Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 08, 1854, Image 2

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    .' 'ii i i.r i,
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'I'lif- Ftmitv l.ip Arcl. i fir.
III It I' i
Ami. ii"'M tir', Inn' nil' r lorn' I ti 1 1 T , r. ntin j;i PIhI.kIi Ipl.i, Urn Yoik en
lie I inv'-'iil, Ini
i i .'.I, nrul . oi.l.l Ir, in 'I ('' iwi!ln ine", i h ire- d w iili i'i) hn i m'i I . -nl 1'
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hi l'.r Vi .r nihil v tr ntl,lnt ,j (t'.li of 1 t n ii, V.j x,
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'I ' I' ."I:'. P-I I t i,' I . I i .-l
lien. I. .1 j,; .'. : i i, . l,i uraii' I i.
periul 1. 1 v . r i I ii. ,i,'., Ir.t i ,'m.I .in
(I'tl-'l-t'l'iotr:! i ;h' of I'M. l! (:)? ...
ln li'i:s, ! i; never vm'.!,1 r ii,.
,n V i
lii" v.te 1 1 R. upturn Ww-h I'.rmlinnl. committing n gmi outinge inn ynng mil) m i i, i i . . r t ni f " in n In' on to tl,i Fit.toM CiriKr
Many of IV in n knew m re Imn't Mid 1 m ,! y In whom ho hd ndniiiiioereil ilu r prinsi 1 1 the nr is the nniii'inn'i mi i,t
v. il 1 1' nu n, vli w were sorry to that fche might have n 1 1 I r.n-Ifil. ilmt hcimh.i r :n lit of tvl.;i'i'pol
en iiisV.I? Tin answer f received I lis ( took place lnsl week nml reunited rommi nml on tin lUth ultimo, iVoin I.'
hundred pieces of hem nrlilli-rv.
I in thn rxis.
.- A it'"ero
i i"'roliii,!:ilii iisic(irrplf,n
( )ri!,s n 1 1 r i L 1 1 - s Ii" m tm n.
ili.'.i.M) i'l' )Vi 'c irli"iitntn1 ri iliyi-.l Horiciv
Tim ra-Di'rrliirnii.uiiif I'm Ih'Iu I bc-cotti'n
... i: I'MV , i- .--('. lunfrr ll,'l
n Cu-1. nf l'ull nn 1 1 win? v.uilirs wn.- in n rrnviction. (win;; to i!i' position
U. wliich lie pinj OM S to knI ,llliVI """ '" ,: l,:!"l;"r.N vol.' wnnlj not in ii"H nuniii mm pro.-utnx in sonciy lirpntls Imvu ul.v lcrn rurnlntr.I in n ( hriMmn pfoj lc.
l'crsnrn ttiMi,)!.. to nuivlmso! ,"' '"H "","H in llm Male. WcMiuillio liniinnsnr i.f tho rlinro nml the Vifimri, Pari oml IMi!nn, of llic f.ill of. 'I hid Alini-lily nn'l nifiomt Cod lm
In fill I rl,,l ( Mnnilir Sicirk.
!' tlidl in i.
. n V
i'l or ( l:"s i.i'
i vrry I'lirnp,
will do H!
Powell, kri d v Wiumt, IiiuouIno ri
ifh, Inr tiiii'-i' in-'.r. Il wiii inniiiiiiiirceivoil ilicir supply of new jhxhIs, wliicli
It ..M'
tin! Ii ;;ul S'.inl iii'.Kil ri'.Siij
t.uli citi.rli lii I'l-pinJ .ipon llis own liu'i
; is lnronnil well sclceii'il, nml lin y nro now
I IlftXin mil I. i I'ni'rii.K ,A. m.iiiI,. n .
it 'iiii.l.l..';lii.ns ll-f .,:i-.! nn-! lioimr. 1 , ,m
Tin; il.ii "r!;r-, sni.l Mi'. )'., that i,c!,vlln vcry necessary article nt reuhonaLli'
riili'iit of l.ii i!i is to ili'lermino tho ri"lits I riles.
nnl ovnir!u'i'!.M'l'rii Ametifnn citioii to Jns, ' I.onarJ, AiWr.oflho rstnto ol'i''l',c rlamty of at least i"0,()(U for lirml
itconM not ri-nrh 10,Cii. In I'.rn.lforJ nl.ililv ilisplnyeil l,v tlm eounsel in tho tri- SelmMo,.,,!, nml lan-e Fto.-k o...'ra!ions ""'!,1!-v ," ,"HS' '1 T . omr,'onMf'"l'" find
i .i i, . . ii , . ,. ' , . , - , li'T iiiliuliitni:;s uurin" tno vrar that liai '
lowjisliip, tluj IMiiorntic sprakcm pro. jal ol tho cauio, inucli inli'.-cst was loll in wcro in ule on llio faith of t lie Ktntnnirnt, ,tc0S(.j
clainu J fniiii the stnnij) that it roulil not'tlin result, unci wo learn lliat whilst many but the public wrro slow to belie c. ' An hiimblo orl:nowlej"omcnt of IJ:t
rcadi ,',OUi. 'I'll.; , inaJe nrr.uifjc look upon iho verJirt ns ripht, olbcra ccn- An luKni.eo in tho grain rnarkrt bail poodness und mercy, nn nn open mtioi.
