Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 28, 1854, Image 4

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    Ilosti; Wll I IIIlMi",
Oh. th.-t n.,,T (.. i l" 1-1. h h "i
An t li-m "i d. h :
Ni i 1 . ti.iini (.1 ! ; hi ii Ii in".
I I...H.-I. ..W lb"" be l" ! .r I tl !
V' t m ! ,i I .i I ' i . i . i. i ' " by.
i. .. 1 I t.l li l li l " 1 -nod tl- .
Km i v I ,ii'i li. if I1" "I. ""! ru '!"'"
.', Ibonc and 1 lo-tol l u '
t 1 1 ib- tv. v li." i " '"Hi y y
K.t l.t.uo l."if -C'l'l " ii-" them :
V hi!l lliiw "ii ii- ''"i 'I '' 111 ""r
IT w'll.l'iii ttui'ii l" mi-" ll" in
I'm- tliint" ".' '"'0' '"r ""'
V l."ll ".I'll" 1.4 I K lit spell liull '""H"' " i
Hill Hull we're Inllglll I lull eill ill I' Hill l.nU(,l.t,
II nu J I riomli hiuhmiI ii !
J'hi' fri. ii li that speed in time of l""''li
V i..m Uopc's ln-.t reed i shaken.
To fln.w us slill t ti lit come what will.
Wo lire not iicilo i..r.:ikon ;
Though "II vin illicit if but tin light
V'r .ill Krion.lliiji'M ultar ctmu'J Us,
t.. i.l nr,.,e tin. bliss of earth win this
Vo ( ii . iil tli" fMl mg IV"irt
KlM inn tr.-ri nl. in nMiii'Mi tii llu' In' n
' pilililir.l ht Wi l li. I
, )n,tain ( '. Wlirnt, n lull v-nr ',
. .. ii.i. i,,,..iriinllv I'linil. llilV.Ciil'il
.-run. ion.--. 1.... j r. - . -
i . . . . , .. . t k i . :
, , I .irii- n ic nv'ii'n 'i Am
lie tin nverngf 'VP. 1,1,1
nf the couniy will I""
Mi .1 it. M Mil I'l I
I n nii Ut IM Mimt iniN.
It .land' Vi" 'n
w 4 at a t it a a, .'ttuiuw;
1 Will
short tvl
l..ri . t un aUtllJ 111" wutnu i wii.'.i
together, the coin ""I1 "i" prubnlly (all
omi-l'imrth below nn nvnrnge.
j lAifatjrttf Co. A season of tlioWa
' Itus just passed in this counly, and tlicre
'litis liuon litilo or ' business done.
I This Ins born ft hnr.l year to unaors,
limlinil monns. nnd mnnv will find it .mi vki
. nun ni-iM-' -
OUHO UIUICUU linn iiiv.ii w.....
'4 lt'1 1 t .
lit .
I 11
,( l, f 111 l "l
, ..."i 1" "ll
.. 1 n r
, ll tl i" I"". .Ill
II II 1 1 J
muuu vu,u;u,
..iv v 1 it' K KM VI II. 1 '" t ''". "
I . .'.I'... i.. i.l. i;,n ii. .ii. I Ii '"1 !'' ".
: "" im vi. t
, AS. ...'.!! M'lK "
n l!.. ". I I. ii II. I'l i-'.i.ii'y
i II, I"
Al I I H H l M'.tlM
Villi. M l 1 I HI V.I.I ! M. Ilnl
, , , , ,,
,il. V"t T
M. It.
1-1 IS' 11 . Uttl'tvl I'l
,. ii l, .1 n ii ' ' .I..1I.. . ' Tl Hl-.i I'lllli'll
(..,ll".l A'.i'.-i'' ' -! rt.mitli. l iit'i' i'',"" ,',..ii, nti.l nmniilnp
H' tin " 1 ) n vmi'"k In liiAimr:mt"il.
nrA l'",',,",'KU,ltf,.i., Ilii'-mi".
j rrni, r I nltn.E ,,,,,! j ,. !.. - .
oiHi'.w.m.i'iiit- ,,,,,., IIIINUY (iliOi:.
on Allf'i , .
t'lliii.Mi i , A. l I ii ll lir.n Mi' I 1'i'Hi'T in i.iiiinHT, Hi
in1 i I "1 l"i"'"r MiIIk. in Jinrtij low ii ct, j., l' iir-
i it ii I,
V " wiiii, i' t'liii'.M' i A'l l ii I' ii r. u nun ik-iii.t in i.uinwr,
i'.j'.-V' 1x,i.hit,' AN'ifl ri..i.".r MIIIk." In Mirni. I.inii.l.n., tl.
v-..K .' X' irniTlo"n ti.'l'l "imly. Puwrl cuiiliiiiily 1111 Im
': ' k ., ' -. 4 tiii: HMwIins ! nml LilU 'i it.v ilii"riilii'ii wiwt- .i i.rJnt
'l - v;!.tNjjiwi''ji' ,,, -r ti 1., js i" p -1 tlm liiiri"ft imiiio. fi'i'l. - '1 'i4 ly
j " '' ru i. M'lini'i'r r"iT-
"10 orofhriw lonjf tnilinj.
Our li"!iio nml I'l it'inU iirumul uc !
the ''..iiiiViiiiii .Voiti
Avcrn-cs of troiis in the Western States
Uy Wm. Gooduich & Co.
Kentcckt. SentcmliPr, 1931.
Tlie ooneral character of tlio crops nnd j
..... 1,.,.
A-"' i:..
... 11 .1...:- . nr .iri'..M,-s ,u,-i .. .... .... ...
1 ! '."Vi;iiii,l"Ki.rx."iiMiMiii.l ImviiiRtho
r.v n. 'l,.nl l.nrlnv H'O. i .'. .. H I'l'll.T O.lllllilH.ll. l.l't II ll I I "f" 'I " 1 1
ienHC-. -..-. 'I , ,,: -,,,,,., ,.,..) c-ii-iininr nm-
I good crops. lxM, n lair crop. vu f,i0'j,r-, iv,im tl.p nio-t ni.""tiilil i..ur-., i.r tli I hih-v. Tin ami Wifi t Iron niaiiuliirtiirrr,
in first rnto Condition. Potatoes, nlnio- ,,,n roii1ts nf its tw ; tupitlur with l"ti'M- i j Curwviinvilli', aliuvo Hie ulil fnuuilrr, nn Hi
r 1 nf I'ltn llnrnn I frillll lllL'lllV CXllITi"!!''"'! I'll V niiillll H, lvliolnivo I ll l-i'll I'f .M I i 11 M il'I'l, 11 llll" II 11 Illlsilll-Sll ill llih
Iron l'miniliTN, L'urwnimvillu. An extuimivo
UHHi.riiui'iit "t I n-lini." iiiii'lu t'i'r.
jacoh r.iLCKU,
conscqucnco of lato drrop. 1 fr.m liiu-iiiy yxvr.
o ! iimi'iI it iii tlii ir linn'
Cr. l,a,'J, 0l,,",vnli"ii-.
