Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 26, 1858, Image 2

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    if if JUtjUiMicin.
tV'll. ' VV.J. VA - L V aiu .lliiHfiio II. Hi nil. 11 iv !. 1 1 res
i-'-'.-, ,iiHJ'-,7 A nwiy dn tin pi.l-lliiit tln-y mnv il.i injiity I
fit tJ.'l:,''''V: vVf t' th pnHv (.four altnohmeiit Mill we !
y'' ' ,," $ v'' viL' W ,nu,t tl",l ,'n''' 1 iin,,f"i',",y " 1
3l-.'.';V t vTytf1 f Ix illnnil 1 1 fii ( many. There limy bo
- 'V WV" j Hotuo democrats who Mill have confidence
rlJ:.HHl.l.l M,.y 117, li.
Tcmocratic State Ticket.
JVLXiKOI" 'iili: rVi'H KMK CUl'IiT.
(If l-.IILAI'l l I'lllV.
or r.ivKTTK i.
"Whuiii woiil.l Uestroy they
lii-Ht miiko mail" is an apothegm to ha il-
mstrmea io me very leuer in uie iiimom .
or John II'. Form-v ),. lie is now ra,,
uml his Jeirc;,i is as sure to follow ns
Hie lilfc'lil, llio iiaj .
In his weekly Vi.m of the C'Jml iit.
two mortal columns aie oVvotoil to lue
oi ociiau.r uwvr, m wiiu-ii .u.uoou uuu
low, rile, 6lanK-jut such ns becomes the ,
i r. i . ti i : li r.. I . I . l 1 i
(leperaao when reuuKeii ny mo sungR
I,!. u,n.,,im.
. . 1 .... ..... .. '
minent chnractenstics. Ihis tnude be-
ginu with tl.;ceit and ends with falsehood ;
and indeed from beginning to end, is to
tally destitute of any other or better
The article purports to be a reply to a
fow remark rnado by us u few weeks ago ;
and says that we "re-openod the volume of
Mr. Biglers shameless inconsistency and
treachery nt the very page where we (For
ney) "rested." This is not true, Mr. For
ney, and the truth may ns well be told at
once. You never "rested" from abuse
of Gov. Biglerj and for the last twelve
years, you have never omittjd an opportu
nity of giving him the assassins stab, un
til within the last year your desperation
has induced less reserve, and you now do
openly what you had long been secretly
engaged in. But who cares when, or at 1
what "page" you ceaso your abuse; cer
tainly not tho friends of Gov. B. If the
abuse of the Tribune and other kindred
prints did him' harm in times past, the
falsehoods and slanders of a renegade can
do him no iiy'ury now or hereafter.
Tho article refered to however goes on
through a lengthy effort at self-justification
asserting that the object of the 1'rms
in its establishment was to yield an lion-
est support to the administration of Mr.
Ah, Colonel! you cannot "soft-soap"'
the public in this way any longer. It is
"too late." A year ago such was the be-1
lief among many of your former friends ;
but not among ull. There were those
among tho most intimate of them who
knew your nature too well, and : jio
dcieivtJ ; and who embraced every oppor
tunity to put tho unsuspecting on their
guard, leFt they be entrapped ; but they
were not generally heeded. We confess
to having been victimized to a considera
ble extent. All that we could consistent
ly do to extend thecirculiv.ion of the Prest
when it was first established was dono
done upon the faith we had in the profes
sions of its editor. We are sorry for it
now, and can only hopo that we may live
to repair the wrong.
It is not necossury for us now lo give
the rea-ons why those friends mistrusted
the real purposes of Col. Forney. They
t?ere sufficient for men capable of tracing
conclusions from premitory symptoms.
Now that he is completely ouUiJt of the
democratic organization; now that his
sympathies are all against the party to
which he formerly professed such ardent
attachment, and the party that has fed
nnd fattened him ; now that he spares no
abuse of tho leaders of that party, calling
them theauthorsof "a bascwindle''fraud"
and "client ;" now that he never fails to
vent his spleen ngainst tbe whole south,
nnd can see just as much "tovlhern agget
uW as can Wilson Halo orGreoly; and
now that ho seeks not to counsel or har
monize with democrats, but is heart and
oul with the leaders of all the different
factions now banded or banding together
for the overthrow of the democratic par
ty, lamenting over our victoriesand exalt
ing over their triumphs,sittingintheircon
claves and entering intothcir plans, labor
ing for their advancement and making
common cause with them.the people need
110 other proof of his apostacy and treach
cry. Theso facU speak loudor than words.
