Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 19, 1858, Image 4

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    - - I III'
mi: miumi ii tnriir nrut
!.1 'nr frnnt whiiU' of Jlrrnll ft fiirtrr'i
ThrrrMnry fniltline, nn lrmt Mrrrl,
In Ihr IlirmiEli of Urnrfiilil.
T II K II Ii tVv nr i i 'j -rr.1 t'i m-ini"' t'ir- sll
yy kind, of I N nkd HII-.KT IIO.N U A II K.
I hfy mr Kim prepared In fiuni'li, M reduced pt.
- , In. f.dh.w iutr ni li In nil their 'nm-lic.--I'MI
IIION, .NAII.K. nii'l M
" in...-hincs, l'li.'hs, Loli-iil Culling iL.ves.
bain I'iiii', 1'nli'iii Km-oig'-. outlet" nnd I tin
u.ds, Sell r-cnling Inns tor l'i pi i in; Kruit, n.
'II ssn largo viirlr t v of hou.okc'-ping utensil.
n m.inor.'iis In incminii.
SI.iVl-s.Th.-v I. live fil'ii it lnr.-n assortment "I
m.iIi Conk iiml J'nilur Stoves, ol llu' best nnd urns!
.-pproved pattern", nnd ihihuii them will be found
ill- pflflirntfcl NEW WOULD CHK STOYK.
All order fur castings will lio thankfully rocci
cd -ml r"Hi . I v n ( l' n ' I -i In.
1 1 i II . r- j 10 tl I J ll ; hi niili'r.
Al they occupy n i.iig" Mini i'oiii iikiiI'k-11 house,
well as nut building., they arc well prepared to
I i Commissi. m business ami nil ordoi, I'ilhri
fcs U.-lailors or W holesale Dealers ill he thniil.
fjilly received, ami uKi-udcd In with l -1 t . Ii.
ii. ii. .ii:i;i:I.I.L.
Tiny 10, 1S5C. I.. II. CARTER.
r.Nny i.oiuin.
OH. HKXJtY I.DliAlX, Imviiiif ns"...-lt.t.-.l
.ith him in the pni.-li.-e nl' .Moili.-ino Dr. .1.
'. IIAKTSWK'K, tlu-y mtVr th.-ir pr.fV--i..iiiil
- rvioe to Hit- ciii.i nB of ('lomli.'ld und i.-inilv
i !iey will nil.'inl to prolusFinnul cull- lit all hutii
ml innll -.euKniiH.
l)r. lli.rt"wick .ill be fmind di-rin tin- dny nl
ifiroflioe eppo-jitu Dr. L'.riiin'" rt-siunm c. nn.l at
- ibt at hi r.-.-iilcnoc, one Uuur ui 111 nl' Ki-cl I
cvcr'i stnro.
CI.jus neld, Juno In, 1 ii).
Prke.ftdMcd to suit the Tom 'iWnn ?1 V
per J' i 'i.
Kace st. above Third, Phila.
'piIE prnpriotnr- of the nbove wnll known en-j
L tablirliuicnt bolu thiinkt'iil fur tlio very 1
liberal putronnfjo bovlowed upon tlieni tlio pnA
.voar, take thin inelliod of iiil'orn.iu their fri.-nd' :
id the public Hint tbey nre "till prepared to no. i
ommodnto them if fnvorod with ti call.
Dui ing the tunimor months Hio house bits boon !
liiorouj-hly ronovntod, inipiuveinctit!. inade nnd '
. Iher extensive nltornthii" in conleinplaiinn. ;
We nre determined to ilovnte our whole ntfj-n- i
Hon to bu-ines" ami (lallur iiui colve.-. wilb Hie
i onvicilon tttat wo tuull he n bin to ptve Mltsfae-
N. B. Carringo will alnnv be iu reudinoF to
nrey pn-ecners to and Irmu Su-nmbont Lnnd-
fiogs and Itailrnnd Pepots.
March 31st, 1858.y,
8. A S.
T:imes Ti. England, 1 In the Court qj
.eo. Roberts Smith & Common Pleatiof
Tary R. liin wife, and t Clonrfield County
'harles V. Fox No. 5 l.Novpinber
v lL-rni, imoi.
m. V. Ilcming. J .Sumnions mi
i jectment " for ubotit eighty aoros of,
and in 1'ike towiiHlnp, Cloarheld County, ';
-ounded north and east I.v tlio Krio turn-:
; ike, west by lands of Win. M'Nattl, and I
.uth by the south lino rf No. 301.'!, being'
art of No. 3C13. Writ returned Not
And now, ISth Nov., IS.17, on motion of
'Vm. A, Walliifto, Enn. Pl'hV Att'y, Rule'
n tho Deft h tri-anted. to annear and
..lead, and publii
iblication of said rule is or-
lered aogordiiii? to law.
Certified from tho Record this 'J3d
. fareh, A. I). WH,
By the Court
Gl-:0. WALTERS, Trofy.
VN extensive assortmont of new and populn .
books which the undersigned has added to hi
follow: Theological, Law, Historical, Pooticals
.-.-s i. v.ntij, in pan -i
nd Miscellaneous Books, together with a general
issortment of School ilool.s, Blank Books, I'ayson
.sDuntons Pjdendid Copy Books. Also, a great
:iriety of stationary, Ac., are offorod to the public
extremely low.
Books supplied to order on the shertest notice.
Clearfield, Oct, 27,. 1814
Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed
on short notice, and the very best style, at his
-Id stand in the borough of Curwensville.
Dec. 29, 1803.
Physician, may bo found either at his c.ffi co
at Scolield's hotol, C'urwonsville, whon'nol
professionally absent. Deo. 29, 1851
OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in ex
change for TIN and HARDWARE at the
establishment of.
Jnly 10, 18i7.
A' A' W Alt It A Xfi EM EX T.
the subscriber respectfully announces tothepub
lio that he has taken the above stand, in the bor
ough of Clearfield, and is prepared to neeommo
late all who niny give him a call. The public
may rest assured that it will bo conducted in the
best manner possible. His table will be supplied
with the belt the mnrket nflords. His Bar lillod
with the choicest brands of wines nnd lienors, nnd
his stables will be under tho care nf nttontive and
careful ostlers. AN1KI M. W LAYER.
