I 0 A; 7 ' ' ' 1 ' -7:,-7?-; v v S)M 1 v, n V V k V - If 1 lb x n it p 1 1 c i i; ' 111" 4 i '1 i i A WliliKLY V.WFM: Pl'PLISHF.D IN Tkums.-! OOaycarinn(lvm,co,.SI 5 if pai.l Wi:bin,irccn,ontl,, V0LU3IE 5. STi; A XT HDI.I. IM. "Ha Iiiul hi'iiii ilrmli'il It y tlic ' 1 1 1 1 r n i it to tiro the m.l'IiiiI u ii . (lu n till I In' others had lied,) anil mil the nicliiiiclioly wnil It o JMUMii'il Ins duly. When k11 Iiojip 1 1 u ' I Hod, nnil tin- cssei nni Iy level with the fou, Holland was nwn busy with Ihk pin. His last idiot iKiiiini'ii out u tlioWiotic Mink, ami he went down Willi 1 1 1 - .orsi'Vcrinir in llie itri,-t jurfoniiiuico of hi.i duty." I' poll the Arctic's ill1! Ic vn seen A iiolili, I'orni, und fair ; Finn, resolute mind tl.u (-loom Ami ccni of iliu k ilc.-iair. Hi cur was pained liy shriek, nnd wail, Ami melancholy 11111111, Of Irujji'hnir victims all around, Wuo sought fur help 111 vain ! Doulitlopf in lln't ili'i'io.-iii hour Ol dismay nml I'lini, lie tliu't ul home, 11 ml lui-d umi fair. lle'il never sec apiin ! Ilow'er ho did not lieu the wroik To trust the tivi'lierou.i wave. Which horo some to Miecoriiif; hand. It it L others to the gruvo I His post was at the sij-iml un, "When ul! the rest had lie J,'' Nor from his duty turned us'aic, To dying or the ileml ! Ah ! no retnno', no elieer wns heai.l, And hope had weU nij;li tloivn : liut rumhlcd siiil o'er ntouniaiii 1 am The signal's iloluul lom. 1 The noh'.e oii;h with hroiv exposeJ. Thronli.'iit lii iamiied st !, Tho' jrntlierin:r wat.-ia l.'.-h' J his form To v helui il 111 the Hood. And cnhnly with tl'o Arctic f 'lih, While yet the laiinoo'. loenth, Wenl moaning o'er tlie r-cu a e.iai::-c, The signal . f i-.i.-i death ! Washinutox, Oct. 14. 1".,4. JIST rilARCE IT. A Sketch for new Eeginntrs in Life. 'Charles what did this peach preserve cost V 'I'm sure I don't know llannnh.' 'Put you bought it this moining didn't Ton r I know I did, but I diJn't ask the price ol it : 'Did you not pay for it V 'No.' 'Why not V 'O, because I don't stop to make change. 1 have onened an neeount v.itli Mr. Will- dron, and shall hereafter .settle once in three months. ThU conversation w;ts coing on at lea ta ble, between Churl -s Mathews and his wife. Mathews was a young mechanic, w ho bad just commenced house keeping, nnd ns he was making excellent wnecs, be could nflord to live pretty well. Alier be had made known his doiei mimuioii lo Lis wife, she remained some time in silent thought. Charles,' nt length she slid, tn a very mild persuasive tone. 'I think it wuuld Le better to pay for things ns you take them. You know you receive your pay j five nnl six cents apiece. for labor every Saturday night, and you ; 'Yes Well you nay send me up three could pay ns joti ;o verv easily.' dozen. Just charge iiem if you please.' 'I know I could returned Mr. Mathews : 'Certainly; anylhiig else this morning?' with the air of a man who has unaiiswer-j 'I blievo not.' able arguments at his command 'but then And so Mathews wnt on. This morn it would not be near so handy. You seeling it was a dollar-! vmorrow perhaps if I pay my siorc bill but one-; a quatter I , fifiy cents. It didif teem very much. shall saveull thetrcubleof makingchange;! The yJung man keptj ist ns much mon-y end shall not only save sonic time, but also ( in his pocket os thot:h he hadn't bought avoid mistakes.' ; them. 1 'Only a doll. r,' be would say lo 'Mistakes!' repeated Hannah. 'How j htns'T, that is not nuch out of twelve can mistakes occur when joa pay fur' dollati u week.' Aid so it might not be ; things as you get them.' I but lie trouble was that the next dollar 'fwill tell you. Sometimes it may not, wns 'itly a dollar.' He forgot to add this lo convenient to pay for n thing when I, dollar with ihe form and call it two dol get it- I may forget my money or 1 may , Inrs, nd wiih ihe jext call it thrue and only take it on trial then I pay for part, so ou, ami n...t for all, some things may get char-1 On evening Chiles came home with gt-.l which I pay for. Ivj, Hannah, a set.; n poll chain tittacl. d lo his watch, ilemeutonce a quarler will be tho best and ' Wbero dil yot get that ;' asked his mo.