Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 13, 1854, Image 2

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in r. tuns w mi:
Fr In tin I :i I'd r tlic 1st of ,l,ii, u:i v I'Cvl,
will ho oni' tl.i'larnnd fifty cent if I'lml
within iiiciVilit ; one dollar and sewn,
ty-fivc mils if pal, I i:li!n tin- y ir, ami
'vo dol'ars will be charged if not paid un
til the expiration of tho your.
We promise our patrons that if our list
continues ns largo nt the end of six months
as nt present, we will enlarge our paperby
four additional coiuimis thereto
.;n , l,Wi.;.,,
....v.. .. ..... ....v, t ... . .
nny co.mlv paper it) tho s'ato.
t'Hi'tirii flni l I ' 1 1 I ii v 3
n.. -i .i. 4 ... .. 'i I.. .
1 ornnps 1110 mosi iou-iuio oojecuon w
political parties, as horololoro organi.uiJ,
was tho manner in whic
h ihcv selected
1 heir candidates. Many honest men have
idwnvs felt a ercat reluctanco in iiiviii"
' tni.tir.r In .'i llili.liiti.u lluw liris:i..itr.l
ii i
.1 ... i: . I- .1.: ... . - : 1
III .111- fit l.lll- III I H I'll II V I I I I I I INI 11 I I'I '.
when the Democrats Imvc boon steadily in
the majority, how oflen Imvo wo heard tho
' '
loudest anneals made to tho members of
our party, by tho opposition, not to tup.
nort candidates .selected bv n few norsons
. '
iisseinblod in County Convention. Cove
us the volunteer system, said they throw
me uoors w ue open -ivo every nana
1 '
.1... .. .. i i . .i . . i . i. r. .i. -
.1 i :
chance, and let the people choose from the
many whom they will have for officers
and down with your secret caucusses, del
egate meetings and packed Conventions.
This is ubout the character of the opposi
tion we used to contend with. Iiut it is
noia miiu sirun-o uini many oi uiuso .
. i:..i. . .i... r.i
, , .7 , .
who used to manifest the greatest nnxietv
. , , , , "
about this system, and make the loudest
objections to it, can now tako up the Know
Nothing ticket, and voto it without a why j
. '
or a wherefore. I
A brief comparison of the delegate sys-
tern, as practised by the Democratic pa rty
in this county as well as throughout the
State and Union, with tho practice of !
...., ., '
ixuow omiugis,,., w, W.o co..-.
irast. i
Public notice is always given invitin
tlie Democrats to moot in tneir respective
wards and townships on a certain Jtiy uiul (
hour. All aro invited. A certain num.
ber are then and there appointed to a trend a !
. ...n .-' tx-i i
jenerui vouuiv vojiveiiuuu. .. lieu 311 mil, '
several important considerations should, !ed; nil, or very nearly nil of which, speak
and generally do, control the conduct of: jn favor of tho person who has been nccu-
me uoicgates. ineir regard lor tne sue-1
cess oi tne ticet tncy may torm, nnuimcmbcrs of the prolession ol rxcw York
..nncnmilll, ll,o Inilnnl. l" llio n,m,.;li.. I
.ui.u.i,,,., ...v. v. ...u ..i....vo iiuiu gui uui u pennon, n nioii is saiu io oc
r ti.n; ....ri,. .;n ,ii ti.m;.i j .. .:. i .. i . ..
6'-iiv.iunj ..iviuv. invii.
!o select the lest men. If they fail in this, '
i ..i 7 . ii-. i i .i i
ino resu.i ,s most prouauiy a ce.eai. anu
why? Simply because those candidates
, . , ,. , , , .
navo io come uciorc ine people, and t neir
merits and qualifications closely examined
, .a . . r ,. ..
and investigated by their fellow-citizens.
... , , . ' . n
Mistakes are olten made. Put if so, in
..... . .
inne cases out of ten, the party sutlers bv
it, by being defeated at the ballot-box.- !
V..r.;o ,i.r. i. i
"llllvl JlJU-lLy llll.ll.lll Vj IIIUIXU UUIJ 111 J 1 1 J I
nations-selcc. candidates whose charac
tcrs can bear the closest scrutiny, because'
there .s mhndinsoUisaibn in t.est,
of an onlh, to require a party-mnn to vote
. .
.in; (..iiiuiviiuu ui ins puriv. II uu culinui'
u.i ag nun u ciear conscience.
Put how is it with Know-Xothingism?:
Their nominations are made within lbc
walls of their od -es sometimes in the '
D 1
dead hours of the night
- uere every pro-,
.. i
fCedill- is Sl-.lo.l wilb nn mill nft. nrm-v ro01 01 !M f' "OS. Uoblllll S Cooper
tiLuiiig is Maicu win, an oatt, ol sicroi . i
At tho late election oflhis State, thousands bll0P- ln a ,L'W ,1,in,"es n SlJ'y "'
of men who were not Know-Nutltin-s, ,K'r of P"sons were on the ground who
were thus induced to vote for men whom . sl,rc('cdod in cMiiiguisIiing tho flames bo-
,1. . i ri r n ;foro any very serious damage was done.
tho never heard of before, as well as in j J . "
other instances, for men whom they hndj 03Macauley, tho great English liis.
opposed all their lives; and insomcofthe tonan, in speaking of human progression,
adjoining States, if not in this, instances says that tho University of Oxford-one'
, r i i . .
aro numerous ol members of the order of tho oldest and most distinguished insti-1
cheerfully casting their votes for men tutions of learning in tho world is further
whom they had never heard of before, and behind the u-c than any other class of
of whom they knew nothing whatever un- British subjects,
'il the ticket, with their names, was placed. The same remark, it is believed, would
;,. ,, : u i t i . i . ..I i , .....
intlioir hands Thus it is clear that tho apply with equal truth, to similar institu-
moors oi s order aro not permuted ,
Uio privilege ol excising their own free ;
will, ai.d voting lor wl,nU, t!10y ,,(,.1S0) as !
true Americans should do. Their oath
binds them lo voto for the comlid.ics ore
i ... .!... ... . .. " 1 ."
