Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 12, 1858, Image 2
toe gtpablican. CLEARFIELI) May 12, 1 Democratic State Ticket JUDGE OF THE SUPREME'ICOURT .WILLIAM PORTER. OP PHILADELPHIA. CANAL COMMISSION ER WESLEY FROST, I=2 Manufacturing Public Opinion. Although the opinion 'of the masses in this county is generally conceded to em body the true principles of govermentnl policy; and it very rarely that it does not; yet if the efforts that are sometimes made by designing men, through the me dium of the press and otherwise, by means more ingenious than honorable, to warp and mislead :the public judgment, were often to prove successful, it might have to be deplored that the passions'and prejudi ces' of the people were moro easily infla med by-gross misstatesments and incendi ary appeals, than their reason and' judg ment were influenced by self evident fact nnd logical argument. But it is fortunate for the people of this country that those daring and unprincipled attempts occa iionally made in our midst to manufacture public opinion, are uniformly met by the •'sober'seccind thought" which invariably restores public sentiment, if perchance it become unsettled, to its equilibrium, with in a reasonable time, and before its aber atinns cause any permanent mischief. The public mind at the present time may be considered-as undergoing such a reaction on the question of admitting Kan sas under the Lebompton constitution. At :he time the question was first raised in Congress, in the debate on the annual mes qtge of the President, the people were un prepared to meet it, in the phase it then assumed. They were well informed, it is true, upon the doctrine of allowing the people of the Territories to form and reg ulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the constitution of the United States." That principle had been widely and comprehensively discussed within the few preceding years. The last presidential campaign had been in a great measure fought - upon it, and its u:ltrocatea had gained a glorious and tri umphant victory. Hence no doubt seem ed remaining in the minds of democrats, if any had ever existed, of its entire cor rectness, and its complete accordance with the letter and spirit of the Federal Consti- I tution, and the' intention_ of:its framers. But it had never occurred to Them that a Idestion might arise among the people . of Kansas themselves as to the mode and titne,of framing a constitution, or that diould such a question arise, that it could - assume any other than a purely localainumeter. Consequently when-that very question arose thus unexpectedly, and became the leading one in the Nation al Legislature and assumed its recent for - midable shape, it is not to be w 3ndered at, that numbers of the most ardent advo cates of democratic principles were at its first ;presentation amid, its accumulated 3omPeations, led to form:erroneous opin ions upon it. Such indeed Ilas been the history of all, or neatly all, of the great -measures of the democratic party, when first prop osed; measures which have, ma ny of them, long since become the settled policy of the government no matter by what party administered ; and we need-go nourther back:than the recent passage of the Kansas Nebraska act for an instance. It is well remembered by us all how many dissenting voices there were throughout the country to the expediency of that Measure, _When first introduced into Con. gress ;- and yet in a little more than two years thereafter, a President was triumPh - antly . electedalmo t upon that issue alone. :.The.People„ O s t 4 a majority_ of them, had in the mean while, upon sober reflection, be -1 come convinced of the entire expediency and constitutionality of the measure. That such will be the case with the pre sent Lecompton question, although it is :one of mere expediency,is as certain as th • it has been the case with some dos& oth ers ofvastly more importance to the coun try: In fact the importance of the Lecomp ton question is mainly due to the efforts of Senator Douglas and the Philadelphia "Pleas," to manufacture a current of - Pnblio opinion to favor their course and disparage the National Administration. -,The position that both occupied before the eduntry, one as a leader in the demo- Gratie ranks and an influential member of thehigheatlegialative body of the nation, and the other as • a leading democratic .7ournal conducted by a gentleman of ack nowledged editorial capacity ; and .who had-been long , and 4intimately connected with the democratic party of Pennsylva i ,nip, and the whole country, was eminent: ; ly favorable to.their designs. The speech goof *motor 'Douglas had been for some ,yearp read 00 the oracular teachings of pure democracy, and whatever doctrines he chose to advane therein; there were , nonitfo Filmy them. • Tiw9l o iir estiblisted Olt was with a.prestige,of 'success founded upon the with many of those democrats who had at Ma.