Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 11, 1854, Image 3

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    Same things, and there can be no! LATERFROM CAGIFORNi;;
ty for secrecy in the prosecution of ARRIVAL OF THE NOJRTII STAR,.
Mdnhtnn rm m ,„u Ntsw Yoek, -Dec. 9c*-The steamship
IK ”bS n „„hf I North Star, from Aspiiwall, arrived L
In a rennhlican imvernment ’ j holf-paB» e^even > w California dates,to!
.J® a r fP“ b, '. can government the ho h , bro ht dovvn t 0 Panama b |
our secunty ,s public confidence., Go , den S y
iter strikes at public confidence, rp. _.u o. l ■ l
ieats the democratic party upon an, mu r *? • i_
j .lv .u j r ;a J * ino news from the mines is cheering,
lade public, the defeated party gives m. . .. n .,j jn „ ? i
• r • \ v ~ r ..» i [ The steamship Golden Gate, arrived nt 1
g™ pontest as honorably settled In & Fr J cisco £ ith .&l Yor £ date 9) inj
|he openly gams for h.sown parly an , 23 d afld 10 hours, Jhich is the short-
K triumph, and the opposthon as quiet- j es , ru * on record . ]
Kquiesce their overthrow. It was The financial affuirs the Slald were
■ openly; they saw how u tho mogl pro spcro4 condition The
pare sa is e . ■» interest on the State boiids due in Jantitt
|ul in the of secret so- hag been forwardtJ| ft o New Y ork.
!es public confidence ts undermined ;it - The fdl (one of h tndo exhibits
is way ; a of lerror-commences; h liul * ch slriCOtfc , ast stenmer ._
iher secret organization^ know-sorne- The c , os ° lces rorG ullegoond Hax
,gs are organized ; and they too may all flour was Vl2 75 . Adamantine can
imph,and the dismayed know-nothmgs,., d , been active a<d . hi h „ f . but de .
y not so lamely submit. They m |he close , o r|he to fifty
|ge, apply the munitions pf secret vyat- centB . BuUer 10 conts / now lardquiet.l6
3. Long before the charter was granted bacon 15 j, hams 16 i al8ic .
liny of these organizations, midnight . :_4„. .
3 deemed an auspicious time for sedret Important News for We ,Shareholders in
redationa, and np more powerful means Perham'r Third Oift Km eri-mse.—lt will bo
. • . soon by roforunco to»un u(lv« Usouient in our paper
n the spark oflire, or the simple mod-| o j. to .,[ ll y i tlirtt the Commi too appointed by tho.
p invention appropriately called luclferj Shareholders at their last nvetiug. linvo issued a
Bitches would be needed to assist in se- ) cull for n Anal mootino of all interested, to get their
. •_ .'i p : instructions in roferonco to :ho distribution of the
et resistance to the superior trick ol the ; p n) p or ty, \Vu ore plei ual to find th p nut l tor
CtOfioiJS parly. _ so uoura consummation,- fti d hopo that Mr. Per-
No less sacred a citadel than the tern- hnni will receive the patronLo lie so well deserves
w «?-*»* ,°b wiii !,«;ti'^SWsaiaSl£AS£!
Ihted Up and illumine the earth with their Orders for tickets should l» scilt in iuimediutcly
»S. Aye, sir, already has this infernal Fortunes arc in resprve for|<oinebody
Srk begun under the. auspices of this!
pdern institution of reform—already 1
Ive Catholic churches been burned to the (
found or battered down by the hands of 1
id luwless, irresponsible mob, patronized!
Bthosp graceless demagogues who would j
for.m the world and maintain the super- 1
cellettl character of Christian gentlemen/
lilst they use for enormuos crimes min-!
ps heated by mad fanaticism, the worst
id basest of the whole family of man.
; Where is the church-burning to end un-
Eflhe auspices of such an extended, and
iwerful, and sly, and heartless band?—
II of your churches may lie in ruins up
. the earth. Then may your monnster
land nunneries share the same fate.—
Mhis time church-burning may become
ihionablc, and the hand long trained to
sendiarism may with the same facility
I his experiment upon the Methodist
urches, which, like Catholic churches,
ry be devoured by flames. But thedwel
gs of.priests and the houses of Metho
it preachers, may endure a similar fate,
they become subject to the overruling
indates of King Mob. Indeed, the fore
lings to one accustomed to melancholy
lings are truly frighlffltf To the sober
jded the ftarful results of such organ
lions promise no less than the over-j
few of our free govornmcnt. It was >
Sir secret political reformation which
(ceded the French revolution, and con
juted to the trophies of Marat and Rob
iierre. The results are plain and nat
>l, and it requires far' more of fortitude
til wisdom to foreseo a natiofi of Chris-
Em republicans giving way to vandalism
Btit she is overcome with a pure barbar-
Bn, and seeks protection and pleads for
Barters beneath the hospital throne of an
■solute despotism. It surely requires no
Kst stretch of immSginaiion to travel back
E the reign of our Catholic and Protestant
English Kings and Queens, who have left
■olhing tu posterity but a loathsome mem
fry of their persecutions inflicted upon
onscieniious men for no othercriine than
he voluntary worship of the living God.
ndeed, sir, the memory of the illustrous
Calvin has been soiled by the reflection of
lecsecutions, inflicted upon his dissenting
lontemporarv, Servetus. New England,
>olh the cradle and the grave of true lib
erty,destroyed the portrait -of her Plym
outh land by interposing the frightful spec
tacle of hanging Quakers and Baptists for
their opinions; and who that has absolute
power has not thus appropriated it 1 and
with a generous forgetfulness these our
mutual wrongs and mutual sufferings are
consigned to oblivion.
Whitt high-minded, intelligent Catholic
or Protestant would see these scenes re
enacted upon the continent of America,
though they were regqlated by law ? Who,
in the name of liberty, would seek their
introduction by mob violence, under the
sacred garb of religion, wearing the sacer
dotal robe's of the temple of God? There
may be wrongs in every ecclesiastical or
ganization. Ifthqy conflict With the rights
of citizens, the law under our constitution
is abundantly able to correct the evil; if
they do not conflict with these fights, it
remuins a question with man and his Ma
ker without an intervening power.