Fob. II, 1357.-y.
DR. C:i-:OIU;U WII.SOV respectfully giv.
notice that ho has resumed Hie Practice
Medicine, nnd will promptly nltend to all cnlls rr
he profession. Luthorsburg,ApT 2, 185B.
Iron Founders, Curwensville. An extensive
Usorlment of Castings mndo to ordere
Dec. 2, 1851,
l7ja'ckson cuTn?;
ATTOTiNEY AT LAW. , (ii,n ndjc'ning I
residonco on ijecond street, Cleail ili, 1
Juno 1. ls.VI.
ANY persons knowing tboinsolves indebted by
nolo or book n"onunt nf nne yenr or mom
tauding, aro positively rcvJOAlu.l to'cnll and pay
off, otherwise they will bo (rented according to
law, without respect to per ons.
.Frcnohville, .May 5, 185S.
Hf.ino aged and inlirm in body, I nm desirous
to settle and closo up nil iny wo'il.lly business
All persons having c'.-iims ngninst mk nre thors
I'oro roqiiosled to prcmit tlio.n nt once for sottlo
inent. I desire to be my own enrutr.
mny 10, 1S,i8. JAMES REA, Sr.
ALL persons are horcby cautioned ngnimt
buying, or in any way meddling with 2
Milch Cows, one rod and the nth-r bri.wlln
in the possession oi Josnph Millwnrd, of Decatur
ip., as mo sain cows belong to me, nnd are in his
possession on loan ouly, subject to my ordes and
Bept. 23, 1857. St pd.
CAUTION AH persons arehor.hy-autiened
gainst purchasing certain nolo drawn hy
me la faror of Sloy W. Thompson, dnt.d 29th
August, 1857, for $125, as I have not reoeived
ralue therefor and will not pn? It.
April 17th. 1857. 3t-p..
trtrhnnl mid l.iimbrr Pfelrt-, r-.- -f
I I run I end l,..ptit street-, ClPerfi'M.
Hip. J'.i, l".M.
P. W. HUlM.iT,
A I Flit II A NT. I'lKilH ( V, AMI i.VMMKR
ill nmi.i n. AMI justice or TDK
f'EACK, l.ulhcrslurg, Clearfield Co., 1'n.
- ni.i,-t. ci.uh- Mukinir,
,,,,r, ,l in..., in II.. .Ih.v. I...-I-1
W rr-nr.-fl nl rII limrf lu -'t.-n.l In -ny
Iiu-iiir--. in
io -I'm i- line nn -Imrt Inn
prnp-r inriiin.-r,
Th.-v will nlv.i kc-p pnii-limlly
nn iiui.l nl ll..-ir -Imp mi M.iikt-t -I., ncnrlv nppn I
. o I,, J- .I..,,., - Inrp- ''Hi or JI.I.!io -
,T .i..l Cm.- II...I-.H. Cluilr.. C.,in,l ,,ro ..(
ovorv .1 vipli....-Hl,l,h llioy .ill le f....n.l rvo.
,r,rvt..,liM ..-o nl ro,.-...i..l.l- to. in. n. the
7J Vli,l.-l o In- I....1,ro in tho o. ly.
1 ,-irMn. k nf Cl.i.H l Wmo en liiino, cm. I
' i
. M III linrl nl I
.)r..,;in?..mlCnn,u,nl. llnr.-m,.-. Poll.-. f-nii.B
i. I Wn-li Klnn.l". H.'-k nn.l lio. .Ii Ciih-c, rion.-l.
I l'i.'bl I'o-t lli'ibli'iiilr, Piniiif;. lirunkliiht, Con-1
Curd nnd 1'i-r Tnl-lo-, l -.
Ol-'UN'S iiianiil'n.-tiircil nnd il.-livcrcd l nny j
lp c tlo-ir.-d.
i j.ln.V lJ
1)11. It. V. WILSON,
UAYIXlS roiiinvcd hi" udi.-e to Ike now il.el
1 i ii on Jn-ooiiiI rtrvet, will .riii.lly uimvrr
II pi'.ro-..Monnl on 15 lis huroiotnro.
OTILI, eonliniioH tl.e busines" nl Chair .Mnkinpr, 'j
kj nnd', Si-n und Oniamontal I'aiwlin', i.t
tlio simp formerly occupied by Troutmnn .1 Hun t,
at Hie oust end nf Market sLruot, a nhnrt dislancr
west of Liu's Foundry. Juno Hi, lSja.
Dlt. !il.
tinn fi
WOODS, having chmijiod bis loci.
ioiii Cuiwonsvi
to Cleiirliobl, ros-
ipoctfully offer" bis prot'ussional services
1 citizen of tho lutter place nnd vicinity.
' Kesi.lonoo on .Second street, opposi! (.
; J. Crnna, Enq. ii'.V
to lbs
it ?!
(lATiHir.S on Chitiriiniking, Wheelwright, nn.l :
bouse nnd Sign paint, ng i.t Cunvens villc, ;
Clenrlleld en. All orders droniptly attended to j
Jan. i, loS. i
- - - - ...
DHm YV. M. V.MVHI'.1.1. hnving Inentcd as
Kylcrtown, tend. -re bin ervice,
lo the cili.-iiF of Morris and the n.ljoiui-ifr town-1
llo will nlwnys be louml at the rcsidcn.-v 1
1 of Tho. Kyler. when not professionally engaged. I
May 21, 1850.
4 T the mouth of Lick Run, five miles from
Clearfield, MEHCHAiVTS, snd extensive
M ,. n u fa.-Hirers of Lumber,
July 2:), 1802.
fflHE linderstgbed would respectfull inform tho
1 citizens of Clenrfiold and the ndiuining cos.
that he has just stored in l'hilipsburg, a very
'nrge quantity of grain, including
Rye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat
Corn and Barley.
which he will sell in large or small lots on tho
most reasonable terms and at the lowest prices.
The attention of those nooding anything in this
line is called to tho stock, believing it would bo
t0 llicir' advantage to givo him a call. Come
llon8 lllua ana be "-l'P"-,
... ... nr-.oiu.r
Thilipsburg, Murch 3, 1857.-tf.
