V 492 1998 3574 3609 3611 3611 361.1 3614 3616 1993 1997 1998 1998 2004. TirfUiirrfl of tftunatpil l.ntiiU. In I l I t llii 1 "in t at nl I i7. 8 III''. ln'K l li t r I n-n lint In "iniintn r n( nil ,l A. .nMi, llie I 'III tl if n( Jmiix, A , f,f) 1 1 1 I'll, riiiiih 'l "An m l In m i n. I mi n I ilirrr lluj lbs in ml i" i'f ' Hiiijf liii'i'Hii'il 1 ii 1 1 il fur In - tnj i," A ., tlio f'lllux Inn Itit' m nf mi". l"i Inn. I. In I'li'difli'M r"itnlv mil Im p'iir' In I'liUu' saln ,.r mil ety, M I he lmr iiii ii'l mil iln llieriin, nl Hi" Com I ll'iii-ii In llm linrmiiili i'l I l.iai Hold mi ilio ni'i iHi'l Monday i'l .1 nun tn vl : l'i rnil ni Tow llt-hip. .Ss hollllM Wetoll. ;fifl 1:.i ..ii Timiim K.'iinii'i, ? i ;: 1 1..' IIH AImhIi.iiii W'linirr 7.'i M 1112 IM Mi, hut Miit :. b 1 Id limn, lliiii.t A ( 'ii. ' .,,,, i r, mi J.ic .ii k i n k 2: I ' 102 I HI J nli ii liil..nn ? M 1 VI 81 Jeremiah Mochef Hull tJ lift IVlrr dels 2.1 M 3.10 I j.'l .Martin Kanty M U7 ' n :m m jmub rmiiv, 4ft r:l Ill's l.'ij Ceiia-n MiiMor, 44 Hi'' V 1 S 73 Hubert Wiln 3.1 .13 , 7 4 ."2 Thomas Wilson, 11 I'm! 324 M .luttliins llurt.ui, 44 7.1 4X1 IjJ Pnvid llarlon, ftS 21 4:11 UI Kdwnrd Ilmid, (is. 2.1 .'.CI 4:i1 Kill John lining, C.I 21 .l.'.ft C Kmniiiifl llulgurl, 61)07' 9i 108 (ieoiaxe .Moore, 17 01 I John Pntohiu. ' Jftsl 400 08 J..I111 Uraily, 04 57 210 Willinm ilradj, 8.1 07 1 i, 279 01 K. lilnin, .",7 SI a 4:1:1 li- John Millur, 'H 4." 4:'. 3 1 j.'l Juhn Fordnoy, OS 21 j ( ii-o. Groom. ! jjhsq 11 Drown and Iloynton, 1 70 'i;)4 "William Pusey. 120011 12 II row 11 A floynton, 1 89' 2010 J amen lloekenheiry. j II lO.1) Urown A Ilovnton," 22 2i . 27 111 William Wright "0 6S ' 12 j William Dowder. I 140 Willinm llroTvn, 22 O.'i 3(! Thomas Mulli'ii. I 110 1'. Iioynton, 22 0.1 .1010 .lolin Dillon. I 4S 1)9 Robert Wilson, 0 02! 19U7 James Gnllaher. I 20 Frederick lloninnn, 1 8!) ' 6i 50 William .'atisinan, 4 91 Win. Ilainninnil. I 2.14 Herman Wilmer, 20 -H ! Caleb I 'odi!iavrr. ! 52 ii.'i 108 I'. lilon'ingcr, 8 01 .'"".I 200 Samuel Turner, 81 .'.1 .'-6il Closes liobison. I 50 100 J'. (ili.iiinpor, 4 51 l'rcil. Mioll-. j 8.1 12.1 John lliiu.'umn, 1.1 04 VS 140 llichn.il Flinty, 15 41 William Tortd1. 93 Fn-aVrii-k K. Hublcy, 8 38 .Idlm (.'oofx-r. 1 55 102 S.i.-nh IlilliiiKtoii, 13 SO; David Ynunkiii. .10 Ciniipli.'ll & Turner, 0 .10 ::0 Pliikilt, 3 li 200 (ii-nrge W. Cnldwel, 25 50 (iill A Knitton. 1 1 50 Juhn Koilnnil, 11 22 7'V 1nri)i!. 1 littV. Wm. l'xatcM. 4228 1000 llonry Berk, 84 75 , 6(120 1000 ll.nry I'.ctk, 8S 75 5701 1000 Henry Heck, 83 75 Jolill ('. Ill'i'linrr. j 5018 1000 IL-iiry Heck, 83 75 :.01 10110 Henry Heck. 83 75 42S7 1000 Henry Heck. 83 75 75 Willinin Jlnrlin, tl 0 Miss Kingston. 42S3 .'00 Henry Heck, 45 00 75 Jonntliiin Slierinnn, '.I 00 William Brady. 35C5 177 John MiekoUuii, 16 02 Jfeerl & Liglitncr. 5901 lOiifl Xieklin X 'Uriflin, 75 00 6000 1100 Nicklin & (iriffin, 82 50 6007 1000 Nicklin rf- (iriftin, 75 00 5111 S 1100 Nicklin & (iriflin, 82 50 i'.'ltf 1100 Nicklin A lirifiin, 82 60, 600 Jiiiucii .Mclihee, CO 00 lVtcr I hvi'iis. .1500 4..0 Julin Nickolmni, 40 50 Artlilll- Hell. 4.13 Henjiuniti Cil.l.n. 32 10 (i. L. Hoc.l. 6000 10 7 Nicklin A (iriflin, 75 00 6010 5 Nicklin A (irilVnv, .11 50 5011 20 Nicklin a' liriffin, 23 4 531.1 10(1 Nicklin A (iriflin, 9 59 5015 707 Nicklin A (irillln, 57 54 6921 110(1 Nicklin A (iriflin, 82 60 140 Dnvid Hell. 12 0(1 1 219 FrumpUm Hell. 22 .19 1 JlnfliH Toiriitthip. .Ins. liixon. 89 John Thomnn, fi 87 Liimailiio mill Turner. 20S John Thomas, 1 fiO Smith null Towell. 98 Hiirlinm Pny.ler, 7 i'.C Hunter mid JJrokcrlioof. 185 76 Jimci.li Drinker, 13 MS 408 70 11. S. Drinker. 30 01 Tluiuin Keiul. 100 John Montgomery, 7 50. John Kei.liait. 100 Henry 1'iimiec, 7 50 V. lialisoin. 70 Henry Failure, 5 25 due fur 1S5I and 1855 3 01 George Turner. 100 llniinnh Stewart, Fisher iiiwl Powell. 119 90 Durham Snyder, 119 90 Fii-her, Dolnn A Co. William Albert and brothers. 132 (l.'orpo Hootmnn, 75 John H. Shaw, 63 Luke Kyler, George W. (iearhart. 