r in ISIIKI, Urmv-I U():i ycarin advance, VOLUME 5. f it's ill duwn nm! talk together. Let's !i t ilium ami talk toguilwr, ' Of the things ol'oldcu day, . When we, like lambkins loosed from tolhcr . tidily tripped iho niiv. ' Time bus tu lied us boll, nii'h lightness, t.eiivin'; furmirs hero nm there, Anil tin-in.,' with peculiar lii.-litti.-s-, ISilvory threads uniong our hair. I pi's nit down and tulk together; Jinny yours away have passed, Ami lairund foul has been ihu wcitJ.er Since wo saw each other lust. M-iny whom wo loved are living In a hotter world than this ; " Ami .niiuo among us still arc giving Toil i'lml (bought i't.r present His.,. Lvt'i sit down unj tulk. together ; Though tl- flowers of youth nro d. ail, The- f'Trts still crow among the heather, And for us their f'ragrom-t shed. Lit has a thousand blesaiiir;-? iu it KviMi for the ugod man ; Anil (lnl hu.i hiil in every minmo tiiuotliing w niny wisely scnii. Lei's sit down nnd tulk together; fcoj.i we wore wo now mo men : Wo meet nubile, lmt know not whether Wo shall uioi'U talk again, l'nrtiug time has como : how fleetly rpeod tho moment when their wings Are funned by breathings U.-uing Bwcutly From a tongue t hut never stings! I THKV. MISS Mi: AT IIOMKf l)o they ti.iss tne nt home ? Do tliy m'.ss mo ? 'l'wjuld bo un 11a .ur.uicu most, dear, To know at this inmpenr, some lone 0:10 Was saying "I wish he was hot o !" Tn know that the group at tho lire-sido, V,"re thinking o me u- 1 roffm I Oh yes! 'mould he joy without inquire, To know that they miss me at home. Vt'lir-n twilight approaches the season That ever i snored to song, . 1,'ues soil. a one repent my name over, Auil Aj-h that 1 tarry ru lung? At:.! ia there a cluuil iu the nnsie That'll misled when my voice is nway Ami a clmni in eaeh heart that vaken , Jlv'jM at my n'arUuui luy ? l)o they mo :v eliair ut the tahle, . A bcu evening's home pie i.urea lire nigh, And Immt'S nro lit in the pailor. And itars in the ialm mure tlty? And w'jen the "good nights' are repeated, And ciK-h lays him down to sleep., "Po tlii y tliink of the shsent, nnd waft tne. A whi'ptred "good uighf' o'er tho deep? Io they mis? mo nt homo ? To lliey niits t-no, : At uioi'iiintr, at uoon, and night? vAiil lingors oi.o (;l.Hjiny ghado 'round thi'm Tlial only my i'ree.euu) ean light? Aro jnyit less invitingly n'oleotned, And ple5uros losn hailed than lieforc, I!cc;iuso one U misled from tho circle Bocauso I am with tbem no more. taiiim of imm. Cookery has become n trade. Like the rest of the simple pleasures which nature lias bestowed on man, civilization has de. vated it to new importance. It has been cultivated with-ejeut assiduity by all en- A WEEKLY PAPER i lightened nations. It has been moulded 0f,,racc in a curved spine? Di d r.ot Nim- j uiiucgroom was mule so loud ns that 1110 "g"1 Pu' ui nt once because no can into extraordinary shapes, and hunU d ' ro,f n-et up in tho morning wiih a fur rid , stunning liulo monosyllable. Uhink better injhc dark ! In ihe stillness down into tubtlc itfincmcnts. Earth, air ,ono, or was ho tormented with the dys-1 "iNo 1 nt'ver will !" said sho most cm-0rthe night, ho wonders not how ho can nnd sen nro ransacked for discoveries by 1 pepsin 1 Had Esau the gout or hepatitis ? p'"tically, nnd walked away proudly (olrousoup his energies and drive his busi which new combimtlions may be il!eclcd.'imlir,o lOW the tou-'h old Patriarchs her scat. l(-'nvin her nlmost-husband look- ness to a successful head, but how long Tho sciences descend from their widest ' 0(,k nt bcin" asked lo subscribe ' ,nS Bnd probably feeling just tho least tri- 't will be ere he shall havo. reached the fliehls to minister Jo their wants und vary ' for a vinrr.in hosniial, or on hospital, or . n ' )' M foolish. end orhis rope ? Ilo has a suspicion that . r i . i i .... 