Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 08, 1854, Image 3

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4& 4j i4 'vw
. ..
I icr ' An. i i v i , ,;, (
' ""'K ' 1 '""J' ! . ' in,! urn. ,
tml ik.-H'i "I'll Inai I. .,, Iii...., i,., (,. ,
.p,.rs, I Ull'l ,1 1,i llll, , ,,. ,i, ..,, ,., i,,
1 1 u, II
In rem mi r mi 1. 1 iimn r i.ii I,,.,,. ,,
, ,. ..... , . ,,,, , ,, ,., ..... , ,,,.
reader-, ,. A. ,-.(... i.,(,, w l u tli. u.,t tin. tjiuk.r
". " '' K'" J ii null uiliiT iulur lion
iv in iy I o tu n nr agr ihlo.
'J 111' -l Hill Ullnll ,,,,,, V V,.f f I
Mill l,ii;iMnr, MmI. I. I.. lUiMinr. In ,
with Cupl. Jiihi III tin, is silunlcl m, Norlli f.,,,1.
"Ii 1 Strict, nt it ,iy i i niriil point til liitliii-nK, nn. I
lim been re titled iiikI m t Hrnl -li ! from j, irr( (,,
cellar, mill l n,,w im of the most o,,,i ciiinut ly nr.
ranged hotel. In thin city so justly n-Njl.t ut,.,l iur llm
Client and magnificence ut il public Inula,.,,
cannot forbear uriting jour lilien. i, i,,,, al j,
I. dim when liny visil tl:t city, us am confident . nufpiiK-M many ..Hot Iiiiuf.-h in y,.rv ninny
r.'siiools. i ,, : nlos tin", the I T'iiiriotorK urn Imili il...' Icllnw,-, uml tiilii"iiciiil inintii
ri'iiiicr Itinir picKi us 11.1 (niKiljp,
Huiiiii ulijm t, Im.,..him, il i- (.", i;ir I'nim .Mm ki't'nt.
iiiu iiu v Mi'.ina kiiiiiv iimt Hi,, ,U
,,f lVhionuVio Uiiu-m p-nouliy. UcU vaU-rcr to
tho .i,Mio liitUj iIchtvu ciiciiiniKcnienl.
Tl. lr!i.i.,..i- I,, ,1 i . .
T " y " ""'"c.y iuiiikci in ncvcro V
if t Hllloli" I ,. 1. 1.. '".. i-.1.! . , .
... , " " iiimi-ii y jtirtt, iioir.
111. ,1:1V Oil k..t.,r.. i, .;...! ,1.. ...... ,'.
boim'.i, us niuuh of tiio liusincH.s of l..i .',; "n... ',
' ' I s "iw i
.ii.i iri-niK o, ,.Kni nioiittia rrt'Uit- tiilli ,iuc.
b. noun failure ii..vo at yet Wn roin.rtcl. nml r ,
,,.. it,, u. 'm n ineuiiK, it-en nn I fHy. .
Miioirciicy if Kroit'ty to i.o a,,. rr.l l,v the
liion.U ol t!i Tyrone, ( le.iraold uml Kiiil
P'.i'l, im l may rouinl in eomiuoncenu nt. Hut it
will not he ihumlotie.l. Tlioo who hn v lakon an
lr.ui-o.-: in too project in Huh city, aro men of tUu
ri-lit ilninn, hiiJ Mill uot I.o ne.tirc.1 ut trilles
They will n it uh.'i.iJoi, On, uinlertaliiii, nu,l .
kooii uj the hioekohlnrn of tliu l'enn-ylviiuia i
Kail lliu.l, Uinvovvr its tnuiiuerits whiel, they are J
Jn4 now l)cgiiitnt.N- to luai-u it will bo ciLeilily
iMUii.'.oti'i. Vour.i, Ao., TiUYi:i.i,t;u.
'ur tke lit puhlicnn.
Mfshrh lir.iTons : Allow niotn tirnuik of an evil ;
in our hon.uirh, which m-iwe to l.n iri-..iinr,nii,l in
its coiie,iiiiMicc.H uiav l'Divo inoio forioim tlmn
tliofo ho an concerned in it think of. I mean a
lunctiee of yoiinj men and half grown liny?, nioet
jnp nt the coriiem near bed time, and often at a
tnucli later hoar, and making a nnixe. In their
Fiioru Ihey fi eiiiently hulloo ko loud, and in fuch
i manner III to cnund like an alarm of "fire," or
tho lum;ua of porno ono in distress, I have fre
quently heou raised from my bod by melt norcatnfi,
certain that unruehody'i dwelling wan on firo. Kow
f'jiriofo that wo bocomo acrustoin, d to mob. noise,
mid tbo aid and ctTorls of cv.iry nhould bo
necessary to five our town from a general oonfla
frnition, it may bo iinpii.ihle to rally them in time.
Young men should reflect upon thin, mil if they
do, 1 am mre thoy will foo tiio propriety of uU.m
iloniat; it rosides they will nee thnt they are cot
ting u bad example to tho. younger, by doing ju;t
v liiit their oo.l sen. e would i-nndotnn in their ju
niors. The U.s.-er das--- of boys, v hop roctioe it.sUould
bo lui.kc.l nft. r by their parent, r.ud restrained
from .-'itch hoi--"i dus a:nu.-einet,t, c::pccially about
ih.) time tho ftago iirriv, s in tho cvtMiinj. Pas
sengers must think nriry linics thatwc hnvo "ln
ilians in town." I o let . ib'sirj to nbrid.;. tlu
rihi? of younj tcis or ri'-'.raji thcii from !,mtio
inents nn 1 rceroation, but respectfully suggest tiio
proj'rii-ty of lieiny; ajit'le nmro orlcrly.
.Mf.w Yobk, Oct. '29.
Ry n lel'.cr received in this city, dalcJ
Aspinwali, Sept. Iii, wolearu the full par
liculurs of tho loss of the brig Adda, of!
Philadelphia, with all hands, except ono
on board. It is a sad storv.
The brig Alvaro, .Gapt. O'Brien sailed
. . r - i. ,l i o,l 1
i I'nii.ltil I "I t, V i r hi t. r , 4, I
III,. .-. ill ll.i- i, , . . a
lu.ui-c uto .,1 the mom ext. iii-ivcM uumcler, nn.l ihtu n ' , ' r .. ,
In ur.l.,r tol.i j..Mico I.. II,, ,,,, ,Mliart WHlk if n, l.arr il,or,
,t,u,r i, nut tl... only oxlc,ivo ll,l i H,t . i i " V1-'' "t "Z''1'',,,,,,,. ; l.t t!:c m,,,,m ,,,, lir,.n,-,Mi H V ' he lunuU (. I':,r ninnies tlm . i,,il i . ,K " - 1
irotii iiv 1UII.UUUIU ioui uu., uuunu . UiimU, oonsistiiigof Cloths, Cnssimcres, Sattinetts,
to Aspinwall. When in Int. 20 deg. 12 illi.'.tsnnd Shoe.t. Uit? and Caps, Oroeoiie?, Ac.
