Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 28, 1854, Image 1

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II c ji i h
! 1 ft 11
Tr.RM.-$l Oaavcarin n.lvnn
The .np of ;mKilVIIM s.
I linjr of ftijVlUVg
Of every loj;roe j
Ity lnml or liy wutur,
On hore or at tvh.
In rtrerK-oonl!) or pettieontn,
Uonncla or hnt,
In liiiickn, or iu liopp.fkinn.
In blnnkot. or iimU ;
Whoever in nil tilings
IiiKtit bravtily ngno :
i'or tuch are fjod lollowt.
Wherever tliey be.
I fing of Koo,l Mlows,
Whntcvrr MiHr liven.
As monks or us iniUinom,
(. nplnina or wives
Of llio pood niid true-Uearleil
Who laiifrh at the worM,
Yet are happy, wherever
l!y tlentiuy hurl'd:
Who enjoy all iu fully,
Vol lnnu it are free";
And such are pood fellows,
Wherever they be.
I Kinjrof peod fellow.
And this is their gifo :
They rail nut ut luuf;lilr,
Low, unit k', or wiua ;
And fear not left ploiiMirn
Should swauip them below,
Or that those who are merry
Mint overboard go ;
Vet who moderate in all thing
And temperato we sea j
Ami mich uro good fellows
Wherever Uiy he.
I (injr of good fellows
M ho hold to their word,
Who are true a the enhre,
And fat as the cord ;
Who think what they tnctik,
Speak not all that they thiuk ;
Who are honet and eandid,
And from Blunder will shrink :
Who from lyiug or trembling,
Or shifting, are free ;
And such are good fellows,
Wherever they be.
1 sing of good fellows t
Kind-hearted are Ihey :
Not spiteful or cruel, . -
Or wounding "in pluy ;" '
T.ut regarding the feeling
Of all aa their own, '
Ne'er draw from the toul-chordi
A dissonant tone j
What are gontle and courteous,
While gallant and I'roe ;
And such are good fellowa,
' Wherever" they be.
1 ving q( good fellows;.
Ood send us homo more?
' The earth hath not many.
Though Heaven hath More :
Etout-hearted companions.
Well buckled in pride,
Who flinch at no trifles,'
Whatever bolide :
i Who 'twixt honor end gooduecs
i So dillrenee see ; '
.Ami such are good fellows,
, Wherever they be.
T sing of pood follows;
Oh, couhl lliere bo found
A Inud of delight.
Where good fellows abound j
A gentleman's heaven .
Itelow or above.
And govern 'd by Courtesy,
Hon ir and Love ;
To Elysium or Kden
I never would flee, '
Put the land of Good Fellows,
Wherever it be. ...
A Taler of the American Revolution.",
Titrlnrf tk urnr fC. fhrt mvrtiiltmn. ifiP
lower counties of New Jersey were .infest j
cd by a set of desperadoes, passing under
tne name oi reiugccs, wno in mo ausence
of tbs whigs in cflmp, plundered nnd insul-J
thepo men became particrlarly notorious
on the shores of Egg Harbor river, end
mull utitutciroa luiijius. " i
that section of the country is yet rifo with
legends of their misdeeds. A party equal
ly numerous and even moro lawless, for a
long time devastated tho settlements along
tho Maurice river. Our story relates to
this latter. .
It was at the close of a beautiful day, in
tho early part of October, that an athletic
young man, whoso frank and good hu
mored countennnco was o passport lo the
acquaintonco of strangers of all classes,
approached a clearing not far . from the
present decayed villugo of Dorchester'.
Tho houso was but of ono story, built o(
thick-hewn timber, and surrounded by
.Iscanty fields in which tho slumps of the
original forest trees were jet visiuic. nui
everything about the placo had an nir of
neatness, wlnc4i was incrcasca, nuu,
pushinc open the door, he entered the largo
comfortable kitchen, with ils nicely scour
cd floor, and its dresser on which were ar
rayed in bright rows tho pewter plates.
His footsteps had scarcely sounded on the
floor before a light figure sprang to meet
nm, and the next instant was locked in
his arm.
I 'Grul Klnss vou. Marv.V he said, as ho
parted his hair fonJIy from her forehead
land stooped to kiss her fair brow.
I The girl looked into his face, and said,
jthalf inquiringly, half positively
I .Vou have come to slay have you not.
