- 3 If f 1 'f T f f fl 1 jl 1 re c a weekly paper: : -rl!!lrjn 1N 1:"1 00-ayeaI!nm!!,?l Piihinthrcc months, VOLUME 5. for in' i rranu t't . iii' firnn. FORTH Y BY A r.)KTTKS.; I int br mv window one briirlit ntniiv dnv. ' Vi And envo In my mind a freedom to idnv.' I tcuvo it iTinif jiuu to !iu:j.'h tuid bo gtnd ; (In truth it love, ncrrr to lie F.ld.) So I wondered what pool." would tee to mlmiro, Wlint mtvioul silifs would tune up their lyre. If fA.y eat by my window no ple.-immt umlcwil, Jlostinj; nt cftfo on my low curl.ioiied Moid. Perhaps they d sine; of t ho beauty of hilh 'flint fi'itty ;.!oii ! ;i to thn windiuj; rill; W the dark dim ai-t" of the woodbind perne With inr t:.i;; lno-n and uuiiitling preen. Of the cIimiiIm ihut (lout in tho mure ikv, Ur tho c,::I (ii. oie brow i.f urn uiimiituin l.i,-h, And th?y uil.lit h riuly, ; Love by I'.e d.'.Lr lu t!ie old (.'rry i.;ii;, ti nt relie ofyuro. But they don't often like to di: Of a co;n;r.n di.ee or iieoiiinmn thin;;; r-0 I tLotliit I'd t;'l! what heliuty teo Iu the wuri.M of nature 'l.-id uu;l po f.ve. Of n common rij:ht in ft eominon vr.r This de!i;-.iit hour of a plea;,i:d day, And it t!i'" huih don't cure n fie:, llin bci.uiy 1 mw vp n liit'r Nm k jii-j. ByywrawM pwm "hp i.wi. iunm Atlvcitturts of a Travclli r ia Hungary. The s'.ory uns toid me. savs a recent writer, bv nn Italian officer, who wasscr- ving, nt the lime ho first learned il, with!,'" ni 0CP"vi mo i.or.e dealer ol . a..n . . I IIS KPnsrS. Iillt VCt ll( ticrfcivoil I in n.lnl. tho "(jrandeo Armeo of Aanolcon. It 1 6eem9 to me lo conMiin one of tha most utriking, most dramatic, and terrible sanes that can ba conceived, and I have only to regret that I lack liie talent or power of Idling the tale of horror as well as it was told to me. It was a few weeks belorc the termina tion of the short, but .(for Austria) fatal campaign of ISO'.) that campaign which began n'oWy by the Austrians, and ended in their seeing I'.onnparte dictate to their prostrate empire from their capitol, and shortly afterwards claim ns his brido the daughter of the sovereign he had so in jtircd and humbled that nn Hungarian horso dealer left Vienna to return to his home, which was situated in au interior province of his country. He carried with him in pnper money and in gold, a very considerable sum, the proJuct of the horses he had sold at the Austrian capitol. To carry this in safety was a difficult object just nt lhattiinc ; for troops, French and Austrian, were scat tered in every direction, ond he knew by experience, tint it was not always safe lo fall in with small parties of soldiers, even of his own country or government (to say nothing of the French,) but the Curoats, and vild Hussars and Ilulana, and others that fought under the Austrian eagle, were seldom ovcr-scrupulousas to"keepingtheir bands from picking and stealing," when an opportunity was favorable or tempting. The dealer, however, relied on his min ute knowledge of the country ho had Ira versed sj often ; on the bottom and speed of his thorough-bred Hungarian horso ; end having obtained what ho considered good information, as to the posts occupied ?)v the beliircrents, and the range of coun try most exposed by the soldiery, he scl out from Vienna, w'hich ho feared would soon be in tho hands of the enemy. He vent alone, and on his road carefully av.iiUed, instead of seeking the company r.f c.hT travellers, for he reasonably judged, .hat a solitary individual, meanly dross'-d as he was, mit escape notice, wi le o party of travellers would be sure f - n ' i r n r! il. Pv liisg.tod management he passed the Hungarian fioniicr unharmed, and contin ued his journey homeward by a circuitous ar,d unfrequented route. On the third