J 7 Hi-. lU-PUbi.irAfN'. rx 1 1 , I Il.u ,,l I ,.,(.' til i J'UttUA I .'l V III I !,. 1 ll -i ll i" (01.. VII JF Itv f . I r Irr n r-Milt in inv Mui "vt ,n il '1 h ..',iw in - mir, .1 !,...,. ).,, I, ihe "'nte, nmh artieiil ul in my own n - nv . .r-!,. r.,,i n ,hHM .,, ,i .i. r-;;." 7 ; ' nY'" ' v ,"' , ii . i i ll i, !n (l v hit r V. I mil n km f tliMt III'' .i .ii' w 'si, i. M,ii r nml n mini it ,( I,... I lim.u'rilit. ' 'i i 1 1 1 : ii ' Ti ft it l"W i nr, I onv'i,'i!i,' I n ir n ;:iv,'it. lin'ii'U, will, w.' lliiiik, . ciniio mi'iMac. 1 1', ,,,1, I,.,., 1,,.,.,. .,.i.i..u !,n ' .1. iii.t.n.l i,v a inmmrnio i.n . rtu.i t n. Crvrnmr Hu'l' T, who In. I Iff'tiulm,, Th m a' A!);;.iniM:i:;.M.s u !,.. in iv v. r !i h mm i.' v Mi' m. F U I W ; 'l I l V ,i clu Well f l' ri I'll G. D. Wii!.-n, ns Ii" Ins j'l l ri-i ( iv.-.l a largo unJ pn.i.l n.--rti...-i.t which he propose to !l w iy cheap !, r r,,-!;, .' The pamirr-h1,. iDiColbr.' existing ! ' I wren Daniel M'Kc'-bm an l ''"Ui-.rl .. kcr li.ia in ',i disulv( J. TllOI;i;,s Divine would like In receive some infortuntion of the whereabouts of his row. it' I., v '! 'V II ', I'll ii"is:iiii'i', I'lilun! u'y m ..ill Ihc m(;n urn tory In any I lenio :x.' vim wen ili'.tnr- the peeuliur rireiiuiM-ineo whr li suiT'iuinl ii'ii"i'lr. in run .il lni;-i ! On ll, - ilje ltd widi dniilii r.jpiiMniii d .y Mio Vote, of my p"'mi'n I ,,llsl '' diifiuilicii of i if i!i'' lii'."( it n;:i v ') w ' II in i 1 1 1' 1 1 in wf ili' Kiu)W.N-thiiv.i fr Cam! Commis-1 m.v ni"1 ,r,i"ni tmY ,isfy liii n ! llial ihrrr i . an r.iiliirin'i rv-i in-l sinner, Col. Moit iinnl'iil'v declares r.Hin'ivr ll ? sin i t-i. 'J'.ii iii'iiins in tlm his nnlnt'oninii to ilm prosrriplivo dor. win, U juv cry iiliiiii'l inl mil llio lnow. (iriut :i i'l' Kiinvv.Noiliio.jinn, nml rciili-1 1 or, y no ii'ii'--. m vmii ii i'i niriii, iu(i nii'iiu ,-t.s a ls ni reniinxirm wil h unv nl K-r no ilirn ' ioi'iatien lliiiii 1 1 irs )oniiNMti.?ic pnrty ; M;:mii..s it,' I loii.t,, Miil.idi'lpliin, (K-l. Kij Truly, yonr frinul, IIf.miy H. iMoit. To I Ion. Asa Packer, I,. V. Iiarncs,!-:!., i in. Ovrrfiuld nil J ollitrn. I p.ri.l 'ri tli.-;t i-..i --I ( pnliiiriaiH w .mc In Ctrl' ilin ('Icciion, anil wi ll r.-i 'Wind l).iii( of mi vrs. A I'l ii liil s;iy.s Im can't fuiil n Mii;;li: Mi YVT i.ian ninon-f ilicmf Tlir-v I Ibnky S. Mon-1 , . Jtur ,u-: Having liccn your intimate al! for Linli ridil npcm tlm suil lutf . ' ' u' ' ' l;lv" U''n j oi h,.rs Aeon,,. Tim K,,,,, rc not ilo-' n';,-"" vinwm. y. THE 0I'Ht:HL HETtRNS. Itclow wo jjivo tlio ollioinl voto of tlio Htnlu. (iiivrnxoii. Phoiiiiution. I All: rr mu jnnx . ...-! 'i t .. 1 1 ..i I . r ,I"X1 l'rl., ' '' 1. l , I II" l I'll' i'i i'i . , ... .... ninfu tlu- in.'MiJM Ii i. lii" l'i'oum .- In ntirrx- for w.nic bn nt tlio Mrr Imt.ls I lot. I, j J Im i if . '.!. hln v rsniiiir, " inmrnvd tii" our I'Hv, cmuplimi niil Imt riTcmn. piili!ilh,ii n rumor rmrriit in loun l.y n m't l-i'iu'ifiil mnndr. ,n lm. llint the r-nvin of Sir .1 1in I'mnMm, nin! j nni' tiunil.rr of ciliyrin, ti'l.-iuli ,. ,j t ni' Ii: i cri w mid lli. ir sli pc, Inn! In on d,t. pl'ii lid I nn l of mmir, proc-.-r l.-d to A covirril. S'c iiniin dia'.i'ly iK ".altliid n lio'd, nnd nftr I ho imisiriil cx")nsM 'Npni-iul ninH-rn' r to tlio Hudson liny ro:n- 'wi ro onc ll.rouli, Covciior I1i(;!cr m,j0 'piuiy's Imiir., nt I.nrhinr, nnd tliroiih the jliin nppi'im ik", was introduiMHl to t. 8tl. ikiminpss c-f 111'? I'lovcrnor, .Sir(!i:o. Simp, jilirncc.ond delivered n clmrt hiit cvym son. nrortnbled to In v before our renders. speeeli. lie whs frequently iiilurru,'i-J tlm followinc outlines of n dis-pntcli recii- bv demonstration!! of npidnuso, t,nd whc0 ved by Ii i in yesterday from Dr. Kiie. IS MATT A KX'JW MITlil.Nii f Public ntti'illion i-i riimr-stl v inilid!o Counties. i)iu' co'jrsu Adiimx, : i . . . r . .. . i . I . .. , .11 , ni "Hiurs i.ir iiuuiv years, wo niive n. vei i r :ieiiv. ;.rd u rrporteJ a fou- days s.xun, on-.l our,,. n'0W11 lm x,.rc nr confidr,,,',. I AnnVi,, ni J fiieud tlio Squiro may mhvo Ins tt-nrs 1 in ynur peismial inti'rily mid politicnl IW-aver, J.i:i!il iNii-bulas catc'lies it ii;;bt. H is not ! orthodoxy lias w avercd lor a moment. ! l!i (ifur.l, . .i.. H.O...I. i ... ... . . I on ran re a i ! 