or 1 0 i 1 1 c d ito f J'M'.J-U DKVOTKn TO POLITICS, LITKU.VTUKH, AGRICULTURK, MORALITY, AM) FOREK.N AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE Ifrms. S'l 00a oarm acUancosi 'Jo if paid wiilnn thrct; months, $ rA) if paid within six month, 1 75, if paid within nino months, and if not paid until tho expiration of the year $2 00 will bechacd. tTAT TTIf n - - - " - - ' - JP II- P M kokkivk AM) l ti:c; ii BT T1IK jIITIIuII or "l-ltnV fl:Hl I. I'llll.oSnl'llY." When ftrcnms of mikimlnes bitter as enll, ltubbln up from tln heart to tho tongue. Anil meekness riai' in torment and llirnil, By the hninl of luj-rutitinlc wrung In thi heart of injustice, unwept and unfair. While tho anguish it I'cMeriiiK vol, Jiono, none but au anpel of liod eun declare 'I rau forgive ami lorget." .But if tho had Kjiirit if chased from the heart, And tho lips iiro iu penitence steeped, Wilh the wrung so repented the wrath will li:irt. Though ji-orn on injustice wore heaped ; For tho best compensation is paid fur a!l ill, When the cheek wilh contrition is wet, And every one fools it is probable, slid, At once to forgive ami forget. To forget? If is hard for a man with a mind, However bin heart may forgive. To blot out all perils anil dangers behind, And but for tins tu'ure to live: Then how shall it be t for at every turn Recollection the ?pirii will fret, And the ashes of injury smoulder and burn. Though we itrive to furirireand foriret. 01iAh;nrken ! my tonpre sliu'.l the ridd'.o unnnl, And uiind yl XI be aitin-r with heart, While thue to thvM If I !M fii..i i.'tice n-vct.1. Ami fhow thee hew evil thou art; Renumber thy follie.i, thy sins and thy crime; How vaft i that iiifitiite debt? Yet Mercy until .--v .;n by sevn'y t!m'"i lietn twifl to furjrive and forpet. Brood not on insult or iniitries old. I'ut thou ail iniurioiis too Count not the rum till the total U t M, For thou art unkind ami iiptrue; And if thy hnn are forgotten, b riren, Jiow mercy with ju-tiro i met : O, who wouldn't p'.adly t:.k- 1. -.- u of Heaven Xot lenrn to forgive and f jr-ret ? Ye. J o?-, It a man when hii- cm try w.'i . He ijtiiek to receive him ti friend : Tor thus on hi Load in kimlm -s he h- r " j yt tin ' j M i llot cualf to reLim ami fmeiij; And hearts that are ( hris'i.m lu'.r-! esci Over lips that, once l itier. to l'. tiit"!:.-c 1 And whipcr "birch e ami forget." MBHHnMUUMIMRKWUlfllflJ TUB SLIGHTED SCIWL1S. Cases like the one I nm about to relate are mod. too frequent in our country, and thev are such, too, n3 tthould ho ?uarde,l . ' . r against bv all who hnvo an interest in ed licntion. rri. ..... i ,. , , , i . i i I mind bv henrinr' a complaint made bv the "c b, i u ii " parent of a poor bov, who had been gross. 1 k .t. .' I,. . e .k .f7i. 1 IIU lllLlUflll WU3 uiu;r;i!i i.i 11 ii' llti:-ivu uv iiiu n-iivin i ui iiiu ,n.oeu i ' , , i , . i c school, neglected simplv because ho was , . ,, , ' poor ana mendicss: i , r, . ,i , , i- j 1 , . ,, Alter the school was dismissed, deor'Te Many yean ago. when I was a smal rk,nrv d - boy, I at ended a school j,n the town of (;r cnitd , -m (o . Amonfj tne scholars t tie re was a i v,, r- ., , . . . , .,B ,, ,, r ,, .i "Aow, said Air. Kelly, "I wish o know boy named George Hen rv. His father I , ; . . ' , . , . - i .i r . I w Ii v it is that vou have never learned any was a poor drink mr; man, and tho unlor- v , - . . . . . . . ' . i . r- 'more. 1 ou look brid.t , and vou oo k ns tunale bov had o sutler inconsequence.! , . . . r ' , , , , . .. , 1 , i Ihouoii vou miolit make a smart man. George came to school habited in raided ; ; , ,,, , , r , .1 i i i 7" , . , W hy is it that 1 hnd vou are so lonoran ? carmen's but thpy were tho best he had: , , c ., be was rough and uncouth in his manners Lc.tisU r.obouy never helps me," re lor he had been brought up in that man- P!lt J . llor .v- "cs for ner : he was verv L-norent, lor he had never had an opportunity for education. Season after season, poor Geo. Henry occupied the same sent in the school room it was a back corner seat, away from the other aoholars and there he thumbed his tattered primer. The ragged condi tion of his garb save a homely cast to hi whole appearance, and what of intelli gence there midit have been in his coun-j. tcnance, was beclouded uy tne -ouu-rcov. ...i t n t.i. . . t. i erin" oi me ooy. ue seiuom na,mi eu wiiu muuiiivi v,..uun..., - l :.l. . U . . . 