Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 04, 1854, Image 2

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    r i c
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'.!!: 'ii;,''.'ii i'ii tl.e I ''!: i
. t'.i :.u alii 1,,!', .....I
li ; at Mont' v il'eo , II ill'
, . !
'i !
i Y'.'i
I.I ' I lll'll ol I.I1'
;i cgla iMvnliy hi.'
inainlv ri';.l..''ni'''i.
i mi ss-w !i' nl li'i'
r I ,iM ' ; I i.i-
They char i !
:; Ki v-i hi I . : i : : t ry of t i i i r; y u 1 1 -, ami in.:
1 ,0 in !;:!lou cii iv Ki returned livm the
i liar."'.
bl,C then lli-rc has been incessant und
!-:;li:;liil!:iry fa ht.Ii,;.
Tin? allies arc ul over-matched, and
the urgent repasts am sent lor re
iiilorccnieuts. !' i ; . y thousand French troops are in be
despatched immediately, ual every avail,
alii.' steamer is taken up, including the
1'-. : rij ;i , tin! Alps, tho Indiana, the New
Via I;, and clh'. rs.
On iln: lib of November there was a
saiie,'.:ii:ar' ciigaiM'merit.
On ',h'.' o! ii ii t"rrible con!, -rt too!: place
inch. .ling a sortie and a "eneral attack 1 v
?,fi'nchil"(lMs army. The battle lasted
'i ii
i' ii,
I, i- i -!
i t '
Si i
'. ii in. i
i.H. 'Il
I'n. !!
i i 1 1
I'., in
i ii:
iii i i'o
( I, Wi
ll. I,
N. V
'V Iris la
:irat r.Y.
ail a it
i.iiuiiiiuitioli, in,, I
.11 ; I.K.di! liV tin?
S applies.
The tapi-l rciliU'lioii lv Ita'.tl'
ii.i. c, oi llii' i i lit'il loici: ! S '!a-!
in liiihicri) liii'ii' ai'iiiv loaliniil
siiiil, has canx'.l .;i'iv, alarm in
ami l''iall,'l', Ulrii: till! c.i la'I.H'I
iCOi:J M i'llis to lie iuti'll-C
.ii "s a n lii'iii;;
i ll as thi-' 1'iira
ai I
I . M 1 1 1 1 ; " ! il' i. I. i
1 1 mi ,:. ir Ii
'. M I'llM'l,
I'. 11'., I ''III
'.: iull o ii Hail!,, , V.,
Ui'.!- i;"i'i r l'.n,:,, .1 .
I'ani.ri v'. MitIuhic,' i'.ii., Murylaml,
l ain"':-,' V ,M 'rliaia."i' !',!;., M'MliiiH,'IV
oi', ( ii'iii'i;i.i,
' I'-ll Ml,
-;"'' 'I'oni'' ,
.li lill I!. . il. I,
.! mi ''i A. l!a ai. I,
pli' it M.tll'uy,
Aliii 'l li'i on,
i .Ii' a' P. I'lil-iil,
."'i pll' ll A. I lunulas,
I ll Ol ."' W. ,lol'1,
I III 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 lllllill,
! Slrplii'li Ailams,
A, ( 1. !roMI,
'.-tt'i Ca -S
Chaili's Smart,
A I K iilr a
( .,. i I.
' ' I,
I ). lav ill",
i ' ! ' 1 r a I i ,
( ii "I'ia,
lu ll ill I,
1-.. '
I ...
. I.!
111 1''
I-, i ;
an a
,!, ,
I ll " !, "i I' M
ll I' 'll 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 ' ' 'I 'III I I' II".
' ll il ill" II !ni i' 1 1' I H;' i
. n. il, ill. '!' 'll Ol '"
', ' '"l i i 1'ilt' M I' I
- Hi I It I I I," I
I ill ll, It I i n t,
i .i il Li I'l .il' ll
l! " ulai -i in I
I'll (
I i
i ! ' v ft. 'in'"
ill a I: i'
- j.Hi.lj il..
a Ii' rt i'i '
n''i i i ; an'
'', 'li: ii- t . i
'v:,l a i i. i,
'I m !n'l ai lit' ' ai tlii ;r o ll
il" n Ira, In i I '.i, an ai my iii ,Mr
wriii.i tn !,;s lia tiils in l;,n -laii'l :
J .ri7 "l Inr Inn's liaic m ilnt iin il a hot I'.i''
nil lliroii:;li im day, yt, (luiuli nmly
s."tl Km shot iiial s!i"il mi' ihroiMi p"r niinutc,
lh.'iT it pl'oiliii'm i;;. i 1 c t , 'J'h.) ncinvaf
" pi I','" ol
a' lull it
,1 ,M"i,' hi.
H'.-ir ' i'ii
I". . ' i.i" i',' 1 1.
( ', iri i ', n,.f,i it :!
M 'o il "ii's II ,'. I, I'I, !'o!
ll IV 'll" '.l''.l I I I'i '. I
..'.'i... ii I'. M.
'l In' I 'h'nniK'ii liii i"'
t' rs Horn piiiiiiuii nl ii n
ir". r t "
I' ll M
," i l'll", ( pi '" !
a!i' ( 'oliM IHi'in, I'
' '' K "1 'IV-,.
r tr.i, , ,
' .1. 'I V.lf, iia,...
