Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 02, 1854, Image 1

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    tax i 1 1
4A$ iS
1 1 jC ill
Terms. $1
00 a year in advJfi
'Lives t'uero u mini with mul so dead
AVho never to liim?rlf hntli p.iid.
This Is my own my native laud ?"
.... By kon.
My country ! 'tis of thee I sinK ;
I i-lusp my harp I tinich its Urinjt
And bid it send ii sweetest struiu,
And give to theo her heat retrain.
X lovo thoe land of Liberty,
My couutry nntion of the free,
When tyrant's law nnd freedom's nam
Alike we spurn alike wo claim.
(h ! never shall 1 cene to pay
My tributo to her glorious sway;
And if in other lands I roam,
T never will furpet my home
Where Warre bled'and 1'i-ruv fmifrht,
Tho homo by 1'utriot's heart's blood bought,
Where I' lamed tho fiery lire,
Mouse brnlo it tread tho electric wire.
Tho classic secnes of other times,
Or sea-girt Isles in tropic climes,
Italia' land tho i-wiTr. Kit's plain,
And Uhkec'F, with her immortal train,
Or AU'WJf each may fur un hour
Hold o'er my beart iuipa.sioued power;
Hut like the needle to the pole.
My thoughts will back to couutry roll.
Aye, may my lips be ever mute
Kenuiubed, the senses now acuto,
If ever I forget tho land
Vy freedom's sacred breezes finned.
No ! louder wake, my bnrp, thy strain
More glorious bo thy plad refrain
In houor of my native land
In memory of her patriot band.
Adventures cf a Ulan as a llsuse maid ;
.Vdfri mould f Enyaji mint ; Feat cf Ayilitg ; Huh
Icry Arrctl and Exposure.
A few months ago a robust looking per
son, dressed in tho becoming garb of a fe
male domestic, made application at Durt's
Intelligence Office, in this city, for a sit
uation in the country to do ordinary house
work. Soon after a lady of Schohario
co-jnly applied for "help ;" but those she
selected were unwilling to leave town.
Tho "domestic" above referred to, how
ever, expressed her willingness to engage,
but tho lady did not ko her appearance.
Rut finally she was reluctantly compelled
to accept of her services. She accordingly
ordered her to appear with her trunk nt the
Mansion House, at 8 o'clock the following
morning where sho found her, in time,
but quarrelling with tho carman, whom
she olfercd a sixpence all tho money she
said she had for conveying her box to tho
place of rendezvous. The lady settled the
difficulty, placed her protege in the sfigo
and proceeded with her to her pleasant
mansion in Old Schoharie.
Nothing transpired for several days to
disturb cuhor mistress or servant. The
latter took hold with most wonderful in
dustry rising at 4 o'clock every morn
ing and working so long as thero was any
work to bc done.
The first remark on her eccentricities,
was made by a little girl, who entered t!io
parlor, with open fhou;h and eyes, ex
claiming :
think, that
Oh ! gramma, what do you
new L'irl noes down the
cellar stairs at a single jump! but tins
was not deemed sufficiently strange to ex
cite any other remark than that she was a
"smart girl." New developments were in
reserve. A few evenings after, when all
tho workman were nt supper fifteen or
twenty in number the household was
startled by the boisterous laughter of the
nvn. On inquiring tho cause, it appear
ed that "Elizabeth" had, on a b'tnicr,
jumped square over the broad table, dibhea
and nl!, at a bound, and ollercd to wager
a new bonnet that sho would do the same
thin if a chair were placed on lop of the
table only stipulating for a single step
backward. No one, however, accepted
the waer, but all concurred that Mic
was a littlo the smartest cutter id tho dig-
eTn tho courso of lime, a fellow servant
cirl (with whom the strange girl roomed
informed her mistress that she could not
remain any longer .n the farndy i, LI
. ,rl nnt luavc. fchc reluscu to us
sign any reason for tins intimation,
"Llizabclh," when arraigned, said
., . . Mia ivnm nnerv With licr
Zs " a nTfu-cd to contribute, dollar
STorSst." As this was known to bo
rue Elizabeth" was told to go to her
Zk and the other girl to leave she per
;itcd in her demand.
Szabeth" continued to grow ,n favor
u hnnds. in snito of her apparent slu-
' ,:,.l.irlv so with one
pw... ?,u:.::r:rm . to often took
rnT'r Her distress c hided her
Khis intimacy, warning her og ma all
lly deceivers;" but sho cosed all re
proof by tho very unexpected piece of in-
rni'ed to he married I . .
