Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 07, 1858, Image 2

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CI ',
' 1 l ' .
l.l-.AI'l II !.!' 4
r !" DrrK,'c Stnle Ticket.
.H'JuiK !' THE .--l'l'iil'.MK Cn!
r r WlllkU A. roRTHK,
..j i i : 1 1 .u a.
""" CAN'Al. COMMISSI! tNKir,
- tif l Avm'i. co.
AMENDIKO THE CONSTITUTION ' 'fl..-(..t--a,T" i' tl.c ;i. t t-.r tho mli.ti ,i....r
BEFORE 1664.
! Ivuiimih tiii'U'i' tlic I i'i mh) ti -ii 1 i i . t i I ii ! ion
'" The riiilnflolfhin Pri, in Usisfiio ul'tlie ,(.() ,.,. ,,.!.,Vt, j (j, nuiitftl.y tin' ul.
1 nt ini t., whctlirr il.''.-'i'iiiii to ii'll'iitmion ol' tin- Critli'ii'l'M n:n im lun'ii! ,
f the lutituclnnllowcilliy riistnin, tonmkei ,;,., ,VMS (..,( ntr. ltu-.l in tin.' Si m.l.'
.'April fools" of ilfii inilois, oi'vl.i-ticriiii-Ji,v s,.,iuroi' I'litt.'ii.l.'ii, of Kouhwl-y. nml
- pcllcil hy the iinhiPiii'n Unit, "tiflM'stLn" i i.", -t, as iiltorcil l.y 'Mr. Montgomery ol'
', liiul ovor it, innkfis this rxIriioiilinni'V mi-1 l',i. Tin' vnt.. was first taken on the ijues
: iioiun'cnii'iit, '' kai; in .MiM, i niK.vs; t ion i f the rejection f ' tl I.Ci i i i)i
that the Senate hill to he voted on inthei,,, Ci n."( it utioii, which was ' ncyutiv-
j.atjoiii.l lloiise ef I!ei,vc,entutivesto-.hiy,J(Hl ,,y n I1),jorit y.
ni reiercnceto, evanos nti.i.iesm.yK'
llie jiiuicune Hint tnc peoj.i.; oi u ia j er-
'l'l.ory i.'lin iiHeriiiiu ninemi uie i-cioiiiin' ii
1. 1 iii. 1 ....
- 1 onMiiuiioti outHiiie 01 us prescriueu pro-
1 virions, and thai all propositions to reserve
rthiH right to tho people of Kansas have '
r brtn withdrawn nnd voted down." ('i
h - No hotter specimen than the id.ove wil-
ful mwrorrewntntion of the ease us it real-
ly staiuls, could or need he given nf
.the reckless ntteinpt.s which the at.ti-J.e-
compton papers nro makin? to mislead
" Rnd deceive the credulous and uv.s.ispect.
m ing portion of tl e eoninnunty
ri. Ti . ; ..t: i
Hie eiutor of tlio I ress knew when lie
' made thin statement, that the very rea
"ison why such a declaration wits oh.
t objected to in tho bill for the admission of
.n Kansas was, that the riht of n sovereign
"pooplo to "modify, reform or uholish their
40Fii of gOVc, miiT-lit' ul any imil nil liiiit'r.,
. . when public (sentinient demanded it, war
so well fottled nnd ocknowlcdj.'ed both by
''( the principles upon which our institutions
are based, and the uniform practice under
them, 'that it was eonsidorud not merely
r superfluous, but it seemed like negativing
a doctrine, the correctness of which hud
never before, been railed in question, to
liuvo made an acknowledgment of moh n
light in favor of tho pooplo of Kansas.
And n thing unknown in th" history of
'the admission of new States.
Tho editor knew further that the I'res
' lont in hie special messago accompanying
! the I.eeompton Constitution distinctly de
clared his. conviction to he that : ''If thero-
fore, the provision for changing tho Kan
S sas constitution, after the year one thoti
' tand eight hundred nnd sixty-four, could
j by any possibility be construed into a pro
'm; hibilion to mako tuch a change previous
. to that period, this prohibition would be
wholly unavailing."
And still further, he knew that the m.v
jority report of the committee of the ten
ato on Territories, expressed their belief,
nnd recommended that it should hp so
considered by Congress, that tho schedule
nccompanying the Lcconipton cot stitu-
: tion in which alone the clause in relation
'"'tdthe amendment thereof is found, was
no part of the constitution itself, and that
Kansas could be admitted as well without
'". Us. with it.
" And tho editor of (ho Pirns knew still
further, that tho bill for tho admission of
Kunsas, to which he refers, in the second
- 'i-ection, and in tho following language,
.enunci.ttes the very pnnciplo which he
Talsoly asserts it ''evades nnd destroys."
1 Jvothing in thif act shall be construed to
abridge or infringe nny right of the peo-
j plo asserted in tho constitution of Kansas,
...ntall times to alter, reform, or nholislr
their form of government in such manner!
os they may deem proper ; Congress here-
by diselahning nny nuthority to intervene
' , , ., . .. J, ., , .
or declare the construction of the const, -
tution 01 anv State, excont to see thai, it
Is ltepuhliran in form and not In ronflict
, With th Constitution of the United States;
and nothing in this act thall be construed ox an'
t - mfittnl hv L'onartss to all trr ar.u t,( t)it .!).'
- : " - - " 'I
osition or clahns contained in the online n-
1 in tn iiinn ti,-..-
m'Z7h...'j, Ani,n , .i.,.. r t,
i uniiiw'vt. vi v1'-' i'i i;u i i ia u j a iiyu u'v.
VoU bt 1 l ,,f i I t r i l r ,
...oU.inS hut the- most reckless discgard
of tho truth, and tho most malignant La-'
trod of the partv and the men who sustain!
,, ' , ,,i
; t."'s'W. W rmPt ny man (o thusj
fctuitify hinievf in flit! faefcof 1lieeunt.rvi i
..ban I... l.w..fJ.....,..i -i.:' LAt-
-ionhu'lepottre ? J m.
',.. , "' " "i '
j-..,.olo not consider of nny nnportanrr
whatever, the declaration mado in the. bill
for the admission of Kansas, that .'on -
' 'j 1...1 i .. '
ticse "iucr iim . in. i inte or mirine any
right of the neot.lo" of Kansas "to alter.
amend or their form of povern
litont" ut all Linies. "nnd in audi Tilaininr
.as ihey may deem prtper:" that she "dis
chiimi! any MiUionly to intervene or dc
. uo J ran, ur muii'i- us imm.i cuiaie .'11'.,, M.lllinH.nt in tlllt Territorv call loudlv
tor, kmw -when ho penned the nhove par- fo,. n,llllWioll vnih,v my Constitution :
-ngrapMo use the mildest language M;l the vote 011 the umiuulfied rejection
can just now think of, that ho was statin" I ,. t- .-i, ., ., , .