ni. ht after his departure from Vienna, he stopped at a quiet inn, situated in the su barbs of a small lown. He had never been there before, but the house was com fortalle, and llic nppenrence ef the people about it respectable. Hiving first attend ed lo bis tired horse, lie sat down to sup per with his host and family. Dunngthe meal, he w-is asked whence he came, and when ho told them all were nnx.ous t" Sow the news. The dealer lold . ema he knew. The host then inquired what business had carried him to Wnn. lh JUiemhc had been of the be,: horses .hat were ever taken lo . i. Wlwn be heard tins, mc mat niiiin.i-1. . . Lost cast a glance clone oflhe men oflhe iUlv whoseemed lo be I. ron, wh.c . iho dealer scarcely ouserwu wh;eh be had reason to recall afterwards When supper n finished, the fatigued traveller requested him Jo be shown to his bed. Tho host himself took up sigh and conducted him across a lit. e ynrdnt tho back oflhe house to a detached bj .d irg which contained two rooms, lolerably IIV.V Hfc sv O nC tUn two rnoins j r.m i nni 'ir nil nui'-i. - was the bed, and . vrtct l.fi him Id iiimsMJ As the Aaler threw offhU jacket nnd loosened his ..4i n.i Ilia waist when? HIS money wa3 deposited, ha thoii2hl he r. -u he;her it was all sale. gbl as Accor- din "ly he drew out en old leathern purse d.,r,: .y ' . .old. ond then a tatter- i : Z 'ocket book .hat enveloped finding that he Austimn uamv no .il, w. re cuiie ligh'. lie uiu xuy - tho bols'or, exiingui isbed ihe iL'ht. nnd T ilm,el f on The bed thanking God ,h;r ' ain l a had earned him thus living as to the character of the people he had "alien amomst to hinder lus repose, h d!nC Paor dealer was very soon enjoy jng a profound nnd happy sleep. CLHARF"'I'n' m -mcmA) clark wilson ; devoted to Lw ? r'.r'rV'0 dlS- lurbed by a noiso hko that of nn opening ni I "n, Y- 8", rUSl' ?f COl1 night nir ; on racing h.mscll on tho bed, ..u run hjumiio uiiouL'ti onopcn windotv which was almost immediately nbovo the j bod, tho head and shoulders of a man, who jwas evidently nltempling to make his in- 'I,H WtlV. AS IC terrified dealer looked, tho intruding Hg-lnm ure was withdrawn, and ho heard u rum. bhng now, and Inen the voices of several men, as he thot.l.t, ctoso under tho win. now. liny niimf i ro:u fnl hrii.Ml.n.-.;,. tho more horrible as ihey were so sudden, nowa-iUlcd the traveller, ho, feareHy . . . -"IMII ' 1 IJ I N. miuwiu wuui ne uni, Din uiierly des pairing of preserving his life, threw liim self under tiie bed. Ue had scarcely done so when the hard breathing of a man was j heard nt the open window, and tho next , minute a robust k-iiow dropped into ll e ; room, antl, alter staggering ucross i pro- , ", 7 "."5 , " u,e .., , .. .,. der, whoever lio might be, was drunk. i Tliero- was, however slight comfort in j tins, lor ho mislit only have swallowed I wine to make bim iho more desperaf, and the traveller was convinced he h id heard the voices of oilier men wi.hout, who were I sufficiently numerous to accomplish their purpose, in case any n sitdnnco should be made. His astonishment, however, was greut and reviving, w hen he heard the fel low throw off his jacket on the floor, and then loss himself upon the bed under which he lav. Terror, however, bad taken too firm a hold of the traveller to be shaken , lllU two rr:sorit'r8. and all the party which otl'atonce. His ideas were too confuted . haJ collected in the stable on hearing to permit his imagining any other motive " nnt p!lssed there, for such a midi.ight intrusion on an in-! 