THE HCPUULICAM. t I l Ah I II I , ' ''. It "l llif lifim i'f llir lift nil) IM !. int. Ml I'lli HI MMV r!i 1 1 . m i I., i hi i tin' ini 111 ii abb' d t. i m m 1 1 il.i n't' nun U in a In it J. if I i lilt i n liiiuli"! Mid Ii f . r ,m c . It ,y ),,,, ft i,,,,,),!, ,if. n, itHlir- Will iir 1 i. iti' ii .! m!, M il 1oiI.m ii ,), (,,,., j,;, ,1,,,,,., M JM.i,.f i.( ,n HRlvt PC !i,MN tnWliW jr. ... .. Tin nn;t.i iihi m V w m,, i n .). miiih MU'Mlir limvlntit. f.n , nk 11,M(.Af..,!W.:l,HM. ,,j(MM, , ,H(h0 !,rn ,,,,,,, IV i...r..fca,M,i ,.,.rt ..,,, Mm Ii in'i..iinii(l"isini mI.m li n train, m nt to itm rnniin v 1v tin IMriin p'V. "H H ll'i'i.a w ui. n tin. . no i, .u , I in I' mi it... k,L Kir l!l. ..,...,,.,1 in it... .1 I! ....I I 'Vl.:. I... I. .. ... ... ' I I , ..inhii.UO.rll..' M.-MimiiM, KU, "", '""f """"tMl.finnnl.Mhry ,. ,.ut..y .,( Kat,.n. l-nnmil ly lm,'n Y0 ,f..x hl.n-f for ihn'..t h ,., .1 HT- nrS ,..,! r..n,..n, l-nr rf U.r I MmiUn J.,,,, ,,, ", , lt wi.l Ii" l .Ml il I nil viil.'ii u iiioi.iIh, i"'",rl""' nl! nr of tin' wnrM, .f ,n (,il,rioiii inl''nii.(l.l!iii...f llif nl...lniMn il h IVui I nl PrivM- . lain.-., lminu .trn iv.t eh!y Willi ir. IMpim, bnl Winilm itn.viion of tin' rnpmn, limn in tnh. 1,ft if paid wi'hin l!n' ) w, nii.l ',00 tmlinii, Mali , i niiiiiiiiiiilii finj Individ, agitnloii of thn )'.nl, in tlit-it r Id fill j r'fi ' 11 N l I duviniiiirr- til wlii.h Uiitiih g"vn nimnl. l'ming ll.r pa. iwo rarin .ia, nnd il m n Wi'l l.m.w'i, af Will Ivrhntyil il not paid lli" i pi- ,,.. ,m rw Trnitorv w.lli f.rfl ,.ili'i, il pj,", WM r,",irn,f,n' ','","'''l miliMilnlo lo j.-hik, fn'l rcnvi.-u v( Ilmnny Hiy, lliM for liiniiv Vrnr j.nsl ll.orr Ins .rn n iMi.m ol il." mr. 1 1 u m l I .,i. i ;..: .i... .i .- - . r : i I " "n' "iny, Bini on i inn, who iirnu una iiu-ir Kifni'i pnni iln- mntiminl in urniiou t.l on ,miMi from i . i.. n l i ,- I .in- i ' 'i""-mi . i nn. nim , nun nn i nun- nl Lori-inriii n.U. llm vnnmt ri. ilml llio nlm-n of Milium licl(v ,lwn( , , . , v'0(, (if 4 , 1(i Nu Ahmhiim Mi:. I'.! mmi well- of Itm first y nirnl l'.iii'icnn nr of llic nin,(, i-xlrnonlinnrv i llorli lo nii'-h a "H- l 4 1 in Hi. ItrillMI POVriliilH III 10 .M'W Ml, 1flr nluk In I if . mn nf I in lmi S.- pii'.ii nn , will tut iioiihi pnii Urn ll.iiiKo hill. iimcs. t. n nrrcclril nn J m hi Ih U nnnin. I'Ip Tl,i xr,.r.,.. ,.r I!....;. i ..- in ,0 furti llii'if I.ilimiy willi nn n.l'li. I '1"' Imlfof llm lUih ccniury, n itr w Int'lr ,nny of the cilizrim of that f'lnlr-ilii ro on i'n, n.l prove lo tic liilily nilvnninn on' Aimiit'on I'onsul nt Anltsi rp pMiisinl ihn prM (Tve or Im jmri, linn Im'oh nuch liniinl Murk of look, will d.) well lo frail "' promiwa In Im more il.vnMnting in ' M,KsiL.lot for o purnoso, no loul,l, of re ,0 ,,m H"Vfrnmnit nt well nilo all ImiicM nnitut scnilmg iIh-ko It. tinn conxirm, m lo rivnl in rxirril llic uprrn.l of our ro ll.cBilvritiscmrnl hcndnl "Clump llookn." H tllirls, ami nmro imporlunt in lis ro.'Plltin!, t(,rrj,min Irgislaturo favoralle Ctrl Ion. (5. U. Ilnrrell rrnni hi nil per- l'on nny of in prcJVrcasnrj. W'c l0 vorv. Tho (Jovrrnor Ims to, n urwd toni who tuny Imvo bwka takinging to liavosermlicn-Kinning bul wlicu, whoro to nutliurii-.a tlio tlcclion nt nn early Jay , lion liim.on loan, to return tho anrno. ""J by w,,orn s,,n" rilJ 1,0 written? g0 n t0 Bu;,rj ,10S0 Missourin, nn pp. nolea issued na a currency, wlirtlicr by county in tho United tntcs, the nuihor-'cl ond tho Altai, and build foriaaloiiff iIia It will bo rrmeniliered ns Ilia dale ut 1)(1riniiv ininknnnn in ilm . I...Mi..n n.,,1 : lnnk, corporations or individuals, of a ities probably Icclinc ccrtuin Hint n mc Steopea. und Misi.ioimri.. l.nn r...t I J - I-" ' i I I.ll .... li r. . .. " . . . . " v'wm M Hnd tSc cnpifiiu of the vrmrl nlao oliji.pi. pnlil.ran awny on the nppoaito ahorci of cd lo receive them ; but ilm only antique.1 America. Kiisninn atenmrra i.l ..