Illin., North? Captain O'Brien discovered , t"i;c!her w ith a large and general ms,.rtm.,i,t of
i i . r . -i;n i"Si"'es usual'T kept in a retail More, which
n wreck about four mile distant, and thin-1 .,. ,,, ,,, Ai,irelntun nfl torm?
king he saw 0m0 person on the . Wreck j ns tvh articles can be had el-ewhero in the coun
wavin" his hat, 1)0 immediately bore down 'J; lbeir M"ck is largo mi l has been feleeted
9 ., ,pi i ,i , . i -., . i w.l.i great care, consisting of article? enleulated
toward:!. The wind it the ti.i.o being , , t uv P(,m.,7,i(.tl,c r ,,. JVr,
very light and variable, and the night j ib-irons of purchasing are re-pcctru!ly invited to
'0min on, ho thought 1;3 heard three dis-J'."11 "J camUit for tbeirselvw. Store on Cud
.;,. t..t.. if . MK,.n was Rtrikin" I
lllJb nm'uikw -- - ' - -3
something hollow. 11a instantly took a
lergc piece of ropo (it being quito dark at
tho lime,) aud struck three times on the
bulwarks of his own vessel, and listening
could hear tho sann noiso that he heard
l ufhrp At 8 o'clock that lliuht he came"'"' llmulrti Arn nf .,i,i-l, situate in Lawrence
I .L 1 .-J l,il,e) n.irl u'll I toWtlsllip, Clellltil'ld COUIltV, Uto till" proptrtV of,
dosa to tho wrr-ck and hailed, and wasj 1)AVJJi lluoVK of UivnM
Unswcrcd by a feeble VOICO asking to COine! hounded on the south by Windsor tiideon ll. (ioo l-
OI1 board i fellow, on the north by lan -.Uj,i.f Joseph and Thos.
., i- . i i .. .J li, Uii find ' I.'inieh, on the north by pi ort no. 2 of thee. -late ,
Ho immcd.ately lowered his boat, nnd,(f lhe wiJ j,,,-,;,,., , on thr
took from tho wreck Georgo louro, an,,., i,y lumls ofOcigc ouiich being purport no.
Italian bv birth, v.hosc lamily reside in,
Philadelphia. The poor follow bad!
crawled to tho cubm and got an cinp.
Imrrnl. nnd with a Lclain2 uin was sin
L inrr nil its head, which made tho sounds
o , . . m .....J
v"l ' , . . ... , A.b.In Dt of September last, A W HI I E, with ,
that on the ot August ins ong aui.ii.,
porno dun spots on her no other marks pereeiia-.
CapU Lewis, sailed I'rum riiiludclilua with.i.u.
Ftiposed to bo about ono year old lust spring,
a car.'O for St. Kills, having on hoard nine! The o.ner is requested to come forward, prove
u talnu . ... ' D no .. 'proiorty pay charges, mid take her away, or mo
inl,..-l'r.rp o veoinrr rutin ns naSSLn- ' . ,.' , v ....
ncrsgiJ?, hh-iujihq ..b r ,
rer that on the ad ol' September they en-
countered a terrific hurricane, which last-1
ed eighteen hours ; that both masts were j
carried away close to lhe duck, wan jaru , i
sails, ringing, nnd everything aitacuecl ;
il.n bri lirilirr t'.lPU UtlBianOfiCable, ;
V .. : ft ..1 rS llm Bp.a. which I
carried away jibboom and bowsprit, wash
ing overboard the mate, passenger and
three of the crow, wiih house galley, wa
ter casks and bulwarks. Iho second
..cbrrl nrtninsttllO rail Will) SUCl)
tn fill Mill) IIUUO W '
. " , . I ?r I, la rilw broken.
force, that several of Ins nos uiom-h. ;
ii- i: a in ntvnt nrronv until Hie morn
in" of the bth, when death put an cud to
1,U sufferings. The survivors were then
.,!i1mnr tl-tifpr.
""" . . r .. n ,ln tnr-i
On tllQ evening OI ""
ri,in riipd o Iiirst.Otll) iu im." " -
1 r.' I.. ,l,n r-ruil I111J (jC'OrCO 1 0U-i
uu i ( lm in . . nt
li.ll, naim-y,""- " ,tie 1
LIU Vt-vt,"
k died. Onthe
Ull IDC lout uiu ;
10th Touro caught a htlle water from a ,
shower. Ilo had plenty to cm, u -
without water during twelve days. W hen
lbs poor fellow reached mo u- -
Ai,..m Lb uns too weuk to stand
It be
ing dark, Capt. OTtrien did not think it
1 m . -
prudent to lay by tho wrccic, mt-ic u..uSI
every prospect ol a storm, api. w un
took tho poor shipwrecked sa.lor in his
cabin and furnished him with clothes, and
treated him with the greaiest care and at
leution, doing all in his power to make h.m
Cclptt.a abricn belongs to Thomson,
Mainland is one of the many noble land
humane ship-masters of whom the Slate
of Maine may well be proud Hn unli-
eniioa and kindness to tho poor sea-
mi': - - , ,
entitle him to tno inanKs vi . j
!!. Vout Vnrk direct
,1 c.i 1 in ui i.v.T
in tho brig Aivora, o ui . t
h rn gocsTho "shipwrecked sailor," .mpro.
in health nd cheerful in spirits.
rountiy. - nriwith'rrt
1 It I n ul Ni imi,m r-
I. f -iv.t ;i ,, l, ,l ,.. .......
" . , , i . ii in ' n I ,1
" "l I'M ' II' III l.ll .f I,,
I I, pi- II.
Il Sll'o.llh, M order tl, ,,t,ull, on ,
I ''" ' "'" riil'li-lM . ,v .-.,,ii,,o
K I. I III! Ill lll.lil nil llll. l.t.l;;,., ,,. (
:'' " " ril'-- llcgb'.'l or .. .,'k ,.ir
"""I'"l"'' ' !" I'H'cc. t.i KM. I, v , ,n
I. ' I. I. Uu i.r. 1,,. I r -,,,,. il, u,,t, ,M.V (,,
mil, Ul,,;,-1, in, mil ,,,,, Ml i', , iitiiiui'ii,
I. II -llbo'liLon. r.-MH.W I'l oilier I.I .ill
lining lin I'lilili-ln i-.
I'l !ln
new -i'i'ii'i in,.
"m t.i tin. iim, r U ir.-.-i i.i, tin k nr.. .,i ri-.-i,,,ii
Mill it 1
S. ThoCutrl.. l.nvo .1 , llii n-fii AnK ( lli0
n-iv,,,,,,,,,,. In,,,, tl, H,..., r rennin, ,. ,llV.
l'liilnilIiila l.iiuiTii r tarl. (,
(WmviI ,-,,) n;,k,H i; ,,
I'.ity JO ,,.r. ,,,,(., f. V. U,. uml iilunk,
h mil, il. ... : .s 1 '
IM IIHIIIIIV ,V lllMl,.,.! !,.,'
f IL' Ml ( I)
V liitc I'iim I'uiis,
;:i oo
II lol (,
Jf.l (1,1 ()
7 Oil M
7 .',u (.M
R (Kl
2:! no (,
2.) 00 (.,,,
.' 00 (,i,
:', 00 (,,;
10 no
::u no
s .',0
u on
S .Ml
011 (10
"ii no
i;n i mi
is no
Kl...rin ' Kc'
,1 , " "
' '''IM'oiinl.s
00 (.1, (HI
l.i 00 (,
I'l 00 (,i,
I t 00 (i,
II Oil (.,,
2 121M,
r.o oo (;,
2j Oil (,
m,;,,,,! ,
IS no
::o on
20 no
22 on
l 2.1
l! 00
ill) 00
C'"l;ir, T'rr Sf..
.iMnne, j-ino jier JI.,
'. ,,1,',.,'!1'.VPIV
,:i' i. 1 ,.l .r
. ' " '"k' U'lk l"l"'.
o'., country,
(rain Markels.
Vim. n::i.rnu Ci.i; uti-inin.
f I (,) 1 S7 ii 12 ( ii 2 2,'i
1 15 (oi 1 20 1 j;, ,) 1
2 and 65 1
f).'l cenln,
112 conls,
M VKKIi:i).
