Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 19, 1858, Image 2

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(1.1 AIM ILl.lf May -1, In'.
Dcmocrf.tie Ticket.
.irt'i:;iT tum suphkmi: covit
v:i::.ia:i a. ror.isn.
i- I Hlt.Al-eLflllA.
.vi. roMMi.-sioNLi:.
AX. w .J-
pl'ivellt oi tin ;
tiull," lui.i tin'
public iuH-i
II ' ll. Hi.
', jib;n '
Kama--uiii '
'ul'.-i'lin t'f
Hid curiosity in I he evt'ii I.
ihat arc ili.:iv
.king place, the past fort-
night has not been without its startling
oeeun ' m c-, conveying in fcvcral in.stan-
cor, 6.1.I hut instructive lesson of pru
tlence mid mi huic'.c'y experiunre.
'I he mosttciioua of these, and the ono
linvolving tlie greatest sacrifice of human
life was a railroad. I'cc'dcnt which occurred
on the 'eiv York Central at Sanqouit
creek About three milt west of Utica, on
Creek, w!.!:::
, Thcbridje.icrossSanquoit
iad been in an con-
dition for time, was broken down in
consequence of two trains meeting upon
it nt tki fiat c.o time ; cue a passenger and
the other a freht trail-.. TI:o cars of both
were vtroeipL.'.ted through t'r.e biidge into
the creek, ami nil,; of tli 3 ia.-svugers kil
lod, and upwards of fil'iy r.ioru Keriouslj
wounded. A mysterious and most shocking
tragedy was perpetrated in Allegheny
city opposite Pittsburgh la.:t ivck.
A Jlrs. E'.ana, the wife of a respect
able mechanic of that city was found in
the kitchen of their dwelling a few morn
ings ago, with her throat cut from ear to
ear, and tier clothing on fire. Her hus
band gavo the alarm alleging that his wife
bad been robbed and murdered. The un
satisfactory account lie gave -of the affair
led to his nrrest, and he is now in custo
dy charged with the murder. There seems'
to have been no motive for the deed on
the part of the husband, as tlny appa
rently lived an agreeable life, ami were in
comfortable ciivuiiistfinecs.
On lust Thursday morning in Philadel
phia there occurred an event which forms
the melancholy sequel of man's depravity
and woman's frailty. A man named Good
win, a native of Boston, shot a woman
named Lizzio Marshall, of Lynn, Mass.,
who had been for somo years Lis para-
mcmr, but had recently deserted him.and
then shot himself. Both shots took ellect.
The woman still su rvives,but can not recover
-Goodwin died almost instantly. He leaves
a wife and two children in Boston.
Among the incidents of the past week,
the most important perhaps in its ulti
mate consequences 1b the boarding of two
American merchant vessels by British
war steamers. The first was the schooner
Mobile, in the gulf of Mexico, and the se
cond the Rubert Wing oft" the Florida
coast. The pretence was tho alleged sus
picion of their being slavers, 'iio con
duct of tho Bnlrh officers is stated to have
been, insolent and overbearing in the ex
treme. Hon. Thomfi. L. Ck'ngmnn, cf N. C.,
has been appointed United States .Senator
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resig
nation of lion. Asa liifgs. A. P. llayne,
of South Carolina, has been appointed to
a similar position, in th, place of Hon.
.1.1. lwniis Si imfm. f ...-wii M...I vl.i ,, i,
....v v ...iv, i.jiu
died iu Washington a few days ago.
Tus ( uR..icit.k of the weather in otinc
iu condition for the last six cr eicht
1, ... 1 .. 1 l. i . .
'h" ' 1 " "jipnrnimty io
ray V.;
bee ;i i!.;
that len
,.",111, :
li nn
lid told have
ih of time, (iu:
r-" for fully
L' 11 i' lP I t'P
...i ' I 1
r,c-..',- I on,, f.,..,, ...;,'. ....
...... . , ........ , u. , v-I t A , 11 .1 I l1 .1 t I ,1 II Vf P
clear ti.iy r.t a time and tko-'e like angels
visits f,.-iv and far between.
Tp. C'p.or?. Th
.... . .
,e fill tr.un in our coun -
try as a Reneral thine nllhnmdi a lit,l,.ior tn o petitions, signed by perhaps thirlv
backward in eense.iuenee of the eoolne,..,
tt. .. .1 -ii u
the i ather looks w,l . ( ,r ha, been
pi..nt,,l ,o a very li.u..(.-.l extent, on ae-
count oi uio c
inued rains. Much of
h fruit. eu.,.,.;lK. i... i. ,...i.. .1
.h., i ..'I,,, i rt i"rtv. i i . , 'billhad their inside and outside workers
are bcueved to be much mjurcd by the psent-thoy proteMed thnt the people
frosts, t,,o nppleu however are considered i did not want such a law. and did not feel
TnEMArTrsM or Ooikt has In
M-io since Monday, but owing to theal, a tvo "ll sZ. "ll
seneeorneaily ad thepariies and witnesses men from Clearfield visited llnrrisburg
in the ca'ires c n tlie civil li-1, whoaro still during the recent se sion, but none ol'
dowu the river, a largo mnjoritv of them ' U,Gin' cxorI,t Ju,,e-' Hmret and I. 11'
hvl to be continued. This'althou di to bei Tl C', mn a1'0,,t il
, , , , I "e to n'oliiee the subject, and the people
regretted wns unavoidable. 1 he Common-j of Clearfield must take the blame, upon
wealth business which was not heavy was themselves, if there is any, for defeatina
disposed of; also two or three causes oiv11''''1 tllron-'n lll(,ir own indifference.
the civil list and the argument list entirt t i Fir lW y? We ''"VC ,'Pon a 0,Prk in
T, . ,. , , ' ""alelu'r(-: the House of Represenfativeg and have
Tho court adjourned me die this (Thurs-; had an opportunity of watching the ac
dny) morning. Tho court owing to the rion UP" tm!l We n''o taken an
cause abovo stated was not a throne one 1 1'"ter",t in il Rnl eo-operated with both
although a large number of the cities rflSJffi'uS &d.'S:
curcounty.and a few from some of the1 thing in their power' to the biU
aclj jining ones were iu attendance among' N member from Clearfield could do more
whom wero many of our friemlg and ae-. if tlie P00110 wer to treat i" the
quainUfloo. whom we were much pleased MTie n.,nn.ner-. , t.