- iwl il ,1 .il i r ( I lift iaunA mt. I stiriiln I i llif... ..(.l t..tlIi . ! nl.l.i I .ri l 1 ' ' .u j....,...,,,,. ...v ...... nun in.-j j,-. '"j' I.. Muine sei 01 Arni una Umn llio Uxui 5 Kiinsinn of all tmnk nolci nnd bills, or any pnssrngera would not bo n charge to my Kngmeeraexi.loro Monoolia betwrrnTliil. eliiimnnts. In ttio I louse,' on Wednesday, b bill waa pnsm 0. ilO. Jl'i ulnrli lltn nrffit rtrimlnti r f iwm.itnr ftnv. ... it I .1 . .1 1 . , , 1 . f . - b- 1 t'" i -I-" 11 1 uuimeo innuiicy nrooniv temporarily "V; ln..oforo given our crc-,llty l(.cn reeop,i,ed and confirm. ' Ulcro f,,. Bul'lho Uovornor J ! !Ct"j7.?T7 ('J AmeriC" CngrCeS' inHll'Cli-fu- 'odo so and U determined tha, Tins is tho general, though not umveraal, lccarWj, thai wherever man assembles in' ,,rson ,.,.,, , . , prnctieo wi.h weekly fapers. Dairy 'eommunUv. he i.thero with tho 1 ,7 f" . per,, however, never fail to omit a publi. 'f. h- or8;;.orcig)tVi .bJ ,)0 no,)e l .t.mate.y eiiaens cation on each hol.iday, to wit: ClirisU Cft",nb,0 ()f imki J, lho ,aw, nccc$ , W -ncerely hope be ma:s, New Year'., and the 4'h of July .- foJ , )is ow g0V(;nmcnt. y 1 ? d-not hnt we earo whe.her Almost all classes of community keep Tho KA rnA, these day... Is thercany juM reu.son why , of , of prJ.'xU"f " '"' of savery-for the nublishera of week I v nnnera should bu i- r i ,tuat would neither increnso or diminish the uie puunsncrs oi wcemy papers snouiu uu t fUVOied country, as well I , f . ..' denied the same privilege 1 If not we shall Jm of cxlraorJilmry dtprJioI1 ni? W consider the 0I, volume of.ho RyuUican iln , in all;" i f ""W1 closed with this number, and thus bu tho Arst four months of tins vear, rTFc01' enabled to commence ,ho fi.h volume wi,h ; " w (llul unpreccdinto S " : " c of tho beginning of ,ho new year. mJy J of ulishing tho , err ,rv regardless of d,c- !, tation e ilher from the forih or the South. l. CONGRESS. j - t&d tunes prevail every AnJ kMnwi f h(j nan ag wq Mr. Hanks, one or the two members in,1'"0; Sen r:,,lls' Merchants and ,illte h(!ail(ltioil in , ;., that lf AnJ,ew lho present Congress from Massachusetts, Manufacturers have gone into insolvency, cm who was re-elected to a seat in tho next,' involving millions upon millions of dollars one day last week made the attempt to do. ;Nos to lho industrious interests of tho' F Kl'Hoi'B.-Now that Austria has fend tho principles of the Know Nothing country; and ot this moment thousands j'pJ Upland, France and Turkey party on the floor of the House of Repre. : upon thousands of tho operative and la-; 8ui,Jiil Kussia a11 P"'0"" "Pulations .. .... ' l,n,;,,n ;nn... I. .- i. tl-i til tl,, w-llip f.f thn nresdil strnirtrln i sentatives. 1 lis obiect. no doubt, arises, """"b 'ur-o cmcs anu towns - w ' ' i i 'I. rt. . . !.!. ... J.. from a vni-ue impression that by thus ma-" m h must oj despa.r for tho wanlof ,BCI,lwreu IO 11,0 less denomination than jivt dollars. Asn as convicts could gi.