j 35C5 177 '-' 5904 1000 ' 5906 lino I 5MV7 ICWI 0WH ! 1C0 ?4i lino I 5 900 482 f L 109 in 112 iu 44 it 13 7 18 H iM li fii lkafAt-ilkil.. .11.! Ink t a tie I" hereby Ktrn Hint In ('immune f i Set of St' emlily, ,ed lh 13ih day of Juno, A. 11., IRIS, entitled "An act tnmnt.n l nn act dire, lint Ilit mode of unsealed lands fur t . n, tt., Ihf following Iract of anscnied lands In X'learfleld ci'unlr will h epei to public sale 'of eul-ery, fur th tagea Hn-ii, and ilno (hereon, It Ihf Court ll 'iu, in th ,urn;h .of CUarflelil oi tin second Monday of June ni-t i Reccuria Township, Xo. A. J'. Tliolilfl" Weston, I ' S08J 577' 5h0 IM SO Thoiniui Krtland, '102 UK Abraham Wltuicr Ul 110 Michael Musser Herman, IImiit & Co. 102 110 Jacob Kiuir 23 Ii SI Urn 25 il 19i9 250 25 il 25 51 14 CI 25 51 41 87 4 02 44 U3 3J 33 IDZ 111) !H fll l2 118 H.10 1A3 2911 J 25 32 153 John (jiihsou Jeremiah Mosher IVtor licti Martin Fuuty Jiicol) Fauty, George Musser. 113 3110 214 73 74 32 Robert Wilson, Thomas Will m, Jntthia Hurtou, David Unrton, Kdward Hand, John Ewing, Emanuel Koigart, George Monro, John Patehin. Jiihn Ilrndy, V illiam Brady. K. Bl,.in, John Miller, John Fordney, 11 05 '321 81 4.13 153 433 153 433 153 ;35 9 103 44 73 185 100 l 5681 135 105 77 56S1 135 21S 501 110 370 100 3580 995 1994 303 200fi U.S2 2010 604 IS 521 27 SOS 124 258 3C09 102 3016 78 1007 J200 100 100 026 215 5602 100 5603 214 5604 asfi 78 181 114 410 25 ISO 300 474 lOt 383 203 76 150 264 374 293 215 165 347 303 303 290 105 fiS 23 08 23 03 23 50 07 17 01 90 04 143 153 64 57 S3 07 210 271) 433 37 01 21 45 433 11 1 205 w 140 WO 08 23 Geo. Groom. Hrowu and Iloynton, William Pusey. Hrown t Iloynton, James Jlockeu berry. HTtiwn t Iloynton, William Wright William Dwder. William Brown, Thomas Mullen, f. Boy ii ton. 1 7 1 89 32 25 30 OS 22 05 i 22 05 02 John Dillon. 48 119 Robert Wilson, James Gallaher. 20 Frederick llomunn, 55 50 William 7ntismnn, Win. Hammond. 234 lleruion Witinor, Cule.b Copcn haver. 55 108 1. GloiiinKer, 200 Samuel Tumor, Moses Robison. SO 100 P. Uloninger, Fred. Sho!l'. 53 123 Julin ISauman, 9 140 Hichacl Fuuty, William Porter. 93 Frederick K. Hublcy, John Cooper. 54 102 Sin.li liillington, 29 43 8 03 81 51 4 54 13 04 15 44 8 38 13 30 nana lounkin. SO Campbell A Turner, II 30 30 i'lukitt. 3 7J 200 George W. Caldwell, 25 50 ; Gill & Bratton. , 40 John Ketland, ' hell Twcnthip. cv. Wm. Beates. ! 42J8 1000 Henry Reck, 46:o 1000 Henry Heck, j 5761 1000 Henry Beck, I John C. BrcniiPr. 4(118 1000 Henry Reck, 5l lliUO Henry Reck. I W 1000 Henry Reck, ; 74 'Will in m Martin, Jlins Kingston. 42S9 500 Henry Reek, i 75 Jonathan Sherman, 11 22 83 75 83 74 83 75 83 t3 83 9 00 4." 00 9 00 tlliam JSrady. John -Miiliolnon, !ed t Liphtnor. Nieklin t Griffin, Xieklin t Griffin, Jiicklin rf- tirifliu, Xieklin A GrifTin, Kiiklin t Griflin, Jmnm McGhee, IVtor Owens. John Niekolfou, Arthur 15.11. hinjtuuin Gibh. G. L. Iteed. Xieklin & Griffin, Xieklin 1 GriQin, Xieklin f- Griihii, Xieklin & Griflin, Xieklin & Giitlln, Xieklin t Griflin, David Bell, F'rainptun Bell, Ji'Hfft ToWUtttip. Jasi. li.on. John Tbmnaii, 16 02 75 00 82 50 75 00 2 50 82 50 CO 00 400 t'M 450 433 40 50 32 46 75 50 31001s 23 04 9 59 57 54 82 50 12 60 22 39 590 9151 911 26 4f,3 106 4515 767 4921 1100 140 249 89 6 67 15 60 7 36 13 88 30 61 7 50 7 50 5 25 3 64 Lumodup and Turner. 108 John Thomas, Smith and Towell. l)nrtinri FnTder. 98 Hunter mid I'lokerhoof. 185 70 Joseph Irinkrr, 40 6 II. S. I'rinkfr, Tlioinns liend. John Moulsnmery, John Kejihatt. Henry Faunee, F. Hiinsoin. Henry Faunee, due for 1S54 and ISii loo its George Turner. 100 Hannah Men-art. Fisher and I'owell. 119 90 Barbara Mmler, 119 90 Fifher, Di.fnu I Co. 7 40 William Albert and l'rothprs. 