to mtt 1 ' 1,10 in"'"n of th lirpvhliran that
t then- miunber have not been faithful to
fr. fill' .MI 1 1 1 i I the a l(
C,.,.it nn ci.n.-il with theptr'mici'fo-
, .1 . 1 (inni In '1 ntlcincti from 'omr
i.l tl.o ii li'.iiiiiKf i itilie. II''". 'I.Tny
1. t 1. 1 Huntington filed ii rm- tin1 1'tn'-
i.m- of "iiliim nt the tiinl of a nm-oiii
v. hi li .Judge I'.ui ii-l.l.' had he, n engaged
ti- HMiTiifV liil" nt thehir. lurcilioii
n ; o Inn. 'I : -.i - 'I "Ilii in" innim-i- ...
.III. I,;.' T;i I'l' i.i. tli "ll lin l oil' the bench,
lien, .hunc I'm ! -i i- mir ili-lincni-hcd
l.-nt .lii'lc, Hon. A. l. Curtain.
Jhui. .James T. Hull', i'ii. .Inline lrvin,
Samuel I.iim LNip, nml others rl bolle-
I .1 .-, ..I
luiito wore mnoii'' tho ntimluT. lnl
loH'orson enmity was represented sin
l.ut alily liy ll. T. Lucas Ks.j. of Urookvillo.
'&. li'o will give t lie proceedings el
court next week.
"u-,n A pocket book at wolf run too
"('I.KAl'! lEI.I' Cor.NTY."
"Ill It Ai.TII.iN ON Till-: l.H'i J 1 K.-'lIl'N."
Wo copy tiic folhm ing article under
the nhovo lnvnl, from tlm Urnokville . .
;;.! i'.ji, more as a specimen of iiiisinoili
literature tluui for any real importance
11,1 :t
tho matter thereof, ffu comme
t ) thcpcrusal of our renders.
Tl. fhrg,U tf,nul.t;.n nffl.rt ffill. nl.
v.. ... -
umo, conuuiiH a leaning nrucie i.i near a
column and a half in length, in which it
reviews the action of tho late session of
Itho Legislature, and winds up with tli
following doleful and pitiful laniont:
"But amid all thi, legislation wliar ,8
been done for Clearlmld county .' .,'ust ;
nothing at all. Our Legislature take it for
granted Hint she lias no great interest at
jtake. To them it seems to have Icon n
, ,
nv;Hn rtY in(lit! u hplipl ive urn
ZlA l.l nn,..V.,:.i.l .,VV- ,;r.. .
blessed con me cml p.osperity or
tncrivimimetiwiiufaiiiviiiiiicj. vim m
existence seems to liave been ignored by
them. Our county blotted out from her
political and geographical existenee.
ilad we been one of the most distant
settlements in Utah Territory we would
have stood a belief chance of receiving
some attention than we did, although lo-
cnted in the heart of the-State-. Vc think
it is time we should adopt the Ponglas- j.rtlly leq iui : ible editors of tlieso scurrilous
Halker-Iiepublicnn idea of popular sover- jinunals are pnr while J'i-atrum. Leaving
eignty, and set up for ourselves; so that V,ut of the comparison certain physical or
we can make some internal regulations animal points of iliUerence, it would be
that will obviate the necessity of abandon- difficult to declare which is John Vf. Por
ing altogether our -little improvement, n,y and which i.s Alexander Cutntnings.
here on the western slope of the Alleslie- Wo think Forney more like Cuniinings,
nies, whi.-h our honest hardy niidindiis. others may think Cuniinings more like
trious people have been fondly, (but vainly Forney, the Bulletin is notorious for its
it appears,) hoping it would someday niako cownrdico and todyism in all cases where
thein jileasant and comfortable homes, : "thrift may follow fawning," ignorance
where in the evening of their lives they nnd malignity, and is pai ticulary despised
would be nllowed to repose after the wen- even by the majority of those who nur-
ry toil of a lifetime spent in honest labor,
We had once flutejed ourselves that we
would by this time have hnd another tale
lo tell of this year's legislation, but we
unve ueen greviousiy tusappointen. em
whom the blame should fall, we do not
preienu io say. i nose lo whom we trust- tlie sincerity ol its declarations concorn
mgly committed our guardianship of our imj the cause of Mr. Vaux's mishap, and
interest, may in our services have acquit- the honesty of its political profe.ssiohs.mny
ed flieir conciences of all blame for a nog- be comprehended by all, when they come
lect of their efficient and fruitful perform- to learn that tho ostensible editor nnd
ance. lie trust they have, but this much proprietor of tho Bulletin is believed to
we will ray, that when Clearfield is again have aided in his public rapacity, and is
called upon to aid in conferring political known personally to have iuvort'd the re
favors'upon aspiring candidates for office ; i election of the candidate in whose defeat
she will oirltavor to take care that her he only now sees the discomfiture of Mr.