.Do now, give up running your sloop until
lhings become more settled. You will bo
toptured yet,' sho continued, as his lover
hook her head, 'and then if thrown into
Jhose prison ships nt New York, you will
jjover get back.'
9 Notwilhslhn''irT 11,0 impiormg u-'
Jn which sho spoke, her lover still shook
(is head. , , ,
Nay, nearest, your woman s icais
' .. . Thnrn ia tin rlnnrrer.
toil WitllOUl CBU5U. - - -o
hu English ships have icitmo ih.mwc,
sloop pay mo
.d I must make mo oiu
Un. Marv,
j She buried her fuco in his bosom to hide
- Kin.h... t this allusion. Ho continued
lcerfully :
. uiua-.w. -
i ,V -,' ... .
i. r
ov enn vou nnt rn(i .
You boast of vonr l ouse ,nl;7P".
know ; nnt yet I'll venture wo inlmos,
ns good cooks on board. At .J ?. '
are a littlo moro hospimUo when wo see
a visitor who Ims cotno miles to meet us
and walked all the way. '
Mo said this in a playful lono. n,i
girl immediately hastened lo set tin- bi
u. muij-mcnis.nna Ihey conversed tt"-eth.
cr ns lovers only converse, during the
half hour in which the preparations for ,10
"KUI " ru l'ing on. At len
cr members of the fumilv
it .1.
the conversation became gener
tame in. and
It was yet early, however, when
a i
j ounjr man rose to go
The ,.irl r,.!i ...t
i him out of the door" 6
"Why so soon ?'" said she
"It is hirrl, time j 1 Lw nl ,
oversli,vrd my E VST "n'fi'
a few dayslh Jb'o b ek t ! , '
be o neccssLty ?r gomg again."
uunger impending over vou n
j ,.
Ilogan, tho rclugco "
"He owes me ill will, 1 know," said the
lover, "ever since you preferred mo to
him. I.ut he has left this part of the
country, and I should never tear him in
a fair fight."
"Dut be was always stealthy ond mean
and would attack you secreily."
"Oh ! but there is no li ar of him," gai.
ly said the lover, "lelieve mo I shall bo
back in two weeks, and. then "
llo pressed tho loving girl to his bosom hote. Hut sho was doorwd to disappoint.
Uissod her again and again, then with a i n1cnt. For fivo minutes she gazed in vain
WlZ I C! I" ,07 !im!clf, aWny-1 "" Was on,' ,h0 si"kinS of the wind "
Ulcn he had crossed the road and was,' she sobl.d, again overcome by tea s
lust entering tho nn ho ..j unu h i. . P .. . . . . lLUI!s.
bo turned nnil
waved his but. I ho girl waS-slill stand
ing on tho watoh. Sho kissed her hand
to him, and the next instant ho had van
ished from her sight.
Hut for many minutes she continued to
gaze on the spot where ha had disappear-
cu; una so inient was the reverie into
j which sho fell that sho did not notice tho
j approach of a young man of the neighbor
hood, whom popular rumor declared to be
one of her suitors, igf '
"Good evening, Ellen," he said. "Vou
arc Into out hero to-night."
"Ah I is it you, James J Good evening,"
and sho frankly extended her handf
"Will vr,M iv nil.- in V
J "'ill (SI i
"Ao i tnank you-l haven t but a mm.
uto to stay 1 hero was n short silence,
when he added, "Have you seen I logon
atcly 1 Lc has come back I suppose you
... , . . ., t,n
i am not knojv it,., said Iidlcn
her heart beating violently. ;
"I believe ie and Driggs nro
iriends-Ilogan swears he will have ro-
vengo on him, though L do not know for
What. , Do you ? ' . ,,.,!; ., . ,' ,
Ellen read the man's heart in those
vvords.- lie was n rejnclcd suitor, and
susjiecung ner iovq lor uriggs, lias visited
her expressly to torture her by this in tel.
"How know you this," she said effect,
ing as much calmness as possible. "Have
you seen uogaa lately. nis anxious tone recovered for Ellen
"Ho was about this morning, but has her confidence, and shs haslcneJ to tell
gone down iho river to his old place. bim what she had henrd.