. .ft io' "1C Kansas bill in tho House, snows
(fl very revfse 0 the truth, (., , ,, . . .... , , , . . . ,
.. . . . 1 that tho l.iaioritv ot that l.odv in tavor ol
. Ticjci r.T-r:. amn ivr,iTinwon or the jxojilc nl ' ""' i on iiceouin oi nu exuciue uiiupiiony. iinu Jlero lies hcneatli this clayey mound
JiamL"." AVhai must lioneB:t Democrats ! " mi,,,nt of Mchor 'wHa Territory, tho variety of arithmetical operations that Jho guardian of rnv voiitli,
, think 'of a journal and itx editor, who, i"'1'1 0,1 llis r'.t," '," 'ashmgto,, t-ity, i fnn l.o porloi-miyl by it ho machinery Ho ilnplwsM ,y inraMt mind
fii. profe,si,, to W the faithful defoi.ders of, -.e has been spurning for some I sli.Cne'eml j WUb f M'
--i trtitli nu1 U.Mitn. mv! lU f.l.nmi.jAw w wing us a uit. Mr. I . is in ! ni' iw linv i fi k.-hm nf ulu.L dm mm. J His (l.vs on rartli Imvo nuin WM I iff
- - . t . . m. 1 j t. ...... a . . . . ui..' un. oil I' ll. j. iiii. I. ..iii,i. T ... .li..' I in r I. ill ..ii-:.. . -:.-..i: -i . .. .. . ..
,-, the Ci'l-tlll, !l"! "t 111'1 '"liMillllt".t
d I'l'l
,, lit ' '
it. I:
whh I
r "i
hi in
. '' ,
," TI. il h. injr i
"I K ii i t-it - n II i
nth. r Sti-tc .1 l!i'
!! -Ill' l i'lln.'li
111 (if
illin '
I ...
Ii. 11"
O lull-
. r.
i V. "
tiel In
i '"'
i i it .
(!' I lii
I nil.-
"II. I'"'
I ive c
I 'IV, i,
': 1 1 I 1 1
T ni it i.s
. t tec i
I . I .! lull I
I; nnv l"
:! n. il iii
I I'ii! ami I
1 Mali
i !. i
..I' the
ll ! ! : t I ;
lint I!
t 111.'
' I i.i Ii run
.1 in
I i,n .-iiii'iit 'l :i :i . u j :;j i ." niii'i'- :n i.ny ,
'coliii.'ii.ii, tlnit "'ill ll.u Mii'tviiinly iiml
'wilfully fii'-il'y tii" MN.irt 'in imi. 'i l..nt,
a mill I. i' ic tin1 "in' :! v cii I.
The. Crit-
, , M t r.meiidmnit, or snli.
gtihll;on Y,w ,,,,, 0tivlvd and carried hv a
V()((l j0
I'pon its l'in;t refer-
,ril UvVn u. Sl11.lt0i - it ,.,1
, . .. . ... , . ,
l.v ;
jn. 1
aln ul)ll lvti;,lu;ll t0 Ulc jj
, ;(J ,.;;, ,,,1 r.
OI'O 1
jlll l( 'l 1111(11 KJI 111,
T)(t) lollH0 wiUj,romplv nV(,,. it
fol.son)0 timCi put tll0 hu ,vill uwA llkl,Iv
l Tll0 rri,.u,l!t of tlie il,llni11i..,tlalion
U(,k1 ill(1(,d (lU Uin lnl0 ,,.;,, of )h(.
; f,onntl v of the interests of Kansas
f!ol tIlllt H hi-u. (,utv to a(hit us
1 Slate nt the earliest i.ossihle teriod. i'ub- nilmissir.ii i ovci-whcliniu"
ti, i.,.ii. 1, r ii,.-..,;t
1 iiiiii inn 111 ... 11. 1 111,11111,, 111 i.i., 11 1
, ... ,. lt . ,
uom 01 me poue 01 u.o x nw, ,,,, , , , ,-c-
which tho suhitilute proposes lo admit j,
Kansas; which in fact gives tho President
almost unliini'ed power and discretion in
the matter. The coalition between the
Republicans, Americans, andaiiti-I.oeoinp-
) ton I iemocrats, has about culminated, and
il is not likely that they will nil vote to -
cether airain on anv ouestion in relation
to the admission of Kansas.
The 'it ani.ks, that ha e followed lie re-
cent coiif!ai"itioii that swent ft nortion of
f'' ' 1 1
our town, havo located some of our places
of business where the friends, may not
uuu. o. if po. c o, w. x,.,sii.e,, ; j.wnlonp sessions at the point of the 'is settled. 1 -' - riMI K MSSKUlOltF OALLKRY OK PAINT-
commending the speedy recognition ol i,ayomt : and he would d.all this with-' Humor says the Vre-ideut is disposed to ORPHANS' COURT SALE. X INtlS! purrlitt soil al cut of $sn,lioo !
Kansas as n State, is wanting. ?!vcn the out any pel sonal risipie to himself. There accept the House aliK lidmcnt . 1 1 is also - j y virtue of nn i.f mle ipucl "til of the ' im.l l'..w er worl.l rfiione.l tiilKHK SI.AVK!!
N'ew York Tribune does not rViim the ' is no time to be lost. L'eiitlemcn. Let .line said that Mr. Motiiponierv lm:r siin-e J) o.i.hnim" Court of rlcnrficlil county. iIiitp j Hpnrc!itifc,l l'..r nix liiounand doling, with er
' t. ... ,, .'4 ,' tr , : Lime be pot into the Semite. 1 f vour broil-ht umier ids not ice m h pi . . j o: al . .'.I hi' c t.. calo n t tbo I '...i. I limine .1 nl 1. mull i-.l other Trurkt i iit, in Paintinn.
adoption of the f rittendcn Montgomery , .," - , s,.rvi(.es nro ;,,,!- 'a, lloW I,,., adopted, and tlmt is was in 11,.' is. r,i,u of Clcrfu-ld, -m SA'l l KIiAV, W-nlplure !.o.,,es, con,,. tl.. lWnm. I
substitute asallqiilbliciin triumph. While ...1,., u, 1 -..,, 1 rt ,11, 1'.voriblv received lh lOTIf .lay of MAY m-xt, nil the interest of t.i l.c to the nut.wril.vra of the ( o imn- I
., ... ... ', nal'K. --!'".. ' a -n. no iiiiI.ioi.ii.i 1 'Uin. Mm, !,, Suit, ,lr.c".l.. in and to the fell,'" i,iK 1 pohtmi Art Aoi'intion, who Miihirribe l.ofi.r lh. ,
the Kepuhhcnn party outside of ( 011-ress, . Tf,-mT ' It s w hi;jiered tha. or.'.-jvn, the ,,,,,..,,, ,,.,1 ,.t,i, Mluate in l!..jrs tp.. and 2h r .lamiary, 18i, at which '
make rather wrv faces about the terms on I f-uJ W"flii-A9 VX! injjtun indlioiianc, has either i;;i,:'il ..i- is ,,,,,, ,,v liinJ, f . ,-m. Lui.uido mi the ,-!, ill take p nee.