-t access lo a ihro, into Muchurin, and, it is soid wiihdesiens similnr bill lias heretofore passed tho ben- thry would not co to lho noorhouse which tbev do not nttemm in cmo.,.1 i. ole, it is presumed this one will boatoneo practice of sending nil tlie thietcs, is tho intention of iheso zealots lo eVoss sanctioned by that body. There is not burglars, cut-throata and pickpockeU of over to the northern islands of Jamm r ofa million of dollars Luropo to this country, is ono wliich our whiiher, thero can ho no doubt, Uusian less than a quartei paid oul hero every month in specie, and government khould take measures to slop, dominion will soon follow them. thero is therelora less excuse lor the cir-, 1 he immigration of honest ond industri. Tho recent accounts published in this eolation or small notes here than in any ous laborers is a benefit to ihe land, for paper of the movrrnenis of ihe Hussions other port or lho Union. It is gratifying they J.elp lo r.ciaim our Western wiljlr. in Muuehuria of their military works and to see thnt tho democratic portion of the ncss, and build our canals nnd railroids. internal navigation h ave no doubt ns lo Pennsylvania delegation yielded a cordial Hut to empty the villainous contenu of the designs of tho autocrat. It was even support to this valiuble reform. . j their prisons upon our chores, and rumored in lho Ivist, a few months since Considerable progress was made in the a l'.otany liny of the United Stales, is an that his agents und ships had obtained I louse on I hurs.lay on lho subject of the outrage upon the citizens whoso property important advantages in Japan This re-orgnnizaiion ol the Courts of this Dis. and persons are exposed to the depnju. does not appear lobe the fact as yet tho' inct. When it is recollected that these lions of such scoundrels. Mr. Gale, ih wo can hardy suppose tl.eso advances Couns , have never been changed since the U. S. Consul at At.Uerp, says, that it will be long 'orihcomin". seat of government was removed here, but , was recently discussed in the Legislature Wc leave it lo our countrymen to judW Ik r hi", f VI "sy , ?Al 'J rd,r ' 'C tjfIl-ium h,!"'"' -ould no. be I. whether, in the even, of Kiu obmming IZ I r ' f i,r:,anJ.. I1'" nL- to to .he United States nil crmi- mastery of the trad, of Japan, America ce uVn : , 7 "fC uT M ' '! "!lUat BV-0rD?,enl " '4 in n d.aintercitcd specta o Z,n uTr i t r i V f M,ar lulldr to Maintain than at home. If this be ,o Wc leave it for them lo determine whc.h sla of ' site' wE? T evidence ,he " We C1J " condi.i2i .i0isi.iiiuii oi inai omte, wlulst Hie Lour s mm nnriw U.U r .-... i... r. .. i- ' . ... nf iiiia iiit.,;. i . , ..."iM.uiiuiuBug. ui riviurv iur mo iJbcrn traue. winch wrre 0.) or 7("lear IVl" " p-rnmen. These convicts we, a.ono uJia in corrprti.ion could offer. exhibition of the svslem of modern bank- lint i, til V f,. rni.Kt.l t.'i. k ...,...L. 11' i .. I . . . I . Tho. public ju.t now have a au.ifu. ' bui 1 in", in the develonmenls made in spitlinrr' Had this alliance 'up the affairs of ihe late fAn of Selden.' and had Austria taken ! "tiers, & ('o rr the Cxchanrje Uonk of! Ledger, know their opinion. AXOTHEE ANNEXATION SC11E31E. king a flourish at this carl v day, bu may nieans orsubsistnnce, and grim want and , P'ace, and Had Austria taken ! mers, Cc l ,o., ol the Lxchangc Lank of We learn Trom good authority, says tht1- stand a chance of bein 'elected to the ; relcntlesa siifiering arc said to prevail lo a :s with Russia, the payability is that fJ- J''I;J'I'-- -mount to about jWw lltruld of the Oth inst., 'that ,! tcaiiro CurremjivmirHct of lite J'nmima IUralJ.' IMPORTANT im JCtri'LCO. 1 .in1 fio.l -.1.1..:.