II HUl'llil l Cl'i,, , ,
; a ill- ii" i.i ,-,u,
ili" piiip,, ." ,.f , ,
ol ll
ii . :a!i' i ohm iiii'in, l'U'
i r -ain ii;; Hi" I ii'iH'irra!.' t!iriv hi n
nioli! pel in la nl h.r-i'i, ColiHohi ilii, j j(
npaint I tin? M i'it t uiui n nut, s a:ni!.
tint h ive lor a Ian'! iinpuui il lis ii
IS 7 ''ur tolnvc i.n iiir.haiisiihi Mipplt, ufall ' ol Inn
tiis iiial ( liiiai'in-y la carryii! out our
rlli.'tMli (I pi llirijili s, Mid to r tul'T il ill).
pi!';'nah!o in i Ikj Iniiiro n'iiti'-t the rp.
ill Ions mill lilll'.'i ra.n
.1 , . I - - - ...... ... n.,.1 ...... i ... I'
,ti mi: iii urriiii iicci b ary lor u iirsporatu uo. '', Ki.m, uuw 111.11111115 wo.huiii ui
.")? li ne". 'J'lu; instant a" shot or bhi.ll Mrikrs the day. As llir constitutional, truly c n.
Tn.'iin'iuioiis oi
,ou:i aiiK'tii to lot u a nl
ami i!is
p'i, hav
;l'i V limn
IliiHaill :.t ot' ili .'
nri'lc in
..M'l'i !l Ill's 1 , ,t, .'
aula.; d .1 '. 11.'; . I a lau air,
.M a eh, mi -.' 1 ... !ik. liiiilin'oti, Vl.,
( 'iii'l,:! 11 1 :c Haul., !lo ton,
I'.anli 1 I I '.!!. v. 01 ;!., Mail:'',
lilV'T llaiili, '01. 1,1 cli.'iit,
( 'imi'i' i land Haiik, Main',
.lohn 11. 'I'lionii'soii, IS'i W v, ls7 -s. Itsi.iins
ls,-,'i tla ir works thi; huh; is I'dltd up uithsanu- scr aiivc, histoiidl a 11 J patriotic parly t.f J
W illiam Wi'iclit,
( irona' 1 ',. I'ne Ii,
Kii'haiii Ih'odliiMil,
( li.l lies 1 Janii'ii,
l'hillip Alli t),
.losiuh A. r.vans,
under theso ''"3 ''"uniiy, tliu Jtcniocnicy liavo a iiuit
;.) ruciiinsiaia iF, that u run any mi. im.ssionto until, and nmst nr t prove n o-
lfil piL-sioii on our o(.s. All uvut ngn-eil rcaiit tu u per.;! ! adv:r!iiy, to tli high
'". 111,., Covington, Ky., 'I' (I.
ol Iki'Ii i:ount rii s, to send iu-,!;in: I'cinl'oii'i'.
mollis to ill ; .iciit oi' war.
A pausi: wan to leuc taken pl:i,".t in
ilk: Cold lilliiii:.; lu'loi'i: L:.'h;::iiopo!, roil
.scniient lioiihiiess upon tin; recent hard
fii.hiili Mould liam oecasiniH'd a iiccessilv
lor lire.ii'nin::. The v. inter i sai I (a have
sit in sevi'relv. 'l'lh! iluels 1 f tin.) allied
I nun day. break until '1 o'clock in tin? 11I- pov- crs liavo s ill'tired very roib-idcr.iiily
ternoon. I'oih sides claim the victory. by recent 'ales at s. a and on lla; coas!.
The I'lnulish took soim hiiiidr.'ds pris-1 According Id thi; latt'st ui.'spatches thi;
oners. Tin; 11 ns.siuns took several batter- llcets are not takin'jmuch part in tin; bom
jfs, aiul silenced the rutins. Tbo l')s of bardincnt ol' N:b asiopol, the li'.-hiii) !; beinu
ill'' Allies was oU'.:i), tin? llu-si:it) loss was .uit in the hands of tin; land lmces which
Ki!H) Jure lo swim extent protected by the works
The Czar's two sons were in the battle, i throw n up in front of the town.
Tiie battle was resumed by lb" Russians rnot horrible occurrence touk place
on:lie following day, tin; Oil), but we have a day or two before the last advices left
no inielliitX'tice us to the result, I for Ki)"laud. The hot shells thrown into
The Allies are preparing to slorm Sc-' the town having set lire to an immense
K' liiin !v' 'i'rusi 1
New Mill Sall-tv l-'uiid, do ilo
m 1 1 1 1 i ; . 1 !
Trans All.':.
Kanau ha 51
Obi') Sivio ;s lll.-lilll'e, Tilllll,
Mas-'.b 11 I'.auk. MasMli.ll,
1 1 oik ol (,'ireli i i !!e,
Ciin'oii 11 ink of ( 'iilumlius,
t'iiy Hank, Columbus,
'ana I Hank ol ( 'lev eland,
.Miami Hank, lbivtoil,
.Mechanics' i. Trader' Hank, Hrancli
Stale Hank ol'Ohio.
Woodbury H ink, Conneciicut,
Sbipbuibleis' Hank, M line,
.Meivh. 0; Aleeh, Hk., Chicago, Illinois,
Napersi ilio Hank, do do
Hank of l 'Jin, do do S'toek H inks of Indiana,
tin do do Illinois,
et I', no
I'.',,.!., I'u'lih, Ky.,
;heny Hank, 'iis;iuia,
.ink, Virginia,
Samuel I loiiston,
.lames M. Mason,
U. M. T. Hunter,
Naac 1'. Walker,
l'l'Din the above
t..,it...,.l...ii', lW'. licit ill. Ii:., ,, ..lli..l.....l r.u lltr, l,r.,it r .-!,!