6e.neu ..y ,no oroor, nnd llicrciorc U is
useless for them . sk any questions.-"
Merit, qualifications and character are nil
out of the question. The vilest w fetch
that walks the earth, if he has but thetnet ,
to work his way through tho order is safo
tot any ofTioc in the gilt or tho people. bcc;n "" ntllictcd are a filir wny of sunicient to keep up their establish
And, strango as it may seem, we know I recovery. ments, their inducements ure only so much
enough men who can sro nothing wron- fj- celebrated w-riler 011 tha 1 tl,0.stronRer t0 wriggle through unfounded
in all ,l,iswho think it all right and prop. myS that wearing veils permanently Si kM "P00 L',,i;,e M
or,. yet who us-d to think our liberties cn 'ny naturally good eyes, on nocount 11 L ,b r m, T, 7 m'
were in danger through the machinations f cudenvor. f the eye .0 adjust 7
ofiho time honored delegate system. Z " UCv
trrPult; , ' , , .i - ' Pln Pmposeii by Mr. Prod head, when
0T ubhc attention ,s directed to tho1 A meeting of tho Washingtonian Tern. 1 lho ,clu,m f nu hon"s' ("airly
many now advcrtisemonts in to-day's p,v poranoc Society will be held in ih f' ! X nnd P!d."'0 person thus claim.
l'u' 1 "' rn!,y ' you.
l "I III
in .i i. i'it.
I I, 'l
I ' II
I 'li" I 'Jill
,J,,. nui
'11,, I'l.Y.
I V -l It
1. 1 1
M., "I 'I,.' 1 1
i Ml.! 1 1 is 1 1 i in ;
II till' fl'i s ll
lni. ',;o ul in
M till 1
I . . . I .
ll . iiinii nnd in ilirtwiri).
ii.ii i.m,i u iii.ii i u
s.lico 1V,V
' . .. I.. I I 'l I I . M . i .. .. .
i - iiim viiiiiii'i in i .'iMiiu nit mi in
m. ..... ...... ' .
mi i,v oiih iiiii iiiihortx v o., iii v norry
i i
u i,i . ,,i,.,.K ,H,, , i .., ., 'I ,,.
" 1 i ..'.,- i.v',. ........ Ill'
rlitiul Irumtho iariury Imtli south iu
u-fvi pMiiiniiniiiiiMir t. l.inl I.ii.iu tin
to hmUi.wM (in 1 lii
' - "i Li'iinniiiiii iiiiii w irui m iil-.-i I'll 11.
Opposite Mill
1.. r.i o.
.- O
itvo ur thirty innlilni'' in nil, wore moio i
loss injure J by tho flamos, many ol"
I ...I I II 1... 0-..
.. ,. .,c , r , ' . .
ohjuikuou i noihimwiuuui mni memo,
ii.,.. tin; lu. ii.i'j i'i. ll v . 1 1 1 1 . .' ll 1 m ll u in uiu
, , .,.,;,.,,:. I,... ., , ...
.. . . r . . .
Inctorv tho evomni bofoie, tun! that tho
n.'ltili'U vt'oriA vfti linrcllinr fn.m tli-. Kiulit
in t nt covfM- 1 1 ! i ill' renf nliii'i'u nt l In in mi'
i -
ii wiforam niiiuii.uiiiii:ui
01 im incemliury. J ho loss in nil, is es-
tinted at about n half n million.
. . ....
A l ri'o Lonoort will be iven in
r.. . . .. ...
Mjirchiail,,rdilS wil, hc dis,ribtlte,l
' lUo .,oljCM 0r,icUls. colwislill!I f
i ii ii i liio I'll v.u isiii.;is t:i'iin.-. (ii.i.i
. - . . . 1 . . . i
iioiu aiiu silver wniciios, ring's, uuoii-caso,
an(, ar,t(! nssorIincnt of VilUttbi, ,,lloks,
. . , . . ,
uoois, bliawis, nnu a great many soMi.ei
articles too numerous to mention. The
obioct to which tho nrocerds are to bo an-
, , , ,, r lc , ., i ,i:.. ,.
plied, shou J of tsoll commend this con
l 1
j i .
cert to the hearty support of the comniu-
nity. Persons at a distance can rely upon
perfect fairness in the distribution, and re-
ports of the samo will bo furnished them .
after it takes place, as well as where the
.. , . . - ' i I , . i
ii us i u i law ui i U..H iu. u.iii ui; ri .iv ui -
' .
. . ...