“Ezirrea.;•-I have been looking its your great experience of its editor, and -his pre-7 fi rst acted with these unnatural allies, the r i l n u a m a n ti a n t n o . fled a production on the 'subject of 1 am surprised that your columns sumed attachment' to the, principyik af4,ltty of ; reflection hadarrived--• "the sober are not dotted bore at here, with arguments ' the National democracy,. 'and his boast ed second tholight" had overtaken them, and to aroma) and Interest the public: mind, on this personal friendship for the President had ac- 'they dared net returnZte:. their '- cianitittt-i too much neglectedsubject. 'ln the absence , - ' of better, give place to the „fallowing, thce tquired at the opening 'ongress a large ' ants Without, having ' least shoWn a tibi- from one bathe hniiibleiralks of 4 but with circulation ; and When the President's IPoSiton to aid ir-lhe efratt of the party. to' a soul full of love ihd zeal foribe cause'. -, ... . , _.. . measage was delivered recommending the whorn:ther:etwed - their elettatirelltoieffice,i ii kown:a a h l a s p e p h v o t e o l, see inL.yeur piiiier a notice of ftialminettest thefrairth of ' admission of Kfinsaannder the .I.edonipten i to settle the ,Kruistut queiltiOn; ' Whielt.;Alliei s ay next, in \ the Borough of Curwensville. constitution, the sentiments of Senator .an incubus, had 'been hanging over the lam strongly impressed with the fact, that we - , Douglas and the tone of the "Press" were 1 nation; and sapping the foundations'afthe all-should der obligation to- bur be interested and feel ourselves un- 1 active to increase the in taken to be the echoings of democratic 'Union for the kit few-years.- forest of the school, as it Is held especially to doctrines. And those who . read the "Press" , Our . readers are aware that we have uni- benefit Teachers. If our County Superinten abarip, which a Once arrayed itself against foruily and earnestly supported the Presi- dent is willing to spend eight weeks, giving in structions, the policy of the President, endorsed the dent in hiSpolicy, Kansas as well. as all T eachers should avail themselves of the opportunity so kindly proffered them, course and policy of Mr. Douglas, and be- the other leading .measures recommended and reap- all the-bene fi t from the instructions ! came the channel through which the lat- by him, throughont the recent struggle p. t A he rep li o g t h a e l v i tl i t h e e n g l v ic a n d e e r e s i s t . u t v h a e re e o e t v ' t t i l ti te . te r were conveyed to democratic eyes and that has just closed in Congress. And we sate, the more wages they receive ? It should ears—were many of them carried away by did thisnotbecausehe wasPreaident, butbe- be the aim 'oleic* , Teacher, to obtain a Cer the vehement appeals and abolition argu- cause wefirmly belieevd he was right. That tifleate of the fi rst class. It is a fact to be Is t- itlf,N , mented, that Some Teachers in the more Rural ments, which constantly crowded its co- we wereeorrect therein; not already con- 'Districts (having been emp toyed for want of lumns before they had time to reflect up- ceded by democrats generally, will be ere competent ones) arc not capable of properly on their tendency, or time to nee what the long ; and we look to the deliberate senti- And vnei mar , e ft: e st v e p n ri e npr a l e es n n o n f e l A a t r i i e t n li m . a rn i ( c i true sentiment of the democracy was up- iiiirt of the party formed after the smoke the best teachers have ample room for improve on the Lecoompton issue—takiit it fOr of the battle. has cleared away, and 'suffi- moist. , Lot us pause and consider for one mo ment the dieadvatitages- these children labor granted that all Douglas 'and the "Press" i cient:time has intervened:to'allow theeontest , under ' with'uch a teacher. said about 'opposing the "Lecompion to he calmly contemplated, and its results ! ' -- ls Impressi ons on the mind of a child are last- V i approve (as the "Press" out of its profound I to be pot-ear th approve and sustain our be- i ing, and false impressions are as lusting as cor-; I respect for Mr. Buchanan styles his re- , lief and our course •in accordance there- sect ones; the power o f memory in retaining ! past impression's, and its susceptibility of ins- commenciation,) was the echo of the voice I with. ' ' I prevenient, are vastly greater than Is generally of the entire democratic pa; ty of theof Itr Seneca, nes tt on c e; fas t he in 31EXIC0.