Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 22, 1854, Image 3

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.r ii:.nrn:uK Aor
Villi,, to Miilm, i n.r..
" f""'
Mr. Sonlr, Our Minister In Spum.
This jfnt lemon, sinco his appointment
. rcprrscnianvo 01 tun United 8ialva at
Urn &nih Court, hat, boon n,o,l to oo
cupv a l;iri?o space in tho ibsen;
iuru,gn pontics, ana grievous nccusnllons
have been brought against him in the!
newRpnper columns ofl-urore, as well as'",
ora certain class of journals in our own
country. As it is now not unlikely that
great events are to grow out of this re,',
tleman's conduct, or the conduct of nthn
. .. ,' .. . ...
k. ..-ii -. .
iuru mm, it may Do. we fornnp ni..
t6 inquiro who I'ierue Soi-ib iswhai
liis merits and whut his character '
. Mr. So,,!., ..c u.,;.i,,i r. ,V..
fn. .i:.:.i "
. v ti to tic ii I I I nit r rn imi
IU1 i'uiuiuui uiicnccs, at n vcryearlya"e -ov u,,., luu
nnd settled in New Orleans.' He Un b,'Dd-sual ol"our government could inVest,
commenced the practice of law, in which hnC,!' ny il,di8ni,y ofil'rcii t0
profession ho very soon rose to eminent ' ' n'CCr 'huS forlirlcd b-v ",0
distinction. At a very critical period in i col,8,l,u,ud nutllori'ics of another govern
the history of Louisiana, Mr. S was elect-! T' b reCCiVcd y lher ,ig,lt
oi to tho Senato of the United States from 1 !"? nn,,0nal inSU" n(T-nU, un
that State-to fill a vacancy, v,o believe i government of France shall in the
His conduct there must her,
by tho w hole country
lie at once took a
lading part in .be discussions in that bodv i
1 in that body
man of gen
-and whether regarded as a man of Cen- i
eral intrll Ufnf ArVlrnAi.rl! i, ... . .
i . . . 3 J
and indiistrv. nf lii.rli.t
. 'jii-iwm.u rmuuiiMii, Or. j ,t , .. ..
ofdistinnuisbeJ nr,,, . ... . !don,, "nt.cipa.ed.-althouol, the reported
o e uuu uiaio
rical powers, we hazard nothing in sayin
that he had very few, if any, superiors.-!:' T" " exp.anat.on
AB,. U 1. .Ru, ; J ,0 Uason' our M.n.stcr to France, nnd
r n j tho tardy and discourteous manner of that
ol Democratic measures, and n sustoh- r i i
, ,, n . ' " m ! refusal, does not give strength to the hope.
lng tho Democratic party, and bv way of 1 w ,1 . c
l ' , , chae thus .v:n on outline of on
repioach, was classed amon the radicals ' rr . u- i 11 ?
, , ., . """ " I alliiir which bids fair just now, to make
by the organs of Iho W hig party. How , , , .
, , , , 7'. llow some noiso in the world. That it will re-
lar he may liavo deserved such distinction t. , ...
j . . ... , ult ln any serious nusunderstandin!! be-
depends upon circumstances. Hisspcechi, .1 . 3
, , ! . ,. .tween the two governments, we do not
upon the American policy as regards Cu- ti j r
. 1 rr j L 1 c , rcfir- The good sense of our rulers wi
ba, perhaps afforded the only foundation , , , , , .. ..
r ir 1 i-i . induce them to avoid a rupture, il possible
for it. If so, wo rather think it nn abuse! , ... ., ,.
f - , , ., , though not at the sacrifice ol our n.v
of terms, for he only said on that occasion, ,;ona jlonor
what was ihcri, and is still felt and secret-! '-
ly said by a large majority of our stales- j ITEMC WUEKS! !
men of Lo.h parlies and for thus having! 0" Tuesday the 14th instant, the Canal
tho nerve to declare to the world scnli-! Commissioners met at Ihrrisburgto make
ments which other men felt but forbore to ! l'ie annual appointments. We learn that
avow, it is but natural that the enemies of
American in'.erests, and of Democratic
progression, should mark him for their
victim. This is all the evidence of Mr.
Soule's radicalism and if no other fault
can be discovered in him, we aro rjuito j
sure he will bo sustained from one ct.d
of lite Union to the other.
In seltcuig a person to represent the
interests of tho United States at the Span
ish Court, President Pierce's mind was
naturally called to the distinguished Sen-
otor from Louisiana. He stood before the 10 "PP01"1 n "auncnntcnaani o. me runuc
American people and tho world, as a con- Works" Thi do,,p nni1 bcino' a
fpicuous member of the highest legislative Wh,3 or Ivnow-Nothmg, would give them
body known to our institutions-represen-j lhe ufllccs- 01) ! ,,ow Prio.icl If they
ting one of the sovcioign States or thc.can cnplish this you will hear no'.hing
. . t-: r ,.. '"ore about a sale or the Canals and P,ail
AulCriCQU tuiuil, iu u:.uv e-ijivLia
Soule possessed qualifications for this po
sition possessed by no other. IIo may
riuve been wanting in others ; Lut if so,
tho fact has yet to be established, nnd we
have strong hopes that the result will show
that tho President acted wisely. He may
not have been tho most acceptable man ut that they prtiposed holding weekly meet
the Spanish Court. But thai was not the, ing, in me Town ia!I Some of ,1)en1)
question. We wanted a man to represent , rallcr doubting the truth or the report, in
A:nerican not either Spanish or French j quirtd more particularly into the matter,
interests. Immediately on the announce-jnnd Wore coolly informed by the young
mcnt of Mr. Soule's appointment, the Lon-1 nativc that there could bo no doubt about
don Times, and other journals of that, it as iie i,irnscf j,d gccn cnenftha cards
stamp, gave out lhat the Spanish govern- j 8cnt tf) n y0URg (Hy to induce her lojoin
ment could not receive Minister Soule j ,)C goriely Tho card was produced and
wi'.lmut compromising its, dignity. Butj(urnwl c(Jt ,0 be n jnvi..ion from 80mo
Mr. S. was kindly received by the 'Vn- ()f our progressive voting men requesting
ish ro'-rt, nnd treated wi,h due defercnpe,;hcr (Q iar;icipnle in" a Collioi) Society for
,0 far as regarded outward show. I'lhcpurposeof kipg inili:llcd illtothc my8.
our renders will remember that in a short j
lime a premeditated indignity was offered,. vo( imtivc,8 in!ense ,iatred ofcv.
to the wife of tho American Minister nt a hnJ causcd )imto
party ,,t the house of the French Minister, j U)o word j,, fof ,0 namo of
ly n young Spanish noble-lhat tho re-,., tcrriMc Q?comst tho cxplana.
