I ,it' ' 1 if; i 'A M u 1 ir-.- . ft ; 1. i.V ! i- 1 'II i i u' ( ; v.7. aoi , i i I- (. V . I. Ill . 1 I 1 I . ' ni .1 I" III 1 1 1 ' '...! ,n T i.-!i.i I - '. n I i t I iolli i It il, in r V 'I '" I' r i r i ( 'In - !m i" I" I 'V II how vci, fill ' f I i ltd In I n;" r nt iho N'iu'Ii. N. w Ai i. in is, mi:m -.!.. persons huv in,, unsullied oa-oui.N wMi tlio t slate ,f Jacob BaugLiiiaii, i!nvafj, are imiilicd '.o I on Jum Ii M. Laricn immediately i.ml si .Silo ihe same. John L. C'uttli, inserts u notice to v. lid. all persons interested w ill lake noliee. Thomas Mays makes known that ho is now kcipinuu Public Il3u.sr, in Tyrone, where ho will be pleased to see all his old i Ii lends nnd acquaintances. 1 ho Miss llooveis announce that they j tiro prepared to elo up all business m She IT. mil I Ic.i I'llll II of llll' building it, coin d w in 'I I' ) c j a,,, i.iiv-.iivi d-ailn iii C!i!ii. i,.ii, I'M' l ho , IN' i k I II llll ' 'Pill's 1 1 . Ol ill,:, h I -i una 1 1 1 - in mi) w lour, Si iii ii' e V iti in.-il I Ii is I r!.UH,,Ml!.ll,N.mi:i:-MlMfr .. ,nMirnnH i,.,MHnrrf:imn,n!?;.Ml. i .. , . , m..,, I,!' 'v,vil.,!'.rnl Ii i. ri.d,i.i.'ipi.i.icit -:,; .. v,i., Plnll count H ii i'' i hm ") irvmliaii r r illnw ,, , , Ii i'nin!i '', iM'nnn:; iiiui n i 5 to bad. I iho inad. 'Jo I.ny 1 1 io n.ils oi i ir li,i- li on uc- i.iiii''! l.i.lr tl ! m M'lid capita! tlian Wl.', is not t! no i. cr, inn ui. y uro in novel tn ha n .Hi. in;; but bilious liver, except in one in .laiicc, win to n eio was lir.ai"lit iVom Clnilostoii. 'I'hu JiM'.iM! euntiiiuod to i.vvai! nl Daiien, (!a. At A') . ust.i, du- 1 1 . i i pill I C'HIIllV . I i MI.V III, r.oviic. , ',. .Mnl;ii...y . '(' ,, 1. ( lii'stcrnnd I h la waio .. .J. Istri;;, :. Perks W. M. llitMor. !. P.iioks !!. K. .Sum,.,. , ;,'( 7. J.uin.-aster and Lcl a" 1. I III .1 I ) V.'yv ','.! II"! I' II'" I '1'' "', "' ' '' . .. .... i ... I: , ' , , I, ilia I !',i' lcv. ."'ii" "; ,-. i ; i,,i v i a-t. i in ibis 'IV. 1 nnd ji lo- 11 ,v nu! an- (I niid.h, i,-,t ..-'towdios nnd in ..lus. Mr. P.aiut w " " visil i win Hi hen i, Hp ivf InfirnM nrliirtf. " ";. a r . ; :' '"' i' :,',, , i. h' ii . Aii nnh.il M''" :"n ,",',,;i'' I y-l-rilny ulii i n. ii ai, Iii t ho ( Iii, -o of I !fi 1 1.,'n llof l, til 1 'ii i k Pov, i.V. W iili'intiHiintni'in'ii,,, ninj;, itu Ii'i'is" i-Mii Kliaken tn ii Vnry lufi, nnd till its inmates tlirown inlon Maly. (' tr illusion inn! abrni. In dm 0f. In.. i i.'., I.. j. ii.. . !.,.,. :i i i .. .. i . .. .. . . . mi . liiiriu.ui. j 1 1 ie iiti im;; fscpieniuiMy Ilioro wero f-V d'-ailis, on is lie. has tried tin; road l tvw H'll Clciii'l'ield nnd hinneinalioniti, nnlio-itu. lingly nndeinns ilio ,1,in J'U, Sliniu .e. . .).. . . i ,. I" "' H'v..lia UK. I OUT II!. 101 OL'O il"o whs foinniii IP: was l.'" fly p'lstor thero, nnd v.ns'lur I.-! Ftiuri, onionj llu; uiapo, on tlicio oo-j.'oJ i" !l conlrovorcy e.bout the c.vpluaion of "'jupowilor, b id lukon pluro, (-, .. M,iu.nt nnd Danpliin Da- " ' 'k'H. i but how, the cause, or why, no one vat t. Nurdo: Tlio i.nly thin;; t lio ruiriuna nay for able to explain. viil 7orihainpt(Mi ond I,( ,;-.(, U'dliiii.i tlicinseUci in cMeiuiUion is thatthoy had l'oitun'it-ly .it tho timo of tlio explosion previously uiroaieiK l io iar aim leauior mere wero mil low persons in inu oilico. 