Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 14, 1854, Image 1

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81 1 c ft r
Kns$l QOnywm mlvanco,
: lui;!..ii..l, 'twas for then T I. O
My own, my hnniiv homo:
For thee I left my oiiIIho bowers,
With thec in j.'y to ronm,
Ami where mo all llio liolv vows,
Tbo truth, tho love, trust,
Thnt won my lionrt nil .onttered no
An J trauij)lcil in tho dust.
1 lovcil time with love untolil,
And when 1 atood beside.
Thy noble form, I joyed t0 think
I wns thy chosen bride,
Thoy told me ere 1 wus thine own,
. J low fftd my lot would he ;
I thought not of tho future then
1 only thought of thee.
I Uft my home, my he,y lmmej
A ninny hciirted thiujr,
Forgottinst that my bniiue.i
A hiidowinp i loud might bring,
The suuny eido of life ia gone, '
It's shadows only mine,
And thorns are springing in my heart.
Where blossoms used to twine.
I do not blame thec for my lot,
I only f.rny for theo,
That thou ruayVt from the tempter's poorer
O, joyful thought be free
That thou luiiy'st bend ubove my fravo
With penitence sincere.
And for the broken hearted ono
Lot fall a sober tear.
From Arthur's Home tiarettr.
Mr. Shaw ami Mr. Graveman
members of a certain ,!,.nnminniin 1.:m,
, , r , - ,j ia.,.i ui U juru in icngin. in each ol
can boast of ns many worthy and truly their little hat? was n cluster or three bud
pious members ns any other sect ofChris-! ding roses and n few rre leaves Do
nans, and of quite as many "black sheep." j you sco unythiii" evil in flowers ?" '
They were both engaged in tho wholesale I do, when in children's hals."
grocery nnd flour business. One of them, I "God made the flowers beautiful, and
Mr. Graveman, held an official station ' im ihnm i i ii,..t, n;... r.
, , , .. ,
v , ..... gin. yji, niy near Danes were as pure
portanco of his stnt.on, assumed what to.und lovely as the fioucrs. how my heart
mm seemed a necessary sancimion.ous! would r.-joice.. I keep flower-vases in my
cxtcnor. He was very scrupulouslV,liu house and rrmiin, (llr, in m nr,l..
in his own dress, nnd strlctlv r.-nmr,,! hi.
' . , - - . .
niijs.wi vuaurvt-r ui uiu goiucti ruie. .
Proverbial on the ono side for exemplary
piety, he was proverbial on tho other for a
selfish love of gain. Ho did not take his
religion into the world, for ho could not
family to abstain from all vanities of this und more, I let them use' flowers as orna
wicked world. j mcnts."
As a member of the church, nmongi "Tho evil ono is blinding vour mind,
members of tho church, Mr. Graveman brother Show ; ho is leading 'you away
stood high. As a business man, among ! from truth by his devicesr You must
business men, ho was known ns one of tho' not conform to tho world. Only worldly
closest bargain-makers tooclosc to be td- minded people dress up their children with
eeo thnt it had any business thcrj. Rcli- turo of God is good, and I will uso nil his
gion wns for the Sabbath, nnd had rela-' gifts in a thankful spirit, and then I will be
lion only to ncls of worship. Tho faith j in no danger of abusing the m." -must
be sound, tho external observance-) Mr. Graveman exnpsUilalcd still further,
rigid ; these attended to and the man wns but without effect. '
it perfect Christian, he could do no w rong.
Mr. Shaw, on the other hand, whilo ho
was in a degree blinded to the want of true
charity o$ exhibited in Graveman's'ordinn.
ry business intercourse with society, by
tho glaro of his piety, was himself a very
different man. Conscious of tho heredit
ary evils of his nature, too many of which
actual life had confirmed almost into habit,
nnd sincerely desirous to riso above them,
ho was realiy what the other pretended to
be humble minded. And yet there was
no external pnrade of humility. He rare
ly took an active part in ilia affairs ofhis
church, though anxious for her prosperity,
and ever ready to devote to her his world
ly goods or his limo when called upon to
do so. -
In his family he acted ihc part of a wise
husband and father. Whilo Mr. Grave
man assumed cn nusicrity of manner, and
nipped with the frost of rebuke every lit
tle blossom that began lo open its leaves
on the tender plants that were springing
op around him, Mr. Shaw warmed them
into lifo nnd beauty by his sunny smile.
