Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 19, 1858, Image 1

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    R. FEnVw ARIlif Jr., Edito rubl"he'
I $1 25 per Annum.
Vol viiii. no 20.
Terms of Stilrrltlcm.
Vf piiiil in advance, or within three months, $1 25
If pll any time within the yenr, ... 1 .Ml
Kf paid after the expiration of the yenr, - 2 00
Terms of Adve rtlslug.
XivoYtinement's are tnnertod iu ttio Republican
i the following rote :
I Insertion. 2 tin. It do.
S-VV Tu-. i nn i in , nn i
three squares, ( lines,) 1 50 2 00 2 0
A innntha. 6 mm. 1 2 mo.
tine 8qimre, :
Twosqttnros, :
Three iqunros,
Four squares,
Haifa column,
$2 50 t 00 $7 00
(I (10
8 00
10 00
12 00
20 00
10 oo
13 00
vne col ti in n ,
3 a 00
Over three weoki and less tlinn throe months 25
cents per aquare for ench innortiim.
Bnsinoss noticos not exceeding 8 lines are in
serted for $2 a year.
Advertisement! not mnrkod with the number of
Inaertioni deairod, will he eon tinned till forbid and
thur'ed aueording to these terms.
S to a 12 HAiti: fottkky nm ham?
The property occupied by I'ortor Si Ilro. iu
Vrady tp., nuar Ludiersburg, will be aold low (as
the owner contemplates removing weatnnrd) the
pottery is In good order and haa connected with
it about 00 acrei of land, about oue half in Rrass
ibe balance in wood. There is a new two-story
dwelling and sufficient stubling nnd aheds on the
plcco. Good material for tho uianufiicture ol
stone ware nnd abundance of coal ore on the
property. For terma apply to
L. J. CHAXS, Clearfield.
May 2. 18i7.-lf.
Colds, Cough, Croup, Ac. Sold at Jos. Goon'i
Shoe Shop, C'learfiold. oet 28, '57.
Curwensville, Penna.
rihe subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Ho-
tel, I'liilipsburg, having taken tin above
new stnnd. situate nn the bank uf the river, in tho
lewer end of t'urwensvillc, would announce that
be ii now ready for the accommodation of stran
gers and all others who limy favor him with a
vail. The house is large nnd comfortable, and
travelera will find every convenience necessary to
their comfort Ample stabling is attached to the
February 10, 1858.
Importoni to
The GV'tr i!.itilnt(r TMnv.
It in I well knflwn nnd incontrovertible f.iet
that the use of Tobacco Is tho promoting cause of
many of Ihn most severe .MENTAL AXI) I'll VES
ICAL DISORDERS to which tlio of man is
subject, as careful nnalytia nnd long nnd p linful
experience have clearly proven that it contnins
certain narootio and poisonoiia properties most
dangeroue in their effect, which by entering into
the blood deranges the functions and operations
of the heart, causing many to suppose that organ
to he seriously diseased.
TOBACCO 'affects nlso the entire nervous sys
tem, manifesting itself as all who have mod the
noxious weed will benr testimony in Lassitude,
Xerroui Irritability, Water Brash, Dyspepsia, A
many other disorders of a similar character.
designed to counteract these baneful influences,
and hare proved completely successful in a mul
titude of cases, and wherever used. Doing harm
less in themselves they exert n beneficial offcet
upon the entire system, restoring the Taste which
has become vitiated or destroyed by groat indul
gence, completnly removing the irritation and
accompanying tickling sensation of the Throng
which are always consequent upon the abstniniuy
from the use of Tobacco, ami by giving a health
tone to the stomach Invigorate the whole system
Persons who are irretrievably undermining
their constitutions and shortening Iheir lives,
should use thee Troches immediately and throw
off the injnrious and unpleasant habit of Tubao
eo chewing,
These Troches or Lozenge ard put up in a
cenvenient and portnhlo form at the low price of
40 cents per box. A liberal discount to the trade.
Prepared solely by the undersigned to nliom
nil orders should bo addressed.
JAMES E. DOWERS, Druggist.
Cor. 2d and Race streets, I'hila.
April 18, 1S5'. ly.