No one suspected amiss
"Elizabeth," until ono morning, on he
rr-turn of the ccntlcm.;ii of tho house, aRor
cral weeks absence The fami y were
ouictly seated nt breakfast wnh "Ebza
tho table. The gentleman
S tin 7 ol her pretty close y, wK
Z retired, tho breakfast table was startled
Ji b?, throwing down 1. knife and fork
. " i..:.: ..thntLT r 'saman didn I
ana ck;i-. r Now j0IJ't bo
. Kor I card I "iMOW uuu uv
Slfrema .heir cp."""'
their good luck in having picked nn En
""ood a oirl."
In a week or two, the gentleman of tho
houso had on occasion to leave homo for
a time, nnd was about to got into his car
ringc, when it occurred to him that thoro
might not bo money enough in tho salb for
household und business purposes until his
icturn. IIo looked through tho account
book, and found that there should bo somo
3?5 in gold in the safe, besides somo pa
per money. On looking to sec whether
he was right, he found tho paper money
but the gold had disappeared. Here wus
"a go." "Who was the robber ?" was
the next question. lie decided in his
own mind that there was but ono servant
in tho house with wit enough to get hold
of tho keys and rcmovo tho money unob
served. And sho was tho favorite and
trustod iiursc of the grand-ehildrcn, whose
mistress was then absent. It was deter
mined therefore that she should be arrest
ed, her trunk searched. &c. A search
warrant was accordingly obtained, with
,!;....,:., , .i m . i ,. .
d. ecl.ons to the otllcer to be in readiness
r null DCiU lur.
As if to confirm thejustico of these sus
picions, tho girl informed tho son-in-law,
whose children sho had nursed, that she
would leave in a few days although
she had frequently expressed a desire to
always live with the family, who had uni
formly treated her with great kindness.
"What do you mean, Mary, by this sud
den determination ?"
"Because there are thoso about the
house who are stealing ever) thing they
can get their handson ; nnd 1 cannot stay
where they aro." "Why did you keep
this information from us V "Because
w hen I went to tell Mrs. , she said
sho would not lislen to nnv complaints
from servants about each other, and com-i
polled mo to bc silent." "To whom dot
you refer!" "To 'Elizabeth' who has!
been stealing something every day." She
then proceeded to name several articles
which sho knew "Elizabeth had stolen,
and to justify herself for the course she
' had resolved upon.
This revelation changed tho aspect of
affairs, and the fact that the same day
"Elizabeth" announced her determination
! to leave next morinm;, did not render
them any the less interesting, but prom
ised a moro speedy denouement than was
anticipated. It w as against her trunk that
ihc search warrant was now directed, just
as it w as ready to bo placed on the M.i"c.
.-! .1 I I ... .1... I .i
uncovering ! Keels ol hncn, chemise, fmo
1 1 a
-uniin, ,ai.v, un.. ....... 0,1,1 ., u.s ;
enough for "daddy Lambert," nnd sundry
other commodities, indicating the wardrobe!
of an heiress, rather than that of a cook, j
V 1 7 :T
ried of to jul-tho officer behevu.g hut
In cm a nl hpp nrr,lpl.nlione .lin line hnr
when in bars sho would relent and confess
But net she I On entering the cell, she
looked round rather complacently nnl
ordered up her baggage. This was refu
sed lr r, but slu persisted so rrsaluielv
that her request was complied with, oi) the
cno iK-muweu, uui ukj r.iw, .u una smgc ; K0 Kitallv, that a fewer in the vicinity oh
of proceedings, knows no demurers, nnd j t!,iued the designation of "Tho plague
tho trunk was uncovered. And such au j pit." tho disease in that quarter br!in
ground that she should only lake out what charged with being (ho causo of the dis- j
sho required for her use while in prison, case. Tho report of tho engineer, who!
