, , t'-r I ;'.... .; ,.,, I !Tfm;i (if (M in llir Wtorrn Mni IK. I'v Wm, I I. i iii) iti Wclm-..' itm.li! nmn-.tn. tfs with iho Mtori'iniiv; pmpiictois (,f llie "Mm. y. rllK l.W AMI OmitiIMI A'INM," V .. M.irki-t Ftn-i-r, in fun.Mi u ,r read. , wiili neeurulo mi I rouul ir neoiunti ol h" condition mni (.roMjKct of f.iriuin.r si rests of tin West. We intend lo nul7. li those utrttcmi'iiti (is ilnv inav he ro. t'ivcil (ruin ihn numerous corri-Npoti'liMiu Messrs. (ioodrkh t,V, Co., assumi" nil .vii .i'rnrd of tlirir n liuliiliiy, and remind. in- llu'in ol llio weil-neserved ripudiuluni of our contributors, as honest and earn. tul reporters of all fuels calculated to nf. feci th community. Tho sources of in-' formation possessed by this .oncy have been, so Kir 113 wo arc inl'orined, most iiiJiciously chosen. We present in.ilm-' some. Interesting statistics iVnm ,.:..' I in Ohio ; Ohio, Septoniber, 151 1 Allen Cfc-Whcnt. ono.f.fth of average; crei, iiijuiLu uy insects. Lorn, a fuir Bvorago. Oats, n fair nvnrnge. llariey, an averago crop, but very liitlo ever raised'. Hye, fair average. Potatoes, very short." Hay, average. In the. western port of tho county the yield of Corn will bo good.whilo in til east it will be quiio li'rh;. jinguiize una Mercer (Jos. VV heat, not more than enough for homo consumption. Corn, nn extra good crop. Oats, more tlian a gooa crop, liuiiey, but littlo rais cd an average crop. Kye, not much prown : good. Hay, an excellent crop. Potatoes ordinary. Brown Co. Wheat, rather below ordi nary crop. Com, not one third the usual growth. Oats, about ordinary. Barley, none. Rye, middling ; not much sown. Potaiors very scarce. Hay pretty good, but not first rate. Tobacco nearly a fail ure. Fruit nbout ordinary. Hops, not over one fourth crop. In conscqiienco of extremely dry weather, Oats and Hay will not bo very plenty; these crops have been necessarily very much encroached upon to supply deficiency of pasturage, nnd stock ill bo low from scarcity of fodder; it is thoOght by the best judges that a scarcity is threatened never beforo experienced in thiseounty. I Duller Co. Wheat, a fullavcraiecrop. Corn, from one third to ono half crop. Oats, an excellent yield. Barley, two llurJs ol a crop, live, not much rovn. my, a good averago crop, mcru than one-fourth crop. Clark County, Wheat not exceeding hulfa crop. Corn, about two thirds aver age. Uals, lull utcrnge. iiarley not half, " " lu ""I'l'.y ; ior in every cunumon average. Bye, about two thirds crop. 'l('0 rnuraU arc either improved or Potatoes, less than one lmlf crop. Hay, ' ,njL"eJ by individual association. How say two-thirds crop. Buckwheat promis.i"cn do wo mcct unnJ:) ol ""unikins cs a good harvest. 01.1 1,10 s:rccls, cursing and sweuring be- Clermont Cuu'iti.Whcnt, ru'oi "rain, ' hinJ a ''"""J-m'a cia"r, and win, w'h:n- and a very lago yie'd. Corn promises cvcr nn orpo"""y occurs; prrpctralo not over halfa crop. Oats, fair. Barley, ! "ttas eiiher on .persons or properly." but lit.le raised. Bye nol very good.-j OCrl hcrcTs an incase oTcoiradencc Hay, poor crop. Potatoes, not more than ; pH1.vatin,r iIkj bllisnet(. comimini.V) a on th.rd average crop ; ji.jured by 1 ! goncrn I anticipation prevails that the times weather; and the ground is now dry and , wi not ,j0 s0 slrlngcilt durig ,i10C0ulillfT and unprodvclnc lor want of moisture. !soason a, ,vns nil,icipn,t.j. Crawford Count;.-AVhoat, on entire! OPicscott, the American and Macau failure. Corn, full crop. O.ils, good nv-, ey ,)u nnsh historian, hive boon rmge. Bailey good, but littlo raised. , ,.!l,c!cj honoi.ary mombcM of il:o Rovul Rye, the small quantity raised is good. . ..jj, Academy to fill the vacancies made Potateos, one-third crop. Hay good yield. 1 by tho of Moore and Wordsworth. The principal yield of ihc southern part of I i. , ... ... .. 1 ' . . . 0j An l.xclia ngo tolls us that paper .his county is , grazing, which .s injured j co,lars fpr tI10nil obnu, C(M by the present drought j in(o Mtm ,fhj Kcow. Nolhi , Delawan CouHttj.-WhM full avcrn.. 5Woro o(r wcaW lu more lA linen. Corn, nbout average. Oals.an unusuallv ; . , J ' Inrn .r. l!,rln,. n.l innr-h rnil.- OCTPctatOCS (1 TO Selling .It foUT for U Hye, but little grown. Hav verv heavy J 1 C ; crop. Potatoes, less than an average. Fairfield County. H heat below aver age. Corn, half crop. Ojts, la rgn growth, never'beltcr crop. Barley and Rye, but liitlo raised. Potatoes, hardly half crop. Hay, tolerably good yield. PranUin County. Wheat, hardly suf. ficient to supply ihe county mnrket. Corn, short, almost an cntiro failure. Oats, Barley and Rye, below average, not much sown. Potatoes, small and few in a hill. Hay, an averago crop, but dry wW.her has made it of inferior quality. Greene Co. Wheat, average. Corn, not one-half crop. Barley, not much cub livated, which may also be said of Rye Hay, a ood crop. Potatoes', almost a to tal failure. In the vicinity of Xenia, and in the bottom lands of the county gencr ally, tho prospect has greatly changed since tho latter part of July, and it is now certain that in some localities iho crops will l.n almost an entire failure, whilst in .L- ........ i oclnraonvield'themiincalkMil.'r, i oviUeuee ol inuM. an ine oiners uy m""" ;-'o r.s was anticipated will be realized Hardin County.WhchX, scarcely one third crop. Com, almost an average. Oats, average. B.irlcy nnd Ryo, but lit- tlo cul'ivated. Potatoes not nn overage, crop; injured by the rot. Hay, on v": i age crop th? first part of tho season, aii , crons in tho immediate vicinity have suf-1 . t. J! I fcredot late by urougnt, anu m may be consiuereu biion. Highland County. -Wheat nenrly an average crop. Corn might bo called" a failure, perhaps will yield ono-fourth crop: never was known to be so short. Oats, crop excellent, more than average. Barley and Rye, but liitlo raised. Potatoes, an entiro failure; won't produco tho sccd.- Ilay, more than average. Lawrence than n fair average crop V.lf irnn OatS. ll u.iil mill i-.v-. It... vnrtr lliilfl rnised. Rvo, none, nay , av rrnoV Potatoes, almost a fuiiurc. Tho trade here is sL-pportcd in a great rncas- r iron not boing ure by tnc manuim.u v' dependent on IDC ch.,' fc of Loga oo. , ..out, -.-- , . a crop ; none ior 1 p.: one half-crop. Oats, first rate y,c J. bar- Jr . nccount raised. Kyc, ioy, nono oi y - ..... .,! about one half crop ; very t Hay, fair. PoUtocs, hardly one-lmlf "op. Thlm nro hard times for our fdrmer merchants should buy, small stocks, as 'v,s tnav ensue, UOItnlV. ' i"-ul ' Timber, Oak, per eunic ici'i, '" '"" ' J r, ,.,.l, I n i ..... ..... yt r...,i m oo mul itt 00 Mmimuniw mihion ll'.v.'th. r. t.. t.t .1 'in il o r.,. "Ii .'ill 1 M PI l.,i I'll nil "n (in III 'tr ... l'. '"I cii 1 ' ; ii iii' n ii 17,' "I ri! ;",',',' ill i i, Ii:' in (i I 1 1 1 .i on v v in HlMll,,,, , Hudy I p- Mi (.11 I'll III. ii:' On1 en on or1 (lll; (III (III; 02 1 4i 171 (Ml (Mi mi! (Ml pi! ;,ii ihi'i i'l .'i i I 'ii i ii I'.u C7 i'!,'"',"' ' 'i imrinn. 12 !'ii '.'l' '.'I ('''I 1 I I'l IH' ir n mi .'.I; (I I I HI' ii:,! Illl 1 T i 2nl lo' 3 Olll ISl .',al"r' I'll M Pi; iu L.I r.2j r,j mi :i:i -id; 'oirnr.l. ii .V .in' 1 1' 421 IS 0.V :n 1 1 r,.'. 02 L!" ill .',1 fa.l 27 :t:i !'""'"'" l.!,'!l'n 41 r. - ii.: i'li' l.m li:;' in Hid 2.1 61 Knnhat.-. K"" ''l'''io, on 72 tll. 21 07 ,Vllll) 1,ikl w'omtward i!H ir.' -I lj' r.s i:i; us L:i! no 2 L's ;is2 Duo luiui, his i ism i : nml in.",!;; :is2 Majorities. 2liol(iuili) oool -till ooo oho ltl.'il 0011 .Vr-Donioorolie Nominees in Swam, (.' laiiili,lii1.s iimtki'il Hum (.) m.n.a, THE ELECTION 0 TTESDAY. Dclow will I ! we linvo reerivnl .m ,i. r i lo press : ' IScrks county has given Higler 4000 uyne, . Montour, Carbon, " Wostmoro'nd, " Clarion, Clearfiield, ' ' ' 500. 2f0. 100. 1100. 300. 9f!ll Union has gone for I'ollock bv 150o! JiVcoming' . " Nortlmmpton, " " Centre, " Clinton, Dauphin, u Huntingdon, I'.'air, ' Allegheny, " Jellbrson, " 000. 100. !i00. 250. IROO. 800. 1500. 300'). 200. Look olt for voi n P.ovs and Gikls 10 Vabllinton Sentinel, speaking ol 3 arrest in Washington, of seven llnrt. charged wiih iho crimes of incendiarism, a's : " 1 1,0 '""'or.V f thtso boys shows l" ud"Z"r (" pcrimtiing youths tonssem Potatoes notU!c' '"'''scnminattly, at all hours of the night, fur awny from parental oversight nuu control. halcvcr ol nusehief is lacking in the youn'-er the older will iu',no uw ,u,lo;,n, i,,u "ca.vune I ruin. I n.. u U umn Umn r. M.ilUn,.. XT V I flM II- "J " "u 'V um """" 1 , suuu uaiiuia tm ic, jas.1 iiu.v, uuuiu ui.iivu a fortune. (WTho Rochcslcr Union has brcn shown paper from gasivood shavings undo I by U. vv. Beardslcy, of Albany, lhc Journa! is soon to be printed on this paper. Getting Stiff in the Joints Tho flics and musquitos. The Law ol' Newspapers. 1. Pulifcriljcrs h'.m tl'i net ;iv (xiri'." notieo lo the contrary, nro coiifi'I'Totl us i-liiug tt cuitimio tlieir Hilijt 'riplion. 2. If nibsoiilivr ortlvr the tli-'Pon'.iiiu.'iiiro of their now.p;',,ci.', liio pnliiishiT inny contir.no to cn them unlit all iini-ini'cs ari 3. If ntlifcnher. ncplcct or r''n -o lo Ihko their iK'W.pii.crH from tho oflH'0, to which thvy nro di rcctvil, Ihcy nr.' hohl rcspnii.tihlo until thry hnvo nettk'.l tli.'ir 1'il's nml or.loicl Ihoin discouiinueil. 4. If Fiilii'criher'' rcmuvo lo olhur j.lufcs wiliiout informing the j.ul.li.-hcrx, nil J tho iH'w.-iiiiois nro cent to the former Jireelitm, tlioy are hold rt.-yon-fiilile. Tlie r.mrl.ihavo ileculetl tl. Jit refiisinj ti(:,ko ncwnper from tho ..loco, or removing and lcnv- i Pliitadftjiliia I.umlier Market. CurrrcU'l K:il.l;l from UUknrtft U'purtir. Duty 20 per. cent. ml. vnl.. W. P. hils. nn,l j.lnnl;, 1st (piiilily l.y iu.peciioii. $12 co a:i oo 14 00 (,o 19 00 J:i oo (.ii ui) oo 7 (HI 8 SO 7 60 9 (10 H 00 (,.) 8 60 i.t oo oi) ."o oo 2i 00 (.r; .'III 00 lj 00 (at 20 01) 13 00 (( 18 00 JO 00 (m 2ii (!0 i 00 (.!, IS 00 15 00 () 30 00 it no fm 20 oo It 00 (,ii 22 00 2 12JCO 2 27. 60 (10 (,u 65 00 23 00 (.1) 30 00 A) hilo l ino culls, Mhitc 1'ino fiooring planed, IjIk wKrf .in.ber, j,,,!,, FcnnilinK, ri..rins. Jeropy pinned, Clan lii.nrdg. . ('.. n : X. do. river, , Flnorinp, N. C. Step hoard?, Siiii(:lei, Cedar, per M., .hinf.'loii, l'ino per M., Shin'h'.". CyprefK, laith, U "" l'- l'"r Slave, Vi'hito 0,ik pipe, Hoop!, country, I,nl!i., KiiUcrn, PhiDgles, Iniiieli, 18 inches, 2 60 and . 2 60 nnd 2 75 i:im!coiai. !i;nvitr- nicnnii POTTi:it will ureaeh in (h li Ll Cl.nr.