r THE RSPUDUCAN. 'cuiMirir.t.i), di: it, 0, Our only apology for .--suing n half Ium I at ll.n luii", is, that it it somewhat -s;er dono iIihii that pf is-uiti" n while one, and we are thereby enabled to lay be fore our readers, nt nn curly day, the see end nnnu.il message- of President Pierce. We Imve neither time nor room for com. tiicnt. Rend it and judge lor yourselves. Our reader will cerininly not find fault w ith tho size of our sheet, knowing ns they must tlmt tin's iAthe second paper issued from this office' present week. j - 4 ,-, um Mmm fBESlDEXT'S S1ESSACL. Fellow-citizens of tie Senate and House of Representatives : The past lias been an eventful year, and will bo hereafter re. furred to its a marked epoch in the. history 'nandnnU en rvny rnntim .jt, Mid uw n the patriotism of p"-vi, it i mini iiie roiir i i.j ,, Hie iMftnds liilrdv 01 every ocean as tlieir n ;v.i; , v do .main, would look With nnlif mlh . nti ' menu 1 1 1 1 1 th" acquiMiii.ns ff i h i vi o.Miii Irv, in every instance h,'iioni!y nlitamcd d in impu it it o,' ti;. Ol' Would feed til' IIIKi Iw, jiist'C; ling our advancement In n i gr sion or l n passion t s.li!ic.i pre. d iioininiiiicc. Our loreign commerce has magnitude iiml eMent m-urlv ol the Iirst maritime power ol'Iili" vole, I to i'i;Mu nt til" to tiiiiK" them I' l:ev wlln It ei to till' army nil v a dls ll,, l, it c.li 'Ui ., not onl. inilitnij prof.-;,.!), Mild llin li i y, so ns (equate to th" i nn r. Ill lll'O a. l!nl. '',,. V..e,'!x Vie. ' al i--l. Sin "k. 1 .,!, I co'dli v, I'll" 3. find llnnl I'.nliin nt th lotm ,,(' ,r vp ll". Iron) ci-s:nii ol' ( 'iilil,-uni. '' ,, ill- l''llt IM S (I'll I III, 1)4 l,i,-ll Hi, !,(-, HI, nil v .,,., i-nlS tin V" sue. ceniiiiL' i ill.-r iii'i- in ;,.n, in in: in., ii iiV', tlit'ie li is lh" 1-i liiiiiK- ui-ii. ii. ii , i ... i ,..i nu o.,. in,!, tin nr nun i v. tin. v i n.. ,.i.n nv, MioiiM .. r-r What, icr it mijdit . lh" ( oiumiiiiily in rin iiiik-Ii-'-I, ns n i i!, T" i.l.-l v ill) i r,! Hie unarmed I iciclii-d n i yr.il I, iili.it cnilli, . ,i iiiiu i.M'ieiiui inni ol unv oi r. this reat interest, in w hich ml only our ti, iiiercimi)!s, but all m:il ships of war. .Should tlio leailiii" mptoiily hn-"tti, i:i "'lrr repirt!, I V ur-,ll!;,;Kl,-, - . .-,....,,., mi !. Ill '0,.th,!rt pro,,,,,,! ,, surrender .1,, rili. ... employ !,,, ,, ,,?! , , ,,.,., j v' the lie t'v . , u , i ts -, ', ''r ""' .VMh ' f "nT. piuiii. -rs m prof, ss, -, v oui.ded iiimui ih" ami i -r- .,. i .-ni.'.iV,,,,- i' "...I, r . ' . ' , 1 ' ; ''""'"i.iii, mi l miU!,t ,.,,v , on . .,.. nim-eoinli-m-nis, ,l,,, ,,, , S, ,1, ,oven, t ,l the ' he iumor, .,, , - ' " ""L.V"'. no. .uiieeMu,,,,, ,,om, lieriivaesof war; I nit, d .s',,, Tl.e.o iS ,va,o ,eiovo ' .!!.,,, ,et of l.ieh U m ,n IrM o h . ' Ion , ,- . h"' hl"":P "l"':'"1 r r." ,bu ';" l.'Uo,,rMi,.i-.,erw,ll nn,l,l,)f.res-e,Ugov.',:,io. Or inini?.. . X ?n w !! T,T,'",,'I !l "!. wny n. carry. nj: out M.al principle, whi. h eminent ,. fivmt,!v in,lu ,-,l .hn..il I . ...r. ' " 1 ' ? .: 'n Let no rec. dmli-nre on, or e.p.aily renu.res tli.it such nrival., pro.i-r- nreiv.lin, ... , I., ; .... .1.. I i ' ' i ' ... ' ' V. ' " s n. ee .,. y l which the Over iv should not hu sclml nmli-st,.,! t.v n-.. i.. ..' ..1. , '. . . . I ; ' ' "MJ"" " or "''ir "J"",-I em.r-ns mi" . . "" I .(. lllff , ... . IT Ml III l.'r II. I, I - Ml III I Mill! . i M I., p. rni wu. . I. .1. , I I . i I , , , . i . a P ' -" "I ""UM COUIU I" ft i. 'i ii -.iui iii" iiai iiiiu v. n i iri.si-rvin.t niiiii. um r. s. it apply ibr Id If I HI. classes 01 ciiizciis at mmiTii ni -nmiii. rnniMii.;,. i,r ; i . . 1 o, uie, m any way. or tie oiitrn v- n, it. least mihreclly, are concern, (, it is the a rule of in'ernatioiK.I law to c -miiM, ' , , ' .'-"""''Tn , mcHlcntnl lo tlicso qcst.on, Idem ted. Nt Mr.ndii.tr bc-fure the world in tin. duty of th, executive nnd Illative vale prop iv 1- , C ' , V-' " P'-d:n?w.t . Denmark, t proper lo nol.co .. occrrenco w hich nt.itude of rni,, , , oliticl , , , branches of ,overnmcn, locu.rcisc n,urc U Lbii ni.;.;' I'er.Hsl'rs " lUs TT. Antral America, near tho;.,!,,, netther cJ lo e jcaieui, supervision, and adopt property privaie.rs, tl; ri, ,.8 SV1 rcnJi. ,iroU, h ,,, 6UI , u 7 . 1.i , ''"i- Z0, tll,t "nr '"W "Idiputions of 1 measure, tor Us protection. Xl, policy y ,,;e: ,,e, upon that broad ground. lo 1, ciem,. on t , t Tl r V " '"'' l'3' 1 it in fact, a nmaud,,,, which 1 hai-n i.-ii n .;, in r i... ....... ' ..