On doing so a razor strop nnd razor fell had inspected 207 houses, represents I
out of the bundle, and on Icing told thatthemns in the most disgusting state of i
she could not retain articles so useless to
her, the begged piteously fir them us "the
onhi things h ft to her by her dan; dead
father." Of course no humane officer of
the law could ciisregird sucn a pica, and in mo city, or any unusual suspension
she was allowed to retain them. j of business, or desertion of the city by
Ilcr trial came on, when her counsel nny portion of tho population, more th in
advised her to plead guilty. This at first ; nny odmary season.
she refused to do : but finally consented j A Sinny jt.DGn.A 6,,ort time sincc
-not, however, until she had remained I a qlJctr cns0 f(jr a Ch.cuil Juj
over night in custody of the under Sheriff, 1(J Wegtcrn jjisrict of Tennessee. lie
at his house, lie persuaded her to this wna a gooJ Iawycr bllt carcJ nollli for
course, and took so much interest m her , ncCj anJ ,CS3 for dre,g T)e ,at.
case, that very unkind suspicions found i ,cr ,)0 knew nol,ing.about it Lcing uftcn.
uttcrnnco, how unjustly the sequel W'l I ,rcy to Dctty, his wife. His Betty was
show. In consideration of her ploa of absent frorn homo Onco when ho started
guilty, tho Judge was very merciful and arounJ on ())0 cirruiti lcavin lhc :lK, t0
sentenced her three months to tho Albany pnck his cIo,hc9 for ,hc ,ri lle diJ S()(
I'enitcntiary. Hero she arrived a few but ins(aJ ()f find;n )lis hliirtgj10 .ciod
days ago, nnd the worthy matron received I a pdc of his wifs what's-you call-'cms,
her kindly, introduced her to tho female 1 US(J(1 ror a ;ko r.urposei A cnrnnj broth
department ; and from thence to the- bain- j cr who TOimcii wilh him wa, much a,niJ.
imi room, from whence a series ot loud ' 1 fpw mnril;n. m il.r. ,..
screams for "Mr. Pillsbury were soon
hear; and on his appearing, the matron
bid her blushes, nnd requested him to
"take that MAN away!" Mr. Pillsbury
like a gentleman, as ho is, complied witn
this very reasonablo request had tho lus
ty rascal cropped and atlircd in proper
garments, set him to work among those
of bis own sex, where he now is, with as
proper a crp of beard as nny man could
desire. aruT'such a crop as ho could any
day havo had while a housemaid, nnd as
ho would havn had but for the semi-daily
application of tho razor left him by his
"trar, dead Jalher"
The rascal refuses to own to tho steal
in" of ihc $1375, being determined, doubt-
less, to get hold of it as soon as no is ro
leased from Ins present quuueia
.;.,,,. l...s wonderfully nirrcd up
iho blood of iho Schohario Dutch, nnd
' ,t;M;nin,l ihnsn who had a
promise of nn opportunity to "dancont tho
wedding" of Patrick and Elizabeth !
(1 W ifpai.l within s
ix months,
Kc-Ajinctir;in'e of tlicl'liignciii London.
A story bus been circulated in this
country of tho frightful ro-appcarnnco of
mu ionuon plague, which ravaged that
cily a hundred and fifty years ago, the
contagion having been derived frernboncs
disinterred in carrying a new sewer
through Argylo street, by digging to nn
unusual death. It is asserted that physi
cians have pronounced that tho diseaso is
not the cholera, but that it is undoubtedly
tho plague, nnd that it is proposed by
contagion, and is even moro speedy in its
fatal effects than tho cholera. Tho wri-
.- in an uniciu wunoui ciatc, wriich is
copiod from' tho Home Jour not savs that
"Tho disease, in a week from tho time nt
which it broke out, had completely rava
ged tho streets in Soho and its immediate
vicinity. At the present moment Poland
street, Argylo 6treet, and others, are clos.
ed against all passers. Half the shops in
Regent street are shut up. The remain-
der aro rnnidlv closing.
At two o'clock
iii iiiu uny, puuieeiy u persons may
bc mel wlb inthat r-reat thoroughfare. In
,t. i.. .i
1 o
tnoso street wtiicit tho disease is most
speedily depopulating, the dead bodies are
placed in the open air, immediately that
lifo has departed from thorn, so great is the
fear of contagion. I have seen in two
instances, half a dozen bodies bein" car
ried off in black sacks, like bales of goods,
lor burial, lou will easily judge how
great a fright ibis has created. Every
one who is ablo to do so, has fled. Lon
don, generally at this timo just emptying,
is now nan depopulated.
The London papers do not contain any.
thing to countenance this story, beyond
the fact which has been repeatedly stated,
that Hie cholera has prevailed m London
to a greater extent : th in in any year since
lot'J. Ihedeatns from cholera in that
year to tho 3d of September had carried
off 12,201 persons, This year there has
been in ten weeks to the same date, 8D.j3.