1501,1 ful,lcr anJ son walked with con nnncd man with property about him, save , siderable confidence into the room, but thai or robbcrv and assassination, and he 'Ilcn ,licv saw by the lamps the night lay quiet where he was, until ho heard j watch and others held over it, that there the fellow above him snoring wilh all the sonorousness of a drunkard. Then, in- deed he would have left his hiding-place ; wno is this: and rushed together to the I and gone to rouse the people in iho inn lo j hed-sidc. The lights were lowered ; their , get another resting place instead of the bed ! ravs v?m tho ghastly face and bleed of which he had just been dispossessed in ' inS I,,r"al r a ""unS man. At the sight, ! so singular a manner, but, just a he came j ll,e jounger of the murderers turned hisj lo this resolution he heard the door of the head and swooned in silence; but the outer room open then stealthy steps cros- sed it then the'door of the very room he was in was softly opened, and two men. one of whom was the host and the other his son, appeared on tha threshold. "Leave the light where it i" whisper ed the host, "or it may disturb him and give us trouble." "There is no fear of lhat," said ihe younger nun also in a whisper, 'we are two to one knife about ho has nothing but a little nun li" is ucau asleep too, hear how he snores !" "Do my biddin'!," said the old man slernlv : "would YOU have him awake and rouse the neighborhood with his screams 1" As it was tho horror-stricken dealer un - der tiio bed could hardly suppress a shriek, but he saw that the sou left ihe light in,the outer room, and then, pulling the door par- tially after them lo screen the rays of the Inmn from lhfl bed.be saw the two llllir- dorers elide lo the bed-side, and then bjnrit s rnstlsnT motion ft! of amis decern. ding on the bed-clothes, and a h;ssing,nnd then a grating sound, lhat turned his soul sick, for he knew it csmo from knives or daubers penetrating to tho' heart or itals of a numan being liUQ lumscit, and only a Uennrss ; that instead ol being in bco', as few inches above his own body. Tins bis father and brother hud believed bun, was followed by one sudden and violent be had stolen out of the house, and joined start on the bed, accompanied by a moan, a party of oarouscrs in the town ; of these Then Iho bed, which was a low one, was boon companions, all appeared in evidence bent with an increase of weight caused by and two of them deposed that thu deccas oneorbolh murderers throwing themselves cd, being exceedingly intoxicated, and upon it, until it pressed on the body of the dreading his lather's w rath, should he traveller. There was an aw ful silence for rouse Ihe house in such a state, and at a moment or two, and then the host aiJ, ' that late hour, bad said to them that he "ho is finished I have cut him across ihe ; would get through the window into the throat take tho money. I saw him put ! liitle detatcbed department, end sleep it under the bolster." ! there, as he had often done before, and "I have it, here it is," said the son ; "a purse and pocket book. j The traveller then was relieved from the. weight that had oppressed him almost to ! window once, and as they thought wculd,lic. Washington, Madison, Monroe, II ir su tit-cation, and the assassins, who seemed ' have got safe through it, but drunk and j risen, Ty'er and Taylor wore Kpisecpali to tremble as they went, ran out of the unsteady as he was, ho slipped hack ; !ans. JelH rson, John Adams, and his son room, look up the light ond disappeared ', ihey bad then some difficulty in inducing i J. Q. Adams, and Mr. Fillmore, were Uni- altogether, Irom ihe apartment. No sooner were thev fairly rone than ihe poor dealer crawled Irom under the bed took one desperate leap, ar.J escaped ihrou 'h ihe litde window by which ho had seen enter the unfortunate wretch w ho had evidently been murdered in his steed, Hi ran with all his speed into the