Co Thiirinli.y tho 21'ith pf Octnlicr, hy William
lllooin,, Jlr. Jaiurti I.occli, to Jlrn. foihia
Hoover, all iifl'ilto township, Cicnrliold co., l'u.
On Thur.alav the 2nd innlmiK hv tlm .nme Hi.
i Mil", ,x "u I"""? "li mpa county, l'a., to
: "f Cliartiebl countv, l'i
C AVJN-FT -MAKElt, Lumber City, i, fully pro
pared to execute all work in Lis lino in a
workmanlike iiiamior.
Nov. 8, 1S.M.-1 v.
am) goods.
rpiIK nubseriber ia deirou." to nmko known to
JL all his l'ricnil. old and new, Whigs ntid Hem
ocrats, Natives and Know Xothinga, and all the
rest of Mankind, that he him received and is open
ing at his. old Mund on the corner of Front ntni
Cherry streets, a very general assortment of Fall
mid Winter goods, consisting in part of ( h.ths.
C:!??imorcs, SattiuMs, Flannels, Frnueh Mnrinoes,
lHlaues, all wool, Flank.'ts, liny Str.tcnnd Jirocha
Shawls, Dabege, new stylo t-iilc and Uniid llon-nol.-,
winter style, with a full a.-sorluiunt of LadyV
I'rc.-s Trimmings, nUo, liooUumi hoes, llati and
Caps, Carpeting, all wool, Cotl'-n and Hug Carpets,
Floor and Oil Cloth, with a full !..-. ,rtine;il of liro
cnriis, inch ns CoFce, Sugar, Tta. N. (. .Mula-.-es.
Steam and I.overin's Syni)is, J'i-h, Jlaeken l and
Herring, (,'ueer..'--warc, Confeeliouarii'?, Jteady
Mado Clothing, Tin. ware, F.riud Ai J, Double
and Single bit and l'ilot n.c, with almost every
thing else thnt is called for In a country Store, Jil
of which bo will fell low for Cash ur Coiinti v l'ro
Ju.". CHlll.-5T01')Ji;it KKATZKK.
Nov. 8, ISjl.-tf.
m:u ;oois.
"!) KSPKCTlTLI.Y announoo to their old eu?lo-!
JV ln. rs
and tho public general Iv. that the v hiivo
' J ' 1 leeii.i-ki n iresn supply oi rii'i una i imtt
L . ..... foom "i '"' . iiouse.
I k-arfieid, Novembers, ls;.
BY virtue nf an order of the Orphans' Court fif
Clearfield county, granted at Sept. Term, 1S54.
there will be exposed to rnlo in the noroagh of
( leartield, on tbo third Monday of Doreinber next.
1 ot mo estate m sum ,ieeeuse,i.
STKAY Iir.ll'l KK.
"1AME to the premises t f the Fubseril er in Clint
I . ,-l,;,. ci,..-r...i.i . .... ... ..I.,..,. .1...
Wjll bo ilifposocl ol according to law.
rswt township. Nov. t, i.s.h.-t,l
TravfIerg ld 0()lcrs
1 11 K subscriber announces to the public thnthe
,iaj, 1ti,.n Wl,n 1 wn Tavern stand in
i'vrono, idair. conuly, situato on tho Pinnk Hntid
leading directly to the Depot, and is fully propnr
i .
ed to accommodate, all who may favor blip with a
call. His accommodations for teamsters nr- un
surpassed, ns he has the largest and best stable in
tho place as well as the largest wngnn yard.
He expects his old friends and acquaintance in
Clearfield county particularly, to give him a call,
and those of lllair, Centre and Huntingdon, will
Suit hi house a coiufortuble home at all times.
tiio.mas mays.
Tyrone, Flair county, Nov. 2, lS54.-tf.
MISS S. A J. HOdVEi;?' announce io thecit
izcjisj i,f Clearfield and vicinity, that they
IM iicns vf Cienrfield and vicinity. i-om.ncnced tho shove huMUcsj in Uio aaid
,,ruL-h .nnd are fret arc! to do np all huncesi in
' . :
their line
in E"oJ stvte and on snort nmice.
Ilinv 1,0 found iu Third Street between Market and
, ol-.u,t.
Clearfield, Nov. 2, lr-jl.-tf.
Terms of Advertising. '
VLVEPTISEMENTS nro inserted in the He, ut one dollar per square, f , r the
iir.-t three insertion. and twenty -fiieccnls for each
additional insertion. Fourteen lines iniikea square.
lvcrtisement inserted for less than a dollar.
j ,t
iboral reduction made to Uioie who advertise
by the year.
VTTORNEY AT LAW, having resumed the
prtirtico of Law, may be consulted n pro-fe.-ional
business, at his old office in the Porough
of Clearfield. Nor. 2, lSal.-tf.
OIT i.
Shoemakers. Constant em-
ploymcnt will he given. Apply next door to
tho Journal office, at the shoe iture of
?eptemlicr 1.1, 1351.-tX.
HH aubseriber haa aereral tract of land fir
I tlkle rriw frora tx ,n dollar ver
invllll W KMITH
Icre. ...
Clearfield Oct T, !Si4. tf.
II IlitC I'illt, It.inrin ..I ....... I
IM of Pi lit Jiirm fur liirriiilut Irrm, 1I.
''"' I'-lin i '.. , 1 to., r.
"" ' ( li'.iii'i. 1m .ii-, I ii, ,n, r i
II. iMl'lll
J M-ii.-r i Ii Mn, mi, .,
A linn. , tinnier ,l,,lni W, I, i, l .ir-
limt ; r,.,. M u . nn,,r.
-lit Alili I'nniirr.
.'....,..- i. V . Sliinniii l, J iirnmr.
I.un; , nry li n in, I nn, r .Ion. Imiii,
I ninmr; .l, iu ,1. U.uJ, ,., , (I. 1. U,t,..
low. Liuiil nriiiiin.
f ii'ioi. ...I, li. Unnnnv, l.uiiiliortimn.
... , i ii,r it. H, i ,.;,,,..
.(, .,i. ... ' I,,, I,,,,,, nit, I'linni-r t 1'liilin Cliutn
I'cr', rnini, t.
'''""'" - A. S. 1, I'uiinnr.
,,v..i,lil nal k, l-iinimr: tl, W, 1
Inal;'',-',T! Villi..ini r.risl.,1., I' .lul.ii W.
Nnl-o, Knr iiioi- ; J ;t;.:, 1 UiOinl, l':.i m, , .
''i'nMi' .lumen All'i-rt. Knrinnr.
I'H'oli Akn, Mi'teliiiul ; Hamiu 1 Hi: f,
Anthony Ililc, rurinor.
r,'.,i -.)., In, l,iihoi-,li jr., Ktirnipr; l'rcl,riclc
llollo',.t,.r, 1'iirniiT : John Hiiro. Farmer; ivtor
hi), ,r l,-. ( l-'niiimr.
' ""'" ll' iil" !! (.'al'U. ll, l-'oniuT.
y-o'',,.,Villuun Antes, I'urnmr : .Tohn l'c
tiTf. Kiirmnr; Vi'illii'tn K. Wri-!cy. l'liriiior.
H'oo.iriii-i Alir.iliam Uvor.-, l iirtnor.
iK.iui,ur, is.,i-t(..
Mst of traml Jurors fur DfrcmlirrTcrm.K)!.
"".'.7 7oc-,ii,'i. Samuel Kobisoti, Carpenter;
Chillies Sloan, Justice; 1,. W. Aiiinson, Farmer.
Inrtbin y'oinni.',. John f!. Jllooks, I'unucrj
ttol.crt .lohnson, 1'uruier,
Van V'i,i,i,(,. Itiihai J Dunver, Jr., Farmer;
Charles SholV, I'anuer.
