-4.V Aimnl uml D' i'ri(i;i( nf t li Mll l Clr.lllKl'l. !'i I. H, i ,,,..1 i ii. .. . I, nt 7 I mitli - Mil v. Ii M illinln 11 K in i li.iii-, S K l i ..v ii, iiui in '. .tin Mm I. A i.i I. A Ill I'M 'tin !, I n I' W...I il I M. 7 A.M. ('. AM s A.M. I P.M k, I'. M. ' ii. Siuii ir- Mi:i-. i n i... iiiii in Kill lilili 1 1 1 1 . 'I I K li i I'm n. Tin' hi. iil N. II. r.u 'I'll! nill 'I I, ..' ill ' I in - Hi' II. "I' ("All llll iiini- ly, will I'l.-.i-. ni ih t. Mail iiri ivi nn;i, i '. N i l" New Wa-lii'l I'inii Hills A. M.. mi l il Mail leave- I'1 -. .' t hi- 1'iT till lll l" I el- ('. h. WATstiV I'. M. at l 'uni' n- 'illi IVniii lii'li-in.iii'- M il! . ':idi, I'lirn-iili' .'lull. ( 'i. I. I'mWVr llll'l ll'illll- li n -1 1 'V- mill l'riday :il 1 I ' .'';ll f.ilin days III I P. it. 'llHVeli- illi' fur Mill-l oll. vi:l New Millport mi'l I. ., mU r l ily, every Satin-day nl li A. il., iiiul returns, miiiic 1 ii v at S ji. in. C. KUATJCK 31 r...l,.l.l n.i.l I .....I..-.- Inlrr. ,r nf l'rniil iiii'l Luvui't utrvvt., (.'Icarlifl'l. 211, is.) J. p. w. i!rhi:tt, " t i:i; want, i'i;itiii ( i: ami i.i'Miu:n 111 liKAI.KII. AM) .11 ' STICK Ob" Till-: Hi.UT:, J.ulliiT.-liiir-, Clrui li.-lil Co., Pa. 4 uliincl. t hair .M iking. A N l II DC S I", l A I X T 1 X ( 0I1X (il'LK'Il A PAMIili UK XX ICR lmvin- filtered into I'lirlnei-i-liip in llio iilmvo liiii- lie.'.", will be preimrvil nt nil tinier to n'teiitl to nnv Im.Hini'.a in the abuve line on ."hurt nnliee ami in a iroier imimicr. They will nl keep eoii?lniilly nil lui li 1 nt their chop on .Market nt., nearly nppo 'ite the Jew store, a Inrir'' n.-nrliiiciit of Mitlino ry ninl Cuno IJoltom Clinirs, ninl Cnliinet lime of every ile."eription wiiiili they will he found eve rciiily to dipniiu nf tin n.s reaMinuliltf teriiin ns the .-a inu nrtieles i nn ho hud el.-ewhoro in the enmity, i eir nloi-k nf Cahiiiet Wine now on limul, eon. s i I in part nf lre.-Hiii ninl Connnnti I'ureaiif, Pofiif, Senin; hi 1 Wn-li Stiiml', Perkd ninl Hunk l'n.-e., l'rem h ai I Field Poft liod.-leii'l., Pining, llrenkfii.-t, Cen Lr Curd and Pier Tnhles, Ae. OPPIXS iiiamilaci-.trcd and delivered at nny In co desired. iiloy 2.1, 18j t 1)11. It. V. WILSON, IP "AVIXti reiiuve.l his nfTice lo Ike new divol- lii'K on Second street, will promptly answer II prulessionul culls as heromlorc. JOHN TROUTMAN STILL continues tlio business of Chair Making, nn.I House, Sign nml Ornamental Painting, at the . .Imp formerly neeupieil by Trmilman A ltowo, at the cist end ot -Market street n short distance wesf l.iu. s 1-oundi-y. June I.'., Is,,. ii ii-.uiiiJ'i". i TT. I I)1: V f, . ''"y,'," c,,''ROl lun Inca tinn frniii Ciirwcii.-villo neetfiilly utTcTH ' - ... ... v iv.ii iivni, res- his professional acrvicen Iu tho eitizenn ni tho hitler plneo nnd vicinity. l.esidencp un Secmid street, opposi't t; it of J. t'nuis, Ks Liy Wif. 1". t'llAMP.KIIS. -Altl.ILft on Chiiiruinking, Wheelwright, nnd vy nouse nn.i Mgn pniutingnt Ciirwensvillc, : t'lcnrtleld co. All orders droinplly attended to Jnn. ft, ISjS. I Dlt. W. M. CA.1IIMIKM, having located ns Kylcrtown, tenders hin prnfessinnnl service, to the ciliiens nf Murris ami the ndjuiuiig town ship.. Jlo will nlwnys bo found nt tho residence of Thus. Kyler, when not professionally engaged. ' 'V ! v.. ELLIS IRWIN ii SONS, j i T tho mniith of Lick Kun, five mile, from 1 I Clearfield, JIKItCHAXTS, and eitensive1 .Mniinfacliircrs of Lumber, j Juiy s.i, isai'. TO LUMBERMENANDHERsT" THE iindersighed would rospeetfull inform tho cili.ens of t'lcntlield nnd the ndiuiniuz co's. thnt ho has just stored in Philipsh'urg, n very large iii.mtily of grain, including Rye, e, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat torn and Barley. knowledge,! . be the' chpcst, ,,i m. winch he will sell in lnrgc or sniall lots on the . and cflicient lumber n.iiniil'actiiring innehino in must reasonable terms mid nt the lowest prices, j Iho world. A lurge uiunler of them are in suc 1 hc attention of hoe needing unytliing iu this ccs ful uicrutiun in different parts of th'n couu lino is culled to the slock, believing it would bo try, Cnniida, Cuba nnd South America, nhd w her to their advantage tn givo hint a call, t'ouio ever their merits hnve been tested they nre beiii" a Inn then and be suimlieil bv il. W. KKPLKi;. riiilipsl.tir", Jrnreh .!, lS.')7.-tf. I). O. CROUCH, 1")rIVSICIAN Office in Curwonsrillc. Kay CAUTION. VLL personsjaro hereby cnulioned against ' meddling with n certnin note, given by (),,, t nnd.. rsignetl tn linrthnl cw Ilndden, dntcd Sep. 1st PiH, fur $12,1, nssnid nolo bn been paid i THOMAS MAlHi n:v New Wnshington, .March 1(1. ISi.S. CAUTION. wife Marypttc. liavinc lcfinivlm' .,.i I . . J .'.",I.II'IH therefore forbid any person linibnring or trusl- - """ui any jiisi rniisc er prnyncntiua iii)! ucr un my account. i;. MEHRIFI1CLI) March 10. IIKNltY W.ttVl-h'.MAN. Ao 1 (OA Aii. (i) Hunt!, Third Street, heU Mud-el, I'l 'I I LA DE Li'l 1 1 A LEATHER DEALE1L Calfskins, Mnrncco.", Linings, Bindings, l.'l-l) &. OAK SULK LKATIIKlt, X,.. N, Ii. Rough Leather bungh t or tnken In ex chnS 'March 8,1 S57.V. Trnrt of land at Private Salt. H. HITHER SW00PK. April 22, IS57. A. II SHAW, 1 ETAILER of Foreign and Domestic Men-h-IV nndir.e, Shnwsville, Clearfield county, Va Shawsville, August I ft, lSjj. LUiinKlTilKN iSeiul for it lUnrriptiee (.'Irriilar of COLEMAN'S rAHM TvTTTT " . "1 me I lllnwt aiim. U .l.....l.l i wm i irrindinir .11 k r ...; " I i.. 0.11.11, lllllltlfltt mi i P ffl va Allll I i.f , . n.'