132 75 43 8V ?G 62 S4 George Ilooluiun, John K. Hiau, Luke Kyler, George W. Geaihalt. M ailer Mcxait, Joseph Bull, David Gohh. 72 Richard Thoju. Lnke Kyler, Iirwt(.ti( Townxh'p. J.'W. Smith. 60 Hugh Kle, Barker and Pearcc. 35 John Oaipbell, Hall and Buck, Ceusar Potter. 9 89 5 6? 7 50 6 00 19 95 S46 102 159 200 12 27 11 24 11 60 RlairMeT.ahahan, 14 60 Josejih and William Sansom. 100 Jntlhius Slaymaker, 85 Wm. Graham, jr., 84 John Graham, Le i Pearce. 100 Aaron Leary, Abruham (iraliam. 90 Isabella Graham, Gexirjjo Turner. 100 Jonathan Xesbit, 1898 578 1899 890 1002 889 1942 445 1941 2O0 5307 210 391 404 202 250 303 S 47 S 06 3 06 S 65 I 28 3 Ci John . 1 urner. 74 William Bingham, 4 300 George Dixon, 10 100 George Barger, J 100 Abraham Lansherry, I 100 John P. Kyler, f lirady Tornltip. David Em 108 William Kirkpatriek, 35 73 Dun Ilayg and N hneU. - I 100 Roberts and Fox, i 80 RoIkm-U awl Fox. , 20 34 RoberU and For, 1 74 , SO Roberts and Fox, 5 62 858 RoberU and Fox, 25 93 ! SO0 , RoberU and Fox, 14 50) 140 RoberU and Fox, 11 43 1 214 Roheru and Fox, 26 39 72 fioberu ana Fox. t 22 ' 88 RoberU and Fox, 6 88 720 ReberU and Fox, 64 25 440 RoberU and Fox, 4bAU 440 RoberU and Fox, S3 65 ' 794 Roberts and Fcx, 72 14 I'mM kennedy, .... . . I ll'ln I I lilnti. SMI I2T ,t,..,.h !,.. J II 3.1 1 John W. M.f, J"r h Ferrnn, Murk L. Idiheim. Jme.i I'rrrnn, r'nniael Ainlirime Tilton Kej noldn. H HI SO 1041 Henry WykotT, 120 70' Joseph Jlido. l'avl.l Kennedy, I'avid Irwin, llohert and Fox, Catharine F.wing, Robert Curry. Harrison Hull. Robert Curt y, Jainea Heed, Duo for lSbi and 1.S55, 157 11 26 25 52 37 12 II 60 S 70 17 39 55 220 320 100 J. Freeland. Caspar Miver, Joseph McClure. Jesepb Ferrou, llobert lloxs. Cuspor Miver, John Pulton, .onoph Fernou, M. Ley's heirs, Ihristnin Lower, Chrisiian Lowor, Gor(,'o Weaver, John Dubois and I!ro. 91 Roberts and Fox, 15 Roberts and Fox, 62 Huberts uiiil Fox, 109 Roberts and Fox, Christian Loner, Benjamin llewoy, Buspcr Sliver, George Mttnii. Ilobcrrs and Fox, W W Flemiiv. 15 60 a 73 15 60 Si 11 42 92 11 60 1200 4188 4271 4241 42:58 4242 KHil li.il 15:15 430!) 4;i!i8 4100 4310 115 42 137 74 6 36 Zt 5 91 4 52 8 103 Robert and Fox. Adam Welier. Koboets ami Fox, Chnries Zilyock, Jacob I'enu, Conrad I.ou, BurnxiJc Tucurkip Tolin l'atr.liin. John Xiehnlson, John Xiehotson. JoIib Xiehoson, John Jlailer, Abruhnm Winner, Casper Min tier, jr., Casper Miafler, George Gruff, Munurl Roberta, Daniel Witmcr, John HuMey, Jlntthins Voung, William Bausuian, Mary Roberts, John Tressler, John Cumiuiugs, Martin Mailer, John Burgv, John Bureh, Henry Musser, Mary Jenkins, Johu Tressler, Horace Patehin. John Jones, James Chnpmnn, Benjamin Tree.inall, J. Backbonse, James (iallalier. 22 60 11 60 11 60 20 80 12 30 26 32 47 48 9 6S " 12 , 1KH4 ) 300 13 20!1.,p-)1-50 4 'l i 3 03 22 14 31! u I 58 SO j 12 30' 47 08 Duo 25 01 j 9 35' 18 45 ! 32 47 46 00 36 00 26 40 20 34 42 64 49 69 49 69 47 56 17 22 4.'4 Mary Crawford. Exceutors and Trustees of J C Fither. 121 George Ross, 12 S8 due for 1S5-, 1853, "51 and '55 18 5s 30 :io 163 . John Cunningham. 16 64 due for provious rears, 24 84 41 48 209 Fcter'Geli, Jl 40 due for 1854 and 1S55 21 16 ' 42 56 223 J. Muwrsiuith, 33 01 due for 1854 and 1855. 32 63 65 68 310 Frederick Kuhn, 38 E James Thompson. I"!) Samuel Roberta. . 12 30 1C0 George Graft". 12 30 ShepleV lVit-slley. 110 Christian Stake, 1.1 62 100 William King, 12 30 100 John Ryin. 18 45 150 Fbeier McMnsfers, 18 45 150 Jacob Koliund, IS 45 (Vlt'vf 'J'lt'-lrtllt.'. John Pat toil, 433 153 John Breuueinaa 64 95 2j8 James Ross, 38 10 John Putohin. 311 153 Benjamin Young, 40 65 100 153 John Boyd, 15 00 313 153 Josiah Huynes, 46 95 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 61 95 433 153 Jlnetin AVorthiniMn, "f.4 95 S9S 153 William Wilson, 59 70 195 John Witmer, 29 25 Henry S Drinker's Estate, 50 Charles Gobin, 3 75 433 153 Alexnml r Hunter, 32 48 2(10 Roberf lit mill-, 15 00 2011 Isaac Richardson, 15 00 200 Joint!. on Waiker, 15 00 Sarah Dawning. 