preference be not shown for any public Buchanan as regards his admirable and
servant to whom she cannot say "well successful Kansas policy,
done thou good and faithful." U is known that the editor of the Press
A reader unacquainted with the inter- voted for Mr, Vaux und the whole demo
ests or the wants of Clearfield county, cratic ticket ;wc Hreinformed that chock
might suppose, after reading the aliove j full as he was and is of anti-Leoonipton-parngraph,
that some great interest had ism, he even made a parade of tho char
been neglected by their representatives, lactcr of his vote nt the polls. And we are
that the light to petition for a redress of perfectly well sat, lied hnd Mr. Vnux been
grievances had been refused, or, that nf successful, that Forney and Cummings
ter petitioning, their appeals had been j were both prepared to appropriate the re
disregarded by those to whom their inter- suit as an anti-administration victory .with
ests had been confided. But, to such ns' the same vehemence nnd eagerness with
are acquainted with the facts relating to which they (honest fellows) now denounce
the action of our representatives as well as ; his defeat us the defeat of the administra
that of the people themselves, on this im-'tion. We observed yesterday that the
portnnt question, the case presents quite Fvening Journal had ti j ointed nnd soiue
a diilcrent appearance mul exonerates Mr. j what bitter allusion to the J)u;al,l Dah;, t
Wilcox find Spyker from all censure. ' rv. of tho press in connection with the
For several years Clearfield county has ; Lito opposition success, and it i.s quite rer
endcavored to got up an excitement on ! tain thnt the popular mind has at once
the log question about election time, nnd I inferred this expression of the Journal ns
hist year even adopted the Douglass-Wal-! intended to designate the Press and the
kor-Kcpubhcan idea and set up for them-1 Bulletin.
selves and endeavored to defeat the regular There 'are no two men livini? bet lei- lit
ticket the game did not succeed but toil for "hunting in couples." socially and
still they expected the mo- ibers elected politically, than Forney and Cummin",
to put their log bill through, while they , but tho metal of the Press diilers somo-
quieuv ioiueu ineir arms relurecl to po-1
tltlon with held fverv ilwikI enet. mul 'i-i. t.ii... . . ..I
. . ... v. ..........
tiru'nvile I! nrl funl m-. 1 1, 4 1. un .ll
............ ...... ...... v ...... iii.-au tciiiiviucii
for not doing that which the iioonle them-
t von rrtfu.W to endorse. At an early
! !u,: "!.'?Tn' lw. ", rebt'Ug to
..... r 1 . v. . r
mhcox, anu relcrred to the appropriate
conmiiiteo. I in; people ol e leai held eie
! wHf". t mid ur-ed to send en petitions
n.iuit,ii.,u, i', 'iiei 4ii ir mi, Hfll'
I T 1 1 Ti if im 1 -I I nl.. nm t-i -J-..l ... .......
i.i ... . . .
I '"" pennons wouia no circuiatcu
I I t-(tl " ll-Vll t 1 lA OMlll tt 4 1. . I.,.. I' t 1. .
"i,-'l. inv Wtlil IV MM' ti I y 1 i till
Spring clettion, nnd thnt thev
would b.
sent on soon alter. 1 ho action of the
. ... . . , ., ,,
'tions had time to arrive, and finally one
"'"""""c ""' ul " eu mini llll-ve lie-ll-
!Fr80,"' ."ved. Here was tt tli -
-lemma the lriend.s of tlie niensurc assert -
! ed that the people of Clearfield were wild
on the subject, and that any amount
; ritions would be received in a few days,
On tho other hand, (ho opponents to the
I 1, I 4 l.
H'.fficient intereit in it to petition. After
'consmeriune deinv tlie committee report
. ed both tl icsc bills with a iiogntive ivcoin
I . . .4. l . i l
(belt 1 1, 1 m , ll '"" in'i i . i
founded, niM v" li'i"' '"
Mi'n' rn tlii ni'iji ' I. 'I I'' 1 '
I'lonihVId ever i M"" "nir rT
ll I lit!
II. I ll'l
. i r
limlo . a bill ) Mi pi - Hi" fl iM'g .1
o o lo.", Micy tii'i-t l' li'i i ii' il 'i'tt
lnili.l -tlii'V "ill tiovi-r obtain i -liny mi
m ver expect ll. ko uit n tin y refuse to
lm tii-ti-nto, while their opponents nic
While nil (hi Mthjecl. nil'l n Ur .'.
,,,,tM,i i iiiiximm In iilturll bl. iiili' "ll
nino oiii, it illicit imt bo ini.roH r iii
to cii.iiiii' if In' know tho fi'ii-iill t In
L'.itl. 'MUlll Wlinlll ' ail'ln'ssnl nil lliMMlli-
r ,. i . . . .... i i ... ...i... .i... . ..
Ii'l'l lll IIIU'll IU 11(1, 1111(1 HIW 11,1 I in- l"-
ivlii.'li liiul bel li n.iki"! ..r. nml
l,i. li tho K.lil-.iM.I'tli.' iiii him-
",'1,.,misl".,',.n,o.spl,,,,ltli. ,..;m.
P'.V tin' country on ,lllon ,l,.y. iv,r, ll-.t
ni',1 nml sent on to Mistain th, position
nt their li'pl'i'seiitatives.
TiiK pmi.ADiai'iiiA i:i.i:th)X. i
Wi' injure our distant readers in all sin-;
eerily, tlint imthiiii; cm be more nbsind
than llie nttempt made in certain quar
ters i,t e to user i be the result of t he recent
. .lection in this city to the influence of
until. mil politics. It is our cnin ictioii
iluil. ii Ii pai ties k evenly balanced in
point of number as they are in Philadel
phia, and with th, Mayoralty loMiled
lowi. as it I Willi a lieavv police pniroii-
Hire, and cnn-e'iuciitly with a hail' dozen
of personal di-appointmcnt. in ovcry P-t-1
tv . within the Mi'vor'sgirt, it will be
. i . ii , , ., . i i
,nu,.d -quile impossible to re-elect the
... 1 .... 1 ;.;
nuinucM im.. ii... t ,. ......
niny lie nn I'.fil to l;scmuee tlie mines oi i
u,js station, should su li a man desire a
re - nomimit ion and a re election. It is
out tho hito munii-iind , cutest urged nui-j
ny telling objections1 of a personal deserip-
tion to the democratic nominee, and their
newspapers mid orators endeavored with i
no little success, to cultivate and estab-1
livli n il,wn ..t.MH'ii.liii.f tlirinielnnit. the
j- 0 j -
, J . .!'.. ..,.... t ., n ,.l...r.. .-.I'
'' '"' V i'
. ivie adtninistrnt.o.i.