—'1 : 110li — ttest intelligence from country. Thus was the "Press" enabled lo i re pe at lttai•os reported thousand M xico brings no hope of any abatement ) their eu order, and then begin a; the end i an re to undertake the manufacturing of a cur- of the commotion in that unfortunate and hearse them backwards, without missing a sin rent of public sentiment which would ex distracted country. Law and or d er, never gle 83 il li"ble. indiv i dual tillso" f id li t i o have li been able actly accord with the actions and reason well established. is now entirely over- b te v c hi s o e ‘ l N e n ry name. i (L .- re n ea s, e mUl t i l o il W r a u s t . i s s ei r t u b l3 3 .- ings - of Sena - tor Douglas and his --fric-nvis. thrown, and thenfilitary,rule,the country Pyrrhus to the Senate at Rome,--on_auLe..x_pedi , Letters addressed from different parts . lin detached portions, while amid the vary- k 100, the d ve l ry next iu t rig b after il his n a rlreivaall all rho of the country were published purport- I ing success of battles and skirmishes, the !Se ue ni s t v te e , n an e d s t e he s % a vhol ' e or y der o ' f . thrgen s tlemen ing to be from "stiund clemocrals;" compli-' miserable people see their rulers changed lin Rome. Thus it appears that children arc menting the "Press" and its editor, en-cot almost daily : each succeeding liordeunioss! inni o v ii i i t iy d possessed n ot' eaniicitaierdden%%ti with hestiirlen most alter dossing the course of Douglas, and con rapacious than those that have been driven ' ."I:•eisetr ' ati g ng' and capacious powers of intellect, demning the President. These were issii out. There is no security for either prop- • both for acquiring and treasuring it up in their od to the country as the universal senti- minds—powers which appear susceptible of in ert v or human' life, and they are tat the ( ment of the democratic partly : yet not tender mercies of a half civilized soldiery ; . iineffieirleitnecet imp rovementhat may be in f t l i i l •z i r s w wo r ld;' t i l t i t s: is , ie the slightest evidence accompanied tivun wit 11 an appetite whetted for pturider by that they will continue tube exerted with un that they were not the productions of th e interrupted activity, throughout an unceasing, tlicir'own destitute condit ion and their pas most uncompromising republicans : and,. . i dur a tion. Ignorance goes hand in hand with torts 1 n flamed by partisan hatred. Car, there vice and folly. With these trellis before us fanatical abolitionists in the land. These : be a more deplorable , condition than that I shall we allow our children to have their minds were apparently answered by similar con - clouded with hall doubtful and incorrect teach of poor MeXIM 9 Certainly there is much munications as like as "Paddy's echo , " humanity in the resolution of Gen. HMIs- p i n e g v s ta t n e o e r ,t s h h e al n l e n e •e es u i r i g v e n f u (l i t i l o; r t ‘ e l a n e r l:( l • l l l •s e t t n h s eetivraes and eqU'ally as authentic, from different ton. introduced into Congress, recommend- for this very responsible calling ? I think the other parts of the country ; and thus for a . response will be have our leachers Kfu ng a protectorate by this Government. while the game vienk,on, the "Press" as, 1 • catet=`'lt would afford me pleasure if 1 could - - _______ ,I find language to impress upon the mind of ev suring its readers froth day to day that the To ova SuisseamEas —Next week our cry parent, the importance of having teachers democrac yof Penniylvania especially court will be in session, where many of you well qualified for intelligently discharging the 'was overwhelming anti-Lecompton ; that. will be at the county seat. We trust duties of the school room. In this connection, d to • y exp the - the Keystone State repudiated the only those in arrears will net forget us on that 7 in toen Directors wor d to take up on him ect self the vour extra up la president she had ever given to the Na... occasion, as we are greatly in need of the bor of teaching a Normal School a number of tion. But while these scenes were trans- "almighty dollar" to enable , us to exist weeks every year. This labor is not imposed pining the people were awaking to the and carry on our paper. if such were not u. (that f any n