-h. at Clearfield, ami adiniuifler th of Confim'alion, .n Friday evening Iho 20th iusU ,t eftrly candle light, wu Ja- , Term j of Ailvcrlising VPVr.nTlSKMKXTS ro iiiferlc.l in Iho no publican, at out dollar per mpiarc. for the lir-t three insertionn and twenly.fivecenU) for each additional insertion. Fourlom linen make a ("fiiare. No ndvertiMcmcnt inserted forl tljan a dollar. A Liberal reduction mado to tliore -ho advertise by the year- Xtw York I. umber Market. ... . Timher, Uhito l'ino. per euhic ft. 00 IS nnd 00 22 Uorn. UOi inuv..i , inn oer, o. renin. .v. - 'll nrZ BarlcV. ' H'-ard, X. H. por M. ft. clear. 37 60 nnd -III 00 ill crop, nancy, ' ,. ?1) ftn ..,! no mims, nrimu, ipr n7 I'u'i An I,'.. t,. t. pr. ml 1" ' in , 01 I'l! n,i !,! 1 ,11 f, i n ! M', ml ,:, (I I l.o; u; n.il I 'M ii 'i 7 - "'' l"l mi I'll mil 21: mi i-1- 'in 1 1 1 ''' iHii mi; ""! OMj ol 02 1 lull imj I..". (in, (Ml (ml !;! 12, (Hi 02i (10 0(1 ti ii II I.I I''.. 02 1,1 I. , L'T " H mi iiol Oil . I'll, 4MI "(l 2'li Oil 2T 0ll Oil ii 10"' 41 i (Hi' :i2' ll' n "I, r.i. -1 1 :t. I I" 2i III '' i1 2o. Ii.'.! .'is io; l.v 121: no: 7(i I'. lo on' I , IM.I :!:;i""i 0'.' 0 1 ;i2 1 1 I.; OS ,'!0 Ii ,',ii ::ii 1,-.:: 1 17 Illl! II". ()'.' 1", 07l :toi II. II Ii: 01 12h II" f.l 120 1!0 01 121 111 10 1711'on1 ::oi.ol A no 'I.-. (IS i cm! in 62 I :o; ilia Hill; I2l7i,1l'.i' 1 2.'. I I2.-..VS72 OOIIi21S7oO 1170 0011' 1 Is ooool KOlllOOo AVIiig.i in Um,ui, Nalivv.t in liiut, l,,.',0Uli ,",i',:t urn) ot (iraiil Mai'ki'ts. l'iiii.Mii:i.i'nii Ci.FAiniia.o. $1 2 (-ii 1 M !r2 12 (,i, 2 1 I'" ( 1 ti.". 1 2.-, (1J i :;r 00 nml tl.'l 12 ,'"! emit:., 02 cent;', Wheal. 11)'", Corn, Oats Al.VUItl 111). On Thursday tho 5th (' Octuhor, by D. Di-.-s"lT-r '.si.. -Mr. Saiiiuil ll.dlopcter, to Mi.s .v,,..,,,,,,,,!,' J.mlmkcr, both of Vnt,m tonsl:ii, tUU county. On the funic day by Hie Mime, Jlr. ),,,ni,-l jlni bnker t Mi.-., Anu Kliza Jlotue all of fni,.n t,i. ( leiirlii'hl c.'Uiity. ' i)ii:i). On HiL"7tti in-liint in Lawrence town.-li!.. this county. Chirem-e Aii-iisli,., infant s,,n t,f .lonhm and .Sn-.ah Ki eil, (.(red 10 months and 22 diiys. In Morris (iiwnship, on tho 3d iiitaut, Jumes Allpoit, K-.j., n:;0d ij y,.;n. The deceased mis n native nf I.'n-iantl -iiiid had been a i-c iilunt of Clearfield eountv b.r the la.-t 2i years. II,. l.,v,.g R ;,;, nn, flv9 V-1 1" 1 . 1 -, besid-s ii host, of friends lu moiirn his .,t .-. Jl,. ,Uisk m.m ol hljcral education, and ulilnni-h bodily iiiili.-tions have pr.-seil hard upon him f'r many veins, yel his luiii.l was uncloiiih-ft to tl,,. .,st,' and his reiisonin powers have seldom been Mirpassed. lie vais a ctrii-t and cnii5,..eut n,eil,, r of tin; Jr,'t. ICi.isciipat Cliineli, and his daily III'- for many past yea...... Inn shown an cain,l.'' to his f.-uni! y- ai,, fii.-nils that true piciy sii,,orled hii.i. an, I render ed him an e.v,iai).'o nf resignation i,ud even ciai teuluie.it undir all hie uillklioiis. ( t ' ,UI, HHtV'itr J. C.ltiXTlARas IJHYSTCI.W, l!e.-o.-,,ia Mills, one uiilo n-st of (ilea lloj,,., Chailic!d county, Ta. October I I, I SM. HARRIS WALKER, 1 I X AM) LOCK PMITII, Luinher Cily, all V.T Inisine-s in his liIm! attended to on short no Oct 21, ISjl.-ly. CAI.l. AND Ma'Ti.U. VLL persons know in"; themsi Ives indebted to LKVl.it I'LKliAl., of J.iHhersl.iirjr. Clear liehl c.uiitj, for UluLk.-miihiiifr, nro rc,i;csk-d to call and si-tile tht ir accounts iinmediately, as he has (ii. pu.-ed of his . lioii, and is Jcsirou.1 oi .-tttiir,"; up his accounts. LLVLJt FLLCi AL. Liuhersbiirj.', Oct. 1 1, L-51.-,''.t. .iiool Teachei-s Waiitid. Q IX School Tea.'hcrs cupablu of ooiidUcl'ii"; llu-' O CoiiniO'ii Schools of Morris township will find ' employment and p..'...t sahnies, by applying lo'TTAYIXli in. r-a ".'d f:-, ililies and made cxien . ohn II. Jvylar, Prc.-id, !it, ( r to the uiiJ. i. i,:nol. stye arrai..'iiiei:ts f,.r d..itiK a lar--e Wh.-le-lho term tocoiutiieiiceby the middle of November sale & Itotuil bi:,aiess. 1 um now prepared to , (a-r or Pioiur. JOXATIIAX LMHiJI, Sec'y. ; I-, ,he pu'.lie a "eneral a-sortment oft,,,,,.!,, .-uila- Octubc-r 1, l.j. 4I.-1.J. ;i.!'. fr Hi" country tra-W ot a miill u-l.aii.-e f-r I.iuiiHiaiikrH Take Notice. r p:n: m, I I'mnr iorris Claims, (-f t'ne late Itoloit Morris, innneier of tho War of the Itciohttioii.) will he sued out. Occupants and others can have Con firmatory, (juit Claim, and Fee Titles, by early ap plication to John Moss, pole (irantee, Xu 50 Walnut Street. Low. W .u., Km,.., No. 2 York Liiihlin-;. J. L. Ill sii.ixn, Ks., Xo J! Stm. um Street, Attorneys, at Law, Philadelphia. October 11, IS" 1. It. atti:m jon i:i;;i i. iRsi. : Y rOlT are ordered tomrct forrarade. on Fatiir-1 iloy. October 2S(h, Ht 1 o'clock, P. M., each in ember prepared with 5 rounds e.J' l.liiiik eanridfe. I The company will appiar in winter unil'man. " I There will ! o .i d:iii on Saturday October 21, at J v ciock, 1'. .11. l.v order o A. :.L II ILLS, Cantain. ti. IV. LIirK.M, Jr., V. .V. Cleailicl l, Oct. 1 I, 1SJ .St. Mlllt'U IS hereby piven that the following dcseri'icj pn.pcri.v now in the posse-sion of Henry Yoas, Jr., of llr.idy town, hip, Cl.-arlicld county, bciom.'s to me. and is only wiih him on loan, z : Ono Yoke of Led Oxen, ll years old, and one H.