BY virtue of an -rder of tnle issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Cleaifleld county, there
will be exposed to pulilie side tit tho Court house
in the Dorough of Cleaiikld, on SATURDAY,
the 15TH day of MAT next, nil the interest of
Matthew Stolt, dee'd., in and to the following
described real ertnte, situnte in Hoggs tp., nnd
beunded by lands of H in. l.utnmlo on tho west,
tract in name of Henry Stewart on tho north,
lands of Howard on the east, and on the south
by lands of Jnmcs Fullest, containing 50 acres
more or less, on which are erected n two-storied
log houso and other uittbuildings, with about 10
acres cleared, Terms cash on confirmation of
Ailm'r. of Mutt Stott, doo'd.
Clearfield, Mar. SI.
Office at Clearfield
remaining in the Toe
for the quarter ending
March list, 158.
L. X os ton, Dr. John Creaswcll, Mrs. Sidney
Montgomery, Celestien Verrel, John Low, John
Livingston, Ilenry Lininger, (ieo. Wornick, Mrs
Mary Wise, Jnmes 8. Ames, John Reers, Jona.
Grosanickel, Hiram R. (ierald, Ilnrry W. Fisher,
James 8. Peters, Win. Ntowart, Dr. Plnrk, Mrs.
Susan .Vharah, Miss Ahna lliimel Miss Jnry
Huff, Kmy Ann Koulsc, John Kuhn, foreign ;
Andrew Siegnl, Smith Dimklsnt
Ap. 7. C. D. WATS0XP. SL
H rerchnt and Produce Dealer, Luthera-
J.YL DurR Clearfield county, Pa.
April 17, 1852.
And Compound Vyrup of Hid Che ,
BRONCHIAL Affoetlons, Coughs, ColJs, Noo.
risy, Bronchltii, Asthmt, and all other dii
ewes of tho thrott nd lui, txetft Consump.
4lon. This invaluable remedy Is no quack n
4nim, but Is prepared frem the recipe of a regular
ihTsloian hV dn
!?hy" oi"'. ? 0,.?nrmg ' r!?..ic.!. .! e" 7. P. !
4omblnatio. of .xpeetorant remedies,; simple in ' was no place left for them. I we need but compare the England and
itheir character and ssed by every eduoated phy. "Ana I saw the dead, small Bnd great, I America of a century ago witn the Lng
sloias. ll Ii easily taken, produeei oo nausea oi before God, and the books were land and America fifty years later, or even
other dliagrteable effect, ad gives almoit frame-! nej na nother book, which is the ' with the England and America of to-day.
dlau relief. In this ever-changing olimate, where . r. . ... . , , .-..-wrf Manners, laws, the code of morality,
-eonrhl and eoldl lo freqiientlv end In Consump
Hon anddeath, bo jamilTiiionld be witnoui tan
cisTiiN eras.
The Rev. George G. Cookman.
Many of our renders doubtless remom-
her the Rev. Mr. Cookman, tlio talented
Methodist minister, who was chaplain of
the Cnitod States Seniite,'nnd subsequent-
ly lost in the steamer "President."
The following sketch from tho retinitis -
ccnecH ot tlio JJon. O. JI. S-nith, published
1,1 the Indianapolis Journal, will bo highly
I interesting to ull who remember the olo-
' jhi pieucncr aim sterling man:
Jt was Sabbath morning. The last of
the city church bells won ringing as I left
i. ""iiny hoartim; lionse on Capital Jlill, at
14 00 ii-nl.i, :,,. ,. i'.. iM....,,.l It
.iu., j i.. tun wvj , ivi it i-nn-y lltl'11, lib
was quarterly meeting. The preacher had
closed his sermon, when there arose nt the
desk, n slender spnre man, about live feet
eight, dark complexion, black hair fulling
carelessly over his high forehead, lean bo
ny face, wide mouth, round-breasted black
coat, with velvet fulling collar, black vest
and pantaloons. Addressing the congre
gation, he said : " lie desire to take up a
i small collection for the relief of destitute,
worn out Methodist preachers nnd their
families. AVc appeal to-day to tho hearts
of the congregation," and took his wat.
A large collection followed. I whispered
to Patrick O. Good, ofOhio, who sat beside
me, " Who u that 7" "Don't you know
him It is George (J. Cookman."
