Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 02, 1854, Image 4

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I hi Mi
! K ., l
e t.- r
0 Hi
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Ati I
i "hi n i 1 1
nil-- '
h II .1. ft. ,
, lit
(1 II ( . in
A ii I In il
i' '
ti... .;.. .
" I .. M
t fail n ii , I wi 1.,
Atui iii ii.,, r
All.1 I. Ml I
if I,, , ? i, I in. ,.
With tnrl.,in tint, llii f 1 1 n -r i- ("dir.
HI il.l.,, I ,. IHi.l (,,,,,( ;
And ln.rv I,-, I, , I II, ,;, '(
An. I iii.uiv,.' n,. Ih!,iiI,
Mi. t I" eiilctn U tin. robe jc near,
11.11. it.". IK. t,.i nil. lli.W luii l ;
It .".Men Irti. r plainly hiv,
"Soon lulli Iho lading lonl.''
A n.l summer's flowery d.iy lia.i tied,
Sweet summer, t'i i ' 1 of sot, g;
Its Iril.THIlt nil' 1111,1 VOI'dllllt luwiu,
Now tu iho pal belong.
Tlio l.'uf rejoieoi in its death,
Ami wears n garment gay;
Why thou nhoiihi Hum s- Ii rink at the tomb?
Is bo li'.-.H wi.-e lliun thi'
They, through the ligditta.nio summer day,
Mum well performed th.'ir pa.l ;
IIiivo fhilLri'il inn ii mi I beast
Anil gladd. nod every heart.
'ow that tiu ir hour of (loath lias tunic,
They iduuo in rainbow lignt ;
A hi id tin. lull (luik evergreens
They gleam n, splendid sight.
,K. when Iho puro nnd virtuous fi.ul
Is summoned earth to tly,
Ho re no mid la limit is llio light.
W huh I'iIU that heuvctiw uid oye.
1'or onrilily duties well porforuieJ,
And earthly trials borne;
And earthly joys received,
At dculh why uliould wo moiirn ?
Fair blooms tho rose in mother earth,
lint fairer far in heaven ;
Pleasant our tun's reviving ray,
lint lo tho g,ood is given.
A city fair which hnth no need
Of sun, or moon, or Mar:
Licrht by tho blessed Lamb of God,
lu bounty more than fair.
Voai t!ic I'hiUJi'iih!n Xnrlh Amr!rtu,
Averages ot Crops in the Western States.
IW Wji. Goodrich & Co.
Ohio, October, 155-1.
From a letter dated Cine.innnti. Orf.
14th, we muko llio following extract of
Uems : Money matters extremely "tight
exchange on New York li per cent.
Weather here clear ond pleasant, anJ the
city healthy. Returns from other coun
ties than Ihoso already cited, confirm the
fact of tho general failuro of the crops in
tliis Stato.
Illinois, September, 1S3-1.
The gist of all thut it may be impor
tant to our merchants to know concern
ing the crops, prospects, &c, in this State,
is to bo found in tho annexed selected re
turns from tho several counties iiamcd ;
other information corresponds.
Coles Co. Wheat, an avcrago crop,
worth 81 per bushel. Corn, about one
half a crop, worth 10 cents a bushel.
Oats, an nverago yield, selling at 5J3 cents
per bushel. Hay, n first ralo yield, sel
ling at S3 a ton. Uarley, none raised.
Uyo, very littlo cultivated. Potatoes, al
most a total failure.
Clark Co. Whcaf, an nverago crop,
worth 81 20 a bushel. Corn, about one
half & crop, worth 40 cents a bushel.
Oats, a good crop, worth 23 cents a bush
el. Barley ond Rye, but little raised.
llay, a good crop, worth 3 u ton. To-
taiocs, not Hall nn average crop
Champagne Co. Whea. full nverno-p
crops. Corn, much injured bv drought
about onchalf a crop. Oats, very good;' above county havo sold largo quantities
ft full average yield. Harlcy ond Rye, jof goods during the past four months, on
Mono raised. Potatoes, not half nn aver- credit and in every other way, to ony nnd
"S0 crop. I everybody. It must bo difficult fbr"thcm
Crauford Co. Wheat, nn average 'a meet their outstanding liabilities, as
crop. Corn, hrll'a crip. Oats, nn aver- most of them have no ext capital, nnd
age crop. Rarh y, none culivatcd. Rye,
not quite an nverago crop. Hay, rather
over nn nverago crop. Potatoes, scarce,
ly any ; not more than one tenth tho usual
crop. There is a good prospect for white
oak "mast" this year, which will, in soma
measure, answer to fatten hogs, and reme
dy tho failure generally of iho corn crop.
7IT -.. m, .
luiHoxpui co. I ins coming season
Will 1iO i. nrnti if M t"
i. in l u in v y ijiu lh i i n i in rn n.
try merchants, becauso of tho failure ofl
. I . ...
the Corn crops, upon which grain the
jurmcrs so rnuc u riineni m this i,. nn
of the Giatc they will find it very HilTi- j f
Plllt tn il,; ltv.:i .: .1 . .... '
w ni.ii imuiiiiies in mo siore,
nnd consequently their creditors will hard
ly be able to discharge their obligations.
Tazmrll Co. Tho traders in this couu-
ly nrj generally doing well. Tho Wheat
tic i, nowcver, nas ai ca, wnie i w in
1 '. . . . ' .." " la
sorno measure rnm er t in in ,;i.,-
Vermillion Co. Wheat, below nn aver
nge yield. Corn, quite poor, not over
one half n crop. Oats, very fine, n large
yield. Darlcy and Rye, none or very lit
tlo cultivated. Hay, n most excellent
crop. Potatoes, nor.o at all, a perfect
Tknxc?see. SentemW 1 8.,1
Blount Co. Corn, a fair nverago crop.
Oats good crop. Wheat, co.e'd
a good crop I ho other crops in the same
ratio, With the exception of IVitntnea . uhlnl,
havo failed. ' ' I factory to tho c er Z TJ ?5 iliZ1'' "r'"'s hr
Vuwtlr Tl,nrn l- 1 . . ,L;."7, . UCTiy Victim, he'",Vl',""l'. 1 Wrs ifyou want to buy cheap,
layette Co-Thero has been n total, mined to vict.mi.o m Vjrn, and AnY,n-r.yf of ft 1 1ir, rrena rronni-n ; il.:. llin , n nn, n.:. ' . . . '"c Cir s lllni (,:, .1, !,1, fc
- I " fj-i.-iuiiy iu mis;""' ".nvuuui ma cuiie, sonn Oll.leil nnnlb
ruined the harvests. Farmers havo raised
hardly enough Wheat nnd Corn for tho
wants of their own families.
Hardin Co. RCvcro drought Ims
been ol great injury to tho crops of this
rnnnl,- I-nrmni-B l. . i .
county. I-armers havo mado no sulIus
produce, und it is moro than probable
irifl !f ! . .i ... I
.inn mey win not navo enouoh (or their
own consumption. Tho dry weather has
extended generally ever tho entiro State.
Thero is but littlo money in tho count v
nn.l liiit rr .