M M M (1 U I 1 11,1' IN
1 , I " I '
eu. iicheis ouii uu unu iui uuu uuiiiu n (.nsorvatlon ol this innrovomi nt the
... c , , ,, i uuf "UMU" " 18 1 1 iroi.ini ni nit
of Ceo. W. bAt'KETT, 1 reas r, or at the other day, wo were forcibly reminded of
. r . ,. ., ,, ,, ,, ,,;' ,,. iir,i i.",i , ,
storeof A. M., or L. U. aiso.x. a question wo heard asUed, not many
, months ngn, l.v an excellent friend, whoso
Dr. IJcolo, a Dentist of Philudolphia, 1 fears had become wonderfully excited as 1
'..ii- r,i i . ,i i ii .:
who was, tried nnd convicted some time d,' ' "c C thlio world n-a.ns
sirice 0f committing nn outrage upon tho sJ?llIlrl'Cr,vhv i iit'Skc-d h.'- if 'iIipv '
person of n youn- lady of that city, has (o not' intend 'to make m-eliiU 'and forts
been sontonced to four years imprison, of their churches, that they build sucir
mcllt j,, the County Prison. Many per- thick walls and divide the loJndatinns into 1
.. .", . ., n v n,. ... lo, A," I f ,l,i. . n J
SOns as we., ns puuuc jour.,a,s , U.t.erent
portions ol tlic state express doubts as to
1 . .'t . TL T1....1... .i'V ' . . t 1
"IS Emi. illU ICUUalSOl ALMV lOrK.IinU
'elsewhere, have hold public meetings, re
lating their knowledge ol tho conduct of
persons while under the influence of ether
nnd ,ho impressions left upon their minds
, . 1 ' ...
niter 1110 ClleclS Dad been U V rcmov.
sed nnd convicted o! the outrage. Tlic
I . ... .: I I.! . 1 . t
uiiuaoy nuuieruusiy sigiieu,ushiu- .or inc
pardon of Dr. lienle
,;,nnnni1(.,, in
. . D "
receiving our supply of paper we havo
,hl" bot'n dd;1-v our l'a" .
per one day, which renders it too late for
1 J
seme of the up river mails. Disagreeable
1 ,
as this may be to our readers, it cannot
hl,,,,eJ- XU 8Cnt for 80m lW0
weeks since, but owing lo a scarcity of the
n rintn it una rit rnpi-i until oiliiic.
d.u. my
of cm, in timc for our
, r , , .
,ne.'. p.ipei, .. v; uienuiuisujipoiiiieo
-n . j- . i
wc will not disappoint our readers.
, . . .1 I. . ,
l'"tu! I'ikkI.-Oii U cdn-sday even-
,n" :,st uljout d:l rk' 1,10 cl,!:'ons f our
,!orol,o" UL're a,i,rn1(!d b' tlic cry of fire,,
. . n .
. 1 . I . n 1 . . f
vvnon uio nn lies were seen ours l- nom
lions in this country.
. : ' .",777. " .
A" tXllllilllon of llcarfirlil Afntlriny
mwn Hall, on fnday
cvc,"nS "1Q mstnnt; to which the
miblio aro res.ieeir,.llv Imltnl
' ' ' .
Lxcrc,scs toco,nm Cm; Ut. . dock'
CrS"'ithin the last few weeks there havo
Lc(M1 'Vral cases of Typhoid Fever in our
tfn. "" l.ich however, have proved
but on tho ,(jnlrary, n wh' lmvc
House on Mon.l.iv nvi'.r u n. ...
' ... p .'. 1,1' ll.
I hn lin I'I' Miii' ll M IV
itlnil ill'' h d 'i w y iif i,- -
pli at i lull;'
IllMi lid nl l
'' "I 1
ll"llnli( in
i!imii ,niilv
'' ' I llll'i 111, Mlsla no 'I n in I s i j
pi, ll,
1 1 mil
i tilnvlv li tl'n i'IiiiiiIm llml I, ill
u' i,Mn: ciili, n!i" i s iH'W lii':;iiiiiili -
,, ..,,,,. .-,,, i, nn, n n.i r ruin ml-
hn Si h
' . ' ' ' i I
iniiingri il. iiw-.l ui I ho inHmHi-i ;(.!, iv
lucl,iiiiliir it ,!! r.iiultiill!llir I'nllimtlllll V . ,
r n -
Sln.'hns inanv n.Uiinlnuo. tnl it it not
lins IliailV nilMinlnurK, lllnl it H liol
t iti ir .
, . , .i . i ,
iilillllll' Illlll hill- limy o iim:i
noiinnoo ns lli- omporiuni of oo.ninoioo 1
nml nwuiuKirtuiis ul" ll.o hcnutilul alliy
ni'ilin I'liinMiuo. l-'our vfinw ul'". lli ni-
1 1 Li I ,tf .11 in. 1'iHii -nnr nTir I hi- noli. !
iiiiiiijiiMi.iimv, ptt"- 1 1
. ,
uh.ti.ili ol Iliu I'.suu i w.ih nnom .
"0'. h in ,.nw,'M,,.mU,l at ovor .ll.ioj
A lar,o part o. thisoMraonliiuiry iiicroaso
,h suppli.'.l ly woiilihy oit..oi.i from .!
' ' .i . i i I
M' ' i' .. I .!.;"
,, n;. . "-'
. ... -
w leroill ( n n ull meir mo irv unu .in: h
maindor of their days. They nro poii.r-;
yji,a lira, lui are no dotrin.eiit M tho
. ,
leehanics, laborers and pro-
.1 ..1 .. . . . ...
uueinj; . i
i,.ML.i... "
yuiu i.i.o pu,,,, ,.uv, ,.. -i.
II) llll papa 01 1110 uny. ueioii nil-, uie,
every w hero tioing supplied witii now nnd
: substantial edifices", nnd tho old-fashioned
, . 1 . i- r 1 1
nnd iinprctonilini; slructures ol earlier oays ,
, . 1 . i- 1 r .
,.r.i -i i,. ..r.... .... .,... i..
the Capitol are U".i,V:in2 to loom up' to-1
wards tho l.oavtn.. Most of tho brick !
uml; k I'misbi il. uml wliii-li i I'i r ili-m. i
' r
r";1'111. lh" hoau.ilul
while i.virbio two feet thick. Ihooxten-
sios u. the Tost llliee are even further
advanced, and will be completed next sum
Apart from national works, tho struc-
tore iwvt in iiim. ul :i tu.i iu lli,. in-it- l,!r,,.