Wells Co. V lieo'inird crop. it is
Corn, oats, rypVns n whole, will provo
piiinn nn nvera?e. llierc is
tio". nml i-'i'rnli t'l'oni tlii'ir in n lino in iU.m up in n ivnrkniiiuliko iiiiiiiiht, nml ..ii
ri.ii.'.iiiiil.lo t.-rniH. tuuntry jirmlnro tnkin in ru
oliuiiK" lr wuik. r"''. 17, ls.jit.
I H V. F K It V. X CVS. ?. 1!. 1'kckitam. M. T., I lira,
I X V 1. ll r,-u,w t tl I n..i.twtni(.llil. . Y.
Im'. ii. Mills., m. ii.'. Hii"i'"iir, x. y. i. Y.l O. 15. MF.IIUKLL,
t 1' . . 1. . ' T ll..r llliUHM. I A .1-1 .1 Ul.l I ...... It.' A mt .......
business mattUl'S 111 tills OiaiQ H") uo ! sajJ.'buk '"most licrc, Olid more llOgS .jt. p., Unltim in, .Mil. .1. ('. Omm k, M. 1. liul-; ) laclui ci , ..u t.M-on.l uln-rt, one rlnur n.ntll of
imthrrcd from tllO fol!owin few State- n nt 0)V 0ticr timu since lti.JO con- itiinoro. M.l. U. W. iln si:, M. H. Nw -York ' A. K. WiiiMifs siiin-, L'l'iliil'l. l)(.". ill, ISul.
" ... i i I .. f., ., ' i . -ii i i i . I. i fin- V. I'iii:sm-ot. M. I'.. "iicnr'l, II. .1.1
YTM!X I Y AT LAW, i.ffi.. n l.i'.iiiinff M
rl I' ll. " mi S"' I Kti !. L'l"iiiin'll. ''
till!" I.,
VT'l'lUlS I.Y AT 1, WW ofiVc on tlm ibU n'ulo
of Sim 1 Ktri'i'l, H"iirly nj n-i 1 r lln fl.TCof
A. K. Wrij'lil. Hill ntt. nil l"H li iii""i
u . ill ut-t c.l in Ilia raiv. t'li uiiiii.i Juno 11, 1jI-
n'vseaucntlv pork will bemado without much
. . i c ...i.:,.t. oil i i.l ol ! i-.
in" Sllillt-H HI lima ii'"" i. ...v... .... lUCUUISJ.
lies miy be judged
Buuibon Co. It . '
shrewd resident"'',0 13
...;n i. ,i-i matters,
: ml vantage of
"rent strinen-
York. Ui'V. C.
ii nd but httlu
, r .1
,i ' in ; uui, nsiuo irom muse
the nencral failure of the crops
iiiroughout all this region, is making
things much worse week by week. It is
thought and believed that thojnerchants
of the county aro now responsible men,
.hut six months more may very materially
Xl.HLAMl, M. 1)., I'lirn. X
IiKAiui, tili'iin S.riniri, S. t'.
I'ttini'lili'la liml ffriili lit tim ft'ire off. I. Wnt
m. Airi'iit. UriiL'.'ift. C'lmirlifld. l'u. ANonoM ly
i li-iuiiii'' ilriiL'iri.Ln ill tliu irinrii;il tow in in til 0 1 -
Ettrly lifting and storing of potatoes is - joining pmimii'
now considered the better plan since the j , rf-J. Jt. M AltHllsl A v l.rit.)w,
- .. 1 ii i 1 (Vntrnl li'i'iit. lint l,!"ailwn. X. i.
prcvttlenco of disease. 1 hey should be j m , mu
tuken out ns soon as ilio naulm or tops are ;
i-.. ... i a:.. r ,u ! KKlll ;tMl) HVIt(.AI.S MAI!'
uiy uuu .-.u.a vu.i, ...... ; ,Y JUVINli sxoVK.S AX D t) ASTl NtiS of all ,
and put into small pits. It is ilillicult to; J) Ki.i-. t tho htuVK ami ll Alt IiWAJ; i:
SI1V tthv it is that Potatoes will not keen ci'UIIH uilj..iiiin.' Lrminrd t Mnoru'ii in i
J " . . . .-I . i i i. ..ll i.:.i . ..r .... ...... ... I...
l. ff t,..., .r 1 ll'Unn'HI, Wlll'ro Ull Mi'H.i "l v i..niinr i.iv i" "v
llllll Tl Ullllll lilU IITIIO, Fill II I1R
1)llif-iMiiltll. nt lli.i.ivi l!, lu ll townsliip, ut 111"
) CroKH Itonil." li'iiilmi; from M'Hi'o'n Mi'i t" Xrw
iinhiiitftoii. nnil frniii I'hi'Ht rrink to tKi rivi-r,
ikIhT" nil I'll I It in liin I'll" will l.o prnrii .tly utti'iiil
ti to. Muri'li 2, 1S.')2.
I I.
tui ii in i ; ii i "" : i . M l'f. K is h 1 1 is
,..ii,.r ol 11m. . I a" I I'l' ii V. I.ilni'.'n f iv
tll' l I HI". I'l .'H..1 l'i. I
S ALU'S Hi" fl' t'm I llml Mt
i'. iiMik liii I." I'" ' t " )'.'"' ' "ii'h m,ti.
i ill", will' h iMi(rtf" l'i nn.livi.l.'il Mti..iin j,,
i iiMn.ii ll"' i" ' run in" niriiii"! 'in' iilm t ,,..
diiy tl .'.ii un.l nri ri.iiiu.l'y im ii'iiii'!i,'., ,., (lr
III,. 1'f.Tiil -ii..,.r (im r r ti l' ril'ii.-nl.),,,)
HVl;M'V MiAiiS OK LXI-i.ilii St r, i
tr. Biiiii iil of ilii'O'f i'; 'ii-cliitlii.rtfin. i.irt.,,,!
m il liii.i'i'(". -I iv mi l M.....I, lir t I. 'I lt. KIN.
li I'LIN, ( Anll'i'T nf a T.i.ik of S"lf I'ren ii attxn.t
to r..( tlint" t"iitli if tin1 rni. i.r ihtilu,
.li l.ility, lornl an. I riintitiill iml w intiici, nn-nul
in. I 'iiii ul fii(Ti-i in c, lire Irui-mlilc to cerium
linl.iU. i..riiiiiij tli o imr t J' ('i"l, "t tti'ii'l'y mid fnul
!n ,ii,i...ti" mi; "ry Mini ir.-inii tr. ii..f.:ilily.
