Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 15, 1854, Image 2

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    . I
1 1.
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Hi ! ''! I'l Ml (A
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I M ' ("til hi" m'u
in. i ! i.
IV I I s i'. l . ,.'V . I., ,- 1 .f t
ii ii. '1 v h'i'Ii.t .et t ut in i'iKiin.H under
t l.l' In In I lllilt till, is till- Ii it of IlllllllitlH
licit humbugging the pi r;.!" wns th" Mire
fi'11,1 I Wealth, H, ',l,,;cd Illll MSlOinwf
molality which ilicl.i n s ill tlm attain
incut el' wealth t J 10 end justifies llu means.
In tin; accumulation of w ealth he h:is been
lis succpm Ims
.-.jiin.'niv-, i.n ii:i'
f-o I.,- i" tr : ll
tie T.nn II:.". . v
I i in 111 I! ii ,'ltie!. , i
I , ' lee 1 1 ill I 'nlili it !i'H.
Tut ll III! Illll eeie ! . t . ! 1 J 1 1 1 I'V ill'1
i-ii .'iinrr, Mn iiullii n m 1 1 1 1 ? j ' il rn. I iiine.
l lull" lln"l-:i!i lllll I' ll.lllil.e.l llllll ( l;.:l.
ty ci.Jil i!.. liars.
I . h i ii v Car. 1 1 in M. ol
Sun francisco, furgul u check In ill'!
mil Kiin". nf eight linn. lied thousand ili,!iirs,
llllil then llli.ciiNili il. ''n i W;H
excitement ill .S;in l-'mneiseo in coiim.
Iios or Stkami-.h Vkii: I!r.DK.
Tho r.:r:i;sier Vm.U plule, which lull
S.n l'i iiieisi'o on Saturday, September
Uiltli, in .1 J o'clock 1'. M., (or P.uiuna, niul
lnle jiroeeeihiijr ihiwn the const, slrnclv
f" ! i.-.l.'.ill .... .. I 1:11. I., l l,.:;.
i- H : . ! N I .
( lii).- (.in!, i.m . i i-t., .i . i.t mi i. r .ii..., n
in ll..i ,::.f ,t;.ii. :r .1 t v,ul ,.u cniinenllv success fol
t HI I i. r .im Ik u i. ...,
T -! .iri.T ei ill,. 1. 1-fi. : a ,!,. v caused him to tliink liis theory is correct, !,.
."..1 i I .i. '1 1, 1 , r ; i ii' Ik .. I l . i . .. . . ... -
mm nu- now writes Ins Hie, either to pro- J,.. ,,, w,K.j, j, ,m,t l(i miles uhov.
rr.,r,-. I., . ,: !', r.i,!ii ut lutilatu liis fuvoiitu tlu.ory or to puiii for l'oint Coneepiioti, nt hull' past ihrco o'clock
. . Ililllscil hlill greater notoriety. lllSbllC- luiennion,
THE KNDV-M)llll.tS I'OITJ. k-ess proves this, iho people lire credulous : Tho ,'0,":ilss'" 'n IrcmciulDtis, ami
Anew jWof Know-XothingsUex. conHdin-, u,,d he ha, suocoo.lcd wondor. 'r, CM
.;b:,cdiarerntcrin,i,n.t,i;li,,oneor,nl,y the eonHdence which a-
Ihc courts of ..IassacliusctN. Three wit- they have placed in liini nsa tnnn of truth, mem was made to land the passengers?
ncssci were examined, r.u r.ibers of that As to the correctness of liis theory or the Thoro was a larje number of thieves
order, who confessed to nirmbchip, and soundness of the morality involved in it it ul,oarJ of 1,10 boat w, coinnicnced pillLr
,o such ficu a, went c,r,y to that prove, nothin?. , factory daysex- X
iho amounts of the pri.scnpMve character nencc teaches us, whilst a few may sue- boat from the steamer of .ho shore, all
ol the obligations mlorced by the order, cecd in life by charlatanism, yet honesty the officers left except the Purser,
a frequently published to the world, are is the best policy, and honesty, prompt-; I''1'1"' lives were lost,
mainly correct. They all positively de- ness, and indursiry are the only sure road ',am? lV of l!"'ir New
cla, thatthe members were sworn to wealth, station f,nd honor. " IS'SiCi
,ote lor any foreigner asa candidate lor The avidity with which this book, and of 1C steamer disappeared, except n few
any polecat olTicc, and lor no Catholic, works of akinJrcd nature, now published Moulin? fragments of the pilot house and
whether foreign or native born. in cheap form, are devoured by a portion l,!irt of i1l,',;- Xvill! steamer
'Jut this is no: all. When asked cer- of the community, show that their readers '8,r"c!f! .a f'am a Ut widc-
lain ether See.e,s of the order, such as have not the high tone of morals hich J, '"Jj ' U'S '1L'r m"
the nam.s of its members, Ac, so as to ; they should possess. The reading of such The steamer Goliah camo to Imr nsis.
give tho jury light upon the case then be-: works hac a decidedly pernicious tenden-' "mce. The G. took from the wreck and
fore them, and upon which they were cy in forming the character of the risin" ,p 'sll0r0 st'V('n '"'"died passengers.
