Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 30, 1854, Image 6

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    1 v t
II I ll 1IH i U'l
1 1 iii i vi I'll u, ii ' ii ' y t'i
hi i '
. t,..
.-t1 .
i c, t' 1 1 it i
in II M 1 i.
t A Mi ll M I ,
i : I . him; I!, n Miuij i',
1 1 )l I V I I W , l",i ir ,
, I! . .. I,', I, I V , ) I I ,
4 f.. l I i' ii m . . I'lmm Mtn'
.I I
1 . '
f ,1-,,. i.f t .il. I i 'I I i
j In n. null- ili" '.n e "I I'!.
1 In. .el nil I S ill V lniil'. t"o I''!' Il'i'
Ami Hi 'I linl'h in-i-le tin c I '.-
- ll ,1
it w ii' the Inn llml en
i'v in pile l the
w at -,
Ah ! ten.'
This I
1" "'' t ., ret ! ln.i.w "
,,,., ill. a i' I'll C'-n1' '
'it'lTiii itiu-eo cltnims In lift tliino ijw!
TllK ipilO li ftM'teil mi tln tiilo
lut .Us tin i' to tii e sUc.-t.
Ill ill I
ll. i I.
t. :
I'M 'I I
t i r
II "
I' i
i .1.
t 1 1 , nim
t. t In till
i ., I ii r
I '
li i I t f n
l, it ' ii a I I V
I , ,i. r,
d lin 'f
i iinfi
I 1
V II. 1.1 M
li."! 1 I i fl
I. lii .lull.
I.. I mi
Vi. I VI.
ii l.i
M. I'.
To t"H'-li I')" soul it n.ililiTn.ii lli,
Tl.inri-t from mortal t i 1 i given!
' On, snnieh the brief reprieve lioin euith,
And pat.s " Khiss to beaten.
They 1. 11 thee, in their dreaming si hmd,
III' power from ol.l dominion hurled i
Which rich and poor, with justcr rub',
bhuil share tlioiillori'il or!il.
Aln."! fin, (i tiniK il.o'lf lio:in,
'J is ut littili) li rt t It but foulfil lUo hour;
Eiic-h BC' ll"1' ripens power nu.l man,
Jiut siilijiH't nmu to power.
Yet every ilay in fi'venat least.
One Illicit rcpui'lie elmll ho known;
Jlnn'f wurlil nwliil" lmtli xtirely ceased,
WLeu tied pioclniius liU own !
! v. C: I In I I "
III.. ,i;-'l I. All I
liim (."in mi i' " . ii' A' n
1 I 111 'f illl'l 111" 'I
I if,. Willi. ml r.n li.lfc' I1'" I'lU'IM I'
1 1 . i ,,,, ,.r... iiII'imIii'.' li..'" ii I"'''' ''!
; ;;,!, . r.- 1 1. - niu-l.l '. in rv
: ii,. !,!,. I ruin of Ivm ,' h-iimiI i.'i'., nml jrv
I.v tlieir i ll v -ii i-ii-. I'" iiii"ll"-r
',.,, itHMuliinir til.'
1 nuin it. 1, "r tli '
in. nt, reii.l t'ni
tlni !-. n i of khhc
1 1 l"1 V Mil'
vi. oi' in n ri or
ii ii-. I mnii ii'il
,r i i i fii f-.
l t'l'Uull. I'l'ill
us fi i I'iiii:-". mi. I
vr i
nr.- I ii .i I 1 1' i
i 1. 1, I I I ill II 3
i, I ii... V .mil.: I'l i
mi Aim. ,
V l:il-. ! t Hlfi-il. J
l v l I V MI.1 AMI I
I t.n ii n i ii n " v
1 HI' V IIMII ! I I' l- lli:ii'iiM
n "i I loo linir,
1'mv r i i S r I' -
Ml'VMIl'IATinv, ,li'
I., i
t. A '
1 I'-
. in l.i "i
. '. f .nil
.1 h.
l.l t
i i ,i 1 1 i, i l l " '. , ii' ' i ' ' ' ' l
., I ', ,' , nl lii "i I " " l- h,
I. ,( ll r
'.,1 1. '
I I "if ll
1. It.
11,1 I i'
i mill
1 it, cMtriin,
, ,,t id. viilr, .1" 'Inn H'll ; ni I'll'.
iui I ' tin-.".. I nil Mi.'''. M-". " """
I ,i,. . I Inn. .1,1 ', I I " '. .Ul 'HI"
i in .. A i .. "II !'!' I'li'l 'I'
r iM i
I I -.. I
I, oh
J. l HP 'II MM i,'
. i'ii
'Il ,l. I, Lit,
1 . ii "I 1I...1 Ml. lilMl I -IN
I fi nilo ulfit I IHIi. tl i'l Tli' "I -
I i iiiiil;i id' I nil. nil. ii. Il
t '
)tn-i-ivs'. i'"' ;
in. ti ii"i ". i.niii"
r, Mill . i I
Id I'i'tiiil 1',
ile Hi t l l I
. I, nii'l 'i
.It 17.1
oi. tinn. ami IniiPiiri hi
with till their in'... nii'iiiiMi'i: 'Ml. ( i'"'''l' eel'.-
(,',1 I 11. , lllnt'er how 'Vi'l" or i'f ll"W loll;' I'lllll'llllL'.
ih,. t'ltiliolii'ou f ir i-itrim "i'K oilier rennolii", in
l. mi. . 111. -r in iii'i'iit Willi- I,,,,,,,, ,,, tiiin, I''.'" evpi'iiniv". "'i n'livim; in"
,V-'( I'll 8, Hum' Hie 1 , .,,, I,, .,ni' i-.mditi l."t mteri'Mfi
: iil'u'll t" I'" ninrl
. ii "liil liook
,1 itny Impi'di-,
p w it ha j lnii'ii
,'f iinforiiiuate ;
. i.f.l.-ntl:. 1
i.'iM'ivi' one ci'i'V nl toi"
iff. wiil 1'0 cent for t-isn
i er.'.'ilur.'n fi-nn Hi" vi-iy .Vi v. t
1 -v ( .An" i.ri.i i-iiIii:
;nu'l.iM d in n loiter, wi'l
i work liv moil, or live o
i Addrek I'H. VM. Tliail,
i .N o. 1 :Z Spni"C Hlroet, l'liilndi'lplim
July 12, 1 s;l. ly.
ii piniiolili'l (free) roiitaiuin nin-
, th,i most I'' i"'i'lnl'l" sour. 'i's. oi me
..if illll'Di l.'Lilllier Willi lilt, if
. .., . .. i. .. i
.Tieni'e.l rny.ieiunK. no" "."t
, fieo, 'iiid i-pe.ik fi'i in tlimr nn
i i rliaiil nml I'l'iiilui c IH.iU r, l.uiliem-
CI, iii I'n l'l I 'liint;, , I a.
jas. it. i;it miam.
u, ,,l,.r 1 1, 1 .'I.
1,. JACK.'ON ritAN!
4 TT'HtM.Y AT l.,V, ...'" " 'mi, T
i.-.l.l n.'.i on Ki'i nlid Mri-i'l. o "' ,, 'n.
June I. I '.i. i
H i,. I
f. I' "'I ML
I i'
) l Mll
tl ' I'l "I'1
r i"."l. til ' ili I In h' it"' "I Mi I -li'f.
iiUTi'ifil'v Ini i' ,ifiliy. . .'tit i f
i ii..i f,ii i ! ii, f .tliii'nl.r.l.
i I li.l I II 1 1. M l. in tlio
i.f iIim ii. l.lllii llo Hull I .'.