e o w t h o e f r . ) S i t i , p v n e e r i n I t n e e n t d i e t u n t t e e i n a n t ( I i i e s , S h t n a n t e l s , conviction that there was another side to the fact we would not say so; and tri- have been held of three and four days, and the question ; that the constitutional de- fling though the sum may seem to those some have continued one or two weeks ; and mocracy were with the President sustain- indebted, these trifles snake up: the sum onde dent t a i e s n et instance veilui 4 .v weeks; ed te e e but r t h tl e m e S x u p p e e n r i c e . e t e or -r ing and upholding his honest and patriot- total of many hundred dollars ; , all of perform the, labor of teaching ; these arJborne is endeavors to put a final quietus to the Which we stand in need of, provided we by the teachers and friends of Education. tiresome and fruitless Kansas agitation, can get it. „ Teachers are usually employed Irons a distance to perform the labor of teaching, and the duty with which the country had long since ACCIDENT.—As a son of Mr. M. Owens of the Superintendent, is to be present' and been disgusted. - near Lumber City was driving a two horse superintend attended d Th a es w e .tii I n stitutes nth. and schools The The y learned too that the Lecomplon (tin- team betwen that place and Curwensville, w a ak e ened g n reat interest ne with f e nvor n o a f la rdt:c a a n tion l i stitution was the legally expressed will of the the horses became frightened and ran off While the Superintendent of Clearfield Coun law-abiding citizens of the Territory; and thatty does not. receive as high salary as many, down a very steep hill breaking the wae • • if' a turbulent and factious majority 'of the - and I believe most of the Superintendents in on to pieces, injuring themselves, rand the State, and has probably as rough territory inhabitants had refused to participate in .nearly killing young Owens. We are hap- to pass over, in his travels through the Conn the proceedings to frame an instrument ty, in his visits to the districts in the County, py to learn -however that he is recoverin under which to organize a State govern- • •g* he gives his time and labor eight weeks to teach our Normal School. I just mention this, , ment; that. it was because they were ?nerdy that Directors may know, and see, and appre,,i doing the bidding of their masters outside of the Territory, whose soreOlijdot - wfulto prolong the troubles in Kansas that they might profit thereby. In the meanwhile the time arrived for as sembling the fourth of March convention in this State, at which it was hoped, nay confidently predicted by the enemies of the administration, the heavy doses of an ti-Lecompton democracy administered to the people by the. "Press' would result in a tremendous outburst of indignation against President Buchanan, and those who approved his Kansas policy, by that body. But alas ! for the vanity of human hopes, but one single Vote out of one hun dred and thirty three delegates to the con- Vention, and all in their seats, stands re- 1 , Cotded against the - resolution sustaining the President, and endorsing his Kansas "The sober second thought" had doing its work. The people had already begun to compreltond the true ground of the opposition to Lecompton. Since that time the opposition to the admision of Kansas has assumed a phase that-is-calm lated-to enlighten them still more:. The union of all the decayed political organ iza tions north and south which have hither to opposed the national democracy with the new hot-bed exotic :of anti-Lecompton democracy, shows conclusively, that selfish Abition and the all pervading desire among repnblicans,, know-nothings, and abolitionists, to effect the overthrow of the party which has so long held them in check, were the great motive powers in opposing it.. This was too plain to be overloOked even by the anti-Lecompton democrats, and the result was that when the question of unconditional rejection came up in the house, it was lost by a large majority. And although the Sen ate bill could not be passed, became many of the members who really desired its pas passage, (as is clearly indicated by‘the fi naLresult4 would. have been compelled -to recede from the position they had taken early in the session ; yet it led to the ap- pointment of the committee of conference and the introduction of Mr• English's bill in their report; which was finally passed by both branches of Congress and has recelv. ecl the executive approval. This bill vir tually accomplishes all that was .reiXen- mended by the President, and-of - course met the determined op position of repub. limns, abolitionists, , lalow-nothilkai, and thettatis isk*aitstompton demoorift. Nzw HOUSES are quite the rage in our town, showing that the hard times have not entirely- ,paralyzed --the -taste-and-en lerprze of our citizens. J Boyington Esq. has just .completed a splendid brick dwelling ; while W, A. Wallace and J. B. McEnally Esqs. have the workmen engaged upon the foundations of what will be resi dences equal to those with which they are to be placedin contrast. POST OFFICE CHANGED.