0 includiiiM r-0 from yelk.w f ver. At t'harloMon and .Savannah, tho Ii vcrJcalhs Miio iKiiii .i to o per day. 1 1 ri-l,.. Mi,m, i;in a- U'.,vn Mr. Part if ho ranio to J lllsworth n'juin. ! These woic btunnod ami thrown unon ihn Kail-ho. ids nre proposed So l(fi;idelt)!iia J. IF. Walton. ' 1 lie had boon pastor of tho Catholio pop-! floor, but nono of ihoui dangerously hurt. Ikld in the "Crccnwoo.K" has on i wid, 1(1 011 tho piincipnl strc,;!. omni)Usst., H. Adams nnd Frnnkiin D. M,I- lauoti in c.iy i lew monins. m m. i,y u,o irco ol tlio explosion mo upper , , . , . ' i . ..i Diiiniuussi.. ( dcrsland ho was born nnd educated in ceding was shattered to ptccos'und scat- a loss or net less than oi(,0 tho present "u U M 'It'bo adopted, so lUu -on-, YorUJaCu, a Ili(deJ)ian , Italy. Since ho has boon here he has done ! teed over the floor as if masons had been season. Lane is a "onerous, clever man, 1 !ol,J l!l('A) Obtain teats, without boin.;' Id. Cumberland and Perry Sumuel , C00'l anions the Catholic population, 1 1.. work in the room. Tho panes of j-luss and lus our deepest sympathy in his mis- '!o'v'ed to hold a lady on their ''knee." 'Wherry. la!:l' has brought about many useful reforms, in tho front doors were shattered to pieces, fortunes. His lois was occasioned bj f Very tinnoinu to some of mir "crustv 11. Centre, Lyeomiie, Sullivan and , vvinuiu- coinmor.uaiiou on an nanus. una ono or iwo ot me doors taken oil Uieir In r l,,,!. , ...,!, i ., t !,- ''"" 1 1 t i i i . Clinton J. W. lJui'"do. 1 Mrratri comments upon tins oui- lunges. Uut lor llio lact tlio Iront or t ho K" .. "0L'"' 10 Cut llar, worth M bachelors who go to the cy. , ' , , ir;,,c in lhc lollowin!I Mon lan-uano: otlieo was dass. dvin- u vent to tho now. e Invo not lormsbtrongenoucti toox-jder, lhc whole house must have fulleo ii.e of dross-making, &., with which lhc ' . woods without e..; Cov. llioi.rn, during his recent visit to J. Casswell, jr. fi tfv r liiMiiiinr . nr t;jod per pie of Clearfield uud vicinity may ; . 1 , ,(',vo bL'rn a "1111-'0 lhij",u as"inSl(' WiH serenndt-d by his friends liivor them wiih. ' i ";'C-"l-V "'"I l'avo been hharcd by many 'll t'"-' r'1'"' metropolis of tho nation, i.nd G. It. lJunctt, Ks, hr.s returned t j tfTrieuJ. We wish ho had half tho hot;s 1 replied in nn nL! and dignified defence uf practice of Law, and w ill iiiteii'' to all b'Jbinees entrusted ''I y ! in town. Olid tho ether linll'lnn tho courso nursueiHiv llm Iiemncritip nnr. 0. SAXLKDAvniMht lust, two four horse !,y '" nsy Ka niu . His speech is wor- A L' 10. .u:'.ei no." Montour nnd Columbia i press l no indignation uttered by all classes I mm ihe rool und nil 1 1 3 inmates been bu- C. Lt. Puekalew. ,111 this city on hearing of this dastardly 1 riod beneath its ruins, which was doubt- 17. P.radi'ord, .Susnuohunna and Wvo-!oL,rjr'f; shameless cowards who less the intention of tho heartless fiend u:ii) . M. Piult. In. Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Elk, Clear field,. K lli-uson und P'orresl DA), liamlin. coaches ariived fiom Tyrone, bi thy of himself and of the oociv ion. We rs ly. Morcer, Venango and Warren Thomas I logo. 'JU. I'iiio nnd Crawford James tikin-wr. til. Puller, lie-aver and Lawrence Jr.u, have donu it should receive tho highest jwlio was tho author of the uct. penalties of the olibnee, and the town of j The Chief of Police, with a fo rcr, was Kilsworlli f-lioii! J be made lo respond in ; immediately on the promises, ond an iu damages for lliis lot. I w rong to u visitor i voFligations of tha affair entered into. who could not be protected within herein: facts of the maitcr are simply as fol. gut is. (lows: Ellsworth has long been noted for the: In a small leather traveling valiso m low, rowdy, vulgar proceedings of a por- been placed a small keg of powder, hold, tion of its population. If tho respectable ing tweve pounds. In ono end of the keg men there cannot step such proceedings, .inserted the muzzle of a small double bar. t iheiii abandon the town, and leave it Uj relied pistol, and against tho trigger of ..gerous und not unfrecjucntly , heme our cHi'cns v. ho have been vi.