The plainest reasoning could not more
thoroughly convince them that the whole
sehomo was one of deep and dark decep
tion. There may be thoso who think that Col.
Forneys hostility to Senator Bigler dates
from the introduction of the Lecompton
constitution into Congress. We trust they
wll continue in their error no longer.
Ho may have supported Mr. Bigler when
nominated by, the people, but it was nev
er" with a will. But becAiiso to do so was a
' lesser evil than' to oppose him, and thus
throw himself into the arms of the oppo
sition a few years earlier than he has done.
Ever since Gov. Bigler entered public life,
and gave promise of those sterling quail-
ties of hoaa ana nean wmcn nave won lor
. . 1 it'll a
him the prowl distinction he now enjoys,
W h Jno
And there haa not beon a dav
for the
it twelve yeara upon which Col.
,. n.,1ti.. ,M..rm1r. c,Uny ep
J.OtllltlitV, Mill l0'l Ml)' lllllll itlfllinll
ihnf pavr pfotiil'n tif ill f.'iil ing 'lev. Bin
It. Stub l Die Jcnlotl")-. til MM)-, ntnl
lli' roMb" niut.ii Ion of lli hi"
jwwf of pnlliiiK llu iii nn lln ir pnniil l.
fori) it iH loolito thnl wo innko llirni.
Wlii-ii Col. Forney Uiiilcrlnkc l .oVr
S-iiator liiuun guilty of ineoiifiMonry on
the Kuiimii (cition, ho w ill n juvt iilnmt
in BUtcesbful u Juilno Wii.mot in Ii'ik i l- In Ticnl'o lli-it llio ili'lllOI'I'llt 1 lillt'tvi:
Itleserted liilil. fnsteiul of hint Hie luii y.
I'llRieU iiOHi-eoch tlu.t Mr. It. over inii-l.'J,.0lltl.yi mi iH.loiiH of hor honor, to'of
in or out of hiinniw, tlmt is not entirely
Ireeoiieiliil-lo with his eourno in theN-tiate.
j Aii.l hiul the people of Knnxas laken part
in the election of ileleate io their eon-,
Mitutional convention, iw ho uieil llieiu
. ,..
;a,nulgst tl,11lf 101.0 wold llllV0 ,,c,.n
; alrfn,ly unre.leemea ; ami all
,1... Kn..l,ist- . owl nil the faUehoo.! ami
misrepresentation of all the Forneys,
Douglases nml tiieelys in the IiiikJ lo have
dewivod even t1(! mo,t ,.lXHlulous.
Uad Co,
oncii bostilitv to our nblo and dintiii'Miish-
1 V ... . .
icU tnitei.ll Mates ,enator would "nve nail
. . ,. ,1 , i... n... 1
. 10 Bi-eiv m.uii.- uin. i 1. .....Y .....1
of his fuiluro to get tho po.t
JM 111 l-
mini .
A Coalition State convention of ull the .neighbor, "John Bull" and convince him
elements of the incongruous opposition that our rights upon the Oeoiin must be
has been called by Lemuel Todd, who respected; even by his imperial majesty,
signs himself "Chairman," to meet at liar-, 'o' were compelled to resort to thisnifih
risburg on the 8th July next. What (,d once before Kiucc we wrested our indo
"Lemuel" intends doing with the niotly prudence from him , and however the ad
group when hegetsthom together, is more vantages of that struggle may have pre.
than we can divine! but we shall sec j.onderatod, they have rarely ventured to
whnt we tkall see." I molest our merchantmen sinco, until with-
Our Junior Editor having missed a trip ; ' ,llL' Il,st
"down the river," is now rusticating a- Tho uninterrupted military nnd mari
mongthe mountains of Centre county. '" nueeess, which has attended the Kn
We trust our friends in that section will lish Army and Navy in all her recent
have a care over him nnd keep him out ' wars.has evidently .'no eased the oonfi lence
of the "Big Spring," as the Junior unfor-! of their government and people in their
innately cannot swim. J. prowess, at all times considerable, and
BKITrTRHWAN?:..:. hl1 -oy thcy have but
to ftnke and victory is theirs. That they
It is with some nations as with some m-1 ,mvo nm d j ,o up wUh m
cuviuuais, a continuous current 01 succr-.s
to blind them to the possibility of r(werse,!foi.f,thcm moro grati fication tliun to Lc
that they begin to feel as if'lho earth and t,nalle(llo ,m)0y unJ cril,ple 0Uf com.