, n'ifl " '
K 1 1 l '
(.. '" i e
f i.V
il. J mi. I. ul.'i.'l. In no I li "I Pi. h l
A h, r "I "ih nl (II Trefi tMiii'in,)
Hint ili'.' Ii iillii. id tli" fun-en i f nmou
1 H'li'm.-I i i'ii-tiliitii'iiiil weiikii.'., )in n t nl
"I toll.
nml DihIit
idl'i'i.l townibip
11 V ti L A N A .
bix diiyiininy rank divide Hie poor,
0 lli'ves, from thy huninet hull !
The cevi mil the Kullier opes llio door,
And holds hi feast for nil !
07A eonli'mpi
credit nnd cn-h :
lion of t'no physical world, ' going auuul
seekin2 whom ho may devour, liny dry
goods on
ihousnnd niiioii-s
roll mid ol.l l
pie I rool. Irnin
lii'ii.'ii' ial r.'Mili
fiiiiii liij.-lil.v e
iiiied it in their prn
,il.-.'rv:i(ioii i. ,
iu:i i-;r.i;Ni'i:.;. p. r.. I'ki kham. m. i nea,
V V. l.."l- l iniiMi. ,M.1.. t'limiiidiilxnii. N. V.
m'. i'l. Mn.l.s., M, IL, r.ii lii.-ur, N. V. j. V.
K M. 1'., .vracupe, N. V. I'r'if. 1'imiau,
M 1) , HiilliiiN.i",' Aid. .1. f. Unnii'K, ,M. 1. Hal
t'imore, .Md. W. W. l!n:i M. 1. -N"w-VorU
City. W. l'iirsi'OT, M. !., Ciuieiird, N. II. . I, M. 1'., I'ti.-ii. Vnrli. Kiiv. C. S.
Hi: Mm, lili nn Spriii'M, S. f. '
l'uinl'hleU h:i l cmli tit (he store or t . V. at
poii, A'rent. Urti-p.-l, Cl.'iHl'.i'ld, I'n. Al.-o old hy
lemliii!,' lru;:Ki-t.i in lh" priii 'ipii! towns in lite l-d-
J11111111K e.iumir.".
,rrt-.l. li. MAKf!II.;: .1 Co., rnil'i'i.t'irH,
renirnl I'op'.t, mi i i:ro..i'.in',y, N. V.
Jul V IS.', i.-lilil.
),,. ( la .(rr. Mrn'lu'it,
l.lllilli.'l'. I i r n li ;i 111 1. 11, l'r
Jlee. 2:, U M.
l'Hi:ii:UU K AUN'OM),
Mrrt liiint situ! I'l'.uliicf !r;U'r, I.ulliem;: Cle.ii'lield cmmly, I'a.
April 1 1, t'-'.
v ---j.wl,fJ,T
Mrrrlintitniid IMi umvc ihmuthi i.un
IMT. So. olid ftree I, one door nnulli of his reni-
1, ... . 1 -.t
ileti. o, t li'.irlioM. nen. 1
V Ilroiijlt ..oiii' lite '"'" '''' Mill"'"-
Viin'iikiiki 1. IMm'iivkuv 'hin lei-enily lieeu
1.. 1., 11,. r,,,i;. i!,id I'itv. in the trent-
I meiitof CotiMiniiiti'iii, A.-lluim ami nil ,li. en'S ol
the l.iii!;;. We r t. r In "l'r. Ciirti.-- liycennii. t'r
Inliiiliii'' HvL'i'an Viuior nnd t'lterry Syrup."
Willi this new method lr. '. has reKlor. d iiiituy
iporarV diluting alwllt I lie nllliete.l oii.-.k t.i perfect henllh: ni nn evidence el
"hard limes coming, ives Ins patrons 4f tllt. ,r;.:l, ';t.,lU .t rl,y,i.d..n riMuarku: It i.-evi-
P..... nn....t. n nnm rL'A nil 1 .,11 fl 1 1' ' 'I , . . 1 ... . .. i ..:.,...,....,.. 1 1 l,r.i t , 11 11 1 1 '-rCC- .
U IL V ft! 111 O.U v.. ..." , Ul'lll liKH I I , .1 .. 1 . 1 1 ,,..-.,..,.., ..-- . f V V
r,-.i:. :.,1... .,,,.,t ..ii.. i li,... v,.r t ,i n.,.. ii.iiuiM.r.itn'rt:ei iuum : pi'
in (liriM-i eoiinei Willi tie n i."ii' "i "w ....... -
eavitv of the Inn:;!., nnd Hum evipe the ninny nnd
.. .,;..ii ..1,.,,. i.riwliii'e.l in, in i tlieiii when intro-
nds on trust nnd yon will purchase a. duced into tin- noinin ii. mi.t Mmjeeieii u 11m pr';-
th.U cash would never 7- "p J S""' "'
" 1 . , , .l.-'.-v, nis' 1 .run" Unit the eouit'i V.
have dreamed of. A dollar in hand looks ", jV t,uf.-f,MlW' ,.f,r. 11.
lar-ierlhan ten dollars Seen through UlCj Th Inhaler W worn on tl,o l.rea.'l unnei tie f- !t..r. Waul!!.. lr..i.. Ke:
1 of all Fiev. and n. largo u.-sorliin lit nl Hollow '
:.. -..,:1 l,.,r,l i1..iifinfT!ifl ntickeil ' .. . . r ,11. m... .1,,. c.11... ' Wure of nil hindn.
a a e, t j 1 it 1 m-re.i 01 .1,1.,, .'i v . 1. ... ...
1 in uii'ht t.o million. Hue i';u -liau m jiyKcuin.
has cured me of tlio ASTHMA "f sis years litiind-
im.: i.ooi) i:it;iV't ii)i'
III VIMI .- I'n I - AMI 1 i- i IM.Sol nu
kind.-, ut l'ie rTDVl-; AMI II . li IMI A t.L
HUM'! ,l i'.in 111' .enniir, .v .tlimre novo in
' (l.....'i,.l.l ul.i'l-i. nil kinds of ClI.ilillKK Iff tolie
: li-,,l 1,11 tl.. in . I r.'ii 'im:il'le t.'riu.J. mtdi im 0. l'Vil
II.. i Mr Cnnk Sloven, of di'.n ri'iit fii" ! the
ci'li'hi'iili'ilS:iliitMi'ii'l''r.(aeii:il t-tov.',! Parlor Stov
C.r ,v,,:l nod coal. Nine l'hiti f of liiil'. rciit rl.r
il!r,i,,:f Si.,ve:,. Sled Sol, s. Slei'-lt Sole.", Mantle
linf, til" Irniini'l" in e. 'rutin
, ..... . i ...... i ti i, .
