Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 14, 1854, Image 2

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i f
ri.t::umr:i.n, ikt, ii,
V.,,T I t M.ll
H. '." U.,.r, . ,.,
ll"& M.,.1 I,, f ,,, ,., .,
ll ',.1 I ..f ,.t,, III rt'l ll
r.t :t.i 1
l-,l till
II-1 il'l I .
'"' d li'dl III '.iwi'f , 1 " lil'; .
I v ill" in'i ii i i f Ihi mil , y ii-
n,'cn mm- n.d lun til il 1 1 t r 1 1 1 ,
l,l ill" ilit' Ii '-'1 ol ill" people, lip, in I I .
(IV I'l I'lil"' i 1 1 1 1 ' t ' : 1 1 Id tli' ir li.;lil. II"
iim: mm mm: mi nr.
nn:i I'LL I' A Kill I , it .
7.1..' v( ll,r Stir,!,
Nl.U ott, (, !,, ,.-r II.
w i'!i iii" r
lit !
Till. I I in i iii . i .1
Will LI . I I'M LM . mi ijnri n iii'iiMMiniiiiii'ii in I' s '"i .'it' .p. ,,,,11.. ,,.. i ,i . , ' ... i iiiyr ': u tnntis urn iin-n i iini'-.i in i.ii.
Ti , ,., .. . , I, , ii i i i r ' (",,IM"" 'fiirr-Ml on tlio 'J, lit olm, , ,,-re 0M ,ip(,v. I. iviV"it ti'uir i 1,1,
1 1. n turn of tlic late -rcli..n render 't'.hl I- , l-hucul I';."'" tt-ptri. r, ( 1 1 .lavs hinc.) at noon, da- ,,rm ' n ' ,p im 1 11 Hid ll'li.,.Mcn.lkH-kc-r.,,i. WeW,.ulJ.n,lf,.r.l,i,, ,1,, ,.r.y Iih fallen, aid he .ring u th-iisc i T will. ,, V"Pel, r, L.n.U I.Mo-.iian-l y I wont .0 .1,., Marl,o,r,,i;i,'!!;i':;,;;al, -,"1
undf rnny nreuinslniici., rcgu'tntiiumph d.. I Id h.-n l.illon nt.iiiU Slioii-n :.:!: ! u, u..! hull, N'i,"d si,,., n, I ordered two of iho crow 1,1 low er ,,() ' ,"f,' ;,nir(, today, .i.nfuin.i the
of Whig principles; lint tint mortification 'offiii mN, who si. c in it tin liciint 1.1 I'.i!! "'IT''''1 h,,v" l"ii Jim Clnnly ,), r:ll, i,,,., nn, ,l0 ( 'npt 1 ii ,, .. f ,',,, ';m,; f,- rri-ncn tixji.
U doubly, grr,,., an J mml I," to every M. "-H. n gallant leader, ,u.d wl,.,, in I""'' ' "V'dTn! 'i, l.ll1'.?.!.'.'.? h.i l,f' l, V,;r"'Vs i'"'""-. . ll,f r.-;tW-l H.-.l ,,,, on tins I llli.nt F.upntorin.
.in r 1
(1 fin il.lpo" .l III il u
'fl' I,' i llllll It'll iilll I ) lll'l l lin llio
fllil. It'll ll" tll!l l Ill1 Wlil Itllll lt.f.
'ill "O cli.-ili'. my trpoi l lln'i Hint lull'', lit n.i Imnn (,f mi in 1 l,f r. II. limn I..M
.' only Iii nil Imi 1.-. n r Mini nillt. n in'c Id " I In" I'-fintoil' id) (.!! , nj; ,,. ,,. ,, ,nv 1,,-,. ( n I'oin (.1 th-o
' . ' . . - . . . iin rl 1 ,ii In r-t 1 tf I In. In ft il.ti. ,t, i,, i. .1,,. ... 1 1 t 1 1 . 1
1 1 )! .ill': ll 1 11 11 ill . MIlH'll 1,1) IIIIK Mlillll 10 1 ' ' "'" Oil III" "HI Mill! I HHIII'1 llll'lll l'dlll.l'lr
.Af"M' lillnl ui:li nu n. iiunii n nn,l . IhI.Ii,.,,
UIIOliUNf t l.l'H llllllrl. ,!. M' -1 01 lilt:,.
I . t . ...
'I'll' II" ii mnl 'I'mtiV I I ifHl1 niltv- t M lit" l"'tt(MMi' n t'ltU
nl ill" n it' r v n on ti I' m I
It l.'.'ini", Mi l Mid i
I ii' tli" li'iil. . I dir i ' .1 . v. ... ...1, ,. c,,,,, ,,. ,.i viilli l.n . rM"li0' il"' f'lli Ii' 1 1 "in Mf. Cnmmi..
I 'I Ml il' I " I ll I I I I " 1 1 ' ' i , 1 , -
oiiiiml Uwi td lli" 'I'M "loner .r-j.vs ron...-inin.; il.fl il"lnih nni)
I ' .. .. 1 1 .: . . . .; ... .1 I' . I
'J 1,1, vit. 1 11" f 1 r.t IK'U ol IU" IHII'I' Cotini ' lliiil 01 niiin x.iiu'ii 01 iii" rnniiwitrl,
iii" ol' 1I10 ci'"'liiion n-'diint lli'i Ciinii'ii,' hI;hhI. Tim inloiiimii"ti now in Va.,J,.
J . , . 1 ........ .mi. :. .. : .... . ,.f i,ii,,iVi.l ..I
('liilii'H null it'll 111 . 1 ill.'il I VillllllI I'.ll, 1! ':""i :i ! 'ii". 'i . . muni;.
ni(;nrl 11 1 -1 i-ri 1 i 1 1 .'4 1 i . 11 In 11 vi"i-t ln
..i.uiuim toii, tun 11 ni i- iijiiiin s mi 11 i" -ii in, i hjiih ii mi 1 in; inijii iii'ii-i- iiih'Iis, una 1110 A rein: unnu'dialoly cntn- oil liim if lie von
1110 iintuiH lo lor tun purposo ol lio Mm lit 01 tkuih niul jith 1:, rati ni' nci d in render iissisinncr. tu 1 ho mnliiny , 0i ret 1 1 rni-d in an tmswer
.. . .1 1. I . . . . ... . t,.,.. I.,, I u... .ll I .1 . . I .. " . . .
procuring 1110 result, j ii" n in:r pnttv mioiii over 11 vuM.ny ; ntiii w iin will stand " "'7" "" o-rruiuai m-i t sltotilil slirifo litti Into.