I-, nuiu iiicuus io uring any m.
Knox Cb.-Wheat. ft verU f,.! n..,. I
crally r,00d cron Corn S i i
Koodld S. IT' 5 1 ' "r
Iho county. There has been 7f Z !
potatoes but hay has yielded well
Munroe Co Wheat, a good crop.
Corn, n fsir nverago yield. Oa..i, ns
t;ood a crop ns usual. All the crops havo
lallen oifbut littlo from the cwdinnry over-Pl'o-
it, it I'liinl crop,
I '.,11
ft 11 til I I I , (Ti
!il. Oili. r ti "i nte
.V- ' f.vTI r.
I'n ir.
s , " ll.'t V
i 'l lull. 'I ln iimi's mi.. Iiu l. r tliatl
er, ninl III. 'II v li.i in.; in p ... , k ,t
e.impcllr.1 l,i g.i .i r..losi Hey (I ,i y .
I Throughout ;,,m 'IViiiio.' . i llio Corn
irrop i;i n pooil one ; tuns', ivtiu ij Iumvj ;
j Wlirnt hiwl ( ),i(3 huvo icldcd n Well lis
'ustml. '1'ln-ie will Iki ti Inrj'n surplim of
jp'oiluc'i lo In; sent out ,ftlijs district lo u
Wisconsin, .SoplcniLcr, 151.
Tlicrropsof iliis .Slalo nro la rio tl.i.i year,
n very li-mvy surplus of Wheat was'lmr
vest iu every town.
I'.usincss men in .Mdwnukic, wlio Invo
licen cstftblishcd several yenrs, oro gun.
ei'nllv ill t'nn.l piriMtfiutrin,.nu
i no prospocis lor business ttn scdHoa arc
t.i.i.L j ."c
Mississippi. n this Stato times prom
isc to no urciucUly "linrJ. "
are vcrv poor cencrallv in
Lotton Crops
SOmO Ot tllC
river counties thev will bo fair but there
1ms been a tsuliirient quantity of Com
faised in North Mississippi to'supply nil
tho domands of the other districts.
In Iliiwnmbo county there is a good
deal of suein in tho Courts by foreign
I ... If r. . J n
merelinnfs. If R li;iP;,i P,.,,..
, 7 . .. '. -' . -uu.i . ,,t3!P011, At,,.uU I)rn;;gi.'f, Chain hi, l'a. Al-osoldl v
on tlio lirst iwiituluv in Decern K-r. I imps i h n.iin,- iir .. .t,n .,r;1,. i,,i 1. :.. .1 f
, -....ww
tiro indeed quite squally "ood. bad. in-
clitlerent. a! are sued nlikn ; tl...m I, n
, . . . "
general rush lor who may get a judgement
I ,.., 'vu
" t-'-rui pnmc
thouiihout tho whole of North
and merchants selling there should miko
M bargains carefully, or they w ill bo like j
m iiiii,; riiijiiiii inii.f;
J 'v.o.y.
In the bouthern part of tlio S-nie. Sin.
bilo particniarlv, (hero promises to bo a
n. n . w t if . 1 1
Fall and Winter business : the men-hunts.
or nt least those who hnvo been several
years in trade, arc deemed safe for con-
iiueis ; aimosi an 01 tiiem live much moro
economically thau was their want ten years
Tho city of Mobil c remains quite heal
thy, probably more so than any other city
in tho Union ; tho physicians whopredic
ted tho sickness in July, declaro no dan
ger of nn epiJemic.
Ccorgii. There nro hard times in this
Stale, especially in Richmond county, and
it is yet difficult to predict tho resuh.
Some of llio paper of sotne of the mer
chants in Augusta has been protested for
non-payment, and nearly nil tho parties
are out of tow n ; it is to bo hoped they
will bo enabled to meet ihcir liabilities in
a few days.
Virginia. In Wood county, business
is dull ut present, owing to the low wa'er
in the Ohio river. The crops in this
Slate show a fair avenge,
Texas. Especially in nnd about An
derson Co., there i a great pressure in
. I.- r 1 . 1 . . 1 . .
iuu imiiriciui ninn;ci; greaicr I tint ever
before, and more suits in court than there
has been before in three years nltcelher.
Arkansas. A letter from Hempstead
county contains tho nredieiinn tl.nt ti.
t 1 j
-u.iiiu uuwins jear will ua a Iiara Olid," general a-ortm.n! of
pressing o:ip. Crops oro very lidit throuoh- ,i:'il' r'. sin.por... .to., .t
;'out '''0 State, and the merchants in iho
.1.. c. . 1 .1 - . "
depend altogether upon their collections
1 n . i - .
ti-r f n v -..... , '1 . - .1 , 1 I i
for tho payment of their debts abroad.
CvrtE ron Heavi:s. Tuko n lot of
weed commonly railed smart icccd, that
grows along the roadside, or in the Holds
in low places ; steep it in h-vling water till
u;e sireng.ii u an out, and givo the horse
ono quart of tlio liquid every day fur eight
or tun days. Mix it with bran or shorts,
. . . . . v "wit-.
u , , 1 V- no'' P0l,r h dow
VL'tl h n lint Iln !, 1. . . r ,
wilh a bottle. Give him nreen r.i put f,.o,l
wet with water, during the operation
nnd I will warrant u euro. Horses with
icaves will bo troubled with Ir
bad this dry and dusty weather, as they
w;i!l in tim spring of tho year. This medi
cine is so simple, and easy to bo obtained
that somo may not think it worth their
uiic to iry ii ; out simpto medicines many
r . . ';
times nrovo mnrn i.fonii,. iLn ,b -k
. - , i,,,.,. uu-
fninnr nt nr,.l a- .,
... u ti,i ..-iil-, jow is me
time to securo Iho weed, nnd I say to those
iiiiurcsico. irv it. llnrrru , rio,-,,- ...
Rural JS'cw Yorker.
Rr.V. T. P. IIlNT. We hnvn ririn,.)
may rood things that emanated from the
keen wit of this reverend "pntlnmnn l,. 1
tho last I' ...c":m"n' Llt!
-...w .vi, ua unw ij (iiitrei v. A
man rccontlv nns.ainrr U n
. ( ..,( uuiik 1HI3 UC
compan.ed Vy a small dog ; and tho littlo
teeth m tho old gentleman's vZ
nhvsienl ' . I
tho dramatic tntui comedv.
ganger.' Why did you kin my dorr '
.-IWausc ho was going to bilo
fmficr .-'Why didn't you use t,c
mU l'1,(J of 'our slick 7 You could lmv
I rmhtfiiifit I,:.., .... i -n , , .
. .... ... ,1,,,, uii.j iuu i.iiieu lum
Hunt (ixei.'rd.V'Whv ,i;,l,,', ' 1
v -v i ruin uu"
corneal mo tail first, ihcn ?'
noc iiiTJs. A receipt gives tho f0.
j lowing ns a euro lor tho Iironchitis: Tuke
"""V. lV 0,nl, V'CC " cli-
0 . " ii0 w"cr.'"niilly moinicn.
