Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 06, 1854, Image 4

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... ft,....
1. 1
. S I
i I
W'lt r .1 t
I nllllM'tnl'i
l',l II' I " 1
i l iM'. ' n tit in hi m, t I,, i .
', I. ii I' el!' ti lint ' i ' 1 Him"
ill HI . if ti W II, I ' I i n
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V. ln'H 111 t Cllil HI. I)
I il'li , III I !,r Villi I I:
i 'ii r !!' i, mi! il l'
II'. i'!'1 In (iIim I In it', ii"
i Ii r i i i ii , iiii'l
ll IM I" I It III, 'I I I
l.i i n . ' kl --'y
I l'f ll'l' 1 11 1 1 1 ir-l ' It t
i h tint el ij,r
I'll' Vt'j', III III l"l ';.'1 lit I'l'll.fstll
i'ur ntirr.iioii in miif-tilv i' in tr i.ii i I. i ili'ii'ii i-f ilu' fniuiirv.
Hi Hie,
I ... llll'
lll;l S
u s'll.j' ti i I hi illicit'!, I'ur i iiiii
j Icio mill t Am t iiiim in iiirit ri"!iii(lui ilu
fut.i net s, I In- vnrioin lirmii Ins nl llic
public Mlli'i! t niuinli i! llifitH ilh, I refer
Vou It) t In lipoid nl' lint Viti larv of the
J'ici.-ui y, from which it will iipcnr tl'it
lliti niiiiHuit til revenue during tlio List fn
fnl yeur from nil jourees, was iievcmv
llircu niiliim five hundred mill furly-iimc
thousnnd KPien hundred and five ilt.l'uis:
itrnl that tlio ptiLlic txiKinilitflrus fur
. - 1 l.. - - - r
mine penou, exclusive ci my incn:a on tic mil inu nmiiary .rei' einplny cd in the n;r
count of I he public debt, uniuuiiicti toiili,- Mlory inhnbiicil hv tlm Ii)ili:ms. The mt
oiiw million eighteen thousnnd two liuntircil tier" on the frnntior mn snficrcd much
und I'oily-tiiiiu dollars. Duriii tint snino from the incursions of n i.-datory bnnds,
pciioj, tlio paynionld nuida iti rcdcmptinn und large jiartics of euvgmils to our !'
,,l I .l nltltlli i'iI.T n,r t,l..w ,......, . I
1 " I " "liming iini ini nun
I reiiiium, umouijii'u 10 iwoiuv-iour nuiliuii
. i i j .. j . . i . i . .i .
nun.- iiuiiuiuu uuti iiiiiiy-aix uiousiinu
1 n tllP Kliril tftOl ,hl link r..,.n..,l.. nl
. ..... ....... w. .v,.,i.i ,i 1111,1
year is 10 im aatiuii u halnnco reniiiiuin
j:i t'10 Treasury ut tlio commenccincnt
thcreol, umouiiiin-r to tweuty-niic millions
t.itii, li.inlrnil i, ,! l.'tv I .. I )m. ....... .1 ..: .-t. .
, "T , 7'' , 'T 'Tl
111 I llll ll'll lUUl I, 111,.. Ill 11 iliillur . nml nl ll.
........ ....... l. , II1U
t' ol the samo year, a corresponding
balance nniotiutin to twenty million one
liundrcil und thirty seven thousand nine
hundred and hixty. seven dollars of receipts
above expenditures, also remuiued in llie
Treasury, Alihounh, in the opinion of
. 1. 1, r .1. e 1
.... ...w
lin, 1.U, K.ll, 1,11.111 JCrtl ilin uui IIKUIY III
vtji'iu 111 umuuiu uiuso 01 ine ihsi, vet mey
1 . . '
.l I .
will udoubtedly exceed the amount of ex-!
peuuiturcs by at least tilleen millions of! ties commuted upnn delencelcss emi"rnnts
dollars. 1 shall, therefore, continue to'und border set.letnen.s, and hardfy I
.llrn-t il,if tl. Gi,ml..u r..Ur.n,, i . i' i iii i .. f .,
turcit that the surplus revenue be applied. - by the unnecessary destruction of valuable ;
eo fur as it can bo judiciously aud eco- lives, where lnndcounte detachmenls of
. . ... ...
Jiumieully cione, to tho reduction of the
,. . . . - .
public rtebt, the amount or w hich, at the needed aid. Without increase of tho mil
commencement of tho lust fiscal year, wns tary force, these scenes will bo repeated,
iixty-seven millions three hundred and it is to be feared, on a larger scale, and
forty thousand six hundred and twenty. ! with more disuslrioun consetpiences. Cm.
eiojit dollars; of which there hail been paid i press, lam sure, will perceive that the
on the twentieth day ofNovembor, 1S54, plainest duiics and responsibilitcs of gov.
the sum of twenty-two million three nun- eminent are involved in this cuestion,and
died and sixty five thousand one hundred ! I doubt not that prompt nction mav bo
and seventy-two dollars; leaving a but- confidently anticipated when delay must
... r ....!. ..ii i ! . .
einu oi ouisiunoing puonc ueot ol only;
fortv.fonr million nino hundred nnH c,.J. I
fitv fid tiinttunil Tr.,,. I,n,irl j fr'r i'.i ' r i ,'"'"7
f Lty -fiie ihousand roor hundred and fif-ifor an increase ol the pay of the rank and ,
jy-0.x dollars, redeemablo at dilferent r.e. file of the army has had restilis
rils within fourteen years. There are !
also remnants of other Government stocks. 1
ci 1 .w WIUOO l iiivii
most of which are already due, and on , who enter the service. 1 regret corres
SvWw.h the interest has ceased, but which ponding consideration was not bestowed on
have not yet been presented (or payment,! the oflicers, who, in view of their charac
iinounting to two hundred and lhirty.three ter und services, and the expenses to which
thousand one hundred and soventv-nine 1 they are necessarily subject, receive at
This statement exhibits! the fact, that
the annual incomo of the government
preallv exceedfi tba Bmmint nf It. m.lillJliv tU Ann,, nn.lii.i .: ii.. :
Ml, which latter remains unpaid! only I
because the time of payment has not vet !
imntured, and it cannot bo discharged at
r .... i .e . !
uiH-c, pacciji u. um imi. tun oi puunc creu-
i;ors, who prefer to retain the securities' a
..r.l.. T . .1 .1. . ., . I. ,
uf the United States ; und the other fact I
ft less striking that the annual revenue I
.'rom all sources exceeds, by many mil.
Jions of dollars, tho amount needed for a '
prudent and economical administration of frontier relutions. While scrupulously
the eovernment. j adhering to this principle, 1 find, in exist-
Tte estimates presented to Congress! mg circumstances, a necessity for an in
from ihedillerent Executive Departments, icrcase of our military force, und it is be
at the last session, amounted to thirty, j lieved that four new regiments, two of in
eight million four hundredand sixthousand j faniry, and two of mounied men, will be
fivohuudred and eighty-ono dollars; and , sufficient to meet the present exigency.
the appropriations made, to tho sum offif-'lf it were necessary carefully to wei-h the
ty-eigbt million ono hundred and sixteen cost in it enso of such urgencv, it would
thousand nine hundred and fifty .eight dol-j be shown that tho additional cost would be
lars. Of this excess of appropriations cowpar.nively light,
over estimates, however, more than twcn-i With tho increase of the numerical for.
ly millions was applicable to extraordinn. ces of our army should, I think, be com
ry objects, havinz no reference to the ' bined certain measures r.r.rni.m ;n ..-
I. l I" . ..
iiou." no ruicrcnce io me
i ..