1 J. . .. . i Mr. I hnmnsnn rnmnnc) mind nM tn in. it Will not ho Ml; Ion rt. nnd hi wnn1ir il lis pcriecuon. nnu it orancnes uui hjii nrh inn.imr.rnl.lfi ramirmatiuns. nsin ma- ny instances, to seem iho sole, and oiten . mutes. What would their eagle vision the la'nl oljcct of man's rxislence. The nd swift-footcdnoss havo said to the pro suppers of Ilcliogabnlus, tho Roman cin-'jPCt 0f n blind asylum or nn orthopedic pcror, were said to have cost thirty ihous- r . . ... ... i . .i I and dol UTS every nigbl, nnd iMarK Anmo-, ny c.-t;.wdcd ihrco hundred thousand dol- lars !:i aa cntertainmenl Riven to Cleopo- tt E.op.thclhTnousUmanlrnaedian, had upon his. tabic single dish valued at ' four .Lsand dollars, filled, wo arc told, ' Van siskin-nnd singing birds, some of; : u'l .. ..,nft.5,l ,! lifiv dollars. ! His son dissolved pearls for his gtictjts !Oj ra!?eous excess and debauchery, lo drain drink a pi. co of silly cxtravagauco not0y his electric energies and mnko him uncommon among tho ancients ; and tho j even accessible to disease; nnd then it Kin" of Wurtcmburg, who proceeded the, 0(Jk ngrs more to breed nil these vilo dis r..Ai mansmh. is r,-tioil.;d to have "luit-1 tn.nocrs which now nestle, like vermin iu cd cd his brutish nppcli'o wiih n hash com- nosed or tho tomiucs of nighlingalcs. N. Y. DuUhman . v. OCrSuspect men nnd women wlio nUccl r,rnaiii nf manner, n nd unrufdjd even ncss of tcmpor.nnd nn enunciation studied, slow nnd Celi!)eraiev ai.csu um-6, ... unnatural, and bespeak a degree 0l men tal discipline into which ho has no "nwlcrj Fil ,n el Thi f'nrn hhurn hn N I T ov af- motive cannot 6Ubmittou most successful knaves ..iK ua rjjrora c innnd in OH. Aim-" . . . ! rru. i. i feet tho innocence of the dove to nioc tne cunning of the serpent. A-When Ihe domosli virtues display themselves in the midst of privations, ond brings, and anxieties thy then shine most conspicuously. I hey nro hks the snow-drops and crocuses, which imexnect- dlv peep out ol me irost-mru,,,, , diversify the depth and and dreariness of Rive os a cheerful taste of the coming spring. . (fcJ-A very modest lady sent her very modest daughter, n prc.ty young damsel out one mining for some articles Among the many, informed the derk m one if or slores, that her mother wanted to Veo yards of cloth, "for pnrm.ive San-ular appendages for her infant.' ftV-A country schoolmaster br-an one nJSlS fS duL of the day wilh prayer, rwrtttipandnskedaliUleloy .1, t Lis eves during the rray-r' wuu ''", ,, ,Snonded.wonre Urhnrm !. certain kind of vico that " mi .i,,.n .f ihcy ate ever IXCM'.AUFIKT.D.HY I). W MOOUt ! 05 if paid wit! mi tl.rcc months, nil! rnmiTivE man. Miolil il to ho morally iir.rsiUo for -o. lo hnvo crnnltJ, in iho Inmun such men nnd wonmn as wo fintftlio hu! mnn mco, in tJ.cir physical conditron.'now lo bo. Exnniino ilio liook of r.cncsis which contains iho earliest nnnals of the human family. As is commonly sunpu-si-d, it compriso3 I ho first 2,30!) years of nuinan insiory. nh n child mo sun- pi icily, this boo (.( seniles iho itiOinco rr iv.v.n Kind. Uuliko modem hisioricsj it!tf n ''!,N,S -nd nniieipations ; it may details lhoniinutesi.eirciims!anecsofsocia!'c,1i,nP0 wl'olo tenor or a life. In mat and individual life. Indeed it is rather a 1 ,'imolli"1 "Alters it would bo better that it series of biographies than a history. Tho slll,ll'J be oliener said than it is, for nianv la I so delicacy of modern limes' did not ' tlml sox sa.v N when they mean Yes, loibid the mention of whatever was done onJ s''ould uso ihs shorter word when or suffered. And yet over ull that c.v 1,my dnnot. panso of lime for more lhan ono-ihird ' (-)nc Sunday evening, not many nights part or ihe duration of tho hnman race !n ,l10 ,lcv- Mr. Thompson