,,,,1,,,,,, '(Mithmlis.), on
ol'.i and lilli Mreets tho foundation walls
of w hich arc now completed. This will
hu a magnificent edifice, and for which tho
IVinuls ol' 1,K,t do.ioini.ia.ioii of christiaiw
are chiefly indobled to tho indolatigablc of-
nli . . I . c., . i . .
torts of the lvev. Henry .Sliver. In takiii-
...... v
an observation of this improvement
- " " . - V -.'' , 7 ' i
cnuso lor looking wiih suspicion upon ill;
, .,. .. . ., -,i .. , . ; . , ,i I
. . 1 I
,.I l.w i Jw I in iv.i U r,f v r mrrh nr.. :
lull lour feet thick and divided into many !
' ' -titviMiv
different arcln-d ways, or vaults, of extra-
ordi"ar' s,ri'ni:t''1u"d S"liility but none
'Trr' 0.Sl,d ,rt.r0Mi"",,,'C TT
piles ol marble, granite, buck and mortar,
il.m ..r.. i i r,.., il,... i:, .... .
Washington, Doc. S, Iho 1.
Conokissional. The second sess:on
' uio .5Jl Longress commenced at Vi
d'c llll'.lv (111 tllO 4tll illSlailt. Mliri' llinil till
ordinary punctuality characier'.zod tho at-
, i , , . , . , , ,
" ii.niii.... ... iiiv. ..iv iliu. jui iii ..viiiuituw..--1
meiu oi mo seconu session, and a quorum
was present ,n each llou,o. The annual;
li Hon
I and
mossa-o was read and listened to with
, ti, :
uminvu uiivnuun. im ui uusuoj m,
tro.luced after the choosing of tho seats,
vVc, was a resolution introduced by Mr.
w ,, ,, .. ., . .
'S'" ' rs of 'M,J" calllllo UP 1 'resident
for any correspondence that may be in his
-. 1 , , J
possession in relation to the recent assem-
Wing of American Ministers nt Ustend.-
In enforcing this resolution he made the
first business in-1
vpfV Pt rrinrrli n ji rt' rr mn r- in mnt l.-!nn
pf Mr. ourMinister to Spa,,,, tha"
if he would live in the United States until
"s. ' ns MnluMeh he could not
understand tho principles ol the govern-
ni0nt 0 10 l,n,c(' States. This
,a dilli rctit oj.inion from that hold and c.x
...7., u .,,. .11 "IS HI5L Uils
i,, ,ho Senate. ho pr.i.l this gentleman the
pressed oy .Mr. Uav during Ins last days
; very highest compliment and tho public
can have no hesitation in setting down Mr.
SJ..H..... i v i . i' i
rSfill'l llvi fl v It, .VV. X , it III Mr
...v...-.,. -.
On Friday,
tho PivsIiIivii'm veinnl" tl. nv-n,-.l l,n
, ,, ,, . , '
bill of last session having boi'ii read, a vote
'. was taken on its passage notwithstanding
the objections ol'lhe Picidi'nt.and resulted
yeas nys b(l-not iwo-thirds.
' 1" 'he .Senate, Mr Pright of Indiana, was
I elected President in tho room of Mr. Ate!,-
i ison, resigned. On Wednesday Mr. Ad-
! nm', onvo no,icc r 'lis intention to intro-
;,,uc. a b,!l ? mcnda,ory ofllie Present tmt-
I urali.ation laws,
n ,,c n0USC Wednesday Mr. Sol-
' ler's resolution of inquiry coneerningUie
'convention of Ministersat Ostend, was
! disposed of by its reference to tho Commit-
. ,r" of ,'"i!n relations.
In the Senate, on 1 hursdav, Mr Prod-
h,ml ,lf .Plins;,vnniai introd,,oed a bill
, providing for a Commission or Court of
i lo sit at Washington, and to hoar
and decide upon all eases of claims against
Iho govcrnmontol tho United Slates. Such
u i.oun is imperaiivoly demanded, aiv
, will prove as advantageous to tho govern
, mei.t as lo .hose having just clainw. One
excellent efii-ct it would have, would be to
;s,,nrvo 0IJ'' nnd dl''vc oH'thc host of claim
nSr"ls "hat hang around the Department,
., , , ? " " 8oni'r
S n il.
I '"S W,M Cl 0,1 1 10 bei.nt of it, and tho
ul: iti, ,11 1,1 1I111 Dslnot wan n lout -1 .... i ... . .
(i ' ti i lli'iii in Imi i '' i'i"' llrm i 0-
,1, I li' pi -l 111 ' ' '' III. I HI i' linlnl i,'-
'II I I 1 I I I III l if III III'' il.; till-, K'llll'r III,
ni l ii li U-.1 lie infiv urn ri i il,
'I In i !i 1 1 h i.l" Mr. I lw in t. iif kciilllcl. v.
,( , (I.,,,,,,, 1 1 ,, . nvi., win niiiiiiinii.
Mil l) nillll'IIMi l il III lol I loiln' IMI Mum.
ilnv. ii i'i i -r winch iliry niljuiiriii il oV'-r nu.
III Monday.
.. i i .. .. . . . .i. . ... ..
Mr. iinug'T gives iioiioo m uie ienaio,
f , :,..,,: ,, ,;,,,!. i .,...;.
i- . . i r r I f
- , ....
in il'J im l III' l in l ' i " in OM v i il iiii'iiiim-i ul
....',,.,.. a ...i .. i. .1, .i. r
, .,.. , A ml u Itv kli.inlil thn itit iS
-" i .v ...