.tii inn, nne or conrsc : meal as desire, -Priec. if .,tl. I .... .. -us, ,, .. u. i.i'ir.n i;i;o riIlCR, j """i" ngrieiiitiiral Implei ieH. : No. 1140, .Market St., Philadelphia. V II III If ...... . ..... .'. . . ' CUMMINGS 6i MEIIAFFV, MERCHANTS and Extensive Dealers in Lutii her, Ac, Now Washington, Clenrfieldcoun- aep. 21), 'il ly. trUTPtinetttality is tho lifo oriii""" ritIK .,,,.1.. ,:,.. ..i :n..,i . . " " nun ii uorsc engine anil noiltr is sires a n ensnni ihkiv.h ,!!.. I V, . ri s I 'f terms n . sold fur for $2,200. ' liv , , r " " ' ' "" " "P" ("i(i l.npine, In rnrnt, . tract of bind, containing about sixty-two S,,,m f 'iiii,' ,,. nml ,,.. ! . rc 1 1 ' I y n t ome for nn ngency. Applicnnts should . Silver Lever, full jeweled, acres, with nbott 2.5 acres dcnroil-lving on tho ! 1 ,7, lul In I , ' V," "1 T CenU' fur " '1"" eP.v r the inng. Silver I.npino jewels little- t f A P"wiM DnY; (ire d. i; I M' ' f I'Mli' ll lift l'" f.lllIC "f A. I', I'ti'" In If "I I'll." 'I' . 'I l.niiet I.,, I. I- nnl. . I l.. IIih III ! In ; . nl hi r- I" 1" ,,.l,i, I I i . ii I c ' ii.' Bill I'l-'li " nl mi III I mi mi 'II ni.-h , n. I Hi In' Im 1 I '"" i I I. .... III! Ml ll "''I'" I'1 IlillHl I'll I I..r Mil.. M II Mil All M M I.. I . 1- ... INHALATION IN CONSUMPTION. IV I'.uM III II-". I h N ; I N T I -', mil "il'T I'i-.il- I the II". -I Kill Tlir.'llt. Mr. Lilly lint.-l l.y II"' Inhabit ml fl .M-iln-nlcl Vl'p'-M -Hi. I -. H I' M. I'V al'VI ' tinll llll'l cii'titll . li..i:.l tl' ..tllo'tll. I." pl.n li ed lit I'"' MitMCMItlt . M...lii :il lii-lilnl... N.'ii York rily. I'll'' P rm i i i'i: ri li Sn ii nhi.h has at ! Irii'l. .1 llii- mi'iliii'l nl' i i' iitip.; .li-ivec nT the I. itti'.'. ini'l Tliri'iil lri i'ldine-l it- In depart from , ntir usual cuitse, ntil imiil ont-elies of tlni col umns of the I'ti'i''', in older lo bring il tu llie know li'il'.-i' of -m-li in mil v In' laboring tinier, nr irrili-i".-i''l l'i such iil'.i' li"ii.. 'l lii' ilnmi nl il , brighter day litis nl hnglh arrived It llir t'"ii Miuiptivc: lln' iiic Iriuc.i nf the iiieiirahiliiy i.f n -1 1 tu 't s ii having nt lomrtli passed away. Wo j tut vo indubitable proofs in j in- profession nir : C' Hi ii i'T inN is A 1.1. its t mi s i ri hi: i, in Hie first l'.v Ini oroulor nbsoibtion : in tin' second, ' liy tin.' lniiisl'"ruiatioris nf llio t'lhcrciilc into i-hnl-' ky mid calciireiiu: concretions : in iho (Mid, ly t't'-ii I rii-' ir i-cnrn. 'I'll m.i1 weblcd In the opin ' ions nf iln- past inity iti'M-rt, lluit t-ifii nnw it'ii r lllitl'li'ill i.- inrllliililt' : Mtrh lire lu'liitnl Hi.) n;i'. 1 :" 1 :' 1 ,r"'" "ll,MI,t'H"" iliiit t!ir tiii-iliL'iiu'.t inliiilt"! in I la t'nrm r VnMir nr I'uudiT tiirortly into the hin-, tsiu.-t I to nun It Uiure rtlrrtivc than tlut (;i!;ci) into the tmniirlt, ulu-rc lli" iIix;i.so iltu's il.tt'b ii"t Tlio u-1- i ii ii t .) "i 1 ii Ii 'i ! ;t t in ('Miumjltiiii X T I r : t ti.-ts is, tlnit iH'li.-iin in the ti-rin of Vhjmi if- iiili'(l (lirri'tly ti tin1 Inii's, wIhtc llio ili.-'-iiM o.ii-U: the .-tniiMuli i.-J thu- lt'l't IVee to ail in iv- i ,--t' rtii licr Itli, y iidiiiinirtoi in to il lieiillliy him lil'r-ivin ftunl. Thrro in in fttnr A.-y-r- , liihnlnt'fiii tvift ui t nut; Tht' nu'.'Ui, tun, tin !rc 1 1 "lit within the reach i.f nil, tlio luiuinrro niliiiiiii.-li'riii tlio viinr l.eii) .-hi .iinle that llii iin'iiliil is never required t'1 lenvo linine, nln tlio tin in) uf nllectinii tends "so iiiii.Ii lo aid t!ie pli vciriiiii V etlortii Tin- liiliahtlion. iiiellioil is hiii, mr . i-r.li, and enii.-i-t.- in the adiniiii.-lniliou of med icine in stirh a in.-imier, that they are eonveyed into lie l.iin" in the furm nf ':ipnr, and prndui-c their netinii nf llie sent of ilisense. Its practieal sense is destined to revnlitlionize the npinions of the ineilieal world nnd mlublilh Iln i iiln e nn-.iti'. it'l ' ( "il'i. I enrne.-lly appeal to tlio ciiimiimi sense of nil iifliieled witli Lung diseases, In eniliiai-e nl oneo the nilviintne nf lulialatinn, and no louder apply liiedicino to the uuuffendiii'' stoiu.-tili. I claim for Inhalation a place union;; the prioelc-s cilts that i nt lire and art hath eiven us, that "our dav ' may be lung in the land," nnd i . iny m l; " '"!) .' Ihr f,'.iiiyfi'i'. ; u inethod not only ; .., I,nl .' ami cyiVi. .iii. I Such ofthepinfcssii.il 1 1 1 u I have nilupled Iiihn- laliun have found it rZen imir in tin- h!hrt .- ' ;. .., rir.-rWiny fc in i,,ri c' llir iHtrime uml inn- j himj irnmliiH in iH.ii .(. i(. c,,e, iu verity, ! a signal triumph ol our art over this fell destroy. I er nl' our si ies. ' 'NirrK-Phystcinus wishing to miikc themselves ' ,K.,tu,,iiited with the practice, are iiiP.niicl that, , 01lr ti,n0 being valuable, wo can only reply, us to j ingrediniits used, to such idlers that contain n i Hie fee in nil cases of Pulmonary AH'eetions will bo SKI on receipt of which the necessary iu- j SirillliemS mill lliei lellll'S Ul ... Ii.i-u-.ir. ...1 Ai.. . i,ll..,,.,i- .. in .i,.i.. ...... ... now inng niiecteii, n nny ticreililnry disease p. . isis iu tlio Imnily, and symptom generally. Let the niiino town and State bo plainly written. Pustnge for return uusw er must be enclosed. Let ters when registered ut our ri.