Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 08, 1854, Image 4

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    1 M I'M P'l l
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i 1 1
Mil I) III Ut!
)ill'.M'l t niM M I'l, M inn H' i
I I I I Ml
t .'
1 1
1 1
I I,
Hi' I I I , l ,.. H ,
.' ii' (i i I h ' .
i tir, lint i-omi.i Hi'!
tin' Niice i ! I -n i
:ii.-l . !v '.mm S
ns in li e lin: -, an
n,H lln s ; ; ; i 1 1 nf a
!i i' 1
11' ' M i . i
I ..I llr
nv li I ,
till" l"lll
I ' I'l
lt. I, lis V
ni' lit - r mi.' r
ll I'll I In II
(r two
ill! Il ll Llll-, Ii
staining i II mi mi Ii 'liiin
'ill.! I'WIY n"":m of illMlll
llllil (rf,, li
l'i in hi'1
In cntui'
Lii ol' ( 'mil.
iiiotlo.-r Cnr
nii'l In-lit iiwii.
Thin the latter could nut do f ir two rea
sons : Tho first was illni ., hii.-li c.-i, fined
him tii l.i-i cot; llio second, that he hid imt
one-third of t crew not even sulli :n.n;
to man his puns.
At tho moment when shu uttered the
words which ccuiimeiico this lak', Urown,
Admiral of tlio Buenos Avres ship, had
hoisted a Ua;; at his gull', whereon was em
hroidcred, in leyiblo letlers, "(n:, tiik
Cowauu." This was moro ihan his noble
wile could stand; fur well she knew her
liusbiinti's truth and valor.
After lm instant nt the flair, fdm
raised her ieWL-lled hand, and tnl;in.r iVrtin i
her finger u diamond of jrreut value, she !
cried, to the officers nnd men who stood
round her on tho deck: "1 will mve this
diamond to any man who w ill briii" me
yonder flag!"
For a moment there wr.s no response;
I 1... I I . . .1 : . . . . .
iiu nun iuuiiiiu iii iin-ii muei-is inu oni-1
ccrs giuneeu at eacli oilier but volunteers
seemed scarce for so desperate n service, :u ll,;,,,, .,, ,.., r ..II
. I,,, ii. ii-, i imid i'i tin our
num.ier w no uares me trial ( is my lata.
nanu s snip, tien,nul.;ed, manned by eoiv.
ards?" exclaimed tho lady, ,hile iier lip
curled with scorn, and her flashing eye
Hparkled with tllC firo of COIltCmpt.
A young officer an American who
had been lately appointed, stepped forward
and modestly said :
"I was only wuiting for my seniors to
speak, Senora. Had any of tlicm volun
teered, I should have begged lo accompany
him ; as it is, I pledge myself to bring you
yonder flag before the sun rises, or die in
tho attempt! But I nsk not your jewel as
Q prize for my success ono tress ofyour
glossy hair shall bo my reward!"
"You shall havo both, bravo boyP'rc
plied the lady, and her cold look of scorn
changed into a sweet smile, as she asked
his name.
"It is Cochrane Dennett, Senora" re-'
plied the youth ; and he blushed beneath
her earnest gaze.
He was slim, but well-formed ; looked
very young, but, in his dark blue eyes
nnd compressed lip, an observer could
read one whose manhood was not made
by years atone.
The sun was setting behind a bank of
tdowly rising clouds, which threatened
darkness and a storm.
The moment that his services were ac
cepted, young Dennett turned to tho crew,
und, as he glanced over them, said :
"I want six men, to man the whale-boat
that hangs at tho after-davits!"
Struck Ly his gallantry, nearly ono half
nfthe crew stepped aft now that ihcy had
a leader, volunteers were plenty. Dennett
glanced his eyo over them, and in a few
moments ho selected six whom ho knew
to bo both daring and firm they were
American sailors.
"Co sharpen your cutlasses ; said ho
"I shall not have a musket or pistol in
incuoat! 1 1 we light it must be steel to
steel and breast to breast for wo must
succeed or die!"
The men answered only by a look for
they were of that class whoso motto is:
"Deeds, not words!"
They hurried below to obey his orders,
while others proceeded by his directions,
to muffle tho oars of the boat, and to put
a sail and water into it.
Ono half hour later, tho sky was cov
ered with clouds, nnd darkness had set
in. Dennett had been careful to take the
compa3 course of tho enemy's ship when
the last light of the dying day gave the
opportunity and by this rilone ho hoped
to find her.
At this time, the lady was on deck stan
ding by the binnacle-light, regardinj the
preparations of tho littlo party, who 'wero
about lo shovo of'. At tho moment tho
boat's crew cried out that all was ready fora
tiiarr, mo voun" leader came aft to the s dc'
of the Senora, and, taking from his nock j
. . .i . i "
n miniature, ho handed it and a letter to
her, sa vine: I
..t,f -
"i. i am not on board at sunrise, lady,
tdcaso to send the miniature and letter to
its address."
iiThi.R,.mUl...l...i.. . .
was tho likeness of a vouiil' and beautiful i
iu i-uuiu iijuiviru iii Lin iinrt rn ir it ,
rii'l. A tear filled tho Snnnra' Pvr.
"lou need not go!" said she. "No, you',. V ',lu,lu ,"u 1 US ! cr'cu
love-perchancc are beloved! Your ni is ' ' Vr "',!
precious I will not expose it 1" iS"'i'i i , . .
.ri. . .' , , 1 ho only answer sho received was the
ndore ' i ,V"y fT " !,lmost ' wet as it was from tho water, and
ih L, Tl T lly one" cut in two pieces by tho balls which had
who would scorn tno .1 I played tho cow- ; ben, fired at its enpinr.
lr0InJtnDnr ."I "Tr'r "p"'0 I Tho ,iSl,,,of 1,10 g'""
well till o r fr p I,irc- lightly as did that ladys ?yM, when she
I ho I.tdy was about to answer, and kisd him again and aain
again to entreat him to stay ; hut ere the -
COUld ho Snran'rnvpr llinlmliviirU ' DuriiliUATOItV. A mnuiim Dnun Tile.
finil ibrt iw.l UnA t-U...l ..iv
,iu wW,.i ,i,.ij piivkciu un, .. ...I i. ii.Lv.iy eos.iy uiji i'i appropriate it
"Give way cheerily, men ! A long pull, ! square of exceedingly "touch beef" at
n strong pull, and a pull altogether !' " said d'H'r, in a Wisconsin hotel. His con
cur young hero, in n low tone, as he left ! vulsive cilbrts with a knii'o and fork at
tho ship's sido : and ho soon f it by the traded tho attention and smiles of tho rest
trembling of th. frail boat, that his orders l l'1J company, who were in tho same
I l,n h... ., . , 1 . I
v.V -"'- - I j UUIIV. II lilllll lias
on tho deep and in tha air ; hut it was por-1
lentous of a storm. A small binnacle light ;
ond compass had been placed in tho boat, !
and ly these Rennett shaped his courso, j
himself taking ihQ tiller, nnd steering right
out into tho otKn, regardless of tho com-1
x iiu infill wus very tiarK. a cann was
ing sion.iaiw rising clouds, keeping Ins What in a ni-htmnrc?-It is a noclur
eye steadily fixed on tho compass know, j nal horso of the feminino gender.