Uliodi! Island, 1 S7 f the town, und licit wu must tliereliire
.storm ii, fir our batteries can do lillle or
Jk.-,j noihing. I mysi If much li.'ar ihiit it will
1S")7 conn! to this at bast. If wi: do slorm, 1
lio!) have very little doubt that we should car
1 "57 i'V the place, but the ruriKme oil all sides
S. Carolina,
Is.")!) would be
it will be seen that
tin nty-scven democrats have been already
cec!(l members of the next Senate. In
adilition to this the Legislatures of Soulh
Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Louisbinn,
Arkansas, Calilbruia and North Carolina,
an: democratic, and they will tend eight
democrats more from those Styles, there
bciiiL! two to be chosen from North Cul'o-
. . f f .. 1 I . . I , ,
una. inere is some doubt ritioui 1. amor-
nia making thirtv-four democratic mem
that if. w
I. Those verged in such
trust confided to their rare. The friends
of liberty, r-f llio rights of men, wherever
they may have been born, of religions
toleration, ami the opponents of a connex
ion between Church and Slate, corrupt,
men tricir us and wanton as such eonnu:
tioii has always proved to be, the oppo
units of all"ious tests in tleturniniti
cost the allies I.'), lle riulils ol citizens or lli' ir ipiahlicatioiis
MX) killed and wounded. This is the price . office or public trust, umcng those who
we have lo pay for our ib-lavs und the de- '1IIVC liereloforc dilfered with us on nilnur
lays of the government. The cheeks which! I'"ints-, are now ready and anxious to co
the fleet and tin; French have received do operate with the Democratic party at the
not seem in the least to have disheartened f"'l favorable opportunity, in maintaining
our men, but, on the contrary, only makc'tllu integrity o-fihe Constitution formed by
them lh; more determined niid the more11'10 atriotspf the Revolution, the Fathers
fierce. Their universal longing is to storm ; '" Ino lvcpublic.
ihe whole plnre. ' 1' 's deemed advisable that tho cou'ern-
"Sealin" ladder? and other necessaries plated Siale Convention be railed t'thlif
for an assuult have come in"ht. Most 1 'or l''e purnoso nlreadv named, so thai its
... . . 0 . .1 .. t .' . 1 11 .1 .
hers that can be confidently counted upon. ,J 01ir f'llieers seem to nnfiino that the " nnuarrasseu i.-y any onicr
Now, let us look at the opposition. The "lltll'l't "i'd be made to-morrow, but in business : and that it should be composed
lollowin-' whins nnd free soilers have been H"s tiji.-y- are over-saiigume, us such an 01 me mosi mcu, t,,eauiust, fniigi.ieue.i
J'rmti c l'mt in .ih rrtin r,
chose 11 :
J. M. Clayton, '
Robert Toombs,1"
J. J. Crittenden,''
basiepol before tho Russians can repair j military .Jiospital within tliu town of Se-: Tiic Burning of the tlcmnhuat Ocean j' ( Thompson
their l.isacs and recover their positions.
A practical breach has been ('heeled
Russia villi u view of complicating in
g'ltiii'.ions, has given notice that she wi
treat direct with Austria on four points.
hastopol, it took lire, an l, together wi:ti lis v.nd Loss at Li e. I l 1 ii-iu.-i mi n
linmutei of sick and wounded, was burnt 'fjl0 steamer Ocean, Captain Ponnvan, W. 1. lVssenden,
,10 the ground. The number contained ill li(.r vvjK,,-f jn t,is nlv vcstcrdav afier- Charles Sumner,
it is variously estimated at from two to ,100 nbout live o'clock lor the lv"enneb"c Julius Rockwell,
j three thousand men, but us they were not ; ,.iv).,.t li:lvi,,g abo-tt l iiibtv pa-senuers. .lames A. lYiirce'
lelleclive, the occurrence was nut roiisid- ,i.mlt half-inst five, wln n near the lower Thomas ii. Pratt .
Stuirs. Time '.ip.
Kent ue ky,
Annexation Of tliC Saiuhvirll ;ned as having any pariicularinlluence on ol- ,), H.,.r .Middle, cboul half a lb nrv S. (lever,
.1... 1... c.. .. .1... .: 'la I . ... . . '. .
The intelligence brought by the last stea
mer from California, says the Daily Xi'irs
of tiic 27 lh ult., seems to indicate tliat the
annexation to the United States ii the all
absorbing question now in the Sandwich
1 .
amis. 'I 'he impression appears
tu be
the results lroin the sieje. 11ns catas
trophe is passed over with but little com
ment by I he French and F.nglish papers.
Holll Houses of Parliament have been
further prorogued until the l llh of Oct.
mile soutli ol l.ieer IsiainJ. she was run Hamilton 1 isii,
into bv the Hritish steamship Canada, H. T. Wade,
from Liverpool, which struck the Ocean John Hell,
abaft tin; lai board w hecl-hoine, cutting James C. Jones,
her down to the water's edge. TheOccan Jacob Collamer,
luuk Hie almost immedialelv, probably Solomon l'oote, "
from some id her slow having been thrown Lafayette S. Foster, Connecticut,
ihe concussion. j '1'bo Whigs and abolitionists have eigh-
teaineis Forest CitV, for Portland, teen meinbers elect of I In SeicHe In lid.
New York,
1 NV.)
1 ton
1 rfil
1 ho!)