. . . - n in" ' . i. i .I, " . i ii . nn , p. , . '
JOSI'.ril H. M I'.NAhl.. i,.rii.M.I '.In : nii.- n.i-.-i v Hit.l i.n.ii.i.liiir iiiitliljr.
ttiii!m;v at i.Aiv. ii" in mi: r.iv muh s.. imt
of Si'"'in.rSireel, Hen fly oppoHl" I, ,,,,, f ,,, 1,1 ;i i..i:.i.i,. Indulj'r.l ill l.y l.nj , in oll-
. K. W'lihl. will mil I'd pr pi I.V to "l,,,,,, ,'M luili". ollen f i wni( lip with them to tnnnh I, Mill
eiilru led l i hii car". Cl.'ai fo ld .lune 1 I h jf ,. i fniund ill (lite time, not only bepets
. - ( n tv-ut n''.-!ii ei to ninliiinoninl lin pinef", but
. M. K. WOOD. i i eivi- ri-e to ii of i.rotraetcil in.-idi. .ui ami de
tail vlr I n. ton vnlH'nvl' fouudut hr ,. I vi.ll"'ui? nil", intin. Kcw of tlnmn who pive y I
I ' i' t iii wcn-ville, when imt roffMiotii. to tin pernieiq. pritclieo are awnro of the conno-
I'.'c. l'l,SjOi 1 .pirn' ; , tun i. ill ) um. .no .. v. j ..
ed,I'"l "trail. nut uiitioeoiiiiiunio iccuiik" "u
vn If' fi ari ii'.lin liiiinl.
fi e unfortualo lima affeeled lieeoine" feolde, I
url'le to hilio with niTUFtoincri tior, or'to apply
lii mil), I to filly; Inn Met li tnnly nml WeaK, lie
is dill, irrooolt,., and engaff i 'imrt with Imii
U. IvUAT.l'.K, I
crclinntaiiil l.unthi r le:iU'i'. ener ol
I'l uiit nnd Lneunt slrovtii, litsnrlield.
Dec. I!'.', I.hoL
ii. i;uciii:u swooi'c.
i Itiirnry nt Law, foiutuly of theiri0 f
"Si oiT A Sivoi K," Hiintiiiii'loii. I'., ill.nt
letid fiiiihfullv to nil profcpidonnl liuMiiien, ru.t-
cl to his caro l.y llm itienii of Cleai Jiehl ,i.
Uoiiiiii'' coiiiilieii. Ollico next door to, m, ..,.
MOSSOI'li l'Or'l'OHi'F,
v -....II.. ....,' 1.'.. i. ml llyllK'K'iC MlT-
I i i.', ,.i .....I In, i, ,,r the poiilli nidc of I
It.'"" , ,. ,
.M.irkel Ktroethetivcen front uin""-''V"i ' ",'" '.,'"'
klms ntwir & so.s,
I T Hit. month of l.' five mil"" f'':""
j Clearli.ld, MliHANr-S cMeiiuve
.Meiiiifaeliireri. of I,""1'-,
J.tlv 211, !Si2.
Kr'. 'lij;ler' nfiee.
;-eiif' tu.'xtJJ"i
ill x V A A.?
- ' I ! w si'F.NCKH,
1ATV''"T MAKEU, luiiihcr City, in fully pro -
1 to execute all work in In? line 111 a
t'olliiis luado to order.
,!. '. Kml -rry, V. M. Jlin'-illllKdl. '.
I am cured of the As'JTlMA (.1 10 year suiud
ig by Dr. Curtis' Hycaiui.
.t.i.'.M.if i:ttnn. n.ii'vii, A. )'.
Jim. Pnnl of .No, 5, Maiiiiiinii.l ft.. 1.. wan
nnd stubborn personage while erediti
lakes horribly to moonshino nnd romance,
Let cash buy a dinner nnd il no lias out ,
little money he w ill hnve a beef shin tor. j
turcd into a liomicpailiic soup, by the aid,i
of water, pepcrnnd salt or nt best a beefl
Stoke flanked with a double row ofoniortS ' Gurtl of n nov.-nnnifi? orilroiiL-hiti ly tin-11 vmhiii. 1
nnd potatoes, bend credit to market and : Mj r ha- been ctied m a ihmm.m-
.' , 1 ' 1 i, .till ' COL lill of teveral vear.i Mantling, und decided to
if ho can get "nccommodniions, he will , , o ia.urnMo ,,v ,K,r-pi,v,ioitll,s.
returned w ith n dozen or two of partridge, i,B w:l, ,-, i uw. month by the
n brace of duck-a thirty pound turkey- J- " '' "?;'
11 r . c . n ,o Pnco three duihtrs aTnckae. s.iiii i.y 1 1 i.-
nn innumerable list of binall fixings ,ina TIS & 1,l;KK1NS & t0VI, 4 ia l: L. No. ll'.'
B full btsket generally of I he "choicest the ('11U1I)(P, fired, X. Y. 4 racki.r.'ci, f.-nt free by
market allords." 'Justi is a good nuviser, expre i..any i" ' "." - '
. - - . r - .i ...u:i li. .w.ll ,....!. I A- 11. Dr. '.irli.'.'llyifeai.aiithe OUli.l.NAI.
nnd ONLY tiKM'ISK AUTK'i.l. all olli 'is are
bnso imitation" or vile nnd IX.ll I11KS eountcr
foiU. Shnu them as rou would F0ISOX.
Sept. 20, '51. lv.
Al.-o, TilHi:sllI!io M vriiiVi:?, t 1111:11 jiii.i,.m"
und In, a. of cviTV ib-reripliiiii ctianll,)' on M'B'1-
Orders for all 'kind." of Cii-tin-.-i for Ori' n"'1
Saw nnd Kii:'ine eoiiiilele, from on.'" lorty
hori- power.will be tl-.ankfully received id pfoiapt
I V litll llllc'l to.
' All kind" of rnmilrv produce tak"1" -'tl'il"fr'-
f,.ri;a.-tint--.and tVi.A .V..f .'..;W
1,. K. C.V-- "e
Clearfield. Anfll 5. lcil-ly.
tui: HYiuiiiM .1 c; !:(,
1 1
I'll 11 --T t T w1 T' I L
1 m n - - - - , 1
' . . . t,L.tinrrt 111 HiinnnneiN'?
fi .1 t. 1
V l4ll
".ii :
S tn our old fro'ti l" 1 ""'l'i-"l'are;l
S ..11 i;,u ,.' r,VVAt
S ,.,i ,.,', i,.',, j,. J'" Hde of Philadelphia
and nee pr" '- 1"'I ,1'! V- S
J tlie 'com'' opposite the Pennsylvania Kail S
S Hoad Kpot. tlood-i delivered nt Tyrol-,; S
S two afler purchann?. Mind that 1 keep S
S 1, i 'or.-, ,Wrn, nml Wm, H'hltr l.rml, S
S iX. Ii-: ,1V. All of which w ill be sold at J
very low profit for Cash.
J. n. KUV.
S lliirrisbur., I'lh. S, 1S51.-1.V.
vi itoi.::s i.v. .t km s aii..
getting out his wheal crop o tn.s year s; -H'n;- h . valu.w. ,r,s
growth, and that from ono hundred "ntr!T)rolt.tjn(, ,ht. ft.t.i ft,a damp or cold,
ixty acres of ground he had raised five , a prevefi "r nv l.un; diseas.
thousand Imsliuls K-..-.f suncrior (;,,rnl r ,ul w..-n in. ido v.
W. J. Krit.sii. Aot.
HAVlXll inerei sed fucilitics and mad" extcn
sivo nrraiiei'inetits for d"inj a lar-e Wliole
sitle .t it.-lail business. I inn now prepared to offer
to the-pul'lio a prenerr.l rorlrat nt of tlonds n..,ti
l.le f.,r the country trade at a email a.lviiiuti for
Tlio flock -comprises n eem-ral asjortineut of
a linn menu, wmier.ieun imtreiiemiuiiii
fellow to bo on visiting terms wi:h. To
nil those therefore, who would prepare for
the "hard limes coming,' we. would re
commend the system that cash p-irsue?,
nnd if they do not get over the Winter,
hard limes and nil, and have enough to
sparo wo nre giCaily mistaken. Try it!"