unniii .iiiiiinu c:pKiiuiiurcs. Among ; game arrangement nnd adminstration ' "-u"7 "lu .y " , um ent.'riin.-e. omy tm n tiioi.Mimi miie. i.ave
objects, was embraced ten millions to meet; The prtscnt' i.riiniziition is tho revalt nf ' ,ho ocl'n" must to so great mi extent do-; ' '' "'l'i' t'l i' all the Slate.-, in ,,i,, ,.f n
.he. bird article of tho treaty between the' partial legation oHen directed to s j pen.. Am.ual, much, has l- neiU:,,!;';;' o7n::::::'
I nited btaiesnnd Mexico ; so that, in fact, ! objects and interests; and laws rc"ulutin'' y 8,ven by L(),,Src'ss tlio pro.;r., deemed to he sound pi ine'; le.. nnd m,i oale.i
fnr objecls of ordinary expenditures, the ! rank diid command bavin" been adoi.'ed i co"slru':'""" uud ,irril" m,'"t of sloum : lti.m h.-n cnieinplaf. the enormous ah
appropriations were limited to consider many years ..go from tho" British codej vessels and ali pnssei.oer ships Mill it is --l;;;;;";;' lZZ'l
1 ly less than forty millions of dollnrs. I are not always applicable to our service j1"'llt'VT(J ,hiU "eliieveineiiis of .science ,,.r,,.: , ,, pMill n. eoniimm ..p.. moms,
therefore, renew my recommendation for It is not surprising therefore that ihn v ia"d MK'clwnical in this direction have the lunl.rnpicie.s not merely in rmixy, hm in .l..r
a reduction of the duties on imports. The j tem should dUcieSt io tho symmetr ! W;
rilii... nf ll,n Si.ii.p,.!.., r T ':.... e '.. , . . J . V.. A f. .1. 1.1.: ... - . . . J
. .. .u. ... .juuuij, u. i, in i ic.isury
picsen.s a series ol tables, showing the working of its several pans, nnd require a
cperationof the revenue sysiem for severnl 'careful revision.
nccecssive years, and as the general prin-1 The present organization, by maintain
cip'e of reduction oMuiies with a view to 1 ing large stall corps, or departments epa
revi.nucandnotproteciion.tnaynowbere.lrates nmnv cHicers from thai closo con
garded as tho settled policy of tho country, with troops, and those, active du-
1 TPi.ii unii lima ijihiculiy will hecncotin-
u:,vd m setliinj the details of a measure to ;
, , , . . , .
1 1 cntinnvinn i-itli ih.c e.-.t, I
.1 , 1 .ii otii-
riKiid u chiyige in the laws, which recent 1
expeni.i.'CQ has shown to be essential to the
' -om,uiuur essential l.eiiev;,r ttiat the special service won Id
jr..t ction ol ili government. There is I be equally well performed, and the di ,cip-
no express provision of hnv, rvpnring tho i line und niMruclion oftbe army be impro-'
records and piiners of u public char.'.ctr, ! vet!. Whilo dee regard to the security ofj
. . ,
..I u.. w-iuiii ouiourb oi me government, j
to fe loft in their olace for Ihe use of
iiiuir successors, nor uuy provision dorln.seem to exact complianco with the esinb-1
.".ii ii e iuu mi ine r nan u inn ;r '-i .o
- . --- - .
i n ries in me oooks, or return false nc
looms, in uur aUM.nco ol such i snrest
, . , , . . ...
n hv MW. in (lilt pinn iiKi.'...
- -3 . j,--i..b iii,.,.i.i,
it t v,;:y insi'.nces, have
lir:u huu re-
CI. ViU 1110 rii It to tf.Uo into thoir mm n,i;.
, .
i , ,
tifssani, un poittiiu uoo
s mid papers, .fh
il, . ,,,, ,., i t In, , ,n ... ,1 .
' fciiv"'ii iii.ii uu wr I llr (il'll.'i (i
l nil-
flinl ,f .i tc' , V . - ,
iH (.im racier. Iiroijfilit in w'V-
.....t . .i . ,',
ii it.i.i in t s itj ine i)0'ic(j o Iho present
.......... ..r.l.Mi ...
v.. ........ i., luu ire.tiury. minimi y n vi-
k".l h:s titpicioll, and le.suhed in tlio,re Ibst at four rl' ,, ,
i uu e ihst at lour por.s nii.n :y, Oswe-o,
"-un, oiiiiuuskv. li nil nil Wi.iiLt,. i io
. . . '""
.--"" v hud, by false mtrxs been de-
I I " i it i !
l'i il ,1 !!'. ... i '
I I I 'I I II I I' l'i
1! ll'i ' I s h
ilu' ! 1 1 I 1 v v ,1
ill ll " 1'iii, i'
i. in! r ll " ii
inn I , in t V'' i 1
iMie i l, i Hi'-.
Iiriilini t of iIm'
t'i IMi' ilrMI'i'ilr,
i'l ilu' tVi'i'i l.irv
I' I'i'i I, I'll, I lili'
I, l,c ,'.
'I I'M' ii I.
ll"M I'l I..
Li.. I
,l .
I ll'i ' I", lilt I
,'! lilnils
iii iy I' i i i'i p' Imii il,
' I ll' V I' III I ll ll'l.
l'i til I' I ll'.t In.
'I I
I' IH'lll'l' III I It ! 1 1 -
Irtl lltii
utt i tt liii Ii
h i in
I Ii' i I' I'll I
i i llic Tic
llll'll'l it'll
i hi" i
in i
i', lui lll'.ll iiliii!i' i
oiiIh nl' the
il'iliiill I'll
lin h iii'!
'ii ii.:'i i!
cf llie
sii-iii'iiv ii!
llli'.IIV ll).
ll" rniuitrv re-t.-i, nil
lim in e tl I l:o inil"ii ii'li'ii t tii iiMii'v
leiii upon cinniiii'iii; n:iil nil uiumi
Ml V
Tint t xpcriciice oflln-l ist rnr fn rni-h
t's iiMir iona I reasntin, 1 i't';nvt Iti h.iv, ii
n pmnliii eh.'irucier, Lr tint ii'cniiiiiienln
ti:ni licrctnforo .'limit! to pioviilc fur incivnt- r
.i , . , . . . 11
r, ... ....... I. I J .
iw'u'ib u.ivi: uccn tunssiicruu ,
wun itiipun.iv. 1 no rcciirrenco ol such I
sf.iMu.s ( uiii y no prevented t)y farlnu'jj
...... ..,.., ,. uf'ir
r,..'hi,r.i ., lie In t I r. I I "v' 1 .' .'
, . , ,,.., . til i, . y yi ii,w in 1,'ij , J .llll.'?,. 1' lllll '
the arnsons ol our Iriiniier posts, it icn.
ly iiossiblo to tLjiiicli troops in f innll hod
ies ; unci though thosolmvo onall ocensious!
. I i..,,l . , n.l .1!.. I t I
' . ' I , TI
I ,in t ,1 i I ,t V iv I , Iw, r, .i I . r, , , , .. I , . I I ., , , . 1 . 1
. u..,,, 1, .', 111.111 ItlJIilll.
have couiiiki ml-.-il universal admiration,
they have usually su tiered severely in thi'su
conilicts wilh superior numbers, and have
sometimes been entirely sacrificed. All
the disposable force of the army is r.lrea.
dy employed in ibis bin vice, and is know n
. 1 1 1 1 ,
- j 1 "1','uiun
llllll.II aituiilll ui. tllioiliuu.
'! . . ...1.1!. 1
1 110 piiinie in 1 nu 01 1110 country h:is',,,. !,i i, . 1 v 1 1
. . mm 1 i"1" IWHl fcllull U DV IIO meail.S lie O sre-fril'ilei r
been recently shocked by sava"o atroci-
- &
troops have undcriuken to furnish
. .
, l
II" ,
bo atleiiJefl by such learlul hazards.
'Phn hill nf ,l. I,.., :.t:.inu 11 ,s "'oquiuo .or mo large lieiuoi lis,
not only in facilitating enlistments, hut in I
obvious" imnrovrment in "i " .r "
nrePiit i-liot i in m !.., i.
quate compensation. ' ' j
lance, as .'nucleus around wlici;''t
volunteer forces of the nation enn nmmnt.
lv gather in the hour of danger and suf-1
,f ... ..... . . ? ' . ,,u :
ncieniiv ntiesi tno wisr omo mamia nunr
military pence establishment: but the
. . .
theory of our system nnd the wise nnctice '
under' it, require that any pro,,osid aug-
mentation, in time of peace, be only com-
mensurnte w ith our extended limits and
.. - I ... '
oineu certain measures o Ue orm n iu nr. i
"' i" ... mil'
simpiiciiv essential to the harmoll OUS
ties in tho field, which m ih' r..r,,,;
8ite .0 qualify .hem for the varied mspon.
I ll..... ,l. .1..
........ .. ...p,, , ,i,u, . 1 eu; 1111; uit-
.. e.i ....- .. I
ties 01 ii.o nrmy sin 11 mainly ilisctiitr"itl bv ;
officer defatchej from their rc-imeiits It
is believe,! that the special service won 1,1 1
. . 0. . in,, li i i, iiii in (
oflicers, und tho nice sense of honor which
should bo cultivated nmon .hem, would
i.ti..., ... r..'. , .r.