1 Me causes 01 .Ur. atlX s ileieat '"'mg
thus of a local and I'ersonid iiatiiie, were,
so fully recognized by the general "V"
that on tlie day after the election, the on -
y two newspapers in the city suflii icntly
menu and dishonest to claim Mr. Vaux's
defeat ns an nnti-liuchanan triumph, were
the J V,w and the ,. '-nn wll,H,i.. In
t.oint of revutation. the ostensible nnd le
chase it for an item of post meridian news,
In its editorial columns, when it ceases
to plnginriso, it always begins to invent
and is never so 'happy as when its never
iniling malice sharpens tho barb of eome
'plausible falsehood. In tho present case,
thing in composition from that of tho Bui
l.i, i ... n
iiim. mi; inner is iiiiiiuii!; more itiiill
lllalll lil-fl.;fl. lint. I in li-.r,ii t,n ,
ruin Km.i,l.., ui ,.r 1 .
j temper and style to the New Vik Tri-
L,,,, and if the Tril.une may be rerfect -
ns -j re-en -v near J'.ansns.
gong," so the Tress may be just ns cor -
vt.etlv il..,-i
net's -little Kan-I
; F:, tong." N0 one at all eonv,
ersaiit with
.current lmlities in tbia bit it.iu'e v,nl.l f iil
, 0 remark '.hat if Crecley ono day rushes
I 1 . . . . . .
uciurc uic iuiil.c Willi ins "grout gong
st unniniT tf.e eoiv nf flm r.iiiFili-v" i... ..
i .i ..I,- .
. nuc e-.siou of loud, harsh, rattling imtes,
en ill.' in Menu 1. tr in.i, l .,,.!- .l U.l '.
( .....ut....... iwiuvt. nun lull.
to arms, to resist (he cruel inllieti,,,, ,,r
Uini crum womwl n., , i,i r
1 in- Kansas," tho next clay Foi'ney is abso-
' lutelv certain fostriko nn .' .i;hi ,,,,,,.'
ofl'-dou-n will, r.neliniiim ,1m , ,i...
rescue." In other word u ;.,ili.
' . ' ' . .....
nretinred for nnv tliinir lli opna
P.nlletin" mnv v op An ov..,.',. i l. w
nest and to tell the truth, when the rc -
verse may best answer their,jirpoe.
Ve confess we wero not "ureiinred to
witness a complete partisan elegredation
e,?l nl ,r" ? or h Amer.cmi, well
foi n.l fn'i ri 'i t0 rW -
iuo e d 1 Z " ,.11,,p10 Cn,1"?)" f
: ii A ., i i i.
V!l l r L,,',rk .0i "11:,r'l''rt'n.(r-
tion in regard to the facts of the election
just passed. TheXoith American to be
. i i , . . , , -
tolerably decent, must be reasennb v con-
sislent It. ilm.,1,1 ... ; a,- .-....
defeat alithZiT",'::! " !
mn n ien0 thocr :
cooiiy ignoro all local and personal causes
u li n f ni-..r f.-,i. ,1. e J :
.......v.9 .w. ,uu miiure ui uraging in
the disingenioug expedient of nnti-Le-
,ni- It .- i . ii- . i """' iiii'iiicu autTis nine wio r loritin
So take dow n t nZ T? ,"" r 1-egislalure pass a law for the preservation
dous t, ?omon( JvZ 6 1 ' r '6 of the lndam in th,lt allying no
an, l our ?Wl C,!n,m",t: nior to be -hot until they propagate in
ml Tf nT i Khoul,1,.r(,1"!('n,''" . V j sullicient numbers to give a 1 1 10 volun -
men of full habits have died before ih a.1, i n . . I , . ,
01 apioplexy. vhilo over exerting (heir
..i.ii.. . ' ,
natural Incultics and strength to bin no
t ung o! ilie wear anil tear of conscience 1
imtwcnrowiihnir to leave tho truth
this mutter ill its laosont ni. . l tn fn
H.l.illn i .i I" Inn '. To 'll
lli mi I lili. il'il l li-. Al
ill Im j ii--1 ill. i I'-r iiu ti'iil
i . .ii
.. i
I II 1
,(,. 111,. I
nil t III- K linii III' l l"l nlimllH
III'" Villi, It 11 ll') Inlllfi I III! I'l'l ll 'pi'
Hull i.l' I lorll'oli'tl Hll' lll".IIH M'll'r.'ll
(hi' (inliliinl nllii nl llli inllllll). It i
.. tlli'il IHI'I I'll' I"'l (O nil (lllrlll lllul 'lll
.ii-l . 1 1 H tt il ll t III' il"'.i' of Kiill'Ct,
w lin nl'Mii' mi' li in iiid'i i i-li 'l in it. I"'
riilin1 liin tli' rii iilii ii ili'trl IllillililX lint U
l.nil lot' llii'ir l"ll I. Tin- I'l'' i'l
Kiili"il 1 1 ill V limv in -t Ivjitllm Iv limli l' nil
Ilii hm nt' l i. Knii-ai nlii'inly n
Mali' hi f ir ( 'niii'i ix am uiiikc l.i r mi,
i .. ii... . ...
IHIU llli-
Kniioiii tuny li""
i lmo-.; to ilo, wlictlnr I-' May m Mm'
rniou or t.-mi u.rnrilv 1.. n iunii. .-..1. h
,,r!,,,i,,iy ,, f.l.c con.,,,,,,,,,. (..,
y but llicmlvi'K. II,,' (null is 1 1 it
(li, trmli of tlm mi,rnl 1, Kansas i.ulitl-
I'lans, liku l'01ii,y nml otlieis. is j." 'lie
rithello'soci'iipatiou , i,.ni''-tl., Knns.'H
question III KtilisaK has been l.-nji HL'O tli-
t,rmi..el. nml l'lvsiibrnt lim liannn. by
, o,nl,i.m!ii, ,,f eouriwe. iimliee. ii 1 in
ne.s.inillnet. has iunt h.-ttb-li th, Kansas
question out of Kniisaf. tko viij-nint ilo -
main o cuiiti'inptilil, poiitieiniK "no uve
nml thrive on popular excitement nml tic -
Ill villlls. 1 n.ri,'in.