PHYSICIAN Offica in Curwansvil!..
4 LL ncrsons'nre hereby entitioned afninsf
meddling with a certnin note, given by the
und rsigncd to Dartholomcw Ilndden, dated Sep.
m laas, lor iia, assniu noto nas noon paid
New Washington, March 10. 1858.
MY' wife Mnryette, having left my be '. and
board without any just cause er provocntio.
I therefore forbid any person harboring or trust
ing her on my account. E. MEKRIFIELD.
March 10.
No. H (Old Art. fi) ,SWi Third Street, below
Market, Fill LA DELF1IIA .
Calfskins, Moroccos, Linings, Bindings,
N, B. Rough Leather bough t or taken in ex
change March 3, 1857 y.
Tract of Land at Private Suit.
rillE undersigned .ill sell on ensy terms a
X tract of land, containing about sixty-two
seres, with about 25 acres cleared lying on the
West Branch, near the borough of Clearfield,
with a good two story dwelling house, log barn,
and othor buildings. An orchard of young trcos
recently planted, and a large scope of good moa
dw land render it a vnluablo and desilahle pro
April 22, 1357.
A. n SHAW,
RETAILER of Foreign and Domestio Mcreh
andizc, Shnwsvillo, Clenrfiold county, Pa.
Sbawsville, August 15, 1855.
Send fur a descriptive Circular of
The most simple; durnblo and effective Mill for
grinding all kinds of grain into fine or courso
meal ns desire i Price, $jH.
"Address, WM. L. BOY'EIl A BHOTIIER,
Manufacturer .f Agricultural Implement.-,
No. 1 1 III. Mnrlict St., Philadelphia.
Pout Master, Mcrrlianl, and cxlonsive .'.on
lor is sipiuro timber, beards shingles, Ac,
Urnhnmton, llrndford township,
ii n. 23, 18511.
TltE underigiic.l an Auditor appointed by
Hi. Orphans' Courl of Clearfield county at
November eiioll, 1357, lo au lii th. Aduiinis
tration account of Is.uio Bloom, adtuiuistrator of
the estate John R. Bbom, dee'd. herehr gives
notice that bo will di-chnrgc tho df lies of bis np.
pointmcnt on Thursday the 25th of March, 1858,
at 2 o'riock, p. m. of said day, nt Iho onion of
Lnrrimcr A Test in tho borough of Cleiirliobl,
when and where nil persons interested limy at
t"nd. J. H. LARRIMER, Auditor.
ICO, i'l, ISjS.
N. B. All personi interest. d in tlio a
tiove audit, will take notico thnt it is oon-
tinued until 'Ihitrsdny the 13th of May
ii.-.xi ut me siiiuo
.). 11. LAKKIMEH.
March 2,, 18j8.
'Vj-ATioxAi- i;xciiax(;i: hotix.-
1 The subscriber having taken the above well
known stand, forinorly kept by H'm. A. Mason,
in Curwensville, Pa., ia rendy to accommodate all
who may favor him witn their patronage. Ilif
table will always be supplied with the best the
market affords, and his Bar with the choicost
liquors. Hn stable will be under the care of a.i
. . : i .i . ..... 1
miiiive Dosu.ra. ia IU piMlTH
Curwenivllle, April 21. 1968.
fi-tAli of A. Brnnnl I)K doc d.
IH'TFIH of AMinlnli.a'!.. "f
J A. II. !"!". l-l ft l ik. t . iWd. I'""""
C:n ,,n , o, , lh. in l.-m.inl. -II r-r-n. In-
In M r.mi- will fni -"Mil lmm--.ll-!
i.-It. n.l th- hn-ln-C i-liiii-i --lM the "'"
111 present ll'm ''"''VV?.. i vit
JtAl II AlltAII M'NAl l.
tn - nt
Nov. 1, 1857. p'l.
1 ) R"NCII ITIfl, l.AllYMIIXTlf, mil other
I) '"""- "";! TI,r;nV. ,,IT,'7.V,
-";mI Vv h. J' J" 1
' I"- " 1 .V'V, .1 u,"
""I" " ............ - , ,
" ' ' '" ' 1 ' " ',; .:
t.l. - .l ll.l ...hImmI n. rr.-iil,,,,- .1 -on-, . f lh-
l-mip- U In. u t',,, ' ',n
r ..u..N;".,ro, .. Uvnil n.,,,, -I f ho cl -
"" f lh- .r.-M, In or.lor to I. I..K It lo ll u
knnl.-.lo ,.f ,-b n. m-y 1, - '' '
'r-.lip""l I- hk-Ii nB.-fti..!.-. I "' f
l.ri,, lii. r il.iv linn nl li-iiclli mrivo.1 or llm I nr.-
-. ...... . ..... i !i;... ..r
';'" " "lrH.o- nl u.o inouraniMiy
Wo . . .. ......
hnvo indubitable prunl in our prolon-ion th.t
t'.ixai MI-TInX IVAI.I. ITU htak can nKmiKD, in
I he lir.-t by tit-or. ulor t.b-orl.tion ,- in the Heonn.l,
hv the ti'ti'iiFrornintiocn of the t-jhoreule Inlorlinl-
k'v nnd .-.ilf-iiremif concretion" ; in Hie third, by
i eii-nti-icoi. nr ponr-.. Those woldo.l lo the o)iin
' i.'ii" nf the pnt-t tuny n-seit, Hint even now eon
: iiuiptinn i inournhle! filch nre behind tin nj-c.