433 1.13 Juhn Cook, 32 55 1923 1800 1888 1931 1035 1!K8 1028 1020 1930 1S80 1917 101(5 30.10 187 1930 1018 1018 1890 5305 433 153 J lsper lv.ving, 32 55 36 .Iraistrong and Gamol 5 40 Drinker and Clark. 433 1. 13 Jchn Cunningham, Cl (14 433 153 ll'illinm Cook, fit 95 John Patehin. 416 30 James I'age, 62 32 316 148 Henry F, rree, 47 32 James Thompson, 100 31 llerry l'ole, 15 00 Geddes and Marsh. 433 153 John Musser. 64 95 HKI Wesley Toner, 15 00 j 200 James" MeCrachen,' 13 75 100 George Mullen, ' 11 25 140 Fulton, 9 60 200 ln.ac lilooni, IS 00 ! 82 Byers and Montgomery, 10 811 Houpe and lot, Ja ne; Davis, M 1(10 Jefferson Jordan, 112.1 30 George lingers, 3 75 25 John Holes, 4 50 j 433 Isaac Kirk and Co. 64 95 ' 160 John Mel'errou, 7 60 j 63 John ration, 7 05 2(KI John Swan, 311 00 100 James White, la 12 Covington. Fctur A. Kiuthaus. I 5300 1020 l&G 3047 304S 1837 102(5 4217 4002 4231 4234 4235 4220 4229 4230 Morris and Stewart 41 04 Morris and Stewart (3 19 Morris and Stewart 03 12 Morris and Stewart 38 70 Feter Lamm. Morris and Stewart 10 05 . and 0. Smith. George Mead, 17 75 Decatur township. 4800 James M'Girk's Kstate. 1.19 Thomae Bilhngton, 52 53 1 Peter Owens. jj; Charles Risk, 54 14 4 lf) J. W. Smith. :5lK53 Mary MeUnalian, 20 30 4X97 Casper Haynos, 10 75 D Kephart, 30 45 5002 5009 frw MA nnd '5.1 .11 5.1 f.S 00 Richard Coplln. 50G4 84 137 Josej ,h Whitehall, 1149' , 105 Joseph Whitehall, 14 07 John and David Gear hart, 5lH3 220 Jacob Dawning, 29 48) Kephart and Albert. I ' 135 John Drinker. 13 5312330 James Albert, 37 49 Joseph Sansom, 5 08,2000 70 90 V in. Sansom, 7 64 -KU D. 1. Pruner and Co. ' 3593 290 E. A J Harrison, 38 86 3001 300 Joseph Harrison, 40 20 3000 . 200 John McGirk, 20 80 3578 100 D. Lutton, 6 75 3576 1? M I'M iV,() M M llNI Mil :s L'lHI llKI .1(1 Joseph 1,0)nn( J" 'h !. nn, 1lniiiiiil Faille A ntiil .1 tl.i.a Hit risiin, Nnney I'nw ley, , Tleorir Kel hint. II 3 S.V.i-2 loin )), 10 H ;:,) pio.i fli 13 40 ;i.-!i7 lu.is M 10 li.t ;iiKi; no;i :n .1 f.:i a:n4 M2 f i 3 .f0 3'iH.I 1020 M M s.i iiic, .to 7 INI ,1(1(14 SSrt Ii I 7.1 loss 4'JO .12 1 1 OH .1.12 .)20 .1 2.1 .Kill1.) 2'.i7 v 3 .10 4103 027 28 H (M 42.14 "27 28 42.10 hsx 12 5" .1072 317 27 - 13 .11,7(1 00 .1,177 oo t n .1(170 .147 81 ,,. .1077 .1 17 81 .1078 1(141 81 'otiallinn Ki Jnhn I Ki.'nti. 1'hai t, lMwni-d Smith Simtiel Kay, John Westnn, t'lltliel 1'hililis. L. J, Cinm. 117 TlioiniM Mdmonmin N) Josej,h Hull-Moil, Frrctisoij (owiiship. Greenwood llrll. M'.i John l!aniliri;:lit, ' John l'atehli,. 1'3 Daniel Turner, A. .Moor,,. 4:tl IM 4:i;! 21i! 4;:,i 210 Kill 74 .lO Matthias Shan-h, 12 53 Charles Huston. ! !-.. . .. vii'iire i,i tss, '.'j Greennood J,.l Albert lli-bop, ."i James M I'l'nulz, . f Fux lonshii. J. Wil-on. 4 Hi i t"1 ,10 Duo fur 1854 and ls.15, 1 75 ( ..illmnon llittrood, J Wilson, west 7 330 200 m 937 017 90S 023 20 Coo 02 iMiuian r.iiuy, J Wilson, Citst 4 John (,'. French, J Wilson, east pt. 11 80, n'. U. B. Land Company. James Wilson, .10 21 James Wilson, .10 S3 James WiNon, 2H Gl James Wilson, 12 Is James Wilsun, 1 !(o James Wilson, ,10 (10 Ppencor and Rpilor. James Wilson, 8 03 William Gordon. James Wilson, 20 71 Dnniel Oyster's Kstute. I James Wilson, 21 12 Alexander Vail. I 1 it'n ...... 21G 410 188 100 Klines it iison, j, ii.) ! Ii. Davenport, 5 01) 1 Goshen township. I I'eler Ridor. 1 5325 200 George Mead, 11 Thomas Graham, Morris and Stewart, 17 10 40j 50 i Jno Keating. 2 Morris tc Si o wai t, Graham tunnnhip. Williiun ini;liani, P.I22 202 8.1 141 81 J . J'oi eev. 8 09 for '54 and ' 0 03 14 4 12 50 30 25 40 140 100 1C5 207 100 1 roreey, T Cope, Samuel Ln-hrry. ieoi'i;r Moore. 