..,'...,U.U 1 III I
tmoiotioa in nrriiiiary en-!
sos, still it can hardly lc
iao-ii iC nm,..: i... ..i : -l
i' ' - I m iii ii riTit'iiiiiii u rn v
" i v iiii.ii i.i
: 11 . . . i . J
nun ii.iiuciiiiy COItnr.Cil 10 llie "mi O O
e, otneets. m .. -1 h ift,u-ll J
o i Llll .11 r- i
t,..,h,.l ..ilh I ...... ... .. , ,- .
.. v... ,u ,,,it imuiit; Bervice.;
LfliSi'I VHnCi' r.l f , rn n ...n .,H ..i
i i ...... f i
. . .
rspeeinllv in time of
proi'ionoii of officers, who.!
li t ,- ., .:, il..r;,.u ,l I. ..:.. , .1.
1 t vt ii (wii iimsNi'd
sltvicp. m;K llllk'.l 1.1.1,11 fln. I, ...! 1
-. ....i.inMl,
v...., Hitui-tiu uy ii :o i
or n rinie. ..,..,l.! r ,,.r.. I
- . I " si i I
i:Vo du' v. nr.. hkh n,ii,.,..n, ,V.
t;,. ,',,, ..-.I .. I. " .: .. " ... I
dis-'fnm iv(,nl,i len 1 ii Z , ,r ' r
' I . ? ?" ll,ec!1'cu-n'7 of,
th army. Su.lable provision for this class ,
.,r ,.(!'..., i . . .. ... ... i
i . tea u.eniitii oi a re iret tst
wouhl remeiii- ih , I . j '
I 't,-
.Ml l'f
I ft M
I 1 1 11
I'll 11 '
ll : I"
I " I -'."
'.I. ill' I.' '
i'l III ll ,l
'It' II
I'l ''I 0! I' M t
I I ill 1 III' till'
u I
il, n"' r U :i-
in' t l'i', tS, 1 In
eiitl lie i'i'i h lie i
tt If' h i x 1 1 ii
Ti.c i re-i,t i
I I'l.'
I tt ,'lt I' ii y I'',
' ll .i ilill.e.lll
"' ll.'.' I'll II l'f
:i'l V
iii'n r 'j inn n
l!i'l! 'I'll"
H I. .iltl" l'i ti.n ini
I i.l.'i ;.
H l'i it
i.f It tile.
s i'ii'"i t' !,iii!i'i
iiml Mil nl 'it,i. riil
ii :!, 1 1 i
ri"M ini'i n i
"i'i if a i iiii'i
', t ' Il"l l" lll l."
nl' lli' ir i'.li"i.
llnW I'.ll1' ll flllil-
ii il"i y,' in iiiii'tn
en ll." i wo nrnis
i'llH III'.
'"li-i'-lrlit wiit !
A fir"" p:n! "fill
lery :ne, .I" I li:'V
1 1 .' 1 1 ' 1 1 1
I I'm ij .:
Iiei n, ii
iry i
Mil Ih'Iwi
lifin I'leii'ls' n
tiilei'V in n'ir s t ii'i; is ( n ircl y ilispruji'ir
liniKito lo tin- wluile I',, n , i.iiil '.ireiiior limn
tile v:ints i'l Ilu' Cdiiiili v tii'iniiliil. I then'.
no I'liintii iri'l !lm tliNC"ii!ii)iiii;cc of n ilis-
tiii:tio:i uhi"li lnw no llninifiiion in ciiher
;!n! nrms i scil or ihc cliarnou r o!
vico fxnerti'il to h" pi'ifurnifil.
I lit;
III coimexion wilh thciir.ino'iilion for '.he'
i . .
increase t! llic annv, 1 li ne presented
t.;sl, nil" rcslinlls w it
regard to ffttuiii
men su res of reform, n.s.tlie complement of
svtcrn which would i.rndtn
:e 1,'ie lianiii-
ps, n.suS ,m u civen
nuiturc, mi I
' f) TC tl
hoiit) n,,iy attract the early alien-
: I i... l i i r .i .
nun, nun mi uei'iiiuu woruiv oi in" anpro-
h:tluin nl t r,ticr,.
lfl lenomend aiion ofiho
Secrntary r.
1,10 A,IV.V vin-reference to more ampin
. . . ' I
provisions lor llie ilis
.cipuii'! ami ci'iieral
! improvement in tho cliarcter ol seamen, ; lars. I he n-;'reiralo uinounl ol land 1,0 d ;',lv ;,'',;, ', '
f ,, . . , J ,. - , , , 1 "" " ' -''-'"i'i '.i 1 ti '.11K .1 the Imi. col (, .'-
1 .1110 iiii tlio; and eradual under inilitmy winp ant land warrani.s, 1 il iii.-ny r, :-: 1 , at mi ni -1 ..-m r-otieut 11 it li vi
incrt:aso of tiio navy, I deem i miuently selected as swamp lands by Slates, mid by : o:!'111 i'-'":'"' ' ri;i l i .-oiiomy ; to i-uhlvnio
Iwoitliy of yourfavurahlo ccusideration. loenliiw under "i'..iiH for roads, is uiiwanfs 1 wi'l',', !'"!'
I. li 1 111 11 1 n 1 0 r ' .... 1 'ti inn i'l :i 1, '1 ,' vii' t jie t ho I r,;n :tl !, Iinl : , iii tvi'o:.,'
j ilm piinciples, which liavo controlled our nl tweuiy-lhreo millions of acres. 1 holto imi.c : 1.. .-h.-w iuioi'ia.'.t.Uins with (In. uatiou-
nr.! 1,. l' 1 11 rr.l ,1 1 i,t 1. , 1 1,.. . ..,.1 , . t ...II.,. :. ,.r I ! .. ..,.1.1 1 1. : , "! . ,.,:', v 1 1, I t :. . .1 ...... , . r . .' ...
1 - ' "-J .....,., 11 111., i.v iiii.. ii. lit iiiiiiiit-
rv iirre. IV sen 11111 ,111, nm 11,11,11,
, are sniitn!, con
sistent wilh the theory of of our .system
, , . . -
ihuiiid by 110 means be disregarded;
lint ll. , .ll!., r. ... .1... . t -
.1.L..III1JI111I" inr- nirii' 1111111, 1 .'. 1 r. ,
..1.. ,1.. f,,.i, ; .1 r . c1
S m, c I. 'f P
this message, wo should nut overlook
pres(,nt :nuDgllillul(! an(J )ro(ip((Ct,vo
: r.... , ' 1 .. ., . '
. . ' -
("If! weltrhl In l!in fan! I,,,..!, c ll,,.
moil lit uur uum l .'ll' Ml Ill'ir lie. nor ii l.i
3 " -p."- ...v. ,iv..ii,,i.a inu
two thousand miles of Ailiintic s.-aboa id, '
wo haven new pacihc coast, stretc mult
fi-.i-n n n. , .ll' , ., . , , , 1' n new nacihe coast. Mretclnii!!
Iroin .Mexico to the liritish possessions in
the noilh, teemiii'' with wealth und i nt- r-
prise, nnd demanding the constant pres. lie domain for those who have served their ',
ence of ships-of.war. 'country in time of war, is illustrated by
The augmentation of the navy has not, the fact, that since 17iiJ tm less than
kept pace with the duties properly and thirty millions of ucrts have been applied
profitably assigned to it in tune of peace, i to tins object.
unci it is mudoquiito lor tho large field ol its
operations, not merely in the present but :l himi-i.' ol lut y.-ar, iu r.f,.rcn.o to ol
moro tu, . . l:nrrt..K:, k.u- in .ml ,.f the . ,..1,lr..-ti.... . f ,:,lli.,.i,, ,v,.r
, l,roorcs;iu'y ntrroMiig(li.M fi ,, t,iiin t;u. ,,.;,,, ',. lu.
r , . , , m'KK 01 :
United bta es. I cordially approve
of tlio proposed apprentice sysleni for Our
re,ii,,n:,l , rr.,i.n...'.,l..,l l.o .1,.. !
...-..-ww, "-"i- mu i,'!.
Secretary of the Xavy.
The occurrence, during the Inst few
on, ii, us, ui iiiiiiiuu uisasiers ot llie mosi
irjglC Iiaitire, invulvnw crent loss Ol hu- :
nian lilb, has pranced intense emotions
olsypalnv nnd sorrow throughout the
country. It ma y bo well (J(,ublud wbclh-i
er nil thes., calamitous events ro wholly
l-"utulile to the necessary and mevita-
b, li,nSers of tl,,! s- Tlll- oierchanu, ,
Inttrmon .ml ,.i' i!, I :,,.,!
"'" ' "'i' -" ..."