-iiiii" ' vvi!1 cllJl-,avur U) 1;,y il ljU-rl' otJ rcado -.Arollablo element, has boon at work Mho city. They look as if they had en. K0011, in our midst again. Dut a few weeks ago ' ioved their visit ond lived well flow' Tun Cor.t'Mnrs H.nk l")r.r.Lt;iTiox. ' i ... .. .1 il.'.. I......I..L fl. i. .1. wo liau lo record tne entire ecslruction uy!,nuch bale,. ,1(,y inl huls nnJ (.,rt!s j(1 n is unaorsioou ai inn ireasury uopart- ltrguum. lire of tho steam saw and grist mill, inin.iladelnhia than in Clearfield. Our nr. '.'"i.'l'l TT n'nst ,.B Allegheny-fVf. Darsic, Jonas It. L.adford townslop, belonging to I. P. Rivals look remarkably well, on tho street,' t.ndergointr fim.l trial at ColumC, Ohio, -J. Washi.r- 1 IiirvthfiM. nral nn S'nf nr.li v nlrrl.t nl l,,.t l ....... i . . . ... , i ... .1 ' 1- 1 c. . i- . . .. - . ' ""J "b-i."' ""-""yuiu we imonu 10 go to cliureli next Sun- "oajru uio 1 niit'ii oiaios j ;i.-;tricl v. ouri. ij, i icnuUii. 6 o'clock, a board pile belonging to tho day lo see tho fashions ' iTIie claim is for &U)J,(K).i dopo-ISod with Somerset-, liodford and l-'ullon same gentleman, at Leonard's landiii ' on I r, , -- i- ,, ,'l,',t lj;l,,!; i""ler one of Mr. t-ocraturv Iraici.t JunLiu. , IV, in witliout lo sulicr tho penalties of running down of weights attached to thin tho river, was fired nnd about 10L) (iOO ft u- V t , , ' ''' um' Corwms s transfer dralis, which ru held ( Sj. AimUiong, Indiana nnd Clarion their misdeeds. ;tiigger spring. The valiso was ono of 1.. . . r, KioiiT, and J. r. eaver have just re- by the present authorities of tho Tieasurv g. S. .hiinison. j -nn ordinary appearance, und could bo . .1. yi-u. ino ouimn; 01 me mill w as ; hjrncJ houi0 flom city nft(,r ,,ui.ci,a. I Jopartment to huvO boon illegal. Wash. -(;. Juniata, M.f.iin and Union-Zuwirs fulli.'i.m (jU 1 lie Gui WtSlcra Kail read. placed, as it was, in tlio office, amon tho by most people cons:,,crcd cecidcntal, but jsilg a ,arj,,. 6tock of Js T,,0 knv,.r. Tl.SdWs. ' Fifty Vusons Kilcd, and 27 Injured, baggage, without, exciting any suspicion, ou,u3 "nam uiai uic lustj.ro was ... a..,.,.- .,,., u , , , MO , I),:.iTr.rrrivE l-',nr..A (1e.rr,;v. f..-,. -' c-t more land nnd 1 aycttc- in. tho work ofanluocndi.ry.limedoul, .now wt!t.,. Rro mn;MM cl-owJcd 'occurred in Cleveland on the 21. u!t., bv ' vu ,u u"c' "i'-' out. Wo shall insert them with reat which three squares were laid in ruins :ton nnd Crccne John prey to the vile ruilians who mmbit it. : the pi.tol was placed un iron spring, rnudo . I li'ty cm tlioii bo prucoouod against as to strike tlio triggers and create an ex-lo- i'. , r pirates ore, and brought by force , plosion at a curtain time reL'ulatod bv ilia ..1 r 1 1 1 . .. nuns were urcu uv 1110 same nana. c',.i : . .. . ... . .. ... . ... ., . ... - jiil-iisuiu in our next, nnu will Ilien call vu.iiuin uonsoanu wo Hotels were mention tho mere suspicion wiih feelings allJ CXQminc it.ir Uor amorlJ lIlC Ltlil(llI,.T3 dcs!ruVCj. Loss meunn rr,llUm,liU:i,lg,aCklr;1'i A PnoTiiAtTtu meeting of , he tiapsL, ' -or three niillion of dollars. ' ment, to ndmit, that any member ol the! . , , 0 ..:,. . human family would be nuilty of so base Cref "on l,as b(-'cn pri'Sng ... th,s; In Puller Couniy, Ohio, Uyo men Lid a . ,, .i-i . . i place for several days past, ard has wager us to who could drink tho largest n cowardly an act. 1, nught sat.sly vc J ' $ quantity of w hiskey. Ono of ,l,n. drank feelings of revenge for a moment, but the ' p . . a gallon and half a pint of the raw lie n.r, nu u 11 11 c .11 11 11 1 111 : v 'Ki .Ai.n ..1 .. - " . and died about hiiecn minutes a Her takim sermons have been preached and wotrual'the last drau-l.t. . 1 1 no ii.ip:.:!s are alyout II. l''iaznr. . 