"I" it I II u;.u n; mi; w. 1 hffv Ilm I nt.r I' i ;i I ;", i' ," 'ri M .V ' . , t , i .1 ).;......' . ;;'..... . j . s .,-!,'. 'f ;.', V .- v. ' i i.v i nh, .u . 1 1. - i : Anh, Iroin l,,cii;ii I, w i li i -ill ill-'Ml, nirivi 'l tins niniil V) (.'!..(! . I'kom Tin- Hvw ir Wot. fc i : 1 1 to llif number uf ll'inv llad iClliek' ll ill" Olt. (if P.,,1 ll I "1 I1- -11K i iv, a. i k iii, i 'I 1- II s 1(1 II. - (li.o. I'll- ll 1 I Mill II I III,' ll Mi ll! i; nr. it il mums, n tmiKm. mhi;ii:.ih .mmni.l iho n.ll.miivt miv, mi hm ll.. re is hut r,r,iMile lo-f-iener in T1"' '""',"" '" " "' '" . 1 1 -n lin London 1 1 I,) ilm intention tin- -'I'tiHtr) (, ilm I 1 1 , u .1 Sinn nn, I ln ,.,,,,. Nlh, -,,.,, .,n,i , 'l the "r llif w In ill A n-lo-American pro", Slid I 'oi-nl .lame Shields, nf W In John M. rel i,l ii-niiliii ,1. ih-,1 In' 1-m H'i -cin"! ""'I I- i .1... ..I......... ..I II... It .11 -..11. ll l'l,.i....t n.t l.n.l I, a I, .....).... I .,,!... I... ii'lf ill his uhl slnnd ml 'the cnlli T i I Front ,1-1 W.is I I IS - li 1 , ,1 I W.I IV,. Km. Ill i'iv'li,i, ;.iv, mill libera ( vera I'.it;. ! ami d th J..i.',i.-ti cinnlrv W illi i!ii; loss nl' ."111) li.,, Oili er ili'iivt'i'tii's s;;ic tin; al":or a hotly con- les'i d hallli; lb" ;i"S remained musei's of ilit- field. 'I'll" nci i oi. iir, Iv uli. trim-. Thn liiissinn despachi-s says the A'lios have Mit'-'ifil two sove'e ilcfi'.-iis, ; i'ii! I'mnrh li" I tbi ir oii;s il, s:r vi il siutl !, iiilft l!i" I'iil;IijIi iva, Willi 4vcr lb- t li I Iv, ii i- ii. li .- ' 1 MTll' ! . r. III.- I'll'-' Ol'll'C ilil 'I'lii; Mi''!y ol' w.' i'l S '!'.lni( I. UirM .uV-.-l, il Is l.l','ll S'T.l 1,1 ("ii ; li'i'i.-in ,y. Mi ..M'liiknll" ri'n, ir! s ,,'tl Kll'l i i...fc. .. ...... - .. -..i ..r i "i f'lfl iv!,! Im worth n iiiucli to iIm iii n woul,l rust ilitin fur In irlin.il.) llml nli , ,, . '...i. .' :.,:,, i i ,.i i i,n,. I'iiil iirtn:il l.iiii-li vi.'iiirv (rr 1 iliniil. luul , w It y hs '.'' Americans rtilr Ainn- i . ,viir ,, -i , I inini, i, 1 r.-m li Mn i , i..iaiimwi.oU.r, c, Uussian... m nv. Civo to mlnut, mi.' ' 1 1 ''... ..IU hi,.i.k-i.. H..v m - l Iji-.. im i , .....il.. 1 ..- ii ii. i .i - I . 'ir Mi, il , l,i!n-i. in mIh Mill nil, I I'l . mi i i .,',, in Hi- pi.i-ss, !, muni iii.l.i.. .imiliiiriibiit .tm.- W lien tbrro is but n n.nSl foioi-i:,:r in ,,., (in(,.r Mi, , , , ... i..iv p ., !;, i. .ii i ii Mink by iiiiu'k thr L'cnileiiiaii i'l t s mi Iiis lnli llm llousi- of Kcpritxi'iitntivcK, ami he si-nt I'm --k Triiiiiiiini;. H!mi. limit- nn,l .-hm , II ii nml ! 1 ill: in m MR AMI TV lOnri'R.linrt., , D., 1 III'. I .'MM 'NT MM, I, At. I'll i IITli.Hv i, A(( I ,f A ll I H I C I I Nil V 1.1 1 1I K iil i ! Itl, liifil '.!. Mr ', nnij I nii7ihy ( hi Jnr ',,, ', , irifA..N tl,,,,,, Mi tin i nr. All' .1. I', 1 1 irt, I M I'l ll("'llli nli ,,ii, i,., f thr V.. I, ..if.,. I'ur I7i.f V..f. .f lr I n Mil 1" r-1,1,1 n nil fi", Hint i'iiii,iiiii,ti, m t f0t. Imrsp, nml h in lint rlovatfil simiUion lln-ro tv Wlii.ridili-n Ulmili! Isl.inJ. why '.'l". ' i ihii;. nil c,,ii'i nml 'in..-u, vru-n.sUvIuuto.ailii,,. ,., ihiv,:,-,, Ih, vigor f lunS, sk ,1, Ammram rule Amerv-at r Vvi:;; TVmZ. i not rxrii-ilv in korpini willi hiib-sripn'iil . In n ihcrn ii nul n (iiiii'lo forciinnr n.s M.-nn m.,1 l,,,.,!,,..., srui,. I i-l. .Mm !., r. l nml I ii:li-i;'nl.-r u tJri'i-I'., 1,,.,-f,,,-,,,,-,,,,.,.. 'I'lio liiliuiiilinii ibit two ..llul;;" in till! SupriMlli! Court ol ill" Ulliloil " " ri m. "..-t.w n t .-. iml.'i-li, i ..ii, I'1'"'1. ,,,,',( ,,,', ,,,'1 , u I'1'' as : HntMi tVifjiitr, r.. 10 l. ,l,-s.ni.'li.i im- - States, why n& h Ammruns rule Amir- I, , i 'ITT' ' 1" m...u in , . r , ' , , ' l,n'l ni','1,' nit nn. I 11 liit nM1, mill uiuniit ivi-rv - ! . , 1 . , r tiii ilia'rlv ('I not sooner) lo bkickaiin our tear ; iliimf 1 i-i-ii.m , lb : 1di ol leas', rnv-'i'tc our Jiurhori, nnJ o talf ' Whrn lVsideiit Pirrco n ul hii rnbinet l" ,,'.aliV 1'iln'il ,ir in n niiiiiilrv .'t'lri', ml i.'il ln I'.ir Cn.li i,r Cniinlrv I'm CIlHIS'iOl'lIilll KKA'l'.lllt. , i'ii.-ir. It.; ill tin! POV, s.iMccn "runs Mulicc iMV'ali V ha, I-ill iilt:n.lii il at P.ila us til-ovu slaicil, an ! roi.: loss. Tin- AtHo- l'V"ti'!i r,-;io niiv I'X'iiicit di'iiiul. Tin- i 11,) not g:VP laf-rclv nv 1110 l..:sMans at A. in.i a.s t-) i;i. : into raji'ivily an iniiold number 01 unrc aro Anicri'-an born tili.uun of oiil Am'.ri. l o:t Coii!.nniii)f l.a.l bu n much tlain. Vunki'i-s. will iloubilcss rxrrrisi; a ran born slock, why nuk do Americans tin.l bastion I,,,;..,, 1 iiol.ii-ni-o nii-r ll,.. Iiitnrp furri'Ml ru. Amrrirtl f l.) onus liiMiio'.'r.ti-i!. i-iolu-v of l'ri'Miiont l'ii-cn'jj nilmiiiislratioll : Thn 1 li-inocrr.tic nnrtv has nlarml near. is tii'M uctiii v .V.rciiirthtjn-1 r .t . t. .i...l nil iIikik mi'ii in iiiiui-r. vi-l iK.itm snv I I ) K.I'Kl'T!' fl.lA' mini - - w - - w n 1 11 m'mi 1 t ,ii im 1 ii'i'i .vmriuiH nwt(ii.,yt.lr,:;-n,.,i.a lr,..h yy ,, , , V,.',' by Vour Anicricail i-,.n ' 't ; nir of "lot li.