Jit II Tiiirnln'i. ilonry WeUol, Fanner.
t'ltnn Mt-.'.Vi- lltn-uutjh. James JI. Fleming, Car
penter. ('in,, 7Win'i). John, Profslor, Jr., Farmer;
Hugh Kiise, Farmer.
.oirYi,.,:, Klias Henderson, Farmer; John
Mo ore, (iunsniiih.
Jr-;.,Johu F.nylionio, Farmer; William L.
Merri'll, Fanner.
Jlrtnltirtl. Samuel Wilson, Farmer.
Aarlh'im. .lames lliinsalns, Farmer.
Cltiirjiflil Hnrittitjh. Jno. (lulicli. Cabinetmaker.
Jlttilttii Ttitniihi'i. Asa Young. Farmer.
Inrnkiil,. Willi,,,,, l';il, r.,r.,A,,,..-
Jlriiib,. Tijhort llale. Fanner: (I. M. Johnson.
Fu liner.
irotfifai-iJ. iSeliooly Scott, Farmer.
7'i.--. (ieorgo Itoss, Fanner.
Clearfield October 27, 18i4.-te.
Hiiuiol Kingsbury 1 In tho Common Fleas of
i . Clearfield county. No. 117,
Win. C. Younkins. ) September term,' sjl.
Summons in ejectment for MO acres of land,
part of tract No. in Huston township, Clear
field county, beginning 'at a beech north lOti per
ches, west 107 and niiio-tenth rod--. south lt',0 rods,
cast nil ami iiino-tonth rods, north (iU rods to a post,
and oaM 21 rods tobogintiiug to compel payment
of purchase money.
Aai now, until Septonibor, S.i4, on motion of
W. A. Wallace, Esq., l'laintift's Attorney, tho
Court grant an order on Defendant to appear and
plead to tho writ in this cae on or before tho 1st
day of Heii inher term, lil, or judgment, uud
order its publication. lly tho Court.
W.M: l'n'iiTi:r I'rothV,
I'rotlior.olary's Office, Oct. 20, ls;,4.,,..
FrtJerii Zeigh-rl In tin Common Th-as of
. Clearii . Id count v. No. 5 1, Sep-
J:ieob Cord:'.'. J tetiihcr term. ll.
Suinnions in i-jeetnu-nt f..r SO acres of land in
Frudy t.innship, Clearfield county, bt-giiiiiing nt a
maple corner ot Corrcy & Kenne'iy, nn 1 bouii'li-d
by hinds of S. Fiekel ai.d others, to compel pay
ment of purchase mr-rtey.
And in. w, L'Oili Sojitei.ilxT, 7 S.ri I, on motion of
W. A. Wallace. K.., plaintill's Attorney, tho
Coirrt grants an order on Defendant to appearand
plead to the writ in this case on or before tho 1st
day of December term. 1.'.4. an,! order its public
ation. l'v the Court,
M. l'01'.Ti:U, Troih-y.
rrotltnnntary's Office, Oct. 20. lJxd. tc
HANNAH AVINTEitNJTZ, 1 la the C,i. l'lm
rt. li.f l"-Aiff'ihl Coinify. j .i,,. ,v
JUrnrcr, -Vo. l'(i, JhcmiUr Tain, ISi'i.
ijiuinu sur.
rPO Joseph H'intcriiit?. (Ufemhii.t and f in
I crs inti-reited : V,,u will plen-e take
all oth
plen-o l.iho nolle.
Hint in pursuance of .1 Con.iuisMon itsued out of;
said Court and to me directed, 1 will on Su'urday !
the 2.1th day of November, A. D. ISil, nt my of-J
fee, in the linrougii of Clearfield, ('learli.ld county. '
Peiin-ylvaii'ii, proeeed to bear testiiuony in this!
cas , and reduce tho Mine to wriimg, to be read in I
evidence upon the t;ial of this caus:. Of whivh
the parties will take notice.
JOHN 1,. CCTTI.E, rom,,twi'-.
Clearfield. Nov. 2, 1.M1.-1U
A N exlensivo assortment of new nnd rnnuhir
books w hich the undersigned litis added to hi-'
Drug Store, embracii.g a great variety, in part n?;
folb.Hs: The, .logical. Law, liistorieal, Poetical. I
and Miscellaneous Hooks, together with a general
a.-sortinciit of Stlnnd Hooks, llhink Hooks, Pay sen !
t Duntoiis Spicudid Copy Hooka. Ai.-o, a great ,
variety of stationary, Ac, are i.Cirid to the public !
cxtrcn,, ly low.
Hooks supplied to order on tho shortest notice.
Clearfield, Oct, 27, lS.14.-ly.
I)lSS0Ll'T105i of nRT.NtESUIP.
riAilE partnership heretofore existing hdwecnl
I David McKcchen und Conrad Laker, trading
iu the Mercantile bti-itic.-s in Jordan tonii.-hip,,
kimwn us the f,n,i of McKeeehn ,t Coin). any, wus'
dissolved on tho 27lli of September, liti, by uiu-,
tual consent. Tho bonks and papers of the late J
linn uru iu tho hands of MoKe, hen for settlement. ,
Jordan tnwmhip, October 27, lol-ot.-pd.
STRAYED awjy from the subscriber refilling in j
Lawrence township, this county, nn or about j
tho 1st of October, a jf.V, an I Whltr Our, suppo-,
sod to bo about 5 years old, w ith a white face and
a white streak nu her bank liuv ing a bell fasten-1
ed on by a cloih strap. Any person returning Fnid
cow to the owner, near Cle.nliebl Hri lge, or giv-1
irg infonnntion where file can be had will be lib-!
orally rewarded. THOMAS DEV1NE. j
Lawrcueo township. Oi 27, 1S54. I
Eslale of Jacob Banshnian, Defeased.
' ETTEItS of Administration on tho estate .f
J Jacob llniigliinan, lato of Decatur tow:i-hip. !
( learficld couiily. deceased, have iu due form of:
law been granted to the subscriber. All p'rsons
indebted to said estate will make payment inline-,
diately. and tho.-e having claims will present ihein
properly aulheiiiicnied tor settlement. I
JOSl.l':.l .11. LAKI'.t.X, Adiiir.
Decriii.r township, November 2, l.',l.-f,t.
lTdTo5 sale; "
ACHES OF LAND in Hurn-ide township, '
ance well timbered, w ill be sold cheap. A g.,,,,1
house In by 20 feet is erected thereon. The place
lie on the Hollidaysl nrg road, four miles froifl
New Washington, and equi-distaiit fr.'in the Hirer
and Chest Creek.
i.For farther information and term, apvlv to
Cienrfield, Fept. 25. lSa4. tf.
Estate of Philip Fisher, dce'd.
T FTTEP.S nf Administration on the estate of
j Philip Fisher, late nf Woodward township, j
deceased, having been in due form of law grmlod j
to the subscriber, all persons indebted to Hid do-
ceaed will inako iinuicdiaio settlement, aud those
having claims against tho same T.P1 jtl-i.t! thjia 1
duly authenticated. 1
J A ... r S T. I.KUAAliD, Adm r.
aearfield, Oct. ID, isii.(lt
A 1 lo
"I'l flhh fce held at the house of John V
at 1 o'clock, on the I Mh day of NV
to elect three managers and other ofhev
Little acaxliold Crixk Navigation
Ey order of
Clearfield, Ocloher 27, IfM.
'I I till t tlllli.i'11- 1-VlilV I.,,. 1.,,, ,.. . ..