There may be a wrong in our laws
which js not sufficiently scrutinizing and
severe in the prohibition of the emigration
of foreign criminals; if-that be,,so, let
I s ' L ose laws be amended,.and.dvery honor
tie foreigner will rejoice in the. disttne
jn which is made between virtue and
ce. That would bo a leveling blow in
>cd, which at one fell stroke struck down
,e good with the evil, the wiaq with the Tool
h, indiscriminately. But such
athingism in it inception. God only
nows the end, and may He in mercy
>re fend us the worst s
1 am your sincet;e friend and fellow
itizen, bound by the fraternal feelings of
liberal and holy Christianity. . ; -
To A. P. Gregoife, Esq. •
IBJury.— The|regular term of the Ha r
afKv.iVCircuit Court is now progressing
[Elizabethtown. Thos. M. Yates, one
lithe infamous jurors who granted the
laid of not guilty Tn:the Ward case, is
bn trial for perjury. He, was indicted.
I the grand jury, along with several oth
■ of his precious confederates,
irThe name, Sebastopol! .is a Greek
ipound, signifying “Holy Gity.’ ! <;■
I£j&£Kß&SSBr if S B
Second Arrival of Fnlliiud Winter Goods.
AT the cheap Cash store. —Just received a large
• and general assortment of-Itylt and Wilder
Goods of almost every dosfHptiovC'siiltable fotthe
season, at very low prices.- Ladies and gentlemen
—every persoii' , \Vishiug w buy goods at the low
est prices aro respectfully Invited to call and ex
amine. • . "
Produce of all kinds rojelved in exchange for
goods. ; .. WM. F. IKW'IN.
December 11, ISj-l.
Mr. vruviANFi*:, i|\ <; rkrrko t y piB t.
informs the public lljat he has removed his
Miniature Oullory to ••Graliim’s Row,” Mifrket ft.;
Clearfield, in the 2d story) immediately opposito
‘•Shaw’s Row/’ where ho intends to remain until
the Ist of January, lie his on hand ami is in. re
ceipt of a variety of comuOn anil fancy stock »iit
able for the holliday seasoh.
Remember the place whjch is also indicated by
the sign of the striped Dec. 1-1, 1854.-t£
Notice is Hereby Given
TO the Stockholders offlu* Curweii.svillo Rridgo.
that an election will be held on Friday the
2 l Jth day of December, instnrtt, at the office of Jo
siah Evans, for tho purpose of Electing one Prtsi
dent, ouo Treasurer nmUix Managers for the
Bridge for the ensuing year. v
('iirwcnsville, Dec. 13,
4 DR persons indebted to the subscriber nroro-
J.JL. ({nested to call and settle, so that they nay
know correctly what they owe, and prepare forthe
payment of the same. GEoRIiE \\ ILSON.
Ijulhorsburj;, 1 ><*<*. HI. 1854.-It.
Call for a Man* tl j ,>j' Shareholder* to dtter
" tnim: on th(\il!><p>>*itlun oj\the Uif t Property to the
AT a meoting of tho Shareholders inPorhnm’s
Third Gift Enterprise, held on the 27th-of
July, the following resolution was adopted:
‘'J{e*olr4d, That so soon as it is ascertained tint.
80,000 of Uie G ift Tleket.i issuutfhy MTJPertuUi in
his third enterprise, are sold, the Committee slall
call the shareholders together at tho most conve
nient plnee," for tho purpose of instructing K*id
Committee in regard to tho manner of dispoaingof
I tho Gift Property.” . 1
Jlaving loarnod fromfMr. Parham that 00,00$ of
said tickets were sold, ind that in' all probability
the remaining 20,000 cillfd for by the above reso
lution, wduld bo sold ljy tho Ist of January next,
we have determined in accordance with the aUve
opinion, to call a MABS MELTING OI 1 IHE
SHARE ISOLDE US, iitlsomo place to bo hereafter
dosiguntijl by tho resolution. •,
- .. . > Committee.
13. S. ADAMP, j
Tleketftmhj cil $1 Each wilt lie mdrt.
Each Ti\kcl will admit Four /'co-sous, all at rare,
or purtitin at il!jferrnlUmnH,tb I’erham'e Ilurlemfue
Opera Sp’oiei 6W> Jlnijr/way. Xi"m Tort. _
(Jr to liaotko'r entettainmnnts in various parts
of tho ruhritry. Each 'purchaser of one of his tidk
ets will feeeive a cortiiouto entitling them to one
shnro ini 100,000 L'ont/f and Valuable (rifle ; n list
of whicl hns boon afroudy published, Pertons
can obtain the same in circularform, by addresing
a tho proprietor.
In Older that tho 101,000 Tickets may bo dispo
sed of My tho time apeciliod, tho subscriber-dffera
the following induuoiiionts for persona to g(jt up
Clubs. • , . - : I
Each person who gtts up fl club of ton suusen.-
bers, aid forwards torf dollars to this office, wll re
ceive it Mail or other Conveyance rdeven tiekebr.
Eflck person who setds us(at one tiine)-onehun
drod dollars, will halo Bent in like rannnei one
Aundral and Jiftcen ticheli. And for all lirgor
sums is exact proportion.
If i([should happonithet all tho Tiokots an) sold,
whon lie order is roctivod, tbo money will lb re
turneilat our expense for postage. '
All Irdoys for tickejs should bo addressed |o
TOBIAH PEHHAM, 003 Broadway. NjY.
