Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 04, 1854, Image 1
I! 14 n ! f " -.v-, , .... ,. ... A t r. - l' i .... v t til 11 i 5 t t I 'fe'rfi-()?,a 'r in ndInncSl VOLUME 5. TllUW)N;S()KI.H. This life of ours is liko tlio flow Of musio through lh nir, Which liriatlioi of liniincea or woe, Of rmiliilenee or enro ; Tho Handing nolo, tbrnueh phnnpoful yean, Fwoll with a vnrvinc no, And trembling oft iu stniloa aud uar Mako melody or moan. To chords wHhlu each human Hfo Attunes its anwcrit.r lay, As o'er tin world's difturhiiig atrifo OurheBrt-nonK float awny ; Joy's trilling tiu, on soaring wings, Hie warblinc to tlio fun. While the sad strains which sorrow sinpi Through minor measures ruu. 6omotimes tho Rcntlo murmers go In quiot humble song, As where the stream's mellifluous flow Bounds peacefully along j Sometimes tho music rises high, Mujeslio and profound, Aud roils bonoiitu the echoing sky la tones of lofty sound. The universe with natal songs, ' Thrilled through its last oxpans. And still tho melody prolongs While listening years advance; One choral chord combines tho strains In firm yet sweet control. As b'er those star-illumined plains The heavenly pa-ans roll. Earth-songs, though varied, all will float Kcsponsivo to the skies, If but one deep resolving uote Their music underlies! Oft in this harmony sublime Strains loud aud lowly bend, And in tiC irding tune and tim Eiu'iingly ascend. Alas! that o'er this concord fair Some jarring sounds we hear. Disturbing all the vocal air, And every tuneful ear ; Our songs, imperfect, yield too oft Notts of discordant strain, Which, 'mid their cadence so soft, Wako interludes of pain. Kolicn tones, whose inurmcring plains Come sighing from their strings. Breaths loumU symphnnioiis in the strains Which nature's anthem rimre ; Kor should we mourn though sad and low Our life-long songs arisr-, So they but move, through all their flow In concert with the skies. TERRIBLE REVENGE. A lute Parisian newspaper tells the fol- lowing story or n wealthy Englishman i, who may constantly bo seen ot the Grand 0;er, and the Italian Opera, nnd who en-:, joys o reputation, not only for music but as being a great amateur of painting. How tno repu-aiion was ucqmreu, yuu will presently seo. Ho was one of those Kedouin English men, who live alternately in tho Euro- pean capitals, except when they are on an occasional jaunt to Egypt, or to China, or to India, or the Holy Land. Ho never traveled olonc ; his wife was with him his boni fide wife for, notwithstanding his errant life, "so apt to weaken one's morals," he had all the English respect for the sex, and a true Englishman's love for his wik She was a beautiful worn an, one or those keep sake beauties, that once seen, make a man dream forever. Her social success wis very great in a.l tho cities they visited. In Romo, after being married somo years, they became acquainted with a German artist, of a good reputation, who, to his art, joined the learning of a P.enedicline, and knew the city of Rome as well as WinUIemann orNisconti. The German volunteered to be their cicerone in iho Eternal City they gladly accepted the oiTer. Many were ihe hours they passed in the museum of the capital, in tho Vn. linn n in St Peier's. and ill tho delightful excursions they made in tho environs of Rm0- . . u .i - This artist became in love with the English lady ; she reciprocated his nfloc tion Tho husband was a long time in seeing the Main upon his honor. Sev- era! months passed oway before he pprceiv. ed it, for he was very much pleased with the artist, and they had lonp bsea on the most intimate footing. Although stung to the quick by such Inso faithlessness j u;iniinn of tho laws of hospi- .