town, a few weeks after the commission of the, C3Wc clip iho following capital bit w here he tola his horrid story and mirac-1 crime- They bad confessed everything, I from tin Waterfurd S'titiml ; "If you ulcus cenpe lo llm night-watch. The anj jestored lo tho horse-dealer ihe poiJjwant to keep your town from thriing, ni'-ht-wntch conducted him to the Rurgo- j at,d the paer money that had led them lo tur.i a cold sluuider to every young me .. , .ier. w ho was sjon nronrcd from his : deed so much more ntroeiouj than even i chanic cr beginner in buisitiess ; look no- sleep, andacquaintedwiihallthathappened. In than half on hour from tho limo of his escape from it, .be horse-dealer w ..Wmis nn with iho matristrs w ns ra'c , . .ttr;..A nA ctr.-.nT force o the liorror-stric inhabitnnts,Bbd the night w. itch, who bad run thlhcr in ihe greatest si!ence. lathe house all seemed still as death, but as tho , parly went round lo ihe stubles, they hea rd a noise; cautioning the rest to surround) tho inn and the outhouses, tho magistrate j wilh the traveller and some hslf dozen I Stron" lorcu ui mi; iiuiii'i-Mi,.m.ij.i ... . , -- 51 50 if pai.l within mmontl.s CLEARFIELD, THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1854. ly l'tncJ nni1 ( host and hi, son dicing a grave. Th fitr,gUM ilmt met theeve, oflhe murderers was that of the traveller. Tho cfll'Ct oftliis on their guilty souls wn9 too mueh to Im borne ; ihoy shrieked and tlircw themselves on tho uround. and 'though they wcru immetlinielv nei.fd hv nr, ur n ,n, a,rr.,l (1J, .l l.l.l heard ll.e voices of tho mngislrato and ,:;r friends and neiohhors debouncing ,)t.m ns murderers, ii was so.r.e minuti-s ' ore thev con!! l.licvo that the f.o-we of ! .i . . ..' n .... i . n lotlwr than a spirit. It was the hardier villian, the father, who, on hcarin- the O If 1(1 Of III! Cfl.. 4K...., O...A s;uingers voice continuing tho converse jtion with tho magistrate, first gained suf ! fieieut command over himself to raise his j face from the e..rih ; he saw thu stranger I Mill pule and hai'-iard. but evidently on- ,uirt. Tho murderers head spun round cunrusedly, but at length lisin", he said lo ', those who licM lnm.'M. t me see that rtran g( r nearer : let me touch him-only let . I. I.:... I') IM.- I - 1 ,VK. luul;ll . p0or norsc-ueaicr drew back iu horror and di,-"ust. ,.you sa;isfv , . ;J llt. i .. . ncre to prevent Ins do:ng you harm. On ihis, tho traveller let tho host ap proach him, and pass his hand over his person, which w hen he had done, the vil lain exclaimed, "1 am no murderer ! who says I am a murderer ?'' "That shall we sec anon," said the trav idler, who led tiio way to the detached apartment, followed by the magistrate, by- j was 0 ,j0tly covered with blood, lying up ,111c bed, thev cried out : "How is this ! j 1"ulhpr "!ring a shriek so loud, so awful ; llnt one of the eternally da mned alone : mlSlil c1"al "sdlect, threw himsell on tho ucu ami on me gashed and bloody body, jand murmuring in his throat : "Mvson ! ! 1 have killed mine o-.vn son !" also found ' a temporary relief from the horrors of his j situation in insensibility. The next min- tit lhr wretrheil !ins:e; u he. ui innn. pn. nr nM i,n,i r,,ccH n..,l l,n . t . .1 - r r 1 ! wunoui Knowing ii, me wue oi a murjer- er, me motner oi a murderer, ami the 1 m.,u. murdered son killed by a hro'hpr and a hither, ran to tlm nnnrtmrnt 'and would have increased tenfold its n. re-dv insunnorlHln'o horrors bv rnierin there, bad lie not been prevented bv the ; honest towns-people. She had been 'rous - 'cd from her sleep by tho r.ohe made in the stable, and wns now herself, shrieking and frantic, carried back into the inn by main force. j The two murderers were forthwith bound nnd rnrried to the, town inn!, where nn the examination, which" was mado the ,,,t .nnrninrr i r.mwn roil fr.