.,. , ,, ..1 ,. .,...,! I'l'iek a hole in .1 card with a pin, and ' neirotintin'T 'or the purchase ,, the I ol- ,,..,..; ,,,,M.p f id-nrv Htuwurt mi Iho imrtli. 1 ''mus M tS'iilisrnitfinii.
reai lily Innl them. Piiank .uutiT wliosc tei'lties sj, angle tin: nir with tln ir liean
r...r,l ,t Shun,l.i;sl,ni..,it. ('..11 11 1, it. v tm'ties; yet every one of these ubieets the
--f J
the. devouring clement will now he found
on second street in the shop belonging to
Mrs. Welch formerly occupied by the late
Ih If. Welch as a watch & jewelrv simp.
. ,r ,, ,, 1 ,- i,. ,' , . ..
1. J. MoU.llough Ls.p J ''.strict Atter -
ney, will bo loiinil 111 the ollico between
1 the store iul residence of Kiehard Mo? -
sop, 011 main steet. Josi:ru Ooox has ei
tahlis,hed himself at his old stand, close by
his residence on main street fourtl
jEoriie Richards occupies with his laih
; establishment the front part of the
I. A much more .ngreably location,
(.ieorgo says, than tho rear nparlinents.
R. li. Tavi.ou, Eating Saloon basement
of Merrcll ei Carters
Tin & Iron store on
second street. The striped sign of Sam
the barbef will ho found hy those sc-H',
inrr iiftrip tllli'h fl si.'ll ll 1 11 111! 11 .1 1 i nn lliA
T ' fa
neighborhood of front street below the
residence of Gen. A. 51. Hills.
, Fins. An alarm of five started many of j
our citizens from the enjoyment of their,
mid-day repast on last Tuesday. The'
alarm wius well founded, nnd arose from
the roof of "Mrs
Welsh's houso, situated
on tho south west corner of Second nnl ,
'Chpstnut stiee( (akin fire from the
i , ',, y nvc . 1
j sparks out o the due. Prompt assistance '
ivn rcn.I,riil nml inn fiiwiiiiiinl.itlliiif ,.r,'
wan cxlinguished und tho dainjer over,
and every body allowed to retire to com-
plete their dinners.
v. u 1 1 , , ..... . ... ...
' ' ' """J'' r"-'l "
lino siariti, and looks oxoectliii'-'lv wtill.
t t ....
- e
' io!!""r associates avail them . lvc, of Jependently of oael, other, but upon a,
thi, ot,prP,uni.v of wclCominj him to his", S."V ,1.';.x'"''icl tho box
firmer home.
Viilition, siibtractioii, limltiplicdtion and
hvisi,m are pcrlonned by dillcrent move-
M'KMAI. SCIlUnh. ;ments of the wheels and keys, and as ia-
. , M(.oorflanC(l wUh uoiW l,rl;.l(,r(ll.0pilly. asa mii.sician plays upon the kevs of
- ',vr.n - l ill i,..i, .. X ai.,..i a niaiio. imd (he r.-snlt. ..i,i,...iiv b, Ihi,,.:,,
.v..l,..l (,,(, moiitbs .in.. llio bi.iv,i,..s.
" HVtwmsnlle; roiiiiiirrciiig en" ituvday?" Vo tnaniucnt s.vcfv.perU'i I. .. T ...
,the dtliof May.' Teft'diers .v.ho'dc'U fi at-
tending it, are desired to make (heir pre -
partition to be present at its comnience -
, ll!,'nt ; and to" bring Mich text book,, as
(hey have in (heir Possession.
.: , , .......
t I, IT . 1.1. .1 ... .1 1 I. . I . .. . in .Mi.l.nll -
1 r ;'",.. ;. ii " .i ! T. .' .
Ilir-H lV UUIl. tV3 III W..I M ill. Illl' I 11 I'll lit IMll-
- , ted to inenaio teachers for the duties of
the school room as nosi ihle. - . '
- i I.. STJ I.I., ' .V.,p'f .
- pill..
It t , K nil -"! . ! mi n U i" )
h, tt,,i, nt -im j II. mention of
111 ill'l liMlll.' i I ll'MlL'tl I'1 1 11 VO i( .
it (Ml
.'. I l'l ilv
II. i
I CIV'I ,itr
the ! hp!
I i ( I. ;ii", Hi' rumi
i t , ! mnitie i i A J l"l
i' ill' l.'i.i i' mnn i f lli
.11, II' tin' l'l Hl'1li 'HI
vi'ir'iiil I'M" i' i'.-..
" llil'i.
iln i re 'i
ip iii' I
pni I t Ii '
le''t .'. lb
". 1.M1
.11:11,1 :
I . I'll .1 Ii
".st i ij-lil t.t cliini prj nhu' ''''
J, iiii, I. i 1 i" :m I" i'i 'm
I . .,'.c !i"l. Tin'! ' n.i.: i h.i-'
i :ii i in iy n ii li'i'ii I " '
lu, r I i.i II II'. LillK' V. it:.' Ill
I...I ! . . .'illl I. Hi' '.- J I 1 HI'"'
i '
ill IliM.'IV
uii'l In i'"i
i.iiiiiv. 'I
V.Tirll il..' v.H" I'
t!. I,i'.'l -.'...! I
sjh .- Inl! i f lli . ii I i
.1 ..(
I.itt ".( into that count iy. All lVi: .
.i tlnii iMim'ti v. All
li,',' i - 'iii'-lin.jt " illi
ti,,' I'l'.Mi Cllllt JII, ol
l.'iin -i.sin.
M in il.c li
I) II! ,1
11.11 IV-
ijlMir- (' I'"lhin I"
,ii,i.i, nn t .'. 'tics of the
i'i- ii'
1' Ir
. l,
...i.i.......... mil I ii, n-'.t I nit tt-rnt in
!i lea ii nrcis, was i.i n.'iMii
that v::
We r. cat.
n C'ld. liei'ii'ie
:, i'.l to his-
ii' ri
,.... III. .. I
Illl 1 III. .
