thl ,utu::'.ica.. C ',-On " iii'lieii' ,M v I in -,. ml "I ; ' .-I pip .'. ll' I him ()f ih it !ijil i1''1'1' ' " ' l;" '"' uMh.t; . -it, tli ' "F. umi .' "ini i!," will l' found 111 - i; "t u''r. Matilda Allpert, A.!iiiii.!--lrdtii of Jai, Al'poil, ii 1 will sell nt put ', sale en tin- I'.iiii Hi' F-b. ull' valuable real estate. 1.-1.....1 I '....... llt'i I '. I ) 1 I I , I ' 1 1 II) . .. i . . . . , t i uiciiaiu . -in i j , .... ...-.., Ul( Ul0 .. ,i uu; I-;iia' I ' ' r nl'i W.I . . . . ! . N . I i i ' ll .! I i ill . ' I I I I lit I ' r i , . M m ..ii . , U ' ( j I I I ' ''.III. Ml .11 ;'! M ii l " ' I, V , H W , e )!' II .mill- tt till IK ! i n", i . : I I I ' ' I. I l!" ri'M"-i1 Mi1' i. , lil 'I l '.. I II ill" 1 I ll .t ill'! U mi ', iii y i .i riiii.l.i'i uii I villi mii'Ii . - . i .' , , w I 1 ' I'l 1 1 u i' ii 10 ll; i i I hi s. Illl'l lll.ll Wl III-' lli'll lllMll ll till' I "III! I'll. ill m I mil. 'I'll.' h' ... -I l'.r.e roil if rttiin inj'.a.'i v u 'ill .i.r.v tn th ou iii i:. n! i!n nii-. I v;iu, i ( '( ru'u', und In the i T.pital.sts i.i' I ' ; i ! : 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 n , lint twit I'uri.l, the Tviniio, CIc.ufuM, (Hill I'.rir) is absolutely never ..a ry o secure to ltti!M,U'! I I'll:', . i ', ',,! ,.v I M .i .li vtitil ' ' iv r'li 1 1 "!, I'll" 1 1:'" niiMiiitit i. I J.iif tn J- i"ii lui' uios fiii'n il li' n 1 1 y n'l tin' i ai il list I" I"' fi'iiinui'il. I i il,.' Cnmiin'ii l'lim tli" 1'nllowin'! tl VJNI!m ll'UIM'I'Mil Ml'. Iv a win uMKumrnki. II,.. t;.i'.n' i ' ten I li'ini the I', I I'S l-'!. Mvld t!i in ml 1 1 '"i I, will l.o li.iili.! -"iini nf tlii'l'. S.h'in. . r v iuii H 'uii:', nn ii'i'M'iiil iif tlm vil'i i- n'l- iiii'iii i i'ii iM'iinliiv l.y Atr. A 1 1 ti m h l I. ii in ni in limn i "tit iiii' il i ii it, in r' ,'i't MiMM''i, iiili'i'lii' iii;', ft lull In rliniv;'' i nci Id tln tnmi'ii r 1 f t Mlii'i h, miles iriiinniiitinii law , o in 'd require n fund r ui", nlliei-i, A e. : Mi'triitl tif ilif ;rn.n utilirSif') ill In ntMV N ', I ,.,-. i, p-., 'I'li-i Srrn t iiy ni tlio 'I'triMntv in lm nlinml Ii i nil, ninU- tlio tin i ii.ii, ,, it.,, fm. ' t ill y 'ir i tilling tin' Ili'ili nl Jiiiin, jM-tl, " I'liilll till H'HIlri r, tn ln : , r l!l,7lh w lijch will! tin' li;iliinri in Dig I ronxiirv (in tint lit 'hl.M MMli" HI. .I'H.'IIIV ,;s s ViH'.ll ,!'. ...".nl.lH C.'l ri.M, nl'I'lU', iih Tin' w l.olc iiuiiiIht ol' I'.hI iT..-.j in tl.r , M uf )u, I,IH'.mJ, c,t,. , i i i1 i ii ... i 'i' it i j ul pM -i til. Mr. AiI hiim iIimmcsi'iI In lull I'nit. i Sinli s, mi 11) !l(Hli of .lunn, VJ i , .. f ... ,,.! ... .. . ii ! i .i iMim .I'M, tin. will iiiii' J m" I lunt' r, i. J. A . I . 1 1 in!'T,- H- ... ,, .i i ,., r . ... i- n- 1 tutnl lor tlic Jf.'iir ol 9i.I,1'.l..rU7. Hip fx. . i. , ,',.',,,,., f ,,,, , ,,,, ,,. ilivmv,- Tl. t h nr.h. ntwl ,,,.. ,r r,s, u l,,'h ivnsh. Ol.lii, ,Imt V... maon-'t-, ,.,,. ,,'f ,,, ,'.,r Imve l.,'n 7rv " ' , " " ; f "' ' ' ' , , l-T"'""''"'" altM.,o.l,.,uM l. the. ul n,,.,,,,Hs,,,,s r.,,, whu'lmm. jV-.j,,,:!,,, I.Mvii a Uin.-o i ilio tr.'.sur; a m i.i-' il.'ti im. in il tin' i hi! Mi. i, I ( 1 1 .) ri iv I ii1-!. .1 tn Ihm i ii 1 1 v i i , I' nro mi 1 1 ii ,,.,,,. il,,; mi nv-ni'iiiiun uM icrni'itiM nnt tn nnc llioimuiiil ilolliirs or iiiiwiihIk. . ,, , . , .j,. i,.-, . .,..,. ....i i. ul ol Hi'- rr"j 'uiiiiniii. I'i'iiii mr umi- urn lii'i ii (iiiiiii-iiii'i ii.nt'i hi inu nun inu niiiiiiiinii..t m im inim im.: ' he ricciiits lnr the fiuurtcr riuliiii! Sen-mt-vinliW mi iisi.l., I.y tin) ('unit.- last huiiiiiht, lis ;i df tli-ir tl,,: lore ii.ii.I.i l.y ttm I'rrsiilrnt, l.y 'J ,nlMr ;Ui, lS-,,nrc,'l,52l,aiW. Tlio Wullaru ' " ' 711;"1" r " , ' i V '"":" for tl.o rcmninin.. thrcn quarters Cur'.. ii for 1 ilii'l I ii it- iCinii'si' iiiiiiiiiti:', no unuiii, lo l)oll''l;iss lillij lili N't liliisli.i lull i . I, r ,, , , , . ....... .... .... .... , v .... uim, l- i uar:r J.i. M;:r.,'alilv to tl.o .rouo..i or ll.o A flsca .J Mr. Ad- is:i,i. 1 1. mimliur cfolln'i's cstub i.hc.l 1)()(It of bj(. (djt 01llsthn Jinir I.', r.ut call upon Win. lU-x or .lolm T. Cui r ui.d W1, ,..,, cxl.,., 1,,. t,, tM.c tin; l.-a.l. Our iiiU i't .sis aru tlic uiof-i ili.'..'i!y involv.-d, futile the s;iinc. The tViiiiiiissioiK is aic imw ready tn We will derive tin; greatest l-eholit, an 1 1 be en sold In lino llio contrni-t was nmd i r . r . i i i . i . . ... i r'itivi: proposals lor niiiiisiimy uu- i-uuu lllsl Ilnt CXp(ct (i'.Iut:. to I( ail I ho way. 