Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 14, 1858, Image 4

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I .
" 1
i :..
. I:, i ii-
I ,
l. - I'l.'l I
.V,.rl, -:i
' 'In. I i
Win. v.'. i
!.llnl in i'i
.t III lull 'I 1.
I'ikc, v.i-.-l
mil ii I v ! ii--
can "!' Nn. .
Ai: l i. -'i. '
Win. A. W;,1;,
nil ill'- 1 '1 i
I'll in!. m;M 1 ':
l.-l.-.l iU !i!
c.-t-iiiii a i
M.inl,. A. .
I'.v tlu C.t,
- mi'
itcl in llic oil;
i-it''i' mul K' i'
liuol; iii'i1 nf v.i
-ll)l'ly I'itiirl' i
lilV N-IhkiN i't
,tii,.-tanlinl I.!''
'icnts ii i.if.'i', .
oents a piccv.
Till' licnlili- ii
! 1.
I in'
ulhii inviti"! to
iiny il'iiini i"ii li
make in ,'ii'l c! ti
Si,liiH liy i f.l'-i-
Cosmopolitan art As:.".'C;
vk i)r,-.-i:i.ii'.i',r '..i.i.;:i;v
IXliS ! imi'
lui.-cl ill il in
1 r-'ii.. w u .--I '
i l:i-'ii-;iii,l
UUll PoUtT Willi
li-i, imi, .iM' l f-r
li .- I. A V li ! !
.-', n I'll f.;v
ill I'llilllin:-,
i .;.
in i,
rill lillll'll, '1 "111 1' . "i ' - ni
AVuli'tui-L' ;in-l l!i"Hi-, i"i,i,
10 Im nHiiril.i l In Iii'.' .-'.''-' ii;,
'ilitim Arl Anciitli -it. i '.- .
I'Sth it l ii ii u it ry , l'--', nt w'i'i
11 ill In!." f ;n-".
Ttu , ,v .-,
Kvury suli-i-n!" r ,,f i ' - - ,
A c-ny of lh" l..r.' nn-l ,'
vine, eiilillt-il "Mami r.- r Ih.
A oij of 1 1.0 iVum ';..'!. In
yi'ur, io in
A coriiliiiiti' in ilu' :i "i.l "
11, -I-
V till!
i.f tin
l' 1."
"...I ' (lilill.'l I-
.nil I Steel laira-
ii'iV." no to i
i .i t J "iiriial one
A Hoc n'Iiiii.--i"ii I . I
pulitiih palloi io-.
Tim- it i :, ' n t nt ' . i
tho -nl -i-riln r ii '., i v.- i !
ilulliir Kn;;ravii:j.', I il, :..
trnliil I)ui,f .;...
Fliii'h siil'1' ill '-r i- nl- i '
lificnlc in llio Aw.r. I- ' f 1':
YllllUlI'lc Hi lit I'I All. i'i I'
may lie rweciv '1 in ml ,
gul'soriln r tin ,';'. i ni,-', it"
fur, mi'l a C'-i litii-i.l" ,- .'', .
Any i, no in' lim n-:, li:- ;
ni.-lio'l, in -L i.'l nf l.ii .-: i, vi
ifili'siro 1.
N'i I'l't-i-nii i- r," tri' '."l t'i
tailing livo i:il-m.'h'- !, ' r-
-l- l Hi
i.l. il
lith a r..,-
ho iihioli a
,' i.r s'.-tilptli: e
L,ll illr I" el ,'l.v
'no m' . ' i 'L l
, .Ma.aini
ami Ar.
il L' ! - ' si. 111"
I'tu' ; 1 1.
J., in mil
" i-nti-
tloil Iniin txiin l.i'.r.'i in nii'l i i
1'nll I'urti-ul .is I i!.,. a--.ii-i:itii,n
till' Al l .I' lM-t'ltl. lv 1 Ji i-.,;,.!!!!;, i, ;
- ,lll
iliil t.nrai nit , 1 1
Sii-iii''ii -..; 1 1-- -li.'.-iro
In nil".-- ril,",
sta ll'l.. 1 1 .'. ci r.t - i
A'l'li.'s I'. I,.
I- p. I-1,111
.nil p.-r-'. i
ul live :
iii-:i'i;v. a,
. :- ft .-
In. ai ' C. A. A.
Iiin'v. N. V.
it a wnssvn !.::. ,
i ,- "oil kii jivn
is i -ii'iy tn iio-
r Ii i i,i with i heir i In. supplied I
mid his Bar willi ;
niil I.,' under I
JL slnlld in t I.i' I-
connno'lat-' any n
pnlmni,". lit- T;
with the ho.-t tlio in,,
the choioo.-f li ii ,r
the caro nf iitt.-titiv,'
Aiuil s, 1n.i7.-1v.
wi'! id'
.-ll' I-.
A rii7-,:
PIllC nmlcisi-;!,, -1, an Auditor M l ointod Li
the Court i I l h ;:l !' Id C(ii;t,iv. to ilistli'nuio
the assets of Z huluii .ii nnr, in ilu- lininl of
Isane llortnt), Son. A 1 mi ii i -t ni i. r, ;ivos iiutioo
that ho will nlli nd In ilu- san-.e on S.-iunliiy. Ihe
"111 of Miin-h, I'dTiee.; tho hotirs of 1 and 1'.
in., ol the nliii e of riiiu r A 'J est in l loin :,, id,
when and w hero all person- interested niiiv at
tend. lMiAtl. TLST, Auditor.
Feh. 21, ls.iS.
Post Master, SKrrliant, and cxten-iro .'.oi
ler in siuaro tiinhor, bnards shingle, lo.,
(jriih.'iintun, Pradforil t-'iinsliip.
in. 2H, lsjfi.
Dlacksniltll. Vatj'ons, Bussric", Ac, &
X) on nhort iiotiec, and the 1 cry Iicst .-ityle, at hit
old stand in the borough of Cm iieti.-ville.
lH.c. 2'J,
- .
II. l'.THO.Mrt'ON
1. , , ... '
)l,ysii1lat.,,ni,yh.' nt ofiico.
at Sonne, d? h .iol, l uiivcn.-vii;,., 1. iion'iin!
lll'ltf , ,1 I I V 11 I I I,... 1 -.
rJ. -' 1 1 .
ALL person, nvo hcroM- raiitioiicd iicainst
incddliiiK wiih tho ful oiiini; iTupcrt v'. now
111 the possc.-.-iuii of J.'nrk Ma.iiiie, n aiil prop.
erly was bought bv u at Shonll's snlo ami ,,ft
wiih the mid Ma.-o.irr ,11 !:, : 1 Wa,.,i, (jm.
bor lt "l, I head homed c.itt'c. Ill -heep, nl.-o one
(.orrel mare h.'UL'h! I v u of Mii hal l'ranlt -.,,,1
left with .Murk Ai tguir
Fob. 21, 8.',!.
on hum.
J. P. XLL:
ox I to.
.1 riuror.s x,th f.
uinler-igncl ni Auditor appointed by
Ihe Orphans' Court nf Clearfield cuni,-
Movc'iibor Setsioii, ls-7,
lo audit the Admini
traliuii account of 1 ,:. r,m, .,milliy,r f J
tlio e.-Uite Jnlm J., ,p.c j, 10r,,,T iv,
notico Hint ho will di.cha, the dlticsorhi. nn
poiulinciiloii Tliiir-'Iii.v the 2jthof March, lsj-i
at 2 o'ci'iok. p. .. of sai l day. nt tho ollc of
Liirriini-r .1 1 -t m the bnronnh of Clnarfleld
when and w lu re all per-on- intere.tcd uniy at'
l",'a, ,- . J-JI-iAi;i;i.Mi:it.Au.ii,,,r.
1 eb. 2 I, I s .
M;n coons.
1 1 v it II 'pnlo.
i r :.w i 1 1 i l
. i . . .