vora to decide "according to the law : generation. Whilst flashy novels which' 7J,''"; v" f'"y Sti:i ," 1"uc!l--and
the evidence " they each positively de, introduce their readers to the vilest char-; Z'
enned, saving that "to do so trvu,1 be to acters, and mako litem acquainted with and fifty miles from San Francisco.
render themsdns subject to jxrsonal ti-' scenes of wretchedness, dissipation uud' Hattm: ox tjik I'a ifii'. A Ihitish
Jur!" crime, have been loudly denounced bv snJ 1'''r(-'llc!l of six vessels incluJiiiir
rur.ncr comment is unnecessary. some, they have yet had their
ho cannot see that this is a bold stroke ers, who bolie
m im. liearcsi rign.s oi every citizen, and man nature in its darkest characters, it commenced on the 3'.)th of Au-us
enuaogers their property and lives. would cause the youth to shun evil and continued till the 'J.l of September. The
.. .. . !...: i .... tii....
and morality for safely 'T u "ren Kiiiuu, nnti
. . . i the Allies about GO. Amon whom were
, i . i ,
lfi 'MIH;a (MM,
" -I I'l l l I N I M l llllll,
A' lb" i linen il d im i I i! i mm el
I 'MMMK II ll n, leuv l"!lr' . ' I ill !, .! II,
Ihsli-'p .1. 'li M'lill., lb'' (;',. 1. I I ; H i lie
inur 'e I j i ti nl i (' id i i)
Th" iti'i! mi tieil m,i the I '.imni'xi.
we, ltd f Miehml f , i r rape
I'lNtliet Atlniliiy TihiII for !'Ketiiineit,
i. I'. I'utli rnnd' I I.iiiii X Ilrim Iir de.
II. ('. Snow, of I Jroton, having tesM'i.'l
for the c'vernment, Mr, llutler, on erus.
e.aniinnlioii, asked himihe following ijues
lion :
1 )o you belong to a secret suciety, popu
larlv called kiiuw-iiolhines f
nr mik miir I f.nv, iimn:.
Mii;i i, nr 'Mir, Mi.i:ir.
1 1 ti i : n , V n , i. 'I'l,. i u, ei mi r
. . .i ii
n il im M il Ii' r ' i '' iv . V. i ll l.m i
l!rl. n I.) 1 1 1 '..'"h nil.
.1 1 i .. ., .. .. 1 1 . .i i
I ' "'HI III in 1111,,
. I'l
II, II:1!, el
P 'I in I
'i he I'.Ml
'llllllll III" I II
limli'i i I i
I Ii 1 1 I ,
f-.i Il-H'nplll ii i' in
li'.t )' lain li. ,
Ae Iri l nt,il Uussin lire i.t! ll
lli'til'il W ill.
Mr. Nnu'e li i s hrrn prnhiliileil from en
lering i n nee.
Itienilsliiil'ii Hielmrdson, Spencrt tV (,'n.
irpnrt I'lonr mid henieon:derablv high
er, niul price, firm, with u largo business
iloinr until I rid'iv, when, with n small
speculative demand,
,e ve I 111 Tri
'' I'" tl.'ll I . - I l, ft,.tln
K' I I' r nK .,, i.
lie. iV, ii !,nv ,(,; J1(
I of jVurinl'i-r. , .
t I'milifin t.. I i.ri'.iii,iinh, M,(5.i,nPM t
niKiiili, Mid Ciik.
1'iw (Villi, i,r l.:itlnrif.u Kit. I
n I'uitil 1.1 , . .: ' "n"'J pn
' h i', iliawmg Iniir ee wnir f mii h nr.
buiMiii;; iii l .iighiii l for spring nporvinm
Aimiher I'olnr lixpediiioti will lio m.nJ
ti' .t v'iiii, Id ln iiij homo iho rmnninj
of Sir .lulu) rianklin ami his parly. I)r
Kim has eniiiinand of it.
A rvilvariie ppparaliis in being construe.
"M ... i ... .i 'n . i
,l,,i:r,l .. "ii ill ,i-,iii;, on 1 V lie, IU UIO W Up lllf
ll, 1 ill l.Hll' ,1 II ,. , ...i "
shade, vet closed on iho whole, nt an ad- SU,,K nl ;;7,n,'nP01- ,
i ii .... ... i .. i . .. ihml 1 no I'.ninrror ha wriiirn
Mr. Snow l,,vin;; denied .ha. he .Ii J. . wiU.Xl n , letter of condolence to' Madainn Si. Ar.
" . : J "r . T in London Timr iv! U'n nrn tr. ! '",u,, uesiows n pension 01 VIU HI W
lion was put in n tlillerent form, when ho r , , , v!i ,i,rt ,.,' francs n, n national rccomncnsi.
was nna,,y driven to the wn 11, nnj nsked a' M 5 id " Tus y I f Tho camp of the Luth oU,t
cave ol theeour lo consult counsel. I hts , U, , , ',- ln lmss J. , for Iho JOast , required.
niierty was poll e v "ranted by Jui "e i' , i r r j t. " i Spiv Mr. Soulo a return to M:t,
. , 1 . ! . o L ranee mi his return from I.n" and oSiiuin. . ' 1 ' ' . M ' J"Jr" w flinorid
i iikiiiin i nr t'ifi-i tin uti-ifii'wi. ....... i i... o i i i.