-,i r-innrkhin. ho said nothing , ZJisc lie was nevertheless determined upon a complete reng.-, r ho appealed to cooler rcflcct.on to furnish a suitable punishment, as the passions are bad counsellors. , Ho lea Italy, and retired With his wile to England, saving nothing bu: rcwur o the artist. When he reached England, he told his wife of the discovery he had made, and gave her Lack to her fathers hands. . He then returned to the continent alon, and visited Germany, Russia, ond France, where ho purchased n great many paint ings. Ho then went to Italy, meanwhile ronlioaed to purchnse paintings, and at last two years had now passed awoy ,inco their last meeting ho called on tho n,mf.n nainlor. who still lived in Rome, aBd demanded satisfaction from him. Ti:. K,i..nan was accented, und tho Englishman, according to tho Luropean eus.". being the offended party, .elected Z weapons; he choso p.s.ols. During he past two years ho pracl.scd daily for ieveral hour, and his known address with flTn l had becomo an unerring certain ofi Hosentthoshottowhatey. -Ctntthfground;, wefe plL d at thirty pace, 0Pnrt,w,h th Eng." The signal wa, g.ven One! two 1 bre I Will"!"-"o" AM) CLARK WILSON; DKYOTi:!) TO i(i() within three months, $ 50 if paid within fi.t month. 1 Tho Inst word was hardly out of the sec ond's mouth when tho Englishman fired without moving. His antagonist's pistol fell from his hand, and was discharged by tho fall, the hell burying itself Tn tho "round. The Englishman's brill shattered the artist's wrist ; an (imputation was ne cessary his earner of artist was ended and forever. A few day's nftrr tho amputation, the Englishman called on him, and without noticing tho angry reception he met, said to the sullering artist : "If you think that my vengeance i sat. isficd with your shuttered hand, and the wreck of your artist's career, vou stransc- ly underrate ihn agony of a deceived, di9 honored husband I have condemned vou to a ile n vain regrets, to a never-rnc inrr senes of impotent sighs , to a total obliv. ion by all amateurs and historians olVt." "O no, sir," interrupted tho artist, his faco beaming with a ray of hope ; "the last you cannot do. Mv Madonna at St. i Petersburg; my Luther, ot P.erlin ; my Flight into Egypt, at Paris; my" Tho Englishman interrupted him in turn : j "Spare me;" said ho, "the mnses of , .your works; but look over this catalogue, i land sec if I have not tho exact list of them ! i all I ! "Yes, they ato alt here, even tho paint- ing I finished the day before tho duel." 4lPln T nm nersnndnd All ihr nninilnrT in this catalogue arc my property. I Jol,iat is f" nioro than they are worth; but it,nm ...i,,. i T iiUmn ,.,i r .i, l..t III IHU S I'lVU.-IV., IIIJU i IJII1 1J Ull III ; ave, I burn every ono of them, that I vnnr nnmn slmll hn ntt,A r,m ilm ! rious roll of ortisis. In two hours frotn ! I this lime, your foil, vour conceptions. ! your skill, will bo as completely effaced J " w,?ro 'V110'1' u,r- "rf,s ln,;H' ifmm tl.U tt-nrl.t n thn lino, u-lnnl. .l,iandtho forest warriors were soon feasting inn liav-L"' in ill ciiiiu lilt l lliu t u u ' Ihn risino lido. Fire is as rlestnirrivo ns , ii ! In vain the poor artist begged for mer- nv Ihn u'rnnopn huclin m vn lnconm. ,)e ,0 h;3 suppiioa,iotl . nnj jn two ,our9 ,ho sprvant brought to his nriists room a ar2R cnrthc ycs commonly used to con!ain 0;it fcl u.jt, nsu.s, jt was ui ; ,hat rcmninnd of the. artist's paintings. Eloqi-enck. A distinguished doctor of divinity is responsible for the following specimen of western eloquence, which ought to be embalmed in print:' "Who dicovered the North Pole? Our own illustrious Franklin. Who hung the Kfnr snnnMnd banner on the heaven nierc in summit of the Andes ? The immortal tTr,.rnn Who