My fourth onjorpriso will be ndvertiid as
tbe,.tbird oni i| closed. The tickets aro
■ printed. 1
14,1851. ,
' DONNELL h \lanufncturcr and Inventor
infetif Patent Square Upright Wood Box
i ches-Ufo. 106 Nirth Fourth Street, above
i f-,) Philadelphia.- I
L’i’CllpS kavidg bkopmo an indUponsaHo ar
ticle bi housofootfng, tbo subscriber liter a
I eacrijlpe of tilde n|d money, iaenablod to of
tlie public au trtido at once combining Utii
d Cheapness. the,lnventor knofWing toe dan
pprobejided onpeebunt of the flimsey manner
ich Wtitehos sfe generally packed in'paper,
ly lho aid of Set? Btoain Machinery* of his
invonlbn, suocjodid in gotiing up a SABETY
jox is (referable, inasmuch thatit occupies 110
room (bon thojoldround wood box, hud coh
at lead two hiindrifl per cent more Matches,
hto Shippen if coisiderable advantage; it in
ely new, andiselaro agaiigtt moisture and
taneoat oontbajtiab and dispels oil danger on
iportatjon'by i*ai*of Railroad, Steamboat or
other mode of :
.ese Matches,,*e (abked «» that one gross nr,
i may be shiprfd winy part of the World with
ict safety. Ttty tbe most desirable arti
for home conslinHhp, aijd. the Southern < and
tern Mfekets tSotkaio ever been invented.
EALERB an<UHEMßtt6>^ welito call
eoember lSj ■ . ■
—i L
= n JftDOH
\i second story i 'wo Na
P|, out,Tuesday e eungrt
ilearfipld, June 41854{
. \ Tlie CJjearfielil Academy 1 sheriff saies. ' |
AT 4 meeting b’f tho Board of Trustees Auguit T) Y '■trtue.of sultry writs of Firrt IFaclas, issued |
2|fli, 1854, tho following rdtes and terms -L> out of tho uf Common Blens of Clear-1
wtro adopted, vji: ■ - Hold crtinty, nnd twine directed, will pe exposed
KrJ 1 \1 , , , . rj 'to public sale, at tljo Court houso in Clearfield, :ftu
per qlwrtor for °a<!h scholar learning Or- Mo ‘ ndl ,y the lSthrtlfty of Doe. 1854,; atl'O o’clock
ftlfW* , Wrltln ? ft™ 8 n rlmary A. M.j the follomtk described real estate t *V.
ArUJmetie, nn<tfirst lessons in Geography. A 1 right rtfo, interest an(l u i dila of Abt . fl _
85 pof quarter for each scholar pursuing other ham lounsb t,ry pf i„ a „d to a certain traetoflantf
nti «uJ 811 BtUUl °!' <• v i i JL tj, Bituatj) in Bradlurfl township, Clearfiold county,
9& «U per quarter for boll Umd 0 f MichnolL'ink, George lloorU'
in a ril Greek or either, with Or without contjlil | ilig ono hundr ; d acr £ s moro or
„ , less, (iaving-|t two story log houso orocted thoroon
W Otl quarter for French-extra and ,bout nine acms cleared, being, tho Same tract
; N “ T d '‘?,V un ,nudo from b,lla oxoept in cnBOS of of lal.l'defendant {ought of Levi Uubler. Seised,
: Prorn ea i lupus. take* ip execution, and to be sold as thorproporty
The i scond quarter commencesi on the 20thilof of Graham Loansbury. , • ,r *' '
Kovoml er 1854, and will end on the 10th of F ri.., , Aj.ho-AII tho light, title Interest arid claim of
1805, slowing one week of vacation about Chr|st- Wim , lm G . Butler,[of in and to a certain tract of
m, mi T .. 4 .a . - „ . . A v land sitnato in Morris township, Clearfield county.
The. cove Institution is now fully organised with boulldod on tho b Moshnnnon Crook, on the
male in 1 female Departments Under the charge of 80u|ll by lands of M’Mi,m nnd said crook, on the
* n F . ft P i' i , , west and north bylnuds of Bhtnolfard, and landsof
The rrustoos having procured competent.and.. gwarl cont aining about two bund red a ores, more
experio iced T caebers, and having put the rates of orUs bci oftwo largor eurTcys s ’ n th „:
tuition cry low compared with similar schools, nan]o „f Cliristian Masser imd Win. G. Butler —un-
confldo ,tly recommend the Academy to tho pat- improvod or tlmbeHupd. Seised, taken in exeeu
ron “"' o KICUAUDSIIAW, Pres’t of the Bonrfl. | " d *° b ° "‘f “ th ° I ' V '' !> ° rty ° f WUliam
!.M Exalm, Secretary. . ' . i—All tho right, title, interest and claim of
Ic'd, August dO, IHol. , Daniu , Mf jj„ gan lf f in an(l t 0 a ccrWn trnot of
'land situate in Eotgajownsbip, Clearfield county,
COLRT PROCLAMATION. ! containing ton afros, unjoining lands of James
EHEAr*, The Honorable JAMES BURN- Forrest on tho Weft, Wm. Jnmes .on thoimuth, Jno.
SIDE, Esq/, President .fudge of the Court. Miller on the east] nnd the Erie Pike on tho nofth-,
non Pious of tho twenty-fifth Jndicia Di's- wRh tv small frame dwolling houso, a frame car
inposud of the counties of Clearfield, tJbu- pentsr shftpp’ and a small jilank sltihile thereon
Clinton—and tho Honorable RICHARD utocted, vvith abfmt two acres cloarofl. Seized,
nu'd JOHN I‘. HOYT, Associate Judges takon in exocutioD, and to be sold as the property
rtield county, have issued their jfrecopt of Daniel M. Dugan. *
date the twenty-fifth day of Sept, .last, i WILDTAM POWELL, Sheriff
irectod, for tite holding of a Court, pf Com- j Sl|crifTs Office, Clearlied, Nov, 15, 1&4.-tc
»ns. Orphans’ Court. Court of Quarter Sos
ourt of Oyer nud Terminer, and Court of
Jail Delivery, at Clcirtield, in and for
Id county, on the THIRD MONDAY of
IDER noxt, being .the 18th day of tho
of Com
triet, e
tro ami
in Cloi
Bionf ; , 1
their iffioen, and in theirbobalf, pertain to ho ddnts
and Ji.rors and Witnesses are roqueetod to bo thon
and tlero attending, and not to depart without
leave,at their peril.