. ,'.i 'ii I 1 ho IViNl nnnoimce
uniiiuin on ueeouni m iiei ueiuy ,
When Mr. Snow again took the stand,
the question was again asked ; upon which
In promptly replied :
i cannot answer mat question without' .,, ...;,,.....'... lor a movement.
erimini.tmg myself and subjecting my-isll 1'or io 2 T Auria has concluded an in,meSe fi.
sell to purnshincnt. ! rectly nllLcliug tho llritish West India ' l!ft,,ci"1 'Miration by which she hr.s trans.
....i. ..... ..-.., ,,,... ,s. D0HSf,ss olls .., i1(, rr'l i icrreu ton company oi cnimalistH, al tht
acuisitioii of Jnmann
ri-ii'ini ui.' ifini, I , i . .
:s semi-oHicinlly ,hf; Js caused quite ar. excitement. Aclnmor
, and rays it amounts 1,8 ,,,!,1'10 J"ducu Uiu pui.uh fiovcrnmcDt
i virtually, ifi,,.! i,ti,.i,r ,. !, to solicit his recall.
ition of St. linn,in,m Ti,n nnl.lii,,., i, 1 Isabella has abandoned the idou ofaL.
tho United Siates,Cof so important a posi". !''" Tho Legitimistd uro preptme,.
ed by tho ingenious counsel for the de
fendant, every lime assuming some new
form, hut be iii'.' the same fearful visage to
dillhrencc. i railroa'ls conslructeu and worked by l'Ov-'iVe have nothin-of impor- crn,T)r"t in ,Il,nry 0,111 Bohemia. 'J'h :
t.ince via St. Petershur" On the L'lst -oinpany pay mwi.ouu.ww inncs nnd the
1 :. ,i;... :..!.. . r.i. . i ; , . ....--. .... ii. itiuiMiui", mi me ;isi, - j
I , . .. , ,,. e on e,, un. , m ;it Sebastopol, the operations of tho be. ' government guarantees u i-or rent.
mm, iiuviii" ueiuineu me cuuri more inair ,.. , , ... ...... - . , China. -Tim over a
i ii i ... si1 p ia (.uiiuiiueu jv un e uec ve urn",
two hours and exhiius cd evervuiiv's i.;i. ,-, " '"
.. . . . .. - j i
China. The overland mail has Lee:,
'lnrll lllllu n . a u.. , i i... r. .0' 1 telei'mnhed. Canton, on the !ith nf S,-t,.
liimro hr.,l ilrtn" iuniun;u uy llllj IOI KIICUIIOIIS. " , , , , , ,. 1
iienre, lie n plied, 1 do. ., , , n , . - , tun,t,er. was stfll bcsic-ed. and the d strr..-s
Ques. How long have you belonged, SJtl.. Thu Obasia chiefs'01''1'0 b"sieed was There is no tea
'O 1 l..r .1 (.i k l rendv fur kliininent Tim ,'r,ui,rr,rl . ,m
leiuseu io receive oennmyi s envoy. '. -i ...aU.eiv..i.o u.
I lazif Pacha has consequently cut of nil ' Uo', ylli,nSl'ni.
communication with the coast of Obasia ' 1 hc American clipper, Comet, arrived
. .... . . ii.i 11...... f I : i i .1
I I'AUIS. i rillav III" it. hrrn is nn en.,. "u"o IVU,Io i'o" Liiver k.oi, m C31 uays.
Ans. About four or five months.
(I. Is it a secret society ?
A. his.
I, l.'id you take any oath or obliga- p,
uon in joining mat society .'
A. 1 did lake nn obligation.
i. Wus it in lorm ol an oath ?
A. I u.i not know
rmaiion of the entiy of the Russians in-
j to Dobrudocha, which is therefore doubled.
Sir John lhirgoyne, on the 14th, fixed
i sites lor the batteries which will destroy
Arrival of the Atlaalic-Thrce Uays Later.
New Voiik, Nov. 12. Tho Steam
ship Atlantic, Capt. West, arrived L.::-
tins nlternoou, vwtn dates from Liverp..
rw ttrrv vntr tnnn rn itu ruin,..!. c,inS ,0 religion
jui. i Jul i iuji fliUIII.ll in ailiLAUll!.
Trcvions to the election it was useless
to attempt to prevail on any of the n.em-
V. 1 Ull "IUI hllllll, .l I, . ,. . . --..-...-r.
(). How was it administered to voU , 'i"1" ".'''""f", , ;URS",n ""'"r' ,asJ" Lci"S ll'rCU U"
did you hold up your hand when it wa " ' V "V y I f' tI LUn-pC- c,
administered. " j !o Muinteur, ol this morning, contains! 1 he allies at Sebaslopol had surcecJui
I did ' an account of u victory over tho Russians i in silencing a few unimportant outpost-?,
n iri " 1 1 ,1.. . ;'"'1,r Gumri, who lost their LaL'"(i"e and and had made a breach in the walls.
vt. uiu imi (..HI U 'Oil IIOU lO W UlCSS ',11 ( 11 !.. .... i i .ni .. . . .
m" U1 '"'"' ugreem mat ,uu.,,.(.fi , , , ... ;,' , .... ...