WlIEVr RaissINO IN MlSSOlllI. Inl.V'incfrrrf,.v Haiuohit. CitAM.F.y to,
conversation the other day wi.h one ofj
this county, ho Staled tint he was nowj American Est'aldi-hnients, Si Ah '"-cct d h.
getting out his wheat crop ol tins year s 'nm"ll,;'hl ft Valu.W. d'.sc-overy f..r
.Otll, Iliiu 1 '" '
iseases, tr.'.'iont
irnmnijen is in
.1.. tl.. U...I .,r
This is about thirty two bushel; pl'lu( j,, ,fli;ctlj chnrsctcr is a poivtrful mni
i - - j.i: u:- , . ... .i:...
nor acre, lie is now oeuvcrini; ni t-tu,, ,i.,t,. u. ukut.
t . 11 , , si ,n I.nslinl l'or ticnlleinen It will he foiuiil affreeule, waim,
here, having sold it at 1,10 per bucl. , rililli,
Thissamo gentlemtn mentioned to us ( wca,hcr, as'tho foot cannot bceomo v if the lly-
tho cae of one of his neijillbors, who, tlroinncii is insertl. Ladies may w ar the liKlit
. V,, nib.nirr, iTniinltt a tract'0'' "'led boots and shoes in th. iti 't inclciiicnt
nbout eighteen months no, bougti . Ir',cl , K,,ltll,,r u-x-My ; wl.ilA.v.Miiiti"ii. "
of eighty acres of open prairie land, 111 I'10; p,t,Valent nmor,' llf youn of .i couuiry, may
n..:,.t,l.nrk,.n,l fr.r u Viicli lir enve ItboUt 1... tl.wnrte.l l.v 1 licit L'c.ieral mli.'ion. Titey en-
n.ttitu ticoi; i uui w, ...v .. a . r- ,i.n
that he tiri'iy i'"'"" '' ' 1,9 7,
I feet to in a rcry milieu"; " """
1 nrc not d.'iiirenius wo to p.'ib'.-lrialis ill
. 1 . . . . ,, .. 1 'l. l. n.,t . ., l'l.:l ,l,n l..'.,P
iraei in wneni WM Mt icv we. ...o., ,.. xu .......... j - in.'uc'd lh" ii,'t:iiir:i.'iui. nndsjlo of ivciv viirulv
nnd sold for $1 000, which more than paidause the feet b, i-!ar ,, V ofi;(ioTS nnd iim;.. i:, the r, w l,il'.li. and
r" 1.:.. ,...,1 r .nn nn rr. l.alftl.e ,lr,""l.n- Vm? '"7" lT. 111. door east ol'.Mosso,. k I'l.tlarfis' stole. op,.,.i,-
it, lili i'
i.v. 8, 1.1l.-ly.
( U'X'ANH I.OI.K S.MITIl, J.iiii.ber City, all
Tl buiiie.-s in his lime nlteli. led to on short no
lie,,. Oct 21, lS.i4.-ly.
)iurl;smitli. I.illicrslurp, I'a., will altrnd to
) all husiiicss iuliis lilt-, Jiml will also furnish
W aeiiiis, I'.ujrjiies, lc, ve'.v cheai, and nianutiic
tiretl in toe lust st le, nut. wurrniilcd.
Ocl'thcr 1 I, lijl.,
MAX'T U'TI'liilt rtn I liealer in Lumber, at
"Pioneer .Mill." itijlurris township, Clcar
liild county. Sr.wcl I.iiuilur LMiiiAiniitly on l.niid,
nnd bills oi' every im-'ci dp! on sawed to' order nu
tho shnrt'-ft notico. Sept. J.i, ol ly.
Iron l'litintltis. Viimtnsville. An cxUiisivc
assortment of C.ltinl uiadu to order.
Dec. liU, l.".M. ; 'j
' " " ' JACt II LG EH,
C topper, Tin niitiHio.l Iron Manufacturer,
) t urwcii ;vi!li., d ove Ihl old foundry, on the
north side of Main stvet, Hre all business in his
i line is done up in a t'likuuQiiho manner, nml on
j reasonable tonus. l(i;ililry jiroducp taken in cx-
t"t. 27, i3.
VTTilltNKV AT LAW, has removed lunffice
to Iho room niljoiniiij- on the east lh l)n,j
.Mote of Hr. Lorain, nml will devote his w',i llt.
tenlion to tlio pniclic"! of his profession, li mny
ho consulted in t'rriiah and (jrrmua.
Jan. la,
rnry at i.uw und i.riiu Aceiiti.gice
his residence, on Market
Jinn-It I!, li..
1 1 - l.i ) i i ii
t tlornry at I.nw, dflico atljuiniii hire
ili-nco on i
iienee nt tiov. Ill,
April IT, 1.SJS.
ei.anrv I ti ll ll uual.
H he fiuuiripnlc liiuisolf before tho practice lis
donf i' worsiind enter matrimony, Hi maniac,.)
U ujt'riiilful.tiid his feiisd tells liim that this is
ciiuxd by e.dy follies. These are considerations
which shoul auakeu tho nltcntiuu of those siiui
larlisil'" ''
ji.'.KII reiiiircs tiro fulfilment of several
o.nuitioi,.., i,",nK-rthat it ui.-iv reiillybfi tho cause
of niiliuil lupiiino.'S. Could the Toil which covers
tlmwiiii ol J- inesli" wr.-t. heiliiess be raised, and.
its tn:e "niiHilt every in.tance disclosed, in liow' j
muni' could i'l-) traced to physicitl dismialiftcationn't
niid ilieir ulM.lant ilisappoiiitiueiitrt. Apply thun,A
while il i-i yeliimo, in order to ha t) your unstniii(
mid relaxed 'aiiiution l e-braeed, revivified ami
strM;thcni d.
Ji, iiioiiiher it. who places himself niidi.r Vr.t
finl ..lin's tie.tmt.nt mav reliiriotislv confide in his ',
econd Slrect, tippo-ito tlierc.-i- i Air i.i.-,i, mun, and rely upon the assurance,
it-r, v.ieat ueitt.
. : - ... ' .. ... . t . i
tlilthc aecrtl ol Dr. K. s patienis win never u i
Jisi-'o.ed. j'
lining m;il let no false modesty deler yon from I
nutini.' voiircns.- known to one w ho, from cduca- I
leu snd'rc-rcttibililv can certainly hefriend you.
of )r. ti. I'. Hoops, tenib'i s his profe-MMial ! J.m munyihiuk they will coiiceul the secret to
services to tlie omen,, t ! 1- reiielivillu ami icjity. li(ir own hurls, and cure tltcmselvcs. Alas, now
O'iice t'tui door u.t of LuU's store. , I 0u is thisilatiil delusion, nud how many a proui-
Juiie 2, IS."!. li.-is,' younjrinan. who miirltt have lecii an orna-
uifiit lo soci-ty, lias la.ieu lrom ine earui.
lit ri .lure ,f
TXAVIXt! pundiascd the property and silutii
1)lijski.tii and Druel-t.on Market flui-t
oppi.silo his resideui-e, ll.-allield.
April 111. 18A2.
"I Jliyslrlan, may be found cither nt lti.-i office, oi
l at Scln 1.1 s lintel, ( uiivensville. when c
prufunsioiiully absent. Hoc. 2'J, 18..1.
T)!lj sii'inn, may be found nt his ofiico
thersbur, when not nhsciit on iirnfessinniil
uusiuusi. i eh. 2(1, 1Sj2.