—The Post Office in. this county• hitherto known as Penn field, has been removed to the residence of D. Tyler Esq. and the name changed to "Tylers." The change will go into effect in a few days. • THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN PHILADEL PHIA which took place on last Tuesday a week resulted it the election of Alexander genry the coalition candidate for May or over Richard Vaux the Democratic nomi nee. A r majori ty of the seleet council elected are democratic. J. G. IttcGintz 'Esq.. has been appointed post master at Philipsburg Centre com,ty, vice James Garoe,sresigned. Two Hotels one at Corsica and the other at Troy, Jefferson county were burned a few days ago. All the household furniture was consumed in both instancet. UrAn.—The object of sending commis sioners to Utah is not generally under, stood. The President, from motives of humanity, believed it to be his duty to make an effort to induce the deluded Mormons to refrain from opposing the au thority of the United States, and to give them an opportunity to retrace their gfiips. In case they do, all the leaders, except probably, Young and Kimball, will be for given. In the mean time, however, the most active preparations aro going on to push the military movements forward, and as the Commissioners can reach there be fore military operations can be commen ced, no time is, lost by efforts to avoid bloodshed. In case the Mormons refuse these propositions the -war, will be prose cuted vigorously as- a last,reisort. Pius. P;sc.,:, Important Bills. Among the numerous bills passed by our . State Legislature, is one which provides that, from and after the 4th of July next, the lawful rate of interest for the loan 'or use of money in all eases, where no express contract shall have been made for no less rate, shall be six per cent, per annum.— , Where it i contracted to pay more than the legal,rate the borrower shall not be compelled to the - excess. Another bill - his also been ps!ssed, requiring all humans* companies in Philadelphia and . A lo Pitt:Aar to)nake,statements of their 'con dittoes) take inspection. It is so framed that the isziscompanies cannot ca r rrAr!of k thole. swinafts Opiritioni atiY`lorqteN ciate. t -Wo_ladt_icit enjoyed these advantages until', last year, and nd - vtuittiges of the Isbirmal School last. year have been seen ; and I believe every one that attended, received instruction • that was worth treasuring-up, nod especially the instructions in the art ; of teaching were reduced to practice and worked well. I have been thinking, and talking, about the' impropriety ofOirectors keeping their schools, in their districts, during the Normal School. l Last year a large numbtr of schools were kept during the Normal School. This is wrong.; Those teachers are employed, that most need the instructions of the Normal School. Dime tors in thus employing teachers are acting in consistent,' for why do they wish or impose upon the Superintendant the extra !Aber oft teachihg, and then employ their teachers to keep thorn away I said we should all be interested, and throw off our indifference ; the interest of the Com mon school system ; demands our attention. Other counties are advancing ; their sons and their daughters are having advantages; ‘vhich will enable them to stand un an equal with their fellows. In attending these institutes, it is enough to move the coldest and most insensible, to witness the eagerness with which 'teachers a vail themselves otthe priviteqs afforthat,_atni_ their anxiety to profit by the instruction thus brought home to them. The; Normal School I believe to be an important auxiliary, in ad vancing the school system, and our interest in it should be such as to make it the stepping stone to the establishing,- in our County, a State Normal School. Lancaster County has taken the lead in this—Cuml erland County af fords fop example worthy of imitation in the united -effort of the County Superintendent and directors, in conjunction with teachers and the public, I am