performed a not u singlo instance is recorded of a child ia"igo ceremony nt tho Tabernacle horn blind, or deaf, or dumb, or idiotic,101'1 Partics sr'J Yes nt the proper lime, or malformed in any way ! During thcinn( ,l10 reverend gentleman said nmen. wholo period, not a singlo caso of natural Wf,nt J'u to perform tho samo thing death in infancy, or childhood, or early ! r"r n,e" suil1 " well-dressed, youngish manhood, or even of middle manhood, is ! lnan' .,0 Thompson, td bo found. Not one man or woman "W""'?" died of diseust. The simnlo record is "Now right off to-nicht." "nnd he died," or, ho died "in a rood old ago, and full of years," or he was "old and full of days." No epidemic, nor even endemic dis-ase pre vailed, showing lhal they died the natural death of healthy men, and not ihe unnatural death of dis tempered ones. Through nil this time, (except in tho single; case of Job, in his age, nnd thrn only for a day or two be fore his death) it does not appear thai any man was ill, or thai any old lady or young lady ever fainted. T'odily pain from dis ease is nowhere mentioned. No cholera in'hnlum, scarlatina, measles, small pox not even o toothache ! So extraordiua- presented, nnd a short prayer, ns usual :"ig glances ol his workmen, whom his ry a thing was it for n son lo die belbro ul)on ?uc'' occasions, oillrcd nnd then two penny talcvt has rendered as two his lather, that an instance ofit is deemed ' lmnf)? joined. j penny as himself, and afraid lo face the worthy of special notice; nnd this first . "Von, wiih n full sense of the ob'iga-, dunning of his creditors, ho shrinks awny case of tho reversal of 'nature's law was llom 'uli f,sutno, do promise, hero iu the j from his business to the store or effico of 2000 years after the creation of Adam. Prest'nce of Ciod nnd these witnesses, that somc other two-penny flunkey like him See how this reversal of nature's law has J'ou w'" ,Bke this woman, whoso ri''ht ' scl f, and wastes long hours, which n de- . . I li-n.l :.. . . . I -I r i . i . , lor us become Iho law ; lor how rare, is it now for all the children orn family to sur vive the parents. Rachel died at ihe birth of Benjamin ; but this is tho only esse of puerperal deuih mentioned in the first 2, 100 years of the sacred history ; and even this happened during the faiigties ofa pat riarchfil journey, when passengers were not wufted along in the salooi)3 of rail cat or steamboat. Had Auam, tniim you, tuberculous lum's ? Was Eve fml - chcst - a i -i i . oc cr JiJ shc cultivate the serpentine line nn nsv um or unniics. or nn eve nnu ear ;rmrv. nr n srl.nol for idiois or deaf infirmary, or i 'establishment I Did they suffer any of. . - ' "i- il III H Ullll'l B.1IIU." "1 ,j1(.sr. revenges ol nature against civiu.a - tion? No I Man camo from Ihe hand of God so perfect in his bodily organs, so do- rilin, 0f cold and heal, of drought nnd ha - mi(ily, So surcharged with vital force, .hat it looL.oro than two thousand years of llic combined abominations ofappetite nnd : it look successive plU of out- every organ and fibro of our bodies! During all tins lime, however tlio latai causes were nt work, which wore away .. i r..,.,llir nvliii.iv'pil thii rdorious and I Cl.iiJ IJUiiJ n j nuoull,jm vi"or of the pristine- race. At least ns early as iho third generation Iroin A.lnm. nrilvaamv beiraii. iiitermarnages were nUnjiing the order of iho day. Even ,u ni?",irricd his half-sister. Tho ba- ,arolry wtt3 not beneath ono of iho dl!3t .har 'ry vv h3" I bo , Z M I ,u t Jj fSf itUS T.nJ m! VL. ZC, . Z conibineu onuiM;u' ' ...w father ond daughters, ihe highest pleas tiros and forces of tho races gradually narrowed down to appetite and continence. At length, its history become' almost too shocking lo bo leferrud to. In its great est men", its wisest men, its God fuvored men, like David, could bo guilty ol mur ion, H.V1-- j.'