-. ., ,-' ..." . can ci.uui t.cm,ition tliirelrom, nsa tablislmiL' iiHer-ocnninc comiiiiininiimii rEu, . ,i , . ,- "i""5 """"ulil nince mo nii,iuriiinent o t Uoin'rcss. t he mailer nf rinlu It ..,t,:.i i . n . i i ' iihi;:ioiis m no eisre. interest, embraces ils future well a8 it, 1 rai.Cca.ions of the trcatv l,..r ,1 ' ' ... ... ?L"f, 1 U,ln""C.'1 " "" ""'. ,h.u ls,hm,,H-" P0.,nI'nny " nd looeuilty , pnss unpunished. p.tscni;CUr.,y. I IS. and Oreat Hrilian, relative to coast by tbo -u .i ... .. i nui " t iii h1 i ii nno k: ti i ti - n iKf ... i i. j . i ... ot the world. Wn.! we have been lm p..i. 7 ' , " "'.'.'"- ir.es, an.. 10 ricil"''1'"1 Iv preserved from .he cab.n.i.io. ,.r J' feiual' ttl,cn lhti t-nucipul piwersol hu-1 liritish North American i . , u id u u br Hi u -.r Ji,i rinh.., l i i our domestic prosperity has not been en-1 . . B exci.i.ni'eu, nnu some ol us .mlieipa- tirely uninterrupted. Tim crops in nor.1'11'1"!, m""";S . ".ru l'lula'"''cr,'', This led advantages are nlreaily enjoyed hv us, lions of tbo country, have ben1. Sa Z, 'Lf '"..Pof .h',ho,.gh U, full e.veculi.m L , abide . .v iv i . .. .. J "r oi inni- -eiiui-ncc. to l ie ofiiiiilu.ii ion is siinctKi.H'ij. not i.i'd. inn er nut horiiv o i ii smtn r,r ....,1 ;. i i.. . .-i . . . . , . . , . ; v - - : t.i.u ,vi iiii.ii iiiii u oi ue ii" .reareii in anr 10 "ener.ll priliciu t'SOl l ie aw of mi. nrn.n.n l.nl pr.n,n...,l ,!. ! . .i....' . . n ,n. trade will. th ,i ns. hut n'v .v .-'Z L . . . . " .r '.V. 1 ' """" ,n;,n 119 ? Pt'cl resort of r,mvi,.nC ,... ..! , f 1 , ""-.i"' .mi...iisui uuueu n.aieH, ior me par-' outlaws, c,ra enrrp i r i - "imo in, lh oi in" eoiiiuieiciui naiions nave I entered into wiih Jtenmaik. The TjiIi ar- c.i. disease nas prevailed to a greater extent than usual, nnd the saerificc'of hu. man life, through casualties by sea nnd i.. I .. :. t i.i ' . luiiu, is wiiuoui a pnrauui. i;ut tlie pest. Ill Ccrtllill nr-,4 ill llMikl.-i lirni iir, w,f l'.,l the celebrated confederacy of rmed nun. i p,. rl'ormed. So soon ns it n.nf,., rr) ofsrlVniTl.d ilr.nrnl...:.... pose of opening such n transit way, by tlm! on emigrant trains or caravans and the river San Juan and Lake Mien m mm u l,iri, ; f,.i;. -,.i,i., . ,.r ...... i-i.,..,. ..i. . I . .:: o ' n.un.-iiiriiis ui civnizeu otn es. n- ' I ,7 1 u W';"1UU,,n,;irli ! s,lon 1!, c,',,1 " much used ; Sensonnble notice was given to ihi pro. pr,n idi, s, that hern sl,u , be pa,, on I route in the transportaiion of our citizens pie ofGreyiown that this government re. tlio vess,-s ,i the Lnil.-d biales and their i and their propeny between the Allaulic , quired them lo repair th injuries thev had ..ali.y, a primary object ofwincl, was. to! Sreat IJr.l .in n,,o,,,-,l o ,, , I U C Z J . "T.T " ' n"t,. ,,w l ' 1 d'"'c to our citizens, and to make suitable X?"J d-,r!':V- IVeo tlur mltreenaviganonW.heriverSt.Lawrene.emHio.: ! S'Z Irani ZiT'riZr 3"?.?.! j Till lence has .wrnt h n.l ,.i..m.i 1 r-' ah pi in .lie cso c. articles and toour tishermeu nnmolesled access to This ,.-,v U r.l.,l ...... " 7 . . , V". . " u B'"l' ";,r wnulu de-ipatcli. invites ,h.,,l ';r,; : ! i1'- f -ar: a doctrine wlnchiheslmresund bars, from Inch thev had n-reen,,.,,, o . r", ,"7. 2. ! TJ ' ..r " . IT"0' 1140 r" cU 10 plinnce with ,h,,e rcturnofh..; .,; , previously excluded, on Ihooor ttecinu Dut the notice passed uuheed ... . . . ..,.... mi,;, ,,,,,,,, ,.,,, ,.1.,,, ' ,L f I...V , . . , . I . IP Win . im r.. ... I I ... I. I... ..i- " " " i , iii.-i ivii.il .-i I " , uuu, ""--'Ihe statesmen of the counirv. t one hubbandmun less bountilu v than n ore. ' : . i ... ... '. . ced.nn seasoi.s. it has lfr him u-lil. .J 'uu, "l ""o;,;cr' VVCTi' "nnme power dance for domestic wants, and a large sur plus for exportation. In the present, there. lore, as in the past, we find ample grounds ceiii ..... , prev.ous.y excluded, on the coasts ol the continuance of the treaty, and, conse. jan, in open defiance of the iS.a.e or Slates a of, heriNor h American provinces ; ... return ,pie,i.y may embarrass ,,0 assertion of of Central America,' which, upon their be s .for w bie , she asked lor the introduction our nght , be releas,,) .herefrom. There coming independent, bad n 'htlullv sue .wer irceol duly, .n o the ports ol .he In.tcd are also other provisions in the treaty w hich ceded to the !c "lUoverc'g Jy ud I iu is , re. ; Stales, o the f.sh enncht on the same coast ought to be modified. It was to , email. I diction of Simin. J lave, by british fishermen. in lriv. imvi-nr. ,.n,l ;i ..t i -n ,' . ... . lor reverent thankfulness lo the Cod of Grace and Providence, for His protecting care and