To ono there wn9 sin in a bright ribbon, a
beautiful dress, a Low or flower; the oth
cr saw in all external loveliness wether in
forms or colors, the good things of God,
and ho used them, nnd permitted his fam
ily lo use them, with grateful acknowl
edgments to tho Giver of all natural as
well ns tpiritual blessings. Ho discnmi
nntrd hetveen the uso and tho abuse; and
whilo the use was made primary, the ten-
- .. . 1
dency to abuse was carefully rcstramcu.i
."Brother Shaw," said Mr. Graveman,
xnc duy, with nn abrupt manner u..u u
captious voice, "you will ruin yourgirls.
"I hope not. What is tho matter 1
' "You dress them too gaily."
'I let my wife attend to nil that. She
Itnows better than I do what is suited lo
them 1'
"Your wife! Would you let your wile
throw them into the dock if alio thought it
suited them? I nm a plain-spoken man,
Mr. Shaw, ns jou know, and my pos.uon
. . t i. !. mn tr sneft i Plain-
yand warny'ounow.asindu.ybound
iy , nuu a j .,... ,t.n If VOU 00
to warn averring vrotuu. ,
not look better to your ch. Mr n, I cy "
0OK oe 1 L.i::" n minded instead
rrow un anu ueounio .
ofloveTs of truth. They -will go out in o
the world and be lost ; the enemy of man-
kind will claim them as '?"""; .
"You aro very serious Mr. Graveman ,
hut for mv lifo I can soo no danger.
"Noder?" Bless mo I is there no
dan I; in dressing up a child flower,
and ribbons and all sorts of PJ f
turn her head and a make a lool of her?
.. . .i.- ...i.:u I An not 10.
"A mine wiiii-" t
"Although you permit your wifo to do
"No-nor does my wifo do it. My cbil-
iff IH
CT ,. n pv n '
i U.AI.1 IELD, T. I), V. MOORE
Si JJ5 if paid within t!
ircc inontli.s,
drcn rtro not dressed up in flowers nml'r i . -......,.,.
ribbons and u!l sorts ofLw " i hr r " y Km?1 M"iht ,0 ,l,e
mi.. ... -o WlVta- sin O cnnffirnntv m i hn ,..,.i,i i,:,.t. i.:
nv, lur. Maw. met r
it tic girls, n minuto ngo, trickled out like
"How were they dressed P
"With gay frocks nnd gay shoes, nnd
ribbons and flowers nil over."
"Think again. What color was their
"Wlmtcolor ? They wcro they were
yes, lhoy wcro white."
"Nature's own sweet emblem of innn.
cence the color of tho virgin lily. May
m. ir minus oc ever as pure. I sco no
harm in a white frock for a child, but good.
I always like to seo children dressed in
"It's more than I do, Mr. Shaw. Not
one of my girls ever had or ever shall
havo on a flashy whilo frock to make her
proud. Hut this wasn't all. They wcro
bedizened, as I said before, nil over with
riuuons and Dowers.
rir..u ..,., :t i i-1 .
n,, i l 7 , J SCC ' 1"'UR
again Mr. Grnvcmnn."
" I here were gay red ribbons tied round
lrl or"! T'11-1 Tii" st,'camina oiTsomo
'"vo'In" J' - i' r,
"lou do nol scc correctly. Each oftbc
o " wo, 4 ujuiirv a j i in iui mi;
n.l .i.:... ' - " ' . . - ' Lb: :.. '
utiii unit i iv i niiuiLii iv ii i i; ini-in nuiii' ;
rioooiis anu uowers.
"And they eat nnd drink, nlso. Hccntiso
worldly people cat fruit and p1i-ni,nt fond,
bliull wc uso only what is coarso and un
palatable? I do not think so. Evcrycrca
"I am seriously concerned aboutbrother
Shaw," he said to another church mem
ber. "I nm afraid ho 6liil longs for tho
flesh-potsof F.gypt thnt tho worldly spirit
is taking possession or him. Have you
noticed how gaily till his family dress?"
"Nol particularly."