'n."., lc !l-i mouth with it. I has ney.
b STII la"' ln cas" cvc hen
.viii u -I iln. i ii-irrt-trn . . .
- ..i.wmio nu snoiicn ns io ue
lo owallow
f7lyngo nn Irishman, nn.
mr-d Jerry Donavan, was murdered, while
r "X T : . " V" ; w yetto
1........ .
Countv. Hi, her.,1 u.:.. I iaPll0
V'UUHl li All,- UlJilll W!l RI1 II rn.
n VNon wu i nn
nxo, by some person unknown.
...... i
t It y t). M M rtltl s
i I'll I'll ni,n r mm ii n,
ll ' ' T I ' ,. I'lll
III. lit I I l I .11.1
th (' t in nil
I!... ili.,ii-... I'M r
l,i, Ii It H I.', ."ii
i,. i nl I ii ii n 1 1 v
cnlli-,1 ', I ..-
fl ll-.. (If tlll'M'
i" i I'M ii I, 1 1' r n
irin. or I'lillini;
ol 'the V. Til I j I I l -on
A t. a I H , or
V liil,' ; Cliii.iMr
I I . I (I I T I 11 K Of
mm U'oiin: 1m i.
ti'A .iti. llrM.iim.
r riiNKi i., Hi p-
...Mm, ll. A', ll li,uif:l'l III M ! V wn.i, m-iov X .1
wild nil their nccou'iiun in;: evil,-,, (Cancer exeei
' le.i.) nu nia'..' how fvi io or ol how lun ftninlinij.
Tho Culhnlieoii fur snri.'iis. s oilier reinedies, in
beim; in.. re certain. I."' e vi.eiiiii e. nn.l h avin.' Iho
v-t,iii in a botier oundilion. l,et all liitoresto.l
cull and obtain n ,,iniihl. t (free) ooiituinint; nm
).lo iro..l', from the nioM i'i"i,i i lnli'o noiireo'.of the
b.'iieih'ial r.'Hilt of ils lf o ; together with letters
from highly oNierieiiee.l l'hvsi.'iiins, who liavo
,,,,.1 ;,. 11,.,: : i i. .1.
i.i ,u, jiii. iiv.., ti.i'i rj-vi.u .I.MII UU'ir Villi
! olwervntion'.
J. 1'. I' !'. K 1'. , I I S. P. 1!, I m.'k 11 Af, M. I'., I linn.
,. 1. li. 1). I'l.ritis.:, .M. 1)., ( aimtiilaigim, . V.
M. II. Mii.i.s., M, 1., ;,. Chester, N. V. i. Y.
I', M. 1)., Sytaeiiio, X. Y. Prof, hi smit,
M. lb, llaliim.ire, Md. .1. C. (Hun. k, .M. II. lial
timoro, Sid. YV. W. ltnrsK, M. J. Neiv-Yoik
City. W. riiKss. or, AI. .. Cuncord, X. I. J, 1'.
Ni;m.ami, M, !., l lieii, . Ymk. ltev. C.
lit: Mil., (llenn Springs, ('.
l'niii.lilels had gratis nt tho sloro of 0. 1). Vnt-
, ..,.j,, ,,j.UI LMUinn,,!- Ul.
Juiui,,n rtmuth -n.
. " ' :l ,v ' ".jmoiora,
1 enirai l'cii.t. Hioa.hvav, X Y.
July s, isii.-r,,,,.
i lioon iiai((;aih huh:.
-TiY lil'Vl.N.i STDYKS A.I ( A-TI MIS of nil
J kinds, at the STOVK A M MA IIUU'A 1! li
.'! I'l! I' n.lioiniit" l.oontir.l .( Al,.,.r,,'u i..-.. 1..
-, iii
qtZlTret.t;!;:!: "c.T,!u
ion s in. 1 Mr t o,,k Sl-n. s, of dillerent ni.cs ; Hie
celebrated Sahiiiiiinder. fnc.ii.l'stovo.l 1'ai lor Sloven
for v.. d imi I coal. Nino 1'Iat. s of ilillerent mzcs.
Hailing rioves. Sled Sole., Sleigh Sol. s. Mantle
1 1 rules for A inter ninl Simimer, nuille Iron". Iv't
t'cs of nil M.-.rv, and a largo nssoilmeiil of Hollow
Ware of all kind-'.
-U o, TiiiT' itivfi M u-MiNrs, Cinni Mn.i.n, .VnV
nnd , .., of every .1- 'eripiiuii eon lamlv on hand.
Crders f,.r all kinds of l a-lings f,,r (irit and
Paw Mills, and Kngine- 1 iplet,., ,,m 0 t frlv
horse piiwer.u ill he thanUlully reeeiiedaudlirwUipt
Iy lHlendeil to.
All kinds of counlry prodiiee tak"n in crchange
for Caning-, and i-), Itrf,.,,-.!,
h. It. t'AllTKIt, An'ent.
Clearfield, April j, ISil-ly.
i.m)k to vm it imi:::i;st,
s i)t itciiAsr: v. iii;i:i: you
ri.KASK ! S
X 1 taae great !, euro i
. . 1.
. - f.,',1 l -,l IU 111111,111111 111 I
N 1.. ..1.1 ...1 . .1 ... 1 . ..'
. - ,'i't 1 1 le in 1 1 1 : 1 1 11 111 1.1 .. 1 ,: i ... i , , . c. I -v
? all kinds of (i Unci: I! I I'S el,',,, r .1 S
oiio-r I1011-0 tins si.lo of I'liiholelphia. Call
and seo fri.v. i,m't 111 i.-t.t kn 1!;., p;,ce, at
S ,no corner i..p..-;i.. the lYniiiylwiniu Kail
N I. "a, I Hoods deljere, t Jeron...
J t'vo.i.i.vs allerpiirehn-int'. .Mind Ihnl 1 1:.
J .'. ;, ,! .,l.,,r..,. hitrl...l
? ,', I.:.,.,, ,;: All if which wiillicsoHut
1 s
u Very low j r -lit t. r Ca ll.
s . , J. r.. i:kt
i Harm-burg. Vol.. S, l:,.1v.
.;iv i;oor sisos; stonu
1) Kf-PKCTFl r.I.Y .iiiiionnces to the ciii:innf
I, tl-arfndd, and i i. iniiy, that I,.. has c m,-
! Lie. ice i the l'.anu,', , i ,,i e no, I ....!.. . r .... ... .
"I'litiUOTS r.nd SlldiJS. j;, . ,.lv .';'',;','
till .1 .or ea-t of ',!,,,... ( 1. . .. . .. I
Shaw's Kow-whero he ZiZ-. Z e' !!! ? 'i
,, , ,,
tv. 1111, nl 1 ,,,
...i.. ,. ' . - - .iu -
iie-i i.riee. I On , ,.
in ......ii iiimu'u io (..amine liu Mock of HliL'SS
., ... share of the public pnlronago is re-'peet-fully
invited. Clear,ielil, .lug. ,, V,v.