St;,,ns' arc il '"true, unsurpassed in far
ro-i.1, , n rr ,n In rn r ,.11 kb.ll , . I ,.l I . . ... "
reac,,inS enterprise, skill, intelligence, and ' i-r ir.-anis of thi .hunieier pen.iim i.e.; Aiithinviii-. tiu.l iir is., in t;,irr:ii.!iy.
""f- J 111 ' iJin ,1 aUhrst ' :V o.hcr .
w,lh !ll.e 'creasiiig amount of our c0..i.;?alUl,,, in,u .,.., ,, ,n ,,-. ,, hl. ;$.4 ,.r ,:,,!rt.-f"reh - Jmlar learning Ut-i
nR'rc tonnage in the aggregate, and the .-tnu-iimni,. iinn.e(:i,..i..!y pivm to that nlc t. i in ami lircck r i..w, with or without Knglwh :
laronr size nnd
imnivi,'i.,t vm,inil .1
v. '..,...W1, ...
Ui . . i i r ;
.0 ships now constructed, a deficiency in ;
the supply of I'elia'lle seamen bt'oillS to he i
verv seriously foil. Tho incinveniencn'
, ..l. i.., ii i .
may. perhaps, be met. bv due re'U ntion
for tho introduciion, into our merchant
' - O
ships, of indentured apprentices; which,
while it would afloid useful and eligible
occupation to numerous young men, would
have a tendency lo raise the character ol'
seamen as a class. And it is deserving
of serious reflection, whether it may not
he desirable to revise the existing laws tor
;, , Miiinlui.r.nnii ,.f , ulii.o I
. "-'p
. ii i .1 .. ,- ,-, , , t
nufjuua trmuui-AiMs mr uio innnicu
distinction, which appears upon our Stat-
,ef bctwech the laws for protecti ng hit,
and property Ut Sea, Iind those for protCC-
ling them oil land. In must of tho stales
severe penalties are provided lo punish the
cont.iictorsot trains, cngiuecrit. nnd others
'empIoveJ in tlio transportation of persons
by raiiway or by steamboats on ruers.
hv khou d not the San. i nnn.--iiil(i hp nn.
I f
..!...,! ,n tj ..i' :.,.,..i i , :. .. i-
r"1-" v" ..."H'l'ii-iii.iiioit, i i aruice,
l"' ,,lil('r acts of misconduct on the part of
musters and mariners, producrn-: iiiurv
,,ms,c m wriners, prnmicrng injury
"' (ll'ui1' t0 P"ssi ngr;rs on the high seas,
U;;.nd the jurisdiction of any of the
S:ule!i ",,J 'hcro such delinquencies on.
i .......
'' c'"' 'e;lt:llt'd by the power ol Con-
Pri's'''f The whole subject is curncstlv
i-ommcndid to your consideralioii.
J lie report of tho Postmaster (iVnernl,
tioubied that thci'o winch you are referred for many inter-
'.. - .:
ihitn ilu i .-i I... mY. : : . . . .
t ,t
" ... i. i ui tun iu i it ia mi nor 1. 1 u
, ... .. I
and iapi.1V elendinrr tirnnrh r.f tin null.
c sei'vien li.u ,k, ,l I. .
lltll.'e of
l.i ,.
.... ...i iiv, . a.i ,11 s ll I ' I . I'vnnii. I ,"ii n
.r u uuuui uiie .HI. ISOl. HIR II' III?
"... v
nnn him, .1. I .L ,
Hiur hundred und ei-hlv ibreo di.flar, nf'i,!.!Ur. "'."'"' na f"u" ""i'. '-'?. . t !. in
- tun' i-iiii.v, i iiuiia i nu
balance duo lo foreitm-oiTices. nmntnnintr
i :," " , .. . , . .
- - . ... im.iiii'ii Pi. ,11 UUIIlllt II fllllj
ti iiiiiiton ovoii hundred nnd t;n
ll.n J : L. 1 , J . ... I ,1
iii'inn.iuu iiiiie nuijureu ana seven ao! ars.
m, .... :
i no rross rcceints i nrinir I ho Kiimi. nr.. i
tin rfrnta ruMilnt. .lupin, K,. ........ ...
. . b-"" -'v-'i" uuiiiiz iiiurnilll llll
. . ' ..." I" !
, Hr,,0"n,t''1 "h'X millions nino bun-
d red and thousand f.vo hundred '
and cioh.v 1 ,h,n. - .i :t :
- -n-v " , ". : nn t:.
.i....,i : r -,r
l";nUl,u,'e 0'fir income ofone milbot. seven
.he lust cnr,of threa hundred and i;XV.1matl,'rofimm"rtinP,lblicriRpnpyconlrainVm1'
lll ll fll'd III!) :,
1 1
l'f ill'! I '
III" J !
Ml'i'i ilill'l
Vi tin" f I 0 t...
r ii lin:; .linn' .'ill,
M 1 1 , V ; ll'lie
ii'iti'l line" linn
i". N 1 1 r 'i or-
nini sev n' v i 'i i
luiietv lint" il.fl
!i"'i i'" llii'H T ", lii'tt e i i , ("it; h" !in'i''.
P'i'1 I lur if 1 1 ii'i'ii! i 'i i', in ii "-i'i j' i ii nl
of lliil net of (''iiii'l'' St cf. lllll" 'J;i, 1."iJ,
pim i litiir iin'i'"ii"l ciiinpi ii-'iii. ii t i
iill (I'liini til' r. I'li nt lip"." st.'Itnti ill ,
it it itpp'irei.t 1 1 - r ih" J'ct ( tlli.'i! lr nil.
iiunt, iiis,i:ii of ili'fi in.; lis f I'iim":, '
1 1 f 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ! ; I ) ih" lii'M .'ii nt the tin." of its
ere ilioii, is now, s n.l uinliT i'i't'iiir; laws
in 1 1 -t cniiiinue to !:,', lo :ri -'ii '!l rxteut, a ,
t'liai'i! upon the :;"!'ii:.l tre:,.sury .
The i'o-t of iinil li'a.ii piiriaiioli, tl'liiii'.; i
thi! year i'ii, liiv; June ;);), I "o 1, cxeceils
ih" cost ol ilu.' preceding y i r by lour
hiindi'i'd and iiiiiety.iivu lliousand iinl j
m i.nly futir dollars. 1 ii;;'iin call your!
ltt'-ll'ion lo the tiiil ji'Ct of mail Irn ilspur In-'
iinil by ocean hlt iimcrs, rind (.'ommeini llie1
jesiions ol tin: J ooiiii.i.sicr Uencral to
vonr eailv iiHeclioii.
. j
lurin-' thu ntt lisca ear'ven mil!-
ion sevetiiy
tliou .iinJ mtjo liiirxlp:.! auJ
ihirty-livt! ncres of the public lands hav
heeil survevt'il. (tnil ii"ht millions ono aiiu miiclv iliousanil mill seven
acres biouchl inlo inutki;t.
Till! number
oi a -.-.rus sum is iiuvcn mi u ton uuri v-n e
rus sold is iiuvcn million thiriy
itious.iriti s. ven iiuniii'.'ii an,i iniriy-iiie,
and llie umount n.-ccived thcreliir nine
. . i ii
mill'iou two hundred and ci-hly-five thou
n J
sand live hundred and Unity Uirco dol-
till. 1 ilioii ui mini.-, auiu, mil uiu IJI c VlOU ,
lyear, is about i.v millions of acres; und
the sales ilui'in - iho two first tr.ia tiers of
o 1 " --
the current year present llic cxtr-torJinarv
,1 . ..1 . 1
lio imi vi.n r ixrmtmt 1 1.,. r.t r.-ifn-.l, n-ir,;
I. rr ' 1 1. 1 . i- 11 . ',
e 1 r n- v. ' v
I f v'.f' ' ""r
the sales ol the corfespoiidiiiij ouariers ol
the lllst lhus i( crcusii l0 ,,x.
. . ' , , , 1,,('"",!,,llr..-,u 1
n u' ,r,i ,11 I i, ,.. v-.
.. M,....0...., .i...wU;
I.. , 1. ,1 ..f .
Ii-nt tiliti:i rr, le ,..1 ililnn.r 11111 liLo u.rin, ,
iij uui i,i3'. niniuiji iiju uiiiiiiuu lil I ill ' nui:
provided from this source for the Federal
The commcndaLle policy of the cov-
eminent, in relation to setliu apart mib-
Tho su l,i,h I in my ,ma.