"They don't look liko church people nt
"Mr. Shaw is an excellent rutin. In all ,
the business I have had wilh him I havo j
found lrim strictly honorable. Ileis onci
of the few who are willing to livo nnd let!
livo. As to tho wav in which he dresses I
his family, that is alto-'cthor a mailer of
taste." -1 y1'" rcuny wish to ecu i icci nan inclined preiessor, tint;; you conic out and re-
", not at all ; it is a matter of sin. : lo buy. 1 have money lying idle." j nouiicc the world mid i lying vanities ;
It is wicked for ony one to piit ribbonsand j J'll is moro than I have. If you want , until you make a whole s icnlice; until
flowers on children. But 1 shall do my .my flour you muy havo it in iveleomo ntjevery fiolish nnd vain desire bo lnid up
duty ns Tarns I nm concerned. His daugli- eight nnd seven-eighths." on the altar. Do you think this will be
tor Ellen is a member of my elass. The, "Couldn't 'yoii say eight eighly-fivc , admitted into the kingdom or Heaven ?"
very next limn sho comes I shall speak' fjr nil you have ?" (As ho said lhis lie stooped down and uk
my mind to her plainly nhout llio way j- "No, I am not anxious lo sell. If you a lorj, beautiful ringlet of hair in his fin
she dresses. It is scandalous 1 Is it nny choose to take it at the prevailing rates, gers, nnd held it up.) "No, child ; all
wonder that religion is brought into dis-' you can do so." this must full before you can pass through
.-race when its professors iudulgc in such j "Very well. What is the quantity in the narrow gate. These ribbons nnd
pride and vanity." . j storo?" (lowers" nnd he touched roughly h?r hn-
Elltn Shaw to whom tiliusion litis just! "lean ascertain in n moment;" and net "will not go with vou beyond the
. , . . i -i i nr. Qi.n.., ... ...i i.:.. i.. 1. ti i ii u ...-,1 .i... . . i . i
been made, nnd, Irom Per earnest cuiiu-
hood, exhibited a sweetness of temper too .
rarely seen. Tho current of her feelings
nnd thoughts had always been religmus.
Tho consequence was that sho becamo a
member of tho church and joined a clas3-
mceling when only fourteen years of age
Eor two years, Mr. Graveman hnd been
i - t I.,-Clm ciw liim inti mnfnl v
ncr clim-u-huh.
on v in the cmss-ioom, nnu ma uti ul.iv
nnd professed love of all the holy things ,iat would net him at least two hundred
of the church caused her puro heart to in-1 dollars. To him it wns n fair business
vest him with every Christian grace nd ; transaction till riyht in trade. Tho mor
virtue, nnd to bear towards him, on this ! n( 0f t10 act was a lliing of which ho had
account, n deep spiritual regard. To lier( no conception. If ho was wider awake
he seemed faultless. J than his neighbor, he could see no reason
Educated at home, in n school less rig- why ho ought not to ' profit by his acute
id than thnt in which (JrnVeman was-anes3.
teacher, Ellen hnd not imbibed tho holyi On tho afternoon of llio day on which
horror of whnt was lovely in external
forms that possessed her spiritual guide,
nnd sho under the eye of her mother used
with taste and moderation those ornaments
which expressed her love of tho beautiful.
Her hair was dressed plainly sometimes,
and sometimes it was allowed to fall about
her young face in graceful ringlets, iter
bonnet was ornamented wilh a flower, if it
pleased her taste; and she choso tho style
of her bonnet in accordance with the same
rule. Taste was her guido in dress.
All this was noticed by her class-leader,
and it stirred within his heart a feeling
t- t i-..i l.- rvint trz-lncrlv nnn.
w men, nine as no u.-u...-, .. . j
lyzcd, would have been seen to be nnger.j
Ho ca'llcd it a pious indignation at in. It:
was not so it was of tho old man, Adam. J
OAen he had determined to spenk to Ellen
on tho subject in class-mecling, but thus
..Jll'l1"5!?' nJ2VOT,':n
5'I 50 if paid within Fix months,
. : " ....u, ....n... IM3
innocent pupil understood tu menntt con
formity to selfish maxims nnd evil purpo
ses. She did not drenm that ho meant her
ribbons, her curls, or tho modost bunch of
(lowers in tier bonnet.
Tho day after thai on which tho con
versation given abovo took place between
Mr. Gravomnn and Mr. Shaw, was tho
otio on which tho former held his class
meeting. Tho hour was four o'clock in
the afternoon. About ten o'clock in the
forenoon, business called Graveman to ihft
"I low much flour havo you ?" nsked a
merchant into whoso storo ho went for
the transaction of some business.