-itl'-r, 2 year? old. The public are hcrd-v nofticd not to buy or fell the same. P. W. L'AKKLiT. Luthcr.-bu;;,, October 11, LsCl.-.M. ii iti.ic xoiiti;. T ITE School Directors of Ilni lv town.-hin Clear fill, 1 county 'n., will meet nt tlio Luther? i.nrjf M'hnoi j louse cn SaiiiMtiy I lie 2SUi day of Oct-her, ISil, at 9 o'chn k A. M., to transact busi - ticss for Iho coining winter. The County Superin - tendent will be prtasctit to i-xninine applicants who may wish to beioino teticliers. Xine teacher.-; are waiited in this townshit. lo whom liberal wares ill be given. l!y order of Ine Hoard. JOJIX It K A MS, Secretary. Litthorsburg, Oct. 1 1, lsjl.-ilb Al'DlTOICS XOTIC'Ii riHF, undersigned nn Audiior nim.ii,ted to dis- X trihulc tnoiicys in the hands of Wn'i. 1'owcll, ! SherilT. nrisimr from tho tale of real estate I'm the case of Fatten aTiguce of Ellis' Administrators) wiil nlten.l nt his ofiiee. being the same occuniedbv John L. Ihiltle, Lsip, on Monday llic 30th insUiii, at I o'clock, P. .il., of said da v. JAMES II. LAliltlMER, Audit.. October 14, LSjt.-3t. Estate of Jarub Bums, Dmascd. TOTICE is hereby piven that letters of mini S islralion on the estate of JACI il) 111 HNS h XI isn-aMnniniiiec- ..e...,.,. n.'SinKi. 1 X. ,...!. . ll I tll.ll III 1 1 V ' 1 . . of I'nion township, dee'd., linve in due form of law been granted to llic mihscriber. All pernont in- dcb.ed will make iuimediulo payment, and thZ .l7,LT bvin,r .'h.i will i.resciit tlu m ol onerlv .ulhcn. " '"' '' T W,M ,''. '" f,Me, and on ticatod for setllernnt-. " JOHN L. CUTTLE, Administrator. October 1 1, 1N54.-CL TIM ltl.lt J.AM. T 1IE Fuliscriher 1ms Feveral tracts cf land f ,r nalo at prioct from t lo fifteen dollars per acre. ' JUSIAU 11. S.1UJ.11. Clearfield Oct 7, 1S51. If. 1, O. of O. 1'. CLEAnriF.Ll) LOlit iK, Xo. 103, meets in the tecond story of the Mansion House, Clearlield Pn., on Tuesday evening of each week. Clearfield, June 11,1864. lI'KVIANt'i; 'J DAUFKRnF.AN" OALLK- I 11 V. Second street, two doom n'orlVcf Powell 4 Co'., .tore, Clearfield, Pa. auS. 25, it-ly. liiiHirtnnl V n r K on ruiiihniiiii. ,ll;l I n.. , v ' I 1 1, 'M I.N's Pi, I , f.l,, i , ', ll.l. i, I I'.-llllll I !,).",, . ,i.,,.,.l,V, ,1 :, iMi lnl I',,, inn i,i, n- , i ,n ,i . I. ,,i, , , ' M', I , ' i ., ,t , I lln', t,i -. ml It '.i r '.'"it ,l,.l, ,M, ,l, ,.,.n. ion l l, l;,ii, '- ) l I. I, I I, Mil,'. ' I'l' r '1 ..-.. I.i. I,l, , . 1 1 1 i ti . II C, ri'"l I no l I n,,r,, ..,. ) i,,n ,,l,nni,, :' , ,1, H.T it'll 'i,::r-. ii. . I l.ni.,1 -..it, , y l,,,,,, i.iiiil. !., .1 vi ,,-... I'll., jii,,',,,,- . niillii, in .u, !, SI;., I,. I km ,1 III i r thk. I' !m' ' i, ii i, til "it I.i- 1 .nr. r, .,,1 ii hi! , TV i'l' iul, i ! n ull. "I mi r, i I 'i' l-i n !!, ir hi,il, ,'. in: I, mi,1 of ( in i,i i-r ll,,. ill, 'I ,li',',il,i:,.; Mih,!y ll, n.' n Mmii.I r-1 1 1 1 I'l'liiulinr 'nil' I !ir iv iMii, Ii," i'',l'l"V.'!l,i'lll ., I: T ilif.i 111.', 1,,t ii hi iio'uir'il r ;, r."l l.i'inj; C"iil"i,l I., jvi- :i"l inl Ti'sH hi' l,:in,ll. I'r. ii, I'livn il . i T '.nii'iiN, I Ii, -Ii,,-, I, ):. of nhal Ii" I 1- lli . l.v !-r.. tr,r, , t, ). ,., ' - ..,(,. Kil l tit l" I',', b" cra-ps al our,,, ih ' nn, all ! in' "v: 'lii' l-lible l,li"er:il I''- lis jity, Ii 'vl Ivcnj.'lli : ncd mii,' :i. i,'tly ov-T l!le-e d"'lu nil ; in.iily-.es Ih.-ir , I ti-er'i" f a Ih" i.opiihir r what befoie was onlv ri'served for (lie favored few; having nii"le h,-r o,:ni-ri.l- otie el h!.; pleas ant sliidii,-, I,., ial.es j-i irl.. in irc-,-,itin,r ,, Penn sylvania!, -, l'eiinsyp ania's ('re.-ilc t s ,,r,'e of v.-ealili in Tin; Coll. i'mniA-noN. (In this -nl.ji.el, pfol.al.ly no man is more at home, and hi." percep tion! of llic tun 1 1 r is laid t i l'., re Ihe reader, in so lucid and clear a style, tttat none can be n,i-ed "r inyslilU'.l. Iai:'i-avi,,'.-" Mill -Haling the lornialioii, drawn under his own observation, are iuir.i,lii'""l lo iicilt" tlie nil'i.-ct as j-lear as p. i I , I ; this urli i le alone Iv ivor'.h double the pri, e of II, . l,l,-. Tl'e M ivi f.ii Tt i:k oi- laov i - Irealed in tin' same loaslerlv niaiiiier, uilh iipproprialo .-iicraviiif;.-il.osii-aiin tlie nianul'.i.-l in e in all its ),aits. : Tl,e Af.'i iculliii o of I ho Stale Ihe Cities, Towns and 'i!lires are d, scribed and dwelt iimn, Ihe 1 cliuracleii.aies of the p.-nple pointed mil, anil Hi" various improvements in projrress or pr.-i- cl.-.l, ni'lieed. Added lo this i,- (. , implicit'." a',U!-s hcau- tiflll 'iirlni l-' ,' 11',,,', ' , Tlie pie s tliiiiiiejioiit lae Slate have, with uiii-1 t-'il voice, pronounced il Iho bet popular Poo!; ev er writlcn on Hi" Cla'c. Ao'-,ii,iii;iii;' every Vi.luui-' is llarne's lai-j'e Map ,,f the S't-ile, ear, lolly color, d tlie laleilaud bc l .Miip pul.li. -lied, and which retails separal.dy nt One Jiollar, and is un doubtedly the only correct one issued. The prico of llu: le.ohis pla -.d at the lowc I ruto for which it could ho loaiiiuacliiicl, m. I ihe cxeciiiion of il in every ic.-peet is alike b.-auliliil and subslaniial. liidep.-n.h ally of the line map, it is a rcinarka',1 y cheap work ; but that iicom panyin;; it. Ihe po'.li dier ha-- no lie-itali-.n in pn ii"iiiiairD' il TilJ-; CIlKArList JIUOK I'L li LIS 11- i:d! 'I'l-,..- Ptibll. h-r hi, ' cone to preal expense in pub lishitiR tlio Lnolc j,, a ),-.,p.