merciful dealings will, us as a people. Although our attention has been arrest d by painful interest in passing events, yet our country feels no more than the slight vibrations of the convulsions, w hich have shaken Europe. As individuals, we cannot repress sympathy wiih human Fuf- lermg, nor regret for produce it. As a nation, 111 lore,! ten Vears. nnd mill .,,. .,... f. This being the compensation, stipulated ter either party should give iiuticu "to the in me uc.iiy, 101 privileges oi mo titgliest other ol intention to terminal" it I ,1 u.,, ... open ueiianco oi me Mute or Mates cd. i hereupon n commander ofil.P nnvv in charge of the s,.op.of.war "Cyune"," was ordered out to repeat the demands, Mid to insist upon a compliance therewith. linUIIl" I hilt linillinr I in ll'l , ' " i ncse a it venturers undertook to change; those assumiii" to have or another, every maritime i . uas uy some solemn treaty stipulation cognized that principle ; and it might ha been hoped that it would cmnn to be uni versally received and refpectrd as a rule of inteinationiil law. But the refusal of uu'j power prtvemeu mis, anc in tlie next i which were thus voluntary yielded before sl.l,l l. ,.lv i,.,i. i, ; " . . J i-oueuci, no warm ureal war which ensued, that of the .' it b.,,n,(! , dlLcti ve. .be .... i ,,. .. . .i. r -.m u. u- ..,i.,io, s sovereign oi tl.e M,c,,..to I..cl...by a public proclamation, that if they did populace, por li 1 1 1 il-.ri I it Avi, a tho name o! the place from San Juan del ll.em, manifested any disposition to make Norte to Grey town, and, tliouh at first; the required reparation, or even to nf!or importance and value to the United Suites it expedient that l,n . I .' , u 11 t.u,J""' u lu- al "rs,,le "quired reparation, or even to offer wh'ich were thus voluntary v ded ll ,X " ' T " ! 'i T i J!!! 7 m ' ."?' n'h? of. ' ? i f" --ned them, i rencn revoiuiion U iailcd lobv. respected j me to hu a rcusoniible (mo; but it could limnnrr t i in linnrnnt VJi,,,,, l,1., ' . 1 I I . . i . . utary one ; somuchso, thalthecoinmei.ee merit oi the existing war in llurnpe,! for ascertaining the duties paid or" secured whom it wa, entrusted reret lor the causes whch.. ..... .. i . "! . . t'" V" ' '" ,WS eeruin oi me s a nati.m u- re rnmin,!. '. 1 " . " PrCM 'nl ,,0,,," '"'" rrovmces, and brought to our country, has thev rin..diii.nd thn nnlrnl r nnti tii,! niv mti,l'o, ii.,n .: r Tl, , I i .11, i 1 ' ""J ' h "-'i"" "ai.iii u iiiiii; s mcm. I lie naval expedition, despatched about , power wh:.lecr, assumed lo adopt a dis- ied, ho would bombard the town Ij.V tliis procedure lie afforded them op. porlunity to provide for personal safety p. .i . i ... .. . . i . ... ' io uiosu uiso w no ciesireu to avoid loss of c ,i, ... o. . .- i , , .. i " " '"; "..io..i. iiuh.-ih.-iiiii.iii mivure nin niaie. Iin. In the meantime, he has hrrn n .u-m.. i,;if,,n, i r .. Trr.M.ri 1 )..n nmn... ic.... V V""7 ""uui"'u ! ' ". ul . "me, a .aim ..ope was enter. . .. -w . ....... u s., ii bucces-siu. icrminatiori by the oncer to : tamed that t .v mahi hopm - ' nrnnr-v i .!., ... . , I 1 u'..w..iu a o ..iuii. , " 1 "T in iiiv .ulllt.nT. iH II DOUl 10 03 W" i .1 . . .i.vj.t. i. a jt.-Lii"ii y.i'ii n r-nin nnu mnr :i"q i.v i,-i kii u,, r,,,,. nit,,iif. k ui, mat wnnlever interrupts the peace, or! r:r. i,,,,' . . , :.- -.i . . u,. check, the prosperity of any part ofCli is-1 ' ' n ",e,CC"c."s,,r'" ,ur,ho t''"". Z'" haJ made fully access,. tendom,,emls,L,orl, 'ssoi,, T '"ver, ef, Lh. to the ci. of the United Slates, own. Tho condition of tl.J states i, not Jf? T TT "T Kltm? n ! reco.nmenJ to your fovorable consiJ. unlike that of individual. They are ,u.i r h "U ri!,s.llP"ed to me , eration a propos,on, which will be suh luaily dependent on each other An.ica. i ' n"0rd;D T" Tl' m"'cd ?'0"' ,0,r ,ftu: ,or"y ,0 M' li!n relmlnre hni-.... ; ,.r "V I'"" l" iimni oi.nes, a uuues uuu cancel Ills nonus tlius received .......... ...v..,.,.,,. v., rc,tu,ncd ,,i;;ir ,0 m!i,.(; lh( good will, are essential for tho promotion 1 ,,.,;, . n r .:.t. ,r .. ofwhrtever is desirable in their m.ira!. so. . . " ' ' '" ' '"""r1 ",W''W,CK am.cipmea me lull opera ord mains requisite comm.'rcia A treaty, open- and a respectable community, that hone-llicted on the olfi ndinir .own. Ii f.ii.nilip ports of that populous . soon vanished. Thev proceeded In nsseri . the Ivcn nriniiaird : and in I unfounded ctuiins to civil rurififlininn nvpr: llie hnp.ti nflu fltt'n dim uwA rf m i.,m er to give full elilci thercto.it only re-jTunlo Arenas, a position on the opposite jer which he procured and tendered to them ins to exc.iange ratifications, and adopt j side of the river Snn Jnun, w hich was in ' Tor that purpose. At pn-th, perceiving no disposition on the part of the town to cnn.plylwith his requisitions, he appealed country, hilt liuir.i r,,,, j i.n!ii, It e... doctrine in The provinces of Canada and New Brims. 