The latest santitary report puWished in
the London Time of Sept. 27, says "the
cholera is slowly retreating from London,
but it destroyed last week 12S1 lives,
nnd 19 persons died from the allied dis
ease dinrrlirto." The doalhs from ched.
era in the m.t preceding week were 1519,
und in that next precedi.ig 20j0. The
number of deaths from nil cuuses during
I the last week in London, in a population
or2,3G2,23fl wss 2501.
There was a district in London in which
tho cholera nrevailod for n short rr rind
- . 1 . . 1
i attributed, in articles which appeared in
1 auiuw ui ita una iu uiu upeii nr'S lino
no streets 111 mat vicinity lor tho ven.
tilation of some newly cons'trucled sewer,
At a meeting of the 'Metropolitan Sewer
Commission, on tho 2('.li of Sentcmber.a
i onrr rnnnrl unu nin. .- mmn n thnmrwo,
- " .-"p"
; mvcsHgahon of the cases of tho particular
virulence ol tl echo era m that locality.
1 s.;ems to have been fully accounted
for by he excessively crowded nnd filthy
state of ihc houses, and the want of drain-
ago communicating with' tho sewers rc-
. cenlly constuctcd, and which had
w hich had been !
fllh from tho attic to tho cellar, and en-
lirely without drainage, and no intimation j
is given that the diseaso is tliflerent from
that w hich prevailed elsew here. No panic
! enranco of t10 Judg0( nothing being in
j gi , bul his hrnd) ormS) onJ i,
. ,ook 0f bewilderment nnd his soto voice
rcMcctions, which were, "I. wonder what
on earth made Betty cut 01T my sleeves 1
I don't see." It is probable that ho heard
the reason tho next time he saw Betty, but
not before, ns iho bar kept dark on tho
matter (to him) that round.
Loss of I In io Horace Greelkt and
all on Board. The brig Horace Gree
ley. Capt. Smith, which sailed from
Georgetown, S. C, on tho 5th September,
for Philadelphia, wns upset during the
gale of tho Oth of Sept., nnd nil hands
were lost. Tho wreck drifted on Pauley's
Island, 20 miles northward of George
town, ou tho r.'th inst., bottom upwards,
; with a portion of her cargo, which con-
! sisted of limber and naval stores, in her
1 hold. Cant. Smith and his male were
, native of Boston tho former leaves a
wife and family.
i J)a(, vt.-n 1U0 month?, nnd
xj y . &9 M - uij
l''rmi the (iinerve,
Narrative of t lie French Sailor who Mi1'1
ed from the Wreck of tlic Arctic.
My namo is Jassonet Prnncoise: I nm
from Caucale, a village situate 3 leagues
distanco from St. Mnlo: 1 nencrallv em
ploy myself every jear in fishing at St.
1 icrro. 1 embarked on board tho Vestu
to return homo; when tibout noon on the
27th, I chanced to be on deck, 1 heard the
men in charge of tho watch, nnd who were
in tho foro part of tho vessel, sing out
"Luff, luff, there is a ship bearing down
upon us." I think, to the best of my opin
ion, that not moro limn half a minute
elapsed bebro wo rcceivud tho shock. Our
ship struct the Arctic in the starboard
bow, near the wheel; our forecastle was
swept nwny by tho blow. When wc saw
this accidcut, a general confusion ensued
and a man ascending from the hold cried
out that tho vessel was filling with water,
which created a general panic among the
passengers and crew. To lower a boat,
nnd precipitate ourselves into it to tho
number of seven or eight, was tho work
of n minute, and wo proceeded towards
the American vesselj-which continued its
route towards land. Our intention was to
savo ourselves on board tho American ves
sel, for our ide.vwas, that our own would
go down immediately. Wo rowed for
some time before wo could roach tho bow
of tho vessel, but a wavo sent us to a dis-!
tnnce again. Wo then approached the
wheel, and, owing to some nccidont which
1 cannot explain, the boat was caught in
it nnd upset. I alono was ublo to reach
a rope, and got on the deck of the Ameri
can vessel, w here a general confusion and
panic reigned. J
I soou learned that tho vessel was in
danger, and I cast mv eyes around mo to
find some means of safety. There were; ln "Potion ut i. nst lour monuis in cacu
near mo about thirty bottles ; I got a rope; 'car. ,Ik7 afc indictable for misdemtnnor
and attached them to my person, but one i in-office.