-r style. Tlie cn,rni viii;s are beauluilly execuu d : Hie typu lar-'e and clear: and the p., per of a lino texture j uliilelhc binding is at tlie same time lasly and durable, and having .In ue his part well, hi siilimils the work lo tlie exap.iuation of the people, eontidcnily rctoin-ti-.cdi,,;; ii to the attention of those iulciv.-tcd in Itailroiids. Coal and lion. To every Farmer and every Ciii.en of the cretii Slate of I'enn-vh'ania, he .-til, i, ills tiiis .pleiiilid i clutrro, an 1 re-pcciftil'.v soli. -us their paliona'e. A.7'ii!s wiil c.-!l I'poii fie citizens f,.r their fu'i seripaoii, and in can - Vi liere no a'ent l,as , ailed, any pei-.- oi nisiiini", will heve il sent free of evp.-l, , bv i-i iii-llil, 1 1: .' nluoiint to lhi"l'nlii,'.-lier. l.WAPl.VLl.i; IIKTAII. Pit U K ok tiik V.OltK.-J.l-.l..,.-, cd Mll.-'i,:. S'! 00 ' " :iit cd.;. ... and si 1", 2 ; II I " ?iio:'., -mi, .Marbled e.l-- 2 2j ' A:;, nt-' w.-in'.c I i-.i e.cry ( ,,i.i,ly in loe S.a.e. Any person d. - a-i,,,; ;i A;;i,y plea.-e a ddress the l'lilili.-hji- iiiimmlictclv. WM. IliTK SMITH. ',,' 7..e. ; 10i Chi Miut meet, Philadelphia, i Hept.:in, i si i. at. i FIRST. ARRIVAL. ; FALL A X D WINTER GOODS, at Tin; t'iii;Ai cash srotti;. "I fST r . ivci. a lere nnd splendid assortment i.f lit it)D i . f i'liuosi e try dc'riptioil suiia hle f,r toe sea-,.", and .-i-'iin olVat very low pri ce.. Ladies i;u,l OeilllciiH-ii, and every p.-rson wi hin-.'iu buy poods r'.- hnr. it y.cice, are r s-po-tl'iiiy invited to call and c.-ainine. i'rodti' e of all 1 amis recci. cd in i Xi-h:,i' ;e fr "ds. - MM. '. IPWIX. Sept. lS'j. y wit.iM-x.tt.t-: a. itt:T.iifM Y .T. 1'ha t.sM, Ar.T. ' CASH. The sl.i -k co.opi-iuej a tcucial kj-oi toient of D.y i;.,.,d,, I I, It Ilill;.', Jlaidware, JIils. ,t Caps. Carpetine-, Oil-cloth, J-lili S.i best wake. Oil, Zinc, ''arpel Ciiaill, 1 hair, drain. ,te. a 2, Arcade Luiidiivs, 1 s j 1. Qu. en.- , are, P. e,ts ,1 Shoes, Steel, Slrap-ii'oii, Carpent, l's loois, Candles. 1'yo Siiitl'--, . , Cable, Iron, X lelicfollte, Sept. 1 '., HANK ;.)l!C !.'. w1 H the .-iib--c, iiit; inl' ml to make ani.li 'nli.m i tothe next Lceisiatoreot the C..niin..nwe:il.h of Pciinsyh ania for an ltd of Assembly to inert,,,- j rate a I'ani.iui.' Company, wi'li Ihiiikiii-.' and dis , countin; privileges, to be culled tliu "i ieart'n-ld j ! r,n!:," 1 locale-! r; tlie borough cf Cle-ir.ii Id. ' jwit'i a : j.".'.."! Mo, k of SliiO.OoO. A. K. Wright, C. Kralicr. l-.ilis Irwin.J. F. Wea-1 !v,.r, John Palt.-n. J. W. Smith, J. P. ,b Ihialle. .'as. T. Lccai.rJjfii.li.iid Shaw, Jus. D. Oral. run, j Jonaf, an lln. n;, n. Juno 2."', I Sal.-Cm. ! ! "i'.t.'lhe Hun isliure; Fni.in, will pnhlLh tlie! above one month, and send bill ( (bis office. I i.i.r or m;tti-:hs j i "I LMAl.'.'l.Nli in the. Post OlTico at Clearfield 1 1, on tlie oih ol S ptoiuhcr ls.il. Aint.i Lciii, aiian, Hannah M. Peaid. Leni. 1 !h, e- ley, Win. C .onsmaii, C. Cai licld, V.'m. Co.'.-r.-iV. Juo. liiiiiuis, L. Lven.-teia. Isaac Urubh, i-ih-atior Oali hi r, .M.-liii.l.i ll.iui-ni.-r, John Licks, Sarah J. Hall, N. T. llarl, 2: Maria In in, .Maiearel F. JiofreV. j Henry Joraiii, l.lleii I.. .Ionian, A. Mciit'-omcy, ' Abraham Myers, 2; M. P. Mel win. James Poller, ! 1r' ' s"''k. 2; A. Silrmiin. Krasmtts Suiiih, I ''"""" ill,'',' -: H'-'iekluh Sniihy, A. W. Singer, ' ,r- P-eoll, Charhs W eaver, John Wiul.lellei.'h, James P. Wal -on. J'HiX 111 I.Ll'.L'KX, P. M. . Clearfield, October 7, Lsil.-lt. si'iti.Ni; t,ix)i.s: T received, and cnening at C, Kratzer's V I'lilCH I'ASli STtilli:, a splendid ft o rlment of Spring and Summer Cood--. In ad- nni to hit lifiuil variety, ho has a largo ha ,f 1 'aidi'"' I)n. Cords, sio-h as Plnid Silk, Imliu Silk, , 1 '"lit laiwn, jiroc.a Shawls, Silk, t rape anil (fossa- ' '"or Jlfnincts. A.C Also, n large lot of (',;.,.. and . I "nor '""'. i;n"!-M,tii, rtthui;, nnd nil (I.e. new styles of Kress Shoes, cheaper than ever. I April 5, 1"5L C. JvIiATZLP,. , t' VP.IM'.r AND ( It Wit HIAklNC. t 0 T'OlI.V C I LIC't would reoctfullv announce to t ' , ff (lie cil us of I h nrl'o-ld nod lieinitv, that he ,,,,.;- , ,, ,,,. ,.r I M'.illE. His shop is siluated on Mniket street, I ....... -.-1 .. . , . - ., . ,,,, . - .1 ilhn IMfiKI III VnrH Mil f (inn a n ii tl -r-.n 1 l.n slu.riest notice. ( oitins made to order on the shortest notice. lice. 2, 1S52.. j CAliTKJN. j VLL persons are hereby eatiord again-1 bur inr, trading for, or in any way meddling w ith a oke uf Oxsn now in the possession of Juhn I'.rigt. as raid Oven belong to me and are only ! lonnc.l to the said Pri ;., and arc lit mv di-p,,-al at t any time, T. It. HAY IS. i Ferguson township, Oelober 7, lS.it. "L j IVAML1) lMtl;l)IATIJi;v. CI IX journeyman Hiocniaki r. Constant cm- ployment will be given. Apply lull door to , U" J"vn"U oflice' l U,e h 'f r. . r j SeI,lcn,uf 13( ,5i..tf. . l'-BLK- I'll; I III s Mil .win mrrr.ti, ii.t "''', "I,,,'., 1 1 , , i .I , . i , . i. . , ii, , i .. , , .,, , ,, ,.(...,,... .,, ,v i : ;, . ll. ' 1 1 !l n ' i, 1 1 1 I -. i II ah 1 1 II I'll .i ... I, 1 1 , I -. le ! Wl, .1.1, -. I, , I .ol.. i ii. ii,,n- ..I . " I lloln toe ...,;,..,, '"I .'ale ..I I'.c . ',,, .1 "I, t , i . i I i ha,,'. - , f . ':r I ' i I ' -ol V ilill -lo.'l'l-, , d M,:,i An l! i I nil", I an I li e , .