1 ST?
1 er7
iill-importiint step would require the per- !""d inllueniial men in our ranks, that us
lection of ai rangement und detail, which voice in favor of the great fundamental
will of course take lime. Ordeis have j principles ol 'the Deiiiucrulio creed shall
been received that the town is to be fired j speak with authority, und inspire confi
en to-moriow with shell. This is as it ! deuce and respect uiiiong all classes ofour
should be, and might as well have been i people.
done ut ihe roiiimoi'.eenieii!. I, however,! 's 'Imugbt that n political cilm is the
do not anticipate that the place will be set , proper time to begin this great work. In
unfile. Stbasiopol is not a Turkish town i 'l' v;iy ut! "i'i fchow' our love for the
which a miech would light; the huuses ure "r,,:it principles we maintain, by assem
wide apartniii solidlv built of stone. bling when there is not n seruniWe for
"A deserter came over to our lines This I ll,!U"e nn'1 !",vvcr but "ta ti,no wb,'n tll?
morning. He savs the garrison are : il'I'C mind is not excited nnd prejudiced
..sialics at their' victory of the 17lh.;!'.v lhlJ '"'Unless altending an approaching
' i' l 0111 iil'u our uiin counsels wi.i noi
be distracted by rival interests 1 and person
al asiiralious.
Lord Palmerston anJ lady left London
that the United States Commissioner. Mr. on the U'lii ins;., for Pans, There was
Grogs, was still engaged in elioris to elllet 1 much specii!;.t;on in reference to the cause over in
a trealv. The kin"- is understood 10 !,(.! 'of Ills departure, nul rumors without nom-, Tl.:
favor of it, but the heir apparent, Prince : ber as to the object ot Ins mission. I he and Huston, lor Hangor, and oilier vessels ,ition they have ihe control of the legisla-
Liholiho, who is young, intelligent, ami ' probihilitics are that none of the rumors' were in the vicinity, aud immediately sent lur,.s f l,',waf I,Uiiana, Illinois, IVmisyl-
amliiious, has been a iiirlic 1J through for- ,anJ correct. boats to In r as.sisiauce ; but mtwith! vania, Wisconsin and New York, and may
tign influences, who premise him nobility j Tho government having taken the Cn-1 iug m vchiI lives were lost. Tin; engine , ,.rt sjx Senators in those states, increas-
and wealth if the Islands are annexed to narJ Htcam-.T Niagara from her place in of tin; Ocean appeared 10 Into leita i.ed i,,, ..,r fr,H. j the f-'nnto to twenty,
any other government than the United the line to carry troops and munitions in good order, as sins was run ashore on f,,m-. The New I bin:; .-bin; Legislature,
States, nnd frighten him with tho idea of. to tho seat of war, there wiil be no mail r Island, about a ;.iarler of a mile wj,irh will have to ef ct two Sen . tors ;s
his annihilation in this union, where, they i f'em Liverpool to Ua.iia:;, 011 Saturday, Miuih oi tin; Ilfspital. She continued
tell him, tho dark fkins are desnisud. Still the -O.h of the presi-ut imur.h. The ne.M burning fir several boars, and at last ac-
There was 110 victory to boast of, if there
was any uilierericn, it was certainly in
their favor, iis fir as regards their silen-
101 cn)'i '''e Urmch lines, and keeping their
1Nj7 roll,J l' before the licet. Another week,
1 hope will alter their tone."
The members of the commi'.iefi Mill
therefore appreciate the importance of a
general attendance, and it is hoped they
vi ill be punctual in mreting at the time
nnd place appointed, and that the Demo-
We learn that A. J. Weuham lost sev-cr!Ulc l,arers 01 -' '!l!R " no- In, ml,... I ,l..!l..r in I.....1, .,, ,i.ii'fc an eariy an', generu puDUeiTV.
late (ire, the sale in which they were de-1
posited not resisting the action of the1
.1. KLL1S HON i I AM, Chairman.
Carlisle, Nov. "JJd, l:.
counts ine
ire hi I le ichi d the water's
' liie destruciion of the vessel
bv fcatherimr the nests of the kin2. prince nniil will therefore have Livertx.ol by
aiid chief nobles, no doubt was felt of a steamer Pacific, on the iih of November, edg
fiiir.l conseid. j IliiiiADsfi 1 rs. The Corn maiket has cempl-ie.
Tl, snnncl-. .i,li..r..,l i.v M r vv.,r 1t,.:l),'r'1 wil!l ''.''t siccks, and scaiil At ;,f tin.c of ll.c collision many
Hritish Consul, lo t lie King and Chiefs,
protesting on the part of his government,
against annexation, seems to have excited
intense indignation among the Ameri
ans in Honolulu, r.tid thu prolnbil
ty is that he couid not in any way, have
more elibetually contiibuted to produce
t!:e result be aimed at defea.'ins. A pri
vate letter addressed to the N. Y. Cuirin;
dated the bib ult., from the U. S. tloep
rt., contains the lollowing on tb"
"'I he nnxiety f. It about filibusters i;erc
lias since, in a great measure tabsi b d.