- . . . . . . wiai ; ACfI'VUO.aiellicO.lJue.H Smw I nr. .to United States Senate by the Know-Noll,-' Bter extent in such communities, than Western powers would have insiiga.ed ' - bcau.v of it "tliDt a K Ta V "ff. UmUXj you las. things have assumed a warlike ing Legislature of that ilate. All the necessa- rising of the nationalities of Poland and lttrgc portioD of lhr8C Gritty Kwt'S Uut it matters li.tlo w hat may rics of life, to say nothing of the comforts Hungary ns lhe surest means of brgig be debts c,w ing by ,he individuals of the .roup to ike U'rXAZ T? lti ''T" have been his motives. The Democracy "d luxuries, are higher than they have,"'- adversaries of Russia and Ausria to firm. Many worthy depositors and note- LcLul of dollars. L making reducdK should heartily rejoice that the adherents for many years. This would be hard , term.; but n w, if i. turns out a a'ali.y j l - -vere y importam ennoun t, m hich ,hjv, jn Z" of this anti-American party have thu.!ogh under the most favorable circum- Austna baa thu. turned again4 lr 0Vsoie7lO J5" ' "'i T? T V BrC k'r 3'C a"d 0re vaneingL this boldly avowed their principles, and at-!nces; but when the prospect of a long, 'verer from the threatened ! mostly the public money-nnd of cour'se in d We may therefore exct the ball tempted to sustain andjustify them. They "d rigorous winter is added, may we no, gcance of Hungary, it will most likdy be violation of the provision, Indepen- before Cong re s, and Z Tmwm? rifTr?7' " 1 7,dc.BC are' therefore no Ion er dangerous, for. feelingly say, "God help , ho poor." And policy of that deliverer. Russ.a, , ac, ent Treasury law The resuli, V ve, ln Av,ted error is perfectly harmless as longastrutnot only say so, but let all who can afford F' of an of revolutions,-! htt. ll 13 "id ",,at S 1000 " iZ S I bv coJ and sound reason have an opnLy fiX contribute liberally for that purpose. '( re-establish the kingdom of Poland wuh ! Z TllZ 'i" 'T' 6Tf .'- e A. vera, force in this'p.ace a, r i, ' niiinuer low), and arc daily increasing. Taty are veil armed and stronlv nlG. i ..... ... . ? ' . 'r.n an auxiliary battery, planted on ' summit of a commanding mounlain, , The commencement of each succeeding "am guarantees ana set the btl, ou-r style than the members of this firm True eflurtofMr.Dankawaaacontcf. yr, by common custom, is a season of Hungarian independence ngnin m n:ion. do. 1 heir residences are like palaces, nnd .cultural intercuts of .be States and i.wWcdVi'h iluro, aUhough he is a very Ue rejoicing and hiUrity-which is all well' Under tins aspect of the stru-le, thoe 1 "'H doult continue s,,, even if it is a. ,lie cxpenduurc ofsueh a large sum ol pubV, the sum lo would not discard 7CatlJlic.,nough. Dut to many of us, it should ilo pretend to be wise in forelellin, the i'l",0! ll'i'lT' r," V 0MXi'' Uhich is expose )t Tho tiblo fail man. lie but only those w ho believe in the mpo ral supremacy of the Pope alleg 'lit & certain nortion of Catholics vt under ln n isnAKnn r.f cr,lrmn utA cor'.m,D evrnta of llio rnturi MnrrLa il.nL.ri',1... . ' ' J . w. Kwiv ..... ' j ov I ivg - .nj.iij. ,v , i m ilia i j . contemplation a starting point-a station lhe war is therefore just begun, ai.l that I CbngTeuio,ud.rslc diVno- ji-uinc, imuuii me wiiuio "i v...,. ..... ".,t3j a j'n ja raiiiii ior sMi ro set a worinv exami.Ic in the man- CCrEarly on lho morning ofthc 6ih castle. s a!jo covered bv .be guns of lho I ho force of the Liberal nartv. in iiiM., a milk man who was comin" into ' . uiu..m!. loauoui owumen; Chicago, saw a man banginz by one of M w'rnriies .itns time, are dc'erm.n- ..rh ol.litinn9 in ilm Srfi of Rime, tliot we sliould look back over the iournev thus ! war on ,nc rar' of Europe on a moc stu-'ner of spending the bollulays. Rotb Hou-I ,,is "tds '"rom !,,c ftnce f hc Calholic .P.n "'SlVC b"U'c' 1 nol'f' 'ou e -t I . . I . .... ." r .' i ... .1 . . .;..,wil. it,, ,u .:.t ,-i ui i.ic rvsun hecan control their temporal' well as iar, and prepare ourselves with good re-1 Fnuous scale than Has been cxnb:;ed ,uvl "jay me s.o;n inj reiused i , ' wu P' spiritual actions that is, for Aanrple, in, solves, and a firm determination to carry S1cc lho Great Captain was in tliettuith case our country should go t.ywarngainsl! them out, as we enter upon the new ycarf,01 E101")'- strange things have uny of the Pope'a dominionslhet obliga-'the year, which is to add one more to the Pnss un(J wi" ot'ttn happen again tions as Catholics would foiid tliem aup. .0 or 80 that are at most allotted to us. ce l"c grcot Autocrat ol all the porting this government. IfMr- P., or any other Know-Nothine, cod show from . we the conduct of Catholics bAtororc and and hope that adversuy may always be a"3 a propagandist ol nationahiic-the "so maij0 .)T0.,Tl.6S u.i;h ik m struggles to release himself must Lave . . i i- : l i ... r... r Tl . .u i. . i: r . . .". I., .1 ft i i. . . thev have been well tried p several occa-: year a journey ancau oi mem. sions anv rcasonablo Xund for even Tl.. i.... t. i -i i ..; nnsi liens e nove irom tlie eiiv , usual custom, in order to 1,v aw,v ,1 face bad turned perfectly L!ack. of o.s hat banja Anna is about cal cmoio;i,ollija., withoul violation to'.he Cnsti- 0" subsequ. ii. examination it was disco. I jiXfT l P ,T T ; but to tut ion; but continued in scssicn til d.iv crcd lhat he opparcntly been in the Ti t y at ,a,0.A,lu-l I'L.o:-. on Time.lav .l , ir. f-mttarr. h.d h.tikVJ .1 :. j mt f resu'ney, pro tein., as also U9. - ?t miiu ait, i iiiiiu uij t L'U Ill's. . - ll. m To our palronsand friends, one nnd nll.l wf" heretofore been csteemcJns the J.1J" 'Jg considerable progress in the was "'lpt-ng lo climb the fence, uhen , 'A '"J i i i lir.vl,llmmr1r'-,!i;..n ..u,ii a L ' ,l nn3 JJ'P omatic, as well as in the ,,e '1l,l:d enJ ca ubt one foot by the heel , m- ,e wn,h a bnppy and prosperous year, . ont orauoiut,s,, take te lead Army arproplio0 T!ie u.U-tween two picket, of the feL. IL.jTv ' waa to some changes t-ing made in the cabinet. San- niakini preparations to no to a . O T l. - fore -runner of Dcmccracics-wclld be viding Tor a reorganization of tie Judicia. , Ucn spcM. He had torn off his coat rival fro J p L Z'C I . J r f ' j the strangest of all. ry system of this District, and also ith.f?J. 5 "PP-rently pulled them orZC suspecting them of Inelity, lib would find no difference of o'ion among nny Proceedings of Covet Iniublishinp ! f 'the Senate t.ill m, . iv.:- his head. Tho museuUr -nn.,;n. me Vr,fma. "cePl lcPrts 01 80rt'es of tho D m - . ' - wwuuui PIMdlCl VW....UVHUIU UI , m rrtrtn ,r VZ. ., t . I l. lhe proceedings of Court last week the fob1 U0I" 8 ADV 8 e M re- Claims. On Wednesday both Houses ad-, ovcr his MY very great. WhenlAT " iv r.r nl 1 It a I n,!..'. ' i..nrnn1 t .11 V ....,! .1 i t Lm mA t . a - .K I r " -. ,uvia Goucys Lady's P.ook. ..r t i r.i t i . nn . 't.,,.;,, .. ,..:.,.i . ceiveu ine January numoer oi tneuaav lournca nil fcalurdav. the 3n:h class of American ci!ins as to how such , , , . . Book for lf-55. and find it renl. le iil. lit. p,i,i: ,u...i ,..,. 1 n, im. low.e common i leas.ucorge neauy, . i , IS' ti i. ' I . .1 ... rn, ' . i vs. licnrv 1 oas. Lcrliorari nrarni'dinnn crnry ouu oiner nurociions. ii.tcnier-1 irv. . .....,. . cbanro is denied iJeverv Catholic, and w-n. r, ..i;,:rr' r!.L.:.:.. :. ... I i.tiw auinraiizaiion liill lDCiDcrcsj. o " j : ' m HIUk,v ivi i'tiiiiiii wihij ilfi : I'lisiiji Lliiiiii. ill Mils ru n . I m' llftTtinv. i rt r it . . 7 . O ' r ' 1 no In AU-inn .. Ik. I .11 ' . 1 ea in me mosi po- ueiunaanr. i.j ,i,. ,, ,i i;i,,..t:,.. r. k: h. . . . " ."ui.u in- .,wpU. .. ... , . .! I,kn ,,e; t..i.v , .... .. . me i m;ed Mates nate Iv Mr. Ad.m. Ion, state that, on S,i..rrl.v l.f -v.t... K...I i...': . . -r. , Hu'" .V WSIUIJ3. .dLUU a VUllif I J', .; I 4 J 1 PP . 