making this' communication too long. I invite the attention of those better posted Alp imthese matters. Are there not those who have the ability:and interest to set forth the steps to be talidn,ond the character of its works, and the arganients in favor of having the State Normal School in Clearfield County FROM A FRIEND OF TUE CAUSE. The News ADAM K. BROWN, of Schuylkill county, was murdered at Bergen, N. J., on the 20th ult. It appears that lie had gone there forthe purpose of bringing his boat on here to be loaded. His boat had been left there at the close of the navigation last fall. His body was found on the bark, near the boat, about two hours af ter he had left a store or loc l k house, at which he had been to purchase provisions. It appears that' he had been killed on board of the , boat and his body thrOwn overboard,'after his pockets had beeriiri fled of their contents. Col. C. F. Wm.'s, Jr., of Athens,Ta., has contracted with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company for the purohace of the North BranchlCanal, from NOrthumber, huid to the State line,. for one and ` a halt Million of dolhus. ai r A. large namberof poetical pckqtri butiOta *Vile disposed 77-- The .lltalaspedition Si. Lotits. May B.—Tztajor-General Per sifer F. Smith has issued elaborate Orden relative to the movements', of-. ,the trOza 'and tioope - ef,the ljtah-force • I The; trains ine• to. be divided into two divisions of ei!O hundred and.t*entieix wagofttteach > The troops to be organized ielto,eelT oOnStitutitig an escortl of a division. The general supply train is to be escort ed by the first column, under the corn- 1 mend of Lieutenant Colonel Andrews.—. This column is ahead organized, .and-,hes.l • een ordered to march. :The second column, under command of . Colonel Monroe, will be' composed of an I escort and the first division of supplies.— The, column will march from Leavenworth ; on the 15 Inst. The third column, ,under Col. May, will march on Hie 20th, The fourth colutnn, Under Col. Morrison, will march on the 25th. The fifth "column; under Col. Sumner, will march on the 30th. The sixth column, under Major Emory, march on the 4th of June. The columns, for the present., constitue the first brigade'of the Utah forces, under the command of Gen. Harney. Each coi -1 mull will be supplied with four months' provisions, which will be replenished on passing Forts Kearney and Laramie, General Smith is yet in this city, the state Of Ms - It ealt be ing' such as to require his remaining here a short period. Four companies of the Sixth Infantry left Leavenworth on the Gth inst., and one company . ' from. ,the Riley is to join them at Fort Kearney. lion. John Hartnett, Secretary of Utah, left hcre yesterday for Leavenworth. Miss Mary Culp, a beautiful and accom plished young lady, who was much beloved by a large circle of acquaintances, was drowned last week in tho Little Chiques at Mount Joy, Lancaster county, Pa. She, in cnnipany with Miss Mary McNeel, ven tured out upon the stream in a bkiff.— The boat, unfortunately, upset, precipi tating them both into the creek, which, at the time, owing to theyeeent rains, was quite swollen and rapid. Miss McNeel ejught a limb and supported herself until she Mr. Albert Jackson, the Associate Principle in'the Seminary. After dredging the stream for some time, Miss Colp's body was found with her arms clasped firmly around a floating log, and was loosened with the greatest difficulty. THE CREVASSE IN Nett • ORI,EANS.—Th cre vasse in the Mississippi, just above New Orleans. which has caused such a vast de struction of property, is still unchecked. The Nett•.. Orleans Bullettin complains that "the work done at the crevasse is nothing to talk about." No etiOrt had been made to repair the mishap to the piling.— All th thischief that the water can do, we are afraid, will be clone before the crevasse is stopped. We had up to this, indulged hopes that the work would he carried through with energy, hut appearances re buked- us for being so sanguine." THE Detroit Advertiser of Wednesday, states that a disastrous fire occurred foul miles out on Pontiac plank road on Tues day morning last, at one o'clock, which destroyed the barn of ,Tames F. CannifF, with nine valuable horses and other prop erty. It was the work of an incendiary.