'ami also damages lor the noil ilelivcry ol 1 lie sooner Urn better, perhaps lloiiae, Jail, and Coinnuss'oiiurs onico in coal rind wood, tiinl for keeiiiii'' tlio Court ' r 1 ' , " u;. v - Adams, nml it is not straniv iiV-' " j - IIIH. t-1111 U' UllCllUCli U1IU umi lll A WIU'D TO 01 R IMTIiONS iprormlins will show that tin) importance p i i. : . .. -i VI,nn u- first rr.mln known our intcn- 01 m ipT. upiu.-Luu. u. ... .... ... . r .1 .') ' . - ... , .i ii u i .Ji.ui OlUMflllU nf nn Ilm ( .... V S nil . VS. n iiir l.V 0. i Ills e. , I, tl. i t - ,"''' - ; 1st ol ,lul , was 17,1 Ml.ijOS. was nn notion nf eoveiiiint liroulit for tin: Iter of any secret political order, or socio, the nuni'oer dUcoulinui-J Gil, showing n j ,vj,;(.retnrv n ntirripntos n fnllinc off f . i . f i I . I.Dt il' tin. I. ii. nut liin. ri u'iti. ri.tlifl v ' ....If i.i.rf.nn Id .il)i Vf.'if fif l'J'JS. Till' ... recovery ol a imianco on n eoniraei lor ; . ,--.' ... , m ii,e customs, owin; lo tlio Kccinrocilv i r...,r.,,.j I... n .... r. ...... I ninivm ..I . . . .v. I ... . rf t.Tiu.l. ll.o will. a mi.l rinnina li.'.bf. . ' J saw liinlii'i'oii Kill acr 's of Innd. Dele llial tlio on It tinilicr on sixty ncres feti-e ' r(Tr('sl lllu,' lie approved their course ol number nf which tlio biles ninl names have 1 1 , ctl t y ( ,wu tlmrt croi'is proseni,,. an irc.-iner.i ni.ii i.ati.ones clian. in l.ic course oi mo year ( .rhc t,M) of 10 tJl,itcj S,ntC8 M,,ib. 1 !or l'ol,,'cal l,r,;(Ll',,u"1: U , ' : wn.s 4!!:'-, 1 1,0 ""'n-ron'ostmastcrs ap- i(s R, incrca80 fof tlm of ai5 8J 2 "'" juci io hum i in iy ii;;iiaiion n 1 1 1 r huiiji.'ci. ' poinieu (luring uie jciirwus cui?, 1 tons ry ol i he sooner the better, pei trips. It is now , ilicse, 11 we Let ns nil do our lt, mil then wo can ! u r,.Jt 0f LjarJs. On the part of the plain-i,VL'r century since the pas.n,;;e ofyies occasioned ,. .i c i i w i , ,i I . ,. . , ,r i . i ... ,u . tin: rdien and Hodiiion law under tlio elder i removals : .'VJO ca upon o hers for help. u hope t!u u.;- Cvu encu wis o rerc-d to show that the . . . . . . 11 ' ' 1 ' . I Adiitns, anil it s not strani'o that alt(!r the i ni's o names in 1. : tti - . .. l rn .. u i ,nv , mese, ii were .ippoiuien io nil varan- -.'... . f()r ftofr.o.,, ,y 5 1 1)77 by ;3n in t,XC(.sa of ,bo exports. The flatterin" slato ofth; revenue inJu- bv deaths ; '.1'.) 1 by chan i i i u i.i .... . ..i. rnectii.i; w UI he well attended, una that ll.o oak on ti.ot oaacit was excepted at tlm ' M) ...., ,.,,.,., should , sl..n. nf .., f,m,.,.s. ' . s "'"y u inoaue.i. of sale, and that the raft was run accord, bo revived. It was nut down then by the Tl.o total number of olTiecs on the 1st l'!"" ',, l'0,,rcs9 Ui 1,10 IroPry of redu- in to Mr. Cooper's custom, which was totr.,,,, arm of public opinion, and its uu- ;of December If 0 1, was 23,W.i. lommends but three rates ofdutv 10.) 40. i in hi .iii o .one isi. i ere were n .... . . y ' ' ' The nuin- I . . i.i-.. . ,v.i .. . :i ..'.. I. ...!., tion to raiso the price of our paper Irom Ai.akm ok run:. Un eduesilay ol lJUl" ' . ' ,. ins soon as enough such pi.pularitv hunt- operation (ili!)7 mail routes ii iiiw nil i uinia iiotitiv'ti i'i u.. in..., vices. (. . )(.r,ii,.;;ins us Mr Adams, and lanutics,! Ler of contractors was 51G7 diet for riaintili; fil!):t,K. Wallace , " i o : . .i national le-'islalure to1 The length of these route Curtiu for plainlil!'. MTjially ' .1 lale for i revive iiny such illiberal und injurious i at 2 1 !,!;.") miles. Mr. Adam s reason ahovo mention- laws. ili'Tenihint. y.berts,, vs. Mosnsrearce. j1'1'. i"i?l't lo for the nursery. It is a rnat-, was ti:5,:7,03 inil;s costing t,30,. ; e of the l'eace. Jud; tor of regret to see any sH of men play '070, and divided as follows, viz: ., ... .,i , . ' Wallace for plaintiff Crans for defend! i last winter and siiinj:, denunemtory ol 0:.j, about 0 ccnis per nine. ..;v...aoum. ' . . I.1.... 1 .,..W. ttmli... I ! .Ill I I .". AM . A - .inn... it ...1 vvriM (IlKOOICd ill !l!i """r ""c ' . X .li.ji.'i.