tho fullness thereof had been created for, niprcc. a)1(,finnlly to ,,rovoUo m into a
theircspeciol benefit and ; con-, war ftt ft di!;ldvalltllg0 if possible, and then
sequcntly their manner and conduct be-; . , ,,,. lin T,.rv arc ot
comes lughty
nnd overbearing tow-
rds all with whom they are brought in '.
contact with. Treating them rather j
in.onor. w urp.uueuus.uun !'";
poe8S1uK cIUM nuuiminnn. ...... gtalc. nnd t,( prol,nVly deem this
political rights, with such especial foavor-,tho most filvourftbl(, orrKi tunity for wi
ites of Fortune as themselves. This is in j . .,.. r .1 :.r,-t,l tn
no cae more fully exemplified in regard
to nations, (individual instances aro too
numerous to need special reference,) than
in the case of Great Britain. That nation
from which wo profess principally to have
derived our origin ns a people entirely ns
a government.
While it is to bo lamented that so great,
so enlightened, and so refined a nation
should be open to such heavy censure ;
yet is as true of her, as it is discreditable
to her, that as a government she is the
most nrrognnt and presuming of all tho
nations of the earth. Possessing the
naughty oenring 01 tno lion nor national ,
emblem witn a portion 01 ins courage,
but none of his magnnanimity, she has
long maintained, in theory nt least, if not
always'in practice, that "Britlnnia rules
tho wave." Acting upon this imperious
assumpsion, she has ever claimed that ev
ery crafc no mutter to what nation belong- j
ing, Bails npon Ocean, Sea or (i ulf, should
pay tribute to he,r maritime supremacy
by submitting to whutever humilia
ting searchos and detentions sho might
chose to impose; even to the extent of re
ceiving a shot in the hnll or rigging by
way of a friendly assurance of the patron
age of its superior.
This practice has been followed up by
the hirelings of tho BritipliJXavy with some
interruptions and suspensions since that
branch of her power first beeamo formida
ble. And however necessary it may have
I beeonio for her to discontinue it from mo
tives of interest or expediency, the right
has never yet been disclaim cd.
Th6 war of 1812 between her and us,
as every school boy knows, grew out of
this right of search, claimed by the Brit
ish government j and although they had
virtually ceased to exerciso it so as our
commerce was concerned until recently,
the treaty of peace between tho two
governments which ended the war, con
tains no renunciation of that right.
Within a brief period however our An
glo Saxon neighbors under color of th
provisions of tho treaty made some years
ago between several of the great powers,
them and ourselves included, in relation
to the tuppression of the African slave t rude,
have revived their old practico of way
laying and searching our merchantmen ;
and as if to (mike amends to themselves
for their long abstinence from such acts of
insult and outrage, seem to be surpassing
all their former efforts in this delectable
employment. Within twenty one days,
as will be seen by a list in another part of
our Banc, twentv one of our vessels were
boarded by English steamers, many of
hetn in the. most insolent and overbear-
ina manner. -Several more have received
aimilar treatment since that Ht was made
! ImnlJIr"'1" "I hod neniurl ilntmft thai rtl"'l, 1"it
ivl lb. ii ii...ilo..
our commerce mo ten BiKiOi war Mourn-
in the SI) x muI 1ii7hmI i nn I the fSi'ii"'1 whi n it was Written. Hnm lin miun in- ;,(11(,,,r n i,lir,( ()m Annmim niii
(when liny i'OtiiliTii.l In ejvc onr) f"' rosstititly forsrvoml d.iye. nml the river t.rhirii B imbor, w hlrh on her 1iip
t'l.-irhiiih li.iiiile w.liiip,llliittlii-yro'1i!1rr limn It has boon since the ho flood ' fro.n Now V.-rU to Poll im Vrin-o, w n
o,,,,ir, In ,1,0 suppression of Urn .Iau.,,1 Mill .Wing. There I- nothing ' U oV ' riV."" U , n
timl, muI Inivo linn oiilori'.l liy lln'lr
govi rniiii'Mt In nml nwli nil
oil ii i. n voKH'lit. ()f rouiMO wlli'll nilleJ
...i .1... i....iiM. .,.i.!.,., :il -ii.,.,., '
' ' "h- 1,-
in..' ii'tiiiiiiii.iii' ,,h,,,.,. it
(VM-...1-.I tlu-tr onion. ; l.ut lliey will InUo I .
iMiro llmt tlii-v !' neither rofiillwl nor
pi.iMMir.iii.r.o no..,,:.
nowcM r u ih snuuying io vycry Aiurr-..