A ,5, -"AX Mould inform the pnbl!,,.
that be keeps conMinlv on baud tor u
,?.r ?,,,,!-V "f "' hvt ''''II-M'l.l.l'llfA nnd
1 I I 1.-1,1 i;ii MOV ICS of ,nri., nd
;,atter..', nieh as CouK, 1'AIil.olC, and II V li
'v,".T:i'," ':l'r '"'' 1,0 "'' "Xt'W
i ill-Id I onU S'.ove."'
1 l."-e Move- havo all boon seloeled with careful
reg-ird to thiekne.-.i of plates m,d oualitv ( f me" I
A, I Moves bought at this (MaUiM nient are iro, -r.o.v.
i'er-.ons in want f a o,l st,,,-,. ..,,i.i ...,n ,
t , . . - ' ",i , i i ail iiim
, examine , t.,ok b. C re buvhig el,cv,hcr..
"li" City, S.j.l. ;. lo., l.-C Ilcrnoii-trtitirris.
mm: "pror f ti,., i',i,i;s j, rho-w;,
Jl l'-ag," an, 1 tho surest wav i . t . 1, "
,0(iHS, is io call on A. M. JIILl.?. the
'tll'l l',r, ,vrr,"
Where ho is jus! receiving a new recruit of almost
''..' t -ii. ,n the trad" lino. A purlicuhirlv lar -e
and well si'leetod fto.k of FashieiiVile ;:.-..d'v.
l,,iumo.ll;(iN:,i;TS,,.n.l .-ilk laid, Plain Pdaek
Mil:, Materud ."-ilk, nnli Fa-.i.-v coloured Si'k V-in
till,-.", ::lPn the l,...-t r,t neateM slvle. n
sapeiior!,,! cfdlNiillAM LAV.S-s lk i;,, '
Jieui.. tuber at tho i:EL I'LAtl.
July 12, is;, .
T7I!ACI.S SlttJKT nu..iii...... I., ih, ,!,:..
Jt. "1 'ie.'ir:'!(! 1 nnd vieiuiiv. I'mt, ,.. ),,,, ,',,,;
coinmone.d the m-i mifi, -t uro' of Hoots and Shoc
m me'.iirli ol ( loar.'icld. H,. can ho founi j
the fl.o,, ,,o,ioily o.-mided by Thoiucs Shea, up
.Mans in S,w's row on S.-eond rlreet. whoro hois
pi-cparcd lo ,l,i nil work in his line, no I will!,.,
)"' " r''", ,n"" m,y or l.l cf-
" :, zr:1 -
"lu ".'Ji p.urona
CleurUehl June 2S, 1 S.', l.-tf.
1 - ,,ut!i"-'"" mt w'.ZZ,!'
;'""da - sorlmontol 1 r.Ti'v l'llTTFIIY W I !: t"
c . '
.'an. ll,lSl-ly.
T 1 T I., V m n ii i i, n
A ir-i i .i "' ""aneipuin,
-A Hai!road,H.iy, Coal, and Fiiriiiiirs'
'y - f 'u' ( ALL."-, sel in any ,,art of llio I
cnd n shor, iioli.ui"1',1''? v I
L 1 1 '-' I.i .
fibril unit he I noi. in ,-n... t. 4.
I ,,, ,1".!:',"-"i.Kn,"i "n' rs. ff "l well known
.."iaea-t of C I Zbl ! r T.T hM . "
i o oilers one olh.r , wilil B oJ , . '
li . . in ni-r, i ifHr i i nn n v
uo .'iora Jnilororshoemuker..
kJ ll'i'r i, ...
l'own;l,ip,Augu:iSoU;f. 1UAAl-
W0.!rV,).,r,:r.'",";,l'ul!-v ; llio dlhen,
, . ""'I ".ilOMlinil r.,,,,.1
- . .-1 , inn no i. ni a, n.ii, . . ....
??.?? "".V'P'I" J.'t i-uaia f,o 'sr
n,l I,., . J "ouniies Hint lie
i'wq oi I' ll HirfT . . " ' j
,nnn is tuny prepared to icrammn,!.,. n ' '
furor him with a Jl ' V
. - 1 en. 1$, lbi4-ly j
i ... i - "M vvmio rm n v i'n i
i I '. i t'i i'-i L ' . '.. . . i
n a) ui i xt a vu a Ui
II VltUlS WAliM'.lt,
AMi I n U I Ml I II, I,. 1., I .r
nn - in hi. I imo mil t. t, 1 ,,11
' ! .1. i-.,l
I il v, ell
't"i 1 no
.101 1. n.iit: al,
11 H out It ll , l.aith.-r burg. I'n.. nil! ii'lend In
,i'ilii"M ill hi. I1..,1, ninl mil nl . n Inn, Mi
Uag.'ti'!, l:ngi;iiw, An., Very eh. i.., nn.l inaiiufar
tnied in Iho be-l chic, mid w 111 nulled,
o. lol. r 1 I, Is.', I.'
11 i:rv ftuoi;.'
1 AM l ACTI i:i:il mil Ho;
I. r in Lumber, nt
ill "I'iono.r .Milln," in Morris tmniMilp,
li ne.
licld eolllltv. Saw. ,! laioiln r I Iv ., 1 1
ninl bill, of every ileserij.lion nine. I to order on
tho shortlist noiice. h.jit. L'.'i, '.ril ly.
Iron 'niimliTs. CurwoiiMillo. An exlonsivo
assoiinionl of Castings mudo to order.
1 T.t, isal.
CoptHT, Till mid sheet lion lUantiliirtiirer,
Ciinvensvillo, abovo Iho old finindiy, on Iho
north side of M iin sire?!, w here all business in bis
line is ilono up in u workninnliko nmnner, and on
rensonublo tenin. Country jirmlnco taken in ex
ehnngo for work. Sep. 17, Is..:;.
Cnpprr. Tin, nn.l Slitet Iron Wnrc illatm
liU'ltilTr, on Second mi t, one door south of
A. K. Vi right's store, C'leorliel 1. Hoc. 2',i, 1 si 01 1 .
"Ilnrksmllli. nt Hopewell, Hell township, nt the.
1 r v 10-.1 nouns leaning 1 nun m (let' s .Milling ew
U n-hinirlon, nnd fr.Gn Client crock to tho river,
hcr.) ull calls iu his lino will bo promptly atleud
'! March 1!, Is a2.
rilAXA'KUS and ('uriiers, tlrampion Mills, Clonr
JL lield county, l'u. keep eonslanllv on himd un
sortment of leather. Cash juiid for hides.
May IS, 1S.,..-,.
Cloai li and Slcl-li Mnkcr, on Third strco,
J between Market and ioieu-t, ClearliuM. Ta.
Aj.nt III, ICj:'.
R. iCsTCirLixii!
addle .".lid Harness r. uml .In wile, .,(
the Peace, Curwcii- ille. lice. 2S, lsl.
")odt and Sime Maker, can bo fund nt his
shoo three doors nr.t of the M 11.,,,..
where he has eon-tuntp, ,,n hand a large assorltnent
both of hoinoand city manufacture. July s, ',J,
arhMiiKli, Wagons. Hug-ies, Ac, Ac, ironed
J) '
on shot! ami tlm v. t-v K,.ji ut.-l., .,1 1.;.
old staml iu the bi.rough of Curwcu.-villo. '
Hoc. 2'.', ls.,:i.
riianucr, ut iho old Ft.'iud in Cunven-vinV
J'ec. ISO I.