1 wroim nnd Ii,;,,,; ,,w.r . . . , . ....... " I 1 UU I LIU.' IIS I iiiifu'ii.n n i r ....... . ( 1 1 : t ..- I . i f . . . . " i U ijj.i-ui lu.riuiuiiiuai i.i wf wick, luivt; mi anucipiiu'a mo lull opera m by mt'.ins oi special t-rnreniions Lrtwrrn ' linn ol'llie trca'v. hv I.rnis rP.fl. '1 f l.I. j. I 1 .'.I I i' uu.ir'ii.i, IJIJ.?i'J.MIU1. UflGPT n Tir'n U ).n tr infrinrin The treaty la'oly concluded between tlie J dent of them, of citizens of the Unite, Lnucu states and .Mexico settled some of; States, interested in the Nienramm Tmniito the commander .d'hpr n.;,on,,; f..;.. our most embarrassing dillicullies with that ! Comm. n v. nrI u l,irl, ;.T... ...... i. .. spIii.,. iPr.,-.,u i. ' ' necessary to 4I19 prosperous operation of to have intercourse, and apparently much that route across llin Istlimnc ' influence with 1 In. I.milora mr.r,r. . I' ll " .'V. VVI.I- ; UIMUll IIIUIII, " atneri unaujusted, nnd many new cas"slpany resisted tlieir groundless claims ; ,tn interpose, nnd pursuade them to taka I. j I . . Ill I 1 R "iv.. viiii.ri.i - j - - r i " pM.uuuui II.VI.J . in irj uiivcnrringe. have l.-eii recently added to the lonncr j whereupon they proceeded to destroy some some course calculated to save the neces. II. Irwnrili.lv l.c r....ip,......n.. n ... .. 1 1 r 1 . . . . ' . I to admit, rce o dill v. hst orripvniifrw n,.i. l... ;... 1 ' . r :. . 1 -1 1 . ... . . . J . I.-... r... . Accordingly, a proi.ion.cmhrncinV -he products of the United Stales. ,o earn . ' " I a ' . W Vl0,t-,u,i' 10 '.T'"? ' " CXtrem r"Gnsuro l ,.V ' . , . . 1 lue several powers of JJurepe ;.nd Ameri-; mi nts, respectively lias beet, my earnest endeavor to maintain I ., ' . :., ' ' . peace and friendly intercourse with u!l!no "n J , r : T h , f r 1 m' 4 ' 1 ' , cna"'s' n.en-earnest in the endeavors to obtain, from ! dispossess it. ' indicated in his proclamation ; but that of. .-lior.,. !?eeeS- etc r , ec lust of ,he tren.y ; and tho Mexican government, a favorable con-1 At a later period they orWd a stron.W instead of ccedin-Mo the req ,e did The wise theory of this government, so d,-' - a r'8'. ' ' 77'T J ",1("rdi, : ration of thee churns, but hitherto! force for the purpose of doU'nHSlnoll, ng more limn to p'rotct .-JS' .1 early adopted r!d sieadify pursued, 'i t ( t t I I'no" 'i nr M '.''J - e -''''-.t success. This failure is, probably, j establishment at Punto Arena,,, but this contemplated bombardLnt. No step, of avoiding all en.anglim: alliances, has hill,. rJ ' n " ' , charof'aUt- on ,he. P. ,c of ""'sc P'?'-, r:, .0 be a.cribcd to the dis- misclnevous design was defeated by the ny 8o,t were taken by the people, toH vo ertoexemp,ed,:lVo,,;ni,,1vcompl:ca:io,,s,.j:m It has ( interposition of one of our ships of wr.a, e satisfaction rcquireu. I L iduU, ' ...-...,..u, nnu in,.- liiuru oi-ru my rnx ins 1 esire m imoiMiii rionH. 1 .-it i,ma 1. .,--1. ... r c. . 1 mu. f,nra .., . i 1 .1 1. ..-.j iiiviu it 11,1 t;i;iirui;il llicm. in which it wm.ld otherwise have become the govcnnric-nt to thosy of L'.urope and States States; proposition for refunding which. y relations with the Mexican Bepublic, Subsemicntly to this, in May b will in my judgment be in like manner ! and to caue its righH and territories to ! of men Iro.n Greytown cross ast, a body selves as not responsible for the miscon. involved. Notwithstanding this, our clear- ly defined and well sustained course of nc ' n ... ., ., ! ';, ! ' J ., , l".l"1Mr M,lluc""s" Us right and territories to ! of men from Greytown crossed over t,r duct of the community, adopted any means : . .. . .. nu-Ma ac cit nromntiv 111 in s matter, .entitled t, v.ur :ivnriihln .niwul.....ii... v. . ...1 .. ...... 1 . . 1 ... .. . . J . ' . i lion, and our geographic., position co re-1 .,..,.,,'. '. , , , , , J , ut j,,,, u, 1K)l C)lliv ()V 0VT c,IIZ,,ns out j-unto Arenas, arrogating authority to ar-1 to narate themselves iron, tho fato of tha 0 " 1 and a coinen'mn was c, . eluded between : I ipip i i itWpnr,. nf nnm,,,n l.,,.r. 1 .. . .. , . 1 ........ . . . ' . ... ' vl mote rnm - ,iror.p. inerpnsnir dis-nosii ,inl., . , . . . '. .' . 1 luinuueia wm . ' ' . . 