1 1 V naliy". our Rni-ni-i-:i t; oil . I .. .-lo .. i , , , . . ... ,, ,. true niai i n in- i iki.s nV'.jWCil Iiih ileter-1 . J -' i":M,ri tI.fim.miinh!o letter of H. li. Morr, ,i , . r indi'matii.tber dnie, w hen we in urd our i ;Wir. the Canal Coinaiiioner ch-rt. In order "",ial,j11 1. 6t'1 !,l,:u'- ll;'.v ' ho year : ns,,illU.j tl fcrrt.f and"p.-o-ii.aillord, to accomplish the overilirow of Cov Uc ' 10 ,,UHl h lshm'n! He Hunks tiny should ' ,Crinive oiVini.:itiio.i, after Ycu had lor-! Bucbi, j.i:n, thewhi were willin g to srlnee ' lri "'ualL"' '" ,n:u,-v re?!,ro!s ,lko l,urrm" 'n:i"y nfeepted a nomini.:. ; lor Canal ; ;(1,ier, ,m...,fti .,,,, n. , , , beings provided always however that tl- Commissioner f I eunsylv.. .a Irom iheIuinhriii, erry ( uirr oti ect, :inJ cli.-li!iei;i!e v Ueser- - . 1 1 i,m.,r.r-i'ii i.miIv ul,wn ,,.,,, ..'., tcii ilieir nun ! n 1 I i i- . i , r,i jnrcnotCatlKilir.o. No a p point men ih have ; ! oioc r.i.u. ai I , lioso ivma o on trbon, tea tlicir own candidates lor JiiJ'jo-of the , diave ahvavs been, iiml w principles (Viitre v' . t-1 -fl l.npn niin.Mi;ii.l I,.- I.ic- I. i-,.. .II....,.,. 1 . bupreiuo Lourl and Cnnal Couuuisioncr. i J . ' 'you linve evor ilo.'cnilcl. lour letter i cMk Almost their entire vote was polled for! Mr icq.t tl.ut of MinUter to the hili Court peremplorily nnd positively deny! ..II ! ( i , r I.' . . i -. tii i : : . i. i. - - .. I .. .. . i i : i i of Know-notliiiiisni, which Ims been con- connection with this Order, published in : ( fyA nicld, fried upon n iiistin;oiihed citizen of our'Aupnst last, wan r.--rded ns abundantly .Clinton, borough who is absent in the disclmr-e of, s . slT ! 1 , - T ' "T ( l! notw ithstanilin this broad and euiphaiic : (,'raw for'. jbiioin.-ial duty. The appoinlment is n ',,inia) nn,, in face of your of, V inter, ,"() oil 5 I'.Mt) 11 "iy ViUlU . h i:i I5i: fj:l(i!) 5tlW) ::H1 1730 una 4 Wi 217U iih !):!." i '-') jt7 r at all Cumberland, 'M-l Xii- le'iter, lariou, uiiiuia, Molt. Through the instrumentality of the Know-Nothings, nnd from t ho zeal with which the whigs everywhere supported liim. nnd have sinco rrioiced over hisrlee. livn. lt Ih fair to presume that they had " u' u,u tt,UMUCn"S UK' uulY 10 uc per-; tunes, lonnue nny tortlier statement that Dauphin, actually neuuJeJ themselves that he was formcJ nl,d re(iccl3 "at crp,,it '!-our '"-'tpmre, we nro pained ! IMawurc, n "cmJd enough Whi," f,r them Put Governor clrcl. The Inspector of weights t0 co'm ,niu,rv I. cra s con ttnue to Kiu, n goon rnougt) lug (or them, l.ut ' o j regard you as nlentilied with thin clamle.s. p;ri,. the laugh is now quite on the other ido ?n(1 ,Muasurcs for ,lns conn,.v ,s m so tine and prose, iplive Order. The f.ci IWit of their faces. Mr. iiiolt has spoiled their i ons,l-v 8C,,Icd l,K'rc l,cin- Inauy ver' ur" : thaf yon havo been lately voted for by: Forest,' tun most terribly. He repeals lm dccl.i- i8nu "Pl'l'cants who have each in tbier the member i of this Order ii still evident-) Franklin, Mlln m , rnl. . ', ,, , , tw-fly rendered important service to t)0 ly the real cause or ihn suspicion. We Fulton, no n r e f ''VPv. It is geJa'dv however Sppo,ed'k J'0" '!"' i"'l,u;! - not nor ever was a member of the order 1 " latum upon your personal an l political I,mtin".lon of Know Nothing, orany ether secret Po.!'Iv,t ,l,c c"1ollinit"l!) ol wnl be added !cmnclcrc ,;now how Ulljlts, any bU(;h buVmi li'.ical eociety-that ho is a Democrat inl10 rt'scnt Si,lary of ,,,u KentInnn wl,0j suspicion is-wo l.now how ardently you jellbrsou, ' : i: : .. i ,:i i . n .. I i : i. .1 . ii ......... i . overv sense of thf word ii friend ti tU3" ls " -""u ""''"ci eompar- .ui.umi iiiu i-uudujiig 'au we unmi Juniata, Constitution, recognizing ail citizens, who are recognized as such by the Con- stitution, entitled to equal rights and privi. apparently unmistakcaple cviden"" of the Icombinations' for political puqioacs we Lehigh, leges as now provided by law-thai the fate of Sir John Franklin, nnd his coniT'' ,00' ,I,!t,il? . J',i,r W" uutv gf' L-m-rnc, votes ,dven to him bv H,n Whi.V nml ., ' a... , , lilit-.VOinVnr'i L"1J ac.llVC a"J l".b- i Lycoming, D o- iliulj, uiuuuu IU5U I. l.f til IIIUCIl milliui in nr.nniif nl n K nmv.nl iiiiiikiti n c I w, ! M . :"" ' IT1 "' .it ituii, VolMc. l-hr. Aps't. am li-M 'if)Sj ltiiiyj i22i 1 .")" 