Rumor s.ivs that King Kernels, has
signed the treaty renin ; the I sl ands to the
l ieicd Stn'os, and is ndy Ibr ihe
reiurn of l'rin.'o Liiiaiibn, (better known
as Abwandi. r.) to oblaiti bis signature, anil
ucti ally d' !i;tr up his l.ingd'iiii. Hut cv
eryibiii': is kept us ret as possible bv
thoit; w bo kii 'W nu.v tliin of the matter,
v., ot course, "ives lis.' to many ru-
iinii's. i lie tj. t-. sloori 1 ort.s iiKMi i 1 is
-a n no
, prices., known what number were lost
yet lo be chosen. The Senator liom Mis.
soma is doubtful. It will be scon, there
fore, that lie' democrats are sure oi'a hand
some majmiiy in ibe next Senate. Of the
thirty lour democrats ceitain to be mi in
b"rs of the next Senate, all but four tha
dames. Oi course every such poor mans
loss is some rich banker's gain. Kvorv
Lank bill buried, drowned, destroyed in
any way, is sci much gained to the bunk
which issued i;. Thee institutions have
a ,'ir"ct iutert'st in every block that hurt
boat that
lows up ami vessel that sinks.
juu 0 ovTii.i.aru, and it is not yet , two from Rhode Island, Walker, of Wis-
cousin, nnd Houston, ol' Texas were
unaoits; ami wbi,st tlnr.; has 1.1
very great dispo.-kiuii to pics sales
having declined d jr. ng the week on 1 lour J In; collision is partly attributable to Ibe faur of the Nebraska tiil. There will
(id. per barrel, :!d. per bag on Wheat, and fact that the four F.isiern steamers be certainly thirty oies against any al
ls, per jiarlcr on Indian Cora. ; Ocean, Ib.-lon, forest City, and Jvisiem tenij.t to disturb it from the democratic
.. . ... Stair were all in close proximiiy between side of the House. The wbigs wo have
I'rom Utmi. The Council V.WXi Hu- )eer Island and Long Island, on their uauked with a star are in favor of the
gin has I lie following letter from Ibui. A. way o,,t, and weie the 10 unexpectedly nut Idll nine in all which added lo the dem
ocrats make nearly two thirds of the next
Sena'e opposed to the repeal.
i. Katj'.at, ilateu (neat call. IjaKo t.ny, by tin', wlncu 111 vain i.ndeavore.1
I ... 1.. ,1... 1 -..I. .1.... , C ... ,.t.
t ll IIIO 1 O I 11 U ill III UlU j II CM Ut H HH I' 11
two I't.'ili Indians were publicly c.v cut -d
near this ei.'y, having been l""iily tri-ai
in tiits I uited Siau s lourt, nnd coiaii. uui
ed to 1'.. Mill for lb" murder ol two oung
boys in CJar valley.
'.Many oftheir tube were in an 1 around
the city ; anl abhouh lliey ii'lai. '.led that
ilea: n, vet tbev ob; : '.ed
to a 1
a cuiiiaci.
'i i i'. .-i;i Casi: i.r l.M AM it ini:. A
voi.u ! woman, name;! ,
of ileinvil'.c, 111 tins iveniy, with her fall
rr a..., I'luti!;. r, wn
no and commit'e.l
a caarge .! iiilant. '. I In: Court gave
the parties implicated a In a ring ve-ier-day.
:;i ll.e p:,'..u:i, an l the 1 xa iineain n,
as we arc ii:.i rnicl, K-si.'.ted in the uc
miitii.l ttfth.; pirn ::. Tl .; ::irl was re
1 :;a .! d to ilia cell, l) ii.'a- her tl la I at I he
.1 ii.u.n'V Si.-ssii.ns. It a; i i ars that .
tr.ii. s-, ;i:e accu-i'ii, ruiilesses lo leiv-
Milt Strau
1 i ii si( d a few days
die cuuitty iail, on
lii'i'u, as veil
J. .1 s irig;
thnV ilcscrvcd
the mod. to Wit, banking b)' llie uejk.
They iii.mediae.'ly ciinimeiiee I their dep
redations by tin; way ol ivtali.uioii.
" All' Tit tin; same time a war party of
tin; Snakes rami! inio the city in pursuit
. p 1
x rme una I
iiavs I10111 San Frauci.,1'0.
e. '
To-day, II.
arrived 15
of I he L'tahs, wlio !. ;d stolen a Lrge mun
iier of their hor.scs. They puuai.e! :b.- in
to Prove c ity, and in ii.o suburbs ol the r ity
.iVi'. U'J
tlias .'.I'i 5' :,
ral sea ui i
t". r:',v
' 11
li.iry i
tn ie
:t.1 :
r Ibe.,
..; in.
ii::j's (.'0?; : r.. sio:,'
I, win claimed to
i Myron, una win
eeuvii '.ed ol ' a 1
fllf Ma;; ,,,;;:,..!,;,:'.'.,..
jo a incu-v-ns
er elT ;!. 1
ai ::
a, an l
v then
pursued by tl. : 1
v., il,i
.lied, ar.d ui 1
! l...d r.uotb-
iie'r:, .'..ii ...a, v.'i'.n (,... iiiieu'i'.ii ol
; ibu mail, and vvbo was ibr ibis 01'-
i. nieuecii lo t,i a ;,i-a:;. m pi'tii'en- di
T l.;e, b seiee ,., je: 11 ! a i in 111, w bites.
':;cio-i.r' s eonVs j... s t!,,u he .Ve learn,
bis coiiiaaniiill in cneae. ibi; Sbains I
Uavie e.t I, ittej eiei iM m w n'-1 j Hie . a itvi s
were v icioi ions. The ih..-n ennv
Jiibi lug the s -ah s ..f the
and had a war il :tn-e tl."
same i.ig:. . luc lt.n.i s em t i tn.nK
dial the Miak'.S v.ero ur d on L". ll.e
let ) tae city
l i ilis on
iug;. veil l.'iiib to a last ml child, in her
la-.!" r's arri i, s, n. time in October, but
states that it v as si. II burn. '1 In: su.s-
I 1 icit.i.s t f f.uil 1 lay le-t upon the lacl that
, 1. a :i' ei i.r.t lei:, b' en L'i ' 11 of the body.