-..-, ' i.l.i .0; 1, I ,11 le. li-lt i ' oil, i',,; mpid pi , r- - . I -. l!n' ana, I is, ;', t ll die-. Il he. lor n ! .In lif - ll'" 1 mil An,, i i, -a, ,1' linte 1 O e : l.-ipi" an'. 1 iii la.;-lai,.l in,.; . n ll, I !iii,,i e. w hi1,' il ha- r: ,' o in ma.iy ll,i,. 1,1 of it'tries to tee p ii i,i! i f nn in licle of dr.,-.-. i 'to d '!..... le ti'ai.- ii,, e laet en.jiiire of any 1 !ii'- 1 ti.-h re i,l, oil in vol,!' vital, ily of bis I, now I, ,1,' of Ihe l eiiell, ,al cii.-ci- of wca, in;' lln- Pr -le, , r a a.- ' ,', , .(ar... ,. il," ( ;'.-.,,!' :a,y kind. 'I he . "-t .u" t wearing loe.- a nnich is a mere Ii iile, and one will l:l-L ;."l.le J ei;i s, ,,i one v, hi, i, lues I lie i,c::!t ll of !:',ii ell,,.' his family will h. -will t tie in. 'J i.e , ll'upiitils in this eoiu-.tiy are Jed iil-aie -ce,.n,,n,-ii- j itui I licin, bt.t rapidly inlridiicin.. llieni. llareoiirl, J iliadlcy A, Co., ol London, and Manchester. Knjf- bind, v. ere iiiiinally eutriisled witli the niniiiifac- j ture of the I'l-oleclors, by the lameiiled Or. Cooper, ' and continue to nam, tin tare ii.-eoi-.lin lo . oi-e-: i'.i.i in Irneli'iiis. nii.l tlierel ,re reconinien.l those who would wear "The I'lotcelois," to fee to their being xeiiuiii". Itenieiiilier this i ' n f liipb' article, and no Pali nt Medicine. ltin in. Vim tat. llcnfs -i.e. :-'l,ollea,h. La - dies' ,-ie, s 1 ,01! each. It, . Vand .Misses si.e. 76ctJ. II. It' HI 11 1, j;ii.iu;i &. CO., r.S Ann SI. A 102 .Nassau St. .New 1 "rk, 1'. S. Principal archoii.-e, M2 Wood St.. Chcapside. London. Manulau ,ry, II aiaila-t slreel, Mauclics ter. l-an.'hind. II. II. .V Co. ."re establishing Ievots for tlie sale j !.l"lhe l.otei'lor in all j-arts of Aui'-ricn. Phys icians, Su:-ei,,ns, li.-ll;;:'ists. Clothiers, ih-y ;.., Is Meichaiils, llailers and Milliners ul.-o llentle tueu':' I iirnisliiii"; St" , '-!.', e'rs are cnlrust.-.t nod to w hom lno-t liberal b-rins iiio olb-red for their enterprise, and a splendid oppmlunily opens to 111, in l,,r sale aud pidluahle htisinuss. l t I, lias, t.pplv lo ilAUc'iiritT. LllALLKY .( CO., oS Ann sired, .'.ew-i'oil:, L. S. Sept. ls.-.L oiu. TliC Clrai'fiilil Acailciny T a nicetin..' of ih.. Hoard of Trustees Aurn. t ' 2 llli, 1 (, the- foliow-in,; rate; raid terms wt-io ud...tcd, vi.: S'i per ipuirler for each r.clmlar lcirnlnj Or- ! dnle to iliseiie. thoa-.-phy, Keadin.L'. M'ritiiiT Oavic's Primary For lientlouicn it w ill he found nsreciilde, warm, Arilhnielie, and llrst lessons in (leoji'apliy. ji'.iid hcalUiy, to wear iu the cobhst or raiui'jet OO per iptarter for each , ciiolar .ur.-uin other ; weal her, as the foot cannot bee. one wet if (ho lly Knrlisli studies. i (lro,nae;eii is inserted. Ladies may wear the lirdit- t 0.) per ipiarl. r for each .-cho'ai-l. ariiint; Lat- . t soled boots and shoca in the inont ir.elonu'rit iu and (ireck or cither, w ith or a il li-oit Kn glndi ' w. .it'ticr with iinpuiiily ; while Coilsuniplioli, to brain. hes. I pi. valcr.t nrami'' the vomit; of our country, niny Ol) per ipiai l.-r for 1- reiu-h extra. a'D tl"dii,'ti,,n in, lit- f: ,mi bills except in eases of pr,,.ra"led :!!u. ss. The lir.-t ,u::rl, r i-ouiiiienee.-- on Iho l(i .n nj ,'.'-,.'., l,rr, and will end on the 2l!,7i iA'oc, foi.on 'iu. v 'I n ab,:v- fo't'lulion i-iiov fully oi,-,ni;e.l w iiii male end !',:.::-!, llcp.it tinents under the oharj-e of air. and Mrs. Campbell. Too T.u'le. s l.i.viiif; procured eoinpi-lciit ui,,i e . ri 'iiee 1 Tea l,: is, and ha-.ing put fuc rat.-f "f laiiioii very lew c nop. -ire, I wi-h .-iuiilar fehool-, eonli.lenfy recoiniaciid the Aiadcmy to Ihe pat l ana ot llie jaihiic. liicil ; :i v,', Pre3-tf iho n.-urd. .T. II. M'K'.- U.i.v, Secretary. CionrlicM. Au'i t ls;,. HOHICKT It. YH;iII, CtLOCK AM) M'ATCII MA K Kit, has iu t re- c -'ved from Xew Yotk ard Plihvb'lphia. a Ii:-: and 'pi 'ii.iiit assortment of. I j-IWKLH V con 's! n,; ' f Ladies' O. -id Licn'tpins, MoiirnitiT Pins. Call' l'L.s, Kiljlmii Pins. Af.-o, Ceiiileuu n's fine l ,1,1 Pin-, ,,f different shapes mid siito. line O.'l.l Ear Pin,:; 1 r. .!-, h.le tv!j if Jenny Liini ltintr.- nnd lir.,.s, L'iacth-..s, l'iu.-r Line?-, line iL.bl Pens, and rem il.--. Cold Wau li Cliaiu:-. Silt cr 'Ja and T.'-le Spoons, Palter Jvnivc.', Sua.r Tones, and Thin, Ides. L, V '' (ie Card Case.-, port, Monies, S ir,-.- .", ;l , i , r fimlhl'l Ci;- If.rf ,. ., from S2 5 I.i 2.-: Vp-.u Front Jl, tal ' I.i I" S:'0; .,,.,',,-,. f.-.,:,i I'l la SI-.: ti . ,s. lroiu jl " " 'i, ,:.-( !!"', from SS t i SM; li-ie I,',., tl '.. S:..l I" ?0. Ail of v.hiili be will v, aria'.t for peiiV.t time keepers. Abo, a tar,:.- r.-.-,,rlia,.nt of ecta-,-lc--. F "h I'h 'iit . Vst (.li "iii ". l.u.u.1 Chniiis, 1'eu-kiiive-, P.mI.c; Jl,..,ks, .Vc. CLOCIv'si iel.t-.L-.v nr l I'lir,-,' ln nr flo.-kn. fine st:.,.;r,siirini.' ( in, ks. thirty hour an, 1 cich!-il..y ; Miisic.-;l Jii.-lri.iiient.-, and a pru.t va.i.-iy of arii cles l ei nani. r.j,! , I, m. ,;.",,!, u oaliy kcj.t by jewellers, All the ai e n no, f, 1 a.'titi. s war rant, d 'oi.l, aud will be sold at the I.. v. est profits, I. t l,i-t, ,-, r, C...4. .7..:;-Watches, Cl.,ck, a-,., 1 Jewelry, lu-atly Itr.rAiain, and v.arr.inl. d.i'.r one year. July 1?, 1 .:!. l Ait n l ull s a i.i:. r"PHn fa "in (! Thomas Mtiriin. silii.ito in ihel-cst 1 fatuiiii't inrliou of Ihe con ,iy, wiilfn vr.tr ni,!e ,-f I'eiin.