I June 1. 1S54. PUBLIC NOTICE. NY persona knowing theuuelvc indebted ei note or book aecouut of one year eraum luudiiig, are positively requested to rail and u. off, otherwise they wdl be treated nccordinr u niiiioui rcspci'l (l person. FRANCIS C0XDRIET. Frenehville, May 5, 1858. TO MY CREDITORS. Being aged nnd infirm in bodv. I nm d,.l,, lo settle and close up all ny Worldly buiinen- m, persona inning cliiiins against nr. are thwi. fore rcriu stcd to present them at once for iftllt iiieni. i uesiro to bo my own executor, may 1(1, ls.5S. JAMES HE A, Br, CA vrior. AY; bnvin i lu-reny cautioned. aciiM ing, or in nnr war me,l,lli., .i.i. m.i.,1. .. : ." .. u vuns, out rcu anu tne other brindla. an in Ihe possession oi Joseph Millward, or Deeite tp., as Ihe said cows belong to me. and are in hi, possession on loan only, eubject to my ordei ui I 'M! 1 1 VI, DAVID G0SS. Sept. 23, 1S57. .It pil. C ALT ONAll person are hereby caitiei against purchasing a certain note drawiri ine in lavor of Stacy W. Thoiupaoii, dates 2ni August, 1S57, for $!2.i, as I have tot rcesirM vnmc nicrcior and will not pay it. . ., DANIEL BOWMAX. April 7th. 1RS7. 3l-pd. JOHN TROUTMAN STILL continues the business of Chair Makiii nnd House, Sign nnd Ornamental Painlinr ii the shop formerly occupied by Troutnian A Holt, nt tho east end of Market etrcet, a short dittim "lyi. M. f)()l)S, having chTiiTdliiTi j turn irom lurwensville to Clearfield, m pectfully otf.-r I.ia professional orvieei le Ui tiiij.riis oi ma miter placo aud vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite f. Kef Mie. WM. V. CHAMBERS. CARRIES ou Clinirninking, Whoflwrigbt,ii ,T ' , P'"i g nt l urweninlli, u.tiir.1. co. .mi order tlrouintly attendrd U Jan. 5, I55S. DH. U'. M. CAM Pit KM, having located-, hylertown, tenders his professional lervlw, tu the ciliien. of Morri and the adjoining ton. hip. I 0 will nlway, be found at the residua or f hos kyler, when not professionally eugsrii May 21, 1S58. ' 6 ELLIS IRWIN & SONS. t T the mouth of Lick Run, five mile friw IV Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and exlenim I'li.niiiuciurcr 01 Lumber, July 23, l!i52. TO LUMBERMEN AND OTHERS. THE underighcd would respectful! inform the cituena of ClearOCd and the adjoining eo'l : " J"" siure.i 111 l'bilipsburg, a vrt largo quantity of grain, including Rye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat uorn and Barley which he will cll in lartre or small lota ea 111 ,,,, ... , . . " i'i inn 11 me lowest pnrn ? I"'"!,10!! ot tho" n,inR anything in tbii ...... .B miii u hi me stock, believing it weald N .-.u.. Ku.nningo 10 give him a call. l aiong men and be supplied by (1. W. T-T 1 TI FR rhilipsburp, March 3, 185T.-tf. n. 0. crouch, PnTSICIAN-OOice in Curweiuville. CAUTION. ALL peraonnjare hereby cautioned again' meddling with a certain note, given by tb 1.1 , . ,'"no'I,,ew Hadden, dated ... lur two, a sain note ba been pail v THOMAS MAHAFFET. New H ahington, March 10. 185S. CAUTION. MT wife Maryette. having left my be? I . 1 b.0Brdf'"out "7 just c.nse cr provocatlM 1 tlierofore forbid any person harborine or trurt- ing ner on my account. E. MERRIFIILD- HENRY W. OVERMAN. Xo',4S0liXo- C) Third Street, Mm LEATHER DEALER Calf ikini, Moroecoi, Linings. Bindine. RED t OAK SOLE LEATHER, kt K, B. Rough Leather bough t or takea la March 1, 1857 J. Traet of Land at Private Sal. m' 1 1 ' HE undersigned will aell II on easy terms IT.: -i on,B n Vf ..... t , . . ... . ""i "oum zo aerei cleared lviae ea t -- West Branch, near tl,. 1, 1. . r.r....iA , with a nod two storv .Jn ""a" "1 ii. ..4 k..:i.i: ' 5 '.r' . '.T nnd buildings. An orchurd of young lr recently planted, und a largo scope of goojja A,,ii n, mi. ,6 0