Mlt was two duels-ono between young salisfactorv nnJ he knn of 0
k.miV md tho author of the insult, nnd the
bou.e nnu u.o u 011 i'
C'hcr lietWCCn Ullllisiur kiuuiu uuu uiu
French Minister, the British Minister act
ing as the lalter's second, and both duels
tormina, ing with tbo wounding or the
r,w,r h Minister in the leg.
a'ftcr this. Mr,
. . I t Li. .l,.li..Q nnmn.!'""1 U- 4 S,,n In,lk( known "'' th,,y
WHS niioweu iu auiuu w -
Letter writers, find Blilis!) nnd
Frrnrh editors, however, left no means
1 Mr Smile, nnd tn enst '
tinirnu iu onu ; i
rcoroacli upon tho American Embassy at
., f .i i. j ,.,
Mudno. Annoyances pi uns kinu were;
constantly thrown in his path, nnd so far!
. .1114
B8 the facts havo came lo the knowledge
rt, t ; I,- cfprns to have treated i
Ol lH3 pUL.IC, no ami
.Um wiih ihc-most becoming forbearance,'
faithfully attending to tho high duties of.
his s'ation
In iba mcanlimo a revoluiicn broho out
... ..;ni..rl with a rhnno-ol
in P pa in, n"" o
t rilers without changing in anV respect drawn! of the instructions prohibiting Mr. Soule jrif.Mr. Cuuard says: M'e hare been so fortu
OI ruiLia, o o . from passing through France, and presumes that1 nate as to carry about 10,000 passenircri across
OS WO HfO aware Of, the relations DClwCen 1 thg expiRngti0a 0f i,oui Napoleon will prove eat-1 the Atlantie disUnee of about LOUO roilet
this eountry and Spain,
llCCntlllv. tmUr-VKr m U...I- l
v ' . i"uuiq in u oc
Oasinn fi licit Urn,.., I. ...I
. nun rniirnuig
b" '."K"'"" r ranee, was nbrupt.
ly "t'TppJ i n !,is ni rivul ut CVlniii, end lolj
w IHTmniPil to. i,ter the Trench diimin.
101), nni ho WfiB romp, lied to return to
l'.llgl'Uld. No reason Was ai,r.r,l l.v.1...
authorities nt f.'alai.. nml M, S ....
, c, , ' ' ' u,,u ",r- coul
. 5? '8UCM ' of this rodenc,.-
illcl'onJo' papers attempt to explain tho
matter as bimplva Personal mnttnr In.,.
.i .. 11" ""llltr UClWCCn
lio French government ami Mr. 5.u!o
citiwa of,ho i:nilC(l S,alcs- B"l
:mis will not do. It is true. Mr. Soul Una
; 1 ' not t0 1 rB"cc' a,ld
i'"'8 ,,nve bcC" ,ict,cr pml'lycd at that
; . , ,ravdl,nS through France. Hut
" sot "I"' is our business, ontl nm r.n.;u
II 80. I III, I 1.1 .M, r I.,.., .,... .. . T
i.. ' ' "'"---. "u not ouis
P S" H nt'verth('lcss. on
lCm rcPrcscn:u,ivc o(o country, bear.
nis credentials ns such, and clothed
With all tho ditmilv nn.Umhh .1... I
P"cn terms, .itsavow any such in
jtention, we should be very sorry to see
7 JT,.. " nS Bnyll,,"B 6l,ort
I no,naM nM
i i.ii.'.i n v rt ,i mi ....n . ..
v.ij.immiiu,, III ue iUlll)llv
LMVCn bv Ho lrnnf K Fnnnn,.. a r.
, D -j . ,..,v,. uijiui ia I.UIJU
refusal of the French minister of Foreign
uflitirs to givo n satisfactory explanation
but few changes wcrs made, perhaps in
view of a sale being shortly made. Wo
presume the Wiig party as soon as they
get into power, will carry out their deter
mination to either sell or give aivay the en-
tirc public works. It is however amusing
si"ce ,1,e Section to'sce with what tact they
are managing to avoid the responsibility.
A leading Whig paper at the seat of Gov
eminent is now in favor of legislating the
Canal Doard out of office, and authorizing
the Governor (that is Governor Pollock)
Some of our citizens wero considerably
! surprised, and per Imps alormed a few eve
nings ago, to hour from the lips of nn in
tense young native, thut a Catholic soci
ety was being foijncd in our place, and
, ' ,
T1001 wonderfully relieved, at the ex-
pense of several suspender buttons.
TfQ'iitc a number of new advertisements up-j
! rear in this nuiiCtir : among whi -h will bo found
I the Trial List ; several Register's notices J Exee-
ulor's notice of the estate of James Allport j disso-1
lution of partnership of Curtia 51. firahniu A Co. ;!
1.. . .,.,.lv r.F V .. II. ...1. nn.l n .a
, .,-commodaie their customers with
every articlo they may wi.-h, nt prices as
reasonable as the same articles can be had elsewhere.
morrow Thurstlav "3d is tho
I Jt was also ruinore.i mm some ,;uu m
n v tj,e Qovcrnori t0 j,e 00. j iaru,.,t but this lacks confirmation,
; . da vofthanksoivinc throughout'., 'Y1, V' th'.l 'TnVr'
' J
j p o c iiiiojmhiiu, iul jiMvnmun uie via to invest
Coit,monwcnlh. V0 hope it will bc,- J( , ,
wn" reported that a popular nuthrenk ha
generally observed by our Citizens. TllCro curn-d nt Puerto Principe, but no particulars
..... , ... , M0lt,j;c( known.
hurch n jn t,)(j rrcsbytcriarj
church at 11 A. M.