, nil
1 i I "I
. ,
t i-:
!v I'.i
Ti: II.' I i
I A, ,!
I,.m f-r
: i
i; i
, I ! I '
II, 1- I. Ill- 1 '"
nt'- will l
-II I 111 ,
-.' Ill I III'
'I I .ml,
V.. H
1,1,1.1 I II - il
II nil. I jii.Ij!
'UK MiliM-lil-lT iliti'lll." his frirmlK ini'l Mil-
pul.'.ir Fi-IHTlllly tlll't l.o i" ll'-v l''-.'-,'" ' 1 '1-
i i in tin- oi l i-lmp on !., i:it-if o-i'ii
.!;-i , l ,l i, ii nl nil. r n lirn- lie liopr I'.v .-i ' :- i i
li'i.iii.ii, iiinl 1,i-i 'ii n cli-rk l n.-"i li'il ii"ii I
in i il il.,- luvnr "I' I In' I'lilili''.
I'uiiiili y . i,,il, no mill i-ih iu'vi-r rt l'ii.-'-'l. An
ii,,r,-iilii-i' frniii III lo I''..'nrs il'iiu-i" niil nn ' I
tt tlU 11 .-itli'lli'ill if HI 'I'lil-llli 11 I'I' lllll'l.'
;::u. w. i::i.
L I. A li - -
ill -r il tin.-
n tl"
an 1
A. u a k, it'iiinsr .t. a i.l. it i:
AV1:. ilii- ilav ni.-ni'-ialo'l llu'iiin'K i - a fin I-
li' r- in tli" I'l-ai-tii o i.l I'm- law in U -.iil.'-ul
ili-iniiii: i-iniiiti"-.. Tli" Ini.-itii " "'ll. n-
nn, I
i-ti.,,ii I," i-iuiii'il on in 1 1 io iiiinii. nf iliiniii
W'alliii'o. Jlin-iiii'.-s tu llioin, mil ro-
,' ,r,)ti.'t nnil i-iiri.'litl n l.i-iiti-ii.
Ji,i. li I, I l.'.7. ly.
C i:M'll A I, IIO IT '.l.. Tjriiiic, I'ii
Alii) -iil..-or:l'or iv.'.ilil r.'si.oe.-. fully nifnrin 1 i
nl, I liii'ii'ls in Ch-iirii'.'lT on., ami tht" -i'"!:o
rallv, that ho li'"- lul.i'ii tho nlmvo llmi.-".
lll.t-lo lit' Wiilil'l lio lill'iy tn ili-coniiiio'liito nl! lihn
v liivnr liim willi llioir ,'iist'iin.
W.M. II. llKNI'llKSON.
June 10, 1,-7. l"l.
,IOII II. Al.llN .. I).
Xnl. 2 & i (.'liortllllt St., (snlltll fiilol'i'lmv lial.T.)
''I.iit iinnii-wAiii': H'jrsi: in thi: i hi ,
AM l-'AOT ltKKS iin.l H li,,lo.-a!o il.-nk-i-.i
I'atoiit Jiiioliine-niiiilo illlnnM-, Pnt-
cnt l.linivotl v e'lar-lviir,', irttmnttnl Hut hi lnttt
tVonil ,t iliiiiv-imro, C'nr'l.s, llru.-li"s, ,t c, nf
Jo-i-rii'timi-, l'loii-e tiill mill o.vf iiiiiio nur fin o I,s.i7.-ly.
JOHN taiTkika $ co.
MS (.V. A'...) J.ri7.-..f t.,
Ntiiit'i'ii-hir. '. in. ', (('
, ii'nl, IM II mi' ( 'iil'li na'
Wholesale and Tketail.
"I T. & CO., wouhl cull llio altotiliun of ,,,
? ' rrrt ami the I'uhli,- gunenilly to their iia
ini ii-e Stuck of Fancy Tur.- lor lanlio.-, liontlo
I 1, i -n ai. l (.'nihlren j their assortment
every vnriety aii'l kiml of Vinry ' , ,
; o Wuin tlui iu the season, such ns
, -,, CjH-i. JI,,' C,,p,
mux, r,W...-, '', li;
( ..-. ,',-i,i,t (I.,- ji,
j ;,', t; tin Imi-ivl'j r
, Quiii-li-r Ci'c, 'ri'
-. Mnifx i'r N'ljl'i- !
.t J,'. i.ixl,i,i ,Ki- I
r lhnucshC i
For Gentlemen the largest ns-orttneiit of M"U
( Ul.I.AIiS, (il.OVi;S. (iAVXTI.KTS, Ac. I cin.i:
tho direct importers of all our Fur mi l Manu
facturer ot Ihcin iiiuler nur ow n Mipcriision, no
feci satisfied we can oiler hotter ii.d.icetucnts tn
ilcilers and the puhlif Konerally liiim any other
hotise, liaviii an iiunien-e asoi tnient to sele.-t
from and at the manufacturer.-' price,. ll',- o,,,'
ns,- ii mil.
Sept. Il, l-S.,7. -I 111.
- - i
I. tksti
jai. ll. i.Ani:nii:n.
Clearliehl, Pa., will attulid proniptly tu Col
pilous. I, ali'l A'i'lioios, .V.O., ui'., in Cienilioiii
Centre and F.Ik eouhlios. July ;!. y
u3Lf LP 12, J. -t vJl iL
.NO. til) WALN l T STIIMKI',
1) 11 li A I, Y A CO., Miinvfai-liiiers of Ilm-k:
, thin (ilovon and Mitt, I.nilios' nud (ien
llcinen's liiiuntlots, Sparrinfr, Simrd and Cricket
I (iloven, Duclis.iii Shirts and liranei., llidini; ,1
Shnulin l.c'.-iiiK, Walking (laitors, of Cloth
and Leather, liiu liskin and lmliii Uuldier Sus
, ponders, Wai.-t Holts, Money Holts mid Purses,
Sleigh l'olitK, and Uufl'ulo Skins of every dnscrip
: tion.
I N. P.. Ihukskins of all color anil qiialilics,
-Knaiiiclcd Cowhide, Importer! of Chamois, Spnti
I ges, Ao.
jrCcThe atlciilton of tho inon liaulr of Clonr
li -hi enmity is respeetfiilly called to the nhove
inh ertiscinent. P. llenly A Co. iniiiialacture tho
al, "ie cnod tlioinselvc. and will receive in cx-
ehiiitifc I'EEIl SKINS, und allow the highe.-t
en.-li f.rico for Ihc same.
Sept. Lsai.-ly.
STALl-'l'MIl 111111,11V,
(' h a p Watches a nil Jcwelrj.
i yiIOLSALE und P.FTA1L, at tho Philadcl
j phia Watch and Jew elry Store," Xo. lis
, (old Xo, JM!) Xonh Second Street, corner of ynar
ironi d ry, I'hilad'a.
'(' LorcrViiUhc8,full jeweled IS c. case
, (iold Lupine, lit carat,
Silver Lever, full jeweled
! Silver Lupine, jowels, - -
Superior yunrtiers,
j (lold Spectnelon
Fine Pilrer Spectacles
(fold liracelets
:'S 11 0
21 no
12 no
11 en
7 im
7 no
1 oil
? !!
, l.ii uy s (iolii rtncil.-. 1 on
Silver Tea Spoons, per set, j (in
;(;old Pens, with Ponoil and Silver Holder, 1 On
1 U"'1 F'nR" Kinps 37J cent? to fin. Watch
ol"-"'c, plain 12J cent, putent IS', Litnct 2j;
u,,'er rti,','' proportion. At! good warranted
to 00 "'hut they arf sold for.
' Succesor. to (). Conrad,
On hnnd souio fluid and Silver Lovers and I.e.