of them being broken 1 soon saw that it! - Public meetings have no power to
would not bo possible to throw myself into' discharge school teachers, nor to employ
the sea wiih them ; that is why, finding a . 'hem. Directors must perform the duiies
box near me, I fastened myself on it with' required of them by law, but in perform,
strong cords nnd cast myself into the sea.1 ing them should, ns far ns practicable,
By good luck there happened to bc close ! consult the wishes of the people of their
to thu vessel a floating piccoof iho wreck, 1 district. The latter, however, cannot con
which I seized hold of, unJ abandoned (lro1 lho nctlc"'s f tho former against their
mvself to tho mercy of the waves. In consent.
company with me on this raft was a young ' School directors have tho power at
American of from twenty to tv.enty-two ,in.v tlmo t0 dismiss a teacher, "fur incom
veavs of age; this youn;' 'man died on the Pncy, cruelty, negligcncy or immorali
on the morning or ill" 2S:h, from tho cf-' a,1(J sJlould l' Prompt in the exercise
fects of cold nnd hunger. The. cold had'01" 'hi Pou'cr whenever either of these
laken sueh n l.ohl il,i,n thit it I wvnn ! char-'cs are established ngaiust a K acher.
impossible for him lo nit', r a singlo word.
i .. ,
I tool; him m my arms nnd supported his
on my shoulder. W hen he breath-
lis last si"h he "avu me such a violent
fchocl: that he wns near upsetting me in;o
tho tea. I nltaehed him to the raft with
cords, nnd I kept him for nbout twenty
,!. :.,,: ,.r ...i.:i,
. 1 .... .
linding that ho was really dead, nnd np.
... visi. of . ,ia.
j lhrcw 6ulf ,he sca fter being
j a, )e mp . nf wavM for Q cn
, ,vg an . ... , Rnv flf'.tWo
hours, cn tha COth, towards ten in the
morning, I perceived to the west a sail,
w hich seemed lobo approaching me ; then
with the small plank which served mo as
an oar, I was enabled to make some sig
nals, which did not seem to bc noticed by
the vessel, I continued to swim for anoth
er hour, nnd I ihrn became convinced that
tho vessel was steering directly towards
nif. This gave mo a little courage, for
my stren'rlh had bcan to abandon me.
I made a fresh smnal, nnd I saw that they
perceived me, for the vessel came straight;
triu-nrd. nm I n liowtr 1 nn Iinnnl. nnd ;
Ijavo them to understand, ns well ns I
could, by signs nnJ a few words of Eng. I
lish. thrit them u-rre tn thn Innwnrd R front!
r.mtain nc.-ordinMv rlmned hit course
and steered in that 'direction. We nicked
un eleven persons, who bad not on float -
ing pieces of wreck, ns also Captain Luce.
We then made sail, nnd proceedrd to (i'ic
bee. It wns in this way that I escaped
tho waves, which threatened to engulf
mo every instant. 1 was in the sea fifty
two hours, without food or drink of nny
sort, wilh the exception of ono small sai
lor's biscuit, which my companion in mis
fortune gave me before ho expired.
Wholesale Mvhdi:u asp Si icidk.
By tho Into foreign arrivals, wo have the
following sanguinary item from Italy: A
military man was in love with a young
lady whom ho could not obtain in mar-
nage. incensed at her re usai, lie
Incensed nt her refusal, he resolved
on vengeance. Arnnnjj Inmsclt with lour
revolvers, he repaired to tho mansion of
tho fair one. The Hrst person that nppen
cd was her mother ho shot cr, the cxt
was her father he shot him; lhcrcamc
tho young ludy herself he sbot Kr; then
enmo tho uncle and nunt he-not them;
and then lis shot himself.