"Fivo hundred barrels," wns replied.
"Then you arc two hundred and fifty
dollars richer than you were on hour ogo."
"Indeed! How?'' eagerly nsked
i mum nuvices navo ocen recriveu
-J..: i i ,
from New Yprk. "icins n rise of fif-
,y ccn cn , 'barrc d ,
! c'ianf 1
j ..r-irst-rnto, isn't it?" nr. J Graveman
l''nds together with umuTected
,"! news, certainly, to all
,wno navo Hour on Hand."
"Havo you much in store?"
"A few hundred banels."
"Capital ! You are like me n lucky dos.
Hut, good morning good morning; I
must be goins. I have a good deal of bus-
jinrss to do on the wharf."
I Graveman left the store abruptly. A
sudden thorn-lit had struck him Instead
0f "nci he d, 2
tended roncd
1 . . " ' ho "?Wt
i "l" ",:u 7 w liS.c"anS'? JumPcu 11110
an omnibus, and rode some six or eight
squares. Then, getting out, ho walked
at a very leisurely pace for about half a
square further. This brought him to tho
store of Mr. Shaw, which be entered.
"Brother 'Shaw, how do you do this
morning?" he said, with n sweet, Chris
tian smile, as he took tho hand of his fel
low church member.
"Quito well. How aro you?"
"Very well, thank you. llnvo you
been out this morning?"
"No is there any news stirring?"
"Nothing of consequence business
rather dull."
"How is flour going to be, brother
Shaw ? Do you think there will be u rise ?"
"I nm sure I cannot tell. I should
rather think not. At any rate, I would
be very willing to sell at tight and seven -
"How much have you in s!orc ?'
"Three or four hundred barrels."
Mr. Graveman east his eyes lo the floor
thoughtfully, and. mused lor so mo mo
ments. "I Jme an idea that it will advance a
Irillc in tho course of a few weeks."
"More likely lo fail."
"I don't think so."
"Oh ! it's a mere idea of mine. The
market 1ms been firm lor somo nine. If
! ll - I. . - ...ll l r i i i,- i- i
-" -.-. .m u nn iuu;;n. "iiiiic:
hundred nnd eighty barrel.-'."
"All right ; make out tho bill, nnd I
will draw vou a check.
The bill was madp out, nnd a check for
tho amount filled up and handed o Mr.
Shnw. The two men shook hands in a
vcry brotherly mnnner, nnd Graveman
i . 1 r .lt C l r. .1. A I. - -t
uepancu iuu m suiusu oengtu at me con-
sciousncss ot Having made nn operation
Mr. Graveman had increased his gains
by an operation of such questionable mo
rality ho put on his most sanctimonious
face and clothed his spirit in a robooriac
titious pictv, to meet and instruct in hcav.
enly things some fifteen or twenty young
persons, who wero sincerely desirous of
knowing tho truth, that they might bring
ils precepts into life. On his way to the
class-room, ho dismissed" from tho mind
with an effort somo thoughts that were
not the most pleasant in the world they
referred to tho business transaction of the
morning and began to think about the
different members of his class, and what
should ho say otench. Among the first
about whom ho thought was Eilen Shnw.
"I shall speak my mind to sister Sfiaw
vcry plainly," ho said, ns ho walked
along, with his eyes upon tho pavement.
1 C l II P
Si 75, if paid within nine months,
"It she. is lost tho sin bhall not lie at my
door. I will clear the skirls of mv nor.
J t uini nowcrs nnil riOUOUS
Heuu-ca tellers
heart-breakers! All I
devices of Satan. Silly child ! to sell her ' son bo lovelv, 'nnd The will bring blessings
soul lor head-near nnd gny-dresses. No ; to nil."
wonder that fclio mourns over her want ofj Hut Ellen's spiritual instructor had
rail h, nnd is ever complaining that she; taught a different lesson. How should
makes lailo or no progress onward.. I nm ' bh0 decide ? Sho had great confidence
sick, bid; cfihis. Net a bright face do I ( i ,cr mother, becnuso she knew her well,
meet ; not a cheerful experienco do I hear, nnd loved her only ns a child can lovo a
It is lameness of soul, and doubt, and fear! consistent, wiso nnd good mother; but
and complaint. Hut no wonder; the enr-J Mr. Gravemnn, uluWpictv nnd know
mil mind is enmity against God, and they jcjj,0 0f ,i,0 doctrines which 'lead the way
are nil drawn away Irom faith by lovo ofi to Heaven, sho had nevef hen id qucsiion
the world. 1 have a duty lo perform, nnd r.,t i,1fl ;.! ihr.i it -n tin i nrt, ,m .u
it shall be done."