. I .. I I . I 1,,1 Ijl 111 k. . .
IU i i!fl ! ; U' 1, "l"" A "'""". a l.
..... 1 . i- . 1 .1... :.. .
1 ili .ri"lit tli'Hisiiml inctl I tllil'-ilnl I , il-; vald l,-,.ilHiKi,u ill ino onutr, 111 rouse-
iipicti''" of llio rotuluct ol dm Aunnnisira.
of lion m n-rusi itijr lo yi' lJ t) Ins urotu re
I j quests It In) nnpottoreil lo ni'fni'.iato f0f
llio nnin'X.ttidii of llio Islitr.iU n an Ruth,
n riy.( il Minislor ofllm lTnilctl S'nles. his
. I I .!. ..
. .... 1 ii , II f . IV , 1,1' , 11:11 I I II I " l.'hmi V UIP.
(K ,.o,m.,h vvee h,H',i upon lior ,t,(J nliip't. li.M Mionll l,o iii .. I i!,-,, a-!;. ' ,,:'i., ' r n''.u I,.,,! n.,,,',,",! iJlms Lorn ..ivrn lo Mr. G rciiii, and U
110I allow his not, td1 v.i in:i for il,,. i.'m.hcIi rr-qorvnuf I l .000 ' ( invoriimont is nwaitins his olikial com-
llmt lmmcu Niiiio of llio fcliips nro lying ' inunicntion of tlm rcsull of his nrfjotia.
'oli'ilid fiii'ii'is nf Kinlnini iimJ Island oil lions. Ilu has ulroadv informed thu Ua.
hnvu hcrdoloro, to ro'm oMcnt at least, hy him. find inaivli w'uli him, vviili mi , ' .' , ,. . ''"'-",fi t;"-, It vm.s hood (Iiwovorod llwit llmr.. was 'Tonlrii . ncur Odoa. with dm ul.ioct of 1 purl moot that ihc has! of any Irenly must
i d Kn list jm Id f v 1 11 "i ii i H i1 I u I in i i" - .i . . i .. i ' ' J i . ... .....
.irmiln iii.i.l r. II...... : I 'ilViltr.i.,i,.P Irtr. :m....i. ..l...ll l. . I .... n ' ' ' '
..miiiiimii.ij 1. 1 lajJii. uiuiu 1 i 1 11 1. ll If 'il, ll liu .iiiiut'v-i 111 o".'i 11 ll 1 1 1 uoill Ml, III ui: liliscd
hnve hrrn worthy tlio opposiiiou of the to a prouder elevation than they have
Rrcnt Ifi-morratk parly. Hut in the rc- ever stood upon, find hih nhovo tho ruins
cent contt'si, Ihey wcic williiuj to coalesce of n party hasml upon no principles a '
with every "am and faction that could party that has rien to power over tlic
nivn n t.t V .... I li. !! !. i!....: . I . . .t
11 iv' hi ,.1,,. .ic, .,'- , onueii, i.oii.Muuuon, mm in urn expenso ol a latal U,0 moit intense panic anion" tin; nassen-: c. , n,,,l
their standard-hearer, could condor-end s'ab fit our republican institutions.
to join tho ranks of a secret oath-bonnd
poliiie.d orgahirition, havin;; for its nvow'- i THE I.ESl'LT IN THIS I'UL'XTV.
cd object, llio persecution of a n liyious1 If wo compare dm result in this county
denomination in our midst, lie could do wilh thul in most of die Democratic eoun
anything. And a parly, that could blind- "i (lie fcJtale, and particularly those
I y follow such a lender, in the base at. ; immediately adjoining us, we certainly
tempt to rido into power on die suncrsti. '.have no cause to complain. IftholS
' MV HI lld l'l Ol MIYIIl'I IIH) ATC ( n 1(1 I 111 III. ..,....!.., P. r. .t ,Mnonl, m I ... f.. ... ut rtn f Itm .1 P ( 4 II U ft .Nffif a
, np , boats were launched, and (ill,,, u ith ; ,y ,, of I). K. Coll.ns, wid, ; , ' ami iho ra vment of annui.ies to the King
,n'l U'il ; ', , iVi"'!; "r1 i""1 , 'is,-vt,ral liMlu;s' W4'r) lM,t l)01"''1 I"'"-.' Accouuis from Constantinople to Si.'imd his sons, a well a 4 !iis royu! council,
an, 1ii1.1t 1 iioiian Hie thud nmto re- lnit j,, tl() m;t 0f lnil j,, tmo 0f t1Q ,,. r:. ,,. ., , f. , '..,.,,.,, (1f;rtM. I11.neiirl..nt nfihi. llio
""'in'!:5..-1!, i;':. ' "7 ,,,rcc,"m'.' "ay, a...J all except o.m lmly,;, ' ')Si:iou of tho We.lern I'owe.s for building, Ac, a.o to be paid tor, and
'i'l , . 1 '',,. ''-i .1 I . , . ,'Who CI111115 lo a sailor in the aelol lioldiu r,is,ic,. I tho Cnited .States uio to assumo tho debts
.. .. ...... unilll li,..,.l,y ejuse.l (, (1 H,(1. Wils .mv-ir.tUlCI Did ll'! 'P.... !.., . , .. I,.'. ,, I, 1 .! .l, ,',n,l, nn,l I.-nnlLK (i,rn.
II l in, lllA..1 riOl II'L.... ll 1.7 ..Mil' :uui, 1" III" X H..1.-I. .llrl,.jl
I .... I . . ...