The ConnLtns "Lat" WToRns. " I
feel that I wax weaker each succeeding
day, and that I p-n Ast approaching my
end; a few mo.e t-'itclia and awl will be
over; in heaicn there is rest for my weary
sole: earth ha no sorrow that heaven can
not heel" having said awl he wished, he
j calmly l-cnthcd Ins last.
it tint paid until tlic expiration o;
- t
Dei H'iiih of tho Si.ii riiittiik'iit.
bo iiicwly elected directors arc held to
certificatcsifl snnn as they rcceivo their, charge of n teacher, in tho blank agree
at a meeting ol nlir-n, or claim their seats ' nicnt between directors and teachers, print
denco o( their electiflil.w ith proper cvi-1 cd in thn pamphlet copy of tho school law,
supplanted have no nuthon'y'o. directors , is intended merely to cnttblo the directors
their successors are elected. ' after , ' tormina to tho agreement at tho end ofa
2. Thoro nevr-r- is amw board of direct nionth, cr quarter, and does not, in any
ton w here t!u luw takes its regular rourse, ' Ji-1-cr qualify their power nnd duty to
except when new districts aro formed. j competent?, teacher ot any time, for "in
Debts legally contracted by a board of di- ality." -lty, neghgenca or immor
rectors in any year, nnd left unpaid, must '2. If a board ot u.
Lo liquidated by tho board in succeeding ' gnni.e, because no one of lffl fail to or
years. " j a majority of votes for president," il obtain
3. Directors may, in their discretion, re-' neglect of duty ns will justify the CourTb.
quire tho schools of their district to bo! Quarter Sessions, upon tho complaint of
kept open every day of each calender six taxable citizens of the district, nnd,
month, except Sundays. Tho most gen-1 "P011 uc rrr'f thereof, to declaro their
cral rule is to keep them open twenty-six j seats vacant, and appoint others in their
days per monlh, but some districts limit stead.
tho school month to twenty-four days. "3. When two directors arc to bo elect
But the directors should re juirc theschools .cd, nnd three persons havo nn equal num-
to be closed every Saturday at noon, lo be
opened again on Monday morning, or in
lieu thereof, to bo closed every alternating
Saturday, and thus the timo given to the
pupils for recreation should not bo deduc
ed from tho teachers.
4. School directors havo the abstract
right to compel pupils to go to cither of
the schools within the dinct ol their res-
inec, if they fco at nil ; but this right or
power should not be arbitrarily exercised.
Where n pupil can be more conveniently
accommodated in an adjoining district the
directors should make such arrangement
as is provided for in I ho ninth paragraph
of the twenty. third section (page 8) of the
school law.
5. If tho school directors do not keep
o11 ,Ii0 necessary schools of their disttict
8. Tho directors aro not personally lia
ble for tho salary of the teacher legally
ft. A pupil cannot bo suspended or ex
pelled from school unless "found guilty,
on full examination and hearing, of re
fractory nnd incorrigibly bad conduct" in
10. Four directors constitute a quorum,
and acts ofa majority of these arc as le
gal nnd binding us though all wero pres
ent and voted on the same side, except
that tho ani.ual school tax must be levied
by the votes of not less than a majority of
tho members of tho board.
11. If n teacher receives pupils know
ing that they have been ordered to nuoth
cr school by tho directois, ho is guilty of
nn net ol iiisuuoniination he "neglects
his duty in refusing to carry out the re
quircmcnts of the board for which the
directors can discharge him.
12. A vei b: l discharge of a teacher by
a director, authorized by the board, is suf-
ncieni. hut it is recommended in nil cases
nolV 10 el uiscnarjo in wr,.
13- School directors are not required to
ho fiWorn on entering on tho outies ol
the office.
14. If iho school directors nelect to
OniM within (wci
li -n. 03 opacified by law, they may do so.
!o'y 'uluro nnd suc organizaiy"
u-111 l.f! slricltv ii-.T'i! if nn Kteni wcr- la
" J --o"-' -"I "
ken in the meantime to remove theirpc
tors elect from office by duecour of law.
15. School directors arc iiocu"l'tlcd to
compensation fnr any servir3 they may
render ns such.
1G.-"A vote of iho cie'"" n rlrl',,
cr authorize nor prove1 ,no directors from
levying n specified amount or tax lhc
school law reu!;-cs 'hem in that regard.
17. W hero -0! t3 ar0 imposed oy tne
cotirt upon nJoa,d f school directors in
c;v;; n.-ti-n nainst them in their official
capacity 8;,c'' costs may bo paid out of
tho S",ol)1 lllllu ol ins uisinci, uuu r-:'inn
. .. ..-li.- i i.-. r.i.....
f nr-r-.naliv
i Met'! 111 "5CS 01 '
u' i .i.- j- ... l r.
o - , ., ,. . ,
",0 i"-or. ;i.-
misdemeanor, and tho costs are imposed
upon them, they must pay the wa.c out of
their own, and not out of tho school
IS. Any necessary expenses of n civ 1
action, nol imposed by the court upon
- I . .
olber parties, such as nttorncy lees, mayiulu pui
be paid by tho directors out of llie school
10. School directors have no nuihority
to appropriate nny poriiou of the school
funds to Sunday schools, nor to causa the
common school to bo taught on Sunday.