1 . inai country and i.ic Luted fcitntes. nro- t ie nurd States nni ( rent ltn',.;.. ,. o have resorted to the rest, on tho cbame of mnnler. n pnntnin ! euiltv. I : flili'll Stllloa Inr iL n.i.nnn, ..I" .....I ..C . C . I. . .. . Ll . c . 1- T .' . 1 . I I I .. L L.I 1 . r, . .i, i - . r.i - i I. . i- ,. ... . I ' ' 'm 11 v,o "" 11 ,,,KS oieauiiio.is o. uie irans io. 1 nuvtiui i-imr:Ts, wmcn me ncmanua viding for the ol-r ana- ot the prme.ples - the boundary line ol the territory ol ash-. zing hostile expedition, a-ainst some of i Bern weil aware that the c.Ia,,, ... exercise for redress were founded. hadfW.n m.hlip. inglon, acjoimng the I.rit.sh possesions the States of that republic. j jurisdiction there would ha resisted then. Iv known lo all for somo timo.and u-va ti i p . " . . . . ' ; " . . uto conform our conduct lo their views.! v,,,e orano.nerot me powers ol Europe Vyscw to the proposed tiipuh.iinn, bus part of her Brittanic Majesty, for vri ll.i.v IHin UllOI..IUnV.I V s U 'I , on the Pacific: the part of the citizens and frontiers have been loft, has in lliese en i Our minisler to Central America hannpned no exoluiiatiun. nothinir i.i extenuation nf provision bn madu lor ; terprises, and creatlv bcreased the dilll-' to be tircsnnt on ihnt neension I'.elipinrm their cnndiic.t : hut con.nmDciniistir rnfn.- a commission, to be joined by one 011 the 'cult V of enforcing our cbliiuitions of nu.!thnt llin r.intain of il. lMmlm.-.l ur, in. ed to hold nnv intPrennr u-l-h 1 1, a pnm. force nrbiirary regulations, contrary in many respects (o established principles of international Jaw. That law, the United has been manifested, by somo ol its gov. v llj'lll ijin. IU aU!J I l HI 111 IT I 111 111 ll'H. I . 1 , . i ' : . .. , annoiinceij, no. only as uctween lliem . , ..... w ....... , . -" l 1' 4 l fl.A nc ann rm.,, . . , ... I, - ... I : I. 1 . I .... 1 I i rr.i . . " ... .... " ... ; - plans for ndjustins the balance of power! ,),., '; T- , , , , ' . "as uirenuy ieu lo 1 lie deiencelcss condition in which its as it had been on previous occasions, they again announced to them. They did not amona themselves, thev hav. nsM.mcl to i . . .,uo ue u,: ui.ies on n.e pan oi me citizens and Iront.ers have ben loft, has stimulated ' went prepared to assert it bv force of arms. I deny any of these charts: they ottered :,ke ... into ,T,imil nnd lpI,1 ni.n.l,:,',, ! . 1 V :""'... . . :..; .aw .CSS adventurers toemhaik ' ... , nave as vel luken linal nctiun on the sul). ! I rccomm ;nd Lint nrovis:nn I, j"Ct. I am not aware, hoiveer, that uny e Iiur- tri.lilv. Keeanlin'r it na mv solemn d,itv been made; but on tho contrary, tln-y are pose of running and establishing the line ' to fulfill, efficiently, these obligations, not tn.hu'jit;iii;uu ui uu iDin.u:i(ii iu uiv srcu III COul rcVt'rS V rity of neutral commerce; and ItV; only ' xw thijJ and fourth articles of the treaty ' nations, I have exerted nil tiic power with Slnle Kme in t'mtr Tromn inrr-nr-.. i.il'-." , .' .' r ........ , um u i.,i,. u a uuu vjreui , men 1 am 111 VCSteil 10 dClea t SUCH crillll. . uav, 111 locir ioiiipu iiuriiuui.i, ,,on s ln ,, possibi itv. that it may be 1 Uri'ain in 18-40. rmnrd , i I t t D r j f ,iu,,.u,i.,i;., nil,. UIIU IL J'Ull lailll Iran encumbered by madmisiiblo conditions. ( rikts of the Hudson's Hay Company nnd , those w ho, by tuking a part therein, vio The King of llie Two Sicilies has ex- property of the I'oget .Sound Agricultural lated our laws. The energy and activity pressed to our Minister nt Naples his Company, have given rise to serious dis. ; of our civil nnd military authorities have readiness to concur incur proposition rel-iputes, nnd it is important to all concerned i frustrated the designs of" thosi; who medi. ative to neutral rights, ind to enter into a .that summary means of settling them am-' lated expeditions of ihij character, except convention on that subect icablv should be devised. 1 have reason ! in two instances. One of these, composed 'i'L L-- . r iv. " . i ,- . . . . . . . ' I i uu rvuig in i russia enure.y approves 10 ueueve, an arrangement can Le made ol foreigners, w ho at first countenanced nocent, lor he witnessed the transaction manuer ol the "Uynno. Liy their nbsti. on which thecharo'R was founded, and lie. 