'.'' i il,l,, l i ,,.l .,1,, I,, ,
"(rs of the Arctic, lar"e nuniLrs nf whom
rtion of the , incuts. Tho whole u mount to bo paid
lion, relieiou bi-otrv and prejudice em "natives" ruiir-nfiha of whom were dem-1 . .. " . , . , , r1', ' 111 ll'1-' -(J my lj0!lt-
w . . niivj inn i iii. i oiii.i. in ,1 ii.'ni i i oru
i i :.. .i -..I-.I-.I. . . .i 'ii-mi. .n, t i ... i ... ...... .. . ? . . ' . .'
ji-nueicu ill uiu liliiius Ol 1110 IgllOiaill, 11)0 , "" 1 inn u,; iiiuueeii lo vote UoW III" ilurin
1 then Ullilliei into u mat. run w as nr. i . .:. :. i. ...... i ii,.,.i..i. .... .1. II r..., ..v.nnil fni.. ...;n; r
,.r,,u.,l,,, in. ii ll,n . I I,, ,1. ' ,l . . J ' ' ilMlllsll Heel WHS III I J.l 1 ise II 1 ll IdllllU I III II " UU I U IIUl UUHUIJII u.llll mill I 1 1 nulla Ul
b and . ' c ! , ; j ,!(;n ,J ''' T "l",,iu Cl,t tawy lllu ..oops, dm ltussians succeeded iu sending ' dollars. To this despatch of Mr. Gre-,
1 rr A r f r f lG CM' "nd "'' U,,,it'r lho ' 1 d,d a tinm reinlbrcetnent by sea Hom Odes,a J Mr. Marcy ha, replied, instructing him at
;. u. "',,,'' s0'n,ul !lt li"1MUI,u ,,l,mi1 '"enty'tolJelia'si,.!,,,!. They crept out of die port once to n.golialo a treaty as the author.
ev i v . m, ll, t I ; I"'l;j0"s 1 kUI'H- o board, of ,,y ni.,,f U11j, 10 ro.)ls' buillg conveyed i.ed Minister of tho United Stales, and tho
. -;i M n ,i ..j.r ,i i inborn 17 or 1H were picked up. WclbllM,, tll(; ar.rr) shallow lighters and Hoats 1 treaty is now daily expected.
1,1; , f '-'iuo.inwi,! her boat which had been low- U,(:A for Udinj con, ond.e Danube, wore' New York Herald.
.;, on, o.,t. And,, i , N. ,. Captain m.j ,rom ,,() ther Hide, and li-hlemd ,." .,i,. ., ,uiia ,. ' ! ,
u.l, lor iMebec, Kke.l up the last men-' ,cr f iUl 0f lcr COmi.leii.ent. leavin-r 1!) : i ' ....?. .. ... . A Kansas Newbi'APEk and a Kansas
i r .. i i , i ? , uiu um;i.i t uni- n. n n . itiuiu u iuia ... a . - . .
Lin, s',,i,,.,-,M,".o.l,"',.,iir;.1,e"ori!..l,.it-i''"'. Ibo "Kunsas Weekly Herald,"
U neii wo lust had Mfjlit ol 11.') .steamer, ! scj,ik La v while the (1'K is were there, and 18 1110 ,lil0 a newspaper receive,! among
our exchanges yesterday, u!l tho way from
thu "disputed Territory." It is u neatly
printed bheet, published nt Leavenworth,
by Osborn & Adums. It is the first paper
il : .1 . . i- .i i. i " .......
Illl!lll"llllllllll'-. l III I. . .1 I I ' I I
weak, and die timid, deserves .he just ret-; Mock-In, not left us, but cast their hope, of falling in with tho remaining l0 , lucc l)f lIw bi;; waH Blrc,vn w ! 'y " 7w J a Jici,
ribu.ion.lmt awaits them. It has served votes for their Wlow citi.m Co.. !iKIcr,; b-U-bu ,e e, -rl , assess. lnmi wll() j,,,,,,,,, overboard, lo ' S M:.
Ihcm for dm temporary purpose of "ain-s thoy should havo domi when tliev saw , , . ':4';11"1a " ml., s poke . m 1(HI) ,. w;,a impossible to render auy',.,1 ,i. ,,,;,, ,,r,,P rvi.strinni I)in,i.
ing power; but they have it without lion-: thoy were about lo bo deserted by tho ' r' r v ' Y!,'rl- m ,1 T,- VV' ,00""" I''anee, and wo soon lost sight of nil, steau'i,liin Company, and shipped the jCstnWislieu m ihat Icrriiory.
or, end will hold it condemned by ,he Whig Natives, our majority would liave I bo , T S b , "9 , T Z 'r , i Sicc AusUlr.incc Menseh,- Tho "c.ty o Wenworth " where ,1,
r r r ..." i ii, . I , , ' , . were I hen about 00 miles y. o Cape .,.(-1,.,., i,,..... ; l.,,.u,i .H.tll ;lv ,P,VP,,r, I irald is pufilishod, H Hitualed ubout a
fcehngs or every true heart.-' been reduced but very l.ulo under a fair pilot boat Christum fiorg The fato ofthc - lUcc. j ,,,,;, U niy duty ,J IuIvC t w ' JJ' ' j . on- nK' a ! '"!f below Fort Leavenworth,
Tho people of Pennsylvania never did, average. j mi ..rtnnalo propeller and her passe ngers h(1,r, courso ,;)P 8av ,,f , 'lt 1 ' 3 J "laid out" into streets, squares, ice.,
nor ptvor will, upou "sober second tho't,"! Hut the deed is done, and although a ! ""t r "'p ' ''' ArC" 13 j P1'11'- l'l,r 10 hours with noiiiing to guide! Rossi an 1'itnr.vit vi'ions rou Di:rr.MT.. !!lljJ is Errjwi'ig with truo Western rapid-
approve such deception aud fraud. Their retrospective view of the contest may show i ""(rtbL.r. n!in!r?fil , oa.i ., M '"S but run "liu M':l' w,,i,''h 1 l",,k 10 ! Ode,s'i letters of I he (5th stale that ulil'1)' u,ld lI,,irt- II destined to beeonv) a
eyes will, sooner or laler, be opened to and how things n.igl.l have been ' saw nt a dis'uncei, , , "uhr i!. '.".cr'.A1 'f 'lr r7mi, '' 'JVth;; ai' fiIUj hl a ;hc troops in the Crimea ImveLecu m,roh.!h.rg, and important place of l,uSi..o. It
' , , f- t , , . i . , l ' i- . . muum i lo.iiiiug ci all, f(),r astc(j n ,ie ,lmc we , c.-l'istc.noI and reiiiforeemi iil-i wen- ls not la r from tho new city of Kickapoo.