1. n. nk.lilr.to l-.r llipv scent, i ed to shun him; but when he did, Tor a ' t ;,h .hcn, i their snorts, he J ' . j.n - was so rouch tlmt lie was boon snoveu on M b nut of tho wav. The teacher passed the poor boy coldly in the street, while other boys, in better garbs, were kindly noticed. In the school young Henry was coldly treated. The teacher coldly neglected him, and then called him an'"idle blockhead," because be did not leurn. The boy received no incentive to study, and consequently he was most of the time idle, and idleness begat a disposition to while away the time in mischief. For this ho was whipped, and the more idle and careless he became. Ho knew that he was neglected by the teacher, and simply because he was poor and raed, and wilh a sort of sullen in difference, sharpened at times by feelings of bitterness, he plodded on his dark thank less way. , , Thus matters went on for several years. Most of the scholars of George Henry s . . ., . i.:..l ". t.net,r. age bad jassea on to me . of study, while ne, poor luiuu, -... . , Ir1 mil wnrui r tuu ui i " CJ rtill kept his di-tant seat in the corner. Jlis father had sunk lower in the pit of in ebriation, and the unfortunate boy was more w retched than ever. The look of clownish indifference which birl marked his countenance, was now ... . u. . o,.. Jiacl marked ins coui ' ,, oult bo no distinction between classes. All gtving way to a . alike entitled to vour care and conn- and leehngs, and it s e idcn II he - ( , great tunnng point ,n Ins ! im)'re carncst ,ho!d bo your endeavor to Ho stood j H' 5:lift him np ani, aid him w LlCH me laie ui anui cast. At this time a man by u.e nam, . ly. look charge ol tho sc nooi. al J.ogansport, and the! .nold teacher, a carefu ob"C na'n ! F.ank of Conncrsv.llc, lately suspended,! man nature, and a really o "r.ilnot to sacrifieo them, as the securities onl of ruaroiansiop oer o.i ... ..... ..c q.,-. r ' youths had g-ven him "uj BU'hnru; I amply able lo protect the bill holde.s. way, and in his discipline he was strict, I 1 l and on wavering. It,ll.nel,er,J C3It is stated bv ibo Louisiana Mis- The first day he passed in ac'ic" confcrcncc desk ofonr school was inos.lv ,0,pflho Methodist H. Church, South, extcn. watching the movements of f nn'" dcd p, jlirisdiction over Kansas Territory, and itudyios lhe disnos.tiona " h' anJ np.,0in.(.d Kev. Andrew Monroe, Ll- he had to deal, tp (,eor. !1p"7 ' ( ,)er for tho Territory, wilh a full complc eye, re,ted with a keen, warch.ng glance f mhl6,Wi bitevidept'v mad.- little of h.m during I mi 1,10 r ":y i but on the second day ho um mint;. It was during the afternoon of the s.cc-1 ond day that Mr. Kelly observed young Henry in imnaliii'T (In- nr, ib.. .,r " I i ..... iim ,4 4 i laroo pin. Ho went to tb linvV ri 1 1 alter reprimanding him for his idleness ' he took up the dirty, tailored prinu r from j his desk. I "Have you never learned more than is' in this Look .'" asked the. leuchcr. 1 "A'o, sir," drawled CJeore. "How loiiff have you attended school?" "I doirt know bir. Ii's ever tiuee 1 can I remember. "Then you must ho nn idle, reckless' hoy," said the teacher, with niurh severi-j ty. "Do you realize how mam years j you have thrown away? Do von know. I how much you huve lost ? What sort of' j man do you think of makinrrin ihis way ! jOno ol these days )ou will he to old to P iu ct.iiuiii, uuu men VWUIO your Colll- paiiions are seeking some honorable em ployment, you will be good for noihinn-. I la io you parenls "Yes, sir,' ausweicd the bov. in a hoarse I subilui'd voice. j "And do they wish you to grow up m I he an inort nt wonhles's man?' j The hoy !nmL' down his head n ml was I silent; but Mr. Kelly saw two reat tears io,i oown ins cbeeks. In an instant, the teacher saw that he had soinclliiti bJes an idle, MuU.orn mind to deal with in the tao-. ,1 scholar b-foic him. II" hid his hand on the l..v,-'s head, and in a kind tone he said, "I wish you lo s:op a.'ier school w dis- missed. Do not l.c; afraid, for 1 wish io asivt you if I can." . . it, .... vjtorne looKea wondpringlv into the s ' 'or.u'c'f,; u"s . oi Uf (HCC B,t;h V "s Mf 1 rit t;i .un 01 t r 1 1 ,1 t,-. 