M. 1 WtRJlt, j ' TAK.; I'AKTlCLLAIt OHE. Hiertim,
I)liyslrlii,ninynlHyl'of"iiii'luOi!ir"iil"iico c-il ; iri-tiim imlulfd in by brf, in
in CurwciiMilli', wlion Hut .i I".-i-i omi H v nil- (u ( (lr,,. j.rnning tip ni'h lln ni to niuiilioml, m,J
n ut. !!. 1". l--- uliic'li if nnf rotorimid In duo timo, not only brpm
V; .T7.; . .;";;.. rl..m olmtiuiivs to u.atrlmint bappintw, but
11. IiUL.IIl'.W Sir OU1 1. I !...., r: . ,. ... . f,.ri(.., nf 1 roiiiirtid iu-idiuuii und il.
iuso W ho tlio WUf
nw nro of Ilio roinic.
ti'iid fuilliliilly In ull i.iiifi.fiiiiniil luininos entrust- ,.,,,.. until thev find tlio norvnni Hyutom ilutter.
ed to Im emu by tlio nitizona of Cloftiiiold nml ml- fvt, i(.iun; ami nnuciouBtitblo fcvlingi mi
joiniut; ciillilii'ii. Ollii'O next door to, nd nvrr vii:uo f"nr in tlio mind.
l'.i. W rigor's ollii o. Oct. 27, IMi;l. j unfortininlo tlnu nflT'i li'il liooomefi fonMo, li
rrZT, 'Zn7m7 n ,TT7 .nnnl.lo to lnbor with nrcuMoincd vior. or to ncply
JAMLrs KIIUJII'. liUKUU, ' ki miud Id ctudy bis itip Ih t.irdy und wcuk, hi
A TT'OltXKY AT LAW, bus rumovod bin oflico u dull, iiro.-oluto, und iij;;igon in fport Willi 1cm
X V. to tlm room niljoininc oil tlio oust tlio lruR onorjry tlinn uunl
stun; of Or. I.oniin, nnd will devuto Ins wlioto Ht
t iitiuii to tlio pNii'liro of bin profesaiuu. Ho limy
bo ruiirulti'd in I'rauk uud (ieimun.
.Inn. I j, lN' l.
Vltoi-nry nt l.nw, fonnorly of tlio firm of viiKtiitiiiK i.lT.'rtioiiH. l ew of tl
"Si lit 4 Swoi'K," Hiintinj;di.ii, 1'., will nl- t0 j,,., prn. lin nro ni
WXXKHS nnd t'urriori', ISrnmpioii liill.i, ('li-ur-
f i .-I. I counlv, l'u. kiv ii roii.ta n 1 1 v on liuml nn
nyorlin"iit of li ailii-r. Cusli paid for bides.
Mnv I-1, lSil.-lli'i.
large heaps or pits.
if l"nl-, soar li ami s:cl";li .linker, on Third street,
ien i the i V7 be
unify nt ai;u l.niid .Ajrcni, onioo
ndjoiniii); bis rvridulii'V, on Market ulroet,
t ..leiirliuld. 8, INS:!.
i i . . i i t . i . . i . .
vrtDN n nn o.r , ll. i pn is iif. 11 r 11 n'l i" v, I -.11 . . ..... . ... .. .1 . .1... . j ,' 1 i ' 11 ..iiiik'i uini i. ocii.m. 1 u.nriii.1.1. I'M.
,.l.nn,ri. ilir nuiipi-t nf mprrnntik- nfljirs ' ' r - . , .mm iu.i .nr .oim rioivn, m umwin m" . hii , -
eliange the aspect ol mercantile o uirs,, & ofco was lcarJ, ( r,iei.lil,.l,.sul,um,n'l"r.(,.eo0i a.o,i l-urlor Su.v.-h April in, 0..2. !
and such change promise to be disastrous. , , f . . . ' . c, ,0 fr wuud .md coal. Xim- l'lat.-. of ditv. r. nt 1,-vrMv:
Stock nud pronertv of every description ! ls lt 1,10 mo,Uc 01 l"llinS,,"r ''f9 n , 11 1 ?' UufUK m....., ded si,s, Ki.-ii. s-1,.,, A-nmie 1 I'- kri'.RLLG, I
' 1.1. tlm ovr-nnlinn r,r tlio nmdurts of the 1 COtTie OVOr ,h T0"110 "Sclf ' " nlUSt be tllC , '"l" i Winter und Summer, uulbo Iioi". Kit-1 Qa.'Io mi.l Harness Slakur, and Justirc of,
V til the exception 01 tllO prouuets Ol UIC, suit Our practice to the ties uf nil nud B Urgo ussur.mei.t u.' ' IkUow O the lVarctumru,, ilio. li.o.2S,lspi.
soi) lms dcpreciuled from M to 50 peri , , .. .,',, - 1 um ,,f Mn illnu
cent., nd Ilio tendency 8 IUCIIAU!) GLENM1NG,
.nnsenncntlv neonlc arc bcinili" to econ-1 C CIIC"' Uo nr0 much ,n l!vo ' V nnd !, of every deseripti.m ron-tnntly u bund ; t 0()t and Hme Mak.r. enn bo found ut bin!
. I ' !, . D. r , I practice of burying potatoes in the fields )r.l,.rs for ull kinds of (Vtinps tor On?t und , ) ji,..p time doom west of tlm AluiiMoii ltus,., !
If bo eiuaneiint" bimfelf before tbe nrnotico hu
Uoiio iU win-.-t, und enter matrimony, hi innrrinp
in unfruitful, nnd bis pen?o tells bim tbut (luf ii
emin.'d by enrly follieg. nro Coii.iideraiii.Ei
which Hhould uwukuii tlio utlentiob uf thuFO liuii.
lurly filuaUd.
M Al'.IllAtlK reiiiire the fuLOlment of seven!
condition, in order that it inny really bo theeau'o
of niutiiiil 1. ippinens. (,'ould tho veil which coven
tlio origin of domestic wrn-udieduefs bo mined, ami
its true tonn e in every in.-Unieo disclosed, in liuw
niiiny coiilil it be traced to 'liysienl UisqunlificnlioLs
uud their iitteniliint di-uppointiiients. Apply theft,
w liilo it ii vet time, in order to have your uiittrurj
nnd relaxed organization ra-brnevd, leiiviliod anil
lleiii'.iiilier bo win) I'laees Liinself under lr.