-.'l ':. .-;tn.-r--. Sallin,-ti.,, It Ins rallied under that 1 t","'"1 ''"I"1 fro,,,,ri,,1' i..,Loir-; i.n.i 11 !;n(', mill .'iicrnl i..-..uniinmi ni I nil iii'1ii ;.- 11 mi ii. K,..,i in a ri-t.iil ilmc. iilik-h ii'M-ij iiv tin' i ro No. .'i, has h nl ( jortM"!: il.ol! ii", bis po ii'nn mi 11. i- ) ui'i Ait ;i! . Ciiiiiiadu-tori ci'.:i(.'lH as to tin- progress ,( lions. Austria (criuiniy u; coio - ?!ii.-t!, ronic to an or-i-ti rio.i irs aru ill" llfooti.l. ! nut, iiiilos ni;,turo wiib Inrrony West, huluaahd Morth Amnica.Vtom that that party is not lh(! nrcnaratiniis iicitiallv made nnd in It lis always stood ill v . . proivx il would appr.Mr that soino work Constitution, b is Iwcii i'ii! out for thf W-.Ai'u: lli-ct iliiiii" document IMld WM lilMHC. Kb!., IlKKI) & Wl'.WKIl, iinniiliiiV'U .i lli"irnltl i'ii I' i- rul, !ir iri'imrii!! .'. Hint lln-v liinc li'.-ld it ulol't ns the sheet Uussia until confident of th' miptiort of ill it the Prussian htoryi-s improbable unJ J nissia nnd tin: leiuian pni'rnni"iits'. e.NfiTeraled. ' Pt:isiA. There i talked ofa note from The allies slate iliat two Russians fhips Nos-lrode to Prussia, Mating that R liu had been cestroyeil 111 tins harbor l te-' na is pn paieu at coniitifncics ui, bnstotH)! : also, the cm a ran lino batteries under nil cireunistanees, to nuintain liie silenced, and u bas-inn ofl-'uit (Jonsianiine truditioml policy of ibeKist. d. imaged by ih'J explosion of n ni.ig izine. ; Knci.ami. Tln-ie has nothing trims 1; is at least evident that there hasbtcn piri'l in Hii-Haml of con-efj jenee. tliarp fili!ii);r. i The Paris Consiitutioiiin l has n Ion:; Till: Latfsl liV Tl'lt'tr'all. and tenineru'ely writlcn editorial on tl London, Saturday morning, Nov. 4 'friendly rel itimis which f-lnudd exist be The necouuts fio'.n the H:". ur-; stiil con- twci n the Li.iicd States und I'raiiee, but fiicting, but the Hngiish reporls .ay ti.c Inch it says are daiiing-.vj hy the indicrett siege of Sebastopoi was progresbiug la- conduct of Mr. Soide, w lio-c ads the Con-vo.-ably op to Ihc 27tli of October. slitutionii' I tludii are. g.-:n rally r.'pudi- A d"?patch from Lord Stratford de Red- aled by the people oftho United Stales, elide confirnib the report that :t),'HK) Rus. ' The Paris corre-oomin.t of ilie London biuns bad nttacLed and rupiuied lie forts Tunes says : "I am informed that the of Ralakbva. I French Government bave in their pos- A. great bitilo ensued, nnd th? Lilies rc- session poiiivo evidenco of the participi niaiued masters of of the field. j lion of .Mr. Suule in some vast plan for Tin: Emilimi Orru iAL Ditsnxii. ' revoluiionizing nearly the whole of Eu The followin' teleirrapliic desa.icii iu ' repe. It is even added that llioso plans relation to ihe Lalile ut Ilalaklava was . occupied the nit, received M iho l-oreign Uloce Irom Lrord iongrts ui vsici.u. Sirutiurd de nedclifleTiust before the Asia's I kance The V. S. Minister at Paris i ! England iias not yet entirely given up ba ' ; the fishing grounds to Prother Jonathan ; ion :l; 111.. I I'xailiilu I'nr llu.'111-.i'lv -lr". t. tivo d'Hirs until 11C lln- Cuii: t,ir, n Uii'i t lb.uiu. the winter Our transatlantic friends, true anchor of American liberty, whenever 1 1 1 . ; r,ii-i in iivimMi nCini in r. ii-'iinil.lc tcru'F to their eli.raelensncs, have begun lobe and wherever assailed. Every triumph :;;" ZTC ' troublesomo now that ihey fancy we have of the Democratic party has been under, yn-.a c-nr.-, c,r i-iinf vt uni.-l.-.-. n.l.'iiliiii-a 1 "e.t our bauds full : but it would seem that 'bat Constitution, and its fiercest bullies t .-ult id.. n-n? nii cnin. i.i.-i,. .,(' ml. I'-imh have been louithl in d-.!enco ol Us provis-" i"'r:"''-"er nro n-i mmy nmi o' ns tiL'ainM the verv men who under a llbevhavo not fallen in with the notion , UMlerent name, wouia uesiroy u 11 mey .that Ilormud.i and ihe West Indiu islands could. Uuware, Dcniocrais, how you ! should be outMilo stales of the great re-' assist your enomies to lear down the bid i public: nor will tbev permit nnv more fd- tvark of your liberties behind which, nnd :libu.stero invasions ol Cuba, or cowardly on whose basis you have so ol'len con ' I piratical atincki upon unoi;'ending, und.'quered your foes, and in di-linnce of their we re'Tctto add, uniirotecled independen: assaults, extend the landmarks ol lieedoin I'lfailiflil, .Nini'inln-r S, I s J I. OKIMIAX.V C'OIIItT S VI. I- If 1 1 irliu- nf nn 1 J C!-i:i!! l.h'.iu, ........ 1 1. . 1 1 :.... 1 r ...it. 1, llll nil'l 11 mi i' 1 nn ni 11 .'iiniF' in..-.- i.-iii mi lllt..f. I--, 1 ',,:i-iitn,0"ii. ifi'in'iiili",A-itliiiin,l,iiulii, Ciiltli, 11 ii -I iill. i r nil'., li., li- l tli" l.lili. i, liii'li nriK IV11I11 tin) i-Xpi.M'il ftnti, i f t ll e l lll-st, "I'Tiiriinl (.1 ' A 101,1 I'm mill 11 n 11I 1 Jin up, nf our I'liiuulc. ' "Tli rr.iin l .r," !'liinili but n-rriitly liitrnclu 1 ci',1 inl i Aiiiri ii'u in innlonif rnii,l irnjrri. ilirmih ill" l nil.'