.ma Mixn AFrm.-ine wasningmn Lmon
ofthelSth inst., announces positively the with-
Onimlng timv.ri origin, the numbers i f tin
human fa-nilr resemble .,,1, i.ihxr In I i . .....
I'M, tlinl In in dueling somenhM Ir.mi nil others.
Widely .. he j ,,ir, r n r.-.-li.p. lull HP up J char
a. icr, tiny may nil lie included in Iwn rU-sc:' - the i. , and )), ,.,i,. ti.,, frlt i,f,
"v'rll"'ir "rii.ry ill. nn.l trmfrr tliii onn live
H" IbM.t. I.oin ffKrnrii.ti(i. Pn-k
li'' ;"" "" ''' ,Vn ,l"ir iaMo dMiilition.- ,
Tl" '""cr u,v t time, cnj,.v negative happiness
j .. , ever i Z
! "" r llu ""' ,,nvJ' tlll'ir vi-aHhi.T n. i.-hbor his
I . inn rnij vviillliur Ii. i;.ili.,r liin
i rill'''iy iniinMnn umulo fiircn.linK fuliU n..!
tlicy lil rntli... , .
vie with him in cxtcniliiiif ho'iiilnlilioa Tl
W(11,l 1 .,, , , ' .. , , , '
pluck & lciif from tho luunl whuh ear-
roumin tin. brow of t!u nlnlosmaii or tho wnrrior
no! they only regret Unit they have not been nlile
todothoSlatenomeviVe. lla member of thi.,
,.i.., ia r: ,f . .. . . .... ,
''" r" 1 f"r,,,,,p' '" ""nk 1,10 lllu"f "
merehant would bo preforubl
Jf a merchant, bo
would prefer the forum. The lawyer in turn, wish -
e fora mure active life, rnd Inum-hc into thenea """."1,,,,nK"1 " ''"1'""'I'"'";".'"'1 believe
f,.,;,. , """".any Flepn biix a temlenev to destroy her in -
uipiuincn, unit tlie nliiteanmn ruin would follow tiueneo at the fir.-siil... or i,, l,,,l.l on l.i.r l,..ll..p
,,,,,, , , , ,, ...
tno plouj;li. Caleb yuulem, in Iiih celebrated work,
'llio follies of man," well describes this Hiurn when
he nays, is something in everv , f ,
vvery onu ot us
n v - -
' " v pwn, uum uwiiu iriiMi un-
i r ; we enruoatly wisli. nml ontrorlv enwt. nml am
cft.,ouiia weary of it." Tho latter clnfa possess all
redeeiiuii- (polities. There ia within thorn aspirit,
which, ns a uiolh consumes a garment doth cou -
sumo the man. Harmony Rra,e, upon their cars-
l,,. ., , ,.
beauty pain, their eyeballs-pleasant thing' are
to them pall and wormwood. To this class ofpeo-
pie belong the grumlilers who can bo divided in -
... ..r i .... .
,. .. .., wiio nnvo .onnea an cxa.teu
opinion ot their own wort h no. i. h it nn.l th..
of choice who feel their owu insignificance uud be-
licvo the world havo formed a just estimalo of
Ihein. But,, had one of ,,10 f.rst class of grumb-
lers (ivhich aro by far the most numerous) iu bis
eye when be wrote.
.... i-i . .
11 iikc 11 mnggot in a sore
Would that which gave it life devour."
rl n .... - ., . . ,. . ... .
inc., imiieriooiu.giiry,iawuontnoweultny,nna,nj vou will not n,e,.,l t ,, .i.i,.., ' ;i
follow in tho footsteiis of the more honored ofourleiiru how wrong you were in supnoMu'ir. there is
race. Their groat ambition is tube bnir dresser to
her highness Queen Victoria, or Physician to bis
Imperial Majesty .Soloucpie, Emperor of Hayti, ic.
They sometiines overdo tho mark, and when
simrned by those whom they courted, they become
grumblers from necea.-ity ; they then run to the
'j..ufiio lAireuie; aenouueo lliose Who by thrift
and industry have acquired position and wealth as
tho cod fish niistocra
others against them.
tho cod-fish aristocracy, and endeavor to embilt-r
These grumblers are active.
noisy, i.:ustiiin;; lello.ts wliodoa great deal of:
mischief by causing the wealthier to assume airs, !,,!" """ F ' ("" member not voting.)
and fancy themselves greater than thny really are. lXl
and frequently render those who havo not been I gain, one. The old delegation compri
ulile to noeurc so great a portion of tho worlds goods !"'.'' .'""r 'l"?s j tho new delegation but three-
more discontented. Wo think Milton's lino
'ir they cannot servo in heaven they'll rule in hell,'
Applies to them. (The quotation may not be cor
rect as tho book is mislaid.) It is seldom we meet
w'.ll, V..... .1 ..1... I I
...... . .., iu..,. i , ,i ,io llll,U IHOl
wiih them say they are c-o repulsive that few lave
tho desire to study their characteristics.
Iinportant from llic Sandvtirli Islands.
Tho English Consul nt Honolula has received a
despatch fror.i his government directing him to in
firm the King that in case of a disturbance in the
islands he could receive no nid from tho English
government ns their eutiro resources were required
for the prosecution of the war with Russia. This
has caused a marked change iu llio views of the
English, German, nnd other resident.', as also in
tho Prince who objocted to tho annexation to thi.
coiintry, they now uj strenuously favor as they for
merly opposed annexation.
A treaty has bem informally ngroed upon be
tween tho government of the Islands on the one
h.indnnd Mr. Gregg the American agent on the
other, nnd on the transfer being perfected nn an
nuity is to be paid to tho Royal Family and prin
cipal nobles. The only point of difference between
our agent nnd tho Hawaiian government uppears
to be ns to the time anil innnm.r of ...linwi....
