IT' rii"ii 'i'lif f r it if- ?i ip A I'il'lt 1 1 ri -I 1, 11,,., I , . i 1 . . in ,rw imk, Horn Iilwrponl, Mj., Vt.r Kur,.ran new. tt'lnst,.,. , ,,, ', Lrrn lukiu, niul the iiniioin,.i.i.:iil, w,iU (ill in tlid-uN, turn out Id !, n ).,n,' nliich Ikis divcived no! tm-ruly tlio ml. lie. till Iho (iDVcrniiKMiN (ifl'iniica nnJ ling. I'ind. The buttlo of Ainu iin l tlie route of llio Russian llioro is true, but nil clso iilutsc, iuclu.Iiu.t th.) Instruction of ll.n Ktismnn floor, llio blowing up of Fort Con. sinntinc, Menschiknira surrender, nnd Omar I'qc a'n alln-oJ .Iimim, I, 'n, i... r, ..... iu umuui i umu ter nouy. 1'lgliting on- tiUUCj UUlllterruplod.nilJ Sebaslopol W&S, ui uiu moi ua,c3, mrniilliy invested. On tno a i in ttio allied lorces ,vcro on tlio river " " "uusiupoi. UIJ ibo !2hih thoy CKtnblished tlu lr busis of ... I1..l.t i . Hr l.nial i' luiuiiuiia ui uuiuiuava, nnu prennredta' ii V , untidy, l urm.r. march upon the city. The ililJj Ikcll o't'" was in port nt Iblaklava, nnd was in 'r-T ,7 rT communication with tlm land (Wnc l Usl 01 uranJ Jnffl fur Dcffmlirr Trrm. hi I. Jlio lalest dispatch stivs that tlm a lies comniauu tlio Opprouch to Sebastonnl vhich may be considered ns invested on;1 that a dcubtful rumor prevailed tliat prevailed that iuo.uuu uuu oi utMcnco naa been car - r,nA Tlm fi,n;r.o.: r . . ,u,,i,iWi,ii!i ui jinupa nave' been burned bv lhr llninn. ' j WUu uiu. gumoon was marching to tlio aceno action. Austria intimates that slift Millt consider tho Czar's prolonged refusal of tlio lour conditions us a cuusus belli One or tiik Hals Tlio Toledo He pudlican says that a Gorman woman went iato b'cott's hardware store, a few morn ing since, bought n cooking s'.ovo, and placing it on her hcid. deliberately ma rch. cd o:T with it. If slio's not married, tho ro's ' a woman tor you, boys. .MAUIULU). la t!iii JjUco, oa TliumJuv. llio 2Cih inst., l.y llie Rv. S. Al. Couper, Mr. W'illium M. .Shaw aud Miss Alarditt Irvin, all if Lawroaoo tuwuduip. On tha nmo day, ly tho same, Mr. A. H. iShaw, i nii3 winiusn, iu jiisj aiiirv irviu (,l turv.cns - MllO. 13 At Eit Hampton, Mj., on Hal.batii innniinir, tho lft of Oet-ilier, Cn vni.KM T. ltnrrniii,ix, j onn,; est on of Jdrt. Kanry Itnleliiimr, nf Jnokfnviiie, CiT.tro county, Ta., ia tha Uii! year f bis ue. Tli d-n:h of tbij youtb is peetiUmly distre.'l .Mng t' hU Mother and fiber friends. Ouly wc:k3 before, bo bad b if Iumiij iu full bealth tu Mtud tlio Seiuinr.ry al Ivist lt.imitun, bero be hud formerly speut a Se'-ion. Scarcely b,',d bo nnd his companion l),.ir Hudie8 lili thy wrro both soiled wilb typhoid fever, I'burles Tlolcntly. and wiibln two weeks it lemiinaiod fa h!!y. 1!: wivs a Tory iiit"-,',tii,,j youlb, of nuiia l'!s t :nper, an 1 mcral l;."i',iK His remains were brongbt hoiile, and interred beide tbo.-o of bU Fa'!:e-, flrandfatbcr, nnd ollest lirother, on Wed nesday hut. In Laivrenco townjliip, on tlie 2ith in'tant, Hub ert Leonard nod about -12 yeur. Tbe Law of Xcwspapt rs. 1. Pub.'eribera 'jo do not give express notiee to the ponirnry, nro cennidered ns ri-liin to coiitinue tholr iihseriplinn.' ; i. If Fubneribers Tirder the d'eontiniiancn of their newspaper:, the publisher my eon'lnuo to si 3d theia u:itil all r,Teitrn:e? nr" j'.aid. II. If subserilier.i tiojrleet or refiine to take their fifwopsporn from the office, to which tiny are li T''t .'(l, lhy are held re.-poiH'ilu un'il tb.y Imve S"tll,'d thi'ir bills end ordered them li '-'continued. 4. If .'ul'scribers remove to o'lier places wiiliuut informing the publisher", nnd the newspaper are f"nt fo the former dirciion, they nro held refpou liiiK 5. The Courts hfirc deeided thnt refusing to lake iifirppRpATtt from (ho olfiee, or removing nnd leav them uncalled 'for, is evidence of fraud. l'ltnadclpliia jLunibcr Market. Corrrrtid irfily rron lliilcm V't Iltjmrlrr. I)nt- 20 por. cent. od. vl., W. 1'. I.Js, and j link, ls'f ..uality by inspection. $12 (it C) XI on V'h; ; l ine culls, Whilo Pino flooring placed, Hemlock l,gf, i - Ileml.i. k wharf timber, licLilnck Scai.tling, Fl ,; lng, Jersey planed, rtep boards, N. C, Hc.irt Hetg., N'. C, do. river, Flooring, N. C. LVp hoards. Pkingles, cjilar, per M., Phingles, Pino p,.r M., 6hinglc, Cypress, Lath, li inch., p'r ?d., Staves, ',r'ui(e O.iTt pipo, Hoops, country, 11 00 (,t 2.1 00 (,( 7 on (..) T f.fl f('f. 8 (M (,rt id 00 fri) 25 00 fo IS 00 fo n on t i) 20 00 Ill do .10 00 9 00 8 .',0 .10 00 ?,ft 00 10 00 IS 00 20" 00 lj Cll is oo IS 00 f.n SO 00 ,Si 00 fi) .IS I'O 23 00 (M .10 00 Kw York l.iimbfT Slurkct. Timber, White Tincper cubic ft. 00 H nnd 00 22 Timber, Onk, per cubic feet, 00 25 nnd 00 S Timber, O. Scant, p-r M. feet, $10 00 nnd 40 00 W.l,' N. P.. per M. ft ch ar, .17 50 nnd 40 Oil i rds, X. 11. M qaali.y, per M. 00 l.d 'M 00 Laths. Iiastern, 2 sft nni, Shingles, bunch, 18 inches, 2 60 and - i- I. rain Markets. rnn.u,Ki.i'i(iA CLFAnriF.i.P. Whcnt, Rye, orn, Oats fl S3 fo 1 1 15 (o 1 20 f 2 and 64 li cent, 2 12 (, 2 2.. 