I To all this jrrnit Iriith niiisl bo appnrciit, viz :
Hint Iho inodieino" inhiilcd in Ilia form or Vnpor
! or powder diieelly inlo the 1uuk, niu. t be inucb
nior0 i.ftcetivc H.nii that lakeu int.. the Hloinneb,
where Hit- ili ens.) tlocs W not exist. TlifS ud-
v ii-ro of Inhalation in CoiiHiittptioii & Tlironl
Dircnrrn U, thi.t inerttcjne m tne lorui oi npoi
is npplied directly to Hie lull?;', where thodUousc
exists; Hie stuii'.nib is Hum loll frc. touid in ro
st.irinK her ltli, by n.lministoring to it healthy and
life-giving fond. There .' in. cm' hupclmlhai
lulmliiliim trill uut rurc The uienns, too, nr.
hi-ori;bt ivilbiii Iho reneli of nil, the uinnnor oi
aduiinisterini; the mpors bein" do limple Hint tin
.invalid is never required lo lonvo home, .here
! the bnn.l of nfleclioii Ion. Is eo ininh to nid the
I phvsi. ian' ullurta
The liilialaliou. Inelliod is oo'ii'ny, " find
' rmrly, and consists in the ndininistnition of med
icine in sit'-n u manner, inni uie.v uio eniivcyun
inlo tl.e I. mi:;" in the form of Yapor, nn.l produce
their notion at the seat of disonso. lis prnctieal
seii.-o is d. -M ined to rovolutinnite I he opinion!, of
the medical world und tttnbtitli ht entire rnW.iV-
j ('OUHUlllpti,nU
1 1 unrncstly nppoal to the coiomnii "cnso of al!
jnfii otod w ilii Luue ilieonses, to cinhiiioc at once
the advantage of Iuhnlatioii, nnd no longer apply
mcdi. ino to tho unoflendini; stoimieh. 1 chum
for Inbnlntion a plnco nmong the prieolese gift
that . nlure art bath given us, that "our day
may be long in the bind," and at the only ark nf
tofrtg J'nr the Cmi'iinipiivc ; a method not only
ro.'", but imjle and rjtiendou.
iiuch of the profession that bnve adopted Inbn
lntion have found it rfflcaciour in Ike hihet1 de
gree, arrentimj the jirwjrnie tif the dincaee and -or-kimj
wnndrre in many desperate enfe, in verity,
a signal triumph of our art over this full destroy
er of our Spcoi. S.
Note l'hystcinns wishing to make themselves
acquainted with the practice, aro informed that,
our time being valuable, we can only reply, ns to
ingrc. limits used, to such ictters that contain n
The fee in all enses of Pulmonary Affections
will be $10 on receipt of which the necessary in
struments nnd medicines will be forwarded. Ap
plicants will state age, sex, married or single,
how long affected, if any hereditary disease cx
isis iu the family, nnd symptom generally. Let
the name town nnd State be pluinly written.
Postage for return answer must be enclosed. Let
tors when registered nt our risk.
All letters must bo addressed to
S. M. Institute, New York.
Nov. 11, 1857-fi in.
The New York Steam Saw Mill, and
CAPITAL $23(1,000.
This company hns been organized with the nbove
capital lor tho purpose of supplying tho do
in n nd for the
And other Improved Machinery,
They hnvo pnrchnsed the entiro machinery
business horotoforo carried on by J. M. Kmcr
lon & Co., also the Montgomery works at Y'onk
ers, on the Hudson, cnar this oily, nnd with the
expei ience and focilities combined in its organi
zation are prcparud to furnish machinery of all
kinds at more liberal rates, than has cvor been
offered nt nny other establishment.
ented October, 1856, nnd is now generally ac
knowledged to be the cheapest, most prnctieal,
nnd efficient lumber manufacturing inachino in
tho world. A large uuiuber of them nre in suc-
ccs-ful operation in different parts of this coun
try, Cnnadn, Cuba nnd South America, nnd wher
ever their merits bnve been tested they arc being
adopted by lumber manufacturers in preference
to all other mills.
Tho following letter expresses the general
opinion of those who aro using the Combination
Messrs. Eunr.sox k Co. Ocnllemen ; I hove
tiled the inw-inill purchased of you, and will sny
that it performs well, nnd more than meets my
expectations. I nm well pleased with its perfor
mance. I sot it up on a smnll streumh t nit nf
fnrdod constant water nbou ns thick ns uiv little
finger, which wns much more than sufficionf to
snpply the boilcs. Y'e nre nblo to cut 3,000 feet
of lumber in 12 hours, with something less than
one cord of wood. It is Hit very thing wo hnve
so much needed in our eocdty for a long timo.
W itb a littlo mublo nn.l cxpenso we are able to
move it ten miles per day, .-.nd set it up in the
heart of the timber, which snves the great bur
den nf hauling the logs a long dii tunce to tho
mill. Yours, respectfully,
Louisville, Tennessee,
The Company tnvo purchased Ll'XU'S PAT
ENT FEKli AIUIAN JEMENT, which is illns
truted and described in the Scientilio Atncri.-nn,
for October 24. This adds greatly to lb . effi
ciency of the mill.
Tho Combination Mill with oil tho recent im
provements, nnd stonin power of 15 horses, is ca
pable of sawing from .1, 000 to 4,000, '--el in twelve
hours, nnd is sold for $1,C50.
The Nne Yuri- Circular Xu.r-M, II.
Ii mnnutnotnrod only by this Cotnpnny. It is of
superior construction, and sold for 25 per centum
less than other mills of no greater canncitv. A
mill with utl to 54-inch saw can be sold for tl.'.O
to $500, and with a 21 horse eugine and poilir is
sold for for $2,200.
SVoin '.17.1. c nnd Palter Emjinrt of from
1 to 100 horso power j I.ocamatire, Flue, T bitter
and Cylinder Unilert furnished at greatly redu
ced prices from former quotations,
Dimving- with plans and specification- for
buildings and machinery, furnished gratis to our
Competent meehnulcs aro sent out to put up
and set 111 operation our machinery, when requi
red. YVo also manufacture Shingle. Mitthine, Pin
ninij Much! net, Sntjr.r.Miltt, and Murhintry in
Special attention pnid to getting up Shafting,
and I'ulliet for manufactories, and nil kinds of
Mill Wriijhi work,
This Company are selling In a-rent numh-r-
Pulent Conical Burr Stone Mill, for flour, corn I
inn.l n,l ll Ifin.l. . P.. A l. ! L 1
in Europe, th bett mill ever conttructcd. It will!
grin a more grgin in tne same
timo. and with
half the power, of any mill of the tame piieo ia
the market '
Wealso furnish othertyleiofGrlstMiHs,wbea
M. EMERSON A CO., Agents.
No.J7l Broadway, N. T,
Jan 11. 1857. . '
rpannar, at the eld stand ia Curwensville..