80 Walter Stewart, 206 JohCph Hull, David (ioss. 62 72 ltichard Thoiras. 64 Lnke Kyler, Itraill'nJil Totrnxiip. J."W. Smith. 346 60 Hugh F.lv, Barker nnil l'enrce. 102 35 John Campbell, 159 Hall and Duck, Ccasar rotter. 200 Blair McLnhnliiiii, Joseph nnil William Smisom. 100 Jntthius Slay maker, 85 Wm. (Irahani, jr., 85 John (jruliam, Levi l'eurec. 100 Aaron Lenvy, Ahrnhnin (iraliam. 90 Isabella (Irnham, Goorjio Turner. 100 Jonathan Nosbit, John W. Turner. 75 William lin(liam, X00 (ieorRO Dixon, 100 (Jeorge Hargcr, 100 Abraham Lnnsberry, 100 John S. Kyler, Hraihi Toirnthip. Havid F.spv. 50; 9 8'J' 5 62 I 7 60 I c 00! 19 95: 12 11 11 14 60 jlsos 1800 , 1002 i 1042 1 11941 I 5307 4 08 10 95 3 66 9 12 7 30! 308 Williiim Kirkpntrick, Hay nnd Sehnell. 100 Itoberta and Fox, ' Koborts nd Fox. 20 34 Robert! and Fox, 60 HobcrU and Fox, 358 Hubert! and Fox, 200 Koberli and Fox, 150 Roberta and Fox, 214 Roberta and Fox, 72 Roberta and Fox. 88 Hubert! and Fox, 720 Roberta and Fox, 640 Robert! and 'ox, 64 Roberta and Fox, 796 Robert! and Frz, F. Date's llate. 35 73 j & 80 1 1l i 62 25 93 14 60. II 43, 26 39 6 22 6 38 65 25 45424 5.1 66 72 15 jm f, i:i l'Ml4 lBtl"l, A rii k niintiM i I 1 1 -1 1 f I l-lllnll, ilnni h I'mrofi, John V, Now plf. J i'r 'li I i rfnn, Murk I.. lt.il.riK Ji"i-.i Kurrnn, Snniiiel Ambtns Till. .ii If. jiii. ik Henry Wjkoir, It II 1 ?ft 81 ! 1 I t 9 I ft 80 I 12(1 70 1 mn .liiiei.ll li7 ;.j 2:0 Z 20 1U0 I'M I.I Kennedy, I 'm i. I Irwin. Kolmru and I' .i, 'nlhni ine I'm ing. Ilnliert Curry. llnrriKiiti Hall. Hi.lierl Cnn r, J n iiirn Hi nd, l'uo I'.ir M54 and 1856, .1. Frerlaliil. 'Afir Sliver, Josejih Mel 'lure, lie.i Kerron, Itohert U08S. Cnsjier Hliver, John I'at ton. Joseph Fernon, M. Lev' heim. I'hrintnin Lower, Chriaiinn Lower, (ieorKe Wenvor, John l'uliois uikI Hro. 91 HoberU and Fox. 9 II I t 20 25 62 j .17 12 11 00 6 70 17 30 4 35 15 00 6 73 15 06 58 II 42 92 11 0 100 134 77 13J 501 .170 100 H!lj ,ii.; 1182 601 521 :;os 102 427 Due 4200 41SS 4271 4241 42.'IS 4242 4001 1.-..U ir:r. 43J'. 43HH 44(iO 4310 115 4- li r.2 101) HnherlK ami Fox, Kuborta and Fox, Itohertii and Fox, Chrixtiiin Lower, Honjamin Hewey, llH..er Htiver, (ieorgo Muni). Hohurm and Fox, W W Fleming H(.beil and Fox, 42 34 1.17 II 75 00 C 44 .16 89 29 93 5 91 4 62 22 60 II 60 11 60 20 80 78 103 A limit Welier. Itobeetn and Fox, Chnrlei Zilyock, Jncob PenW, Conrnd Long. lliirntitU 7')irMi7..'yu Tohll riitehiu. John Nicholson, J ihn Niehotson. JuliH .Nicholson, John Mailer, Ahruhum Winner, Ousper SlinfTur, jr., Cusper ShafTor, (Jcorj;o (irufl", Sninuel Huberts, Daniel Witiuer, John Hublcy, Mntthins Younjr, William UiiiiMiiuu, Mary Huberts, John Trcssler, John Cuinmings, Murtin Mailer, John lltirpo, John Hurch, Henry MusKer, Mary Jenkins, John Tressler, Horner I'litehin. John Jones, Jamei Chapman, Henjainin Trcunnll, J. HnekhoHse, James (ialhiher, 200 100 100 215 100 214 JI80 78 181 114 410 25 180 .100 474 10C 383 203 76 150 204 374 29.1 215 105 .117 .103 .10.1 290 105 424 12 30 26 3V1 47 48 9 8 1 IS 12 13 20 50 4.1 3 0.1 ; 22 14 .16 90 ' 68 30 12 30' 47 06 25 01 9 35 18 45 32 47 j 46 00 .16 00 I 26 40 20 .14 1 42 01 j 49 69 49 69 1 47 6 ; 1SS4) 101.1 1 1022 Huo 17 22 I Mary Crawford, 52 15! Kxeeutors and Trustees of J C Fishor. 121 lieorse Koss, 12 38 duo for 186-', 1853, '51 and '65 18 6 .10 .16 103 John Cunningham. 16 64 1 due for previous years, 24 84 41 48: 209 l'etor fieti, 21 40 I due for 1S54 and 1855 21 16 42 66 223 J. Miisser.-inith, .13 04 I due for IS54 nnd 1855. 32 63 65 66 .110 Frederick Kuhn, 38 J James Thompson. 100 Samuel Roberta. 12 .10 100 fleorge (iruff. 12 36 j Shepley 1'riestley. 110 Christian Stake, 13 02 10(1 H illiiim King, 12 .10 150 John Ryan, 18 45 150 Kliexer McMasers, 18 45' 150 ,ncob Holland, 18 45 ( 'hcxt Tvmifhip, j John Tntton. 43.1 153 John Hrenncmna 64 95 253 James Koss, 33 10 1 JaIhi Fnteliin. 