1 , r ' f If . , , . ' J --. " . a w... n i ,u.;a all? Ulll ' rL'iniOrCeU an'l 1UT. ! i. . . - i .. ... . ? distinguished, and has T3bcntcd Lk fair olMiiysinM. in rtfinn tl.. t hMi .Knv- . .. u .n.:. . .1 .' .. .. .... . . . ,u,u U,,J ,ur' . icnare(i w nn neriurv was acnui led and " " i . . " ' uuiuioi. . .i.uisiuii'' ine snore at niucj w tn the npwrsmrc a disclaimed and disrowed in the most po- defendant, itivc terma by : aulhoriiies of A late dis. discovered, be had the appcareoce of ha v. " ' , r rianr0De" s:n e9 ,n(lt . . . u"i with the selurn of fini upmhor n n ,ing urn ceaa severu hours. Ho was ,- u . , . . 1 'supposed to be a German. ai "alum, ul exhibit greater activity, nnd I '!. e may therefore expect, by the next nr. W SLCK or thk-Citt or Glasgow." rival, news ofa more stanling character tulilSjVUUeUi 01 me wan, at uampbel- than we iivo lately recieved. Meantimo church, llowev,, admitting the charge 1: ' with a specimen o bat anlmer-1 iaiiochgair, he picked up a portion of the vioknt larricane occurred in tho Black to be true, the necessity of com. ;t0 pay tll0 CCBlg. Crans and Wallace for i"n periodical of the kind ought t. Ik-.-!, 11 That torn and af- bow of a vessel, w hich bears every nmrk Se3, whirh lasted three days. Thirtv-five bnttimr it the means of scrrct ao- IPnmmBn.....i,i, . ,r r. ,t. p.. 1... . !., ..... . ,tcr ttie rssce 01 this act no blipn .K.'l of bavins Lrlon-wl in iii.i.t.wi ... ,.it.. .r 1 . . , . ' trusted? Will they not correct all such errors, if ad .iied of their existence ? Then ,Thc reading matter is abundant am L-ood,1; ndSrll V i? 3 "'ill-fated stealer, slip, or he allies were totally destroyed, ontnng it throiiLrt the means ol scrct so- Commonwcakh P.arrelt for defendant cieties? Canrnt the American people be . !tbe editorial f.l.,J .i,K. . 1 .f.t,i",a. of,ho " fD " Jn 1a-'8 Ri!JcJ charader, and a, nny more were seriJaslv dam.v KTVV working very hard everv davi ' e uuic uc tiun. the time uo"ucn cis.ured. "div nf f: " I,.. m....:,i.....i:. .1.-V L.-. - " ".fl r..i .j ri,:. .: . . . j .. - - -j - - frightful and a good part of each right, we have,' """"-. use,u' "u n u cics,, n"- oc aounscd, declaro in ine corner, "Let Glasgow fijr-j klencc of the tempest, and tho almost whv ' . secreev to c.rrect a nublic 8-ceeded in issuing two pa. " r-tona, MtMntKm, ,. " - " proby ; unparaMed destruction of vessels, tho , , therebv makimr amend, for tU! ine la.tnon plates, are cxecicd m,,,,. . ; " rTt":: :; c '. .4",u I . .VV. .7 n??J ra-.numl' l lost d,d not exceed threo o r i nrur ci t ia i an 1 non-appearance ot tho KcpuWican last J i 1 one years Mr. Banks lubored herd to justify secret political societies, and as a proof of their usefulness, instanced thesecrrt ballot w hich we periodically deposit in lho Could any thing bo more flimsy! Why, tho very object the chief aim and the week, and affording all hand about the of-1 CrGrabam's Magazine forJan'y.lsoo, r .who mov fice an opportunity of celebration the first K." ....1 :. ........ ...r. , .n,?s 01 11,0 da,e 01 " "ct shall been- dcniification. day of the upproaching new year as they ! and interesting publication. WLt'is il.'inAh may think proper, that this publication is not more lilerallv I April 24, 160: . . ' . . . , w.v .......l.. v, -v o lust tj.u iiui .ALuro iiireo d m the Umted Stites twenty, el, was tar cn to the office of Mr. Wats.ri, hundred. The full force of the storm a least ; provided Ut any alieo rom whence it was forwarded to ne ' was fell at the harbors of Eupatoria, Kat thl.f.01. i ft Vi,cd :.Me"rS- T0dJ XrGrcS-. '!"