. Tb" !'..;!. 'ro! tin- child is a married man
s ol' Hern'. :le, v, iio I, .a ilojud. Tf.e ease
1 str.i.r.l i etc ,",,1 cxeit.'iiieiit 111
le. ii'H ', ' ( iz: .'Ir.
Yi'tindir.'nl A iliJchivian Jloiisltr.
We bam fniin 1 lie? Mount Vernon Jell".
ersollian, the paiticulars of 11 wodelful dis
covery which was made in Marion county,
a short time since. I: seems that while
seme men were diji'lng a pit for a bridge
i.vrr a iir.le stream called Lust (.'reek, on
seruon No. l'i'.J of tint Riilroad, when
about six li( t hi low the surface, ihey came
upon the skeleton of what they supposed
was someaniid bivin n mons'.rr. The prin
cipal bones wen; so much decayed that lit
tle could b" told as to ibeir proper loca
tiot.s in the body.
A horn was found of light color, nine
ft ot in lei. '.',ih, und quite smooth, with tin.' w'(,1",
Ou Tuesday afieineoii Mens. Godanl
made an ex'iaordin iry balloon usct iilim
fiom New Yoik the following account of
which wo fmd in ihe Sail :
At hall past ;j o'clock, uccompaiiied with
Mr. ni:i:i nl" ll.iv:m,i I),.,,,.. I
w.ih "all on biard I he sale ol the At- ,K fvJi,,, Ullj on0 of lhc nuilultU k..
lantic now n the boitom "I Lake Lrie, K, r Io jipdrotm-, lustened in tho
contains sever.l thousand dollars of these , car u( a ,,arlu.U,u llt; cu, ,hf; corJs ftiU.
"promises to lay, whenever tho same .i,.- ..i,;,.i, i,,,,,,. ,,,,..
.I...I1 I., .-...,...1 Tl. ' . --- s. , uu
sii.iii u,j 'iir,iiiu nil ialtKllt. I lie 1 jn,r 1
captain ol a sail vessel in Ashtabula drew!,
&.VJU from the Ashtabula Hank in iisowni
I'll..... f 1 r 1 1 t
unis, wen on u, ,, a o. n.s v. ssn una went , . r;ii,itj rilt0 umia Hie huzza of the mid-
non n nii ni l 111 a " iio. n;s oouy ori
bis money wen; never recovered. Ill
widow asked i'i jef liom
i' 111 1 lias 111 .111 'cu on iiiu specui Ul.ll I u j( f.ij,
u,e occe.aseu mi. , 1 nave e3ngeu sam mo- Mr GoJarj lh,.n conun,tl(;tll j,e fer.
ney betweei, th . bank and tho vessel. So; fol m;uu.c of RVIlln:lRlil, (cats m
we "o. 1 lie world is lull el 'loss and cam, , ,;.,. 1,,, .. i.;.i 1 1 .1. .
' .11 flit, iiiiiu 11,; .iniii'ti inci itllli Ul 1 im
ns seat on a trapezium a wooden
w, .,,.l,,.l ... ..i, . .1 r. .!...
I j.'.v , .-jji..iiui.v4 i.i 1.111.11 ciiu iiiiui hip nar
w tdi roprs, twenty feet long bounded up
lituue. When about an cihth of a mile
,-. 1... riil I l.r, r,.. r ...l.iC. t.n. IV. .... ,1... 1 I
the bank but no:,oonf ,!Rll it descended safely to iheear.l,,
the specu p.eathat i ;N U h, un,iul.(
Croat (.("stion seems to be who'
1 pole of the trapezium; at another lime,
7 . :.. .. : ..e.i i . i i i .
tn,., i ,
s:, ,, in; o-e:s a w, o u,e gamers : i it vvi:, a single hand, he swun-
"Iii ails I win. I .1 N von Hnw. ' nv i wi i- ... , . . . .1;
hanks. Clurln-nl Phi Urnlcr. I
exception of about three feet of the Im
i em:
his body to ti u J fro as a school boy Would
I on a swing. Then again he appeared t
Ibe h.aii' iii" In it well his cliin nulv il...n
'or the TvrpuUu-an. !:,nJi,r2 uoon it both hands hold ,,fil.
MrsK I'i i iots: 1 have na n pub-j ropes then on one leg, then without any
lished in Ibe colunns of your paper, lhat grasp of tlu; lines, nud finally as the b'd
; some of the lumbers of ihe "Hacht lor loon ascended neaily out of sight, the dar
Club" purposed holding a "baby show;"': iug voyager stooped", rolled over linen the
and again I saw it contradicted, as some trap, zimn, end in the mid -heaven's hung
( of the good mothers entered their protest, j suspended from it, head downwards with
1 I, ns n club, am opposed a single foot lock, d over tho t ole !
... I... I ... . I .. :.. , . t :. . . . .
ii, una Minn in 4ii ami cm i y sua e I 1 u ,o l ei i.ius coo imt w i nr.vilcr
ey may one; up. In every pub- i.-xhibit:un of ibuing than this. Many per-
iii,'; mail (ai
d ' l I'.e l.n.e
anC'.ntr dr.;
:.:iCe at Lie
real i. Ibi
i':e in.,'.!.., h,
'bo r.Ii. 'u . ui .".nil hern
c! its colli-.;. ,;i , id, i i.e
1 1, ..uinc lile'i'ii oioribs
e ill" p' e.t of th. Iwo
i .1, Iii order to reach
d of : tii d -ad and
ly o! tl
Till! (1
ouu w.