1.,,,, ..,,,1 I,,. thettohf, too, ns he looked arouml, that me itsi in me seiiomrs refarueu mm Willi , , . c , ' ,; i kiinicr countenances than usual. A dm 1, . . , . .. ... , tliouht broke in on us mind Hat, from . r , . , i i i , . s.niie cause, lie was tom o be happier ,. . r bo 1 1 than before. "'V' ' V . l.y uegrecs tne Kinu-nenrieu inacnergot the poor hoy's whole history, and while ciencrous tears bedewed his own eyes, he said : "You have been wrongly treated, Geo. very wrongly; but there is yet timo for redemption. If I will try to teach you will you try to learn ?" "Yes O yes," quickly tittered tlie boy tn earnest tones, "les I should love to learn. I don't want to bo a bad boy," he thrillingly added, while his countenance t-- " I Mr; lv,;IIoy rromiscli I? purchoso books . , . .;., ,l.,i ;.., ,;., for the bov ns he r.ou d earn to r.m , - , them, and when Gcorire Henrv eft tie . sciiool-rootn his face was wet with tears. We scholars, who had remained in the entry, saw him come out, and our hearts weii' warmed towards him. Wre spoke kindly to him, awl walked with him to his house, and his heart was too lull for ut terance. On lhe next day, George Henry com nienecd studying in good earnest, and lhe teacher helped him faithfully. Never did I see a change so radient and sudden as lhat which took place in the habits of the poor boy. As soon as iho teacher treated him with kindness and respect, the scholars follow, ed tho example, and tho result was, that they found in tho unfortunato youth one of lhe most noble-hearted, generous, ac commodating, and truthful playmates in iho world. iiik juars iia Lonz years have passed since those sohnol-bov days. George Henry has be , of middle age, and in all tlm t country there is not a man more beloved and respected than he i. And all is the result of one teacher having done his duty. You who arc school teachers, remember tho responsibility that devolves upon you. ... f nM,i.trtf r.f l'rtn Cflmrda itiorn clii.til.t a - t i r- I , of gllhcrn I un: TiiMiTi it. IIV It, u. K K('K. Tetiii.tiikiuu ! (), i, niihcriiiK blight, l'iill on thy linn ilislmnon il heiol I Al iiunt ! cm-haiiire-", fn y niLfht, Thy Imtnl.-i unit crime are imiliy A slooi, the vulture to its .r, ;, Then rii.-hi t on our hlceilin heitrts ; I'e-piir and rii'':i innrl; thy wav, And fihitij; pcaee tnitn the'dejiartH. Thou feemesl harmless n. the dene Thou sn.ilc.-it m the aiiKids xmile; And yet thy li.s that talk of love, And hope, ami Innocence, beguile ; The soul io yiv detc-led throm . U In im he nn iron e-lre swtiys ; Thou lovest joy's la: I. feeble ;;roan, And siiil.in' ho, c..iriin; rays. Tin u Maike.-I I rll: amid the jotre Viilh Miinlly o,.-, in I'lirments while. To lend the le. t that walk sc. lire In virtue's way, where all is iiicht : here inlaiev i:i:d ice Male! up, M iliiin c i ii '.s ili-mnl ,risoim walls, And 1 In re lire-, in n in ; i 1 , nineiii, Vihile slerii oeasurc sweeny culls. Th'Te is n ci,ntii!;ii,n in ihy breath. Woe i-iid n im i.-r liehiiid thee stand; The key that . .. s the piles ol'd, a:h, Is clulehed im - it in thy ri''ht haml. The olive wreath tint do, -lis thy head, Is o'er I lie bidden e press w,,ei,d: Thy f",..,.jis fall al.ove thu tleud. Ami s:;i! l'i,,h tiitiius sj.ruid iir.imnl. The youni', the iimocjiit, the lair, "'ii ill I v to thy cmhraecs fly, As hinl.- hii-ie to the fh wer's mnri'. I ir Cutter to the s, r; nt's eve ; Tln.II I haliL'f.st llo,es to (Ireadt'lll fear'. l'e.ice into di.-e. rd, joy in woe, !i altl: to o;.