incuts to keep the Natives nway from our 'sure tho jury for their limling. After read- taken place. I testation of gralilu.l'j to Him, U ail act of
meeting by railing n "Native meeting" on ing the evidence in the cause we ore not Now of importance may be looked forMO,"n ;,n""'"l'y becoming u pcnplo o
., .i, rr; t. f.i,.ii'.....i. ....... . . imn.y lavoreo.
I'hc blessing of peace Ho has bestowtj
the same night, ami there assuring them
..... .. . . .... i i.. i. ... .... .i
ui Willi lu nun i" 1 1 w.i l in ll 'ill' i.., i lin.i'll- i , i I, , , ,,. .
.. i'i. i'-.- It'avid Hoover, deceased, olers fur
ngrerablv to the Constitution, are entitled
to like benefits, rights, privileges, und im
munities; nml, for one, be denied llie jus
tice of nil ntrcmpts, cither by the power of
secret combinations or by laws, to restrict
or withdraw these blessings and liberties
us to particular citiz'.-ns. The proposition,
snid Mr, R., is unjust, illegitimate, and
revolutionary, nml he was at a loss to un.
derstand how any one making pretensions
to Christianity could countenance so great
n wrong. 'The acceptance of our condi
tions by the people of other countries made
n covenant which we have no moral or
political right to break, and which the gov
crr.merit is hound to maintain. The savage
rule, that might makes right, and that on
ly, can bu mado to reach the object of this
new organization. Rut cert'ainlv such doe
trincs arc not to be countenanced in our
enlightened nge. Wo native-born citizens
have no more right to combine together to
lake nway the civil rights of adopted cit
iz"ns than wo hnvc to take away their
goods nnd chattels.
The obligations made (y our forefathers
thould be laithfullv observed; the faith of
the nation as plighted in tho constitution
Bhould never, and he trusted nnd believed
never could bo violated. The only legit
imate inquiry on this subject, said Mr. 1!.,
must have reference to the future. A prop
osition to change the conditions on which
the people of other countries shall here
nftcr become American citizens is n fair
subject for discussion and inquiry. How.
ever much we may dilfor in opinion as to
the necessity for n change in our natural
ization laws, no complaint can be justly
made that the question has leen presented.
Such n proposition could work no wrong
to either tho nattvo or foreign lorn citizen
Thoso who affect to believe that our
country is being harmed nnd our institu
ulo a
valuable tract of land.
T. C. Davis, Cubinct-Makcr, has opened
a bhop in Lumber city, nnd is prepared to
do up all work in his lino.
ford in ihc fc'tule. U ho were correct?
Who foretold the hanmin mid salo cor-
surprised that the friends of tho defendant bv the next arrival.
an l prosecutrix difier in their views in re
card lo the correctness of the verdict, nnd
had tho mailer rested there, wo tdiould as
redly? We leave our friends to answer, conductors of a paper been satisfied with
Tho same course was pursued in other 'chronicling the fact of Dr. Rcales convic
parts of the county and wo appcnl to the, lion. Rut we find that the press arc dis-
Therois a stray huilli r nt the premises ;cluc,in returns to show, more plainly than mussing the correctness of the verdict, nnd
worua can portray it, me oaso uecepiioir one oi our exciiungea in couiuieiiuug on
used. Wo know thai i; was deception on the evidence says:
the part of the knowing-ones, and that our
of David MichaeU which the owner can
havo when called for.
Ki7,(M!l :
Wo rejoice to record tho abovo figures,
AI'iiT nu ll n i-rilict nn ni.'in m enf... That
03" A woddiiig'party left town on Tues-! ui,on ,l3- lir relations with all other
i . c m r . i ; JStntes nro most nmicr.blr, end the tumult
dav morning, for Rel'.efontc, nnd weun-i ... . .,-f i .