, pine, still lower than the above price. 7, IS.ia.-ly.
rl-.TTEHS of administration on tho estate of
J John Hoichel Into of ( iirlhain
iJi'cfAflpri. hnvmir been crnntcil to th .iil-,.i-ilmr
all pcT-onji kD'wiilf? themnelv nUUd to mM
u",e " re,,ittod to make immediate payment.
inin.i,. ; 1:. .
11. 1. II ALL.
fob. 14, 1S5S.
MAILIlOADIIorSE; corner of Main and
It White Streets, llnooKviu.r., I'a.
tub. 24. '08. 11. K. MEAXS, Proprietor.
-T--77 j- ; ; ; .
.'ur l,.i..lwr l'U.sincs, ls ,w i ful
AltlH' 1l''
... hmjim
i.f U - I IM'I H '
f ' v ',
,W V" ,;.
ii M i I: I 'HI I' 1
I I I I. l"l,l,.K I .
M i Ml I' I- At I'll'"
f mi ii.i , , l, i I A
l v t i .,,,..
1 1 ii r, mi v "I i i n.
'i '.I. in i .n i 1 1 i n'
V. ' 1 i I'
I I,:,.',., ., , I I , I -
i in; i
i i
. i.i-
I i
n i
i I I in -
I i,
nt t ' . '
I i-
-1 1 r -ii
nl ,
l-'i mi
ll n u;i
i- ...i.-li
, i.'ii,..
- .
ii '
, i i
i . I I
I' V It 1 1
ii.'l,.. ,
.1 In i
,"l I
I ,1' Ai
in '
; Hi--1-1!"
l."U l:li"tll
In r -ii'-.- i i:.' i' i',r
Ill I'.' .
I, 1 A
I.. I'i"
I 0 ll.l' l
,-i. ii'nl t 1 1 io
I'.'.i'o ii -t in
c f-o nf tli u
II ;ra I i it 'T nro
' ,ii "f I in.' ar
il, ,i.,l ,-vr l"
; ri' lily nnrlli
iiir .-n i, -oi-iln-r
M.'i J' i
In: ,-t
l!,:- ii -n
.! ,i:,:iiTV
'I'll,- ll
li.-i I i.i :
li-l ilia'
,,: i,- l i
tl iil am
Hill 1", "
-ll .1 li,
tf-it-- u -!
Wi- ,;i
i mill' ,'i
"l :
li li:i Vii,
"inn ai ti,,
ll.i-oii urn,
ii --li l n v i '
- ." '( li.
M.H 111" ill
,. !.'iiL.'t'in'iit,
111 I il ., 11 J' ',, I
'I, I ll
i" Ma:
"ll'li I
, Ilii"'
i ' -,"llll
1 1 -ll
.kiiiL' nil tin- I'lii nvini:-
l.,.IV I " I"-1 t ll 11 1
J, hit" 0IIJ1 I-n t:ik-'li II.
1 l'nl' 1,1' M,',-'- il'i-1'.-.
il til, Ml) ill till' ,,-h'l' ill
loooivi'l. 'lli'ii-n iv!i"
i ni in.:s r.i, ly, ini'l finiii
v-'l I!
-II Ii
In -I ii
o fl
ii Iii !i
ili si i u
-i-n.' n I mi la i r o
tli.-y v ill I," en lli
ill lii 'i'.'l ii-e. luriii.
Mll.M'l il linll'i 111 0
tn lll'tnill tln'ir Olr-I
I illl!'l-'--i"llS. .-! 1 1 1 1
llin li -I i
t-rrii't inn
1.0 i-"lit ,
1 M'ii'1 in llioir .-ll"
'I'll" i-iiriiviii-:- oan
, nr in nll."r in iiiiioi , .1.-1
I-'illiT-, I'V
:-h , .ii'.-, i il,oi-- .-hail ni',l,-r.
sji i,i H n.i .v i: '', i'.v i i fa nr.
Ill ml liti' ii In th-' .-iqiorb oniavin ; nf "Till-;
I.Asf Sr.M.Ml-llt." uni.-li will h" l'io." 1 tn
very thivo-' Mtl'-n ihor I'm- I.i S. liio 'iih-
li.-lii-rs liiivi niph'toti iirrniioinoiit- fnr t h" -li.--
tril'Utinii. mi th" I'.'ihnf Iloi'i tiihor, l'-.'is, , a
k,'i ii". nf .-i,l, -mini ii' il..- nl'iirl. o-iii-i-lin ,l' i iio
hiimli oj i i ti nii'l lure nhl paintim;". valiii-l i,t
fin III .Slnll In $1011 . Cltell. Alsn. J. mill linilllli-i-riit
St"i'l I'i. no Diiiiii inir-., iinrlh (roi.i :i to
$.'i oii' lt, all-1 l.ti Ml olinioo llniklay hn.'lt-. iv.nlh
ft-iini M In oach. iiiii liin in all, "lor Til lllll'l
Tllnl'SANH (ill'TS, W'utli TU'KN'TY TiliU'
SANli linl.l.AKS.
Ilio!n.-(i Jll tn tlio jnil.ii-liiT.t i.lnl ynil nilli-imi-
liiiiic" n iviiis; lh .Miiiiini" liy rotiiiii mail.
Von will nl -ii ivooive with tho liil on(,y ;i inun.
hor.-'l Mili.-n-riptinii rt'c-ipt. intitlino: v-u t. liio
KiiKraiinp "f "TH K LAST 1 I'PKK," iiml a
ohait. i' tn .liino mi. nrtho-o " lTIKKK TIIOTS
AMI l'KI1..-."
I ll-'ll-nils IlllV yu.l should a.lh- -i ih I
J F.UF.US' i.V.s- MA'IAJ.Xi:..,- ls.'ix. j
I First: li' ini-.' ii- liteiai c . "iitcnts will, ilu. j
j rin' the i oar. ci.i'.race eun.-li ihuiimis from over
' one lniinli o-l 'iiiii'i i.'ii ii i i ',c-. .- a i,, I thinhi-i-s, nnm- j
holing ani'iii th--iii the must ili.-tinuis'nd of A-i
mi'iioaii nutliors.
I So'-ond : lloo.ius" its nlit in iul ilepart ini-nls, I
"t)nr .'-liidio." "Our Window," ami "our Olio," j
w ill in-li l,e comlii.-tcil l.y an nhl' c iit-r and I
lit will iitpiis.-, in t!i.' vn.-ioty and richness of it
tilitnria' o-iit nts, any other ina.i.-in ,
'i'hii.l: 11" ni-e it will cuii'n ii. dining Ihc j
1 year. Hourly six hundred nrim'tuil piciorial illu--
l:l Oh
1 Ml I'
en,l, mccs filioii, Ironi d-.-si-ns hy tho liist Anu-ricnii ar
that ni.l ; ti-1!-". I
fourth : llc.'iius-e f,,r the sum of sj I y.ii will 1
ri-l-l-ive this si, i-llilnl linn, I . v. iiiiii-A il. .1,1,. ...
that sum than any other iiiiiL-nine, and' the mi .
porh Knirravin.i; of "The I.a-t Supper," j
Fifth: lloiiiuso you will very liln-ly ,u aiv una
"f "'""'"li'l !"i'c I he di.-ti i'.utrd on I
, ihc ilii ilny nt i.ieecini'or, 1 -a- p- ihiips une 1
that is ivotth $1. null.
J Notwithstau.lini; the.-" t r: I i mi iv in- !
(Iio-i-mcnls can hardly fail In iieeoii,ni..i tn. ;
Ijccls ot the puhti.--h-.-i - williout Ii rthi-i i-rort--. y i
i they h ue .l.-li-i ininod to loi.tinise tin.,' tL
it e yc
, To in v ,,, r.-cii wl.u ulll L-cl ni, n . Iul. ,,f In
i ty-lunr .-ul.-ei ihcr. ciiher at une or more
''niii--, no "in I'lo.-ont a spioiiiini iihrarv, cn-
si-tin' nf uver Furty I.ariro ll-uin l V.'liiin'o ni.