Tho next Sabbath I was at tho Chapel
again. Mr. Cookman preached. I re
turned satisfied that ho was no ordinary
man. The election for Chaplain of the
Senate came on a few days after, and
without the knowledge of Mr. Cookman,
I privately suggested his name to the Sen
ators around me. The most of them hud
heard him preach. lie was elected Chap
lain by a decided vote over tho I!ev. Hen
ry Slieer, against whom there was not the
least objection, but he wanted tp bring
Mr. Cookman more prominently before
the public. The next Sabbath he preach
ed his first sermon in the hall of the
House, to a very large congregation, from
the text. "Th? '.vord of the. Lord and
I of Gideon." lie made a profound im-
pression on his hearers that day, which
I seemed to increase with every succeeding
It is not my purpose to sketch the many
sermons of Mr. Cookman during the time
he was Chaplain of the Senate, the most
of which I heard. He was a clear, distinct
and powerful preacher. The remarkable
clearness of his mental vision enabled htm
to see and describe whatever ho touched
so as almost to make Paul, Silas, Feter,
Mark and .loh.i stand bcfoio you as he
named them. His tone of voice, ns he
warmed with his subject, nnd the tear
stealing down his check, were irresistible.
As a pulpit orator take liitti nil in all, he
had few equals and no superiors, that I
ever heard. There was no place for a
choir where Cookmnn sang.'IIis voice wns
melody itself. I heard him in tho Senate
Chamber on a funeral occasion of Senator
IV;tts, of Connecticut. Tho Chamber was
crowded. Tlio President, Department,
Foreign Ministers, Senators, nnd Repre
sentatives were there. I distinctly re
member one of his figures of speech.
"A9 the human family como upon the
great stage of life, they find nt every fork
of the road tho finger board distinctly
pointing to tho grave to the gravel
There is no other road to travel from in
fancy to old age, and death but the road
that leads to the grave."
There was not a dry eye in tho Chamber
when he closed his sermon of one hour,
nnd sang alone the single verse of the
And must this body die
This well wrought frame decay?
And must these active limbs of mine,
Lie mouldering in the clay?
The session of Congress was about to
close upon the administration of Mr. Van
I'uien. Tho inauguration of OeneralJIar
lison was soon to take place. Mr. Cook
man had all his Arrangements made to vis
it England on the steamer President.
The first dispatch from tho new adminis
tration was to be confided to h:s charge.
The next Sabbath he was to tako leave of
the members of Congress in his farewell
sermon. The day came. An hour before
the usual time the crowd was seen filling
the pavements of the Avcnuo, nnd press
ing up the hill to Representative Hall,
which was soon filled to overflowing, and
hundreds unable to get seats went away
disappointed. I obtained a seat early in
front of the clerk's desk. John Quincy
Adams sat in the speaker's chair facing
Mr. Cookman. The whole space on the
toslrnm nnd steps was filled with Sena
tors nnd Representatives. Tho moment
had come. Mr.Cookman.evidentlyinuch
affected, kneeled in a thrilling prayer, and
rose with his eyes blinded with tctrs.
His voice faltered with supressed emotion,
as he gavo out the hymn
When marshalled on tho nightly plain,
The glittering hosts bestud the sky,
One stnr ulono of all tho train,
Can fix tho sinner's wandering eye.
Hark! Hark! to God tho chorus breaks,
From every host, from every gem,
But ono alone, the Saviour speaks,
It is the star of Bethlehem.
Once on the rairinc sea I rode.
Thestorm wusloud, thenight was dark
The ocenn vawned, and rudely blowed
The hymn was sung by Mr. Cookmnn
i a in in.! not inn niir hi
voice as it filled the larce hall, and the
U. ni.n.l. wiih thoir .rhftM rliiwl awa
in the dome.
"And I saw a great white throne, and
t. from whose face the
.nH fl.,l . .n,l U,.r
him that sat on it. from whose face the
of those things which were written in the
books, according to their works.'
i Mr. Cookman was morn affected when
i''o av 118 the 1x. tlinti I hud over seen
him before. 1 le several times passed bis
i handkerchief over his eyes before lie be.
Pn. The first sentences ore fresh in my
! recollection :
' "When .Massillon, one of the greatest
j divines that f ranee ever knew, was called
I to preach the funeral sermon of the de
; parted King, in the Cathedral at Paris, be-
irigimijj umj, me royni uiiuuv,
the Chambers and the grandees of 1- ranee,
he took with him to the sacred desk a lit
tle golden urn, containing a lock of hair
of the late King, the immense congre
gation was seated, and the silence of death
reigned. Massillon arose, held tho little
urn in his fingers, h'u hand resting upon
the sacred cushion. All eyes were in
tently fixed upon the King. As his hand returned to the sacred cushion, the
loud and solemn voico of Massillon was
heard in every part of the cuthedrnl, 'GW
alone is;rrcat '.' So I say to you, to day, my
beloved hearers, there is no human great
ness, ' God alvnc in irrot
The subject was the Day of Judgment. 1
hud heard it preached before many time,
but never as 1 heard it then. The immerse
congregation was held' ulmosl breathless
with tho most beautiful, sublime and pow
erful sermon I ever heard,
the final separation in the
lie srioke oi
great dav of
judgment and fancied tho
anger ot the
Lord locking the door that opened to the
hottomlesg pit, stepping upon the ram
parts, letting fall the key into the abyss
below, and dropping the last tear over the
fallen and condemned man. lie closed
"I go to tho land of my birth, to press
once more to my heart my aged mother,
and drop a tear on the grave of my snint
ed father, farewell, farewell-"
And he sank overpowered to his seat,
while the whole congregation responded
with sympathising tears.