Tho c-ovemmeof ,lcir ... I,.., 'i . ' ...
,.,, ... ,
atic.n deferred a vear or ei.'b een inontb. il.,.i
,. . ,. , -
ill tho mean tune a reniib lean form of vrn,-,n.
can bo adopted. Whilst Mr. Gregg desires immo-
I dinto annexation ns a Territory. Annexation is
considered a fixed fact, and our readers may
therefore soon expect to hail tho accession of this
Island iSUto to the Atnericnn Republic.
Shipwreck ami Less of Life.
Tho ship New Era was stranded on tho Jersey
coust on the mornirg of tho 1,1th. She sailed from
Prenion on her first homeward ,nssa?o wilh 426
souls on board. 8ho .".07 passengers, nil Ger
mans. Her pa?.nge from lircmcn was very rough.
The Captain, S. T. Henry, complains of disobedi
ence on the part of tho crew. Only 155 of the
passengers reached the shore nlivo, nnd several of
them died soon after landing. Tho ship lay with
in hailing distance of the nhoro for twenty-four
honi .,. liming which time n.'sislnncc was at hand,
but tho wind nnd rolling of the sen prevented the
ves:;el being recclicd. f-'ho is a total loss. She
stranded on Deal Ileaeh near where the Poh hat
tan went ashore nnd all on board perished.
1 .lection News.
P'T'The latest returns from Now York, give
Clark the Whig enndidato for Governor, a majori
ty of 220 votes. Tho Albany jlt of a lnte date,
however, claims: the election of Seymour by about
SO votes. It iB impossi! lo to know tho result un
til the official vote of all the counties are received.
The ofliciiil returns from Delaware havo been
received, showing tho election of Mr. Cause-, (ho
American candidate for Governor, by 7.",.t majority;
nnd Mr. Culltii, the Americnu candidate for Con-
Kress, by ftl'4 majority.
! 1 .tTK ciirasLa nas been elected in
Tho oflicinl returns of the election for Con
mnn in Florida foot ut. ns follows :
Rrown, Whi;-, 4,'M ; Augusta E. Maxwell,
Uoin., 6,ii.w. iiinjoniy lor .ilaxwell, 1,1)74.
Lute and Important from Havana.
Rv tl.o nrrivnl of the steamer Gov. Dudley, at
Charleston, bringing dates to tho loth insL, wo
' learn tinit two American schooners, with arms and
I Binninnilion on board, had been seised nt llaraco-
ca' nnl' ''ie ll"rt',',' concerned imprisoned.
J t was also rumored thn t some 300 men had been
Anotlicr reck.
A Drig, name unknown, went ashore and sunk
on the 14th off Cape Henry. It is supposed that
all on board perished.
without injur to one of them.
TliR BMDELdll t'1,1 D AND 1HBV MlflUS.
Fitn-o t.Mt last lne (In. liiri.-1..i li-h Liiclr 1 V'Tli H 1-' Ill ll'.I V fl I.N.
l-rnii I it to 1. liiMpr,,ot,t . d i.,,,-tnHlrM.t.'A ! " ,"" ' 'V'" '"
1,1....... I . ... . . .
i..i,i mnir pr;.n.i.,i n,.,- n, im r IIiif tho
r.'.iill i. i.iit tiiniit'K n ("1.1 pluml l..r to tbo ii.lcr-
Ti, r lliemi'ii.t l,v IIkiii f ..ini rm Ii i,n.i.-H
,, ,.. , !
r.i hi RMTinr ii in in., imiiit, II It in trim Hint tin-
liicii.lM.rii linvo rff.jlv. il, n runii nn Ili"r rnii (ind
nrntnt wnriliynn tlio mnti-:- v':c tiawi IliJ
" , 7 , " " " ' ,
! 3 ""''"n "1,"r"r""""'1'"'" "
I ro,,"'l '
, ..y ,;. ,,;,rn, f,i l,r,l,.r'. flub .Cry-
ti.kmkm: Wc llm tm.l..rii imd, nitpn, nml nmlh -
n, 1,,.,, ..II.,.,. .1.1... ...
hlll,lilllf 'i''.v nlmw ; uml wo li.Ti'Ly niiniiotir!
f.'i'liliMi.i.i.s mi. I .r..l..M i,,-:iiit nny ruch 1
nvl.ii.iii,,,,. w hi-.,. ...-....
Hum's riirliln ; not, it h (n,,.. n'f Unit i-lnn w ho
"ul'l H'ler 111" polili.ul ur. ua, or j.mtlo the buv ,',1' niinor cliil.lren of Milen llnri-oek ilec'd.
'T""'1 in f l,'"l,tj ,,)' " Jifu ' "','ir !'. U-l .VM1&11, toft
"I'lirewith theit-mer mv tho privile-ia wh.h Pointer n Odoe, ?ov. 22. Hi I.
have fro,,, tim.. immemorial been eoniidered ,.;
I'irtli rilit but ndvoenli n of woiiKin'n rir litn w ho
' '""k "I""1 " w'a,,' poeuliur Fpl.ere thut
,. ; .'" .-""." u. ui-r ueiu-rieei- .
"K rnlieule ik a ruthless are.-sion ; nn Inva-
,',,;,r ,,K,rif-"ht "f llif prn tlt-r wx whii-h nhnuld b !
' ,,..k,,"M,.B ;hal c"uriiC .'.' H
.... tt(lllM lllirk.nn tll :il,i ......
uirrritirr ti K'ui in vou h umiii'ii. in in rinin.