'nato silence thev seemed rather desimu i-i.ii.iiu b.ipuiuuons oi only towards fllexico, but other foreign i hcving, also, that the intruding party, hav. i to provoke chastisement than to escape it. uniformly respected and observed, and they cannot recocnize any such intrrpo- Intions therein, as the temporary interests! of others may suggest. They do not ad. : mit, that the sovereigns of ono continent,) or a particular community of states, can! legislate for all others. I .Leaving the trans-atlantic nations to ndiiwi tlvoir n I t , m ,) ' J " - ... j...,. ...... .v.. . ,.riu, kiiiiilui ui j ui hi iikil-o uy i no iJiexican govcrnmem anjusi meir poi iicjii vtm, in uie wa suomiltt.d ,0 jirn but pronoscs an addi-he rights in question, embracing oNo, the itself, it bavin;; been deceived s lo their they may think best for their common ,,, ricle prov;lIlli; for tl)0 ron..ncia- ( ri-ht of the Hudson's liny Company to! real object. The other small in number, weiiare, tlie independent powers ol ', ,j0n of privateering. Such an article, for the navigailon of the riverColumbia ; and eluded the vigilance of the magistrates at continent may well assert llie riil.t lo be , most ouvjous reflsons,is much desired by ; 1, therefore, suggest to your consideration Han Francico, and succeeded in reachin" "."I' "u"' n.v'S "-'t.c.iiut..i ,H,tions having naval istablislimcnts, lare the expediency of .making a contingent the Mexican territoiies ; but the effective iiiv.il 'an, o.vij tu i iv uuaiiu. in-v iiuiii measures ial;en bv tliis jrovcrnmont com- m rrnndP!in t. inrftt rfimm.'rrp. II i , nisnrnnn.itinn htr Ihnf nnrnncr. .n.imaic po.ii.cai connexion w an o.stnni were adopted as an i.tcrnational rule, the; France was the early and efficient ally felled iheabandonmentofthe undertaking. loreirrn nt um nnr nn. pnnflic. u-i". n fiv. . i r .t i -. i . . .. . ... ..... n . i commerce oi a natioiinuving comparauve- oi uie l niieu otates in tlieir struggle lor I lie coinnrssion lo establi-h the new mg Ihe widest range to our foreign com. : ,y a sn)!l, nuva, f4rce, would bo very ' independence. From that time to th ; ' line between the United Stales mid Mcxi merce. 1 his distinction, so clearly marked nuch nt )a mcfcv ,f ils c.ncmVi jn casi! I (;M?nt wj,h OC(.asionril sj lt inlerrilp. ! nm)rJil, , ,i,n provisions of the trea. in history, seems lo have been overlooked, f m),.f.ror A,,,(u.x ,1!lv,, RU.;,;nMs. rordial relations of . . -''-' W' II k'llli'J'tllt.'i l'l.l'-I.IIA I IMTtllH5LHl.il or disregarded by so.ne eauing lore.gn . j,(,rioriiy. The ban statement oflhe con- lexisted between the governments and peo. organized, and tho work is already com states. Our refusal to be brought w.ihm,:diliot)it) w,;ch ,,e United btate would , pie of (he two countries. Tho kindly sen-! n.enced , and subjected lo, ihe.r peculiar fyslem,lb(. pnccdf uf:cr ,inl.inj, surrrm!t.rc-d the liments, cherished nhke by both nations,! Our treaties with the Arrentino Con has, 1 fear, created a jealous distrust of our: rig,,t i rt,sort t0 privateers, in the event have led to extensive social nnd commer- federation, and with the Kcpublcs of Ur conduct, and induced on their part, occi-1 , W(ir wiib a MUjl.Ktlt f M.,val suprc-fcial intercourse, which, I trust will not be ugav nnd Paraguay, secures to us the free nonnl acts of disturbing cflcct upon our ma(.ViWil S,J0W ,hii j,nvcrnment could .interrupted or checked by any casual 1 navigation of the river J.a Flat:., and some foreign relations. never listen to such a proposition. The ; event of an apparently unsatisfactory char. ! of ils largest tributaries ; but tho same Ojr present attitude and pas course nnvy 0rtl)e r,rt ,M,iiimo powPr jn U.i.'acter. The Frend. consul nt San Fr.ui. ' success lias not attended our endeavors to give assurances, which should not bo qucs. i ropQ j, n P!1st lf!nlirnas ns ui .hatcisco was, not Ion-since, brought iuto the j open the .r.azon. The reasons in fivor tioned, that our purposes are not aggress-of hc Ulli:c(3 Sl.itPS- -ylm n.ii:n C0I11. , j;ni0j jstat.-s district court at that place, of the free use of that river, 1 had occa jve, nor threatening to llie salely and wel-. nu,rca of K ,. pnuntrjps i ricnrly equal, by compulsory process, as a witness in I sinn lo present fully, in a former message; fare of other rations. Our military fs- nnsJ ubaut r quul ly t xposcii to hotil d.