General Harrison had been inaugurated.
The despatches for the British govern
ment were signed by Mr. Webster nnd de
livered to Mr. Cookmnn. Ho took leave
of his friends nt Washington, nnd left for
New York. As we parted his last words
were, "May heaven bless you, Mr. Smith ;
if ever I return you shall see mo in the
A few days afterwards there wns seen
passing Governor's Island the splendid
new steamer l'rmdtnl, on heroutward trip
to Liverpool, with Mr. Cookman, Tyrone
Power, and a long list of other distinguish
ed passengers on board. The Hying stea
mer hmHeft tho lighthouso far behind,
And moved gulanUy on the open Atlantic,
with tho prospect of as speedy and ns safe
a voyage as any vessel that ever crossed
tho ocean. Night was approaching. The
clouds in the heaven portended a storm.
The winds blew and howled a dreadful
hurricane. The ill-fated vessel was seen
late in the evening, strugglingwith fate
now lying in the trough o!' the sea, now on
the top of tho wave, now upon her side,
and again ns it wero plunging into the
abyss below.
"The storm was loud, tho night wns dark,
The ocean yawned, nnd rudely Mowed
The wind that tossed my foundering bark."
Morning came. The sun roso on nn
open sea. Tho "President, " with all on
board had gone down nnd was never heard
of more. Thus perished, ere he reached
tho mered i an of life, ono of the eminent
divines of our country.
The Religious Awakening; What, will
bo its effects ?
Ti...... : ... I.-...;.. .,i..;.i ,.r ii.
I mil: it nn vnu iwiiiv imtriiiv; VI UIU jitri
litical world which is so frequently the :
subject or discussion as the religious awa-
keiungnow agitating tho land. Uu one
.i.i.. iii..i.,n,u,.,,i . ....,
l,..,u ul .u. "IU, ....... J
citcment, unhealthy in its character, and
certain to be productive of more evil than
good. On the other, it is regarded as u
natural read ion from the materialism of
the last twenty years, a direct interposi
tion of the Divine power, nn outpouring
of the Holy Spirit. Without entering in
to tho theological aspect of the question,
we may say that the movement promises
somo excellent results. Wo are led to this
conclusion, both by tho experience of past
awakenings of a similar churnct r, and by
what wo all know respecting the constitu
tion of the human inind.
At periodical intervals, longer or short
er in duration, according to the character
of the times, have theso religious move
ments occurred. Among the most power
ful wns that which was witnessed ubout a
century ugo. It began in a prayer meet
ing, instituted by tlio Wesleys, nt Oxford.
l nilerine prcaciiiiig oi joiiii esiey unu
' George Whitelield, it soon embraced both
continents, and effected a revulsion in the
I religious condition of society second only
i to that brought about, in the political
; world, a generation later, by tho Ameii-
can war of independence. All tho church
es, in every denomination, felt its influ
ence more or less. It received the sanc
tion on this side of tho Atlantic, of Jona
than Edwards, tho greatest metaphysician
of his century. It numbered among its
udvocates abroad tho men and women
most eminent for consistent piety. The
soundness of this endorsement was subse
quently established by tho fruits of that
great revival. Within a single generation
I it totally changed the face of society in
' iincland. Ihe Parson Irullibersof field-
in ceased to bo a representative of a class,
The Souiro Westerns of the same author,
under the altered tone of morality and re-
licion which it inaugurated, grew ashamed
of their coarseness, their profanity,' their
cock-hghting, men- lntemperence. n wo
would lorm a correct .estimate oi the inuu-
, would lorm A correct esumuio oi me inuu-
eneo of that great emotional movement,
, everything affecting life and oivi iwitmn
'Las been ameliorated. The churches
were fust reformed, nnd tho society fol
lowed in the wake.