Qad.Uer, llarr.csi and Ti iiuh Matiiirarlur-
k3 er. cn s(ree, immediately 'over C. Ij.
.. .1 , . , -ii j j , - r
"rii"-I ri-lit. t'lmlr H kcr nd IIousq
mid s i:r;, I'altitci-, Cimvcnvii)e.
l', c. 2s, 1-01.
'.'iKIW '- How.'
IA-IIIoNMIl:.!: t.
ket ll'eet ill
AH.".,, in
.11 jrnr-
1 11 "' ""' r u ln lileriv
Hill, illlll .llMli-ll I'l I',,:, I 111',,.,, 1,'.
'lipied bv
2',l, 1-C.l. "
(,-... - -. I .. . 1 1. ,
A. L
rB.iiliir, Lusher'
r..-, w IU do his Wor't i.iil
L r 1 n
iheap as any other fdlow.
Tie. . r" I..."...'."
n ..u"?;?' 0 .
w -...,. nii.i mi i. ess,, in i . new
7 loot and Shoe .llakt i-, Se. 1 .t,,,
Jl opposite A. K. WrightV More, Cleaif. Hi, Is. -.2.
Id, l'a
11r.rUm!i, :, Third Mrc t, bclnc, n M,.
1) and Walnut, Clearliul, l'a.
A,tii Hi, i.n;,2.
l- a-oti .Uaker. corner ..f Third und I.oeu,
, f eei, ( i, ail,
April Hi, ls.-,o.
l.lslilonal.le IVUoi-, we.-t of Shaw's Kow. ,n
rai. Ilea.: r.el.l. J lee. oil, ,-,.', I. '
irta-on ;;.'A-r. Lu:!,
, ale
vi; ,1.,
,i t 'i.
I I 1 ' ei der ou su,,. ,,,
Hoc. 2'J, 1MI.
Joseph h iiRinn,
Blacksmith, nt New V,. liingt,,,,, ('lwr'cM
cunty, where nl! kind- wo.k isdono in hi
linc of busiucs on the shortest notice end ino-i
reiixniBMc t-ruiii. Slay 2d, IS.Vt.
r.l'CJI.Wj'.l tulll '!,.-.,.;, Tlelllei. 1 I
1 cr, A.c, New W''ton. el. ri',..i.i
'-v' i'i'' Pep. 2.1, 'il ly.
1 J'.IH. HAM mid t xlon: ivo Produce Dealer.
A XT and (.Men, ivo Pr
Second Hrcet, CU-aifield, Tu.
i Rent fi.rtlio nalc of siwes. Mill Ocoi-ln.-,
and C,ltNtlllKi.,0f all kinds. Also, Harlnm
and .Nails. Tlirashin r m.-iel, m.... , a : ...i...
tl ' O l ' " 'i s- -lllll(.
rul liiiplonienls, Ac., on Second Ktreet, under the
l'""""g ""'. Mnre), n, i6ix
"n reirliant and In,durc lkaler, I.ulhers-
burg. Clearfield ciiiinty, l'a.
l"st Slater. Mci-pl
' " "IIM 1'l.tll I
X I.tinilx r, (Irnhniuton, Hradford towushin.
Hec. 27, lsil. 1
aiid I'rodurc Dealer.,,..
April I,, ,l,,'.
I f''""1 "'J'1 ,'t -U-ri I.uni-
1I her. Second rlreet. ., no .1,., ,r I, ,.n.:
deiiee, Clearfield.
.. .. , .... r.., , K,J.
Hoe. tj, mi.
liaiita'.td Lum lu-r Dealer, corner of
XI JL J runt and Locust street., Clearfield
li . , .
Hoc. 2!l, 1 SOI.
"l)e!i.nei s(.fl'oreio;.i Hn Dme,iic Mc,-
JA i hiiiidl-i! and I Ji.tiorv. .,n t!,0 south .id,- .,r
lUaiuet strcetbotwecn f.or.lud 8w,m,, Cle.',, held
Sep. 2, lsji!.
A J1'0,"1,",""' "I I'i,k ,,,n. Cvo miles from
m r. ii ..A, ' ' u, uiiic.i iroin
Clearfield JIEI CHAM'S, and extensive
A - """"in. iniiuci.
Waiiufacturer, of Lum.,er,
July 2,'l, 1862.
r f i i iinfi.u
.1. C. I!I IIA1U;!,
e.',. lie Mil'-, "tie ni.ii'
.ill, Id my, I'll.
t t.r
"I1 11 Ho I"-. C
t'. 1 .1" r It, 1 " 1 1,
TT(iI:Y AT LAW. clllen ndi lining Id'
reii'leneo nn Second Street, Cl-ni lield, I'n.
June 1. I s ' I .
JOSlii ll 11. M'KNALLY.
TTiI!M:Y AT I.AV,'. - ('flieo ..n Iho ni.dn
ofS ml Slroet, 11-nl ly o.p.., lie 1I111 store of
A. K. Wright, will attend pn' iiipllv to nil business
cnliu.-led to bis euro. Clearlleld Juno 11. Is. I.
m. i:."wooi),
, ., .,
1 ) UUl ""'".V I.VH I'" nl bis rev leneo
111 1 "'"cnsydle, when not .r -,..,,lly ...
11. ituciiHit swoorc.
tloiiU'v ut I. aw, formerly of tho line of
' . . " , . - , ,, .,, ,
orr A hwori:," jiuntitigdon, 1'., will n -
1 n V to 11 i.rofess una bunness eiltrunt.
lend faithfully to all professionnl business entrust
ed to his cure by tho citizens of Clearlleld nnd od-
.1. c.
tHV"l' t IN, IL'
Oflieo ucxt door to, ami over,!''',
to. Oct. Ti, i,c::i. I .7
1. ! 11 111 1- counties
Kn. Wrigler's offic
VT ,.,,,, i,. n-
TlUlt.MA Al LAW, has removed hu nffioo
to Iho room adjoining on tho oust the Drug
Sloro of Hr. Lorain, mid will devoto his whole al -
lent on to I 10 l.rnel of 1,1. t.e.,l'.. 0011. Ilni-v
; " v
ho eonsuUeil in cue, and (tna.oi.
oau. la, is.ei.
i T p,,,,,,,,
A tlorney ut Law nnd I.un.l Akcii(, ofHeo
J. n.ljoiuing hii rooiduiice, on Market stiett,
Cloaiiiold. March l.-ji.'l.
. .
ii..i m y ui 1,111, iiiiieo unjoining ins rcsi-
-i.. ii-... t on i-e,-oii.i ru-i-ri, oppono iuu rem -
ueii. o i i.iiv. iiigier, wiearueiu.
Aiuil K, ls2.
T-T v, l'urehaed tho iro)ieily nnd s'ttiialion i
-R Jl. "i "1. !. J . Hoop', lenders lu.s prolessional
er M'.'S In the eiliens of Tivncln ilio and vieioilv.