-t convenient ull around. I nni satis-1 wile. fied with it.' I rt,l)fncd lb husband with nn ex- "Wi ll perhaps it may,' said the wife, 1 presyvc shake of tin head, 'I made a bar- with an earnest tone and look, yet with a gnin in this chain. Now guess what I emtlc, 'but I cannot think so.' ' j paid for it.' it, ,t ,!, rw.t ' 'l'me sure lean tgurss. 'Why on nil accounts. In the first place' vou will buv more than VutJ would if you! paid cash. Now vou needn't bhake vonr: 'it'" dollars ; ,ruo, , tmnes, u head for I know it. There me so many ort of disappoinUd look. 'U liy, what little luxuries, hide extras, which wedo nre yoi thmkingt-f? Jack Cummings not need, but which vou will be apt to buv ; boujl.t this chat., two months ngo, nnd if vou do not have lo pay cash down. 1 Pid twenty dolla-s for it-why just heft l;novv something about this credit busi-'it ir.d see how heavy is. highteen Tiess, nnd it is not a fair thing. In the j carrts fine. Jack w as hard up for money, B. cond place, if you pay cash for every j nnd let me have il for twelve dollars, thin?, you will get your goods cheaper. . ;lt ischenp, tolcsurc,' returned Ilin A tnid-r will sell cheaper when he can I nab!, but yet not fith so much pleasurea have ihe money in his hand than when he blekurtrise ns her husband had an'icipa- ... - has to curry out the amount to his ledger.': ted. 'tut,' she ta'dud, 'you will feul the Put let mo tell you, Hannah, that Mr.) o:, of ho nione.' Wnldron will not client, lie is not tho 'Pool! I hav money enough. Y'ou man to lake udvnntago tliat way.' kniw I have sic3t but very little lately. You misunderstood me, Charles. Do I htvo leen pretty saving.' you not know that nil traders can afford to; 'Put you lorgit one thing, Charles. ell cheaper for cash than for credit ? iTi money vvhit. you have in your hand JJ. Wnldron, for a five dollar bill, will ! is aot ywrs.' j let you have more sugar than he would j 'Not mine ?' , for tl-o sumo amount entered nt dilkrent times on his ledger. He can afford to do 60. Traders like to secure cash custom crs. I think yon will find it to our udvau M.'c to trv ihti cash system. Now I do pot b'-lievo you would have bought ibis peach preserve if you had lo pay tho cash for it.' 'Put I bought that just to please you, . Hannah, nnd I thought you would accept it grutufully,' returned tho young bus band in o lone which showed that his feel "ingi were touched. '1 know you did,' said tho wife, laying ' her hand affectionately upon his shoulder, ft rUi APFIKI.D, PY 1, W. MOOllI? 'nml I was gmtf-dil, fur I know you wottlil gelling alon. Mr. Wilkius takes his bim. do anything lo li;;iso tn,! ; but for tht! ktt eery .Snturday mlil nnd joes over stiko of helping you I Would forego nil (d tlio market nnd buys his weeks liuan Iheso ihin;s. I,erlms,w.a,l tho wife tity of ment nnd vegetables, and tratlus for f poke very low 'you might bn nblo to buy cash so that ho -els everything uttho best a little cottage of your o n one of these ndviint;ie. So ho does ut the slore. He days.' I lays in u quantity f nil theso nrticles For sevcml days Charles sent only ; which will keep, and buys them ns chenp such thincs up from llu: store as were ue- ns ho can. Putter, cjs, cheese, apples, tually needed. At length, as lie went into and such, he buys when tho market is full' thestoreonedayon his way 10 work, he saw i and when they are cheap, und ho nlwavs soin.) splendid looking (tickles in funcy.buys enough' tu last his lamily over tin": jars, lie nail onieri'd llu; irticles he tieeil- eil mm was annul to ieavo, w lien Mr. Wul. dioti spoko : 'Mr. Mathews, don't vnu want u jar of thoM- pickles 1 carried inv wne tn a jar last evening tn.ii Mie tliinks : them superior to anvlliiiig he ever b-nv i before.' I Kov ('hr.tle.i plenty of plain ! that her mother knew that Lis wife had pickled cucumbers, some had nut down lor her. but Mr. Vahlrons wife bus bid some oftiio.se fancy ones and w hv shoulJii't Ih.nuph? tli 1 send vou mi a tar . '1 low much are t',cv ? 