, hrjciu the ni'.st p'.puhir worke in the mark'-t.
; The olul. may jo foinicd at the oluh price, S'J a
j year, u iilinut the ennraviti. or at tho full price,
i- a year, ni;h the cii--in in;: of llin la.-; .-uppci
. tn ca "Ii si hscril.i r. ),it and d t--.-ii . 1 1 . . . i of thr
j l.ihraiy, and -p.o iin.-n c-py of the Mapi .ino will
! he f'inv.iiili-,1 en re: cipt of H.i cenls. (H er ;t!0
I I.ihi in it.-, or s, I' i.l vuiiini '... l'BV already hoon
disti ll, u ted in in rdnnco with tin oti,.r, and ii"
; -'linuhl ho 1 id In liiini-!i a library (,, cverv ch-r-
pyuiaii, Iii every s.-liun! master, or to s.uiue'unc at
'every po.-t ollioe in the coiiiitrv.
tiocons ' n-hieli nur nL'ent nn, 1, i',
with i aluiost astonishing;. A'11011,' llie uianv
evi'li'iioo ot tins l.iet.
we are permitted to pub.
11. 1, .nu i"ii',,iinn
(iijNTI.Kil : Th fid loiviii); facts in relation
to whin your agent are .loiujr in thi section,
oi.ii ne 01 u-e 10 some euteipri.-iu yniin. nitiii
111 want 01 o'uploym, nl. Tho Itcv. John E. Jar
don. of this place, ha made, Mime la.-t Chri.-t-nia-,
over I. (inn in hi hl-oiiov. Air. liv;,l t
no un, 01 ni'ij;,y, .no., yuur en"ral a-ent for
Platl county, i.- inakinlf SS hit .lav on ...!, .!..
aent eniployetl by Liin, and M
sr.. Wcliacr J;
,.,.....-,. .,iii, .,i, ,., ,inir nielli tor Holt co.,
j are inaktns from $S to $2.i p.-r day, and yoir
i humble servant has made, since theV'Vcnth ilav
1- V-I.n j ..I linn ..... ,1 .. .
, of la-t January, over ? 1,70.1, besides liar ni; for
IliiiO aeres of Inuil nut of the luisinoss wcVtli'over
1 - ."'". , uu nn; lu iioeriy to puiilisli th. stnte
! iHcnl, nnd to refer 10 nnr of the imrtic iiitnu'd
..... I'AXIEL lillEUli, Carrollton, Jin.
I With nii-h indueomeiits a we offer, anvhody
can obtain nil,-cnbers. We invite any K,.ntU-
ui.,. "ui", eaipioynicut, pint every In ly who do-
,,.i,..-, .v.ui.iiiiiRii;!; occupation to ap-
il'ly atonce lor an agency. Applicant,, Miould
' "". "J't - Iur peci aoa copy of tho mag -
. ...t, ,, ,1 win IIIW.IVS ill I'iriini-ileil nil . ,.n.
r- i the of every
to got up a club, and nln of n,. . .......
I..I. l i ... . ' -
..r ri. : ., ... . ,:.'.";' ''
...,t,,.f,11BOT iiia-t-AM SLCl'EIl," a a
siteciniou, encli applicant cn..lo-ing us 3 w ill rc
ceivothe Engraving, post paid, by return mail
also spociincii of 0nr publications mid one ol tht
numbered suhseription rereipls, eutitlin, t. o hid
tier to the Magazine, one year ami to a cimo in
the dim ibulion. This oiler is made onlr to those
"T " ( acl " "0" J' f"nn Clubs.
Address, OAKSMITU i CO.,
J IVo--!'1 Broadway. X. V.
an , Sa8.
" -
frt, it. .1.1: .1 . . ,
-1 ""linillTS OI IIIO J.t-riut, ,, Her. ,
KiiiirinTaiiLViiioiit in - .1
.. . . ... ... -
stock of Joliliina lnatcriul nml iiLL "JJ
. . .. i . ' '' 1 '
uml to do nil kimU of
Pll'Si It..e. I'.. 1, Hall Tickft Usn,
, ,. , , ,rKrTS' HAN rlilll.f
1 ?"d VCry k,,,d of I'rilltin Uf'iully rjotl
111 arnuntry johoflire. Your riri
Mn,ted lo MVwj,i fnithfui;.r
1(M nf A UrmiH I'll , clrr'il
II 11 I I. ill Mull-1 iivi, n in ! '
j A Ii. I'm. M nf I'll. 'I . ''I I
. , ii i. nil'- I I" lli ti" !' I. nl M"-" In
I I I i . ,i I I lllll lil In iU' ,1 Win I I in"" Ii
i Imi Ii t i Inn"" t nml ' '"i"
II lull in. ill. Hi', mi. .1 l"t Hl''
t II M l Ml M NAI I..
in' ' I.
I '. V
I) ll'iNt Ml I I
ii-. nn ; imi . m i n
..i 1 1... 1 1 -i mi i 1 1. 1. 'i'. -i
lv (i. ,, , I i II, r I, n l i- ,. in
. I
I I'
I ,
1 1 ii .
i. 1,-1
Y"ik .
,,i i'ii- .im
Mi Ii
'I I"
I In liin
I M I I . I
1 i ii
, 1 "!' i
i h,. . ;,
s ' I
, ii I i'' j;
In, ,- 1 i
il 1'iti -'
. ulii 1, I
ili-,:,.,-. ..
- I- , I
!;.- ..f Hi'
! in:; it I
. n 'l ,1 ll,i- III' ll
I. Ill Mil l I 1,1"
,,'ir ii-'iiil i - m '
i 1 1 -. 1 1 - "I' ill" pi
l.l.i Ml,-' I.'" ' I Ml'
i i
-. in i t l- i- I'
i . , ,y l- In'
Ii l !' '' I i nn -i.
il U n'ili nn i
iii'n nl' III"
": in r iin-l- r. ,'i
I i'- il.iM I, I n
i, I l-i III- I'. .ii
in --ii' ly i.l
-si I iiwiiv. "
pi itvfi hi i ii 1 1
w i.i: i i in ii, mi
; ill ill" -,. i i'll'l,
"r, nl,- ii.t.i , !i il-
-. -Il ! I I
1'11-jhl' I il :y llll-
-niiii'li i' : lip' -I
,-,.llln:itl 'II h n III,' ill I 'liL'lll '
luiv" ii..ltiliitiill .i'i"N iii
l',i sl M I'i 1 " N 1 U.I, lis : I '. I -
ilu- Iii -t l-y I" i-i'-iili-i nl,- n I, li-i
I.V ll"' lilll. - f .1 in :i I r - i.l ll," i-i
1-- im 1 i'.i'.. -nl' "ii.- ""in r, ii, ii-: iniiio iliii-l, y
. i . ; 1 ,-"!- -"111.-. TI l-l'-.l t" Hi" I'l'in-
i-i:-. i.f ih. i ir.'iy n-tr'l. lltiit i-m-ii ii'ni- cm.--,ii,i
ti ,n i- iii- i'iiilil" : -ii.'lini" i '-liiii'l lii i ;tn' .
T'i nil iM- .'i-.'iit I, nili I""-' 1"-n;n .ii "iil, :
In., I
t til" lil'-'ll -lll' llllll-.l. 'l III 111'' I"l' 1' il"T
nr iiiiiiIi-i- liiri'i'tly iul ' l'..' In.'-'-, nm
linil-0 l ll.-'-liv ll-illl ll'-'t lai' ll 11'" ll
n.-.J tl.O lli-l ilS.' lllli s 'tin S I: 'i O.V
' IllllliljiO i.f llllllllali.'ll ill l i'li: I'lllpl.'
t I," Hindi
; .-ni ii Ii,
'I'i i. ml.
i X I
lii-,-a.-i- i-. that
f .nn ,
nl iiini
li'l ill lo
' i- ;i, 'i"'l ilii.n-lly tn tl." u:i :. n ',
i-xi ! : li." -t-'in.H li i llin- I. :t li'
ft'-riii ho: lih. liy inliiiiiii .'"i in I-'
li.--i:iviii-,' li.o.l. Tin-ro ,'- .-I..