,,i i. i I
olial onaliii'
we 1-im'V lit'!.". If.' is Isn; -Iv cli':-'-e. ill
,v.,,. ..,i t I...! h! ivi'.'iclaination.- arc
mo"o i, ,n, mil. us than his ti'Jits. We have
no I-
-f that
i-- il:ili;rer.ins oil aeeoiuit '
of his '
Kifisas 1
rv j.ri's-i"!!
claim tin
er l.cliet 1
They '
I .ut it nas
and ''o t ,
..lit of hi
le'iii'i rut ie
,.-,:ie wont.
i SIM I "It I" I- tlial
1'olicv. We lli'V-
aei'Oinj.livli lv.ucli:
Kill now that he on boast of recruits
11s Mr. Ieii"lns. Mr. Wall er, (who is re-
ported to l.e writiiie a forty six cohinni Ar
ticle on Kansas, 1 Nun ton, a ml i-ome oilier democrats, we nre not certain
hut he will His sti.v in Kansas
cannot, be lon;i, because that people arc
hoci.minj; very n speerablc. nml will not
lnuch loiifrcr cniliuc his presence. It is:
none of our I. m ines:-, but e venture, ncv-
!,,.l., . . ir. tl,.,l;,i fl,,. cll.riTi.ulimi thai
I halie could do better just now in New
Knnlami in Hale's Slate, or he liiieht
take Sumner's place in the Senate, lie is
a man of much more ability than Sunnier;
1 while his qualities ns an imitator could not
fail of iiiiiii'eciation under tho regime
Afi. 1!i,.l.- in Wnssfi.'liusetts. 1 f we are to
have a season of limitation, we would much
prefer to take it, in an epidemic characicr
' utonce: so we recommend that Lane he
called out of Kansas and employed where
I he most clt'ective. The pood of
the State should override fill other con-
Siderntioiis. We could not well spare ei-1
ther Stunner or Hale, but thev would noi
be thiMinht of if we had Lena 'in the Sen -
- a.e. Lane ill tlie Senate! That would'
be a nroud dav lor the republic: lle'iif
. . . . ,1
would nt oner orpanro the linhiia, an, I
, , , (hp ,,;.,( of , 1 .
Ihcn loolr thoil'slit it 'riioii'rli that small
J if,i,, a romplete landscape may bo viewed.
At one extremity of the landscape there
may be a forest of trees : in the distance
there may be hills Ijathed 111 goMen light, to-day.
and over-liting wilh glittering clouds, in, W.miini;t,', A ril I. It 'w nsccrluincil
the mid-distaiico there mav he a river 1 'from an authentic source that there ha
j winding its rourse along as though it !ov-
i ed Ihe e.'.l th through which it ran, and
wished by w andering to and fro, to refresh
1 1 ne 1 11 1 1 - i. - . ii , iii i nu .1 .1 i-u 1 "11 in 1 11 nt
he a ehureh covered with n million ivy
, .1. ,1. .. ... , .-. 1 . I.. l'....rt..,. 1
, ''':IV''3 ' .'-'""iiping towards the sacred
i;itrt i... i.,,,wi,...i. r.f ,,,i:,.
.nun V innl 1.1. 11 iii.l.. .1.1.11 .i.-ii
uppers, ol 1 ami voting, rich ninl i.oor ;
(lowers may adorn (he pathwavs, and hut
If , ,,. .......
forest, the eloiiils. the river, the church.
the ivv. the 1, conic, tho lloiv. 'i's ll,,, tail-
: tci Hies' must have sent rays of light
'which found their way through the little
! 5 11 . Ciiul "V'1 f 'nU !'C(1 '",
their liicture upon the curtain of the eve.
J Tllii is ono oi' 3l uwt P,rikig instau-
j ecs that 1 an be allorded of the wonderful
! propor'.tii s of light, and of (he infinitude
I ! . I - 1 II.. .11.- T . 1
those luminous ravs Unit attend the
majestic rising ol the .-un. "Not only doe.-i
light llv from the grand ruler of the tlav
with a velocity which is 11 million and n,i'- The experience gained on the voyage ' t10 p,,,.,,,,, treasurer,
hull' times greater than the speed of a can- of his vessel "the '(!, .1. Kei" haw" has j ,s,v;,, -P That it shall he thediilv of the
non hall, but it darts from every reflect- convinced linn Unit tho' aver; el ;idaptid to ,-,,., (.o,,,iablo to notify on the first Moil
ing surface, with like velocity, and reach-'hike navigation in fair simi;iir weather, ,lay of May in eah and', verv year hcreaf
es the lender st rile I ores of the eve sn ceiil. ' call make the I'll 11 I last ward with .1 l'-avimr ..1! ..!....,( 1. ,...."1,,1 ..n.,..
( ly tI,.,l( M t (.,h. nnm ,0 littl.j curtain
' 'of nerves which (horc is spread to receive
lf. 11 imparts tho most pleasing sensations,
nin 1 icn.s h Moiy in 1 ue ouier worm, w 1111
a minuteness of detail, nnd a holiness of
-.,, Vhiiosot.Iiors once sourrht to ,rAah
it... ,.S,,,, . .1.... I...1 ...'..!
they constructed the most
"' -s'i" '
! delicate balance, and suddenly let in upon ;
il a lii am ot light : the lever ot the bal
ance was so nicely constrtio.lod (hat the j
Muttering of a (ly would have (lis-1
turbod i(. All prepared, (he grave men '
took their places, and with keen ryes,
watched the result. The sunbeam that ,
was to decide the experiment had left tho!
. sun eight minutes prior to pa.- s the ordeal. ,
11 ,,a'1 '1,,,tv tlirotijt'Ii ai.Oiiil.lHH) miles in
! lat1s!10!'t r oftime, and shot upon
the balance with unabated velocity: but
lh, loVl.r luovl nnt, undlhol-hilosophors
, v. -. '' ., " . ,
1 iif. Arithmometer. 1 he arithmometer
Jor ri-mly reckoner, which was invented
I and patented by Kcv. Thomas Hill, of
Waltham, Miissachtisotts, is said to bo
.Ikt of wliW.-li uiav ho im rojisofl m m'wi.
. , . .
.- .. .. 1 li.,: i t-
.ftiipmilmlopotthej.ojc. The aceiimcy
,r.uprtivhi (on cif the hoje. Tin. :i.-iirrv
- . - - .