-k. All letters must lie addressed tn WALLACC MKltTOl'X. M. I)., S. M. Institute, Now Vork. Nov. 11, 1 Si j7-0 m. The New York Steam Saw Mill, and MACII1XK cifili'AXV. CAPITAL !2j(l,0li0. Thin cnnipany )mx been urgniii.cd willi thenbuv capital for tho purpose uf supplying tho de mand for the 1111 III M TIII roLTAHI.E STKAil SAW-MI I.L. Ami oilier Imnroveil Mueliim.i'v They have purchased the! entire innchincrv I . . .. . . ..... . I business herctoforj carried on by f .). M. Kmer. son A t o,, also the Jlonl'-uiiierv works nl Vunk its, on the llm'son, enar tliis city, mid with the j oxpciieneo nnd fucililics cninbined iu its organi 1 7.ntiun nre lircimrud tu furnish machinnrr of ,.n kiJa t '"oro liberal rates, than lias ever been offered nt any other establishment. ,.., nei,,t... - adopted by lumber manufacturers in preference to nil other mills. llio following letter expresses llio general i ) opinion of those who nre using tho Combination nun. .Messrs. Emkrsox i Co. (ientlcuien ; I hove tried Iho inn-mill purchased ol you, nnd will say that it performs well, nnd inoro Ihnn meets my , etpectnlions. I am well ptcnseil with its perfor I niiince. I set it tin on ft small strcamli tmlnf- '." "'vd c"l""ni Wft'('r nbuu. ns thick ns my little ''"Sor, which was much inoro than sullirienf to "'IM' "'0 hoiks. We nre able to cut :I,(HI0 feet of lumber iu 12 hours, w ith something loss than one curd of wood. It is tin very thing wo have so much needed in our coedty for a lung time. vt nn n nine iraiblo and expenso we are nblo to inovo it ten miles per day, ,:nd set it up in tho uenri in mo limner, lvnicti saves tlio great bur ilen nf haulinir thu lii-.-s a Inn.. .1; i. i .1.. 1""l leuis. respectfully. JKSSK KERR, Jr., ' Louisville, Tennessee, j Tlie Company lave purdiaseif LPND'S P 1T KXT PEED ARUAN 9K.MEXT, which 1. ill,,,, trilled mid described ill the Scientifio American, i for October 21. This adds greatly to Hi; etli . ciency of the mill. The Combination Mill with oil tho recent im- l'i",cnii.-iiis, nun sieiiui power oi l.i nurses, is ca- liable of sawing from :i tilltl tn 1,000, feet in twelve j huurs, nnd is sold fur ?l,fijl) ! Thr.Xnr Yuri; rtreiiliir Kne-MiH. Is uinntiliicturcd only by this Company. It i9 0f superior eiinsliucliuii, nml sold for 2i per centum less iinui inner mills ot no L'renter inline iv. A ...in .in ... 1 1 I... i. " .. . . .'. . 1 1 :,llil ,l i,K oa i ...... ,. :.''." i hii. w.i.i u.. n, 1-1111-11 i-iiiv cnii i.n mini i,,r I , . I,, t, - --o""- i-""i if r.,,,.,..,ii ......i....:..... . ... . - .and set in operation our machinery, when reii.ii- . " .,u. tu uni ii n ri,,. - I We also iiiiimifiieturo iiiifi.eti.ro Mimic Mu.hi.,... VI... . iiii' Jiii7iiiicf i a t . uuu .ii ii ri inn-ii i n i.- If - tl 1 II t . , it ureal. Speeuil nttcnliiin paid to cettimr nn Shaft;,,,. nnd I'tiltirt fur manufactories, nnd all kinds of' Jlill Wriijlii work, I This Company are selling in great numbers a ' Pateut Conical llurr Stuno Mill, for Hour, corn meal, and all kinds of feed, which is proniiiinocd i I'T r.lL'Ill,lll'l I HIIIIIT li.klll Itl tl.,.. i i .. ... . : i . -it t .. . l.-.., .,' V " ' ,' v" nury nnu "' ."""i'.- i '' mn. rnr caiiHtnirtt grind more grgin in tho same time, "an mo power, uf any mill of the me mnrKeu Wo also furnish other stvl... f iiri.. Mai- --.--r v...,-,,,,,,,,, nul. rcguircd. J. M. EMERSON A CO., Agents. i Jan 11. 1857. 371 V' N' Y' ', -- - -'- -. ... ... I1AC0N, Fluiir superlino and cxtm. Dried ) Peaches, are. at KUATZEK'st Aj.ril (, 1857. i US AM tt UltM' 1lnM TUINAM 8 MONTHLY. 1 H il in: I 1 1 It III I Mil l It IKK. 'in.iHHi i uni v, mi: I I i;sv V'i.7'f, ,M ilTI P I NT I'lI'MItt MMI-: Pull 1".." t .. i in . fi( i f Aii. 1 1 i; l"i i t, All i n nil lH l"ii"ir Mtl.n'ill. r. TIIIC illlt.M' 1 inn n in i i-.ii. Aj.iin it. itiiip ii. 'i, 'flm iin'on ..f Kni'T'i'tro Mnff'i 'ii"' t ii . t PtiiniinV M.n llilv l..t" pill II I'l III'' mil-' 'li'l llr'l l"'ll i i f ' 'i I ii t i ' . tt -i'l. ii.l l'i I. nl inn' timiliir 1'iil'li' iilinti in ill.' i'"ii'i!i, iiini lin" i..'iii'''l f'ir it u t-.'inlii- ii it f i 1 1 nl livrnn ninl ."t Ii -1 i - t.i I in I T'l.ii,.l v im v!v:.lr. l.y niiy i.lli' r .M.i'i'ini' in llic "rl'l. llii-rin-: Iln' tii-l inniilli, tin' Milf in tin' lt;ili ninl I'. lniill.l Irnlll Mill t rilirri pxim cli-.l lill,IHHI i ini'l Ilu' iiiiiiiI'itk ulri'tt'ly i-fiii 'l nl tin' iini.iiliJn-I'-liiniK nm iinii iTiiiilly i niici'ili'il in luivi' fiu-fni--.il. in die rii liin.".-nf llicir lilcriiry cniili'iil. ninl Iln' Inuiily mil nliiKi'iir.-K til I tu i r piilnriiil illn.lrtili'iiif , nny iinivtuiiin cut lii'lnri' icMU'.l I'rnin the Aitii'riran iiri.-. Pnrniirni'il hy llicno rvi'li'in in I'Tfnvnr, Ilu' inililulirTii liavi) "i'IitmiI in. I to rniiiitiriH'o Ilit iit'ir volume in .liuiiiii ry illi ml'l itiniiitl Ml: rni'liuiiii, ninl to nltiT cni'li iiiiliit,..tii,nif to ctilifi-rilirr nrnniiol fuil lo iilaet1 il, in l iri iiliilinii. ill llio In' ml nf Ainerii-nu .Mnu'n-iiii--. Willi 1 1 1 1 h virnr liny nnw niiiiniiiii'v llio li llniv in," iiU'iiili. i ' ro !Ti'iin Th'.v litiv nir-i-hii-i il l'i;ii mihiu ami i-nrlly lei:l-'luto K'lnc iii', "THE LAST SUPPER," ninl Mill I'ri'frnt n ciiy of it In every tlif" '1"1 lar Mil .