-pre-! favor of nnotl.cr foreign consul, in viola-! nnd, considering ' the cordial relations tablishmcnt in time of peace, is adapted ' dalions. Ition, as the French government conceives,' which hive Ion;; existed between this gov- maintain exterior defences, and to preserve! J ar between tint power and the U. of bis privileges under our consulor con-; eminent and ifr.v.il, it may be expected order among fho alwriginal tribes w ithin Slates without roorl on our part to our veniion with France. There being nothing that pending negotiations will, eventually, the limits of the Union. Our naval force nicrcnntilc marine, ihe means of our cjie- in tho transaction which could imply any reach a favorabie result, is intended only for tho protection ol our my ,., inflict injury upon our commerce disrespect to France or its consul, such: Convenient means of transit, between citizens abroad, and of our commerce f- j would be icnfold greater than ours to re-'explanation has been mode, as I hope will the several pans of a country, are not on fused, ns it is, overall tho seas of ihe ,ujalc We co.Jd not extricate our coun-j be satisfactory. : y desirable for the obj-cts of commercial1 globe. The government of the U. States, ,rv from tm's UI1Hjual condition, w ith such J Subsequently, misunderstanding arose and personal communication, but essential ben essentially pacilic in poncy, bhuius on cnPrnv, unias wo nt once ccpa.ieu on uie sunjeci oi .no rrencii government to :ls existence under one "over.imenl. prepared to repel invasion by the voluntary f(Qm 0lir prcs(.a peaceful policy, und be-; having, as it appeared, abruptly excluded Separated as are tho Atlantic, and Pacific J the Transit Company, and taken u Orey aervico of a patriotic people, and provides . a TC ravn p0 cr. Nor would the American .Minister to Spain, from pas- coasts of the United Slates by tlm w hole town. The idui.de rei s obMined tdicliui no permanent means oi loreigu nggn-5iiu. im c-iuutry be tetter suuaicu, in war win. s.ug uiruugi. r ranee, on nis way .mm urcnuin oi uie coniine..., stu. uie inn .in-1 ti.cre, ami me pursuers re ui n-.-n .. .. ii.ii .11 I J t rrt i I r i . t j t , i . .1 . . . i , . . I, , . ..I.......... ing no jurisdiction over the place whore) There is ample reason to believe that this they proposed to make the arrest, would I conduct ol wnnion defiance, on their part, encounter desperate resistance if tbpvpcr. I is imputable chiefly to the delusive idea sisted in their purpose, he interposed, ef. that the American government would bo feetually, to prevent violence and blood. I deterred from punishing them, through shed. j fear of displeasing a formidablo foreign Tho American minister afterwards vis- power, which, they presumed to think, ited Greytown, and whilst he was there, a 1 looked with complacency upon their ng mob, including certain of tho so calft-d gressive nnd insulting deportment towards public functionaries of tho place, surroun-j ihe United States. Tho 'Cyane" at length ded the house in which he was, avowing i fired iun the lawn. Before much injury that ihey had cpme to arrest him by ordori had been done, the fire was twice su;ien. of tome person exercising the chief au- ded, in order to afford opportunity for an thority. While parleying with ihem lie arrangement ; hut this was declined. was wounded by a missile thrown from . Mobt of the buildings of (ho place, of lit. the crowd. A boat, despatched from the jtlo value generally, were, in the sequel, American steamer, "Northern Light," lo, destroyed j hut, owing to the consider.:,, release him from the perilous situation in ' precautions taken by our n ival Coiuman. which he was understood to be, w as fired der, there was no destruction of life, into by the town gaurd, and compelled i When the "Cyane" was ordered tn Cen to return. These incidents, together wiih I Iral America, it was confidently hoped and the known character of llie population of expected thai no occasion w ould arise for Greytown, and iheir excited slate, induced: "a resort to violenco and destruction of just apprehensions that the lives end prop1 property and los ol li It;. Itistriiclions crly of our citi.-nsat Punto Arenas would to mat clicct were given to her comma.! be 'in imminent danger, after the depar .der. And no extreme act would have lure of the steamer, with her passengers, j been requisite imd not the peoplo them for New York, unless a guard was left for , seves, by their extraordinary conduct in tlieir protection. For this purpose, and j tho affair, frustrated all the possible mild in order to ensure tho safety of the pas-I measures for obtaining satisfaction. A sengers ond property passing over the withdrawal from tho place, ihe object rJ route, a temporary force was organized,' his visit entirely djle-icd, would, nder at consn era . o expense to mo L-ru'ea mo circumstances in wu.c.i mo ponnnuu. States, for which provision wafs made at dor of the Cyane found himsvi:, have been the last session of Congress. j absolutely abandouu-ii" ot all claim ol This pretended