I .1.. ... llm . ......
..OH Moseiii.tive sene. who loven liinl
kll()W ,mt .,r()llt ,.tion has l.oeti taken I
..,, i.r(.,i,i,.Ilt (1 the Cnl.inet to lav
u t si t i t'i 1 1 of theso outrii(je before the
.;n!li.-h overiiiiient nnl lenianl repanr
!,,, . ,! it is Io ho sineerely hopil llmt
our government will nxuniu nueh atone
nml position as will at once eonvineo our
Iraiis-atlaulio eousiim that wo nre too
much In earnest this limo to bo satisfied
with paltry excuses, nnd eoiileinpible ul
trfugos, as has been tho ease upon several
former occasions. But that wo have satis
faction, full nml amnio for the ijiw andn!
... , .1 ... r.. irii.:
sumeieiu LMinraineu 101 uic iiiium. i";
t j j , nii Hmt too .without
' ...
ulimis0,mi,io ,U:iVl then our "voice is lor
war" us the only argument by which we
can reach the obtuse perceptions of our
, r11;. ,, nnt,n .nl,l,l ftr
n illffloi,.i,t condition of our
Kuv1 wLile their own . not only
1iy fnr tho iarg(!lit in the WOrM a. it has
iong hcPn )Ut is ill a most active nnd com-
l..l tlt.t DUIJ.U V. IIII3 BlUllia llll.lll lU'l IV
their national escutcheon by the events of
tho wars of the Involution und of 1812.
However this may bo, although wo do not
advocut ; thc policy of rocipitatmgour! elves
unprepared into a war with nny nation,
especially one os powerful as Great Brit
ain without cogent reasons; yet wo trust
that our governmont will show tho world
that we are not to be trampled upon, even
by tho British Lion. He have prncticed
a pacflio policy with European nations
lone enough. Lot us at least show our
teeth to them once more.
Thc M,)iptlt alitor of the McKcan Cithcn
sugg,sts thftt the next fourth of July, in
stead of being celebrated by scones of fes
tivity and rejoicing, should "be selected
for fasting and prayer for tho loss of those
liberties which our fathers fought and bled
to secure-" We highly approve tho sug
gestion so far as he anil the Republicans
generally nre concerned. The fasting
would assist greatly in relieving their
stomachs of the superfluousbile with which
they aro at present encumbered; and al
though their prayers under the rule laid
down in tho "Good Book" could not avail
much, yet if offered in a spirit of genuine
humility and repentance could not mnke
their casn much worse.
Con'iiressioxai.. Tho proceedings of the
national Legislature since the settlement
of tho Kansas difficulty are rather tamo
nnd insipid. The most important mean-
. , ... , . . .
...o ... . .u
11. - i 1 11 I 1 1 .1. . 1.
minions 01 uoiiars asKeu oy mo executive
to meet the current expenses of tho year,
The committee on elections to whom was
refered the question of the right of the
two Minnesota members of tho house have
offered their different reports. The ma
jority report recommends the admission
of Messrs. Phelps and Kavanngh to seats
in tho house. The other two deny their
right to seats upon some refinements of
argument which practically amounts to
Douglas introduced an important
bill into the Senate last Mondav entitled
"A bill to restrain and redress outrnees'
n .... , ,, .
upon the flag and cituens of the United
States," which gives the President the au -
thority to use such force as he may deem
necessary to effect the object of the bill
, ... . . .,...
wiuioui nrst, reienng me lacta to ton-
.: .,i m,i v i. . ;i
wv" I'revnii.
ing features in our landscape scenes for
several days past. This however is the
season of vernal showers and therofore we
are not so much surprised at their occur
ande o at tU.eir dhration, which is not un-
, .. , ' . . "
frequently many hours, and even dars."
ci , . ... .
some at weens ago we pennon uie suove
t'l.fMtil - 'n 1-1 thnMsl-M-r tti rather,
,,. - h lirin lubi urilil Hon, In t'nr pntt-Mio -j
ninl which Would Iiuvp born M JM'.ii-
this week mi being si weeks trimr limn,
pxcfj.t .lt ift .