2S. S(.'lr,n!kili John Jhwlad-x. Whigs, txc, lo. Democrats li- Puu'Mo, Oct. G9. The accident unon on'i ul lllti llour r,t;J upon the machinery lhc Great Western Railroad, near Charles-. -would so revolvo within the valise as to ton, proves to have been awfully dcstriie- perform the fatal work intended, tivo to human liii. i The police collected among lhc fragments Iloust or Iti:i'itJ-:si:.TATivi:s. Adams Mosrs M'Clcan. The accident was occasioned bv th.-'ll" rfcuiaiiu of tho valise, tho staves and .'ilindor head of the eiii'ine bursting, : ,10l'Ps tk small keg of powder, tho do-u -. . , . . . r. . . . c 1 1.. 1 M 1 . 1 1 .. .. iwincli tbrew Uio tram out ol lime. Altera "- o-wieoej pisioi, iiir. some 01 1110 m.i- Allenh-nv Joh'i lurkpatiick, Jacob tie!ay of two hours tho t.ain prococd-d,'cJ':l'ry, with which it was worked, and ('tn, .1. J. M isc, I). L. S-iiiii. C S but a dense fog came on, and when near bave ihern all at prr-ent aS the Chief 's of- horrible rcmorso of coscienco that must overtake the guilty culprit, and haunt him by day and by night, after the commission of so f'. r.Ji. h nn act, should deter the moU courageous from such nn outrage. Wo ore glad to see a determination mnni fesled to seek out, if possible, lhc gudly ono und bring him to justice.- No effort much good dom r.vsixu. ; Chatham a collision occurred wiih a eravel llC' Ua tno premises i.Iso wero found Arms! rong. Clarion and Jelil rsoii G. , train. soiiio large shot, which had boco placed W. Z iglt r, P. Clover, A. IP. Laiir. i The locomotive of the Lxprcss train ni lJ m,.i-.c t'u havoc more sure lieaver, Potior and Liwreire j. , was overturned, crushing the first and and" eleadiy. Cltumltilui, IT. iUi irurt. 11. II. il' - second class cars almost intirolv. nnd kd-' The Chief nnd liis aids arc now indu'- I !i-. J I MI'S CtllMIVII I'ndn. ,cl. rr.,n. ' rj,jit llli'l nr 'nil Pi! ill " r vi-rv rr,.-.,,n in I Ik. cs. . tHOUsIV tit Will k ill VI fl 1 i I ' ,1 ti n T f !:iu inl'S'f . - ...... .?,u, , UU.OUJ..., iinu tra, ,U(1 Iljn llyU,r jMcC, U ipsi i"'.: l.ir I i., .ii ,,.,...) .1 :.. .!...:.' i ! i f - c i , r uwu' "'u u,t" tary of tho Interior, have rccen'.ly been on 11 'J ''V ' . , m enterprise. , ... ., , ; Perks A. M. ballade, Jeremiah Men- 1 a lit to I hiladelpbia, Jcw 1 ork, and lios- i, i r i;. s; i cm T,... rKi-.r ti 1 -I .. . glo, J. I . Lindermau, Samuel . shearer, lilt Clearfield Academy is now ,,, a ton on efi.cal bu?i.;c.s. ; lLc nn. Uui.iing.lon-Georgo Leas, "VU,,"""S A Classical scl.ool, I OirTUo President's l,fts.rnn,U. r, U,.o,ilC S.ruth. and, Sucre-: Ji 'dlord, i-ulton ond Cambria W. P. on., class car, ir.a,nly emigianis. In all "ous ai.air, anu ii is io ou noicu uiey will iwcnty-iivc men and eleven woiip-u were U'-ceou m onngmg v.n LiacK-ncart.'J killed, nnd twi iiiy-one men and twenty liL'nds w ho co:.!J d-:vUc such n work to a women so dreaiii'nlly crushed, that at least sure and speedy justice. T iii. ie c:o also eleven should be relaxed until this is done. Mr. B,;i'0 nllJ ku is now taught there, un- iho souih side, have recen'iv been a-! P-radlbrd 15. Lap,, i to, J. 11,'. arr.ls. Hurxthall's loss is about fl,e.UO, and in ! tlor ,!le c,ll,rgu of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, 'J-nmd w ith a new fountain, ii.e b.-miu of Pmeks ,V ' Cici.tno,-, 11. Cl.lluii- his misfortune he has the "full measure ol ! who nro fuII' competent, nnd un-remitting " liidl h Iwe.ify-fbur feet in d.metcr, uiH , V "f'. , n, r, . . nil,Mrniii;i,, 'i w i tho run ol granite. i Caiboii and Lehigh lhos Craig, jr., synipntby from his neighbors and fiiends.imUlcir nltcllll0U 10 l11'!'1- c hope our : James N. i.Vof. country friends will encourage the institu-1 Uuvl honored "lOih Le- Centre I . M. Iionl ouo..:.;l canii.-.t o1, ehil !r(ii killed. lhiuiilto.). O. t. 'JS. The latc.