- a-e, ci.d ei:ue-l tears O'er pale nn 1 wiistod checks to flow. TIh.ii leads! us to oisi)tied spihiv, In ro-y p!en -ii,-,. ;i , law i.injr hours ; Tin u w .-rf hv thy harp's sweet slrintrs To chasms curtained o'er well (lowers. Tli v sli i r lnck.s of ii'. by then Are l..'t di-honor. d in iho fravc ; J'i.l.t Up ,11 life's l;iy s,. Thy banner finals, but not to save. l'n iu the I'roiit Knynl ('u.) Zion's Advucate. - THE OTlIuLlC QUESTION. The public mind is much agitated at iho present crisis upon the subject of Catholic supremacy in the Uuited Slates; and so formidable has "Holy Mother" become in the "land of the free, and the home of the brave," in the estimation of many of our citizens, that the ordinary mode of war fare argument and free discussion is considered entirely too inefficient to arrest ti e progress of the old fatly, and hence sc cret societies have been formed to operate against her. With this subject, politically, we have nothing to do in tho Advocate, but in its bearings upon the church, and as inciden tally embraced in ils history, we have something to say; and viewing it in all ils length and bteadlh, according to the strength of our vision, we frankly confess lhat wo see nothing to warrant the cry of alarm and awful foreboding of tho "Au To Da ir," and inquisition, that seem to be coming up from every quarter. We do not appear as tho advocate, nor even the apologists, of the Catholics. As reli gionists they appear bad in history, and judging of lhe future by the past, and with their plea of infaliUtitt, wo feel pcrfectlv safo iu assuming lhat they seek, andmust always sick, to obtain the reins of govern ment, and that whenever and wherever they succeed they w ill persecute all dis senters ; but in this they do nothing more than Protestants have always done when similarly situated ; for we submit this as a truism, sustained in all faithful tcclesi tical history, that any denomination THAT WOULD SEEK I OH OR AGREE TO A UNION WITH THi; SfATE WOULD I'KItPE- t'l'TE ALL NON-CONIOKMISTS, IF THEV HAD the row ek. Tho very fact that they nre willing to form such an incestuous connex ion shows iho prevalence of tho samo spir it lhat w as in her who rode upon tho scarlet-colored beast, and within whoso bor ders was found the blood of the saints, though it may be under the imposing name of l'lOtcstaiits. The "Established Church oflingland" persecuted dissenters in this country, when the colonies wero under the Crown, even to stripes, imprisonment, and death, which is but the legitimate fruit of the Union of. Church and Slate, no matter when or by w hat namo it is formed ; and the spirit i's as cleverly and ns distinctly developed without such establishment, as under it when ono order is found systematically persecuting another on account of their religious sentiments ; and this is now be ing done alike by Catholics and Protes tants, if we may credit tho current news paper report;) of the day ; and therefore there is little to chooso between them as Vopixh Catholics or Popish Protestants ; they are of Kind rid spirit, though of dif ferent ntun'-s, and hostile to each other. The church of Christ, however, has nev er persecuted any for dissenting from her views and never will ; and any spirit that would persecute even a Catholic, or an avowed infidel, and deny to him his just rights and privileges ns a citizen in this country, is anti-Christian. No religious test shall ho raised against any man under tho constitution of tho Uni ted States ; and the Catholics, therefore, have the samo rights here as the most fa vored, and none havo any right to inter fere wilh them on account of their religion. The plea of retaliation will not avail the Pratt slant, for, us ho condemns the Cath olics for persecuting dissenters, he has no right to allowin himself what he condemns in others ; and no necessity can ever arise in this country of whi.lesomo laws lo jus tify him in taking these mutters in his own hands. If tho Catholics commit overt acts by interfering with the civil or religious liberties of others, or otherwise violate the