I'nn.rri ,n,.i u lu'ri.-.s.., ' ' in
... "
rrnnH.nt U.,1S tirst or.i(M -ri,,.
.rrnnwht wuh tirst orumnrMl. I ho
!..f i: i... . r it.. .1 ... i i. i .1
& 1 1 r n 1 1 1 1 .
ilI I 1 i' 1 It it 1 1 'i u 1 . . 1 1 if 1 nn 1 n.i tincni I I u
in hum ' mil imi f nvMii'ii'l niir 1 iinai,
T, v ,
,,,' ,, noW :oti,,n,S!tuin Wl
fclllsrriiM1H 0f0 )0
,v wo it(ms (lll)jt((,, in ,, umiSM,,, pro.
. i..,..
;i''fss"" I'"". 1 Ho latter lias been
notually rotrof.a,l,nL-, whilst every thin-
i.'lso liaslicen iocreiiKini' io i'ikI W'n n,i
, . , t .," ,
." - "v ...M ... .-, ..ii. i m il.;.; in, I.
, ,, f , ,1, ;,
ff, lii.lli.r (',.nr..u.
men, iiml hotter ptii.ois from
which to road
their iloins.
I-loin ll.,. Sun i;ui, ,.-, S, I'lllli.
I in pn rl a ii t from IhrNiiinhuili IsIiiihIn.
4' nn; hi 11. 11 111 1111. I'limu o 'iiie sk iiiii-
r ., , ,, ,. ,
Innate Snsnuo banna, ( up . (J. lliichanan.
l'.y tho arrival of the United Smto steam-
at San IVanoisco, wo have Honolulu dates
" ",, 'lU "' k:U'U'r' "i,,e ';",cr
!,,n!' I'.u8 "ilv-ccs. 1 Uo news , of the
... I'
Tliv t rt ut ii t) ' ti nut .ration litis Ixrn ai'')i-
(il I'i king KanttJitniirliti and the princi
pal nubility, but his Majesty has made a
formal promise to Prince Alexander that
ho would wait Ins return from a neighbor
ing Island b'Torc tho treaty should bo def
inately settled. The officers of tho Sus
quehanna are of the opinion that annexa
tion is rather popular than otherwise
among tho natives. It appears, however,
that Liholiho, who was ut tho head of the
opposition to this measure, gnvc his run
fid a few days bo fore the sailing of the
Susquehanna. The only difficulty that
..:, ,i, ltl,.,.. .,,
."... ..-..
- subj,.c,, jc whether tho Islands
nt-" 1 tni. planus
s'"'u bo ndnnttcd into tho Lnion as a btate
. , K,n,r."nd ,u"f a ,vis,lt 10
I tic; steam In-itc Susiiiieiaiin.i and soup
()f ar S MrJ..S 0 )(. .JOlh ut J,
w,,s a'a'ivt'd w'iih'mijch ceremony.' His
M::j','sl' l"1-80.'1 lunis. ll highly ilelighiod.
1 ' the lr. S. stouiners Sus-
'I"'-''11""'" and Mississippi, paid a visit ol
tercmoiiy to I lis Majesty on tho Wil h ult.
After tho ofiicors had be-n presented, the .
lion. 1). L. Cjio-- introduced tho lollow
lll.T iiMillimvin n ti-.. .i v in inn ttl..i
'"h K "a M3 "" vu
I ....... . i i .i
' , . 1 "' , ' ,
u hum' ii:tiMMi ri rn uni rofariiini in ri.r r.i
j.J ' c;'0" ' (Jf 'cilifoi it !l!.tl,i't ,,u'-v s,)"'0L'nt to consult about of
,( ; jJJJ ' JJ"' r"'' (J "J ''r''! more direct importaioe to tho ..Ilies.
opo,Vnd'w'. V.. Cutrel. ' I ,';,r,,,L),l,dl7 'Stmrt
.,.,. v. . .. ... , , on the 1 7th ult.
'"- - oi uiu iii, ll
ult. says that tho Mississippi steam fri-ate
is expected to arrive here in a few days
j wilh lll0 :rcatyi Wu ,mvc C()livcrsf,j w;lh
1 a gentleman who saw tho approved Treaty
ll was very lively at Honolulu, four U.
S Vessel III u -I r .Mul,,,. l), ,.l,. tl. .,
o' ' '" t ,M " ' w
poarenco and character of an American
, , u i ...
1 u. i. vviiii. i. is source v ui c u n- i in
Ti... r,. r . ,ii ii ,
1 ho loelmg nt Ilonolula was very much
' American, the utmost courtesy prevail
i 1
, l ' I T .1 "ll t
i im. nun,!! oi mo au.-iimer unaries
Morgan at Now Orleans, wo have later
advices from Texas.
The San Antonio Ledger of tho lOih has
the i'ollowin
account of another Indian
foray ;
"On Wednesday oflast week ten hors
es vvcro stolen from Montol's mill, Pan
dam city, by Indians. Nino citizens star
ted in pursuit of them, und afier a chase
of thirty miles overtook them. They
were I onkaways, and live in number.
.pi , 11, otu.ijiii iiii u.iiis 11 1.10 11111 sinus uiai
Ihcj made some resistance, and then d.s- l))u Anjl.s atQ rnaforCj l0 , cx(JlU of
appeared anion- the mountains. In the j ,H)0 j.k,
skirmish it is thought one Indian vvas kil., ' The K 0lJ Vtcnvh nrmi(S haJ
od, and others perhaps wounded. All the cmn.M Ucn lIlirj Um; ,.,
horses were recovered except 0.10 which A Ulwsi.. d- u mt ,e Allies'
was stripped by an Indian, and then k.l-; ,mJ ,, a demonrs.ntio.i against tho loft
. , ru , i'tonk of tho Russian ainiv, when the latter
I he same paper has tho following, by 1 1.etir(lJ
w Inch it seems likely tli it three United ,1. Kiahnvtwm nrPnov.