1023 1S00 .111 153 Renjmnin Young, 1 00 163 John Uoy.l, 313 153 Josinh Hynes, 4.1.1 15.1 Thomas Hamilton, 433 153 Martin Worthinton, 398 153 William Wilson, 195 John Winner, Henry S llrinker's Estate, 50 Charles (iobin, 433 15.1 Alexander Htintor, 200 Hobcrf rieiiiin(, 200 Isaac Richnrdsou, 200 Joiinlhan Waiker, Sarah Pawning, 433 153 John Cook, 4.13 15.1 J4sper Kninp. 36 Armstrong and (iainct 46 65 15 00 46 95 64 95 I8S8 64 95 0:il jo ; i'.i;;.i 29 25 1SSS 1028 1020 lo:to S 75 32 48 15 00 15 00 15 32 .12 5 0(1 1 188(1 1017 1010 3050 1887 1030 40 lii inker and Clark. 433 153 Jehu CunniiiKhain, 6194 4.13 153 416 .10 310 118 H'illiam Cook, 64 9j 1018 1018 1800 John 1'atehin. James I'npe, 6i 32 Henry Ferree, 4 32 James Thompson, 100 ni Henry l'ole. li I"' (ieddes nnd Marsh. 1 5305 5300 4.13 153 John Musser. 64 9.i 100 200 100 110 200 Wesley Toner, L 00 James MeCrncken, 18 75 ! 1020 (ieoryo .11. men, 11 -' runon, 9 an IssG Isaac lilooni, 1. oo Byers nnd Montgomery, 10 80 j 8 i .1047 11 2!3t;4S 3 75 1837 4 .10 ln.1,1 CI 9.1 1 7 30 7 05 ' 30 00 House nud lot, Janes Davis, 100 Jefforfon Jordan, 30 (ieorgo lingers, 2.1 John Holes, 433 I.-nuc Kirk and Co. 100 John McForron, 63 John Pntton, 200 John Swan, 100 James White, 13 12 Covington. j Peter A. Kaithnus. ,17S Morris mid Stewart 41 04 800 Morris mid Stewart 03 10 880 Morris and Stewart 03 12 441 Morris mid Stewart 38 70 I'rter Lamm. 2(H) Morris nnd Stewart 10 0.1 . and 0. Smith. 2.10 George Mend, 17 75 Decatur township. James M'liirk's Kstate. 301 110 Thomas Billington, 52 53 Fetor Owens. 404 Charles Risk, 54 14 J. IV. Smith. 202 Mary MeLannlinn, 20 30 2.10 Casper llaynes, 10 75 303 I) Kephart, 30 45 4880 4002 5O03 4807 5(H'.2 5O00 5004 4002 5003 4225 2336 Due for '54 and 5.1. 31 55 08 00 Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 11 49 105 Joseph Whitehall, 14 07 John and David Gearhart, 220 Jacob Dawning, 20 48 Kephart and Albert 135 John Drinker, 13 53 James Albert, 37 40 Joneph Sansora, 5 08 76 00 Wm. Sansom, 7 64 D. 1. Pruner and Co. 200 E. k .1 Harrison, 38 86 300 Joseph Harrison, 40 20 200 John McGirk, 26 SO 100 I. Biitton, 8 75 .iv' a.v.i I ::v.'7 .H.117 3.'. si .r.s;, .'l."i'.i ;ii,ii I .SS ,Vi2 ,M M'l'.l 4I'..I I'.'M 42.Mi .'C72 .'i(i7'i "'i77 M I'M !?) M ,MI I'm t HI l 'J(K) (Ml .'.0 A MI'I J lion Jl) 11111111.1111, 3 Ninny 1 iiwlry, ,1 lleore K J 1 1111 1 , 111 illillllllum lr'llilll, John l..'(nn, l'.lni. Smith, Ssiniiiel Kny, John Weton, t I 11 II (Ml 5 M lVinii'l l'h i I ii 10 L. J. C'rans. 1.11 N7 Tliomnsi I'.lnioiHi.n, j" l'.'.'i HI Joseph llariiMon, 'Jti Ferguson township. lireenwood Hell. 2X l.V.l John llamhrighl, l;t " ,'ir,7ii .M17S John l'ateliin. IVt haniel Turner, 4.(3 A. Moore, Matthias SlonKh, 12 .r):i Charles Huston, l'i 3 tioorno Koss. "'1 -7 21(1 433 4s;i.i 21ft 100 74 .'0 (ireenwo.nl lii'll 12 Alliert Hishop, ,'i James M I Tout ii, 0 Fox township. J. Wilson. 4 SO .':t .Ml for 18j 4 nml ls.Vi. 1 T.r( Ci i.illmnon Huwood, J Wilson, west ji 7 Nuthnn 1 tn i I v. 330 2(H) 40.'i '.2 .SO !'! J Wilson, east J John C. French, J Wilson, east pi 1 11 M :lf 1'. S. Land Cumpuny. James Wilson, 937 21 K3 ,l.i' 1 j ll I nfnt I I .In. 1 J tl t 1. i nn, jit llniii on A rmiln. 1.1 101 HI 1001 1043 Hl',13 1420 1430 !47 y.ts P23 20 0(H) James Wilson, James Wilson, Jaiiies Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, 2 CI 22 is 1 V2 M till Spencer nnd Spilor. 372 James Wilson, S William Oordon. 210 James Wilson, 20 Dimiul Oyster's Katato. 410 James Wilson, 21 Alexander Viiil. Is.H James Wilson, Is I Mi B. lavoii.o!'t, .'1 (ioshen t nv 1 1 .-h i j 1. l'eler Hidor. 21 HI (ieoi-f.'e Me.-ul, II Thomas llmlinm. 03 74 12 (i.l O'.l Hi 35.12 1073 1023 3 103 I 2173) ;;(I0 Mol l is anil Stew art, 17 40 i 1 .10' 8.' Jno Kentini;. 2 Morris .t Stewart, Uniham township. William Bingham, T. Foreev, O'J 202 83 141 12i .10 ! 30 1 I for M4 ami Ml li 03 14 4 .1 40 110 llM) 10,1 207 100 T Foreey, T Copo, Pamiicl Lausberry. George Moore, John Floming. A K Wright, Husocl. Jaspnr fayland, J (irnliam. II 21 23 2.1 1 8 171 William Drinker's Heirs. 