:aeicr lia.j esi.
ifc d ;led to
'.ion lo Iowa, a
nit ol lee
.ne'.int m
. rap' r sa s "tbo immigra
n'l 'he i-rossini's , the ;r as. m
ini;iuiallei"d in the history of
TiPs:e."i .'l.;ay at i.iiy
lar...-ol on llie ,iu r is kept iu
ll ii''
1 1''"!
.. ;itiv o'i.e in:
ii i , : is, that . ve
''l'es o.i t!.'; oep' .site ai
s- mi coven .1 with
n.d " it'le of the
II Hi. ll li.P,
!, .1.
' 1 1
In: e.iti.
; v. hole
' ' ('Venn
le Oi'lh-J 1
in : v, agons, U tit .,
iranis. Ti,:.. :i,;r.
i in, ;"-sf grocers, and me iiufueliirers are
Veaina.; a baivest ill th : way id'lem
f ippli s I., the travelling mi
':.' rates, nl least oi e hundred
s aia will l e ad.inl to the pop
.etiile deling the .r -sent seas,
nat ii'
iiad i l: ;hi
i Snakes v. ere l.ii
l.ei'i;.. a, I) at Ilali
ie Itie's at i oil I.i, i
no doubt had the cnrtei t '
"Ci.iloj.i'l S'.t p'.ee has lai.
t'-rs here for ;he v. in; r. i 1
three or lour companies en
Tiic rr,si.','.;rs 'ii::,
V.'A'ir.iNoioN, V,t, ','.".
definitely settleil, nor will it
day, w hetiier lie; 1 resilient s
shall or shall not be sti.t lo i
largo cities ill adi'iiliae of i!
Il is rui'e r.r rtaln, ho".i
Message veil be delivered I
noon o., Mend. tv next.
:;"'! aim
fc see
.. .. ...... . ..... .. 14...., .... ' ,...1 T I ..1,1 . ...
..i, (.... inn .in . i vi iii- t-vii. i am souswi)'.) watciieu tlie teats tremMeu in
especially opposed to using the sidewalk ! their frhocs as they saw him j.ass through
for a show.gromiJ. It is any thing but Ids ;e,ial evolutions. He iiowever restor-
pleasant to bo cr wded nlf the waikbya ed them to their natural capialibi auni of
team of half a du-.'.Mi lit'le dirty-faced ur- composure i u usei tiding en thu rupea of
ebms dragging a lie them a home. spun the lr.api .ium, a distance of twenty lect,
hand-sled with a stire-box on it for :i b.iili- intu ilm Mr f l. :,..,. I . . ii.
, . , , , . r . -."s- ..... ... ii... .i.i.i una i,j inu i.iuma.
A tooth was also louiii!, and a portion of , wlic, js ensconced a half-year babv. its nv d his nassrm.ers. He w.s ,.;.,.."!
proboscis as red w,;h cold us a ripe loma- a i. Ii. direction slowly wiun last seen.
.. .-..I., i'.. .t'i'..i .., .-
IO. is I L IIIO .1 ICfl 1.1 TV 1 III Tl.n :l r llliT I 1, ...
i..i !!r..-.--;.,v ,,ts i, i :,r, i .ac, u..,i i ..i :..i :.. j: ..... ' .. . : . i ost-mtii';
..... ........ . 'in, UIUI illlUUL llU 1111 IlllS 11 U 1111. 1 HI. .1, f. ,.. ...I" ... ..'
.- ' l.lil'J,. il, ,11
I O!
:i; Km cT!o. ll is a siiigu
it v. bile lor C.n eru,.r, Ct..i:i; w b
in j. cm. o vies, anii oevmour, u outsiUe the gum was yet soimU, aiul on
t). a".., the coii.biaeil vole of I'l.t,- measuring it was found to be five feet in
i ve
n ilu, i -a :
iila' ell b
oenl oi'.
.a i;;i his ipm r-
ii mine
his eoiii-
1 lernv
fart !e
into t Ii lie i (jea
The New
v rv like having
tli" ma
which was surrounded with ridges similar
to those on a sheep, iik'Umi: ii.Lt twenty
four inches in circumference, the hollow
hiingehout four inches in diameter. The
horn war. so much decayed as Hot to allow
lifiintl without being broken.
s showing a curious array of the voters having tho apnea ranco of having been the ,nen ,lm yri
II o a ii i : it v , J a s. F'i t z i b
ions, one ol Hie night clerks in tho New
j. 'ess
ays : It looks
contested eleeiiun in
"er of Cuvenior, between Clark
an l ScYMorii.
cus'iiion of dece
1." giiin
ed el.c
Kecriniinations and ac
,; r r. ..
, ' ' I 1 1 s im i . 1 1 s i ; i l i I i i 1 1 s uii;
a portion of the jaw, but w as broken to
pieces iu digging it out.
'.he passers-by ? Old i.