Ml .i
Hi' li'ln.
i!k il.iik '
i,"Jiliiiiif, '
; Imt In'
' - ii h i i i ,(( . r,
! u l"i ', ii'l l! iIi of II
i.i'. I :i ''.il i I 1 - i ? t 1 1 1 1 . .r iIhhvLt
lioir.l ii I tin' lluiiii!..,- m liri'iloil
llOt ill"
I i-. Ii; Morin. 'Hint fiVli (if lililnln
shown llilll III" M -m' ;,,t i)in cilili'V
lonv'li li'Mii luin.
"Sli .nl v, Imys !"' lie v liis-pi'idl,
vvli' ii tlit! tliiiinlor lirul oascl; I dull pull
I'll !i r licr M.un, nml ri t on il.vk liV tlio
'I'll..- ; mi, n.tli .... ll :
tttii;, .'ii n' i .mi ill. i.
.. . . ' . 1 ,
men imllcil blowly nnd hdcntlv on;
ntrl in In; Iri'l iniirkcd well lier position,
llio yoimj ollic'r found liimsell' closo tin.
dcr tin; vessel's stern. At tins instant
iinotlier Hash of liliinin illumined tin
sky nnd water; nml tlien, ns ho glanced
up nt t lie irill", llio iln had limi
hoiste I, ho saw tlint it was not tlu re it
had been haulod dow n.
llo paused, thought for n moment what
could bo done, and then formed his reso-
ll.ll i tii .
"1 shall j;o on board a!ono, men" said
ho. "Keep the boat w hen.-she is! If ihc
!hi is where I think it is in the admiral's
cabin I wil
have it ! If I am nut buck
in live minutes, and you hear an alarm,!
shove oll'unil go back to our ship, nnd tell ,
them that Cochrane l'Jennett died like n I
im 111 i. mi v'ui iiiaiiu iH iineii uiuu lllie a i
. man : lou must Lie cautious ; reel the
foresail for the storm will be down upon
-incin Inn mlniilra 11
... .v.. ,...'..i,,, i
-fvu mis was unispereit to llio men,
1 wtiosu Heads were leaned lorward to hear '
jthe orders whieh they dared not disobey, ,
; much as tiicy wished to nharo their leader's i
I peril. j
Springing lightly from tho boat. Den
nctt caught tho quarter-nettings with his
hands, and noiselessly ascended to the
Duiwnrus. no could liear the regular
uamp 01 no OlllCOr 01 the deck, Who liav-
lll; Illiu everyilling rOC.CCl UOWI1
for the blow, had not'hin" to do but to Iaee!
, i i r "7 i , ' , , '
tho deck lor it was so dark that he could ;
not see him. j
A second more, nnd the brave boy was
down on tho deck nml nt lln. i.g,in .,l,r
which stood li''htlv oncn. Ho nerned
Ihrouch the crack, nnd saw the ml-dieed
old ndnrral seated nt his round table, with
two of his officers by his side, engaged
over the contents of a square bottle, which
looked very like that usuallv found to
contain schnapps.
A glance at a settee just to the left of the
table showed tho object of his enterprise.'
i no nag, lor wincfi he had perilled his life,
lay there, where it had been carelessly
thrown after it was hauled down.
Tho vounu horo did not nan so Inner tn
consider what to do; but quietly walked
into tno cabin, and, taking oil las cap very
politely to tho admiral and officers, said
in a calm and courteous manner to the
admiral : ,
"I am como to borrow this flag to wear
to-morrow, if you please, Bir !"
"Who tho devil are you ? What do you
mean ?" cried Admiral Drown, as ho and
his officers sprang to their feet.
"I am Midshinman Rennet, sir. nf ilm
moiuo iueuii service: replica UOCtirailC j nau now sc.zea l,e Hag ; "and mean
tO Carrv this llac to I nmmml nm fVi. I'1
As he said this he bounded to tho cab
in door, followed closely by a bullet from
the admiral's pistol, which rrazrd bin ear:
and ere the alarm becamo lin
stood upon tho taffrail of the vessel.
"Look out lor mo below !" ho shouted,
and Hung himself into tho sea without a
moment's hesitation. His bout's crew re
cognized his voice; ho, was cau-'ht tin
in an instant, nnd drarmcd into tm boat
while a volley of pistol shots wns poured j
a! random by those who were nhovo.
The storm had now the '
wind hrornii Iii cnein in ulih 11,, 1 fl i !
r, ,t ,,7
1UI piJSl!..
'Up foresail 1)0 ill a hurry, lads ;"
cried tho younrr hero, ns soon ashe could
draw breath ultcr his ducking.
I he crew did so. and the next tnnmrnt
- - o w ... 1.1,11 Hiiitu uuj ill- I
tho little boat wus flviiw on towards tho 1 '. ,"' 111 " ' ''" "n'1 '"'!:,""f
harbor, before tho LlaJ, like a MrArZl W
H'ininej its way to tho young one's nest, j
rPL .i..... .'. 11 i - -I
x iiu ,uuuijr ujlui.u 11 nunniess lire ol
crancsaut j n tins uwcr.tum ; if nniv i
unritnH I .-v i 1 1 I l.n .1
""mouh w ainicrs on1
of mmodore Coo's vessel
, occurrcu 1
Ho latter, therefore, nt once tihowed
11. ,1.1., 1 1 . .
- '"'u ourf cro -to :
I m,k a smht cours'? for ,,cr- 1
" was but half an hour after tho first
'''till had been fired hv Admin.! ?!e.,..n,-l
- j u s
vuss,;i wIcn the boa
vessel, when the boat of tho voun hero
rounded to alongside
his own ship.
,11 l' . . I
. I ci. .-n,, . ........ 1,1. n . T.i !
in. tt'na 1. .!,, . . . i
ipreacnm.'llt as I.l.tisell. At last ".lona .,
. I. '..'I .- I 1 , I
"" pnuenco vanisnod uiuier his iii-
. i.i 11,111. j , lllll.-oit.-lj UI11IVI II1S 111-
success, when laying down hi "utensils,"
'10 ""rl out with, "Strangers, you needn't
lift if you hain't got no regard for tho
luriillorcrs feelings, you orter havo snnir,
rcsjicct for thr. old bull." This sally
"brought down tho house."
i i ii
, i ..
i ll
, I 1 '
i i
; r
I Ii l ,
l ' ; I'll'
l mill"!
.) i' !
T I l ': T I N
T nt: "'Mi' I
,i ni mi. ll . M.'iiu
T"i & iMi.i:,"rI I inn;
'. V V I , I I'
I'l 1 tl, II I M
I I. I "II
HI i.i I Ml
vl III A l ll.S, it ".,
Mill, nil lli.'i
I,'. I ) 11'. lll'll
,llil,l. li
.,: n ll i, ( '. 'nil' IT ('W.'li
li.nv st' I -ll' i.r ..llmtt l nC "til nil in.
l nil. tnt". ii i n-i-iii i '-. iiiut r . -in , in
'I 'l.' I':.llli
'tl ... i : ... . . t I ! . : .
i . , i i ,i
li 'llii; lli 'lv i 'Tliiili, It'.s r.lirll-n i', llll'l Iv'l! ll''.' Ill"'
..,.,,.. , i.t,.r ,,;, ,) i,,.i n i T .-..- I
. . ii
ll it I'.etl
'!il"t ,l'i,'
nr, . .", t
'i.liiitiiii.; tiin
M.i.n ', nl iliv
T ! ilil ! ll IP
, Ir.'ill tin. In
I ri'.-i'!:. i.r it
!,lv t'..'l';..