; '.ir,iEO Auvr.-A lefto'r, snys tl.e Haiti -
, more Sun, dated Holland, Kric nuinlv,
1'a, March 1", says : " '
i A verv ntlliefivn ilitn..r.:.... ..r i :
1 . . : 1 n'ti
.1 - 1 i 1 - 1 ....
, " ,. ' " veiny luilrs
1)1 I II IH Ti:i('t A I It' lAI'iim
t n.. i a . . . .
named Heed wan 'minrMr ".,,.n,l ..
t in . ol the iir..liv li.iv II. .i. I
niht with niiotlier iiiini.itcr at a i.rivnte
.home. Mr. h'ecd was tnlien t' ith n tit in
"i r..i l
, nu ni l ui i nil: iiii . "i 1 1
I1 .. ii'irll. nii'l it v ' ' I'l l" 'I 1" 1" I
, . 1 1 ili i iiniii-ii r I ' ti p i'i " Inn iv
, , , .i 1 1 ,. lii.rllllK ill " 'Will lin-l liilll
linn I tli' ii. l il.ij. "ii ! I' t'iiii I""1"
Mi i Ini" Ii" I' It Vn'l'l Ml IM'i'I'l tll HiPlI'
li,iiu-!i I- v i- ilni'l I'll' I Hli','l. Hi ll'i' I"1'
w.'lil ilnini'.liiil. h (..(fcl li'iniiili iiti'l
I.i in- Hi. in Li ('l'.i! 'l, r. lu ll I" tin ii' yu-A
....l tin ll,-..IVl I l'l llli't In' li i'i ,i' "
:.n. i.'mi'. 'i i..- ft,. i I'i iii. ' "H'ii v
l 111 . mi. I li .
ml' iii.l 1 1. i n.
(. I'ii.
Hi- . 1 1 .... I . ti I
i..ii. ... ... i . p... I ! I' i ii
in i.i I . .ii I.i I.i. i . I'''
j ii. I a ri w 1 ' I In n i'ii
.ill i- iniii Ii li iii' ii1'
v ,.iiiv..t.,s Cm. March I-
" ii i N..T..N I 'n i . Miin-1
ft Ha' I'.'' i ''" ' ' ""' i
1'tAlt Sin ; I luivi: lri'iivi il
nilliill tlic
Hl't tun I
li'ulii imiir
ly.s e'cilit letters lnnii Kiiii-iis,
of the most inline, ititti , ili'-ns
oi i ii. i i-i i Mm . . . i... ...
., . ,il I nil 7. i I I.'ll' II !l VIC II I 111' w "I "t
,111.1 11.., . , .
... niU-iiii, o Kansas n n Male nil"
!l'..i..n '.ml ..xi .res - in i' their licai-t
Mill - lie Ini' IN inlinl-'sioii tllnlel I lie ia -
j comton, wit h t lie construct idi
' put upon it hy the lYe.-ideiit 'I he u-1
miplll-e Willi Hie Wl'ilcrs oi mi iiii "' '-
..iv he ut. '1 for the tel. s W!i. oi.pi'Htli'll to Hie cons! HU! nni. n
under a nio'uientii-1 it waswitli the National I ' , print
iirc not disi used t" ' cd at I.ei'omi'ton, which wns consul. 'led
.' I . I 1 I'.. . !.'. ... , 1.1, t .11 ,,,11
1 lie le II, in-
' the sober sooniul tliotii.'ht , mid a fuller ex
!nminntin of the provisions of the consti
jtiilicn. they have united in su-tainin it.
I regardless iif what they may have said in
ojipcsii ion 1.1 it before.
' The people in Kansas are becoming en
thusiastic in favor of admission. hie ol
ijny coirc'-poiiderits says that tin epistle
I from Washington. e.plainin.e the policy
of the President, bcim,' rend to a hu ;."'
inectiii'-' of eiti.ens, brought forth three
' heat tv cheers for ihe I'liion, the l'rcsi-
dent. and the I.ocoiupton constitution
without a dissentine voice.
I f.-oiild not advocate a measure had I
the least fear of its creating strife, much
less civil war, in the land of my adopted
home, llaviurr "I'own nil in the peaceful
Shades of the old Keysl
lie, notliin,'! out
I he feVt lie 1 lal Us ol a Kansas ciil'l Have
induced me to leave it. AVe have in K.-in-
j sas the elements of peace and prosperity.
' ( nly relieve us from ou'sidc indiiome,
!;,nd we shall soon prow to the slat, ire ol
preatness, and claim the respect of our
Ujicr States. lours.
1 - " .
1 From Washir.fjton.
s! ,N.
Wash INHTOV. April IH'i'- Mi'
Aslll.NliTOV, April ... I. ".'.' .11 I'. Mim-l"'
11 1, . ;l. c. ,.,.!,,. ',,i-i I.
r arrivci here I: s n n 1 1 in t lie . 01 1 ii.
,,11.11. ..s ' ....
.11 -i 1 1- I
lie will remain until the Kansas
K.u 1 1 , ,.i n u .i-a
1 TIicm; Iim, iast st t.-inenls are !;iv, 11 on .
minor only.
. Neither' I louse of f Vsinvs . h, in i-cssion ,
b.111 no acceptance, cither condition. d or
unconditional, of volunteers lor I'tali, or
' other sei vice under
.ill now - i-ndiiig
It . .
. 1 a-lore 1 .1 ingress.
' the V: esiih nt
designs u 1 1 cmi.-t 1 ii' tion of his abinet is
'.. -.t ..i 1 1 . .. 'pi 1
itlLIllllll OUI lUil iHI . Ill' 1 1 111 II I ll 'I S ll'lll-
posing il are known to 1 c 1 : run 11 hhis on
the gcnei nl policy of the Ad niinisl rai imi,
.and friendly in all their r. i.-ns.
' (icn. 'lal Pcisifcr P. Smith has 1 cell or
dered to Utah, as well lis fii Tli.rney.
'The chief command will devolve on lie
1'kom f'mcAco to I.tvi iirooi.. According
to the ( 'hi, ago lVinocrat, the attempt to
establish direct communication between'
, 'Chicago and Liverpool Ly sailing ve-sels
has failed Mr. Kei'.dir,'.v, th
,. ..f..., .1... ... ..w... . 1
who spent the most money' in trying to
i accomphfh it, having given it up m iles-
' Vr- nfl' r losing large .- urns of money in
! cargo, she cannot, carrying such a ''arg'V
: make headway against seas ns she nui-t ,
encounter on licr return, an, I,, hat there is
inm- . n un 1 oni.i.-n 11 .1 i, 'p
' in the fall months before the navigation
of the St. Lawrence is closed.