-' rilu-r nr llie veur I s.tl. It ivii fii 'ia- veil nl a i-'i-l "f over ii,llilH, l.v (ho late ei'li'l'iii i .,"1 a. i.. i.i'i., no,, ,ii ..ri'.inai ,.f I!,,,.!,..,..! , .i'.r.;lii n, nll' i l.eniiai'li P.-i 'im i. ninl is Iho I lare.-t i-1 . 1 1 idiite eii.'raviu.; ever eM-euled in llii.- ei'iintry, li-in,; Ihrcu times the sio nf the j "iiliiiiiry I li ri'..' -.l-! l.i r i-hiii v i n The tirt iuipri-.--iiii.-i nl' I Ii w eniavin.,' nre I liel I nt s I ll, mi l it iv. is the iiili'iiti m of the ar- ti.-t that ii'ine of ih" Kiir.ivin;-' r.liuuM ever lie I i.ll'eiT'l for a less sum limn s.i, liein... rii hlv wnrlli ! that aiiii'iint. 'I Int.- every thi'-e-iluilarsiili.-tTilier will rei-eiv the .Mnin'.ine nne year I'ln-npiil S:l ) n d this splendid eii'raviii, rielily worth .i ; I Ihn- ellin' for S.I the value nl y . We shall euiur.'ieiieu .-Irik'niL' nil the eiitrnviii's iniiiieiliiilel.v, vet if can hardly lie expel led thai impres.-inn.. nf so Ijirjro n plale inn Im tnken us fast as they n ill ho called for l.y subscribers. Wo shnll therefore, furnish them in Hie order ill which subscript ions nro received, Those who desire lo obtain (heir t'iiravliis curly, mid from the fust iinpre.-.-ions, should send in their sub scriptions without deluy. Tlio eu'ravin); can ho sent on rollers, hy mail, or in oilier manner, as suti.-cribors shall order. sji,(i jx wuith'.s ttFAirr. In uddilinii tn the superb ensravin of "THE LAST SI' .MM KM," which will bo nresonted to very three-dollar subscriber for 1 Sj.H, the puh- lis hern huvo eoiiipleled arrangements fnrthedis Iributiiiii, on the li.iih uf Doceiuher, ISjS, of a series nf splendid wuiks nf art, consistiuj.'of mio hundred rich nnd rare old paintings, valued ul from if lin to JlllOj each. Also. 2.HU0 uniL'nili- cent Steel-l'hitf) Kngriiviiigs, worth rioni .:t to each, and l.flill) ehuieo Holiday hooks, worlli IV.. n. ik I in .,nl l.;n :.. ..t. i-1 1 1, i -1- THUISAXII UIKTS, worth TWO TV TII'l'- SAN D DOLLARS, Indus. :I to the publishers nnd vou w ill coin- meiico receiving Ih. .Mngii.ino by return n.ail.- You will ul.so rcceivo with the first copy ,. nun.. bercd subscription receipt, entilling you t Iho Kngriiving of TI1K LAST Sl'PPKIt," and a ciiiili'ii In i inw i.n . i.l I ..... I'T 1 ,'k' TIIAI'1J i v i i.n i v j . riciison? why you should su'iscrilu AMAVi'.VO.V.V MAHA.lXi: fur 1S.iS. First: P.e'-auso ils literary contents will, du ring the year, embrace coiisliibuliuiis fmui over one hundred different writers and thinkers, num bering iiinung them the most distinguish id of A uieiicnn authors. Second; Lecnuse its editorial departments, "Our .Studio," "Our Window," ami "our Olio," will en.h be conducted by mi able editor mid it will surpass, in tho variety jnd richness of its editorial contents, any other magazine. Third : lieeauso it will contain, during the year, nearly six hundred original picinrinl i litis, tntinns, from designs by the first American ar tists. Fourth : lieeauso for the sum of $'t ymi will rcceivo this spleudid monthly, more richly worlli M"n ""J' "lllor 'm'''i'iP, tt.'.t. l'..rr.-;.. ,.P ..'I'l... 1 .. w' and llie su- ' "' "' "" c"l l'i- er. i.':ri. . ii .1. ,Vi i , .i.n . ..vciui.-u jun win very iiiieiy tiraw nut of the three thousand prizes to be distributed on the 2jth day of Ooecmber, 1S.'kS perhaps one tkat is worth $1,0011. Notwithstanding that these extraordinary in. duccinent.s can hardly fail to accomplish tlie ob jects of the publishers without further o7urts. y they have determined to continue thro' the year Til K (iliKAT I.IRRAKY Fl-'i;i. To any person who will get up a club of twenty-four subscribers, cither at ono or more post ollifcs, ivc will present n splendid library, con sisting of over Forty Lnrgo Uound Volumes cin bmcing the most jmpular worke in Hie market, 'rt... ..i .. i. , . . . i. . i , ..v ii.i.. i.ii.j. luiuicu in mo cum price, f i a ' nr, wiii'jui i no engraving, or nt the full pric S:i u your, with tlie engruvint: ef thu last Sutmor to each sibscriber. List and description of the Library, nnd spotiinen copy uf tho .Magnzino will bo rorwnnled en receipt of 2j cents. Over 2IIU Libraries, or S,notl volumes, bnre already been distributed in aceordanco with this offer, 'and we should be glad to furnish a librury to every dor gyuiiiii, to every school-master, or to some one at every poet office in tlio country. AtiKNTS GKTTLVa IMC 1 1. Tho success "which our ngents are meeting with is almost astonishing. Among the many evidences of this .fiiet, wo nre permitted to pub-li--.li tho following : li k.nti.km k s : Thl ful lowing facts in relation to whut your ngenti uro doing in this section, may no oi uso to some onterprisin "m '"- ' " come onternns mil' vninnr nmn in want uf employment. Tlie Reyrjldin E Jar- 1 ibm i.r il.: ..i i . noli, oi ins place, has made, sin.n l.i i i.-:.,.- niiis, ovor l.miil in his agency. .Mr. David M Heath, of Ridgly, Mo., ynr general agent for I In tt county, is niakiuir $ ,er day on each sub ngont employed by him, and M.'ssrs. AVclmcr A Evnns, of Oregon, Mo., your ngents for Holt co., jiro making from to per day, and ynsr humble servant has niadc, since thc'scvcnlh dav of last January, over 1,701), besides hny ,,- f ..im ncres ol inn it out ot the business werlh over !r 1,11011. Vou nre nt liberty tn publish this stnto mcnt, mid to refer to nnv of the pnrlies nniiied IllVll't .... '.,., I..