T. J. luiVL LOUGH,
TTtH'i.N'KV AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa., maybe
liaiifc for work.
;. i. 17. I"
S!17 rif-r ncre. makinii SI. 300;
i -- . . : i lect to pcr.-iv.rc in a rcrv unntjii- 'j
broke tip nnd soweil lorty ncres 01 &.uu u.-uX !ire t ,iIlf ,.,-., wV t" p.
lioo!n A Siloes,
Ciiel, Sinio-iron.
Carp enler's twin,
Can. lies.
I)y Slull's,
Cable, Iron,
iellefoutc, Sept. Hi,
Hanlwi'i e.
Ilc.U A Caps.
rf.riictin.1;. I'il-c!'lll.
ill i It Suns, best make,
Oil, Zinc,
Carpet Chain,
riour, drain. c.
. 2, A rondo Huil dins,
I -'!. fun.
Mnv isoor u suoi; :ijitr
Ijrsl'FXTFl'LI.Y cinomi'-es to tlie cilir. usof
t'li-nrfici 1. mid vieiiiilv, tluit be has C"iu-
o. i'..iiEnri'.LL,
Tin. ami Hicc! Iron M'nre Si.iiiu.
"Cr, on Sei. lid Hilet, i no d'.or sotiilt ol
; i.'.cturcr, cm se..imn;i
A. K. Vri;;li!'s store, .-i)Ik 1. Dec. 2H, ltv.l.
4 Tl
found nt bis ofliie one door west of Su's
More, formerly occupied by 11. Shltw. Heeds Bd
oilier IcLjiil insiruiiii-uu prepared wills prompts
and May 2 f, lil.'l.
tlx iipplicatnn ol a new tliercpeuticiu njfcni, tiso
u!y by Hr. i. Weakness and constitutional dc
l.tiiv jiroaipjv cured, nud full vijior ro.-torod.
t'.'ii.iitry in-ulidHcaii have by .uitin; their case
eii l'uitlv. t .;. ther villi all Uieir sytnptonts. per
littler, ci'ieltsiv a reiiiittiiucu Hr. K.'s medicine,
w hen mil ,M,pr,ii.ri.t(tf.l MxcrdinRly. iorwarded to any part
i.i ic-.i . .. , t ...... .mil Ke.llir.. 1'r.iin
ol tae i.nio-u ,-uif t
laiunyt or rni-t't'ilH.
I'Ctd'.: Y until and Maiibuuil.
V Vienn i Life, or l're.natnru Death, Kinkelin on
S..!f-ltVi"'r,nti"1i (Inly twenty-tive ccntd.
Il U a ''' "oinently required, as a means of
ief-inningis." v'l-,:8 l'lc "bc 'u ''iei '0 livo.
.V.KiinV with rules f..r the prolongation
,if life uf froai the press.
A li-tu-tU'' a reiuittauee ol tcnty-HTi cenix,
"I)larkM'il!5l, at llii.ewell.lliell township, al the
1 ) Cross Honds leu In; frnuM'tieu's Mill to Xcw
l a liinston, nntl tu n Cites creek to the river,
where nil c?-.I1j ill I. ir lino iv:i. k jiromptly ntlen.l
cj t--. ( Martb V, I,Sj2.
JOHN Rl'SSlUt & CO..
riAAXXKllS and Cut iers. irampion Hills. Clear
JL fi.l.l cuiity, 1'a.keep c aiiJiniiy on hand au
assortment of lentlicr. Ca.ili fsid lot' hides.
. May IS LSjL-Ciu.
Cloacli and SU'LJi ."Hak.-r. on Third Mrc
J between .Market nJ Lull;, Cleailici l, I'a.
April ir,, lii:,2. -
I',. V. iTHRUXC.,
1)liyslciau, residence one mile and a half south
ca.-t of Lumber City, on the llid'o road lead
ing to Xcw Washington, respectfully offers his ser
vice to the surrounding community.
Dec. 2:1, is:-:!. J
m. n. v7viLsbx ,
FTAVIXG rcir.ovid his cflice to the jewdwel-
J -L. bnp ou Sccund slrect, will promptly ancwer
all preles-ioiml cal!j m hcrttnforc.
Juno lti, 15.1.
l,r tn w.lp' in p. .si sianips, au'iressci to it, nin-
kelin. lh!bilcl;hia, I'a., will secure n--ccpy of cither
i.f t!i rif boks by return of Mail, or 12 copies
will ho s Tn of postiijro for tU Hookwllcrs,
,'aniiif-i-rt, Tr.Teling Aleuts, ic, supplied whole
ale til tbepa'.-lfcr's prices, which admit of a luro
j.r.ilit. "
'.Al' l-iiTs must !.c p'tst paid. t
."I' 211 isil.-ly.
urvejor, Hell Uiwnship, Clenrlielil county.
All busiiu-.-s etilru-li d to liiiii ir.ump'.ly attrnd-
.1 to. Address Chest P. O., 'l.'.i: nel.l cout-iy.
A),ril !. l."-l. ' !'
ofiict in Luthrr.
.... -..f . .1 im.jn.x4. '
mix I'i'fit:.
X I 'I -
XT.ysIriaiu chh fumi nt his ofiict in I.utlirr
luir". rlr.'irfit'U iMiuntv, Va.t when iml ttlf-e
- . ..... S 12 ... fi U'r.-t
Tfc'JM' Thysic la Ilic
VOltlAlC' tllAiXrf. Hroduciiiir insUfcitre-
ii. f fi. lie lm'.-t acute pain, and permanently
curir? til X.urnlgic discuses, liheumntism, pain
ful an f s-.i llcn Joints, Neuralgia of the l-'nco,
H. sfn", Liiidnt ss, St. Vitus Jinnee, Palpita
tion of1 the Si-art, Periodical Headache, Pains
in ikcStoiuich. Indigestion, Hyspep-ia, l lorine
l'aiiF,Puriiy.-is, etc., etc.
Tlii-ech.-ii:J were fust introdiiced into tho city
of X iv fork less than one year since, and after
i-i -iu-.r-i'j:- -t-U In thorough trials in every hospit
al in fit ciiv. a '.Hi 11 1 ' i . 1 1 e
iiiml burflle.-S.
Sep. , 1S5;',.
Unci St. Clnrles Ueveillo.
sir.e i.f the b'.-'t. orcat -er''-' fo"tto appear tiiuidy.
A Shy Youth. "Everything in nrran.
, c . t- ...:.Y o T
ca lor your weuuin- wnu oun """l" I,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,-,n .,.;,,, 1,.0 who natrnniM Ihcm
kinR," said n fuher to his only son ; "I i wm ftn, tiiuir tvr' win mm-i inim'ih'i,
hope von will behave yourself liko a m;in,'fW(7. - -
Thrimiij " j A- ,!' HvilriiirVen s b.-coming more known.
' '.".. ., . , , i's "a'" isiiicri-fi-'-'toaiBlnio.-tincreilil'lecMi'nL
1 he individiml nddrcssed was n votin Lat yCr;n .d..u, X mcbc;.ier. Hirmingham.
mnn. sealed on a chnir. decnatchini? n . Llvenm.,. (il i-;"iv, L.i-1, Huiilin. Paris, Auu
nincn r.f lirnnd nnd malncnos. I lit (inl V i wei i., llambtir
nnswer wns a sigh, accompanied with a
flood of tears.