Hr - al l
. ,.r.,,i;r ,,, ,Wa, ,,. o,. u,e ,,,,,u
I uii'l t'.:l.f"-iUei.t di vilo,:iiciil woiihl .-u'lti
,1,t t'li'i'ir ami i!e.-ir:il,ln. On the , nin i uesii '
"ri,u' ':'-a 1 i-.-t.-1 wilh r .rm-.l In the
1.i,u,.,""!n "i' l"w;r "f 0.n;."r-. I i ni";'t.,in no
,ui : ,ii in ll, n:, i,'h:'i,ii it ii imt i,ni,,r , lur
' llie vuhio ol hinds i'l u puriieiihir luiuii'y n.:.y he
1 1
eiiii.'inei 'l : t tm r, in li , I. il linger :iii.,i:iitl ol nioiiey v. ,!l l,o mi.h to m.,t ;!( i. - is. IVrniin ih-si-:n::y
,ri.b::l,ly he r eeive,!, in li ;-iun time, for nil ri.ij; n c ,,. 1 ir.,1 j . . iliuini.n fir I.i:::i!i"ri;:''
jii;--t un I n ceilmns n.iill h.e.j le. n i.a..
",r "'' 1 " l"'"'''' v- ":l,,:u luipuiM- unii:-
main, heyond riMihs, t., iheulii'iutteen'ect'
l'ariu u.u,- lino nl imni-y is nio ly to pro-
ti. v,.,vv (,h i-titis. i. in,l t.. ta'.c the fame
i-e,.r.'i.u..siM. vie...
1 11 T lo mi I ilunn-ll.e h: t ," -ii,c of ( oii-rrf
lij.i' urds of thirty mil. : lis of mt.-.i of hind
walnlraiiii Iroin jit.l.lie Mil,, vtli n u,'it to n ,.i
1 in: ii" ilieilt.'i.ns 111 l ill . ,11: I hi s-OI t'ulneil, 'laleil
,. - , . . ., ... ., ,',.
,,, i.',iii,i!'j u, n.ore tiiiin n e i;..'ii. an.i t.iii.s
,)f r,l, nnd ,,,,, ,,, i,r.,n,.',:nl of nearly twenty
inill'ons of uerm of the ).i:lilic .lomain. IJven nd-
'it:ii.g tlie ri-ht on the t art i f C. nn.s to he nn-
itiestiiin::l''i., .V it miil,.. elear that 'ho iiftu -id
1.1 1 i . .... , '.'...,
1.. ll.".- n on it. i.u .i .,;.i,!-; u ui H...I.1, a il ill l l ;
ll.i' (lilt'ercnt ii'iiji el., aie confined, lor the pren lit,
to eh vt
les of tin' ', liioii. end one T
The lea-,
i:j ns'if'tii il lor the ernnts, slum thai il if
to put tl.e works speeilily fi proce.-s of
ooiisliucl'i'ii. ti lien wo relleel, that I'liee tlio
of tho ei.iistrneticn of ntilu nvf
the liiitcd flutes, fliimiluled lis thev Line
I he
n hv the hir.'.' iiii id. nils reali.-'d fi.nn I tie
earlier works oirr the prul Ihinor
rhl.iri i;i'.l he
' ciiniiiii i'i e ami
l'7'l llllioll .Till
r v of indii id-'
lw"''" ,,,c niii'onai.t
1 1. 1 - o
I'"!"1 1 ")
nres-rd forward hv the
:unn7.iiiLr 1 1,
, run iii fsi'M iii llll'l n'!l'T ,' is it wi-c 1 i nnjr-
''" y 'iii'"'; In pes of mdiien
spirit which has prmlneed Pilch results, need lo he
, """lli'l "f ihe. k.d ? is it, not the heller rule
.'rnii.m of stun s ? if rou-i, :,., hi-Veivnte ciit-
1!il1' o".!ai.t end the check in.-etiier, nnd
1 ftSS
..lil, i!, ....,....,;. .. 1.. .1 ., . ,
" " " ""'i i ... . 1 1 a nam.-, i ue. r is i.i.ii eer i,
'"..:....,..,.(,..! i . ... i .
; .-""k " ." u.u
, :v,r!!y v' '!.1 Mm I'"'P,':"','"n '"''"'"
t,.,n .,r rah, n,h' 1,1,1,. i-, ,.....!. 'winL.L'i' e "
tmn ..rr,iiin.lj whi.h, in evi-n!. wMI r,:;..
( imivs fih,i pmt 1':k ,:ic road and all iN hn,
."VTim' ' "'l'il
' wh'ichnnrn?hviih'ci;.iip.n(Urjs! h-i'th n',
f such
r 11 J
,1 ,i,,i"i i , I. i , unii eijii'i'iii, his, h -s limn one
hiindred und fifiy inillio.i-of doih'rs. The iinnrws
hi., lv toreoi.t from ci.tuliiiiNliui.M of inter sii. of
thin "lianieter, rnr, hai'.li., he oi er e.-tiinaled. Tut
indepi n,le-'!v of tin crKulera' ..!", vhtrc it tho !
neniinle hnmvledjr'i, the coinpi-eiinnsivn intelli -
pencil nhieli fliull iliseii: I'tinle heiw.'.-i Ihe rn..-
tile I'V-illiK of till .ll, I i, .. t v. ,.l r 1.1 i.r.... .. I..
' : ..i c. . - -i . . o- . .. o t i ..I
in ii--1 e a rn,,,'. ..ii,. one i' rnt.ii v r n nere w ia
i ... - - . " , . ..
"' ., uiu unii i, ncre enn . Jl t' tne?irr.nt-
rmv vneir pniiKiiMa wmlts. it iHnocM-
,"ry iiintino an m ine ireti. nu Kovermnciit Lepn-
. I . . ,i. . . , ... .
mnriiv given, me 'ley will liti's-ot a i.roli em po
eontpri'liensiv In its hcnrini, nnd fo it.,,,rtnnt
iliose tiews. I rV-i viih".'..;'.'i.,.'.i,",n .1 n. "'.'.. ....
a r .,' ,. ' . ' . , ',.' "" '
... v 'Hour's, n-i
iiiuiiMiiii a.srtiiruuco mat ria nihj
t w ill not fnil
i,..:. . ...
''" I'Minunauon ana ripm scrutiny.
T, ,.
1 -v '"'""""n tf present, on ihu oeensmn,
reCnrd,nR ii,.eri,.,li,provem..nt.
',y "'i' K',nr'r,','1 P"v"r""":'' hi..J, want of titno at
'ie l,,""."r "": hA ","i"n my -".mil-
.nil on Ihe refill n tn tin, 11 iiii.ii i .1' It i.nri.s .n'. nl l.'r,. 1
wiib iitiiet'tinii-i of ho hill entitled, "nn act ninking j
, appioprititions for ihn rcimir, prevention nnd eom-'
picti ni ol curuin puhlio vorlt lieintoforo eom-
ifenced iitider ntillmrilv of law." hut Ihe n-nee in
tlih, romiminiea.ion ?dy orenpied will, oKv.Kj eond St,.ry of tho Man;,., II ,,, Cle.rfiold
1 i.
l'l. I
ill,. .,, ft.-l .
In. til u I',.. "
II t ' il"' III II !
,1 1,. I. Ill, .. I I It ,.
'I : I I I I.. I I'M"
.Ill.l. l l. Ill I. I,, 'III
f I'll till. .11 til III"
'I I'
I, I . I i ,
ti i I
1 ' ' f' .
I 'll' ..
''I y
I I'l '. I
In. I-1
t. ii" in r.-.T '"ii t" mi
I'1!' i r.i , .n I i t i " ..' I. ..I' .! , l"t f -I
t ' I. ii I, In' in"' .. tin. I'i 'ii I . '' C.hiti l.M, rr,.
' ' I. .1. . I '.. ' ,".' i I- I'l.l IO. ' In IK I lv
, '
' " "'
' I n ! .. i! - ' , , i. ,ii..i , i mii.i
" !,.' IIV ' I lil"" I'rlllt "'I I ' I'l" I'l" I
v r . 'it,.'.in rtii'l'"''! I'ti'i'iitiii
I I "I.. I ii.ll 11 I'M i I. r"lltr I ,V I I'll til
, 1 !..- ' H "I 'l"" ':!' I M. ;, f I'll Ml. ll . '.I,
: ::, i..'" ir ( .. lt'l l.i , , 1 1 I ;i i'1'lt it, 1 1 , ,it
,i'iti"i ii.i,i ... ii i . ,., .!,t,i in,,. t Kri!iy i.;' ! " i..