IV. 'in Ii
-iri': llJ, !!.'l I.IIW
i. ink I'i '.in tin ir n u
ll-i'.l if ill II. ii' i:h'l.''.
I,l.-ri' ill ii.hw,
N. V. I.. H. I'miiMi,
M. II. Jinn,, M, Ii.
l'ni'i::. V. II., Svrni'ii
V.. I'i: -mi mi, M. 1'., I'lii ii.
M. !., ('iiniiiiili'.i.rn.i, . V.
I;... I.. k'i'. N. V. Ji. V.
i', N. V. I'l.'l'. lH'MMII,
M. I)., r.nliiiii'
1 ' i in ii , Ji'l.
Cily. W.I'iii:
Ni:i. 1. wii, M,
I''i:iii., 1.1. "in
nv, ,)ll. J. I'. tHil'ICK, At. 1 1. I:.:l
V. . I!i:ksi', At. Ii. i..,v-V...I,
.s. nr. At. n.. i:,.ii'...r,i, ii. .i. i'.
ll., I'liiii, TV. inik. Kw. ('. -
Si riii".'. S. I'.
l'liii'.'iMvt- lui'i
L'l.ui.i nl lln i li'ii- nl' t'. P. nt-:i-l,
I'l.'i.r'iiM. I n. Ai-.. -..I I l.v
in t'.in jiiiiiciiiiit t wii:. in iliv ii'l-
"I', A:;, nl. Hi-it.,
'll'lin;; illll -'.i -i
'lllll,!.' I'l l 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 s.
, .1. II. AlAlit'lII-'I ,t (',..
Ci'i, l: nl Iii ), .:, ::.. 1 ;r.,:ul u , TV
. I ni.v I-.. i. (ii'i.
IIMIil (.(Il'l) I. U:;ls Aillll"
1 ) V t;t VtNi; s iii i;s .v.nd c i im;,; ,,r nil
' ' k'"j' "' T'-'V H AM" HAKim Alii;
iMO:;.;',' 1 mini A M.n.l v' rl.irv ill
i'i,.... ii ,i i ., i 'i i :., i .iw . , t
!m 1 . ... the i.i-.-i r.-i. -..m. 1.1 terms, -i, uf c. j'ni.
"'" " ""' v"' 1 '"'""'' 'i'1" r.-M nm; Hi.-!
Li.riin- S'..vt.s ,'-:, ,i s..u ,, .-h ii, i,..s T.ii.ntJv j
Hin'".- I'..r Winternn I Summer, niilil" Irons, Kit
tl" of nil ii;.,.s. nml it lni-L'.i ii..M.rtiiH'rl i.r IF
Wnre of nil kimlv.
Al-n, TllllKSHISti M.U'IIISKS, ('mini AIu.l.s, .Vn.V.
nil. I of every il".n'ri.ti.'ii e.inMni.My on linn. I.
OH. II for nil kill Is l.f (':.';ii-'l ll 1. 1 .iti.l
I Him Mill--, nml ITniii.o. eoinoli.e, from one t,, furiy
h,se ,,"r.i l. Mn.nkrully received an J.
'. mii'lineu in.
. Mi ki",ls f "'"'"IT I'milnee tnlieu in oxi'limur"
l'.r I :i-!in nml A"( A'. '... ..
' u. cartkk, A".nt
ci. uriiehi. April ,r, iso'i iy.
rvV " n
' ' rrr-r-r-rjJJ-rj'-rJJ''-j-sjsj a.
LOOK TO VOl It ITl.lllr. N
1)t'i.i ii si: u'iikki: Yor ri.r.vsE! s
1 lull" fin :tt pi. nuire in iiiin..nin in S
J t.. orr ol'l I'riemN. thnt 1 inn pie) uivl (,, nil k
nil liiiel. of M i;ori:iill'.S . l.-:ii..-r Minn nnv
olh.'r hoii.-,.. liii, si, I,. f l'l.ilii,!'' Iphi.'i, Ciil ?
iiinl ,-ee iriei.J. Don't nii-!nkt (lie .;iee, ul v
V, the f-nriier .,i..-ite the 1'. tini-ilvniiiii ltnil
S It. mil Depot, liunils Ji liiereil nt Tyrno S
S two (Invn nfter purehiuiii).', Aliinltlint l k.-. p S
V.fU-ntl, OH't 7'"'". " Uliitf .no, S
Oil. i'..oi. ,!r. All of U'liii h ulll l.",.l I ... S
J a very low profit fur t ik-h.
S J. ll. EBY.
S Iliini.-l.urj;, Fell. 8, 18M.-ly.
Iy ESPECTFI'LIjY nnnminees tn l!i, ci(!zeii. of
V Clenifiel.l, mi l vieinity, thnt he linn r.'m
iii 'iii'.-.l Mie niaiiiii'iieliiri! nml p.iln of everv vurietv
ol'llilUO'fS nml Sl(li;. in Mo. new huihlin nn'.l
I th tloor enit nf M.u.ii.p A- l'..t':iri!'s' ntnre, oiipo-iie
iw's Itnw where, lie will nliinvH hme on linnil
ft irenernl ns.-nirluieiit of linnts, Mn s
Unileri., Slipper.", ,Vc., ,te., of the very l.e.-t iti;.ili
ty, nml nt the lime-t prie.-f.. 'I'he Liulie.-i ure p.'.r-ti-iiln'ly
inviteil to cxiiininn his Btovls of DltESS
L,A sliaro of llio puhlio pnirnnngo i. roFpect-
fuily imite.l. Clenrfiel.I, A.i-. Ill, 'b I ly.
TVRflM'TlTV MnI'm;l.
I I nu,l u I. Ill D1U1I, DlUUb
II. II1I M1V i.i :..r ,i i ,
. nou'ii iiioiii.i nm poone.
i U 11. Ill 110 K".'I'S Potnlnii v nn linn. I f..r ., ,, .
lnrip mi in.l i- nf li.,. l...u 1MIIT A 1.1-1 mill . ' i '
- ,. ..... ,li.l.,,.,,ll Him
I'l l TSL 1' lit! STOVITS. of vari ..!
pntterns. sncli ns COOK, PAI'.I.Olt, i.nd'p.Ali
stoves union- which may ho found llio Xev
World t'ook Stovf." I
1 bene Move, hnve nil been selected with p.,n.'l
regard lo thieknt-sn of plntes and .pniity of metal.
All Move., boue-ht nt this e.-ti.hli.-i nii i.l nr.. .r.,,-.
Permns in w-pnt of n pood stove should call and ;
examine his stock before Inlying el.iev.hero.
Tvrono filv. AV .. 1.1 1...I it i
Ofiilnr Dniionstrations.
rntlK "pn.
f "f the I'm I. lin"? is ehewinu tlu-
-- und the s ure I wnv In
cot i lieiio i
ii'jui..-, is to ran on a, ;.i. niLi,h, at tho
,',., r ;,.,
Where he is pi t reeeivin.! a new recruit t.f n!m "t
0,',r-v ,!',i"t;i" ""i ,r'1',,;!i"'; , A i-aitienli'rVliir.-e
iTriia,,,.-.! p.nNN'KiV.nii.l SiiL i'u.i! Vhii ' i:,"
1 Wct-r 1 .-'ill;, nulc Fnt-ev e.,l,Mire.l sill.- m...,.
., ,ilJ : . , . , n
' " Juh- 2. is:..