12.) 2 'i'iV.l 4 :!.: :)778 i'M 2i-i 'i-ui OotlH 1 2Xj 1141 1097 2i)!4 L'ttvli '17(i led with himself. 'hat you would scorn to belong to any Lancaster, j other political organization, anJ above, all,) Lawrence, OCT 1 he tidings of the discovery ofrome i bow much you arc. opposed to ajl secret Lebanon, o.r! 2.")2(i -'lit) 00.) il'.K) - 87 li "OKI 1500 U'Gl OS 3 117(3 10:1:7 'Jli-'O i ',:).' i 'i:i r.i la li70 4811 .f4!H '.'Do.'i 10-J7 1 774 Of. 1 1 coio 11 1 11)7 l.T.I!) :!i!.r, ;ur,7 tool "i'i')'Z 4(J L MY.)-, :hsi 000 'a 570 ; 05 1710 2014 aim 1f.)! 1170 403:1 1711 I OH) y:iri lll:l 1072 ;5n70 'i'iUJ I llio 1072 71 mm iooi2 Know Nothings were in pursuance of a bargain of their own making, in which ho uncertainty has hung so long, w ill be. read with jnterest. If this information turns had neither part nor lot, that ho cannot ,ut t0 bo true, the scene of their !ulje;-in' will no doubt bo visited as soon ns possible rccugnizo them as his friends and well wishers, and that so far as the dispensa. (ion of patronago is concerned ho tells , thcro most distinctly that he will know them not. result of the late election in that county 1 Mercer, will show, u c know that night and day ; M 1 (Hi 11, before that election, you were engaged in contradicting the declaration that you belong to this Order, and rallying your 004 1751 yj2(i 4309 2200 C02 2500 127 1017, Monroe, Montgomery, 555-) Montour, 07G Northampton ,"035 11570 2030 at)!)4. 4S84 799 405 3031 1030 fiC5 5141 757 :3417 Dr. line has bwn absent on tlio coast sinco thy first of tho month of June, 153, nnd returned to York Factory on the 25th of August last, from whence ho forwarded letters by express to Sir Ceorgc Simpson, via tho 1'rJ river settlement. After briefly noticing tho result of his own expedition, and tho difficulties with which they' had to contend, ho proceeds to slate that from I'squimaux he had ob tained certain information of the fate of it!5i,,,jSir John Franklin's expedition who had been starved to death after the loss of their ships which were crushed in the ice, and while making their way south to tho great Fish river of lluek, near tho outlet of which a party of whiles died, leaving accounts of their suficrings on tho mutilated corptes of somn which Imd evidently furnished I fod t their unfortunate companions, '"'"l This information, although nut derived ' ! fioin the l'squimaux w ho had communi- '" cated wiili the whites,nnd who found their 'V-1 l','"iailsi but from another band, who o'o ' ' ,!'-) 1 taiucd her details viva voce, may yet be i210 , ruK., 0I) Jouljt is loft of tho truth of "I j tho report, :u the naiiies had in their pos l,,;bl Bcs-iou various ariiclcs of European tnan ( tifiicturc which bad been in possession of l.)01,llu; whites-. Among theso nre silver ' i spoons, forks, ecc, on one of which U en- Ol)0:rnv,,, sir j j, Franklin, K. C. P.," ' I vv''''c 'k'-1 others have crests and initials on '"Jthf'tii which identify the owners as having 1 ' K" . belonrfpil to tlio ill. fated exneilillon. 