, 'Of internal strife has not been beard in our
derstand were to bo married ihc samc,;,. All tho great interest of tho pen
evening nt the laHcr place. The day was plo have been eminently prcrpcrous, c.t
cold nnd uncomfortable for tho happy pairrcept only the agricultural, which, in pans
but we hope the chilling blasts or the Al- 'of ,ho Stalc' 1,as 'ndfnm tho drought,
i , . . , , .i i With the exception ol n few communi-
legheny mountain would on v make them'.- . ,-. , ' . ...,,. ,, ,,
" : ties wbiea claim our svmpnlliies., the bles-
more resolutely determined upon their pur- ;, 0f hr.-.Ith have prevailed. Our in-'
pose. Jlicy left in a 1. no coach, tho "pti- stitutions of government have been per-
n jury hh. iii'l ii rr t.. . rnn. .nn.-.. him piiiiy itu-l in vate property" of our gentlemanly und pelua'ed, anu civil and religious liberty en-
tr Stnrr,,,..!
lion nnd Christianity lias been adrnucod
JJcmocratic friends woio only misled by , n. ,, Im-.iiii ,- .,.',il m .......-. f 1,neirnn .,, ' .' ioved by the people. The causo ofeduca
nt i -v.-ii iii t'li'ii- mju.l Cu" r.i.--.. wns lml i-l'il)- o'"o '"""""""i "" j.xii..i r,. i . , i
arts nnd sciences havo progressed
Cii.)i lion iiMtiiiin XV.-. f.n.l t 1 I AKAo't
and wc rejoice more to kiie-w that our , , , . :'. l"''1vl "! "'" "r,".ll7 '"J '"11"1 M-11''1 ' I'-vans, called the "ivw; IVcc," nnd 1
have been opened, and that thev will no , 'o" "" liu-li mny l.e In ivun.-r hhhIl. f . . , . , ... . i-" 1,10
votes were contributed towards swelling , ,,, , , - . .-. . i tii rrin.-ii'l.' tin..-. imMily cftuhii.-ln-d." : men is ui'.vays on nanit tor occasions ol ; nnj t)ie mora end rhvsicnl condition of
s iuuui iiil- nan m such uiinsieia. i ... . .1 .. I I ti i . . , ,
To do so Ihc have uband icd a art ' 11 0ur -V t0 Prolc!!t nf;ainst tliat kini1- i he coach is a very nice one, j lb.: couutry been unproved.
oio so ic inc a an one a pai y, attacking tho verdict of go(J team, und if "Sam" went, The devastations or war, which arts now
that never deceived them that ulways .- J . - -,, , .,, so aorclv afllictin" tho neotile of Kurone
, ,. .,, . . , ,'ajurv. It is not contended on the pnrt of himself wo will guarantee that thev will' ., -v n '"'"'o i"o reopitoi Europe
met them with nn honesty of purpose, and , , 1 , . ; .be desolations of fammo and the rava-
upon the platform of political equality.-!1''0 ' ndant that he had bo safely landed at their destinat.on. jges ofpestilence, have not been permitted
Wo invite them back to tho folds of their!" " l"aurJ Vu'v 01 OCrFlour is advancing in Pittsburgh.-: lu 'u 'r . j . . Vom"w"'-.
to tho walks of political :"CreU 011 '"S P" w "ce.vea by tnc Tho latest BCCOufcts (Vorn tl)Cre quotCU.i - o u u less.ngs are e gui
01 poll.cni Courtu.,lilslcvidcn(.oofllrocll .lhcCom.' nndovtr, , tta,ILnI-0Ur dVUt thBnk
we use argument with in- ptrtine nt W., .. to .SJ.OO, nnd extra family Ril0Uy be offered. Under tho solemn con-
telligent men, to convince them of the " ""LU"" ,u,l'u uuu 1 lJUSU wd' 8' at SJ.OO to y.W. Ry the by the ex.: victions of duty, thereforr, and conforn.i-
them eed ' ""iiiageu men oi mo i.esi icgai ami- tra S111,erf;ne is a great humbug. If they v writ the wishes of many good citizen.,
the number of ono hundred and si.My-scv.