-im nviilrn.-o that the person murdered was the young- j est son of the landlord of the inn, and al person never suspected of any crime j more serious than that of habitual ilrun-j that they two, had accompanied him, and assisted him to climb to the win- dow. The deceased had reached the 1 him to climb again, lor in the caprice ol ' intoxication, be siid ho w ould rather so to sleep with one of Ins comrades. Ilowcv- ! Cr, ho had at lasteffee'ed hisentranee,anl ! thev, bis two comrades, had gone to their! restnetive homes. i The wretched criminals were executed j tbey had contemplated. I ircri -vcry man owes it to society to be come rich, lor tlie poor mans advice is ...... ir,.(!c,l. 1,-t t.e ever s.i valuable Throw a doubloon on the counter, and everyone will want to hear it ring. Throw a cent down, and its voico mould attract as little attention as a poor rtlaiiouV CCrlf preachers lived 'nearer to God' they could make their prayers heard with, out making quite so much noise. politics, litkiutuuk, ACRKTLTunE, MORALrnREH ?1 75, il paid within nine months, The Vote for Gov. from 17!!!) to 1J1. 179'.). Thomas M'Kean, democrat, 30,. 211. James Ross, federalist, .I'.r.l-'. Thomas M'Kean, democrat, 47,- lSO'J. b7!l. James Hoss, federalist, 17,(1 :u. 180.-). Tho. r.rhnn, Jem., 1. Si nmn Snyder, dee.:., (No feiiend candid ite, the fed err, list s voting fer M'Kcin. ISO'. Simon Snyder, dem., C7,G". James Uo., Rd., 2J,o75. John Snayd, quid can., -1,007. 1-11. Simon Snyder, dem., 32,IS. William Tilghcnian, fed., 13,- r.o:. Simon Snyder, dem., 51,0'J;). Isaac Wavne, fed., 2n,o0o. 1S17. William Find ley, dnn., CO, Joseph Uicster, old school rc-pu')lie:ui,r2,,J7-'. 1920. Joseph Hiester, O. S. R., 07, t0o. Win. Fiudlcy, dem., GO,- l'52:j. John Andrew Shullz, dem., 60, yj3. Andrew (Jregg, fed., 0-1, j 211. 1:"0. John Andrew Sliultz, dem., 72, 710. John Sergeant, fed., l7o. Scattering, 1 ,171. ! 1S29. George Wolf, dem., 78,219. Jo seph Ritncr, anti-mason, 01, 77G. 1S22. George Wolf, dem., 91,3oj. Jo seph Ritner, anti-mason, SS, 1 '.". lono. George Wolf, dern., C5.S01. II. A. Muhlenberg, dem., -10,5G. Joseph Ritner, unti-mason, 94, C2S. 19:!9. David R. Torter, dem., 127.S21. Joseph Ritner, anti-mason, 122,- :Zo. 1611. D. R.rorfr.dem. 130,501. John j Ranks, Whir, 113,179. I IS 14. Francis R. Shun!;, dem., 1C0,- 322. Joseph Markle, Whig, 150,010. 1917. Francis R. Shunk, dem., 1 10,-091.- Jus. Irwin, whig, 12S,-14-. F. C. Reigart, Native American, 11,247. J. F, Le movne, abolition, 1,GI. ISii. Wm." F. Juhnsten, whig, 1C9,- 522. Morris Lcngslrcih, dem., 1G3.225 1951. Wm. Pigler, dem., 150,-199. W, F. Johnston, whig, 179,011. 1951. James Tollock, whig, 204,009 Wm. Rigler, dem., 107,001. Woxdehs of CumisTiiY 'f 1G ra-,;,' i the science" of Chemistry i strides which lus made in the last few years cannot be otherwise than surprising to thosa un accustomed to reading scientific papers, Presuming lhat but few of our renders fare practical chemists, or even acquainted with the results lhat have been obtained, , we give them a few examples, 1 Candles resembling tho finest wax, are , now made from coal, und the Feat bogs of I'clanJ. ) Reautiful white paper is made from straw and pino shavings. j . Wa:cr cjn Lo frozen in a re(1 llot cru' Cldle. Gutta Percha and India Rubber, can Lc i mauO of hard steel The dial of the street, and the washings of coal gas, reappear carefully preserved t'y generally poor; and their Ut- too that beat tho fires out. At last the in the ladv's smeiiinj bottle, or are used ! eps are directed for fortune and for hon- winds that ustu.ly nso at that time c;u bv her to favor R.anc-manges for hcr- And tho home and tho friends that j led the equinox, when day and nig M oro fi:- ivi ihey love arc henceforth remembered in . of equal length all over Iho world, began trietv Marble which rival the finest F'gyptian is manufactured by a chemical process. Conner and hen have been detected the human body "tu'.IiJIV v;..: nnA !.,; X It'J ULIIUU Ul 11. II II UIIJ 'UI' llv- I lv acids on cottcn produces a substance more! . 