'Only a dollar.' 'cs, you may send ti one nnd mi it timrgi: it if you p!t-.e.' '( , cetta.nly ; anytiiicg you wai.t you tn-iy order at any t.me, and you mav lie assured we t-hall be h.npy to accommo date you.' Now this was Ihtieriig lo voting Math ews feelings, to think llat the trader had so much confidence in him, and he went away with tin exceeding gooj opinion ol hiniseif and his credit, nuJ of the store keeper in particular. 'Unly a dollar !' Ws only a dollar on ;', c trailers lamLs lint w iwa'lii.w Itut a dollar right out ol (.)e s pocket, Inat is j different. Charles .Vhlbews would noli . .. . ....... have bou::U those pit-lies if the cash had rf quii'i'J lor then. 'Ah, Miihtv.s, loti here; I've got something lo siiow yol.' This waj said by tho trailer to the jmng 10:111 on the very next morning aitr the purchase ol tho pickles. ' . And so Mr. Waldr n led our hero out to the back side of tlicttore nnd f ptntd a box. Thr-ro Ma'hews, lin't those nice or anges f They arc nice,' relied Charles. And so they really were. '1 kttiAv your wile YoulJ like 8,-m-j of tbes?, I eai'iierl oni" lj ii.v wife, nod she wanted t..j to save her four or lue dozen.' 'Theie arc nice. How do they come !' 'Lei's see ; I cai send you three lozen p ior a dollar; I got thoe very I cheap, lou know they are n tailing at 'C, bat try gtirts something.' Veil perhaps tn dollars.' i .n 1 11 11 1 . ' t Ao, it beiongi to 1110 f tore-Keeper anci to the lulchcr m'uJ lo our landlord, you - know lley must bo paid. Don't vou fat about them. I know it dofi't cost me anywhere near twelve dol lars a week to live, for I havo made nu estimate. Thnro is Wilkins who works rdjht side of me in the shop, he hns four ckjiden, unJonly gels the same w.iges' taking his wife's money, but the would , ngainst nun was, u.u launui n JC r I bill-t ol" wo.i.J fail on thee," nnd nt that tlt I do, and til he lays up some ihree . listen lo no nrgument on the subject. It. caused tho death ol Ins ow u . , , moin,.nl t. -bad man" was floor-oi-jfotirdollarscfcry week besides paying; was her will nnd ho must submit. So he , quite a young girl, murdenng ner uy .11 i ,)13 w,.i,.ht of a "walking slide thai hi rent.' ' went down and paid tho grocery bill and , slow process ol starvation, PSU' j ho Quaker hlfd l)f,C(1 known t, cry. jYes,' said Ilonnah. I know he does, I Ivan in iii senilis wife the oihor day. and ., ... ' 1 11 He was telling me now wru nicy wtre ANDCLAKK Wlf SON ; D.iYOTKD TO 50 if paul wi.l.in six.nonU.s, CLEARFIELD, MONDAY, DECEMBER season ol . scarcity, when such tl IIU" sore;, l.tii, for ei His Imitcr i.ii- instance, (. L,0o,t lt'-cn cents a Iiound a lar..o firUin of il ;:tid il s much sweeter than thai , of which vou iy twenty-eight cents.' 'Tweiily-eiolit eiLtht cents renean i t vouuo man m siiipii.e. 'es. I asked Mr. W'aldroh's man w 1-n.uiglit it up, and he said it bad risen lo twcniveight cents. Mr. Wilkins cot llity dozen e-s s,nu! .;, n,m ,;ir ,wl.n eents a deze:ad his wtlb ticked them down, and tl.