discoverer! ihn rout tn Cappadocia by the way of Cape Cod? That peerless Moorish navigator Puganini. Let us then with tho honiscopo in ono hand and Magna Charta in the other, plunge boldly upon tho raging billows of the Mississippi, and leave no land untried until we shall have united Tripoli anJ Grot- '.I .1 1- -i- ".'II nt Ureen Willi ino rocn oi vjiiorajicr, Then shall be brought to light Tarantul " "" Plato'S that long lost islo of bliss of which reasoned nnd Golilco sung !" Givs Yocn Child a IVi'kr. A child beginning to read becomes delighted with a new'spaper, because he reads the names of things that ore very familiar, and will make progress accordingly. A newspa per iu one year is worth o quarter's school ing to a child, and every father must con sider that substantial information is con necied with advancemen . The mother of a family, being hersolf cue of tho heads nnd having a more immediate charge of the children should herself bo instructed. A miuJ occupied becomes fortified against the ills of life, and is braced for any cmer gency. Children aroused by rending or studv, are of course mo'o considerate and more easily governed. Fire Kindlkrs. Wo have seen an or ticlo made from tho following receipt, tried nn,l nmnounccd excclent for kindling wood-fires, but it is of little use where coal js used nt least wc hove never been able to "mako it work" vithout tho usual amount of kindling: "Tako a ouart ol Kir nnu mrcc .us mi . . . i -i it., melt ll.em, bring to a cooling tern- rcrature, mix with ns much saw dust, with . . .. a lilliecnareeii. "oulu, .... . ........ 1 . . i i 1 .1 . In,t ne mm u ,-r!n1 .1 . ...l.lln iirvin a liAn r:l in: sprcnu out wun- " ' . . . . . i C.l when cold break up inw lumps "i m i.uiikc n. of a largo hickory nut, and you havo at n "Tho peoplo will laugh." Let them small expense, kindlir.g material enough j laugh. "Tin y will call mo stingy ." for a household fur one year. They will j Roller rail you stingy than say you do easily ignito from a mitch, and burn with not pay your debts. "They will wonder a'stron" blaze, long ciough to slart any .why 1 do not have better furniture, live in wood that is fit to burn. Try it. a finer house, nnd attend concorts nnd iho playhouse." I't them wonder for awhile Onions for FoVLs. Scarcely too much Can DO cam iu ' u' wmv. . inuls They sue in to oe a prcvuuiuuvc and remedy for variot diseases to which domestic poultry is liable. Having fie- .1., i..tpri lietr xceiiencu wl-l.iii speak unhesitatingly, lor gnpes, and in fiammation of Iho thronl, ryes and head onions are almost n snPCific We should recommend feeding fowls, and especially youn" chicks, with as many as thry will eat, as often as twice or three times n week. They should be finely chopped. A small nddu'on of corl meal is an im proyement. Farming Mirror. CLEARFIELD, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, TECUMSEI1YS HONOR. AN INDIAN'S TOD AND CRUTITl'DE. A correspondent of tho Detroit Free Press, gives tho following interesting an ecdote of tho great Indian warrior and prophet, Tecumsch : Whilo the enemy was in full possession of the country around Monroo nnd Detroit, Tecuinsch, with a large band of his war riors, visited tho Itiver Raisin. Tho in habitants alons the river had been strip- ped of subsistence. Old Mr. Kivard, n Ercnchman, who was hmc, nnd unable tOjr'?01" nn(' iZZrr ond let in the mighty proeuro n living for himself nnd family, ! m:iss '" waters pressing on the dyke, until had contrived to keep out of sight of the wandering hands nl savages a pair oT ox- PH. WttK U'tllr'tl hit! Cmi ll'no (ll. In In r. rnm n vnm., D,mn r, i, r..m;i.. u Crt ho,m,1B,i ... ll 'oxen. Tecumsch, who had come over from Maiden, met him in the road, and