— Mr. Canniff had several valuable horses in his keeping, which he had wintered for their owners. The most, if not all, of the horses were high-bred stock; or valuable for their speed or for breeding The total loss was $5,500. Is Cincinnati, a few days since, a man, who resides within twelve miles — of thnt city, walked into the Citizen's Bank_ for the purpose of obtaining a sum of money which he deposited there several years ago., Imagine 'feelings on learningthat the - bank had Tailed slx Months ego! lie had not even heard of the panic which recently swapt over the country with such a levelilng influence. THE sultan of Turkey expresses great gratification at the, reception given to Mo hammed Pasha in this country, and de clares that hospitality "rivals that of our ancient Arabs." CONWIESS has granted to, and for the sole use of, the Milwaukie and Mississippi ltail•oad Company, a strial island in the Mi , sissippi river containing about thirty fivo acres, lying opposite the town of Prai rie du Chien. ' Exportation of Western Lumber. DETROIT, May B.—The brig Black Hawk, Cant. Taylor, sails from here this'evening 1 for Liverpool, England, direct, with a car- Igo ofataves and lumber. Other vessels in the same trade are loading, and will SAN FRANcisco is supplied with ioe from Sitka, in Russian America, as Is'ew Orleans is with the same article. from Boston. Cm.. Joni 11ORRELL, of Loyalhanna, Westmoreland county, died on the 24th ult., aged 78. He Nyas an ensign in the war 1812, under Oen.. Harrison. FRANCIS MCPOY, for 30 years a merchant at Lewistown, Pa., died on Thursday last. WASIIINOTON, May 7;-=Senator Evans, of South Carolina, died suddenly last night. He was in the Senate yesterday, and appeared in good health. .James D. Dunlap, 'author of the Book of Forms; died at Erie a few weeks ago. PUBLIC NOTICE. ANY persons knowing themselves indebted by nets or book aneount of one year or more standing, are positively guested to call and pay Off, otherwise they will be treated according to law, without respect to persons. ' F•RANCIS CONDRIET. Fronehville, May 5,1858. TO MY CREDITORS. Drama aged and infirm in body, I am desirous to settle and close up all my;worldly business— All peroona having claims against Ys are there fore requested to preaent them at once for settle• moat., . X desire to be my own executor: [may 10, 1858.[ . JAMES REA, Sr. Restaniant and Eating Saloon. RB. TAYLOR, begs leave to - inform his old s friends and the publio,- that he has just repiehiShed bit Hook of patibitt,;.loi his new sa loon in the basement of Messrs., blerrel„A Mar tin's Irett and - Tin-Wart store; itd tor tie.Wlli alwayt beimpared Ur furnish liii,ous tomets with every thing usually found in =oh es tablishnienta—to wit • Toe lfrell" Ale, Lager Been Tatman and Cligafi: of the.very bestiquat ity, Fruiti. and Oonfeetionary . L of aU kinds 414 mummy) forpast Ifavors,. hq : s:, ()mann. anon of public, patronage., (may 12,'5$ porsone are hereby °endow *gaga meddling with the following property:,... Two - swrell mares, now in Abe possession .of AL: best Young,lts they belong to me, enbleet to el l order. I r , John. T. Straw. May . pd. . ~ ~ : o r .. ORDNANCE: --. , ,s E I T) ACTED AND ORDAINED •by iir e . - .; liurgetitAnd Town Council of the Boron h. of Clearfield, - and it is hereby enacted • the authority ofthe same—That_ it sh be and is hereby. made the duty of the Street• Commissioner after the first (ley of Juno next, to lay or cause tol be laid op the follow in g streets,vig: Front-street, west side from Markel to Locust st.—east. Mot o ' . from Mrs. Leavy,s to Locust st. Secondit, west side from' 'intersection . of • Front apt Second st. to J. W. Smith's lots.„ - . 1 side from Walnut stv‘to Pine st. On Third., st., west side from Cherry to Pine st,. 77 ead, side from market tfr, Locust. On Fouill, at. west side from Market to Locust. N. Walnut at. S.side from Front to 2d st-northJ side from Secon to Third at. Cherry st ,, south side fr " Front to Fourth—north fide from F ont to Third at. Market sli; north side from the bridge to Front stA, I south side from Front to Fourth , st, Lo. oust st. south side from Third to Fifth st, —north side from Front to Fourth street, Pine street south side' from SeCond :its Third street, before such lots. as there are now no brick, stone or plank side walk, side walks lour feet wide on•all streetse;, cept Market and Second streets, on which. streets five feet wide, having the outer , ' edge therebf ten feet from the front lines of the lots before which they are laid, to be made of plank two inches thick and se. cured to sleepers lying the course of , tte street—Provided that before laying suit 'side walks he shall give the owr.eroeawri, ere of the respectivelots.bounding on .. ', streets, or in case the owner cannot be found, then the occupier of the same ten': days notice to lay or cause side walks to. be laid in front of their lots by or before' the Ist day of June next.