GIVES' under my hand, nt Clearfield, this loth
day of J)ee. ui the year of our Lord ono thous
and eight hundreil and fifty four, and
eutj’-ninth year of American Independence.
The host intensely exciting Book ever written!
One, Vnhtwt■, 12 tun. uf 40(1 cnihrl/inhed'
irifh niiinrriniH Ijrtiatij'ul ICuKjVti vxnt/H. /Vice $l. ;
T|l AT' tliis ivill be a volume of more than orili-,
nary interest, is attested by the fact that tho* |
it ins only bet‘n announced n few week.*, the orders
already amount. to npwards of 4000 copies. It it*
a crtthful. unadorned narrative of the plans, doings
and'designs of the Catholic ptvrty in the Tailed
Stag's. The volume presents facts which will star
tle the whole American people, for, tfliile we have
beeft rest in;; in fancied security, » formidable sys
teru lias been at work, and is working now, to un*
dqrtnine our liberties. Wo do not ask you to bo
liow anything but what we prove, and our proof
eaiiiot be gainsnyed. We leave tho old world and
former times to themselves, and present scenes,
and deeds of crime euacted withiu the Ins fifteen
years, and in our own land, »/e#/ t'/i Ameiiva 1
which will rouse the whole American people to
their danger and duty. These things arosa: the
conviction is forced upon us. and we present them
' to (he American and Protestant world, without fear
or exaggeration.
Orders will be tilled in the order in which they
are l-eoei ved. X
Agents wanted in every county in tho V. S.
195 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
X«v. 22, 1554.
' LOTT Ell YU !
(By Autiiomty of tiif. State of alabava,)
Conducted on the Havana plan.
Class 11—To be Drawn on the JOtli of Dee.
it:::- 4,000
, . : , : : : a. OOO
« $ j : : : s 1,500
V J : : : « i 1.100
■< sof $l,OOO ’ : : : 5,000
In u 5, 501 prizes, amounting to : : $;M,000
TUkots $10 —Jlulvos und Quarters in propor
Kviry prize drawn at each drawing.
1511% on all solvent Hanks taken at par.
coimnnuientiofis .-triotlv confidential.
! SAMUEL SWAN, Agent A Manager,
(Ala..) Get. 20, lHj4.-ly.
THEIE will bo exposed to public. sate by IgA \
. ont*ry, on tlio promises, on Saturday 1
the 2d da- of December noxt, at 2 o'clock, P. M., ]
all that certain House aftd Lot, situnto in Pike tp., |
ClcartioldWunty, Pa., adjoining lands of Ross M'- 1
Cluro, AViLain Addloman, Jr., and others, the J-iot
containingahout four acres, having theroin a num
ber of thriung fruit trees, with a fdnblo and other
out buiUliiws thereon erected, and being located
about mi*s from on the road lend
ing thenco tt Chest Croek, late part of the ostato
of William Aldleman, deceased.
Terms.—(Lo half cash, and tho balanoe in one
year thoroaftr with interest, to bo secured by
judgment on ae premises
Title and fukhor particulars made known on the
day of sale. I
Piko township\Nov. 15, 18$4i-ts.
1 ■—*'
mWOlots in tkomllnge of Ksdhrtown, Morris tp.,
| Clearfield co.Xhaving thereon a very neat
dwelling hoiio, store un'd storehouse, with
Uther outbuildings, Ind many other convenieucos
for mercantile purpius. Also, another house and
lot well suited for a oeehanic—also, a farm of one
hundred acres, forty Mros cloar and under foueo.
The rest of tho laud is, woll tiraberod. Situated
one and a half mild front Kylartown—also, one
hundred and eighty dgre\of good timber land sit
uated within one mile |>f raid place, and four miles
from'tlte river. All or anjr part of said property
will bo sold to suit the'puiihasors. Persons desi- j
ring a good and pleasant situation for Lumbering,
and Mercantile busincst wU do woll to come and
examine the property. Forfurtlior information
address C. Munson or (1. F. Uoop, Kylartown,
Cloarflold Co., Pa. \ \ *'l.
Kylaftown, Dec. 4,1851-tf.\
THE subscriber annouijOos t*the oitisons of tho
Borough of Clearfield,'Undlho public gener
ally, that he bos opened an OYSTER SALOON in
Hemphill’s cellar on Marjfpt strek, Clearfiold, Pa.,
whero he will keep coriststtly unhand, fresh Oys
tors of. the best quality. Fibm hislong experience
in the business, he’ expeett to bt able to servej
them np In such a mannerAs willtsult the tAßtee'
of aIL ‘ His table will also he sui*Hod with Ale
and other drinks. The pubic are fespeotfolly in
vited to give him a call. GRAF.
November 15, 1854.—tf. I ... ,\ . '■.
Estate of James Allpi)rt> Bet
1* ETTBRS Testamentary oitlie ct
fj' Allpart, late of Morris township, *
inp* been granted to,, the .subscriber*.\
having an; acoounts against theealddei
please present theft claims dnlaaathei
end those jrhoknoijr%n&elyestni|ebt
estate .will make immediate setuebeah
Morris township* Nov. M»'1854.4^
k IP*# ■• "
No. 198, meets ittthe
ision House, Clearfield
each week. •
otlcc Is, therefore, hereby given,
Coronor, Justices of the Peace, and Consta
and for the said county of Clearfield, to
their own proper persons, with their
Records; Inquisitions, Examinations, and
Lomombrnnces, to do thoso things which to
Or JivniuuiniH i/i the l . S.
Valuable Real Estate for. Sale*
. '• j. . »:
Trial List 6r December Tcrraj 1851.