KinkeliuV troiitiiient may religiously confide in hit
honor u a pontleinm, and rely upon the assurance,
that tlio pccreU of lr. K.'s putieiils will never hi
Y'ounff mnn let no fnle moilcsty detrr you from
' milking your euso known to one who, from eiluci-
I lion und rcpectbiliiy can certainly befriend you,
t i.:..i. ii .:n A....nn..i
f, ....I .. . 1 . . .1 J,.OIIIillllllll'llll.ll- l. III I'm' i.l nit mi l.'l III
. j,.,M. .i ... aim i i iist;( i -nnrsot tIll,ir own hoar,., d cure thenmelves. Aim, bow
Unriiey at , Oflico adjoining his resi
ileiiee on Secml Street, opposite the resi
ileme of llov. 1liflur, I'loarfield.
April 17, liL'.
AYIStt iiin'linnd tho pnijierty nnd situation
of Or. li. F. Ilooji", tenders his irofi)Hional
n-nire:- to Ihe ciiir.'ns of J'renclivillo and vieiuity.
UlVn e one door euJt of l.ut.'a store.
June 2, IK.'i.'t.
DriiKflNt, on Ma
i.Knee, t'kurliuM.
opposite bis r
April Hi, !Si2.
nnd dealers must in sotno measure suITer
the loss
. : ., i e j nrncuco ui uurv i" iioiuiui:i;
Otnisu luucu in u.'uiuii.uifcuUe,- . , , , , nnrnnsf In nil .cv Mill,, uud Kncinei eompletc, from one to lorly , wlll.n, i. has conslniitlv on bund a lurire lis.,.., Mnent
. ' , ii, ,i . i t . Ji.j;epoiver,wiU bo Ujjiukfully retcivedaiiilliroiupl-1 ,ol, of honie nnd eitv niiiiiiiliieliiro. Julrl,'a;i.
cases tho pils should be vcnttlatod, lor t , ,tJ,,,iva to. , ' '
j. , n ..-l n.. nn1 t1.,v I f Vin a MIIUII pil "111 grurium uwui, uuu. Ail kiln IS 01 country I'r'iuuee lam 11 m -a" I .1. It. 1IIU.III,
. --j fermentation may take place if this is not for lastings, and iun utjujuy. j iarkimtii. w un-. Uupitios. ic.. ,lc, imned
. ..... ,11.1 li. 11. V am
Olicnucu to. 1 uiiiii.uurs biiuuiu cAiuiiu n..s..!,! i,;i . i;,itv
1 .. r .1 1 .1 , I -
. 1 irom tne oonom 01 ine pu up, nnu projet i
out a loot or more micr ttic covering is
often is this a fntnl d lusioti, nnd how tunny a prom
itiiiK younir man, who might bnve been uu ornu
inenl to soeictv, bus faded from the earth.
Strictures of tlio uleilia aro rapidly remoTed by
1 kllvslrlnil. mnv lie finniil nt li I M ofTice. or
I at Scofielil'j botel, 1 urwensrilli., when not tho application of a new tberepeuti-'ul nront, nci
profe .sionally absent.
I'ood : Corn, not one-fourth crop. Oats,
very good. Iturley, very little culiiva
ted. Potatoes, very poor, say one-lhi
'P 1 it.t.t fl.n nennl r rrr
, , . 1 icompleted for winter
l 118 UrOU"lll BUll CUIHlllUl-a. . . .. . ,.!, -nnnl ni'l.r-ne
I Kill" Vi:lllia;ui 3 13 in innu wup.v -10
I . . i.l I . 1 I .1.
Our plan of ma
il . 1. mi . n. n.. ..... im; iiiniin.uoii ". ...
JJOQJIB 10. 1. ill-ill, viii, nancy u.i.j, . v. , . . ,
, . -1 1 r '1 . "l MICH UUillU IIIVA; llVin a nmv uuu n
l ye, abandon . Corn, nearly a fa.lure. Lay .hem
Potatoes and Hsy, not worth mentioning. . , , - r.,.
There are more Hogs than usual ihis year;
thero is less corn, however ; Hogs ore
three inches long upon them, at intervals
of 2 inches, as high as the potatoes will
reach in the pit; then box up tight.
these can be kept for twerity years, and i
one mude in fifteen minutes if materials
at hand, l lace them upright and
nile the potatoes nround them. On dry S nnrrisburj:, Fob. S i .--iy.
... 1 . . . ... -. , r i .
land H is un excellent plan to sink the pit iH'
selUog in the intcrrior at 81 23 per 100
Fayette Co. Times are hard enough,
crops small and mony scarce it is now
the part of prudent men of business to
look well after small ns well as largo
i .1
tiaoers in mis kc .on. i , f f j roof w-lh boanJs , ,
mfl rthe, Utchcr and IW-iy Cm. , J bo jnscrt0(J in ,he j
-Wheat crops only tolerable, not half ave n .J
, nough for home use Urn not jno e J by a )Cr
-han half ft crop. Oats bad and but ht. - less expense.
tie ra.sed. Rye and barley, none Hay, ; P
small crop. Potatoes, n very smal crop I q cd n
not ha f an average. Tho drought has: ' , 1 ' . , , . , , f
. . , , ... ,- thecreed thatadry day had for
hrcn excessive in near y al this section, . ... . . ' ' ,. .
, ' j ' dijising, aaJ the potatoes must lay there
;md "hard limes are expected, ihere, .o . i j
uu imiu i v. basking in the scorching sunshine as long
nro no Peaches worth exporting. , , .. - , .
Greenup C-Whent, good gram and ' n . ' m f before ,, ' dew
S I I tnke (treat pleasure in niinonncinir S
S to our old friends, tlmt I nml'repared to sell
J nil kinds of li Kyt'KIt I ES .heaper than any
? other hmtto this side cf Pnil lelpbia. Cull
t nnd sco prices, lion't mistato the place, at
the corner opposite the IVmrylvnnia Hail S
S ltoad Hepot. (loods deivered at Tyrone S
S two days after purehn.-inp Mindthnt I keep S
ti It... V...I. It - f;li ft. 11 'A ifr l.rntL S
. i ii.i. .iir,..., int.. - -. - -,
i.'i it . y. .11 uhli-h K-il lie riiiht nl S
.- i ll '. mil ft . ll r. iii. ...w
J. U. EIlY
on t-liort nolne, ami the very lies! si vie, nt Inn
old HiuiMii the borough uf A'urweiirvilie.
ve. 2ii, ....
ii.i ll , A-, All n
a very low profit for-
rnaiilit-r, nt tliu old stand in C'urwi-nsiille..
J)li -ician. may be found nt bis oflico in Lu
th r.-burt;, wiivli not ul.sent on pr t'e.-siinml
l.ii-in. '.-s. Fell. 2D, 1S.2.
Iec. 29, l.Sil. only by Or. Iv. onkne-is ami cou-ututional do-
j i.uity (.roinpiiy cureu, una lull vipor re.-ioreu.