2100 12'J l Drawing of tome of these havo been sent 230S 133-4 dow l(M5j This fearful tragedy must have occur- I'I'-' ; riti nc I.mut mm ric tnr, unriniT nl 1 k.ill The foregoing embraces all the partic ulars ns yet known in this city. '2Hi 2707 3 11)3 000 2530 420 1HG ' t .. . O ----- , -- next summer, w lieu no doubt relics, ami ; colleagues on tho Democratic ticket. We D perhaps some record of tho discoveries know finally, how proudly von can ro- i Morthuinb'ld 2182 "121 mado by tho intrepid Franklin' previous to! rcl my. nnd alt assaults, in the slightest ' lVrry, . ,14111 '121 his unhappy fate and patriotism of Henry S. Mott. fl-VTKn r.Ot.itr, :,ilnir: .:..i.....r ! v- no iwiiu.ti!i to itri vuu-li voic lor Black's about O.OO'O ; and 'Mott'si Congress of this district. Majority, 03We havo now received tho official result of tho recent election from all the counties. Pollock's majority is about 37,' 000 about 190,00. The question of n prchib-j itory liquor law was decided in the nega- 'f"111?0! live by 5,000 .majority. Wo ore sorry for .Jh'?; but feci prTfcetly innoernt of ihc j jy(-;rso'n ' murder. Our readers will remember that J Clarion, early last Spring, we raised our -feeble I AHuian, voice nirainst tho mi.inir of this nucstinn'.k'kj o o 1 with poli.ics. in any shapo or form. The Dcrwcratic press of tho Stntc generally look tho fame ground. In fact, it requir ed no great forsight to sec that 6uc!i a courso mu&t be fatul :to the ultimate suc-( cess of the icfGrni, whether successful nt lha late election or not. Put discreet coun sels were cast aside, erd the entitling nnd intriguing sharjc'sof tlio Whig party, see ing a beautiful opportunity lo use it for the purpose of overthrowing tho Democracy, succeeded in cajoling many honest teni pcranco men into tho movement, and now wo have the result. Let the fault, nndj deep-drawncurscsof )egnred widows and' orphans fall upon the brads of tho fiends 1 in humnn shape, who would prostitute so aacrcd a cnuse to base political ends. . . ... . . . i . will bo discovered !l,crcc nl"'clmS our canning as a Dem Pike, 024 Potter, G50 .Schuylkill, 518 Somerset, 1208 ns hostilo to the Order of Kuow-iVoth- iSusouchann.i. 212(1 1140 2350 10t)l 770 42s;! 2300 415 . 2!)?5 VVi 574 33 l'J 773 Mil 1524 12J7 hUC)9 737 274 4733 :3G5 lbso 431 28 10 0s2 1718 5780 735 5003 2230 1 030 All honor, say we, lo tho independence Fra,.I;lin sailed from England in 13 !5, nnd '"cro,1 T T , T ." ( t i y i' i'-1 l:1-' uu i .iv. i j ij uiu m.j. iti j i ii iv pit if this account is correct, of his IiavInS ty of IVnnsylvania, that you aro ns true pensnico, in icoo, no must linvo spent ' to tlio Democratic: laitli as any living, nnd about four years in tho Arctic regions riilndclpliia,24y3a 23317 25330 20070 r.RCi.AY. AnTinns. 2530 4 1 132!) 815 2220 33 1450 033 2503 1020 411 223 559 121 1070-2 3835 0HJ7 ings, as its most conscientious nnd most j Sullivan, uncompromising opponent, we address you j Tioga, this letter lo give you an opportunity i Union, over your ow n name, to answer these un-; Venango, founded assaults of your foes and the, Warren. mistaken suspicions of your friends. Lcspeclfully yours, Asa 1ack.i-.h, James M. Pourr.it, William Ovkkheld, David I'auiiktt, John N. Ik n uinson, I. F. li.vnNF.s. CCrTho following lines, which wcro the concluding nppodl of one of the members of tho Uepublican Insiituto of this placo on tho repeal of the recent enactment 'by our borough nnthorilies, and which came up before that body at a recent meeting, are decidedly rich too good to be lost. ' 1 lr.irli ! Hie liaarrC ili--pfirt:iiit ti'iti'S t lining 1'ron Ilia pcrkerK lliroiils SiiriiliT soiiU'linjr evi-r,- jiu-nl Hurrah ! fur grub wurum uml repent. Ifi'iir yo nut Unit ponml impwci't 01' mine! to muie in llio stri l ? Ji) sad (.'nmiilitiiiiii oimins fiulfrn tuir (niiii i.1 ,ir" ull mil i.l furii. TT nii'.'bt b'liiimnti' "' itl.I up 'HP t"Un would wiwli tint in li nrs, ll'n (.n o ail-jilmy'il in luri,iwi ilrcp A fill diiiiM,y ili.ul' i..v waul t( "nirji." CrNow .that Col. Mott has so mag. nnnimously rebuked the Know Nothings, and boldly declares himself to stand firmly upon tho National Democratic platform, PlflLADtLl'IIIA, Oct. 10, 1851. Oemti.emen : I am grateful to you as old and valuable friends for tho penorous and eloquent letter you havo addressed tome, i clo mo- no moro than justice in expressing the belief that Mmo not: had, and have not now, tho slightest con-; . D 417 110 1913 MOO 1119 3157 1377 Washington, Wayne, Weslmorel'd, 380-1 Wyoming, 603 York, . , 4707 IH7U0I 207 748 4255 275'J 2810 32i) 2148 285 1 llI7i) 1 400 42; 0 1403 3773 1174 4777 242 013 27 02 1740 2010 200 2041 1410 