'n,rnr j repulsed, shut in tho defile, and sufil-redi Vknna,Oci. S. It is knowa here a
ave yet h'ad their support- 'IT f".n.,or' "friv t f rlh llil,r the obli-ation f ?! A Russian general was killed. ! Tho Russians made a sorti, fro.fl S
,,, ., .", Jrtrofloski, on the 20:h of August, and: l iliinl- I ,i ;ri to, t.. m r , ; iho lurks began to besiege the citadel ol Laslopol, and look a number oiprisouers,
ved that by representing hu- attempted an entrance. An engagement I w,' ,he l ist words P ,(u",ri wl'c lho Jsian corps, which land spiked eighteen French guns. Tho
l its darkest characters, it commenced on the 3'.)th of August, and j () r '. ',i d';!r. . .,, ,. 'ormerly defeated the Turks at P.njazid, ' Mngli-sh and French lost in tho ctmfiet
soeiel v ?
bers of the Native American
. i . . . i i f
iney iorei mo ocart ol man is prone ,i,r ,rr. ci. i-
i iiih.1. niii'.i ii n un; i.uruice.
to evil, and that such works only add fuel j The fortifications mounted 100 guns, j
to the fire which burns within their ren. ! and the nooulalinn wns nlmi.i "IHVI
r.i- I . , . ' . . ..i...
r""J U1 ders. There thev hmminlmilnii.,! In . were all well armed. In addition in tl.U
section to vote for r,v other man than nnJ afterwards ;il!iDglv d d .X Russian frigates Aurora and Dimi
rnjmin Rush BradtorJ. I heir arSu-:bv Wc ,.lvp ' .' ,tl,wcre.m l,'G lia.,bor' 1,ut w ' l"tec.ed un-
ments invariably were, that they meant to," i r , ,, . ., ,:r ""l lr!iIication.s, and c
stick to their man. The more intelligent ' T I ' " "T m "M .y guoi the allies. They how
. , vv.i eoiiiiuuauy. jjui w as me imLiiicaiioii ever capture
How many havo you taken?
considerable hiss.
! a tact that iho Russian reinforcement-'
I . I . .... ll.of
I ir j !) V.,,., (.'... .1. . .. T.
.-a .... ..UII1I.1U ..Ull. II li Wll-'t;,,. .I11(lrf.,r
? Mill
Ja.est advices Irom the scat of wnr ! have entered the Crimea. Thev number
DO.COO men.
-0 days bad elapsed beUeen i :0,000 Hoops, making tho total Russian
urn .1 ti... I.,,.. j . ' r. : . . .1 I , , ,-
ness in thiscaset belong io H,:.i M:...v 1 . ';M"" rn.,es irom .o.eo mine Crimea w,
. , , ' . . o . . ' Ijaitiuava nnu Uie oneninir ol I he fire nn
A. I have seen him ut the nieetin"s.
1. Have you ever seen John A. (iaru
on iStbastopol. 'I he batteries were ready
', on the loth, and on tho 17th ihc fire open.
Eomkrduicr.t of Pctrojioloslvi.
On Tuesday, lho 3d of October, a por-
could nut be ,,;,, ; ui;td horn land and sea. The bombardment i'""1 the allied fleet, consisting of the
i. They how. ! if..'... continued till night, when the Russians 1 ' rf nch s.iip Forte, (H) iuns, Admiral Dcs
I In. i.iilJn.:,,, (iirr eni,'nri,l ilirnf. P......: l I u' :!ill) i,-, l..;il,,.( .....I .. I I .1. . i 1'nlii'r.u I In. I.',,..,l, !,'. :... I.'..... o'.
- f.L i-t . , . J w. ..uj nil. .,uuiii.miiiii v.v, nun. IM.l3r.iiUI NIC TC Mil 111 (1 T i. l I .-jj. in iinn.u uihi IHIUIIUCIJ, iVUIIlirai v'"-'l',,-i',-wl-1IAI'!''ilt;A-JIUieC'o.i
portion of them did not entertain a hope of oflhiswork which has eiicit(;(J lheso rc. vessels-. The ship Sitra, of 700 to,,, Pil J, 'Z " ' Kornilef was among ihc killed ; the f,.rti-' ens. Captain A. I.,. Grandierennd the
in,l n l...n.I...I ...T ' n , ,.ui,,.. hiijs I 111 UiU I.e. Ullila i'.,., ..(, ' 11... 1..1 .1 . ., : I .' r r, h OLC .n
cirt, ijt iii r nnni, nrn rmt n-Kr, ir. . .....
. 0 , u. .viu,, lu marts called lor f What wil be the elect i,k"uu,ll;i io.iul-u w nn siorcs were ,,r,, i ' m .uimu auuui u uui unit, un i:ie inii, l,lllul u s-o.-,ir, v.;eegauo, 10 gui
ttieir own say so, they intended to "pull nr :,. n,.!,!;-, ,; ? .,.. i . .. taken, w i;li about one hunurcd prisoners. I i i '. ' , lho bomhurdmi nt was resumed from the -aI,f- I'o l.oseneourt, anchored off Ncr
loSether- for once, and thereby show their it? iV,,n,u.. , ,L ,.r .,.J ...1,'C 'l Admiral Price, who , Whn. in f ,rm nr,u ""'l?' . .. . ; Beach d by thorn tho news was brl
strength. The circtiou is now over nn,l , commanueu tno allied licet, was killed by v , .... ' , , i no only liussian aispatehes say that n' nomtiardment ol t.lo Kussian
""-"a"- 1 111. ii'xi.uu 13 now over anu Ui,tt.A, ,. :.: 1... 1 11. t - -T . . 1 1 . - A. I Sliai Hot te . ns it win r riinin.ito .1 1 .' ' . . ... . ....