Country invulids can bare by BtutiiiK their call
explicitly, tnp-ther w ith n!l their symptom, per
letter, inelosin a reiiiituuioe lr. K.'s niedieius,
i appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to nny part
of tho I nited states unit packed jecuro froui
I (tttmnyr or r.itrioiity
iteadit VotilH and IManhood.
Saddler, H.ii ncsN and Trunk Manufactur
er, on Heeond street, immediately over C. I).
Watson's Orug tor.. iee! :tl), 152.
"irrhpclwrliilil. Chair M krr ml House
and l'alutcr, Curweusvillc.
Dec. 2S, l.Sil.
i TT0KNKV AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa., may be
2 found at his oftico one door west of Saw's A A'i-r'irous Life, or Premature Death, Kinkeliuon
store, formerly occupied by H. Slinw. Deeds and, ' Self-l'reservntion Only twenty-live cents,
other lejrat iitriiiiieiits prepared with promptness! It is a work cinineiitly rciuir".l, i.J auieaiuof
und aeeiiracy. May ill, IsM. j reforming tho rices of tho ue iu wbieU wo live.
DR. S. L. COHLE, I -Yiifiirs (lui'lr, with rules for tlio irolongr.tiun
I, refiilenco one mile and a Lull south ol iile, just Irom the press.
NK.W li',T SHOI', K1()H1
, J. S. BLACK,
i in.
lilos.ini.r. taii.oii, in 'Shaw s How, on Mnr-
Plreet in the room furiuerlv of-ctn.ied bv
ltudeliuiich ns Post Office. Dec. 2'J, IS.'il.
east of Lumber Citv, on tlio ltidjo road lead
ui)j to Xew Washington, respectfully oilers his eer
vices to tlio surrounding community.
Dee. 23, if .'.;;.
A. L.'SCIlNli:LL,
KSVEO'I-'LLLY announces to tliu Htir.e"r,sof rpailor, Luther-bu.f , will do his work just as
nebl, nnd vicinity, that be has com
menced tv nnmnftieture and sale of every rftrii-'r !
of IIOIM ,! S1IOKS, fn lh.i new liu'ililm; ami
4th d'K- eRi' of Mos.i.p k l'l'ttnrfls' h1', opposite ,
Shaw' "ow where be will always bine on hand !
n j.,..-n.l a-orliii"iit nf ready ma I.- B....I-', Shoes,
Onjirs, Slipper.. Ac., A"., if (hi V"rv be-t qnali
(y in l at th" lowest prices. The Ladies tire pir
tj.ilarly invited to examine bis stock of DUl.SS'
v fi.A flinro ol the pniilie patronajre is re
1, pood and s cheap as any nth. r feliow.
Dei-. 1'S, I.-..,.
IJaildlcr ami Ilarin-s Slnl.i ,-,in his
O on Murk.-l si'
Dec. :".i, i -..ii.
el, ncur .Mi rrell's hotel.
r slii.p
AVl.Nti reuiovad bis ofiiee to the new dwel
ling on Second street, will promptly answer
ull professional calls us heretofore.
June ir. isi;'.,'
jTtenUP LU lieni, KUUU uiaill uuu . , , i f ,l 1 ' (i.n nnni m mr um"' umiiinfi- ii re-
W Entity raised thecal Corn.-S
very poor indeed. Oats, verygood.-; tho vprtf rovers, , TYRONE flTS STOVE STORE
llarley, none or very little raised. Kye, j. . , , ,, ; ,. 1 l'. hacman would inf. rm the public,;
he few bushels Crown arc good. Pota-i ,S , ll,e lf ad tUe P1 l0,"0' 1 A. that le keep, conManly on hand for sale, a
me ltw uusntis grown uu. buuu. .u t mt isoxnose them ns hit c as , ,.,lv of the l.c.i imiii.ahvi.piiii .t
toes, probably a total fa.lure. Ilaj gen , ' ns possible to tho light and n iTSh'hn ki)VI. of various si,.., a,l
erally very good. There was ot least. . .... ' 0ia t.firlaintv iTas mostV"' t'00K- I'ALLOit. and hah
one third more Corn -planted this vearair' -''is latter mode certainly has nxisi i(v(, ni wlli(h ,je found ie ..Ncw
. nn ,- , I reason in it. Ihe success of Col. !s., ol Vorl, t noit siovo."
than in any one previous year, nnd jet Vermo(U in raisi , lhis cro ja weI1 knovn 1 ThC Kves have u been r, Icctcd with careful
the crop w.ll not much exceed one hall j J bushels out of an acre . J ihickne., f and (iuali:y of m-tal.
the usual average. I here will be ..n Wn b ,.hercd, his wagon J. ,,US "tMM
abundance of gram, however to supply j jn M bcd ,m ,n u p( n.p M fM nJ
every demand, on account of the cxtraor-i n9 d -wcrc his stock before byiK elsewhere,
dtnary number o acres planted. ' . , fU ivmnM.i.v. .s. i, ioa,-,f.
. SI. 11 1 A l.nar . I
m - rrtn n oi-hi. i i v is riiiii uv .
I ' l001 n"1 Maker, Second sireet. nearly
;,. i 1) (I'V-'te A- K. Wright-, a.ue, Cloarlield, l'u.
I April 111, l-;.2.
1larki.iiiltli. on Third sneet, between Market
and Walnut, ( leuitied. I'n.
Apiil Id, li2.
asoli Slaktr, comer of Third nnd Locu.-t
street. ( leurlield. Kei.uii inir df lie lo order.
April id, 1S02.
A letter with a remiitaiico of twenty-five cent,
or tho value in post stumps, addressed to Dr. hiu-
kelin, l'hil.'.dclphin, Pa., w ill secure a copy of either
or tho nhove hooks by return of Mud, or 12 copies
will be sent free of postage, for $1. liookselleis,
Canvassers, Traveling Apents. Ac, supplied whole
sale at the publ-lier's prices, w hich admit of a Iurs
ifiT'All letters must bo post-pa: !.
Murch 20, 164.-ly.
Throw rhysie to the Dogs.
1 VCliTAIC CJ1AIX-'. l'mUucing instant r
lief from the most aeuto pain, and perruunui!y
curing all X'eunilpic diseuses, Lheumatism, pain
ful and swollen Joinis, Neurnlgia of the Face,
liialiii-s, Llinilness, SU Vitus Danco, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Periodical Headache, l'aiui
ill the Sloinaih, Indigestion, Dyspepain, I'lcrini
rami, I'maiy. is. it?., lie.
These ch.-iine were first iiiticJueed into the city
of Xew York less than ono vear iuco, and nfur
being sul.jeeteii to tlmr '.nigh trials in cvenr bosiiit-
ul ,,, ih.i nn.l ....!....! 1... T... 1-..1
..l Elk e,.,n,ti" nml nll...l ,n .1... v f " . ' ' V w-'. "1 I ".' ' i"-'"'"'.