.l Mnti'i, Ilie Ciiniiilm, Nuitu Aiiirrii, Im,, for fi Imis 'in ,1 mill nn Ilie v'liilini'tit uf lliiri..'. wi.b.' il liii irniiii In ninny cnuudius to 1 tin' ."-ilin!i ni' nn tiro.'l., (,; i.ro. j 'In J 'iiiiiii-iiiilo llii-m fui't." ( riiiirc ornny Knjf llili n-ciili iit in vour ii-iniiy of iiin lomwloilpo nf liu- hiim-li.'inl i'Hi'i l. of wi'iiriiijrllid l'mti'dor in'it i.uf r.,.iof In tlnrliiriiiij nl liny lclinl. Tl) 0 cost of jwiMiiiii; tln in.. artirli'd in n mere Irillc, nnJ 11110 will j l..t cnnii' j i :ir. .No nni' who viiIiick tlio bi-iiHIi of liiinii'll' or bin I'.iinilv will l.o witliniit ill, 'ill. Th ll,..-.ii.il.- in iliij (ounliy nr.- imt ulnni) rcruinnion ' nig llii'tii, l iit r.i iil'y in tio-l u i-i n v thorn, llnrcourt, biinll, v X (.', ., ni' l,.,ii lu'i, ion) Miini'lienliT, 1'lnK- I bin. I, ii.-r," oriu'iniiliy i-ntrusli j with tli luniinfMiv I, ii,' of ;n l'r.il. I't' r.-, by 1 Im liiiuniiliiil ilr. t.'ooicr, i;;:l I'oi.tiiiui' to iiiiinnfai'tiirc iii'doriliiij; to A' oriij iiinl i 11 i r. 1 t i. 1 1 -. nml llii-rofnro roi'iimtncnil iIidch v.lm Mm.l i w.i.r "'J'hu l'r'ituct'.rV' t" eo t' their i f or: u" 1 1 1 i 1 1 - K, 'iii.-iiili.-r t'.iU i.4 u ."tuplo urtii-.ln, uml no l'utnnl M.'ili.ini'. Hi r ' 11. I'mri's.-(i.'iit'. dizc, $1,50 o.'.rli. uii-s' (in', if 1, nn li. I!vninl .Mm-i-ii rite, 75 cu. II AKl'iM UT, UilAliUIV i CO., .".S Aim SI. .1 till' .;i,-;i" S(. New York, U. a I'lim-ii nl V. tin.ijo-.ir,', U'oo.l f-t., Clu-atmido, 1 1 .Mio kot stroot, iliuioui. to ocean. Dd. (Saicltt D.WIli IH10VKH. rf H-ii.l io.-.-.,..!iin ili-.vii-.-.l I 1. ....... .... .1... - ...1. 1... t. .. 1 . .. .1-1..'.... . 1 ... - ........ , ..n uiu bmiuu nv laini.- ot iini.-iiii i'. tionu , na Ilr.' lur'li by bilnla nf J,i,-i,li 1111.I Tlion. . mi tl)-' linrlh l,v liiirtiort in. L' nf iii....-l:it.- ' respondent of the Journal of Commerce, "i the mnl Dmiii ji.iumt, iKii'di.-nnl. nn,l mi ib-' in a description of Holland, illustrates the '' l'""r-'e oiin'h inni imriivit im . IT. I H Ifi'llnlV, iMMEMsi: u Minn Ahi.wi. 1 1 ni is cor- j,,,. departure. "Constantinople, Oct. 2. Midnight. The captain of -an English steam trans- port, which left Dalaklava on-lhe evening territories. Our lankee Inends have 1 irom oieau i-rown saurv Willi impunity and insolent I n -. .. ..1 v. ua indulgence, anu especially so uie nien-of-vvar s men with their puny hbad- .- n . . I . .1 J . ow 01 .1 1 1 '. 1. 1 1 ii-i-,iu3i; till uu 11111 m t. su , '" l ' : 1 of liu, (.s-llO.. of ttl ..I .1 ....... . I many linc-ol'.batile ships and fri'.mtcs I wondcriul perscvcrencc and industry or J A.MK-' T. bK'iXAHi'i, AJ.niuitfatur. knocking about tlu West Indies os"lhev tlie "tch. l,.v a reference to the drainage CViirfl.-i 1, n.,v. s,js.,j.-ts. werewont to see some ten or a do.'.en Lake of I laarlem. This lake, BSHorn:-!,, J.. janh7mrTn'li years sine-, 1 bey lane v that, like the frog of our readers probably remember, was1; 01 7" J.itCUlllCr Tirn' L1' in the (able, tbev can pull' themselves up ! drained, or to speak nuiro correctly, lis, juZ'.-n'L'' Kvlnr. ''riu..r It. Swart.,, as big as John P.al! himself. , waters were pumped out : its former bed is Fan.ir-r ; .lo.i-h iioiv'aber; Farmer. t.-ri.r. oil-.;,..!- r,,l. il. now used for agricultural purposes. The' J'U'-- Anu. lii.a.l, laitiiur : Jobu Welch, Far- ... 1- , - X til- 1'il.llll.UI Ht.u.l ui viiuit (ili.J int. o . . 1, , ,. cntn o! the diplomatic , fiW 0 fish. l;c was thir.y-three miles iu crcmH-r-; .IZiLS'r. cries the Pritish covernmrnt could afi'ord "nee. ianu is precious in ine ieiner- ,7,. i;. y. shimmi'l, Fiimn r. ! 10 treat quietly and indulgently ; but now, '"'ids and the government concluded to ; .-'"- i..,.r.v Irwin, Farmer; J. Irwin. ; in a stav of war, thc case is- altogether , invade the waiers for more. A deep ca ' Idiflerciif. Great Pritian has naturally 1 ":" Wllu n KC' "as accoruingiy uug, c.ni-.iyf.ni.-J. ii. Ennnnr. Lumberman. boil. I in. M.iiiuli.i:l'jiy, niiiur or tlie wi'iliaii. i.nnrt hi i .-r, I.!..Iiiiii. iiintv.ri aiili'ilat h.'i't. lenu, IS.it, . H. ,'; (',. nr.i pnlnlilii)iiiiir I),'l")ti for the nalfr tiii'ii. nil! I,.' i'no:,,,lo nil.i in the JbiMil'h of'li.fTl.i' I'role.M.ir" iu all eai of Aluuriru. l'byi-Cli-ai li.-l 1, mi l..ir,l .Moinliiy 1,'.' J V'cemlicr m il, i.-in ?,-.. Sur mi;., Ilrurintj'. Cloihiers, I)ry Good Hum!,; , I An; 1 ., ..iH., itnuie ill Lit v. it:.. , , .Mirrln'tit.-',' Hntt'.re iti'nl Milliuem, nldu DdiLle-. t.,ii'l,i., Cl.':ir!i.'M eoniily, ! tlio niKrty otl,,,,.,,,.' Fiiniis!:ii,L' El'irn-KcTiers uro entrusted with tlio w Imb nk- 111: '. retail diftrilnition of them, nnd to nhoia tiio.xt lilieial teruid an) olierud for their enterpri-e, ami it .i,i.udiil n,iiirtiitiity vpeiu to llii'iu lor fall' mul I'lutitahle hu.-ili.'-ls. For tonus. nj.;! v' to UAKi'OL'HT, JIItAPLI-y CO., Anu streel, Moir-Yorlc, V. ri. S.'l't. 2.", ls;i. Ilni. . 1 1...- .1:-...: i n rniimi 1:1 Kf 11 nil inn w liit u ii 11 r-i 1 u it. .nnur i'nnnir. 