300 380 ir.4 147 130 417 104 38.1 195 34 411 121 332 4i'0 382 430 431 28 234 103 .108 John Fry, jr., 28 03 John Thomas, 43 80 ficorce Johrsnn. liernnrd Grntz, Bernard Grata, Ketilieii Haines, John Krup, 41 David Hall, (ieorj.' Wetzel, 1.10 Paul Wotael, Jose 1I1 Henrv, Charles Half. 2.1 27 I 22 48 : 21 41, 04 21 10 (HI n- 1 i'l Ol 30 03 1 .13 .10 I 03 20' 100 William I Kerwin, IS Heuhen Haines, jr. 51 78 11 John Cook, Jueoh Wetzel, Russel and Co. Joseph Simmons, Dnniel W. Headier, 1 14 lfohert Shaw, 114 llvman Grats, ., Cook. Ketihcn Haines, liouheii Haines, 71 70 76 70 07 14 00 .13 I 34 SO j 30 02 1 Kd. Albert and Bro. John Fry, jr. 13 47 : (iirnrd Township. 108 Morris mul Stewart, 10 78 A. and J. Spaekman. 1 307 4.1 Hlorris and Stewort,24 22 A. nnd IV. Murray. 200 Morris and Stewart,2I 4,1 .110 110 Morris and Stewnrt,30 24 ' .130 Morris mid Stewart,20 ,13 , T. II. Fulton and Co. 54C Morris and Stewart, 8 01 , .109 Morris and Stewart, 10 77 1 70 Morris and Stewart, 2 31 ! 221 Morris and Stewart, 7 30 j 720 Morris and S(ewart,.".il 04 314 Morris nnd Stewart, .1 12 400 Morris and Stewart, 0 00 , 220 Morris and Stewnrt,22 37 i 772 Morris ond Stewart,37 00 j I113 Morris and Stewart, 3 43 I Nicholas Houssolet, 11.1 10 Morris and Slowart, 0 44 I Anderson Murray. 1 114 Morris and "Stewart, 9 37 1 Francis Coudriet, 2.14 120 Morris mid Stewart,20 00 ! H. und II. Smith. ! 2.10 George Mead, 24 7.1 1000 George Mend, 33 00 ' ? 111 i ill an 1 (iraliam. 1 2.14 Morris and Stewart, 10 James Nelson. 50 Morris and Stewart, 2 Feter I.ninin. 117 Morris and Stewart, 3 47 Morris and Stewart, 1 07 Morris and Stewart. 8 70 44 83 43 i 0.1' ,110 Morris and Stewart, I'l 33 Huston township. 200 J G Kidder, 105 David Caldwell, William Parker. 4257 H88 11 James Wilson, 4002 420 Wilhelm Willink, 00 10 24 47 40 35 85: 04 I'. S. Land Company. 4231 038 James Wilson, 42 08 4234 .120 James Wilson, 30 81)' 423.1 0S0 James Wilson, 00 22 4220 00O James Wilson, 1.0 27 , 4229 001123 Saines Wilson, 70 .13 - 42:10 ,107 James Wilson, 3.1 50 John Biggs. I -tvo I.l i lineini uiiiiiiK, ,1 u Keading, Hartles and Fisher. 00O Wilhelm Willink, 83 72 4 50 8 10 0 24 83 72 110 88 .15 Wilhelm Willink, 100 William Powers, 110 Wilhelm Willink, 000 William Powers, 000 William Powers, Thomas Holt. 990 II 100 298 250 500 William Powers, . Thayer and Z. Seissen. Wilhelm Willink, William Powers, IV. B. Gordon. James Wilson, James Wilson, 8 40 10 09 21 00 42 00 107 40 107 40 113 (Hi 40 (Hi 100 80 82 12 101 70 John Dubois, jr. ct. al. 2000 1020 60 Robert and Fox, 2001 1080 9 llolierts and Fox, 3503 liKrO 64 Hoberts and Fox, 3001 437 20 Koherts and Fox, 3000 809 121 Rolierts and Fox, 3578 733 HoberU and Fox, 3576 908 10'J Itobcrts and Fox, 1"1t 1l .11 ;',l 24 III I'll :i2 ti ... I'l.l i'l la Kii'l l ot, ll .1 ills nn I l ot, ldil.i'l Is fill lilt, llnhel t rtri'l I n, If . il.t r I ami l ot, llnliel Is mi l I ot, llnhel Is 1111. 1 I ...t, li'.I.el lK nil. I nt, lloliel In 11 f 1 1 1 I'nx, Joliti 'llll.ll, William I'liwers, Jilllli'S Wilsnli, Jnuies Wi :on, 111 70 112 3.1 I I'l 2'! 'I l"' III 21 III 21 117 II 1'fl.l 111.', ti'i.l 1 020 jujii Hi 1.1 Mi! L".l 42:1 2H7 H27 U27 H.SM 317 .'ilHI ,ri(HI llo 4 ! l 01 2:t iMi 2ii .11 :!.'.n;; iiV.r.i :i:.7'.i .!.-,s7 3 V.i 1 3V.i'i 2' H l,S 3.V.IH 11 1 ' I 3.-.M :i.r.M : 173 :s Jmne Wilson, lii'l :'X Jrtliles Wi :on, ld'.l )1 12 ,'n s WiUon. 'j'.i 4,1 .'nines WiUon, Moorr nnil I ehiney,2'.l t'ti Moore Mill I elaiiev.42 00 Moore nml Ivliinev, 12 (HI J. W. Smith. M Monro nnil lielaney,!.! 4(i SI Moore nml Helanev, 1.1 4i'i Si Monro mul lelaiiey,.lrt 2'.l llainiuoiiil & Jones, K 40 .lor. inn township. Cooper and l'luey. .147 .117 It'll IlHI .11 J'J.ene.er llrenliiim. lrt 20 10 274 433 4:i3 1.10 120 2110 Ailam Kiilm, I'lilcliin and Swan. 113 h'ielinnl Martin, Thomas Martin, I'm till ti.l 00 00 Is ill! ;;n no 1.13 I'.'iilaimii Y mmr, Sninuel Jordan, William Wilson, Iwnr.l and James (iilligan. l 200 Kiuiiel Smith, 30 nil 300 ,olm I'utehin, 1,1 (10 Knrthniis township. I'. A. Karthnus, lino 77S .107 200 .1.1.1 .ICS .173 Morris ami Stewart, fiO (iO Morris hikI Stewart, 00 21 Morris and Stewart,, IS 81 Morris ami Stewart, 24 20 (icorj;o llrculiirimis. 