. . I , , 1 , .Mott, inrnocliiiu, mi Uurcn and others, it was
taxes nn un: ?n'cd lands. 1 ,,; ,, ., ,i ... , ,
.... i ... . . i i nnii iiiri i...r..-1'.-a riiiuiL-ci nnu iiiu arr
lirvrjor, lu ll township, Clearfield county.
All business entrusted to biiu promptly attend- i
1 to. Address Chest 1, 0., Cloaxficld county.
April 1, Vil.
sir inn, can bo found at bis office in Lutbers
biir;r. Cleai!ii'lil county, Pa., when not absent
tl, lSj.1.
hur;r. . Ji'ai .K'lil county, l a., wlten
on j'rulonoiial lu-nie;-s. Soli.
4oti l.. i iTii.i:.
Itorucy at and Land Ajrcnl, will
practice in the several Courts ol Clearfield
Hifrrmcf. His Lxeellrncy, William Iiigler.
lliirribur:: lion. Ellis Lewis, Lancaster ; (1. W.
Woodward, Wilde bnrre ; ,1. 0. linox, Franklin:
.1. C. Jlontgoiucry l'liilndelphin. Sep. 2 li2.
fill power iu the relit fund cure of tho above class
of diseases, and their sal", and the suoeoss tint
ha,- utteiide.r tneir Use, is unparalleled.
Previous to their introduction into this country,
they were used iu every hospital in Europe, ami
arc secured by patents in .France, (iermarv. Aus
tria, Fru.-.-i.!, and England; und itleo in tho liiiiul
'crop was stored in an out door cellcr,
Cralnr Pcmonstrations.
..i . .. r . . l i .
iyiuu l.u,.!-. i-i,..., ..u " . '.. ' root. house" he Covered COSelV With turimllH "proof of tl.e riiddin- is chewinr the
Carlev, none. Potatoes, not over half a i
crop. Money is more difficult to obtairi , '
. n rt nrftmim In lin mnrn cni rf-fl lioinrc .
or sods to exclude air and light. This w'
1.i--liioiia1ilc TnOnr, wc-t of Fl.rv.'s Hi"
st.iirs, Cl-nrdeld. Ii,v. r'.ll, 1-
geo. it. goo:;landi:r,"
l T tV n"Ci .Siukcr, Luthershur '. Work dmie
1 ?
and promise to
than nn
ce, nnd uniform succ-3
followed. In its native climo the pr'
n-i. . u remains in ihe carih during the into or
Co. heat, rather more , , . . b. 4 ri,;,
' ila cnacnti ri ci nr-if.n rl otl nriirrt timn I- ilia
. . t . Tl I i 01UL.L l.U 13
yield ever known m ttus county my nJ Jbu, -reS(.rve th' hcal.h oftV tuber
none r co. i otmcx-s, u-, , We dm)bi o lti
crop. Hay a very abundant enp - an u aJ fMtA
There will Lo no lings fattened this fall, runner's Con'"0'''
nnd no whiskey madu in this county. ,
Owners nre row sending offal! the stock j I ""A few davs
that will bear conveying to market-in . " '
iv.t u'P,.hr.r Pns,.o. l.?a- will be nrass suico, a gentleman connect.
cnouch to sustain the cattle that may rclou.r r!"lroad corporations '
ling," nnd the surest wav to L'et cheaii ,
tiOOUS, ii Ij call on A. M. HILLS, ut tho
01.l ( ;.rt r iVfure,"
i Where ho is ju.-t reeeivinu a new rocruit ofa'ir.oii
j every t'niug in the trade line. A pai lieularly large
I and well select. . 1 slock of lVliionabln lieadv--c:
i t. . i.'-i-w- .... it u. . i ... ... ' ,
nn attempt 10 imitate lurc , Silk, Watered Silk, mil; Fancy cioou're i S.ik Mnn. 1
"""i'l Jin in i mm jimi nnu ut'.iii's: mvii. 4
superior lot if (iJM. II AM l.AWXri lilk finish, i 1 (U 1
Heuieinbir ut luo lil-U 1 !...'!. i : ;
July 12. i
to order on short notice, and on iooj terms
JosEPii ni!REfn,
1 klarksmilh, at Xew, Clearfield
.1 1 county, vliere nil i.i-.'l-of work is done in bis
line oi business on the . uorle.-t notice and most
Mav :n. 1 S.i-;.
itol, l'hibd.'l'hia.
ItAX'CIS SHORT announces lo tlio eiti'tn?
of Clearfield nnd v. that he lias aeai.i
Willi One of ,',""n"'"(-,'l tho manuri etiir-.' of l,mts mi l Shoes
hile taking a i !" '"i0 A"'r"u;;" ,nl 1 kr"n,-l;l-I V:,tnn ,,e t:-m"1 '
o the shop formerly occuined bv ihoiuas Shea, un
i ride thrOtinh Ono of Olir ClJ,ry lownl,t ac siairs in Slinw's row on Second m eet, wluro he is
1 litti ilAXTS and Extensive Dealers in Luiu
1.1J. ber, Ac, New Vashiiigtou, I lii.rliel '. cun-
Attorney and Counsellor at,
"IITILL attend to business in the several Courts!
? T of Clem field and Centre counties. Ofiiee on '' J'iiink Ci.osi: and Wli i,-' T! o t-rin
Second street, ono door north of tlie roidvuvo of e'l'ies upon which it is claimed that tho Clinh:i
I produce their marvclon cures, aro, lirst thnt ill
Hon. .T::m.'s Purnsi 1". TTi.n. James ' .Nervous Discses nre niteouid and nroduced bvs
James M. M.inus, E.-'i., 1 u.'ii.-ient supply of nei V' iis fiuid, and an npci-t laat
.., Huntingdjii ' resembles closely clectiT. ity, or electro mag:ir
mm secomi i!i;:t :" electro mnTneti- clinins, ly
I i'ing wei n over and upon the pnrt and orpan dls
i omcd, furnish to the cxluuisteii nervous ttiiid which
. is require. I t- prv.lueo a healthy nein.a
i the entire system. No riispniL::" nostrum is al
lowed In be tnkcii r'-.ile uiii(r tho chr ins, hut I
i rigid . ( Ii'erviinco of the jrer.emi laws of beohb sis
, r-.iiired. l!ri-k Trieiiin upon the part discnsul
, adds much to the effects of tho ehai...-, by inctcas-
m.T t'liir mugnetic "
Onr Tinu umi Doi.i.aiss will be given to nny
jicr.-cn wl.u iv ul j nduce fo many well suthcnlim
ted certificates of cu. i, in, Ih from intelligekt r
tiei.ts and scieuii.'; piivsiciuns. as hnve been ef-
Ji.1t, Wen! er.