-t accounts say that 1 1 r(.ns wore killed, and two of iho wounded have since died, making fiftv deaths in nil. iio.. u. LAitKL-rr. lino we bo- tion by their nalrona. e. We ihh!,t.!;i..,1 S:c'! "o! " i o - - . . done duty nijaiu. J lip hold the papers in different portions cd'lhc also that the high school is shortly lobe counties cf Wayne, Pike, Monroe, and Stale speaking in praise of lhc distinguish. opened under favorable auspices. Carbon, gave Gov. Diglcr 2,ai:j of a ma-, cd members of the party who acted well TI v , 7 ;j 'rity. ... -...it J.L.1. jjui'iLiuiiH . m l' aro lhc Simngliau have met tluir maleh at last. Ifihey can their part. throughout tho Lto campaign, we cannot refrain from saying a word in favor of our own fellow townsman whose name heads this article. Mr. Barrett's name was submitted to the Convention as .leased to find this paper once move open 1 our (able. Tho Dutchman is one of the i:p'' iheir ntis very best family papers published in Xew 00" now vcl'-v Cii"-V 1,1 ",u'ti;ng, the .. . . T f :i i Town CV.uneil have ?d to consider Chter II". il. f:lsm. 31. J. iV ii:p:vhcf, 11'.'. A. 2v.'-, ,".', 'Clearfield, M'Lcau und Lilt A. Cald well. Clinton, Lvcoming and Puller ii- i i . - "... il !, li I. l (hOi. Columbia and Montour James C. Max well. Crnwlbrl A. 77. Hoss. Jl.j.-.l i'..?-;'. Uunibeiland Zlout. Vonaidt-jn , wo. .1. : i i '"in eoiiiuiiiiii'' cacn wcei; a vast num., lei-ofwiiivsnvin.. in..i., ...iii. . i.i l"r-'ni a 'U. -ano end expel tiiem Irom the r ..,.....,. a cHiididato for Congress, but another was , . J, , 1 I--ro?"h ' Go it Tu ! ev 1 ' ii.,.,,,..';,, t i, . o. 1 1. , r , . ' Iv amount oi good sound sense. Terms - o" "o a ,i,ieo . l.i.iupl,m Jo. in A. Sidney, Lot htm nominated over him, who was by no means nvnnr n f, , f, n , ,i. ,x v ,i .. v v..... 'itrsser. i . . , r . s.v .i, i. ..i. v. . .urn a no i.ea " ill s n o . ,..ui i , mu . i .n u ..w I, ( f J ILM 1111110 11011111111 lion ij lw vvPSi i,e did not return to 1 us ! home nnnv might h:r. e done und-r 1 eleclio'i takes dace, when wo shall know 'what the Know iioihiu -.3 aro about there. in li..: 1 boat wi:h them. Tic: nnn that considers Gov. J ii-: l:r "a ftCrCidcr has been verv nlentv in t.uvn ... r.... i ...... .". O'lf old frii.nd Dai.i.l 111. n..n : LUCillll3i.-i;;cs, lll'.agllllllg that I.1S laL'OiS ' """ ' I I 1U uua ' eoillllgs should e!o.vo hero but ihioughoul ti.o e.;- 001110 :Tcvery nigh'. Great time among tiro cuni: :'i:.i ,t homo and abroad, v. iic,;- I1''0 J'pun3 0"tsi particularly tho lady and ever and whe,Xvcr called wmi, ho v. as : "R1'!l,la" who had tuo"spafgning home! child in iuScllect cr.mp-i:'d with him.-adf,"; found boldly r.U ,s,ui)fujy defending tho 1IoW l;n!i'nJ in ber to tell him that howns'rt:,'U::,-s 10 c--cit the t.ffico of '-.Sealer of principles of the (arty apd its candidalcs, os E;,!t ns 11 "l,ui,1i,'i) " nnd lospeuk il so, WvhUl und Measures'' lor the County, and in such a manner loo, as nunc but ajloilJ l,iat J'"1 couil1 ,iear it. I 1 T- HfiiXiiiAL lo-t lf.O,COf) Let of staunch Democrat, itainted with Maiiv-1 CCrTho Native Americans- give tho 'amber by fire on' Saturday night last ; ' ism, Know-Not hingisiNr.r n rMl nny 01,. Whigs credit for, wholesale cheatine', and evidently the work of an incendiary. We cr ism ol !..o diy count . To i.im, we'ngroc that they have blundered into the !!0i'u 5,:"i''y pci.ioii may bo bought to ',,' ,, lirdiesil.'Oiii'rt v -. ttir. s n 11 wj ..... . ; : i..3(.ll! ov -VI '".mooracy oi, "umg po.v. no told Iliem so bclore j--"'-.. Clcaifiold, and in fact or ihu ..miro'liis- J tho election. Where is Bradford's 50,.' Some trace has Icon found cf the crew tact aro mdebod as much, if invcd) hot OOJ, promised by lhc leaders in this coun-' of the Sir John Franklin, and may lead lo more man to any otirnr man. ty ? Don't bo caught by such leaders ogain. the discovery of the spot where they end- j JWw, James Uitknhua, 03-The Whigs in this region call their! II. S. Morr's letter has knocked the cJ lIleil' llas lictory an AmcricAi victory! Why is out o("t''l! Know-Nothing1?. Many of ' Hon. 1Ii:xrv A. Visij, of Virginia, is I) la iva rc Thomas I!. .1., ,' ,;c!;. P. tie U. J. jj,..7, James Thonii aoii. Pa J ( 'io ;.nl W.