Jan# Hunter, «« J. A. T. Hurler,
James Gallahor, r* liurgunder A Brickloy,
Geo. W. ShofT, v* Hubert Lytli,
Gea W. Bhoff, vh Lytlo <k Jliptz.
John Siberts, re Moses Pearfe,
Samuel Caldwef,- r* M. S.tevens&n,
Oscnr F. Moore.) vh O. L\ WihUf.
Benjamin Comity, m William M.jDugan,
C..F. Renaud, ch John Nodier,
Thomas Craven, vh Robert Peiiiington,
James Curlev, vh James Uunsiilus,
C. F. Renault, m J. Namlieri Roussalot,
, George W. Carter, «•* Snyder oui Large,
! Conrad Prcdrio), vfi Jlenry UriML
J. k. .1. Ilogevtj, Abraham Evers,
i George Gill, r* Thomas Hqt,
' Michael Quiggh, r* Juo. A J. M. Leonard,
iJoImAJ. M. Ld'imrd ) „ .. . , \ . ,
foruseot Jno. 14011 a. ) 1
Peter Dieko»so|, r#' Vocals A trother,
[John Fryuiire, . vh Peter Lams,
■ Kelly A JMckeipon, ex Jl. B. Milhj’,
] J[. B. Miller, ! vh Kelly A D.ikenson,
1 Same. , ex James M. icily,
! Saints- rn Same.
' Irwin A Hvinai re Isaac Pries;
} Samuel M-'Kea:. vh Janies M. Jixou.*
\ a - ..
JAMES B. ( HAIIAJI, having resuiioiUhe Mer
cantile bu incss at his old stand inflraliamton,
announces to 1 s old customers and tld public gen
erally, that Ini lias just received at bin stand in
the above nantd place, a large anTl ioll soPeeted
assortment of lull and Winter (roods,Consisting of
almost every fceeessary article, undifc now fully
prepared to ac(oinmodaU* r ull wly> miV tavor him
with their He respeetfilly invilese
those who wish to purchase to aud exam
ine his stock. / 1
Grahamton, “November 20, ISJ4.-tf.tpd.
THE partn»|rship lieretofore existng between-
M. Gr:|hnm ami J. E. Wnts«p, has been
dissolved by i<utual consent, having disposed of
their interest |u James Tt Graham. ,
will hereafter h» continued
by Jus. R. Graham, as formerly, w]i» will collect
all accounts die, ami pay all debts contracted by
the former firiv. J. R. (UIAIIAM.
Gcnhnmptoti. Nov. 22, TSfi 1.-pd.
RjciiAiin sniw, it. suaW.-
and Cheap Goods*
RICH ARDS] TAW ,fc SOX, wooliUrOspootrully
inform tU* public that they bnvc.pst roooivod
at their New ftore, in the Borough (f Clearfield,
a large and w|ll selected ;dock of (Jocilh, suitable
to the Boason-*-aiuong which may bo'found, Dry
Hoods in grontjvarioty; Clothing, Uurdvnro,Queom<-
waru,Tiu-wate, Groceries, Drugs, Btjmets, Huts,
Caps. Boots n)d Shoes, Ac.
They duty ami invito porsonswiHh
ing to pure-hale to call ftiul examine tieir stuck.
Clearfield Nov. 22, 1804.-tf.
In the Com/adi Pl'OH of pfrarfrf'l (Mtnty. In the
matter of *ke incorporation of the Mt. Cnrwcf
Erangeticni Lathern t.'hurch.
OTK’K Lihercby given that an application has
J_Y| boon miflo to said court, by tby (I'.ungrf*gii
tion of said PAD. Carmel Kvangoliuil Ljithern
Church” for iieorpWution, of which aJ persons in
terested will tjfkc’notice. By the Court.
pOIUTOt, P-4*tho»otanj.-.-
Nov. 29, 1 Sfi-L-Ht.
Estate jf Robert Leonard, Deceased.
NOTICE i| hereby given that letters of admin
istniUiol on the estate of Robert Leonard, late
of Lawrence (p,* dec’d., have in duolorm of law
been granted'to tKe subscriber. All persons in
debted will tiako immediate payment, uud tboso
having elaimt will present thorn proparly authen
ticated for se tlomont.
* J, S. T. LEONARD, Administrator.
.'.-.November !9 1851.-ot.
jof John B. Haverling.dce’d.
. Estate.i
j. is. jia
to the subseri
coascd will ini
having claim
duly authent
subscriber res
tfounty, or t(
in Ciourfield.
tof Administration on ihe ostate of
orling, deceased, have toon grunted
ier, all porsons indebted to said do
ilto immediate settleinout, and tlioso
.-.gainst tbo same will prosont thorn
catod for settlement, eithor to tbo
ding near (lien Hope P. 0., CUnrfiold
his attorney G. R. Barrett, Esq.,
Nov. 20, ISoC-OL
Glen ILjpo
EstJteW Solomon Kline. Deceased.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Solo
mon Elite, late of Lowroiico township, doe’d.,
haring been issued to the subscriber, all persons
having any accounts against the said decoased will
please present tlieir claims duly authenticated—
and thoso who know themselves indebted to snid
estate will male immediate settlomept.
, JOHL L. CUTTLE, Exbcutor.
Clearfield November, 29, 1854.-tf.
JOHN AtPHERSQN, that ho still
continues the above business at his old stand
at tho south tnd of Clonrfiold, and keeps conatout
ly on hand a good assortment of Leather of all de-
AcriptioDH, inuluding*a splendid lot of Sole Loath
2iy which liejfeiU sell cheap for cash, or exebango
'*for lumber did hides.
j Clearfield, jNovombor 29, 185 L-U.
UUI a.
, tNovombu. .
Terms of Advertising.
, A DVERTISEMENTS are. inserted in the .Re
publican, atone dollar per square, for the
first thrso insertion* and twenty-five tents for each
additional insertion. Fourteen linos make a jquaro.