en thousand Democrats in Pennsylvania
who voted for Gov. Rigler. In our defeat
it is consoling to find ourselves, with such
a number ortrucand tried men, whocould
neither be cajoled, intimidated or purchas-
- i
ii in , ... i"lu ran, uiiu
cd t V liat a glorious, company, nnd with I lonos(v -C(,j
wnat priuc we may loast ol it. ihey
folll'bt tlOt for vielin- Tnr llir.,t ,nl,l
. . ' l"fiiiil nlnv" nnnn
closo their eyes to the dangers before them. ' ' ity lmving been employed on each side. 1 u.rrn . r.ii pr,rn.rn:,r,n nri,i vr jnr!. i I, William Rigler, Governor of the Com-
e ieier uiem io uiu reiurns oi uic cicc- . , . , . . , i " " ' ' 1 mr i, I. r t i i ,
tion which nil have Been. Figure, arc'1 1,0 J"ry WM fair J .""i' one.- thcy woulJ como noarer lI)0 mark 0jr , J"S2v!fSl
stubborn things, and in tbisinstance make Ju'lg d,nrt;d !,c jur-v tl,at lf )hc' . dealers in purchasing are deceived by the ut, nsTdaVof wnoral' YhakJSi
uP a sorry record ? Here thcy arc ! Reni. 'd nn' rca!0,lubK doubt of ,hc Ul't. of mark. It is strange that such Bti-ff will , ing and Praise throughout th- State, and
Rush Rradford
2.11 1
tln M'lilpnrn tnwl itttrlnr ll.r.ti wrkKiwr Millie
ceived IS.', within n fraction of one tenth! , , T - Uc orc
turn iiiry uau na rciihonuuiu cojui oi ins ltisj-n
gum ana inerciorc reiurncu a verdict oi TnC" ji:i r..,iji-.v Um.
i.-j"vvif uuu u mill, ikuuitU ul iiicii. ''"'j;?.
They did not contend for the spoil of of
fiec because our party already possessed
them. Rut they marched forward to a
ficrco nnd fearful contest, contending with
tho angry elements ofn turbulent opposi
tion at every step, with no other mo;ivc
than the perpetuation of Democratic Rc-j
publican principles. Religious bigotry and j
superstition ; tho seuuctivo artifices of ab
olitionism ; tnc flattery and promises of
tho Whig party, nil fell alike unheeded up
on them. Feeling that they wrro really
the honored, nnd true "Sons of the Sires
of '70," thcy felt as happy in contending
for 2'incij)lct as cur enemies did in their
nrry record 7 Here thcy arc ! Reni J n ,marx. n is .sirange mat sucn s:e win ing an.l fratse throughout tin State, and
Van-ford received in the entire State , 1,10 I,risonrr' lat lliey must acquit him. pass inspccllon, nnd be distributed over 'carnostTr imploro the people, that sotting
votes! I,. Clearfield county ho re! !Th JUr ,vh WCr juJfiCS f "1C ll,R countr'- U tlicre no rcrncJ.v ' 'l" Vy !"f? a lbat da.v'.tLpy
afraid that what flour wo "et from oif,r. .. j . j j
e Cod lor Ins past goodness and mercy, ani
gh is inspected by the "Whiskey beseech Him for a continuance of his ble-
of his whole vote. In Clearfield RorouHi
ho received !31 votes in Rradford 51, and
: so on.
, . , guilty but recommended tho prisoner to
It is humiliating to sec that in al- ' , , , . ' , , i
most every other county the "Whig trick" .
The Onnr.a or Rf.d-.Mex. Where
: Given under mv hand end tho Great Sel
tho mercv ofthe court. It is arfrucd that
..... i,:.. i j... . r .i !-.- i
. a .i , . r.i . .t 1 "on mis uiuei e:n uiu uuy ui lii': e eeiiiii .
,';.-n,,i ri ,,- , i , , ' the rccommeridation of the prisoner to the i
was uiscovcred, nnd Rradlord nbandoncd ... - - , Our "natives" were informed before the
muic v inu cuuri miow s inni in ujc minus
r.t t t i v , election that there was such an order, and i
It shows no such lli ii
while our more confiding people allowed
themselves to be betrayed into the camp i
of tho enemy ? Where aro the promised
If they so thought,
of lbs State, at Ilarrisburg, this twenty
eighth day of October, in tho year of
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred
and Cfiy-four, and of tho Commonwealth
that thev wero as immerous ns the "frocs : l'-c P - -
liY THE jOV1:k-OR, A. liLilK,
thousands for Rradford in Philadelphia, -itwa" lheIr dullJ toa"JuiL Tho defendant
of I-'trvpt," r.nd would all vote for Rrad
..... ... ... r.v.,ua ,u. .-u.u,u in i..,.aue,pi,m,, , " ,. , lord! '1 hoy must have b-cn Uwjmn. '
lions eninngoreo OV ine intlUX Ot lorcrn r ; ' ' Lnnmslr-r. Sr.b..v1L!!l Allr.lin- l!...n, ireutu umuug uiner ii;ings on ins goou ., - , .1
born population should direct their efforts of this proud nrmy stand by bis post, nnd
to this point, and to this only. Thcy should .continue to do his duty. We ran afford
for such principles and such measures as
we contend for to endure n temporary de-
seek to accomplish their purpose by ma
king rather than breaking lnw,
I 'l'haisu who would tirnaoriKf men from
civil office- because of their religious belie! fuat' lut a surrt'i(1(-'r would be disgraceful,
should also tako notice that the direct ten- Prepare then, to meet the enemy again, in of their doctrines is to a unity of i the samo uniform, and upou tho same
church nnd State. In no other way can Lftfo frnuml with dm Snmn nrmob.ln.