Ithns been the complaint, for ninny
years, not only of the religious press, I tit
also of the lay, that men were too entirely
engrossed with nioney-mnking, with the
love of show, with things gnerally "ol
the earth, earthy." To eat, drink nnd be
merry, seemed practically the whole code
of life. Something which would put n
stop to this, uhich should render men
more spiritual, would be, it wns everv
were admitted. a lasting benefit. It would
seem now, as if thut something wns com
ing. If so. we, in common with ull well
wishers of society, gladly welcome it.
lie must expect, in such (in ngitution,
many excesses, initriy absurdities, many
backsliding. All great movements of the
public mind, whether political or relig
ious, have been accompanied by some
things thut are to be regretted, lint
though the impetuous torrent may dis
turb, for u time, the quiet nnd clearness
of the stream, it brings dow n with it the
pure grains of gold ; and theso will remain
when the rush nnd tie-is nnd turbid wa
ters have pcr-scd nway. Lrdtjer.
What is Gold Lace ?
Gold lace i not gold lace. It
does nut
l deserve tiK-title, ir tne com is
npplic I
I s a surface to silver. It is not even silver
wee, ior uie snver is nppncu to n founda
tion ot silk. I lie silken threnrls tor mak
ing this material nre wound round with
gold wire, so thickly ns to conceal thesilk ;
and the making of this gold wire is one of
the most singular mechanical operations
imaginable. In thefirt place, the refiner
prepares u solid rod of silver about nn inch
in thickness ; he heats this rod, applies
upon the surface a coating of gold leaf,
burnishes this down, npplies another coat
ing, nnd so on, until the gold is about one
hundredth part tho thickness of the sil
ver." The rod is then subjected to a train
of processes which brings it down to the
state of fine wire, it is passed through
holes in a steel plate, lessening (step by
step in diameter. Tho gold never deserts
the silver, but adheres closely to it and
shares nil its mutations; it is one hun
dredth part the thickness of the
silver nt tho begining, nnd it maintains
the same rntio to tho end. As to the thin
ness to which tho gold coated rod of silver
can be brought, the limit depends on the
delicacy of human skill; but tho most re
markable example ever known wns
brought forward by Dr. Wolliiston.. This
was nn example of sold gold wire without
nny silver, lie procured a small rod of
silver, bored a hole through it from end to
end, nnd inserted in this hole the small
est gold wire ho could procure; ho sub
jected the silver to the usual wiredrawing
process, until he had brought it to its finest
attainable state being in fact a silver
w ire ns fine ns a hair, with a gold wire in
its centre. To isolate this gold wire he
subjected it towarm nitrous acid, by which
the silver was dissolved, leaving the gold
perhaps the thinest round wire the hand
of man has yet produced. Put this wire
though beyond ull comparison finer than
any employed in the manufactures, docs
not approach in thinness the film of gold
on the surface of silver in gold luce. It
has been calculated that the gold on tho
very finest silver wire for gold laco is not
more than ono third of ono millionth of an
inch in thickness, that is not ubovo ono
tenth the thickness of ordinary lead gold.
A Noble Boy.
The following touching episode in street
...v..iv...i,(fc iviiwiiiil i I'lau' m in on uwi .
lite (life in Pans is a beautiful gem, and ,
should be in all memories surrounded!"1111- As uioiouroi twelve comes, ineou
witn pearls ot sweetest thought nnd gen
I)iti ..-nomii,!..
.... . v.
"About nine o clock in the morning a
little boy of twelve, whose jacket of white
cloth and apron ditto, distinctly followed !
thonrolession of tjastrv cook, was return-
ing from market with nn open basket up
on his head, containing butter nnd eggs.
When ho reached tho vicinity ol the
,,f l V, Il.n Kill.. f.JI.,.,.'l.'i. i.u.iim .11.) lllllu lllvil, I
1 It l . 1 l .... i . . '
who couid oniy witn uimcuity make
his way though the crowd, wns violently
irv.itli'isl 1 itr e titnnrirroli tar tis iti vnnuiit. tif
thatthe'basket tipped and fill 'to the !
witiv ui-v HUM Ull V" lilt-
ground with its contents. The poor lad, j
when saw his eggs broken, and butter
tumbled in tho cutter, began to cry bitter
ly and wring his Lands. A person w ho
happened to be in tho crowd ' gathered
I 1 .
:.:.-i i. i;n i.. .ii,.. ,i ...... .......
hiuuiii. 11. u ..b..u iliiimi ..m;h i. in. iMM.a
piece from his pocket, and giving it to tho
boy, nketl tno re;t who istood groujiod a
round him to tlo tho same, to niako up
t.. i ..:.,i l... 4 .id ri...i i
n l .1.: v.v.rt.