laws, let them bo punished nscV.cci., no cording to law ; but nothing can justify their opponents in assailing them on ac count of their religions sentiments, or to attempt by forco of arms to prevent ihem from building houses of worship, and from assembling peaceably to worship in their own way, Protestants that do or allow these things, disarm themselves of tho most efleettial weapon they have against I'opcry; for what forco will bo found in their arguments, pointing to the hibtoryof tlie Catholic i,jiir,;ij, Hut she has uniform ly persecuted Protestants, if the Protes tants do the same thing in return whenev er they possess the power ? At best it will be but au n flair in which the litigants mny mutually balance accounts. Jf the Catho lics shall, by fair mid lawful means, even tually obtain lhe majority in this country over all other d nominations why, then, according to iho fundamental law of tho lam!, it will bo their right lo govern, and to change lhat law, loo, to far as to remove every impediment in iho way of carrviix' out their cherished views. Hut this government must be subverted and the whole face and organization of society, before such a result can take place and by a glance at the statistics of lhe churches in tho United .States, which wo compile front the report of the seventh census, it will bo seen at once how utterly absurd and chimerical is lhe idea that such a result is probable, or even possible, upon the principles of hnman reason. "All things are possible with God," and should He give up our nation to judicial blindness and sutler Ihem to work their own destruc tion, then tha worst apprehensions might be realized. I!ut wo hope better things than that, as wicked as our people are, and that there are still enough of tho righteous seed left among us to preserve tho nation from such a drend calamity. There nro in the United States, inclu ding the District of Columbia and the Territories, thirty-six thousand two hun dred and twenty. one churches, by which, we are to understand houses of worship, and thirteen million nine hundred and! sixty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-seven under tho head of "aggregate accommodations," by w hich is meant the total nnmbcr of seats for individuals, or the congregations in the aggregate, in cluding the members of the churches prop, er and all that attend worship, or that can be accomodated with scats. In this es timate there are ono thousand two hundred and sixty-nine Roman Catholic churches, and seven hundred an five thousand nine hundred and cighty-threo seats, leaving for all the other sects, which mav prop crly como under the head of Protestant., thirty-lour thousand nine hundred and fifty-two churches, and thirteen million iwo nunured and sixty-ono thousand lour nunurea ana sixty-iour averago accomo- """"" eiuuiuee uuoui in eniy denominations, among which the Baptists, r. !, .1 .. L. .. ' I ? ' ! ? P ' ""I'" A ' .! j . .1 L1"1' Hn,. ,larfest- vvuin mien wiiu iiiu iumo ics tne unn- , . , . ,, . , , 7 1 lists outnumber them in churches about ru ,i : ,i seven loltl, and a their conrrcnations r,f i,,,'. f ,i i , ,, s r iu"i'i i i"eir tiiure.il - cs, about nine fold, and in their congrc- r i t i i , . canons six fold ; and iho Presbyterians, .1 u i r ni i'- . .' in their rhiirebeti (.mr fid.1 n.nl r ilioir congregations about threo fold ... ,.yU. .VIM, HIIU ll, Ullli The Congregationalists exceed them in the number of their churches upw ards of four hundred, and about nine thousand in their ,' , . . .. If tlill lliui.11111 . .uiuuril l.iuiliiuiliju:7 cong.cgal.oris ; and the Lpiscopal.ans ; jf hich a few do ; " unJ slti'tlfui inen tion of the laws; that each American ciii excccil them about wo hundred ... their ; couIJ ru(J , nm.s ilh a roa of iron. zrn, wherever born, should bo permitted churches, and nearly equal them m their )Am uho nlora evi,9 may bu counted to enjoy all his rights and opportunities aggregate accommodations. It must be , , if not the nec'ssitv. which i "Jcr the Constitution. Our