11 John Fleming. A K Wright, Husoel. Jaspar Mayland, J Graham. William Driuker's Heirs, 27 23 8 25 17 300 380 104 147 139 417 104 385 195 348 411 121 332 40(5 John Fry, jr., ' John Thoiiins, George Johrson. Pernurd Grata, Pernard (iratz. Keuben Haines, 28 4;'. 03 1 80 ..1 ) 48 21 41 04 21 10 00 7(5 37 30 03 53 50 (13 20 John Krtifr, David Hall, George Wetzel, Taul Wetzel, Josejih Henry, Chnries Hall! 41 150 100 William D Kenvin, 18 78 14 heuben Haines, jr, John Conk, Jacob Wetzel, Russel and Co. Jospph Simmons, Daniel W. Bradlev, 114 h'obcrtShaw, 114 Hvman Grata, J, Cook. Heuben Haines, Ilcuben Iliiincs, Kd. Albert and Bro. John Fry, jr. 'H 71 430 431 228 234 103 5(18 .i(ii 200 549 530 54c ,109 70 225 729 311 40(5 22(5 772 103 07 00 34 80 30 02 13 47 Girard Township. 108 Morris nnd Stewm-t.lG 78 A. and J. Spackmnn. 4.1 Morns and Stewot t,24 22 i A. and W. Murray. Morris and Stewart.2I 4.1 1 Morris and SteWart,30 24 Morris and Stwart,20 53 j Fullou and Co. : 110 T. II. Morris and Stewart, 8 91 j Morris aiid Stewart, 10 77 1 Morris and Stewart, 2 31 ! Motris nnd Stewart, 7 30 j Morris and Stewart, 30 04! Morris and Stewart, .1 12; Morris nnd Stewart, 0 09 1 Morris and Stewart,22 Morris ond Stewart, 37 37! 09 43 Morris and Stewart, 3 Nicholas Iloussnlrt, 115 114 254 250 1000 1(5 Morris and Stewart, Anderson Murray. Morris and Stewart, Francis Coudriet, lAI Morris and Stewart,: 9 9 44! 20 99 H. and II. Smith. I Gcorpe Mead, 24 75 1 George Mead, 33 00 Smith an 1 Graham. j Morris and Stewart, 10 70 1 James Nelson, 254 50 117 47 07 550 200 105 883 420 038 52(5 0SO 000 005 507 Morris and Stewart, 2 , Teter Lamm. Morris ami Ste wart, 3 Morris and Stewart, 1 Morris and Stewart. 8 Morris and Stewart, 13 Huston town.-hip. J G Kidder, 22 "I S3 43 0.1 1 33 22 40 j 10 35 j 24 85 i 47 04 1 J 42 08 30 80 09 22 09 27 1 70 53 ; 35 50 David Caldwell, William Tarlter, 15 James Wilson, Wilhelui Willink, U. P. Land Company. lames iison, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, Salnes Wilson, James Wilson, John Biggs. 123 124 Wilhelm Willink, 3 47 Heading, Rarlles and Fisher. 900 Wilhelm Willink, 83 72 55 Wilhelm Willink, 4 59 100 William Towers, 8 10 110 Wilhelm Willink, 9 24 990 William Powers, 83 72 990 William Towers, 110 88 Thomas Holt. 990 William Power. 7 52 II. Thuver and Z. Seissen. 5781 5778 5778 100 Wilhelm Willink, 8 40, 298 William Towers, 10 09 W . IS. Gordon. .10 James Wilson, 1 00 500 James Wilson, 42 00 John Dubois, jr. et al. .11 ''O 5785 5774 5775 1020 00 RoberU and Fox, 107 40 9 Roberts and Fox, 107 40 64 Roberts and Fox, 113(H) 20 Rolierts and Fox, 49 00 10X9 10K 437 3582 4552 899 121 Roberts and Fox, 100 80 733 Roberts and Fox, 82 12 008 10U Roberts and fox, 101 70425 Unbel ts. yx, liobei t and Fox, Itobet M and I ox, Kobel ti an, I llobern and Fox, liohr-rH 11 lid 1'ox, liobell and I'ox, IJoln-rls and l ox, ltobcrl and Fox, John Dindap, William Powers, Jainea Wilson, JaineH Wilion, .InriiAii 'Our,H 113 79 112 33 110 20 VI 00 114 21 M l 8M 117 II 110 43 4S 0,1 23 OO 20 ,1 1 loO 41 MO 41 00 45l3,V.il Moore and iVlancy.SO, 00 .uooro ami l)elaney,42 00 Moore and Dultuiey,42 00 J. W. Mnith. Mooro and Delaney.15 40 Monro and Delaney.ll 40 Moore and Dolaiiey,,18 20 Hammond A Jones. 8 40 ,s1''' Jordan townthip. Cm per and l'nsey, 51 llbenezer llrcnlmm, 10 20 Adam Kuhu, 47 10 rali hin and Mvan. 1-13 IJieliiird Mariin, (15 00 153 Thomas Martin, 05 Oil Heiilainin Yinm;, 22 50 Samuel Jordan, IS 00 William Wilson. 30 00 108 271 433 133 l.Ki 120 2(i) I'dwnnl and James (iilli-'un. VIM) 300 Iiiiliiel Mnitli, .10 00 j .ohn Patehiii, .j 00 1 Karihnus tounMiip. I'. A. Knrtliaif. ) Mortis and Stewart, 00 00 j Morris mid Stewart. 00 25 I Morris and Steivart,58 81 1 Morris and Stow.irt,24 20 i (ieoipe llrciilarious. 120 William Smith, 03 80! Pis William Smiili. 0.1 so! 1000 1001 1013 1093 1420 1 130 (Km I 778 .107 200 ,H1K 573 120 William Smith. Oil 47 Dovisee of John While. Kxi., 70 22 Charles Willinx. 