"OUT 11 Usl OJlll Olll III r - i. ... .v . , . J
first aw tooth. Another portion of tae .... ni,.riLvlns, llV yeMeruay uneMeo,
bone was found, which was thought to Lc J " , ' , ' , ' . , . 'a,9. 1 c "''k Cour.nrand Knqmrpr,
. nusi ,i,ai .in iiuuiyeiii nioiuers win o; c nu.iy.on a cnargeol rotiimtg mo mails,
pardon mo for in.Klging in these remarks, He wns'delected on tho night previous by
as I believe they i! not inlcnd to give any ; Mr. Ilolbrook, a special agent of tho post-
Hcitai.o Nov. 7. The steamer May , un. '""'"vciu'iice, but the dilhculty olncu department, in appropriating to his
i.eraily end in contest. Flower went ..shore on Point Anpelec on ' r ' n,u,sl.KC" '"un 01 "oltJ' ,ONVn usu tvvo l" 'on-y inadcd at
Friday night. The passengers were all L''lb-V bhmvs- lo"rs. 'iNewuik, N. J., one directed to Williams.
Mais i,"::riTrs i:i.;:rTi,.v.Compl"te saved by the steamer Ocean. j L,UM,,,AW" an" 1 ": "l STri, Ut.,
Last evening a violent gale occurred,; x. ., ."'""".'"V " repeaie.i
, . . , ., ., . . J.ALTiMonn. iiov. 1 nc mail of tins oss oi moiiev in ihn New Ynrb nrt.n',
morning brings tho New Orleans papers had been a snurco of great uneasiness to
It is not .-t returns nvk'.; th" v"t" for (lovcrnor stand
if until i'n- th is: Wasbburn, w !ii;;,'."),!il i ; C. ardiier, and it is reported this morning that the
!;n w-no'li',iv, "?l..i.jj : Wilson, Iree-soil iiay iiower nas ennrciv tgono io pieces
lll'.S l"C 1
, lew of the 0.7::'.): P.i-hop, dc,,., J4,5::i. All the Patrick Kane, a soldier in the U.S. ,' T V,'" u '' ms nonesi assistants, as
.delisirv to Senatiiiseb.ctarekn.w.nulbi.i-.andthe Army, murdered his wife last night by , V l- - . ' ... j mucn grumuiing by the
ll-eist) will .on: ,i:i 4 whi-.,, 1 fre ..,.i!or, cutting her throat, and then coM.U:red,hi' .feb"t 7". r "Sg be public, and lor some reasons Fi.zgibbons
ver, tin. the :u;n:cwno,!,iugs,;.ndni. a simde derm tragedy by committing suicide by indie S "7 f' 'T ? L"' n!l'ing lanS!,,,
... . n ...rt i. i .. .. .oiuie neasurer, ,n rciercnce to tlie uo could ls discnvornl nnmna nun in, 1,1 nn
it t oii'-ie-'s at crai, uie one suuej-eii lo lie eiecie.l bein
a member of the know. nothing order.
r no" .in no " isii vi i'jii ins own lliroai. ,. r .i ,t j . ' , . . o
v or n i tv ,C(T,0,;C0 ff tho securities olfered by i was detected in tho act for w Inch he was
t i.AU .KsroNov.JG-Madanie ),mc Messrs. King and Walker. Tho Gover- arrested, lie is about 10 yea , o a "e
, try has been arrested in New Orleans,1 nr nersist that m. Kt.w.k nK.roA i- ;u..r.iji :r .j . , ? , r, '
i.te o.aie , irpanni-iii uiiiioimc. s me. .,i,! I.i.r, ii ,.v. It.n-liam. the uveas neon nrresieu in iviav urtcans, . nor n-rsist that ln Mock nna-rerl U itt,.r.iJl :,-..j., V , r '
.lV..-i.l ,... r ,!, r :.,., i t: ' .... , ... , nnA rmnmltl...! r.n tl... nl.r, r . , . . ' w " ' - mu inreu cmiurcn in lirooK-
1 ' i(Iitbi mi' ii 'ii iit'iii im. ti.-' -iii i . ii un ii t.i i: 'i i r r. 1-4 i iM'ii' i - t. mi v.imi-v vi , ii.Mf.iir
1 I V II . finil 14 tt1 nrtpiinin.,, nc n... .. ; la . I.ia
I...... I....... i i . , , ....... . . . i.i .1. r ., . ii... i.v. mi ii , iLn i lis ll r. ll a
'uii- i it . i.t-ii . 1 1 ; 1 1 iii'.'iitii I'ui irni r s.n ii'ir iv a ,noi a I nvni.ritvr nim t', .1,. ouusuu uiu iiuuiu u iu Slave nv tn nn. I :ia r ; . i . . . '
.,,,. . , , i r i i, , i ;., v, j n o- ji. luinoiu nciiiB o, e.ciicmcni nas laic salary was about SliOt) a vcar lie was
m. At Dies- lU'eiiiun It vi:;oiolJs!v . nf.rce llie block- cratiC. candidale. The ast slatemnnt nf Toi.mio. O i n. N'nv 57 'I'l.n f"nmn,n'l rr,l : XT ... . . I., 3 . , .V" " . I ade in ,l,e ,.rl2 of all ilussain norts in ,!, Lc dshtnre make, i, .,.,,:. ,b, I lln'nk ,,n I jlluo ' ! . ?' . . "lan laKon loro U. 6,. Uo.nm.S8.oncf lngftt-
ulalion R,l,c, 'uack and U hue Su.s. and (' f.oii.ti clem, r rn . TI r.. ' ZaAL;' 1 ZTZZ l U0 ' 'T' ? ?,,c' fully comnut.
ui." JWeaofAne. ;o, rirm, .rnIs. ' mUfv "r ' " ! nung.- tea tor trial. Itis to bo hoped. hat he will not
,T v rv .... UUUj usanu uaruarousiy mutilated. cscate punishment on a mere techniealitv.
' ' vs
'X. '
- "T r a, iry
.1. U.