,,u,n ' thuw inutlicr.H who nnfetl vmi tn ilieir ho-
. . . ''ill 1 i lllieiivi
f "1'l'r",lt'1' l"--"t kiss of love upon your c. j.'. H,.nr.l,
command.- their law n,, m-k you to regard them .), Curley, '
! ,vil1' "",r" resjieet than those females whu hnvojc f 'a.nnuil'
! X li'rlii 'r'-! "''"'""'f''. f'"'" j (i'eorV W. Carter,
' ,01r lll,ri ;i,r'1 lr the propnetiesof life, uiidscnn- C'oiiriiill-r.-.lriek
, dalie.l our se.x. If , exhibition must bo held, j j p. ' rty
'"'I '" "one j;ood obji-et iu view. Aurieulturo '(inorRe'dill,
1 '"'s""t: ""'k' r"'l,i brides in our county that ! Michael (ui""le,
: perfection has been reached. Iiiiiirovements inn 1.1... i. 1 i"T n
vot bo m,,0 ,utu the orchard und the
j Almost secluded from the'world engaged in our
' u"""ll'",il!. ""'airs eudenvoriiig to make our homes
j ZZZZ 'Zi 11 'libT
sex. We therefore hesitate believing on mere nt-
I ""r that- those whom we have heretofore looked
1 noon ox l,i"l, iiii.i.l...l 1...... .1.1 n 11 .1.
7 " .""..,.' m, wuiu.i 11...
"ir",t" """'IT nol."H" ""' V'1''1'1'1 "f Tid'":uU "ml
....... v
7t ' .'.ii """" c"muw 'I .vou.
111 our midst, one mother devoid of that nrineiole '
implaiiled in woman' breast by nu nil wise Crea -
tor love of o.T. pi ing one pin . 'lit who with a pa-
rents would not excuse her erring child and
111. on e me erring one.
I '"'""'"'U 'I iveare wrong condemn but if our
! ri,-"" ' tiJ "1""'0 "' 1,UiU
T-l-Tho ;.',. York .I.i.irnul of Commerce, com-
.... "K l" ,ft,y fleet,,,,, , Illinois, says
sum III. the esse. Illinni. i. ...-. 1 :!
! the present (.,1,11 (Vnrress bv four iJU tiv,
o.-uioi-rnis, who gave three the Nebraska
who !
I'""' b," "mi11 fur "'"mng before they
aiv uui 01 iae wooas.
Sailing of the Arabia.
Tho Arabia sailed from New York, Xov. 15th,
with 75 passengers nnd il,2fi2.0UU in specie.
M tnsii;n.
On tho instant, by the lie v. J. J. Hamilton,
Mr. J'reeman Hill, of Jordan township, to Mws
Jane Uen, of Knox township, Clearfield county.
In Lawrence township, on tho 21st inst., JeQor
sor .nfant son of Win. ami Abbina Mapes, aged
2 years (j months and 14 days.
He is dend and gone a flower
Horn and witl.t red in an hour.
Coldly lie.i the death-frost now,
On bis little roundel brow.
And the of darkness lies
Ev-r on bis shrouded eyes.
lie never will feel again.
Touch of human joy or pain.
Save the childless one who weeps,
O'er tho grave where now he sleeps.
Closed his eus, and cold his brow.
All is over with him now. M. I.
At his resilience in Lnwri'ime township, this co.,
on Tuesday, the 21st instunt, Mr. SjIui.iou Kline,
aged nhout f,5 vears.
1 H il a.lcl r ti la Lumber Market.
Corrected tverkiu from Hivkntll't lUnnrltr.
I r"r
i Dutv 20 per. cent n.i. va ., W. P. Lds, and idank.
, . . .. ....' ' 1K'
1st quality bv inspection.
$12 00 (,n AS tin
White Pino culls.
AVhiie Pino flooring planed,
Hemlock logs.
Hemlock w hnrf timber.
Hemlock Scantling,
Flouring, Jersey planed.
Step boards, N. t'
Henri Pctg., N. C,
do. river.
Flooring, N. C.
Si,.p boards.
Shingles, Cedar, per M.,
Shingles, Pine per M.,
Shingles, Cypress,
Lath, 1 inc.!,., per M..
Slaves, White Ouk pipo,
Hoops, rountry,
14 00 (o, 10 OU
2;i oo () :;o oo
7 Oil f.g 8 50
1 .'.o (,a 9 oo
fi 00 (nt 8 50
2:', oo (' Mil oo
25 00 On 30 00
15 00 (,,. 20 00
1.1 00 (ii) KS 00
21 00 f.u 20 00
15 00 (.ii IS 00
n no (Vi, :;o oo
11 0,1 (,., 20 00
11 00 (i, 22 00
2 12SU 2 25
50 00 ( f,5 nu
25 oo (,o ;;o oo
el York Lumber Market.
Timber, White Pine, per cubic ft. oil is and r0 22
Timber. Oak, per cuoie d ot, 00 25 and 00
Timber, (I. Scant, per M. lcet, $:M 00 und 40 00
P...nrd. N. 11. peril, ft. otear, .'17 50 nml II; 00
Hoards, X. R. 2.1 quality, per JI. 110 Oil nnd 35 (Ml
l.alhs, Eastern, , 2 50 cud
Shingles, bunch, IS inches, 2 50 and 2 75
Grain Markets.
Pnii.AiF.i.rii i a Ci.rAiTrr.ui.
Wheat, f 1 ri (.. 1 r-7 f2 12 (o) 2 25
Rye. 1 15 (,,: 1 20 1 25 0j 1 117
Corn, 82 und 85 112
Oals 53 cer.'s, C2 cents,
New nnd Cheap CJondn.
1)ICIIARD SHAW & SON, would respectfully
V- inform ilie public that they have just received
at tlieir New Store, in the RoroitL-h of C'lenrfi. bl.
a large nnd well selected slock of Goods, suitable
to the season among which found, Dry
Goods in grcn t variety; CI. libip.;, Hardware, 0,uoens
ware, Tin-ware, Groceries, Drugs, Runnels, Hats,
Cap, Roots nnd Shoe, Ac.
They defy competition, nni invite perannswish
Ing to purchase to cnll nud examiue their stock.
Clearfield Nov. 22, 1H54.-U'.
! rT,nE '"''"rir offers for sale his dwelling house
J- Pround situalo in tho Rorough of Clear-
'" Also, several valuable trncts of timber land
i uiuereni puns or too county of Clearfield.
icrma o, sn le mn-ie Known on npplicntion to the
sul.scnlicr. All i.ersons indebted to the
ber nre required to rnmo forward and have a set -
tlement ma.le, so that they mny know corroctly
what they owe and provide for tlie pnyment.