-stiiion hind -Ciena t;t lli.bbs, Jes o v'c ! Ji I, James i'e-.sior, S. P. i'.. tc P'lanklin Janies P. Orr, .1r' '. J.oiu. Grci i; John 7.1. S;oe!;dalo. Indiana Ahxarda- id'Cwinvl!. Lancaster llueji .M. North, Jacob L. Gross, ii. l',-u nl Jin, J). IP. 1I7.Y', J. 1'. f'rrr. L.bar.on W. A. li;irry. L.!;:ino A. H. Dunning. (,'. Ii". ld-iiicr. Mercer, Venango and Waurn S. P. Iment, Daniel Lott, Ha.'i'h Ci'7. Id i ill i n ii. i! Tore iioii . Monroe nr. 1 Pike Abraham Ldimrer. .Montgomery Jacob Fry, jr., ii. A. e. The Hi mains cf Sir J. franklin's farty. 'Pho Xir Yn-lc l-,-M r-g-irU tho in f.rma!i.i!i ns to iho ilis -ovi ry of the re in iins of Sir Join Fruklin's parly as per- teeiiy reliable. 1 Ii-; expediti'oi c.;in TJ,os. iii indnl by Sir John, s-nt out in search of a North-.vest p"Sage through tho Po lar rs' as, ce)m.r.sed tho Unp hrtb is and Terror. lt lo.'i Liv'and in ilo, and lVs.ni I'm: timo im. ii Aug. ;st of tho present ve.ir r.o uaeo of them had boon found. 'Phi vessels were probably ground 1 1 at oms an, id il.o i.-o n.jr-i cf tho Are'io ri ig.on, aa l tlu on, orluualo company, in on lioove rii;'.: lo v.o.'tli the settlement;) rf tlio illad. in 15 ty Compr.ny, ai'ier e.!nusti:i 'hes -antv sot-ply oT i -ion j saveJ sVoiii cru.uniiiig ships, lay down to perish. . ,o event in in -,: ji-'. lae iinivers.il of lYuiuilii noieis a i ,i ralie! to i.'(it.:iiy f it K.r tlio Lie ,d in.) e.)..,:iani;ins : and even at this nioui Mi', as is well k:i nvn, an e.'.peiiiii.'ii, cj.nni.inje I by our coun tryman, Dr. Kino, is exploring the i,-e-I-m: he J regions of iho Nonh lo filed their res-die cr vori y 'h;: f ars now follv r-;a-lized. Cci'Il is a p;.in;Vi special. io in families where the mother is tho dru-'go, to sec tho daughters elegaialy I're-s-ed, reclining their ease, with their music, their fianev work, and their reading, Lc-guilin-' tliein- A PtsiMtss-LiKit-Coiiirsuip. There is a story e.!nnt about a flvc-minules' oouitrhip Lot ween a busy and tbiving raer chant of a w ae ring-place in England, nr.l a lady fi.r wlein, in esajuuetion with ado. i coaseel friend, he was trustee. Tho l.idr ! called :it his counting. house, and said her business was to consult him on the pro , priely, or oihorwi.so of her nocep'lngaii of. for of marring'! w hioh, she had received. Now, Ibr tlio first time, oceured lo the Pri to! merchant iho idea of this holy state in hi. own case. 'Marriatro,' said ho iisiie -;ly, turning ou r soma West India cone -pen Jem e,"well,I suppose every body ought to marry, though such n thing nev er occurred to mo. Haro you given this 'vii'h mm on answer .'" "No.'" "Aro your li-i'liogs particularly engaged in the mailer!" "Not pariicuhrly'y "Well, then, ma.lam," siid he, U ruing rounJ his olli-o stool, '-if th it ho iho cu.-.e, nnd if you could disperse with courlshin, for which 1 have no time, anl think yoj co.dd bu eomforl.-iii:..') with v.v I ;im your humhlu sL-.-vaiil to conimaiid.'1 'flu fo were peo ple w !. thought that tho lady 1 ad p.ir , i'os in guiu , tliT.-, hat, if so, she- p'odenU ly disgui. od it. Siic s-iid she would ecu sider inc matter. Tho Pii... ! merchant saw her out wi li the,- .same cooiooss ns if sho was merely c;te of his cor rc.-poiidenls, ;ai.'d when she! was pom five minuKs, was Notice more imiiior-.'d in his h-tler; and l"-.'g' r-.