Z mn.TL.l ve"rv sre W
... ;'. ..sioi.i.J
collection of coppers and silver; when all
had contributed their quota, our valet,
whose distress had vanished in a moiiient
as though by enchantment, warmly thank
ed his new bencliictors lor their kindness,
and forthw ith proceeded tocount the sum
he had received, which amounted to no
les thnn twenty-two francs and thirty-five
centimes. But instead of quietly putting
this sum in his pocket, ho produced the
bill of tho articles he had lost, nnd its to
tal amounted to only fourteen francs; he
appropriated -no more than tluil sum ; and
then observing in tho group that surround
ed him a poor woman in rags, the gallant
little fellow walked up to her and plnred
tho remainder in her hand. Certainly it
..' i -ii. i. i ... i ; .
would nave noon nnpossinie to snow Him
self more deserving of public generosity,
or to acknowledge it in a handsomer man
ner. The boy's noble conduct wns greet
ed with tho applause of the crowd, who
were delighted to find such delicacy nnd
propriety in one so young."
(3-An exchange tells of a parson who
prefaced his sermon with ''My friends
let us sav a few words before we begin."
This is slout equal to the chap who took
a short nap before ho went to sleep.
Christian!. Anril 13. Tho treat fire
which has taken i-lace hero broke out in
Skipper Gadn, about one o'clock in tho
morning, in the very centre of tho town,
nnd in a few hours about sixty houses,
some of them among the lurgest in tho
place, were reduced to ruins. Although
it my be said to have occurred in the very
kernel of town, there were still some old
wooden constructions iti the back yards,
among some of which the firo originated,
ami spread with a rapidity which defied
all the exertions of the firemen, with the
imperfect upplionces ut their disposal.
No doubt had these been more nmple. and
the organization generally more complete,
the devouring element would have been
kepi within bounds, and the calamity the
inhabitants aro now visited with would
have been far less extensive ; ns it is, n
bout 1,000 people huvo become houseless,
and, although tho visitation chiefly cll'ects
the. middle classes, still there urea num
ber of poorer individuals who have lost
their whole substance,
The value of the fixed properlv destroy -
ett is Cfiuniiuci at juio.uuu, nnd about a
similar amount in goods nnd moveables.
The loss is about l!20,000 w hich, coming
so close upon thchite momentary derangement.-,
cannot but ndd somewhat to the
general distress. At the same time, it no
doujit will be the salvation of many shop
keepers who were tottering, as the unlor
tunate insurance companies
will have to
pay fur their old stock, itc. Full two nnd
a half quarters of tho town have been de
stroyed; but it will be a great gainer in
appearance, nnd nt least two years work
is cut for n great number of artisans and
laborers. It is not all impossible that tho
calamity may have arisen from incendiar
ism, as tho police hud received several let
ters from tho working classes, to the ef
fect that if work was not provided for
them they would be coin
polled to take!
vn hands. No '
xamined ' The i
3 about X20.000,
a or,H M,,.u
the initiative into their own
witnesses have yet been examined. The
Alliance, it is said, will lose about 20,000,
but the bulk of the goods and chattels
,-ere insured in the German company and
he Scandia. Tho houses, of course, aro
ti, t.'. ,.,.i;
insured in the State organization, our svs-!
tern of mutual insurance.
Ilenry C. Wright, in a letter to the Lib-,
fmfor.tliuA describes tho gseat clock in.
the Cathedral of Strasburg : ,
he nriests nnd military have retired.
and 1 am now sitting in a chair facing the
gigantic clock, from the bottom to the top
not loss than 101) feet, and about 30 feat
wide, and 15 deep. Around mo are many
strangers' waiting to seethe working 0fi
this clock ns it strikes tho hour of noon. I
Every eye is upon the clock. It now
wants five minutes of twelve. The clock
has struck and the people have gone, ex
cept a few whom the sexton, or head man,
with a wand nnd sword is conducting
round the building. Theclock has struck
in this -way: The dial is some twenty feet
r. i - .,i. .iriAnp..-i,ii1 ;
1.11.11 JO ....... .V 1 Wl. .
cherub, or little boy. with a mallet, and j trade may be stopped by withdrawing the
over the dial is a small bell. The cherub j squadron from the African Coast, and pla
on the left strikes the first quarter, and cing vessels on tho coasts of Cuba and Bra
that on the right the second charter. j L Lnncastor Intelligencer.