. -
rui()ti ami ssi(::.
tW'CIS Sllnl'.T iinnoivi.'".. to ti e clii
j -i C. I . I . . . ,
himi'i nnnnv. nw ncnw n-'mn
Z.Zn 'CtZ
""' s,'"i' H.v "'-"'r'-i - Thomas ;-i, up
stairs in .l...wv v.w m .V i street, where he i-
lirennreil t.i il., .i'l v.-.,.'Ii 1.. 1.1. r I .. m
wi, , ( , y ' - '
'' '""''y " X n. i . cx
''"l " l'im tbeir pnir.iio'..
I'leiirliold June 2. Isi-l.-tf.
( 1 I'.'lil li'.l.l) l'5-r.-l!V. I
I I'f' l-IUTZIXtiKli, r-i c.'ti'iilly inl'irms Ihe 1
Jl pi'i.lie, tlint he on' tantly keeps on Imiid a
i- s.-onmeai ft fun 'V I'O IT1- HY H It
(:r.irks, Dishes, nnd Sb.vo Pipe folhirs of everv i
" nveiin nti ize. l'nrriei il'yo.i wiuit to lnivelienii, !
iMMisn call ,,. .!.( ii nrli. l'd P,,tierv, near (leori. -
"iv's illnehsinilh ,-liop. '
Country produce will be taken in ex.:hi.n- fori
'ir.M.n.1 a lil,e, r.'.lu.hi.n mnde 1,. wliol-sale '
1 i
.Inn. 11, HTil-ly. i
PAT V, T S C A L H S, '
, '
ft tof.r ivnreli'iii". ,
HI M 1 , . .. , , ,
HI M'.ike S .. 1" ,.',., i, i ,
i , 'i 1 1 1 .,, 'i i, 1 1 ;iy , . a I , n nit i n rn.. i s
.-(.' s. t i.i nm- p;-t r i 1
llli.'l,, l.v c',.'r'"::i'e 1 -,,rli.
',";''' J.-W';",k"
, nnd on sl-orlei
t i.vtv
Rlar'isiiiillH. LonK tn vnur Iiiffr.-tits.
Mi k uii,!,'i'.i"i.,.,i iv, i I.,- .ni.. i, .,-.1 1 .i
lllaeksinithiiiL' c...l,,.',eoi ,,,. l.',-i-
miloeast of Clcarlield lirbl ClenrCel.l v,,i
II.. olfers one other lot. with , ,,'ood slo.p ,. it suit
.. 1.1 . r . II- , ...
"' ", ",r n i'"i"r or Mi.-icmnnn..
- """i lien inn in iui v oi uie unneri-i("n
ed living on tho premises.
H 'UiTKT. 11. D1LLF.U.
HuKKs township, All
,' lea (. -If.
n.vvm fon'Nsi'ov,
WOVLl) respectfully m.IV'iiiii'O tu tho citizens
of Clenrlield nnd ii, li. Si ill I' "..Miitl, l,n
has fitted up nnd op, ned out T'iL'ULIlJ JlOCtl'
I 11 ll.. ,,- ,.f III 'lit. I
... ionn tu i ii 1 1 1 1 1 if mi rr, rtiuniy. I'n
" . . ., ,,,.,.,,,; - Miiny, i u.,
f ivor 1,1m lil. . -..ll
" .i.u. rn-iiiireii in lu'cm- mmws- u'lin mnv
" i il a i ml.
II ! M.K1.I5,
I ' ' ii I m K ( M I I.i . I"
I I I ,. Ilii- i.e II', .
! I !'l, I
'v. ii 1 1
,li H IN
' 'I nr.., 'i., ! ,,M. ,
I'l'-. i.i'.l ill i.i.. i I im I h
" i i' Ii ' 1. 1 1. ,. li'l iii'iniil.i,
in. I W 'II I I'll, ..
Im l.'inllli, I. ml
I I i I'l In
i 'M r .. i" i M'.,
I ril l .
iii:.u ;Kti:.
AMI Tl lll'lt ni 'I i. ,il. rin Lmnl'ir, nl
"I'l'.ii.'. i Mill'." in M'.ri;. . ii.,i., CI. iir-
liv1! v. 'ii 'i 1 1 . S'hh "I I. ii ii. I, i i i". ii him! v mi Im ml.
.ni'i I I' ; ii ii. i v ilv nji Mi. ii "ii n i I .. in.!, r mi
Mi" iii..r..-l mil"'!'. f-'i .t. L'.'., '.'I'-ly.
Tl K )M!'S( )XS, M ARTSUL'K, V Ci I
II , n !''iiiin.lri"i, I'm n-i ill. i. An i'..'ii.i a
ii"..iiiii.iil 1. 1' t ' it -1 i 1 1 j'f iiiiulu In iiiiivr.
.iacoi! niMJnu,
ni( T, 'I'm unit Mini linn Mil mi lac In per.
in . in illi', nl. .nv Mm nl. I I''v. mi lln.
i.i 1 1 1 i.l" n 1' Alii in .'Ii I'rl, u In 'ft' nit Im im' I in J,iy
linn i.i il'.n.' i.i in a M..ri.iii'iiilil,n minim. r, nml mi
rr'i-i'ii.'M If li ini-i. t tiiiiilry I'lmiiii'ii tnki-n In i-x-I'lniii
.'..' I"i' will.. ii',. 17, l.-..'i;;.
" O. II. MKUKlflJ,.
t"'!'f. Tin, nml Slicit I run Ware .M.uni-
.' I.K'llll".'!-. I'll Sl'i'l.lnl ,1'l'l'vl, ni l' llii.T !.. lllll uf
i;. v.'ri,::.!'!','! in'.ciui::'.' i.i. iHi'. is..i.
M'M. T. GIMlllRT,
rksini' ll. nt lli'i'i'iivll, Cv'l iiivii.Oii), nt I lie
V- U"iti! J li'inliiiL' li-' i.i M'li.'i.'s Mill lo .Nuiv
W ii-lih";!
mi t I'i.. 1 1 CI. ( -t .'lei k In Mm river.
w In ir nil v liN in Iii-: liui' will In
"1 I .. nil. inU
Aiiin u 2, J
.ioii.v nrssr:LFi iV co..
N MTil.-i iiinl ruiiivi, (iriiii.iiiiiii Hilly, Clvnr-
l.l r.innlv, I'ii. Li'vi I'liii.-liinih' on loinit un
.i -'ii'l.m nt ol li'iuiivr. ( n.-li ,niit lr
y.. I-,
an. I Sleih SLiIier Tl.ii.l tr.-.'i.
v. '
O ail. He
i Al.uki.t i.u.l Loi'iiit, I le.iilielil, I'n.
,1 I'!, H',,
1'.. V. STKULIXtl,
Sail. He unit H.iri;eM M.iUer, nml Just' of
tin: J'tiiilf, L'uiH.iKH ille, live. IS,
K I C II A K 1 ) G LL ll X C, , I
1)..'iit hint Mine iuhcr, enn he fminl nt hi.