walking up to him, said : "My Iricnd, wc must have those oxen, I Mv vouni men are verv hunorv. nnd thev have nothing to cat. We must have the oxen.' Young Rivard remonstrated. He told the chief that if he took the oxen his fath- would starve. "Well," said Tccumch, "wo are the conquerors, and everything wo want is 1' "avc mo oxen ; my peopto must not starve bull will not be so mean as to rob you of them, ono hundred dollars I will pay for them, you nnd we must nave them 'cums( n cot a wnito man to write nn i . i orucr on tlio I .ritisti Indian Agent, Lelo- n('u"'11' ' wos 011 lllf! nvcr somo dis' ouow ir n o money. T1. I 'it I i f -i . on th I v . 1 0,lnn Rlvard lonk tl,c 01 dcr to Col. jl' - lliot, who promptly refused to pay it, saying: "We tiro entitled to our support from the country wc have conquered. I . P"y iho young man, with a sorrowful heart returned with tho answer to Tecumseh. who said, " To-morrow we w illgoand see." In the morning he took young Rivard and went to see the Colonel. On mectin" i llim- he naid : 'Do you refuse to pay for tho oxen I Loucht?" 'Yes," said the Colonel, and he rcitcr nted the reason for refusal. "I bought them," said tho chief, "for I "' J"' "r. " " " rrt- v"y Hungry. 1 ' nu nicy snail 1 1)0 P111'1 r"r I have always heard that while nations went to war will, each other nnd not with neace U inHvu iMk. i mi they did not rob and plunder poor people. ipPrS,n' T? S ' Tr I w'i'l net " iii position of lar weightier responsibility i.vm " :.i r t-. i ..i -n .1 than that of the little Hollander on that iri n, ouiu uiu v.uium:i. "i win not pay for them." " lou can ao as vou please, said the1 duel; "l.ut beloro lecumscli and his .. r, i , ., , .., r warriors camo to fight the battles of tho . !.'; ,t, i, i i . . r ''a'.K n?',,hr. ?nd. e10U:h. f?1' .: I : t r " . y;.n anii r Ma,S'Cr . LM lUKi (IIIU lliLlI 'MJUll I L'S. 1 1 If I r II in- I ting grounds supplied them with food O enough ; nnd to them they can return." rr-L'.t . l i i y V, , , ' T ,ri, -"u"fc" in the Colonels rnind. flic disatleclien of n q I rrnr nrm icnf n uni iiim .iinnn tho great chief, he well knew, would ini - meuiuieij vi.uraw mi ...c nations ol the I . 1 ' . t. I -II .1. . . . 1 red men from tho British bcrvicc ; and without them they were nearly powerless on the rroritier. "Well," said tho Colonel, "If I must pay, I will." "Give mo hard money " mid Tecum- sch, "not rag money, (army bills.) Tho Colonel then counted out n bun - dred dollars in coin, and gave ihcm to him. Tho chief handed tho money to young Rivard, and then said to the Col. uive me ono aouar more. Jt was given, nnd handing that also to Rivard, ho said, "Take that ; it will pay you for tno time you navo lost in getting your money. A Cook Advice. Lay by something , - . . . " every UJy, u um,. , ry, , ,s euer man .i . ( :.i-. i -. - .i nomine; iniiiw.iv ucult man running in i . . .tiu.t n penny u day, or a penny u week, Ii ho can earn one dollar n day, let him rr (nrltr nn,l In if hfiil I r iKn f.i-i...At .f, j ,,..., , ..... , m;lll , ! 1 t; 1 n it nti rnnftv rnplj n .,i. iiium; ...... ... ,. , i i. Ho will' 't won't hurt you. Ryand by you enn uuvu u nuu noun; uiiu no iiuuro oi youri own, nnd tney win wonder again, and como billing and cooing around you liko s0 many pleosed fools. Try tho cxperi- ment- Live within your means. CrThe Dunkirk Journal of a recent dato says that a marine monster was late ly seen in the bay at that place. It was of serpentine form, from thirty to furty feerin length, and was distinctly seen to move about in tho water with an agility equal to that of tho most expert of tho fin - ny tribe. POLITICS, UTKIUTURR, AGRICUIITRI', MORALITY, AM) FOUKICNAM) 1)0M!:ST1C INTLLLlCl'.NCi: In, il paid