1 23 to 1 o7 112 C2 cents, IlKI.KilOtf! OTICr PIIEPE niil bo Dapth-t i.renclungin the Lu X thernn Church every ovening this week, anil , .i t?ur.dny nt J 1 o'clock. . ., ClenrDcld, October 27, 1364. , A ki r.cnox iriLL boliohlat the house of John Dunlap.j I t t 1 o'clock, on the Jn day of November,, .l,,oo manneers and other officers lor tho J t n ftl.w, tl, Tnnnncora 411)'' LilUe ClcarCold Creek Mivignnon voni,.. i liy order of tho Hoard. ClenrSeld, October 27, l5 l. iitOK! HOOKS It N cxlen-ivo assortment oi ' ' i i l,oU. which tho undersigned has added to bis .,o ...nbraein!? a creat variety, in rort as follow :Tl'.eological Law,, roetical. ...i it: it.,,,,,. Hooks, tsurelhor vtilliU""'1 ' r School Hooks, Rlnnk Rocks, l'ayson , Tinton, Splendid Copy IM. Also . g rrn. variety of stationary, Ac., ro oflered to tho public ClearOelJ, Oct, 27, Vil.-ly- ..rnM'Ttnv f PARTXERSH1P DUaUl'l't1 " ,..i.. flMIE partnership hcretor,, r .' x.-linj bwe, n ; L David WcKeehen and C'lira't linker, t 'h f if, he n7;Zn m... i.,.i,. ,1 i.nners Of t.i CONRAD HAKLH Jordan town.hip, October 27, lH.'.d-3t. U't "f rrlit JdrT 4l i i i, h' t lVrffiithf T mil, I lili,M . Mil, ' i iroo ',! In, , ,,, 1 , , i Snrin,, IV,. '111 . I :,hm. '.' ' ' '' -Milt'.. farmer. w- Slm,c. turn.,. I armor im in. 1'. G Ilui. "TUT in .1 l; ..... i I'ufUu r ; (,. !"'. I.ilnil',, ' orinuu. "I'.ur i:,l, urilhT. .I.,,,,.- .ti. l-rr-. Vr,'rr. ' 1 n"'" 1 S. Leonard, Farmer """r. '''""' ; o. v. ..,.. ' x..i t.-.. .... ' " .""!Vt"1"'': .Mi hn W. '''' i'anicl Ki.-hel, '.Ulm.. Farmer ' i Minimi Hiss, j ''.m-Anthony Ililo, Farmer. ' " in hnbonlo, jr., J'iiniii r rro(i.-i,.l( . 1 ' l, r-","'"' ' 'im Hhiv, Kninit-r ; lvtcr i "' -Kmil,,.,. Cal,l,.l, Ki.i-mor , Mr'"'"-'l Am.-, Furm. r U1!'.'.. l'irirn'r. l ill; .. i.- - . .lulin To ' m. " ' "P- MiniiKl, ( 1 '"'77 ' Sl.ilin. Jiisllpo 1, ' !.... 1 r. ' ' ....;.... 'j, ,. . " """-"'i, i lirniiT. I ! ll,,l"t J.'lmwin, j-'nrnilr, ' ' '"""',". Kichnr.l 1... ! n,;r, M::rt'',:rl!:ich,,r'1 ,;"nvfr' Jr- 5 1 Jim vv.,r,..,-nii ' .... - , r :,; ' : UuV " vl X 'inner. """"""t .'nn,i.jh Jumri it b I''tor. iniiij,', Car- ;.... rp. . . - of,H..8U Kr, a'"1l'r'Jr''F,,l'ti l.uirrrnrt. Klin lln,n v I launri', unuMiiilL, ; , J'itm JhIjh Unvliorni Mvnvll, I'Hnm.r. lariuor; Willium L. ;,,,, j,-,!. Samuul WiUnn, rnramr. Aiui,mi.JM,o!, (liiii.ulii.i, Kurincr. C'Uar:, ''y-''"',,'i.,Mn.iji.,it,ni,iI1(,(m.lkl,r l u,i ru,r,h;r. Youiic. l-'armiT. JturnmiU: Williimi Fuilh, t arpoiitcr. ir.i,r.Tulbert Dale, I'anuer: (I. M. Jolinon. Fnrinur. ir"(ir(ii-(7. Sdio.iljr S,-p!t, Furmor. J'iir. (ieorpo lts, Viiniior. t'leiirfiijld tji-tuber 27, lSjl.-to. sTii.i y rniv. STRAYED nway from tlio ful.siTllicr re:dil!n" in i I.awroiiee townsliip, this eounly, nn ,r uhuiit uie .iiu m ut-tolier, a JU.l and W kitr f.W, iu m( fed t.i ho almit .i .vVf "''!. willj whilo lueo ami a wuile ftronk ou her lai:k hiiviuR a Ml fann ed on l,v u clotUf tran. Anv m.rir.n r,i,:r, i. .' '"" """e't "'nr i aiuucia ilriilirn, or eiv- iS iiu-nuatiun nhcro tho can l,o lind will ln lib erally rewarded. TU O.MAS DKV1XE. Lnwrenco township, October 27, lSil. LEGAL NOTICE. D-iiiul ICing4mry 1 In th Coninioti 1'ieas of ' . U'Uarlhld tuiuity, No. 117. Win. C. Yoiiiikins. J hvptrn.ber tenn, ImiI. Summons iu ojectiHwut for 100 aoi( of hind, i'.rt of Ira t Xo. 42211, in lliir.t.,u lowmhi;., floiu field county, beginning ut a bee. Ii north iilO per ches, we.-t 1117 und nine-leiilli rndx, mnlli llll) rds, en.-t Sti and niue-leuth r.i. nrih oil rod.'. Ion ,wt, und enn 21 rode to lieyiuui rtq rmapel payment money. - - , Aud now, 2iHU ?rj.tcnil.r. l..Uon motion of W. A. Wallju.e, F.m., l'laintilf 'b Attorney, llie. Court print aii ordtr en uli.uduut to e.ppoar aud I'lead to the wrft in this t.i.-o on ..r lefere lb l -l day of Jiocembrr Urm, l.ijj. or iiuh-iaeiiU und omer in piioinatiou. Uv tlie Court. W.M., I'roUi'y, rrothonolary's OfTieo, Oct. :'0, IsOl. Ic. lEcirydticEi : Frederick Zeigler r" In the O Clonrliel l coi J teoiber term, immon 1'Iens of mnlv. Xo. 5 1, sep. Jacob CordaB. I teoiber term, tiiimluuns in rjeclmrnt for 10 acres of land in Urady township, Clearfield comity, beginning nt a maplo corner ol Correy A Kennedy, and bounded by binds of S. Hickcl and others, to compel pay ment of purchase i.ioncv. And now, 2oih Feptumher,, on motion of . A. Wallace, l'.t., plamOffs Attorney, the C.urt grants an order on Defendant to nppearnnd plead to the writ in this, enso on or hcCtro the 1st day of December term, lef, mid order its public ation. Bv tho Court, WM. l'Uil i'KIl, Froth 'y. rr.ithonotnry's O0ico, Oc t. 2d, ISil. to oticc and f ' "ITrilCRKAS, in tho latter part of Mnv, 1 gave to Moses Robeson, n single bill, or note, for something about tho turn of hnwtrtil aud "'.v'.'y il'tllnm, on which (here is n balance yet unpaid of about ni'io tj-fur ih.Hwt. All und every person or poisons are hereby vnrned and caution ed against taking nn as.-innment of said single bill. or note, or giving any Ihiug on or for the same, (is t)10 consideration I received for Ihe same, is worth- 8 501,,.?, and of no use, and I will not jay Ihe same unless compelled to do so oy ilu conr.-s ol law. MOfFS. LOWK. T!ecetir!.i township, Oct. 10, ISO I. .'it I Jiflil Scliu.,1 'IVaclitTH Yantcl. , -fj'UlSOXS wishing lo apply fur Schools in the ET District compos".! "f the town.-hin of l'ike, in the county of t lcarficbl, will please meet, the Hoard of Directors in ( urwensville, nl Iho house M ffl f i) 20 00 f Isaao Fdooni, jr., on .Monday (he SIXTH of Xo II fu fo 22 f0( vcinbor next, at III o'clock, a. in., at which time 2 12(") 2 2' the County Siiperintndiuit will be rc.oi,( lo e- , nmino B)plicajHs and give ccrtiio at, and mal .he r.eec.