Mate? soldiers have been killed by Indians: ,.mim!s Crinu..l !mi u is cviJel. llnt
from I'I Paso, we learn that on tho
,; - v.,i,.,,i,,j,.,viu,.u ,
ol October three soldier lefi tlin mitoi nf
t. . 1. - . . ' .
r on navis on a scout, and to 00 k or
i.,.i; :i . ...1 ... 1
in. nun nun, liiiviug 1101 euoug prov s on
r..,, 1 f, , 1 . , ,
lor one day. On tho lid instand hcv had
not returned, when a lieutenant and 20
"1 .. ,. . ....
mui s , r,eu uu, in searcn ol the lost par-
oamei i railT H.nTn Cf,7rl,,C,
ramoon tho trad ol the soldiers, and found
they were followed by about 3D Indians.
" ZTl- ' T! ! P T "iv f
the tr Uf ii o, t th !l SSPnngS
11. c trail 01 atiout SHI Indians was seen,
iry h?,,n, ,S8CJ . , mM ,
I., mm .1 1 . t 01 ,
lie mot the mail at Live Oik creek
1 nn llm 1 1 tli n.i i 1',. .,1..;., sji.m 1
; on tho ntli, and Captain Skillman s par-
'1 IV fibovo llnivnnl'a tniti r.i. tl.n
d,,v nnd ,, 1 ' I
day and also tho boundary commission
party at the samo place.
NuvOkii'ins Doc 7 Tbn n,,,,
1LW VKI.l.ANS, JIOC. . 11)0 Moan,.
uoamjpsy was nurnoii 11ns morning, at
.1,., ,u v... n: -.1 ... p ,
I . , . , , , .
with a loss of life, tho ,1,'iniU f ul,;,..
1,1, n,,..m I i n 11 that the period olcourtshp cannot be too ,l"u K" ,u,nu, milsu" uecomo tiiespoiis
:io,tmne u'ib. 1 'l ' '"S : sI'rt- Uavo reason lo'say .hat who,, of the trick v. skulking politician. Icon
of, w lh Ins son and daughter, , )av0 hookcJ fig,f h ceivc tho Know-Nothmg organization of
in he flames and several others are ro-r m linding ot tho bdler." ; ih.s character, or w hy the organization at
ported to bo burned to death or drowned..' . I all in a country like ours, where every
Several additional fa.lurcs aro reported nnsT0X, Doc. O.-Kllcn Krcnan, 0 nn has a voico in the legislation of the
this nlternoon. I yom riiil Rrt ,as ucen arrcstod in W&. '' land ? Where no privileged order is cstab-
KTTo undertake to" reason a girl out !t,r,!,n ,'?r 8cUin8on. Cathdlic church or countonaiiced by law .1 cannot
of lovo is absurd ns it would bo to attcmnt lhat P !,ce; 's reported to have d conc.vo of a single .Inn- affecting tl.os
to extinguish Vesuvius with a two ounce S01n d'11lCult'V Wllh tho r,cs'- gentlemen as citizens which does not in
0 ... . 1 Ihu Riimn snnvin n K.i'l nu..ri. il,..- t.
svrmge. 1 Do onlv thin- that w break
a love fit is hard work and boiled lrk.W0f
mwu n tiir imv
I'M IMiU,-l l;U ;nMl, -n.;
(.' nt In! i i i,i,iii (i'i fiiii.'f i.i. a.
I'-it Wiilitfli.l'irrnl Sfiiu; hti-i --.I :,r
tivm'ing ii'l-ilii.t nix nr. timing in' i
lit' Citnf i, '
Ni w iiiiK, Il,c, l. Tlif utonnirr
l iinui :n iirrivii( Im i ii;;it lour il.iys In.
li r ir Mie mot w ith m ry honv y
won 1 1 io r,
f . .,, I,,,-. i . i . ,
. 1 ,,ltl""s " "?, ""'I, nt iho tnno of .sml.
in-, 'iiri -r h iii. 11,0, 1 11 K'Iiiiiiijoi . 1,1 vi ll
"iiiiis,,,,,! i,n,'i, wro noI.I 111 twu.iays, two
U" ,'VU1'1 ol v.,"'t Wi'r cxpnrtal.nn.
1 ,,,M Htmiorc ami I inlii-
. .
"' ' "'" ""'' Hi!' ill 11 tHllllllli
1 1 1 - 1 1 I 1 - . , , 1 1 .
. - ...B y ..... .
X ' . (.onus
o br,g,B L ,,
I'royisions urofn m. Consols havo nd-
vnnoLd 01 i. .M.nohoster dullci. Varus
have docliiiod. Money is unchaivud.
I Pl" new from tho Cri
"I'1" " -OV0mj('r,
.1... h i .
mw-m o solmstopol was pro-res.
sin- slowly, noibnir decisive bavin- been
done. The Allies were strengthening their
Iiai.akl.iva. I'ho papers are filled with
details of the battle ol tho btli ult., known
as the battlo of li.lermann. Tho slau-ht-or
was great on both sides, tho Russians
go! tin- Iho worst of it. Con. Canrobert,
cumiimndor-in.nief of the French lorcos,
was woiinilod. T)i; Iln.rtish had 'M of-
hours killed, and 1.7li(lwounded. nnd lod
.... .. .