' ."'1I,',I,,,M..., I
II "l I. .1 A I' 1 1 m ., .', 1 f l--t ,.w -.- , ' ' ' I I 1 ; V .
fn'- ii- ....i,.,.,. .i il ii ,. I ,. i. I '-i '. , ii I v I f i.M. ' i'V N I'll -n I W . . .
in, lll'.-l,,. .I.MI',1 .rtl, ,.,,, ...I.,., ..... .., 1 1,1 1 1 '
U , iii. I u ill, 1 1 1 i i n i I r.,o,l'ln,i , v ,', Iiiiinli to
m" 1"'" ' I "I I kin "iy ,. l i'i'miliix-,
ky tiii: t inr Alii i.-T- nr i in: a ok,
Tlo j - lni ,!, , r-irnn.l, In or, ,. r to i.iVii. m r .
lmi-io mln lor tin it I.octi,, j.,,.,, IUI, , ;m, (l t ,plv
K'ic i'iii.otiin!it to ii lain;,' ihhi.I" r ,'l iirn.l. iii,'.
oimr, I, nt iii'i'in) unions our ooiinti nmn i IhpIo
I'-r noil, of art, ),i,..,.,( t ,o .i,rolnioii ol
llii ir i'ii,;tm U.p, win n i!.',0,()ii0 o' tin m nr.' mill,
(lifls, ofllirnriiinl rost of Sni),0i)0.
Ijo'I, ,iirni',.or of a 'Mic liollur Kujrniviiu',
llll'lnlorn, r n ii '. tl"t only ill Dnnrnvilin; richly
worlli the in, nicy, hut hIhi u lii-Vnt wliicli cniiilnn
lii:n to olio of the (litH nli -n tlmy tiro ili tril'iilnil.
J-'or l'"lr llolliii'M. n hl'-li!,- tini-lo ,1 r.univiiit;
heinilirully I'AIM'KIl in mi., nml liVliCH'i'
in i r. l ,-, win in neiit ; or i tyt: iioi.mii s wortli
ol' ."iil.-ii'li'l l,nr:iviii;rs .- i In) f.icctnd from tht
A cpy of the Cnlalogu
men of one of the Kiira
iitlino o tliis paper.
. topniher ilh li ciici'i
iii''", ctm he H'eii ut the
J or each Hollar rent,
worth that sum, and u (,'i
ly bo forwarded.
nn ErRrsvlng nclunlly
I'! Ticket, v ill iniiueilinln-
The Committee believing Hint the success nf
this tin hat National Fsin.itTAKisii will be mate
rially promoted by tho energy and cnt"rpri-nof
int. iligent and persevering; Agents, have resolved
to treat w ith suel, on the most liberal terms.
Any person w i-hi'ig to become tin Agent, by
sending ipost paid.) i'l, wn.i, iti:rt:tvi: it v nrrrnN
or Mill., a I .no Dollar Engraving, a "HI FT TIC
KET," a l'ros coins, a dialogue aud ull other ne
cessary inl .riiiatioii.
On the final completion of tho sale, the (lifts
w ill bo placed in the hands of a Committkk of the
lM iii ii vskiis to be msTitini:TKi),iliio notice ofwhit-li
will Im given throughout tho I'niied States and
tho Cumulus.
100 Marble basis of Washington, at $100
lot ('lav. 100
loo ' -Wch.-t-r, loo
100 " " Calhoun, 10(1
60 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid
g:lt Irnmes. sue i (net. each,
Kill elegant Oil Paintings, 2x:l ft. each 50
500 steel pinto Engravinu's, brilliant
ly colored in oil, rich gilt frnuius 10
2lx .'III inches, each,
10,000 elegant steei plate Engravings,
colored in oil. of tho 'uliinjti,i. 4
M'nitnii'ut, 2'l.2(l in., cn-di,
237,0101 Keel plate Engravings, from
DH) dill (Tent plates, no wiu posses
sion of, and owned by the Artists'
l i-.ion. of the market value of,
from ail els. to JI each,
1 lirst-ehiis Il..wc!lin;r, in. Slut it.,
New York City,
1- I. ml, ling lots in 101) A Hist sts.,
N. Y. eitv, each 2.1x1(10 ft. deep.
100 Villa Sites, containing each 10..
000 so. ft. in the suburbs of Now
Yotk City, and coiuin.-inding a
lo'igtlilieent view of the Hudson
l'.iver nn.l Long I -land Sound, at
20 perpjtU'.l loans of cash, without
interest or yecurii v, of S2.10 each
.10 " " '" 100 "
It") " " " Ml "
25 'I " " " c(l o
2,000 " " " S a
Hererence in regard to the Ileal
Vis. llKit A Co., Ileal E-tale ;,kn:
relate, F. .1.
-. New Vol ii.
orders, fpoit piiid,) v. ith iiioi.ey eiiiKis.-d, tj be
i d liessed, J. Y. Hi'iLUltoOKi:,
Feerctary, S0.1 liroadway, N. 1".
"1; 5..Tho KuiTiivingd in tlw catalogue are now
ready l .r delivery. " Aug. 9, 'J2. Cui.
L i) T T E I! ) .'.'!
(Br Aothoiutt op the Statu or Alabama.)
t 'mitbtrt' d on the Jiftrtttut jitun.
Class C To be Prawn on the JOlh of Sot.
4.000 !
8,0011 ;
l.jiHI j
1.1 CO ,
6,ouu 1
5 ofSVH'd
In all. fo'il p-ir.e
Tickets ilil
ti. n.
?, amori'.ting to :
Hall i s and (quarters
Every priz drawn at ci. h drawing.
Fi'ls on all solvent llai.ks taken at par.
'4.V1..AII comniunicatioas strietlv confidential.
SAMI EE SW AN, Agent i .Manager,'.niery, (A'a.,) Oct. 20, ISil.-ly.
l.adii satid (.ii,tl. nicii,
T HELIEVE it a pood maxim, that cu rv person
I .1. ,.t i .1, . .. i . . i .i ,
rT.t th.-v , ,1 1 , Vl 7- l . i- K .i
..,,. ,i ... . . , ,
most re.-pi'-,fi.liv im it'o all (ladies iu particular) to i " 'f 11 .' .,'"n lin ( Vork
ci.ll at 1 i. OI,,.,i-,n-.s store, and exauiino his ,rl '. 7u' '"crcaso the
,, r , ,, , ,,' .. sin-of the boot, or cnusc the foot to nppearunOdy.
1 id .,--o uu. nt of g Is tl.t ,,M,e cxeellid in , 1(,v e Mlrm,,y ,."t.le, as they
, ir' tfl Vl" . r ,f '". ' '"'r-' i eiereiso with comfort and hcalthV
of, U, Vl ;,; , ,', iTi i I 1""0""1n.l":,'"ly,1!s- Their expense i.. so light us to scarce
ol all descriptions!!!!'! pnecs. Ladies and Oentle- ! ,,.,...,. ,.'-,. ,,".,,:,., ,t
mill's gaiters, boys and girl's 1
.-noes aim gal-
tors. Chi'.'L-cn of ull ages can bo ace,, miniated.
June 21,151.
Valimhle Farm anil Timber Land for Mt.
rPlIE lubseriber offers for sale n valuable Farm,
X situate in Morris township, Clearfield countv,
ut.iiniiig l( acre.-iii.d allowance, with about
!i . . . .. . 1 . o .,,...'.
1 1 acres cleared, under g 1 rence and iu r.ucx-1 A.-k tho Factillv their opinion of their value as
cell, nt state of cultivation. Tho improvement . proi entii 0 for ( W., co.s, Jtronckitu, A-tthmtt,
are Inn t.oo.l lwelliug Houses, a M.-iblc and , r.i.iniimf.tiiin.