4 01 1073 1023 S8 (. bill'les H illuik, " 08 1 17 Charles Willink, 37 00 3403 ) 038 ll . ) 1W7 1044 Henry Tothers. Charles Willink, 4 33 George Vaux. 05 Mori is and Stewnvt29 70 Lawrence Townnhip. loo 513 rviiomon Kline, j Roberts ami Fox. 0 04 2003 131 Knox lomi-liip. Cram, Blake and Hade, 437 4 Uenten llavnei, 39 32 435 50 Luke Mom's, 39 15 433 153 Joseph Hilliartl, 38 97 433 153 Robert Grav, 38 97 429 41 John Bring'hurst, 38 01 433 153 Sarah Ward, 38 97 433 13 Goorjzc Eddv, 33 97 433 13 Moore Wha'iton, 38 97 433 153 G,'orj;o Ashton, 33 97 Richard l'e'.ers. 109 Susannah Ward, Benjamin R. Slorgau. 433 153 William llunter 129 J. Dmsev, 20 12 Duo for 115 and lx.17, ' 15 45 John l'atchin, 433 153 Israel Morris, 433 153 lienj. Poultnev, 433 153 Murtiii Fieri":, 250 Sohn Boyd, 2H Philip Loast, 200 William .lohi.son Arilon Hoover. 197 80 Silas Wilet, 17 33 34 50 50 50 70 70 70 40 95 23 40 23 40 23 09 Iuniel Baustuan. 200 & M M'Cormiek. 2.3 120 Wm. H, Robertson, 15 40 04 1 Thomas McElvce. 100 Jonathan Jones, John M. Chase.. 433 153 Caleb Fouik, 203 George Wt-seott, 433 1.13 Rcbert Whartjn, 433 153 George SeaU', .".IK) John Hovd, . 133 153 Robert Wharton, "() Isaac Thompson, 200 Isaac Thompson, 100 Isaac Thomiisun, 11 20 50 34 50 0 35 15 70 20 19 50 9 75 240 ' Thompson & llem'n.23 08 Mutris lumuiip. Ldward Perks ami Co. 421 Jesso Yarnnl, i3O0 1'eser Ynrnal, 78 18 1 33 30 j E. C. Burton. 272 1(5 Robert Glen, 50 32 Win. H, Rol.rrtsou. 40 John Pest; 2 90 Snyder nnd Large. 183 Francis Johnson, 32 20 Shaw and Sf John Smith. '; 3 13 Thomas Mot ris, 04 23 5 13 153 153 1,13 153 113 William Morris, 04 23 Samuel Meredith, G4 23 AVilliam Miller. 64 23 Hetty Morris, 41 44 433 433 279 433 433 Thos. Fitzsimmons, 04 23 George Clytncr, 64 433 153 Robert Gray, 433 153 Hi trick Moore, 433 13 Marv Morris, 433 13 Magncs Miller, 433 13 X al bro Frazer, 04 23 64 23 64 23 64 23 64 23 lx .10 20 89 17 04 13 4(, 00 21 30 04 64 81 m. Hoover. 153 Francis Johnson, S. &. J. Gratz. .12 James Wilson, 90 Robert Morris, 122 Wm. Morris, 139 Richrrd R. Smith, John Baum, Wm. Stewart, J. A. Crrwford; Simon Gratz, P. Kepple. John Nicholson, Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, Swartz ami Bower, Francis Johnson Due for lx.1,1, Joseph Dips id, Blair M'I.unahnn, Jose ih Potter, Henry Cramer. Caper Shafnrr, Venn tutntiip. William I'.igler, 14 Nieklin & Griflin, 140 Xieklin A Grillin, Xieklin & Grillin, Xieklin & Griftin, Xieklin .It Grillin, Xieklin A Grillin, Xieklin 1 Giiliiu, Wm. Hepburn, Cochrane tract, Greenwood Bell Elah Johnson, Pike (ownsiii. John Xicholson John XichoNon John Xiekolson James Hopkins, 64 John Xicholson 41 John Nicholson 04 John Xichalson 64 John Nicholson 60 Roberts & Fo.x. DuBois & Lowe, 30 Roberts Fox, W. C, En.is. P5 James Wilson, 16 Janic Wilson, 100 205 0() 00 407 203 4:i 3 223 100 231 50 00 i 10 , y ... 50 90 50 ill ' 40 5992 1100 ,1051 940 ,1004 074 .1053 1003 5025 1000 50.12 1009 5054 515 83 103 100 8 85 0 CI 37 45 58 85 5(5 17 58 S5 28 35 5 3,1 10 70 5 35 18 9(1 1071 , 15 12 (100 340 480 1020 819 683 820 3" 'ifj ' 5 83 , 21 25 83 32 13 5213 30 18 27 0b 3590 1020 799 M7 1020 fin S70 2H0 CO John Nil Vol.on 34 ,1 11 13 11 02 W7 Daniel II.11 : k 11. V.. Mi Vm, John Mi'lioUon, M ill. Vl ( 1 : . John Meliolsiin 6 ?2 John I iiiboi. tv. no I v.,, 3C01 3,10'J OiKI Ci.i'j .51 Kobei Is ,1 l ev 110 00 RoberU A l'o lioVrts, i'ox, A 1 ',1. Oil Kol.ert-, ViX Kobort'i ii fox PoberU .v I'o.c Kubiifts .1 1'ox IJoborU Koln'iri .1 Fox Ik'oberls it I'ox Roberts i- Fox Relierts I'ox Holier! s & Fox Gartland Irvin. Robm ts Fox Henry Paily R. W. .Moore, David Woolmor, Henry Whit.moud, Woodward O-ivnship, t John Patehin. 30 John Cannon. Win. 15. Hoparty. 