.' t't'l-f IIT..-
T. Hale. Col. A. ti. Curlin
ll-lieio,,:.' -'!. i. lVtn km. E
Messrs, Drake
D"e. 2!!. ISi
CIIIAIR MAKE P. P. Hoist:. Sinx, Axn Oi:xa.
' 1 i nt A'l 1'aintkhs, l'Afi:a JUstii:! s. Ac.,
licspeclful'y iiunoiinee to the eiii'.cns of Clearfield
eoiiiily, end t'ae .u',.lie pencrally, (lit they have
eoiiiiuiiMllv on bandat their s . op on Market street,
one door east of th" Jew store, in l Unr"i-hl, Pa.,
a gr.'at ninety of ( hairs of every ile"i-r;jition, to
which they imite tlu attention iif those desir-us
of purchasing. Chairs. Settees. Ac., will 1 e made
to oroer on short notice, mi l on tho tnott ria terms.
"-,fectcd by tl.o uso of l'uh,
iv, i a.
'j4 lv.
lin , ... rnmmniril hv his Irish -rvan,i ad the prepared to do i.ll work in his line, nnd will be
Uuis G. Wheat, good. Corn, will : cpmptnicu uy rns ir .mi i wjl)i n cii from my vr n1 rf liis (1 cus
net rvrrorl thn iisnnl rron. mibioriuuo to tine ni . - it'n Tsandiistiiadyncwoucsasmnyseolittoex-
o.u iri . iw.- " r.r
rye, very l.ttle raised, winch is not gona.j .? u runnina awny.
Tho gentleman wr?mcwlial br,,lsed but
not scriouslv, Hi"!nc,Pal loss being that
WM. L. MOOr.E,
econd tlrect, Clearfield, I'a.
" T LRCHANT and extensive Produce Dealer,
J-iX se
Sep. 29, 'ii. ly.
. . i , , i
of his wig, whia,l!,u oeen siiawcn on ;
Potatoes, lato i-lantinn a failure. Tho
dry weniher lias nearly destroyed the
corn and lato potato crops hogs cannot
be fattened stock of hogs cannot be sold
at any price. Tho oats crop is much lar
ger thnn usual, and very good.
Lawrence Co. Wheat and Rye crops
are good, but not mucn raised here. ' .Ihich he was surv cyi nc with
mostludirus,nlarminni' horror.
,. " rnM I. . .... II
"Wer ' iiiuMin, uro jou
I'.'im to nun the :r (.oirori. ee.
Clearfield Juno 2S, 1 ssA.-
L. 11. CARTER,
Vrnt fiirtheKalcursMnvea, Alill Ocnrlnrr.
ami CNiin-;N,r nil kinds. Also, Unrlron
4- .. .i u-ir n... i
ioru, not more iiititi nun u tin i.
ery good. Uarley, none cultivated.
Hay, good. Potatoes a failure. There
has not been n good serviceable rain here
for two months, ond the continued drought
will a(Teet bnisincss seriosly.
Jllerccr Co. Tho crops have failed,
tnsiness is dull, money Is scarce, and
nearly oil tho country shops will neces
sarily close.
rcnrfJiton Co. Wheat, very gor
crop ; there will be a surplus in theco-
... r .1 . - . : rfO
ty. iuni, uuuui uaii n tiop, uw
I II. titl II.I.l) I'OTTKIlV. land Xnils. Thmvl.inn ,n,.l,i ii,.. i ..
IIv., respectfully informs the : nil Implements, Ac, on Second street, under the
. public, that he cunrtamly keepii on hnnd a printing oflico. March 17 1S03
good assortment of Fancy POTTERY WARE, also I L .
t -...:. 3 llll.... n.l Ui.... 111. . Ml Oil. 11,1. i n..
- ," ' " imsclf un hr found Pat . ' V , 1 . 1 Vviryl oaimdi'.l, AKAULLJ,
and on picking'""" '.'.P' nc ,0llna 1 alConvuiientsi7e. lurmersifyon want to buy cheap. T,10. . . , ' ,
in n much wo5 condition, holding on to I Five nsa call at the ei,arf".l Pottery, near tieorge A CT '"I'roduro Dealer, Lnthers-
in a mucn WO f! . Orr's Illnrkunilh Siion 1 --'A- burK. I lenriield couuty, Ta.
Li lirnil wit,,,e blood trickling through " )nKM1'1." ''''P-, . . , rJ
HIS Head Wll h r. Country preniico will bo taken in exchange for r . o ,, , ,,7Ti
his fingers,-,"? "? manters Wig in the M-rc.and a liberal reduction mado to wholesale' JAS- 1!- GRAHAM,
I )ost blaster, Mcrrlianf.J and Dealer In
JL l.unihc-r, Oabainton, Lradford township.
much ).
j- is it i Ah, master, dear, do yon
see !p my 'ica ,ny ',nn i"
p in his terror nnd confusion, had
aken his master's portable head piece
fUa own nalurnl scalp, nnd evidently
garded his last hour as arrived.
Jan. 11, Lvi4-
A W'Horr-KR. They have a Dutch ba
by iii St. Louis, only two months old that
IA f Of Kfl 1). nmirlrld 11'. m mntliK. . ' 1
vrorth 60c per bushel. Oats, crop, b0, and his daddy 150. He is one oflhe
OOLD nt their warehouse No.
to :i
I l -TTS-, , l Hi ill It-. I I'k., 1
-7iv-.rX liailr. Bd. Jlav, Coul,
V' (. vVC ALE'S. ,.t j,,
' counlrv, by exiieri.
Dec 21, 1K5I.
10 Market St., Phila.lelnhia.
and Farmers'
nv rart nf tl.n
by exierienced work-
Alcrcl.aiit nml Pnulure Dealer, Lutheri-
Xfa. furg t lenrneld county, Pa,
April 17,
eriiiiiehi r's Elee'.rir
Chains. They never lull to perform w hat they ars
advertised to do, rvl no person has ever been dis
satisfied who be given them a trial.
1 V I'l-.l . . .. I' . - .1 .. , I . .
u i 1 ! r V Tn !",u"r,!l'V"? tu 11,0,0 , " witbin tho last yea bv the u e of H chain.
w ho may fat or l:,om v. it!, a share o their patron- j Ry applying one end of iho chain over the regien
They aro also prepared to do ail kind oflloiise, '
fign, Ornamental Painting, and Paper Hanginj-. '
in a workman. like manner. From their h niexiic-1
niniAirD e.'iaiv.
of the abdonuii, nnd tho other upon ii." spine just
nhove tl hip, the usnt! severe symptoms iiaideiit
to !' ?t disease are nt once removed.