1 . I destructive in its cliects than gunpowder. Diamonds and pearls aro made by a chemical process. rCESlCESTlAL ECUGiOS. It is curious that nearly one-half of the ! Presidents of the United Stales should have i been of the most aristocratic and one of I tho least popular churches in tho repub- 1 tarians. iUr. an buren was ol tne Dutch Reformed Church, Jackson, and Poll; were 1'rtsbytenans, and the present I res, ident is a Trinitarian Congrcgationnlist. Neither the Meibodists nor the Catholics, i have, as ct, given the States a President. on every new comer w.tii a jealoru scowl. Discourage all you can; if lhat won't do dcery his work, nnd rather go abroad for ware of his kind, Ihan give him your mon- L .- tj Last, though not least, refuse lo pat- rouizo the village paper.' CrPhyictans rarely take medicine, lawyers seldom go to law, and ministers s'eer elenr of other parson's churches. Editors, however, read nil the papers they can get hold of. and if not paid until the expiration LADY MYSU'UNS. Tho corner stono of a medical college for women is laid at Richmond, Virginia. It will cost 8125,000, and will doubtless bo well got up and supported. There is no other department of masculine duly which women have a better riht tn share than tho medical. As it ihi'v uu half the physicians woil: and the l etter half. Arid then, ns rc.irds tiie more delicate and ailing half of iho community, their services would be more welcome and effi cacious thn n those of the men ; and lo this half add nl! the children The fact is, lhat, uocording to tho suff rages of common sense, women would have the greater part of the medical work of the world the women and children; and we believe this will yet be the case. Not that we would confine them entirely to these. We know very v,c!! that many of the male peoj!.-, when srk, would rather have a gentle young lady doctor than a great, gravo medico of ihe other sex. The only drawback in this case would be the increased tendency of all young gentlemen to make complaints of illness on slight occasions, and become maluprs imnginaim, like tho man in the comedy. Let women prepare to take pooscssion of the medical department of human sci ence; they are the litlcst fur it. At this moment a regiment of them, under Miss Nijihtingnlo as colonel blessings on her soft voice and stout heart, are setting out from London, in order lo tend Iho sick in the hospitals of Constantinople. They, will go there, and they will do more good j than the surgeons and' doctors. We do not approve of ladies in the pul-1 pit, or in trousers, or delivering lectures, j except curtain lectures, which are woman-j ly things enough, and, in most instances, highly called lor. Rut we hope to sco the day "when authoritative women will go ' about with their pills, prescriptions, and i so forth, to deal with and diminish tho ma-; jority of diseases that visit our households. Mala, mail. ATTACII.11LXTT0 I10UE. It hnsbeen said of Americans lhat they manifest less attachment to tho place of their birth, nnd less regard to their friends of other days, than any people in tho civilized world. They have their friends and their homes, and cast them- selves upon the tide of uncertain, and of - ten unpropilious adventure; but not be - cause ihe society of friends has become irksome, or the homo of their childhood has lost the charms of its pristine beauty, ! P' ,JilU;r nnJ auiJin3 arc ll,e fior - rows hat cntw.ne me i.ean oi a uutuu. 