tho stupendous fraud pndced upon them,.atncnded, yet wo can see very little to re-) 'h,cl, ,1 .s though, might have beer, tho reached r.rotid Cove, U miles north of h u r r ii i " t'ro m ' N i k 1 1 a ell n n ' 1 A ! e s I. v I The following notices appear editorially :
ana nicy whi turn Irom if, like die "dog g'i- eoniu unngs might Have been done,1 1""--'. 'Capo Kacc. We then proceeded bv land i Iiv.i-",',U lVioLoo !,;,., ,. ,i,;i.,.n'i A largo number of hands nro enjiacd
1 b . I UHll. L . 1 i. I. I, ........ ., .. 1 I. ....l..l ... I.'" I ... .
' IU lli.liVl.r., ..'Hill u IC1U:1L'I1 UII 1 I 111 I I'
from his vomit," with loathing and dia-1 'hat wcro not, ami perhaps there were
gust. The majority fchos that they have others that had better have been left
members to place diem in the asci ndaucy
. It is no triumph of Whig principles.
When thoso who have gono with them,
cq their error, they will gladly return to
serlion. "Nalivo Americanism? was np.
pealed to. Whigs enlisted with them to down, is triumphantly c Irctcd.
The Ardk's Pa
j has exhausted every means of defence
in cutting out the streets of this city.
Tl.c population of t'.iTs ciiy is nearly as
follows ; '.)' men, 1 woman, and 10 babies,
..sloped on-1 n.ilaklav.i there! ruiy a nourishing and
.drainers. luoo lltc., A.ii,.,,.,i ,;.... ,.,i ,.,..i. , . ,. - . . ..
I i;.(;,, ,,...,,;,', ,.,, v , , i . ,", "' '"i ..vU..,u,,,,..i ioo'oruor td remJer fcchaslopol impregnable,
only triumphed Iv decovin. from the I done. Ho this as it nuiv. wo haven.. rr.;..,.,l. iVn, ... 'i...u: ,:Mr 0 8nn." ?M,M':f- w,'"'' well fro... the land as from the seaside.
. . .... I .,M..n L::. 'J:..: , mV. 'I r" ; V- immediately in 8.'rcl,; i,.wccll s-d., mv democracy, enougu ct I'.s.l ,o . . m.ancra.sci i,i,3 "ii.u , ,,; hc n suies as i i.uve ,- ,, or boa,.,. yc cruised :n. r..- v! -., ,! r,,.,, p-,.; promi;i,)'Mown.
rmuilo I.,.'.. !., , ,.r..ll.. I . ... f.. !P 11 illl, V 111 nil .1", t ill liv.i rS I ,.. , , . . V.....V....U o,...n u u, . " .,.,,.
..a.u mn. ouni-Muuy uiaei tor . , - ; .arouiiu in a strong gaieot wunJ Irom the ( .,.,..: -l'i,,. m .,i iVom llal iLl iv. io 1 lavenwuriit was nirca.H' taiKeil ol us
years, and on this occasion, moro than , , 1 sieaniet Arctic i.ayo ueen ; liOI-t. casl ,ul discovered no trace of the -n-;i r. ..i,l,-r,,l imia'l,',. , nr.v 'he future capital of Kansas.' Wo trust it
, . c .. , .,, i pieiieo up, aiiu in.; passengers on Uoa, , o
upo, any former one, thoy should bo sal- l onJ n
isucii with i he result. 1 ho opposition for-
ll I . . 1 I i 1' I" . 1 I
i it'll iiim invi'. linn r mn it in f-.i. 1. 1 ii 1 i i.lj ii i . 1 1 1 1 1 ' .1 i ' it iirr'i i Attn in iiii' a ,i u: in iin ii is liiT iii iiut r. fio 1 .i .i i i ... .
. : ' I ' " .. . . . , " " ',' ' j wiin uio caiasiropim, ana i am in!.mcd he', unison, d bv ir, 000 men
K .l. t c.i . '..,.. iUI.... ... : o rnekini iin ol her r, I ,nt m:i ... .... . . -Uiiixoulu oy l-),uvv riK n.
wi.u ..auca, uu tiicuuisuincc oi men' uc- "-ii;i. . mi ti . as u 1 1 ii. a in, i o - i. . o- - 'j sein on iwo vessels much lie ii.oi cmplov- TI,,. I ( i ; ii-n .,.,i-,,r y,.t,-..t,M.l
and our entire ticket, from Congressman I --i," r ' . ,on 'r T v,cc";:ed about his own ship, but no trace of the ' encirded bv redoubts and'lren.bes !a"2 physician, a hotel, a steam siwinj.
i iiu iii o I. i: t u i. 'nil i in 1 1 n i rii i . . i. ... , . i i i . , . ' 'i, i . i
i i . .. ,, aiciio or uer ooais couiu lo loui.U.
. uio steamer is uv ,ir. i;,i nam. m , n . n. ,1
l.ii.i... . . . . i . i ii . . .. - ' no - i e. . uiu ib w ei
iioiu mcir organization tojclhcr. but in l-eiuoemis snouui remeiiiijcr that in liccr. Mr. llallrun am other oliicers of 1.1 'i i .. 1 ... . , I UJ
or boats. ;,o;,Scd. There arc three' furls at Kupato.!wi!l '''.vo something to fill a school house
Several vessels buvo been despatched U , ( t!l.