They say he has a dozen men there, ref-j "1 could not," sho said, with her faco
ugces, may be, lileo himself. Byo tho bye ( hidden on his broad chest, "slay at home,
have you seen Briggs to-day 1 I heard and leave you to this peril. Father is old'
he sailed with the morning." jnnd 1 was afraid he could not bo hore in
Ellen turned pale at ibis intelligence, time "
for her woman's quick wit perceived at j "God in heaven bless you. How can
once, by tho meaning tooo of her visitor, I ever repay you 1 But I must find some
that Ilogan hud determined to waylay her! shelter for you in tho cabin, for no time
lover, and that her informant, from a feel- is to be lost. Wo are already in si"ht of
ing of basa revenge, had come to apprise I Hogtin's place, and it is too late lo retreat,
her of it after bo thought it would bo too 'Even if we anchor they will coma after
late for any notice of the atlack lo be con-jus; but, now that I know their intention
veyed to Briggs. Sho bad the presence . there is nothing lo fear, and our best entire
FI 1.1
of mind not to show her agitation, nor did therefore, is to disarm suspicion by goim
she undeceive tho speaker as to tho time on."
when her lover sailed. She adroitly turn- Ellen would have remonstrated, but. at
cd the conversation, that instant, the moon broke forth, and a
'Won't you walk in ?" sho said; "the largo boat was seen pulling out into the
nigh(8 are getting chilly. Father and. stream some distance down tho river. Sho
mother aro yet up, I believe." suffered herself, therefore, to bo led into
"No, thank you," 6aitTtho young man , the cabin, where sho waited w ith fl breath
moving off, "I i.iust bg going. Good bye." j loss heart, tho termination of tho contest. I
IMkn watched ..him with a fluttering
heuit until ho disappeared in tho darkness,!
when sho burst into tears. But suddenly i
dashing them away vilh4icr hand who en-j
tcred the house, and cautiously approached
the door of her litllo room. ' r ..
"The family -had ull rstircd. Taking a
pen and ink she wrote, wiih soma agin-
tion, a few lines, and placed them where
they would bo seen tho first thing id tin
morning. '
"This will tell them where I have gone,"
sho said, still weeping. "It woulJ not do
to wake them or they would not let mo po.
But how can I s'ny hore, when he is in
danger ?" She paused and mused. "Yes!
it is too late to overtako him nt tho wharf.
I must go down tho river nnd intercept bim;
God will bo my protector,
With thoso words sho hastened to nttiro!
'herself in her bonnet and cloak, and then
Knee in 2 uown tno praycu ior u iuv wu-i
mcnts silently, after which she rose, wiped
. f .- .I.
iu tnnra irnni nor ivrs. nnn sm lorin un-1
II IU IV. U I J t " . j , .... .
attendod on her long and perilous walk.
axd clark Wilson - nnvnTrn
Z --1--
pit months,
:- ... -
: uT. 'T. 0,,P0.8h. st". 'o wound
'crv of i i 7? i0' frCSt' Dt ,,,u
! yf a .u,"Ul 1)1 rd ! untl " nJ then
borne unit now n noiso. or a distmiT sl,n,i.
nsBuni.nK suddenly tl. appoarnnco of a
human being, would causo her knees to
loiter, hut alter leaning Tor a space ainst
a tree and summoni n!,i v. i..- l
' i i su'"'"oning aid f,
prnvcr. She wnnM w,,,,,,,...
0 un ,tw
iiueneo nnu no on
At length she reached the shoro of the
river, alter more than nn hour's travel
Slio recognized tho place at once, and fol
lowing n,o lank soon nriived at a solitary
farm house. All was still around, and
shu did not wuko the inhabitants, for they
were KiiRnofii,l i.:.... ..r n ,J
!.....:' 1 , Ul ut,,B u" "cnaiy to i.'io
' , 0 s" y unloosed a boat
, "U ,a",nS b' 11,(3 "'r-sidc,
a,n,J c"ler,nS i'ed brea.helly for
I thW her lover's sloop,
iimrtf of nn hour had passed, which
- .gnsof the
..Surely it ' 0, hw
Another intcrvalelansed which bernl nrm
magnified into an hour; and at last she
burst into tears.
! "Ho has passed, and I never shall seo
.him again," she sobbed, "Oh! God of
mercy spare his hfo 1" and clasping her
I hands convulsively sho looked to heaven.
( Suddenly a sound met her ear which
Jfchn mistook for iho crocking of a block.
j She started up. in tho boat, overy feature
.of her fico radiant with hope, and looked
p"S""j iwn.nua mo oena 01 itie river
un ! v nut sim do? i .!.,?"
she said pileously wringing her bands.