1830 1273 4::o 1603 33 10 1101 2330 459 550 R40 lo7 2014 fc32 075 allusions wi re rondo to tho bnttlo yrt t0 fought, for the Constitution and tho Civil and Keligioua righti of all citizens, the plaudits testified -with what carneslnesi the Democracy i.f Ihi-i Commonwealth havo enlisted in the campaign. Governor Piglcr has endeared himself to the people of this .Slate by a bold and niauly avowal of the fundamental principles cf the purtv, uml his defeat docs not bring with it a sin gle stain upon his public character. Hij Inst address to tho pcoplo is truly a ro. publican document, and will staud as the lie.st evidence of tho basis on which lh administration of tlii3 model Chief Magis. tiuto has retted. The following is an abstract of Gover nor l'.igler's remark?, noted from memory. It was a very common thing for a suc cessful candidate who had honors to be stow, and a long official career before him to be thus greeted, but it was unusual for one who occupied It is position, which wai rather that of a setting than a rising sun to bo thus greeted. Ilo had endeavored to discharge his otlioial duties faithfully and to tho best of his ability ho had pro claimed to the people of the State his hon est views nnd principles and although stricken down by un uu-ieen secret foe, his heart was cheerful and hi3 FpiriU buoyant, because ho felt that tho princi ples he had avowed were right and just,and that linio would vindicnto their correct- ners. I lo had stood upon the doctrines ol the Constitution; he had contendud lor U tho political equality of citizens of all creeds nnd of ull classes; he hud opposed the formation of secret Bocieties for tho accomplishment or political objects ; he had not striven, as somo persons falsely alleges to array one portion of tho com munity against another, but had made the principles of republican equality his guide, and hail throughout his whole official ca reer faithfully ndhercd to them j and but a very few years would clap30 before the correctness of his position would be uni versally acknowledged. It was not tho first timo that tlio party he belonged to had been overthrown. It f! Important from IlavaQiia. THE ASSASSIX1TI0X OF f.lSTANCA. New Oni .EA.N3, Oct. IP. Letters re ceived hero from llavanna, by tho steam ship. Hlnck Warrior, report that the nssas sin of Castaneda, tlio enptor of General Lopez, succeeded in making his escape. Thu funeral coitego of (ho murdered man j was defeated in 1810, and epnin in 1849, was composed entirely of the police force, j but every measure upon which it hbd been (Guardki Cirit.) paraded for the occasion i temporarily defeated, had sinco been glo by order of the Government. riously vincicntcd and triumphantly es- The indignation of tho populace nt this ; lablishcd. It would bo eo herenftcr, and proceeding was very great, and the pro-! whatever migl t bo his futuro destiny, cession was frequently insulted by oi nro-1 whether he should retire forever into rri- 5G53 1 bious cries from the people, which irrila- j va'.r, or ngain participate in political Lib, 1042 ted the members cf tho police to so high jit should be his prido and pleasuro to be 1525 a de?rco that thev attacked the rennlr. and Ion" to tho rrent nnrttr of Ihn Common. - i i ' n n ( .' - sr vei .il were killed aud wounded in the af- wealth, of tho Constitution, of Republican Iray. . '" I frerdeni, of equal rights, and of progress, Large bodies of (roops were ordered j which had left n glorious impress upon out, and tho guards nt tho gales of the ci- j tho pages of our national history, ty, and other stations, were immediately For tho short remainder of "his official doubled, ns some popular outbreak Was , term, he would studiously endeavor to feared. Quiet was, however, soon restored, al though, tho previous excitement was most 80S 3230 330 590 1 discharge to the best of his abilities Lis Fxecutivc duties, and ho would ever grate- lu.lv remember tlio kindness which he had HODS 15SJJ2 es. 37,007 Caxal Commissioner. Henry S. Mott, : : : George Darsie, : : : Majority, : , : : : Si rREHB JunoE. Jeremiah S. P.lack. : : : S1GS 71,074 63,331 100,743 107,010 73,r71 120,500 necu'on with any secret political organi- .V, .r ,, '. zation however called; and J fee! Hint l' I"mn1S, ,!:im1' '' deserve your confidence as a Democrat! ,,!ack sJr,ty .',fv,: and as a man os fully and as entirely atj , li 1 S il A L IiLTOIlD. the present unv, as nt any termor pcrio.J. To tho same extent do I feel entitled to the confide nco i i-iiua ti Jinn. . .iii.