-v kept well. Vu will have to ay Mr. Waldron Ihirlv-threo for tho.u . - you M nt in) e.rJav. ' tit tn U,ail 's iil, til til this if.ws was somewhnt aston view of the case, but it could not le helped now und the subject was . dronped. His --old chain had lost its even in le black i harm. It did not look so well ; 1 h;s t v. i) ejes, t,s had the simj eoiil wh.cli lie bad worn belore. ' At length the end of the quarter came found. The first bill paid was the rent -ni which nmounted to tbirtv.oim dollars The ncM i!. loci,;- ve,u si-;,: S.1W OliS (.'haiies was astonished to sec how meat bill footed up. Put when ho bow many stinks be had at seventeen cents ' per pound, the catee of wonder was nt an ' , Ti-..um, ..,u,.u 1K. end. Xexl he paid ihe baker's bill which,"' "'0 NU'"'S '"!hcr mattl'rs' ! was ibirteen dollar-! When he h.-ul ,, Home in me evciuier lie in .1 . , 1 . 1 M 1 id paid all Ins bills except bis "toeerv bill.' 'Mr Ualdr.m sent' in hi l.'ll in .l-.v aid tits wile alter supper. 'Ah, did he .' let mo see if.' il f Hannah brought it and Charles looked 1 at it. lie wasaslonUhed at its len-th.and when he came lo Ihe boltom of tlio col-' 1 Sl'e ,,ow ''11S.V it is lor a ma n to be wrong ten brings to my recollection the ten cii umn his face turned a rhade paler j. ' nnd his wife right. 'I his money all comes ies in the plains ol Sodom and Gomorrah, footed up just sixiyf.ve 'dolllars-an uv!,"! as 1 ft,on"- il is ver-v i ltstroyod by fire and brimstone from eiio-e ol five dollars a week 7, . ...... . , ah..-- 1 nujujiur.. . ii'j uiieii.u as lie. gazed upon it. Put he examined the dif lerent articles, ond he could remember when 1,3 Oiilerej Ibem. i hose t ut.rs which cost only a dollar, looked very in uoct tit when viewed alone, but in the ng greg.V.o they had a different nppearencc. t t I . llovv much shall you .ay up this quar - ter, Charles !' kindly nsked the wile, as she entiw and leaned over her husband's shoulder, and parting the hair on his fore head and smoothed it back. 'How much shall I lay up?' he repeat ed. 'Not much. Get the slate nnd let us reckon up. Charles was resolved to be frank about the matter and let his wife know nil. The slato was brought. First Hannah put down enc hundred nnd fifty-six dol lars ns tho quarter's wages. Then enmo the rent, nnd the butcher, nnd the baker. 'Now you may put down twelve dollars for this chain nnd twelve dollars for sun dries that means cigars, tobacco, nuts, beer, sodo, theater tickets, nnd such things. ?sTow ttike nil that from my quarter's wa ges and seo how much remains.' Hannah performed tho stun nnd gave fifty-two dollars ns the result. 'Fifty-two dollars,' uttered Charles, sinking back into his chair, 'nnd wo have not bought one nrliclo ofcloihing or furni ture. Fifty-two dollars with which to pay sixty-five. There is thirteen dollars short this quarter, nnd I had to save thirty at least.' 'Well it's no use to mourn over it,' said tho wife in a cheerful tone, for she saw that her husband felt badly. Let's commence again, there's nothing like try ing vou know.' For some moments Charles remained silent. He gazed first upon the bill ho 1 ad in h hand then upon the figures on bad.n litshid, then uponthc ti0ureson lie bale and then upon Iho floor. At Inst Immrike- there w is a neculiar lioht in U SslMmon h coumenwc Ins ee an 1 a flush ipon us countenance 'Hannah I seo vv here ihe trouble is and I must freely admit that I have been wromr if I had paid lor everything as boil" lit it, I should not have been w here I am now in pecuniary matters, louare right, 1 see il nil now, I have not estima ted the valuo of money ns 1 ought. Let me once fet up ngain to where I began, nnd I will do different V. I IlltlSt Step., . 1 . o ." ... . 7. ...,r - ----- ... 1 Hnu-n in iha store i his evening and pay, MK.Wnldron what I have, nnd the rest I will pay him when I am able. That mailer can bo easily settled,' ..1. , .. i't. 1 .. 1. ...1. s.iiii nannnn. w 1 n nriL'ni. mi ,,v t limu nivi, ...ut. . i..