-. nd Balaklava, where the yes cds of .0 all the third conditt. snecified, a-.. - , I n. r u 30 MVtK,yT scc ion of the' 8. ' The Ohio Statesman .ells a R0)d W,il,e tbo e flc ith its greatest fu- sccnon of the ,ct approved torv of a Cincinna.ian. .r,, frLr ry, a s-.-ong force of the Russians advan. ,oj w men inn act is amen- Ke CirrW;i! k,t V- .t " - u , ccd unoi and ntt-H-U,! P,,.,:. 1 l... .uu, ui me nmeoi 1 . ".v..u,uul mc, it. -. . . . , " t - . . U'ffN. nrtmnl u ntni.lMJ T f r f r.. Pay Yovh Postage. From and after, u t,llicns 1 F"","- 0 . . t. :. ' ... . . ns suspension, was on his wav lo i, .,B;" Pnp"y repulsed.-HWi. S&ir, direct tendency of the secret ballot, is lo ,ho lst 0f jBnuary. 1855. no letter or na.iDU",ber is Wor,h ncarl' 0De half l sub anora ine sovereign people o. these states ; per (ei t g or . lcU sent from , -'1- -ra an opportunity to guard and protect their the offices of publication) will be carried', ?'? forwardi"S us J.50 "Il be 'proved April 24,102, entiled "An act -YelmH ,K . Jl. ? vr. gence at in spite of the bluster and pro- liberties from the machinations of secret1 .t,ri, ,i, ..i.. u ""rnisnca wui- copy ol Graham't Jlac- o establish a uniform rule f n.turaliza. r y inenevs,iu. mo urmsn consuls tho authori. ... ... MIIIVud uivi niu ii umiu u. - ) I I list .ir.n...: 1 I .. ' . ..... -' Redlctio of Wages We lent that first section of this act be a.d the same , 1 TDU?Tac-UlB y, he rushed to the beauiM Islands piece and parcel of tho the Reading railroad company, in view of, is hereby repealed 1 jciegraph otuce, andcnt them the follow, rcpuldu. The Ulands are eight in num. u ' , I'T .' o-r""n aggregate area olb.lKIO square Oulrare upon nn Amtririj Tnwl. ' , V'rclevilIe laIik bas Pnno to bell, anJ mlk i, being about one-fifih i!lat of tho the secret baHot every man can vote as his mntlcr, and 8en, according,.-, to ,ho dmi conscience dictotcs. Whilst Know-Noth- letter oiTin,, fn i,R i,lira, . ........ the existincr nrcssurn nT thn tim. K. OCT Wo are again compelled to issue tbo reduced the wages of their workm nso Rqmblican on an inferior article of paper. " ,0 correspond with the scale of ariccs , 1 .. 1 .. . . n.i r. .tTnn ,. . , . . I . , . . . ' r . n n I I , r- m, M .mn : i , I I oui rcauers must near with it however v mo 1 rise ome uum 1 ampin cn the 4;h ii".iui vi uiu .tew lorit con iiuuu is nmuie lanu. 1 ' . two or thr t'pnra tofrrt . , insl.. rrnnrfc ik.i ik. .nl.... ti - thus rlnv 9 cLrt-K . .. ' ILiruNiln tliA,'n rrt. nncucA. ,k. as wo can uo no belter VVehnveabet fc ; .ctuuum .uiiry tur-. ---" .ui:sju muic. i rv. ., c,,.,, ,uu conpro-i ... ., I .. : : : ' oline, a regular trader Lei a n Tnrnr,;1 "A few days aco. plancins' over Mj- nh safe harbor at niwont ; but there am j y aniue on ine way, winch will proba.) lCTuln the last few weeks there ,,d New Orleans, sailed Ton the former sissTpi P-per, our eyes rested on the in Ihe other Islands that could bo r.,.r ut n-xuiyeain nmo ior our next issue. I,BVQ uccn several cases of bmal Pox. port and came to anchor oi ihn r.r very word 'committed suicide' It .s available for sh.ppinj. with m. ingism would first swear a ropn and then require him to vote according to lho die- tales of his fellows, whether with or with out the approbation of his conscience. Through tho secret ballot, labor tect itself, and the operatives employed bv our larire manufacturing, minimr nnd o o ' t, . " - I rration operations, possess tho means of OCT Wo learn lhat Mr. Jos excrci.iim rictit of suffrunc in defiance Lawrence township, this countv. Im I.;. s ofal! dic.tutioiKru,,, ,ieg0 combinations of kg broken on Monday the lib instant, 'D Iiltsbu,"S1- ossociaieu weuiin. ballot box is tho hi!o engoged in hauling timber. Howit OTCapitulists and all others intetstcd means 01 currecuug nn puuno1(ipolilicn, occurred wc know not but we undcrstond it is hoped, will not neglect to att,! abuses. i.ui 11 11 is coniroiieu uy ret lie is on a fair way of recovery. ' rail fond mcciin to be held at oath bound societies, larcweii to our :b ,,"7' T:. ' Citv on tb llh nf !.,. tar- I OCrThe slemhins which was so rood in y 00 u,e 1 'n of January 18oj ernes.