H is th. Moos an Atmo.v'iii:iik ? A
S'liitirrn iS'ifm. The Mobile Tril.une men-
itions that there is a entloiniin, a watch-'
milker of that eitv. by the mime of A. 1
' Girard, who has w'ritlcn a paper altaekin,:
. ' . . ... i'
tho positions ol A rat;,., tlm reno nctl ,
..'... ' .." . :.. I-...I.
iieneii nvironoi.ier. iqmn ii iui.ij o sin;-,
j,vts. end nmoiit: o'.iicis Unit there 15 no ,
-h thin" as an atnwL w bcloninmr to
tlie inmoi! nnd r.o reas.ui to believe that
From t louis-The Kansas Maraud-
crs Movements of the Tl'OOpsfor Utan.
fjT- ,0cis, May 17. The steamer Lucai I
f,.om ti,e MUsouVi river Arrived last nijrlit, I
i ... i...: .. i. ...,..t;,.,.i..i. nf ilil
I ! ! I HI illJ 1UMII' I l-.i. Hi ...... v. ...
... , .1 .1 . 1 1.. .l 1..1
uian n-wsuian uiuuiiihuv -si
(I). S,it, l,ad not rcarhed Fort Lenv -
, t.mvorl h when the Lucas loll.
ri... Ki,.u. n( r-nrresnimdenee of the
t.-jniL'n-.ia that the uandits in the
1 1 borlioo, I of Tort Scott, Kansas, nuni-
.r'two hundred nml fifty, commtm led
l,v the notorious (.'apt. Montgomery, nnd
1,'einj; thoroughly nriiied and mounted on
i,n,.nc thee .1..IV ilm 1'nit. d : States
troops. I hey s ear tlint tliey will not he
taken. Upwards of one hundred nnd til-
ty families have been robbed and driven
into Missouri.
The first detachment of the Seventh In-
fnntry Kogiment, comprising lU'Omen, left
Jefferson barracks veMerdav for Fort Leav -
en worth.
General Harney arrived at Fort
enworth on the U'lh instant. S-cetary
Ilartnett left for I'lall 011 the 13th.
Another Outrage On the American
1.0STON, .May 1,. llio urig ."ngoiu, l f j M.MurruTi Aaron 1Wr Tho; , plank suh-wnlks, but where plank s.Ue
arrived here, reports having been fired in- j MnhnlTet, Unvid Woo.I.h and oilier?, whiel, proiu- 1 "re laid they must be laid as afore-
to With a muske t hj'ta Jil llisli cruiser,
soon alter leaving Mono -ilorclin. I HO psrtitien, grunted nt Dee. Term, ISal, nnd the
vessel was afterward boarded, and search-'helm of mid Jonathan I'earee, d.Vd., l,:ivln ro
od by nn armed boat's crew. ! nl"e(l to take the iihiho nt the valuation, this or
.' I der of fftle wn .-inda. The properly i ritimt
Suicide Of an Author. upon Che.t creek, in a pnpuloui neiKhli(irlioo,l,
i nnd in nn fiiullnt Incntinii fur Itmilipritir ,,
K.W 1 ohk, ilay li. William Jlenry T1(! 1kiIi1 is ncsvi y timbered with white pine .t the occupier of the premises, to repuir
Herbert (Frank Forrester) well known as Unk tinilmr. Si.-vcriil liouscn, siuhlos, outbuild- such side walks as are now or may here
an author, committed suicide this morn- I ina upon the premises. I alter be out of repair, nml in default of
., ... r tt. I
St. Lot IS .May 1". The llrpuhliran re
ceived a despatch last night, stilting tlint
nn cxpiess from Camp Scott, with advices
to the Kith ult., had reached Fort Leav
enworth, bringing intelligence that the
Mormons hnd laid down their arms, and
that Governor dimming hail entered Salt
Lake City without an escort, on an in vita-1
tion given by Prigham Youmr.
Many of the Mormons had gone to the i
Southern part of the Territory, nnd the
I women nnd children were iircparing to
folloV. !
St. Loi is, May IT. A despatch dated I
Fort J.eavcnworth, Ilth instant, slates
that the news from I'tah is not ofliei il :
but a private letter received by Colonel !
Itieh, at the Fort, corroborates the stati--mont,
and i& is universally credited at j
Leavenworth. The b ttci stab s that Gov-1
ernor dimming entered ."ilt Luke City j
April 1st, and that the army was in rendi-1
. r... ..i:..,.,
net inn, in ease of an I
, emergency.
rm.ThorbVrney general of Xew-Grana-"
1 da has submit'teda report to the National
ems .iture nt t int. i nn h ie in vni'i m.H
1 annexation to the Tinted States. '!
NoTiilNu Siranui:. The 'Southern Fin' i
notices tho marria-e nf Mr .Inlm A
Strange to Miss Llizah,
h Siramie, all of'
in i. ..... - . . '
.tinermnri'.i ootiiny, u. All c.XCIuinge
; t binks it iv vei-v fiitc.., nn it.iul.t
. .1
' the next event will be a little iou,.rr.
ITe is a Brick. 1 w
old servant that 1 was
us told
"a brief
once by nn
, both side.
lllg at 1110 .MOVenson UOUSO, lll'oiuiwny. I immnrriu;. ion per crni hi ine wiuile
j purchase money tu'he paid in ensh when tho
Death Of a Member Of the Legislature. I property i utriekeu down. Ono third of (ho re
Mtrcii CurvK Mnv 17 Charles A "mim,l,r 10 ht "cured upon tho preinines l.y bond
l" L,llNK; lMll t.U- . -''-''lts. . nml mortpigo, the interest payable annimlly to
W lllinms, a member ol the hist Leg.shi- - Varhllrj Wnr ,llu wi,l0lr ol Jonailmn l'enree.
ture, represetitlllg ( arbon and Lchlgh I durinj; life, and at her deeeaso, llio principal to
counties, died suddenly at his residence, be paid to (ho heirs of tho d.M-eimed. One. third
at Kockport, of paralysis. !nf the bulanee cash when tho ?aio enuftmied
1 . j by tho court and the remainder in ciii.l nn-
FHght Of the SflintS, Meil, Women and U1111 paymenls thereafter with intere.-t, to bo e-
ali,,',!" T1,, ,.",,'r I'n' 1 "f li" ,1,llrc'!s
struck mo ns lieing something new, so 1
" " "it !" said the
servant, "did you never hrtir that before
'? 1 means yoti in e tho same inside ns
.1..!. .... . I 1 . . ,
ui.ii is, 3 iu say niui ii'ns you l.'CI,
nd are the ;an:e behind a person's back
'n? ,,,,rore lH 1'lU'e-" lVrh:tvq this may
!!lv' so'" 0,11,1 ns 0 u,(' l'ohable. origin
' ot 1,10 "ying. AV..- and (Jvrrur.