-.., ii.i, ur,iiii, vanoiiion, Jlo. Willi sudi induceinoiits ns we offer, nnvbodv cm, l,i;., ..,i.J...a... " ' -"""". Vo invito nny ircnilu- ,n.. ...ii ..r I . . . - . "." ' 'V"'. nun every muy who do neo u piensnni Hoxsr-innkiii - - - - - ......".'.. iu i,., or uio "i..M- SI fl'l-II." m ,, ' ceivo the Enrni L .V.'.. i i? Ll . ' -," i Slieeiiucn. caeh inn. ...ml nn.l. .... ;n . also specimens of oin-,, , hlic . ,i. .' i " r " J n- -"S. I - .--'"., IVIIHII i. . .C. ."i. .V . . 1 ' 'V' ,UH" , n? on' 1 I . . . ' " lllw i Hip n a i! , . " ! vt I. Mil.-, fill II III IT III . ill 7.. j " '.'(-"'""-.one year ami to a cnatce in to t inrlisfriboli.... 'I'l.!-. .ir.. : i. : "" "ucr is ma. io umy to those who desire tu act ns agents or tu form Club. A(1'lr""'. OAKS.MITIl A CO., No. 371 liroaflwny, N. y Jan II, 1S58. " REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. It will1,. 'Hie PiiLlishers of tho L'eUiav, arc m 1 e, nnd with kinoiiminfioinoiits to largely inrrrMso tlmir ! i l'aml ,0 ' 1,11 JVterh, I'a.M I'll I.tTSl, raiKill VMIKES I'.i.anks, l'M-sn 11mjks, Ciiii u ar ' Tl(:Rm, UANDlui.l.i, fveiy kind of irinting unitilly don in t country joli oflicfi. Your arien e trusted tn ns will t... f,,itl,r,,n ...i LAniaAi-'jv. tiBi. , ti.ilM i M, A. Ml I I KtW MUM AND NKTV coons. .'tut llrrpivfd nt llir ' 1"ie of Montxun rty ft Hipiilc, i TIiWl N-'N ll.l.l.. PA., r..lilliti)( i.f mi ry llilli iiMitilly -1 I in ' mi hr nl'Tf bImi n Impe tiiniilllv of PlllliH, to nil Mi he Ini-ilii llii nll.'iill'.n "I I'lii -n Inn- J'H I Ii Imito .in.iilin i.l I'AlliVr Ml I'M IN I S mii..i;( liii Ii tuny lie . ini'l Hie fillnliiK : v. l,n,i-' .1. .;.., -. A'., ni"' . li'l " , .'' .''. lin in '"i '" :'. V. 1'nrti.n' . .i'ti I'.'y i'. ,-. i ',i-r '-!'' i'lii, Ih: .lvi',-'. I'hn-nl '-h,r,il ,nJ . v. yVi"'i..' .ii.n-iio'.', Ih: '..it'-.i''i Ihnlmnil ". 'i7, Dr. T,;iJ;'.i' .V. .,...' I ',,.!), Ih: Wrhll't ', I,., ,,, l'i.-, ih: llftifi'.i Afabiiut Ijtntwt'n fir Sinn llml luijLum' tl t't'l lilili rui't'. tU, 1 lour, (iriiin, l'iili,,Cliee. lliieim, Itemi', Crye.l A ) 1 -, Salt, Ac, nil luilnls, mill f"i- rale ni all lliiieH. The iilmve oiler low for CASH r llKAPV I'AV. An w wi iitly to mlliere lo the Km. ly Pay Synlein, fler imr 'nnilH im low nn III' invert, Hii.l in e n j;o ill Ink e nil kilnlr of I'ruliiee nlllie llilient Cu-li Prii-en. We wi.-li nil to give ii f n cull ninl jinle lor llienife veH. fi ll. .1, ViS..-i,,,. It A C K AGAIN IN THE IIL1) SHOP. rilllK Milwriber iiilnrniK liin frieiiiln ami llie I 1 1 1 1 i t- Ki'iiernlly llml lio it nmv re-eilalili.-li cd ill Iho i.l.l shop on ."il ,1., Inlolr necllliied by .laenb Sluiiikwib r win-re lie liopc.. by st i id ut- (Hi tin1 I'i'I t is giiiliti'M, In iiim'iiI- uml leiilinn, nml keeping n stnili of n.-urlcd iron to ' j.li'iul, ll I H 1 'lllilii'til inn fif Kiiil ruli.' i-; nr inciil tlie tavorof the pnl.lie. ili-I'i'il in-i-ii-iin to law. t'otltitiy proiluee ,, ., ,1 ensh never refused. An, V, ( ili.-.l lim.ithii Ii,'.-,,,1 this'.":;,! ni preiiiiee itoin niio i. years i. n;' will meel with n '"od sit nation if npplicali- n be inii.le snun, (JIC'J. W. Oil 11. May '.i, is..r. ( J manner a tlio '-Closi-Ik-ld Kepii'diivm" Ji.h utile 1 I.l.l . l A. w AI.I.Al i:, IIOIIKIIT J. W AI.I.ACK . 'i rt ) it m : v s-.vt- i, a y , CLEARFIELD, PA. II , i, mis uuy nssoeiuieil iiivmsei ves ns pan - .1 ,. , . .,, ,. ,. ners ill llie practice uf the huv in liciirheld unit ndjoining cuiinlics. The business w ill, us i liercloloro bo carried on in lb" 11111111111!' William A. Wallnce. liusiness eiilni-tod to theiii, will 10 ccivo pruiupt mid cnrelul ulleiition. ,1ureh 4, 1 1 i7, ly. C 1-iXTK A I, IIOIICI.. Tyrone, T MK subscriber would respecsfully inform liis ulil tricnits iu Clem-hold co., and the pubi c genoriilly, that he lios I alien tlio above House. where ho would be huppy to nceomuioilute nil who ' muy favor him with their custom. i W.M. II. HKXPICKSOX. i June 10, ISj". pd. I JOHN II. AM'.X .1 ( (). j Nos. 3 A 4 Chestnut St., (south side below water.) TIIK lll.lir.ST IVOOII.WAIIK lllll'SK I.N TIIK I'lTV. AXPFACTPIIKKS and whnlesnle dealers iu Patent .Mai hine n:ii.le PKOII.M-, l'nt L'lit tirooyed Cedar-ware, trurrmiliij mil tn luin Wood A Willow-wine, Cords, llrmhcs, A c, uf descriptions. Please call and exruiinc nur sloe Feb. 25, ISj7,-ly. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES. joiin faiTkiha $ co. SIS (AVic A'o.) M,akct .l PIIII.AIUCLPIIIA. Importer, Mnmifiirlnrcr tout i,.,--.v i',i ,.. i',, I irnlll nun nml I 'iitrcn.i' I'Axcv Fins. Wholesale and Retail. F. A CO., would call the attciilion of lint ! , and Hie I'nblir gnncrally lo their im- J. meiiso MoeK or riinry Jrura rur Lttilies, (ienlle iii i'ii nnd Cnildreu; their nssurtineut eu.binces every variety and kind of 'nn, ' rt, that will re worn during the season, such us l'nll CiiptM, llulf ('iitx, (t"iirlir I'njiix. '!. I7.1-, 1 V 'i-,-., limtft, .1..V ' .1. ,'.