-iiiT rrai:gc:m nts fir conducting the schools. Ly order of the Horn .1. JOHM XOR1IIS, SecV. OiLlI, Dv. Estalc of Daniel Brink, dee'd. 1" ETTI.IiS Tcstnmcntary on (ho estate of D.'in J id Rrink, late of l'ike township, deceased, hut ing been issued to tho subscriber, nH jicrsons having nny accounts against the said deceased w ill plense present their claims duly authenticated nnd Union who know themselves indebted to ctnto will make immediate sellbnient with! Jackson Crnns, Cleni field, I'n., or Ihe subscriber. JAM liS SI'L'XCi:, Executor. Tiko township, Oct. If, ISil. lit Estalc of TLilip Fisher, dce'tl. I .,n : :'. I-;.. ...; l.e,,r Wol,.r,l lo.rosbi.,. deceased, having teen in duo form of law granted ! V11 nre ordered to meet for piirade, on Salui to the subscriber, nil persons indebted to said do-1 -L 'bv, October 2Sth, nt 1 o clock, P.M., each censed will niako innncdiato settlement, and those '"ember prepared w ith 6 rounds of blank cartridge. 1..:..,. r.,i,t 1 1... w I, resent them diilv nuthenticat, d JAMES T. LEONARD, Adin'r. riearfield, Oct. 19, 131. (it W TCII KOl'NU. iTlir l, fonnil A VATC1L on flic dnv I of Iho lute Oenoral Kloction, on I'u Mail 1 lending from Clearfield Fridge to Ihe borough of, 'vjoTICE is hereby given that letters of ndrln ClearOeld, which can be had by the ow ner on j.rov- ;,.,; n the estate of JACOR IIFRXS late Inir bis nronrrtv. tmvini: cha.rL'c, Ad. 1'ATRrcK Dl'LIXd. Lawrence township, Oct. IP, IP 10. j Terms of Advertising. ' VDVERTISEMEXTS nro inserted in tho Re-j publican, nt one dollur per (wpiaro, for (he j first (hreo insertions nod twenty-fivoconte for each n,,,.itiOIm insertion. Fourteen lines make sipiare, 1 f,..l..a. ,!,.. mlollnr. . No advertise l,.ii..n '.undo lo tboso who advertise A Liberal redueliou mudo by the yuur. t'Al.l. AM SliTTMi. VII nor-ons knowing Ibcnuilvw indebted to l rvi'll KLtGAJ of Luthersburg, Clenr- ,1,1 cou'nfv for Rliukl, .re r(,cs.ed to ; .11 nnd settle their nccouuts im.ued.ntely. t he ! le,U and seltle the of M , isdesiro. of settling ,.,,,, LK LU I LEGAL. 'htithersbmg, Pet. 11. 1864 ; :t.. k.. ..,rnl irnetn of land for I .nl. nt Trices frem fix to fitleen lnllr por F. . insrAil AV. SMITH CClenrneld Oct T, 184. tf. '"'' .,,,, , , f ' M '"''''M re, , "Iff t)4 "I llio I P'linu.e f rllllhii In will. ii,,. .1... . '"""KH 'iil tlm p "Ml- ' '"ic ii-..,.Hi,i , i i ,"""" '. ii.miiv i T -" . C'll- ry ., Kiirrii,inr,,1 ""s I A II I'l X (ic Tin' ,.. ttivoHiiiiI,,,,,;,?."" , ii. ..r.l. r , .-r-nto n.,"V. "Hii'M, I, ,,,,),, ,;ir,n,tM, ,!, ),,, lh. . " "i im, i ,i,'.; iiMiiii.r ,, mi "I'll 2 t :-h ,...,H.r ..r one lti,r i" r"M' HI. Hi,' in..y. I.ul 1, ii,!;,., ,..h ul,, lli,-r,, Ivor t ' when thev Br,: c I Inl.utcl. ,. I, :, .1,1,. i.... i i- . '' I " I . l:, t- . . . ., ,, .' 'iii'-n"! i,ii"rnnn'' I H hr.I fi, w ill l.c ,.el ; or Five. I'oi I.Ali-s worth "I M' undid KiiKi-aviiiir.. can be -el-.-ted f,i,n tho alnliin,,. j ,, ii,,, i at.,!,,,,,,,,, t,l(,,,lltl. ,(, n "e oi the Kngruvin ollie,. f (hi, ,,,,.,, , can Lo m'.'ii ai llio l r each Uolbir font, no Frtrrnviii!; netuallv worth that nun, nod a Oift 'j'iekct., will inimediiile. ly bo lorwardcd. ACKXIN: j. inn l omniitlon holieTini; that the !icc..u of nil.- l.l.KAT NATIONAL I N OK rAK I NO W i I! be lllllte- riully promoted by tho cnev-v and cnl.-rpri-e of ioiciiio'iii ami pcrsevennr Atfont. . have i,,.lve.l Willi rueh on tho lil,,.,l i.,-,,.0 Any pcmoii wi,liin to brcoioo an Aei nt, by fen(linK (,t paid.) $1, wn.t. iikckivk i.v nr.incy I " J'"llur Hnf ravine;, a ii- ' ''o I h Y.J," n rropeetus, n t'uinlopio and all other ne. I eesHiiry iiifoiination. I "ii tho tin. il cumplolion of tho falo, liio tufl.-i jwill bo iaecd in Hit hands ot'a Coiimitthi: l the I l'mieiiA;;iis tu be I)Htriiiiitki),,1u notice of which ; will bo j'ivon Ihrmighuiit tho L'nited States and I tlio C'anadas. ! MSTOFflTFTS: jlllll Merblo biist,iofWu,-hiiii'tuii,at'$in(l II"1' " , " Hay, 11,0 1"d ' " WohdUir. 11)11 $10,00(1 lO.OoO JO.OUO ii',giio I"11 " " ( allioiin, luO Ml elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid '100 (rill 1 mines, sno .lx Heel. each. lil eleganl Oil raintinKs,2x:i ft. each il) j.lll ?tccl p!a!" KiHTaviiiL'.-i. brilliiint- ly colored m oil, rich gilt (rawed 2lx:i0 inches, each, 111,000 elegant steel plate Kngrnving?, Colored iu oil, of tho 'tthinjlvit 11) I jftmimmi, zox.'f, in., eneli, ; 237,(IU" Ht. 1 plalo Kngravings, from lt'O ditteren! jilales, now in puf ses sion of, nn.l owned i,y the Artivis' ! I'nion, of Iho- market vnP'e of, from id cts. to $1 cneh, 1 lirst-chi 'S DewclKnji, iu .llsl St., Mew York City, 22 biiil.lin- lt5 in 10(1 A 10UI t3.Mnn . N. Y. city.eaeh 2;xloil ft. dep,luuu 100 Villa rfilcs, conlaining each 10, t'lll) (. ft. ill Ibc suburbs of Sew iVork City, and coinranndinir a lnegniliceut view of the HmUon 41,000 12,000 i.iver 1 lii.iiir Island ir'ound, ut uOd perpelilal loans of ca.-ii, wilhont inlnrc.-t or Fecurily, of $'.'",11 curb 30,000 fljtlllO 5,ofto ! 20 .",0 100 " f,l) 100 2.i0 2,000 5.(100 o.noo 0 5 10.0(1,) J( 'l"i cnco in resrurd lo the Ileal Estnte, F. J. Vlssi ii,;u i Co., Ifeal F.statfl llj-okejH, New York, Orders, (post paid.) wilh money enclnserl, to he f'l'lre. . , " , ,1. Vi. It' iLUltOOK I', . fci''erol:iiy, 5lj Droadwny, N. T. "J.