M'"'il.- " 'il ii i -" '' . -. Tli" 1 1
hri'i f. t ii illiin tlio l' in Ii "f nil.
ll'llllllll' l lll),' llio llll-nl - I'l'lllX mi -
im a li,l i- in i t-r l oi ii i i i I I" i'-ir. -tin-
hiil-l of all. -oil. hi I. ml- mi in. I
iiliv.-ii imi-!' i li.'i ii
ll 1 1 -. I . t " i V atlil
",;,,,. .', f,
:!l. t"". lilt
l!',' Iiliilillt 1- ii
iuiliii In nl tin
II ll'M O
nl l!,o
'1'ho I (ih, l.iti-ili. ',in-l'i,',l
,',,"', illl'l onli.-i-t- in tli" li
iriii,' ill siirli a inaniii r. tin
ii;,, t!i" I, lilies in tin' f Tin i
i'i liililnll i
r, ,(
lllllli liililnll nl 1110,1-
II t tlli'V ill" O'lllVl-yi ,1
nf "a nr, ii ii 1 1 ,r,i,iioM
limn.-o. 1:.-- t'lii'-lioal
tlii-ir ii' li-iti at liio .-'.-nl ' 1
-tilli-,1 t'i r,-l niul inlli
il ivm-lil an 1 , .i:,,i:i ll,,
til" i,iin-n
- i.f
tin- in", Iii
,',,, (..,
1 l iini --tli iippral t,i th" ('. inn'.
IT; "-! 1 ll nil Lima iliroa-"S, In I
th" iiilvii.tiiK.' nf lnhaliiii''ii, ii'nl
lni-iii'iii" t" tlio lili-li, tflin-- .-I-:
1' -r liiliiiialimi a piiioi' ;. in, ,11 tho
that i iitni" nii'l alt hath ili it u.
iiiav ho lnntr in tho lati'l," ainl
' nf all
nt nln-o
r apply
I t-li. i ni
' l fir!.- .,'
,,- ihr f.iun
imi ;,, If
; n liii-th
.Sli, h I
liili'Hl h:
mi'l i -ii, ,i, I'hii.
f tlio pi nfo-.-i n tiint liiil o a
i o f hi. i I il ..' .I'-'...-'- , ,i ',
-.',, tl.l ,, '.;,'' l-l l!.. "''--
npl'-l Inini-
i, I'ii, -si ,,-
.,. ,,. -.,
-. ill I ,'i : ' I ,
IVU il,.ti,,y-
' illl-ill-' ll-CM
',-' ,-. 11,1-
-.;,'' I' in ..-',.- ." -.-'." ' " ,
11 Mf:!iitl trilltnpll nl ulll' HI I Hi "l 'hi.-'
i or nl inir spooii-s.
; Nuti: I'liyfli-i-ins wihin0' tn nial
t aoiiuiitilinl with tin- pi;".t!"o, ni'- inlntiuoil that,
' nnr titno hiiiii; i iihii.l'li-. wo oan niily mply. a tn
iii'ro,liaius u.-o-i. t-i sin-h ii ttor.- that ciitain a
lotlncl th;
The lee in nil eases
w ill l,c $ in I'll II ( ' ipl I
.-ti imients ami nn ,1'iciiii
pliciiuH i ill slate au'e,
of PlillllnlllU v A 1',,-,-tinllS
1 iv h loh tho in ry in
s ii til l-o lorwiiiikil. Ap
m'x, i.iariii-,1 or .-in'',",
Iiiiiv iiiit a 1. , et il, ii any net '.-iiiiiiiy 'list ii.-e ,-x-
i-i in tin- lumily, mul .-1 iiiplmii - tteiiei ji ly. Lot
the inline l"iinainl St it" ho plainly iv;it:,-ti.
Pu.-tii" f'T retui n iin-ivcr inii.-t he t in lo.-od. Lit-
tors when ie''i.-ler"d at mir rl-k.
All lelt'-r- must he ml, Ire . d to
WAI.LAi'O MI-.U101 N. M. H
S. M. Illstitllle. Now t
Nov. II, 1S07-C in.
The New York Steam Saw Mill,
MArlilXi: ciiIFAXy.
ihis company has he, n or;:aiii. ,1 niil, th
capital I'-'l' the p irpo of sitpph in-: tli
1 lic
nniiid l-r the
i i; i.i n i i i-)';
I'd L'l' A I'I.!-! ST K A.M SAW-MILL
Aii'l (iilii'i1 1 in iMvcil Mit'liiti'ti1,
Tlu-y have purchased tho. entile n in hi
hii-iues lii-ret'ifur" carrii'd i n by .1. M. ITnu-i-.
sun A Co., also the Muiit -i.iin i y imik-at Y n k
cr. on llio Hud-nil, cnar this city, iiml willi the
expciienoe nn-l f.'.-iiities eoiu'iiii '-l i-.i it- iii.iiii
zalioii in o pr.-pariid to furnish niai-him-ry of nil
kind at n.oie lil , nil rati . liint. has cior hocn
offered nl any uihor csialili-hni-.-nt.
THE 'lMi,lXATlX SAW-MI.L iva pat
cntod October, ls.'ili, and is now l.-iic r:iilv ii"
hii'iw I ... l":cl to bo the cbiapest, inn,-t i.:--tic..i.
Innd cll'i-i' iit Itiiiil, i-r it auulncliiiiiit' u,., chine ii,
.tin, world. A lare uuinlior ol tlu-tii are in suc
j ccs ful opera t imi in iliff-rent pari ..f tli ? cuun
: try, Canada, Cub a and ,-initii Aim i i, a, nlul n her-
i ci cr their ineril Inive I n tc.-lcd thty are bcin.i:
I iidoptoil by lumber inaiiiiliK tiiici in pielcroiue
, to nil other mills.
I The follow ii. letter c.pi"- - tho .-ni.Tal '
t opinion nl those nho are ii.-in the Coinhiiialiuu
I -Messrs. FitKI-ns i f'n. lien.lvtr.en : I l.uvc
tried the law -mill itrelia-t-d "f i - u, aiid will sav ;
, that it perliuiii- noil, nud in 'i r. than in ci't .- in v '
' cpcclati-m. 1 am well plea-cl with il- peif'.r-
lnaii"". 1 set it ii a simill 1 r.-a :n h t.atnf-'
; forded cotistaiit water uln u i s ihick ns my little
linger, w In, ii whs mil, n in, ,:c ihi.u Mi.i.rietif to I
supply tho boili-s. 'e n
; of lumber in 1 - hours, i, '.
' one curd nf wood. 1 1 i
' si inueli noodod in m i i
hlo In cut ll.niHI foot
- IllClllill'' , 1 1 1 it ll
' ry thin' wo have ;
l -r n lou lime.
" i 1 .' iv e ill i) aide to 1
With a little jr iihb- ;i:i 1
1 nunc it ten mile per 1l.1v, n I set it up in the
heart of the tiuibcr, nhii-h sines th cat bur-
don ol 'hauling the lojr n I011 ; di. Urn to tho
1 mill. Aoius. 1 vsr.c.t I nil v
Louisvill", Teiillcss"c.
The Coinpanr llave pur -hii'i'd M Nli'S P IT
EXT i'EEU AIlltA.N 'J 1-..M I N'T, which is illii.
tratcil and dc-oribe'l in the S.-ientiti,. Atuei i.-iin,
I'm- (Ictnber IM. 'Ihis ml, is Kicat:,v to III 1 tli -ciency
of the mill.