) nlii.p three .I'.or,. Mint of Mie Alnn-imi IIoum.,
wiiere lie li.i.. .-tantly on lniinl n liu'.i n.M-iirtnieiil
iiulh ..I lo. nn mol oily iiitiiiiifneliire. July S, 'iii.
)tur!,siiiitli, W:iiin, i:n;:L'ii s, ,te.. ,tc, ironed
nn flmr! tmiiee, nml (lie very hpfl Bivle. ut Lip
la ftninl in (he Iminu.-h of l.'iireiiiville. ::. ls.,.1.
rilalinrr, nt the ol I nainl in ('iirwi'iivill...
1. Deo. 2S, Dvl.
Clio. W. RIILIvM,
Sinl.llcr, Harness and Trunk .lliiiiul'iirliir
ff. on Sic.iiul street, iLimvilinU'ly over ('. 1).
UniMi'i'i. Ilm; yt'.re.. Dev. :;il, JS.'iJ.
lTlift'lwrih, C liair M ki r ml llnuse
t nml Siyu Taiuti r, Curweiisviile.
Dee. 2-t, 1 m.i 1 .
1 TASIIIONABI.F. TA1I.OU. Ill Shair'a lt,r ' i,n M-
I I1 ket itreet in the roma formprly oreupiixl I.y
j iu. lla.lvhauRh nn To.-t (1.?. Dee. 2!', Isil.
rpallor, Euiherilnirf;, will .In IMi. n,t ju.-t n
..I nnd ns ehenii a nnv other f' llow.
Saddler and Harness Maker, in hisnewnhop
on Mnrk.'t street. Uenr Merrell' !:..t, l.
1'ee. 2!. 1 MM.
1iit and Shoe Maker, r-' ftmot, nearly
) opposite A. K. Wright's store, Clenrfleld, pa.
April 111, IS i2.
1IarksmlUi, Third ftreet, between .llnrl.rt
uml Walnut, (.leuii'.i'd, I'm.
'nl '"' 1J
IHITV vrm-lVn7!"'
-, Ji'lI.M V . OIltUIMi 1 .
aa:(iii Maker, comer of Third und Locust
' T Mreet. I I -Hrlivl.t.
liepuiring done to order.
April li), lsij
1 asliioiinhle T. ilor, west of Sl.nwV Row u
V flairs, t'lenriiel.l. Dee Ml lv.'l
. ' ' '
TWarfi.ti Makt r. l.uilier.-bur". Vork .
r arfoti Maktr. Luilier.-l.ur".
order on .liort notice, und on iimd terms
I've. 1". ISjL
jose i'i i i. miirni.
")lat!ini!lli. nl New Wn-hinyton, CI, -a field
) eo-iiitv, where nil kinds of work is,. 1,1,
line of business on tho shortest nolico nnd most
reiisniialile teinis. .May "U, ISj:.
siU sJJ V A v li
Kit i'l I A NT.-: nn.l Kxl-nsive Dealers iu T.iiiu
ber, Ae.. Ne.r n..lii.i.'l,.ii i'l,.,,rii..i.i
1 a
u p. 2'.i, ',-,lj',
wm. l7moore,
XJ l
t'HANT ii ii.l extensive Produce Dealer,
cund street, Clcarlield. Pn.
sep. 20, Vit.-lv.
t,ftit l.irllirsalci.l 'Hovrm.MIll (.rarinsr.
1 Y. i'"1 "tlllirs.of nil kinds. Also. Ilnrlr,,..
llll.l llils Tkr...l.i.
machines, Plows, .Ayriciilm
ou t-ccoud street, under the
I.inreh 17, lS.'ill.
ral I I leineiits, Ac.
1" 'i'Ui't;; " Ifiee.
- - -
i,,,.,.i.. . . ,, , , , ,
l , , . . , 't IVat,rc lOaU-r, I.uthers
111. "ill);. letilivl.l county, Pa.
"o" p (-VTi li .Ti
JAb ,, t'l'AIlAM,
i ) i'-i. nianti'r, Mere haul., nnd DcaK-r Ji
J. l-timli(')-, (Jrnloiinun, i;iu.l:r.l to v. n.-hip.
'. ....
- ?W AUX0L1'-
..... mi ni'ii ii,, .lino ncalcr, i.utlnr.s
It I i n , ii ,,
--'- '' 1 .-''" "I I l COHIIIV. 1 11.
,n i- is "
, i- wi'iiinT
-s -r , .
ll en-'inil
ii . i . . .j 1 1 .1 1' 1 1 .. f'ltii.i ill
'Li uvt, one liui.i f 1 1 1 of his
Die. DSI, Is
lli'lH'C, CI. ill iu 111.
i-."" ,-.". T.,rv.;
. . KUA 1 .l',U,
A 1 W.a'll piiU l.tai.brr Jienlcr, corner of
i.u. . i ".ii ..oi. i,neii.-i sirvi'i.., Mt uriieiu.
Den. 2!l, ISil.
"I krtailPl-NoC l''.ir. ii; ii nod Dnmt'sllc Mur-
lclir.iiiliw; ami l.i.ii.irK. on Ihe mulh side of t
Murkct ftreet between front and second. Clearfield I
I'll. U.... O Is-.' I I
t T the mouth of l.iek Hun, five milea from
j vicnriieiti. .ULiintAMS, and exU'lisive
,i ,n, i,r i.,,.i...H
. . o
July 2:i, l s:.2.
.. I
1 1"'. " M , I' . " l i, . in' inil" ' I ..I
, V
" fi i'ii', , I,..
l "l I I . III. IV, I'
I '.'"ii ll i . i 'i 1 1 1 "I I ii tint ','. I'i.
i II. I ' l
1 .1 CM) CltA.NS,
'i-vi'v nr .; n i
I I -.,, . ,, S't, , t, i'l. ,lt,,
i. i '. i.
A "
' tii
I I, I'll.
V TT'UiM.v AT LAW. i.i.,... I.
1 "' T" li I f-'i. "I. n.'ii rlv ... i ...ll,- lli" l..n-
. ". ' rii.i. ,( in mi,, m .r,.ni,Mv ! all l.ti-in"
I'li'iii.-lvl I., , I",r,., M"iii"lil June 11, I "VI.
i , i. ... . ' ' ' . .
M. V.. WOOD,
I ) IijM.-, iMnvnUvnv, .,u ,,,, , I,;. r,..i.i,
!,, ., .:ii . ', ... .
- " "' ...ii'-i nn', n ni'ii nn i.r. .r -.t. ?iri i . v nil -
mil. l)vc 111 h'',"
' ''
i tl.trucy nt l.iuv, l,,r,i,, rly of tho firm f
J '.- nrr ,1 ,,.,." 1 1 ,t ii .1. .. P.. ,,1)1 .
i"i. , I C.111,1',,11.. ... ..n . . ,
."I in I.i.- ,.. I.y ,,, . i,,,,,,, f ( ,lirfi,M ,,.
i 'iiiiiiir c-.'tiiiil,.j i in-, .1 i i ....
l"i.iiiiir C'uiitioH. (111;,.,,
next unnr In, n ml over
l'i". ''i,;l"r-)i iiM'k,..
I) I 9 Is"'
('UI, ISJ.