Borough of Clearfield, Nov. 22, 1S54.-3U '
LKinit 01 JCmrX ollport, DCCrnKCd.
ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Jas.
I Allporw Into of Morris township, dee'd., bar-
been granted to the subscriber, all neraonsl
ing been granted to the subscriber, all persons
no, ing any accounts against tlie laid deceased will
please present tlieir claims duly authenticated
and those who know themselves indebted to said
wiaw win unL
Morris tnvnthiu Not. 22, 18i4 'l
?. .
III I.HII II Mlllt I .
ti nt ttm f t
rrlm.'t nn 1
".' "' ' ' 1
I I ... . ',. I .1 ....t In I'.ia
n.,. tt M,i. i. n . I l..i. , ..-
m nml nil i.lli i-ni ni
: '" I'1 "' "" ' lh''
i.( fli-ntd. !,l rnuiilv. t.. I... Ii
Ii. r ii,v iiin i,"."l,
ii'Xt II, , I ni."' I ' nrl
I i I ;!,,. I ".in I llini
in II.- ....,.. t. ,.( t'l.H.iii l.l.i.n Ih.t.I .v ii." IIMI.
,I1V u( Ii,.l(.n.h..r. nni, !..- wnfliiiiniii.ii nti.l al
' l.maiuv:
1 ' '' J '"" ";;rn'' "f.'i"n.. ilcy, ,Vli.,i:iiJtn.t. r
i.r.Wq.i, wii-v.
' fr.; ,f n. W. , . i,
n'.ii .ul .l"lii,l In, i, I!. Ann', ilLOt'OHi J.
Tim ii, r.,unl nf lliMiinmin Kha- liiiwin, liuur -
''" Alnitls .T:nn Vi'l. Ii, minor child ul'.luiuoi
I n ,.,1 M I,. I, ,',.,... I
Ilh. '1 hi- MT.nint i f Mnrar.t N.'o, A 'inlni?-
Irnlrix of ?1 i I llnrt ,.k, liilii of tl.u li(,:i.ii.'h ot
iww..t,.,;tl...l... .!.
! Stli. The nT.iunt of Mnr-nrctXen'. (iimr.lian of
Trial 1. 1st for Dec ember Term, IW3 1.
,! l,mt,.r,
t .1. A. T. II inter,
v J.i.-iali I.auil.oiirii,
in lliirumler i, lirul.I'.y,
1 h.imas Martin,
Hubert l.ylle,
n Moses l'carce,
i Hitler fi Uecd,
r M. Slerouson,
.lohn Sliles,
t O. 1'. M'ildur.
i .l.ilm Nodier,
rt William M. Dupnn,
Hubert 1'eunint.on,
ik James (.unsiiliis,
ti J.Kaudier A ltoussalot,
r Snyder and Large,
Henry (Jroo,
t' Abraham livers,
f Thomas Holt,
i Juo. & J. M. Leonard,
.)in l'ni,-hin,
I.I,,.,,... illl,ur
. I
Jvrunilllll Jluors,
,,0, Mmff,
(it.! W.' Mutf,
- Mm Hi-rt,
''V':" ' ' " '
ir....i...- f. l.'i..: i.--
. v i
I j0 - M. Quigglo, et. al
, loruseoi .mo. lit ou u. j
j,,ln Frvmeii '
j Kelly t' Dickenson,
ir.n i v'iari
' '
11...... l,:..i
t-t Vogals i P.rother,
ft Peter Latum,
ft II. I!. Mi'ler,
ft Kelly .t Dickenson,
ft James M. Kelly,
ft Fame.
ft Isaac Price,
pnillp Antes-,
ft (i. L. Iteed,
i Torbelt. Crane, ct. al. rt Alexander Caldwoll,
: Samuel M'Koan. ft James M. Dixou.
1 rPIIE partnership heretofore existing betwoon
.L C. M. tiialiaiu and J. L. Watson, bas been
dissolved by mutual consent, having disposed of
tueir interest to James ii. Urn nun.
C. M. C, II An AM.
J. L'. WAT.SU.V.
T-?"Tholiiifllnesn will hereafter bo continued
by .las. 1!. (irahani, nn former v. who will collect
j all neeotuils due, and pay all debts contracted by
. . I... f ........... ! T 1. l.ll I 11 .1.
ut' t..ui.Alia.
"r"""'"',t"n' JuV' "' V3'
The most Intensely t xriling Bunk ever written!
tim: Aitcii-msiiop,
Or Jiomttnitim in the i S.
One Tuhime, 2mn. of 400 p.i''t, tmMliihed
irith numerous beautiful Enyvuviuti: J'rice $1.
PIMIAT this will bo a volume of moro than ordi
X nary interest, is attested by the fact that tho'
it has only been announced a few weeks, the orders
already amount to upwards of 4000 copies. It is
a truthful, unadorned narrative of the plans, doing?
nnd designs of the Catholic, party in the United
States. The volume presents facts which will star
tle tho whole American people, for, while we have
been resting iu fancied security, a formidable sys
tem has been at work, and is working now, to un
dermine our liberties. We do not ask you to be
lieve anything but what wo prove, and our proof
cannot bo gaiusuyed. We leave the old world and
former times to themselves, and present scenes,
and deeds of crime enacted within tho las fifteen
years, and in our own land, vet.' tn America'.
which will rouse the whole American people to
tneir Hanger nn.l duly. Iliese things are so: the
conviction is forced upon us, and we present them
to the Ainericau and Protestant world, without fear
or exaggeration.
Orders will be filled in the order in which they
are received.
Agents wanted in everv eountv in the I. S.
105 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Nov. 22, 1S54.