No advertisement inserted fpr loss than a dollar.—
A Liberal reduction made to those who advertise
by .the year. •' ■
THERE Will bo a meeting of tho momboWoof,
the "Clearfield Library," at the office of T. J,
M’Culleugh, Eeq, on Saturday eveJung.thoOthipßt
at # o’clock. The members of the old aasoeigpon,
aswellna all others feeling an interest ftr
mation of a Public Library, are guested to attend.
- It. J. WALLACE, Seoretaiy.
I Clearfield, Dec. 4,1854.
ite of Jos.
pc'd., haY,-
iu persons
ik to said
List of Petit Jurors for December Term, 1854.
! . licrcTtria. —John. Shoff, Farmer. j
Kylnr, ''Funner; Jl. Swart?,
Farmer ; Joseph Showulter, Farnior.
"PiArc.-^Amotrlload, Farmer; John Welch, Fur
mor ; Peter Mays, Farmer. j
° 'Bergman. —John Miles, Farmer. ' •
G. W. Shimmol, Fanner. '
Latftencc. —Henry Irwin, Farmer; Jos. Irwin,.
Farmer; J. -Head, Farmer; G. I). GoodfuH
Covinyton.-x-J. B. Rarmb^Lumbcrmnn.
Util. —Arthur Bell, Farmer. -
Hutton. —ThoinaaJH6wit, Farmer; Philip Cham- 1
hers, Farmor.
Qoth^n.-^- A. S. LoonardxFarraor.
Brady.— Daniel Hart?ock^Farmer; G. W. Long,
Innkeeper; WUliam Bnsben, Farther ;Jubn-W.
Nolso'n, Fanner; DariieT Hishel, Farmer.
Jhv.aiur —James Albert, Fanner.
Bunwidc*— Jucob Ake, Merchant; Samuel Biss,
Bd'nt i—Anthony Hilo, Fnfraer.
Union —John Labordo, jr„ Farmer ; Frederick
Hollopetor, Farmer ; John Haro, Farmor; Peter
Labordo, (of Johh} Farmer. . ,
Jordan —Itouben Caldwell, Farmer.
Bradford —William Antes, Farmer John Po
ters/Fnrmer; William K. Wrigloy, Farmor.
X^ynoodwnrtl —Abraham Byers, Farmor.
Octobor, 27,
List of Grand Jurors for December Term, 1854.
Jhxjijn Toicmhip. —Samuel lioblson, Carpenter;
Cbhrlos Sloan, Justice ; L/W. Munson, Farmer.
Jordan To^ninhip. —John ft Brooks, Farmer;
Robert Johnson, Farmor,
Ptnn Tmcnnhip.— Hichanl Dunvor, Jr., Farmer;
Charles Shefif, Fanner. *
• Bell Townthip. —Henry Wetzel, Fnrmer.
CurwaiHville Boromjh. —Jatuos H. Floming, Car
Union, Tfttrmhip, —John Dressier, Jr., Farmor ;
Hugh Krise, Fanuor. ‘
Lawrence. —Klin-s Henderson, Farmer: John
Moore, Gunsmith.
JfornN.—John Huyhorne, Farmer; William L.
Morrell, Farmer.
Bradford. —Samuel Wilson, Fnrmer.
Knrthaut. —James Gunsalus. Farmor.
Clearfield Borough, —Jno. Gulich, Cabinetmaker.
ffuxtun 'rbimthip. —Asa Young. Farmer.
BuruMide, —William Faith, Carpenter.
Brady. —Tolbert Dale, Funner; G. M. Johnnon,
Woodward.— Sehooly Scott, Farmer.
, J'ilce. —George Ross, Farmer.
Clearfield October 2”, 1851.-te.
rjllll-: subscriber is desirous to make known to
I all his friends, old and new. Whigs and Dem
ocrats, Natives and Know Nothings, and all the
rost oT mankind, that he has receivod and is open
ing nt his uld stand on tlio corner of Front and
Cherry streets, g very general assortment of Fall
and Winter goods, consisting in part of
CussimereH, SaMinets, Flannels, French Mcrinoojr,
Delanes, nil wool, Blankets, Bay State and Broelik
Shawls, Dabege, new style Silk and Braid Boii
nets, winter *tylo, with a full assortment of Lady «
Dress Trimmings, also, liootsaud Shoes, JTnts ani
Caps, Carpeting, all wool, Cotton and Itug Carpets!
Floor and Oil Cloth, with a full assortment of Grab
eeries, such as Coffee, Sugar, Tea, N. O.JUohisscsl
Stcum and Lovorings Synips, Fish, Mackcfel amfi
Herring, Queens ware, Confectionaries, Heady-j
Made Clothing, Tin-ware, Broad Axe. 1 },'Double!
and Single bit nnd Pilot axes, with almost every
thing else that is ealled for in a country Store, all
i of which ho will sell low for Cash or Country Pro
Nov. 8, ISS 1.-tf.
T> K^PECThTLLY.announce to their old custo- |hLOCK'*ANI) WATCH MAKER, has just ro
mers and the puLimgenorully, that they have 1; eeived from Now York and Philadelphia; a
just received a fresh supply (if Fait m«( Winter and splendid assortment of JEWELRY—eou
<ii»ni*, consisting of (Moths, ( 'as.simeres, Sattiuctts, suing of Ladies’ (fold Breastpins, Mourning Pins,
Roots an.l Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Ac., (Ijff pj n s, Ribbon Pins. Also, Gentlemen’* fine
together with a largo and general assortment of <ki Pins, of different shapes and sizes, fine Gold
all articles usually kept in a retail store, which Ring Drops, late stylo of Jenny Lind Ring*
they propose to dispose ot on as reasonable terms aw Drops, Bracelets, Finger Rings, fine Gold Pens,
as sueh articles can he had elsewhere'in thocoun- ait-pencils, Gold W r atoh Chains, Silver" Ten and
ty. Their stock is largo and has been selected M'iMo Spoons, Rutter Kuives, Sugar Tougs, and
with great care, consisting of articles calculated Tliihles, ladies’ fino Card Cades, Port Mollies, _
to suit the taste and convenience of all. Persons ,S'Afc r potent Leref Jfimtiiuj Case Watth'ei', from
desirous of purchasing are rospot'tfnlly invited- to ?fe's2S Often Tn t from $W
call and examine for themselves.—Store on 2nd tofco; LupiueH, from 10 to $l5; fino Ehjht JJoy
Street, tw«> doors south of-the Court House. from $8 to $10: fino. CAW Watches, $3O
Clearfield, November 8, 1851. town. All of which ho will warrant .lor perfect
" tiiifccecpers. Also, a I‘argo assortment of Spectn- >
••tel-Pol) Chains,-VentC-liuim*,Gourd Chains,JL*eu- -
iiiffc, Pocket Books, Ac.