, 20. If tho directors illegally appropriate
tho school funds to unauthorized objccls,
tne year wwiu ucctiariicu.
NUMBER 41. can bo compelled by law to refund
the money.
21. Tho clause in reference to tho dis-
I ut'r ol votes, thero is no election, and such
vacancies iherefore exist as authorize tho
board to fill them by appointment until tho
next election.
21. If any citizens establish a school
without nuihority of the directors, and if
such school is net dirctly approved of by
n majority nfthu Loaid of directors acting
in their ofiicial capacity, the former cannot
compel the district lo pay the expenses of
such school.
25. While the law docs not in terms
authorize it, the Superintendent does. not
see that there con bc a reasonable objec
tion to directors making such arrangement
as is provided for in section twonly-third
of the school law, with adjoinning States;
but in such caso it is necessary that tho
consent of nil persons directly interested
bo given. ,
20. School directors have power to es
tablish schools of different grades in their
respective districts, and to require the pu
pils who havo obtained different degrees
of advancement to attend such school ns
is best suited to tho course ofsludy ofench.
Every branch of English education may
bo taught in Common Schools.
27. The law does not authorize a teach
er employed by iho directors to collect
additional compensation from parents,
guardians, &e., of pupils, nor can tho di
rectors authorize him lo do so, nor do it
Where it is desired by persons send
ing pupils to a school to pay a teacher a
higher salary than the dirctrrs aro wil
ling to pay him, they may either make a
direct contribution to the teacher, or pay
the same in to the school treasury of tho
district, r.nd the directors can npproprialo
it to tho purpose designed. Bul no person
can bo compelled lo make such payment
nnd the school must it; tvciy rfpr-ct fco
governed ns other common schools nro
and conform in nil things to tho rjquiti
mcnts of tho school law.
29. If tho president ofa board of sdiool
directors cngagesa teacher w ithout pathor
ity, the contract is not binding on fie dis
trict ; but if the directors in nn' manner
recognize tho contract, by pying the
teacher, or permitting hint tog or. with
the school, knowing that he lis been thus
employed, &c., the dislrict bouud to pay
him the salary agreed u,'Cn, until ho is
legally discharged.
CO. School directors arc not authorize J
by luw to admit pupil, from tin ndjoining
district into tho 6ch'3 f 'heir own, ex
cept in ihe niantv' provided in division
ninth, section twenty-third, of the school
law. If, wii'out authority of law, they
permit pup' f'om ol'K'r diiiricts to attentl
their selv's ''R,y cannot recover com
pensate11 ft'-"" 'hose di.striets, or from
pcrs"'s whoso duly it is lo educate the
c,:drcn. In the ubsence ofsuch arranger-cut
as the law provides, no implied con
tract exists upon which nn action can bc
maintained and compensation recovered.
Ml. Under no circumstances ran nd'ool
directors he justified in paying "the collect
or moro than five percent for collecting
school lax, or I.e in receiving it ; nnd this
rannot be done even wheic the directors
had agreed lo i'j r i, fcr they have no nu
ihority to tnnko such ngri .. incn', so far ns
the public funds nrc concerned. yA
parties would lo acting contrary to express
provisions of law, and both would there
fore subject themselves to prosecution and
C5"A story is related of un honest far
mer, who, attempting to li.ivc huuin a
bull, got suddenly hoisted over the fence.
Bccovering himself, he saw tho animal on
I n,i,. ,a ne,un ra;u sn-in ih. nir
the other 6ido of the rails, sawing tho nir
j w " " ''cod and necK, ni paw ing the
giound. Tho good old m m looked stead-
ity ni nun iur a iiiuii" nu ouuniu
his at him, cxcliumed, "Uarn your
Apologies; vou ncid'nt stand there, you
...... t: I . ' 11 1 n nr.. (nrnnm 1 Untl
".u" i r-
OrNature is shockingly imi. odost. Til!
children an taught " what is what," they
w6uld ns soon run rroerd wilh nothing
on but their arms nnd legs, r.s they would
in breeches nnd petticoats. Blushing is an
artificial commodity, onJ came into tho
market with knowledge and moutua-ma.