5UII UliU UUl'Ulllrliatu uuu-iih.1, nun, haps, for the last time, they look upon the form of an aged mother, w hoso years ad monish all, lhat ere long the cold hand of death will consign her lo a resting place forever. Who, that has ever beheld tho streaming ryes of a fond and loving moth er, who, with stricken heart and heaving bosom, would clasp the hand of her depar ting child, and, as the lost maternal office point him lo a. faith which leads lo a hap py spirit land. Who, on tho w hole earth that has seen this, can say that an Amer ican docs not lovo home and friends 1 Thank Heaven our countrymnn ure in- dustrious, enterprising and bold, though their clvsian dreams of pleasures forever, "one. Ho who does not wander back in 1 . ii i i- .i in:s"c( l recollection, uuu mc again u o bun ny hours of limes gone by, surrounded by ' friends whom he never can forgot, is a' ..... -11 "human .c.cle," and never enj.yed the f ...... C...... I a. -iiAui I in .n rn society of a true friend, or knew the care England ; but in close and unwholesome, of a father and the love of a mother. i London it had killed owi hundred thou Shou'.d any civi ask me why home v.ussand people." the spot which above all others on earth we. cherish undying memory of, I would an. Wh.it a Woman siioui.w pe Ammia swer, because it is tho place where wo, nnncAU.v. A woman should be amiable, have felt the smiles and enjoyed tho love ; benevolent, charitable, domestic, eeonom of our mothers. ' i1. giving, generous, honest, industri- . ous, ijdicious, kind, loving, mo lest, neat, RELIGION AND POLITICS. The Warwic Baptist Association ol A. Y. at its last meeting, administered a re- bUKO to ino t ireo mousanu ,,., ,6) ew England, who recen ,ily assi n.ed , cmselvrs tho authority to spcnlc thj, i to themselves tho authority to spc will of tho Almighty. coDcernin tl k- " ' 'a braska bi.l W e quote uo follow lromi,w; ,, ;e,s on t!u r,af;lU 0f a report adopted by I lie Association : , , .Xhv; f., tll ; customer, bo "U o utterly repudiate r.!l o? Umird fl with these who itepi-usly assume lo rro-; , - CSCU , moliCr.' test in the in.nie o. Al.mghly God against j i J tho passage of I rws for the organization I What Wooan Sriot LO :ot nr. .vri of territorial novcrnments, or other pu: v-1 ful, bold, cross, deceitful, revnus, fretful, ses, and in Ins n.une lo fu'.minato anathe-1 groveling, hoiiow-luarb (I, idle, ji.iisii, hii i- mas against ihe icpresen'atives of the p - o pie in the discharge of their official duties. And we regard tho nsMitnpnou unn uny body of men arc divinely instructed to sit in judgment upon all questions of a moral and religious nature ns one which, if rec ognized by the people, is calculated to destroy every vestige ef civil and religious freedom, and prostrate nil the insliluiions of our land at the fee of an irresponsible and arrogant priesthood." CSrTho 23ud of Febuary will bo the coldest day of the coming winter. 0MKSTin 1 vrKLH'!!: of the year 00 will he chared. NUMBER 43. TIIE CRCiT PLAGUE. In Dickens' child's History of Fnlend vol. two, wo find the loiiowing. respecting iho Groat Plague that previi'ed in tho 17th century in the city of London: "For this was tho year and tinuof the Great l'lagnein London. J luring Ihe win ter of 10f:, it had been whispered ubout 'hat some people hud died here nnd there of disease called the Hague in some of the niiv. iiolesome suburbs of London. News was not published at tint time ns it is now nnd some people believed these rumors and some disbelieved I hem, nnd they were soon forgotten. Rut in the month of May, If.G.'i, it