- tern, J rum the Jim:! linsnii, lir, tu the luwrnt Jirire. Jh'iiie.Ktic I 'trs. For tlenlletnen tho largest assortment of I'l l! COLLARS, liLOVES, (iALNTI.ICTS, Ac. being the direct importers uf all our Furs mid .Mann fnclurers nf them under our own supervi-iuii, wo feel satisfied wo cull offer belter inducements In dcrlers and tho public generally than any ulhcr house, having an immense ns.-oi linetit to select from and at tlio manufacturers' price 11 1 mill) iisf ft mil. Sept. ill, IS.-.T. 4m. JIS. 11. I.ARIIIMKR. I. TK.HT J AltltlMI'.lt TI'ST, Altorhoys at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will ntlclnl promptly to Col- t iiolis, Lnlul Agencies, Ac, Ac., in Clearfield, Centre and Elk couhties. July ."ll. y BUCKSKIN NO. jll WALNIT STRICKT PHILADELPHIA. 1 IIKALY A CO., Mniivfiielnrers of P.iuk: skin (iloves nnd Mills, Ladies' and (ion tlcmcn's liaiinllets. Sparring, Sivonl n ml Cricket iloves, llueks in Shirts nnd Drawers, Riding A Shooting Leggings, Walking (Suitors, of Cb.ih uml Leather, llilek-kill nnd liulia Rubber Sus penders Waist llclts, .Money Pelts and Purses, Sleigh Robts, and lliifliilo Skins ol every doserip iiuu. N. P. RucksUins of nil foli.r nml ...... 111!.,. v . . '. ...' ''""" '-""""'. "Pncr. ol il,..,o,s, ges, ve. spun- j i. 1' Tho nlteiition of llio men linntr of Clear field county is respectfully culled lo Hie above- advertisement. P. Ilenly A Co. niniiafiieluro the nbove goods theni-clvcs, nnd will receive iu ex change DK1C1! SKIXS, nnd allow the highest cash prico fur the same. Sept. 2, 1857.-ly. srAuici'icu fe it v t . : r C h a p tf ittliti a ii il J e vt c 1 r y w J IIOI.SALK and RETAIL, nt the I'liibul.'l phia Watch nnd Jewelry Store," Xo. 1IS llll i v i. c- 1 . .... old X... mil ..,il. sl.. I ' ..r rv. Philiid'n. Unld Lever Watches, full jeweled IS c.cses$2S 00 ' - 21 110; - 12 00, - U 00 1 - 7 0(l - 7 00 1 - 1 id I - 3 din - l oo: Kil..... T.. if on oo ! tiold Pens, with Pencil U0'.". w,th 1 L'mtl1 nnd f'lver Holder. 1 -.1 ",,m 1 "P" MUgn 4, i ecnt, tu $S0; Watch lillp?i?f lllliiin I'lk ran i iialiinl lea 1 i n-. I " , -"p 1. 1. 1.. .ii a.'4, IfUlltH AO; .ii '! iiiini huh, nil vitini iv irnin i( lint, nrl ..Km ..- :. lit i . bo w lint they nre sold for STAUFFICR A IIARLEY, Sncccssurs lo O. Cunrnd. On hand some CmlJ and Silver Levers and I. pines, still lowor than the above prices, jUf-tobvr 7. lS55.-ly, NOTICE. m tm i. 1 i '" ETTERS of ndiiiiniatralinn on the osUito id of titrlhaus township, been granted to tho tuliseriber! UWIIIIT I Plllll. B1. . n .1 ...1 ! I (cslatare requested to make immedinte payment 8, v...'!. IUUVII1CII 111 HHII1 i. n. 11 a 1,1,. , fob. 21, 1S68. j I Alt.ltOAD HOUSE ; corner orMiiin audi J. V While Streets, linooK vtt.i.K. l'o. lob. 21 R. B. MEANS, 1 'roprietor. lAXS. Prnlirinl.r 1 ' 1 BsirOur luiuler busitie J in now in" fuf I'lttHt, iu iut I l (' 7' ii" 7' I 'J'l 1 1 . A 1 K Willi V. HW A X I I nare t. ibove Tliiitl, ritlln ; f IMIK t...tl..i"n ni lii" hI.'.ik mil kii'inn in i iiil'li-lnii. nl I.i'Imk llmiiklul I t llir l' i) lil'Ktnl ntn iinife l i -l'.i" 'I n".tl lli' in III" nl i nt. hike llii- ii 'II. 'I "I n..iiiinK llifir lti"tnl mi' I iln iil'li" llml Iln nie flill I'li'i'iin I lo He- "IIIII'M'lllll' llll'lll If llll "II 'I "li'l II I'llH. ' liniiti) llie iini liter iit..illi llie li'.iin lm lireii ' tln't"iii;lily rt'in.Mili 'l, iiniMi run tilf nin.le ami oilier el' n.ii e nlti'inli m ill i'iiiili.ii.lminii. I We nre ili ii iiiitiie.l In ilrvnle mil li"U nil- n i lion In liiuiiiem ninl (l.ilter miru'li e illi Ilu' enm ii ll'.n llint rlinll Im nl'le I" irive rnll-liie- l,. HlhKS A Sli'VKII. t N. li. Ciiniiiin will ninny l-e in reinliner lol C"i.i. i.npiil.rii I" ninl In 'tu Mi iimli'iit I. ninl I ill llll'l llllillnnil I I-1 . I -. AI.il-.-li 'Utl, ISjK.y, S. A S. .L II. I!liliiinl, tiiMi. li'ili'i i- Smith ,V Mniv It. his will', ninl I'l.nil.'M I', I'nx VSi Win. v. rii'iniii. l-'.ii'Ctllll'Ilt Im- IllidUt Ill till' 'i.itlt o ' 'imiil"" J'l' Hi i'l I'li'illll. I'l'.'otlllty No. 'i I.Novi ii'lifi' 'IVi ni, I 'i7. Sum iiiniiM in oiirlitv :ii-ii-s nf ninl ill l'lki' township, ( 'li'in lirl'l ( 'iiiiiiIv, I Iniiiinli'il ninth ninl oiir.1 l.y tin' I" ri i turn-; nkc, wr-t l.y himls of Win. il .iiul, uml noiith Py Iln' south lini' cf .Nn. .'iiil.'!, lu-ino I hi rt nl' No. iiiil.'!. Writ ii'liiiin'il Nut I'llllld. I Ami nmv, IStli Nnv., IS.'iT, fin tti.it i 1 1 nl' " '" " l"llllM, IV-iJ. 1 I IH . 1 1 y, lilili' iln nl i. A. I. Is.'iS. 1 l'.v tin' ( 'oiirt ( i IH I. WAI.TF.KS, Pi-.ify. BIBLES. .il li' Society nl' f'li-iiilii n lnitii-i' that llicir Tin-: liiTi-liy tiiiiiiily li.n.ks, P'il'li s anil 'rcKtiiim iits, nie i d -he nllicc of ,lainc.i 'A i ii'li-v, Hi '' Slll'll 111 tl i.-li-r ninl liofik- ;tii' rcnnli'i' nt I 'li-iiilii-l'l. 'I'lic various sizes ami ti In Tit I to I i ,.. ; ...i:,.:. i,...i .... nil" in, .iiii.i ui,iii.-ii'iiiiii.i-'.' .-nil i 1 ' ,- , , ' , .. ' r ' " . Ml llntill 1 1 llll I WiV elii'iili 1,1 N'eiv il.les can lie lnnl as low n , nml tLstiiniL-lils as low a. cents il 'ii cents it pii ee. Tlie ieoile of the nullity freiierally nre also invileil to leave with ilr. Wiijley nnv iliill.ttioit thev niav lie iileiiseil to lliake ill nid of tlie funds of the Society. Si tiled liy oi lier nf the Kxeclltive t.'nllililit- te Al.KX. iri.Kdl' l'i.-.