—Provided thit the owners of lots fronting on said street/ shall at their option lay brick, stone or plank sidewalks, but where plank side, arewalks e laid they must 'be laid as do* said. SECTION 2d. That it shall be the duty -0_ the Street Commissioner to give ten 'days notice to the owner or owers(Onherespee. Live lots hounding on said streets, or in case the owner lqinnot be found, then to the occupier of the premises, to repair such side walks as aro now or may here after be out of repair, and in default of such owner or owners, or occupiers tore. pair such sidewalks, then it shall he the, duty of the street commisioner to repair or cease the same to be repaired. SECTION 3d. It shall be 'and is hereby . made the duty of the Street Commission.: er to keep a regular and correct account of all the work done by him or others a der him in laying or repairing of side wal and of the nature and amount of materials furnished specifying the respective lcibi before which the work was done and nue terial used, and to make a weekly return thereof into the office of the Burgess and Town Council, for which work and mate. rials he shall be paid by an order on the Boro u g h';Treae u re r. SECTION 4th. Whenever and as often a sidewalks shall be laid or repaired by the Street Commissioner, it shall he the duty of the Secretary to furnislt the owner or wners of the respective lots, or int ase no owner can be found, then the occupier of the premises, with a bill Of the cost of the work and materials with' twenty per eentum added thereto, notify!. ing such owner or owners, or occupiers to pay the amount of such bill to the Bob, ougli Treasurer within ten days, and default of such owner or owners or ocetv piers paying such claims, the same shell be collected in iteetirdan - oe with the net of Assembly, To the Burgess at d Town Council of the: Borough of Clearfield—The Committee' appointed for that purpose- report Th.' above ordinance. THOMAS MILLS, JOF. , ;EPLI GOON. Passed April 9, 1858, - ' - • •WILLI AJK D EBAUG Burgess, . A. H. SMITH & CO. .; -:, r . Dealers in -; BOOTS; 8110EY and t TI2U-VES-7 4- , ...4 . Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. WHOLESALE and Retnil, at prices to rail all. can be found at their new Boot a Shell'; ' Store, No. 344 North Second st. a few doors WI- - low the Black Horne Hotel, Ph ila. .pta'-Wo try to please and sell cheap. Noti041;) to country merchants.—Constantly on hand 11';.'" large assorttnent of Men and Boys' Boots, Gaiters and 'Brogans, coarse and fine ; also, Wrmen'to ' Misses' Lace Boots, Orators ' Slippers, &c., and 144 well selected stock of YouthS anti Children's west A --. generally. Wo would respectfully inrito yon - 10 — i call and examine fur yourselves. N. B. Trunks manufactured and for sale whole- sale and retail at No. 344 North Second et. April 1. - 7 T P 338. am JOSEPH PETERS, Justice of the Peace, Cumensville, Pcnna COE door east of Montolius h TOR EYOIC .Store. All business entrusted to him - will be promptly attended to, and all instrumon to 01 wfiting done on short notico. ...March, 31, 1853.-y. CAU'r'ON—All persons are hereby cautiened against purchasing a certain note drawn by me in favor of Stacy W. Thompson, dated Mt August, 1857, for $125, as I have not received value therefor and will not pay it. DANIEL BOWMAN. April 17th. 1857. 3t-pd:- CAUTION—AII persons are hereby cautioned against trusting any of the members of, mI family on my account, as I Will pay no debts") their contracting. JONATHAN WEISER, Bradford, April 28, 1868. pd. A. T. SCHRYVER, - Er AS resumed the practice of • medicine, 'ant 1 - 1 will attend promptly to all calls in his Kr fession, by day or night. Residence opposite tiM, Methodist church. May 4, 1858. 6 mos. CAUTION A Ll, persons are rkercbSr- cautioned assist, A meddling with the fol'owing property, non in the possession of Mark Maguire, as said,PtOr arty was bought by tes at Sheriff's sale and left with the said Maguire on loan : 1 Wagon, 1 thit her sled, 4 head horned cattle, 10 sheep, aleo'itti sorrel mare bought by tug of Michel " Frank I ' left with Mark Maguire on loan. J. 1 1 .'NELEION I CO Feb.l4, 1858. CAUTION. A LL pelotas., rfa horppy .oentioned • spin A bug, 'or .in d 7 ira)Vnteddling wits Mitch Ctors, one red And. tho other ,bridle: no in die possendon oi"Jtaieph =Ward, of Neill tp., as the said cows along tanah, and el* &IN possession on loon y, subjoin to my ordeal it • *AIWA =OE