... -, a - er for the sake of adultery, or, like Sol- i . . ... ei, i rnti i. i in run v o. mur d r To ,l i omen, couiu ucep n sewgou u. muunuu Wl ves nnd concubines, wuai uiuckuoss could to black enough lo paint the por traits or Iho rcoplc they ruled, and the children Ihcy begat I . After Iho Exodus, excesses rapidly dev eloped into diseases. First camo cutane ous disicmpcrs leprosy, boils, elephanti asis, &e. tho common effort of nature to throw visceral impurities to the surface. As early ns King Asa, that royal malady, the "out, had been invented. Then camo consumptions and the l.urning ngue, and disorJcrs oflho visceral organs, and pes. tilericcs, or, os tho Dible expressed .t, Trent plagues and of long continuance; until in the time of Christ, we ko how diseases of nil kinds hud become the com mon lot of mankind, by the crowds hnt , nocked to him to be healed. And so AND CIUK WILS ; nKVOI'KTO WTJTICS, LlTHRATt'UR, AnRlCUIrilRI-;, MORALITY, AND FOKKNJN Hl 50 if paid within six months, CLEARFIELD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, rnghllully, bo disgracefully numerous liavo diseases now become, that if wo wero to v,riie down their names, in tho smallest legible hand, on the smallest bit of paper, there would not bo room enough on iho human body to paste tho labels. Hon act Manx. THAT WOKD-NO. No ! This is a verv short word It I, f rv snort meanim' mmpiimw it r.r i "c;t"i't you pot it off a little ? It Will mane it ranter lute." "No iho ladv says now or never. nnd I nm anxious. Will vou "o1" "Yes; where is UP POOR DEVIL. "Close by only n few steps west of the The poor devil is a character by him I'ark. We urc all ready, nnd will not de-self. The poor devil is n sort of living tain you hut n lew minutes on your way nomo. and brains to run lo seed, ho impairs also Mr. T. went to tho place,' which was a ; l'ic energies nnd brains of all around him. respectable boarding-house, andevcrything ' Perceiving and growing ashamed of his evinced decorum. Tho lady, young and!utcr want ofcapaciiy for the business in- pretty, neatly dressed nnd altoolher a j desirable partner for the gentleman was ' """" " " K"' " yours, to do vour law- lul wedded wile, nnd ns such you will love and cherish her forever?" "I do." "And you, Miss, on your part, will you take this man to be your lawful, weeded husband?" "No!" o havo heard in limes nhst. when c uiuira (t-ii r-s i . .!.: i i .. . . ----- i , i "'-' iushumioio, soma preny ! ,,cnvy l' 'Ps of thunder; but none that ev - cr. "tt.rd about tho tympanum of that i i ...... uu. duc0 hpr to change that No for Yes,' hut: for trifling with him in n solemn duty of, his calling, and nsked for nn explanation, "I meant no disrespect to vou. sir. or to . - . . 'J'"10 Blln J'our "u'y. " the solemn obliga - linn vnn u'f.cn r-ollorl iinnn i .ni;r.i - 1.... 1 -y j v ......y , uul . 1 l)ad I,0I(5,llcr y o vindicate my char - I lo city a poor sewing . S5"- I worked for this man.' Ilo mado ftoU of marriage to me but from o.h - j tr circumstances doubled his sinceriiy, nd lelt his employment nnd went hack to, lha country for a wh.lo. W hcif I return- cd, I found that tho door of my firmer boarding house was closed against me, and this lady, whom I had esteemed ns a kind friend, cold, und quite indisposed to renew my acquaintance, and I insisted upon kjriawing tho reason. I learned that prudence, energy, punctually and firm this maa had blackrncd my character, do-' n"si his claims to consideration and re nied his proposals of marriage, and said t sPcct in tho little sphere in which ho moves w as no matter w hat. 1 said lo the lady, n'id docs business, to be looked upon willi "let mo come back, and 1 will prove my , tho samo contempt by his very household innocence. .Will you believe what say, i not to be borno without n burning sense if lie will now marry me ?" j of humiliation and 6hnmo. Ilo 6olnces "Yes; I certainly will, nnd so will all himself with the hopo that he don't talk in who know you." "I renewed tho acquaintance ho re - n"vcJ llis Proposals- accepted nnd said Y, get the minister nt once. Ilo Ion. d"edbme-I deceived him. I proved my words true, and his false. h was the only way a poor helpless girl had to pveno herself upon a man who had proved him. self unworthy to he her husband. It was only, at the right, lime, to say tne word one lit t lo wood, 1 have said I hopo it will be a lesson lo men, nnd nn example t . . . . . 1 . l0 liM,r UIIS au,j llmt in many other and : , 4l i uiueii'i.i i.in-M.iiJiniivci tuv-y ... iuu.ll 10 say No." . "If I was angry for n single moment," said Mr. Thompson, "I carried none ofit over tho threshold. It W'n n severe less on, but well applied. I went homo pon dering opon tho value of that word No." N. Y. Tribune. CSrTho "Bible Union" soys that the present version of the scriptures contains 21,000 errors j and yet the litno has been when pcoplo were sent to becausu they would not believo that all those errors were written by God. Queer world ".his. Dr. Lono mosliingungo to day with regard to tho Old Tcstument, that only need to havo been uttered GO years ngo lo have secured his election to tho rank of Infidel nnd Atheist. Tho world changes and folks do the samo, 1 75, if paid within nino months, From tho New Kngland Farmer. kom; ov tiii: 1 itMi:it. BV Till: "I'KAMNT BAHb." Oivo lo tho lord his palace grand, And halhi of splendid pride; A tig for all his dignities, And all his pomp heside ! (iivo mo Ihe Farmkii'm peaceful home, HcucHlh the uuiples high, Where iNature's wnilili rs wako the Pon;,', The waters prattliiii; nigh. The eili.en may love tho town, And Fashion's gaudy show; The brilliaut pageantry of Art May pleam the eye, I know j But Xati iik's charms delight tho heart, All simple though they he j Tim aer?s broad, tho streamy vales, The lowing herds for mc 1 What though the bronze Is on our cheek,' Toil-calloused is our bond, With honest pride wo stand erect, The nobles of tho land; For "patriot Tiii tii," that spirit bright, In this wide world no rare, Points proudly to the Farmer's bouie, And erics my own is there ! cuo.eij. , Then here's to him who tills the soil, The true, the strong, the brave ! Without him Art would fly tho land, ' Aud (.'om.mf.iick leave Ihe wave; And yet no frown of hauteur cold I'iftains his manly brow ; Hail to the Farmer! thriro all hail ! Lord of tho mighty plow !' - mildew. Hy permitting his ow n energies 10 wnicn no nas plunged so recklessly, grow ing gradually sensitivo to the sneer- itl lu i"' l" -eigv inigut renuer vaiu able, in dronish conversation, till it is time to close up. Ilo then retires, and assumes on his way homo, the air of a man who has done his day's work. Ilo meets his wife with a studious air, mechanically re-' ceivcs nnd returns the caresses or his thil dren, who litilo funcy what n rich, whatn complete, what a supcrla'ivcly-fino, what a I mrr in imi iiwri'tini ii,r, rMn. " i,ni ; uiuu,.,, .,rA,u,i j1Ui Utui im;y : ,nvc fot " Cat her. When tho poor crea- 'ure lays himself on his pillow, ho wants -- ---- -- j ---0, hi wile his patient, trusunu. hopeful wife dreams what a royal clown, whatn matchless drone is lying by her side. lie perfectly conscious that his business 'II .. , , ncignoors regard nun wt.d contempt, and tnnt his hnnrrrv rrnditnra InnL- iin,n Kim - 0-j j" httlc less than ha fa knave, and more , than halt a foo ; and ho half-yea, more , than half, believes that they have measured , "l cocc'ncss. As ho is nbout .cM hi mse f to the drowsy