27 Goorgo Meek, 3,170 3W 1020 f.1.1 a.is 3.19(5 7so 200S 3108 3010 3581 35M 3473 3587 (1.10 110 435 300 -Vj 350 50 202 to 4 S 00 0 40 33 51 0 10 25 00 427 314 119 193 433 433 41')- 2t0 215 430 433 2!0 430 334 210 433 413 107 65 48! . , 40 82 .). MeGlieo &, Co. 121 122 153 153 48 Christian Stuko, It Mathius ioung Christian Ilager, Geo. Musser, Thos. Yedler, Daniel Ollley, Geo. BukoT, jr Timothy Paxton, John Burgo John Musser, jr. Josejih Anhbridjje, Pifot Shuw 50 60 30 84 27 30 27 98 : 00 73 j 50 37 28 PS 60 7X, 43 42 1 28 03 i 70 115 113 153 115 42 Sobastian Graff. 73 Thos. Edtnouuson, ,10 01 ; C2' v nut d: Jicnges. 77 Samuel Eiub.-n, 57 82 Thomas Niel, 14 Samuel Hegarty. Bettiumiii Johnson. SI 00 US 245 Wm 100 100 200 B. Alexander L Co. Roll & Morgan; 13 00 1 William Wi;son, 13 00 j Daniel Fatilkerson, 15 S. P. Shoil'. Mary Conntll, 5 Dr. Daniel HouU, 41 433 433 ,('') 100 98 121 153 Philip Loast, 00 50 153 153 C3 Jacob R. Howell, M illtutn Johnson, 50 George Backhoube, 13 00 i John Morgan, John McCahen, John Lampblack, William Albert it Bro Eli Hoolman, II. Kephart. 23 Saml Ambb-ton 404 52 JOHN MTIIERSOX, Treas. 17 lCliXSK XOTICC-The following per- sons have filed in the Ofliee of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sossions of Clearfield county, their respective Petitloni for License of -VAY Sossiou noxt, agreeably to act of Ass uibly of March 2S, 1850, entitled" "An Act to regulate the sale of Intoxicating liquors." Ac. J. M. Bumgardner, Tavern, Beecaria to. ruler soil, Javem, JSrudtord tj Andrew Cross, Tavern, Boggs tp. John Beibh, Tavern, Boggs tp. Adam Knurr, Tavern, Brdytp." Isaac M'Ifenry, Tavern, Brady.' If. Goodlander, Tavern, Bradv, i Dan. M. Weaver, Tavern, Clearfield, Geo. Ii. I.imich, Tavern, Clearfield, j Wm. A. Mason, Tavern, Curwensv'le j David Smith, Tavern, Curwetisv'le (James M'Lelhuid, Tavern, Morris tp. I David Johnson, Tavern, do H. II. Post, Tavern, Decatur tp. Jacob Mock, Tavern, Morris tp. Thomas C. Davis, Tavern, Penn tp. I, . W. Ten Eyck, Tavern, Penn tp. John Selfridge, Tavern, Goshen, Isaac Bloom, jr. Tavorn, Cnrwensvillo, Henry Hunter, Tavern, Karthans. R. IV. Moore, Taeern, Brady, ,ico - v - bong, Tavern, Erady, Wm, S. H iggins, Tavern, Bradford, vim. Askey, Tavern, Hoggs, EATING HOCSES. Lawrence Wesniuer, Cleat field boro. Wendlin Andras, Clearfield boro. HQ OR WITH MERCHANDISE. Richard M ssop, Clearfield Boro. Thomas Robins, Clearfield Horo. April 21. GEO. WALTEUS.CTk. JOSEPH PE'lERS, Justice of the Vii'V, L'urvfixtt'dtc, 1'cima, 0s XE door east of Monlclius A Ten Keck ! Store. All business entrusted to him wil I be promptly attended lo, and all instruments o f writing done cu short notice. March. .",1, 185S..y. - CAVT10X All persons aro hereby cautioned against trusting any of t';o members of niv family on my nccouut, as I will puv no deli's o their contraeiing. JO.NAIHAX'WEISEK Bradford, April 2?, 1S5S. pd. A. T. SCIIRY VER, HAS resumed tho praclieo of niedieine, and will otteud promptly to all call, In his pro- fession. by day or night. Residence opposite tho Methodist chu:eh. M.iy I, IH. 0 mm. . CAUTION A LL perst ns are T-.erc' v caulioiied acnins 2 meddling with (he fd'owing proporty, now ! ZX. mcililllng with (he f,I owing property, now 1 in the possession of Marl; M Voire, n suhl prnn erly was bought by ns at Sheriff's sale and l"ft 1 with the said Mngiiire on loan : 1 Wagon. 