' -
.;;)" Education is a better safemiard for
,. ,
liberty thnn a standing tinny of
rjy Teacher- "William, can you till
llio why the sun rises in the east'."
l ii 'ii "uon l Know, air, cepl it no thai
'east inakos everything vise."
, ' . .,
MAhRlKJl.tln the 1st iiist., by the
' ' . ', , Ml. , T .
' " ' ,.
Miss. Mary-J. r.Iowcll, both of this Co.
j - - - - -
1)1 LI) At his residence in l'ike town-
jship, on the 3d inst., .lohn Si"
, , ,
n"(,X ' ynrs 4 months.
I-'',,':t whittia on tue ciiave or tiik I'Ecea-
Uin, ii v ins mix.
llif ('nvllily toils nro o'er,
And saitiiwi niirMn ni.f c im
From Keener of darkne,s lai ud grief,
juh spirit took its flight. b
, To regions of unchanging bliss,
And never fadi ng light.
,, ., . , ..
.h.le in the world he shared U, ills
' ' And lelt its bitter woes.
,"flwl alikw from firklr? frten1s.
unvaried foes.
I Jhit here secure from every harm
' He enjoys a peaceful iom,
Nor can the stoi ais of hfe dist'ivb
Tha calmiiess of his breast.
I .
In l.radlonl tp., on the 1 I, .,'! ., ..,.
. . .
"n,C l"'al"11"' ''fc,p'l J ''"'!. U months
"Ildj days.
' 'n the 'J'UI
i lilt., Tahitha (irahaui. a "ed
nliiMiindO ,l,v. '
nliis mi, I J
4 vcai-i 11 inont
.1 InV
hi I l.nT. "I'll " ''"'I' ' '" i
Ihiiii. i.n lli mtin Hi.-nl l Hi"
i. . i., . i . i I i .,n iii.'ii "r i- n '.
M i ltlUK t . lliMili."l'l,n.l. II. l1Ht!'"l'H
l'l. m fl' M, .'tll 7, l.!.
Iir u i f'
j urn. iii 1 1
I.M'TI'.HS imiiiIiiIiii( i" Hi" '
IrnilK'M l"r !" '""r'"' ""'"
Mm i'ii .111. 1
I . N.' li n.
"H I. I " f
lir, .l.ilin fi. ft ..It. ,M.
I l'!i -i i.'ll Vi'll'l. .1 'ill II I'"'1 .'"l'l'
Hi in v l.ini'u "' '" w " ,l' Ml "
I. 1,1 III. IV. '
I, It I.I..-I..1I. Ill-
M h t WiM'. .'i'
i;,,.'.. i. I.. I. II
.lillM.'. H. I'.'I'T
, . Ann .'.'till !'' I'' ''Ill'
,, II. I i i I ill I. II' HI V I I I""'.
V..,. Si.-iirl. I'r. ""1. Mr"-
sii.,,i Mm
llnti. I.n it"t i-i.
A'.. 7.
,., Alum II, I Mi", "".v
Ann Si.i: !-. .I'.lni Itlillll, l.irrill I -
1,1, H iiii 111 iiiiili!n,il.
C. li. W.lT-'l.V r. M.
i;;:; isteh's (Tici:s.
-vTiri h i: is ni:i;i:iiV iiivk.v, tut n." f..i-
l I, ,i,. i ii. .Minis Inn i l.i'n -v ii in i ii e .1 innl
.iiil I'.v in", "l'l rflnnln fllfl i.r'rci ,.nl In tl.
i.tlll'li ..r I I.I' lll.''l lll'll "l 0 I' -", n
.ns mi. I till i.tln ir ill nnj tvny jnl.'i
Illl',',.. .'I'.lllll-
'sli-.l nml will
,f l.r.'M i. l.'il li. llio Hi1'.! I'ri!.in
( 'null ,,f I hu i'
ii 11 - . .. ... . ... I 1,1111 Illl l.P 11 I
lll'lil i i'iiiiir. i" i n in .m " 1 ; .
l'., .,1 n.'iiilicl.l, mi Ti lev Hi,' l.lli ilii.V
..I' .Mnv ii.'.nI. f"r cnnlii iiiiitiini nml iillinviiniT :
The 1,1 count of .lohn I,. Cuttle, Adin'r.
,i',i 1 r.i'.'l p.i.1,11,. loii.loii. lal,. of
' '
lint A
t Htil . 1
the boioii.'h of Clc.illicld. decd. " oil iiii.,..!.! iii'i.i i.oumy,
TlM liiuiladniiiiislratioii ac. of .Ino, hounded north 1.111 east hy tho Kilo turn
M ';,,. and Mary M'Uocv, ad'mr , I ad'in.w ' pike, west hy hinds ol in. M Nunl, mid
,.f t'leVstats ol'Siiiion Lynch, late ot I.aW mlh l.y the south hnecf o. .'llil.l, hidnR
lviii . tp . decM. )nirt of No. i'lilo. Writ retiutn-d Not
l-'iii.d in iiiiiliistrntio account of Mary I-VI-I found. f
well, Marv ho,c,) n.lm'X of Kd-, Ami now Kth .Nov., Is... , 011 1notn.l1 of
waul I,' , dc'cc.scd. I N '" A. Wallae... Ks.p 11 lis Att y, ltule
Tlic Adminisliation account of ,l,,s, ph "ii tho Heft is planted, to iippenr ami
.'iehol-.n ,hninistrntor of th estate of 'plead, snd j,iihhentio)i of tnul rule it or-
s;.,..,,,..l ; 'i,.b,,Uni
hn W. Wrin
ai count ol
il mid
ilei-M' Williams, Kxoculors ol the last will
and testament of .liicoh Leonard, late of
I'lcecnria tp. dce'd.
Tlic partial account ol" Iavid Iiresslur
and Kli.uheth Tiressler. Ad'inrs of the es
tate of .lohn Hresslcr, late of I'nion town
ship, Clenrliehl county, dee'd.
The 1'iu'tial iiceount of Williain I'ullcr
ton. sui viviii' nilniinistrnti'i' of the cstalc
of. lohn l'ulleltou, deeea.scd.
.'OOiS.' lifi'lhS..
I KlMi tlie ri'i i'iit liri' tho iiiiili iii;iii'.l Inst i.f Mi.-i'i lliiiii'i.u.i linnk-i. in 'li"
ii iiiiniil ,.f Ins I1l.11.1v. I irxms having
...... I I u lw.1,,.,.ri.i Yn liiiii.-i.iiilK-p.I Willi
iniiiii' lu llii r L'nt on lnnn or ntlii rwisi', ill
ci.nlur ft I'nviir l.y ri'lui nin' llicin iiniiinliiiii'iy
11. li. hwuui'i:.