III l IlO UOPL'S i u tj, t, ... rm. ..... InLm,,! t , J . ., , 1 f 1 II ,,... tl,.-,m.-., .mo it tf
j vii t j v u. i i ii. iv- ins'.i ui .iU'JIU
" ;" mgeiner, utu m . .,ui, . ,ai , eer. i.a.inm an,, o ner olncers o ; neighborhood w here die disaster occurred, ! p itlf ,d v 1 ' 'WJ s'r n
the hour of need, trai-or-hke, abandoned '? defeat, there n neither surrender nor j U.c crew and passengers who got on board ; it is ,i0, n, , improb:i)!o lhat , Iivrs l' ':, , n, 1 " 1
evs an 1 Counsellors nt law ?" There is
. . -. .. . . .... Hi - I rl.. l, I... I.
areoruoJ wii i 13 bi'.teries.auJ dclendeJ : ", 'v, u uouu
HI dm ' I... 'Ml. (I'd ,,.n ' Ti,:.
IM U-l I.JtU I
ii of Selus-islc"'' "iU3 &,lirc a n do: her trading otab-
theni and their btandard-bearer. Can thev comproimso of a iinglo principle of our;1,, U1.u(- UMS reaciieu llio shore nl v b;,i c bee n sived.
" I . . . l.rrviM I Til.. !.rriL'iw r.l ;f -..i
V- . Vl. . W UI'IK II ill 9j l a nf U I ll.1) I'll . II
again , coalesce with such unp:inciplcd ''o'kus dJ party. Our colors arc again : .
demagogues? A secret oroamzaiion was """o '"'-' i"-r-i .ii-cr,i,a whIi " reiulorcemcnt.s hive be;
Wec'nes lav. the UTili. r.t nnon f',m. i; .,,i
raised, holding out extraordinary induce- !rio,lls u"d pristlegcs to every American Roaring .. V. ti." miles distant, whilo run
mcn'.s appealing to tho bnser passions Ofjciti'.ou," and, in die language of the great , '''"g in a thick fog, die steamer was struck
dm hii.-rf lo,- ,.;,rn,1 ,nfi"i;,i;i ... Jdlerson, "eternal hostility lo cverv kind i 011 lllG starboard bow, about h'mv fc.t
ccthcr fls members bv oaths almost blas.:oftJ'ra""y ovcr lli0 111111,1 of ,11an
I V I It 1 L IJII 111 V III 1 I I i il til IIII? 'M ill hlSS
s I It
10 (tollbt howev. lln-ov. ll iii I'r, i ill ( ),l,'.;s.-i 1 Tli,. rii nr.. 1
,; ,-u sun , s o K. o. ...e neei ., nuruur. iiL,n , St. MarV9 vb. Trout Run. u few
Ikslniflitiii cf t!io Slramtr 1'. K. fullius by
l ire. Twenty ttires l.ivislot.
Di:i ur,rr,Oe!.!). Last night thestepm
.abaft tho cutwater, by an iron smameri V" 'T " stepm- gau. nl by the Uussian arms dur- ch,iS ailJ a ,,,,,, ;
r,,SVl.icl. made three large holes in tho ship '., ' U- ' ' k''T" Hv' V n"d Cal,h 200 yard tho . I? le in,' d uo a
orpar-!trt.0 U low ,ho water-cue lei,.,, abou 1 1 a" 1 1 1 Ml ? h"', number isoUliers to show theeK'cs cipial to thciri j;, . j j"oe i;. h MifcJ
Olf'tltS. l',.
Wnnnu is JJ.vvy Ckocxet ? Mr.
Joseph Dill, while on his way from Spring
I'lia.-'!1 Mi;iiai.l,!liwlf' ijsutil a pi.ii.Liniali'
on i l.o 15,1, in which be prepared the c ' "-i .. ,' T . ,
,. ,,i . . ing a ntlo with him, but iiociiarg'i in I', ho
.ens lor a resistance to (be ist c rem, ty.i t7, r,- , ,. , ,c , ' "
r, ,., i , , ,, determined lo have u race wuh ei stian.
Iu Ib.s proe.amatioii he ununierates a I Ul ,.,. v;,i, , .
il.-t,,,: .,.,'i,v..l I., ti... t!,.;., ..... i-LI-' U ii hout a moment s consideration,
, .'IU l.UJ. Kill III .1 I I -1. I I .
iviii'j the
I of passengers on board, bound from tl
tea u 1 1 bto Mario lo Cleveland.
phemous in their character, and promis- "hO'iiavo been m.luccl to desert
jng a distinct and 'separate poliiical or"an- "l 'hne, will toon bo convinced of, 5 feet iu ieng'.h and 0 wide, l.:
izalipn ; but in a durk hour on tho eve ' t'lc'r .'ror, and before aiuuhcr year, will ; hoio cutwater end stem of the iron ska-
ofthc election too late to bo counlerac'; bi ns ardent in their attachment to our "'c'"; tlear througii i he Arciic s nde
i . . r Li iirriKn w:i-i llm !.i.f iS-.t ilm
I. M .. ...T-.'.'ll Trl . . Ml i ium i iLr a fi u r-t i. r i ,v n' ' ' r . I. .i ,
u,,.-ii.y we.osom w 2uicnt ntfgcnj - ' could not be seen a minute before dm cl-l"' "w rJvcr was discovered lo
like caille in the market! Will American ! 1 hat a great and good man, one whose nsi0l) . -fha wheel was put bard a star-i ' ' nn'' l'c'rro 6,10 f'oulJ 1)11
freemen stand this? Ey such means their'' ('ol1,l"Ct through life, both public and pri-; U-'ird, and the engine stopped instanily, 1 0TC S,' was C0l"!',c'( Iy enveloped in
i i... ..!".. i ... , . 'int.. ii ...illicit t...i .,- ii : t, .....'nii.l luirl.nil ni t'..ll i.r.l :i ,.i Haines.