1 1 t "x rj.i. ',... t, t,,t,-i,,ri in.m ... - . . i I'tt'oiim limit: iiaiiida ui ii(-i u i'i v u i - -. ......... ... - ......... - for Ilie CCIilll-Ct Ol lllC 1 roliCh . J n. c J .!riun , JT'ii.lr l'w riMiil nml tlinnrn nnn. M-ft.,;,. i twiuii6 Ilt'wlt, I'nniior; Vbilip Chum- ! f $20 ; Lntnn fnun )') to $15: filio Eiuht uliirli ho.;!J U f.irilrniiiii-!,,lu,L1-",4V'JUU3 "V ,4m' ......j : i .r c lr. U',,.,, fnun fx to $ 10 : lino U,J HW.W $ . . .. f . . . r,i i v cu inio i lie s'ti u v iiiuaiii UI IUU I llll I . ... i a T I V . ' . J ... in i i t -.i .......... r I f t un in wuiiu'iii, us vunuiun i . - - . .. ..... . . 7 i .ii mt. .. I in ji. nil (i HUMMi ne wiu wurntui iur pcrioi.' .u. in iu. nr nt ni .or Huar.il f. ; menso filoim engines. I'lllV luousand ! twiy. l'.-imi'I HurtMc1;, Far-er: d. t . l.nnir tiiiiL'.hiMMit'rH. AU. lurtro nirtiniit of lelcrlhe uiuUcr to his Gov-! , . , ,f( fi.lr nn .u' acrrn of rich arable hn were thus re- i !",.lkte'M;.r 5 V,nilii!m riBor; Jutn W.jcK-s l,U C!u.insVot OhiuiiGuara Chttina, Pen . - v . ... ........ i , ....n, i .1..... . tu. .ti... . .miii . r'.i.i'i rui'h-, a c. I Jhrlur JaniL'S Albert, Farmer. I . : ... r. I1.,....l 1... .1... .i l . ... ' cbiiiiH.il. nnd lbi irrivernmciit brut rin.'ini occasion, iuiiuihu uji iy tue stnu.Cie.ss , - t - - i I bragging oflhe captain cf the Cyane, seem .i'selfby sales for the cost of an enter 'to have brought matters lo a climax; nnd lir'se "it-'h required lo accomplish. has bad an interview wi:li the Miuis'.er of Foreign A flairs. IX" L'lluvs assured liir.i that the re were nood reasons oftbei'Glh, confirms a :reat portion of jau'.noiiiies the information brought tbi morning Lv i when nccet-s, the French ship. It appears that the Pus- j Muson might ftians attucted the posts in the vicinitv ofierr.ment. Balaklava on tbs "jih, their number be- j Mr. Mason is said to have had an in ingabout:!0,0i)Ji:)en. tcrvicw with the Emperor on the follow ..Tl . . J ' J..,. ,,,, I..., , j ... -ns. dluck.,.uclK'c,ca. p.""' -..w..u..M -u ' tlii'Sc little circumstances, taken into con- Gacks preceded the infantry lore- p.red, uor docs ,t amar to have been sat- j, wU!l of Amcricnn pur. Bist them at the onset were the Ottomans ' isfactory to Jjr. .dason. Li,,a r.r ;. .;....,. v an .... m . I t.' ill' f , T, . V. . III. 1 , .Itl.VlllUII n.1 .V.n C.,.1.1. 'I .nT.,rl.0..n..n u.. ....' SPIIV U llllir.' I lPll.-r.tlt: I lo.l'f . . ' DI1U Ilie Ul.mi.(l. A .1-5 tiiins , i i; m a , a i.v . ...... ' - -...,.,.,.,..,..,., even lelt tlieirguns, wlucn itio Kuss.ans and turned a Ti. c- .... c. .:i ..i i s ecu i ll remit, ueu urni unin ouii;i iiiivniiui uu,.i.u toniiMii , , r i . , f - i r r- i i i " -.1 i . icmmeiit to prepare a slight correction lor f.f-i.n. .rpi.-nrl Tln. P.iEEianj u-pm ! I.nn.inil. ftn.I in ncrnfil Ulth her 14 Irt i 1 l . p . . ... . L - HOI.IU, ...u 1. l.JIU U "Vl ! . . . . , . ' , ir.ti.l r'n nl . . rj .T .ttt.1 nu'u. thn li.r.n i , i .ttk.satt.iiAiv. i; uuv , ut.u ,. o . ttn. ti't.i. :. tirrcssarv. Irom nnv nlt.ipU r.n llif. " . . . . i W, i-.l j w. . " ;ol that offensive swaj;criii2 which is oulv i !an afll-ctaiion of real courage. I "Willi our hands full with uoiscr.T it. wr.i.su, CILOCK AN I) WATCH JIAKEK. has jasl ro .' cciveii tri m New York mul l'lii!aih l)uia, lurjru and i-,lendid assortini-nt of J EWiubK V ou islin;' of l.ii Jii-n' (iold llrt-nntiiiiis, Mourning I'm, Lull' 1'inii, ltililion l'iim. A Iho, (ieiitli'iiieii'l in: (in! 1 I'iue. of ilillerent slinf.i-s and siicn, fine (Juld Mar Itiii); limp.", Int.! style of Jenny Lind ltint nnil Dropy, Urnei'letts, FinutT ltinj,'H, tine (iold Pen, nml iV'.ieiis, (jol.t'Vnleli Chains, !Silcr Tea and Tahle Spoon.", liutter Knive', tiugar Toii(.n, and Tliiinl'li i, ladi. ii' tno Card Civ, Fort Monicv .Sii,- r i'alt.ut .. rir iin'oi-i (.-ife ll nfc'tff, Ir.nn an. lat t Jhriur Jaiiii'i Albert, Farmir. .iruni Jaeob Ak, .Merchant j Samuel V.l-r, Farmer. '. mi Antlinnv Ililo, Furnicr. CLOCKS oinlil-iiny nnd thirty hour Clue!;, fine muni! spring Cluel.s, thirty uour and eight-daj ; Mi'-i' id Iiistiiimi'iiti, nnd a prent Tarie.y of art: i U too miinoroin t i mention, ii umilly kept by v i ti, i . i i uutiuui ui i.usii.iii (iiuii-iu-nui, uuu tui;! - v..v..... i were seized bv i concha and lionnparo nave been named r. 3 . r i L.nn..i...i I ,. r ,,' , i fitting out of American ships as P.ussian 'computed i-vunst them. as Deputies lor llarce ona. i . a . . . 'r, ,. . :, 1 1 --:..., ' j rr.' ... ,, , v i t privateers, have moved thc Enhsli gov- at llarrisb irm until oilier Inallimor I'ubiico savs I-ranee like i ' .. , ,. . c, CFrit'IAL VOTE. The following is the official result of thc L" ,"'r' " ',!,r'nt'r;1 r buildingof Russian men-of-war, and the I late election for State officers in this State ; y;,-,,--r,( wiiiiani Antes Farmer; Jhn IV- d Irom the olllCial returns Oil file t-r, Farmer: Willinni K. Wriirb-v, Farmer. f nn ,11 John l.al.or.b'. ir.. Fliriner: I redrnili ii.u.