-The I'ngiuvuigs in tho catalogue are m ready for delivery. Aug. !, 'i2. (im. soiirin.uN :.iir,iTAiY academy l 0 TTEll '.'.' (Hy ArnioniTV op mi: State of ai.ab.Vma.) C'ni'iiirtrrl i,u tlie llanmn j.liin. Class C To be Drown ou.Jlic iOlb of Nov. Capitals ; : : : . i $13,(100 " :::::: 6,000 " :::::: 4,()oo " ! t I : : : .1,000 " :::::: l,.',0(l : : 1.100 :. : 6,000 5 ofjt,000 In nil, 501 prizes, amounting to : i fr, . find Tickets $10 Halves and Quarters in propor tion. Fvery priro drawn nt each drawing. Dills on nil solvent Ranks taken ct p'ir.,All conitiiuuications stri.-tlv coujidential. SAM I' lib. SWAX, Agent A Manager, Montgomery, (Ala..) Oct. 20, lNo-l.-ly; I.a.llcs and (iciitlciucii, TliKt.IKYK it a good leuxiiu, that every person should piin hcso good., v. bercver they plea.-e. Rut they should u d buy toohatily brfor-'lhey as certain where they can be best suited. I woulo met respectfully invite all (holies in particular) lo call ( li. I 'linen's store, nnd examine bis splen did n-'sorlmcnl of goods ibst bo excelled in this s-etion of ooiu.try for .i:MKA l'SKS.. durobil- I'y or ftyio. H Inch consols ol (iciillciiicn s boot, of all ib " nolloii.- and nrice.:. I.adi. s a, id (ientie men's gaiters, boys nnd girl's boots thot'e nnd gn. tors. Children uf all ages can be aceomo.lati'd It. liLFXXAX. June 2t. I vVf. IM lll.IC MI'IICI ("linn School Diiectors of llrady township Clcar L held county, I'n., will i.ieet" nt (ho Lulhers- I burg School J loir (j on Saturday the 2Slh daY of !, I S3 1, at il o'clock A. M., lo trnnsnet busi ic ss lor (he coming w inter. The Count v Superin tendent w ill be present lo examine applicants who may wiah to become touchers. Nine teachers ore wanted in this township to whom liberal wages will be given. Ry order of the Hoard. ' JOHN RKAMS, Secretary. Luther.-l.urg, Oct. 1 1, D'-il.-.'it. Landholders Take Notice. rjllTK .Morris Claims, I Financier of the War (Into Rub rt Morris, f tlio Revolution,) will be sued out. 0(vup.mis and others can have Con firmatory, Quit Claim, and Fee Tide-, by early ap plication to John M iss, Sole Grantee. Xo 30 Walnut Stieet. Fnw. Waln, Fso., No. 2 Y'ork Ruihliug. J. L. Hi SIiVOi, Lso No 4 Sansom Street, Attorneys nt Law, Phiindclphiib October 14, ls34. It. ATTI'.VTIOV ItlKillliAlt '"" roiiioiiny will n p 'car ill miner Illlilorill. There w ill bo a drill on Saturday October 21, al 5 o'clock, P. M. Ry order of A. M. HILLS, Captain-. 0. W. RIIEKW, Jr., (. X. ClcarUuld, OcUJL 1F61. .It. EsllltC Of Jafob BliraS. DtCfOSl'd of Lniou Uiwn.-hip, deed., have in due form of law been granted lo (1,0 subscriber. All persons in debted will make immediate payment,, and those hntiiig claiiiH w ill present them properly authen ticated for settlement. JOHN L. CCTTLE, Administrator. October 14, 1 SSL-fit. AI'DI'IOH'S ()TI( I'. riAHE Mllderslg nod nn Auditor appointed to dis- J. tribute moneys in Urn hands l,f AVm. Powell, fchei ill, arising from the sale of real estate (In the enso of l'nttou ntsigneo of Ellis' Adminislrntovj) will attend nl his office, being tho tamo occupied by John L. Cuttle. Kq., on Monday (he 0th of ember next,nt 1 o'chK-k, T. M., of said day. JAM ES . H. LAKK1.MFH, A,f,', October 1 1, . . ; on Monday the (ltd of Nov- ' glX ehc School Teaclirr Mauled. School Teachers capable of coudiicling (he ommon Schools of Jlorria township w ill find vment and good salaries, by applying lo John R. Kylnr, Frusident, or to tho undersigned. The terra to commence by the middle of November , JONATHAN EM I ("II, Pec'y. October 14, 1931. 4U-rd. rm: ro K t r .f.u-ri 'H. I K it Y 1 1 Mi ui- niv.v i in.-icnv riiiu: i n i u i:,ii,;n A t VjA p-ii:. ti.mlm IMi.iii.-i. ' M 'V"ll"r"l"l '!' Hi" nl i-c mi II, lu'ifii; inltllllt-,, Ws !' "",r"";' - , ( i-i-.';4 .,,, . ; . or ( AV1I.1.IAM YOt'Ml, M. D, him ln.1'ii,,r ,o V, nllllill Vlllii.l' (, n bntiicl t i, resent a e,,v of to bi hil 1. It may save Let no young man or ''ILiiti'-iis , oiMirie.l , u wiieoiii rea.r. ,-ruve I. el no oho S'llJcrihg ..,., ; m the i-ulo, ie.-U, (-.: iiijji, I,- j, tlie wliolu tlllill of !.V. p, ,l X -KSCI t.1'11 S. J (.'oilL'h 1' lili up l,y tlicii- pliy oeiaus, I nlmil,, , . S"'X. M'l ! tloi meuns ol s.i'inir t h ti.iinu.s ui iiiifoilutiulo eicuiiucs IViu JJ1.1 1 cry jaws ot'duilli. .viv person nioiiog tw KNtv-uvi: eiu losod iu a leltci". w ill receive one coov of tlii work by mail, ur five copies will be sent lor Om: i,,1.1 All. Addioss, ip.-t ie4i.) lip. WM. YOl'Xi!, .N'o. l.,2 i-prucc St roe I, T'iiiiu.lel,!.i July 12, U:,i. ly. , Iiujmrinnl Work on Pcnusjlvuniu. A',, V(iiwV,ii'r,,( ,,.,,, ht viihmil l. A7.;if Thnima,nl ,)o''' ! J-.Wni furmi r nni ee ri ctflZfil "Ult fcorc a r.pi. i5 OWF.N'S Pictorial Sketch l!,,.,k of Pemi.ndva- ii in ; or, its Scnerv, interna! Improvements, ; U, 'sources and Agriculture, popularly describt-,1. 'Illustrated withewr 200 Jtcautiful lingniriiigs, . and uccomp inicd by llarne's Liirge Mup -of the Slate, carefully color -d. F.ichth edition. Revised, C'orreete.l ami Improved. One Voluine, Svo., will, over OHO pages, nn.l handsomely bound. Si'nt hy out .e.iisulling the -KM I I.Al'Il si.' .VJ" !. "'( 1 CAM-8 of Cri():,s lil.otl.e fw inurii.d, or ilio.v alioiu i I,,- imnriod imy iv '" '""fht hi nnnic.l. One ln,.n-o of jlvomiii incut, read llii.- tuily i.s 'lid book, us it"hus bee.1""' tued me ol ihe ASTHMA uf tit yeni' Maud- ' onn "" .