-ii uiu un tuiiiiiuu inni , , . , , I w. WtrfiLL, M I 1-armers and Merchants' P.ank, Oswego . ...... .... ... . ...nil n , , i ...i. .i-ri. i I farmers nan oi unanuiugua. i Hank of Carthage. Farmers' and Merchants' bank, Mary Tho following is a list of hanks that r ,, n . j have burstrd within n short time past : or -tno Demociatic party of, n . ' ., . '. I .l atchin Hank, liufia o. lui W linn (Iia inrihiitntifin rlif ' ' intense, ns nil were commenting upon the J received from tho people cf Philadelphia stit'jeci in terms oy no means lavoraDlo tomnd ol tills great Commonwealth. Cicn. Concha. A letter snvs : "This is tho second occasion of a popu AttEOED Outrage Upon the Amt:2i- lar disturbance during tho last four monihs CAN F.LA0 ,1Y AN Enclisaman. Th and is an evidence of -tho growth of dissat isfaction." Such commotions against tho Govern ment wero unknown before tho present New York Mirror of Thursday furnishes tho following letter: - Rio de Janebio, Sept. 2, 1S54. Du.vn Colonel: I hasten to inform yon which you refer was made, I took tho first proper occasion to repel it in strong, un- tvmn tii ril nil el Miinlni'ii Inotfimurt f r,un HI'I'JIII'.H III UlUtll.' lit 111- U .1 " V. J 'III t 1 i ii ., ..:..i , ..i land - - u.ni ii in uuu in una in, ii iu i iuiv oil, or inai Asfi:nr.LY. Wc have not yrt received i might be required at my hands. It is nl the Oiiicial veto of M'Konn, but wen rein-! I,0-.C'1 ilso,nfi oflll P,I,CM. lhl1 1 .,,!,. I ., .. .i , ,, . , oiu uui ii"hiii uuu ii:hiii ri pen i mis von formed by good authority that Mr. Cald-!, ... . , ' . i ' i Hank of Millford, Delaware. VAb r iiltVirtii'K oni'ni-al nllnmhlc ln A ma of anolhor instance which has Inloiv oc ULUIWUII WUllljllO litlU JM ill 111 viouslv been mado to assassinate Casta- c'jrrcd n ,ha Falkland Island stamp, noja . showing up tho most high-handed outrep . . . jon our flag by on English officer which iJ OThe American ofikcrs in tho Turk.! ye'"n3L;ttlcc1-. . ttt1 .' ish service under Omar Pacha, in tlio I , The steamboat Bay State," James II. Principalities, and General Guyon in Asia, I nr.ulcapt.nn, left the United States for have, in all the military operations thus ;Caliiorn.u in December last, and ortcr put far, conducted themselves so well ns ,0 : 1'ng into several ports, w'at obngnd to un win much praise. Among these is men- i,-0 h,et!vy TP01" 01 1 nnmbuco,which tioncd a Mr. Porter, of New Jersey, whol'K'ln'?,d '".t-0 months; ho then pro enjoys tlm confidence of Omar Pacha, nnd l'00 " ' course, touching at Dubm, who gave the Russians the last blow near wl-pnddlcB unshipped, nnd under Pusco, after which ho brought back his uCi ns n ,hrec masted Echooner. son.nlronu In Rif. iv. n!ii,nn..lT nt tlm 1 lio vessel was leaky, and did not mind tho ! nearly surrounded by a vastly superior ': w'cl'mcn constnnlly ntlhe pumps. Farmers' nn.l Merrbnnts' It.ml.- Me.,,. I force of the enemy. Two Americani ser.l 'Sl-r3'i'g vessel in ine Oist.mee Hie i - f i - i- . imoniiii". bo sr t Ma eolor-a unit FnnnA the i viii" ii ill ii x i invnit. in j k n n c n. , o' - - - - ... a - ---, --..v. well received the cn'.iro voto of the county trndiction. Hut I prized my own chare ter too hp'hly I value my principles too v.e think il would bo but an net of justice w''h the exception of fivo which were cast i dearly 1 have labored too long and too to tho neenlo ns well ns ibemsrhri. fur for P.ackus. Caldwell is thoroforo elected ! zealous! v in the Democratic ranks to deem cycraloihers,whowerc.;omina:edbvthe!by a very largo majority. it necessary that I should volunteer a rc , , . , .' ' ' ! ply to every imputation upon my standing