-'li r. All tin. nliovn ii:,.nli,,r..,,l nr-irl.-K :tr. Ilnlloti-tcr, Fnrm.-r : .lohu liar.?. Fanner: I'eti.-r I r.-mted i-.ioJ. ami will l... -nl.l nl Ihe !int-..t nmliu. '.uf f, r.-n me Cti-h. "ii' V::t he.', Cloeks, and Jewelry, neatly IltfAilo.n, and ti :rriiiit,-d for on arrisbur,: : Fo.i GovEiiNon. ll'.,.. Iicnrj Al.rahnin l'yer. Oel .her, 27, m-te. Farmer. . l i I . .. ..!.l. :it .1 . .1 i , ,. , . ,, , . , I . i , n , . i our "u aueau iriL-nns, niiien win l.o mem IVillnrlr ob ued lo vie d. but nevertbe ess remain-1 send a s.roni! squadron Li Cuba to protect ! . , , , , , , ... i oiiock, . - . ' . . . . . . I -. r . ' . , ed masters of two foils, from which they i it, if fired upon the allies. part of the United States 'The regiment of English light cava! ry were exposed to a cross fire from the Russian batiiers, and sufi'ercJ immensely." "Tho French look part in the allair with admirable bravery. Nest diy this position was attacked by S000 RuAiai.s advancing from the side of Sebastopol, fls well as from Palnklava. The enemy was renulscd with rreat s!au"b:cr. The ;ler, The cholera is raging frightfully at Co. uT r n15 , r, l'ollock's majority, : : : : - - i "1111:1 our HJ1IU3 mil wiiii inu iiiiiici , runna. , . , . ( I on Canal CoMMissioNtn. I here are rumors of disturbances in r . . . ..- , Moll : -, ,n.L. (of-war or twoto sparo to put the iankees , Sicily and Calabria. , , . . . ,,' .. . Darsie. 1 ihiii, uiio 11 iiiuuiLi joiiiiiijii means; ' 1 i.u in tt ,,r.,li,- 1.0 1111.1111.., liu lit u'.uituij iittvu ... ,d I ! T 1 ..nr.a.'nAn Hnl ..I lh. ri.t.M .,-r ."...-v......, "... w vj . . . ,u, m. ..r-.?..7 . "r" " : .r J "'Idearly lor his frolic. li is well known I Motl 8 maJori,3' I m-UC lilt U.lnl UltlULlJl. j -40 . 1 I - "It is remarkable how limitedlv merit , llnl l,w lcawen, .0, vptain (Danville,! ! is rewarded in this country ; In the'-Peuu-! ca,n,a 1,"'ne c"drl' fm l.lm I,a!l,,! t0, Pr- H'ack, o ...... . r-oii 1 nv 1 1 nni v . nil 1 inorAnn,! hie n j W. nf iL T.is!inn m-i.t h,-en vorv s Ivania Lnnuirer cl this morn.nr. vou:.'" . ,"..'v"'"' '.i.diro prt.a, ' !n:ay notice from the "P.altimore Ameri- 1 ' Admira. s flag Another line o -battle l Smyser, o ' . . . . ' ' : 1 . 1 . 1. 1.1 . . 1 s hp. t ie Co ossus. ci. is o proceed to I he nil uiciueni uicn wouei sceni iu .1 . . . . For Si theme Ji duk. SOo.'i 1 1 of Grand Jurors for December Term, hi I. 10," 'Z1 I 'V,';' T'itrnh!)i. Samuel r.',!ii.oii, rarj. enter : I Churl. Hh.m, Just it-o : L. W. Miinioii, Farmer. " I Jnnlu Ti'fiMiiji. John S. I'roolt?, Farmer; 3G.541 I Itotiei't Johnson. Farmer, I V101 7'oirn,,,',.,. Ilieliiirtl iJauver, Jr., Fanner ; I Charles Shod'. Furnicr. 270,174 1 Tiiirnnliji. Henry Wetiel, Farmer. Cl) 3')S ' ''iirii'imrii't ISunmtjh. J.tue 11. I leniini', Car- jienter. ' ..ii TiwnVp. John Drcsflcr, Jr., Farmer: 186,SGt3H"','li Kri.-e, Fanner. I l.uinci". lllia.-i IIi'udcMon, Fiincerj M .or,', (l:n..oiiilh. July I'J, li J3. Valuable Tarm ami Timber f end far Suie. fllUI ruhsorilier ofl'cr.1 for enle a valuable I'nria. J. filunti! in .Morris township, Clearaeld eininty. . eoiiiaonnir id's aiTjj and allow anee, with about ' HO aires eleareil, under pood feneo and in na ex cellent iitato ol" eulti', ntiou. The iitiproveineDLs ! are Two lioud liivellin Houses, a .Stable and I l.are Itarn, i:ii two thriving Orehards. Said 1 I ;ii in is vittiali! on ihe road leadini; from i'LU- in-hur to K.w.irtown. ainiiit om mile norta cl ;:.o 'l urnpihe, rhout 11 niil.'S eusl of Clearfield. Tlie OO of wood land i.-envered with oak ami white pine timber of snpeiior qu'iiity. Of" For further i,artieul:irs apply to the ulierl-. her on the premisus. An iudiiputabli) titlu will; John ; "-' F'vea. 1 WILLIAM M. IIl'NTKIt. Morris tp., Sept. 21, I pd I'.jn. "It is affirmed that the butteries of Si- ican tastopol, were much slackened, and, ac-1 demand a passing notice. The Tunnel rtsl '1)';cs to un(cr ear Admiral cording to the reports of the wounded of-1 riJS. on he lSaliimore and Susquehan- ficers, borne .,f whom have arrived a! I 'a 1'Oiroad, was a lew du s ago consum Uuj uk(?r.re, the belief is expressed that A crowd of spectators asse.n- the iown would socu Le iu the Lands! 'J vilness its destruction; yet not oflhe allies. ' 0lle ''lc assemblage, (excepting a small "An.otigthe names of the killed and 0.V of 12 years of age,) had sufficient wounded are none of ihe m-rd officers, 'presence of mind, to remember that, in Stratfokd de Plih lxle' ;llc ursc, Ktb:ips, ofa few mom.