-"-' J ree ol expense. ''' The authur coinmences with Sketches of Travel 6,(100 . he starts out on his tour, nnd while every object I of interest is marked and noticed, he leads the 5,000 t'-adcr to a elcnr knowledge of what he pnsses by linsyad of goiug over (ho ground traveled before, I and A scribing simply Ihe Stale and her People, 40,000 "s sl'-ud still Insiiiulion, ho grasps nt once, the sources tf her wealth, her immense and increasing iinprovem-nts, h,.r incxhnnstihlo mineral treas ure, her nri. ieiiliural canncilv. and strentrlh : and not being cuuont to pass snpodiciully over these vast interests lie handles shein all ; analyses their rc'p;.etivi dep-i-ii'ients, and treats for the popular ear what before tin only reserved for (he favored few; having made her minerals one of bis ulcus. ! unt studies, he takes n pride i,i presenting to l'oiin 'u"usylvanians. Pennsylvania's greatest soureo of wcallli in J iu f'u vi. FoilM.tTtov. On this subject, probably no urm is more nt home, and his percep tions uf the under is laid before the reader, in so Incid unJ clear t style, that none can be mi. led or mysiilicd. Togi'vings illustrating the' formation, drwn under bis iM ob ervstion, are introduced to make the fiibjeci,,, , i,..,r p08?i,lc. tiiia Mil. lo uluuo ih wui'lli .double the price o! the book, in.- ..I.., i ii.iu,Ui' mux is trculea in tho leinr mnslerly iiiuuucr, th nonroorialo .-rn'rii'. ii. - , i... . . . . . . . . illustraiin tlie llHUllliieturu ill all ils oarl,. The A nculiiiroof il,,. tlin I ,ii.,s .To.. o n.l Villo gi'S aro d,v,., ;i,.,i .i dw.'.it. ,..,. ii,n , . ... . r ., . . 1 r ,, 'oiiacicii-ii.:.- oi impeoplo pulllled uul, and tin) MiHiuus ii:i,u,xjieni- , prirres or projected, .....v. ! uaiopucii f. uiwayo neim- (iful iU rtniit itf' lYyom' ' , The pros throu-lioiit th :,, llvCj ,vith ullil tod Voice, pronounced it t'ucy,?t popular Fool: ei' ef written on the Slate. ;o,m,;u,viog. every , o , ii 1 1 1 ,. is i ,ai ue s ia: 'i .'in i oo St'ito, carel'ullv colored the lali'-l und bcst'.V 1, lillbli.-boil. firol which rotuils scpurnU'ly nt One J.,l::r ,Dd is un doubtedly the only correct one issm. The pri.-o of the Hook is placed ,'t ,10 iuwest rale fur which it could bo uianufaetu( nI1(j ,ne execution of it in every respct is alik beautiful and substantial. IndepwidiiiiUy of tho -,nu llnpt it is a remarkably eiiea, work : but tluancfollh! panving itVic publisher bus no hesitation 0 .)ro noiincing irtnii CHFAl'n.ST HOOK 1'FjJ.ih" FD! Tho Fuhlishcr has gono to great expense in jji,. li.-hing iho Rook in n proper style. Tho enga. vings are bcnitfully executed ; the type larjro ni J clear; nnd the paper of a line texture ; whilo th, binding is at the same litno tasty and durable, and having done Ins part well, hil lnlnnits the work to the cxamiha'.ion of the people, coyKdintiy neoiu mending it to tho attention of thoo interested in It iilroads, Cual and Iron. To every Farmer uu l every Citien of the great State of l'mosyliutiiit, ho submits this splendid volume, aud t'speclfully TMieus iticir paironag' Acenis will call uo.m the ciiir.ens for ml, . . .scripliun , and in ea-cs iu, ,o nu ugeut ba, c,.,i anv pers.. n wi-hinirit, will hiao .... .. , .. " free , expeiis", bv remit!!;.:' the ninouut to ihe I'lifM,,. IX VAKIARLi: RKTAlIi 1'KiCii of Tin: Wink" . i:,ol,.,, ,l M...ii... i.'',n : .. .. eiV, ed'es and .-:.1', 2(1 ' " Mor.Kev. -Varl'lcd i'd.", 2 i ' Agonlj wa:.t;d in every ccnity in the Slate. Anv p, rsnn dc.-iiiug ail Ag.-ney plcaso address Ik I'' iuiiiiedinielv. WM. Vi lli l ii SMITH, Wih,: 11'3 Chesimt street, rbilndelpliii). Sept. .10, 1 S.) 1, 3t. . " YVll()l.lAr.i: .A; Hr.TAll,. V. J. Kkalsh, Act. IF A VINO increased facilities and made exten sive nrrungements for doing a largo Whole sale A Retail business, I nni now prepared to offer to tho public a general assortment of Goods suita ble f.r (ho country trade nt a small ndvaneo for CASH. The stock comprises a genernl assortment of Drv Goods, Clothing, Oueoiiv-w are, Hunts A Shoe?,, Sled, Strap-iron, 'nrpenter's tools, Candles, Dye SlnfTs, Cable, Iron, Hardware, Hats A Caps. Carpeting, Oil-cloth, Mili Saws, best make, fiil. Zinc, Carpet Chain, Flour, Groin. Are. X'o. 2, Arcade Ruildings, II -llefonto, Sept. 16, 1S3J. FIRST ARRIVAL. FALL AND WISTER tOODS, AT TIIK Clil'.AI CVSIt STOHI',. Tl'ST received, a large and splendid assortment of GOODS of nlnio-t every description suiia ble for the Season, nnd selling off nt very low pri ces. Ladies nnd Gentlemen, and every person wishiiv- to buy goods at tkr tnunt pri'c,-, uro res pectfully in ited lo call nnd examine. . 1'rodueo of all kinds received in exchange Tor goods. AVM. F. IKAl IX. Sept. 2.-,, 1 r,!. y HANK XO II I I,. ' "WXI' 'bo sal, scribes intend to make nppliealioii T V tolhe next Legislature!'!' theCominonwoiilih of l'ennvlvr,nia for nn net of Ass' inldv to incorpo rate a Ranking Company, w ith Rankini; nnd dis counting privileges, lo bo called the ''ClenrO' ld Renk," nnd located at tho borough ef Clearfield, with a capital stock of 1 00, 01,0. . A. K. ii'riirbt, C. Krnt?.er, FMis Irwin,.!. F. Ai ca ver, John I'ulton. J. Ai'. Smith, .1. R. McEnnlly. Js. T. Leonard. Iliehnid Sliaw, Jus. R. Gniham, Joii'ilhiin lloyiiton. June 23, ls34.