Tho pnrent started, nnd in an angry
voice exclaimed :
"What objections enn you have ? Susnn
is handsome and wciillhy, and married you
must be, some time or other. Your moth
er nnd I were married, and it is my com
, O-uIilK- a
Mine s i n i;ii-:e I;" always nave on niin.i j me I'earc, Curwivsv me !
. . , , .. , i-,- ,rr :.i.r - n-n- - H i ' i.u'i ... . i n... .
i To children.,, MCUAKD GLtl.'XLNG,
! ..Ileets. " Their exni'iu is so slight a tn scarce
JOIIX I.. C'l'TTI.l'.,
ttoniev a' Law nml I nml Afrtiit, will
rat t ice ft the several t ourts of Chnr!itM
nml L'lk t. ui.ies. and alloud to tlio pay nnut,ol
liics on ll it s- filed lands.
i',7'i c-iies-i His Kxocllcnrv, William lliili-r.
Il-trrishurgf H m. Lilis Lewis, Lnncaster ; d. W. K
Wootlw ar-', Wilkes', nrie ; ,1. 0. Knox, I'mntliu:
ml Hi.rt.its Ma!r, end Justice of; J- M"i"" r.v I'l.'dclphia. Si p. 2S. 1st:;.
n,c.2Si.,i. JAMES II. LARIMER,
ly, and nt tlie Inue.-t Mice.-
The Ladies nre par- -t ,... BHj si,.,.. M.iki'r.
neiiliirly luvilu.t t'j examine Ins ftot-L tit 1HL,S.-. I) Bi , ,i,rco duor well of
and t -llm, our sales reuehed
2.4"itl pai ot Ci ik Sues. iusycartljo niim
'i... A share of the public patrnnage is r.'
fully iinited. CKarlit Id, Aug. Ill, 'jI
: w iiere lie I, as con.-iaiiiiy "I nm
j built of home and city sitauit la
J. I). TII0M1
1.1(1. Mllllll.AVin-. lin.llll..
IJAl:.l: Troiild lnr-'rin tho pui.iic, j j J ,m short liutscc, an.l tin-
that ho ke.-ps rnn.-liinVv' on haii.l l'..r lie, a t,,l j. t fiii'l in the bor iu;.h )f I
larL'i' i-itniilv of the best PHI LA HKLPll I A and j
J'JTTSlll, Ui S I'0l'.S. of vnri.nis nnd -
.. . . t , ,- It,,,,,, U 1 I'll'
.i, .t. ' lv their tin, nun ill llu-ir rn tie rs lift tuns, em n ns t una, i.iui.i'ii. nun " i"
nreveiitiJ for t'oiioAs, ,, li.-tmrhiti; Atlhmn, stales anions which may ho found the "New1
fl, I.,. ,iM,r-i,i
These stoves have all been selected with careful
regit rd to thickness of pinion i.nd quality of mclal. j
All stoves beuglit at tins c. tuhli; cnicnt are rtndtllrr. Harness mil '
ber will rr.-'l'ass that.
oil.i e..ii ,-"i''i"i
Jin i' Size, per pair,' .Ll cents.
I.iIKm do do .'III du
.1 ) "ii short nuts
Hec. 2'J, lsj:t.
rj.uiiti-r, ut the old siad
i bo found at his j 1L
Man-ion House. I
I by I Irs. Valentino.
Ymtl.Qiinncuiii, Van Huron and othors, it was
disc-.- as d tl:vt ihey possess strange und wonder
ful p,i in lae relief nud cure of the above class
ofdis kes. rod their sale, nnd the success that
has l'lk. del J.eir use, is nn paralleled.
I' tulhcir introduction into Ibis country.
I the ywjrc usi-1 in every ho.-phul in Lurope, nnd
I tin it Sired If luttenls in Kraitei-, (ieruinny, Au5-
tria.l r.ssui. ilul tn.-Innil . nml ,,, tl.M I ,,,i.H
ist-t t '
dsb asd rosnKR Wfi.i.." TllO lirit-t !
rhich it is claimed that tho Cbnii.-ti '
pr - 1' marvelous tures. nre. first thnt alii
V.. ili 1...I I 1 I 1... ..I
Attorney and Ct.unscilt.r nt Law, I V , T' Z. S t,Vr ,,.7-t ' . '? 3
J il. l ' r.i si -1,'ly ot rerv, ms fluid, and nn nget tl.tit
TILL nttend to bu .ur.cfs in the rcvern! CiutIs re .i,icM-i'iv elecirii-iiv. nreb-t tro mntrni.lisin i J
i mi'fc
-"lirctc Ci
eip! .ju.ii
of t and t entie coiintuvi. I'lUi n nuil t,.rd-t!.at the electro inr.L-nctic chain. bv
aiiu gc as.-ortincnt ; ."-ee'it'i ureet, one o.iot norm oi nis re.-i.K-ii:e i t iicmj m n ivcr ami upon the pact and organ tlis
July (i,'j;i.
i s. Ac., Ac, ironed
ry best style, at hi.-.
w cnsvule.
,ioiii " caver.
'. ' -iii. lion. James Hiiin.-iil'-. lion, .lino
T. Hale, Col. A. !. Ctirtin, Jnmes MiMaiius.Iir'i.,
b llefmite II. H. 1'etrekin. Hso., HuutiiL'.k it
V Ys A .'iissns tin 2.1 til)
I X'li'i-- From the l!et!l Prices wo make a , rnninl. , ' cr. on Second atreetjii
v. - liberal nliowanee lo Jcl.ncrs unit V Itolesalers, I frmiu in wnni oi a go.Hi stove siiouki ecu unit . w a(,'s j)ruK (r
1 ...lust nnv storekei nuv lttnlie a tine prolit on examine ins siock neiore nuying eisewuere.
,t ,1. ......,...( r.,- . ' .s ir unlit, while thev are at article that mav be I Tyrone City, ,Vti, Hi, Hliil. If.
, 11 . . -vpt in any store, among nav class of goods.
f I ns ti-rms. nun r tit
"Yes," finally sobbed Thomas, "thai'
a dillerent thing, ion married mollies
but I'm sent to marry a strange gtl I"
(ttrTho Times advise every hot! lo
keep out of debt.
Sept. 2;
HAUCOrrtT. ll'.AHLEV & CO.
IIS A nt street, Xcw York.
lS.'il. r,:n.
HAM, xtir.t r.
I.l'.Vt!I'li:M) IM)TTt:iIV.
LI'.ITZINIi KI!, r, .-I'i'rtfull, informs the
public, thai hi coiist.'inllv keeps on baud a
good as. ..liMicnt of l'nn-y POTTLKY WAP.K, also
Crocks, Hishes, and tove Pipe Collars of every
cnlivetiieul size, runners if ymi waul to buv cheap,
"Tlicelwriiilil. Clinir
) ) olid !iou I'uiiilcr.
liec. 2.S, Hoi.
rK tbe stib.'cnbesintciulto r.iakc application ! pve us a cull nl Hie Clenrliel.1 I'M lory, ueurUeorgi.
n,l enntr. I...I .IllPPll V lll,o next 1 e.-i .liltllre f llie CoMilin, II Welti 1 ll 1 VTT B Illlll liSlllllll Sill II.
ablll., Ulll V - : - , ;1 1. " 1 f
!:., 1 :..n.. i . of rennYlvn:a for an act ol ..s"iniilv tiuncnrpo. ., i. ... rt... ..,.e ... ..e i.m.-,. ... cm i,nnr.u i".
nmu iu ii, u tii, iu, i--t,uv;i.iii v ti , . i. , i j-
, , ,.' , , . r ' rate a Hanking Coinpnnv, w Hi J, unking nnd di;
who have nothing to do, and u laije Inm- P,in!;,lg privileges, to be cricd the "Cb-ariicid
ily 10 lalvC tllO proceeds. TllUJvicC f)f r.iml;,"' and biented llt the ln ncgh cf Clearfield,
thd Times reminds us of that l'nch Ian- j with 'M'""' 'k ,f m,'i t . t r
, , , , , A. k. right, C. Iv ritticr, l-.ll j Trwln, J. V. Vt ea-
lord. "By gnr wdWa man tls too Pr! jbn Pait.,n, J. w. s.uitl. J. H. M Knaiiy.
to pay lllS rent, he Should UUl'J a liOUSli iur ,In. T. Leonard, P.ielmrd fc.lm Jas. H. Graham,
TAsiit'iNArii.r, in
! 1 ket street in the room.