Democrats, but claimed ns members of n ,f . i ,.J n iu 1 ' , . Ciior.r.RA at ulARTiNsucnc. The I ,,s n ucmoerat. thntpro.script.vcbundormiunight proscnp- Charlostown Dec Press learns Com a pri-! All that you say of my opinion in re tionists, and received thir votes, to vatc source that tho cholera has ntinin SnrJ ,0 'k' accusation, I cheerfully en foltoiV l,Min'ol.!rtvnmmV Mr I'.,,,-, 1 npiicarcd in MartinshurT Vn. Mr. Wnsh. i dorse ; and 1 am "hid that I have hud had our member of Cm-re, rWt.'u i!,,u '"'gion Krocsen and thico parous died on i fomiblicd to mc an opportunity that cnn. phis.. Massillnn Rank, Ohio. Ohio Savings Institnto, Tiffiin. Cohluato Rank, Roston. Rank of West Killingly, Connecticut. Eighth Avcnuo Rank, New York. Rank of Ellsworth, Maine. Elkhart County Rank, Indiana. Rank of Northern Indinna. Rank of Washtenaw, Michigan. Emo nnd Kalamazoo Rank, Michigan guish themselves whenever nn opportuni-j r,CIirC(J "n" 10 surpnw, tired b ty otrers. s'l0t "cross his bow, then another, utid ' , then a loaded gun was fired, tho hall pan- Hard Hit. the Cincinnati Gazette, 1 fin? bclwe'n tho fft! und mainmrsts. Ho referring to the ftct that several paupers !""' l0) "nd e,1l? arSrr American flag, to I Kn(.i. i imouco ttio r.ngiistmnn to dos.st, but et the authorities of Roston, says fmm Tjimnn h.nl Iwnn shlnno,! hnnL- l. 1 muilLO 1. 10 1 ,i,...,u.;,:..rn.,n ' . another shot was fired, which alsocame u-n mnv ni r,unr, tn Uinn Jcat " hulI ond havo sunk hm sent back to the place from whence they!in hcrr .tlis1abl1cJ conditio". n" probabili came, only it strikes us that a city which' ,f lt,1,,aJ 6!ruc,k-, lhus ,our 1,,n,nk r.,v ' 7- i , . 1 pcmnts a Police Court to send back while V , , , A , irom Mexico wo have somo odd i mf1. ,vnillon ,. ,.,, -.tour poor little schooner, whilst the Cat. ;otten up nt the" ros9 lho occnn, because thry arc poor,lWa,s vd t0, ,!l' w aA ''cr Ma' of the national i i... . , , . '. i tv s o icer. who soon boirded her. and in ; to declare .mat I am not now and never, feto days, the government officers, and i "mni-" -n'p ',,,;' n C" ' " . n imperilivo tone demanded horpat cr". " v ii,Aii.,. ..ini-r,.-, i - i tiit'N v 1 1 1 t ii l iiif KMinr rimri in iHiini in un a i.ii i. i i fir nan al. nnd wfi Ih nk il woiiM ho 1 it . ' ... i i . . i . , . . . . o . i . ' cctLTil iroenuvere I I ' L I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Ii S V I S WlOP aiKI fin CP 111 ( 1TP I'otitf.l l, ,.l...l . I H.V, tl'l III ID - J - - - - .-3 - ' " ! . (IjlHlll M tl It wl lllu V'lIU ovii.invTi:, Oct. 21 Ihc tram from,h''Vo tiecn a member ol any other polifi-1 diplomatic officers wero cxiiee.ted to at. Ur- .... , .... . ..... Cantuin Wardle rrnlied that ho should r : n . . . i , - , ... '..1 : : ... i . ., . . .. : . . i v r"inia. uccauso no is a s avo. i nat sn ." . 1 . , " ".' ' b ""v" I . . " I '" i lenu,. an net of fairrrr.s on his part to place him siitf right upon the record. 1 . . . Boston to-day run over n girl of about l.f-;cal organization but tho Democratic par-'tend.. Tho latter, however, refuse to , i.,aiaa. member whom he was. when lho hrnra , i m;ro"ne r1" "sucirby t.ic leniiorai ,0,.n Y,.nrs 0f n?0 ,m,r n m;,0 from tho i ty. Wheij I becumo tho candidalo of the : W-Car their diplomatic dross, as it was a , W"A western paper says a few days , lieutenant mentioned tho fact o! his having of tho I emperance party, in Philadelphia depot here, killing her instantly. Wc J Democratic party lor Canal Commission- j private ball, whereupon Santa Anna nd ; 6'nc0 n lrain composed of nine wagons and an nrmed boat alongside - ' nnd rl.-ewhero nearer home. 