The l.'olnbiiiatioii Jlill wi'h ,,! (,,, ,-ei.fn( jM1.
pal'lo of sawing from
hours, and is sold I'm
i, .,, ,.,, i.-, ui,,, .-u-1,111 uiocr 01 in Horses-, is ca-
l.'Uilt.i l,iiill), fed in twelve
I. bull.
J l,r A,;r J ,; ( 'I,-, ,
I inaiinliicUircd oclr lv this Compaiiv It is of
supei ior cupstruclion, and .-..Id f,,,-2j pc'r eenliii'i
le. than other mill of no pouter capacity. A
mill with .'III to M-iiioh saw can be sold for Slit)
to .f.iiin, ami with a 2 li
' nld for lor S2.2mi.
so engine and poiljr is !
. S i. and IMI, ,-
I'ii, turn of from
1,1 IK ,r,Aii,, 1-.. .
" nin, w , ' ZITZT
1 ...'.-a n.r
tinldniB!i and inaclunery, furnished gratis to our
(oinpetotit mechanic!, arc sent out lo put up
and set in operation our iiiachinerv, when re,,ui-
Wo aim manufacture Shiiink Mn,h;r,. ',,.
.' 17 M,him:; Hn-inr-Mill: and .I,,,,,,,,,,, :
.,.', ml.
, 8peeil nltonlion paid to gelling up ,
and , for and ill k ,.ds of
ilill Wrujhi work, i
Tllis company are Kelling in great nuinl.ers a '
Pateut Conical Uurr Stnno Mill, for flour coini
' menl' "n,) kind" uf ft'"'- w'i'eh is .roi,'mice,i
bv exnoricnrtd miller. l,t)i ;n ,1.:. . I
. t-. ' ., , - w-uuiry anil
111 i.uroi.r. mm urn nun f.. ,..,..,., t. .
' . - ' 'e... it ti
grgininth. same time, 'and wiilJ
or, of any mill of tho .mn i 1
grni'i more gi
lialt the power,
I Vi ealso furnish other'styles of Grist Mills when
required. '
I J. M. EMERSnv rn i......
No. 371 llroadway, N. Y.
Jan II. 1Sj7.
IAC0X', Flour-superflno and extra, Dried
JL 1 cenes, n o. at
April I, 1SA7.
AiiIvrI mill DriiHiiti- tf Ih MIU M
Silti..i I i I'
..I ; i' m
r m
r. r .M .
v p.m.
ii r.M .
I'J M.
I i In ii. il hU
itiltl, "
sinii ir M iiu
Snlni'l il ",
-IltlIlllTtlt I,
t 1,1 I llllll', f-:lt III
l,-t"'ltl. M"l
. .1. A
ill .
I.' A Tlmv.'ln'
hi I U,t
mi, I n '
1,1,1 ii. .1 ..i!
,1 I
. -Lin. "
i.iiiir Mill . !'ii1;i.n.
viniM-n,,-!!, niii Tin e.
Ivu l l. 'ii -. I lllll -'l.' N
K li i f. i ii. M"inl. A. 'i
'i ll,' lll.'lll- v, ill I I..-I'
N. I'.. I n- in."-. i'i.-ii,
' V, ill li il i' .c-i M '
l l i III i'. '. I
Mail .ii I ii-.- nl I 'iini
7 ..M.
A I'li.lm, I'i A.M
, A.M.
In..-. 1 I'.M
ill '.I h'i I... k. I'. M .
nl l, ll 1, II I H'illi
llii" t'.r Intlil,' I'i'l
WA'lMi.N. I1. M.
i.iilii- li"iii linli-
i.i N'.'u in, ih's Mill
V. -I, ill, "Inll, ('In-',
a. :
-ii, i
r nn
ii n -,iii'
I i I'll ll 1 -
II. M.- T,,,.,'
i i - 1 Ill
lll'-il !IV I'U'I I 1 I'lill - HI Ili
it 1
ill ill it - '.in.'- 'lav '1 1 I'. M,
i- I 'iirwi-n-vill.' In.' Mi'i i' ii. v i .i
it i mill I. urn' cr fity, i' i-iy ,";iii
A. .M., mi'l ii I'ii ii- Miinc il.iv nt
Mril l.i.v
Ni u Mill.
Iii'.'.iiy nl (i
ji. iii.
; (Tchant anil l.iiinbiT Dcalrr, i-nruor
iffi l-'iniit ati'l Limutt Btri'i-l.", I'lciirliolil.
I'oo. :".l, ISM.
i:m n a nt, Pi'iciu i i: am
01-' Tli K
in;i.i;i;, ami ji'stm h
I'li.U li. l.ntli.'r.-lMii;;. 1 1' nrl.oiil i ".. i
aliini'l, t'liair Slaklus.
I Ml III) I," S IT ! A I . I I X : .
UN (il'LKTI A UANIIIL IlllNNIlll hnvin-
1 on;
I .'1,1
ti-icl inln pin tncr.-hip ill llio ah mi) Inisi-
iiill l,c pi. paioil at all linii-s In inloinl tnany
"-- in tho nliuvi' lino nil slinrt Imtii o ami ill ll
pi-npii- iiiniinor. Tln'.y will uImi ho.'p i-mi-laiilly
nn linii'l at liioii' hhnp un Market si-, nearly nppn
nilu llio .low i-t'iro, a la I Ku nsiit iin-n I of .Miilnin
y ami I'aiio llnllnin iTiairs, aii'i I'al.iiii-I mire "I
oio.y i1i-m i iptinii wliii h thoy will ho f'.nii'l ovo
roa lv In ilkpn-o nf nn ns roaMiiial'ln t.'iiiis as the
.-iitni nitii'lis can ho li it tl oIsom hoi i- ill llio inunly.
'i oil' .-I "i l nf Ciihiiiot Ware mm
n liiiml, con.
.- If- III l'lll t nl
'li-, -l
nl CnnitiiKii llnroan.--
Sofas, Si-w in
I Wa.-li Stnnd.-, IIwIk mul Hunk l.iisos, i n-iii-li
I l'iclil . i lloil.-toii'ls 1 lining, Ureukfiisl, t'cii-
C'linl liini Pior Talili'.-, Ao.
UlT-'IN.- inaiiiiliiotuioii anil .lolivoroil at any
o ilo.-ito'l.
May 1S.VI
AVINti n.'tnovoii his nflirc I" the neiv I'u-.ol-
liii..' "ii Soconil street, will prmnptly nnsnier
f, --i-'ii:tl call.- as licrotofoii..
ST' I I.I. continue tho Imsiness ol 1'hair,
it n ci Ilini-i', Sij;ii nnil I li ua mo n I a I Paiiitiii0', at
tho simp formerly uocupieil hy Tniiiliiinn A 1'nnve,
at the ea-t eti'i of .Market street, a t-hort ili.-lniioc
went of's ruiiiiilry. Juno Js.'ij.
WIMIDS, having ..Iiiiiil-ciI hi- In.
inn Ciirweiisi ille to Cl-.-i.rti.-l.l. re
ellcvs In prolessionnl scivn-i- In tl
f the liittor place and vicitii'y,
,"" on Second street, I'ppn-i'i '. .i I
ci:i.en- ,
lie. i h
J. CTtiii-
avm. v. (Ti..MBi:i;s.
-.AnUIES on Chiiinnakiiii.'. Wlioelv, ii :,
hnii-e and Su-ii painti n-' at Curu -
(. leal Hold en. All order.- ilrouipily attend.
Jan. .'., iNj1.
I to
DIt. V. l. C VMi'Jtl l.i, liaviiifilooiiedns
Kylei tuwii, Iciiiloi his prof'-s.-ional son ice.
In the citizens "f .Mollis and the iidjuini'i tuwii--hips.
lie will always he fuiind at lite rc-iib-iiee
of Tim. Kvlur, mIkii nut pii fetsiunallv ciii;aci.
May 21,'lsjil.