O I --"
and other counties we micht name. These
character. The facts that his character
their doctrines have a practical operation.
The Democratic party aro opposed tonny
such unity, ns they are against uny nnd
ll attempts to bring the power ofthe civil
inscribed on our banners, and sooner or
later we must nnd will triumph. Let us
wage an unceasing war ngninst secret
I 1 t - 1 - f . 1 . r
facts present food for reflection, nnd vc"iaa LLen "ini U"s WM ,!lC l:rsl ol"
bor-C time mav be taken lo nnn.W nvrr!fcnco Wl111 whlcI' h 1,ad Ll t" PuLlitly
j -- - i
them ; nnd that no
cratic friends, in this
ngain permit themselves to bo caught in
sucli a manner,
when the bell rang fur Rradfor "s friends.
Can the natives swallow nnv more such
stuff? If they cnu they should say as the
Kentjckv grecn-born said when ho awal-
ixcrcbiry of the CommouvcaUh.
Accident on llic Eutk WsaJ Esilroad.
Th-5 pasengr train for Rock Inland,
winch left Chicago at 11 o'clock on Wed
nesday night, mat with a most frightful
. I n jcharged, and that he was a man of family , ' - " accident,
) portion or our Demo- - lowed the ovstcr with the shell on, "it's a tree or th
.,- ., , . may bo, and most probablv was the cause . , . ,,... .irceojui
us county at least, will ' . d1 of a mouthful but here roes." station:
I nl thft rfrnmrrirnr a!un 1 c1
I of the recommendation.
Had the Judge improperly used liis po-
The commencement of November has
CO"The usury laws of Eu-dand were
accident, lrorn th: breaking of an axls-
s engine, when Dearths Minoka
tho is slid, of running
!oer a horso upon the track. The en
gine and a portion or all of tho. cars were
government to bear opon matters of rcli- j oath-bound political societies, tinder w hat-
gious beliei and church organization. Io. cvcr ,iari,caga;nst tjie incendiary doc
thing, said Mr. R., could be more preindi-i, r , i
. ., . 1 J ,, trino of Abolitionism wherever it may
cial to our civil government, or so well j '
calculated to retard the udvanee of Chris- j raisc lts ''3tlra head ngainst political pro
linnity. If this doctrine is to make nn issue Iscriplion and religious inlolereneo every
ngainst the Democracy, let it como. We where. Whether it be promulgated from
hnlt stand by the constitute,, ,, nnd by the j , 0,;lical ,06trum of ,,, , cl t,ie
greatest ofnll the cistinjtuishms rharnc- . , . ,
icristica of our covornment-religioos lib-1 wnr uPon 11 1,0 uncecsmg, and wo shall live
4y. Ilo had no fears ns to tho result; thejlosco 5Uc1' fanaticism buried in oblivion,
people will maintain our republican insti- nnd the constitution and its plain republi
tulionsnsthey are. ! F.cnn doctrines vindicated by the intel'.i-
Mr. R. said ho fondly hoped tho recent : ,TCncc ofl)f? o
election in Pennsylvania had not created L 1
the impression that she bad permanently ! iMPOKTAvr Tiieaty. President Pierce
fallen from her ancient faith. lie felt ns-!ias issnej his rrflclamation, makin" pub
sured that shu had not that she will here-1 .... . D, T,
after stand by the rights of tho individual I llC B UQ bctwctn ""S C0,in,r' nnd I'us"
citizen as well ns by the constitutional j Sla' cn,rrcJ "lU) on lllc '2i of Ju,y Iasl'
rights ofthe several States of the ronfed-, which recognizes ns permanent nnd im
cracy that bhe will discountenance all ' mutable the following niincinlcs : That
attempts lo organize geographical parties, shi,,s mal,0 frc. ?o0ds,iat is to say
and extend under all circumstance., n pa- , , , ., , . ,.
triotic support to the Union. Tho recent ;t,,at 0iU' fX"ri't 0rtl(',cs ol
election furnishes no evidence- that her ,var nelongmg to subjects of a power nt
Democracy have changed nny of their, war, uro free from capture and confisca-forpn-r
views on great national questions. tion when fjund on board of nmitrat vos.