-vii!,', and !' tornpil;.' running I) 'l yrone, is l..r sale. TI., ,,m has in il I(H( ueies. en,' hail' ,,f which i. under c i fence, and if- in n go.i.l stale of i 'illivali'.'i. The bahinco is r.ell tioib. ied willi liite Pine, Poplar, Cherry. Ches i:nt and oilier timber. The land lies well and is all f-.iscepiil.' . !' i.titi. alion not m -re ti, in live acres 1 em,? broken or hilly. 1 1 neras of th" 1:111,1 i- in liiea.'c.w, and about 'Ztt nc.es more is si.i.t'l ! ' for i.ieadow all oi'nhi.h can l e we'd wi.leied, a? there is an abundance of water on the prcmi-es. 1 lure is a SAW-MILL within (.0 rode of 'lie plac. and ai.oii.er w itL-iu one mile, 'j iis iii.-..,ii"e to Lcll'c 1 ii. -ling ( n t!.'. ri.'tr "s about I tnih s. . The itiipr-m aii lit.' lire ti J. ,. '..j.-., ai,,l l'n:-,t, Ttrtl, , i,,j ilunr ii iul i--ii b'iii-'iii , - There is -il ;. a iii,ii,ii) ,,-. ;, ..;, ,',,' on i'i place in which vv'.l I," i'oi:,-1 choice crafv I r.;,p, , pears, j.cailuiauJ other liaiits. 'J I.e life is in 11 -put a', k- and Ihe property will be sold low ui,d oti in-, 'o,n, in. dalin t-'rins ac the on rr I. -s made arran;;, uienfs to etii-a(.-i' in l.n-'res? cLowlur-. I or l-n. npplv to L- J. CH'AXft, C!"!iif.e;d, JV. Seplembfi- Ll, 1S3L tf. SIONi: VYAlU; .HM rACK'ltl. T'c! IlK i ubscribcrs r.-, " 1 f-flv anto nnee to the if., -us of C!en;iieil t-oiintv, r "1 the '.if lie K 'neraMy. Hint llo-yt ve i.ow iiu'.i.n.acl. ni:.; the be t of'xyt.v; ir.i,'; ,, .,,:,, --i, ,-,,, uu-i prepared t i furnish all ai ielcs in I'i, ir line (-.,it.. 1 to any manufactured c!-ewhere, mi. ton rea-.. liable t'r'os. St 'f I'i c Ci-'lir censlrnily on Land. Also, St.. lie ll'odr Conj!;cU,i iiianiifatlurcd to order. - Orders prnnipfy att"iuled to. and a libera! dis- count tini'le to wholesale piirtl,a-,.rs. roTiTrr, po:;ti:i;. An- Is if SOl IHI liN nill.lTtKV ACADOIY IOTTF.I: ) .'.'.' (I'v Ai Ttii.niir it Tin: Snm -r aiaiuma.) (Vol'ei t-tl uh tfi, Jt,.l (lnt plan. Class D-To lie Pra'.rn on llir joili of Sipl. ;,.- oo ...unit r.i.nii I..IUI 0, lilill -1 I.i nil, 2.1S pri?.., nu-ommin: to : Tickets i.i,l'U J I, liven mil (;(.. ac tion. ii-A'! commuiiiesiioo. :(- t 1 v c SA.'M'f.l. SVT N. Ae-i'd .' afid.-nli.-i .M-iiiag. Monl go In., ) Jon" L' l, I l.-l v. 41 -T Ah it IV T p11E fjndid H"t if Clo'.l..-. C,i'..;,iicr,-. X 1 ti) amir. its. Ac, recently purchased bv the snl'-rrilier, whi 'h he will f-rll ,r i,.r,!..c i,p t-i.,r-d'-r. in the m-.-'t fu-lfpa'-le nn-1 dur.-f.lc in, tun. r, at his storr in 'S!.'v' It. w,' 1 he tnaiorr I and 'til-' warranted. 'o rtri.ge for showiug.his beautiful and clie:i r'-fols. , Ik' would inform the trade in Clenrfi.M that he is (he nuiborirol n-'i nt f..r i.-v---e's ,. rrl .n Bi.J I Psri Fashions. THOMAS SilF.l. I I Clearfield, July S, IS.'.J. ii (. r, k s n . 'i ii ... .. !.. , ih- i. A I , , i-"i I si t- e,,i t I c, n i I II ! . In ll.'-' I" at " 1! ,1 , .., .,( I t . I , i -' ' II -i ..1,0. or 1U , i ,,i, I i In tiy i i'-p." -I I ', . I . I,s I . -lore I man V I'l ! Ii : ! i.i' -ieillll ns nn im idi nen of ' 'I''', SpeilltitlK nun h s : It is i i- ul I ll .1 f I ,..,.i ,..: -. I . Is '. Illll ' tc dl, "I III b. .. liihy nn airrce in:, I prop, 'Hies lull"! : v hole i f (lie til inl the inarv noil i it, . in when inlro. , ; vp. ,-, t , , loe. ll. .,1 C, I" ,1 u; a h, I ,,'t M ' ', I led ;.. tl'l pro I i.e ll ana is f ir rule at all i hi ill the country , I,,, .V. ) . ..). ..on, ..Vi... II. TI," fi baler is wcii nn li e breast under the. lin.-ii w il In.iit the b-iist incnx ciiieiicc the heat of IIi.I-.mIv I'oinjf 'i t 'ei' iit to evap rale the lliiiil. Ilm.d'.vds id CASKS of Cl'Itl'.S like Hi., follow in:; ii,';..,t be ).: 1 n-L tine Packno of Ilygeana I a. ui-,.d mc of the ASTHMA of fix years ,-tand-in-t. ,n., '. A . . ... ri-', '. . yio:rf.n,ii,rf, Vi. I am cured .,!' fie AS i JIM A of 10 years i.tu':d ing by l)r. Curtis' llyecanii. .1., r'urrt lftsl'Hif llrimk1!!. X. I", Mrs. Paul of .No. a, Main,, ecu! rl., N. V., was enrol of a severe ea-e of llroiiel.iti.- by the 1( vircana. Jlv si d.-r has been cured of a LlSTKLS.-'INtl 1 COl'li II of sever., 1 years sluiidin, and decided to j he incurable by her Physicians. j She was i i ni:n in ut: mom ii l.y the TTypcann. i J. II. (.'o,i' i7. '. .1., A'cimnin, .!.-. 1'rico three ibdlnn n I'aekatre. Sold bv(TR- 1 TPS t l'LUKI.NS .t Uu VI) i. PALI. Xo. 110 Chainhcrs street, N. V. I PacUairesI uout froo by icxprcs toimv part of the I niteil Stales for RIO. X. V. Or. Curtis' llvircnna is the OIlltllXAL and ONLY C K.N LIN L A KTICLK. all others aro ba:o imitations or vi.o si.d X.I I' It IKS counter leils. Shun 1 In-in as you wutild l'Ol.-'IfX. . Sept. 25, '5L- ly. Iii UOVAL Li;T'i'ERS PATENT. Tin; in ihsom OIL AVATKLl'lKMil'. A.N'TI-COXSCJU'Tn'H. CORK SOLES, Munn'lrhtrttl hi lUll. ol IlT, UltATlI.KT A Co., '11 I J.icAv t Htr tt, Mittn-hrKlcr, Lmjluinl. I Principal Warehouse, 1U2 U'onii tti vt, Cliijislih; I .,oi'oa, Ejht,v. J American Kstahll.-h'nonts, .'18 Anil itwt t- 105 A'osmu , Jl '. ' Tiik Iiydronia'en a vnlaablc discovery for tj'idectimf the feet from dam, or c.,!.l, and fuere 'W re a ineven.lve of niiinv Lunir diseases, withnut. t'lty tl'Ht-jrtiti't u-litttifrr. The liylromajfen is ih V the fonn of u sole, nnd worn iu.