Valuable Real I'.Mate for Sale,
f 1"MIERE will be exposed to public salebv
1. out-cry, on the premises, on Satiir.lnv YV
tin, 2d day of December next, nt 2 o'clock. P. Wi.
all Ihrt certain House nn.l L it, sitnH: in Pike tp.,
Clearfield county, Pa., adjoining lands of Bim M'
Clure, Willhm Addlciiien, Jr., nnd others, the Lot
containing about four acres, having therein a num
ber of thriving fruit trees, w ith n stablo and oilier
out buildings thereon erected, and being located
about 2J miles fr".in Curwen.-ville, on tho road lead
ing t'lence to Chest Creek, late part of the estnte
of William Addlcmnn, deceased.
Tervs. One half cash, nnd the balance in one
year thi.res.fter wilh interest, to bo secured by
judgment on the premises
Title and further particulars made known on the
.lay ot sale.
1. ADPLEMAN. Jr., )
lt'l;W ADDLEMAN, , .Wtnr'i.
Tike township, Nov. 15, S51.-ts.
Notice. anil Otillon.
TTniEKEAS, in the latter part of Jnlv, or tho
first of August H54, 1 gave to PHILIP
SW1XEFORT, a bill or nolo culling for SIS nd
some cent: , payable in two mouths lifter .Into. All
persons aro b. rdiy cautioned against t. iking an
assignment ol sni.l uo.c, r giving any thing on or
'" as i lieier rci-eire-i value .,r mil
note, nnd will not pay it unless compel:, ,1 by law.
l'..U.l- L1.L UU.M I.
November 15, lS5t.-pd.
j.ottj;b Y!l!
(Rr ArnoniTv or the ?ta?k or Alabama,)
Conducted on the Havana phin.
Class C To be Drawn on tlie 30th of Sot.
Cai'Itals :::::: $l."i.rro
" :::::: 5.O00
" :::::: 4.000
" :,:::: 3,000
" :::::: 1.500
i : l.ion
i ! 5,000
6 of $1,000
! I" "" prizes, nmounting to
: f:i4.f,00
Tickets f 10 Halves and Quarters in propor
Every prire drawn nt ench drawing.
Rills on all solvent Ranks taken at par.
.-.AIl communications striet'v confidential.
SAM I'LL SWAX, Age it A ilannser,
5Ion;.g..iuery, (Ala.,) Oct. 20, li5.-ly.
, fill
0 Canvass for tho best and most salenble
X Rooks published. Ther nre written by the
' moat popular Authors of the day, including among
i others, T. S. Aiitiii'H, of w hose Inst great work,
irfn VUhl, tn Bar-Rninl
' l"."un copies have been sold within a month of
, l'"i'cntion.
These Rooks arc benutifully illustrated, (many
' of l,"'m wi,1 fincl.V colored (dates) and are printed
J and bound in the beat manner.
Agents will find a pleasant and profitable em-
ployment in their circulation. For particulars
0ll're'" f"" Pa'J-I
v v .i. r .,' c RAIV,T,"f
49 I,rlh rur,h Str,H"' I'hlWl'h.i.
I. O. of O. F.
CLEARFIELD LODGE, No. 1P8, meete In the
Kj aeeond story of the Mansion House, Clearfield
U . on Tuesday evening of saoo weak.
, tlWarfleld, June L4.1UM.
Mil nil r i t;
I 11 (mIm,. f ,, 1 r v frill ( II,-, IVIn.. ..r
.if i 1 1 inn t
"M ' I I . .in in i . I1!..-,. ,,i i i....
" ' ",h1 ' 'lir.-1-l, I.-. fM..f.
I .. ii. nil... nl t',,,,,1 ,,, iM t, .itn .l.l, nn
' linr f 1
A. ,M ii,.. r ;i, ,,. ,v
All ) r'-U. ti,i... I,,,..,..
nt lu o'i Imk
I r-il (" ile :
t iim rluiin i,f A',m.
I: I,
I'li'l rrv i. h, i,.. i i.i
n rmlii.n Irrirtnt lnh.l
n'u,!.. in llrvr,r, i,.j... ii..a.,ii
I . I ' ,1 l,i ! ! .1 .':. lm-1 i ii.' , (ln),-0 JJ,,UV,'.
nn.l i:i r-. i .itiluin irtc nu I.iiihIu.I u.,.. irnre i.f
l-i". III.. Mil,' H IWII I..ty H'C n,.ll"0 Orr -tcl t, ,11,0.111
nii.i nl, nit tr'nn .,r'. I. il, tu, t
nl' Inml .l-S -inlin t l.'mrlil i l i 11 utile r. t'ni.-.l.
, liik. n in o.-nilii.-i. it i l. ..i ti, rrntu rif
of Al.rnhiun I
I A i II ll.n :..!. II. 1.. I,,. . l..l... .
V i!lii:ni C. tn!' .r, i.' in nn.l to n corliiin tri. -t of
li.o l i iii...ic in .M .rri town.-lrn, Cl.'nrCil.l ceiinlv.
'Ih.iiu.I. .1 n il- I.. i- i...
, rmuli liy liiml of MMinn nn.l n-n'd rrcok.' on tho
n. .it nnU north l,y in ml ', nn.l Inn.liiof
Sniirlz, roiitiiinii.i; ulioiit two'J i.ercs, n.ore
or li'fs, liiMijr part of two 1,'vi'ir turvnyn iu tho of Christian Mn-cmn. Sm. ii. llu'tlcr un-iniiir...v.-.l
or timtn'r innil. r-Vic.l, (ilc'n in cieou
t';..n, nml lo he noM as tho pmpurly of VilUuiu (J.
A All tl. rit'lit, till, interest ontl clniia of
Tuniol M. liiinn n in not to a e.-rtivin trad of
ian.l nitnnte in tonn.hip, Clenrfiol.l county,
containing lea iTe., mljoining lnnds of Jnmei
Forrest on tho went, Wni.'jiimCH on the onutli, Juo.
Miller on tho raft, nn.l the trie Pike coi tlionorlb,
with a nmiill lrniiij dwelling houto, u framo car
penter shi p, and a nmall plank ttuhlo thereoa
eteeted, with nhout two aerea clclsred. fffiied,
taken in exeentiou, nud to bo (old ua tho property
of Daniel 21. Dugi.n.