Some fifty feet over the dinl, in a large
niche, is a huge figure of Time, a bell in
his left, a scythe in the right hand. In
.... j . . i gregatea upon cellar aoors, store steps nnd
front stands a . figure ol nyoungmnn with o,$ , M j ; themselves
mallet , who strifes the third quarter, on,, tJ lcmiomary to childhood.
the bell m tho Hand of lime, and turns ...... .;.,, f'. .),, n;,w
nnd glides, with a slow step, round behind
1,1 11 1 ll'!' .C
Alum. iiicii uiium uuuiii uni iuiiii, .mi.
' "'-. . ......
strikes twelve timeson the bell that echoes
l.:i.K.. ..,! ! U...l ll
" ... -
round the region of the church. 1 he old
,nft,n ?llJos slowl-v bomn'1 rather lime,
the young man conies on readily to
, . " . ., .. ,
perform hi, part us the comes round
ngain. Soon ns the old man has struck
I twelve nnd disappeared, nnother set of
nacliincry is put in motion, some twenty h,fi,,cr F"1 : J ls .t,ulVI!,,' ,
,,gh cross, with the imagine of Christ on it.
imvi.iiioi j
The instant twelve
twelve apostles walks out from behind,
lion p.. ii.:n, unti o. it.u
r L A 1 1
com;l ln fl'?nt' tur,n''- ,;,0W5' nnd passes
on. So twelve apostles, figures as large as
life, walk round, bow, and pass on. As
he last appears, nn enormous cock, perch-
j on.-tho. Pillic,f '.th.a
fln,.u il- iviiwil i.ti'ij!rl.n-
dock, slowly
naps ii winn
forth its neck,
' . -- . , , , ,
M vittT? tlmos' ?, ,oud' (t0 b
hewrd outside the church to somedistuneo
and so naturally as to ho taken for a real
cock. Then nil is silent na death. No
1 wondorthiH clock is tho ndinirntimi of hu-
rope. It w, is mad, in 175 1. and ha, per
formed theso morhunionl wondor
"c J' 1
when it
The Oaiiiix or Pickwick. Mr. Dickens
has lately been issuing what is called a
popular edition of his work, in which ho
treats us to this little account of tho ori
gin of Pickwick : I
T n-na n UAtliiil nnn fif i 1 .r.A.d ni 1 ! ' All. !
i ty.when the present publisher,, attracted
, by some p.eces i w , at mat umo wru ng
. the onevtv-r,,., newspaper, w a i eu flw, , , 8nd that they could not li
upon me, to propose n something that . , f any public notice, defining then
should bo oublishcd , dulling numbers- 1)hii,ility7 Thcy hnve no ri
then only known to me, or I believo to ( njre a traveller to'dej.osit his money
any body else, by a recol lee ion of ;alrh &c. with their clerk. It is their
certain interminable novels in hat form, ,d fc hnneM servants, an,! exert
.l.t.ili nun.l in l.rt iiiiii.i1 al..n t i tin .Inn l"tf . . .: 1 .. . vac. V
by pedlers, nnd over some of which I re
member to shed inumerablo tears, before
1 had served my apprenticeship to life,
"When I opened my door in Furnival's
Inn to the managing partner w ho repre
sented tho linn, I recognized in him the
person from whose hands 1 had bought,
in whose hands i Had i i to him the propriety of putting on a pair
years previously, and whom of ,ovo9( .,01l ( W(ljJ th'e p, P '
r seen belore or since, my first never mjn(j mo m, t
n tiiRnazinn in whioh niv lirstli i i t...- .1 .1- . ..
two or three y
I had never se
copy of tho mugazino in which my first
effusion dropped stealthily one evening
at twilight, with fear nnd trembling, into
a dark letter box, in a dark office, up
i dark court in Fleet street appeared in
1 "ll 11)0 Klory ' Print i . " wl'ic
ble ucension how well I recollect It ! I
wulked down to Westminster Hall nnd
turned into it for half an hour, becauso
my eyes were so dimmed with joy and
prido that they could not bear the street,
and were not fit to be seen there.