120 William Smith, r,3 SO l.'tS William Smith, li.l SO 120 William Smith, tiO 47 . Devisees of John White, Kaij., I 70 22 Charles Willin.x, 4 04 ss (i;is Charles Willink, 7 (IS 147 Charles Willink, 37 00 llenrv Ynthors. 1007 100 Charles Willink, 4 ,"-, (leorge Vnux. 1041 .113 O.'i Monis ami Stewart 20 70 Lawrence Towniihip. Solomon Kline, Huberts and Fox, 0 01 2(H'3 151 Knox Townaliip. I Oram, Hlake and I'urle, 437 435 433 '433 420 433 4:!3 433 433 48 Heul.-en Ilavnes, 30 32 .10 Luku Moties, 30 1.1 1.13 Jose.h Milliard, 38 07 1.13 llohei t Gray, 38 07 I 41 John Bring'hurst, 38 01 ! 113 Sarah Ward, 38 07 I 1.13 George Eddy, 38 07 113 Mooro Wharton, 38 07 153 George Ashton, 38 07! Itiehard l'o'era. I 100 Susannah Ward, 17 00 1 Benjnniin R. Morgan. 1 433 113 William Hunter- 38 07 1 120 J. Horsey, 20 12 Dun for 1855 and 18.17, 15 41 34 57 John Piitehin, 433 433 433 250 2IHI 200 1.13 Israel Morris, 50 70 .10 70! .10 70 ; 153 153 Benj. Poult liey, Martin Pierrie, Sohn Boyd, 40 ,).i : ! Philip JiOast, 23 40 . William Johiison. 23 40 , V'ilson Hoover. 80 Silas Wilct, 23 00 107 200 120 100 433 203 433 433 300 133 000 2( HI loo 210 iniel Iliinsinnn. Mav, 1858, the 1 i.V,n!'ck'7 .estate, to wit: 11 m 1 i.oneriso,., ,., v Thomas McFlvee. e,, 1 . Jonathan Jones, John M. Chase. 153 Caleb Foulk, George Wescolt, 153 Hebcrt Wharton, 153 George Sen If, John Boyd, 153 Hobort Wharton, Isaac Thompson, Isaac Thompson, 11 .10 31 .10 50 3.1 15 70 t70 P.I 50' Isaac I lioinpsun, J ( Thotniison A F.glem'n,2S (18 Mnrrx tu'i tifh in. Kilnard Perks nnd Co. Jesse Yarnal, Pescr Yarnal, K. C. llurton. 10 liobert (ilcti, IV ui. 11, Holiertson. John P.est; 421 300 78 18, .o : . oO ; I 50 32 ' 40 Snyder nnd Lnrpe. 183 Francis Johnson 20 ! Shaw nnd Sf John Smith. 433 433 433 433 279 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 100 205 1(H) 00 407 203 438 23 IlHI 231 50 113 153 153 153 1.13 153 153 153 153 153 1.13 153 Thomas Morris, William Morris, Samuel Meredith, William Miller, Hettv Morris, 04 04 23' 01, 01 23 61 23 j 41 41 1 Thos. Fitzsinimons, 04 23 George ( 'lynier, 04 23 04 23 04 23 04 23 04 23 04 23 Kohert dray, Patrick Moore, Mary Morris, Magnes Miller, Nirlbro Fra.cr, Wm. Hoover. 153 Francis Johnson, S. A. J. (iralz. .12 J nines Wilson, 18 50 20 89 17 04 13 40 00 122 139 liobert Morris, Wm. Morris, Hiehrrd It. Smith, 00 24 30 04 04 81 John Jiuum, Win. Stewart, J. A. Crrwford; Simon Gratz, T. Kcpple. John Nicholson, Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, Swart and Bower, Francis Johimon Duo for 1815, Joseph Dipard, Blair M'l.anahan, Joseph Potter, Henry Cramer, (Jasper Shafner, Vim township. William Itiglcr, 14 Nicklin A lirifiin, 140 Nicklin A Griflin, Nicklin A Griflin, Nicklin A Gritl'm, Nicklin A Gritl'm, Nicklin A (iriflin, Nicklin A Grillin, Wm. Hepburn, Cochrane tract, fireenwood Bell Blah Johnson, Vtlr tmrnthip. John Nicholson John Nicholson John Nicholson James Hopkins, 64 John NichoUion 41 John Nicholson (14 John Nichalson 64 John Nicholson 60 Roberta t Fox. lu Hols A l,owr XI Hnlrts Fox, W. 0, Knos. 85 James Wilson, 15 James WiUon, 33 00 11 10 10 34 40' 00 40 1 50 00 50 rm., .vj.il Vlti l 70 40 1100 0 l'i 674 1003 HHHl I O00 515 83 168 llH) 000 340 480 58 8.1 50 01 37 41 .18 85 1.1053 5025 , .1952 ' 5054 17 Si 35 3.1 70 35 5781 5778 5778 18 90 10 71 15 12 5783 5785 5774 5775 1020 819 683 820 32 20 .1 S.l 21 55 25 83 3590 1020 3582 799 32 13 : 4552 4258 957 888 .'.777 l":M M .170 5770 21 .177.1 .IS I r.ii J..I1I1 N ii li. N.'M I '.mil l 1 1 hi l. rk II. .. M' Sn.nl. i n ! 11 II i'.' "V John Nirl iN.m. W in. Vi 'im . John N i )i..l .in, 71". ... .... hn Ibilioin ii,, mi l I'r J. '.'"'.I liUli 1 1 120 till 3.1S 7m) li.'nl no 4:1.1 3(10 271 2oii 3,10 .In 2fi2 .Ml I .Hi 111 H..l, ii. ,1 I .'X I 00 K0I.1 ii ,v Hill 'I'l Is, l'o (i'l llol.ei s A Hnlii l ts A Hol.i i Is A Koliei t l A Hol.ei ts A linlierrs A lot , . I 'o lox Tot inx r.i.t J'o.t I'OX l.l I'J :i H Kohert A. I'o.x Koherts A l'ox 21 !M Hi .in II 1 I II 00 IS (ill li t" .",:i .14 j ii in I 21 O'J ' Hchei ts A Holn-l Is A lox l'ox (iaithuul 1 1 in Koherts A Fox Henry Baily li, W . M 001 e, Dnvid Woolnier, Henrv Whitehead. II .