VT I lio tn" till of Lick Hun. live luile.-Cl.-arlield,
MKIil'lIANTS, and e.t
Miiiiiil'iii Hirers of Luiuhcr,
Julv :'., 1S02.
1 1 ! I" uiiilor.dv'lied would rest, "i i full inform tho
citien of I learlield and tho iidi'-inin (-"'.-. -
that he ha ju-t stotodin I'iiilip.-hin1. a lo'y'
lr.r,'0 ipiiiiitity of -rain, ine'.iulln !
Eye. Oats, wheat and Flour. Euckv.'lieai
Corn and Barley, ;
w hich he w ill n-11 in lii",e or sinnil luf- on the'
most roii.-niiahlo tonus and nt the loiic-t prii-c-.
The attention of those iii'..dit: i.n-. thin,' in tiiisj
line is called tn the M.ik, loli"iiue' il iioiiid be I
to llieir advantage to Rive hi:u a call. Cni.c i
alon,' then and ho mi j'j.ii.-il hv
(I. Y'. KLPLKi;.
1 .,ill'.-Iiiii1.";, Muu'ii 11, lS'i7.-tr.
I). O. CRt'U't'H,.
1)MVSICIAX Ollioe in CuiwetiM ille.
Sav i
LL pctsons'nre horebr cautioned ai-a-n-i
luedilliii" with a certain note, iriven l'V ,he
und r.-i'ned in lliirthol'iinciv lladdcti, dated Sep.
1st His, for $l"j, nssiiid note ha been leiid.
Xcw Wfishinglon, M.iroh 111. ls."S.
life Mnryetto. Iiavina lcl'tiurl,o? 1111, 1
hoard without any iusteanso cr iirovociitio
1 tliercli ic forbid any person hnrboiiiu; or tru-t-injr
heron lay aecount. K. M
Ma reh 111.
, A'.. 1 i 1 'ii,! Xi. c) ,s:,, T.:,-,( ,s,-M;,-:,:f.
rillLADFLl'lll 1
I CulTi-liUis, Moroecos, Linings, i;indinj;s,
i:i:i& oak soli: lmatIi lil &,
v rt ii, i. t ,i i , . , .
' H''gl' Leather bough t or taken in ex
.laroh II, 1S.i7 v.
Tract of Lnndnt Privalc Suit. "
riVIE undersigned will hcII on easy toruu a
X tract of laud, containing ahout sixty. two
- :.!.!. .. ... . . 7
t!"" .
.....v. u,.,iiiii:n. nu un-l liril D vntii,.. Is...
' recently planted, and n larje scope of Kd inea
. d.w ld render it a valunble and, Icsitahlo uro-
II. Ill' I'll Ell SWOOPF
Aiiril 22, 1857.
. ",rori r.7f
n- "Ai
1) ETAILEll of Foreign nnd Doniftic Mereh
il andir.e, Imw-villo, Clearfield countr, Pa.
Shawsrillc, August 15, 1S65.
Si-ndnr rt iacriilii c Cimilaf nf
The most simple, durable and effectivo Mil for
Fri"!Ii"'f. kin''" of Rrain into line or coarse
desire 1-Price, $.',11.
i Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements,
Xo. 1 140, Market St., Philadelphia.
-.t ...... .
- . .. ii in 1 1 1,
A I MltllAM'S and Exten.iv. Ti,.l..r. in !.,.
1 U her, e.( Ne-.W.shingto, ClerMdcoun,
r' ,pP- 29 IT-
rorl'un. l unlit r is the life of luisinc;
.t. I,. I' l l I I'.,
. - a I
mt al I Ml Mill I II nn lt'lll, 4
III, n( lil t""'l r""i ''" Mi'k-t .l,
I . .) Del. I. I'"" li, lMI.
1 lie II ii 1 ' l Vm I fiii-
I V II" "nil"' l""ll Mi 'I I'"- "f l.,1i-ki
ll,i'l l' I.' I' l" '" ,lr '" I' f ''""T f .
p ly 1" r. . t c 1,-iiii'h ,t AI,. ii. n- o t i' r 'l,,r, w
M,nii ll" , 1. 1" H' I'' Kill "I " Hir"'" t f.-i'ni
i , ii -I nnil iwPii'K I" I'll- ii I l''n ' '-' 'I id,
I,,,., I', . ii 1 1 "I i'i ,-li-li. II'- iV l ' '"i. hn im
i-i.ii.iiii-iiil iii"ii - II !' "ii-Hi' i"l" il ' II, ni"l U , ln
iili i i.l i' '"I'M" liii. li'iU'ly li'iu Ini'l.,,,
In ,H'. I. II' ii'lj inii'l" "il "I "ll kli"l, i
ki-,l i -n-liiiii' v i.ii I. in,. I. I li l lli,l lour kr
i i i. ('niil l-r im I. . J Mf. UOilN.
Mm- I'll. I -.'.7.
I M-
l.lN'li-T .-' I.IIKM' MCliir.U, Mf).
KM V.-- Im li I" a piir.'ly r..,.M,
'. i ji, null' ii, l"- till, pill ill 1 1' l "I III I'lnml, gy.
tli li'ir I" llio I.i v it. Mmnm h nnil 1'iiitoln. BnJ
f.xpoliin limn ll"' Jsli'tn all nmiliid mntlvr in4
f ii'.-tiintiii): in it Moail o lit nltliliil mtlvity thro
all Ilu1 fnti'-iinii' nf lit'!.
In Ih" l"ll of n ilnii,,lilor i.r Mr.
w tm Milli'iinn Irmn n iiinlinniit ntim-lt r, t'au.
ci inn Urin (I'linkor nf ih1: limiilli.) fhp Iitni prt
viniivly licon prii'lrat'-'l I'.v tlu i 1 1 - if 1kcii
tciy, iiilliiininatinii nf llie l,iili- ami lloftio K .
vor, Miooi.-iu'ly, uTiidi roniiltcl In tlio nlioio
. ' ..... ..r ! - ....'ii.-i' ill iih wur.-i inriii. hit riiiMitmn
wa in -t ili plnriihli' Iht niniiili ntnl chuck wer
Mit-riiily rulii'ii tli lit Inn tl I iifj pliyiciuti pro
Innniii'i-l th" cimo a lmpcli.HH ,.ne. Mv.ivtlii
in. lion imi a .' pci'ily mul Imrrililc ilmitli llic ihn(a
I-,, li, n' "Ul nf lil", At lliin critical juii(-urn
i Mr. I.iiiil.-ay ri-iniicl cninpiiiiii'l Im- ilm p,,,,
li.pc nf iilli'i ialin;', pn.-.'ililo tho puiiii" i.f tlio
; to -nlToror. ."-lie was iniulo t" u.-o it frocly, anil
j in n sli-rt tiino tn his ini..-t ilolihll'iil arliiiiih.
l in o li I , tlu-ro li as n very pcrecptil'li' cliano fnt
! Ihc h.'ttcr 'I iio inniith hovnii lo pat on a liright
, mul h'-iilihy iipu'iirain'" llio l'nul hronlli liooainfl
mic t tiic appi'titn was rostnrcil, ami tlio child
i tcciiicl tn paitakr of a new an'l fro.-li liio.
j Ilnp" wii" inspiri.'il, iiml the iic of the com-
pnninl was lailhf'.illy c- iitinni'il, tho rostilt of
which with tin- lili'-iiis of (iii.l, "lis I:it rumplctt
r.-i-tnriiti'in. She is now pi'ifoctly healthy, l-'riia
this oil I'linistanee. Mr. I.imlsiiy was foil to prj.