Tlio Kilitor of tlm ' nrick f l:rttc Is ol
ntll fnaliilltilV' nlnolll! llN tlllt i VO llilli1 I
. .. ' .
Wo jmvu r,ivonrMl l.y lnni with n vi-;t'um MnceliiM -lvoiil ; nml we
. . . .. nontlonmnlv
unI iin.'iHKinning in lii milliners nml (I.
. - - - - V
pri ttnotit, poKK. in it l.irjin nmmii.t of
... , , .
Mrimrv 1etii. Mr. Alimlmm II" Sr.,
Bof loivunhip, lie.l very Miihleiily
Inlo nt work in nm corn neinon ins jion
ihiy forenoon. His disease wns nppoplexy.
Mr. Hess wns nbout seventy five yenvs of
ngo nnl wns one of the early pioneers of
tho rounty. lie was a man of iron ion
stilution, powerful frame nml great per
sonal Btrength ; nml in the days when pu
gilistic encounters were more fashionable
ami consequently less disreputable than
nt present, had been (ho hero of ninny n
hard fought battle, in which he wns uni
formly eoinueror.
Tim nnv.oilimsnf hut week's court nre
.... . , . . 1 n-
iinnvon all v crowded out ims weeK. i e
will givo them in full in our next.
Cidimittf.ii. On Sunday Inst a man na
med Francis Fetors wns committed to the
jail of our county on a ohargo of stealing
ahorse from B. L. I)avenport, of Fox tp.
Also, 011 the same day Hiram and Jon
athan Hemans, charged with being con
cerned in the robbery of tho store ofJWm,
lrvin, K.q. in Curwensville, some weeks
Bead!!! The new advertisements in
this paper. The Cmcrs is coining. Win.
Tortcr, Esq, has been a ppointed receiver
of the: partnership claims of the firm of
lowler i Ake, nnd wants all those indebt
ed to paid firm to meet him at New Wash
ington on next Friday week, (June 4th,)
if thoy don't want to come here to see
him. Win1 A. & It. J. Walince, Esqis.
have dissolved their legal partnership,
and hereafter Uobert J. will bo found in
the commissioners' office, ready to counsel
all those, who nre in any ol'thoclilTiculties
which the law can remedy, nml pocket all
the retainers that niav be tendered him.
Mr. Myrter cautions all persons about
meddling with h certain cow, &c.
Serioi's Mistake. We were led into n
serious misapprehension w hile passing up
street thc other morning. We beheld in
front of Mr. I.nnich's stable a most singu
lar ami unurual pioceof machinery, which
seemed to bo nothing less than a huge
white washing apparatus on wheels, with
brush, buckets of a whitish liquid, and an
"operator" daubing it on "the stable afore
said," Our first impression, nnd a very
natural one, was that the liorougli "Fa
thers" had determined upon whitewash
ing tho village prepnratojy to fencing it
in, as a specimen of finis-hod architecture.
But upon further inquiry we found that
it was only one of the employees of Mnbie
1 Crossby's CiRt'i's, engaged in pasting up
their show bills, and spreading the glad
tidings of "a great deal of fun" for the
boys, which is to be furnishod them in
abundance on Tuesday the 8th June next,
under a "groat big tent" to be erected on
the common at the lower end of town ; ns
by their advertisement in another column,
reference being had thereto, will more ful
ly and at largo appear.
Vessels Searched by British Cruisers
The late outrages on American vessels
by British men-of-war in firing into, board
ing and searching them, under tho pre
tence of looking out for slaves, have in
duced nroni nt action bv the Government,
and orders have been given to the Collec
tors of the various ports to collate and for
ward to the Department at Washington
the statements of eaptaius whoso rights
have boon thus violated, rrom the ener
gy exhibited by the government, there
seems some probability of John Bull being
soon brought to an account. 0 hnv
complied the following list of American
vessels which have thus been treated:
lifhip Clarendon, Bartlett, New York;
Ship Grotto, Dunlevy, Kich'mdJ Mo. ;
Ship Tropic Bird, Fnulkcs, lTiilndel-
l""ft j u. 'n ,rn . cu" "l"J. "
inond, Me. ; Bk Clara mdsor, Mchwon,
New York ; Bk W. H. Chandler, Gngo,
. . . . . . n
' rrovidenoo ; jjark Samos, llaslord. Bos
ton ; Bark John IIowo, Nichlos, Belfast,
Me, ; Brig S. Thurston, Lanipher, Sears
port ; Brig John Taylor, Young, ;
Brig George Stockham, Giles, Bath ; Brig
C. F. O'Brien, Watt, Thomnston : Brig M.
Gilchrist, Rowley St. George, Me. j Brig
E, Morrithow, Gordon, Senrsport, Me. ;
Brig M'mgold, Ixiring, Boston ; Brig ltobt.