-". i one dollar a year to one dollar and fifty the Court, about noon, the citizens of our I centf, we were told by some of our friends inWn were n'iin alnrmcd by the cry of that such a course would cause a yreat fllC, wlmia crowd uf the citizens and many of our subscribers to discontinue strainers were teen rrpairinj to the Court hut wo could not "believe, nor can wo yel House, the 2d floor of which had taken believe that such will Lu the case few may discontinue but we do not sup- the same. The fire was extinguished by poso for an instant that the number w ill be .Ji,. q'p!io;Uii;i of a quantity of snow and j;reat. We believe that a very lar;;e ma- water Lefoic any serious dam joritv of our patrons uro who'.e-sou!, lib-, It was fortunate that the lire w as discover- eral minded men. who do not suppose that ed as soon as it was. as water in town, is : lollows we can afford to pav the present exorbi- cxeeediniilv scarce just now, mid havini' James M.les, vs. MeOloulilit; & iloan.: ;l (.orr,.ct knowleilj of our institutions,1 nbout conts 4 mills per mile. ; Certiora. 1 rocteduis n.irmed. trans lor ; r,., , . , ,. , .sUl.iiiiT .i iro nr 1 1 oilant l it) nauve oorn j." niry w 110 oiu uie saoio o June, 1 .i., ui' ie is un iiieieusu 01 1 , n. r.rlir. .i-oli. mt n rfirrr.nntn im. mfTi' i;p .t.rt i... irin..nni.. ..!. I. t., i Ti ainllll o illnUU HT U'.ll ILJaui. . . J ' ' . ' lor our labor; and who will llicrelore, 1 tunj xvit, thU furious (deuient ; under I loii.l.T us their punimrt ns checrlLiIlv utour .1.,, ,.;r.,,.,..t..n...a tl... f,r.. ,r,-.t ('..Irlvlto show c.iue I J UH7..U l.lltl.lllAII.II.Aa ..l,U..Vj...l''., ... 1.1. advanced rates as when our terms were undcr way, almost the entire town mlit but one dollar a year. Vc trust that our ( nave been laid in ruins. Wc have thus present patrons may not only continue to far been very fortunate in discovering r.nd support us, but that many may as hereto- j battleing against every out break orthisde fore, exert themselves to some extent to " scription ; but unless sonic better prepira add new names to our list and thus en- jior.s are nn und -I ) per cent., in place of ilin io.t schedules at present in use. The . i menil.itions for tlm reooal nf t)u fi.d.;..r routes is estimated , ,. ... "''""ft 1 iiiiiuiii'-n it lenuwuu. 1110 sunjecl 01 Jriu l,.... .lnMr.u r..r.,,,..l o ' .1 The total iinniial transportation ol mails . ," , ., '. 1 " ' - ' ' ...w v.'ii.jiu'.i uilUl. i 'jress. The secretary gives a statement of the currency, wtucii makes the total amount ... . r... t . : . l.:..i, .,... i Appeal irolil .iii'.l.i.e 01 uiu u.m, ,u,,r.' i ,i... r...i I ,.r .. 11 ,i. r.,i;... ,i.;..u . l.-.t ! o i urt nioi ...;i.... i. .,.,l,. i "wlln;ll.nitlll..p.iu.Ciliij.. lil'llj'.ifiiii''' "' t llir iiini , nun ill tin nil. iiniiou iiniii ii... 1 ,U 111111. a.;v inuuio iii;i an.. ........ ti .ii ..kf.ii 11 1 r r .11111. cosis o 01:11 1.. 1 i... ... lr.i ... c-i 1111 1 u- 1 ..i...,. - ... . ii ... 11. . - - r ve r M.:il.olo lir ll .vi I iji 1. v .M , nr. in- I 'il, ill c 1 .v . . a iioul ... i.i. iii;i iiniu. f t . 1 1 , .1 1 . r ni .. r . 1 11 1 .,,.. .. r .... -i 1 1 . ci .inn . of cold and silver coin in ctrcu atiun on and cxecuvn to stay until 1st ol IIay. idignutioii ineelingi held in various places iit,5;0,"iol mi es by conch, at l ,-lUO,- . , r.,lllT1i S,.M .. iiinn i.;ni. t...... :.. .....i l..i. Inu", ass, Wiis tlie must loolish ; but1 31) miles by radfoid, at ?'l,- ,7. roiiicin .inn 11 1 I-,' i- . .1 . .1 - ,..,. 1 . .1 . I 'II ') l,lll,Ultll,UII Ul V-viV-."J. 1 JU U.IM LS9IL9 lor tho hie ol us, wecaniidt see that the 7.H,'1 0, about 1 1 cents 1 mills per mile. , , , .. , 1 . 1 .1 , . , 1 . ,.. ., 1 . 1 . .c,,w i an opposition to tho circulation of notes of ( ermans w ho hus betrayed their want ol r,TU.), lo nines by steamboat, at iyj,- ,l , I llr; recommends the continuance of tho . . - ' . . 11 1: v . t'r.. i,,r ' ...... . . i. I'... ;..... ,.,., ..,.., l I' I , I ... a... ,1 , , , n, . tout prices demanded lor every neeessa-' r0oUl..,rIv cr-ani.ed fire company, nori"- ' nx-ecuing ... v.- .aye,, mo ,. .n y ,.. .i .-u., ... ,; u,,.,........ ...... , o, u,o , func.. on(1 cnlls fur furl, jd ,J ' " I . , , 1 , 1 . Ill nl.i.n ,,,.i ,.i.iilii' ll I . I h Ihri t'lmo' .-.I I Hi" IllllfO ID Ml ilipro'iia if 1 . 1 J " ... - J ., . ... ., ' ,. . 1 protectm" human lile from shipwreck 011 it ii.. .,1 ii l 11 ULT. im; are sorry no uciiiiiini 01 1:11, l-'o 111 1 es 01 iraos ooiiuiiiiu, or iiuoui ; . - . . . . l.inai.uti Djiicv, vs. L. .1. Hind. Ku!e : ' 1 , ' , , ; the coasts, and suggest whether the law d- 1 1 l. lie 1IIIUI . . u no. 11 nil vii 1 1.1.1, imi ... ir u: .,niu ui vi. "J wai, ui 111 . , i . , . "'tli-1 ...... rn,.vi,.ll : should not provide greater security in tho i ,-....i irr,n., C.r,!