In this frnmo of mind Mr. Graveman
went td meet his class. The room in
wnitn it wns new was tho hack. parlor ol
. . "
louiid about twelve females present. They
wcro seated, card apart from the rest, with
u im-niiuT. ncn mo cnucr cnmo'in no
grave almost solemn luces, nnd eyes cast
upon the floor. Scarcely a head was rai -
scd as he came in. Gravcmen f-poko to
no one, but walked to a table nt the side
or the room with a slow, measured step,
and seating himsell, crossed his hands
upon his fitce, and remained Tor nearly .a
minute in surnr prayer. 1 he stilln-ss ol
death reigned around. With n'deep sigh
that had lour or five responses, the lender
at length withdrew his hands, raised his
head and took up a hymn book, from
which he selected a hymn nnd rend it over
aloud. Then repealing the two first lines
of tho first verse, he raised n tune in which
nil joined unl sun;; them over. Two
more lines were read, nnd the singing re
sumed, and ihus the whole hymn was sung
two lines nt a time After the two last lines
were repeated all knelt down, nnd the lea
der prayed a long, loud nnd fervant pray
er. Then tho loading commenced. The
first sister was nsked to relate his experi
ence for tho week, which was done, nnd
the lender gnve her such ndvico, encour
ngemcnt, consolation or ndmonntion ns he
deemed most useful. Tho next und the
next were called upon, nnd suitable in-'
slructicn imparled to each. Occasionally
a verseof some appropriate hymn was
The whole seme was deeply im
pressive, nnd cnlculalcd to inspire the most
solemn ihouglits.
At length young sister Shaw was nsked
to tell w hat Imd been her exercises ilirouuh
the week. In a low , timid, but clear voice
Ellen made her statement. She coin-
plnincd of shortcomings, of tho tendency
of her heart to load her nwny from spiritu
, n' thmgi, ol tier want ol lailh, yet ex
pressed an earnest desire to bn conformed
in nil things by the renewing cf her mind
to the pure precrpts of the Gospel. On
taking her seat, a denp silenre followed.
Then her lender said in a severe voice.
"Sister Ellen Shaw, vou complain cf
coldners nnd want of fait Ij. You have
complained thus ever since yon joined my
class. And no wonder! Heretofore I
havo not spoken to you as freely tis I
should hnvo done ; but, by tho help of
Ood, l wilt no'.v tin my. duty, ion will
never be anything but a drooping, way-
i .- ... . "
"rave. Heath will pale the colon; in this
jiay dress. Ah, sister Shaw, if you wish
to bo a Christian, you must give up nil
these ; you must give up the world ; you
must let tho curls nnd ribbons nnd flowers
go. It is a vain, effort child ; you cannot
serve two masters."
This arid much more was said in a cru
el way. Boor Ellen burst into tears, iind
wept bitterly. In tho innocence of her
pure young heart, sho feared that all thu
might be true, nnd her distress was most
poignant. On returning home, her moth
er saw that sho was much disturbed, nnd
nsked thu renson. Ellen related with
overflowing eyes, what her leader had said,
"Do not let it mnko you feel so bad,
dear," Mrs. Slmw said tenderly. If you
do not set your henrt on your dress, there
is no harm in it."
"But Mr. Graveman says ifis conform
ing to tho world, nnd ho, you know, is
such a good man."
"Yes, I know ho is a pious man ; hut
for nil thnt ho mny bo mistaken in some
things. God looks at tho heart, Ellen, nnd
if that is right all that flows from it is right
to Him. A mere sanctimonious exterior
is nothing if tho heart is not true in its
love. If you curl your hair with an evil
intention, or wear a ribbou or a flower to
do harm, then it is a sin ; but if because
you lovo what is bright and beautiful, the
precious gifts of Heaven, you adorn your
person modestly, bo sure that there is in it
no harm. I think a woman should adorn
herself, not in gaudy, flaunting colors, to
attract ndmiraiion, but tastefully, that she
may throw around herself everything to
nnd if not paid until tlio expiration
irmko her lovelv, and thus to incr'-ce hei
:n,'w.;,. (... ..,.,!
vl I lllliiv. io.. ,11. w. II'IU.
wnnian. s nm In ,n nvn, . nn !
hen Mr. bhnwenmo home thnt even.