community, a hoternge-j our ciliy.eus fur iii.'emnilicatioii nnd sJj nous assemblage gathered from various missive acquiesc.nce in national ind.giii. countries, and" composed, for lh,; mostly. Il wouU hnve encouraged in ti.cse part, of blacks and persons of mixed blood, lawless n-'ii a spirit of insolenee u J a vid n rev ous v L-iven other indications ol Pine .nos. uau-eiou ... u.,- ,t, mi...i..vv.,w iiml diinrr.rn.as nronensilies. dtV of our Cit.Z-I.S at I'llUtll Arenas, F.ailv m the same month, propert v indestiuelv extracted from tbo t.tcot ol I herewith lay before visions of the Kcpublic These considerations should allay all ap-1 m nr ... s,.COrd naval powers. Though London to A.adi id prehension that we nro disposed to en- ,ho nva d'.sparly would be less.ihcg broach on the riffht''. or endanger the se-1 cx1rnt. and nore exposed condilio curity of other states. 'our widesprcadmmercc, would give Somo European powers nave regaracn,iofllC.n it;c ndnl.igcs over us with dLouietinz concern, tho lernloimi -rh Dropositai. lo enter into engage expansion of ihe United Slates. This rap ! ns 0 rorr; rcs0rt lo privateers, in France lo Spain . . . . I. . J i- . tW id growth exerciso alike to all exercised couid hardly have ihnm. wmcn nave, wiimii . n .:.,.t rnt neriod. ubducd and ab. ,,. r onnntrv reauiro it lo assume siun. Internal agitulmn Lrbed nncient kt'nadoms, r'tcd hcir; Wile otliliie. it confidently rclici up-1 nearly the chancier of political revolution plciinC qneationi Uut tbatgoveriinieiit tanls of each are closely bound together j by ils people, w ho pot only protected the nisioi ec.idd h u e been cons;, probaulv emboldened then, v, ....,. al tint treasures and vuloaoie iin-rriiiiiii.i.-e con- tiiluallv nas.-inj ner thu Nicara 'i.a route. It certainly wo-iid have been in ft s-aii'-factory to me if the ,il'j"cls of llie "Cvano V un real. 'bus unequivocally disavowed any design by commnnily of origin nnd institutions, wrong doers and shaad tho plunder, but out any act ol pul.lic iorcc:iui n n i m of to deny the right of transit to the'Minister and by strong attachments to the Union.; treated with rudeness and violence those p-nt contumncy . the ol.-: i is rendered nnv of the United Slates; and, after explana llci.ee ihe constant and increasing inter- who son-tit to recover tiiur properly. , it impnssiuu. i""-JII";,rnl .. . .. . , . ... j . ... i , . . t. i. r . . i .i i--.... ...,.; in l,r.i,l; nn t heir es' i is:imcnt or to l"ave tion to (ins eiioct, no nas rrsumcu nis course, ana vast inte.cna.itre oi commer- is. cu in ,suuiiiin-u mu mu i.im nueun. - i .. . . ..... . , . i . . . -, . . ....i u.. 1 ii,,.,-,. ;,.ii,,.j, f u-1,1. um i. ea I rit t'lo', journey, nnd actually relurned ttirougi. cial produclioris, between ii.eso remote oi tec. u my eonsiucrauon, uuu j.io.ru u ; i i , ,.- A. lh- nrcenl trustworthy evidence. eould not doi.U . miui.l pr.-rrvo .... mandod tlie inlerpostiion ei-o.i-u. e . (. .. I-- ...I, iv.nl1 ' .. .1 1.l 1.- r.- 1 I .n..nr-.ci .nrwflnni,. ,,ra I ,,a uli h. 1 1 .. . I , ,.-,,. n r;l r. I . n I . , , I, n 1 1 r,. 1 U f. , m TT kf ill 11 1 1 S , I 1111 I ill! C n SI! llllIiaii'lL'1 IIIU . HI el 1" . . I v'n " I t.as rCSUIIC'l iron, mu 'i"-"-;cas0 tins COUIiry SIIOUIU I.J im nnu wnij"." n- viMi.riiu...,. .... ..... . ,..M.,.. ... - ...; 'I'lim l.-a-isi'lion lias b' en t.CSUij"CI I .. . .. I : . ... .,l P-- , n- lU l'.,r i.,..nmnn i..':nn ( VVef ,1 I belli ' flf tlilS fOVem lllen t. JUS ICO TeQ 1 1 Ted tll.it II IS 1 1 '1 ,1 S-l' ,1 tins U- J ol sovcre.gn nSn... b;war will, a grei nava, powe ,.. ...;.,. - ""V," - 77 .J. r Vi,,,,!1. .l,dd I.,, nr.,!. lor' so man v of complain- on the part of som le-rn nations, and by many i.Dcrni.ylleJtoni0re favorable consideration limn a, nis er p. roreign nc.dt.u... u. ,r y y ... - ; ;'' i, ; ; " !1IlH lhln a course nowcr-, and has been char tercel will. Under .uch c.rcurnsances ,.rwouldboa t0 agree not lo ac-trcnci, governmen. mcr, . ..- , "v "nd dj.r. tending directly tlre of harsl.n, Inn of jus.ie,, l; been expected mat inoso:rptthe8(:rvl,,ifrv(jlun,een lor opera l no posuion o. our auairs o,,.... ,..:.u .o a i,,., -b I ,o tho insecurii v of tl.e lives of numerous parnon, were to be insl.mtrd, .. v .,:iU ww kind ' n neil uie iinmir ur me ; it uiuiua pa i um viuau ery , In relation to Central America, per ! travellers, and of the ncti treasure lielong be difficult to pr tioq nlciinc question! Mined between the IT.', ing to our citti-M, paw.nj over thts trans- Un t.ie -ry f tat, slsndi.f in thu f .'V-i t ' , ' . ; i i I I