Large Earn, with two thriving Orchards. Said! Mf.ns' Sit.k, per pair, 3.1 cents.
1 arm is Hliiale on the road had ing from Phil-' Laii'Ks' do do .'10 do
ipsburg to Kybirtown. al oui one mile north of the J;, :i- & Missrs' do 2.1 do
Turnpike, uboi't 11 miles east of Clearfield. Norn .!. Frm tho P.etnil Prices wo make a
1 he M of wood land is covered with oak end very liberal allowance to Jobbers and Wholesalers,
while pine limber of superior quality. .0 that auv Mnrekeotur may make a fine profit on
..iM or further particulars apply to the snbsori-; , "v, liile they are an article that maybe
boron too tremises. An indisiiutablo liliowill.l: ni.f il, M,;'.',l"rn ,,,,.t,,r i.riv nlnv. nf n.,ii,,l
bo given.
Morris tp., Sept 2j, '04 pd lim.
I(HK) IU)OK A(;i'.TS vati:d,
TT) Canvass for tho ',et and mo t saleable
'..- ks publi-bed. They are written by the
111 -st popular Authors of the .lay, including iiaiong
others, T. S. Ai'.Tin n, of whose lat great work,
Ten Xi:Lls in n Ear-Koom,
10.000 coins bve been .,,1,1 .Ithin . mont), ..r
- "
(uoiiin,.. o.
Itieso Jii.Ks arc I'Cautiiu
illus'rnled, fmanv
of them with finely colored plates) and are printed j
and Im'UH'1 i. 1,0 Inst manner. ,
Agents will find a pleas-iiit and prefitulde em-1
'l n.eut in th. '.r cinulatiou. For particulars
ad.lre.s post paid.J
J. V.'. Hi! A I'LL V. htU,!i,r.
No. IS N 'r'h Fourth Street, Philafielphin.
Estate of Daniel Itrink, dic'd.
ETTEl'.S TcstntnentntT on the c.-tate of Dan
iel Prink, bite i f p,k' tow::.-l,ip, deceased.
having been i.-.-ued to tho subscriber, all pcrn
having any accounts rgaiu.-l the said deceased will
please present tb. ir liaims duly authenticated
nnd those who know themselves indebted to said
estate will make iinmodi.'ie fetlleiin i.t withL.
Jackson (.'runs, C'lenrfeld, Pa., or lhe Mih.-criber.
JAMES St'ENCE, Eiccutor.
Pike t'.wn-!,ii,, O.-t. le, is;. I. fd
Estate of Jarob, Deecuscd.
"VT0TICK is hereby given that letter of 1
J. i'tration on the esl-iteof J ACOU HI KNSI1110
ot I iiiou tuaii.-hip. dix'd., haveindoe form of law
been gt anted to the subscriber. All person in
debt d will make iintiie liat psyuieiit, and those
haiii g elaiins will present thorn proparly autben
ticaled for si-ub m. nt.
JOHN L. CUTTLE, Administrator.
oi-K,. Isit.M;!.
ji" h of (). I",
bf Oih'tKIE, No. UN, meets in the
howeveV '"nFon House, Clearfield;
I gl't llolJ Of. ) J
1 'J. J'A t MmI .v,.: .,i,..i,. ..i ii,.- .,.,' .. . i.e. ..,.
1 A)' V'-." t llii'i in, r im i-.n ' ' '" . .,,, I I
I I'l. i
'! mull",
'.I" li
on 0"
1 1 ii
,r I ,
l-.-.f .! '.
,. -t iiii'"
iii lining
Mll-J fit I.. ...,-,.,
M II.1.IAM VOl'Xtl, M. 1. i
1 , . . r..,l ... .n .,.1 ,. .1 I.. ''..,! ,. e,,.,V of
tho' .F.SCl l.Al'irS to bis ,!,il l. It 1.0:., sale
him from un early grave. 1 ' t no vming 1111111 or
enter Into the l-eerel' ,-litMlt. ot ll'lli riml
I i to wiiinmt rmiiiiiig
1'ocKl.T .E.-'CI 1.ITI
.,l no on
nff' ring fi mo 11 bin killed (
ill the Sid", lestln's rifl.t , III -villi fnelil.!", Illnl
tho whole I:, iii of l',vs'ep;ieB..,stions, and given
up by their 1 ' . -i..i.s, I,,' on., tiler lll'.loellt ilh
oi t 'on.-iili.tig' li"1 -i Si 'I' I, A I'l I S. lla.e t'-e
uian'b'il, or tlneo iibout to bo liuirried tiny inipedi-
inei.U r 'li.l this truly us-fnl I k, ns it, has be .1
tha means ot sinii'g thuii .iml-i of unfortunate
creatures from tho very juw.- ot'd. aih.
.:..Any person si-n fg tw i:TV-l'tvii ci'Vtm
enclosed iu a letter, will receive nno copy of this
work by mail, or w ill bo neat for 0.i:
Addrers, fpo.f paid.) Mt. W.M. VOfXH,
.No. 102 Sjirueo Street, l'liiludelpbta,
July 12, Jy.
n Y U E A N A.
Ilrmi:ilt Hum - in llir W of the .Vlllbm.
AWiiM.inn 1. Disiovniiv has recenlly been
1'iadu l y lr. Curtis, of this city, in the treat
ment of Ccnsuinnlion, Astlitiiaaud ull do-oases of
the l.ung. rotor to 'Dr.lurtts Hyireana.or
liibaliiig Hvgenti Vapor and Cherry Svrnp."
With this new method Dr. C. has. restored liiuiiy
ulliieted ones to perfect health ; ua un cvidutu-o of
which ho has iiiniinieral.le cerlifieales. S' .'ukiug
of the treatnicnt, a physieinii reiionks: It is evi
dent that inhaling constantly breathing an agree
able, healing Mi or tho Medicinal properties lou. t
com,' in direct contact with tho whole of the arial
ci, ii v of the lungs, mid thus esotip" tho tunny and
varied changes produced upon them whrii intro
duced into the stoma, h, iimi subjected to the pro
cess of digestion. The Hygennu is lor talc ut ull
the drngginla' throughout tho country.
A'. 1'. JJiitrhmnUf of Jan, 11.
TLe Inhaler is worn on tho bren.-t wider the
linen without the b ast inconvenience the heat of
the body being suliieient to evaporate tho fluid.
Hundreds of CASES of Ct1 KES like tho follow
ing might bo named. Ono Puikuge of Hygouiia j
lias i-uicu no oi 1110 iir'iii-UA 01 iii years siuuu
Jit. '. AV(?crrv, P. Jf. Ibinrtiimnn, J'a.
I nm cured of the ASTHMA of 10 Jeiirs f taud
ing by Dr. Curtis' llyg. ana.
Nttrtjitt rt -lotion, lirtinklin, .V. 1'.
Mrs. Paul of No. 5, Maminond St., N. , mt.
cured of a sei orecuse of llronehitis by the Hygoana.
My si-tor has been cured of a PISTUESSlNli
COCO II nf several years standing, and decided to
be incurable, by her Physicians.
She was t ):i:i in jiontii by tho Ilvgonna.
. o'.i'.'A. , j: m., yiViuwi',, Mi.
Priro three rl. .liars a Pucknge. Sold bv CCIt
TIS .V PK It KINS liOYD A PAL I. No. 1 1'.)
Cliaiubers street, N. Y. 1 Packages tent free by
express to any part of the l.'nited States for it 10.
N. I!. Dr. Curtis' Hvgeni-a is tho OEKilNAE
,ind ONIA (il'.N CINE AHTlCI.K. all others are
base iniifitioiis or vile und INJI 'Klfcn counter
feits. Shun lUcia mi you would POISON.