within nitio months, nnd if not paid until the expiration of the year 00 will hoduinjcd. I THE MY AT THE DYKE. It is said that a little boy in Holland was reluming one night from a village to I which bo had been sent bv his father on an errand, when ho noticed tho wntcf trickling through n narrow opening in the dyke. lie slopped and thought w hat the consequences would be if the hold was not closed. lie knew, for he had often heard bis father tell, tho sad disasters which Ind happened from small beginnings; how, in a 'uw lmurs ihu opening would becomo I tin wiiole delenco br.inr washed away, the rolling, dashing,nngry waters would sweep onto the next village, destroying life, and property, and everything in its way. Should ho run home and alarm tho villa- gers, it would bo dark before they could arrive, nnd tho hole even then might bo so largo as to defy ull attempts to close it. Prompted bv these thoughts, he seated himself on the bank of the canal, stouned the opening with his hand, und patiently lawahod tho nnnroneh of Hinders. Put tin , one came. Ilmir alier hour rolled slowly hv. vet there sat the heroie. I.nv. in mid niiil'diirkness, shivering, wet, and tired, , but stoutly pressing his hands against iho dangerous breach. All ni"ht he "staved at Ins post. At ast the morn n" broke. A I ! c! clergyman, walking up Iho canal, heard a groan and looked around to seo where it came from. 'Why are you there, my child V he asked, seeing the boy, and sur prised at his strange positir n. 'I am keep, ing back iho waier, sir, and saving the village from being drowned,' answered the ' child' with lips so benumbed with cold ; mat no could scarcely speak. The aston. , islied minister relieved tlio boy. Ihe dyke ' wr.s (dosed, nnd iho danger which thrcat- rned hundrods of lives was in this man ner prevented. 'Heroic bov! What a noble spirit of sell'.devoteilncss he showed !' every one wit exciaim. A heroic boy nitlecd ho was: nnd what was it that sustained himlhroimh ,pe lonesome night? Why, when his i,.ili ,.1,,,..,.,! i,;. i;rat.a .",.i.i,.,i his heart was wrung with anxiety, did he not fly to his safe and warm home ? What thought bound him lo his seat? Was it not the rcsjmisiliifihf of his position ? Did he not determine to brave all tho fatigue, the danger, the darkness, nnd the cold, in thinking what the consequences would be, if he should forsake it? His mind nic'.u- i red the quiet homes nnd beautiful iiirmsl nf ,i,e nf;()plo inundated by the flood ol io people inunilateil by the flood ol uaU;r r. nnd in rinterininnil t.i mnv nf ! n..! nr tn 1ln po . tfnon . ... I ' ' . . . j dark and lonesome night ; for, by the good I J n i-i , , it, i or oau lnuuence wmcn you uo nna snail . , , J r. ... , -, , .... ...b I iiuu ui wn iuneu ess niiu ru n, or ti iiuro 1 . , , ,' 1 ., stream tn unouness unu ciauncss on l ie world. God has civen vou somewhere a I rest of duty to occupy nnd vou cannot ( ' . " 9 . . . 9 , , I.Ij... - ,.1. !get above or below your obligations to bo fmthrul in it. You are responsible for leav. nc vnr vnrL- .m,l,.r.o nov.ii no i.nvt,,,, ' r J " ' .. i. imuiy done, lou cannot excuse vour .in.,, ,; .r ..i..i t a'u .. ! ort n,;v influence-' f,)r there" is nobodv u v oiviii;. i run nj .3n y i ui.'ll b .V mt,an or 0,.,iro ,ha, .,. somR .... ;fluCnce j nnd you have it whether vou will ! or no, and you arc responsible for the ) consequences of that influence, whatever ;s 1 j ' MvDnr.rHoniA Amo.nt. nE Cattle.