-. A d iv or iwo cftcrwards, he h ul a eoiomunic-ition from the k.dy, acccptin his oiF.tr, very considerably o.v-.-'isinjr him lio..: c-iaborate courtship, and leuvin? I.iui to name the "must convenient isv." .-elves to Iho lapse ofliours', days, and 1 ll('.v were married; weeks, nnd never dreaming of their res-! Aortl.ampton I'. Johnson, M. Push. , ...... o. lau.r ics- I;n:v.:,.(, ,N . ))ljrin ,., S(.nrrhv nt Northumberland-G. M. Yorks. I-o-HiUimuos, out , , necessary consc 1 ronl in Kentucky, w I,m, rn .nv holders aro Perry-Kiik Haines. ' nfCC,?J Sjow lliJr ,,o:8 ;J ;,J-V L J " Phihidelphit city-M. V. Baker, . K. wl r useless hyes, L, mg .0d of j -., , ia,,,v nruIim7, ' ' tnit C, ii J! Sinal, 'vt,ry "cwty invonteu stimulant to rouse ,i,rr.un ,,,,, ,- ' - toius, (iy. j,. , . , - . . tlirown f port his "ranaiios o iho noor. ... i, i,i, i,, ... ,. ... . , . . i.i i , 1 en" iiione-v in ei w inout mice i selling in San Francisco, t.tiT.ttnoe.sn, Nuiioias TitoaM:, Cuas. lt.!. ,,av.inK !',',iCfd 1 ';' "re.! . t 0Ul pi,rc?; , :2.50 per barrel, and Bacon at Au.mooo, J. A. Simpson, Thomas C, U ' V, i.h A J1 3 ' -nlloton Mass., , . . , ' . SniLi- ltoi'tnT M 1-urs-f I S rii-Tiii- au uir t)fal,ucU'1 compassion, that "poor :w 110 ls, ''.v "done growing, "being per pound, no higher than in " ; JAl.loi!,i,J.iALttui mA -s wo..ki herself to death:" yet scarcc!' twenty-ono years of age, weighs v. 1 1. 1 ,n ,il.v.. , ...... .. . . . . . lee'n lion. !., I n ,i,1 - I. l Ibis ! Arc they ashamed of Iheir old nnr-; L'm Jcny voting for him, orolhers swear out in o Ion" and very able address nizamst ,i ...... ...... ... ... . ... ' Jmti4 insillv .l,.,t .i..t:.i 1 ir ,!,:..:.. mm ,. i, St run-'. Win. R. 3'nrns. C,n. J!. .SW, cveiy newly invented i , o. i .1 nicy uiuy ucsiro 10 "llUmbU'' i , , -"v ",vv ",u "ut "iioeisiniju ..ii.J...,..,iii1,i;i,iii, i ne; um uoiiiiiuuii IS , , . , ' .... '..: , urr,., ,1i,. ,i, """"" y- " i .he "natiuV longer ? From their hearts l"C bnMd will never be caught again. ! sale. p 1 J ''P" V"A : TP1 fate v, heuthev, dare' no blamo then- (I. d anJ ,aM lh7 ! -''P tbemsclvcs with ,i.ov ..,;,... ...I I,,., .. J ... . 1 -"'"- - "ngiii.i.. v.. ,.v. . -, out money anu without price. am. u nmrirml i Lf I : . ... i . r i r rii ia ci m rw i , n I, ..niini.sfl . t n.i-ii,..v.,. . "V .. . . . 'I1. . .. . . i.. . l 1 iw iijll iiiin-vi iiu-111 h 1 1 I n ' V II ri 'ii.u uku ui.imu Dim, 01 iscurasua, i dead. Tho term of of- ?11.75tol nco ot t..ovc.lor Krjm,,,., youn,, of l;5 tents pi be "caught napping ' ngam. Saying that; Unli lerntory hi8 CS,;ro,,f iUld ,hc Tor-, Clearfield. ChuVlVi'l-reni-miin Ch,-i . ri,n,-l vou propose thai they should i two . ,,anJrcJ a"J pounds, and is a little dog has "Iwo tails," don't make . ritory is without a Wll0r T,iat is ,hc Thc n,fm Jmni lYM moM y I VrM y. ) U '' ",m,n Um'l ; assist her, than they declare she is quite , s,x il'ct ul " ve" '-eight. 1,imluvoUo- place for "women's r.Als,oflouri!j,K j at West Chester, Pa., is on excellent pub-! lMJ,rPh Cmnmins. ; m her elemcai.-in short that she would; Covy,u:?T Ships. It has been de- A Silver Ten-scrvico Is ofibrcd in New The Whirs aro'nuarri i.Jlhv, .,...'..! Susqucha.iiia.Suliivanand Wvon.in2-",cv!.r.l,0.,,nn,y ,fslw !""J c:,ly ,iaIr bV 10 ' ?fl'' ireasury to '"o UIJUV It liU III. IIHI cuvuiu unit il , f, 1 i m T I York as a premium for Ihe finest buby,' uo iho United States ?.;nalor ?my. i Terms fjl a year. .John fciurdeya.it, I. l.Latl.rop. under a year old. Clearfield can heat ihe , r. Johnson, (Purlin, and a Nt ofolh,rs! j, JonN M. CtAtT0Xj a!, ,lislifcJ. UniTtid JiiiaU-J.'V. Crawford. .vore. mqoanmyot mat commorliiy, and -..uy ... me .ie.u. lvecpWl! Vc Whi-Mind most of the timo nn asnirant m! Washindin-. J. they rrjoico over it as a Whig victory, but from the lips pronounce it otherwise. It won't do gentleman ! Democrats will not 'me 1 1 build eight new ships for tho service of 1 the g iyornment. Ihoynrotobo constr-iNimiiH-ALRitsniNsniiLiTY. The mo- 'ucted at Philadelphia. 