, , . , . ,u.uui m puoiuuu no now noiusanu ims " pisioi snoi tiunng ttic tn"a"cr.ient. , 1 . . uie earrisuu maue iretmtnt somes. I01 1 e-ropo:oiKi, situated on lho
'7 . . . " wurce 1 held in the co.nn.unity-thc object of the 1 llu ,1 nflerwads to Van : , ?' . ,,' ' . ,,7"V"m; 'U I U ,he ",f"' nstr.n.inonle, on ores of Kamchatka, by the above
. gn, uncauon 10 me noDie spmts who lookwo como . ' rn. j Couver s Lland. Another account favs, 1 , ' , Z !.,... ' . V-. . 1 " Reamer had arrived at Halak- :'oned vessels, togo.her with the Engl
hVf'Pi CAir. f.Min., I .1... ' vv"",u .f.'ill.nJI,,.. L.tirni'll I . .. I i i ' ..i.ii U ll-lll IU MUHUl IMII1MMI. I . (. 1 1 ... .. l-.l U,..c' ...f ...n . 1) I. .
-..s- iui mi. vauat iu huuw mm .i. .i . . mi Mini 3 iviiiL'il. Il lui i IPC nn-m
sum in iri in i inn r'-inu r i ihrt n .. ...... .
lino V'i iiJO UllllJIUIl t
state of P
thru lho assailants failed in the
nvuu t !-: i
mrtu line txjn n ) ! . l.-t
t k . j uvvu HU1C U l'U I 111 l! L' . . 1 ... .
,f Pennsvlvaaia .., 1 ly J n" SUc!l Vn. 1 he re- ject of the attack, whtch was the destrnc
. v ,lto wvlw , r . . . ... . , - ,.i.e.. li.-.. i . . .
ouii ui una pjjiicauon must ue lo raise i "u" "l lllu uussian vessels in tho harbor.
, Piouc. and sten-
ln repelling ilio great sortie of -JO.OCO r,K'r 'ragi the hrs! of September
pf 2111. Didn't Bradford go it with a
The Pres-Jcntiil e!ec:ion conies off in
, up a host of imitaturs who will hope to
If he had taken an oath contrary to law,!
i .. i . . . . .
1 ii s ii 1 I 1 1 n P K , - ""on?, Iialan and Ca.irabert fornvilly I Pciropoloski is situated on a kind of innc
UU.. s.uJ Juilire liisnon. tins is a start .n. ...... . . ' ' i r. . i
... ., . '.' o . situiuioiieu toastonoi la surrender. I tiev ", lormeu uv a sanu-uar runnin" arti.i
I ' . . . . . . . D
revelation that men take obligations in se-
fri-Tlir. I . .. ! creiROCieiics w tic i are renn i iv ihnn . ..... i i .. . . .
" . ' I - O l.,Fn, I 1,1 f ., n. ... .1 I I .. -I.IV.M IT' I I
So far r.s known, the Russian army is wcre unablo to approach nearer than !
reijuircd llmt the women, children ut.'d '':a harbor, find behind this bar were c.
will cause the heretofore unsus-j Atlantic, bear precisely the proportions! "1 '';HCuurt-
l;o6. Will the Native American party
pin "pull together" for the purpose of
showing their strength ? Or will they act; ien fo . ,,. , I mension, of the Atlantic steamers are,
peeling masses to look upon anything new i 10 length, breadth, and depth, that nro re-1 ,-r . ' e 'rciiccul rating on Upper Belbek. Alreadv : miles to the city, in consequence of a sinr
i ... innrn.'.t p(1ii,iph... a,.., k' i -i. mi . i- uuvu. m u uuim. tin ij ,.k r. ' .i i - . . . 9 . r . . .
ior strange as ueceptious. Itwillcausci ....iuiii,; KiMiunm, ineoi-, . . , : , , : . ' .ue-. huiiiim.t ;.),um'. current iroin uie iNorinward. lho t
i in-uniiiijs oi me Aiianuc steamers are J .-v., ou,.,i:
a more in.m'v M,'.rnn ,'nn ,1;, r' . . . w "" leiu'di. :W2 feel, breadth of .,.ni r.n r.,. i Ulruu "l0"1"3 ir. called Ins
J . wv v" "'"-'pril HPllior tU, .1 .l...i , . . . . ' ... "..w,i
The allied urmy is divided now into a bardment continued for four days. On i'. j
siege army, raid an army of observation ; spcor.d day three of the forts (the town is
';l on an extensive table-; prcita uy tight strong batteries)
te l' fivmi S'.'.. all silenced, and a detnrhnipnt nfr.nn r .