IX Dee. 28, 1951.
r.MMlfi'JI I" M "l,
tmrwtM I MnMTllt.V.
. u u .....-..
two m.A ,.A4 M-M I" "".
(.IH.fXNl ( V )7.V , Till'. Hll S'l MOM 11,
m--o.l. in the ri.-hno-i. of tlii-ir lilor.iry rnnl.-nl",
nnd th. homily nnd prnlii-onp-- of tli.-ir pi.-lorinl
illiiKtrntioii", nny iniiniii. ever l.t-1' Ih-iumI
from the Aniorionn pi.-,. Knt-nurnKi-d l.y HifKC
ovidonoo- of fnvnr, the pulilinh-i h"ve 'I'lornii
nod In poininonco Ihe'now voliimo in .Innun-
ry with ndditinnnl at'raetioii", and lo offer such
inducement lo i-ubscrlbcr ns cannot fail to plncc
it, In circulation, ut the hend of An.cri. un Miitjn-
ine. With this viuw they now niii.oiince Hie
following ilondid projrriunmc. They have pur-
chnscd that superb and cnstly stcel-pluto Kil,i;m
nnd will preaent a ropy of it to every three tlul
Inr for tlio yrnr Js;8. It wns Piif;rn.
l . r it it lift ii 1. .. j1. . I.. ....I. -
lirl A. 1.. J)icL. from llm ri r i nnl of ltniilinol !
Mnrirhcn, alter Lcnnnidi Dii Yinci. and is tho
$2.0 In nrk ..f Art. r I r. IH'CI.'ll 1'..- v nnM-nnB ... -m rry ...... p, ...... . - - - iirarF r.-n..y . .--...-....--.,.,,,, t
(IIIAVIMl lootory .il.cril.or. THK till HAT try More tU l-rgo .p.--nt.t. "f ' 'J ' Unrl M mnny nnw onr. m mny fnror htm .hi,, ,
I.IIIBAIIY I'l l Lit. Axon!. Kol.l rl.-h. uhL-h " Invito, lh. 1 ,,,r,lr "" nn " 'h"rl, - H
... . .. . , lnr-;- ...innlllv nf I' A ThNT MMHUilM rlin i ,l,in l-oh.'tn, n it -hurl rrn--to f
Th."" -r I-"-"-.n . lnKn In. taln-m . J,,,.,, ,., ,,, ,,. f..llo.l..g I ,nnV, ,n(, frionil., h. .ill - II rhonp t,,, Ca"
ti . onnntry, -ml l,. Mour.-I f..r it . ! r. ,V, . o "'' J 7.7 ."tlin, p ..Tl'w .A"4 '
nntinn of li.ornry nn.l nrli-lio Inlont prnlmhly nn- j .yV,,,,, f7r,-H.flH 7J.7-T1. " '', " ' . ' ' " "6 -1 , 'd to i t. -rivnlo.l
l.y nny mlior Mnvnlno In the World. Hi.-; llfli,,'
'-' Inhalim) I Kpof. ' . , - .iim... ilolr nrrnnnl- .nit t l '
riR lh- fir-l innn.h, thn ,nl. In Hi. Ir-jlo y f y,,,, W; " -"J J1 ' P,1; , W ' ,
:;:r": '-'i; o::1;; , kc: ! w 'wy:M ;vk A,,ril t" T I
' . .i.i ,.. .... lh: 77m.i.....N .I.-7..-.II. T. N. II. The por-nn Hint loimd one Hue (.n K,. !
largest steel-plate eiiriivin;; ever executed in i X public gonernlly that ho is now ro-etiihlish-tbis
counti v. beinir three tunes the si.o of tho ! ed in the old shop on .'Id st., lately occupied by
ordinary three-dollar engraving. j
Tlte first inipressiotiH of this eiigriiviiig lire
held nt $10, and it wa tho intention of the nr- ,
!ist that nono of tho Engravings should ever bo I
oH'oreii f"r a less sum than $", being richly north !
tlmtnuioiint. Thm every three -dollar subscriber i
.... i -t
will receive the M igaziuo one year -cheap nt $:l
a d this splendid engraving, richly worth f)
thus gelling for 4i:i the value of f.
We shall coniuicnco stiiking nfftho engravings
immediately, yet if can bal dly be expected that
impression., ot so large a pinto can no taken ns
last as Hu-y will be called for by subscriber:.
We shall therefore, furnish them in the urdcr in
which subscriptions aie received, Thoso who
desire lo obluin their engravings cnilv, and from
the first impressions, should send in their sub
scriptions without delay, iho engravings can
he sunt on rollers, l.y mail, or in other nmmi-r,
as suuscribeis shall order.
In addition to the superb engraving nf '-T1IR
LAST .SUMMER," which will be presented lo
every three-dollar subscriber for ISoS, the pub
lishers have completed arrangements for the dis
tribution, on the 25th of llcccnihcr, ljM, nf n
scries of splendid works of nrt. consisting of one
nun.irc.i lie u nnu rnro nm paintings, vu no i in
1 cum. turn 1 I, a ?,..,, r
from $100 to $100 .- each. Also. 2.1)10 magnifi-:",
cent Sleel-l'lnto Engraur
worth in. 111 $:! to
$5 each, nnd 1,0011 choice Holiday boohs, worth
from $1 to $5 pneh. making in all, over Til H EE
Inclose $3 lo the publishers nnd you wi',1 com
mence receiving tho Magazine by return mail.
You will also receive with tho first copy n num
bered subscription roccipt, entitling you ti the
Engraving of "THE LAST Si TP Ell, and n
chnuoo to draw on of these "THREE THOUS
r.ensoiis why you should sub .crib.
EMEFiSOrS MAG. 1 7.1 NE fur 1 S'.S.
First: Because its literary contents will, du
ring the year, embrace coiistrihulioiis from over
one hundred difforent writers nnd thinkers, num.
boring among them the most distinguish nl of A
merienn authors.
Second; Because its editorial departments.