All at onco the apparent sound of the
sheets traversing tlrcir iron guide broke the
stillness, and this limo she was not mista
ken. Crushing the tears hurriedly from
her eyes sho was able to discern the shad
owy form of a sloop rounding the point in
the tivcr above.
"It is him it is him," she exclaimed ag.
itatcdly, and falling on her knees, with
glad tears, she returned thanks to God.
Then hurriedly, and nervously taking the
oars, she pushed off into tho stream, and
sufl'ered the boat to drop down with the
Hue. As sho expected, tho sloop
'P soon
overtuoK ner,
! "lioa.ahoy !" cried a well known voice,
I that made her heart leap as the stunt ves'
sel camo surging down towards her
"Janics don't vou know mn ?" .!,,.
ticulated-faintly, all the modesty of her
nature Riidrh -nlfl nrm lend nt n.inn;.,:
now for the fircr timn.-thr. .n ;.,.ii''
icaey oi ner behavior
"Eco !" cried tho voice from the shl.i
, in n tone of surprise, and immediately tho
vessel wnq rnnmbwt In t.nA tl, ,i
arms of her lovnr liftnrl I, or r.n . c.
i vi'sci wus rnuniu'ri in unci hn nil
' overcome with shamo, she could neither
' stand nor look up,
"What is the niattcr.'dearest?" saiJ )er !
lover, as ho held her in his
anything happened at homo f Speak you
don't know how vou alarm me "
arms ; has
1... . -
Iraditton tells how, in a few word.-;
their leader informed the crew of the an'
proaching attack, and of tho vigorous
measures taken to defeat it. Tho sloop's
conrso was retarded as much as possible,
while tho wood, which formed a part of the'
cargo, was hastily arranged in piles around
tho" quarter-deck ns well as lorward so
as completely lo barricade every side of
tho vessel. Fortunately, there wn n rim.
bio supply of muskets on board, and these
wero nil loaded and ready for use. In the
critical hour the hand nnd tho voice of
Brings wero every where. He felt that
not only his life, but what was dearer even
than that, depended on success in tho pres.
cnt struggle
For somo time the refugees, who eon.
linued pulling lazily tip tho river, ns if not
caring to excite suspicion, did not seo the
movements on board tho sloop; but when
mu 'inimuuu ioi uuienco uccamo via1 h p
in tho growing bulwark on every side of
l.u 1.1 . . J
I ' J D - KMU UU
jgnn to pull lustily toward her.
uiu vessel, uicv ravn n om ha n,i i.
.n .. :
f 75, jf paid within nine months,
"Ihey are coming now," said Iiiiggs,
placing the last armful of wood on the pile
along tho quarter deck. "Take your mus
kcts, hidn, and bo ready for a volley th0
bloody refugees."
Quick and sharp camo the rollicking of
tho oars to theirears, and even those man
ly hearts beat faster as they counted the
Icarful odds against them, and recognized
the burly figure of Ilogan, ami one or two
of his more desperate associates.
"Pull away around to stern, my lads,"
shouted the refugee leader rocking in the
stern sheets w ith the motion of tho boat.
"Now's your time." sni.l r-i,, m.r.
your men. "I'll take
Tho muskets were raised, a breathless
instant ensued.
you ready?" whispered their
"Aye !"
was the prompt, stern answer.
"Then fire!
The volley was not a moment too soon.
J hreeoflho men in the boat full. but. nl.
most immodialt-ry sho struck the side of
tho vessel, and her crew began to scram
ble over the barricade erected between
thorn and her defenders. Firing was now
impossible ; the conflict was hand to hand.
It was then thatIJrii:2s remcinhpr. ,! F.!l,.n
with each blow of hi's sturdy arm. Club
bing bis musket, ho met the assailants at
every point, cheering and animating his
scanly band even
r.mrn l, .:.. "!-
than his voice
Short. l . .
...w,v- ,,13 I'lJ I M U
... r .', ..
...v- 1.UUMIU, iuosi oi n o outlaw
readied the deck of the sloop, but fell
while the few who gained at lea" a C J
hold on the vessel, sank finnlly before the 1
athletic arms and indomilabcoura 0 of'
Iho defenders. I less ih.,n n, , .J
after the attack be-.nn .rn.
repulsed ut every point, their leader killed
and the few who' rcmoinc la live in full
flight for the shore
Two of their number remained pri-on.
ers in the hands of Hriggs, a.Xbse -
qtiently met tho deserved" fato of their
cr,es- ' "
Ao sooner had the enemy left tho ves-'
sel than Briggs hastened to tho cnLin.