-t. FLEMING HOUSE, a i; i:xsYir.i.r:, r. rP!IK subscriber Inning the iibuvo well known Jl. stand ill Cin weiisville, Pn., is ready lo ac commodate any one w ho may favor him w itli their pairunage. His Table will always be supplied with the lies! the market iill'ords. nnd his Par with tho choicest liipiors. ilis etuble will be under tho care nf attentive 0t tiers. April , lS.i7.-ly. DAVID SMITH. ArDiToir.sxoTici:. rrMIE nnd ersigned, tin Auditor nppointed by I llie Court uf Clearfield county, tu li.-tril.uic tlie assets of .elniloti Wnrnor, in the hands ul I. -line Ilort'in, Sen. Administrator, gives tiolico thnt he will attend tu the same on S-tiir.lay, the Till of March, l.olweo: the hours of I nnd j P. iu., nt Ihcof.ice of Kuriiiucr A Test in t'lcmiicld, when nnd where nil persons interested mnv nt Icnd. ISRAEL TKST, Auditor. Feb. 24, Is.iS. .IAS. R. Gil All AM, 1)nt "tlastcr, ."llertliant, and i x'cn.-ive ler iu s'iiaro timber, hoards, shindies, li in Ii a in : . m , Piadfoid township. .iin. ISiti. J. 1). THOMPSON, "I ) lack-m Itli. Wagons, liuggies, Ac, Ac. ironed I ) on short not ice, and the very best style, nt hi. old stand iu Hie borough ol Curwensville. Dec. 2, 1 so;;. II. P. THOMPSON, 1)ll sii ian, may be found cither nt his oliice. nt Seolkld's hulel, Ciirwensville, when'nut profissionully nlisenU Dee. 211, lSj, CAUTION VLL pcr.-i'iis i meddling iv i nie hereby raiiliuned ngain-l ilh Iho I'll oiving properiv. ii'jiv in Hie piissessiuii of Mark Miiguire, ns said iinui- city was bought by ns at Sheriff's sale mid left with the said Miiguire nn hum : 1 Wagon. I tim ber sled, I hind horned i iiltlc. III sheep, nl.-o nne sorrel inure bought hy us uf Miclnil Frank mid left with Mark Muguiro en bum. J. P. NELSON A CO. Feb. 21, 1S.'iS. AI'DITuli.S XOTiri:. riE undersigned nn Auditor appointed by Jl the Orphans' Court of Clearfield enmity at November Sotsiun, lni7, to audit tlie Adminis tration aeeoinit (if Isaac lilouni. ndmiiiistralni of tho estate John 11. DIdoiu, dee'd. hereby gives notice that ho will ilisclnirge tlie 'lilies ot his ap pointment on Thursday Iho 2ilh of March, IS.iS, al 2 o'ciock, p. in. of said (lay, at Hni otrie.i nf Lnrriiner A Test iu llio Imroiigli of Clcai tiehl, when and w in re nil persons, inleresled may at tend. J. 11. LAKKIMKK, Auditor. Feb. 21. ISiS. C.I f"77fi V 4 LL Persons are hereby eaiiiinneil n . ,;,,.i Jt buying, ur in nny tiny meildling wilh 2 Milch Cows, one red nml tho other brindle. nnw in tlie possession oi Joseph .Millwnrd, of Decatur tp., ns the snid cows belong to nie, nnd nre iu his possession on loan only, subject lo my ordes nnd eoinroi. DAVID tiOSS. Sept. 2:1, lSj7. St pd. i. icATiir.it ! i i. vnii.it : 11 EAR Y W. OVER Iil AX, IMPORTER of French Calfskins, nnd general leather dealers, No. ft South Third si., Phi'a. A general assortment of nil kind, of leather, morocco. Ac, Ac Vcd nnd Oak Solo leather. March 4, lSi7.-ly. NOTICE. j Lkttkiis TrsTA u kt. li v on the estate of .John Smith, late of !cll t., tleeeiised,!in i vino liecii'ianled to tho iiiideisi-neil, all ----r, ----- r i'eisiiiis kiioimii' uiennelves mile 1. .. . t ('.I t, I"""""" . 111 rcqilesien tu ninkc uilliie- ''i"lc my llient, nnd those h:i'ili;; chiinis ' UrTrtinst UiO Cilliic. w ill lueseiit lliein ilnli- mitlienlicutetl for set I lenient UKU. SMITH,' 1 , LEWIS SMITH. fell. C-1 AUTIOS Ail persons are hereby enuliuned J ngainst purehnsiiig or trading for a certain I a. ........ 1 .. Ifnunty onler, No. 645, of 1857, payable t- ll J, ' nk.UTk I I.l I U 11 IIN I II V lir mm 111 I..- . " "iim-i-i ior jo, a. me tama has been lifted lit me, and hat since been lust or mislaid. n .. t Jr;SI1'IJf:"SON,Treas'r. Clearfield, Jun. 12, 1 85$. TV H. f. Illllf r t.' lvi t... . . . .... I I .1.-11. respeetiiiny give. , M: Ti' " r""u("i t.1,e I'.r.,,c,iie ot ! M,i:i,, - ,.j -in ,. ., '.. IS TIIOirMt!lAU1f O K.rVii) ttmi I niiiirli i , I ui m mi Hip. An mi. in K..i linn nl n I lli.y- tun If (n (n. i H r I'M. llll K liilik t Pir li llir ml. nil -r lin" nV. ul n lii. Ii lie n ill ili'i'O'e of, ls n S. 1. Mm t(i S1 Vl: "l Mil). A gMiernl nimilininl nl. Uni I nn li il ll it nt llie Him of II. M. r. Ill WIS. Clenifl' l.l, (-i'l. 1?, MVS. .1 1 1 1 1 V M.I.SOX, .lui-lli f nf tin I'rnrt, Toen ini'l Slii'iMiniker, nill nl iii'l t't all Iiumb. l lllllllll I I I llilll Clllll.l Inn lilp, J 1, lC'iH.-drt. STRAY. c 1A M P. .i lli le-i'li ii f llie inlnerilter In tl J tii. M ilriilinin, In .u ln-1. ilrat Hull, niliposcil to be line yenr old Inst hi rniif , nnd hm. in si-mo white ipois iiboiit lii hlpi. Tlio owner i ri"iui'li"l Income fnrwiinl, pr.vi) properfy tni lake Iiini niny, or lie nill Im ilispoied of neeunl. In-loliiM. JACOU lH IiLtU. .Imi. I.', )'. N' Oill i;--oiirf ti heretij Kl-fil (lint lt. Irrs nf Administration Intra Ihii day bsl ;'liiiil.-d to the uii'l'Tsiiied un llie estate uf And leif V'elcli, late of Imwrciico (p., ilnc'd, All paM uml havin utiy liiiiincsn in rolntinn tu anid -: lite, w ill Cull upon nl ninl iiiiiko tettlemnnl. KO.'SJiUT TUUMl'dU TUUMl'dUM. f l.nwrenei) tp., Jan, 12, lSH. L. JACKSON CHANS, ATTIHIXKV AT LAW, office iljf ilnK t re-nlenee on Scenii'l Struct, t'lfn.1 lid, F June I. ISil. Ol.ll lilt AS and COPPER takiin in e chiinge for TIN and llAllDW ARE at tki e.-t.ililisliinent of. MESli,; t CIXTSK. July 10, 1S.