,r.e- v. C .. . . ..
A Western Col
J,..,, ,,,,,1'cssor thus -illustrates" an import-
nnt l'1'i'-h ofl vouh? lady's education
thisthere': is the piano, where
1 io "i's' in in e i'iiiiiiciieii in ilavthanthef ct do
in one term
and the mind must be kent on the sti-eteli
over spnlcr-lrackeit music (ill the reason
......... .
lK """" swims, aim mo notes
" before her carry no more idea
t i ur - tM
I " ' "
MakixoGamr of I.vmans. The liieh-
m..l 1I.......I..I ... T-l I
m-ci s uimnue. i ne Tiroiioscu law is sini
tn ot,,or ,. ,
- l p '
1 tSTk foast of imagination reiulins .
I vw --. v iiiiuKiimuuii- j tilUillllJ 1
rAnk.lw-knlc u, lion ttnn ,avi nAl.:nM i
hut m uir -i h'k 'u music mi uio reason ',
u ....... ., rt'"m.i.- ,..:
t'uitnn 1,1 I'lIM'. Ill Kftli'ilm
i .iiinh n , III I Knl, Ji.inif' In l mi 'l
(i I" I'll. Ill ill fnt iIhiiimi.'i" (.ii 'iiii'i i'l'
I. II ill I I'll, II W BH 11IIH l 'I 111 r mh ii ",-)
Hi 1iil '
tli" Vnlli v Mnv. (linl llio oiintt l.i'k
li M
ml th
Mnv, I linl llni oiinjt
ii (lit I, ntiil tln-jiii'V nrcoi .ii')ily
llIM' '' ftl llllllWI)(i'
tV.inu'll .Inkn .loiioi (lii .vcr"l Hint
lin liiul "ii-lii''l lii I'l 'l liuit'-'ii li ii'l ill
flenil nl lii own, In' rnlli-l it nil n-.".:r:ivn-1
I in -1 nlifi t f 'IiiIhii int, liiul i'1'urmiliil
cillv liiinl.'l'i", umli'i' a ini-taki'."
Vi'f . Kijrlil liiinilinl .lii'H mi' niiiuiiilly
lmiili'il in (.Mil Im c r itli lumber. The avrr
ii).'i Milui'ol I'licli cnrjio i- ttui, milking a
tntlll Of .Clilll.lHlO.
i .r ,. . .,. , ,, r .
1 '
, , ,
- .
i i '..
MAHlill'I) I n tho 1,'Ilh imt by llev
kav . Ki,-.v. "Mr. Samuel 1!. Mik-hell to
Mi ,.....,' .r ii;ii ,,ii nr(ii"ibi.iiilnii
, ' " M' '
On tlm oil, im-t. by tho HeV. .1. M. OttU
! lowny. Mr. Alexander Lcyin-Mon ami
. Mi.-s. Siiihia ,huiphter of Mr. Jas. lyivin,
: 7"AXT11L To c;,hr(;c n pood two-liorf.0
hlcii.uro crriiiKe lorn home-one w I'll
tininid fur fuiiiil.r m-rvioe would lie preferred.
I'm' lurtliar inrticalnrs iiyjilv to
Mny r.t, Jo.;i:vn nnviN.
TTt, ttatttt TJVwrcTTTTTr HI
,,,, , ,, , , . , ,
fpHK 1k,v. Hotel, I-hviiir recently liccn fitted
lip fur a home of entiTt'iinmrnt. is now oiien
fr ,J fr(.mmcdliin of lhr puWic. ,.',,
,'r inr ec,.n,moo,ii,.n oi .m- punuc
w, fll eouvenient bouie.
Mny 10, 1S5S,
AT'TIOX 11 peri-ons nro lieroliy cimtioned
neninut mcddline tilth tlie fullowinc prupor
y, now in th. p,,nseoii r IhoiiiB. I..ere..
7 .nider "ou'o
ltliy lllurCi , Llni.k or ,,., IIol.e0 'x Xwu llljrtt
Wuroii nml uno Timbimled.
Muy in. lfciS, "WM. roilTEH.
77, 7
All persons nro hereby rnntmned
j-. , 'f.Tnv-
li lrtlliu.l
s t vhh ,h foll,vinR nro,,
! cVv ,,o,v in ,i f Unniel 8. Dunlin. . I.
erty now ill potucFinn i f Unniel S, Xxitilxp ' two
r.m. 1 Wnnon and lot of Bhet-n. s tho name
lmlonj; tu me. nnd Biil'ject to inv order.
ft:(iy 111, lSjS. SA.MlTLi SIIOI F.
pocKet li.iik
n uhirli the
X cuiiuuiiiii v:i!uallo pnpers
nulii.'S ut' J oh ii K unvs n lnl William Kiiota im-ciii,--wiif
round in tlio Hoard Kilu nt Wolf I'.iiii iu
ruilei liclow Clenrfii'ld l..roin;li. The inuiur run
have it culling on Mr. panics lrvin, Jr., nl Wolf
Run. pnn inir properlv, nml puving ndvi i li.-enunt
May 111, ls.'iS.