, i11T) ,e nkcd lor Ellen.
j s10 ms been in her room since sho
1 1-ii uiu in
I tcrnnon,
'nrn b,,-. r,n. i.,o .i.:.. ..
in great distress of mind."
Ilnw sr. V Mr Khnw'a limit-a inn.
tmctcd. "Mr. Graveman has been tulle.
j jg very harshly to her, I think."
i .Hehns? What did ho sav?"
..j rebuked her before 'tho whole-
c;.isg for cr!in ,cr hair nnd wearing
; flnwf.r3 n her bonne; ; and the poor child
js distressed to death lest in doin-r so sho
is sinning against God." .
Oh, dear? I am afraid Graveman is
an arrant hypocrite."
,y, ouiv i uu muxi mn stiy
so; that is very uncharitable.
"I don't know. But ask Eilen to come
"She is so much disturbed in mind thnt
I think vou had better not see her now.
"I wish lo put her mind nt case, nnd I
think I can do it."
Ellen was called down. Sho met her
father with n forced smile on a sad face.
'I havo heard from your mother, Ellen,
whnt has occurred," the father said, ta
king his child tenderly by the hand, nnd
drawing her down into a chair by his
side ; "but do not let it distuib you you
have done no wronsr. Havo I not al
ways taught you that Gud looks only nt
the heart ? A sweet fountain cannot send
forth hitter waters.
II VOU 00 lint linve
an evil end in view, your act cannot bo
evil ui the siyht of Jli-nvpn Kr lot.
get Ihis. Aro flowers the offspring of that
cause which doomed I lie ground to bring
forth thorns nnd thisiles? No, Ellen ;
they do not correspond to vile nnd wick
ed affections thnt curs,', but lo pure nnd
good affections that bless the ground.
Still use them, Ellen, nr.d do not finr ;
they nro good gtfts.-Only scc that you do
nol love the flower for some base end.
Sec that you do not uso ornaments for a see nny good it would bo to me, to put a
selfish purpose." ball through your body. . I could make
"But Mr. Graveman is such a good man, no use of you when dead for any culinary
father, ho ought to know." J purposes as I would a rabbit or turkey.
A deep shadow passed over the face of , 1 nm no cannibal to feed upon tho flesh of
Mr. Shaw. He was disturbed; but hi.n fee-1 men. Why then shoot down a human
lings calmed, nnd ho replied, in n low, creature, of whom I could make no uso ?
steady, Lit earnest voice, ".My child, I A buffalo would m ike better meat. For
have, until now, thought us you do, and j though j our fhxh might be delicate and
therefore, was always glud that you felt tender, yet, it wants thu firmness and con
like remaining a morc'.-er of his class-: sistency, which take nnd retain salt. At
mooting; but something has eccurred to- any rate, it would not do for a long soa
day that has opened my eyes. I do not voyage.
believe him to bo nn honest man." j "You might make a good barbecue, jt
"Oh, father, do not say so!" A shade ,ruci '-"ing of-tho mitureof u raccoon
of aimuish rested on tlio countenance ofi01' possum, but people aro not in the habit
the girl.
"1 fear that it is nlns! tno true. He
took advantage cf my ignornnco to wrong
rue out of two hundred dollars."
"My fittbnrl"
"I have tried evcy way to satisfy my
self that there wns no evil intent on his
pari, but every inquiry has only tended
to prove that he took a deliberate advan
tage? of mo in fact, cheated mo ! That
is tlio riuht way lo call it."
What tho render nlrendy knows was
then briefly related. Mr. Shaw had dis
covered, a short time after ho sold his
fluur, the rise in prico. At first ho could
not believe that Gravomnn knew tit tho
time that ihe priee had risen ; but when
laughed nt Tor suffering lo be over
reached, through ignorance, he could no
lunger doubt.
"Do you call that honest dealing, Ell
en V Mr. Shaw nsked, nfter tellin1' u!I.
"No, father," was firmly replied.
"Could he bo in heart un honest man
tt'tiit U'nnld .til fit i 7-n l.iver nf tlio l.r.-,'li.
"No, father."