.iuiijiv ii (s uut'ii ueiueveu. una WCCnWi "in.uni rw vi uii.iiii.-ii unu iuh .-,,1.111 unm iu n 1
.... . ' . ... ir.i... .,-i,;..i. :...i 1 1 I'm
lliem not nil the honor it can brin them, wnose valuable roiorms 111 llio legislation 1 ' eieiai ii.iu-
About midniuhr, when a liulo below
M..I I . I 1 1 1 . ,
o dense was the !,- iliat il, v,.t! r me i.igniiiouso at me mo'llh
I ules.
greatest conslernntion prevailed
j among tho passengers, most of Whom,
.,r i, l r oimu nuj joe in on mm i ;o a possjin on
orcuecesjurs . Uiaverv ami timvrr rS ., I . . I
durance. If the fncmv, (ho says) f1;,- 1 ,,Cn'u"0 ' !0 of - S
.1 ,i. i,,,.,,..,M ...tu" VVn i....1ll,t,lud '."ni, and broke his gun. 'i lies' ran-
..... umviuj.v .11 1 i I'- iiii, irjiiiu
outain a victory, men let llio wlioio store
of powder go with him and them into the
air! The proclamation concludes "Ra
ther let us die (ban surrender !"
On the other hand, the Vienna Lloyds
stales the Russian line of defence is too
extended lo be successfully maintained,
and that, from tho nature of tit? soil, the
intrenched works jast constructed by the
tussians on tho land side of Sebhstopol,
........ ... . ...
n this contest, how different has been ,ul '?"0.w' sun'tna living monuments T;c . . . . . , aroused irom their sleep by the fearful
the course of tho Democratic party! and;10 1,19 memory uliould .bus be stricken j ng )0W nn, c;il,t. Lllcc avc orJurHi nnnn, ran wihily about the decks or
U'i.ti ii Knt bnii.r.niin i . i . i . i. d o w ii . luroudi misrenresenlalion. onen'id oMar nwnv il-.n (,,,;in..r I,,,,,, i,;..i, ! plunged nt once into the water. Twenty-
...ii. i. urn Ttiii-iiiiuuii viu i;uu loon uaeil . " 1 I J w. ..u,,, . . , . i-
upon cv,ry step taken in do .tru-He 'treachery, and the defection of trusted was done, aud Mr. Gourhpy, .he chief of-! '"rtc Iers0ns r"'hod by fire or drown- cannot bo very formidable.
Standtng proudly by, he Consthutmii, and " regret ; but wcj -tic in charge of , hollar- of ,hoM JZ'ZT
ipon the time-lionorcd principles of the T IUI" "luir u,oso "noiaiij On k-avin-. tl port boat the'ro.n bc nscrrtained, nro as rdlows: Mr.ilmd licet had reappeared before Scbasto-
i n flirt tlnCnns. ftf .l..l.i. 1 I ! . . . . . 4 t,t r. f VT. ... "" ...!.. C I II 111 ( ... 1 .1... 11.. ' .. ' I . 1 t
rany, wo marched boldly to I ho nrenn " " ' ngnis, win ;cxc aimed. ' u st on tint nmin 'l '" Jl-W oamuet iiowcn,' mm ni" Russian ueei una nain run
battle-field "to meet the armies of Whi-. bo fiurc to risc s,:i1 hiS,lcr when the sober j Mr. Ua.ilkam," and beckoned me to come ! ;;' wroncc V balon, Thomas Cook, the , imo port. Tlie.e is a rinnor that the Rug
Kcry, with all their allies, determined nnJ 'beght of .he people shall bo en- to him. Upon doing he ordered me to ! :''T,;;V' A of(:iei elaml; ' hsh have captured a Russian express sfoa-
tft v'...1.t nn inU C 1 1 I ilblcd to SCO t l n9 flS I .OV I'l.n III fire, mill n" 0Y Id aSCCriillll II pOSMUIC ' .... , , " ' " ' -'!'"' " I j'Ui...lll Ul,-
. ;,v.n v i. ii ui iouu.i, uoi o j j what d' nr "0 1 a l 1 i 1 isniauuia.
a flag of truce upon condition. Wei not as ,luro ronre;ntcd. ' oTmino( tho 'L.ts,' he'gave order's ' Tb body of the child has been rccov-
could have conlcsced with ihn dm
. .. i Tni.' llrti't-r ,,,h 1 l r r " . j ... b w.i.u. ....... i.v,-,.. .r,i.
..... ....... u., uiivi'.n i. iiiiiiiu ui ii, i,. . .ii i. nun ii o iih; irt'w mn rn ssin'r
.mi. ijii.i. iu u iLiiiiui iu ii i in,' ith: 1 .
of "Know-Nothingism" more easily than
tho Whi
our peace
of our principles were more congenial to i
their feelings ; but we scorned to play the
political trickster ol tho fret of cither.
We preferred vuslly ' preferred a de-
Nino thousand men continue to woik
incessantly nt i lie fortifications of Cracow,
which place it is intended to make one ol
... -.WMUiiioiu iiiiiiu IU3II; i , . i . 1 ' ..... II. ill., , . . I . 111.,...
-. rnrlv rftrnun In " , .'he result or the late election lo render it : which was promptly done, but no udvan-: Amo,)3 passengers Irom die die strongholds ol die Russian empire.
,: ,, mndC!ccrtain that Pollock, (hig,) and r.LAi-K'tagc was gained, so" much of ihe bow nnd vet,: l,r0 n- l'- J'is Philadelphia, It will bo some years cro tho works
cowuh 'Nat.vism, liccauso niost'a)() 0Tr (Jcmocrn9 arc , ho success. ;'"' broken oil' from the other Reamer Mr ' tt,,t'rs". Westfield, Cl.atauquo,co,nple.e. The advanced works exte
.rinciplcs were more connemal to! ... . .. ' lnr,,!,.pi;nfi fVnm ii,n ,i.i a :t county. . ncarlv bvo I'.ndisl. miles lipvf.n.l 'Iw.nii
fid candidates fur Stale officers.
If is impossible to toll what will lo the
1'iuji i;, 111 nun. me pressure mai ltm sails . .-
coul.t not bo brought close to the vessel's c. , ", " "u""n r oi passengers irom ll.c
tide ' jfcauit left dip vessel at Detroit.
complcMon of the next legislature, nsthe! The carpenter was then lowered over1 1 ,1C oriSm pf 111,1 n" has riot been ns-,
T X- .1 . . ' . I I '1 x ...
fUf .;,u A. . . , . . , iMiuv uiiim-s uavo occn uio means ol , u,u muc, mm nnows iintl nmurcs
' T lTy na rr';cjcc(. Dumo,rnts ; somo , . ! ses passed dow n to him, to try end force
est Whig districts, nnd Wl
nearly live Knglish miles beyond thocitv.