Wing, Bray, Boston ; Brig A. A. Chap
man, Somers, Baltimore ; Brig Browns
ville, Simpson, New York ; Schooner Mo
bilo( Howes, New York ; Schooner Cor
tez, Smalley, Mew York ; Sclir. N. B.
Borden, Bightman, Fall River.
In all twenty-one vessels.
.J.C,,I(;!L IVariktes.-Judge Gilbrintli,
01 me r-rio aisirici, so interprets the no
.Lh.uor Law as to authorize Uivern keoners
to procure licence without publication or
certificate, and has granted lioenc accord-
l Ull T. IT .
4 1110UUR 11,0 or.,"mPton
district construes the law as reouireinc him
to grant tavern licences only where he
deems them necessary. I hose two eon-
structions the antipodes of each othor.both
I1K U.1 Tl.-.U- T.,,1 .1 '....I.
0ut the State appear tocoinoide Ingieing
a common sense ocmst ruction to tlie law.
which the Erie an 4 Northampton Judges
seem uname to uo.
, TCW'i 1 Tu I
ols have been boarded by the British
! ateamera Stvx and Bu?cl. in th
Twenty one Americaa Merchant ves
1 . . . - . J
:or twenty one days
,tK vM:i i I A H S WlM''H t I-
f'TiiTini, ii it
' .,,.,:, i0,i i , ,v n t-rtw llio Anini'Mi
lottinj! il''nniliinrr.' II hen oil Ui
wrt t li'l of SI. Iioininp", f1h w nvi-r-i
i i I... It.iil.l.i.p uln lli'i'il l'nt
ii . I ..
oiw Miin (iiriii.ri r,h... ...
w,i,., wns ul i o ilonc. Miortly
tor a shot came. By tlmt time the nag
was up. Another shot was fired, which
piicl within thirty feet of tho bows.
Two officers of the steamer caineon board,
nml were told that tho barquo camo I10111 1
New York, bound to Fort an 1'rinee, nml
they replied that the next shot would j
have gone between tho masts. The only i
excuse given for this outrage was Hint j
they were "obeying orders." ; SHOT FHOMTlIEBIUTISIlJ
l'mm llio I'niviilcnco Post. '
('apt. Matthews of the brig Eolus, atl
Bristol, w ho left Cardenas on the 2d int.,l
!... 11 1 1...: nt .... I
ie.ori., maw 11 jmcmiiii uii miitvu 11. ..,. j
denas the day before he sailed, tho officers
of which report that- on their pas.-age
from Havana they had been boarded by n
boat from tho British Mourner Styx, and
shamefully insulted by the officials, who
claimed the privilege of examining their
papers and directing their movements.
These ollicials not only Dehaved in the
same insulting manner, us reported on a
former ocasion, but actually drew pistols
and cutlasses as a meansof on forcing their
orders. It remains to be seen how long
this British steamer will be allowed to
pursue this course of conduct; but to our
mind, the very best method of teaching
its oll'iccrs nnd superiors good manners
would be to givo hor a broadside from
some American vessel capable of sinking
her in half an hour. This practice of al
lowing British and Spanish voxels to in
sult our flag, and then settle tbe matter
with an apology, is getting to be n greivt
bore, nnd bad better be abandoned.
l'rom Ibo New Orlcnns Dritn.
A contlouinn of the utmost rclinhilitv.
from Havana by the Black H'nrrior, brings
minimal 1011 tlmt the American -ship cap
tain had held u meeting, and taken meas
ures to have all the cannon and armament
which is on board their various ships pla
ced on one of their number, which shall
be well manned, and proceed to sea with
the design of car.luieing tho saucv little
British cruiser when she overhauls the shin
as sho very surely would, in accord.ince
with her usual practice. It this report is
iswell rounded as it apparently is Mihstnn-
tiul, we may possibly hear how John Bull
caught a Tartar per the next arrivl.