Ellen was already ascending to tho gang.
way, alarmed by the cessation of his voice,
which, throughout tho'strip, had risen
over tho noise of tho conflict, and sustain -
cdjicr during its terrible suspense.
.Their meeting we shall not ntlnmnt tr
.1 :i . iv " . . . r
uusunuf. ii is surtioicnt o sav t int nn7
after, llmywcc flcciihto'oied to refer lo it
as tho happiest moment' of their lives.
"But now, dearest," he said at length,
"I must seo, you safo at. vour father's
house cro I proceed. Let mo bono for
still more." 1
ns-ryjffSrnpahied Ellen home, and
ero hs returned to his vessel ho
ed her to his bosom as his wife. ' '
' For many a long year the old musket,
with its haltered stock, used on that mem
orablo day by the hero of cflr story, was
happy household that crew up around El
om io uu exnibited lo the visitors of the
len. It may still be in existence, a treas
ured relic among grand children.
Who is a Coward ? Tho man who at
tacks another by surprise or wiih a wca
pen when the other has none, is a coward.
The man who carries a deadly weapon
on or about his person in his intercourse
with an unarmed society, is a coward.
The man who associates with him. and
so goes with numbers to overpower nn in-
dividual or a smaller or feebler number !
is n cowarj.
The man, who challenged to a duel is
so mticn airaid ol public sentiment that j
no dares not reluse it, is a coward.
In general that man is a rnwnr,! !,-.
snapes ins course or action by his fears ;' boys, thesun will shine bright one of these
and he alone is aman or courage who nl- days ' storms seldom Inst loni.
ways dar.s to do right. (rT10 lnrgest lurgPon J ,,J0 KMm
Smith fl...,. TuIT- it- Was li:irP0011C(l ul Trenton Falls on
whether ho camo direct to England, bull v-n j ... , .
nn Austrian letter of iho day beforo the r , miN cxP'os'ons arc becom-
sailing of tho packet announces that such I ngn8l,l1T, ' ' IIarlftrill0!'
was his destination. f d:')"-l k'gs blew up. Wish thcy
OCT"Mr. Jones, have you got tt match?"
"Yes, Sir a match for the devil ; there
she is, mixing up dough." Jones pointed
to his wife, and put for tho front yard.
The last wo saw of him ho was putting
down tho road, closely pursued by n cis
te.-n-polc and a red-headed lady.
Uoovs Banks. Tho Washington Star
cautions tho public against recrivin" the
bills of the "Arlington Banks" and the
"Farmers' nnd Merchants Banks," pur
porting to bo located Vit Washington.
There aro nouch" bankWhere.
03"It is slated that a'great revival is in
progress among the Episcopalians inEii"
land, and thu u Bev. Mr. A;kia, formcrfy
a Wasleyan preacher, now ranked ns a
high Church man, is the principal ai'nt in
this work. ..' 1
OCrAcoounts from all. sections fCpre
scat the incoming potato crop ns being
abundant and fruitful, and the prices in
all vicinities must nodessarily come down
witnin a very short period.
nrul if nnt,l until tl.r. evnimiion
I ' ' v, v j .1 1 1 1 1 1 vi 1
uno evening last week wo took our This is n text on which eloquence may
place at tho supper table of a Cincinnati dwell, and argument, so'.nJ and snriouj,
and Lou.svd o packet. Supper and con- bo deduced. It is a fct lamentably truo
vcrsut.on bad progressed some bolbro wq -too truo wo fear f,r Iho good of tho
wcresea.ed. An anmnled discourso was countrythat there is a foclm cominu
gomg on tw.xt an exceedingly solmr-fi.ced ally on tho increase, that manual labor is
lady, no ess than thirty years old, on tho . ignoble, and worthy only of u slave
subject o temperance Gentlemen too frequently aro judged 'by
"Oh ! exclaimed she wttl, horror do- tho texture of tho coat the- have on their
piriedonher.lnnlips, "I do despise the , back, by th, dc!icaoV of their hands, and
SyJn,'. 1 ..' , r .'"'"W'-ncss of their slur, ; while in truth
Ihogenlleman drooped his knife and it is the heart that constitutes the truo
foru, se.zed ,cr hand and giving hor a j gentleman, and tho raimant a man wears
hearty shake wo thought tears were going ; i, o moro a test of his gentility than the
todrc,') from his twinklin" rves
"Madam," said he, "I respect your sen
titnents and tho heart ibat dictated them
1 permit no person to go beyond me in dc
spistng the whiskey drinker. I have been
i . ,t i .