1 we know no reason why we cannot in qur.l-, cf good Democrat om ,hat .ho Presidential chair, is out wi.l, a loiter, ' Knt.ps, James 1 ' , ",l l'1UL' 1C' . LO'Thc locusts are eating up Central ii 1 he moment ho judges 0f duly, not from America. So devastating l,o?0 been their 1 llWI 111(1 11 I'd I. lit !-.. ... I I -. ' . .1 . . ,J ... . " i t . - .............. . , .u. . . it. viii inn. .1 ivini, . . . uio iiiiiiiivi wivi.iLii u 1 'i': . 1 . . .n .t 1 ity. Ho have any numbr, of .hem that, ''""' "re!. llid(Ji for (hc vo.Poflc Know-nolhings yJnW T?' W, M'Cr, I 1 'A "f:i : Z o a "b un r,orXirr Maud alono and have a full l of double: Ocx. Cass addressed a meeting, nun, j he "chn,-' who said I, shot M lI"cU.' " " 'm-if .0 a leader of one body, rnd toetn remr.i nblv vnnnn. !n 1-r,... bpriiur lridO'i ;,, ( 1, ;,.., .1... n,,.. . .. ,. . . . 1 winks at evil because division w.anl, I Imct : ia,K- in tow,, ,l i,, :,. ; z : s ' r: , : :. : " 111 : j:!0' mJ!a!- moment i,c shake, off , ! rri rr? so - 11 v. i, 1 s. iu linn ( iLiit ui1 , Phi r.t mciq i yi.a- X fill" .w hUHIW UVJII.I UIIUL IL.I " little fijllow" for thc prize, nnd we wish tention. Senator Douglas her ciiccess. ' " . isbind with h'm. . 1 was on Iho slu i-Ml' l'wu,,l-u uu""c""s Drn,.-i .i1Q miar,,,r f.,;llf cS Aeon 1 lortnruM Nr.w.s.Th" Pacific arrived Ilox. James GTHinn, Sec rein ry of ihe' September, cv.7 Americin 4-, rr manufai at New lorkon Iho SOil, ult., bringing Treasury, is nt present in Louisville, Ky., eign vessels oniwl at ,l,n n , nrv v,i W "m liritisli p four oays later news from F.uronn ; but and owin:r to nn iniurv rrceived. .ho r,.0,,ii ! ... ' u. 1 used at t. which is, however, uni.nnoitant. The 'of nn ticcident. will n'otleav; ,hor,, i.,.p.,r J.. Z , I J ?CorS Lnw' M . '!! V.01 particular responsibility, because he it ono Inuc!l 'ewer in Lngland than in America of a thousand or million bv whom iho evil "i''1 several cargoes of'flour nro said lo i.plolo set of "machinery, for thc ' i,(b,u ll,at''1("""'o Prts with his .nor-.: 'vo been lately shidped from Liverpool mrn r,r,sl.-,.l5 l,i, ' i "' l"'er. He is shorn of iho c uorgv of. Iyr ... . w V. .f. v. J x il Ul 1.. 1 1 . t 1 1 t - I I I ovornment, modeled after "'lv , ,"ritu ,u,Ln 111 rigni ami ne; ctrThe potato crop has been pa'hercd prmglielJ. 1 ho machinery ,. , 1 r " i in .Montgomery and Pucks counties,! a, 1.:.,.. 1.... 1... ..1... ..... . . .0 . j ' .".."-', -1 construction at Chic'.oneu ' w l'..i iieeemp- rtl,j lt is .sa,d there has l-cn a full nvt-rero lUn 1: . .,. S 1 1 . . ism. 1 i ; nt 1 iiii rnn r,r wrr n, hi a 1, despatches concerning tho progress of ihe ; iho firslof November. , ;io . J' 11,0 im-'' American inen.nuitv. ' iC'-'J by man's wisdom, for colMial power , , v. "'l ira n cnor n - jrur are conflicting, but it is authentically Hon. I. L. Ohh, of South Carolina, is ee.ie.i u.,n up me vul un.mo, nouiing named by some of the Southern papers lutil lon l,ihn ...... ;ud bem done. ins a candidalo for tho Presidency. rs m Rnorin OrD. W. Moore, Esq. r ,.:,. (..a1 L'crk a mercantilo establish- last Mcck.10 resume his lab Q t u';, ! "r"'3 Wri,C,,.to ''is fJ-t Iomo :- ism usii rineMiev nnsv lunp nr dv.n.ibvi mm 1 melon. 0 J. .""j (sCrA mammoth hog, said to weigh o vcrlwo thousand Rounds, is nmv nn nvl.l. 'tie work to do- our firm don't advertise!", bition at Louisville. Chaiuiinz no, notwithstanding iho recent severe drougth. Ow""Santa Anna is said to bo importing foreign mercenaries into Mexico four thousand Spanish and two thousand Swiss soldiers. Mi