n,n .rr.,,,1 ii.. cubits, rfpmh an ri.hiia Tim .,..i. .i i which Mr. i.i age secnvJ to think wa. about i i . r . ' i . ... -
wWI ir tt.. i;n. r .1. - u i J v.nuuany - - --i .w. .. un,, mere-1 , ,. . , . , onbinpui, aecessiu.e. univ irom iwo no, US. "en: : s-m on snore tor 1)0 rmr'r.Ne
wheel into the line of the.rold party, and rowoatofi. When such a n,a l,n, ... ! " 'y tice tho size, in length! W k'n 1 . .on,h ndmiR,s,urcd ," '""'! Ti e Russians are' hnvorin.. r. ,1 L of clismr.ntlin. the nhandoner! f,L
vo-everagain to be caught by .n-.bcr: unUu,hing effrontry to in pHnt'''-': ''- 'p Zl HC'1' r-itions. ; Miking the gun, Thev were .urpri
vu g --gun irap. ue presume that and unbosoms hiinselfevnnsr. tl,o n..'..i ...l. ' ' uo . .-"au . 'I'l"' r lo" ! ,. .:;., i ' 1... , C T. , .. IZ ' . Un ,,lu the Kussmns made n strong ' "V an nmbuseado ol the Russians, nn.
the latter course wilt be pursued by the r,;, Af i.,. i." . i ' ! c .i.. . Alter n.Mhe process i. "IZ: : oD on the North-West cxtrem- St . laugh-er took place. Tho fortrrs.
citizens of our county at least. We have' Hnrv ,,U ..,t, " lI uT I since h 1 hn Vrl No
, O J - w...m.h. ll, IMUWUU.It tJli; UIJl j - -- ---j-, ...w.i.i UUIUJLIfl litl tj 1 i .
iietl panv-aod iho t ! "",Ueptt, leel. The dimen
, , " ,, , great cemcntol social reliance n the words' Ark were, length 3U0 cubits
Lcen dernvrrl Irnm lU lli.n,.i.i'. l. i . ....... ...
-.u.MUut iiiuivs, o another.
nensions of the i r' tn 10,1 ,an ol tho oath pub. lltflu!tr " rc ,
its, breadth 60 ' !iS',? J ' '? BoM011 l f (,)c,f'bor "" land, which siparat,
The ark, thcrcj;;h'' seem J.o think wa, about bait0MlK a(.C(!s'sib:0 ,
i . , tno kind ol onth udministiM-ml to nm. ' rr. 'J
sicrets without any inimngs. .;,., f,L, ...i,.. ,i. , :. m' P..irn.,i,,d:i ,.i ,.'..n.ii .i.r,...
orman Smith ealle.l ! . " .. " "t,u "lTl ; 1 "."."-- "' -
icl.eek.and retired without battle.
I .... - . . O J , . "i.i wuuil, IHU Ull- D ' . .ui.WLlo nan; , . . , , , i
vr 7 ",0n;' "et,n,c,:,Scnce r ,h0,tcr portion of the community to turn from ' etur ,0 ,lie h' ''lor, ' d V2 T& 8CCrt't SCXt-V j " -h. nnd 1 hh, the gamison 1 Biver, md was defended by 120 guns sad
citizens of Clearfie d. than tn siinno t1,m . J ' Ark. lopposca io miens I ... c.i i i . v . . Mnn ti w.. i n.:.. . .
' " nim witn disaust. to denounce bun nml Lis I 1 ,1.. . ., .-, .: i:.i. i , al umuu ui ucs, ana uestrovcJ - "-ii. i no uuxu ueei sanea uwiy
r . . ... . -i- ...ww. UHU UK I . . I I . I I 1 ' ' V 11' l 1 J f, . . .. . .
nj poruon oi t,iem could lw imposed up.; :,nnnc.,0 , i , . ... , 'i, i, ,""' ""' 1 some small works. ' on 'he Mh September, in a verv disalh .'
rn the second lime bv nnv new ism that ! 7 "? 'V ,h MfB,.ER.-The Philadelphia I ?C a I10"'--'''1' m , ()n tlt. t,elli (f llC , cohvov of condition, ,nd afterward capfur d t
-igh, be raised by the opponents tte" " J " ' 'T, of -o-1 ncer "' "'"i - deeded iuen- fi.ka, a vessel moun,inS thrciguns, . '
IVmorm. r.-,- i " " M-,u,u:,uu 111 1110 '-'' man named P. Snyder, for the mnrdei- r.r A ft,uw .I,;,.! r"T- ,u..uL;,i,g io uie ivusstan-Ameneao Com-
jings of tho people that they wilt hereafter! six of her children.
The allies number, and EO.- P11'. The British Admiral, Price, pre-
s:t,.. !,.. i l fV, P fv.,i,
beware of those who fatten on humbug to tho .nnr.lor nf f., ,..r .. ... society J 'l i' nddi!'on;'1 at" 'fady to ci.;v;0us to the commencement of tho actio-
first premium to that child at,derono
i.r ... . L.:.,.ii.. r...i i
... .. v-.n- in. i.tsi uorn i wnose parents p:n Kill
111. CUTIHII n intcf.
following illustration in which sorno "'
hand. with irrrat lie.lenei. ,w., ,, Vi ( Auvices from Constantinople to the 1 3th. son8 not a thousand miles distant, huve
'judges bench and, makiii" the court-house "y lessiaus bavo rc-ta!;cn Upatorid. ; doubtless discovered ere this there is more
.!i M.t'oriii-, i.ui if the j.ri- uered not long since in Florida by theitc,' ,l10 sound of his hand as well' V" . J''"n1i's'1 arr'on of 60J. retired with truth than poetry:
t::!Z:: J- Abercrombie, an)emberofthe,,,usicofhisvoiee. .the loss of one gun, which U denied. , .We were onco traveling out West, and
-.. iiwi eiaamu. ana lovely, l'remi- I mcti-hei,,,,.. Iuiiy .K,umi , ,,.,.., maimer by tho tilalcs of Pennsylvania
Dtin arc a!so tD b? "iven to that bov or , ' ' ' '''Vr-- t!ir.,iti..n.tit .ur country. Hutiii nur ' ri,i r, . .J '
. , , r 1 lo unl 0(7 or l.ireiins ilie I,n, ,in-hniMt, iff i,:iri,T,i, hiftlary land, Honda, and Wisconsin.