(.f't . . .. . ..' . . ., 1 . .r ..'i....i coiistrueiion 01 steam cosis. 101 i'iuiihiii vi.i.3 .. nanus as ('.'.licit as iiossiiiie, nnu iis uie uesi i 1 nc increase 01 ranroaj service is ria.i-senger vessels, 1 in iui,i.i.,j Dui'ii.i; 11 . f .. . . .1 i" ,, ... 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1.1 r.i-..i .i ."I ii.iuii un 11, i mi.', in uii; Mi: 1 uniiL-rs, Commonwealth, vs. l.lanchard rame,' way to learn is to lollow oir example, is .llb.lH-l miles, and the cxjHiise b-u , 'HI , , . ' . . ,. , ,. Kelly.-Log floating cases. any wonder that they were gml.y o, I!) per cent. ,.. trnnsportation, and I f thecust0,na ciev.dand.'Oswe.o. 7 t vs. Ke in " . 1 1 fx. this indiscretion. Surely examples were not finite 1 per cent, in cost arrest ol rjdginent and lor new tn.u , , ,., , ,,' 1. Jo ..,xt iifi.ili,,., im- nvr. 11,-. .Ii.iilit ,..-ini. II,. i.,.-.p..nii,)il t rn ni.orfl "'" C " J " '"- "" ' . , . . 1 111;, ..uii.iiil:, ai... ,i.,h, in; unuui n..u- ill,; luuiu.'-" ,1.11. j... . .null ui iiuug it unless some better nreinra- ovcrrulec. Argueu uy uui.acc iv "u;od b this ,mi0 tha, ,hat is not ,h(J proper not specilied is 377,157 m,les, or about 1 . de wo may some day cot iJ Com,-Simth and Cordon for .lefts. wav' titll(!r to, or to direct, I per cent., at a cost of 837,5.'t), or 3 35 , I'O lnce of the rcpor refers mmnly cie,woin..j homedd,..otlar , ;;,,.;,,,,,. Ii . tothc Mint operanons ol the various de- a - n i. ..u, r. ...,1. ,i,c: 1 1... .:..i... .... . 1 , .. 1 J 1 ivl-. u.-; win in. .-.111.11 .-.uuiiiiJllill IUUMUL1UU I he increased tranmorhtion by modes ' .11 b . :i 111 v iii" 1 if'i'Trii'ii 1 iifr'tsKrirv able us to present them with a paper sur-, distant, find our efforts of no avail. Hence passing any ever heretofore published int;10 necessity of organiz'ng a fire compa the county. ny, procuring an engine and other r.eces- Under the prcscntarrangemcnt payment sary ins'.ruiiiLir.s. We trust our citizens is not exacted until the expiration of six will niove in this matter before it is too late In thcljuartcr Sessions, Vm.AJJIennn public opinion in the United States. plead gui'ty to an in lictiiien'.l'ur an assault' Unt we are rather dispos-d lo feel proud months at the end of which timewc prom- The pipe of the Court I louse stove which j r 1. . : r .... . ... I C r...,. iinnn, .M " I' i.ov. . . i , . , ... v,... .u-....,,. ano.uiu. i.i.u " , . ""I D.,nt we hoast a irr-nt de-d of being the !i mi increased Cost of ft-3,137, or 0 fcv IsaaiUloom, Jr., churned with an nssaut tI ., ,.,r,i, ? r., ...,. ll 1 1 o 1 ,...r ,.,,1 and battery plead guilty and was fined ;,s pru.j j ,1S e c:,n be of the priv ileges we j Tiie unpre.-c lented extension of rail-' l, ur" . surveyed J,3S 1,401 1 ii'i rlinnnlc nt Inn tronenru The iraiisportaiion by coaches is less by : ' ' ' Abstract of tlir Land Office Rqiurt. The Land Ollice report represents that 100 per cent. lV),'i'.i " miles, or about - per cent., tho'! 5 an ! covH 'enjoy ol tin; liberty of speceh, of the pre ise that if our list continues as large as at 'passes through ihe 2d floor, is encircled I Huiry np'C charyu wan i.ecping .1 , . . - , - , '. titv brought into imrket was S,t00,017 3 1 1 d ' ....... , 11 n. h,.r,i In- il nr. ria i.ntiuMrtit r.'iiKO to nf Ii ,.r' ii'i nm v I ,(t aei'iiiiiili'il I, ir I roni - 1 " nrn.nt four nrlilitiriniil columns shall hn i n r. ...Iron p,.l!:.r- t!ir nnt In iV.n t,-.... tippl'.ll' I.0US0 I'.caJ gailty Olid WOS tll.CU . . ... ' , " .. ' , . . , , .... v... ! acres. , ; , .. . , , .j - - cuaii"(; 1110 naiiiiiuu poiiev 01 uie eomn , ino laci 10,11 1110 iu v uoou.u is 111 ac nrldpil tn nnr nnnT. tliprehv rendcrin 1 it ' til-1 n,? ft n. Ii,.f, ir,l ilin fnllir in cncl. n ,1,. . '!'"' ) al l Costs. D ,ani0 ...v- ...... ..... v....... un equal in size, and if possible in usefulness grco that it set fire to tho floor, w hich also, 10 o'he'r county papers in different proves conclusively that these collars are portions of the state. We ask not that not safC) nnd consequently should not be payment bo made immediately by thoso'uscJ, who ore now clear of our books but ntl " (.LKARITELI) ACAOr.MV LxiIIllITION-. ! William W. W'ifcon. was convicted ofi kcepicj a tippling house and fined S-0 and costs. Swoopo lor defendant -a i km 1 1 ill 1 . lea. .