V'JTo l:FV T l u- i, , ' ,r it
' , A V ' rT"u''1 ,om'ft
H i i.M.m ii.lj,,,,,,,, on M,e on,t ll... ln.,?
,-i'ut. oi nr. I,,, n,ni. no. In ii i.iu I, ,.i .
I""' ol nr. I.i, rn n
nn. I iil ih'vnte Lis li..l. nt-
ti'lllii.ll In Iliv ,r:i. li
I'l! n'lll.-llll.'.l ill ',; i
Jim. .i. Isi,
:" ..I" hi.-. .n.I'...'..iioii. Jie niny
Vi nml (it mm ri.
J. L. C'L'TTLlv
ttnnit'y nt IjiwiiihI J.and Arrnt. ni
j. t in ii. .iniii ' un rei-i. enee. on AT:,,l.-,,t ,
l .. l: , . . . . -
mi Al.iili. I hlrvct,
1 l'lllli.1'1. M..r.-I. '. I-
Vtt.inicj at Law, u tjoiniiiK' hi. r.-i-.
li. ne.i on K. "oi,. Street, opim-itu H,0 r.-.-i-.k'nee
.,1' (Inv. Hitler, tieinlivl.J. 17, :.
Till I' T'Pt. . i . '
f 7 A YI.Nli Mirfli'...,! tl, t.,.,.,.., i .-. ......
, -. . i'. "" , i j ii uu r I ; uu I mil
1 "f J'r. (i. 1' Ii-n.l.., n 1.; , ;..n..i
1 ' - "-'- j'"..i..-riuiltu
"i vi. -ei, t the niizenn ,.f l'rtiii hvilli' mid vicinity.
"un-" one n.iiir en.-l ol .11 n t,,i-..
1)!iyslrlan and Dnif:SM, n Market rtreet,
"l'l'".' Iii,-", (-'l-nrlieta.
.'V;nr., i soc.
II. InTdMl'NL "
"1 ll'tr t:i Ti . 1... I'. 1 ..'..1 ... l if 1
17 ..... .. ...... , .', ."un., I'liui'i mi nm oiuv", or
nt Seotii lil'a hotel. Curwennvillc. when not
pr..rei.i.ioniilly i.l.Ment, Dee. 29, lf5!.
' "' "
1)hysi(ian, inny ho found nt Lin office in Iu -
theohur, when not uWnt on jin.feci'i.iiiul
1'Ui.ineHH. p,.i. 20, xj2.
VTTtJlt.NEV AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa., mnv lie
found n t bia olli, e one ,l,,r west Suw'n
f..,-e, for..."rly, oecpmd l,y R. M,aw. Deeds and
other I.-khI iiiMniinenta prepared with promptnefj
and awuravy. Mny 2, l-'Vl.
.... "v ... "
i. is. Li. bUiiLr..
I , . .
Jllyslrlan, n snlenee one mile nnd a lm'.f ?omh
nmf of l.llinlier t'ilv no tl. VI. I, -.i r...,l !...!
ing t .New V:il,inn't,,ii, respectfully otters his dcr
viecj to tho tttrrouudiiig coiutuunitv.
Dee. 2.1, lHj;i.
A l.NU removed bin office to the new dwel -
i.i, i-i-,.u,i euvvi, niii priiuiiiiy answer
all prnfesii.iiiil calls as heretofore
.nine lo,
Surveyor, Hell township, Clcartieid county.
All business entrusted to him promptly attend-1
cd to. Ad. Less Che?t P. 0., Cleariicld county.
Ajnil !, l!04.
I)lljsk l;ui, can be found nt hisofliceiu Luthers
biirg, ( l. iirlicM county, Pa., when not ubscut
ou prof".'.i.,uKl liusiiicss. Sep. 1S0X
JOHX I,. CliTTJ.r.,
i ttorncy at Law nnd r.and Ascr.l, will i , iN ew , ?rk . 'mlrT year sine., and after
A r-'aitico in the severul Courts of Clearfield ' , ,,,"S1,S"lJ('''tM t0 ho'i tHH a ev -y h.,spiU
an.l Elk counties, and attend to tho pi-.vnicr.t of , v V c,t "" 1'I; by Drs. Valentino,
luxe, nn unseated binds. jMott, Ciirrioehan, nn Duren and others, it was
,',',r, ..,VIlis Exeelhoicv. William r.i.-ler, i , 1 '.Cliync' "'f tl 7, strange and wonder
ttarrislinrs; ltn. Kllis Lewi,". Lnnea ter: ,jf W 1 fu' in the rcl.ef and cure ol the uhov. rv
Wo.dwaid, Wi.kv.h.u.e; .!. C. Knox, Franklin ; ' u 11?'l.,h,,r m.ccess that
J. C. M.'Ulh',.i..ery Philaileiphiiu eT,, 2S ' I h".' V'"1'? """I'Talleled.
- 1 t. Previous to their nitro. in ton ni., il..
Attorney allu Lou.istilor nt Law,
WT .. . . ' , n,BU .u lull l ULVV U
11.1. attend to business iu the several Courts : t-tatej.
of Clearfield nnd Centre e.iii.fes. Office on "Tiitvic Close and roxriEa M'fi.i,." TLe prin
S.e.111.! strset, ono djor north of tho residence of; viples upon whieh it is claimed that the Ch-iini
J. dm Heaver. .ioduoe their marvc'.o'is cures, arc, first that all
,.Mniec.IIon. .Tam-.s rurnside, i;p. .Tnni' s ' Nervous Diseases are attended and produced by a
T. liui... C V A. (i. Cm tin, James Me.Manus, Es.p, . deficient supply of nervous fluid, and an areiit that
J.ellvli.nie 1(. Jl. Petrekm, lis.,., Jluntinpdou rcvmhloj closely dec tricitv, oreleetM ior"'iietism:
Messrs. Drake A Peehtol, Phi'.i.b.lphiiu I m.d - ot,dl,i,a the electro niaguefic er.r.ins, by
J'ee. 2:i, 1s.,.".-ly. I beinc wer:: over ami unon tho on" nm..n .li..
TttOI'TlliN ,v HOtVli
HA lit MXhK''.''. lln.-s.-. C,v. ,v
J M ant At P.MMi.Ri, P.vrr.n ll.ixoiim.
) v nt At, P.uin llivoies. Ac
i(,'.-pci!!'ully limn line., t.i the citizens of CI
."l.f I t
county, ni:. t tne pni.he i;. ivrn' v, thai i'i. v i.i ..
conti.iit.ii!y on hand at their slfpon Market street
one do .r enst of the .lew slore, in Clenriii 1,1, l'n.
n (rrent variety of Chairs ,,f i very deseriplion, t.
v. l.ieh tin v 'uviie ll, . iteii!i. n ".' t''"" .'eiii'ni'
of purel.i, -ioj. Cii.'ius, .etiee.s, ite., v.i.l I.e.. , i,
to o'.ier on short liotice, r.P'l en the most rins..n
ulll" t . THIS,
T'i' v are a!.-o prepared to tin fill kind" ,.fl!i
-ti, Pi.iiu in, and I'.iper ll..i.-inp
in n workiunn-liiie n.i'iin, i . From their liuu. i - i.e
n. e in die bii-ii.c. 1 1 -.- i... l ..; a , l n , n
lull bo bide lo rei lvr eiiera! sali.-l'aetion to those
v. Pn may iuvor them vitli .". share of their patron
"-''' June 7,, Iv.