f, ri lynctn - anl 0 years of agq who I"war"s " rolu-t ut ilio nitiL-rius uml dctilutt. I
never behave J wor?o when nanm,., !!;::'' "u"un;l l""'"'". i.c.-n ...i.u.r-J . H A rn.:i namo unknown, was rnur
j v, ... , v nuiny e.VIIIj'I in Hi
rDZ-l-cd with ComDIDV than on oilier nn. "f ,h" ' ""'
r ... e, ..,.,,) I.:,,.. ,.r,..,i..
siocs 'o that baby which was not regard- not ii.i.roiai.lo thm a c k'nm ix inuion ii.'r tl.e i 'onrt-'ss from Alabama.
cd with ns much affection bv its mother "'!"' V VT ,n V"'"'' 1 " Jku-U-u tion was held, uud tho
as the half dnZ,n which rrcccded it. and 1 on the ground
t.that darling creature which had .,.,1.'
mg ailing ,t nhoa it cried. T rn' rTho Philadelphia paper,
Lirne the committee on prizes is to con-' Xlut Zl'"! f Kdwnrd ln 'H. "'0
ftUt ff:v ., ..1 I .1 . r . i. coujily to Mt-Iuni in n r.'MM'trtnl.f,. l. . ' ConiMllSSlOllCf,
, . .la, , j i ni run ii , ' ni'l llllll B - ' ' 1 ru,
great eloquence, "To protect our liberty, ia,"-V "e 13 wcIcomc ,0 oot him if he,
ir ?" nt ilm ...tun iimn I.,;.,..:.,., i.:-.:..i..: does not. i
. UIK..V ...11 Ulllllll IIIT1 llllllll
An investiga. " iu is me lorm oi inn lnm.ilion, 1 yoa papers say ino allied lorce ; bad taken passage on a Mississippi stea-
Uun. gentleman I aild what the character of lho obligation I uns scilt Ul)(ji'r t-Iericruls Uosquct and mer for Louisvilla. Ivv. On boarH ih.r..
of justifiable '" lul;o? I Achiiiet lacha, to prevcut the advances of, vasn rambler, who, from morniiv till
A. 1 cannot leil. jllie Kussums. night, and from night until morning, cm-
nnnmmee K' . M ' I. bctweou Kussia and Austria arc; ployed his time dealing rawwne. A num.
nn ay-iiiiiitii'ii. t'lin't we lliink
lie has for inauv
in th"ir i.n children ns readily as their!"1''1"' Ir'"?" ,,r"'
... j i .1.. i .. ..
"ni I; iivj
neighbor? cou'J
a L
predict as signal
day Jinj- UtUT tiiiin i-illnT.
"k i.f iii0 ii,i,,3 i,.lt years occupied a prominent position at i "ottiins; but the truth 1
J arming will i,i,,,. , i . . .. ,,
A. 1 have bound mysell not to.! becoming more determined. A crcat her of ibn nasscmn-rj nlnvrrl l.;t mn.
. . . , . I 111 T' 1 D J t "'inu lliilll (
ti. liut have vou not sworn hero be. council wus held at lenna. nt which the
- . . i . , , unlit viia c dluuu Uy
lore this court lo tell ihe whole truth, and , i-"iperor presided, llaron Ucss was pres. tho table, wo observed an old fellow waiel
Philadelphia bar,
Cilure f,r this show as the crys;al VIT , Co"1 has Covered in Cana
e exhibition ha3 proven. The Labics ,,"'-v "n K' 'L, -f- l l'y tmno ud.iihnn ":, on lllc 'fni"ni of Mr. Campbell ncariln
i hib:te.i. i 'tiK ftc linc of ,liu Nonht:r" rai,-roiid- i.
h I - viu IV.IIWIT 111114,1
is reported that Austria summons the gume very intently. At last, he snii)
I fcli.lll iiiiticc t mil ..I.K..A.l .A ! I.liSSl.'l In U'i'.liilrntv irotii llm r....i :..- l" . l. l.l..l. I ..T i i i
- - mm. . aiimmijjiii in. ---. in.... iiuiiuui i'i iu mo uiucnieg, - i couiu malio money it
Tho Court bore asked tho witness if he Pallida. The w hole Austrian army is put that, loo." "You aro ht perfect liberty
thought by nnswerin-; he would ex nose 011 11 v-ar footing. ,sir. to trv it." milled iKo,.iSn ti..