The (leleatoftho Democratic party, said; ,rNnnd t,Jat ,hc . of mitra)s
rdr. R., must be attributed to the pi.wer of 1 . ., , , . ,
secret societies to whic h bo had nr,.nly ! U-'cpt articles contraband rr war) when
referred ; oil other agencies nnd influence's ! found on enemies vessels nrc not linbio to
would, in bis opinion, have failed to nc j confiscation. The contracting parties en
rompli.h the end wo have seen. j , pply thoS0 prinrples to the com-
Mr. R. alluded briefly lo tho course oi l . .' ' ,
the opposition press toward i.,, I '""co nnd navigation of nil powers who
Pierce. It is teeming with donnnriiuions, I consent to udopt them as permanent
nnd yet that press has utterly failed to con- nnd immutable.
trover, the doctrines nnd principles or his '
public documents. Time and cxricnro: ScATTrniMi. Plus gentloman who fig
will vindicate the policy nnd principles he ! uresasacandidatc nt almost every election,
Ins advocated, nnd the opposition, ns in it seems was a candidate for Governor at
limes gone by, will be ngain compelled to1 Um rm,nt ,'CRt;on nni rncciVC( n fcw
i.-ii..c ia tim r... ;i;,.. 1...1 M ..i.n
,, i)1m . ,; . .ivo'0'. but regards the number ns rather
upon I lemrk-ratic policy, measures, end1 .
men. The im;t violent ol ihese. however. nn cl,"voca' compliment. It is quito flat-
said Mr. R., have riot assailed tlio motives , 'ering to the Native American party to
ofthe President all admit the puritv of . know that in many of the published re
Uic man nnd the justice 0r intentions, j turns their enndida'te is not even named ;
Tun War or 1F1- National CoN.'t,int in rInro ""'"S ': w'' a Khi ho is
vf.:;tion at WAR!iiN:To..Tho dcfen-' christened "scattering," Tho Whi.'s pro
bers ofthe country in the war of Iniiepon- 0 nin ,.oIInck fof lhe VlCHk
I oner, ivhn k'i I cmpuiit. . nn, I'm ol.;i, !.... 11
of such as nro dead, nro requested to send ; wi" 11,0 ""''Vf" fun Cvn. fScatterinS nlso?
silion to bring about aconviction bad the ' repealed by nn act of Parliament on the thrown from tho trick with creat j0!enee
! jurv been a corrupt one pai-ked, or such 'rth of August last. We arc not favorable breaking the ribs of the engineer, and kit-
been pleasant. Indian summer is over j wrongs been perpetrated by them ns : to following the example of England in 'llD' or wounding and scalding, froal thir
and"frostyvintcr"is rapidly approaching. I were said to have been in the Ward many respects, but in this instance we! ty vBxar'rVl'of" S5Cn'0rS'
For five months there has not been rain trial then wo would say that it was the '&nlt it would be well for us to follow suit. nt IcasMnoMwdvo on'ho'icald
enough in Clearfield county to swell the duty of an independent pros? to speak out. The Legislature of our State have the j -ill die with.n twontv-four hours,
waters. Streams have not been known Tut when the only cause of complaint is,:powr to make su-h re;!cal, and we hopej It appears that when llej online wnf
for years to bo ns low as thcy arc at this jthiu the jury differed from the conductor ' that cro that body adjourns next winter, : llirown t'o tck, tha two forward
wnson. of a paper as to tho weight of evidence-'this restrictive law mav be swep; from our ! Finger cars were thrown on top of it,
i- v . , , . , 1 . . " iana trio steam cscanirc waf driven with
Wi: predict hard winter and snow m deny his right to arraign the jury at notute Look. uremenJoui force through the denso ma
abundance, fnerc will be good sleighing tho bar of public opinion, nnd question the T . . 'of human boin-'s packed cloelv amouv'
..,l,frri I... TI :,l! .. 1 . ' 1 . . RLTi:TESTATlVr.. The folloWin" IS ,,. 1 uu.ciy .tiiou
v.i, .i.v. in.-., ,,i i'i.uiihici. jneMiuw.ii policy ol such c course. 1 Iia uonsti ution . - . , . . .. uu; " "tcks i mo can.
S. A. Rackus.i
be preceded by a freshet in the waters, provitIcs lhat ..trinl 1)V ju sll,;M,n - a..e m uns
...i.:i. i. i i-..i . . . ; district.
IIIJJ ",; iiKneu uuuui mi! -.un iieretolorc, or.d the riglit thereof remain in-i
of November. The river will be entirely ; violate ;" und "in all criminal prosecu-1 Clearfield,
"closed over" wiih ice during tho month : lions the accused hath a right to a speedy , M'Kcan,
ofDeccm',K3r. From tho first to the 10th public trial by nn impartial jury of the, 't
of January there will be another freshet 'vicinage." The jury are by law constitu-'
rirr1 itnnA r ttnrm rnmr nn,l n Dnnih t 1 J ! 1 rt. .,.!. i I
i "i uuu u auuui mini, ! lCu jinigcs oi uic law anu me cviucncc ; Caldwell's majority, 1712
leaving ma h. renins ifn irom ice, anu me ; anU v, lio aro the best ju-Jges oi the weight
rniluns ia E.illutort and Sew (lrlfa.