111. It A UU Ml AW,
11. IIAlill HI AW 4 pOX, would respeelfully
V " w V,,"-v 1'" .!st opened
Ui. Minvv . ub stand .n the 1 orKh of fh.r.rf.cld,
lVo and well selected stock of t:.,,d, fuitnble
the seiison-nuuins- wl ie . may be found. Dry
'',n're,ltvu-,;'ty:' oth,,lWa,-e.Q( i:s-
J hcv defv f('iiil'etili,,n. roil im lie ,",, ,e tl.
i ....... 1 . 11 , '. ''""-
'"-' '" P"r ''.a-" call and exanuiio their Honk.
Cleiulichl July.",, IS.'iI.-tf.
HI MIMJII uo .,,,
rjnTIK sul-.'eri' er nn-l r.peetftilly iivms the
Jl eiti'"iif ' t'i '! 'iii-fi. id e. urn ,-, and' .lioiraicl!ir.c
pnl.lie r"'t"n.lly. t!et h. hp tal..-n fie i,!..,;..
I'l.iii'd l. .. fitiinl 'd on Hie c'.rni'i-.'f front nnd
Mail ' : Mirel i. in the l,,.r..ii':h o( (.learlield, where
ii'i l.o. i.t I'll limes be pr.').a'-, d to n.'v.'liiioo.lale
tin.-.-, wlio tiny f,,vor I.i ni Willi their eus-iom. Nj
pnii.s will he spared hy tl." I'r.prieb.r to niiik.i his"i',s c.'im'.irtiilile. nnd his h..u.-y a home to
tli'i-e who may n .p wiih hint.
IP f'Tb'l.t; will fa cnr'-fully rtlei, : to and I A end H.VU supplied with the lu .-t the
marl el. w iii iiH'.'i-.l.
An?. 11. I.- .'.J. 1VM. J. in:MIMI!I.L.
v i".n.
1W. HIU.S ,mi',l r, .;....'tfu!!y i-iform bis
IVicn ls, inn! the pul li" .'. ii. r'n'Iv. thnt ho
s' !l vi.ntinirs to attend . n calls in the line of
I'HST.U. orj:i:A Ti(i. at hisoftiec, n.l ioininc;
lib- d iiidliiiir, in the bur uijrh of u. m lield. lie limy
be found nt ni,ily n" times in his la the Wi -:t
end of tho Mnnsion D'nise.
Arlifirinl Trflh inserted nn 1 bile or t.ivot. mul
wiirrniite.l lo pive sutistnction
1. I....I1...
n. ,, , . . . " '"S,
leeinuonewiinoiit'innu'erio the ratictil. and Willi
bnt little pain. Teeth filled and denned in a proper
mm n-iruiiiiii lummrr, iVlav a. 1 Sf.-t
m it v i a x f da (. r i' it u k a
Jt UY, fieoond street, two doors north of Powell
A IV. ttore, Clearfield, Pa. mitf. 24, !i ly.
I. A LlJ:,-
' i i ni . ,
l !' MNkth,
I 'III. - ' I 1" I M,f I , ., ,,',
nn I I'll'". I'l ,M. I, M ,. p,
IN A I .IM m i,i . ,1., . im . k tvi i ,
"' hi !" '- .in iil..t l.rin.-h '
''-. ,' ' le .".'IM' I. .1 hit. t, , I.
il nn. n M,. l" ' 1 1 m in., n , ,it, , l, (i. , ,,'
''n. I I' nn " i'"ii'i"llv t!ii r. iiiii'ir,, ,1'1rf
111... Ii..." i,t nll'i. II". (.ro i'r',.ii,ir , ttih-,.,1, ', n;.iM .r i ri itii,.N( ri0
In niii'i'iil uf n i ln" uf ilipni liiilii-rio hi'j;!!,.,!
nn I lii'.i id'. My iinil.T"!""'!, In Mini. I,, J 1 r. K I X
h I, I, l., (Aiillmr nl ..rk . ri..- l'r.ii,.ri'iiiin ,')
,- i" 1'ii'it .inn inn.' ii'iiun ni 11111 rniin i, ,if n, r,n(
H il 1 ililr, l.'.'i.l nii'l r.iii.liliiliniinl wnnlinfft, incni,!
nml .l veil-til mlfrri!!", nt.i tii"nl.ln tain', i'.irniins ll '! limM f'-rit, J el J.n.ll am fnttj
! i.priiiir...'ili.nii'Fll. inin rrntH ITrmHluminnrfnliiv
1 ; I'AHTIrruH .'UTIt..Th,r i,
evil f.iiiii'liiii.'j tin iili'i. .1 n it Ihivi u ...ii
1, i .., ., . -"".'II-
' 0 ' KTowinp ii mtli llirrn It mmihaml, nml
; lliii-h if imt ri'lnriiici in iluo lliiic, nut oiilj
.'ri.iui olmttulcii l. ninlrimnniiil bH.iiieM, ,ni
,r' ra ".'rU'""r ,!"';;' iiliou(nil4.
yn.t nlinR nirwt l vw .f Ihrao who K.T
t Inn. lifinnii.tiK lirnrlii'i'
.ci nii iiiiK j.rnriiei? nrB nwnro ol tko roniig.
11"' '. )' find tl" nt.rvnMi.yi.lom nhnlUir.
''''I nlriiiiifo nml iiiiiicpniiiitnblu ifvlinii Oit
r ... i. ... . ,
I lii'l'iw iriiin III II1U llllMll.
yh Ullf.irlUIIHl.l lllIK n(T"Pl,',l linn,.. fl.l I.
unuliln t.i liilmr with nt'i'iLitoiiieJ vigor, or to npply
"'" '" ",u".v; l" nv. is tnrdy nn.l weak, b
i 'lull, irr.'.ii.t... hd.1 cngnso, in ,,,urt with m
el.r ' ,,n .... "n
ji un emiin.'iiiiio riini.tou iminre th jirnctlee has
.lnno iln wnr.'t, nnd cnlvr iiintrimony, iii uiurria
in uiilniillul, unit i . s f t.'lln him Unit tliii ia
pinini'. hy i nily fiillivi. ThcKa nro fiiimiiU'rnti.ini
lii. li ii'.iiiiiI'I iiwiikiu the nttoiition uf 1(1059 sijui.
lnrty filiiiitoil.
ii i k' i' i a i: p ii. A r..ini. . . , . ...
vn . ii, ,,, tever&i
.'on.liiioiiK, in onlvr thiil. it inny reiilly . the nau.e
oi iiiuiuiii iiiijipinvsi. (. .mi. me veil winoh coveii"
Mm oi i : in of ili'iiR'.-iiu wreti heilncKS hi- rninl, nnd
ils tin.) foiirve in every instnneo Uilofe.l, in how
in ii n y ('..till il ln Irnc.'.t to il.yiciil (lii.iunlifienli.ini
nml their ulleii.lnnt dini nintmuul?. Apply tlien
while it is yet time,, iiii.r.ler to hnve your unmniup
n:nl iel:oi"il oiiriiiiiitiun rc-hrace J. rovivilieil nml
j rirei'ineiie.l.
I Keinemljer ho who phieep hiiiuelf under Dr.
!Ciol:"liti' trentmeol ninv ri,liiri,.t,ilv ,,f,,lu l 1.;.