'.illieo olio door east of I.ulz's store.
Juno 2, ISj.'J.
ni,vmr Tin. ixn;i
HI'iAlvl LU A A V
Ihj ' iclaii nml Driipfr-int, Ji,ir;tt ftroet,
(.pp., ite his residence, I leaiiicld.
April Hi, lx;2.
111' Tllf UIP' VV
lM-tet'.., 1 ; . , ' , .
)Iijs!( l.i ii may 1,, fm,,i chur at his ..ffioc, or
1. at
'"'I'l .1 IIDU'l. UlWOIlSVll t' Uhfii ln
Icc. 2!t, l.Cl.
)lllsician, may bo found nt his olTieo in Lu
Ihcisburg, when not ubsent on urofcsshiinil
bii.-inoss. 1-VU. 2", is;,2.
i TTOltM'.Y AT LAW,("ll.!f,.'l,l.l1,..,nnvbe
.V. found at his ollieg one door we-t of Suit's
More, formerly occupied by It. Si.nw. Heeds nnd
other legal instrument.- preiiarcd wiih lToiiinlness
an 1 ii'.-ciiraey.
DR. s r. t:oi;r.E.
1)hysi residence 0110 mil,, and a half south
cn-t ftf Lumber Cilv. on Iho i:i,li-o roml I..-.,!.
? '.0 -New ll iishlllgloli
ees to the suir,. uniting
.-,i el fully oilei'shis tcr-
AYlXil r- h ve.l V.U ollit to the now dwel
ling on Second Mn i t. w ill l.roinntlv no-w. r
I '..e.-M..iial calls as !; l.if .ie.
June 1 1',, 1-.',;:.
L. II town-Mi.. Ct.-uille! 1 eouiily.
i .-1 r 1, I (,. I ir;, j r .mi.tlv niti-ud-
- Cho-t 1'. t 1. arnl i'duiitv.
n ah )
cd I i. .'
Ann! -!
T. Ji:iTERS-ON l'.HVP.i!
)ll.vsi inn, can I... f,,nd at hi.-, office in I.ulhers
l-iirr. I i-arlii-bl n.inii,' I'., i. '
I I r-,lrv-ill;ti ill!:. in,
n. !'. 1 s
John i 1 1 i n.iV, "
ttornry nt law nnd land ,Wir. will
practice in tho i wcr.-il C
l counlies. and nitviid to the i.n luvul of
taxes on rn'.'ai.., l.,,.
Urf.r.vr, s.l!is Lxcelh ncc. William :iglor,
llr.rnsoi.rg: Hon. L'ilis Lewis. I.nnciMer; (J W
coward. Vilkobnrrc: J. C. Kn.;.., Lranhiiu:
J. C. Montgomery I'hihi.lolpl.iu. js,.ji. 2j( i,-,;,
Attorney and Counsellor at l,g;
WILL all, ud to hu.-:a,w in iho fever,.! Court
ol Clearlield r.r'.d Ci litre counties. iifP.e.i,
Second street, ono ,.or ,, r .1 " V . : . . . A .
Joon v eave
.... ' " "- "ce in
lUiriisi.l-, irn. James
I. Jiaio. Cd. A. (1. t ml
Ja.,..-s 'eA!
. v.
Messrs. Hr.i!
H. r.'trcki,:. Ks,;., I f until:
A Ho'-htiil, l'hi'.a.lelphiu.
,i ....
nee 2:;, is;,:)-iv.
"KOl.T'i N & Ijowii.
1Il.m :,.il. II ,, sr. S,rv. .v.. r,-....
J .mast ci Pm.vt.iis. Paii.ii uiv.aTu i ,
p.vtfuHy anr.o'ii.e,, t the citi.ei,, i ( I. ,,-d',',i.i
uiily, and tho io;l'ic tr-n r ..',:, ,t,, ,, i.'...
con.iiiunKy on hand a! iliei, f :10.VU Mrk,.;
ui- ui.i.r .'!,. 1 l. "Jo jew f loto. in C earlie
, i i,
gicatvariely of Chair;- of i vcrv .lo-eri. .i;..
win. li they in, ilc th,. utteMion of t' d.-;r .
. rul-. hosing. Chair., Set,ees. Ac, will be llUliv
to order on short nlioo, and on the mo.-t rca-on-aole
Ihey aio al.-o lrep,.red to do nl! kinds of Ilou'e.
i.--.'i Uri.aim.ntal I'ait.ting, ,! l..,pL.r l,J11(fin,.
in a workinan.hko man nor. F, ,- .heir b.iii t '.,,0
r.enee ,n th b i -s, they feci ra-i tied that ,hov
"ill bo ..1 ... to.e,. wi genera! satisfaction to tho-o
who may lavi r Ihem wiih n r ....!-
"B0- Juno 7. 1S.-.J .
in. 11 t,, r,
iv 'i.HUtiM AH. t .......
. l'.Y STOItll.
iii s l,M .
SHAW A SOY. n-,,,.1.1
inform tl.n in, n,' . i . '. '.
"t It. Shaw's old ;,,, i ,he MSJfilTTiZ
.argo and well selected stock of l,,,,,,,. . .1',if!l"
to the f eason-nmon- which may ho found. Hi v I
'.OOdsin n-r, at n.i tr. ("!',. , ..
ware, i,r,.r;.,i i, ... . ..
i , . ,i , . , ' ''s-", "".iiK-i.1, iiau, I.oots and Shoes, Ac.
lti. y il! ,, ,.,,:ivet.i ,n. ,,.,,1 ;,.!,
"iff M purehiifo to call J examino .h,.i',. ......i. ' '
icarlicld July 3, ISil.-tf.
Hr.Mi'tui.i.'s linn-; "
lVcHir,!rrf!"r "r". i re''l'etf'"".v i'lfcrms the
.1,s f , L.arr.eld county, r.nd the travelling;
public L'clioni v. (I,ni 1 i. I i h
1,1 u"3 mo niiovo
na.,,.,l Hotel r.iunlod on tho corner of ,.
Market Mic , , th ,r,(l, lir t K uriit-ld, w hore
will,,, all.itncs berrepurcd to a.-commod
IllOsO Who ointi f,i,,.,w I. :,1. ,i
.. ....... .., vmiii i. icir custom. No1
panis willbospared by the proprietor to make his
c MoMiers c,,,,,,,,..,!,!,. ,! hli h h .
those who may slop v.ah
bii tu r T'lliT. tttrt";,;.v ,''l'.l l-ml !
Aug. 11, is.',
W "M. J. 11 FM I'll ILL.
A ('All l.