-nts, Lord Dunkellin is promoted lo Captain ,!hp "express passenger train,"' would be and Litu'.anant Coloinl. aboi.t due from York, and must incvita- Up to thc 25th October the siege and L,V be precipitated into .1 chasm beneath, bombardment was going on regulaily, and (a AcV of t0n-e venty fw-t, on a bed of with success. rock,) if not arrested. Gallic boy start- Th-2 loss of life in Sebastopol is said to cd at fu'' sil'J to n"1 1,10 truin; anJ be so great that the air is tainted by the . f aring that bis efforts might be tlisregar nurr.ber of unburied dead. " i ded, placed his body boldly on the track Admiral MacbinofT has been killed by a ;at riik o!" llis '' I'11". a"J iheil. " bands raised, succeeded in stopping the The loss oflho allies is comparatively : rsjust is time to save them Irom the small " impending ruin. And w hat do vou think, Lord Rsg'an is understood to be favor- l'r, was the con.-ensatioi) for so able 10 prob.nged bombardment in prefer-, injth vir'uc B,lJ bravery ? The passen t r.ee to an immediate ass..ult. gers, tood souls, "liber-iliy rewarded the Oa the other Imnd "Melbrener Z.i-.un"" "oy ;"' but the P.oard of Directors, at their Monnt IUnkino. System. A letter Faiishawe's command. A scrcw-frigate.l states that of the banks of Indiana "iherei the Terma"ant, is already on her passage are two or three tho entire bodies corporate ' Farmer! . -. . .... . . 11- 177 Mrri. John Ilayhorne, Farmer; Williaui I..! 1 M"rr.., larni'.r. - " ' l -'MOi j ;.V,i n',..s,nuenyil.s.in, Farmer. ! XTON T. W AF.i; SI.VMJi'ACTOH V. ' 1 o,oUo 1 A'.irfi,Mi. Jauies tiuiiMiIus, Farmer. tfllllK f uliseribers re.-pcclful'.y nnr.ounce to th .,roii.i. Jno. Culieh. Cnbinetniiiker. 1 I t itiiens of Clearlleld couutv. and the Cublic .. Asa 1 ounj;, J'urmer. i cent rally. Hint tliey are new ninmitiietunng Ilia J' Clear?. enrtfl) Knss, runner. Id Uetoher 27, 1S61 -ie. LEGaL NOTICE. there, to take commodore's broid pendant of which are carried in ihe hatsof iho owu at Jam-jica; and it is reported that an ad- crs. home banks are situated in inacces- citional line-of-battlo ship and three frig-1 sible parts of the Stale, where it will requiru ales, (tho Hannibal, 01 . screw, Commo-!'1 week's journey on horseback to reach dorc the Hon. 1. U. (.rev ; and Curacoa ; them, nnd therefore the notes cannot be Kiupsi.ury "1 ri,itnln ll... I I .r, II V II. I ns!f.c!..rl Tl.no,. I..,.,1..(t ... 1. 1. 1 n ... ' "' -..p..... ' lias, n" "";"' V m. C. Vnimkins. ei,..inber term. lt. tin -s. union st tlie ntiinber. I A i- u ill ri.. i caoita s in the state nii-iit niibbsbril n dnvi k. ..;,.,.i,,,.,.,, r. . i.in r i,j ! mlorce the v est India squadron. If these,or twi since. It is probable tho capitals l;nr( lr-"'' N". m iiust n township, dear vesst is should be added to the force al ready there and en route, we shall have the following "n the station: Hannibal 1)1 f'rVor.'i. 'Mfoil Ttrilii liurmiit. . William Faiih, C.tnienter. l est of STOXK W'.M'.E near Lulherdwni, and y.' .nv. To'.hert lale, Farmer : ti. M. Johnson. ! i renared to l'.iriiirli all nrtir'.es iu thoir line miiml I to anv manulaeturiu chevnaere, nnd on rea;oi'.a:il H'w.iird Selmnlr f'-ott. Farmer. i torum. .S'fni'f Pipe r"'fr constantly on band. Also, Stone Ifiidr Conductcrt manufactured fc order. I Orders promptly nltendod to, and a liberal In Iho Common Plea 0f 'unt mado to whole.salo purehnsers Clearfield countv. No. 117, . J ,"!: F.i1 T Atip. -'t, isoi.-u u. h. rui tu. .1 I .. ; lie I'l eoiintv. Iie-'inninir at a oeeeu nor 111 nn iter inus si neu are nut u c. s ence, as llio in- . .v.- , , .. i i , . . . ' . 1 ehes, wePt 10i anil unie-tenlU rn,h. roulh li,0 r "b, 1 habitants Ol these lliaccessiblo purls of the 'ea.- t'iand nino-tenth rods, north UI) rods to a pn.-l, I Stale do not get many discounts. Still iheir ,!n'' F""x ro,!. t,.liej;in:iiiig to eoniiiel jiaymetit ' screw-ship, Colossus, si, screw-ship, P,os- note, are sown broadcast over many oflhe,"' IZTZmUr, ISM. on motion of cawen. 70, s-uling-ship, Curacoa, 01, ! western States, uiflaling prices of nl-.vr. A. W.ll.n-e, i:,., FlaiuiiiVs Aitoiney, the: sciew-l'ri,,nte, Terniugint, 21, screw. fri '-! most tverv rtrticle to ihe highest pitch ; 1 (,,",rt Jf""1 nn ''ri,,'r "" l' len lmit to iip; nr and 1 ... V.-ctol : .'.ili,,.,.!,;.,,... f.l." iihon f-.ll.n.r lmn!i u inl,1...., .,,, , i, I plead to the w ril in this run' 01, b, fore the st .li ..:e.. ..'.. ...i. . ' 1 -.1 ,1,!:. ii i.i. n . 'ir , . day nt Deeemlnr term, 1 lal. or jud-meut, i . , ? iiuo-t.iii i t..-, tii.ii suiai.er sieam-, 11 ti.'i.. m nun ui.-iu,ti:u nu.ut.-is, (tuu uii.ii crs, sailing sloops, o "Among the most constiieuous men , r , - ... ........ ...7.. . fubllslies IP? lullowing: looiiuii g meeting, liKinaiui.wiis" np- KicnEsrrr, Res: arabia, 29th OctoU-r. propriateJ w hat shall 1 ty ? Onr hun. On ihe 2.j;h, General Liprundi attacked a . t1rJd dullart. The boy, whoso name was detiitched camp of the English, :.ud cap- K' Pet m, ousiit to have been made in turod four reJoubls, which prole-ted their pendent for life. posiiion, tr.J aiso totd; 11 guns. At the fpma lime a powerful cavalry attack s made, which probably cost the Eugbsii half of their light cavalry. Lord Cardi. can, wlnj comma tidal, esciped wi;h dif Jicuiiy. Lord Dui;keilin vus taken pr.s oner. Til.! Gr'-ek accounts receivd fr :n Odessa confirm tl:u nb.v.