I M in. ltodebaiigh ns Post (
l urwcnsville.,
Hcc. iS, lh.J.
ml. .llanuWctur-
edistely r.-er '-. I)
l'cc! :;, 1S52.
Hruke .1 Heehlol, J'hilmlclphia.
2:i. l --;,:!-ly.
kcr nd House
j Ware, and a reduction uindo to whulcar.lo
Jan. ll,lSj-ly. ' '
SrrxK. Tlio crowded jl ck ofan Amcr
iean packet for California.
Califnrnian to Skippo'. ,lI should like
n sleeping berth, now,f you please.
Jonathan Hovnton. )
June 2.i, IHjt.-fim. I
..Tlio JlarrisbnrK T'nion, will publish the
nbovo ono month, and send bilHo this ofTiee.
l aiilcMnnd t.i'iitlciii tl.
HKLIKVE 1t a good innxiin.hat every person
OOLH nt Iheir wnrehouse X
i oin-i.,rV..i fit. iM,ii.,,i..i,
''"T.i :i i 1, ti .., , i- '
j. ' ' '''"ii' no, iiuy, i."iii, nun s ariners j
t, -" ' SCAI.I-.S. set in nnv 1 art of the
'vn! ct iiitlry, by experienced work
men, and ou shortest notice. April 12, ISit-ly.
arsT Aiiitivnnr
fTlin splendid stock of Cloths, Cnssimcrcs, Vert-
I. mgs, lriiuiuings, Ac, recently pnreha
rBliiilcr, Luthcrsburg. v
JL good end as cheap a
Hoc. 2.VU51.
' L ' i C!!"','ier oiid llai ih'sk
K'i- O on ."Market street, near
Hoc. 2l, 1851.
SI,. tilVI.., her, ha vnis Kr-nn ' - """" V"" R' tsuersver Hey,, lease.
.. .iy , ..-..v. . j .... .. , J(llt j,),,,,,!,! ( ,y lll0 hn.-l hefnrc Ihey ns-
fc?,-.,nin,f lliiica luin rt'-llt. RinrTI ttfl Ipft 1 ',.....:.. .lu..n ll. 1... l..,0t I. 1
l'.ii , w ... . . . in. on niv.v .'.n,.,,!,.-... Ann. ii.. . . .. ,.
Ulilornian. "Vul, I've been sleeping most re.pcetful.y invite all (ladi.i,, particular) t:ZZn Zti
. r . , Ls. . s,-,,,., call nt ll. tijennan s store, and cxtniiiio hs spun- . V. . ' ,Ji ,, . n-
n lop ofasivk r.n,buthes got bc-l or , rtm,nl ,(f ,,,, ,,m ,s.r be excelled in : nl bl' 'T '":'s,'"w " R"w' I
neow, nnj he woo I stana it no longer. this secii.m of country for ("JJKAPyKss, durabil-
- y : ity nr style. Which consists of t tleineii's boots
OA bo' Was Oskcd 'who killed Abel? of nil tleseriplinnsnn.l prices. Lndos and (li'iitlo-
Ilc prompify Jcl'md "Andrew Juckson." m(n' sni'r. b..y.aiid girl's booii-buej and gai-
Tki. o t in n.tPcboif.1 ,.vom;ntir, ."'" lul",rl, U1 "Hib ' nccunoiiaieu.
of rt M living in tho wildest regions of
iho tiri'sn lilnun ninsi
"Into what stalo did iho fall brinji man- 'mnr..i...:u 'ff'.'V'T s .
S- J 1,1 - 1 .J .U . , ll--., , ' 'iii.fuumi'i'n , i,- i. in i rule ll IB i ,'lil
kiiiu; iiskcu mo luucuer. v r.n n most, I
Juno 24. 1Sj4. '
1 by
h he w ill sell or make up toor-
nnd durable manner,
The material nml Mils'
warranted, Xt. charge for show lng bis beauliful
and cheap poods.
Ho would inform tlio trade In ClenrMcld that lie
is the Bt!linried agent fur Hevere's London and
Paris 1-ashioHs. THOMAS SHEA.
Clearfield.! uly 3, 1 Sit.
John n. n
law's (low,' on Mar
riticrl' occupied by
e. Hie. l".l, INfl.
do lti-work just as
y nlherfnllory.
CHAIR MAKKUS, HotsK, SitiN, ami
Uespei ll'iilly announco to tho ritixina of Cl.irlicld
County, ninl the public generally, that the; have
continually on hundnt tlieir shop on MarkeiMn-et.
one dour cast of the Jew slore, in Clenrtii fl, Pa
rt "reil villi, ty of Chair? of every tle.-cri i an, to
which they invite the attention of tlm.-c .tsii-ins
of put chasing. Ahnirs, Sctlecs, Ac, w ill 1 inndi
to crder on short notice, and ou the uitvt Kdoii
ablo terms. ,
They are nlro prepared to do nil kinds rifjl mso,
Sign, llruiiinentitl Puintiiig, nnd rnper Hinging,
iinid to the exhausted nervous fluid vvbic
is r.'.il.rt d produce a healthy action through
i.e lire s I'etn. ,vo UisguslinsT noslruin is al
lmv.L b.liiken while u;ing the chains, but a
rigi 1 1..--, reii co of the general laws of health nroid
rcii f I. jn-k friction upon the part diseased
add I in h o the cflccts of lite chains, by increas-3
tug ir Hague i.ic power.
Tii 'SiMi lini.i.Ans will be given to any
iir ; wl.'Hill liroduce so mniiy well nulheiiticn
led i tili, i,es of cure, both fmn inleliigcnt p
ti.mnii 1 siei.iif.o physicians, as lmve been cf-
feet .tli I y bo use of Pulvenniiclicr's HlcctrieS
ii r
toil w
rit nee in (he business, ihey feel satisfied tlittihey
will be able to fender general satisfaction lo Close
who may favor them with a share of their nnttbn
ago. Juno 7, liJl, It
iii'.siriui.i.'ss iiorr.i..
ffnllK subscriber most respectfully informs
X citiiens of Cli nt field count v, and the trnveiu?
l ey never fail to perform wiml thev are
..I do, nnd no person has ever been" dis
tt.i Ins given Ihcm a trial.
. Casks more than one hundred per
se, s of Prolapsuj I tcri have been eflcc-
-iuii- last year hythcuso of these chains.
L "1 (1 is "ne end of the chain over the region "
ol me liuas ii, ami i nc otticr upon the spine just
iilevc f.' ;p. the usual severe symptoms, incident
to' nre at once reinnvvd.
J.Ii'1't. 0 Use. The chain should lie moistened
I, fore us'iitli common vinegnr, and then oneend
ol t iie -b: sboitld ba applied directly to the seat of
tiic pain ' ill-enre, and the other end opposed to it.