! pare niih ureatrr euro mi'l o.v u-tiu',---, what Iiml
I .-n ilniii.-liiiif:ly onioil Iii.. i-hil-1. anil cnntiiiuDd
I his experimental i-iVnrt" ii til li" iieei)iiloJ i
J liriiiini; to perl'iM'timi hi? Hi-nit fur tllood
! .ai,n,-,V' i-in'-e iiliieh til. ni its ctlcols have lioea
I alitio.-t iiiini' itl'iiis. Ilmniicils upon hiiinlioiU bj
it have I-ecu sti Ii lieij iro r nil untimely ihh
and rcstmcd In Ihc Mice:. of Inn lilt nnil the etc
ileiirni'-nls of liic-nd. The yutin and old linn
tested its Mivin' pciieis and tin alnud it vir
liiof. Say tln-y: ''Allcr liaviii;: used l.iiulsi'v'i
Inipruviil Iiluud Sent chcr, wo felt a if a net
ifo na stirring our vcim, and under (bid i
owe o it in ic ll.iiii wonls con cxpr .-."
Put hoar li nn their own lip aul then jmljt
.,f it.- i iiliiiihie ef'ects. Tim l'-u t.-i'lini'iiials lull
follow sliiiw that il is dc-orvcilly -tvlod tho ,jrtm
rt -'"I'M' of t!,i ur iiiii, iillif r iiij,-.
J. M. Li-Nlc-iX
llolli'lny.-l.urjr. lllatrco.. Pa.
vi) I'l T2. 2 CSi'2 CD S3a
Pattolivilo, llcdfortl co., I'i.
Mr. .1. M. I.ivi'si.v.
I'eiir Sir I was severely afliictcd ilh
Plioiitiiiili-in a whole year nine luontln of
wl.ii li tin:,. was not aldo to bnvo my hpil
w hen li-'.-.i in;.' "f the woinlei ful cfb' i t of Id.
I row I l!h ml Sciri-her. 1 'lotto mined to prociira
soiiie i i it Hi d '.-ivo it a fair trial. After 011115
1 li 1 .- i.- Hi-'- 1 wii.- nhl" to walk ahmit 11 q-iln m
ii- i '.id inn in, iv wholly 1111 d. I can r.-com-1:1.
.id it I-, i.ll i.ho i re siniih'i 'y it f 1 ii ltd, and 1
I "In 1. it i- i.:i il c'.ai r.s to I.e.
i .-. truly. JNO. S11AFFKU.
I I1A1. l.lll. S ll't ll. curcp l.y t'-c u.-c of Lindscy'i
I I'.loo 1 S. 11. I1..T. 1, toe mid, Irsino I, noiuo thai
I in ln-t March, was severely nflli.'lod Willi wklt
I ivn p.- ii 'iiiiecd hv niv physician 'o ho a rortiii
i kind ' f Jiili-r ami Laibcrs'.- lie';. Mv ct.ndi
lioii v. a.- olio of tin.' ttroatcet mi. ty . niv firl
I w:i - itlim-.-t cuiislantly riinniii.; witii the foul cor- ;
;; iiii, n Hint escaped ruin the I'lb-.n-K .-, by which
it i.a- aiiii'st completely cuv, rod. A I tor being j
tin ler the euro of my phy -ieiati fur two uionthi, '
witlm "t tl " Icii.-t licnelit. I wii iioluced to inaki
a trill .-I l.iii'l-ey'.- ll!,,d Seaielicr, and the
-ul; v. a.- th it in u-in une Imttle and a hnlfl
loi.tid e pel I. i t euro. 1 mar also say that I M-
ei ly ti i".l iiliat-'Ver na- rocoiiun -iiptd a a cuni
Sin li na- my ivretelicilni-.-s that 1 cieu rojOft4
to the il -ni-i-ui-.s e.xpi 1 inioti' of jcuin pm-eC
on my fa, e i'lid nook, hut all to nu purpoN .'
the Llood S, .,roh, r was the iji st and oi;ly lliin;
that did n." any ",.nd. A' a Llnuil niirifvcr it ii
iine,iiai:",l, mul I Inive frroiit reason to be frratr
liil llial I cier made a trial of il healing virtna
mi l I enii t-iilideiitly tecuminciiil it to any will
may si: r li nit Totter or any other ilisoii.-i-s in
sin liom an in, pure .l.-it of the Mood.
JdllX liELElIl'XT.
llulid ..hiii-. Pn., July 20, IS57.
I' LA ( I 1; K li hy one l.ottlo of Lindsey'ii lllwd
Sean-i'er. Thi certifle thai n'mut a year up
our lilt" .- -1 1 1 1 " 1 I. in years, wao must snrflj
t.f.liol.'d what the physitians proiiutinci'd to
boM-i-i.'i:l.-i. .- n I was treated nee .nliiiojy for neu
a year, hut without the siij;hlost hciiclit. liil
eyes we:c riiiinin a thin mattery htitimr alraoit
c-i'ii.-tantly : which would cncrii.-t his eyes beyund
tho pnwi r of;; them until they were liaA
e l aii'l cleiii, od by -onp and water! Ahout til
Mini" lime nu abscess I'm uu-d ju.-t hclow llic groil
which in tine time broke and cmnuieneod a di
eliiii-e. which es found impossible tutlrynp
In al- t'ie bed Would l.o very much stiiini'il, mi
Ihc clothing of the child pcii'ei lly sickening im
tingle night s time. After having the attention
of a physician for so long a lime, and hading th
child to bo gelling worse, wo determined te try
tho i-lleci of Mr. Limlf.iy'a Wood Searcher. Tbil
n in last March mid lioforo two week? hJ
passed Ihe ohmigo nas manifest, and T nm hnppf
lo say that in tho use of a SIMiLE P.()TTLKoi
little hoy lr s hocn perfectly restored to health-
lie cannot speak loo hi-dilr of this invaluabll
iiioilicitio. It should he in every familrBoM
should bo wiih-ut it. As n purifyer of liosilitL'
ucyonii ail price.
Hollidnysl urg, Pa., July 21, lsi".
llt'llidamliiirg, Pa.,
,1. M. LIXI.SEV, .Murch lllth. lfii.
I,,... .. -:.. .11 - , .
" no i c occn using your iiiiproTr.
- r.lood Sfar.-her sine :,.,n..... '....
I deem it lo le a matter of duty to benr testis
ny to its iii,-!ii-iii,i,i luri,f ,i-it,iri,j rirUa.
have been, for a number of years, sereroip trM
hied with tnjtipvl,,, n1 ,, ,-,-,, rirbilil). l
since I put myself under tiio influence of
mprorcd lllood Searcher, l Iiml a ,-ery dec-idt-ni'lrovemeut.
Indeed, my neipiaintnnccs ft
(iienlly remark that I look so "fat and hearij
and I know nf no other ennso than the nst
your improved Iilood Searelier. Judging fror.
my own experienue, l believe that this io one:
tho nii'si valuable inetlieiiius th t women can if'
especially llmsii who art or haae entered !
the tleclino of life (from 40 to 50 years of age.) '
feel thai it would hare been ingratitude on '
part to haco withhold this testimony, and in Ibn
consenting to appear na u witnp bn(',,r ihs out
lie, I have been actuated solely with rofcrence'1
the mice of cousoionea and duty. You an H
litierly to make wiiatevor use you may df'j
piuucr ui mis siaiemeiii.
Voiirs respectfully,
, sey's .'-iproved lllood Searcher tlthtir co..
' rersonnily a.pearod before me. one of the Juit
e,v of 110 1 1"0' ,u B1J fr Hlair county, (joorf'
Kopp, who, being duly sworn according to 1
i l"th deposo and sav: T.. vr. n r w. Sn
i.l :,. 1 . ' . , "S,"
1 ' ""' r" "ctwoon tne iliouldcrs, almost om
, slant coueb. lo f -cm.. l. .o
1 ..,.1 D..'..T." . V"1""' "'K""T. i
i that InT.rc ffl
Physician done me no eood. S,ii,. lutbl. 1
physician done me no good. Sometime last ft"1
1 con inoncco lahiajj Lindley'i Improved BU
Search er,ana by the se ll-o bottUi!1