' ;..i.' ''" leirl r''iii'iii.iiiif h iinl i.!!i,tit'il
I" I'"' !'''"' "'' n ,ii.' t .-iii, t oi.r" .
I t'.ii' r"t. !:,!i. i'. ,. ;j , ,' .:,,. , i,i' ,! c, I.,,,;,.,,
l!-i !ii.,tnini'jr ,'i ii, i ' in Lui ,., in.i in ,i,,
I I . i I . ; ..I I." i I 'lii.-.i Sua, ,it in,., ,iiU.
'lr..'.. J ,:''l I'., l'l"'l' ll.'. I'll'lillli-', lliu a''. ..(.'I'l
till, I ll'i' ti- ,.l r.'l.l.. (",,.( ,,i, . ,,li:',l'll... ( i(.
I... ..." III. III. i :ll,ll..:tl,; tl, Ii 1,11, .,, (..i,.,..,y
j !! ll !!' 'I .' liuVi,; IM ' . .. Ill: VO III Vt .-tC'l I'nr 1 1. 0
i lii. i" I'l ii"'. ; Ii ;,,',i,inil Iiiii, ii,..., ;',,. iiii .,t ki.
' it: ! cl ! ":iii;,,: i. ,. iie.,M,i it r.ii'l.'in :,,!.,),
, i'i , ;".'. ' ! , !j-,p i,i' ilu. in ),,. i nit ri'tt nf ;".:. '.r
- i. ;r.i M i iii i,i ; (.. ri r.iin ilii lljn cirj-fi't lil,.-i :y
! "T tli" ni l, ii!.iil cii:('ii, will, .'..,,i,l. . .. -eiirilv of
liio ,m 'ir,!,-:, t . rfiiil-r "!' ,Li":. '
mi ' ui :li,'
.tiiu. lo unii.. it, ,";t..rcitiT the,r ix
'r,,n ii..!i;riiiiiitly mi nil i'')t,,i.init.
.' :i : in li.'n. in. :.M ,t sj..r.' t'::,t
i:iiii, n, nn I I
t i. ,11.4 l.i : i r ... ;i ;
nnli'iit il.'i'.ii.iti o iii
i:..-ltlii'.:uii of r.'l' rii.ii n iiii
i.ii. in.
l!:,- ii;
:,r ,v,"
-t iniv
illn-r :
I r'ii-i'Mif. l"l'Tj'ti'm ; to pri.'.,
.' l.y riu.-iii rr fi' li l.j reiii't iI.i.m-
I" tuny i"i.-i:ii i .. i v . ;,il iui
.fin .. tin' all.-.., t Iiiiiii.j .,!' liu.un "Tl'"' t'
l.y Iiii' I , ,', u"! .Ml nl' liiiii'l in, mi in in, I. mi!
!' lii... titilrnsivi' iai. iv,'i,ti,'ii el i:.. :i l i t (',:".-
'" ''! l'l lii-.' !i'l".i y ini'i :;uur,l ,."ii ii':.:'.:ili,)iis
i l' our i'r,'.iiiii' l. i ; ,. .. .. i ". ,. i;i"i'. i iVoi-i ...ii
I', unli i,l" n iir,:il:. a. - i.i yrv tu'll'i li'itn t.T i,ur
, '. ...
I", mil in r.iii:iu.:,iiii r, ,n l uiti'M ol 1,'in m-v.
. " ' ; i" "."i ' ; m ci.i rnh, wuh
1 . " - '""" ' - 1 "i m u.,"i lmi.uii-
;it.', tiil'l I" i'i'i 1: h it, 11 our own : n.-i i-r l-i slim
'.,.. 11 ,r I..... ,1... '!.. . I 1
lirv .. ill. n. 1.. ,,,, i!t '....,: .
".' - "' '",. "' ' ' 111 I'liiu'ifiir,.
,u-' u'-' uf I'"'- ' eul:irt.jmeut vi' tin Hrii' . if
llVtlllalilv, bll.i ll. I I,, un.l !:l...:ll.. tl," ,,, ..
Cursw of naii..n'! .,.) Lv-u.-li 1u.-i uu-l U aoru'tif
To D "" !h:-
l1'3 -1"'! u''li'i, to u.-....'o tn it itiu I'viiiTLo
imi' u,:- .! I,,i2u ,,ri,, f a c,.
'uiu....- u.a .. ,-n :,:i 'U. ,,w, -rx i chri.,i.'i'..loai.
.-- - . .
i tiiiir on) f ,i. i,.;niv ol tlic.-i' ootiM.tioiis, tf.t '
1.1 ...: 1' A ' 1 ... . i : . . : i . 1
i - ... .... ..
j ...ii",, ui .i.,ui .gin 1 1 'ju i i carili ill v inimirii 10
ir'tl""' , ' I'"".-"" li'f'-ai'W". "ii th
in I! II -1 j ' C I . I aetll.l t!lC t" V T U 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 , lo tllll 1-11I
1.1. . ...:.t. . . , ..
..i.ii, ..mi iii .ii 7":ii iiitu ci.iiiit'on t', we
. 1 iu:ty, ui Ii ilu hiu .!,mi-.-ifm to the l'iviiii: will, on-
loin.nity for t:n: Muiotion of the Mi),ri'iiii.. pno.l of
tlli'V., I l!i-a M.lli':
KI'.AMCLIN' l'JiaiCi:.
1, lsil.
r J1 1 1 in t;.:.i" cf Kyhiriown, .iurrii I p.,
.1 (".ciirfii'l.l i.,., i.:in therein a very n.-nt
liiiiiio ilivi'llint hou. (toil, iinil Koi'i'hon?!'. wilh
oilier wuthuilui'i". mil nmny other convi niiiuiii
f,-r i.i..r..iiiitili' ;..trji es. Al.-o, ;i:i., hou.-e unii
I .t well fttile.! I"' ii i.e,'!::tnie also, a faria ofoi.o
hicheil n-rcs, fi.r.y h 'm-j cleiir uinl umh r t'ene".
The rest of the lii.i, i v.. II tiuilien-ii. KioiMti.,1
m.c nn.l u Lull' i fr,.in Kvlari-.v i. U. one,
l.u:lr 1 ..! i-i;;!,.y , ,.f .......l timl-r h..l Ml-
ii,.; ., ii r n ...,.,;. ..r .; , ,.l . If. :l..
lc-in tho river. '.!l ir i,i:v 'u i of fai l ,r( 'erlv
1 .M'.'ieioiliie ' n-iie-s iii,l !fi ivi ll to ci,:iii' iui.1
xft'inue tlio l.r . .-ut. r r linliter lnlor'ni.l.on
liyhmoivn. in--. 4, Kvi-tf.
The I'liBrfitlil Araiitray
VT a rerrCiiir of tl, l; oil of Trrstoei
21. !i, l.-.'l, the t .llov.-i. ' rai-.s ul
ee Aiic-iut
und t.i'iiii
I v.e. e u l e.Uil. v
' ?-3 .') tier mi".
Iinhir h
finiin- (Jr-
thotfrtiohy. li.vili' r. H'i-:'i:ij HavhV Triniary
I'i. Ill; II
- .,... 1
-t "i T.'iri'T rri'ncn cxira.
i -V il.-lretion ma.!,' from Li!!, e.tce.,t ia case? of
prolracted illness.
The t-ei 'Hid itiurt t C'Tiorri oncos on tho 2eih f.f
N'oveio'ii r 1 ; .', I. nmlii ill end fin tho tilth of l'ih.. I
w.-. . ' ,. ,
I llll', .1111 OI1U l-Ji'K Oi 1 UCIllllIll HOOUL I
'Dip nho
e InFtittuim is now fn'.lv ornni'cJ with
ninle and fMnale I . tr: nit'iit
under the charge, of;
.Mr. ntnl iitrs. I ainp'.rl.
Tlii. Tr 'iees hir. iip procured cmpeiort rr.d
In.ti'.n ve. v low e,, mured with nimilur lehools.
c.i:,f ienl'y reeonittii'i.,, the to ti.o iiat-
rr.i.i,e of the 1. nl. lie
KU Ii.Mtl. .-iAW. PrtVuf ihe C ard.
J. ll. M'lixAt.i v. ."(Tcinry.
tiearllei I, Aiv;i'.-l J'.i, lsi I
f Ol'KT rr.lCLA.M.lTlfl.N'.