opponents. oorno n minuu.ni by tne acquisition on New Mexico Territory there was an ac cession made to the numerical strength of the Roman Catholics of ono hundred and forty. six churches and seventy-six thousand one hundred meml)crs, which is i l - .i , embraced in tho estimate given; and, as thev now stand, nil tho nilur r! .nnnl.m. . i i i .1 i , , ,., Hons combined (and .hough they l'hor among themselves, yet they make com- tnon cause against the ( a.hohcs) exceed the Catholics in their churches twenty. sev- en and a hall per cent., and in ihe.r con - grhons eighteen and three-fourths and with these data bcloro us, how can any sane or leasonahle man harbor the thought that wo ore in danger from Catholic ascendency? Hather wo should judgo that those who havo raised the hue and cry against the Catholics, under ex ,' . i isting circumstances, have a souiun in - . ... . ,, .. .i d . . towards an nlliancn w ith iho State and would do the very thing they affirm isih design of tho Catholics. At all events, wc minx u aavisao c as pcrpctua vim . , . ! " , anco is il,o price of liberty to watch ', we think it advisable as perpetual tllClll for .. .. ., ., ... v.,,1,n.,ai(! aws of ,,10 ,.U) j nnJ tl() cmfUi;l,.r 0r ii. . . .. i . ouuiu os auuit tn: tiiiin.'r nn; n'tni i wilier ... . , i. J t.i ... i .i. , , . . . .., as any of her davchtcn. CirFive ocean sdeamers have ken lost dutiilf! tho nresent vrar. the meluiieholv list bein" as follows" : The Citv of Glas- gow, lhe Franklin, the Humboldt, the City of Philadelphia anJ tho Arctic. ' SPEECH 01' V9V. BliiLEil. We publish below (lie speech of (iov. lli;;ler, ib" livcred ill Washington city, on tle evening of the Md nil., nl a complimentary serenade "h en tohiin. The sentiments of the speech are sindi ns mieht he exploited from the num. u recommend it to our readers, and feel proud thai while (lovernor Hit ler has been struck down by an unseen enemy, he lms the courage to raise his voice, in vhni:cnt tones, iu behalf of correct principles, utid in defence of thu constitution. Gov. ltigler said, that unprepared as ho was for thu occasion, he should feel him self unworthy of the personal respect of his friends were lie to lull to acknowledge as best he could, a compliment so flatter ing and gratifying. It speaks (said he) n language inoro eloquent than words can express, and had excited tho strongest emotions of his heart. Offerings of this kind tn successful contestants for power and placo aro not uncommon ; but such greetings to those about to retire from pup lie. life to defeated candidates and pros- Irato principles are less usual : foreven in our day of disinterested friendship, the rising sun is more attractive to some lhan the setting. Uut Mr. U. said, he preferred to believo that tho demonstration before him was more than a personal compliment to himself. Ho regarded it as intended to evince the attachment of lhe people present to the great principles which ho had the honor to represent in tho late gubernato rial canvass of Pennsylvania as mani festing their confidence in the motto in scribed on the democratic (lag now pros trate in the Old Keystone. Such senti ment and sympathy ho could reciprocate most heartily. It is, said Mr. 1!., matter of congratulation that whilst tho candi- dates of our party in that contest have' fallen, not ono word had been erased from the motto on the flag under-which they i contended not ono sentiment of Demo- j cratic truth had been abandoned not ono i concession made to the enemy in the fight nor tuc sngniesi lorucarcnce asked at tncjrj hands. Mr. B. described the contest in his Siato as one of nn extraordinary character one that in many of its phases stood without a parallel in the partisan struggles of tho country. For the first time in our history secret and oath-bound societies, organized for the avowed purpose of controllinrj the political affairs, had entered the political 1 V lI . I.I i! arena, l or the hrst time, too, wo havo witnessed tho potent and mischievous workings of an institution against