-.... - -I " ' amount of that bill. It is money I had I have more than enou-m to make up I lie ' ' r w hen we were married. ait a moment, Charles protested most camesily ngainst on his way homo ho sold Ins gold chain for fourteen dollars. Ho felt happier when . ... lllll. J I nc got mo otu uiiick coru once more uuountu, ... i...v,. - POLITICS, IJTFJttTl'ItK. AJKICULTtMtK, MOItALITV. AI) FOIMilGY S'l 75, if paid within nine n,ont!,s his neck, nnd lite money now tocommenco the quarter with. voun-i On the next Monday mornin" the man went into llio meat store to send" home a piei o of mcut for dinner. 'How much will you have 7' asked tho bnleher. '0, three or four' Charles got thus far, and then ho stop ped. He had always been in the habit of ordering ar. indefinite mjuntitv. and leav. in . . . ' ., - tnu butcher lu cut it nli nt tin. I.orl.ri - i , ...o... .u., .onu,,,.!, .uenioiiesiprces; and then he remembered how much was usu. " ;VV;,M , Ul me have two pounds,' he said. lie stopped and saw it weighed and llien naid lof It. . ; )i Uhen , went home at noon ho found i.o.i ma inu luuuus O lee ll.li ran n " 10 wasi'" . . H1: . rnor""g Io went to the slore. i ftVt . ."M'"n "'V1 'T" "ic0 ' , ' 11ora m-mmil Charles , TT,'' r , ,rt'"lIIll,,crcd that lie hail to oa v f,ir in to. 1. 1 I... I.. 1 , 1 , - """-'" ""n iu - Ik- found that Mings were not qutic to enticing when it rcdtlirej cash to eel tiiem as v. hen tl, m.-iv. ment could hi ' c - II I . .. - lOStllOltetl. il riaid liir I "inn III; lion- in UIIU Weill 111 ..1 1 s wav, i ud thus ibings went on throi -h tin I . " . J "V ! lliat ir"-.lm,,lt y Li Packet was bis nibt 1 ;.. i. :.i , i,. urn. a uul . i flUM. D liT (I'l iinlinir In, n.r.t T!,i , ! "'7' hi " !: 1 w" - U t .. , . . - ' iiiiu.iiMj , jyti i i. u .1'. i...s mi u iiiuiiu-iii, i t; i eov hen it e.anie Su iar n.,r ,i ... ,. , ...:n r....i .1 1 1 1 1 . .. ! Kl". ' nlMJ s niucu meat and vege.i,Utd minutes in a j tables as he thought would last him thro' i ' .' WL(.k- IJ,! A,U,,J ll,at ,1U a sa - v"'o ri,t 1,!lsl -u I"" 'i't by this opera - 1,. nnA .it,.... . IT- . 1 I a nnrl ll. ion ant.,a-li,i a,. .(......1 1.,. ! At llle ( lnl ol 'hnt iiuattei' Charles Mat - news niu iidi 1 ave to get nny slale. ! '" ollS('' 'hen he found he, ' haJ l"ly five dollars left in his pocket, I hat was ull bis he aid not owe a penny of it. 'Ah, Hannah, he said ns ho held tho ."" m ,m alul ")oKe" at "mv l"u iulu 10 say : -jum cnargu it : and a man may easily bnv ihinos under such circtiiiiNtaneus, hat when the day ol" reckoning comes these three simple v ords that sound so innocent when sroken. are tound to be costly things. I would not 1 ' have believed it had I net died it. I could not have believed that a man would pur - chase so many useless articles sirno.lv be- I - 1 1 cause ho conld have them charged. Put I Seo it now nnd if I refused to follow your I advice nt first, I have gained experience enough to lead rue to follow it the more explicitly now. CI Charles Mallows never again allowed nself to be led away by the credit svs- liimse to be ed a wav hv tern, but he followed the cash rule ptmc- ol "", senses given by Cod to man, hear-! had fully recovered her strength, although tually, and the consequence has been that ,in' ""'jug, lieltng, tasling and smelling, j sho talked quite rationally. The dentist he cannot onlv now buy uny qunnliiy of '!'1,; mur l,u!s nilJ "'i'"' of fuur; tried 10 persuade her lo allow him to call produce, wood coal, r, nt cheap cash I'angelists, the four seasons of the year. ; a carriage, or lo accompany her home, prices, but be has cut off the expense ol ''1G t'lrrn feminds me of the Trinity ; ihe j bat she would not submit to either arrange-house-rent, for ho owns a snug lit I Jo cot- ,,ir'p '"H,r mlr Saviour was on the cross : nietil, and left ihe office alone. Her homo tage in the suburbs, and it is all paid for. ''lu tlroo dnya he