TllKIttiAS. Tin Jonorahle .IA.MKS Kmy.
i.ii'H. i;.-i 1'ni". ;:t ,)nd,;; of ,i. ; C on:t
inoii Th us .,f th.tivent'- lil'.'u Jitdieia l'i.--
of t '
triet, e,,nip,,sed of ihe I'tinti, s ot CI, n; fiel 1. Cen- '' ate J f ,r set. lenient.
tr. mi.. Clir.Mn-.if 1 ll- Ilonnrnhle KlCII.-Hi I JAC. T. l.EOXAUI, Adi;.ini?tra:,-r.
MI W niidJOUX 1'. IUVT, A-MH-iute Judges1 Novumher 2.1 i!al.-ft.
in I'licrfield rn-.tntv, bif" isi:. ! (hei.- .r.(,pt
.'truS : cTrv'r: ' Es!aie E-
inoii I'lens. hnns' C, i Co'trt of yn:irt-r fe. T ETTI-KS of A.!i!iiiiistn:liiin on the f'-.tti nf
sion, C.-urt of I Iyer mid nnd Court of I J J-l'- Hin'ii'iUin, liieeasetl, have Keen rnnicii
Ccnfrnl ...ti! I .livery, a t'leiirfieM. in mi.l iW . " tt'-'.-nt'er, nil pe.?,.:... iii'h ioed to sj.ij do
('l.'i.i.i. i'. f.ninly, on il.THlHIl JIuXJ.AY of f Tal:e nn:. ni:!v:nri:t, an 1 tWe
I IH; i:.M 1; J-;il ni.l, hf in- the lStU dny of ihu ' bnvi:ijr ehiin." .'i-iitist the fimn will preM'"! them
mm,!'i, ! iluly for evli tnent, either t i th
NnU.-c !, (litrf f.ii", lnrclij Ivcn, , Mil,, .lilur tisirtim; li .e r.0..t'l.-a.f.iiil
To the (ototi'ir, ,ltelie o.thc I. ni e. nv,.i Consla-'''',,li;.v, r to hi., uttoniey 0. 11. ItarrC, Vh.,
hies, in und for iho Ks d oiiiiuy of Clrnrt'ihl, to ' I'li'nrf.chl.
Mppe'if in iheii- own pi";. r pnrt-iiiiH, wi;h iin nr.0Itr;K GUOCM, AJm'r.
It'nis, 1.. i-.'. 1-. li:ittisht..iii. Kxar.iitmlir.n.. nml ', !. Hope, Xot. '.', lcjl.-fit.
other Heiiieinliriinces, ( d, 1 1 1 . s o tliit.c- niiiehto .
their lif.nes, iind in liieirli'ljlf. lort'tiit to bi done.
, ,
ati.i.i.n i iltie-io. n f reniiesled to he l!"ii
I t, n, ,u t.iyla
' wnv.t ilt'oii-roi-il
let lo ihpart liithout
tlJ VKNnndor ny hand, r.t riearfiei ills 1 ilh
icy oi 1 . . in i; ot our Lord onu thous
a:i I e' Jt! hu'vlre.l at- l f.:';j f ,.r, and ti, v.. n
f :ily-n.:i:li year of Ami riein Imleoetidet e.
uiiaiAi ro'iVKu., -b'.t
)Ys;tm; s-.". '..')o:;.
rjlIIE 'uhferiher niitioimei r i i the eit;ren of the
.1. lt.irotieli of ('I '.-. 'hi, t.-d th(i lmhlie cencr-
' 1 ' 1 1 J' t ' ' t lie Las epmed nn i'. .-TICK "AIJiliX in
' '"pl'i'l tf e. l'nr on rii i'm t treel, ( hv liiii.l, Pti.,
1 Wh('l',' tit' ll':1! i. ..,.'.li.'.l,nnl,.,.l ('.,.', ll...
.r ,i.. i... . '. l . ,
' "i in--, it'iiiiiiv, . r: ais i.-tt" f iifri"ni p
.L i .. ' . , 1
""un i iiMiii .', lie .peets t no alila tl
in thtl I lls.iK ,i, lc rineets II ho kl.U
til. in up in Mi-h ti.::uii"r m :1J unit 'Jin tat
. , n .,-.. .... . ...
' . Wi.lo win itlso ! mpitliei itlia A
"nn ''Hi I" .Irmks. l ite t ub t ti:'' r.; tieetfi 'lv i
vit"d In rivo him call. l.K ULICS 0 2 AF. .
t A" l.M,i4.-lf,
1tM. f Inn,.. m n. i
.iv w. .umia OiiLu.t, WUUU.
T IH TLU.-s Te: taint nlnry m tho et'iitn nf Jax.
J J Allport. late of .Vorris toirsl;.-!, dee'd.. hav-
.i "C". i ..i i is tin i si. ji, lie., it., un. .
.... I...... ... .1 . , ...:1. ii.
s "i-"i. pr.tin.-i iu llie Vlllieri'itir. Ull per., Ills
hni ins any a. counts ninnust lie aid tl. d v. ill
phs,i present their elttims fl'.y i.iilhenl.nited-
nr,d tl,s, who know thom.-lv' i,!i-1 to ,;.
,.(. will mk,. imm. dim, , v..-.:,,,..
MATILDA Ahl.rnKT. EmuXir.
Mmif t ,wti-hip, Nov. 22, 1S.4.-0L
H... . . .
1 riLEAEFlELl) I.iiilUE W 101 ! .n-
in m t
iii .in-,.. "I
1 1 '.hi .1 ti,"
"' 'I t f I'l.
I '"III lit,.
I tit. .
II.,' I'. II, 1 1
I'' ll V 1. 1 l,
... i, I i.-
"i i:.f,
t M".'i
t ,
M. ..
a. :
. I I,'
Ii', I
i.i 1 1. -,r
.1, ni i
' ' , .'1','C I
(I I.
II ('
.''! ,1, ..'til . , ,
, I,, l, i ! .,, .
' ' m I in n i-"t
'"I IM. ',1.1
I "1 U,l,... I it,!.
'iiiiU'K ..up liiiniln
I .1,,
"f A
I ),'.!
f "'lilt, ,
V ',i,r:
ttit tm rr t
.1. 'I I ,
.11,, l",
i; ..
1 1"
I' ' ' '' i ! v I i. . ,"t ii,i., I
lit 'i'l' lit iii.c n,r - -im. hritip ll,,. I
"l i i i'l 'I. I. ;i"'i ., I ,i.t ol I.i.ti lli.lil. r. rM.,,1
;-i,i".' i, u Itr.tU k.,k,.; )
v I
I a 'ii ,,ii "i i .' ii" i iir, , . r
A , -All il,,. i, till.- lii,-r,... in . (I'.imajj
,l':t,iii I,'. I'.ii'. , , ' ', i,, ! to ii r.. it,, jt, tfT.-t f I
Inn I Mlmil.i in .Mm i i tn-rii I,;)., Clrpti,'.', oo'ilitv, 1
'"-.''ii.'"! "ti I' I I" .Vi'.-li.'i!iii"ii ( i ,.!,, t
."'' ' .' iR-i'.s "I M'Mlf I t' i.l rr.s.1,-, un IU f
ii '-I i. ii'l imi, Ii l,y li'iil , oi "li.m, linrj, iiml lie iti,f t
i. .nl. I'm. '.'iii.. i,.; i:'" n mi, !.a lr... J
,.rl.'-', Lei - ;" i.ftH-ii -. siir-j In (!:
"..,,. .1' t Ii i-i - ti.m tl in. 0. !lut, r iin- i
i'l.j re. ."I or :'i i .'i iiii"l. , j. (l l-"n in niticu. t
timi, nn.l in i,. ,.l t'i,: t,r-itorr y of M'ill'.im ti '
:.'.-All !li" ri..'il. til1'., iM-" i i'.-!,l ,.iB:m of
J:e.'"l .".i. l;il.. :i '.' ii li.l , ; (.(.ildill -t (if
laud Kilihitc i'i J. i iiiivii-hifi, L',..':irli"l 1 "onuy,
run ' inii,'; (..! act i , u'ijuimir; ln:.,. of Jni"i
K'urri: mi t;.? ii.' !, V. in. Jnnion mi (he iv.tlh, Jro.
Vill'T on ll iiii'l tin I'ikd on tlifioiih,
ii .i.i ii nti..;i IV mi . iliu'lin,; liou.-ii, n friimi cur
;.'.nui' hlii.;., i" I n r"u!l p'41.1 a'uhlo tlierui-.k
ci,"tcil, with u,,,t i.vo m r,M . ; :,r . ,1. .ei.i il,
tiilii'ii 111 cvt'i'.iii.iii, tm, 1 to ho ,11 an tho J.rontirtj
of l!u!ik'i .',1. Uuvia.