ADfiiVAL cp the h'eopa.
Halifax, Oct. 11.
The Cunard mail steamship Kuropu ar
rived hero this inornini, with Lironean
(&-llfoc the election, ihe name of da.:cs 10 1,10 30ih ult., her regular day of
aimed by tho parly ' ,,'.., ,.. . r
tu,,, ,. . i a"1- iiincii .oiee.s nave sent a dice in u
Democracy. It was simp- c, n ,.,.,r ... . ...
, . , . ... 1 '"ui i si iiiiuiia-iii uiu iiussian
ly the "American party." Rut now, after transports.
the election, in celebrating .heir ill-notten' The intelligence from tho seat of war
impending between Men
allies, tho former endeav
oring to cut them off by inlcrccptin" lliem
I iu the neighborhood ol tho river Alma, so
AJV"v.'.., r mi . . .' ns tn nrfiwrd tin. ...ic..-,i o. 1 . .1
, . . I r, 1 .1 . . VK UUIliU UI OUT IV .Or I' ion, a ini-n " I'.v.v... v MVOlun u.l UtU ISIO O ..
jiuiu vnawniiaucr in I hi hide ph a ; and ""rt 1 u,an "vc minutes bclowo we ran over ., ... , ., Tho news o''. n oreii I,miI,. una i , -i
a',, t st ' ' ' .he boat nnd crew bclWin m H,n il,n,l k,nJy oJlcrc'l to pilot !? up Salt Rivcr.!..A''?. ' CN l0'. " 8rcat b.,,ll wn.9 horI"
i.iuiiiu,., , ,, , . It' .1.-1 .1 .
untarnished, qnd our honor unsullied, to a
vii'tnru ul'h onnVi nn .......i r .1!
...... uu uuiuuiii ui us "race ' ,, , . , ,.
i tho Slron"CSt Deninernlie
as wniilrt In niv m ii. ira.n - " . noi no "oi n. I'.verv
U iiiiiii. - .i i . .i i, .... , . ci . - - J
T , . 18 mougni me democrats will havo a ma. slop the leak proved unavailing
uur .e .oniry pros.raiit.n, our pnn-1 jority. i Captain Luco then ordered dm ship's
I Hi- (j Ii an t . . . I.h . I . . ' l l . i i . ,. .. .
- - - ,.... ........ Hun ever must T,c Democrats lose Con
iwcne rnonth, from now, and the ,ncn. Indeed, wo are not sure of ll
nflllfit nnv Will nmn n!m (I..,!- 1. ,
. . " '-'...up,, . ,, pf nioro ,hnn five.,.;,. i? :n',T, j ,', "a triumnh nf Wl.;.,
, - .... . ...... u.aivi P It. 1 1 1 1 11. I II II I I lll Klllllirikl'll IIII I I . ..... ' ' HI 'I L1 I I ,- .
Whs; Florencoisank. We Imd not been on our course! frViinmn" r t.u "7
n . . them in, but the leak was found to be so1 tvi 1 1 ,
I lugs m some of ; far Ll luVV , M y IUt couM ; "B was seldom da
rhstricts. I.ut it not be got in. Every exertion made to ! ''PPod 'n 'ho Democ
i a ma-, stop the leak proved unavailing ' 'y 'l,c "Anicrican part
! ''.. . ' T .1 . ? . ....
, - .pin n i.uco men ortlereil the ship s, the election, in celebrating their ill-cotton' The intdligcnc
ngrcss. ; 10 ':in(l lf h , is claimed in their jubilee se'eh- i is bal.lo is i
V.byA. !' Ibis limo wo had lost L , , ,, ., . . ' sc. koll and the i
, sight of the chief oliiccr's boat nnd the 9 t0.bc n ,0Sher "a Whig victory," and ; ' " J . ' J
4 i , n a P.I m 11 . . i
u, ,ucr. i no I'-Xccuiivc chain- this district ; Jonej, in I
ui iiarnsourg win ihcn Irenible be-
neath tho shouts of indignation from
Democratic, pcoplo. No administration
of tho public affairs, no matter how fuc
ft ... I O " ' rntlft h n ll (r I ll -I M-nr rtt .. I, IV. - 1 1.
cess.ui, can obliterate from their minds ihoso oflho Natives who only smi-ht ,1,,.' ,oV n, . ' ' .' ' .7. ' ' . M l'icliCf' ,,lul ca"',:d our whole district and
the unholy means rcsorlcd to to obtain . defeat of Gov. Rigle,, h,l what they call- tM engino, which tho enduee said could iC"n,y ,i(:ko, wo ,l,ink xvo liave lmJ 110
ii-.c,ol ?. nr ...i. :.T"? . Wo tb.-,,.!.- i.i.,,:..., ... . y - uonwm, nnu u was thoughl to
,.,,,,.1.. v, pinsneu wuh inc cx-; - i,uiu,um;uiaT, uav- to have been foimht on'tho 12lh
K .' .. . . . " Y "i" 'Wl'.lll If II 11 . I IIP
OCTTiio WhigS, Know.Notl.ings, nnd r,p','n f"- ow 'ho "tight hold of a;tng lost but one cniidi.lalo on the State public anxiety has been at its hi-Lcst pitch.
. o -3-'-- .'i..i, uii.,i t kl' . n li cirni'i niir ii I'
OCrA wreck of a steamer was'passcd
on the l&lh ull., by tho barque Mary Mor
ris, from Glas"ow, nt New York. Th..
Hull was iron, the wood work all burned,
and machincry.rcmaiuing in her. It was
ger grow desperate; for a time, it was
doubtful which way iho victory would
Ium. Finally, by a herculean effort, Joe
hit dm wolf a lick over dm head and broko
Ins old pato for him, and matched homo
with tho trophies of war i. c., the scalp.