-'.d,) tlio boot or shoo. Its i.ii ,i'niie chnructer i.- n i,aivcrful nnli- be thwarted by their f.'iK-ral adoption. 'J hey eu- tiv dy ta" ruili- m-er-so,..-, an the latter cnuso lh ! f.: -t P. perspire in u very nnlicallliy niaiiiier ; nnd, be: ides, uie not dan, 'roiis wear t" pedestrians in icy weather, like India rubbers. While tho latter cause the feet (o appear extremely lar-e, the lly ilrnma";,'!), beine; a mere I ll in slice of cork propar .cd. pe-ailiarly placed inside, does not increase tho i . 'ue of Ihe bo .1. or cause the foot to appear untidy. To children they are extremely valuable, ns they may Ciijrae ill exercise-with comfort and laulthy .fleets. '4 heir expense is so slight lis to vearco need lu.-ntitoi ; beside", those who patroni'.e Uietn I will find their yirlij oV-fort hill mwh liimini'ici ; rWc'iy. I As tlie Ilydroinapen is becoming more known, I its sale is iiicrcu.-in;; to an a most intredible ex tout, i La d year in London, Maticlu-stor, IPrrninghiim. j Liverpool, il!usi;ow, Leed, llaldin, l'aris, Ant- v.eri. Ilalnhu: ' I,, and llt-iiin, our sales reached 1.7. 12. 1 jl) pairs of Cork S,los. Thisyeartlie num ber wi'l far .--'.irj.ass th.at. i Ask the Faculty their opinion of (heir value as a prevei.iive f,,r ( ono,, c,t,U, M,-onchitit Atthmo, ami i ,,iii,iu,ti,,n. Mt:xs' .-'i.t:, p, r pair, S3 cents. ' h auls' do (1" ' .".0 do i..vs' Miosis' do 25 do I Xoti. i:. From the K tatl Prices wo nuiko a v.-rv liberal allowance in Jobbers and Wholesalers, so that anv storekeeper ia.iy make a fine profit on .their fale. while Ih, y nro an article that may ho ' k 'pt in any sloi-e, uiuoug any class offend.,. For terms, npplv t- HAKCOl 1!T, PR ADLKV A CO. 3S Ann hlreot. Xew York. Sept. 25, I.sol. Sin. itioo iiuoii a;i:ms wamkii, T ) Canvas fur- ih,. V.cst and most f..ilonble ISuui. piiblilicil. They are wii.'ten by iho iuost popular Authors of tho day, inrlodins; I'lnonj; i. tilers, T. S. Amiup, of who... hist preat woik. Ten NigliU in a Bar Roor.i," Iicfe1;; r.i i.-s hav e been si.l will, -u a mouth o.' pilMie.lt' .11. Tiies. Lool.i tic beauf fully illustrated, (tnniir of ti.eia wi'h liuely colored plaics) and are priutod uod i'oiliui ill tilt' Lest lii'inuer. A,, ul.- whl tied a pi, -n'-rni And prohtal le em ployment in'fi.'ir cireululion. F-,r phiiicuhir . H.i'ti'v-s po.-t paid.) I J i:i:ai)Lky, r,i.t;.i l.eet, Philalieiphhi. . X North 1 "111 Ml S s it; v CD'. i . (1 Mf In tho rc-i-i'-nce . f th. J i'.aWT'-m-e t- so hip. ncarfi.-l i subscriber, in Id county, on oi i i, I Hi" tir-tof Au::n. la.t.aDAHK lilil.NHLl- Jl lill-T XX, nip,u..,-. t be about two years old V.,f. p. -lliaii in '.i.e 1 . id. The onuel Will C IS.! f.reald, ! .,.' j rop,.,-(y, ,lo! tiku hl-l aw ay. ...1 n ruise .'he w ill be di-p.-ei ol i-- f .e l,..,-. I direcis. 'J 11'iS. J. Mi.iOiiK. Luv.renc..- to-. , J. 2.', IS.',!. ).d ' ' I ' u.i) run ...ue. .UT.KS LAND in Tlur i id" town-bin. ae,cs , f l,ii li are ch ared, and Hie t ab nnco well liinbi'u-l. will l.o s. ld cluaji. A ij .o ' h .use lti by 2.1 feel i.. cr I liii r-"ii. ) he j',u.,t lie" on fi" II "li', ley burr road, f. r uiile? frcm X' w Wa-b 'glon, mid c pii-distunt from the Hivci ui.d ( best Cr.-ck. .i.-'f or fui lli.-r infoi motion and lerms rj plv (e L. J. KSOX CI! A X S. ( le.-irli.-br. Soi.i. 2:.. i-;t.tf. Valiinlile Tarn nml Ti-ulur Laml for S;;lr. T "'Ill: 'ubscril er i f er.. f-.r ..-,1c a vnliiable Farm. si.ua!.' in Morris t wn. hip, ( lea: lie', I eountv. containing m-res ami all-.rw.ine.', withabou' J lo acres chare, I, under iro,,.l I, i,-, and in an er- jc il.r! stale of ciltiuif on. Tlie iiiip.nieiucnt- are Two Oo..d liw llin H oi-es, e Stable nn, I Lr..,;.-- Ih.rn, with two thriving Orchards. Sni., . i'ar.u is .-it nr. to on tlus voa-1 1... ling I,,,,,, Phil ip I irg to Lvhutov. n. ab ait one mile iiorla of tin 'J'lirn'-ike, n' "i it 1 I ni'h s ens! of C.-:-r1c-l,l. , 'l lie OO of wood land is covered Willi oak am' w hite p:ne t'.trb.-r of .uperioi- ,,t:Hlily. .; ;: F r lunln r pariieulais ap 'y to the "ib-cri ber on the p.-c-mi-e.. Au indisputable title wi! . l. piven. i WILLIAM M. 111X1LIL i Y, rri- ip.. Sept. 25, '6 I--pd- Hoi. i K'lioor. rr.At m;i:s tvANi in. i ? 1 K VCli 'IRS. compel, i.i ! imp .it an I-'i.g y li.-h l.-.u -i'i..ii lot!,,;, pnpUt, viil li.:d a r-.i-itionl'os siluaiii.n. and n Lb. Mil salary, by ai.plvii.; to J l,n 1 'lomnsoii, Pro-id -nt of the H eird .,( J'i reel or.-of Jot, Ian town-lup, l.arli.-l-l county, i lo Ike uud, r-i'.ncd. I'v order of lb..,;, I of Iirc -t'.r. P. J. cat liC.U'.T, yry Sept. 25, 151. REAL ESTATE I OK SALE. 1Y oid-n.f I c.n.ity. tin the Tn ham' Court of Clearf,.-! ! iiat vilu'ible liol'SK and Lot. h the ai-purleniinces, Utely iicciipied ty Alt, 1 ! i:. X Li ling, siiuiil-' in the illag" of "Ccba." better l-nown n Si.-i'l.'.- 'ill-. in W,....iwar'l town siiip. Clearfield count. , an I known in the plan et . aid hn nd Lot Xo. 1 1, will be mid al I'l'ilLlC VF.NUI-la hi, 'ii llic preuii.-t-., on iolncj iy -u lfrtfiif.V.,ri'sr, 1S..I. ..J--Tkiiiin. Une-hKlf ea.-h in band, and nn- liult i one ).'. A l:f!A HAM MVLI.NU, l-.lm'r. , Sept. ?.", U in-