Mmvli ?,
.-.7.'(V nl' tin: '('.'', t 'nrvm'ifr, Ti nmi.
OXi: il.n.r cast of Monk'liiis A T. 11 litik'n
,tori'. All biisiiic.-.s cntriisli'd In liiln will
. w.v. .............. -
: !' I'liinirl v iitlrinloil In, nml nil in t ruin en I h of
1 1 .
wni mr ihnio on short nolu'o.
Mi li. isa.s.- v.
tract in ii.'imo of lli-nrv Stuwurt on Ihe nor
hunts of llmturil on tho oust, un.l on tl.o timtl,
I"- I : it 1 1 ; i.f Julius riiirist, contninini; jn ihti'.
iii-'i e or less, on whii-h nre erected 11 tiro-Mnried
lor liuii.-e i.ii'l oilier oullinildins, with iibnut 111
m il's ih .ire. I, Terms C.1-I1 on cmtii miilinn of JAM liS S'l'OfT.
Aihn'i. of Malt. Stult, dee'd.
I'li'iirliiilil, Miir. 31.
An 0rcUiianc3 in relation to Boers, &c.
,V. . .'.. 1. ll" it enacted nnd ordained by
the Purges and Town Council of the bo
rough of Clenrliehl, audit is hevel v eniii t-
, cd and ordained by the
' . 11 ... ..1. ..11 i ..
aulhontv ol the
e, and it is hereby
.S..1111C. Mitt 11 Sllilll le.
made the dutv of the hlxh eenstahle
within two works of th" first "Monday of
May in each and every year hereafter, lo
make or cause to be made, :i list of all the
dog; and hitches w ithin tin; limits of the
horuti.'.'h, innl to return the snino lo the
.'ess the lust Monday of May, which n person is reMrieted to n finale flinre. Tnon
list shall contain a short description - inking five nii'iiil.cihi., remitting $1 nre enti
aid does and hitches, the name of the I tied to an extra lingniving and nix iii-ketf.
owner or owner t hereo . ami in case no
.. 1 .
. .... .. ...I r ....1 1 1 .... ., , f il. , ... ie .in .lonrnii 1, winrii runiainn over hi.t ' '--
owner can be loiind the name ol Ihe poi-j,,;,, j-;i,gravin. ,.rin. Iir.y eentf per nuu.ber.
soii or i,i sons about w hose houso or pre-, S,e,.Illir c,,,iM will U Mnt to U iwon. wk.
misc.- the said dogs or bitches may be liar- j ,wjre ,, mlisi rihe, on receigt of live po.lg
liiil-eil lor wliielt service the nigii cousin-
l,,, ..j,., p.jvo ten cent.s for each dog 01
l,',i,.h s,, r,.tiirned. to he 1 mid hv order on
'0" 1(11y dog or bith is harbored.'nnd for
,!,)! ,", owner can be found, to destroy
(ir r,.ln,,vo said dog or bitch, or to re
turn the same to be liui'"cfs tor la.xution ;
' t)) f,,iliu.e nf such citizen so to do,
within ten davs after notice, then it shall
be the dutv of the hiirh constable to take
up and kill all such dogs ""and bitches as:
' s' i , ... 1 I- .. . .
are not returned for luxation for which
sei vii e ihe hi.'h constable shall receive fit'-1
,.. I-. ..I. .1 ...I, ...
It l.vll nil .i i.t'i; "l uin ll i.irT.1 .. .io
i ",..l v :n 1 I., l. I..- ,.,,1..,. .... .1,.. Iii'
i-'iu'i kuh-h, i "e juuu .-j -unci .m uie
'""S" ll, il"lu i
,V.,7'";i it. That it shnll bo the duty of (he,
burgess to issue, within two weeks after ,
. I'm receipt ut the utoivsaul list, lus war
rant to the borough collector,
ing him to collect, as other (ax
l,v law collected from the l cim
axes un
rsons I'eturn-
otl.' ih.l-
lar for every do.', and two ih.llars for eve
i ., i i'ii i .1
: ry '.",:11 " 1 u;; ? 1 1,0' "1;iy T'!;
I rSrctiun 4. I lu.t it the high constable shall
neglect or refuse to perfoi'M theduties en -
11-. il.!. -II I - 1.111.1 1
......., .,.. - .,
, i cc'iiiiji icn iiiMiai-M.
i Kretm n 5. That all ordinances and reso -
i bit iim iiieoiisisiliinl. b nrrt 1 1 . 'i-id i v
! 'ctcalc,l. ' j
I l'a.ssed the liincteriitli dav of March,'
llSoX. " !
I Burgess,
i A ttm, L. .1. CHANS,
Est,,',- nfSOLt)MOX PA T PEir ,,;.
ATinri; i. i..,r,.l.v ..Ivai. n,ni t...t...,. r.r i.i
' 1 iifttolliis day rioiiii Kinnled to
UioundersiL-hod on tin. fliile of Solomon Hnnder, I
. . V . . ... . . ,- 'I ol i iivuif'toii townlup, tleiirnclil I'ouiilv,
deoeRwd. "
'. Tersom interenti'd en pply lo
C.4T1IAKI.NE llAi;i)Klt.
I ETTEItS of mlinininlnitiou on tlio entitle
1 J '"in iieii-iick ihio oi i urltinuf, township,
U..I-I-1II..-.I, .inviiiK ii.n-ii frnnie.i w me puiiftrrioer,
nil perjoim knowing thomsolvei indelilod to miid
etnte are ro,ii..ted to make nnvment.
B. D.
fob. 24, li.H.
AH-UOAD HOl'SE i corner of Main and'vlien and where all persons interested uiT
rV " ,",h,re,,"' "","""''"' '' ""' J. II. LAIlUlMElt, Audiior.
feb. 21. '..H. 15.11. MEANS, Proprietor. , eb. 21, 1HJ8.
I l, fu.l lit 7V...
I !,A1 i:vmi l'. fiWAM.I
Kurt! it. above Third, ThiU.
f IIK i"'ill.'i nl illi- dnnR ra.
I Int. Ii'luin nl l 'li. I ImtiV (..r Did nj
lil'l inl Mlt'iinK" I" 'I '!"' tirtn ill pl
i. itr, lull i' HO" inrllnnl .if In nf ti lliflf fiirmU
mi, I lli.' i nl'lii' Hint III.'; mr Hill , nrt. ,i Br.
ri.i'iiii.'iliiii' ll.. in ir linntnl wild n cull,
Inn in): lln miiihiih iikimiIi' llir limiir Imi In., if
iIu'I.hikIiI.v ii inivnli'il, InH'O't . in. n, irmlf uii.1
i. lln r i- I n-iip itllirnli m In ,.'iilriii.lniinn.