1 tiui- ber sled, 4 heud horned cat! 1c, III shep, also one eorrcl mnru bought by us of Michul Frank aud .left with Mark Maguire on loin. J. 1'. XLLS0X A CO. Feb. 21, IS5.S. Vo-N'r; c- JECT IKillT N A SHORT SUB- FJt.l XK SHORT announces to his friends Hint ho has removed fomo of his hock iroin in -piiort Mtoe Miop on snort uif. tanc from his old' stand, to tho shop formerly occupied as a W utch ond Jewelry Store, by H R. Welsh, deed., nearly ojiposile to Keed'oud j Weaver's Store, where ho will lie found at all all limes ready to arcouunnd .tc his old ciiMomcr and as many new ones as may favor him with a rail, and do their work on as short notice im it can be done olsewhere, and as short accounts make long Moods, ho will sell cheap for CASH. Home-made work constantly on hand, aul war ranted not to rip, ravel or cut in the eyv. And a this is the time for settling up, (aid Miort re ques's all person liulebled to him to come for ward anil settlihg up their account, and pay th cash or give their noios. and they will save costs. Clearfield, April 7th, lS.'.S. Sm. X. H The person that found one fine boo No. 6777 6779 6779 ' 6, on the morning af'tr th fire, cu have the mate f it hy calliag at the Shoe Shop of FR AX K SHORT. NOT1CK Xoilee is hereby given that let-' tor of Administration have this day been granted to tb undersigned on the estate of And- J rew Welch, late of Lsirene tp., deo'd. All per-; sons baring any bnsmess in relation to raid est-' ate, will call upon me and make eettlenient. I ROBERT THOMPSON. , Lawieac tp., Jus, 12, 1549. Adjoin nr-d OtThfiM' Court BU. 1 1 V Mime f an ei lr 1 f 0 nt( ,,n (urt 4 11 i "ll, l F'l.. HI, Oil '1 kl Al.K l.,Ht 111 II ill I ri 1, 1 i'd hi nil I n ni.i el ii h i,.. (, 1 ,r . . 1 ' ' .'. MH'ullr. ! Chad In. Oil !' vl'll ,,v ids n hut 1, 1 j .1 11 tiinu tt I t 1 r ' of J tin M Chi ,,f I. ,. Oi fl'ts of .-n-Mirr, us, ,., tflun ' I si a Chi I'nut ())i f Isnd , f .V,-Vslre, iii'- 1 mni nn.l en-uer l. V'tvll.i 1 1 1 um.ift ,,f j,,i,B r, ,,.,. 1 - K '' llj 1 --'" ' -1- or 1' ! a ).s; thrat It 1,1.1 i . ..kin ally s. 4 1 F. 111 par. mors or i - a mi,;, Is. 5MJ w. I v oiherlanl of "' ' W. In a e.,-i-, , a' I ik,iIM by iniot hue li'.O pi, i.i. ra tr ls to the begin, ti. i',', and 0 nuking Mi 1 in, it erless, be. u ' ilio M.iitli n.i' 1 ,,usricr of (i.. orrvjl ia mi." of John (miu, ml. r ,-. J08. I'ATTK RSOV, ill.Iil.CC J. WlTLLT, Adiu'rs ot'Jolin eC 1 y, Joj'J. STOMi H AHI1.-A genoral s:orliiif nt aL ways on hand at the stole of ihM. F. I HUT IX. Cleai field, Sept. 12, 1855. WKl'.TZ'.S Iiii,r,.ve.l l'loiiplu for sale by MLT.RF.LL A CAKTtH. A ril 2S, ls55. 11. A i iii.it i,i- vi ni:it i I1EMLY W. OVERMAN. i TMI'ORTKR f r.eneh Calf skins, und genera ' J. le.n'ier iliiale, Sc. ft South Third St., Philu:. I A goneiul -urtineiit of all kinds of h.atuery I) limroe.'o. Ac, 7 ; March -I, IS.', .'.-it lorn Oak Stilulvatbtr. .-!' riAl'TIOX A!! .n rsonssre huioby cautioueA I BlTflilKl kill , i.ltu j!,,, f l...ill... 1'..h ...... 1 n- 1- -...... ..(, .,,..,1,1 iui m vviiitin loumy order, No. 445, of 13j7, payable to It. J. Wallace, lor "0, as the snine has boen lifted by me, ar.d has nu -j boun loii or mislaid. JXo. M'FJJERSON, ireas'r. Cl.ruiolJ, Jan. 1'J, lsis. ft hit Wvmiho ubneriber has about 41,0. Brick, v'lh'li he will d'm,oj of. ODeo 17, I860 W.M. L. M09uV AUDITt NOTICE. HE nmlcrtlgnc.l, an Auditor appointed by X the Court of Cloiiill 'ld county, to distribuie the ase.t'j of Zobuluu Warnor, lu' the bauds of Isnao llorlon, cen. Admiuistruivr, gives notice that he will attend to the same ou bsturday, the 7th of March, betweca iho hours of 1 and 4 P. 111., at the office of KaniuK-r A Test in Clearfield; when and where all persons interested luuy t tend. l.SKAL'L TliST, Auditor. Feb.21,'ls.-,8. Tllli STKAMIlA ARCTIC TOUXo! n the front Window of llcrrcll i Carttr'i TLrce-Story Iluiltiing, on Second Slrttt, in I lie L'oroiisli of Clearfield. 