lay in the tomb. The, was hut a lew blocks distant, nnd nfter 1 two reminds mo of tho two testaments; reaching it, she became delirious, and de- 31ISERY OF STATESMEN. ; the two contrary principles struggling in glared to her friends that tho dentist had Probably few great philosophic stales-' llKln virtue and vice. The ace reminds ; treated her with great severity after she tm.n jew' men, that is w ho acted inti- me of the only true tied lo ndore, vt or-; recovered from the tfll ets of the ether, nialelv in public affairs as well an contem- 's'''l' M'rv(! (,nL' ,ru1'' pi'i'etice, and nnd nearly drove her into the street, that nlnied them from the closet ever mmnM the stmm ivillm.it ;. I. el in ,r r,f nc,il,.,,,.,I Hiu. appointment. Whether successful or un-1 successful, ns the world would deem them, a sense of sadness and disappointment! seems to prevail over every sentiment. They have attained so few of their objects; they have seen so much more than ordi-: nary men of the dangers nnd difficulties of the nations, nnd of vice and meanness of public men. Not manv linnhshm.cn governed so long or so successfully nsSir Hubert Peel, or set 111 such halo of bless- iiiL's nnd esteem: vet .shortly before bis death he confessed that what he had seen j nu nearu in punnc n.e naa icii upon lus; f"'"'J a Pvolent impression of gloom and gr'"'f? Who ever succeeded so splendidly Whoever cniuved ,,, 1 lls " 1 ,,u utr uijuau id "C a degree, and to the end tho confi-' Jrnco nndRratitudo ol his country ? 'Yet,'; , , j. .ficJ Ivlire1L,nl of , M,,,mt Vernon. son,e.h,n,r of bis lassitudo : 1 II t II' l-i- lit, 1 , , . , , mni,ail(j eigbty-niue cases be It ft to follow the so serenelv great a feeling, indeed, most ( nalural course of tlio disease, only requir natural ut'tlic terminaiioti of long hie spent ' ing n low diet and rest ; the result showed in men's concerns.' Power is a heavy "nly 11 deaths, or 7.1 percent., revetilin:' burden, nnd mankind a hard task-master", 1 '-'t f astonishing to Inmsell, that . 1 . ...1.. : . 1:. 1.. :., iilnn which h,i been nnivcrsallv .f'8-" " 10 Ili n who issiru""iuig liiuiuusiv ng.iius.1 . . ,rB 7 c . 7:. ,c ineir passions aim errors, out -jess usuii '. - . .1 f . : their passions nnu errors oriua,c in tho COnlhct, and ,,e I W(,nrincs, PColl, .acted on iho scene of nc j ; na is pro(,ncd even in tho bosom of re - 1 ' 0 i,,.c, . - 1 (Alfred Ariis.ofShtlby county, Ohio, was tried last week ond convicted ol mur : 1. 1 1 I . Tl. -L.r nt 1 der "in the ursi t.egiee. 1 nc t. jtho mos'. Oisgus 1 Another daugh M ,l ....... u itn,&a 0(TI ainst him. and if no7naia un.il ,ho cxniration 13, 1851. the mi w CARDS. I A nobleman in London, who kept n I ,,., ni,.i,r.. ,.r , 1 1 uuinvt ji riMYtiiie, n'tioseu eon snlerable confidence in one of them, which excited a jealousy in tho others, who, in order to prejudice their master iigainst him, accused him of being tt notorious gamester. Jack was called up and close. Iv interrogated; but he denied the fact, at the same time declared he never nlavrd il C.inl ill llisl III",. 'I'.. I... .r.r C,n i tiput: imnu ana oil' ' . :., i .i , . - . . "miiiu, mi; m-iuieinaii oruercit linn to lie searched, when behold a pack of cards j was found in bis pmda t. Hi M v incens. J !,t Jl":s '" of veracity? the noble- i man demanded, it, a 1,'uw ho dated to persist man untruth! i ! I. ...i li r. i ... ,.. , . " o.iu, ii piuii ue, "i ceruitiiiy no j llot know the natneofa card ;the bundle ,,. . ..,. -,, , i in my tmcUet l "Vonr Almanac, indeed! then 1 desire that you will prove it." "Well, sir, I will Lenin. There are ! four suits in the pack, Iliat intimates the four quarters in the ye.ir ; us there are , .1 ! . .. same number of lunations : the twelve ; uurieen wccks in a quarier ; there arc lite signs ol the zodiac, through which the sun 1.1. .11 1 i an., i a it a uiu i hoi uuiii sit il in i? v I'll r : l rm I ' '7 -" lire llliv Hiniiioilo In i, I- . I, o. . I, ....... w .. , . .... i t.i i ia.