-(im. ' VnS.Th Hairisburg Vnion, will publish the above one inomh, and send bill to this office. !t'll(Nili TliAtlll'.Itt AVAMIil). fi TEACHERS, cuipeli nt lo impart uu Eng v' ""I J..iuenuuu 10 inrir pupus, win nnd a lour months situation, aud a liberal wbiry. by applying . .1..!,.. ti, ..,,.., .., l.... r,i, i,..u.,i ,.n,i ... ... ...,,.,.., , K-CI..IS ,'l wot.iui, lunBUI,, IVIIIUUIU VOUU.y, Vf to the undersigned, Ry order of Hoard of Director, D. J. CATHCART, .Wy. Sept. 25, 1854. IVA NTI'.l) I M Mlil UATlil, Y. oiQIX jonrneymnn Shoemakers. Constant em- ! O !'") went will bo given. Apply next door to tho Journal vflice, nt the slioo store of t H. BLACK. September 13, 19.34.-tf. Ilral ( .,, fo ft l,...r ,, lit I. A WoM.KIlll I. I,,,,1IV ,. IV !,. Ill I, I,' by lit. fill lis. .1 lliln , il V. In H, ' ir. ,1 mem .4 Con urrpli sll,i.i ni,d' ,ij. ,.,.. ,.- tbi. hum;. We rft,,r ,.. , j1rnf , , I ., 1. it I , i , i ll,K,.an ',,.,r , i I,, rrv -nii. Willi Ibis new method ir. , ,.,, ,.,.'.,,, ,, ,.,,. iiOlieti-l ones to i,., he.hh: n- an e.i,, n,., , I' which he lii'ial l., , i ml, i, ,. ,v(.,., ol III." Iiealiio nl. a i.lii.i.-iu.. , u,l... I. i. ... : 'h ilt Unit ilihalii,,. . I II.,,,,', ulili' heiiliii(ra,r- llio ii.,li,,,,l i r ini... n,. !' "hie il, direct oontuet wi.l, ,e, ,,c Mrial i.v i'v ol II, u lungs. ..,,! ,UB ,,.,,,, , ,uuv iirnd ebniiges pn ,.,., ,. ( need ini i ,i.a,.,, , M,j,.,.t, , ,( ,,r1. , sa of .ligr,ii. i, jyp. fr ,i ,u alii en i' v or ii,o im varii I ue me niiiggi.-t- lliroiigboiu llic cimtrv 1. !..:,,,,,, ,. 1 1. Jim Inlmler Is worn on the l,rest umler the liiinri tilili-.-.t il... 1. . . "'" "mi m.J irih.l Ulf'OnVfllH'll. f tilt hl'Ht (if "" '"'ing mlticieiii to e ap,irnle the III,), I lliiiolre.l' '. A".',- '"', ',. P. V. l,ir,,,.. I:. Mrs. T:H,Vf V" Afil'MA of 10 years rtand eiir. dol'a - v.'ref, . P"''ni. Aly litter has Iwh'""""- HrM;iH, X. '. CO I Llll oi'soveii.l j, aiv'!-'.1""."1 A- V., was be 1iicurcl,e by b r l,lisieinif5.''T 'I'" Hyconmi. Bll was oi eiM.'in .ink 'lovTft 1I'I,'I' l-.J N I J .. Jl. f.'(,6,T(. J: M.. ,, ,,,,'jdcil to I I'ri.-t TI.' A liireo dollars u J'j.iknjfu. Sold ,y . 1 i'i:i:iv'i IIOYO .t fAl'l, Xo. It street. X. . '. I'l.ckn.u'es sen! free bv - express to any p:u-. of the Cnii,,,! Suile-. for $1(1. X. I!. Or. Curlis' -Hyiiuuiin iwtiie ORICINAI, mid ONLY i;i:.St"IXf: Aln iCI.i:, nil oilers lire lone imitation or vilo ami I.N.I OK IMS counter feits, t lulu them u.- you would PtUSOX. Sept. 2.,, 'i.. -ly. KV UOYAL LUTTUIIS PATl-INT. , 'in i : mnit(i)H(.i;. . Oil, WATFItl'Hoi iF, A NT I -C0LMr jlVE. CORK SOLIDS, Mifiufiirinrrtl li H tin oi iiT, Hiiam.kv A Co., 1 1 Mtii'iWl titrrrt, Mitwlivitt-r, Kifthuvl. IViu. ipul Warehouse, 102 H ood l,ct(, llmimjc, J.l'11'loll, .',,',(((,. Ainerienn listablisbinents, 3S Ann tired d- 102 AuimiiH trcctt V. J', Tint Hydromngcn ia n valuable discovery for protecting tho foot from dump or cold, and thcro foro a preventive of many hung diseases, wilhuul any itrirtliij vhnttnr. Tho Hvdroningen is in tin, form of a solii, and wein insido tho boot or sbou. Its virjinjuj character is a powerful auti dute to .liscuse. For Oentlemen if will he fonnd agreeable, worm, nnd healthy, to wear in tho oohlest or rainiest I waliier, lui'tho foot eiinnot hoooine wet if tlie Hy dromageu is uiserled. I.adics may w car. the light cFisuieu l.nop. mm snoes in the most inclement weuthor with impunity; while Consumption, m provtibint among the young of our country, may be thwarted by thai general adoption. They en tire', T ttipcrtrrff (x'o'-cW. ii s the hitler cuuso the feet t per'piro in Tery unhealthy manner: nnd. besides, are not .iiinguridis V. esr to pcdustiinns in icy weather, likoiudia rubbers. Whip! the hitler en'.fe (he lett . ui.pcar extremely large, the lly, dvomageii, being a mere tbiu slice of crk prepar ed, peculiarly plncgil in dot ! not increnso the f.Ai i.f the buol, or cm-ollio fuiitlo'appmi'untidv. Tu cliiblrcn they aro extr, tyly valuably, as thoy nny engage iu f xre:-e wild romfori nnd healthy i-IWlH. 'J'lioir cxpviistf is sii BliL'ht'ns to senrce need meniion ; beside.,. thwo who putroiiuo them wilTfind their a. .,,7.1 d.r,r bill, i,-cA Na,, llfrthn, T , As tho Hydromagnn ii becoming' more known, iU swle is iuercuMUg toan almost incredible ex(out. Last year in London, Manchester, llirniinghain, Liverpool, (llasgow.- Leeds, Dublin, Puris, Ant werp, Hamburg li, and llorlin, oure.des reached l.rS2,4:iU pairs of Cork Soles. This year the ouiii ber will fur surpass that. ' Ask tho Faculty their opinion of thoir value as preventive for Cough; cntiU, Ilmnchilii, Atlluna; mid c(.,(.si(i;.j,l(o. iMnxs' Sui:, per pair, 3i cents. , IiAturs' do do .10 do JJovs.' A Missfs' do 2.i do ix.TH.fc. f rom tlio Jteta.l J'nees wo make very liberal ullowauec to Jobbers and Wholesalers, so that any storekeeper may make it fine profit on tiieir sale, while they are an article Mint may be kept in nny store, nniolig any chit's of giwids. For terms, npplv to HAKCOFRT. ERADLEV A CO. 88 Ann street, New Y'ork. Sept. 2.1, 1S.