ClOCKS—eight-day and thirty hour Clocks,
irebian'spring Clocks, thirty hour and eight-day :
luted Instruments, and a greut variety of arti*,,
espy minimus - to mention, as usually kept by
All Hie above mentioned articles war
ntMgood. and will lie sold at the lowest profits,
r/ mteru>*(ti'v rW#. Watehds, Clocks, and
" An- neatlv lUw.unKn, and warranted for on«*•
July IK, 1853. )
BY virtue of mi order of the Orphans’ Court of K 1
Clearfield county, grunted at Sept. Term, 1854,
there will ‘ho exposed to sale in tho Uorough of fi|
Clearfield, oi) the third Monday of December next, y\
Out- fhtwirrJ Am* t>f Luntf, situate in Lawrence d
township* Clearfield county, lata the pruperty of j,.
DAVID .HOOVE 11, of said township deceased, rjl
bounded on-tho south by lands of (lideon D. (loud
fellow, on the north hv lands <4' .Joseph find Thus. ,j ( .
Lanich, on the north by purport no. 2 of (he estate VL >
of tho said David Hoover, deceased, and on the
east by lands of (leorge llulieh—being purport no. ]
1 of tho estate of said doeeased. ,•
JAMES T. LEONARD, AdmiuiHtrat»r. I
Cleartiuld, Nov. 8, 1854.-ts.
Punicl Kingslmry } In tlio Common Pleas ot‘ are
vh. > Cleivrlield county, No. 117, hur
Win. C. Ymmkin?. ) Roptemkor term, liSo4. , Kiu
Supimons in ejectment for 100 acres of land. Ijp>
part of tract No. 1220, in Huston township. Clear- Tu:
field county, beginning at a beech north 100 per-
chon, wost 107 and nine-tenth rods, south 160 rods, wh
oast SO and nine-tenth rods, nqrth 00 rods to a post,
and oast 21 rods to beginning—to compel payment b
now", • 20th September, 1854, on motio.n of
M r , A. .Wallace, Ks<p, Plaintiff's Attorney, tho
Court grant an order on Defendant to appear and
plead to the writ in this ease ou or before the Ist
day of December term, 1854, or judgment, anil
order its publication. lly the Court.
WM. POUTER, Proth’y,
I ProtlnTnotary’s o(fiee“oct-'2O, 185-I;—tif
Frederick Zeiglerl In the Common Plena of
i *, v Clearfield county. No. 51, Sep-
Jacob Gordus. J temher term, 1804. ■
.Summons in ejectment lor 81) itcros of lnnd in
Brady township. Clearfield county, beginning nt a
maple corner of Corrcy A Kennedy, und hounded
by lands of S. Bickel nml others, to compel pay
ment of purchase money. " .
And now, 2Utfrd3eptember, 1854, on motion .of
W. A. Wallace, jVp. plaintiff's Attorney, the
Court grants an order on Defendant to appearand
plead to the writ in this cuso on or before the let
day of Doeolubor term. 1854, and order its public
ation. By the Court,
WM. POUTER, Proth’y.
Prothonotnry's Office, Oct. 20, 1854.—40
AN extensivo assortment of now and popular
books which the undersignod has added to his
Brug Store, embracing n grent variety, in part os
follows Theological, Law, Historical, Poetical,
und Miscellaneous Books, together with a general
assortment of Schoul Books, Blank Books, Payson
A Duutons Splendid Copy Books. Also, a groat
variety of stationary, Ac., are offered to tho publte
oxtremoly low. , , . ..
Books supplied to order on the^borte^nohoe.
Clearfield, Oct, 27, 1854. ly.
To Travellers and Others.
THE subscriber announces to the public thatlio
hns taken tho well known Tavern Stand in
Tyroue, Blair, county, situate on tho Plonk Road
leading directly to tho Depot, and is fully 1 prepar
ed to oecommodatOjall who may favor.,him with a
call. His accomnWflfition* for teamsters are un
surpassed, as ho has the largest and host stable in
the place us wtdl'as the largest wagon yard.
Ho expects hiß old frionds and aonnointancos ip
Clearfield cOuJity particularly, to givo>>im,a cal,
and those of Blair, Centre and Huntingdon, will
find his houso a comfortable homojiAE|s|yS
Tyrope; Blair county, Noy. 2, 1851.-tf, ' - _•
ejtBINET-M AKER, J, umber City, is fully pro-1
parod to execute oil gjprk in liis lino in a
workmanlike manner. Coffins made to order. , I
t Nov. 8,1851.-lv. “""o | jr-’
THljf CHEST. j
valuable Legacy to the world iicnis
Great J*revnntatirc of Consumption, and' Unfailing
\ Cure for Pulmonary Diseases, without the usd of
. Medicine. Sir A. C. Dart, invented and, the
i UHGjflf thv Medicated Protacfor,
jja hll persons of all ngos and conditions, ns a cer
tain and a safe shield against those fehrful diseas
es, Consumption,Bronchitis,AsthraagCoughs, Colds,
and other afflictions of the Lungs, which arise
from the exposed state of thfrf&iost, according to
\ fashion, and the contimial changes of our climate,
“The Protector>” although but recently introdu
ced into America is making rapid progress through
the United Rhites, the Canadas, South America,
and the "West Indies. • It has for a long time been
a staplo article in England and oh the continent of
• Europe, while it has grown in many countries’ to
the position of an article of dress.