(('((I'l ,'.'C'o..ll(. John Pali hiii. 3o .lolin ( 'aniioii. 51 48 Win. B. Hegarlv. .".1 1 110 103 433 433 2:',7 210 21.1 130 433 210 130 334 210 438 413 107 .rge .Meek, 40 82 MrGhoi! A Co, .1. Ill I 'liri'tian Slake, Miithi.is Young Christian H ager. (ieo. Mus.'.cr, Thus. Ye.lle., 11 50 25 17 .10 37 50 37 30 84 27 30 27 OS 122 113 113 48 Daniel (Ulley, 27 71 ieo. J'aker, jr 27 Ml Timothy l'axton, l'i 113 John I'.ingo 50 113 John Musser, jr. 28 1 II Joseph Ashluiili'e, .10 42 I'igot Shaw ' -13 i 18 78 42 Selia.sti.iu Gran", 73 Thos. Edmouiison, Wright M'eliges. 77 Samuel J'.mli n, 82 Thomas Xiel, 28 (IS 10 01 57 02 1 1 00 Samuel I logurty. Bdijamin .lolnison 31 241 Wm Hill Inn 200 41 B. Alexander A 'o. Hull A Morgan; 13 William Wilson. 13 Daniel Faulkerson, 1.1 S. 1'. S!io!l'. Mary (.'oimell. 1 Dr. Daniel limit, 113 Philip I.oa't, Oii 113 Jaeoh li. Howell, 50 113 William Johnson, .10 03 George Backhouse, 13 433 433 433 loo 300 200 98 121 401 111. John Morgan, 3'.) 00 John McCahen, 20 78 John Lampblack, l'J William Alliert A Bro- Eli ilootman, M H. Ke.hart. 2S Saml Amlilelon 5 I 71 JOHN M'PHKK.SiiN, Treas. SHERIFF'S SALES. V.v tin virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni !' Exponas, Fieri Facias, and l.evira acias. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearlield County, and to mo di- iectcd, there will l.e exposed to public 'sale, at the court house in the borough of rieuifield. on Mnn.lav the 17tli dnv of following described real A ivrlnhi (rat of luni, (jtual! cl0st township, Clearfield county, on Wilson's Hiin,1iounded by T. Wilso:i, T. Woods and others. Also a lot in Newburg, boun- tlianiel . Seued, taken 111 (led by '?. Wilson, Chest Creek, and the execution, and to be sold as tl c properly road leading to New Washington, with a of John M. Scott. house and stable thereon. Seized, taken Also a certain tract of land, sittmlu ii" in execution and to be sold as the proper- '""'st town.-hi)i, Ch ai held county, con ty of David Mitchell. , taming 70 acres, bounded by lands of Tho Also A certain tract of land, situate in mas Woods, John Taggarl, and Williali' Decatur township, beginning at a post, corner ol Schooly Scotts survey thence north, 50 east, 120 porches to 11 post on I line of Thoiiia.i Yeater ; north, 40 w est I 1 11 perches to a po.st ; south, 50 west, 120 perches to a post 011 Scott s line: thence along hiiid line south, 40 cast, 111 porch es to place, of beginning ; containing loo acres, neing part ol a larger miimj wit J40 acres cleared, and house and barn .thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Jacob Ginler. Also all the interest of Levi Lutz, of, in and to a tract ol land, No. 1003, patent ed as "Smithlield." also to all his interest in tract No. 1807, patented sis "Deiry," both in the townshin of Coviiiutoi:. Clcar- Held county, and on and near the West Branch of the Siioiiehana river. Subject to the balance of purchase money due to V. Karlhaiis thereon, and to all the legal rights of the purchaser from Levi Lutz therein. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of the said Be. vt Lutz. Also certain tracts of land, situate in j Morris township, viz: one tract containing j ."iil acres, bounded north bv lauds of S. A I.l. Hoover, east by A li. Wright, sou t It by j Joseph Potter, mid west by lands of j Wright and Thompson, having about SO ncres cleared house, barn and vouiil' or chard thereon, being same premises, bought by defendant from Gratz et al. Al so defendant's interest in 434 acres of 'land, known as the Hulling Stone tract, surveyed on warrant to Richard Smith, 1 with a house and stable thereon erected, 1 nml eight acres cleared being tho same 'premises lioughl Irom .Nelson ox to. Also defendant's inleiit in 244 acres of