A ?r' niLT.S AV-,.,,1,1 rccthV..- inf. j,,,
j.V i fro nds, nnd :ho rbt pcm-rally, that 1.
sllll I
i linn, . I i nllrnd t ,.iia ; ,i, i; ,.r
I, oi'i:i; ri ,.( t. ... . ,.-
l,;. ,i,r..iK.... ... .u.i r ".i'"niR,
j .i.,.'.u. .a i:-e oon.u-ii ,, t lenrlienl. He may1
tu Hid ( tienrly all times in his store iu the wc-'ti
er.d of (ho Mansion House. , t,l
.trr,-.;. ,',,; JTrrf in e.tcd on plate, nr pivoi, n,,
vr.ra ,1 ge ,,,,.t;ro sotisfuclio,,. t,'-..cliP
Tr.-th ib.n.Mvnl.out dangert,. the r a, ion I, r.ndwiih
bul 111 if ) ri. Tce.ii lilted iii.d , K,,:n,l p., ..,,,,
and rcicmilio niniiin r. Way ft, l'sO't
. li , (second street, two doors north of pwcll I
Co s. store, Clearfield, Pa. oug. 25, M-ly. N
11 11 1 1 ni nn
I 4IIII M l t t ill ,Mt I'H M, in. 1 .
I t..l lulled ;il vim ng.. by ir, ,M. '
1 1 it ) nn I t nl. o i t
I (in.
1 ri'
a., 1 rinc. i'l, i'i..i. 'i 1. in. r
P.VAI.U'S too 1 I .i.,..l that I'll. KM
n.ii 111. - hi- I'.." .. 1 '"" '"".'null,,!!
i iii", bii h I'nri.gvs 1. 1-. In ol. .1 iiu.,1,11,,,,
I - I. , I
'" ""' "" . " .' .j ,,,.
lie. I... 1 -nl!.. 1.. ... ,1. .... '1
III-. ,.,, .. r .,1. ihiio- t I ' '''l l'l'lll. J
t tl 1 v v I ll , ,,L' I. V I 1 ' 1 . . 1 ... "1
1 11 1 1 ii.ii,,- ' r ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1' .M I. i, (jt
1 r a 1 11 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 n nil. " 01 u 1 "i .. .'.- 11 noei in ,H .
1 . . .' . .... . I I . . . . . . S fS
nn.l lioi erieeuv nnl r io.hi, onu tir
ill Mill!) I
to r.1ie thai nino-lenllis ol the causes of iii,rll!
debility, I.i. .t I mi'1 e .r, tiliiti niul wi akii,,. im!lli
and l'livfienl Miflciiiie, mo tin. .able i, .
K 1' I 1.. I ,1 111 lllir III 11 HIII'K 111 Si' I I'..,,
habits, funning (he most noi ret, yet i-ndly in, (,1U1
sprmgn 01 .loiiii'sue ionic! .y iiii-i p. inn lllloin..rjilr
e l.-I.' 1.1 l.'l'.cl I .1 o Vil'l ll-l.' -r, . J'
.. .... ,.,:., indnlcoil in ! 1., , ? " ??
(h?, ,0'wo-h:(
whi. h if not ivtoi inod in dtip time, not i.nlv I..,
serious oVlneles to iiiutriiumiial Imppinesu, km
rl?oton . ,ri(Sof iirolrn. ted in.-l iioiiaiii.,1 ,1.
i vnsinong iii.eciioiis. j ew 01 inoso n no V6
j , , M.rni(.iulll( ,.,.,. nr0 nw.1r0 , ,
' ... ..! ... .1. .
vnstntinjr iitreclioiu. l'ew (if thoso w ho (rive w
1 I -- --- jh j.
:iiitii('t'M. 11 11 1 it t Imv fi ml tho fwr tun ui uti.h, l
t(Jf IV'cl jttnmo ami unuccountublc fucliuifg ainf
Tim II'llTM III 1111 linliil.
Tim 11 11 furl 11 tin I a flina nffivftiirl lioKnm.ia f..,A 1. .
"mh- u, h'u!r ,"u1' 'u"r' vi,"r' u roij
his iiiiihi 10 Kiu.iy , 1111, nirp 10 miuy uuu weak, u,
js ,iu( Irresolute, and cni"os in M.ort with t;
,.,,. ,1, ,,, llti
1 i, ll0 ci.Miineii ato himself before the practice ki
1 ; . ' . . . ... I .me M
; iiuiii. m ira.-i, iin.i enter muiriiuony, ins mwrinc.
i;j rrnii',,l, nnd bis eonso tolls Liju that thii
,onusedby early follies. Thoso uro coimidor.i'ioti
1 wlncli Mioul.l uwukou tUo uttention ol thoao imi.
lnrlv situated.
j MAltltlAdE refjiiires tho fulfilment of fevend
comlilioiis, iu order that it may really be tho cauu
1 of mutuiil happiness. Could tho veil fehich eovwi
,1 , ,,ri ,r J 11 if , I inn,, 0 1 i ,1 trrnt.-l, ,l,l iinaa 1.., rA ....1 .1
J its true source iu every instatico tliselneed, iu hew
i iniiny eoui.i it no PIM sicnl Uisquiujliei.tiom
, it.", ii.e.r uueuuuni uisajij.uiniiueiiis. vpiiy Uieu
, . I I -TIJ..' M,u
while it la yet time, iu order to Lavoyour unruiiug
ann relaxed organization ro-uruccd, revivihed ini
l.oinembor ho who ilucei himself tinder Dr.
Kinki lin's trout 1110 11 1 may religiously confide, iu hi
honor a- a gentleman, mid rdy upon the a.-suruuee
that tho secrets of ir. K.'a fiitieiits will never l
Young man let no fulso modesty deter you from
I V 'i"u i" 0110 wno, ir.iiii euuea-
ti'.n and r.siie.tabilitv can certnioH- l.i.iv;. n.i ,
! '' "u matiy think they will conceal the secret in
i ,,1'ir "'" hearts, and cure themselves. Alas. Imn
I "fl'-n ii this a falal delusion, nnd how muny a primi-
''ino youiigim.n, who m'.ght have been au orua-
meiii 10 loou iy, Has tJi Jed from the earth.
Stnctor. .1 of the uretha are rapidly removed It
I il' ii'iir-f. ..f -1 l 1 .
only by T;r. K. W eakness ninl constitutional Ue-
oiiHv promptly cured, and full vigor restoie.l.
Country invalid cuu hnve by stuliiig their cast
tx;:',i(..ilv. toLrihor with all their fvmiitoius. i,tr
idler, eiu'lo-ing romitianco ht. )'.'. o.edicine,
npproori .ted accordingly. iMTwarded to any part
of tho I'nitcd States, and lacked si-ouio from
ih'tna.jf or (tiri'jMifif.
Ilradl! Vmith and !aiiho.i(l.
A Vig '.roM. Life, or Pronoiinrn li..,,il, i; ;i .i:
I Solf-t'rescrv ali.m tlnly tiventy-hve cents,
i It is a work ciiiiueiitly re-juircd, as a moans of
reforming the vices of the nge iu which we live.
I Also,
.Yo'.m ', ,,,,, , with rules f,,r the prolongation
: of lif '. j.t 'r,)m ,Ile ,,rrs,
j A l"tt. r wiih n remittance of twenty-five cent?,
or b- value in p.. t H; nddros.-ed t., Hr. JC.n
1 kt-Hii. I'hil'iile!. !,;,,, ., j.) uro e, )iy (jf v-n,Mt
lot' tlm above I -...Us 1,- return of Mail, or f ..,.
i .... .. . . ' v 1 '
"i" ( M-iii nee oi T ostaL-e lor s . !.,,
t anva.-.-ei j
ale at the;
I :t
cling Ag,
ei's i fire
Sit.-', .t c.,si!) plied whole
', v, l.ii h admit ..f a laics
'tt-Ts must be l.ost-'aid.