From the Ronton Journal
A telegraphic order was received on Sat-
urdav to fit out tho brig Dolphin with nil
despatch, and sheers were erected nml her
masts were got 111 lie. ore six o clock. M10
will probably be all rigged on Tuesday, and
be nil ready for her officers. It is rumor
ed she. is going to look after the scarchinc
vessels in tho West Indies ; and still anoth
er sends her to raraguav. The Macedon
ian's crow go on board on Thui'idar. The
officers reported on Saturday.
the Levant is in dry .lock, llio Roan
oke is at the end of tho wharf.
Gen. 1'ercifer F. Smith, commander of
the Army of Ctah, died at Fort Leaven
worth on the night of thelOth inst.
I! Lounsbnrv Aco., of rhiladelphia are
said to possess a method ol extruding
cuneois and other obstinate tumors with
out cutting, which effects a complete cure.
tie are not acquainted with tho process,
but if they are as successful its is alleged,
it is the- most valuable medical discovery
of the age.
The Mormons it is reported have con
cluded to retire i.eacably from Salt Lake
City without making any warlike resist
ance to either the United States troops or
civil authorities This disposition on the
part of this deluded people is alleged to
nave neon brought about by the mtervon
tion of Col. Thos. L. Kane. Whether hi
was acting in an official ciipaeitv us tin
agent of tho U. S. government is not def
initely known. Ho is a son of the late
Judge Kane, and a brother of the late dis
tinguished Arctic navigator..
On last ednesdny, (l!th,) (iov. Pack
er, Atty. oen. Knox, Mr. AInorehond,
President of the Sunbury nnd F.rie Hail
Bond Co., nnd Mr. Gibbons, tho Solicitci
of the Company, met in the Executive
Chamber at llarrisburg, and consumatod
the sale of the balance of the State Calinb
'PI . .1 .
mo sucurines were given, 111c deeds exe
cuted and delivered, nnd the Gov. has iss
ued his proclamation announcing thc
Henry William Herbert, a well known
author who published his worksumler the
name ol "frank Forrester," committed
suicide m cw 1 ork a few days ago. Mr,
Herbert was an Knglishman by birth but
had resided in this country for manv
years. Ho was about fifty years of age at
the timo of his death.
Billy Bowlecs. the Semonole Chief. b
has boon the principal cause of tho
i.....-.i im...: I 1 1 . . . . I l r
. ... ......J-,.. ...,413 l I
traded Florida war, has at length
ted to tho authoritiv of the U. S.
niont and agreed to remove beyond the j
Mississippi, lie was at .-ev UrieanB last
week on his way toward the land of the
setting sun. There is one Chief with about
70 followers yet in the Everglades of Flor
ida, who refuses to obey the behests and
submit to the dominion of the pule face;
but his resistance must bo short and fee
IsK-rA-Dtr-TAn tho Chief of the band
of Indian renegades and half breeds which
committed the murders and outrages at
Spirit Lake and other place on tho bor
ders of Minnesota and Iowa last spring
has it is said been captured at last.
A man named William Williams who
wad convicted last full of tho murder of
.Daniel Hendricks near Lykenstown in
the upper part of Dauphin county, was
hung in llarrisburg on last Friday after
noon. Gt.y, Twmas is on his way to Texas.
MARRIED- On the tho 20th inst by
Rev. E. W. Kirby. Mr. Owen 1 1 n.n-w-lr
and Miss Rachel Foster, all of Philips-
DIKD-InBogg, township, on last Monday
of appopleiy, Mr. Abraham Heat, Sr., aged about
1 13 years,..
M AMR t run- BY'.
Trench and amrmcai
- .7 k,l,lc3,-r,:in Campaign
JjiV OK 18M) linrlnr niitira..j
llio nmnngrrii of this ciftrdoom!
I.i.inlimior FltKNCH nd AMK
I'.K'AN HTAltS lo lmprM1
IliriB fnct upon tho public, ti1 .
Unit tliia is the only Frrnch tnd
American compnny in the Vston
Contident fhut thoy hare lucce.
tied in tit is rcrpect, and aa osl.
dent that Ihs public will admit
it, the innnngcra rf pfctf ully in.
vita all to road, boliold and ton.'
paro. The
Colossal Music Car
will enter town on the morning
of exhibition, and parade thro'
the principal thoroughfare!,
drnwu bjr aplundid ttoedi, and
containing the -
New York Bugle Band,
1.1:11 or the wi.zaud
Will Exhibit ut CLEAR
FIELD, Tuesday June Bthl
1S5S. . , .