, To demonstrate those facts enquire of any Eng
lish resident in y&ur vicinity of his knowledge of
thu beneficial effects of wearing the Protector iclth
*out recourse to doctoring of any kind. The cost, of
wearing these articles is a mere trifle, and one will
last soiuo years. No one who values the health of
himself or his family will be without them* The
Hospitals ip this country uro .not alone recommen
ding them,butrnpidlyintroducingtboin. Harcourt,
Bradley A Co., of London, and Manchester, Eng
land, wore originally entrusted with the manufac
ture of tno F'rotoetors, by the lamented l)r. Cooper,
and continue to manufacture according to his orig
inal instructions, ami thoroforo recommend those
who would wear, “Tho Protectors,” to see to their
being genuine.
Remember this is a staplo article, and no Patent'
Retail Prices. —Gent’s size, §1,50 oach. La
dies’ sizo, §l,OO each. Buys’ and Misses size, 75ets.
‘lB Ann St. A 102 Nassau St, New York, U. S.
Principal Warehouse, 102 Wood St., C.heapside,
London. Manufactory, 44 Market street, Manches
ter. England.
11. B. arc establishing Depots for the sale
of “The P&Reetor” in all parts of America. Phys
icians, Surgeons, Druggists, Clothiers, Dry Goods
f Merchant?, lint-tors and Milliners, also Gentle
mens’ Furnishing Store-Keepers are entrusted
with the wholesale and retail distribution of them,
and to whom most liberal terms are offered for
their enterprise, and a splendid opportunity opens
to them for safe and profitable business.
For terms, applv to
38 Ann street, N'ew-York, U. S.
Sept. 25, 1854.—3 m.
'VTOTTCE HEREBY' GIVEN, that the fol
_L 1 lowing accounts have been examined and
passed by me,. and remain filed of record in this
office'for the inspection of heirs, legatees, credit
ors, and all others in* any other way interested,
and will ho presented to the next Orphans* Court
of Clearfield county, to he held at the Court Houso
in the borough of Clearfield, on Tueeda} r the 19th
day of December, next, for confirmation and al
lowance :
Ist. Tho account of James Wiley, Administrator
of Joseph Wiley, deceased.
2d. Tho final account of D. de. bonis
m., of.lonatlmn 11. Arnes, deceased.
3d. Tho account of Benjamin Spackmnn, Guar
dian of Martha Jane-Welch, minor child of James
ami Mary Welch, deceased.
} 4th. Tho account of Margaret Noes, Adminis
tratrix of Miles llartsock, late of tho Borough of
[Curwensville doocascd.
I sth. The account.of Margaret Guardian of
[Hu* minor children of Miles Hurtsoek doc’d.
Register's Office, Nov. 22, 1854.
unable Farm and Timber Ln.nd for Sale.
lit subscriber offers for Huiu-n valuable Kurin,
wmto in Morris townslfip. (.'l<;uiTk'M,m-i>uiUv,
itunbijr I(SH acres and allowance, 'with about
<> nfeo.s cleared, under good IVnee and in an cx
len|ptat« of cultivation. Thu improvements
• 'IV& (loud levelling House.-, :i Stable and
with two thriving Orchard*. Said
rmm situate on tho road lending from I'hil
hurijp Kviartown, about one mile north of the
rnpifc, about l i miles east of Cleuidield.
Tin* mof wood land is covered with oak and
ilte ]«o timber of superior quality.
/£tf'Tor further particular.- apply to the auburn
ron lio premises. An indisputable title will
bo, gi.vcE
Morrietp., Sept. 25, 'sl—pd—I’m.
STCHE wake manufactory.
11HE kbseribers respectfully unnounco to tho
eiti»js of Clearfield county, and the public
generally,that they are now manufacturing the
best of ATOM'S \VAItE near Luther shun/, und
prepared w furnish all articles in their line equal
to any nnbjufaetired elsewhere, and on reasonable
terms. ~
Stan- r\p c Cofar* constantly on hand.
Also, Htone lVuter Conducter* manufactured to
Orders promptly attended to, and a liberal di«
count made to wh>lct<alo purchasers.
M. J,. POKTKK, ,
- Aug. 2ff.flBM.-f ' 0. W. POUTKK.
] bank notice.
WE the&ub&crneti intend to make application
to thenext. Legislature of the Commonwealth
of Fexmfylviaia fofyun act t}f Assembly to incmrpo
rate a Banking Cuilpany, with Uankftig and dis
counting privileges! to bo called tlie “Clearfield
Bunk,” unci locntocliit thu 'Borough of Clearfield,
with a capital stock If it|ft(>,ooo.
A. K. Wright, 0, ftaUer. Kill* Irwin, J. F. Wea
ver, John Batten, J., \Y. .Smith, J. U, MoEimlly,
Jus. T. Leonard, IlirAnnt Sim o', Jus. B. Urahaui,
Jonathan Boynton. i
Juue 26, 1564.-<»m.i *
Harrisburg Union, will publish the
above one month, nnf send bill to Ibis office.
a<rt Cicntleineii,
I BELIEVE it a good maxim, that every persuu
should purchase goods wherever tiny please.
But they should not biy too hastily heloro they »s
-oortaiu where they c«u ho Best suited. IwohU*
most respectfully invito nil (ImlmiOn pnrtmutar)t..
cnU ttt It. tileuimn’s store, and examine his Spleh
aid assortment of gomli tl'fit' ..a
this section of country hn- CWA,-'/ ’ b |
itv or stylo. Which consists of t.enllem.ns u> '■
o/nll descriptions uml prices. (Aadieaand tienile
"lien s euiters, Lys .mil girt* boots shoes nnJ ga. -
, J|uno 24,1864. ■ | . .
[St^|:-v~%;;i WT& ,,,. ;
Borough o