Orphens' Cotrt Sale,
' T,
l ,
"AT t'AUM' Orist Mill. Fnw Mill, nnd n ourn
titv of Timher I. nnd. !t virtue of nn or
ili-r of l li n nrplinna' court of Plenrfn-ld en., nt M.iv
in the lown'nf New V..hiii,nn ,.n l-ri.l,.. ll,.
-l ... 10"..-. !...- I.- - 1 ... li:. ..i
;d jny of July, 1 M.'.S. ut 2 o'clock. P. M. of raid
rtny, oil tlint line O list mill, Iiiinliering estnlilish-
I ment. iini Irind ronnceted thorewith, eiintiiininic
;in nil nhnut tlueo hundred neres, Hie properly of
I J.0.n"t!,n ''Tr' Yd",'lU"n, ! Cl"-' "'7'"
mini. 1 1 enr io d co.. biundod a. fn own vn l.v
I jM wcre Tl0,l nllI npnraised under a writ of
I .n t?. tn .
...ii-.. ij ju.i 1.-111V111 uuini nun muri ;.i; . 1 ns
session of llio pi oinisei given ut tlio coiilirui.itii.n
of the hale.
.Mny 1'.), 1SJS. JXO. ROKAIiAl lill, Trus.
or ronniiN and ntiiiE.-Tie her, ii wiuzr,
In the County of Clearfield, for the year
1 riS, subject topnvinent of Liee'ii-i'.
T"irnslti,a ( 7i).v.s'.-.La'.
Ldwurd Williams
Matthew Forsey,
.Ici ininh Coojicr,
William Lewis,
Samuel Ilagerty,
John Covod.
tic py.
.Ichn llebi rling iV Son,
r.nrn ( & i'otliers,
F. H. At nob I,
A. II. Moore,
Carlile A Co.,
Jacob Runt.,
Geurge Smith A Hrr-tluT,
(ieildcs March & Co.,
m nvstii!:,
.7 unes McMurrny,
ratchen Sc Sons,
Kii'sell MeMuiiny,
Allison .t Co.
John Cumin rs,
ci.ea:m 'iki.ii li'utormi.
, W. F. lrvin,
liichnrd Mos.--op,
11'. L. Moore,
C. Kral7er,
lined A Weaver,
Clunlei U'alson,
Thomas liobins,
.1. A. Mulon ,1- Co.
Francois Godry,
A. Lecont,
14 ST.iin
14 7, mi
14 7 .uti
14 7,liu
14 7,('(i
14 7A'
11 7. i'l
1 1 7, !( i
14 7,i0
14 7.l'0
14 7.ini
14 7.00
14 7,0C
14 7,('(
14 7,0'
14 7,1 (
II 7,1 :.'
11 7,''t
Jt 7.(f-
I:; -ln.rt'
I'l l'l.IKi
13 bl' (
11 7.' (
11 7,i-i
U 7.i C
1 4 7.W
U 7,00
ci:mrr.NsviLLE noitot
i uoinpson it u.ue,
A. Montgomery & Co.,
.lohn Fatton,
fl'l I T. .
- ' Kl'11. lrvin A .Son.,
11 IS,
14 7,
11 l
I n. lrvin,
;!J - y-'S,i,,cr,
Goshen ip.
- n"1.
, -'""-.
HorsTov tr.
DnvM T:',er'
David Mocnn
i " '
! Henry Swan,
1 11... Af. lf,..... t.
""""'' ' "j u. ij.
Knox Township. .
JarUn Stirk,
Lawrence Township,
1 Arrest 4 co. ' 1 .
I . .... . ,. '
- l -oorns townsnip.
E. F. Hrenner,
E. F. Brenner,
Tenn Townshin.
'II. -V. Snyder,
ui oi T"W t"liii,
llUll.l .''III'.
Il'ii. ii Iii nl 'I I"" l'bip.
.1. A. Hi tf 'i v.
1'lOIU."1 ll'l"l',V"tl.
.lolill 1, luil"
ilinliiiui Tn" n-liip,
.t. H. t irnbniii.
12 12.M
Tlii'Mi iut' n "lnl " ill tnki' in lii-r tmi
(biro "ill b im A I'i'iil nt the nuiii
Mnlll'l'l' 'tV.1 i' ill tin1 lloli'lll'll "f t'll'lllfirli
"ll llio P.Mli ilnv if .lull". I Si, nt Illn'clnrk
1,,., S. II. Ml AI'-FMOH,
MTi'iiutil A) in-.ihr.
Reataniant andEatinu Saloon.
, . A1 ,,, ,.?, ,lc , , rm ul4
I I i .f',' '''".' ""' 1C V""."'; .. u't
yC. Mi'm-l '( t'r."
I i.r'n Imn nml Tin-Vnru hlni'i! ! mul Unit lirre.f.
Itr l,e alwnvi lc iirepiiri'il tofurnihli lil run
I tmiu'ri witli every lliiiiK iimihII.t fminj in tu
' Vl,,lu,,:Tt", Vr' U' A1i"' .LK,t
liccr. loliacco und tiRiiri of Ui Vi-ry bt qul. nnd Cnlcoiiunnry .,l'll kind,,
! 1 '"'"T"! ff "vur". he ulll;" n.'"!'.,in
(nmy 12, '65.
Pk it Knactkd and OiniAivrn by the
I , ,., . .. ... d" .
mir'oss urn i o i i.ou m.n o iiiv iwuupii
of Cleai field, and it is hereby eniicted liy
the authority of the ranm 'I'hat it shall
be and is hereby mnde the duty of the
Street Commissioner after the fust day of
, tll0 fo
! r
mK- fi
next, to lay or cause to lie laid on
llowins MrecU, viz: Front-street, west
from Market to Locust st. east sido
li-uiu Mrs. Leavy.s to Locust ht. feeoud st.
west tide from intersection of Front and
Sect nd st. to J. W. Smith's lots east
side from Walnut st. to Pine st. On Third '
st., west side from Cherry to Pine st. cast
side from market to Locust. On Fourth
st. west side from Market to Locust. .. Oil
11'alnuUt. S.side froniFront to 2d st-north
side from Second to Third st. Cherry - st.
south side from Front to Fourth north
tide from Front to Third st. Market st.