. '
missing. 1110 r'n-noh has one General
and -l l olllcors billed, and n wounded.
'I'I... I',., 1. 1 r 1
1110 Ivllssians are In iitve Invi
tho wounded, n well as those unhurt.
Tho allies bine postponed tho assault
ol'Sebastopol uiitiiho arrival of roinlbtce-
Detachments of Russians are swarm
ing into tho Criiioa in immense numbers.
Tho Arabia anl ia-ara have boon tn
ki.'ii to trenspert toops. No vessel of the
Cunard lino will leave until tho 'Jth of
li.Tember for N-w York, after which
steamers will sail ;very fortnight.
The Collins liutihavo changod tho days
of sailing lo Salunay, in order that trade
and commerce- mv "bo inconvenienced as
lillle as possible.
A winter cnniptlgn in tho Crimea is
'I'I, 01.,.. ....... A.f .1- 1 1
1 lie steamer Anbia was taking aboard
tt, .'r-..,oi. .wr..i...n:
in.. 1 ,Miv,nyari uu: Ul I MIL, I, IO SUIl 111
a few days.
The Pacific arrivd out on the 2 rid ult.,
and tho Pacific nnilN'iagara on the l!)th.
Lord P.iliiiers'.unis still in Franco, hay.
ing daily interviewi wit 1 tho l.mneror.
Rumor savs their enferonoo has reference
in ii'iin niwt 'ill... ii. .1
i".riiiii uimvuuuu u .vi it: cm inici.iiiiin
in that ouartor. I is nrohablo however
' ") T
S ,,d ' 'vct ... the l'.i.glish papers
ti... .i..... .1.. . , . i. i ....I i
i y ut.uu iiiviv;ii tACIieiU 'lH III lilll.lllU
as well as Franco.
The 1'ritish WnrOtficc culls uion
ml1"1'1 VOIUIHOOrS, Ul 1 It IS OViliOI t 11
1 inter campaign lias b.en determined up
Details of tho sortie state tint when
f ... .1 : i. ir ..... i. 1 . t. ... it-
lueuscii ivoi. ui ac .ti uio a es in uo rear,
.. , , , ,
.ills. IV J'Ml " ll 1 III' '3. UIUIU'UJ IVJ i in; ut
Ulg.'i: ... ... iv. .,: , . , ,, ,
ncs. I'uur i .ngi sn generals wore Killed.
General Lipnndi in command of tho
l,,. v i . i n i... ..
IVU-tlll .llll, IV, II VV VI 14 1 1 l.l'.'li . iLiue oi
. 1 . 1 1 i v. vi 1 1 1 in n.i 1 ivji 1 111 .iv iiiu present, never a
Cambridge was also wounded. .. . .. , , . 1 , ' , ,
i. , , r , time when so little has boon threatened bv
hverwhing was icadv for an issault, , ,. r,,, . . . -
1 ,1 i"i . 1 v , 1 any orgini.ed lorm of Chnstiaiiity as now.
but had been postpoicd lor the iir'ival of ; " a .
reinforcements. i n '')0 'irst p';,co' l'1L'ro is not a majori.
Lord Raglan has been created 1 Field ,y ol tl,c United States in communion with
Marshal. any church. There is a very clear major
It is stated that G.rtschakolT inl mated ''' wl,,) ,,ro 1101 '"ombors of any religious
to tho Austrian Cab net that Russn was l,ody, and tins majority would resist to tho
prepared to negotiate for peace on tho ba- dt'atl' ,1,u lc;isl Sll"i"'ing at an encroach
sisou which the fuu- powers guaranteed mf't upon the right of opinion. In the sec
conditions. otl 'acc tlie government docs not, direct-
c.i 1 1 .1..... .. .1.. , i.i. ..... . .1 Iv or intliieetlv. snniinrr hv .tills nr fena
,0 f Selnistoool will shll bo
... I. I.i ...:,i. . 0 .1.. .1..
ni.iiiii.iiiu u w 1 n un uie powers 1113 conies-
I 1
. '
: mul can muster.
i ...... 1 .......
1 iiiii-i. .inr, iwin . a n ,.i.i,,..m. .
1, . ;.. 1 ,. 11 1 . 1 .1
having been compel ed to oave iirmv
0 . , . '
" ....i..v-.i.l .3 HI V..WIIOUI 1 11 uu 1 v;,
' .... ' '
on account 01 cont.nuee uad lieallli.
Fourteen Russian var steamer have:
a rcconl)nissalK.e of , B i
fiir as itbuut cacountorinj, an, al-
jcj ni,ot 6 '
, , ,l; .
i P,s coin IL Z ., "
10 n!"dor Bn "ault "n bastopolanim.
nn.L-.t 1... mi 1 1
( z$x3Zi .1"
best portion of their armies.
I -.i i. : .
' .iiiiii ia unu j 1 ussui remain 111 uie same
i '"m is withont interest, Tho
g0V(!rnmunt is sti lumncd.
,ing special from Switzerland.
1 Ireland is quiet.
a. . . , .
(CTAn eminent writer says : (It is niv
r . 1 1 r
1 P'"'o. 7'vcu fom exptnenre,
-!. .i... ...
(V-Il ia aniil (tint llm ,.C .
lil Ul! I'UM !! 1: 1 1 M 1 1 M
K i i .i I I II Si i, n, , , i,mn,
o mi i . i . i m i n
il'li "I I 'lii'oniii
Mi Yitti lh,ii
ii", low a, u,.i,7) ' i:,,
', mh. t l.,i'.
I iiiiii. ipir, iinsi', iiiiiI , vfial i,il.r
tli ni'Mi of irmiiM rliiisioin ( lniri-li,.,
( il tho piiMn"iiioii ol toy fi riiuu) ,1,,.