land, known as the Basin tract, surveyed on warrant to Smith, being same prcmi- pes bought from J. J. I. ingle. Also, a lot 'of land in Kyh rtow 11, adjoining Wright on the ea-st, a street 011 the north, Hoops on tho west, and 11 11 alley on the soutu.with a house and stable thereon. Seized, taken in execution, mi'l to be. Mild as ;he pro perty of James M. Leonard, Also a certain tract of land, situate in Ferguson township, containing about 01 acres liotliuleil I iy lamlsol '. V. Iloyt, jSlar- ;.. V.,ti I. 1) l'ivu ,.;il, e, , . ... i.i. acres cleared. Seized, taken in execu - tion and to be sold as the property of Greenwood M'Crackeii. Also n certain hit of land, situate in 1 Ansonville, bounded by road hmdinc to, (ilea Hope, Ac., .10 l'eot in front, and run-1 ning UacK oo leet witli plunk house thereon. Seized, taken ill execution, and to be sold IIS the ITOIiertV of .lon.illmn Mays. a y - . - Also a certain tract of land siiualein' Penn township, beginning at a chestnut, tliencc along laud ot drier Bell, jr., north, 52 eitst, P.I3 ierches toa post ; nlong lands of James Crossby north, 38 east, 05 perch es to a post : along lauds ol Jolill Hep burn, 52'j 103 nerches to a post; along land of Moses Owens, south. 30 west. 081 Iperehcs to a chestnut containing about. 32 13 . (0 crcs, about thirty acres cleared, and log house and barn thereon erected. Sei 30 18 7,ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as 27 98 tho property of Samuel C. Hepburn. At .1 .l;M', in IV. 1 "'.I .i',ii,. II,, In." M.. h i" tl,.- ...1.. k.ii in . t ' 1 'I ,. 1 I I , , ', 1 M ... I. i, I,.,,, 1 1 in. 11 ; io li "tit t, n 1 . , I 1 1 , . ; .'ii (It,. ; 1' I' :. t 1 I. hi ..li 1 : . I,. ..ii I'.U'I " I ':'!, 11 Allp. ll I I Tl . nl'. I lr ,iin ' v ! I mi l ii "Ollll . 11 li to l 'i,. "I. ol II . ill! to t l. Hie S.'i niln .il. nli I II 'i la I ' I, ,1" I ' . il' l .1 ;i . il. !,, ...' ,,.' I , (, ,,( land. il 'i. 'ii' in Hi. 'i.i 1 1'. I t"vii hip, l'J ' 'I, ,n Hi ! I 1 ,,,'1,1 v, 11: cm ,1 ,,ii w.ii ran I o 17 Tl,". in. - M i ... , ,'n, I "..',l, 'I I y surveys ''" in ll'" 1 1' M.o : 1 'loialinu all. I Ko- 00 I, i t I : . 1 1 , on ll.. i,.,, ; I , , n t,,. , r,..t ,y Njl'utrii'k M".ii.''-mi: , , cii th,. m-.s; Lv ! M.irv Sand '.ith . ntniioii i'J I io;..-. I.'e the sHiiie in. 11 lr, . (,., .'j'tini' out of said sui'U',1 tl,, . (..i.,W'i t 1 Sam- ui l Kay, .l.uues I'.iwlry A '1 'hri-topher Kr.it. '.1 r.) t i -t 1 n-r w ith liio her, ilitaiiu nls and a Hii'toiian.v-. S. li'.l. ink i n in e.Mr eutiuii, and to l.c M..l m the property of Jos. ''h V.. Lilian, Daniel la ilain, Samuel Kay, Jom H in i i-n, and Jaiues I'.iw . AI-.) -a ei'i'laiii Ir.'i 1 of I., ml, rituatu in Woodward tow n-hip, ln.uii.l. . l.y lauds ol Cli'.'illi. 'Id Coal A Tiiul.el- (V'npii:i , and Camhriii and Biair e-.unty line.-, with two hoU.-e. and sniall tal.ie-i thereon. Seized, taken ill exeeuti in, and to l.u sold as tho property of Henry l'eiuiiii.:lon. .Moo --a certain tl act ol laud, silualo in Woodward and Kiio.i towiishijis, eoiitaui ing loo aeie., I.onnded by the Belana Trad, Ji.-eph Smiih. J.-.;..'ic M'Kee, and others, wilh two dwelling houses, a stable a 11 (I saw mill thereon, and 20 acres clear ed. Scuod, taken in execution, and to bu sold as the property of Isaac Wilson. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Morris township, cunt .niii! bin acres, hounded north by lunda ot'S. A J. Hoover, ea-t by lands of A. K. Wright, south by Joseph Potter, and vest by landa o'f Wright & Thoiii..n, having about 80 acres cleared, and house und barn and or chard thereon being the saiue premises bought from Graiz et al. Also, defend ant's interest in 4 ! I acres of land known as the Hulling Stone Tract, surveyed on warrant to Itiehard Smith, with a house ituid stable thereon, and 8 acres cleared same preine-.'