"Our Studio," "Our Window," and "utir Olio,"
will ench bo conducted by nn old- editor and
it will surpass, in tlio variety ..nd richness of its
editorial contents, any other m.igiuine.
ilnrd: Because it will conhi n, during the
year, nearly six original pieiorinl illus
ritions, from deigns by the lirst American ar
tists. 1
Fourth : Because for tho sum of S3 yon will '
receive this spleu.lid monthly, 1110.0 richly worth
Hint sum than nny other magazine, ami the su
perb Engrnving of "The Last Supper,"
Fifth : Because you will very likely draw one
of the three thousand prizes to be distributed on
tl.e 25th day of Oeecmbcr, 1S5S perhnps one
Hint is worth $1,000.
Notw ithstanding Hint these extraordinary in.
ducctnents can hardly fail to accomplish tho ob
jects of Iho publishers without further efforts,
they have determined te continuo thro' tho year
To nny person who will gel up n club of twenty-four
subscribers, cither nt one nr tnoro post
offices, wo will present a splendid library, con
sisting of over Forty Largo Bound Volumes pin
bracing the most popular workc in tlio market.
Tho club may 5e formed nt the club price, $2 a
year, without tho engraving, or nt the full price,
$3 11 yenr, with the engrnving of tho last Supper
to each svbseriher. List nnd description nf His
Librnry, nnd specimen copy of tho Magn 'ino w ill
be forwarded en re. cipt of 25 cents. Over 200
Libraries, or 8,0,10 volumes, have a'.rcndy I. ecu
distributed in necorditiico wilb this offer, and we
should be glad t i liirntsh a library to oory cler
gyman, to ovcry school-muster, or to some one ut
every post office iu tho country.
The success which our ngents nro meeting
with is almost astonishing. Among the many
evidences of this fact, wo are permitted to pub
lish the following :
OKTi.r.':Th-following fuels in relation
to whnt your ngents nro doing in this section,
mny be of nso to some enterprising voung man
in want of employment. Tho Rev. j'uhn V.. Jar
don, of this place, has made, since la-t Christ
mas, over $4,000 in bis agency. Mr. David M
Heath, of Ridgly, Mo., your general agent fo
Piatt county, is makinlf $3 per day on each guh
agent employed by him, und MosVrs. Wclmcr i
l-.vnns. of Oregon, Mo., your agents for co.,
are making from $8 to $25 per day, and yo;r
humble servant has mndo, since I'uo'novcnlli day
of last January, over $1,700, beside, bay ng for
300 acres of Inntl out of the bu dnes, werlh over
$1,(100. You nre nt liberty to publish this state
ment, and to refer to nny of the parlies named.
With such indu.:,eni7 a offernyZdy
DAMhL l.ttbl.H, Carrolllnn, Mo,
sw-r ro application ny return mill.
SPECIMEN E.NGRAVING.-A, w. desire to
place iu (he bands of every person who proposes
u. gei up a e i ii n, una also ot every ntrent, a copy
of tho engraving or Hie "LAST SL PKH." as a
cpvciiiicu, ccu nppiirani en. nosing us f.( will re
coivo Iho Engraving, post-naid. bv reinrn
also specimens of our publications "und one of the
..-... -uuserquiou receipts, entiittng t.-e hoi.
uor io mo ,nga.ine one year nnd to a iniii-a in
Hie distribution. This offer is mado only to those
who desire to act ns agents or to form Clubs
Address, OAKSMITH A CO.,'
No. 871 Broadway, K. Y.
Jan 11, 1858.
The I'uliliulinrs nfll.o 7J.,.. .;:..
i-.TT" . -".7"""""""
luHm 't'" 10 largely increase tliMr
to'k or Jobbing material, and will do
Pftro ftll kinds of
Blanks, Paper Poom, Ciitrri.ARs,
Labk-.s, Ball Tickets, Handbill-,
and very kind of printing nranlly don
j in a country job oftioe. Your orieri e
trtietwd to hi will be faithfully eii.'i.
rnn .t of em , lo Ino u I a d . I u7 " ! !!" ' "". full jeweled 18 c.
sire, pleasant no.v-r-makin, occupation to np-1 Xr ,7ver fl Flit I
ply at one. fnr-n agency. Arplienn,. should , s . ul ,
inclose 25 cents for a spec son copy of the uini.U '
mine, which will alwny, b, forwirded witirnn- "'l'"?"'"
ft. A. flllTI..
;vav noons.
err ived ni the More of Montgom
tit Hippie. ,
('fUWl-.NfsVlf.l.K. PA..
y.iifro.' loiliiinit nnd I'M,
Tratk's y iiiftii! tiitlninit,
Wi 'itiht' lit'l'tun VrrrtnMe Fills.
Jlnilf Arabian Ointment Jr iSpam
and Jiintlmiir a certain mrr.
t Iso, Flour, liinin, I-1st), I lioe-e. n. i.e....-,
tryod Apple-, Knit, Ac., on linndF, and for iale
int all time".
j The above . offer low for CASH or UK A DY
p.y, a wo wi Idly to ndhoro to tho lUn-
... fi t-.t tri Tl
dv l'av Svstcin. fTer our coo.ln M low as 111'
mve.l. mid in n n rre will tnko till kinds nf
1'n dueo nt llm Iliohest Ciish Tricon. We wish
all to give u rail and Judgo for them-oives.
fob. 3, '43. m.
TpiIE subscriber Inform bin friends nnd the
Jacob Shun l w ili-r whore ho hopes by strict nt-
tentio n, nnd keeping a stock of nsurled iron to
merit the favor of the public.
Country produce nnd cash never refused. An
npprontico from If! to IS y.nrs of ngo will meet
with a good situation it nppiicnticn heinnnesoon.
ivn U' nlTi
.May P, 3807.
(lUCULAKSI printed In lh mut'-st and lies
; minn.rni the "Clesrlleld ll "iablic:iu" Job
A HI lt N I ; Y S- A T-1. A w .
nAVE this day associated theinsnlvrs ns part
ners in the practice ..f the law in Clearlield
niul adj. .iuing counties. Tlio business will, ns
heretol'iire be carried on in tho iinuie of William
A. Wallace. Business entrusted to them, .ill re
ceive prompt nnd careful uticntion.