I Throw Physic to the l)i.
; J-)U.Yi:i:MACin:;!'s hyi.i;o "luxtric
X A t'l.TAK' CHAINS. lr-du.-ir..-in.i-...i
l.ef fr. in the nioM acute pain, apd iei iuaneiitly
ciiring all Xe-m.lgie di.-e.,,,.. , j;,, ullln;;sUi. ,.uin.
fai: n ! riv.dicii Joints Xci.niliria of the Face,
Hcaln ,.-s, lliin.luC.s St. Vim. Huiico. J'alpila
!" ' ft.:1'- "-'. I'ci'i.'dieal Jlead.vhe. I'aini
V.1 ,,u' ',! '',:.l".ligestioii,l.y,j,,1ia i,,Tiuo
I am.-, I'aialysi.., etc., etc.
The.-o .haii,; wfiM f.r.t I.Hi'oda.'ed io the city
M .Verio,.; K-.-s tli.-iti one year since, andaftT
being Mil,,, eled t t borough trials in . very ho-fit-a
in ,,o ,ity n,;,( I , , li, ,, ,(v Valentine,
M' ti, ( a.noehnn, an Buren and others, it was,., erea mat liny p,-.,s, straugu.d wud
.... rower in iho r liel und cure of the above
o. ...senses a,,,, their r.!e. and tho me...,
lia," alK' d i li. i r ii... I. , ., ii. i . ,
, . " - ii-'i-naiieieii.
i-revioiis In ll., ir inlrodtietinn i,,0 c,IIltrT
toev tv,,.. i, -,.,l ; i. i . '
hi. y iiospiiat in j.uropo
1'i'ciu.-. iii riaiico, Uenuanv,
roi. l'ro
ud rr'0!and : nnd also in the'l'uittd
. .... , " ' " '- .A '.n 1 ovt":,t "
' t.
' priii-
i i ipi. s upon w ineliil. is claimed
that the t l.ains
1 their mar
Nervous Hi,
cures, are, iri ;h at nil
' are ntti nueu and in,,, I ie
cd bv
icui suiivlv i,. i,, n.,i' ,,;.! ...i ... ...
ii . : ' , . .""-
.lit that
s -. i.-.'ie. iy ., , c rii-er . i- ..1. ........ . .:
i ... , .v. , , v i,,,i l iii 1 1 m ,
and secon. !;.at llr: ii irii n. tlr ,, .', l,
ig worn , and upon '- ; ai d or,r,m 'ui6.
'd. I 111 1,1. ii (i l' , . .-ojiii. ,,.,! ner,-,i. n,,i,
I is ve.,..nvd ti pr-idit.-e ah,;,:;hv neii.,'., 'i,,i.
'"c ij'iirc tyst -in. No ,lisr-,if !irS nosinim i, nl.
"i ."V, " ' "' ,al' " "''''' UsiuiT tlio chains, but &
I - '"''"aiice of il,,- g.., ,.,.,! js 0f health ore
1 . Iro-Uoii upon ,.v ,.. (iis,.-s,.,l
: ,1 T- !h..,''' c,!i of Ul cI iD hS inercaa-
i- ..s. ,., , i l ooer.
I'vi: 'I'n,,, .,.,, i,., .. , .
, ' ee given to nnv
pirsor. who will l.r.idnco s ., ..n
,, i. . ' imiueniiea-
id eei(,t, cure, boll, f,om it,t,,Ui)ri.nt pa.
Usui-nrd H',. in;'!,- ,.b, i V
Vi - .'!' U0 01 1 'dvci-iiueher's Ll,
...... us , ney never f-.-i il'.rn, what tl,
y are
" ...... i.. ,,,,, ;,nd no p ... . a, ,,, r)(.
Ml. .sued Who 1". pi von llin.,, ., .....1
n dis-
T , II .Hi,
no,o,,"o'':.V;,:.m''r',,,'', ." rr.
, .., . , . "i -i- .'i. nave t
;l within the !a -t v.-,ir l., it... ..r ... .
- i'l l I ' ll l i-ll s l t ,,r ., 1
, , , ' u". oi ,: . cnains.
of tl! i i i"-' n '"' "S ih thuin reBion
no,vo ;;.;,'i:".,,;.."n...,hr o,her -i- '! jt
, , ...
'-'fl ii.'-f .is" are
I, Alo": op The chnin thot-IJ he i,1ois..,nod
i ,":"'10 ,,"c "' h common vinec-ar. k..,l il, j
'"i"r,1""ld h M'MU-d (lu'ectly to theseVt of
r' v '": ,",M'11S('- 'e otherend opposed to it
r' U VL" Tl' ',-'-'trie Chains nro not
im uses
1.1,1 t.o- . , . 1- .-
-.i;ic(. ih-t .. v..!;.! ., , .,. ..
, , r , : , , "- i a, mo worn, nil
.,ii-,.eioii,. .1 i - ' "i i".eauon mucn mora
of its lorms rr,"1Ul l J l ia
Call nnd obtain a pnniphlet (gratis.) '
J. fTFINKKT. Sole Agent.
..OS Einanway, eor. l'rince St., N. V
Sold by C. H. Watso.-i, ( learuold, Ps.
Aug. il, 1S5 1 1 v.
MANxiox ii(H;, C I.ICAIjTlI j.D, V
.., i-a,
T subroriber wonld rcspeci.'o'.ly ifoIm j,,
JL pbc ,! he ,,a Liken .he l,ov old ctab-
'fhed stand, recently occupied by Mr S. n ncl
"nJ "uml- rM and refitted ii in
I the county. The HAH hai
oesi Honors and tlm TAlrii- .. .n
, i- i -., , , , " in iiiwavs tie un- w ,i the host the market can aflord
1 Atlom'vVr HMin, nU" M 10 I'r''.ires,.ud
ntlonlive hostlers nlwnvs in nl tei.,!i:,,co
,e respeetlnHv B,k, .,,,.,; t) ',,;,. bin) ,
nal, ieelinK assured 1, , ,, render ssl i.fac
C Al.i?...i' AM Ol.Uii MAUIXt;.
T Dll X : FLK 1! would respectfully ni,aiinnrt ta
tf the citizen., f ( j,.ar(il.)(1 antl vi,inilv, ,,
li,. t."W.,"'"'"f:",'"'i"? k'"'1'' r'r C.i..ViT
11 .17.'. H,s ,hop is sii,.Ar rn jrnrko: street,
I'Ctvveen Jhirdnml Foortb. v -brio nil kinds of work
in his line riM bo i,,m!o iri the best j.yle, and on
the most favorable terras and on the shorleM notice.
Corn is made to arder cl the shortest notice.
Hoc, 2, lt?;.2.
-K '-