Sept. 25, '.It. ly.
rt:r. hyihoma(.i.,
.V'lM,ir-r. by HAItrOI ItT, P.RAl.I.EV A Co., I 1
Mnrkft trrrt, Mttn-hcHtert A'iotiw..
Principal Warehouse, 102, Cliatjultlc,
J.tiini.n, J-'iitltiitil.
American Establishments, 38 Ann ttrcrt & 102
A'os.,r,i Htrcct, A'. 1'.
discovery for!
Tim llydromagen is a valuable
li U "f..dl IIJ ...
protecting the feet from damp or cold, and there-' and Drops, lira volet, Finger Pings, fine Hold Pans,
fore a preventive of ninny Lung diseases, vithoiit ' and Pencils, Hold Watch Chains, .Silver Tea and
mi' tb.t t, irt 'tiuj irlmtir r. The Hydroniagen in in Tiiblo Spoons, Putkr Knives, Suar Tongs, and
the foiui of u solo, and worn inside tho boot or ; Thimbles, ladies' f;ue Card Cases, Port M"nios,
time. Its tm TiftitiU character is a p .wilful unti-, Silvir J'ntmt Krrrr Hunting Cwie Vntrhr, from
dote to disease. $25 to $2S ; (tmi Front Ih tatrlitd l.trrr. from $14
F .r (ieiitleiuen it will be found ngrecnble, warm, I to $20 ; innun, from 10 to $15; fine Light Day
and healthy, to wear in tho coldest or rainiest j Wutt hm, from StoJIO; fine tiutd Wutvhft, f .10
weather, as the foot cannot berime wet if the lly-, to if 10. All of which he will warrant for porfeel
dromntren is inserted. Ladies may wear the light-1 time-keepors. Also, a large assortment of Speeta
ost soled boots and shoes in the most inclement i rles, Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Guard Chains, Pen
Weathor witli impunity; ahtlo Consumption, (o i knives, Pocket Hooks, Ac.
prevalent among the young of our country, may , CLOCKS eight-day and thirty hour Clocks,
l.e thwarted by their general adoption. They en-' fino small.'spriiig Clocks, thirty hourand oight-df T ;
tirely wycrwu nrer-nhnct, as tlie latter cause tho
, 1 " l,l'r'l"re "" ;
I l.esnles, are rod dangerous wear to pedestnuns iu
toot to perspire iu a very ur.liealihy manner ; anil,
i'T weather, like India rubbers. While tho latter
i.iosi) ioo i-ei i,i ai, exiroineiv large, me ny-
.i. . .i.,.
! . ,., , ,,,. , ... -,.. ....... . , . ,
- "" n 'J "-
thf. i I.i.
As tin' Hvdromagen is loccning more known.
it .-ale is increasing loan almost incredible extent, umoon-u wiiu imo, i opinr, . nerry, vnes
Last year in London, Manchester, Hirminghain, nut ,lUl other tinih. r. Tho laud lies well and is
l.;v,.r,,'il i:i.K,.n i ..,.. 1 1., i.i ,,ij a ni- all su'cepti hip of cul t i in t i on not more than five
,.r,,, Hamburgh, und Heriiu, our sales reached
I 73" l.,0 nairs of Cork Soles This vearthe nuoi-
. l, .r . ill (.. .,.r,..u. H,.i
. . . . ' -
For terms, aridv t
US Aim struct, New Vork.
ept. :
1 s.M..
V HOI, I 11.11 I1I1TAII..
W. J. "ii. Act.
AVl.Vii increased facilities and exten-
sale A lleto l business. I mo now prepared to offer
t tin iiiitiliii . ifi'not:il n - jinn mi'nf nf tan li miilu.
' , T . .. . . .. '
: mi' lor uio cuuiurj 11 11. ..wo lor
Tii" stock comprises a general nrsnrtmcnt cf
Drv Ooo'ls.
t l.,;i,ii.g,,
Hilts ,1 c...;,
Carpi ting. Oil-cloth.
M ill Saws, but intike,
0,1, .inc.
Carpel Chain.
Finer, Or.iin. .t c.
O.Ufll.Sn: i',
Hoots A Slums,
Steel. Strap-iron,
Carpenter' loois,
live Mors,
C.ible, 1: ti,
Arcade buildings,
Fili, fonle, Sel l. It',, 1N,4.
MT Altl't I'll.
HE splendid ft.w-k of Cloth--. Cnsimercs, A est-;
intr. Triiiiinitifc-s, A,', recently porch. ued bv,
th" si, I.m-i iior, which ho will sell or make up to or-(
,l..r ... ll,.. ,., ..I f -,.,1..a .,,,.1 .lor.Ole ,,,, ...r '
.Ibis store in .!,.',. )!,. Tl at, ,il I. ml .ls'
rr. I..1 ' .l.r'. f..r lioio,. I's I .lif,.!1
! and ehnap "' U. " .
1' Ho would inform the trade in Clearfield that l.e !
iis tho ri-jthonred agent f,.r Dm nr.-'s London and!
! Paris Fashion..
I Clearfield. July 3, Dj4.
f 1ST received, a large and splendid assortment
I of lii.iuDS of almost every desciiption suita
ble tor tne season, and leiling on at Tory low pi
c. I.a.l,e and lit ntlemen. nnd every in.rson
wishing to buy giMHk nt the InKmt iin'.rt, are res-j.
pectfully iuvited to call and cxainiuo.
roduee of all kinds received in cTcbange for
oil. V'M. P. IHWIN.
It. 2. Wl.-y
Ml' I ill.. I
m mm ( n rrn, Hurt . . n..
'I u. IM 1 I I.I T A
li "I'l I' IH l,H
iii.I I nt'.i i ,'n i
It I ..,f I ',. t.f
.,7, v-
'1 ' ni, 1 o ii liO 'ii, ii k r,-r-
"I I "inl.i I lliic Inaitul illwn.
"'" ln:i, A ih mil, Con ir li, t.'olli'.
.I i
nn f
vl Ihe I . ii -v hi, Ii in i, .
I ' "1 'i ' i, .,,! I,.
1 M '
il i
..... 1:1 I 111,' 1. lll'llll , cluing,.. ,.(' our ' lilllllln.
" I III) I'lot.:. lor," allll' llKh I'llt ri'Cnlllly 'i"'ri (I'.l-
ol into Am. ' i' ii i- in .i! I,,-, ti.i lil j r.M'r. ti.r...,i-li
llm I'liil'M
I lmlin
e I iillil'l I,-, ,-ol.tJ, A,,., ,:,
It Im-- I' r ll long tine be, 11
11 "'"l1"
:ii'i Id.- in En
l- 1 1 1 1 ' I uud on the contiui nt t'
' I
"li.ieit liii'i .o. 'i in ii.jI.j e.i Lj
n .1 ' f nil Hill' In of linss.
.i.'ti-ii. lo tl'n f.mts e,.,lro of any V.uft
Inci in v .or vleitntv of bis knonledeo of
1 O II
F-!i re,
the I ' no: eial il'.tts of w, nnngtho l'roteet .rmf.'i
:.'.'iv. ,..-1 ,1... t,-,j f ,,y hin.l. The r.. t of
jw, aril." thorn 11 nicies is n I'.ere trille. and ono will
'last S'.iiio ears. one w bo nines tho health of
imn.-.'lf or i.i.- f. inily will b" without thiol. Tho
Hospitals In thi.- eo'i:ilry ,n-e not nb, 11,1 reeonnufn
1 ding them, but rap' ll.viiitrodiicirigtl.ein. llnrcniirt,
I llni.lley A Co., ol l.niuloti, uml Mtmehcster, Kng
i inn I, ere originall entrusl' d w ith tho tioinuluo-
liiro of the Protectory, by the lamented Dr. Cooi..r,
; Mid continue to ii.aiitif'.iettire according to ,,'
I i'i,o( instructions, ni"l thcreforo reeouiincnd thomi
j who Wol!. l v.onr "Til,., i'loti.'l'tolr," ti) SCO to thuir
1 beii.g genuine.