which tho wiso and sagatious Washington had warned tho American people. He alluded to the mysterious operations of this organ ization, and said that, enveloped in mys tery and dignified with tho solemnity of oaths, its approaches were most lusidious and seductive. Ho regarded it as well calculated to mislead, for the moment, the unwnrv and tha wenk Tint hn hnH nn abiding confidcnco lhat mature reflection on the part of its members would work its dissolution. An institution whose tenets of faith aro inimical to the laws of the lund, and in derogation of the rights and j dignity of a large cluss of American cit izens. cannot long endure tho scrutiny of: aa intelligent and just people, . .. . ,, , Anainst this, and all similar omaniza l1 saiJ Mr- B- the Democracy of Pennsylvania havo taken most positive t ni ., ground, dhev are against al secret so- !b- ,- , ,- . b,-.. , cieties to nccomple !i po'udcal ends, no mat- , i i , .r- . lorby whom iormed. Tim evil tenden- 1 f . -,-,,. i si. 10 hi-, .u iuuo: v.ioiiiu.iiiM tuc t;uiuiu(. neo r,. , ,r, , ,, of the people. I hoy are moral as we as ' isaid he, to long commtnd the confidence political. For an apt and eloquent des- ;cription of the latter, ho would refer his i i,.,.,m , i'..i,:.., r. h a .i t it. 0.1.1:1 wi ! uoiiii.-ion a iuiuwuii auuieas. Ho looked upon this organization as a tru- I,, nrnnt nv..limn (l.oni.,,!. .1... 1 1 u "aU or' , cJice of !icltv iis tendency to destroy lhat mutual confi- denco which should ever exist between member of this community to corrupt and make bitier tho channels of social iti - tercourselo etultil'v that free declaration iviuumai; iu taiillliv lllii c ,jnj0n and mr oc 0 l"ll'on an' purpose, so essential to the 1 im uinuvojii wi iiiiuiiiuni;'., iinii'i.ii cuiiii-i -"d " J UC11CC, nnd nwulv ,L-m s!.;(:Jion.s of any c!as. f citizc. Tho Democratic th(J fr0 ;, inj " ,cnl PXo,,i- cf: party seek only to delei.d the Constitution, tlc(,ive ,.,,;, J r, lvpri!or , dr.ni,d to maintain that each citizen shall be j cn.cj ,lilnsdl opposed to ail soeieiies of j milled lo enjoy the rights, privileges . thi8 kill() ,hat h'B d ccn,pj Jnn J , pportunities which it guarantees to ,0 ,):) Jy fmJ of him. Were the encroachment made upon , ,,, , , ; )inv other class nf neonle the m.sition of .... C :..i,. It: ..... i ..it tllU j'"V'i I IU I UV U ' i IIV," .11 IV, I j I Ml .il) 1.3 11 j ' II I auily and republicanism as inconsistent I l',u Democratic party would not bo chang with the genius ol our institutions und ihel-'J- They would still insist upon a just ad American character. In u rounirv where , ministration of the Constitution. They ilic people enjoy to such nn eminent de iVILU llll. IIII.UUHIUI Ol,,.,., II UII4 IIIIIU-.l'l ; ., 1 . : ol discussion, lliero can exist no necessi- ....oo l',., r,...l,..., ,.r I. ...wl !.. IIKoelo lies for secret societies. If there be, said he, moral or political evils amongst us wliicli demand correction, let iliu worK ' , i t r i . i j bo an open and a dnvliglit business, . t t i- ' . . i it bo applied in n manner consistent Ltd with 1 tha people. Le t every man declare his .,... I , r it r t ' opinions on J iiitenhons liauklv and freely and endeavor, by fact ami reason, lo con- . slraiu nii neighbors to the ri; hi. But let l'icm shun an iiistitutio.i ihit teae lehcrs its i nmbf rs to say out! tiling and do nuo'her. Mr- "' a W!)! a l"ii''"l ri'lieeliim 1 tliat tho Democracy oi Pennsylvania, go ing into the contest the advocates of the doctrine of self-government for tho peoplo of our Territories, with an avowal of their determination to sustain tho constitutional rights of all classes and denominations of American citizons and each member of our national confederacy, and to see equal and exact justice meted out to all, should have been defeated. But that glorious party the party of progress and the par ty of tho Constitution said he, aro not vanquished or disbanded. Thero is still a solid phalanx of somo 105,000 who have not yielded to the power of tho new party, besides many men