-We .. frnm ,., . '. iwn weeks, n nnmlipr nfr uilp imd r!ri in Lower Ileidelburg nnd Spring town: hips, have been seized with madness, nndkil - led bv their owners. Widow Il.nnnh Adams lost a larrc fit b.rr: P,.ir ! Ludwig a cow nnd bullock john Men - gL-l n bull nnd cow; arid David Ma!, a i large sow. ino animals, it seems, were all bitten by n mad dog that was running about iho ueiuhborhood some ten days II i HIU31 v. x in; uu uuii iiil;vu IU .III, ; J())n ,;inkll. (lf s Lancaster county, ono' of whoo children was nlsoA llll1y in Havana takes every proiil-ied LUIIII y JIIU j .)ndI l)iu,n (J imnl(;(Jialt.y Iiplii,.j :.i, rf,i(.i,.llnii slr,..', ,'r(, , f ' ,iw ( , , svmntoirn of hvdro. . J 1 i . phobia. Tho dog also bit, asfarns known. some twenty. five other dogs in this vicin ity, nil of whom, except two, have been killed. Reading G'azi lie. Pretty Gcod .- Irviiin lin i.1 rr.,1 An Irish boy who was a place, denied that he living iiiiiu i;1 k 11 I'Kii.l, was Irish. "I don't know what vou mean 1 , by not being an Irishman," aid the gen- man who was hiring him, "but this 1 know, you were born iu Ireland." "Och your honer, if dial's ull," said tin boy "small bl.i mo to that. Supposed your old cat has kiitens in tho oven, would they be loaves of bread ?" The boy got tho placo. kTWIiv don't you hold up your head os I do?"' asked an nrristocrunc lawyer of n sterling old farmer. "Squire,"' was ho reply, "look nt ihut field of grain. j lou see all the valuable heads aro bowed (down, whilo thoso that have nothing in jthem stand upright." 1854. THE FIRST FELLING OF WINTER. j IIow delightful the firt feeling of win-i tor conies on Ihn nnmi ! v nai a inrong of trannmli.iii" anil nfljctionato thoughts accompany its first liri'jnt lirns, nnl tno i's i -cs .rom a mnu rcspecutuic i'i sound, out of doors, of its first chilling . family, wnoso veracity Mnnot bo doubted : winds. 0!i, whi'iVthc leaves arn driven, Sonic fifteen years ago, in 'he wf:ern in troojis lb: rjgli the stieoN, at nightfall, ' part of the s'ale of New York, lived a lone nnd the figures of ihe passers-by hurry on ' jy widow named Mozher. Iler husband cloaked nnd stooping with tho cold, is there had been dead many ypars, and her only a pleasnnter feeling iu iho world than to daughter was grown up nnd married, I i v entcr tho closed und carpeted room, with ( jpg at iho distnnco of a mile or I wo from its shaded lamps, and its genial warmlh, tho family mansion, and its cheerful faces about the evening tn-j An( jhus th(, M a(lv jvccl ui0I1Q jn ble? I hope that I speak your own senti-; hrr 10US(J (ay QI)j uigj)t yc, in hvr ment, dear reader, when I prefer to every j conscions innocence ond trust in Provi place nnd lime in the whole calnnder of ; icDrfl gj,0 ff,It Rafo anj chucrfl cHH her pleasure, a winter fvenincr nt homo tho L -ui(1,iv d rinrT lhf, jnvlight, and at "SWCOI, sweei nuine 01 ciiuuiiuou Willi us unreserved love und its unchanged and unmensufed endearments. We need not i love gaily the less. The less light and j music, and beauty of the dance will nlways breed n floating delight in the brain that bus not grown dull to life's finer influen ces ; yet lhf pleasures of home though sc rener are deeper, and I run sure tint the world mn y bo sea relied over in vain for n scene of joy so even nnd unmingled. It is ti beautiful trait of Providence that the balance is kept so truly between our many nnd difi'ercnt blessings. It was a melam-holy thing to see the summer depart will) its supurb beauty, if tho heart did not freshen ns it turned in from its decay to brood upon his own treasures. The affections wander under tlio enticement of all tho outward loveli ness of nature, and it is necessary to un wind the spell, that their rich kindness may not becomo visionary. I have a pas sion for these simple theories, which I trust will bo forgiven. I indulge in them ns people pun. They arc too shadowy legic, it is true like Ihe wings of the glen dover, in Kehama, gauze like and flimsy but flying high withal. You