began to be said all over tho town that Ihe disease had burnt out in St. Gile3 and that the pmpie wcic dvirg in great numbers Tlily scon turned out lo bo uw. The rouds of London were folly true. choked up by people erdeavor'ng toes cape from lbs infected city, nnd large sums were paid for any kind of convey, anee. The discasj reread so fns' that it was necessary to shut up the houses in w hich people were, nnd to cut them off from the living. Every one of those hou ses wero mirked on tho outside of the door with a red cross, nnd thu words "Lord have mer"y on us!" Tho streets were nil deserted, grass grew in the public ways, ond there- was a dreuuiu! silence in the air. When night came on, dismal rum blings used to bo heard, and ihoso went the wheels of iho death cart, attended by men with veiled faces, and holding cloths to their mouths, who rang doleful bells and cried in a loud and solemn voice "Rring oul your dead." The corpses put into these carts were buried by torch light in great pits, no service being performed over them all men being afraid lo stay for a moment on tho bank of tho ghastly graves. In the general fever, children ran away from their pa rents, and parents from their children. Some who were loken ill, died alone and without any help. Some were stabbed or strangled by hired nurses who robbed them of all their money nnd stole the very beds on which ihey lay. Some went mad, dropped from ihcrr windows, ran through the streets and in their pain nnd frenzy, threw themselves into the river. Those were not all iho horrors of the lime The wicked and tho dissolute, , in wild desperation, sat in taverns, singing i roaring songs, and wero stricken as they ! sat, and went out ond died. Tho fearful 1 and supernatural sight burning swords j in tho sky, gigantic arms and darts. , Others pretended that at night vast crowds j of ghosts walked round and round the ; dismal pits. One madman, naked, and carrvins a urazier lull ol burning coals upon his head, stalked through the streets, crying; that he was a prophet commis sioned to denounce iho vengeunee of iho Lord on wicked London. Another also went lo and fro, exclaiming : "Vet forty days and London shall bo destroyed !" A third awoke tho echoes of ihe dismal streets, by night nnd by day, and mado the blood oflhe sick run cold, by culling out incessantly, in a deep hoarse voice "Oh the great and the dreadful God!" Through tho month of July, August and September, the Great Plague raged more and more. Great fires wero lighted in the streets, in the hope of stopping the infection ; but there was a blague of rain, to blow nnd purify tho wretched town.; ' The deaths began to decrease, the red ..i ... i.. . ,i:.... , ii.r. r,. - , eiuss,,s .j ui,,r ... . to return, the shops to open again, pub-, frightened faces to bo seen in the street.-. m. 1 111 The plague had been in every part ol 1, iit'-iiii hill in r nur mill II 11 U nn i'k.rin! obedient, plcis-nt, quiet, refloating, sober, : tender, urbane, virtuous, wis j yielding, and zealous. x-einplarv (n(.countrvnr, Jr sni j n know.nollling e , you ilik in a cer- mill s on-, iu o n.iii ui. 33 . . ...... ... n ii 'n firi.au-!! in . u 11 !i I ...I. , I, ,1 ..it-rn him cri.llM t onUiv - visn, lazy, moro-e, noiison .ii-.n, oun, jus, prudish, quarrt Isotrie, ranting, snappish, talkative, unreasonable, vum, wrangling, x-travnant, or yuwi.irg. CrA st rang', pas: ing through r.no of Ihe inuiiiit'tii) towiu of Now Eughnd, in. quired, 'What can yon mise hue V Tho answer vns. 'Our bind n rough and poor ; we can raise but bttlo pi duee, and so wc build school houses, nnd raise men." frr'l'bo oun lady ho wns " buried in prief," is now ahvo and doing wi was a case of prematuru interment. r?ll. h