-'ii 10 1 nei o: .1 I r.i, ti , ,,, . r-, lo.l .mi, I. f.-k'i.'h &...'L-u.. . , . r r 1 1 ' .' have reached 1 ,00, 17 1 acres. Themian. ,s as I ,.(. .ncreased cost fora diminished amount ; . . . ' ' . "-'I""" There was sold 7,(135,735 acres ; 1 . 1 i ....... 11' .i ..... rv U.rU , I. ... nvtl,in"'r-!n,l nnd Xew York. ' 1 st I ,ol-alLU noumj . arrcuis, o, W.',iWU else, has assisted in making our country 1 Ju'v, 15:J, were made u'. largely ciihan-!' second lo no other in grcaines ' ced ex- the same time a little of the rcuihi would not bo refused, come from what source it' Agrecably'lo previous notice, this cxhibi may. We ore willing to wait hovjevcr,ition carr'c ofi'il1 lhc To" n Ihll'on cn those who have thus far kept their ac- j evening last. The room was very much counts square unlill about the fiMt of May crowded, and every thing passed off well next, when w e expect to be enabled to con-jforn tin'; W a bench in the back part vinco them of the truth of our promise tojof lllu roo,n bcca'"c so Men with those enlarge by giving them a practical illustra-1 anxious to. see, that it broke and etime tion of the same. Hut to those who arc.dWn upon the floor with a crash, which in arrears for one, two and threo years ; caused some lo think that lhc floor of the subscription, job work, vVc, we now make' lla" w;is breaking through. Quito an ex known that payment cannot be delayed, as citement prevailed for some time, and in wc must and t iVhavc money, a sufficient f:l('t oood nr,lcr was 111)1 n3a!n restored du amount to keep us olloat in the world ut'rina 1,10 wllo!o 01 1U exercises. Ihoso, Jhrret for Com. Wallace for deft least, so long as charges remain on our had .an opportunity of hearing und books ngainsf men who ore abundantly j seeing, pronounce the exhibition as highlj rates, increasing the nnurcgato jio very far to show the enduring strength pense, while the amount of service wa . liinrl ,1 ri'tc iin.l f.n 1 :i r, mil I ri. lilllll I'll i:.r.i..v rrilllf'f'll. CUa., vs. Wm.Phemx, Surely 1 They . .-,,-slL.nmbo;lt of I of re case. lieo. ji!I, prosecutor, sen lencci to pai costs. M hnallv for del t. acres; located with Certificates 11,13 acres ; making a total sold and located of . ; 10,'15v!,537 acres. There has been reported nnd selected as . . 1 .1 swanm laud 1 1.033.51 3 acres : for inter. rv.r he v ar l- 1 in; 1 sienmoo; 1 ir insnnr 11 on our 11" uie . r - ' 1 less exe'pt to their nuthors, and Hie ast year was red need r!,.h.J miles, or very fact tliat thev are and.mav be with- 'l.'ij- per cent., at a reduced cost ol 0113,- II Sort IVnnin 'tfii, Jr., and some 7 or out any dariment to the public, is our 'Jl'd, or "ii 7-10 prr cent. . . ..... il.,il I .-,) t n.n- er!.l.i itlll IT !i fV I 'J ' 1 1 I M I U tl r I M I II 1 P i 1 i 1 f I f f Iwi t I fitl1 III. 6 ol!;ers were trted lor a not and assiu-.;; - " " , t.- . - - 7 there were cash sales ol 2.hj1.30G acres: . ... 1 , nit tins cnon win uc a 1111 re nasn 111 nit unncc oi servieo ucmi-cu i nniiu-ioii, ..i . 11, . arv- bat.vry,a..d were convicted. Kobert, ,.,,.;,,,, nl-ih.,,...!. we 'Carolina, and Charleston. South Carolina.! P01 !,s swaml hmis l.4tlo,l acres l'tuniiton, Jr., wis sentenced to pay a !,,.,.. ,,, ,., . ,1U .,,,,,, 1... 1 vfl .i..;. I.. ( :e, i.nd Charcslon. and 1 " "a'r( n;Uo ' 1,'(5- fito ol ij'J.j and costs and undergo an un- , n;uo 111 the next Congress to accomplish 1 Detroit and llullalo, and the suspension ol inisonment of 150 days tho other defen-' tin object proposed by Mr. Adams. ! service on the Arkansas and White rivers, d-.E'.s were lined cacti, anu cos;s, am. , '' ' ' , , . T.' . . . i " . n , ,. , , o. issued was 120,000 : 2,000 accounts were , , .., , r. uie senate in su 1 pori 01 ins 0111 10 iii'-ieasi.-, oeviT.u a.caut.ioai ioui' bucoiwiuw , , -nPr.soncJior4-i hours. Crans ,V Swoopc, ((f lhu"Juj,,s (l!I10 Supreme! ,,(,ls,'d with at the letting of new contracts l' ' '-. .000 tracts were entcrcJ. t.r Com. Barrett fir defendants. (, f lncn)l c,fCongreM- Mr. : for Xew- KnglauJ and Xc- York. hc .t0 (""m1h?' ol. f1;8 lss,ucJ Joseph Pierce, charged with fornication1... thai the pre-iV nay was lix-j The portions of .service in the foregoing ! "..Vo.