Anmssiu!t 25 cent
Doors opened at 2 and 7 o'clotk.'
I'efrormunco half an hour later.
Tno distiot porfurmancea after
noon nnd oveiing.
Among Iho many aplundid at.
trartiona of the French and A-'
tucrivnn corps of .
Eiders, Vaultcrs, Tumblers,
Accrobiits. MnirieiimH Cn.
.. - - . --- . O r
:i medians, Dancers, Vo-4 1
enlists, Lc. &c, '
.In- tin- following :
: ,-
The Qu. cn of Trench
The I'airy-liko French
and Dhusoiih.
MU. CllAh'. E. 6IIERW00D,
The grentcat general performer
in llio wrld.
The French llercnlea, Magician
and Contortionist.
The inn tel. loss Romcriiet Rider,
Leper nnl anller.
Tho F'reiich Acrolal.
- . 1
Tho grcatcft Tii.y Riilcr in the world.
W 1 1.1 1 AM CK0S1IY,
Tho Far I'liincd Ainrricnn Two-Horae Rider.
Tho Juvenile l'rodigv of Iho ring.
The Aiuericiin Clown and Singor. -
1 Ins Company will also perform at
I'hilipsburg on Momlay June 7th.
VLT. persona i
of Howler
i n nny way inilehtrd to the firm
A Ake, by judgment note or
book account, mil take notice Hint I, the subscri
ber, hnve been appointed receiver for anid firm
by the Court cf Common plena ol Clearfield conn-
ly, and tlmt I with Dowler A Ako, will be at the
ollice of Smuiicl Sebring, In New Washington,
Clonrrteld county, on F'ridiiy the 4th day of June
next, nt V A. lor ttic purpose of re-nemo; i'l
tlritn nt: if r, rf r. on anid day nnd no longer. All
those interested w II please attend and anve eeit,
i. I ennnot ijn vp fla re a second lime. Those ne
glecting may cnlVulnto on coming to see me.
Reetivor in the Partnership Estute ef Dowler
A Ako.
Clonrfiold, ,Mny 21, 1S5S.
nnHE Pnrtncrsliln existing between the under-
i signed in (he practice of tho law, hai tbil
nay been tins dissolved by mutual consent.
Cloarfield, May 1st ISiS
t TTORXEV AT LAW, Clenrfiold, Pa.-0e
m. for the prosent in the eastern end of Coun-
iy hmiiiings. Inny ?6, mt.
ALL persona nro horcby cautioned against
purchasing or In nny wise meddling with a
certain cow now in the potsession of A. Ilahief
I'cnn township, aa snid cow belongs to me, ant
is lonncd to snid Unhn subject lo my order. '
Tenn tp., M:.y 2j, 1858.
Wr. nro authorized to announce tli
name of Wm. Mcrrell, of Lawrence town
ship, as a candidate for County Commit
siouer, subject to the decision "of the D
liiocratio party of the county ut its pri
mary elections.
( '1 iitvtv rrtt nrrwiovi',1
: T .Ml'1 '
r ;lmo ut,'or'sSa ,t ?nou"e lhe mt
of Minor inccnt T. TTnlt nf UnAfnA (n
sTove!nii,sacil,,,lkl'v,' fop Co,,nty Commissioner,
i"Lm.n,,.i Vi ""Uiei't to tho action of iho Democratic
voters of the primary election.
PEACE, Lnthersburg, Clearfield Co., Pa. ,
Merchant and Lumber Dealer, earner
Front nnd Locust streets, Clearfield.
Dec. 29, 1861.
rpaunar, at the aid stand In Cnrwenirille.. '
-L Dee. 29, 1841.
HAVIXQ removed his office to the new dwel
ling on Second street, will promptly anjwei
11 professional oallt at becetoCoj-e. "
QTOXE W A K lit A general
waya on hand at the store of
iaM. f. IRWIIT,. '
Cloarfield, Sept 12, 1845.
(1ALTI0X-.AU persona are hereby eaatieiewt
J ngainst ratdd Ing with th following prop
erty now In possession of Daniel S, Dunlap: two
Cows. 1 Wagon and a lot of theep, aa th tarn ,
belong to me, and subject to my order.
May 10, 18i8. SAMUEL 8H0FF-
Magistrates' blanks for sale here.. ..,