the himself Id punishment; to which ho' an-! 0:i the il(ilh tho garrison has orders to : fellow slnitlied tho cards nnd'd"-'i Ir
s said jsweied, Yes
ha ready to march ut 43 hours notice. : nlirmt il.rn i. i... .. j'n
, . r , ... . ---m. ....tu iiiiiniii.3 no uotiii
: i ...!, i
Uirtier tlie Know.othinrnndhiiln' -T-.-.-H...: i
'., j. .: .'Ulll, ll.c cnui
. , .'uiiiii: me 1'imi niinni,
lor ..Uyor ia New York, has commenced "!S , '"' ' tu"""c'-"l ' H'
suit against the proprietors cf the Trib-'f'
mr jiit-uuj were iiumvriej
une for Dub'i-h'riT .fTul.-iv;.. p..; clum l-
that he wiKuItv J r i i i -"v, l(,ni from ilio ri.iroit Iniuirir, iliai from a mummy.
rl ue Wihuil) ft Kre to Lis Store in tl IC f'-r v -lo porf .t.i. Iiuve ai.- l of tl.,e whu wei in-' -A i . c , ,
W I "
I J 1 - 1 . . I
, io oo a superior article of bituminous cool y" ""i3i m gcuing up Ilio l"u "'"""ne commueu io men-, and very abruptly vacaied his sea
1eeof,i,Prn,..Nnv.t-i rrt-W (j i,,,,,,. nf ,,;, , , ' i Iodgo at G rtiton ? j aco Austria. The Czar has gone to War-J Many ,rsons who oppose nospaper
i. l.l..eo Ui. nigrum r V ' U J;f; 1)uc Minnesota has A. I did. ; saw, and forces are concentrating on the publish',,' such a profitable bushes we,!.!..'
ailj .lino ,'iu,,l ih . ' S Cat 'r0m SCCd VCr U' Are 'CU an olr'ccr tho lodo i Aybir,jn r01,tu'r- 1!ut l,u,c JuUt 13 c,""r- probably find it in tho old fellow f,u:
o.wuu years oiu. i no wheat was taken Ul'. i li,u,l-'; al '""i tre long itiero will tho name r.f rnntu,,
(i. What office do vou hold? i bo actual hostilities.
A. I cuiinot answer that uucstion with. Austria has returned nn answer to the
.1 ... . r' - T . if . I l,,. !. rl II.. tllinl 111.1 lu.rniiirli
u . i """.n.un 1 ( i lnMimit drstn.v n . ..t i. -...i UUI cr m na mvp f. nnrt rrincur lUl uisl'ULi: l 01 inn i rnssinn rrnvornmnnf ; " "v " "4U
ikUBii. i w .-M"i mil vuujLii niiui n j miiv v y 'win. wvwvsi i ... - .
i tf vera tiiiildini-i. I n,,tL,.. lf,n 7. ' " mnun il.. A .,.-: ...:n r""y Ui."t, lnU mlvuruecU ti
w .....w.-r w i'wi.i.inibii.. ' I .- ...... tiu.11.1. Hill UUI LIU iiniej.i.1
A Di.srKBATB Case. 1Uo imliv:,' u.1 luat vio
iliuuiii n liy KiuR tLiito
it. li it'll i
Lo suld by tie High Conrteklo.
ed from Siberia, bv way of the Amour
mrv virntv
? " ' . ''"': r ";. : wiiimn i, 1 cil k " ; u:; .i:- i;:;; : v. ir'S-T
Clubol Clearneld havo resolved lo hold, or morality is less exceptionable. May its 'been arrested. Tho children were iile-' A. No 1 guns in the battery. . vessels sailed for this port. Tho follow.
oLe. The club have not yet perfected publication provo ! gitimate. j Q. Caii ho ifhis wife is a Catholie ai d ' A,tf;r a lLw da's fire, they will attempt ' 'S is. " list nf the killed. Tholossoftha
their nrran-cmen;s, but Madam Humor1 "vii'" 13 0 m-a?iiT ..f .-n, h lii.,u. mion, rrs-'pi,,,. ,,t., ,, on,i rv i he a Protcs-mt ? ' ' ' U . 10 ston)i ihe garrison, which is cstimaled liussinn sicic culJ riot be ascertained.
va . , . j HauuUiiatoaaoebuuol.o.i'iu". 1 hursday the . ,0th of .November, "c " 1 ra"il,t ' I at 40,000 men. Frenchmen, 12 ; left on land 19 wour
n they have determined to award the' . . has been set ,, . ,?., r :.. A. JSo. I . ' ' r IJ '?Lti
Q. What is tho object of the society T . AUnuru' wacliinou, who commanded ut , ,',' , Ul 11,'CBCnm?n tB lp"
The doctor, drawin, l,;,c.,ir , i.;J'" and who is lho commandant at ' 1 of "S'hmen, 111; total Prenclic
i has i..,.,!,,,-,, n-Hiiy . Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and the full height, and extcndhi" in a slatesmnn-ii:'ul'"sl0io1, !1S Publist'cd an address, u'" us"' l0' Francisco Jler&Id.
-..-liftt u i.r.'M.ul.'.l lo Ilio IttiM.rinir cla,.. ;' .o(l ftr vrt, .....i. ;.. i. , liL Mnnnn. l.; .. ;., savins that he W ill defend it In llin Ut . ..n.l --m, w ! I IT-
ItiiuliLir L.vertvuiid! " u uuai:rveu 111 UUe "-" mm, replied Willi l't . ... , ------- t 1 ne XAincQStcr LftltlCT furnishes tlli'
it: j