-.J. ,1m. IOOO HOOK nn (.'nnvuss for .r;r.xr wamhi), tho best and most saleable JL. Rvoks tiuhlNbod. Thev a,; wTii, 17. m ' lii.l ,,lr A .!.,. f .J. ;..i,..i - I,,,,,.,,.,.. others, T. S. AnTtirn. of whose last erat work. ' , Ten M'-lils in a Unr Rnom. " ""I'leK lae "cell sola within a mojifh of, l""'''"''tio:i. "i H-od.s lire Wiuulitily Ulunruled, (many ' '" "I' luwnh l.ncly colore 1 plates) uud are printed ; and bound in the best maimer, I Agents n ill find u ph-iiMint aud profiinble om pl'iyoiciit in l heir ciicuoitioii. l'ur tarticular address post paid.l .!". W. RRADT.E V, fMi-hrr. -o. 1t urtli J-'mirtli Street, Philalielphia. , LIND ICR SALE. 0 ACRES OF L AND in Rurnside township, no S tt:r'S of wni,,h nro cleared, nnd tho bal- well Uinborcd, will bo sold cheap. r.,,u10 by 20 feet is erected thereou. Th A, Col Hi n j lies o,,y ,r.. ...... 1,0 I I I New A V ' , - ' , . ,a 1 ' . h,nt'-,on' '" Ciui-Jislaut from the River , read, r...n ! : r i . i r f"ri''tr intyrWy t0 I Clearfi. s.... or ,'V, ,, CJ.AXS. j Sept. 23, 1S3L tf. .nlmililCnrhj and Timber Land for Sale. rrii!.,U.oV"'r otWa f"r de ft valuable Farm, emi.aining i?.'""'' ""'."''1il'. ' ,""','" 1IO acres cleu';'"1 ',nw' J1."' n!'"" cellent stale of ' de good en, e nnd in nn ex are Two Good '"' i"1'"";, iho ""I'r"vena.n.s Largo lilir, wiihr,"J,; ".0,"J'1 r Far,,, issitusto oi." "f 'f- , iii,'10 road hading from 1'hil Hisbiirg to K yhirtow , . ., " , ' Tv. , - i. i , i i ,bout one mi e nun i of tho "i""' '"" 1 ", ,,., ,,r i'i.,,..i,i The ti!) of wood 1' white pine timber of si, is covered with oak nnd eh quality. X iilit further purl r"h rs apply (o the subsci i- . A :,,,.,;.,., her ou Iho prcmi ho given. w,i.rj.'iu,uiu uue mil M,,rris.p.,Sopt.2l.)IlTXTl:n mi mm IM' ,....1.,-..(' ,1.. iim.Uh.1 J ) coun.v, that valuable JlV' '"' , I. iimi LOT, I " nu iu ii I'j'tii 'imijci's, in iippiirteiiauce! "w ' ir,ied bv Mr ' siluate in tho vif.'l'y.Y i lilh Xivling, I...,,.,, i . .1.:.. i'i.. .,-...1.1 i. 'lwnrdto ,-niiin s .nnis, in , ,; said town ns Lot No.' 1 1, will be fK ., VKXIH E, upon Iho premises, on i1 ''""" i JL mgs, ( rmiu.ings. Ac, recuitly purchased bi llr iny ,,f .'rml.,-, ls(,. the. tho subscriber, which bo will sell or iniike up toor- ''Ti''iiMs. Oned.ulf In hiipd, , l'"r ,ho m""' fii'hb.nablo and durable, nii.uuer, hglf iiioue year. VI onf- n l'1' ,,"r 1,1 'Shnw's Row.' The tnati-rhil sml 'Ills' M'.RAHAM MA Ll.G,. ept. 23, IS.", I. Is. LIST (IF Llil T!:i:"i, is ) L.AIAIMXG In Iho Tost Offico at Clearhj oil the Willi ol September l?ol. Anion i'x'imt man. Ilonuiih M. Jtenrd, lanil liiiy lev. W,u. ( oijii-iiinu. C. Ciu licld. Wiu. Ooitsr. iT.Jiio. Dumai, L. Kvenrtein, Isaac Grubb, Eleanor Gali - her, Molinde. Hnurmer. John Hicks, S inib J. Hall, ! N- y lir, .,. Muritt jrvin JL.icarot F. Jellrev, .... '. . ' n,.nry joram, J.ilen K. tinruan, A. .ilui.lgoincry. Abraham lit vers. 2; M. II. Merwin, James Potter, Dr. James Sinrk, 2; A. Snsnion, Erasmui Smith. Jnnics Smith, 2; Her, 'kinli Smiley, A. W. Singer,' .1. Jl. ivoit. ( harles v. envir, Jihn M inkletlni ,, James It. AVatson. JOHN Jl ILLRL'RN, I'. M? Cloarflold, October 7, 134.-41. I. t. .f O. .'. CLEARFIELD LODGE, No. 193, aieeM in the second story of tho Mansion lluune, Clearfield J'a., on Tuesday evening ef each weok. Clearfield, June 14,1f34. in: I lii. i MR ASTf I V KHIPCR ltr,n., j, D I , I I T , oo O ,,M,,!MI,. I Ml I I ii i r a tin: n,,in n is im "", 'i, ,. -oof . ", .. -, " ,(i... ,, it,,. ,,. ' ' ' ' '"-'.', .-(.,. -, v,... V ', I. ', , ( f,',, M, .,, i, ,( j , I ' e'l , r ,,i,s of nil i,. ,. Ii';ll 111,, I H sale sl.lel l ,, p'o.n, Ii,-,, ,. , ' 'oii,liii,,n, n h c,,r. """l do,... C. nrhil ,i.r. ' ' ' ' 'il,ii,n.( 'i,i,,(,c i ,i.i. l'" III:, I ,,., oi Hie l.tniir W lii.-l. " 77"l '" fH..l..'.. ,l-,r,,,, ,., ,'":'.;""'" th" I'bni.iv.s ol'onr eliin'm,,. ,'"e 1 1 otecior, iiil,o,i,,, m ilv lulrojn- .'''J '" ', i"'J";' '' f'P''l prorr -ss lhroii,h "", '"'""I"-', .Sooih A, ..r. i. i i tu-- ii r.i ni ,iw. iu I' ., I .. . ,i i a H,,b. .ir.o le ,,, i;,,,., ,,,,, ndunUlvi .avHlmt Uirop... while It hl.SKlown i ni..y coui.1,1,., t Ihe ),., il;,,,, ., riK. ,.(-.,Jri.i- f ,. J" '."''O t'1"'" f-iets Ol0lli,o of y Kliir. Il-ll re-,et ,,, .:,.:;,.. , i , J , the bctielie ill! tfl'i l (;; Uf lUulilll (bo 'l'..l.l..r '...Ik. fir- "('( fo io.,',',- (., r:,.,! ti , wenriiiir these articles is a ,,,e're trill,'., nn.l ,,..'u:!i , t some ycM. No oo w, vlos (ho health of hull.-. II or Ins family will 1. will,,,,,!, them. Tl, llospnls in tl, conulry ro not al ,,,,. rer,me hi-iu. but rapidly itr..l,.i,.H tH.ln. llar(.ul., I Hiolley A ( ,,.,, I Ma,ll.,!r, ;' . nnd, were or),nv rn,,.t,,i wif(, ,. Ilmll(11'. , tnroot Um.l'riiu.ctor,. bvtl,,. I,..,...i i, " " " '""'"'""'tl'te i ording to , mid couliuuo lo ma.iioueti,... ,.......i .',"' . ' i, i ' " ",""e reeoniiiicnd tl.ose i ne i rote-tors," to eoo to thuir ul' :-eniiii,). mis is a stuplo itrUcIo,uadnoIitout 5" Ann M. Cent's si c, .l.f,o ench I a I'r'.,ei,l V.r..J..T)r-ni,,Wiww sivc.'riicts. London. M.ioulucuiy.c, lilt Vi,iiY A CO tcr J.nglaud. ' Xeiv York, t'.'s. II. II. A to. nr establishing IV,. lu,iwi,e if "The l'rotfctor" in all parts- of Aimll,,,,,.;,,.,' icians, Surgeons,. Driirlsn, Clothiers, Or, M.