Hr M.1 WfiVEn ! The Klcctric Clnins are not
to cure lilUeases; but f.r Nervous Diseases it is
claii.nd t-t Metlienl Agi-u.jn tho world has
pi i.iUici-i!' Many cures in the lai t year as tho; Kit ctrie lam-
lsTAK't.iFr from the mot acute pin, is
public generally, that ho has taken tho
naintd Hotel situated nn tho comer of Front und
Market streets, in the borough of Clcartield, liere pnnlui-t-.i' the inonient of application much mora
,in can io proiluced by opium, in arw
l lis new shop 1 ll0 wi" nl all times bo prepared tn nceoninisdnlo ; cITceliiii; Inun
feriell's Mel. ,'".'"' ,,,n-v f;,vor ''i''' ''"''' eiistoni.t .Noi r.f its f.i'
I ' pains will be spared by the proprietor to malt hisj fall i olda
. i customers eoinfoi table, and Lis house a lioii to
1)o(it and Shoij Maki iSeecifl sa-eet, nearly
3 opposite A. K. Wright st'f , Crnrlield, Pa.
April Hi, 1S52.
WOl'LH respectfully nnniiunco to (be citiconi
of CliMirfiiilrl nml a.liiiltiinfv cmnttea tli.., 1,a
ng houso has filled up and opened out a I'l IllJO JIUI'SK,
,.r 'i. .... . ' . .. '
"J )lack.iiii;li, tin Third Let, betv.ten Market
'hMtlilll, ),n Third Let, betv.ti
id Walnut, Clcartie.l l.
I lfi. lSi2. 'I j
JOHN W. fflKiEIt?.
"Wr".1;0" !lalicr. eorirrf Third nd Locust
slrect, Clearfield, lbiiiring die to order.
April III, 1852.
thoso who mac stop with liim
His STHLK will he carefully nltendcd to-lnnd
his TAULH and HAK supplied with tho be -ft he
market will aflord.
Aug. 11, 18a2. WM. J. IIKMrillli
tain a pamphlet , gratis.)
J. IS Tli IX F.I IT. Sole AsrersL
5f ' llroadwav. cor. Prince 8t.. V T
Fol.l C. H. Watson, Clearfield, Ta.
Aug. 18.' 4 ly.
mV iioi'si-;ci.i:.uu'ir,i.i), Pa.
jfpHP'Wrilter would respect fully inform the, j
1 M. 1ITI.T.S Wo.,1,1 e.rlW !..r.i.:J A V,' " " " antv ow eslah. i
A; 7 , , ,v i,-' '',''''" ished ,n" recently occupiett by fllr. Samuel
. friends and tho publie generally. llt he : K s.tin-ly re-furnilhcJ and refi.le t i
.':"""!""'" ,0 ""('n" ' 1,11 ' ' l' f t. ..nucras to render il
JihW 7 A L On HA TinXS. tit hU nfli. "w " . im,. i, . , : . m
1IE nuijRcriUorofTi'ro fur t-nh 1ii
i niu.1 i Him vriiunti r i Hin in i rut iinrfMh oi t-Hmr ,i . m if i . ..
c r , .r.'i ji . - - in mo niwn oi iiiNintHimrc, ttn re rounrv, 1
fllftllll AVnCncemn f OimW Irnon? r fl... tifl.l Altim inenrn ' trnola A !. 1 I 1 ..... . ' n' V '
VUI ,..SMVU1VII 1 1.1'UUIV. (IM f HIO Ul r.. T w mu mwi if L I 111 I M" I I Hit 11
clun bnw cd out ."Varmount " mnereni 4,arts
geo. jiciLrais,
aslilonable Tai.T we
stnirs, Cluarfiell-
Tl It k n s... k.. . ...
hi. ,l..Hi,.. in ll. l..,r,.l, ..f'L.rfi..l.l It..:. rm ...V..?. ... ' " th th
be found a. nearivaiVte- in Li;V ;, In 7" l" -P'
..r .1.- i.,.f.. u i .'l flint ' ? '"' -eniin
... ,.,, ...iiiiri"!! j" ul.,-. j
Artificial Trrth inserted on plato or pivot, and
warranlcd to give entire satisfaction. Fxt rutting
jectn none wittiout rtanirerlti the patient, amlwith
of Pliawi Row, up! bllt life pain. Teeth filled and cleaned in a ppcr ; ' .
bw. X, 18iL j1""! seieiuifto lnanner. May 5, J;-!s. i Jfl, lij -if.
t.liiMl me nes me market can nfforit.
j.;jve HuldiiiR attnehod to (ho premises, and
tlciitil""''-r' always in attcn.lance.
,, letlliilly asks the publie to give "liim ft
trial, "F "'"rod that he enn rend-r sittisfise.
I Terms of suit, made
OZTk new mo(Qr,r.l,.m.r,inc . mnl.U. '"''"h.-r. All person, indebted toils, subscri
----- e ...,. lu,r
I valualilo tracU j timber land H1l i, fHly ,,rt.,,arcil to actoininodato all who may 7"
of tho county ofricarileld. favr liln w!lU , Pnii. j.-,, 28 i854-ly l
known on pplu,ti,m to tho 1 " J I Jjee. 29,
. ... ... r i ... i ,
. .. , . ,,' aiv ir,u,u-u ... eiiiiie loim.ris 111 linre a SCI-
liNin diacovcred SUld lo supgrcedo llm Uement mode, so that they may knt, correctly
IlOCt-wsity ofa mililnry force, It is lo pa.ss1WDnltnoy owe anJ provide forthe pnj.,ienu
tiround b contribution box 1 v .n, , JAH w FMITU.
' I EorouKh efCssf.ld, Kot 23, 18Ji,-t.
W A N'I'lil) I M M I ;)I ATHI.V.
S(X journeyman Shoemakers. Cunstant em
ploymeitt will bo given. Apply next door to
the jouriutj office, at the iboa store of
0. 8. SLACK.
nenuubar II
7"V!ron Ulikcr, Lulltsi sburg.' York done
order i snort liotia, nn I on goJ terms.
EMate of Jarub Bailsman, Deceaseds ""V1 axd cuVik makingI
is ofi T0l.(rLl('llw'Juldre.peclfullTBnn(MmctO
tip. ' l t t'learfield and vicinitv. that ha
T F.TTL11S of Adiiiinistration on tho esln o
J J Jacob P.aughmnn, late of Decatur town
Llcui'iicM county, tleccused, have in dun Torn of if n'i'imiat luring nil kinds of CAM SET.
Inw been to the subscriber. All pcimns' ll'.b 'f'" is situated on Market street,
indebted to snid estate will make payment imne- hetifTlllr'1 t onrtli. where all Llml. f iu It
larikMiiiJ, at Rcw Miiington, ricarflcbl dlatelv. and Ibii.n l,n, rli,. will i ,1 lie will bemn,I . ,i,. t..... ...... .,
.!, .11 Lln.l.i .' L I.. 1... S.I.. . . . . I'lipiuinuuio" e , - .... sivir, ug
i-.,uiiiy."-".- - .....r u.i, tu ins . prnpeny autlietiticaletl for settlement. i ,ilf s, nivornnie terms and nn the l,r.nn.i nn;
lute of busii'sa on tha thori.t notice ind most j
raaaonabie rrms.
JOisLlWl M. LAUREN. AJm't.
Decatur township, November 2, 1864.-AU
'T,?'"0 ordor on ,h (hortert noHi.
on I