Rah niu un, Nov. 4. Tlicre has been
Cl 5
immensutrxcitemcnt hero to-day. Njmer
ous futir au.i tiglit month notes were pr
: tested, lhe sum reaching i.early llirae mil
j lions of dollars. It has been a very heavy
i day in the money nvirkot.
Rumor reports numerous failures in
dry goods houses, but the notes have been
ground uncovered. Rctwcen the 20th and of evidence? Tho iurv who nre sworn to "nr will the Town t-ounsol enforce generally met as thev fell due
Will of January ngain everything will be render a verdict in ncconlnnco with the tnc ordinance ngainrt h"gs running ot Ni:w Ollean.-, Nov. 3. The liabili-
"frozen up," with p'r ntv ol snow and fine law nnd the facts who listen to every larot'- Jt ,IK-!;r,s "no foci sorrv to see the ' "!s c'" Ww,!r- l,can Co., the banker.
limber hauling, until about the first or word which may fall f,ni tho lips of lhe !ks, tllal so "'Ucli bcaui-ify the ' 1Lo'U!' s,on a previously acaounc
, . " ' .1. , n.nojnl ,o about one hunuruJ thou-
March. J ho best Hum to fill ice houses witnesses, v ho watch their every look and 'own when the grass is green i-o complete- s.,Hi dollars.
will be in December, a,d the best time to ,notion nnd nrc uh0 ,0 jU(gc "(herefrom : '-v sI,oi,L,d se n.jiht marauders. Oor (Mmi market las displayed great
empty them Jutland igustjT next year. 'ofti)0 truthfulness or falsity of their state- A!l arc alili0 interested in whatever adds "cliv ity lo-day, the sales reaching l'J.OOl)
(&-Yv Loiter SutH.-v Erprm, 1 tnents-thc friends of the prisoner t-r the to the beau'y of our neat littio borough. ''cs "! f' vious quotations Tho week's
, ' . , - . , busiacss loots up 1,00U laics,
a Know-iNotlimg jmper, makes a serious prosecutor, who with their prejudices ca- Ahum; Slav r.s tia Ls( vpe. In the U. ' -
charge ngainst Col. Mott. It intimnles 'gerly grasp at such evidence ns tends to S. District Court ot Columbus, Ohio, R. . li.'f in Ealiimort.
that thev were "fooled" in takin" lhat un acquital or conviction or he who onlv A-S1an, a Sandusky lawyer, was con- Raltiuiie, Nar. !. A largo fire oc-
,, '. r r.i , 7 ! I i r t ," victetl under the lugiiive slave lawoflsO currvd t-nlit in Eutaw s'reet bv which
gentleman for one of their order nnd says drawshisinformation from repors. Sure V'.r ;., ,, p r , . , 3 s.ri.ei, uvu,cn
.... . , , r . . , , - ol aiding in the escape of three slaves. knLe L daic s cxlcns ve piano faciorv
lhat haj hare ruked Ihnr sour s sara-; lhe former arc tho best judges-whilst the Judgement was awarded for the nemltv of was detioved. Several mrm... t.i..U
tioji hi dcliljcrutf. and tcilful jicrjury" in , letter may draw the most incorrect cou-63,000, or 61,000 in each caso
dings were fired by the flames, and con-
voting for Hen iv S. Mott. Poor Fellows!, elusions. It i from the latter class wtv ft7-Tho t.rr.trn',. ,,:hr ,i p- sunicd, or nmtrrialiv tlam.V'cd.
If it will "save them from periling" Col. I.enr complaints. list vhicll cornmcnCL.d in lhis Iacu on ' t-o factory f-.l ,
Mott Will five them bae.k their votes 7 He ' Trial bv iurv has ever lorn lonUd '.,. oo., .... - , ... .-. o I . il Wdl n.WD 109, It I upi"it
i "i u uu. Louwiucu uruii ujay ;ast. wereburitJ
uiu not nccu mem :
on ns one of the most important privik-' , Their meetings were well attended through.! The Virginia Acrjcuhuwl Fair closed
frT-Somo or the papers are disposed to , bts arjr ' "o people as llic upple ol the 0ut, und on Sunday tho last of their ,0-ua'- rcsidtnt Ty.'cr cajresscd
boast ori:!di'ed townshin. in Monroe ooiin.,'01!' right to be surrendered. The lal.nrs. tun o,cnnI , ; .La the Mechanics' Institute, tt Uichmocd,
ty, giving Rigler at the recent election 150 f,,ldi"S ofaJu'y brnnds " race, or! Tiie frce-school, commenced in our J
votes anu loiiociv none, rrctty well done;". - i - b ... r h 0J Mond las lt).h niuleiinj;
....... nriennop T'..t ,.t .l.n r... 0
wenum.i; i.ut jicnzingcr township ,n Mk , - lu.u.Mu . fcrT)alc unJcr ,ll0 C0LU.0, of comclcnt
county, heats tins all Iioilow having giv- muihumuui ugumst junes us nicy ; tCachcrs.