We mi' ill I. niiini'J In limit uwr hjl ltdi
linn In I'limicM Hint lliiller mir"lrf niih iti 9
.'"lit 1.1 imi tlmt w iluill lie nlilo In Kilo uli.lnft
lion. MliliU Hi'iiVKIt, -
N. li. I'liiiiiiKi'i. will lilnnyt I'" in rraillnrm tit
iniiviy 1'iiMi'nnrri IiikdiI In hi Htraiulionl l.itnj.
ii. (' iiml Itiiilri'iiil lit'.i.ti. 8. A l.
.Mnn h ulrlt lijS.y, . .
.laliies I'.. 1-J,j.'hillil,
( .en, Knherls Smith &
In the Court oj
Common ,,, f
Clenrliehl County
Term, lS'iT.
Suniinons ' ih
eighty iiere ' of
Mary li. hi wife, nml
. ,, 1 ,,
- nailer 1 . ro
Wm. W. ITeinili.
hleclmeiit lor nl
1 1 1. : t i i:j 1 1 1
; -1 crliiieil iroin the neeord tins VM
March, A. I). IMS,
Uv the Court
TIIK Bible Society of Cleai field ro
hereby pives notice that their liooks,
namely, l.iblcs nml Testnments, are depo
sited in the ollice of .lames Wripley, c
istcr and Kccoi'der nt Clearfield. The
books are of various mid adapted to
( supply cither private individuals or Suii-
j ,1JIV Schools at very cheap rates. Very
siiiistalitial bibles can be had us low lis 2.i
; , 1 ,..,.,., UJ low fit
; i uts a piece
The l.eoplcof the nullity peiierally nta
'also invited to leave with Mr. "Wripley
I any donntion they may be plinsod lo
j make in aid of the funds of the Society.
Signed by order of the Kxccutive Commit
'tee. ALEX. "M'LKttD, Trest.
I'l.l llTII Y K A R OK TIIK,
Cosmopolitan art Association.
1't ci v utilisci ilicr of llmr dultimir cntillciltD
A c.'i'V of llie hire.' uud ?)lendiil Flcl Ilnjr
t in).', i nlilli'd "JliSil'KST 1H:TINV,'' bIimi lu
A i'o. nl the L'oiuH'iolitiiD Ail JiMin iiloM
yenr, nlwi to " - '
A ti niliciiti' In ihe nirnrd of I'rrn'iuni.. !.,.
A tree admission to the Iiii.-Ki'.l..rf nnd t'oimo
polilnli rriillerie. t
'l li 10. il ii seen tlmt every three 1h1H.n1 paid,
Ihe received Hot only n ppleiidid ltiT
dollur liii'Tinving, but, nlsn. Ihe beniilifully illui
Irnted 7Vo J)nllar Art Journal, cm' yT. .
Kneli mliK'rilur i nlsn rc"entd with ft Ctf
lilieiilo in the of l'ri'iniiiiii", l.y nhieh 1
v.ilnnhle work of Art, In l'lnnting or Seull.lnre,
m 11 y I" received in u.ldilion, tliiu giving to every
1 siihsii iiior 11 n eiiiiviilent to the value of )' '
,' io-, innl 11 eeililieiilo ijrtttlt.
! Any one of the lending 3 M)fliiiie r fur
'iiislii'd, in.' tend of Kngriiving nnd Art Jouinil
, if il.'.sireil.
I' 11 . .if a jnnin I i. tai A lIVAtt IB
i"i"i ..s
stiimi.s, tlo rents.)
Addre.i t'. I.. H K nil V , Actimrv r. A. A.
648 Broadway, J. V. .
ci:in'K.xsvir.r.K, Pa.
fVll" Mil'si'iilier hnvin the nbove well knswi
X fluii.l in Curweiifville, l'n., is rendj to e
coiainoditte nny 0110 who amy furor liiin with their
I'liliuiiiic. T11I1I0 will nlwuys be rupj.lied
tt llh tin, best the market atTord, and Inn Iiur with
tho choicest ls (table will be under
the enro of nttentive Oftlers,
Al"il Ia7--ly.
'P Ut nnderi-igni'd, nn Auditor
lipointed bT
io Court of Clearfield county, to dintribni
Hit of Zcl.iilun W'urnor, in the hand of
, ii . ii ... , . ..
'",nc. liu,.Y'u' "" Administrator, Rivei notice
tliHl ha will attend to tho Mine on Suturdnj, th.
.ui oi ainrcn, i.etweei the houm of 1 and 4 r.
in., at the office of ltnrrirucr A Tet In Clearfield,
when and w hero till i.erjonii Interested may at-
- ; "'ii.i. 1,-llAl.L, 1 hsr, Auditor.
- ' 1
Iont Master, Mcirhant, and oxtenxive
- l -f ,,uri" '!" timber, bwnle .h.nglei, e,
i oriiiiaiiiton, IlruU iru toitnuh p. . I ,
1 J-. . t
, ,
i J. D. THOMPSON. ..
! '
- f on short niitieo, anil the very best ntyle, at bit
; oi.i stiinrl In the borough or t'urwenfville.
j Dec. 20, 185:1. '
I ---- - - - - i -
1)livshian, piny l.o found either nt bi.i office,
nt JSoofield'g hotel, L'urwonn illo, wlien n
lirofessioimlly nl.nont. Dec. 29, 1Mb
4 I.b persons nre tiorrliy enutlnned against
ineuniiiiR vim uie lnl'owlng properly, ow
in the sifesition of Mark Mairulre, m mid prop-
, erly wns l.oiii'ht "hv n al Slierio" nle iinrl left
. M"Rnir on loan : 1 Wegon, 1 tim-t-
r ''' "h lu'l", li"ed entile, lfl fheep, iilfo OT t.
.......I . - I . e .:i.i i. .- -
"""s"1 "y u "i imicubi rrn ui
left with Murk Mnguiro on loan.
I Feb. 21, 1R5S.
AvhYmivsxdfwE. "
I rnuK iiiidersicned an Auditor npnointcrl oj
of m. the Orphaoi' Court of Clearfield county '.
' flnvemiier .teision, isj7, to audit the Adminti -
.ri.inin m i-uiiiu oi isiuie nioom, adiniuiKtrntor
the oitnte John R. Hboin, doe'd. horel.y girei
notiee that lie will diwl.arire Ihe dltiet of hl P
l..'. - v.i a .. -... ...
(it 2 o'citn k, p. in. of nui.l day. at til offic of
-' Wriiner Tent In the borounh of Clearfield,