This was a daring act, and has scarcely
been equalled in the unn ils of Dutch wur
faro since the Dutch took Holland. Adv.
I'"v.. ii is sncn demonstrations that ed "a glorious jollification" last night.. 110t bu done, as the ship was fist sinking j" 10 l'lltoreary regmn.
tend to weaken our insiitti(,n,0)D,1( had things in pretty good order-1, In r'iu'ut ,llirly n,inl,1(!S U '"'! OCrHradTImd Ka71iuT
tho confidence oflho net.nle. I m,i .:.i..i.i- & were nut out by Ihe water, nnd three ! .. . y. Kurll)nirti
nnwi,l,.KH;(i;. '. '. ...,..., J rT 7 i . ,,uu' "Ponu,o,fwtofwntcr was - rtC(, in';lIi0slil, uistrtcts ub,s county in w
... , ui.iw.1, iiu is vieto. a circumstance Wine 1 somo mvn l ien nn-. Sinn nmnnn. I m
passengers was very j When wo go up Salt River if
cttorts 111
tho deck
-;.'Wip ocoiKjuer." No fault of "his suppose they felt good-even upon bad TF "J tho ship for.i ,or.lunru
IrJ to the disnster-qo charo nonins. ' liquor and uv, I L l S P , T 4 H purpose of endeavoring to Unships.
... . ... .., ., "g'nst.nquor-nnd wo liked to see them show it. Vt at tho leak from tho inside u-l.iMit.,..! n. .T7
personally or poiiucaiiy,' con be made. ' -
has never betrayed the confidence of N,'w AtU
reople, or been charged wilh a want' ... 1, ' ' ".''""'"'biinvitcJ u,o..r wcro still haiiL'ins nt tho davits
d f,..lity to tho nrincioles of tf, .rtJ . ... T N,ncwf tl,emmy ' Forty-five minutes after tho coll
. camo up n-om Uio fore-hold anJ inform all give mnjoritics for Pollock.
uro tho only
hich llio Dem-
opposed to be the remains of tho City
of Glasgow. .
lieu. He has neither lowered himself, i.y to nltribute ,o . ho largo preponderance '6, bu, d.ey uscd nlMl ir VfTotn W u 2 n mdT , n TXo'n JT cc'"-pond?n. f-k ! The great superiority of thickly
nenho principles of his narlv. IT,, , ;,i 'ftr .1 , f , .... : ., 1 1 . ... assisting ,,n CLV. : ...;; . . .1 l,P ouf n," J gout all wc hall look, ) lIie Artcjajr bays : "The sown clover lidds ovcr others for feed and
" , , ' . . ; '" " ' ui iiuai iiiiitis, lie . . , , l o
A Rlock yon r,iE Wasih'gtox
MoM'.iin.NT. The government of Greece
has forwarded to Washington n block of
marble, taken from tho Parthenon, in
order "lhat it niny servo to ndorn, how.
ever humb'y, tho monument destined lo
perpetuate the remembrance of the great
founder of American ludepeiid.iueo"
Otho wrote lo I. is minister as follows :
"As u proof of die gratitude of tho na
tion towards iho United States, wo order
that this stone, with' tho adviso ofthc Su
perintendent of iho Antiquities, betaken
from tl.o ancient ruins of tho Parthenon,
and ihat on jt b engraved a suitable in
scription, whidi thu Faculty of tho Univer
sity shall propose."
Dr. Ghaham Conviciko of Man.
slai ohtkk. Dr. Graham, of New Or
leans, who killed Colonel Loring, ofCali
fornia, nt the St. Nicholas Ilottl, New
York, has been convicted of manslaugh
ter in tho second- degree. The verdict
seems lo accord with the testimony. Tlio
parties Imd angry words with each other,
occasioned by Graham violently ringing
the bell in tho night, to llm disturbance of
Col. Loring. The latter uscd some harsh
language when ho met Dr. G., and both
becoming excited, one, it is alleged, clinch,
cd, nnd the oilier stabbed his. opponent.
CsCrPropagatc only from the best.' If
you have a poor, or inal-fonned unim:d,
kill or sell him nt once ; if you havo poor
grain, dispose of it at tho most advantage
ous price, and purchase tho best you can
procure. In this way you will, consult
your ow n intcrcsis, and gain, assuredly
far more iu tlic end than you lose.
C& Never sparo tho seed
when you sow clover. Four quarts are not
enough to tho aero ; put on not less than
bix, and bo not Irightcned if you scatter a
..jji.,iiu- nn; 1.1',-n , ,jj heeiim, mo ucck i r l . r - -
ntlinnt r-niivr nn.l It, , 1. 1. . ?. .! r . :d for quarlcrs in nno or dm mlmr nrn.n. cmnptM mode of making vineaarisito mix
ward forth ,w I of K ' ' - . j five quarts of warm rah,.wa,or will, two
get at tl.o leak from tl.o inside. wl.iehwnJ n "iT"?; - -...uus .nou.sses, nnu ,oUr
found to be useless, -nnd numbers of tl.n.n ' O"och 9 m"Jonty 1)1 ' Stale will . r 8 01 J'"'- .In a lew. weeks you
commenced gelling into iho houH which i"01 b0 loss wo ,lli,lk. than 12,000. His "aM5 1,0 lCHl vino"r -vou CVQr ,1,8tcJ
. j majority in Philadelphia . is about 3,000 1 -Mr. I ooper, President of the S. it
collision, I J.'ffei-son, Centre, Clinton and Lycomin I a ' chcJT ? .f ,h? Nor,7t
I inform d ifdvo mnu' u. n.. 1 C0,n!1V f rrvn to fiRht a duel iMI editor ro,
mscu to bo snot nt. sensible man,
manure, is too manifest to ncud demon,
elrntion. .,
&CrTho Alton Telegraph says, wo hoar
of ono farmer in the interior of this coun
ty, who shot somo thirty head of young
hogs, to get rid of them', linving no' feed
lo winter them upon. : v .'
C5"Tcxas contains -129 necessary evils
'! J