M hi. i' nv 1 . t, -1-1. .. .1. ... l 1 . . . J
1 1 T'IT ll'll , .... ,, . v nr.. I l.V Clllim fcllOltl l UC Uil.lriC'U 4
1 1 1V"-VliV. , ,- . ' W0"1,1 r-'P-,f11J- M v witheommin thcnonoetiil
I V i.ilorni the public that they hav . jn-t op.m.l , of t:.o chain should be applied directly to the sent o!
at H. s.iaw s ol stand in ihe Rorouph ol Clearfield. ' tho pain or disease, and the other end opposed to it
aim-go and wed selected stock of (!oi;5, suitablo rE not Deceiveii ! The Electric Chains aro net
to the seasoii-nntong which may bo found, Dry to cure all di.ciscs j but for Nervous Diseases it it
t)oodsingrentvnj'iety;ili,thing,llur.lwuro.Ouecns-'clainie,l that. Xn ;.,.li,.i a. :., .1 i...
ware, Tin ware, firoccrics, Drugs, lloiiutts, Hats, produced so many cure, initio last viar a? tin
Cap., Hoot, and Shoe,, Ac. Electric Chain.
i iic.v uei v compcinion, ami invito pers-onswish
ing to piireha.o to cull and cxaiuino their stock.
Clearfield Juiy n, LS.',4.-tf.
rcltlb subscriber most respectfully informs the
citi.ens of ClinrBelil coimtv. ami the I ru veil In
public generally, that lie bus taken tlio above
named Hotel situated on tho corner of Front and
Market streets, in the Lurouch of Clcnrfi..l,l l,esn
he will nt all times bo prepared lo neeoiumoilate MAXSI) ll(l s-li, A' I. li It I'l I' I 1) Pa.
IllO.A irl.t n.nv 4... I.l 1.1. .1. . i- , .
- - ...... ...... i.ii . i iii.u hi u iiii'ir riihiiim. in
It-TiVT It i . i n.F fiom tho most acute pain, U
p-o.fuce l nt tho moment of application much mors
eitcetually than cau bo produced by opium, iu 3
of its forms.
Call and obtain a ps.-riphlel fer.i'i'.)
J. STKI.VElt r. Sole Agent
SBS Eron.lwnv, cor. I'rinec Ft, N. Y.
Pold by C. I). Watsov, Clenrfldd, Pn.
Aug. 9, lil ly.
men, and on shortest notice. April 12, lSil-ly.j i I rrrn"t "1 l.xti'iislvc Healer In l,um-
: , i i. "i -in cuevu uuu uuor soniu oi nia resi-
p, crop
obundsnt, a large surplus,
priAri iised in the cojntv.
f. . . ",lH'i" i in.!.. ..'..:--'ero.
oc.ulmo.t,filn" r
"ugn for seed. Hay, verV ?
gerplo,. Tho gr inf'. Wheat,
mand the cij price . vorcd on the
railroad, Jcs, t)0 C0J( ;fUnsportation.
babies we rend about
(rLndies are said (o bo so nice down
East, that they refuse to cat because they
think it vulgar. We go in for that fashion
and hope it will bo generally introduced.
(rA printer in Cincinnati has fallen
heir to $15,000 ! What will a printer do
with so much money T
Blacksmiths Look la your Interests.
rpilK undersigned offers for sale bis well known
J. llliuk.milhing establishment situate ono half
mile east of Clearfi-ld llridgo, Clearfield coun'y,
Ho offers ono other lot w ith a fcnod shop on itsuit
ablo for a Tailor or Shoemaker..
For further Information inquire of the undersign
ed living on tho premises.
Roggs township, Angust 2, ISil.-u".
deuce, Clearfield.
Dee. 211, ISil.
MciThaut and Lumber D-lir, corner of
Front and Locust streets, Clearfield
Deo. 211, 1841.
01' LP respectfully niinnnnco to tho rltlrens
1 ) etallrrw of l 'orelirn and IKmiiiip nier
J VrhandUc and liiiiunrs, on the south side of
mantci street Between Trout and second, Clearfield
I,ft- Sep. r, 1853.
customer, oomforUible, and liii houo a homo to i -4 '" "kpn ", oU estah-
those who mar stop with him. 10 ishe-I stand, recently occij. ed by Mr. Snmud
. . . ..i I Fvans ii d nnrt r"f I tr r.i fuii l.-knJ 1 fu .1 : :
his TAl'l K : .? 1 All"" r"f M!,n, ineh. manner a, to rid
L,:rLVwiu.S'AB,U,,,Cd ,,U t,,e betUh0 r.v. Th EAR has been s.o
Aug. 11, li2. WM. J. HEMPHILL, i 'J "U 8
A A A HI).
Evans, ai.d entirely re-furnished and refitted it i
to no hotel in
stocked wilh till
alwav. be sup
plied with tho bet tho market can afford.
fcxtensivo Stabling attached to the premises, and
VM, HILLS Would respectfully inform his """'v hostlers ohvnysin attendance.
. friends, and the puhlie p, ner'ally, that ho W'pcctfull.v ks the public to give Hni 1
ill continues to attend to all calls in tho line of . ' fl'l'inS assured that be can render salisfae-
of Clearli'dd and sdininlnir rnnntien Ibnt Im
lias filtod up and opened mil a '( ltLIO HOUSE,
in tho town of Phiilipsbure, Contra oonntv. Pa.'.
and is fully proparod to aoeommodnta all who may , Manufacturers of Lumber
tawnm him taitli a a.ll t" 11 .i m ct r a t I .....
the mouth of Lick Run. five miles from
Cloarfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
DESTAL OI' fi.O.,ii,r t'0"-
his dwelling, in tlio horoimh of Clearfield, lie mav i Arr'' 19, lSi.t-tf.
bo found at noarly al! times in his storo in the. west . . -
endoflha MnnsUm House. I CAIHNKT AND All lilt MAKING.
Artificial 7'rrfA inserted on plat er pivot, nnd TOHN CULICH would respectfully annonnc to
warraulod to give entire satisfaciion. Extractine J the eitisens of Clearfield and vicinitv. that he
ieein none witliont iiimgerto tne patient, and with now ruaniifacturing all kinds of CABISKT
but little pain. Teeth filled and oloaned in a propu-' "'.Art E. His shop Is situated on Market street.
and selentifia manner. May 5, lSi3. between Third and Fourth, where all kinds of work
TilHVIAM IN liAurvimviv nun- '? hii lil,e iU he in 11,9 b,,t "y'' nd oa
I'Vv , DAGLLURLAN G A LLL- the most favorable terms and on the shortest notice.
fco .'tore CiL i.! d"" nersh t CuF"' Her en the shortest notice,
d t o s. store, I learneld, I'a. anj. 2i, S4 ly. Dec, J, 1HIN2,