-e, and say that the L.Jish eavilry l ist 500. It is c-r. luin tii'.' Pkj. ms received consiJ-c-ruble rcifiiuicenien's, tul a sltli s iuiig corps was exp.:cted irom IVrdt ip. 1; ilie jc-cent a'.uck upon the forts nl tlio mouth of Sthastoriol Imrl'-'ir, (lie escis of theai fies weie inucli I'nrrig-u. Tfv! P'idsh are said to ! oely :UV? ysr.la lro.ii be iiussian woriis. The Fn n .'h woriisnre not strong enough, and h.ive iH'en much iljared. A deser'er stat ed lh''t the U'jssian Im) was ury great. I ly bought up, at a heavy discount, hv tho I "U'etrust that this force will be quite ! vorv speculators whuoriginally issued ihem I sufficient lo ind'.ico the Yankees to draw'ind received dollar for dollar. Verily,' in their horns, and behave with decency ; thi Indiana lr?e bankingsitem may well to weaker as well as stronger powers. If hs termed "free swindling." I not, there are not only menus, but inclina-1 tiou, we believe, lo compel thorn. j Tnovm.K with the Indians. The "The impudent bully of tho Cyano,1unka l"11'' " becoming more who was sorry there was not an ln-lish , ,roul"esomc nn(1 m ii,rt nro g''111"!,' 11,s- nru. r its puhlieali, and tlie Colir!. WM. roitTFlt, Frothy, l'rnthnnolary'p 'lfl'..'e, Oet. ?0, lSjl. t". II.WK )TI( I- K Urn ml, seniles intend to make npi'lii-ation t. tlie lieit Leisishitiireol tho Coiumnii'-M'.ttt of l'i'iirylv niiii for an net of Assembly to i.-orrc-rati" a llnnkir" Ciiiiqiuiiy, with Itanhin nr.,1 dis eouiilieir ),; '.vilei to bo railed the '-Clear! 11 Jlank," and lm'iUed at ihe borough if Clearfield, with a rapioii stoefc nf $1)10,01)0. A. K. Vi'iihl, C. Krnl.er, Fllis Irwin,.!. F. fl-v.-r, John l'ailnn. .1. W. 8inith, .1. U. MrKnally, .la. T. Lennnril, lllebaid hbaw, Jim. H. (jnihajii, Jonathan llovntoii. Ju:n 2.i, l'sM.-fim. liiwT'ho llarrishurct Vnion, will publish tb ::Loin eiy nioaili, nml end bill to this oHice. LCC.1L JiOTll'E. 1 Ladles anil (ienUcmfii, Fre leriek Zeigler I la tho Cnmmnn I'! -a! of ; T FiF.LlIIVK it a ood maxim, that overv jiornon r. V Cl-arliebl eo.inly. .No. il, S, p- flmuld inireha-e iroodii wherever thev pleaso. Jacob ('..r-bir. ) teniher term, lsil. ' f;,., thev fhould rot buy too ha. tilv before they at- S iiuinomi in ejoetim-iit for aerei. of land in 1 .-erlain "w hern thev can be bet uitid. I wi,'.'.la Itrndy township, Cl.i-.rliebl county, befinnin at a ,,,t re-peetfullv invito all (Indies in partieuUr) to maple eorie-r in i orrey A Ke:.n.-,ly, nml bounded U at li. tileniiVn'a More, and examine l is s','--.-by lands nfS. I'.i.kel and others, to Coiiipol jmy-; ,i.l assortment of;- ids thnt . on mil be rv.tlli-it in luent of purchne nin-.iey. riiis seclii.n of numtrv for fV:.l'.V;.S'V, ibiralil- ty w ho went on ihe river some 50 or ('0 ":y v ZCiU.rl ?f ,-w '"ch TVA ".t;?i:"? 9 j ., . .-. . - ' i - ' . -" , ni an u". nrtinuttanu nriees. l, iuic? anu vttiiue- cbance of pickin ' up his match, if his "" eS fkljove lilts place, on tho iNebraska dun pmiiui an ..rd.-r un Defembint t- nvjieiirand ic!l'j gaii,.is. bnva and Kill's bonis duoes aud "overnment dare to intrust him with a ' sl,!c of lI,c rivcr- furned a few d:'vs ago, l" ,!le wr,t "", Ji1;0 "',,,r !H,':rc Childieir of nil B;;eS can be ncco,i..,te.i. in .he Yen it Iislat.ie i, Mr. ii. G. command." reporting that n band of Punka Indians ' "l jen-2. it K. (ii.bA.vA-'. P.-igbam of Faiifal J. lie owns and cul-J i attacked them as ihey wero starting up-; WM. I'DRTl-rt, Frothy, j '- tiv-ues lSJil aeri-s of laoJ. Among his ( GO'S he rid ,m cu.ee succeeded ndmira-: on their return, nnd held ih-jir horsus, and : ProtUonomry'. Office. Oti. : l:-i,t. ic 1 lUWhi nooum I barn-vard items are two hundrednn i 1 W)' mtropp.ing a noisv member, who', undertook to rob Iheir wagon. Tho par-' HANNAH WiNTKKXITZ,) )TtU ('.'Zpl, A Ni mr' ; "rtmei.t of new nd pHr twenty cows, twenty horses and five yoke j in Ue habit of interrupting every ; ty, by din. of shrewdness, got looso from ! - uf C, , t of oxen. la his dairy he makes buticrh,K-li;,-r Wlln cn-a of "hear, hear !" them and started oil' nl full speed, but j." r IV ' ; ''-'' foi,,,,,. :Ti.eoio5i,-i; Law, Iii.rienl, Fonie,.!, only. The av.-r--'-'.' vieM of latter from Uie loo on opncrtonity of alluding Ion, were pursued and shot at several times rn.. i..-. .. u-.... .. , . ,' .' ' . . . man)f-war at Grevtown larger than thci lrnt' botl nnJ unbearable. scbooni-r Piermuda, ninv now havo A sma'l par- p:iss?j hj iu'Viliorus tin reinforcement lo ihe brsir.or; uriny. Tho English official despatches make no nention af (n-p. Liprandi s alii ded vie iho ni.ir eviii, i;. l. i , ,, .. , . ,i,. . i line, .'i i see i in ue inn u,",i', t"M ..... ........ j., u. ... t -,. - . . . . i ni i -, ii . .i , rit. . .. . . ' H J "''.i niiij ...IK .i.i.'i. .a in iiiio (oitii o;ti-1 nsnituient ni .eliiinl iiiii.i.s. until 11 iiou.vs, invpOD the tm'k ot each cow is one l.ondie.l and j ''!1 known polii.cnl character ot the with rifles. 