, ., ,. ,..,... in Kif.t, ut.
soulli Slue 110111 r roni lo roiini. si. iAf
( list St. soutn f-iue liom niliii iu inui ei.
north side from Front to Fourth street.
Pine street south side from Second to
jThiid street, before such lots ns there are
now no bi 'h'l:, hlone or plank side walk,
ide walks lour i'cet wide on all streetsex
cept Market and Second streets, on which
streets five feet wide, having the outer
'edge thereof ten feci from the front lines
lnl tlie h-ts hefuic which they are laid, to
be made oi' plank two iiicht-b thick and se
1 1 tired to s'cepers lying the course of tho
Vreet Provided that before hiving such
..ide walks he shall give the owi.eror own
j els of the resj.cotive lots bounding on said
istrceU, or in ease the owner cannot bo
Ifoillld. tliell tilt" OCCUllier Of tllO SHUie tl'll
jdays mitiee to lay or cause side walks to
I be laid in front of their lots by or belore
th- 1-t day of June next. Provided that
. m il, r- of lots fronting Oil said streets
sK,.il i't th-.r option lav brick, stone or
. . . . .. ' . -. ....
sai l.
Sr, mix That it shall be the duty of
the Stiett Ceunmi.'-fcif.iier to j;ive ten elays
notice to (he owner or owers of (he respec
tive lots loundini' on said streets, or in
j case the owner cannot I e found, then to
such owner or owners, or occupiers tore
pair such sidewalks, t'icii it shall bo tho
duty of the etict coiuniisioiicr to repair
or ci'.use the same lo be repaired.
Skctio.n- ;id. It Khali be and is hereby
made tho duty of the Street Commission
or to keep a regular and correct account .
of id! the work done by him or others un
der him in laying or repairingof side walks
and of the nature and amount of materials
furnished i-pccifyiiig (he resp,o(ive lots
before which tho work was done and ma
terial used, an 1 to make a weekly return
thereof into tho ofliee of the Burgess and
Town Council, for w hich work nnd mate
rial ho sdin.II be paid by an order on tho
Borough Treasurer.
Ski iion- 4th. Whenever and as often a
sidewalks sh iil be laid or repaired by tho
Stri ct Conimiwiniier. it shall he tho duty
of llie Secretary to furnish the owner oi
ivii"rs of the respective lots, or inf
ise no owner can be found, then the
occupier of (he premises, with a bill of
the cost of the work and materials with
twenty per centum added thereto, notify
ing Midi owner or owners, or occupiers to
pay the amount of such bill to tho Hor
ough Treasurer within ten days, nnd in
default of such ow ner or owners or occu
piers paying such claims, the same shall
I e collected in nccordnnoe with the act of
Pas.-ed April . lS'.S.
enriiT I'RocMHJiTinji.
TL"ITir!(i: S, Tlie J!oiu,rnble J.VMKP Pl'ltN
SM'K. I'm).. I'l'i-siilent .liiilire of the r,.iir
of C'mmi'm ri. iis nt the twenty-fiflli Jiulieinl Vr-Irii-t. rf t'.e iinuuii .. of Clenrftel,), Cen
e nn l Uininn nml the Hni"ir:il,le 1VM. L.
VOdP.K , l:v;..l. p.ONSAI,, A.M.Wnte Jndgtf
! iirii 'M t ,:nn1-.-, ImIvd if.-u.'il their preempt
he: I:.;,. 1 1 n- 'ureiitietli ,li:y f h'f.v, ln;t,
in.. ;irvrt..'l. for tlie l.'.l.liii!: (,i n Court of Com
i " "ie:i-. Orphans' Cciirt, Ci nrt of Qimrtor Pe-i'.:-.-,
(V.i-rt nf Oy-r rml Te:-:ii-nrr, nnd Court of
(len. Tn! Jail 1). .livery, at ClerrtieM, in nml for
( KiufuM comity, i ii ll:e '11I11IU MONDAY or
Mny.. next, bein- ti e 17th liny of tlie month.
Notice is, , lit-rehire, hereby ejlven.
To the Coroiii.r, .luetier.n of tho fence, and C'oiuts-l.ic-K.
in hii. I for the nui.l cuunly nf Clenrfleld, lo
'I" at- in their own proper person, ivith their
Uuli., lleeunls, liiiiiisitiiuis. Kjuiininntions, and
other Hiiaeuibinnees, la do those things whieh to
their offices, nnd in theii behalf, pertnin to ho done,
an. I .Turora and Witnesses nro requested to be then
and th' i-e aUendin", and not to demirt niihont
1 I' '""' t their pn il.
i lilV EN un ler my hand Cleaiflebl this 7tl, daj of
wipiu, cuo jearoi our t,ord, one tbonsand
eight hundred and fifty -eiKht, and the oightj
li Ifyer of jtmeiionn Independence
JOSIAH R. LEKD, Sheriff.
A. II. SMITH & CO. ? '
dealers in f
ok j-vtiiv iiKLiiirnox. .
"IVTHOLKAbE nnd Relnil, at prlees (o suit
all. ran bo found at flieir new Boot k Shoe
Stre, No. 344 North Keoond sL, a few doora bo
low the Hlaek Horse lintel, l'hilo. - '
JIQ-W try to please and tell cheap. Natir
to country inorchenU. Constantly on hand
Inre aino-tini'nt of Men nnd Hoys' Hoots, Unitert
and llroijnns, coarse nnd Una j also, V, moo's A
Misses' Lace Boot, (1 niters, Slippers, Ac, and a
well solecled stock of Youths and Children's wear
generally. Wo would respectfully iuvite you to
call and examine for yourselves.
N. 11. Trunks maDiifaciured and for sale whole
sale and retail at No. U North Second iW
April 17, 186S. 3m. ,
UAHDW AHEof every description for sale
at a moderate advaneo'it the store of
niyl J W. MRirTX.
: Ucgarty i cex