fjod n idea i es up in ihe honzono his dark nnd muddy mind. Docs ho talk m his sleep? If so, docs ho betray his business weakness? That's tho rub. If ho docs, then good bye to tho only consideration md respect, which now erect him at all, fr having forfeited, by his total want of I his sleep, and quietly yields himself lo , slumber, innocently unconscious of the ! fuel that .he fair being lying so still and qiet by his side is glaring at him in the dark, reading with unerring accuracy his very thoughls, und silcnlly wondering how she ever came to look upon him wiih love, "nd ully hersell for hie to so small, pal try, nnd contemptible a carcass ! W'hcro 'could her wits have been where those, of nor menus io permit ncr lo.inrow ner ! self a way upon so transparent, so disgust. . c , - mg a niass 01 inane lmbeciii'.y. TV V Jw,., . ' It man. Aim Ilron. Our farmers bhould aim higher. When we see tho prices which first quality goods sell Tor it is really w on dcrM, that any person should ever think or raising inferior fabrics. At tho Into fair, wo saw a pair of small Suffolk pigs four months old, sell for $250. This is as much as a score of ordinary hogs would come to, and yet tho cxnenso of feeding a Suffolk hog, is no greater than is required to give development to iho "racer breed of Ohio." At the samo fair, we saw calves i sell for $100, and chickeus for S12 npair. i 1 hese are the prices which birds nnd an imals or unquestionable excellence bring Every fanner can have birds hnJ animals of this class. Why do they not have them! That's just tho question we were about asking, who'll answer it? A'. Y.Dutc'n. and if not paid until tho expiration 1851. C3A lady of Sun Francisco, being in vited to send in a toast to bo read nt the anniversary or tho landing or tho Tilgrim Fathers, furnished litis. It is spicy enough to flavor half a dozen anniversary din ner: "Tho 'Pilgrim Fathers,' forsooth ? What had they lo endure, in comparison with Iho Pilgrim Mothers? It is true jthcy had hunger, and cold, and sickness, nnd danger foes without and fous wiili in. Hut Iho unfortunate Pilgrim Mothers, they had not only thereto ensure, but they had tho Pilgrim Fathers ulso; and yet their names nro never mentioned. Who ever gave a dinner in honor of them? Who ever writes songs, drinks toasts, and makes speeches in recollection of them ? This sclf-sufliciency on the part of ihe men is beyond endurance Ono would actually suppose that New England had been colonized by men, and posterity pro vided by especial act of Providence ? (July Mrs. Ilcmans has volunteered to insinuato that Ihero ever wan a woman in the case, that Iho Maj flower ever brought uny thing hut men across tho Atlantic. I ns-. suro you, my dear fiinnds, that I nm per fectly disgusted with tho self-conceit of men. They nppropriate everything to themselves, even tho settlement ofa colo ny, nnd tho peopling of a whole conti nent. I 'did hope that there was ono pre rogative they would leave to women. We have submilled quietly to their inven na : i-f ' . 1 ul" ,scu:"o us ""y ii"Ss. 7;1" ""amc.y uomu t deprived ven . with ll0rn9 rowi from his head, of lns one pr.vilegr,; we w.ll not ourselv- nnd barbed tirrowsfarrom ft, rnoulh . with os be deluded into belief that Now Eng. ,ong lai) of fuds behind, and n and was settled and peopled eni. rely by ong armwith many claws before, in short, I.lgnm lathers low could ihcy have) -A monster of such frightful mien, Been tathers, ifihere had been no mothers?i Tobo hated needs but to bo Been." And I hope, dear captain, 1 have succeed-1 I tell thoo, reader, such n picture is a cd in convincing you that you will be 1 gross slander on tho personal appearance lending youiVilf to' nn act of injuslico 0f tho Dark Prince. Ilo is "black, but towards us, iryou do not propose for your comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as toast 'The Pilgrim Moihers-'" j the tents of Kedar, or the curtains of Sol- Sii-KHB Gkain. The California Fur-lmn" in,., , me rs snys : Th mhr.r s,;nr;, splendid shearof four kinds of grain, form- fromAlmedacounty.ThecenterofThesheaf was of oa.s ; the second formation, a cos- n,i .' a ..n,., ..i.o. . .t.:'i r,,...! cado of Australian wheat ; tho third Chili harlev : nnd lh C.uh. CM I! ;, u,,...'