- NewVobk, Doc. 23. 7Le schooner I trill be there to-morrw." ( Islaadi of Cuba. Of these C,0l0 auaro tn .An . . T.rr. . r. m. . i nm 1 Ol. , . iu. .nnnnnnr. rr. , . .v.. 1 . . r ., 1, 1 rilonna 1 p . . mo, rfciii'rson county, i-a ine "," wu mc oisi iov-, wnen a boat, u, mc tnu oi o J "I . ... frnm Iri.t Invn . ;k . .ir. On hfiso brow ns rnt'amru.J ";I..:n P..-. r.nw, c muiiu uiseuse aiso prevails to someextent , , j ""t v.w...i.i-nioiiicer, --i . .ai" , .' --ks. in0 JJan. uunucu iicr, ana look irm the cap-. Jf . ..t;'-- uouniio w n,tn.y ikopuoncan, of Friday ni lain an me letters lor Jcw Orleans, im- "iI",u ",c ucri, ursi in sociciT.r : ai a Uommiss dncr'a nlo . r nr.n . . . r j . i' . . r 1. , m pvrn nrr ft in,i Mm i,r km r. it... .i.-t. ra,ij.1u.ic vi uue mi.11 iir racn leucr. " . "i Z r ' "' - u .- m uus n igliborhood npm .1 r 1 in nanus in a 1:1 01 mama a rotu. Viyimfl was sola Kr6l "?n n4 -"t-- the frt-Homelv men atv aeentnrum-.P.t mM, nr.. iK. , ,.r I :.L . .. ? ' nd a ticero Wo. 1 1 "- -v.-v. u. icBucis aim wc. iiiji, mm a child ci.-hi n-.i, u , O rone a very rreat drawback. Th- are alwava thin? from ihn truo.n.1 . i .k. . " mon'hs old, for , - . j - o u,.uL,ni) IMIJ. ,jrc iL'Sl Ol Innrv. .....I... trueand mr1inrhntvL4r rvi-Ti.. .1.- 1 i-i .. ,wy. on Hie 1 l:h of Jnnnnrip 1 S.r..ri leaious. bllOW US a peitlcntin rh ri . rw. ti , . ... I w no nainiiiii" w men was so rrood in ' J . .... . " this aer-.n r. ........ ...... i iv-a..-. ... . . ,ow atr and a pug ose, and we wi! ro.cioi ri,-t.-r.B. mu mi on w .-iinsuii. vnn nm nRcnirMd 'm. . .1 .. . . . . Tk.:.. ' r.....' , -----.------- a ijcuucn.aa Ui is nciy 10 Wt)'..... r d....:. OO-Thc meeting of ur State Igisla-., "'- ce winch had accumu. "r"' ' n"'"mru" r A " SD h,s himst,lf wilh lrick 'cry time he 7ncr :;' n - V 'V "an " . . . . .. lated on 1 10 r vor ir. ik-j.v. r Wl 'e by means of an infernn mur-k; .. . ..... l- ,lcr b '12 achieved rreat trumnht ij,riinn 01 inui uouy ia oi.utuuj i ... ., . . - j fc""- I val- fr-r-TK. ...4 r.. j... V:fn, .. V? '""o innum- low" hair and a pug ,ose, and we V,!l (w. V itC of " !T?.i Oo "T.Pnce.. though an err," lion of that body is speedily i i..'iIm. .ii i .i.:i:.. ...... effected, o V, f.'-7' . . r.onee oi-x"' ."i,"- in umc m. ins in. ---o night the 27th instant. assumed b' Kan BasilwitzJ" loof them. orerl cmved bi.h R.r...x . . n OCrOur mat paper will be iaaued on the1 W' P.orr. fith or filh oi Jantiarv. I . tea weigh 6 lbs. .Tnarr,-t,ri : v . .va lu' has . nark,;:: iorit ciiinB OF Govta.o. DoKK.-Hon. T. . i." " V4!!!- iog in triumph tack examina'tion'. h l"'1 6 Mditical ' fov..-Z:: ". ?e u"e CzarfsignifyiogUal to be filled 'a, ... ' 7 . f '.'k .uuuueu. ll'IVin?.! Imrmirt. m P... . . euu With I That so much of the third condition s'ne. t VFTF f " f promiS S,bin TU Dx.-Thu New - c.j .t . . . . ' IO P3T. Which he desi.Tne.1 In .nn. Vr.rlr -. .1 rr..- . . ... I emeu in me nrst section ot the act an- , . : , . """"i - ,uu muiying iniciu- 4 t n. .c,r. ..j .... w coin, when lie arrived hi u. n.ipmn. mni m mim r,r .i,it.... j Urn. either end with about our next sl,- , mstnat. i Fdripcror, in 17. ff 1 ,T'5on for two years. "3 Was acnf f a Rt. i t v. V r i"