en 217 for Risler. and none for Pollock. i'avc ol Jalo, and tho result wul be that
OirThc official statement of the U. S.
delegates to the city of Washington tout
r. .,,, ," 1 I 1 , .1 . ,, I
uu v.nti.1 ij.ivjii iw hit iiitiii l lit-1 c- IIM un 'p . . . , m
k,i,r t, , . , . . i ireiiKurrr shows tho amount in the Treas
iiiuih j iii. wi, j T.i.i, in iiiiupi Mien
me-isures ns will induce Con'Tpsq not on
ly to do justice to them, but nlso to the
widows of those who have gono to their
last account.
ftirTlie New Rninswick- Lonislnturr,
have passed nn net ratifying the Recipro.;n?cniPnt 'Ias ,akon l1'000 nnd we may
rity Treaty. ' jhave the news by the next arrival.
ury, subject to draft, on tho 2'M of Oct.,
lfi.-.-t, to be 26,()H,000.
Notho certainly is yet known, ns to
the fate of Scbastopol. Doubtless an en.
CCrTiiE Ded Alivl. It is stated that
the scientific men of Franco ore at prossnt
Fpcculutir.g on a recent insiance of a young
man being brought to Iifo aftr bring fro-
. .. - - I . -. ' . , . I rrl i , 1
l iri , - -TM- ,. .i , v.f n i' , ii iiitm.iiH iri .i, -i rB inAr.-.A.i
, ...... . . . r i iiiei jUMiee inaeiv. rrrrni r i rnv. ....--. .. v.wm
ovr.KNo Rf.edkr has landed in Kan-, VV "-tie regard the result of their a nlc nn(J ' of a livmg infused iuto the vein,
His reconlion in that now Torri.o. '"--"""auons-ana great preventative - ... . ' ' . . i' lno ,rozen J'01"". a rioved ana
' , . . 'of crime, eternal infamy, rrowimr not f ,mc '" S"cu.tura. socieiy in somcrsc. . ,roUc. The Cxpcrim-W vas afterwards
iv Hits ii i pi in i inn c i rr ni i r nrui mo j - n - . . .-t
j i I -,, ...9 . - couniv.
speech to the pcorilo brcalhcs tho ri-ht . ren.ovuu mo prisoner,
ftrThc rcvngylvaviun still keeps put-1
tried on a hare Iro-n fcr the nurrosc. with
r- a v . ... rnPrtt rln Clrm il
will fee! ihnt !; rn,.,1 m i.i:.. l7Hon. James Cooper, it is said, wiil: 4 -'v innnnn rv,, i. ,- be a candidate for re-election to tho Uni- Cuou:ra m Loi isvih-b. e learn,
-- --- -- - miiu u usL 1 1: 1 1
in. imvs mn Mjii.4 it ,ww c rom fri I insnniiTi
mm iviit n..n;,i ifnn..;i.i. .1 icu otaics ocnatc. r,' -"-'-.-
tin" in its"hard-licks" nt the Know Noth- .' , . ' 1 , , , ,. ; mmrrnal, of 1 ucUny, Hint the cholera
. ,siuility ofucting in the ennacitv ofiurois. 05"It hasbcen reported and is now pretty has broken out in Louisv.lli. Several
inrrq I'.nlnrn utmli n fibrillin. .-...n r..ll rf . .
lease since Salurday.
leases will then he triod ccnerallv believed that ono James Pcillnr-L- persons have fallen victims to lhe feiiJdis-
w-ti r.,- , I . ' ' ,? . '. ' c . ,
mi- young men oi mis piacc, wcjrathcr than tho evidence produced and . 19 elected Governor.
1 am siron
Dtver did ap-
roy blood-
understand, nro about raising a dancing thus the way will bo paved for tho over-1 f-Gov. Dirt's remains were bronchi fThlJ 1 W. I
tkinl6 WiS" ,hCm EUCCCM in UlCir !1,rW f tim h0nrCd Ue-ria.,back ,o South Carolina, to be aJZ
undertaking. )yjury- 1 with his friends. x SJul