Iiv-'i. il on tho till i.i.'il. A I.iii hnliii ,,f
ppoaliin I'Xtompnraiii'iiiiMly Imi minli; me
i' lroli si of iho prosorvniion of riihor ser
mon or speooho-i w hich I inn onlloil upon
to innln from lime to tinn'. 'I', In
rivo you my lnniino or to Irnnsfor lo pa
per my tilliisions to oiil tiinl religious hi),
orty wnuhl ho iinpossiblo. lint, with ev-
.l , . ''111
' jb(, t
. l ;;;- !
,r ...
lesirii to bo brief, I shall mve
to your-solf in regard to tho
man to worship (iod uocor-
,llMo ,0 ""! un'tnies of Ins ow n conscience,
J"sl l,s cxI,res,s y C arsof, nnd
lp fition to, every oruuni.ution either so-
crot or open win.'h looks to the nbrid"o-
moot of this groat principle, which is es.
s''"''"' t0 ""! vt'r' exisiencu of republican
i-iiivi.-i iiiiM iii .ino i ne uucorrupieu worship
of tin? living ( Jod.
Vou, sir, nro a Catholic, 1 am a Math
odist. Your faith I believe to he tho result
of a deliberate judgment formed lifter a
careful investigation. Your convictions
and devotions are conscientious. Just such
are my faith and my devotions, nnd the
faith uml devotion of every true Christian
every wli'-re. I suppose you could not for
sake your religion ami remain an honest
man ; I am equally clear that I could not
..i ... . i i i
i I n 1 11 r inn i,a nml ri.t.1,.1 l,. .1
- ' '"' "
"'X ' ' respect and the ap-
provingsmiiooi iiiv in.iy ; aKeranilJiH g(
'.. '.. . . . -
y regards Iho inbrmilies ol bis
nnd scrupulously abhors nro-
tenco or deceit. Then, mv dear friend.
what are wo to do ! On the details of our
respective religious creeds wo can never
agree. Shall you, therefore, destroy mo?
or shall I, with a superior charily or on
lightened faith, sook your annihilation, be
cause we differ concerning matters which
none but the wise and eternal God can cor
rectly determine .' Is it un injury to either
of us that tho other, standing upon his re
sponsibilities to the Supremo Judgu of the
universe, chooses to consult Him uloiio.and
disregard the opinions of men, merely re
lating to things of this world ( It would
insult your good sense lo tamely answer
iii'l'ioies 111 oil- iiegiu vo, o
,- . , ., ,, '.
or vou had
m".incu mem 1111. 1 nere is
only one
answer, which has been conclusive to every
reasonable worshipper of God. "Let every
man be fully persuaded in his own mind."'
Tho Constitution of tho land, wisely pro
tiding for tho political agreement of a mul.
lifanous religious sentiment, has guaran
teed to every man the right to worship
God according to tho dictates of hia own
conscience And, lor tho very first lime
in the history of modern civilization, our
national government has nut only permit
ted, but lias encourage'!, by her liberal
legislation, tha growth of every sincerely
devoted body of Christians, irrespective of
their name or formulas. It is with regret
that I sec an attempt made in various por
tions of tho country to create midnight cen
sorship nod star chambers, for tho avow
ed object of disfranchising tho Catholic
population of tho country, and waging 11
war, of all others tho most fearful and
vindictive a warfare ugiinst religion. In
tho whole history of tho world thore ncv.
er has been a time when such secret or
ganizations as tho Know. Nothings were
ft with so shallow a pretence for their
. ' 11 e.
any one denomination orChiistians, nnd of
coursocan have nopreferenccin her choice
among .hem. Moreover, tho numerical
strength of tho communicants of the seve-
ral dominations is very nearly the same,
uml kol" in nwc b-v '""'""I watchfulness.
A ,nutual "-"'J';:l'"anco, continued since tho
organi.ition of our government, lias crra-
tod a Christian fraternity of feeling among
conlhctmg opinions unknown before in tho
"istory 01 v nnsiiainty.
I ho nonulation nl'ihn Uniied Smlen wn
. 1 '
... U'.il O'l 1(11 lilw 1 .1
11. 1,1,111, .j,i.'i ,;n unu is now nooui
n. ilium r,r il.i mimi,,, ,.i.,..,t 1 r.nn .
1 - ...... ..u,i.. . .. .yv.u . .........
... ..... '
I Kill M ., I, .l , ..... .. I 1 . 1 .im.
! till nro "vie
. .'v. .nu . 1 , ; 1 1 1 , 1. 1 1 1 j ui i-vuiy oruer, i,iiu,.
. . .. . ....
lllt,n, that is not nfllictod with a
.supe.sf.tious monomanin, can offer a rea-
V. formidable organi-
zation of a religious power in tho United
States ? Indeed, sir, if there has ever been
a . d -n.empt for
" d a-endancy, that llmo
is now
1 1!'"' ''" "
''S'""" mtolernnco threatens the existence
of free institutions, nnd resistance lone.
, . . , :'
clesiastical power becomes necessary, eveu
.1 i.- - .1 . 1
l,R" ';'''S' ". ""youiersc
l P"11"'1 organization, ought not to re-
lhu countenance of any loverof free
jgovernmont Secrecy and hypocrisy aro
I 1 , fvnril,' minimi. nl- nf
............ ..v ..w w. ....-, Illlll UCO
No country can long remain freo
nftpr its ftrnnf nrmpinlna n m tl..n.)....l
o , ; - ,
.1 .... ir.i . i .
w.r". V v.'v' "-'