- - . l ..b .uu.-.j uutii..v ,u uis u.-. fl L'ullLlelillill. find relv noon tjin iiMiiif",,"A
. " f- - . . ,,v, ,
"!"' "'0 :rvln of Dr. K.' piaicuM will never be
: ni!eloi,'.l.
Vounir inun lot no f:l!m mnilnl v ili.tnr vi.ti fr...,.
innkinjf your eii?." known tn ouo v.h.i, from eluc
tion uml ri'.'ptt-Uthility enn cerlniniy l.ofri.-inl you.
Too iniuiy think Ihcy will coneenl the mora in
their own henrtf, and cure thomNelvei Alan, how
often ij thi u futul delusion, nml how many
isinif youuj; mini, who uiiht have ht-en tin uru&.
uient lo nouiuty, han faded from the earth.
i miiiimtj in mo ureiua ro rnpnuy romoveu ry
the aiii.iiention of a new UuireM.utii.Ml nnnl. imi..l
Btnvturej ul tho uretha ro rapidly romoveu ry
! ly by Dr. K. Wenkneim and eonstitutionul de-
! bilily promplly cured, nnd full vigor restored.
Country iuvulidn cun have hy Mating their caae
! explicitly, together with all their nymptoum, per
1 ',;tu"'' "'"''""'"K " remittance Dr. K.'t aieiiciuo,
I 'O'l'ini'riHted aeeordinijly. Eorwurded 1.) any part
"I' the L'nitcd Smtei, and packed lecure from
' ''""'"S" or r...r,,.
I HcadJI Vouth and Mauhood.
A Viroroiis Life, or Premature Death, Kmkoliuon
Klf-Prenervati-.n-Ouly twentv-Cre ccuUi
D ir a work eminently required, aa a u.enng of
n fiming tho vivos of the iigo iu which w Uve.
i -,,t:l,.: n..:.i., .v r . . . .-
" w "-mm, nuu ru
of Ii?',., ;.. fr,,I;1 tl,n .,re9
1 A I...,'... ..r,.. . ,. '.'
A li'Mer iiilh a ri-iuli Lit,. -a of tirou.
or the vihie in post Uimpi", a.ldr.-ii.ed to Dr. Kiu
kelin, Philadelphia, Pa., w ill eeure a copy of either
of the ul.ove hooks liy return of .Vail, or 12 copies
will he cent free of postage for $1. Bookse!lirs,
I -- -".I, H' HW, UI,,BJ'.VU
1 aulo at the puhlsher'n prices, whieh admit f
mm-asser, traveling Agents, Ac, supplied whole-
p'TTAll letters mii.t bo post-paid.
niareu o, j04.-iy.
Throw Physie lo the Do?s.
VULTADJ C1IA1XB. Producing injUmt re
lief the most acute pain, and permanently
curing all Neuralgic diseases, P.heumatistn, pain
ful and iwollen Joints, Neumljfia of the ee,
Deafness, Dliudness, H. Vitus Dance, Palpiia
tic n of the D 'art. Periodical llendaehe. Pains
in the Stomach, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, I Utieo
Pains, Paralysis, ctfl., etc.
These chains w-ro iirst introduced into tao cilv
jthey wore used in everj- hospital iu Europe, ami
trin. i.rUB4u. in 1 F,,o!..n,tT a ' ', "V".,:,.-V ' "I
eased, fumish to the v xln.jst. .i n, rvme fluid wLich
is rci'iiied t l proline e a healthy itetion thr nich
1'.'W-'1'1 V b tiik.-i. vhilo u.ingtb chains, but a
.ijjiu oosen nnee 01 tne general laws of health nro
,,ir,i l'.i.i, f.:,:.. . ... . ,. ,
" ' ',,.-,. ,1 .1,11.11 111,1,1. 11.1 I ,H "1 l ,S"fisIill
nil. is n iu li to the ei'.Vct of the chains, by iceron-
ii.(.- iiieir i,,.ij,'iieuc pi.ivor.
! Osk Tn ii sAsn Dollars will be iwn tu ony
p.-j siir. v ho mil produce so many well iiuther.tica
t.'.l cvrtilicat of cure, both from intelligent pa
tients und scientific physieiaus, as been tf
''. : I l y the uso of Pulveriuac!', :'.. 1 Uotrio
i "i: ns. Tlie;; net or fail to perform what they nro
ailverti.ed to do, and no person has ever been" dis-
t satis'o dwho bus given them a Iriul.
1 J 1M U I- - K u""n tlinn one humlreJ per-
in i im.u.r. I asks more tlinn one hundred per-
l l w ithin tho last Year bv Ida nm ..r ..1., ;.
P.y applying one tod of the chain over the report
of fie nlid. .linn, antl the other upon the spine Just
above the hip, the usual severe symptoms iucident
to thnt disease fire at once rouioved.
IUoi.k op Use lue chain thould ba moisie
b,,,,, Uf-C with common rivZTZ A. I
f t,10 chllill ,1(,uW bo to seat of
. ,he pain or disease, and the other endo .pos id to it
i Db not DKlK.vr.n 1 The Electric Chains a-1 not
, cure all diseases; but fr K. ' Z ua Dea.', ,uJ
cbiin.ed that NO Jie.'fc.d An i ,' c JJ la
1 o-. .
.i.smast jw.uiTF irom 1 10 most, acute pain, ia
,,ro.l,..'e,l nt .!, ..... ,. .. ..... . " I'l
I . flectiially than can be produced by opium, in an)
, of ils fiirm.i.
' Call and obtain a pamphlet (trrafis.)
1 J. STE1NERT, r'ole A
W Proailwuv, cor. Prince PL, N. T.
Pobl.liy C. D. V.iHox, Cleaitield, Pa.
An. I', Is.Vt ly.
TM.MO IIOIM.'., MTAItl lKIJ), ra,
rjl'IlT s-thseriber would respectfully inform tho
jl public t li ji t lie has taken the aboie old cstnb
isiied Mi'ii.l, recently occupied by Mr. Haniuol
Kv.'.rs, an I etiilrely re. furnished and refitted it in
such a 111n.11r.erns to render it second to no bote! in
the eoiin-y. The 11 A K has been stocked with tho
bet li.ii .rs. and tl... w id alwnvs be sup
plied With the b. st il.c market ran afford.
P.xlcn. ii o "li.blin attached t" the 1 i-eL.iHes,and
alt, ntiv.-1 s..-tb rs nh.aysin nttciidnuco.
JIo resj.e. t fully asks the public to give him a, feeling assured Hint lie enn rendor sntisfno-
April 13, IST.l-tf.
C.Ut:l'.T AM) C liAirt MAUIG.
JOTFS' fil'Ijni woul 1 respectful!' n"iin" t-e
th eitifetmof Clr-.n'. 11 ini .- -..i I,,
' s...,,.-p, v ,i ri ;,fl'
m How muni.r.eUrini nil liMs ,t cllil
1 W'AHK. His shop is ntunted i, M , ?.
e oik
id en
I ictwnen Tl, e.l u, 1T,,-V, I. .. ' i .
; in me nne will lie made in tint 1 ft
the most fiivonihln Isrmi Anil .si. .1... l...rt ,iot .,'.',
'nrriN8 made to order nn the shorten netie.
Dec. 2, 1662.
-' -I.J..J