who were misled by tho wily schemes of tho enemy, and who will swell our ranks joined by many high minded and independent whigs, w ho will prefer the Democratic to tho new par ty: these united can redeem the Old Key stone from the rule of an unseen power. He made no prctensious to prophecy, nor did he assume to penetrate further into lhe mysteries of tho future than any other man, but he would venturo to predict that tho day was not remote when tho princi ples which havo just been prostrated in Pennsylvania will be vindicated and en dorsed by iho people when tho Demo cratic party will again be in tho ascendan cy ; and also that the policy of the Dem ocracy in the contest of 1S54 will consti tute one of the brightest pages in tho histo ry of our party. It was not tho first timo that tho Democracy have been defeated w hile contending for just principles and a wiso public policy. This lute contest, said Gov. U., will be recorded as another in- stance in which that party have contended for the right, rcgardlessof ihoconsequcnce, have preferred principles to unworthy sue cess, Since the election, Mr. 1). said, he had noticed with much interest, and in some instances with ustonishmcnt, tho efforts of certain of tho opposition press to save their party Irom tho consequences of this fusion triumph. Conscious that some of tho falso issues which thev had raised are likely to cost them dearly in the future, they are attempting to attribute the origin of theso to tho action of the Democracy. Dread ing the ultimate edicts of tho intolerant doctrines that have just triumphed inPenn 1 ' -!. syivania, anu ino irignuui error oi array, ing one class of American citizens and ono denomination of professing Christians against another, thoy are vuinly attempt ing to escape a just responsibility. By what facts or process or reasoning this work is to be accomplished Mr. B. said he was at a loss to imagine. As yet he had seen no argument on this subject that could mislead the most dull of comprehension. The Democracy did not in tho lato con test nor in any other, nor will they in the future, attempt to mingle matters of religion with politics. Thoy have distinctly de nounced all such attempts. As a member of lhat party, he had dono so, and should continue lo do so on all proper occasions; nor had ho ever sought to conciliate any sect or class of peoplo by tampering with their feelings or yielding to their prejudi ces. How these new questions arose in Penn sylvania can bo readily discovered. Tho Whig Mayor of Philadelphia, in his inau gural address, had distinctly avowed the doctrine that a citizen born outof tho coun try should not bu trusted wilh civil office, and thut he should make this principle a rule of uclion in tho distribution of the patronage of his oiuce. Tho Democratic party deny tho justice of this doctrine, and insist that the guarantees of tho Constitu tion must he scrupulously observed; that no administrative ofiiccr should lay down 1 TIllcS l'tU'OllHlStent With n illSl 11 ll mi 11 idt m . who had thus commenced an aggression upon ndoptod citizens immediately raise the cry of "foreign influence," and charge j " 'l,c Democracy are tho spcciul friends l "1 apologists or our foreign population, a"'' address themselves to tho national p' v"ccs 01 our peopie. v e aeny mis ai- eontuin that u-p nm ibn uneci:,! minnliink wouiu men uo called tlie partisans oi native-bom citizens. Secret nnd oath-bound societies have been formed for the known purpose of ntiridgin tho constitutional rightsof Amer ican citizens bec'iiisi! of the plucc of their birth, nnd the rights of a certain religious i denomination of people, whether born in America or elsewhere. Tho Democratic party again insist lhat tho constitutional guarantees must bo ouserved; Hint no citi zen shall bo proscribed from civil place because of his religious belief; and nrain a false charge is rtiiied, to the Co let Ilia! i wo arc thenpol.igisis of Iho Catholic rc!i- gion. Wc deny ilnst allegation, said Mr. 1. The Democratic party arc the guar-