'did more lo : kavc not nsccrtained her name. ,cr, I depended upon that ulono for my; ,is officers refused to attend, and tho balL"'"')' persons, crossed tho Missouri enst-l On seeinir tho papers, he desired fas a nl.lr.l nn V , . I . .. I ...11.. -...,1.. ... . ... .. I I .. I ., n 1. . C . I .Til . . I . . " .r' . . ii..,iii.i!. ,.,iiii,3 , until eateniiiy iuuy , was postponed just Ucjoro it was to com-1 " ul ) " ol" yl "u,v noma, i ney , partial ntonem. defeat Prohibition nt the polls than nil olli- ntonemcnt for tho outrage, wo sup. -J". . . ' , , 1 " ,T.an,.cr,thc '"1CS' ofio whole people, I can re.',ncncn. Santa Anna havinu ordered an1"1"! k'ft Salt Lake City on account oflDOse) to make an entry on the logbook. i oi nr I am ii argest i, ii nd i opposition, whooiherwiin would have hern I Gov . Rrrni-u lv Kansas. Gov. Ilcc-; "' '"',l.1 rr ulw-"uc 10 vc uoanne.ho American residents, notifying them i borough, Mass., havo been insured by , ticcr or man on board of her Mnjostys . . i ,n. . , ... I T . ' . IIIV iiii.,v..ii.i U U WIIUIU IH.'il lL-, Uilll IU , p 7 ,,, ' "ur ' I"-" " oec w ns 8u,k on t.io upper im.ss.s- prt.scnl 1C inlorosls ofno olhcr pn.ty in iHuminntion ofall tho housed i the city,! .oppression nnd immorality of their) which he did over his own signature, sta to Gov. Ri'der nnd the Demnrm he rnnilt. ; si niii. nhovo tialcna. a few davs since. I .i... ,. nin ...... t ..i i . ' 1 rM... ..l ......,.. " 0"'"'u,l-i " : .. . . u; i.. .. .- r.t ; "i-i-'ii.' ... I'usuiuti t .uu uuimi lo.issuiii.:. under severe penalties, tho U. ti. Ambns. tmjr mat no urea wide oil the schooner, tfl- lundred., aye , s,vr i o Tom l.. 1 , V'1" I,""ses,t dcercu ol civtl , sador refused lo illuminato his house or Sinouj.au iNsuaASxE.-Six mnjestic! king her to bo a Russian privateer! 'A . i ... U ' a" sii , .j in n iiaii3,ii(. ti eoniuuon. nml i,,.r,,,L. i.t,...i .. .....l t r...i. nnii.n t . . i . . ..I . ... . , i, n. r. i raniisoi inci". i " , ..i..fa...i. i.w.i;,iiiw . uuinH uuv,tm., H(lsl ,3 nog, ami scut a circular to dates generally, drovn hum thousands of voters into the I i , , i , . . . , i 1.11 D IV n I7rtn L- n nil-ii In 11, n I .-.nc' iliilinn .1.... .1.1 . I 1 . , fir a Prehihi'orv I iv ' ' " '' uerianuei al i-ori i,"iivrnworin, wiucli: w u v,.,c,,.u.hm llm. lnc (lt,,crco nau nw aumoriiy over tiioin. . .' .. ..L!-ll-.- I wii: ,U. bis inmo for the present. Ilo 0' 8UC,, sI,.;'11 bo proscribed from civil Xext day he sent a letter to tho govern. : CIt is ascertained that the next fiatoiwiis gn-i ted on his arrival nt the Fort with'0. , , nr 111 ny degree debarred of his, mem 0n tho subject, and there was much Legislature will stand as follows: Scmtc il1m na'ional salute, nnd a public reception 13 Democrats, to 15 Whigs and Know. Nothings. House 4 2 Democrats, to .'s Whigs and Know. Nothings. We wiil pub-' issued kh a list o. i'--1 mT,ili"rs al ns rnnv n i! iy Thur was given him. their owners in tho sum of five hundred i brig who dared to no to sea in her. dollurs, nguinst loss by lightning or ftrc.l This gallant young officer signed him- 03-Tho mountains in tho vicinity off1-" "cutenani enmman-. gcauof. ,is religious beliofor the, ,,, foeIil)g. At the baU above mentioned WeSrvSlZiia1; on llm SXof iin h? Maj08,yV- brig, Ronita and i. llH-L Ul Ull 111, I It tl'flO CIlimAPAll lllll Vrtnlr. A r. m fi n nnd f V trinnil r L.L n. mm III s p:7':; place oi luitti. , i it was supposed that Santa Anna was to In UlC Into Canvass, I dilinoillly CXer- ,Q nroclmmnd l'.mnnmr. nnrl nr.r. rini. TitAMisciviNo. Governor Riglrr hnsi",J my liuinblo abilities to secure lho t ri- mcn had already made the proclamation. Ins I'ror.lanntion recommending ".l"'. ,'" ",u ''mj party . anu usi - ,1.v iKoiiii, nr v i i principles, nnd lo fidvnneo the o;i"crsi of, OCTftlnyor I -I,3,the30h of November, as a day ny nI(, ,, wc (ric(i co;ion c,n ,e ' Know-Noihing August last, were covered with snow, tolono .f "l" yUD? "8,8h oler! ' the no httlo surprise of tho citizens. . IT" of Tml" " 'i htia Th depositions of Captain Wardlo and crow, . of ( lenrral Tlniiksi'ivinu. Conrad is snid to he the favorite lor the next U. S. ticket, and its with pride and plen'jro that Senator. . . . . i tt ' 1 utl'"oiiiuii3 ui iaoiuui i corns are 8o,a .n ine uarnsburg hnve bcCn mado boforo our consul here, market nt 0.J cents n bushel. QSd i( ho intQU(ion pf our ,inis,cr at OrPotalors arc abundant in N. llama, lira Cuurt to forward tho namn to lho De- ! shire and Indionn at 25 cents a bushel. Ipnrlmcnt of State. ADIOS. ti