-l , ' ,9.b0l,!",',cml,lra :.r,dbaLrdy,wa, convicted. The usua.;,d :, .ar lack as 1M0 in the on, ease,! estimates ehealle .0 Caldornia are I . - ... , ,-1 Mn Mi in ii n inr '.n n ' i1 1 , . M . ni l i'S 11 1 l s 1 .1 ' ' tr sentence was passed, lined VI, c. Uruns"' 1 ; - ,, " c. ...... , .. (ISO Lcres mil improvements 1,725,190 ncres, which added to the figures already given, makes !a grand total of 23,23,'-.' acres. For the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1651, The excess of sales for tho year over 1S;3, was 5,!j2,2.')9 acres. During the year the number of patents creditable to the pupils and their instructor!- lo in th'; other. Tiie price of liv-! ,V,)1 ,l",;'0's of ilnnual transportation,! I ing, nnd all the neeossnries of lip;, an; at 1 costing 1-I2,li3.l, and varjing but slight- j ! least f.ftv uer cent, rn ater now tfin.11 thev i Iv from last year's report. 1 The Grand Jury found 15 trim bills. 1 wcr(, tleili Therefor', if the enmpensa-, ' Steamboat transportation lot), 1 CO miles, 1 able to pay. Persons, lliercfore who may know themselves indebted to us for sub scription or job work, could not make a better uso of a few minutes of their time j than by forwarding by mail or otherwise,! u portion of the amount due us, or by! r.nllinfr in ni-rsnn nnd nllenlinir In flu. cnnin ' ..... t- . . . 1 r . j Chickerinr, kept by ! . S. Walker, 'and 1 111s mill 1.1 1101 uiieiuieu lor u icta oniv, 1 , , , 11 ". . 1 .' i several other establishments ndjoininf. and wo hope our readers will not take it as , J , , . ii- ,,i Some two or three firemen were Idled such but every body in ancars, both in , . . .,. c t ijv inu i.ioini; 01 un: wans 111 ine duiiu ii"s. COAnother fire broke out on tlm 15'h instant, on the corner of 5th and ClicstMt streets, Philadeljihin, burning out the dr tain store of Safford & Carry 1, tho furni ture rooms of Ilenkel, tho Piano roont of Coach transportation 171,020 miles, at rhilaihlphia, Dec. lit. A destrucfe 1-'. 1. . . ., 1. .1.: .. : nro uroite 0111 ni o o ciocn uns iiiouung m ,,ay. J Ins is a mistalten tho workshop of tho new house of reluge.j 'n, , ..i,c likfl to hire indulri- town nnd country, at heme and abroad aro rcspectl'ull invited to take notice. Our' OCrTlic "Prize Concert'' cam off in paper pile is small, nnd many other ncces- '!"J Tow n Ilali, in this place, .011 list eve- sary articles arc in a similar condi'.ion,' "ing the 25ih inst. The highest prize and wo muut liavo the wherewith to re- 'did Vi'ntch nnd chain, was driw n by plcnish the t,amo. A word to the wise,'1""' 'devil,'1 C. L.P.nrrelt. The next high- we trust, will prove sufficient. ! est a book case, was drawn by O. P.. I n: k.-Wo' learn that' oThursday ' McrrdK A ,ho lhirJ Prizoo list' night, the 14th instant, the barn of Mr s.Hcr watch, was drawn hyLewistnoom. .lames (ninsalus, of harthaus township, j CrOur readies will have to excuse the this county, together with a considerable color nnd quality of the paper which the qnnnti'y ol hay and gram, nino sheep,' Republican is printed 011 t.'iis week, ns it and everything else contained thciein, ex- is tho best, and in fact the only kind we cept tho horses and cattle, wore entirely could procure. Wc expect a belter articl destroyed by fire. Mr. Henry Yeathers in time for our next issue. Paper is ex. hud thirty dollars worth of grain in cecdingly scarce just now and canscarcc tin; ham which was nlso destroyed. The Iy bo had at any price. loss is estimated at about one thousand dollars for larceny, 1 for mal'cious mischief, 2 for 1 ticn w as reasonable then, it is not so now, ! at 8.1,000. mm1.1in.T houses, nnv otihi eioht for tiim.iiuid an increase of fifty per cmt. is con- h o ' - ' - o - - , , -., - , : 't')- it-. ling houses two bills were returned Igno-1 spluc'ul proposed, uui ims measu .'if1, -m, 0 , . , c . I not likely to carry this time. Members! Modes not specified, transportation, 2ov ramus. I hey also presented several roads j flf Colgts9 afc 0 doubt generally fond of; IM miles, at 80,7 IS. as nuisances, and that the County ImiKI- i IIl0iKy. P.ut thev love honor more, nnJ j In Oregon the service is as follrws: iocs arc not in tlm order they should he. I would rather go home t ennyless than to. Steamboat, 3,llilS miles at 17,001). " -. . . eu. t ii .u..'ii). uu ueii! return to I heir constituents witn lie ouiuni! .w.uies not spccinca, !,:8? nines at i 7. . . . 