Jiirch 4, 1 157, ly.
t'i:'TI!AL HOI i:i,. Tyrone, Pa
r II E subscriber would respectfully inform his
X "Id friends in Clearlield co., and Hie pubi c
,, . ,1,1,-1., i... ,1,. .u,,,.. ti,..,..
generally, that he bos taken tlio anove House,
, " ,,, , .... 1 ... .,11 .t,
where ho would be happy to accommodate all who
mny favor bint with their custom.
June 10, 1857. pd.
Nos. 2 4 4 Chestnut St., (south side below water.)
MANUFACTURERS and wholesale dealer
iu Patent Machino-innde BROOM", Put
cut tiroovcd Cedar-wore, varranttd uut In ahein
Wood it Willow-ware, Cords, Brushes, i c, of
descriptions. Please call and exf mine our st u
Feb. 25, I857.-Iy.
818 (A'c.c A'...) .l.iri!-e( t
Lnportirs, MiWiin turcrji ami dealer in I.n
Jus, (Jriilli ineii and Children
fancy rcn.s.
Wholesale and Retail.
F. i CO., would cull the attention of I)x
rre, and the I'uhlie goncrally to their im
mense r-lock or I' miry Furs ror Ladies, Hentle
men and Cnildrcn: their assortment embraces
every variety and kind of 'i.y I' , that will
Ve worn during the season, such as
Full Cape.', Half Capes, Quarter Capes, Tal
mas, 'irt'vines, jltxts, Mujl's if- Mujt'a
tecs, team the JineM Hussion Sn
bfe, tu the luwcst price Domestic Furs.
For llenllctnen the largest assortment of FUR
the direct importers of all our Furs nnd Manu
facturers of them under onr own supervision, we
feel satisfied we can offer better inducements to
drrlers and the public generally limn nny other
house, having nn immense nssurtment to select
from and al tho manufacturers' price, U'e only
iisA- n run.
Sept. 10. IS57. 4m.
ia. n. t.ARiiiMKn. 1. ti
f it TP.ST, Attorneys nt Law
X2 tlcnrhel.l, I'n., will attend promptly to Col.
lAiolis, Lnhd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearlield,
Centre nod Klk -utilities. July 30. y
LP X 122
no. 50 walnut street,
IIEAl.Y t CO., Minivfiiettirers of Buck
skin (iloM-snnd Mitts, Ladies' nnd Gen.
Henien's Mnunllots, Sparring, Sword nnd Cricket
uioves, blurts nnd Drawers, Riding A
Shooting Leggings, Walking (lailors, of Cloth
nnd Leather, Buckskin nnd India Rubber Sin.
ponders, Waist Beits, Money Belts and Purses.
Meigli Kol.ts, nnd Buffnlo Skins of every docri:
N. II. Buckskins of nl! colors nn.l qualities,
r.unmeie.i Lowni.te, .importers ol LUntuois, Ppon
ges. An.
.5T(r-Tbo attention of the morchantr of Clenr.
field county is repectfully "enlled to tho nbove
advertisement. P. Hculy A Co. miinnfacturo the
aoovo gnnds themselves, nnd will receive in ex
rlinngo DhfcK &h,.S( and allow the highest
cusn price tor 1110 snme.
6'ept. 2, 1857.-1.V.
Cheap W ite lies and Jewelry.
7"II0LSALE snd RETAIL, nl the "Pl.iladel-
phi Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 1 IS
f c""
casct$28 0(1
24 00
- 12 00
7 no
Id "nai.ll..
. 7 00
- 1 CO
- 3 00
1 00
6 00
Fine Silver Si.oeturK...
' Gold Bracelets, . .
Lndy's Gold Pencils.
Silver Te Spoons, porr-U
Gold Pens, with Pencil a
ud Silver Holder. 1 01.
Gold Finger Rings 374 cents to 80.- WnieK
Glasses, plain 124 couts. patent. 18). I.un-t 2.1 ,
other articles in proportion. All goods warranted
to be what they are sold for,
Successors to O. C,nr-1
On hand some Gold nnd Silver Levers and Le-
pincs, sun lower man tne above prices.
October 7, 18j5.-ly.
TETTERS of administration on the estate of
J John Heiohcl late of Carthmn tawnshlu.
aeceasea, unving been granted to the aubscriber,
"" "."uisoivos luuobted to said
eiiala are requested to make immediate payment
a. IK 11 ALL.
fob, W, 1858.
1JAILROAD HOUSE, oerner of Main and
4.V White StreoU, Buookvili.k, Pa.
r.ri. Of 'na .... ...Tn ..
T' s. it. juhac.3, rroprietor.
HAKUWARB of every d.scriptioa for sale
at a moderate advance at the store of
"oris j W. MKTO,
VilNH M'llir I.N
MlntiT niuin-inX
,H , iT. W.I A A"
In fcl- Mrn-l- h !.- f him f'l Mm- ,f
li.rk ft"Tn 1'. 'Mi (i it Mi" fh".' "ti Irmrt
,,,., f,r,. nM ulnti, Ii lh- ti-f f..tmu
nrr-i p-. Wnt. li l-nrl ,!r-tlrr Hmr-,
ivrn-r'- flnrn, Ji rm tin -.ill In rnnml t y
A, on the morning af'cr the fire, esn kave tb
mate ol it l.y ennug ni 111c mim mi op nr ,
NOTIC'H Noii.-o is hereby given that l,.
tors of Aduiiuislrntioii bnve this day be,
granted to Hie nndcrsignod on llie estate of And
rew Web-It, Into of Lnn ronce tp., dee'd. All nsr.
sons having any business In relation to said eiU
nto, will call upon 1110 nhd iiinke settlement.
La.rcico tp., Jan, 12, 1818.
Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale.
BY' virtue of an order of the Orphans Court-, 1
Ulo.iitlold eo., grnttted nt Aug. Term, lSjJ,
there will be exposed to public sale, by outcijf
at tho Ii' use of Rebecca J. McCully, in Chest tp,
on Saturday the 5th (Iny of Juno next, at 1 p. m.
a certain tract nf land, lute the estate of Johg
McCully, doe'd., beginning nt a Chestnut Oak
comes (down) and corucr of land of McMnsttn,
thence by tract in nniiio of John Cunningham S
40 E. 115 per. none or less lu a post; thence kj
Inud of McCully S. 40 E. 100 per. more-r
less to a maple, thence 5511 w. by other lands of !
said decadent S. 50 W. to a corner, and thence
by tract lino 100 per. more or less to the begia.
ning, nnd e nlnining 1 15 acres more or less, b. 1
ng Hie south west qttnrtcr of tract surveyed ii i
amo of John (iundnkcr.