dtsgusted on l!n.3 very boat, and 1 say ,t
'"';'";' ! mrC ,d',fip'S"nS
I than to seo well dressed, respectable, ny,
viuuous young men, whose moth-
ers are even now praymg that the tender
ns.ruct.ons by which their youth was il-
luminated, may bring forth precious fruit
in their maturity. 1 s,,y, to see such youns
men step up to the bar of this boat, and
without fear
condemnation of enlighiciiLd opinion, brn
zenly ask for old Bourbon or live, or Mo.
ui uuservins eyes, or ic
" .'" ' lllilt UUT lliey
L r..u ll l .. .1.- , r , . . . -
' . , 'i vejy uesl 01 uocmac
i ''fanuy. a. 1. Dutchman
"The Dki:nkai!d." The Charloitsvillo
t tZS f rUL,isl,CS'
n- g ,
' ' ,ow"onlurJ last, of
llnu,n lrcmo?s. Mr. Samuel Johnston.
110 was n mL'm jer r 11,0 ihoatrical com
1 ' "r ,T P aC lasl w ,nlcr!
It.1"" "l,r"c'Pn chnrac!"
I 1 ho Urunknrd," and always received
1 ?j,tpn,PPlauso his audience for the
! ' m0nnCr '1 wh' l'o acted his part,
I is stated that tho editor cf the N
Y. Herald paid tho caplain of tho pilot boat
wl, brought the news of tho loss of tho
Arctic, SoOO ; and after getting him in the
' omcc looked the doors of tho building, not
i "'lowing any ono to pass out or in until 5
' 'c'ck, when tho papers wcro worked off.
! Tl, o,,10r morning journals went oh" in
t,lc same mail with the Herald, ignorant
of tho awful calamity.
CrJudge Harper of Maryland in speak
ing of camp meetings, expresses tho opin
ion of himself and brethren, that for social
enjojmcnt uieso meetings take the first
rank, but their usefulness for rehVious im.
provement, and for the conversion of sin
ncrs, has become less and less for many
years past.
(XrTho peach originally was a poison
ous almond... Its fleshy parts were used
to poison arrows, and was fortius purpose
introduced into Persia. Transportation and
cultivation have not only removed its pois
onous qualities, but produced the dolicious
fruit we now enjoy.
C3-Billy Bowlegs, has made up his
mind not lo Icavo Florida. Ho says he
will behave himself if the Government will
behave itself, and leave him and his 200
braves alone. If it docs not ho is deter,
mined to "fight it out."
(rllair is an excellent manure. ' Per
haps this explains its application of late,
in tho shape of moustaches, to "cabbage
heads" and "turnip tops." It istobn hnn.
cd a l''cnI''"u' crop of brains will bo the
OrTho elections iu Ohio and Indiana
,iavc go
against us by unusually Inr;-e
majorities ; indicating a very unusual fog
in the political atmosphere ! Never mind!
.1 !ll I ... - . '
i imu uiiuer mo election on l ucsJnv.
Couldn't have blew us up any worse than
tho underground chaps did
(KrTho Courier and Emuirersays that
since tha 1st of January lust, eighty now
blasf furnaces hnvo been put intsj operation
in Punnsj-lvaniu. i
H is n vrfunff ' iiidtf iust rrnm
boarding stfTi;.. l.ko a building commit
teo ? Because she is ready to receive pro
posals. now Nothings slirred up the
unterrified with a long poiu tn the 10th.
We'll givo em fits' n"xt time.
OCrTho stisiiision briiVo ncrw ilm
Mississippi St. Ainlmnv' 1-Vl i!
nearly completed.
Tho State of Connecticut iqut of debt,
and has money loaned out at interest.
C3Tho Milwmiluc IViwnsln says tho
potato crop of that Stnto is hirre and ex
ccllent. ...
OTThe Arctic made forty-five lrin
j prior to the recunt disaster.
c in ...:n i.-.i 1
v, 1 mj j 1. ill Villi UU L.1 lil TIM.