. ' tho heat fom.inKonc of the finest .heaves' - j , . , r " I-, " " 1 , vuui sunlit win a , rrr-n .rt K... 1 T. has been estimated that thoonis w ill yield D ' one hundred bushels per acre ; the Chili w heat lilty bushels ; iho barley seveniy five bushels; and lha Australian wheat, f rty bushels." CO"Look out for a regular "philanthro pist. II he don t swindle your confidence, drain your pockets, cut up somo shino with your female friends, or lug otf your hat, good name, and umbrella, then think yourself a lucky fellow. Professional phi. lanlhropy nnd "chequered" conduct coto- gethcr us naturully as a heavy head and loohsli conscience the morning after a lalo champagne supper, with its four horse wrinUics. 03"" Do you love me, Simon ?" "Do 1 love you ask the sun if it loves tho flowers nsk a cold kitten if she loves a warm brick. Love vou. Milissa Jane ? the gods know I do. Love you show me iho man what says 1 don't, and I'll cave his head wilh a cistcin-polc." fjO"Becauso man and wife sometimes quarrel, is no sign they do not Move' each other. The sweetest of flowers have the bitterest of buds. Try a quart and dis semi note. Gt-Thin spare women are very apt to bo made of cross grained material. There fore young men in making selections for tho parson nnd census-taker, should nvoid such, nnd get something in .he round plump programme. (ttrThe greatest rake, it is said, makes tho best husband on the principle W3 sup pose, that the greatest drunkard makes the best temperance lecturer. If you don't wish lo take tho consump tion you must learn to take flannel shirts and ihick boots. Fur preventing coughs nnd catarrhs, one cobfer is worih ull the doctors in Christendom. CO"'I nui going to the Post Office, Bob, shnll.l inquire for you ?' 'Well, yes, if you linvc a mind to, but I don t think you will find mo there.' fJTA justice or the peace nt Lafayette, Indiana, refijscs lo perform the marriage ceremony w hen the thermometer is nhiivo 00, on iho ground of unconstitutionality. CCTiTho aying that 'iherc is more pleasure in giving than receiving,' is sup posed chiefly to rpfjly to kicks, medicine, ond ndvice. O'Ncver dispute with a man who is more than seventy years of ngc, nor with a woman, nor nny enthusiast. C3Whcn does a lady wish lo win more than seven betius at once? When she tries to fascinate (fasten eight). 04rFrorn tho liule gratiludu shown now-a-dnys, you would imagine no one ever did on act of kindness. frrThe Insf case of jealousy is that of a ludy who discarded her lover, because in spooking or his voyages, ha said he hugged tho shoro. AND DOMKSTIC INTHLLIOENTI-: of tho year $2 00 will be charged. NUMBER 39. THE DEVIL. Start not, most timid reader, at tho name of this thino old acquaintance; for why shoulds't thou bo frightened nt tho nomo of so famillinrand popular a char actor? Thou has known him from thy youth up u good looking nnd courteous personage, who could tell thee, of many a forgotlon reminiscence of thee ond thino nnd who is, withal, ono or tho blandest and most afluble creutures in tho world. He moves in the best society, is rigidlv scrupulous of liis outward appearance, and prides himself no little on his knowledgo of the human heart. Polite to a fault, with a voice of tho richest tone, and an eye of tho brightest glance; bewitching by his