U li.l I AM i'OVELL, SitriJ
''i's OfT. o, Cli'iirricJ, :.v, 1.',, I rsl.-tc.
Trial l.i.,t lor lit ui:ih,.r Ten:, lr.l.
.fiino Jnitil, r,
I ii : ii h (!:ilii.r,
v:. ,s:,.,c,
i". AV. .n, ,T,
.lo'un Hilii'i;!",
Mill. It" I I'illJwill,
l . r v. y
l,.ni,i:i,i ''". I"',
t'. 1'. Kunainl,
Tl.otniM t'ruvi.i,
.i:i'r..'S I 'm k v,
C I'. I:..i.;..i'i,
ilri,rn r. l arliT,
I. 'j.ii'Uil Kri-.i: ik,
,f. i. .M:-.::v,
i''.i.r;.', (lili,
M iel. in, I lnip'.'l'',
.loun X J. SI. J.'..uini J 1
f'Tie"..!' J;io. T.ioii ii. )
P, t'-r riiciicn'on,
.Inliu l-'pymire.
Keily i Itii'kcnion,
II. U. Jlill. r,
ti .7. A. T. lnnt..r,
r li'ir ' .ii.'li.
i l!ii!;oit J,vlh,
n J.y'.l'j .t llonti.
i-rf Sintii n IVi..-.,'",
.M. St.'V. ..,.:.,
. 0. 1'. W:i Icr.
ii V.'"'':.'n 1ii i;f.n,
' John iN'-iiy.,
r Um, rt I', i r.iit.rton,
.lui'KS (J,
t .). Niiuih'iT K I. Ki.'si
u h .yiicr nivl I.arj;",
n il t.rv (iiv",
n 1 iioiau.i loll,
Jii". A .1. y. I.onnrJ,
r St. Quilr, f.. tl.
r :,:,. , . -o.U'.r,
r I'.o. p Tinttm,
II. H. itiller,
i' Kelly A I'ickcnvia,
Juin'.i M. Kcll7,
ft i.:?.
t I-jinc l'ri'fi.
t Juiri' ."I. lixan.
Irwin 4 llvnoia.
mijiui:! .u limn.
m axd an? ciiods.
AM3 n. 0!'.AIIAM.h::viiiL'ro.nTcl thl.Ttr-
cuntilu hui-ino.- al l.i.'oi.l ntuii'l in ll-Khumton,
siin oiuecs to bin ohl cu-toiiKr? and thu puhho jin
erally, that h'j Li.s ju.t rce.'iifl at his .Hand in
'tho nt.ovc i,:.n'..".l I'laee. a larp" nn.l wel! -:.' I
:iH'irtni.j:it of I'VI an 1 Wint-r iiooils coi -i-ti::i; o f
almost I'Vi ry hit, ary Broil, r.nd is miw luliy
ircp:i:'..J Ij ai'Cuamioil'ii.j nit :i') may favor
wilh their iiatiun:,;'.). I0 n .-peel f illy ini.le.i
th'.Ki who n :ty vis'i to purehii.8 to ca'.l nr.d exiia
ine his PLOl'k.
(oalii.niti.ii, yovcin'ucr 23, lfil.-tf.
MssciriiON o? r.,
'II.'K .i.rl.ncr-l.j'o;",rj riii(:ci
.1. t'. M. Ur:,ha:a m: l J. K. Vnlsna,
,u iton
(lis.'olvd rv iiailu: con-riit,
tai'ir interest t j jasi 11. Gno:iii.
c. ;n.vii.V'.-
J. I. VAT:.''..
.7-The" ! ; i,i" !,,..-..a:'!i r hi- c.-rtinued
ly J:i. I'. (Irr.h.-.m, ns fonrifr'y, w' wi!! f.,rer
ail H'Totuit duo, and pnv nil dcoM e":.tniete(l hv
the loruur lirtu. " J. It. UKAIIAM. "
(irahampton, !Cov. 22, 1'.VJ.
Ml llAn! .'.HAT.-, A. II. SUAW.
Sew and Cheap (;.'"1: .
1) iCiTAnn .;iAy i so.v, wouhi -ctp.-'W.y
1 inform the ni'.hlir that they hiufjuct r hell
ai ilieir .Nut ltorc, in Ihe Iliiroti;:h c CI. iiiiiehl,
u Lr,o ;,nl w.u s,.;eet,,,i f.,, of.h.ouf, mils i:H
-! -'.
ware, Tin-war-. ot:erik il L
Ci... b-.t? and .Sho"!.. jtc.
i ."'j "eij r.,inpetiii'.n. nnt mviic j. :. r,
Dj; to purehnse to call nnd cs.iinino their ny'c
1 lealliuld ;:..v. lijl.-tf. '
i.r.r;Ai. xofci:.
r. ,t . n
"iitrott I'tfiu !). fV ,r ',!! Can-.'-:
,rn tit
matti-r nf thr inoorpnrnlinn f ikr Ml
u jr'irnl y.tA,'m '.'ittrej.
J U 1 .CI-, it herehy pven that an apj-'.i'-athin has
l''-.'n nmile to -.nj c m-t. I-r '.!:! Conjnvi-
t'oii of t-iii -.Mt. 'av;r..'t ilvnn-i-H.-:,! l.iuh. rn
'M. I'Ciaui.r.-o.-.V"..'". .
Eslsleof Bulirrt Lconnnl, Iifrf-.ii.
OTH'n h herel.y ;-ir'n iht't tef.ers of adln'r).
"I hniirenee li,. .h e'd., i,.:ie in d. e form J ;.,
' ''"''" (.'i-.iiited t,. the Ai' inrsons in-
''"''ted will nitiki- iuinedia! piiymeiit. nrd tin-"'
hnviii"; 'claims wi'l present tbcra pr.'per!y authpn-
r ,r
Lsliitc of Sj
cn Kline , Pcrcnsfd.
jii,a.o:i :.;::'i . e'.iinaiu- i
T. slam. nt.nry on the e:a: of rMo-
J moil lilin,
iine. hue of 1 t, 'rei.- !,.wnl'!n. dee'd..
t .tivmi; been ii.-ned to tl:" fil,r-r:'"T, . '.; , ip
harinfr nny . ceoiinte itj.ain."t llie said deernfed will
Jiiia.',' piesi'iit iheir tlunns liidy n'.i,li"n;i.'i'i(u
and th. iso nho '.: .w Ihemreiver irrU'h; J to Mid
estato Will ni'ho inin:e.,';:,'i ,-,:!"
JO 111. ... Ifl'TLE, Kxieutir.
CJ-srCrld Kovemhcr, iti, l-i... .:'.
O'TN M'i .inn-'f'N', nt ? i.tnces thnt ho rill
ntiniie.. Ilu no,, re t.' ,.t liit, oh', itnrnl
t the tou'Ji md i" l.'ii nrfieiti, Li'd kee' ft"i.nnb-
or. ,iii ml a T'"'d n 'ort . ni of J.eri"ifrol iilt!.
5c"iplni:i.', 1.. Midi.:'.' n folendiil lot of S J j Leu. j.
tr. lih h he v, ill e!l cheap l'i,; cish, or rxi'Lftne
loi ininoer ci"i u'.ueti.
I katlieM, ..,tcin: T 2V, ISei.-lf.
IflTCl 01 IdVfrtl.Mng.
A v..Ti.-'...r.NT. r,tt J in V Tto-
J. 1. pnoiicnn. t ,
1 "r I--
J'"!- l!.
"1IJ,M HiMsrtiOtts and t veiily-five,-, s tt fvr wn
"'.""'"inn inMrifin. i ofrtcen line?-
- - .'i.i i, , ii iiiii . .nuai'
(l nilmrticnmnxl ln,n...l l'..l. . , T. . . '.
- " "i i'i ."ll .. . Ol 11 Ill r. b U aiC.lil'.
A Mhcral rcdurt.on ulado to Ihojo Who &fvrli.
ny too ye.'tr.
rpIIKHi: wilt he ii Tr-eiiri; rf Ihu tn.-ml.-r!. rf
i Ihe "Cloarlif.a .'..jury, tt tb? oltro nf T. ,t.
' H . 1 ". I, .. ... r, . '
, N"niy jtclu. :, !!,,. p. .,u
ii .'- M I 'J . ''''' ""."".
.tiD of Public rihra.lC.l'L .L
i . ,i, K-J-WaLLACF,. -try, '
.. ; -u. .tiojrui lor i.prui uii'.sage, wuiea j Vii'nunia, jun IV13M.