NUfll HRIi. ItO '
beard is an index of manhood. Tim
meaning of the word "gentleman," is a
meek man, being composed of tho adjec
tivo gentle, and noun man. Society 'his
i ,.,,0 nuiij urn us ueiiuit oi
now depends upon tho tastos of those de
so corrupted tins word that its definition
ln?"islic- '1''"' connection between them,
; in its truo significations, is so .tron that
they aro almost inseparable. Every man
who labors is not a gentleman but no
man can be a gentlemS w Zll Tn
Wme way, though tho spheres in wS
I men labor are vr'ni ..T u
i faro. Some of ho ,JBt,T
: .ardosl ivr.r h.
It is by this means that
they bocomo great. Who would think of
having fruitful crops without labor 7 The
soil must be cultivated or it will not pro
duce. So great men are not a spontane
ous production of nature, but they are
formed by the severest toil, tho strictest
self-denial and the most active energy.
Mechanics, laborers ond farmers aro often
snarled at because their hands nre horny
nnd their clothes soiled ; but do these men
reflect that it is those very mechanics, la
borers and farmers who mainly contribute
to sustain tho Government ? It is upon
them that our safe ty or honor rr6ts ; they
arc the slrong arm of tho State, and the
fortifications of the Republic. Tho man
who sneers nt them because of their cal
ling in life, nnd derides manual labor and
toil, is no honor lo tho raco of humanity
a mere popinj iy, whoso mind is cramped
l.. l , , . -1 .
vy mo loonsn wnims and caprices oi fash
ion. Has ono of these mock-gentlemen
ever contributed his mite to tho support of
the great muss of humanity ? Is tho world
benefited by his existence, or is ho a bur
den and a curso to it ? All mu?t come to
tho latter conclusion.
Labor is one of tho first commands of
God I Idleness is deprecated in Holy Writ
the ono is honorable, ond tho other dis
honorable. Labor strengthens tho physi
cal constitution ; it gives power to "the
mind, it ennobles tho feeling, nnd makes
great men nnd good citizens. Idleness on
iho contrary, impairs tho body, cnervatos
iho mind, destroys natural integrity, pro
moles dissipation, nnd is a source of incal
culable evil. It will, on examination, be
found to be the root of intemperance and
debauchery, and irl' many instances of
crime. It wrecks the physical system,
debases tho mental faculties, fills our pris
ons and poor-houses, and cumbers the earth
with a raco of beings who livo upon tho
sweat of others' brows, and pass off the '
stage of life without benefiting others or
developing themselves. Is not labor then
more genteel than idleness?
The Kassas Seal. Robert Lovctt, or
this city, has engraved tho Soal of the
Territory of Kansas, according to tho de
sign of Gov. Recdor. It consists of a
shield with two supporterj, and surmoun
ted by a scroll motto, and is emblematic
of tho life of tho pioneer and agriculturist.
The lower compartment of the shield con
tains tho implements of agriculture. Tho
left hand supporter is n pioneer, with his
smock frock, leggins, rifle, nnd tomahawk ,
while on Iho right ij tho Gulden Ceres,
with her sheaf, ond nt their feet and be
tween them lies a fallen Ireo ond nxe.
Tho motlo is a beautiful ond striking illu
sion to tho principle on w!;ich tho territo
ry was organized, nnd consists o'Vvpuli
voce '' translated, "Born of tho pop
ular will." Tho v. holo design is well de.
vised, highly suggestive, and in exccllom
taste. l'hilathlph li Ledger,
A Most Si.VGin.An Atfair. A Mrs.
Mageo, of Pittsficld, Mass,, was lying up
on a sola, nt night, waiting iho iiicomin
of 6cme domestics. About midnight her
son-in-law, John A. Wuikcr, hearintr
noise, went below ond found Mrs. Mm-rc
went below
dead on the floor, tho outside door men,
and hearing somo one running from the
bouse. A gold watch which Mrs. Mngoc
had upon her neck when Mr. W. retired,
and two silver gohluts'whicb Mrs. M. car
ried in her pocket, wcro on tho table.
The supposition is that thieves entered thr
house, and compollcd Mrs. Mngee, b very
timid woman, lo lako otf he:' watch, and
open the cupbord, and get thegobicls, nnd
that tho f. ijjht caused bur death, nnd t he
thieves becomin
frightened iherotl, fled
without delay.
C5Eldn:d township, Monroe county,
gave Governor Bigler, and tho entire
Democratic ticket 1GG votes, and none for
tho opposition candidate, at tho recent
election. A sound town'ifflhaf.
OTA j'udicioui ystoto!' edvertiiin
is acknowledged to be tho luver of business