H"'i,. ::'n.- l!:i.i is a f tap'o n-tielo, und no Patent
I .Medicine.
j 1!i:tam, Pni. ,; '.:!, nt'j cizo, $1,50 eneh. l.a
, dies' tie, $ 1,00 eneh. llov.-'and Mises pi.'.e, 7oeU.
IIS Ann St. k 102 .Nassau St. New Y' rlt, L'. fl.
Principal War. loiuse, Ju2 Wood Si., CheapsiJo,
I,0,.,b,n. .Mmitifactory, 4 1 Market utreot, Jluncheii
tor, l-.nghintl.
II. II. A Co. arj e lalilishing Depots fur the salo
of "The Protector" in all purls of America. Phys
icians, Surgeon.,, Druggist.-., C'"thi"rs, Dry Goods
Merchants, Hatters and Milliners, nl.'o Oentbj
iiiit.s' Fiinii-aing Storo-Keopers ar entrusted
with I in wholes,. io ui.'l letail distribution of thein,
and to whom most liberal terms nro offered for
their enterprise, and a sd -ndid opportunity openj
to thein lor sale and profitable but.inos.
For terms, apply to
US Aim street, New-York, Tj. B.
Sept. 25, 1S3-1. :Jui.
The CItarfield Acadrmy
I In meeting of (he Hoard of Trustees Angnst
1. 24tl
24th, l..W, tho following ratea and torran
were luloj.tod, viz:
f'l SO per quarter for each scholar learning Or
thograpliy, ltoadin'j, Writing Davie's Primary
Arithmetic, and first les'ons in UeotnjTiy.
$.1 OO per iitnrtcr fur each echolur purnuiug othor
English utudios.
OO per iuarter fir each scholar learning Lat
in and Greok or either, with or without Euglbth
$5 Ol) per iuartor for French oxtra.
No deduction made from I Hid except In oasei cj
l.rotriieted illness.
Tim f.rtt quarter Coinmerrcos on tho 4'4 Arjr of
St itt i,.U .-, and will cud on the tdtk of A'uo.,
follow ihg.
The nl.ovo Tntilti(ion is now fully orgnrizid with
male and female Departments under the chargo of
'.Mr. und Mis. Campbell.
j The Trustees having procure! competent ami
experienced Teachers, nr.; havini; put tho rate" of
j tuition very low compared vitit timilar ehooIii,
eonlidcntly reeoiniuend tun Academy to th pat
ronago of the public. .
HTCIIAIID SHAW, Trcf'tof the Bowl.
J. B. M'EttAl t.v, Secretary.
Cleartiel.l, August 80, lt51.
POIH'.KT it.,
ceivoil from New Y'ork and i'hilidilphla, a
largonnd -plendi'l assortinont of JEWELKY' con
sisting of Ladies' (iobl lireastpins, Mourning Pins,
Cull' Pins, Pibhon pins. Also, Uentlouion'B One
Hold Pins, of dill'eriut shapes und sizes, fino Hold
Ear Ring Prop, Lite style of Jenny I.ind r-.ii.t3
.Musical Instruments., und a groat variety of aril-
1 flea to
i"ner')U! io minuon, as usuany aopi ny
: jewellers. All the above mentioned artirls wnr-
I ranted good
, and will be aold nt tho lowest profit.
I hut Ilia are lli.A. J?.? Watches, Clocks, aud
1 Jewelr.v- Mnt, uud warranted for ono
: year. July 19, 1S59.
fnm, of Thomas Martin, situate Iu the best
I fuming portion of tho county, within one
I nulo of Pennsvillc. and the turm.ik, rimnins t.,
Tyrone, is for sale. The farm has in it KHi acres.
cue half of which is under good fence, and is in n
go.n! state of cultivation. The buhiuco is well
n,T,'s '"'ing broken or hilly. 1 1 acres of the land
i meudoW, and aboul i acres more is S'lilable
1 f. . 1 i, . r ...1 .1. 1. ... .1, , .1 .. -
for mcidow all of w hich can bo well watered, aa
there is an abundance of wut-r on the pre;iii;is.
There isaSAW-MiLL wi.binf'O rods of the pbic",
and nnotlier within one mile. Tho distance to
Hell's landing 011 lhe river is ;:b:.ul 4 miles.
The i:ii'r"vements arc o t.,ut.',t ami flam,
Tltrrsltiiti ftntir nttU out In: tttlito: There 1 else, n
yniiii.j I.. uritt'i nrrliartl n the pl:,ce in which iill
be found choice rrafted apple.-, pears, peacbeaand
other fruits.
The title is Indi pntaldn nn.l the property 'ill 1 "
sold low and on neooinniodating tonus in tiie own
er has made arrangements to ingujjoiu business
elM'whcre. For terms a plv to
L. J. CLANS, (Tec.rDeld, Pa.
pnptemher 1", Jifal. If.
stum: ivaki: mam fai rony.
UK subscribers rosi'oetfiilly announce to tho
citizens of Clearfield cualv, nnd the public
geioiailv. t''"t tiny nro now nianiilacliinng tho
host tif'STtlXR VMIK rror t.-ith, rfh-ir.t. and
; j.ropiirod to fitrn'uh all article In thur linocqcal
. , .... .. i 1 i. . j .. . 1.1,
" ".aouic.u.ia ciso,. i.e. e, aim ou r, :.,,,:,-
I iV'ocf Pipe CnHon enr.stant'y o. hand.
' Abo, Stone Hoi, r (VomjioVs In
! or. f
irdnrs promptly nltende.1 t", r.nd A LboriJ di
count maiio to wholesale purchaser.
M. .1. poiitei:,
Aug. 2.1. lR5l.-tf (i. W. P.'iltTI.i:.
order of the' Court of Clearfield
I )
county, that HOI S!. and LOT,
til th" f purtonanocs, lately oeciit. in. 1 bv .Mrs.
Ediih Mvling, sitii'iie in the villatto of ' ('ftl,"
better known ns Smith's Mill -, in Woodward town
ship, Cienrfield county, ur.d ktn wii ill (he plan of
said I. .un a' Lot No. 14. will l.e sold 1. i. PI'i.I
liMl'i 1 , in.'n lhe premises, oil Sttturt'.ny the
i ''".' ' .Vorea.6
''' '1 ' "'-' OliC-ha!f
h iu hand, cud ouo-
hglf in one y-ar.
pt. LS.M. Is.
h.k xnicr-
7E lhe snhserlhe in'ei d to iioiko application
lolcr nc.t begi. laturoM iticionim-'iiweann
f Pennsylvania, for an act of Assembly t" tncurpo-
raio a l'linking C unpn y, with Hankin? and dia.
eounting privileges, to be culled IliO "Ciniirfiobl
Hank," and located at the borough or Cleaj-field,
with a c:Ul rtoekof f lOO.I.'io. ,
A. K. W.-.gii;, C. Kr..'.er, J-:i!i Iivl.i.J. V. We.
' ver, .loini I'ait n. .1. . nr.ui, .1. 11. n . r.nuii.v,
'as. T. Leonard, Kicliard Shaw, J,,. L. Onihnm,
Jonathan Kovnton.
June 2i, lH Vl.-Om.
iW-The Hnrrlsburfr IVIon, will pnl.liali th
above on iiionlh, and tend t ill to this office.