1 ho party thew out all lhe:r ; 1 , i.re!ed : Vou w"l ple.v-o take n.ie- i,,,,!., VVleuJid cw-y Pk. Aha, rer-t fifty pounds. Two hue "dasher" churns ! ''""'"i u'h wished to play tho rogue, lut luggage to enable them to hasx-n their ""'t r'''''"'nee of a Comm's.; ,n iym,l mu nf . v..ri.ty of fuuiuuary, Ac.'aro ouered to tho jiui.;i are ? t in notion bv two "h rsC powers," i had only sense enough lo play the f.n I. . speed, which utiracted thc nttentioti orth5 ,"l"r"'"1" m ; .Ni"ru,.y - cxtr'.r.cfy l..w. , , , ... .... 1 .. ii-i i ii ,- I r ii -. . . .-v f ie J.ih ilav e. No.ii bi-r. A. D.ls.il.rt inv it- iiool.s n.n.nl ed to order on Ibe nbortnst not "U. rnd I ha butter is - worked ' by the old, here shall we find a more foolish savages, nnd aided their escape. One of , (,,,,! n,,. f!.,r.,;,, h nf Cb-miield. cieartield :v WHU"'11 c'd.VatON. 1-ishioneJ 4"paid!e." 11. j stock of eatile knave or more knavisli fool lhan this ?"' j the party ling absent from the wa"on . l'ennsytvaiiia, prneced to b -ar ti-tiuiotiv in this ( cvarfie! 1, Oet, 2", 1S54. ly. consume ab-et f.vc hundred ions of bay 1 "i'l Sheridan, I was left'behind, and was two days alone : ,,ml r" 1,!nV?1Tri'i,"f' tu lr""a in r n t i.,t ir-i u annually. Tuenty ,i,ousr.nd lbs. ofporkj "Hear, bear," was instantly bellowed , and without food. ' ZX ""9 ' M I Csta,e f Lanicl LflCk' five hnouied bushels cf wheat, from four fro the accustomed bench. Council Lhffs BuSlc Oct . 2 1 . . "'TTIiE, f.WW JJTrZ:!. to f.ve iiun.lr.M buMidofcorn, one thou-j The wicked wit bowed, ln:ink"d tho j - , cu ar.uld, Aq. ., ls.ii.-n. . hauii beeu b-ued to tho fubBeiibcr, nil person, Mid ! usIk-U ol'oits, and from one lo two gentleman for his reudv reply to theques-1 SadDj? aitoint.ment. Thc Huston Jour-: rtfiii. nf riilin ridirf Irr' I : !l,vi"i? nn-v fiuntsa't.in.it the said deceaseuwiU thousand busl.i ls of , ..biicx-s. are cmon-1 tnn, nnd sat down, amid the convulsions nal of Wednesday says : ; " , . . , " 1 , , t 1 1''":' "j" ,,l!tilns W uihnititl- , . , . . , ,. " j-. , i, c hi i ,- . . . T nc . , t i t i ,i . i I I LTTl-.K.-s nf Adininisirntmn on tlio citato u' ami tbo.-e wan Know luoinselvcs tndubted to ta-1 hisyir.y prof;rt. "The M-n of I z V 'f laughter of all but thc unlorlunate sub- Last r.rntng at 7 o clock, that being 1 ,,limp Fi,her, hue f wodard township. will make immcdi.o .etileumnt -.nil. in bis li'-st .-s'! i-oubf r.nt tlit Lelter t'lan teci. oppoinmu nmo lor tlie ending 01 ail .1,..- ascl. Iiiivinu been in duo form of luw crntiti d , Jackson Crans. Clcmf. -'. !. l'n.. or tho mihseriVr. AM ICS Sl'EXCE, Exc.utor. Pike t.irrrf'en, Oet. is, 5l.Ct i'le: i-V-ocu d. vision fr.im I'ir.:us hid '. ,- .. ' , , , ., . . . tl.:s. I.ngh-im himself is got up vvuh sublunarv tilings, necordin" lo the iMill. i to the rub'eri'.i r, nil peryonn imleblcd to said do-' CO" A hundred lodges of Apaches were erito belief, some forty of tho believers in r"-1"1 u,,k" '""". n' "'! O i m- nv- 'vi fiin fin n-jt 111 inrin will nrAien iv i Kry, Thii fiCir m -uniiiTstood 10 have Mo thc extent of his l'ely gathered on the west side near the that doctrine assembled ut '.ho corner of, duly nuthmiii-d. j'.turr.l prodacts, he!''0 -'c' -"rci anxious to havo n battle Fourth and C streets, South I'oston, nr. JA.MIIS T. LEOKAFtP, inches in his boots ' 'tn ,no Americans. General Garland rayed in white robes, and anxiously nwait- Clearflebl, O. u 19, 1K51. 6t . 'l.l ... ., . Adia'r. a breadth ofUnin and in a stylo of ri.ag- uifij. nee T'ro'ioriionatA p-ii sessions and agricu". tJiid.r.? six eet lour ir.e! lintt u'l-i-'hin-v hv Aim r.f P. 1 .1.. r.L . r-.it. : has ordered ibree comnar.ies. of sixlv men ed tho moment when thev should make 1 ii b n li I m ..n 1 t - M Iik MfK& . C. I . t . . 1 1 ' I I sj i t . i 11 I ' IU svS.' '-! t Ij. '.I.1.U in. Tl 1 It. I 13 LllC . I I at.ntt 1 iaIA irt fVP IflU rAl n! J DAfl t 7 Am m W ft Ta irm rT to, Mil BCfl(llllllr.n IL linllin lhni . r . - - - ,, , . i ,i ,i en; oa.ancis o-ju .us. precisely. ', ,' ...-.. ...v... . t s.u..u ,e, .1.-,, .u -r lMj arc or.lercd to meet for Fn,und drill,tths! dobted will inako Immediate ravmctil, ud th.-J ai.ies were OU Hie look-oul lor IliO f(,C. nady to concentrate and gle th nutives Still waiting we know not, but ihey wcro JL Town Hall on Saturday venin-;, Nov. 25th, bnvinu claiDi will proscnt them nroporly kuthB- 4t-d Russian reinforcemems. The Eng.! fc5"Tcor is the tax that conscienct rsys battle should tbey seek a central engage certainly disappointed in their expectation 'tC o cl--c!' iu eiUierjircw. Hynmnrof theCnpi. jticatod forsntt'iemeiiu M untu, that the Dritish cavxi.y taguilt. imepl. ongoing up" last evening. cicirncld, N'-jv. u, i 5 t.-si K,IEE'S' WgWUIIL?, Aia.iai.tx.tor. ATii::vri(' itrca;i,Ait. Li-lutc of Juiiub Bur .is, Diccasid. "VTOTICK id hereby pivcu that loller.i of Iraln 1 b rn!io.ion iho estate of JACOH liCnNS lt of I'nion township, dee'd., havo In duo fi nooflaw oeen pranU',1 lo the f u!ieril..r. Au persons Ji.