may not grow learned, but you will surely grow po etical upon them. I would as leave be praised by a blockhead ns bo asked the reason. HIS OPINION. A western editor thinks all our troubles lake their rise in follies, fast horses, and extravagance. Listen to him. "Recklessness und gross .heedlessness in business matters, have taken the place of carefulness. Credit instead of being used with caution, is given and taken with i a periect looseness, ana a mun lulling io- i a perfect looseness, and a mun lulling lo cav. sett es at thirty cents to-morrow, and I is 'in ihe firld the day afler ns rood as new. This is the definition of u good mcr- chant of the modern school, no matter if lie has saved something, no enquiries ore made, no surprise expressed if ho buys a house at five thousand dollars cash, a monlh afler his settlement it's all in keenin" with the times Tho lone takuii bv society in the mat " . 7 . : J 7 . J . . . . . 1 1( S r.f f,.rt in llerenco w th wh eh it ooks . .. . . . ! ! uds, swindles, seductions, and I .nt rrcsent hour j ' lmv0 a licatitiful efieet upon tho pros- cm g'-'ieruut. iu,.,, ay , uuu retrogades as rapiulv the next twenty I years as it has the las!, the rain spoken of in tho scriptures which destroyed n so'co"P'c of c":'s- wi" 1,0 wr'" dt-'st-'rvcd b.v us, whether we get it or not, High moral tone, we believe infused in to business, will make individual and gen eral prosperity of course with ordinury sajracity united. If Peter strives hard to pay Paul, the latter individual can go on with his obligations, but ono rascally Peter will, like th- i;; i'viJoa! brick nt Ihe ! (:,ld of n row ""TSOttin itself will over. j lurn a ! . ' Lauies i. il.wANA. You cncounlera D.l'ndy whom you havsi never seen befoie i rom'n'l !l,'r own house, from a church or a blion, nnd about to slen in'o her vo funic; you did' your hat, prc.-ent your hand, conduct her to a seat, she thanks you graciously, and both of you go your ways, feeling tho happier for the service rendered nnd ihn nc!jiuw!edi:cinent mudc. i courtesy kindly, and thanks you for it. ' She do-s not stalk up to vour s.a in r-.S- t.oi's not stalk up lo vour s."'it in p' lie places, silently demand that you should give up lo her what you havo paid for and secured and after you havo given it, take no moro notice 01 vou tiiat il vou were a cur which hud been driven from her paih.J She dues not, if yo i offer your arm to ns- sist her, shrink within herself. and look 11' you ns if you wt iv .1 1 pT or a branded folon, because you have never been "intro duced." If she be pretty and you tell her so, she thanks you lor admiring her, nnd I have yet to learn that this disposition nn her part lessens her pleasure in receiving attention nnd admiration, or yours, in giv inrr jt. 03-A voung man was-detected the oth t:T rinv in Dve's banking ofiice, Cincinna- j vote polled at iho recent election lor vvm. ti, wifh his hand in another man's pocket. Rigler for Governor, nnd Jorcnwh . His excuse was thai Ihe crowd was soiRiaek for Judgo "f the Snpreum Court, dense, dial in attempting lo get n (dug of! it will' be ir. dial there is a d.fii.rence ol tobacco out of h s own pocket, he had by but 0 vol" between them. Ordering mistake run bis feeler into another man's dJiumber of votes polled imJ the atfnl- nnmenlionnljies. Ha was taken to tho rofiies' draw inrr-room. NUMBER 40. A Story of a FailL.'iil Dm. The folion ing story is mid, by tbf Ports- mouth Chronicle, to be derived, us to nil evenlide slept SWeetlv. Ono morning, however, she awoke with an extraordinary and unwonled gloorn up- on her mind, which was impressed with the rpprehension that something strnngo was about to happen to her or hers. So full was sho of this thoiHit that