7"HK'tE they are prepared to munlisseture nl 1 ? kinds of TIX nkd S1ILET IKON WA11 30 00 ' ' aro nl" l'f-'rarcd to furnish, at reduced prf "(I 7X ' ceB 1,10 f'-'llowing nrticles in all thoir varieties- r, ' 1 BAR. IRON', XAl'LSandsTEKIi. Also lrta A- '1 ng machines, Ploughs, Patent Cutting lloxosi if I Chain Pumps, Patent Saubage-cutters and Fun1 1j Tllnels, Self Eculiug Cans lor Preserving Fruit, at well rsa largo variety of housekeeping utensils too humorous to mention. Stoves. They have also a lurgo assortment of" both Cook and Purlor Stovej, of the best and mus! approved patterns, and among them will be founit the celebrated XLW WOULD COOK STOVK. All orders for castings will be thankfully rcl4 ved and protnp'ly nttondod to. lloiisc-poiiMn.'j; dono to order. As they occupy a largo aud commodious housAi is well us out-buildings, they ore well prepared t! do a Comnii.-sion business and all orders, elllnf as Retailers or Wholaule Dealers will bo thauk' fully received, and utknded to with despatch 0. It. MERRELLi may 10, 1S56. L.R.CARTER. nr.SBT LOHilS. J. O. AiflTSIVIf.Kt MEDICAL PARTXERSIIIP. DR. 11 EX I! Y L0IIA1X, havinj associated witli him in tho practice of Medicine Dr. J. tj. HARTSWICK, they otfer their professional services lo tho eititeus of Clearfield and YiriAftj They will attend to professional calls at all hour? aud i 11 a 11 seasons. , Dr. llartswick will be found during the day ii their office opposite Drj Lorain's residence, and a' night at his residence, one door north of Reed i Weaver's store. Clearfield, June Id, 1856. lYica' reduced to unit the. Timet Terms $1 2i prr iuy. NATIONAL llOTEU (LATE WHITE SWAX) Race st. above Third, Pbila. TMHE proprietors of tho abovo well known es X tnblishment being thankful for the vcrj' liberal patronage bestowed upon thciu the nas jenr. tako this method of informing thoir friends and the public that they aro still prepared to ac commodate them if favored with a call. During tho summer months tho houso has beer1 thoroughly renovated, improvement mado anil oilier extensive nlternti ins in contemplation. Wo are determined to devote our whole atti.'n1 tion to business mid Hatter ourselves with tke conviction that we shall bo nblo to giva satisfac" tion. SIDES A STOVER. X'. 11. Carriages will always bo in readiness Ic eoiivey passengers to nnd trom Steamboat Land' ings ami Railroad Depots. H. A 8. March 31st, lSiS.v, C abinet. Chair Jlaklng-, A Jill IIOL'SM PAINTING. T01IX flULICH .1 1) AX TEL UEX'XEIT.havinjf ft entered into luirtuershlii in the above busi- j ni-ff, w ill be prepared at nil times to nfteud to any1 ' business in the nliovo lino on short notice aud in .' nrn., t..,,.. T'l,..,, uill ,in i:nui nt ,her 9no, c. JlIirkct ,,t-( ,J01)rlv op j jte ,le JciT f ,rtlj lltr(;(, r M"aho' 0. J a7 ntul Cnno llottom Chairs, and Cnhinct ware of ! every dcsei iptiou whioh they will bo found ' j ready to dispose of mi as reasonable terms as th (sst.o articles can be had i-liewl.cro b the eonntyi 1 1 ir stock of Cabinet Waro now on band, eon- f ', . t, , i ,ie.-suii; aim i oriinoii i.ureaus, roias, rewing a, 1 Wa"h Stniuls, l)ck and Dock Cnsos, Frenol; ai I Field l'osl Rcdslcniis, Dining, I'roakfast, Con tr Card nnd l'ier Tables, Ac. OFFIXS manufactured and delivered at soj) lp e desired, idiiy 2:i, 1S54 DR. K. 'v. "wiIsSON." " rTAVIX(3 removed his office to the new dwei. n1, f .A1''!0" fllA' "j" fT"m ""W . .. ' Tn.n,w 11 t.-n , nd, In the fourt oj Common Pleas of Clearfield County No. 5 4. Xovembsr Term, 1857. Summons irt ei;blv acres of Geo. Roberts Smith .t Mf iy U. his wife, and Charles P, Fox i Wm. W. Fli'iuinj:, Ejectment (or about raid in Pike township. 'le..rii,!d County, bounded north ami cast by the Krio turn pike, wcM by lands of Wm. M'Nuul, and south by the south linocf Xo. 3013, being j part of Xo. 3013. Writ rrlunied Not ; found. ! And now, ISlh Nov., TX.17, on motion of Win. A. Wallaco, Esq. Pi n-,' Atfy. Rule on tho Di-l't is granted, to appear nnd plea I. and publication of said rulo i) or dered nccorJinj to lair. Certified from tho Record this C3J March, A. D. 1x58. Bv thn Court GEO. WALT EPS, rrfit'y. ROBERT McNAUL, rpBnr, at th eld slamd la Cnrweasvitl., X M l5li