Adin'r.i )f J.i'.y (C ly, des'd.
CJTOXI-: YVAHI. A goncrn.1 assortment i.
kj wnys on bund at the Hore of
ih.M. F. IRWIN.
Clearfield, Sept. 12, 1S55.
17 ERTZ'S Improved Ploughs fnr sale bi
April 28, 1S58.
IMPORTER of French Calf skins, nnd genertl
leather dealers, No. A South Third St., Phils.
A geiiernl nssoi lim'tit of nil kinds or leatbir,
morocco Ac, Ac. .c.l und Uuk rcole lentucr.
March 4. 1.S57.-1.T.
'ACTION All persons are hercliy cautioned
ngnnist purchiiMiig or trading for a csrtaii
county order, No. 615, of 1857, payable t: R.J.
Wallace, fur SjO. as the same bus bean lifted by
me, and hns since been lost or mislaid.
JNO. M'PHERSON, Tresi'r.
Clearfield, Jan. 12, 1858.
RICK. The subscriber hns nbout 4(I,M
l.riek, which he it ill dispose of.
1 Die 17, V16 VM.L. M0DRI.
rpiIE undersigned, nn Auditor appointed by
JL the Court of Clearfield eotinlv, to distrihnii
tho nssels of Zebulon Wnrnor, in the hands of
Isaac Hoi tun, Sen. Administrator, icivcs notie
that he will attend to iho same on Sstitrdny, tti
.111 ol .ilarcli, hot m-o: the hours nl I und 5 P.
m., at the office 0r ltnrrimer A Test in OcnrneM,
w hen and where all persuns interested may at
tend. J.-RAEL TEST, Auditor.
Feb. 24j"8.58.
Tl I E Bible Society oT'cT.-ut tu-ld eo'.
hereby .'iycs noli.-e (liat their liooks
namely, Bible and Testaments!, aro ilenn.
site.1 in the o(!ice of Jainon Wriley, Ke
ller mm iiecoKier tit .;icnrti.-l.l. The
books are of various fiM nnd mlaptod to
supply either private incliviilii.iU or Sun
day Schools ut very cliean inter. Vcrv
"ubstnntiiil billion ran be had as low ng 25
ecnt.n a piece, and testament: ns low ns (i
cell is a piece.
I he people of the county renerHllv are
also invited to leavo with Mr. Wrigley
any donation tbey may be nl eased" to
make in aid of the funds of the Societv.-
Su-ned by order of the Executive Commit-
tec- ALEX. M'LIXU). Brest.
LL persons are hereby notified not tinicddls
or interfere with -he following described
property, iurchnsed hy th. subscriber, at Slier
if! "s sale, nnd now remaining in the barn nnd
the pocmifos of Solomon Bander, in t'ovingtm
tp., to wit :
Lot of wheat in lhe shenf, lot of Jt, do., lot
of oats do , lot of corn and point. .ps, Cmk Stof
and pipe, 2 Cupbi.nrds, sink, d..nKh-tray, 2 Com,
I Hill, 1 HeilTer. Jit Hogs, 3 Beds nnd" Beddin.
Wind mill, nn.l Threshing innoliiuR, Hnrrow,
Culling box, 1 Cultivator, 2 Orcv- Horses, Set!
Wagon Ln.lders, Sleigh, 2 Log Chains, 4 Loj
Sleds, Wngon, Chains, Sett Blacksmith tools.!
Setts Harness, Iron Kettle. 1 old lul.l.. TOim fest
cf square limber, in the woods and on the bank,
of the River. AUi 2 horses bought by tho un
dersigned i.r Abraham Daily, au.l now being used
by Solomon Bander to 1. mil timber limbcrfortli'
Frencbville, .Tnn. 5th, I85.
1 A M h to the residence of tho subscriber in tk
V tp. of .iriihnin, in Nov. .. . irnT Bull
SUnrtflOf) tn t, r,nn .. ..1.1 1.... C. J I
iug sumo white spots uhout bis hips. The owne
is reiiieted Inpoin. t, pr.vo properfy anJ
take him awny, or he will be disposed nf accord
ing 10 iiiw. JACOB liUIILER.
Jan. 2, 1858.
hook! hooks::
1 "VUIUNG tho ree.ut fire tho undersigned lout
jLf anumiioror Miscellaneous books, in lbs
hasty removal of his library. Pur.ons having
cny books bclouging to him marked with bti
... ... vu IWH ur iHuerwide- win
",l,llf ,n ur ' rciurtiing thom iinmedinteiy,
i., - H.B. SWOOPE.
Murch 31, 1Sj9.
1' i.: -""loor navin-
i . 7 ""-" 'o tne oorough of ClearBeldl
j. ' . . . . " r"""" "ini ne is prepared tH
. o! any Uescnpt.on in a workmnnlike manner.
Also whucwashtng and repairirg done in a nest
- . I'luin ii, ornanisn-
suu vu rousonaoio lerms.
n. ... ., , EDWIN COOPER.
Clearfield, iipril 17, IssT. y.
Clenrfiold eo., Pa.-Tbe undersigned noli
bes tne public that he has opened . ut Uie abov4
named lnm- .n,i ,t.., i.. ,, '" -.
Kum, u. u Woii nrenared te an
eommnft-tj.'- I wkn t. i . 5 .
. . - " " wnj mvor Dim w,,h a. - -a
and we I furnished, and nc paiu. will be spar-d
....,. iu insEuesu. 11 11 liar un
always supplied with ehoie. I iminrai rf -til k!t-i4l
the house, lietolioitt a share of tmbli- ..--.
CARRIAGE and uicrsi at...
n Foorfh i 11 u "j . -""-"?. B"vr
July J, iViV.-y"' ,an ' btt"d,Bg-
-4.JL. -.u, iv oy iz, lor tale by
diehriaryU. YehRKuA Cstatii.