1 1 1 ..,,-, ' loulstanding warrants to llse ol having voted themselves an increase of &J,lol. i S 1,11 nay. Tliis is n mistaken potion of public 1 Total transporiation 137,020 miles. ' ''n 1 11 i' Total cost 815,151. beyond Fairmount. The building was'ous pubic servants, and do not want tlitmj The annual transportation by steamboat ) ' ' two hiindied nnd fifiy feet hmg. The 1 nt CS4 jkan a fair coinpensatinn. If they ; was increased 10,7(i0 miles during the!"' ' roof was entirely destroyed, and a portion devote their time and talents to the dis- year without additional pay. of tho walls have fallen. Tho building 'i,,.,,,. ur ,.;r ,,uhlic duties honestlv mid , - - i will propably be an entire loss, but is cov-1 fal,hfullv. th-'ir masters will not Lrud-e GREAT FIRE IN MLW MIRK. i eredby iiisuranc. It contained a large paying them in proportion. !S"ew YonK, Dec. 20. One of the most I (p.antity 01 maieruns lor caue-scn t uairs, Th(J cvf rlastmg Aebruska bill was ,iis-; (i,1(itructivc firos that has eccured in New i slats, whalebones for umbrellas, &c cussw 0 Wednesday and Thursday injYorkfor months, broke out early this' incse arucies i;eioni;cii 10 uiucreiu pei- , , 1 ,-,,. ,P rcsu t o he reenle ec- : -.i i.r... .1... .i...o II... sons, and were mostly insured. The loss ,ions in gnmc uf ,l0 Xr,rihern States was um,,.(,,f ' completely laid waste a very of ,he. blatcs J)t'PU'y Marshals en. is nbout 30,(i(0. ;held up as a condemnation of that wuas-, ,,,,,.' lllr,c.k' 0f buildings on the cast ' m ll,c capture of Bill It is supposed one of the boys set fire urCi jf S0) ilow does it cone that so Mq ,lf i!rondway, between Grand mid -VTT' A ,'u"lve slftv(, ttt to the canes, os it could have caught in:nmy nf ,lt. Xortla rn Repast ntatives, noward streets, extendiivT ihrcugh toCros- ""barre last year, has been before the no oilier way, being healed by steam gon-! wiir) VPtcd n"ainst the Neb.nskn bi.l, .1,., 0 ' Supreme Court of this Slate, nnd Chief crated two hundred feet distant. whins as well as Democrats, wore defeat- " fnmnri u.ft. i-nui ,;,.,. ,hft Justice Lkwis gave the decision of iho . 1 .....- ,-,.1 1. .... 1 1 ... uu rememocr. in iho attempt to capture the slave were arrested on a l'liere are still outstanding, under this Act, It, 141 warrants, covering l,201,-'00 ncres. I'nder the Act of 1S50 there have been issued 194,595 warrants, embracing 12,-t-!?l,oC() acres, and there arc still outstan ding 43,114 warrants, equal lo 2,771, 400 acres. The aggregate number of warrants is sued under these three acts is 2S2,S09, covering 20,543,700 ucrcs, and there aro the number of KM) acres. The land sold along the line of tho Illi. nois Central Railroad since 1S52, reaches acres; for the sum of 3,090,- 000. The report contends that the Pacific Railroad can only be built by settling tho country nlong the projected route. TIIE W1LKSBJKBE SLAVE CASE. This case, w hich grew out of tho arrest rv-r-1 ;!,.. ; ...11..,.. : ii.;i...i..i..i.:. ... r... r- . . 1 IUUI I-. f. ,1111" 111 1 lllli.'llJIIIIOU iu 1 ho lore i-l ftilnn.-ien.l I,-. 3 ' 'I c (i i . i ....I , -n i. i. j i .. .. , i '(1-!i '.'-',t" I" i uiiiiei, ill ll been tuo work ol an iru'cndiarv. pa:ns , . . , , t , , f , ' . '., C learfleld at :;12,00 iier barrel, sliniili li.; soared tn err,. I mil ilir. mu i.. ' ' ""V i U' person, r.s ontr.-'gei ot tins Uesjr'ption are i i . -i. i:. i riiiiT nn I nnciPiii i f n V. A rw ifiTi,ra nrn'cU. J.oolt nt Jiruni, in uie iiiuuum ins- ... fif . . r.r nl.j sov.r i... s . - ,n snlither,;l,e.w..en'ihowl.i.s and knuw-1 lrit!t ' Trout, in lhc Mercer district; Ev,tero!.t tho hall aro missis ; but the lat- cd that tho ort.cer engaged in the attempt 'im - - : ..r.i. ......i. erhart. of Chester : Hirster.f.f Lancister :., i, i .c,r.. . to capture the slai IIHlllllli'S. 1 ill" HP'S III BOI1IL- Ul lllu ''lima ' ' . i ii"'i.ii on- cnn. I'll i" r , . c J l .1 i Iw.l.l , .ir rv I,,,, tl.i, n,n,in,r.!&c, in our own Siatc-wiilsl thc.ntire, T, , for(,n(inn. .vhiu ,1,. f,retlmn wero-H ol niictmcnt found by .the Court of and have nomina'ted several tickets for the W lug delegation from Mastachu.eth, vo- , ,av, llpoll the burning r.ins a wall Tell, '"zc,rn county for assault and attempt tr choice of candidates for the minor off.ccs'tcd in a body against ,t onu not ;.e of ,j ,lornble t0 rol((le (ve of lll0 g:llUnt kill, but that Judge Kane of the tinted of the city. I w,'m w, rc rc,uimd 1 T sn' ,,H ,,,!,st- fellows were overwhelmed nid killed. Us 1),slncl Uul1' tcm.