smile, nnd entrancing by his eloquence ; with a mind laden with knowledgo and overflowing with light, ho has ever been ono of tho most popular and influential characters of tho day. Full often has ho taken thee by iho hund, and led theo into green pastures, and by thesido or still wa ters, w hilst ihou, poor deluded soul, imag ined thyself in the society of one of 'Hea ven's elect." And yet thou tremblest at tho mention of hisnamo and the very idea of contact wiih him blanches thy warm cheek, and fills thee with terror. Mistaken soul ! on iho pages or the primer, and on tho tublet of thy mind, this gentlemanly and accomplished Devil is paiuled, perhaps, as a poor flcshless body, gaunt and grim, r . "j having eyes of fire and feet that are clo . ' l,ul- ououius i Know, is ine so ucformity 'ha8 cret of his power tho churm of his life. no attractions. Men are S not-unless barbarians indocd worship at tho shnno r. m of 0n' moDSlor" No' He who would i j ,i . , 1, v cf"y. l" 'uli,,i:iJ UlJfil. UL lUttbl lllinHS Inn rrrQf.nnrrn in nnrtcti tion, and ho actsac- cordingly. 1. He comes in the gilded habiliments of pleasure. Wilh smiling face ond light some step he trips along, followed by a gay and thoughtless host, who sing nnd dance along '.ho road to ruin, unconscious of their danger, and careful only of imme diate and palpable enjoyment. Lured ou, step by step from innocent recreation to unlawful indulgence ; from unlawful indulgence to gross licentious ncss; from gross licentiousness lo loss of self respect and utter locklcssncss ; with besotted mind, nnd broken hcr.rt, nd withorcd body ; their polite and fascina ting conductor leaves ti.ein nt the portals of the grave, w here a press of other busi ness obliges him to bid them a polite and afl'ectiouaic good bye, promising tho on ly promise the deceitful wro!ch keeps to meet them on tho other sido of the grave I 2. Ho comes in tho flowing disUalille cftho Idler. Willi a jaunty air, a mind at peace wiih all the world, an enviablo in-dlfil-rence to oil tho storms and calms of life, an unwrinkled brow and a spotless hand he allures many sons and daugh ters of industry from their toil and soon teaches them to look upon work as a bur den, and industry as a disgrace. Cunning and crafty, art thou, iuJced, oh Devil, with thy oily tongue nnd bland address, and thou dost truly erect the busiest work' shop in tho brain of tho idlo man. 3. Tho devil comes also in the "sober black" of hypocrisy. Gentlemanly, in deed, is he in this favorite characlor. In cowl and gown, with smooth face and smoother upecch, ho walks cautiously be fore tho people, and gathers into his dark fold many a wandering shsep. bympa thizing with all sorrow, subduing all pas sion, regular in attendance upon Church, loudest in exhortation and longest in pray er, he 6oon wins upon iho heart of tho credulous, . nnd ingratiates him into his black art. The name of his followers is legion. Il needs nut, oh reader, that we describe them to thee ; for thou knowest them too well alicndy. Neither is it no cessary that we shoold show up the loo fascinating Devil in any other suit from his many colored wardrobe. In conclusion,' sec to i!, oh ya people, that ye look not for his majesty as a horn ed and bloated monster, but rather a blooming and accomplished courtesan. . Not in rags, not in deformity, but in pur pie and fine linen, works ho about all thy paths, mid lurks ho about ail thy hearts. II. Claip, lit. O-Ellis Buffingion nnd William Eng land, Cherokee Indians, recently met each other on Grand river, in tho Chon kce uulion, and in a fight with pistols and bowio-knives, both were killed. tCrVVhy is n lady walking in front of a gcn'lemun like ih j latest news ? Bijcau' she's in advsnco of the nrnlcs. ' i omo persona - so. bad.. Itii nd t'Vr,