Sheriff's Office, Ceurfic.l, Nov, 15, 18.'.l.-to.
yy SIDE, Esq., President Judgj of the Court
of Common Picas of the twenty-fifth Judioia Dis
trict, composed of tho comities of Clearfield, Cen
tre and Clinton and tho Honorable RICHARD
SHAW nnd JOHN P. HOYT, Associate Judges,
in Clearfield county, have issued their precept
bearing dale tbo twenty-fifth day of Sept. last,
to me directed, for the holding of a Court of Com
mon Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter Ses
sion?, Com t of Over and Terminer, and Court of
General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for
Clearlield rounly, on the THIRD MONDAY of
DKCEMDEK .next, being tho 18tU day of lh
Not Ire Is, therefore, hereby given.
To the Coronnr, Justices of the Peace, and Consta
bles, in and for the said county of Clearfield, lo
appear in their own proper persons, with their
Roils, Records, Inquiitiolis, I-xr.minntions, nnd
other Remembrances, to do those things which to
their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to be tiono,
nnd Jurors uud Witnesses are requested to bo thou
nnd there attending, and not to depart withJut
l 'live, nt their peril. 1
GIVEN under my hand, at Clenrf.eld, this 15th
day of Dec. in the year of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and fifty four, and the seveti-ciity-uinlh
vear of American Independence.
Tht ricarfiild Aeademy
1 Ti mooting of the RoarJ of Trustoci Angnst
J., 2 till, 1SJJ,
the following rates uud turzni
w ere adopted, vir :
$2 50 per quarter for each scholar Itamiri; Or
thognnhy, Rending, Writing Davie's Primary
Arithmetic, nnd fii..t Icwins in Geography.
M per quarter for each scholar pursuing other
English studies.
fK (X) per quarter for each scholar learning Lat
in and Greek or either, with or without Enyiuih
5! IM per quarter for French extra.
No deduction made from bills except In cases of
protracted iliiuss.
The second quarter commences on the 20th of
November 1S54, nnd will end on the 10th of Feb.,
1S55, allowing ouo week of vacation about Christ
mas. The above Institution isnow fully organised w ith
male and femnle Departments under the charge of
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.
The Trustees having procured competent and
experienced Teachers, nud having put tho ratos of
tuition very low compared with similar schools,
confidently recommend tho Aeademy to the pat
ronago of tho public.
RICHARD SHAW, Tres'tofthe Board.
T. R. M Esai.i.y, Secretary.
Clearfield, August 30, JS54.
riMIE subscriber nnnounces toji.o citizens of the
JL llorough of Cleat field, nnd the public, gener
ally, that he has opened an OYSTER SALOON in
Hemphill's cellar on Market street, C'"nrfield, Pa.,
where ho will keep constantly nn hand, fresh Oya
tora of tho bert quality. From his long experience
in tho business, be expects to be able to eorro
them up in such a manner ns will suit the tastes
of nil. His table will also be supplied with Ale
and other drinks. The public nre repc;f'.:l!y in
vited to give him a call. CHARLES GRAF.
November 15, 1S54. if.
stiuy ui.ii i i;k.
1AME lo the premises of the subscriber in Cheat
township, Cleirileid eountv. on or about tb
1st of September Inst, A WHITE 1IEIFFFR, wilh
some uuu spots on her no oilier marks perceiva
ble supposl to be about one year old inst spring.
The owner is roque ted to come forward, prove
property pay charges, nn.l tako her away, or she
will bo disposed of according lo law.
Chest township. N-.v. 8, 1.S5I.-3L
To Travellers and Oilier.
riMIE subscriber announces to tho pu' lie thi.tht
l bus taken the well known Tcvcrn Stand in
Tyrone, Li.iir. county, si'uuu. on the Plank Kond
lending directly lo the D.) ot, and is fully pre ar-
to i,.-c..;nuiod:.t j all who may lavor hnu witu a
1'is nccomiindilinns f r te.M; ters nro iin-
1 ,i I... lo-s lb.. Inrrrcs! nod sliibln in
u place ns w"!l ns tbo bir:;e.,l. wn,-on yard,
u,, er.wei bis old friends and iicqunintiir.ecs in
! Onrficid count? Mr'icuhir!. to h::n a eel!,
and those of lllnir, Centre nnd Huntingdon, will
find his Li'u.-o a comfortcblc home nt nli dm
Tyrone, r.l.'.ir ccunly, Nov..2, ISM.-tf.
M IS K. J. HOOVERS' nrnouneo to theciU
izens of Clenrlield n:,d vicini;-, that they
havo commenced the above business in (!.'' mid
Horourh, and nro prepared to do up all l.iujnesain
their line in good style nnd on short notice. The
n-.ny bo found on Third Street between Jlai ketaiid
Locust. Clearfield, Nov. 2, lS51.-tf.
Terms of Advertising.
VDVERTISEiir.NTS n'e inserted in the Re
publican, at one dollar per square, for the
lir.-t thrco insertions nud twenty-Eve cent for cv-h
additional insertion. Fourteen bncsmakeaaqunre.
No n.lvertisoinnnt inserted for less t.inn n dollar.
A Liberal reduttioa uud; to thoso who advertise
by the year.
w a NTun r inr em a rn i. y.
SIX , ,u-i:; mr.n Shoemakers. Constant em
ployment will be given. Apply noxt door to
the Journal office, at the (hoe store of
C. 8. BLACK.
September 1.1, 18.Vt.-1f.
Estate of Jacjb Banghman, Deceased.
I ETTERS of Administration on the estate of
j Jacob llniiglininn, late of Decatur township,
Clearfield county, aeccnaed, have in due form of
law been granted to the subscriber. All (lerfoul
indebted to said estate will uinl.o pnyment imme
diately, and those bavini; claims will present them
properly authtiilientcd for settlement.
Decatur township, November 2, lS54.-fiU
CABINET-MAKER, I.iimher City, Is fully pre
j.d.hI to execute all work in his line in e
workmanlike manner. Nov., 8, 1H54.-Iy.
( J. R Y, Beennd itrnet, two doors north of Towell
A Go's. etor Clearfield, Fa. aog. Ik, H ly