- b.,u.. !it iVoni Nelson A. Coj Al-o, defend, nil's i.iU-i'e-t in 24 I acres of land known ns tim Basin on warrant ! Si.iii ii Pr.n t . surveyed b.jiiigsanii! prc- luie.s lioiigtil ..in 1 .1 ill Ky lei lov. li, the east, I loops on on t he north and s stable thereon. Si I. .1. .'ail Also, joining li'rilit oil the we-t, and others mtli, with 11 house and ize 1, taken in exeeu- tion, and to b, sold as .lames M. Leonard. the j.rojierty ol Abo a certain tract of land, hiluata in Decatur tow n-hip. bounded by lands of Henry K ephart, John 1 1 iituei sluugh, and the Bybeiry Tract with log house, log barn, nnd 70 acres cleared th ereon. Sei zed, taken in execution, and to bo sold a" the .ropeity ol Joseph Millsvard. Al.-o a certain tract of lan d, situate ill Ferguson luwuthip, containing 100 acres, bounded by lands of ( i. W Scott, Hunter, (joorgo "Ai'.liams and John Campbell with log house, log barn, and orchard, and about twelve acres cleared thereon. Sei zed, taken in execution, and to be k;old a: the property of Greenwood Young A Nan ey Young. i Also a certaii: tract of land, Bituato ill I township, containing 50 acres 1 of unimproved timber land, hounded 01! the east by Barrett, north by John Green. south by John Looker, and west by Na- 1 o.er, whii ai.out. liiiy acres cleared thereon. Seize, I. taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Thomas To zer and Lewis I lagan. Also three certain lots of land, situate' in Cm w ensv ille, known as lots Nos. I". 4 1 and 43, bounded by Filbert street on the west, an ulley on the south and ea.d and (ieoi a street on the north lot No. -12 lying between said b ling house, tan-vard. ts bavin;; n dwel and other hou:.'." 1 ::i . A.'.-iition, and i , of Sainuel I' (hereon. Seized to be sold as the Tavlor. I: P: Also a (rti.iii lr.'. P.Ogg- (oil llsllip, .-. il', bounded on ioc t ast ..ltd sittiale i.. ' thirty an, .-iileal. lio;'.! snilii by li, ii. one taveni erected, aim thereon. Sei- aim iV I' by J. Mm al and J. I'L gal. Ki fe lui niil." - !ia in.; a house mid barn thereon about one acre cleared laud zed, taken in execution, and lo be sold ih the property of David Frazer. Also A certain tract of laud situate in Ferjiiison 1 1... ccntainiiiL' 150 acres: bound ed North by the Houston tract, Fast b - iciioias I uiihs, soul Ii l.y ( ortiebus Tubbr, and west by Amos Tubus, about 80 acre cleared, w ith two large dwelling houses, 2 barns, nuthouses, shops and 2 orchard: thereon. A Uo a tract of land lying west of the above, bounded by lands of Jlotls ton; Nicholas Straw, Jo, 'in l'ateliin, and the above tract, w ith about 30 acres clear ed hewed log-li..use, Barn and orchard thereon. Seied taken in execution an.' to be told as the properly of C. D. A G. F Tubbs. jusiaii h. hi;i;d, ai.'jr. 1 )I.AMI.Itl 1 1.. tailed hiii ltI(;,Xh.) subscriber, hnviin If in tho In,r,.ii")i of C'le.irlielil wont, I mt'jrin llie piLli,- that he is y quired t do work in tlio nhovc line, from plnin fo oni.nnen tnl of any (ieseri,ti,.ii in a work ma n ii U o ni.inner. Also wliitevnshin mid ri'miri.j; done in it lieu! inuniier ami mi reiisonnhle terms. LI)W :X CdUl'kH. Clearfield, ,i'iil 17, ISS7. ly. li'inh'S! li'iohs'! I)' Vl'.INCi the roeenl lire tin. iiii.:.rsi;'ii..d losl ll iiiiinlier of .MiM-elluiKiiiis ho iks, in lie liasty removal ol lua Iihrurv. I'i imiiis liui in. ', . i-nun i.i"i huh in uiiino wliether gut on luiin or niliorwi-o, wii eonler n favor li- letiir : March :;. isjc. i - .. JdSKPil liem ini.if..liuioi v. ii. ii. i-wiioi'i:. I'F.' I BBS. .-'ilv ithf '.'" , 'li!' K door east of Mout'lius ,V. Tea Eye V7 Slme. All lni; iiie.-s cntin -i- 1 In him nil I bo promptly intended t ., mi l nil in-mim nti o 1 writing done in short notice. March, 31, ISV.S.-y. CAIi'T'OX All persons, are hereby e niheiv) I n.vninst i!ire!ci.iing a '..rtnin notu drawn bv mo in liivorof St vy W. Tlionrps.Ki, dilvl '."nil ; August, is..;, lr Jl , as 1 hnv.i not receivdd Tulno therelor an. I will n .1 rmr il I 'A X IK I, I'.oWM VV. April 17lh. 18.V7. ;tt -pd. CUMMINtiS it MliflAl-TV, MERCHANTS and Kxtensiv Healers in Luu. ber, A.'., New Washington, Clearlield com, if, Pa. tei. 2, 'i, 1 ly. 83PPiiiictu dity is the life of Im-inev.