-n iii-ii uiieeo iy answers .ur the number ul weeks inttletl. When consciousness returned', sha lTir: f'Vlinilllfi them lino- fi.in-iti')i- inn nnanfal ln.P ...-no Cm n .1 ... ; mi 1 iniu iiiieeiiuiHireuanusiXtv live spots, ' us many us there aro days in" the year : 1 . t . t . 1 1 , . 1 .su 1 u in V IV wen v .hip nnrt . . ' J ) -- -v V I V t If "'"l 'r'U twvelbe exact number ol hours year. Thus sir, 1 hope I j have convinced you it is my Almanac; ! your lordship's permission, I will : prove it mv prayer-book also. ' 1 . , -noon upon tlic lour suits as re pre. i Sfnling the lour prevailing religions : Chris- ..Ill . i ; tiaruly, Judaism, Malioiueiaiiisni, and Pa. ganism ; the twelve court cards remind me of the twelve Patriarchs, from whom sprang the twelve tribes of Israel, the ; tweive Apostles, the twelve articles ol j Christian faith. The king reminds me of the allegiance due to his majesty. The i m,ct'" 01 1110 s,lm'; u llcr "Jy. Hie ine'cn pittguesoi r.gypi ;uie ten command- ments ; the ten tribes cut oil' for their vice The nine reminds uie of the muses; the! nine 1101 ci"ht ren: o 1 I lb.; eight persons saved in Noah's ark ; 1 Ihe ei ! eight persons mentioned in Scripture be released from death to life. These- 'to ven reminds me of ihe seven atiniinisleriier spirits that stands before iho throne of, Cod ; the seven seals wherein the book of ' life is sealed; the seven liberal arts und '. ! sciences given by Cod for tho instruction ol man ; the seven wonders of the world. 1 no Slx reminds mo of the six petilions in l'K' Lord's prayer. The five reminds me ""e good master to serve and obey.' 1 " So fir is verv well." said the niihlo. man, but I believe you have omitted one' card, tho knave." ' "True, mv lord, the knave reminds me t of your lordships informer." The nobleman became moro pleased ', with Jack than before, freely forgave him, raised his wages, and discharged the infer - nior. 1 i Natcbbtiik nrsr Dor rem. The latest discovery wiueii tne out scnooi ot mem- cine has made, is the fact, that nature un : assisted, will cute disease even of a violent Al. ... .I..11 I . .. .... ii mnril a 11 i 11 It 1 i( k II 1 1 J ht nr. n - ". made m several diseases and w,,h resubs h'ilhlv satisfaeit.ry toall lovers of progress, Dr. Dieti, the physician of an hospital m i 1 r ,i',mil icnnn, gives eighty-five cases ol plieumo. nin, trealed by blood lelling, o. winch 10 UmM , six case, treated by tart, t-metic, of which died, or L-0.7 per cent. Cue hundred , 1 - j ,. , in 1 1... l,t ,.h,d .,n,I u l, r I lllUglll in tin. nl.l chi.nl nml which is , ,,.,., 1 ; n iIm. this disease is flW. J." ?' than vhea if, , the hands J nature ; "l"e : "an n "r h''J s ' 1 ,11 1.,.. "iinariiiro.iehed 111 Ihe nii'iiMl 1 ,, 1 eu tx.'" " "" i-- . I . . ...(,.., o . ii.rn 1111:11 ne. Il IV II l ni. .'" of the country. 0O"I will net strike thee, bad man,'' j )w but , wi ,(,t 1f are thirty years of u .nnvnn ,vw, ,' oftl.o v,,r (illI NUMBER 18 DR. BEALE'S CANE AGAiN. Tho New York livening Mirror of D. ccmber 4th, contains a very interesting letter from a New Hampshire physician on the Penlo case. The letter-writer says : I have had somo experience with the "dillerent anesthetic agents w hich have been employed for tho past eight or nine years, nnd my own oh. servation nnd that of ethers with whom 1 have been in communication, has been such that I deem it hazardous for any man to administer them to females without the presence of thiid parii'-s, ( r under such circumstances as would render it ea sy to disprove tiny unfavorable charges that might be preli.