she could not stay nt homo that day, but must go abroad to give vent to it, by unbosoming herself to her friends, especially t ) her daughter. With her sho spent tho greater part of tho day, and to her she several times repeated the recital of her npprchen sions. The daughter as often repeated tho assurances that the good mother had never done injury to any person, nnd added, 'I cannot think any ono would hurt you, for you have not an enemy in the world.' "As the day was declining, Mrs. Moz her sought her home, but expressed tho same feelings os fIio left her daughter's house. "On her way horn1? she cnlleJ cn a neighbor, w ho lived in the last bouso be fore she reached her own. Here she again made known her continued apprehensiuns. which had ncnrlv ripened 11110 fear, and from the lady of tho mansion she received answers similar to these of her daughter. "You have harmed no one in your whole lifetime, surely no ono will molest yen. "Go in quiet, and Rever shall go with you." "Here Rover," said she to a stout walch-dogthat lay on the floor, "here Rover, go home with Mrs. Mozher, and take care of her." P.cver did as he was told. The widow went home, milked her cows, took care of everything out of doors, nnd went to bed ns urual. Kover had not left her for an instant. When she was fairly in bed, he laid himself down upon tho outside of ihe bed, nnd as the w idow relied on his fidelity, nnd perhaps chid herself for needless fear, sho fell asleep. Sometime in the night she awoke, being startled, probably, by a slight noise out side the house. It was so slight, howev or, that sho was not aware of being star tled at nil, but heard as soon as she awoke a sound liko tho raising of a window near her bed, which was iu a room on the ground floor. "The dog neither barked nor moved. NexV there was another sound, as if somo one was in die room and stepped cauti ously nn tho floor. The woman saw noth ing but now for tho first lim J felt the dog nun.', as ho made a violent spring from the bed, and nl the samo moment r.jcse thing fell on tho floor nunding like a heavy lug. Then followed other noises, like the pawing of a dog's feet; but soon nil was still again and tlio dog resumed his placo on the bed without having barked or growled at all. "This limo the widow did not go to sleep immediately, hut laynwake wonder ing, yet not deeming it best to get up. H it nt last she dropped asleep, and when she owoko the sun was siiininir. f-'in has tily stepped out of bed, and th?re lay ihe body of a tnttn extended or. the floor, dcrt J, with a largo knife in his hand wh'ch was even now extended. The dog hid seized him by the throat with a grasp nf death, and neither man nor dog could titter n sound till a!! n-iis over. This man wan the widow's son-in-law, the hiihnndof her only daugh'ur ; ho covevd kor little store of wealth, h." hou her cattle, me! her land ; und instigated by this sordid impa tience, he could not wait f r tho deiay H' na'.'irc to givo her property up to him nnd his, os the only heirs apparent, but made this stealthy visit to do n deed of darkirss in the gloom of the night. A luarful retri bution wailed for him. Tho widow's op prt hrnsions communicated lo her mind e.nJ impie:;!-:d upon her nerves, by what um cen power we know not, the symp'ituy of the w.:t who K.t.1 ihn d ", and de lint mri.-iiii : iT-li oi'l he U02 iilllll" II formed n chain of t ver's wl.ieh brought the murderer's blood upon his own head and which aro (ii.licult to bu explained without refercni"; to dint Providence or overruling Power which numbers the hairs of our heads, wniehcs the sparrow's fall nnd sh.'.prs our deeds, rough hew them as we will." - l Closb otf.. Ry rulerring 10 im 1 V Vircumslanccs, 11 is vry id-