-.7. M wsiox iiorsi'.! SIC II' .1 1! HASH EM I'ST. iho subscriber respectfully niiiiuiiiices tu the nub. iie tli.it he has taken tho nhovc stand, in the bor uiigh nf Clearfi. Id, and is preiured tn accoinmii ilnte ui! who muy give him n call. Tho publit i. my rc-l a -mi red lliut it will bo conducted in thl lie t iiiiittuer possible. His table will be supplied with the belt the market nflerds. His liar filled with the ch'iicest In amis of wines nnd liqnnrs.and his siablcs w ill be iiiider tlio care of attentive and careful iisllers. IMXlIiA. il. W EAVER. Feb. II, isi7.-y. HOOK! ItOOkSM VN extensive assortment of new and pnpula I ks w hii h the undersigned has added tn hi I Km Store, einlirncing n great variety, in .nrt ar ' follow : Theol 2icnl, l.nw, ilisturicnl, I'uvticnli .uni Miscellaneous Hooks, 'ugetber with a gentru tissortuieut of'Scliool Jiuoi s, Dlunk liooks, P.yson As Duiitniis Splendid Copy Dooks. Also, a great varii'ly of slationuiy, Ac, nie offered to the publii extremely low. liooks supplied to order on the slmrtest notiie. C. D. WATSON. Clenrfield, Oct, 27, .1851 IlOHEPvT McNAUL, rpatinrr, nt tlio old stand in Curwensville.. X Doe. 2S, 1851. UAItlHV Altl'.of every ilescription fur tali at a inoderatu ndvuncc at tho store of iiinyKi.J W. F. IRIIIN. V'.i'y'7o.v. VLL persons are hereby notified not tt tried dlt or interfere with lio following do serine! property, purchased by the subscriber, nt Sher. ill s sale, mid now reiuaiiiing ill tlie burn nnd un tho pccinises of Solniiiuii Pander, iu Cor inglvo tp., in w it : I...I uf wheat in the sheaf, lot uf Ryo do., lot of outs do., Iut nf corn and potatoes, Cosk Slot and pipe, 2 Cupboards, sink, iloiigh-trn v, 2 Cows, I Pnll. I II. ill, -r, :il Hogs, :i Pods and" Ilcilding, Wind mill, nml Threshing innehiiiK, Harrow, Cutting box, 1 Cultivator, 2 tiroy Horses, Sett Wagon Ladders, Sleigh, 2 Log Chui ns, 4 log Sleds, Wagon, Chains, Sell lllacksin ilh teds. 3 Setts Harness, Iron Kettle, I old table , feet :f siiiare timber, in the woods and on the bank, of Iho River. Also 2 burses bought by the un dersigned of Abraham Iiaily, nml now being use4 by Sol mitou liauder to haul timber timber lor the subscriber. W'Ji. SMITH. l'rem liviile. Jan. 5th, 185S. itv. .1. n. iiAtmwic'K niEDICiWi PARTNERSHIP. D'with IIDXRV I.ORA1.V, huving nssoeinlri Iiini in Iho practice of Medicine Dr. J. (i. 1IAI! I ICK, they olfer their professional services to (he citizens of Cleiii field and vicinity They will attend tn professional calls at all hour! nml tiiitll scii.mis. Dr. Hai'tswick will be found during tho day at their nihi l) opposite Dr. Lorain's resilience, nnd at mglil nt Ins resilience, ouo door north of Keed li fin cr s store. Clearfield, Juno 1(5, 1850. r.ll'. STKAMICH Altt'TIC FOUND In ilit front ttimlow of llrrrcll & Corter'i Tlircc-Slory Builtling, on Sccoml Street, in the lloroiijli of Clearfield. "li7"H ICR E they nre prepnred to innniisneture all t -1 kinds of Tl. nkd SHEET IRON WARE They are also prepared to furnish, at reduced pri ces, the lollouiug nrtieles in all their varieties PAR-IRON, NAILS and STEEL. Also Thresh ing machines, Ploughs, Patent Cutting lioxos, t I. .un I'uinps, l'ateiit Sniisngo-ciitters mid run neis, ,-cii .-eiinng i mis lor rrcserving l-ruit, a. well s.-a large variety of housekeeping utensil. too numerous to mention. Sliii cs. They huvo also a lurgo assortment of both Cook and Parlor Stuvcs, of the best and most iippi-.veil patterns, nnd mining them will bo fomnl the eelcbiiiteil .M-.W W ORLD COOK STOVE. All orders for castings will be thankfully rccei- vc'i mnl proiuplly intended to. UniiM -Siioiitiii'-- dono to order. As I hey occupy n large nml conunndi.ius hmistv ns well as luil-binldings, they nre well prepared to do a Coinniis.-ioii business and nil orders, either ns Retailers or Wholcsalo Dealer, will he thank fully received, and attended to with despatch. 0. P.. M ERR ELL. may 10, ISftC. L. It. CARTER. S HIM! Alti; PtITTICHV l-OH SAM: The property occupied by Porter A Pro. in llrndy tp., near Lilt hcrsburg, will be .old low (a. tho ow ner contemplate! remuving westward) the pottery is in good order and bus connected wilh it about (ill acres of land, about ono half in grass tho balance in wood. There is nrw twc-storT dwelling nnd sufficient stabling and sheds on the place, (ioi.d mater ini for tho innnufacture nt stone w nre nnd nb un dance of coal ore on the property. I-ur terms up ply (o L. J. 'cnANS, ClenrDcld. May 2. I8i7.-tf. IP. LlTcll ! PAl.V ri'RER. aViTTkTliT V "i iif..vit.lii nml RKSTOP.ATIVF. for vonis, ( i.ugii. Croup, Ac Sold nt Jos, floon'l .Time Miop, Lleiunuld, oot. 2S, '57, PARK & MF.RIIF.LL. CARRIAtii: mid SLKIiiH MAKERS. glio on Fourth st., in 11. E. Suydor'? new building. July 2, ISjQ.-y. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensville, Penna. rillio sul.scriher, formerly of the Exchang IIo X to'. Pliilip'burg, having taken th. abort new stand, sitiinlii on tho bank of the rivor, in the lewer end of Curwensville, would announce that be is now ready for the accommodation or stran gers and nil othari who may favor him wilh a call. The hnuso U largo and CQiiifortiiblo. and travelers will Bnd ovcry convenience necessary to their comfort. AmpU sUibllnir ia attached bo th prelum's, Jir Tho bnr ii filled with th. eholee.t liodoi , ... , iiMupiiy auciiu. io an calls in b profusion. Luthersburg.Ap'l 2, l!(ft6. 4AVJ JOHNSON. Ftrntrj 10, m, . .