-rred by the subject." lilher is described by the letter writer as nearly or quite dethroning reason, feonielimes for hours, nnd frequently hur rjitig the imagination nnd feelings through indescribable scenes nnd visions of the wildest tumult. The w t iter then furnishes n number of instances in t Iticidation of bis theory, from 'which WR ttlke the lltllnll m.T I "For iusianee. a in:irrii.(i"lii!v. in Poxbury, Mass., went to tlV office oT ' ..... i ,. . i I I r nei s' I .w an on. ... I. . ...i ' ... ou.iivii U.IU a lllll U I I'.. il .CI : . .1 . iia no tin iu.v; 01 i it I o 11 mm n nv I p;is . ; crtng in-r lace wun her hands, burst into ! tears. m in-, ns soon as she could S1.:.k . . 1 . ... I "I thought it was George-" her husband's Christian name. She hud imagined she was in her own houso kissing and caressing her husband, and though she saw (hat that purtof herdrcam must be !"als she neither being at home, nor in company with her husband yet tho dentist stood over her, which render ed it sensible for the kissing caressing to be real, by supposing tlmtshe had mist, ken him for her husband. She at once adopted ibis version of the case, and it re quired the strongest assurance on the part of the dentist, many times repeated, to quiet her; and, though her judgment was at length convinced, she having confidence in ihe gentleman's integrity, yet an im pression was left upon her mind which was not effaced for weeks af er; but noih ing hnt her continued confidence in the dentist, upon his re-assurance, prevented a very unpleasant ofliiir. men. I he Aot larlrom thesameiimc,lhe same den ht beatitudes : list bad the lulliiwiii r case. lie adininis- j tered ether ur chloroform to a Miss some j fourteen years old, in the presence of her mother, who stood over her until tho ef- lect nasseii eh" ulien iho nlcl Huflnn.il ih,.t I . . ... ..Ul.lll. the dentsit had been kissing her, and her mother found it very dillicTijt to persuade her out of that conviction. This same ' young lady came in iiain some time after 1 ulone, and had a tooth extracted under tho lnlluenco of some one of ihese agents, and insisted in leaving the office belore sho I sue begged of him to call a enrrinyo fir I iu;i'i but lie Would Hot UO It. Iter Iriellds. 0,1 'T""7 became perfectly satisfied tbnt 11 nl1 " delusion on the part of the you"i5 '',dy they could never affect ",m(J or ft-?linS toward the dentist. Sacral years have pissed since, and tho' l,"ri ln''y '""-' , , (-" und' th,; i 1,111 Prac,,cu 01 " 18 : " has never yielded, nnd will have no inter- I course with him. How Cuns a it Ft SriKiit). A correspon dent of tho London Herald describes bow the Russians spike the guns "The spikes are about four inches long, and of tho di. mensions of a tobe'eo-pipe; ihe head flat; a barb on the point acts as n spiing, w hici is naturally pressed to the shaft upon be ing forced into tho touch hole. Upon reaching the chamber of lb- gun, it re sumes its position and U is impossible to withdraw it. P cn-( '"!y be got out by diidin" no easv ''ilk, ns ihey nre madu of lhe"harde-. steel, and being also loose in the tiii"-hoIe, there ismoch difficulty in m-AI,1o u l'r'" 'lc ns eflectually ns ii viould do. lis application is the work of a moment a single lap en the flat head w ith the palm of the hand sufficing. ' SlMll-LAK Al l 1 DKNT. George Keller, of Fox township, l '7i c Mirey, a few dtiyj n;;o; was driving n yoke of steers, when one of th"iii became stubborn, nnd made a lunge ul him, and hooked out one of i.i eyes and nihcnvi.-o iej ned bim. &0"Th" Peston piesavs: "Amoncnn get along with. ml advertising; so can a wa 'on without greasing, but it goco ralhor hard." O-'J'he river Amszon in South Amers iea, ilrains a district of country twice as largo ns the vvlu'ii Mississippi Valley. (gf-putntocs, pretty girls, egs, rich ... . - VT printers, lug lormnes, ivic.v.tiiing contin-ie M x csrce.