-iohaiils, lial'.crs and Milliners, alsu'ticn,, mens' Furnishing Store-Keepers nro entrusted with the wholesale and ret::il distribution of thorn, null to whom most libcnil terms are offered for their eiitorprine, mid splondid opirtuuity upjos to thein for tait" nnd prolitable busiuesj. - l'ur terms. np ly to . HAKCOl'KT, TiRADiHY CO., Aim Btieot, Xew-York, I', ti. Sept. 2j, 135 1. ,'lm. I ' I .! The Clrankld Arndraif 4 T ft meeting of tan Hoard of 'i' August 2 lili, lf(i4, the following futci und toruil wei'o adopted, vi: ' 8'J fit! per qunrter for en- h scholar lenrninp (h-. thography, Heading, Wrrting Davlo's 1'rimary ArilliLietic, aud first lessons in lioogrnuLy. - L-' - . r - K,i" i'ii,'!"1 each s'-holur pursuing otter ,wl t v ' A- , , - .... u-! ,,,, i;i,-:I rec'.tr icnming in nnd (jrcuk or either, with of whhout L'ngludi iraiienofl, (?.:) per nunrler for French extra, No deduction mndc lVlni bills except In evict of protr' .ctcd illne.'. ; . , ' . , . , 'iU-' liifl n,ifari.r commenoei on iho 4th dny of S-.,t. ..,-, 11, aud will vul on Iho 20(A oAW lollonliip;. Thonlioi-y) Irtslilullnn isnow fully orgntilxc.l with mule and lenude Departments uniiur the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. .... The Tnisiccs having procured competent tin! experienced 'l encliers, nnd having put the rales of , , ) 7y t"""':a"'a " , ",nlI"r "l '! ,Jc,!,reCvr!eoul1 Aoadeu.y tu-tho pat- ' U11UU HI I HP llilrllf. RICIUIiD PIIAW. rre.'l of tlio Board. J. DiM'Knai.i.v, Socretary, ; . Clearfield, August SO, ISii. .. , ., lttmi'.HT H. MI III,, CLOCK AMJ WATCH MAKL'K, J.a, j,t ro. ceived from Xow Yoik nnd Phfliidelphia, a liirge ondtnilcndid assortment of JKWLLRY con sisting of Lndies' Gold Lrcanpius, Mourning l'ins, Cuff pins, Ribbon l'ius. , Also, lionllcmcn's fine (old pins, of different shapes nnd sizes, fine Gold mug orops, late stylo of Jenny Lind Rings J nnd Drops, Urncelets, I'inger Kings, liue Hold Pons, and Pencils, Oold Watch Chains, Silver Ten and l Tablo Spoons llutler Knives, Suir TonirS. nnd ! Thimbles, ladh' fine Card (Vc-i Port Monies j Stivnr Vci, I.rnr limit hi,, C,e ' ',rl,m fron! j $2A to$2S ; Ojitn Front lhtut. ktd Ltvern, from $18 jtoSi); l.iiniiim, from 10 lo $13 s fine .', H"i.-Ac, from $S to $10; fino Gord Unt,:h, $3tf to $10. All of which ho will warrant fir perfoot j time-keepers. Also, a large assortment uf Sjwet I cle , l'h chains, Yest Chains, (iuard C'knim), l'en- knives, Pocket Rooks. Ac. CLOCKS -eight-day and thirly hour Clocks, "j" ?1' 1 l"ck h' "'' o'fil't-'lny i ". " -"'""""" uis, nnu a gren Musical Iiislrumenls, nnd a great variety of arti cles too numerous to mention, ns usunllv koolbw r p9 ,,,,. rt - ... . ,, . , ., .jewellers. All the nbovo mentioned nrtieles w,.r. "" """' usuauy Kept i,y . cni' 1, ,. nil, iit.ove n, ,,,,,, , rauted gwd, nnd w ill be sold nt Ihe lowest profits, "... c i .(. ...i;- Matches, . I.ickj.iu.d i Jewelry, nvally lli.i'Aim:: uu l w.n rant, ,1 f,,r one yer.r July HI, 1S33. I'M ft M I'OK All' T HK form of Thomas .'...itin, situate in ih. Let fanning portion of llio eonmc.'ii,. .-.., 111.10 C! JVllllsullo, mid the tumpihv uooioj t Tyr-n", is f,,r sale. The farm !n,f in i: lo-'; acres, one half of whh h is under good fence, i,n,I il hi a I slate of cultivation. The hnbinco is wll (inhered wiili M'hite hue, l'odar. Cinirrv, Ches- nut und other timber. The land lies weii und is lull susceptible of cultivation not more than five ncres heini' broken nr hillt II ,..-.,. ..r i. ' - - ... i ,,, l,U' 11,1,11 , ... mcn.l,,,,- .,.,1 ,,1., '71 1 : ...... ,.,..... wi, ,,,,,,,! id milium ''" WAdoW-all of which can bo well watered, as ,lu'ro is 0,1 nl'uudnnee of water ou the premise- It.,..,, . . S.A W.At 11,1. wt.k . In .V .V ! ."7 nilL ft-n!T within tno mile. Tha l stinco to - river is about i mihs. The improvoiicnts nre n ...., ;.,,. n,; Tl-rn, hrtahimj rfwir nvd mil imildinn. Tliero i r.lso a ;.tiy btnrixii on hard on tho place in which will be found choice graded npj'iis, pears, pcaehcsini'l other fruits. The title is indisputable nnd too property will b , sold low und on seeonuiiodaling terms ns the own or has made arrangements: to engage in busines, cl.-cwhrie. l,r lei ms npplv . ' ' CHANS, Clearfield, Til. September 1:1, Im.M if. S TON V. AVA H l i .A! " i:i'7" I nit V. riAllli subscribers respectfully nuiioiinee to th JL ciii.c-ii.t of l lonriicld county, ind ibo puhlie genernuy. Hint they nre now lnaonlio tmjug the ,,0!t '' '"Afc It A III: .or .,,,',. ! r,,, nml prepared to" furnish all articles in their lio ol ii, i ". ,ii,..,uc.uieu eisewnoro, aim ou reasunuhio IsTlllS. Stnrr Plir Cnllnm enn-tantly on hand. Al. o, Stone U'n.r Comliin. ru inanufa lurod to order. Orders promptly attended to. mid a liberal dis count iiiinlo to wbulc.-ale purchasers. 1"' ' "TKI'.' Aug. 21, 10 l.-tf G. Ai'. ROUTER. , .11 XT AH 1(11 11). rP'fE 5l''''n''i'1 i"'k '!' Clo!is, CassimorelrA'et- lvniranit t. ,o cuarge tor shoivinj bis besul ful an'1 chrao goods. He would inform the trade In f Lnrfi. 1,1 il,l h. the aiilhorired nircnt lor T)ov,.r' l.,,n,l,.n .,) Pnria Fnsiiiou-. TIIO.AiAej SHEA. llearlield, July 3. 1S34 . . CAU'I'ION. f EE persons are hereby cautioned airuinul ! HIT. inir, trnJing for. or iu any way mcildtiuir 1',, Yoke of Oxen now In the possession of John lo iovlw si l Oxen belong to mo nn.l nro any w the said Hi ig, nnd irg t b".Ji li. Ferg ,.ownsMp,Oct..1.JtT1. not;cu Ia h pr ItercK described that lbs fo"'""" operti t?'vtn of Henry V'os, ir- Uf p" Clearfield fc.MlJ. to me. and ,fnh' "r. him ou loi.i, vw Yoke of Red Ox "'" , ' i,),,, one HeifT.r, J ye old. The V Ve ln her. notified I not to buy or sell the sanl,e V, V. RAHItKTT. Lnthembnrg, OctM j4j 19)4-31,. in tho post'1 - I T