"Tho idea propounded to mo was that
the monthly something should bo a vchi'
clo for certain plates to bo executed by
Mr. Seymour; nnd there was a notion
that a 'Nimrod Club,' the members of
which were to go out shooting, fishing, Ac,
and getting themselves into difficulties
through their want of dexterity, would be
the best means of introducing these. I
objected, on consideration, that I should
like to tako my own way, with a freer
range of English scenes and people, and
was afraid 1 should ultimately do- so in
any case, whatever course I might pre
Bcribo to myself nt starling. My views
being deferred to, I thought of Mr. Pick
wich, and wrote tho first number. I con
nect ed lr. Pickwick with a club because
! tl.o original suggestion, nnd I put it in
Mr. Winkle expressly for the use of Mr.
Seymour. My friends told mo it was a
low cheap form of publication, by which
1 should ruin ull my rising hopes ; and
how right my friends turned out to be,
every body now knows.
"lioz,' appended to tho monthly cover
of this book, and retuined long afterward,
i wns tlie i'eK-:iame ol a pet cinia, a young-
younger uiotlier, whom J had auiineu
Moses, in honor of tho vicar of Wakefield,
which being facetiously pronounced
through the nose, because Boses, and be
ing shortened became Box. 'Boz' was a
very favorite household word to me long
before I was an author, and so I came t
adopt it."
Important diplomatic coi res
'l9s P""5 between Lord Napier
Cuss relative to the slave trudo.
C3 1ms just addressed unable
Lord Napier, revie-vinjt the sul
nnd Gen.
Cass has just addressed nn able letter to
Lord Napier, reviewing the subject, and
furnishing an answer to the demands of
1 tho Irtish Government. Lord Napier
complains that tho American flag is used
.Oil IUU i U IVII VUtU-ll U3 t cti IU OH. VI
: all nations, and maintains that tho United
States is bound to increase the African
squadron from three vessels to four.
Cnss communicates to LordNapi-
f ' tho views of our Government at length,
but "vows nny onenco to r.ngianu,inougn
... -i .i ' .
commenting wi n seventy upon me vooue
trade, nnd tho laws of England relating
thereto, and animadverting upon the
African apprentice system of Napoleon,
Ho regrets tho nbuse of the American flag
by reuse s not entitled to claim that pro-
tection, but cannot admit that ourgovcrn-
ment is responsible for that abuse. Here
fuses to acknowledge that we are bound
to add another vessel to our A frican squad
ron by tho treaty. Tho. document has
been sent to the Senate n an executivo
document. It contends that we have com-
I ,. , ... ., f 11 .1 .1 , .1
Plied witn tlio proposal mat mo siave
To Boys. Often have we noticed largo
crowds of boys, of all ages nnd sizos, con-
i oree-nted inion cellar doors, store stens and
f,,;. yet we cnllnot forgct to warn
n., ict lliaov l rnnciemlenee. nr .
sini from theso sports.
iho streets nre
They receive no
tJ. lace )or
moral lessons from tho jostling, busy
crowds of men which throng them. It is
on the streets thn't they first ienrn the way
to vico receive the first impressions in
criino, which soon becomes part of thoir
t I.a.. .l...c ni..i.l-.1 1
cuucuiiun. j ""v uiua ran. iii,e.i, general-
, fo bo ft worthl wf
LmB.,i,inwm i. '
. nv .ll.;,.,f ;n.
.f wouJ Lecnme US(ful um, '
members of society, the prido nnd joy of
. mu8t ko J0rof
oting parents, you must keep
tho streets and away ironi bad company.
lJLJ'UI lUMtU lil Mivivit vuun uiu I 'TJl I11J1
ous' pl.nctiee of converting the streets into
playgrounds, has resulted in more injury
to the youths of our land than any thing
j Li abimtv of Hotel Keepers. An im
portant decision hns recently been pro
nounced by Judge Eggloston of Louisiana,
. in tho caso of Pope vs Hall and Hildreth,
of the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans,
j Tlie plaintiff put uji at tho St. Charles
Hotel, November, 18ji while there his
room was entered at night, and his watch
, valued at $200, and gold coin to the
! amount of $115 were stolen. The defend
ants pleaded in bar to tho suit, public no
tices posted by them in the rooms and
conspicuous pa.-ts of the hotel, to the effect
that they would not bo responsible for
I money, watches,or other valuables, unless
! deposited with the clerk.
I ho court held that the defendants wero
liable for any loss, unless occasioned bv
he force of arms ; that their liabilitv w
vigilanco over nil persons coining into the
hotel ns guests or otnerwiso. Judgment
is occordingly given for plaintiff.
BfBuA enptain being at a ball, had boen
Accepted by a beautiful partner, who in
the most delicate manner possible hinted
hands when I've done dancing."
JThe spring still continues back-
a ward.