- r , , r 7 r Tll 'of th:ir nnti-'hrasltaiim availej them j ,,ourtL,en o;hcr sotl9 w4r, scriousl in. 'I hey were rc-urresied by order of iho Su lidal JJnastsr cn Uikc Lite. llic.i,,.. i;,,!,, .,,.1 ,n ,.nneljMon is lriesisti. 1 ... ' J : prenm ( onrt, and while in the custody nf " -v - - ri'n j viivu , . T' i.i 1 r .1 . . I10.U is sciliDiT 111 riiilnnnlphia nt Ort ,.., .1 C 11 - ' t M . . f . 1 1 . r f becomuig a l.tilo too common, the perpcf" .. ' ' " irator or perpetrators of which should n jt 0OTh ;re has been 110 foreign arrival be perrfttf d to escape unpunished. since our last issuo and consequently no CCV-TiirT Ilarrisbiirz liviil n-ain 'ncWs from ,U s,,,,t "f war- Two slt'an- c.hanged hand.i. The paper is now under rrs wcrc duu nt Now V(,rk ,,n lho 20th,! land warrants. the control! of Jacob. Zie-lor. Wc trust 'l,ut !ia:1 not J'ot ""i"''1 nn 22d. schooner W hirlwind arrived nt Kacino on .1... nni.,i.. ...asinhird bv simc.niiv. ' ,,.,l. i l.iuf ..-ill. n r, 1, rl nfflin nrr-u. i.f llm ..- " .tm '.r.. "i .. . jn ...... .... .,..,. -u ...-v measure, ine eiri, nowcier, io propeller vvestmoreland, which was sunk 1 , UI) nnoiiur :.. .-. r...i.. . - - ...;i P . I 01 i.uiiuiiii wilier uigiiii'uu iiiiius nun pppjjfnt sine 01 Mecping near, ny wnicn aisasier ; perfect failure sevuuieeii iivvs nt'ie iosi. tlio Sheriff were taken before the United s'ntfu I'irpillf (uirl tn n t'ri ,.f I...J Tun Nkw Navai. SnUMKits-The V u' ",sq,cst,ouiNa Department have atvices VL "rl r-d L T?? t session, will prove .0 be a; ,hc 'point works, tie Philadelphia f " . J " u p . e. Thu. r, more thm the wo,k Qm ftUho Wns 'ng.o, Navy VJ, f m m-i, 1 V " mn,nda,e- .,,,,( r.t Ltimici r.rA......o I,-. ' . 8 .: .. . lIlO PiesClll UCllOn Was lor HI. nlli.M, .. 1 , . . , . , , ' , , the wort upon mo macninerj 01 ineiin- ,, .1.., (j.,,,.;,,. r, , r,V Xtiv Olruus, Dec. 19. U II. Wilder, tl'C hollidays, has Un transacted, and j Sla,tfblunnM.r. , executed ut "f":,sl !h.B fc ur 11 co.ite.npt of Court. . . 1 o .,..,nmi ,i;.-nnl;i, 1 ou,"-B ... I lie decision dec arcs 1 nn im 1 ..i.i c.... a lawyer, anu one 01 uie most prominent ' ia ...:. u ...... "-1 " 1 ,I0SC seVeral places, has olrcidv been vg- ,,. . f, i.. . " u . lus of the Cuban filibusters and Lopez sym- the part of the menJicrs to u.sUigi.ish comm'enc,tl) (Uld being pusld .' l' ' ias.J''cton, and that nntl.i.r. un. ,.;-in,i t,i r rrm.,,r tins as a busii.css ses-loii. . i .!. . i. .1 i . .i.. . . i. f. me Dnci ill w us guilty ol contempt in ohev- ' ' ' " --'O O. 1 llll l-IIVI" -v- ? ' 7. i i .., ti r 'i .. c i iioer w hi uc cusi Attj.ti'on s 1 run i ion. J he following . . Tr . Slrappcl to their SaMn.X corres- ;s tj tln)0(j prt iiotion of Napoleon, in larJ- M asU- !ar' ..1. ... . r .1 . Ill . . . I .1 . I 1 Awi'PI ... V. 11 13 UlUULIIll .llttl mo ; -i I C m 1 J cylinder will be casi in tie Washingi... " . " "t"" meomccrt i out os he acted thro u h mnoranrr. tho , (7 O ' ' " ) " I i.-iciinieiit is not granted, parts if -pll0 optmon 0- t)a rj ;.mnew propue-or may sTadily piirsuothe OiT An lv.ghs was killed in Union tp.,i P0111'1-"1 oriho Illustrated News says that onc v( U s rcCordt(l conversations at St.! OCrTho ague rages in some parts ir Tll0 opullon 0- tha Clli,,r Just;C(,is nj. ..nioiiiJ down in his iniroduetory ml- this rount v,in the neh'hlKirhood of Moore tl,c1,n0"o tlm Ilussin cavalry are strap- Helena: 'M so that people arc-obliged to slel. niitte.l, on ail hands, lo be n very learned dies : if he il.-MbiDrm,,, raticpa'nvof MilisUeo'dav Iv t week which ineaM.rc I ' t'C'1 tol,lc,.r,1;u,dl,s.8' that if wounded they ,.In lnc courso 4 fcw years Russia & corn cobs in their mouths to keh:tinJ nbc one, which reflects great credit I'auph:., roimiy, and f .1. . I in K.0 , , , ' ...l " , , ' ' , i '"' ' ' w i" hl,vo Constant, the greatest part : their teeth from falling out. its distinguished author, and will .dd, i.''M iI.'m'i'umh ' v 1 ! V Y " "ir''rom"l,,1"I'' CO'Saiilii Anna has been re-elected of Turkey, and Cd-ccc, France, f.nglandi OrP.y tho recent loss .iliio ship N.l, if possible, to his already exulted nfula- '" "VL ' ,r' President of Mexico. 1 nnd Pnusia unite ennnot prevent, it." j Era, some 200 persons pi I W- tin ns a profound Jurist. Urn. K - : -.X , ' ' ' 'V iW . 1 ' "t. y.y,v...' . . , ,L-,I JL .; :c,3 . r