"Bight, my child ; ho could not. And
think further. Is n man 60 thoroughly sol
fish in feeling likely to perceive clearly
spiritual truths thnt nro above nnd out of
the sphere of self? lou see, then, how
little reliance you should place on tl.ocnnt
of Mr. Grnvernan, whose class-room you
will not, I am suro ngain enter. EJIen,
you know your father and mother better;
they tell you to keep your heart unspotted,
to sco thnt thcro is in it no conformity to
the selfish maxims of the world ; to use,
wilh grateful thanks to tho Giver of nil
blessings, tho good things that are pro
sented to your hand. But while you ndorn
your body, bo suro that the green leaves
nnd bright flowers nnd warm colors are
around your heart. Bo sure that your
thoughts and affections are right, and then
all things corresponding to these you may
freely use."
Ellen's mind discriminated clcnrly. Sho
ilCft It
of the year $2 00 will he charged.
ivns deeply pained, but tho truth wns so
clear 'lint she could not seo beyond if.
She never ngnin entered the class-meeting
of Mr. (iiuveman, who took every oppor
tunity to allude to it, and gave as a reason
that ho hnd done his duty, but thnt tho
truth wns too plain for her vain, proud
Tho harvest in Grcnt Britain i report
ed lo bo unusually nbundnnt. All tho
leading journals nro full of glowing ac
counts in relation to it. Tho subject in
deed, is one of universal rejoicing. The
London limes states that tho difference in
the price of wheat, compared with that of
ihe previous year will bo nt least 20s.
ja quarter in favor of tho public, w hich on
thu wholo consumption will amount to a
boon ot Jl'Jo,0u0,(jC0 to that public on
w heat nlone, besides a corresponding re
lief on other grain.
Col. Webb, of tho New York Courier,
who is now in London, also writes:
"I havo never beforo visited llio rural
districts of England duringharvest time,
and I have arrived nt the conclusion from
all 1 can lonrn from the oldest inhabitants
that the wheat eron. nnw hrinnr rnnhllw
Kmirpd. wiilumt t,.. !i,,i ini?,,,, r-'.
AM occasional showers "which hnvo fnllon
j jn scvera districts and slightly retarded
tn0 work, is not only tho uroatcstin ex
tent, but ihe most productive per acre that
hru ever been produced in tho United
Kinr-dnm. Fubruarv. Mi,r.'!i snrl Anrll
wcro ilm flrvrst m,.nih rr.m.mi,Dr,! tr.
.-"it - :.i :.. ., .
h.ave occurred in lhis country, nnd during
this period more acres were sown wilh
wheat, nnd it wns nitogcthcr Letter sown
nnd got in, than nny previous ynnr. A
good growing senson followed, nnd now
there ore thousands or ncrcs lying conti
guous to rnch other which will yield up
wnrds or sixty bushels lo the acre. This
greatly astonished me, but in certain dis
tricts ihis is not an unusual yield here.
It is unusual, however, that this great
yield should cover so grcnt an extent of
; country ns it docs this year. ' Tho nvcr-
nm nor nrn tliia vonr ia oetmuifaH nt Ihir
ty-throc bushelsand upwards for England."
Answer to a Chai.i.exge. Tho ec
centric II. II. Brcckenbridge, ono of tho
Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania, w hen a young man, wa3 challenged
to fight a dud by nn English officer, whom
he answered ns. follows:
"I havo objections to this duel matter
the ono ii !"tt I should hurt you; nnd the
'other is lest vou should hurt 'me. I don't
of barbecuing anything that is humnn now.
And as t. your hide, it ia not worth taking
oil", being but a little better than a two
year old colt ! So much for you. As to
myself, I do not liko lo stand in - the way
of anything that is hurtful. ' I am under
tho impression that you might hit mo.
This being the case, I think it most advi
sable to stay in the distance. If you mean
to try your pistols, Uike pome object, a
tree or a barn door nbout my dimensions.
If you hit ihnt send me word, and I will
acknowledge lint id had been in tho same
place, you might ulso have hit me."
I.NFoinr.vTioN Wantud 01 either Eli
jnh, Stephen, Wyman, or Alven Towns,
by their brother Josoph Towns, of Kussel-
Uown, Canada East. The above four
brothers supposed by their brother Joseph
to be in Illinois, or some other ofthe West-
ern St.ites, nnd ho has not henrd from them
for morn than forty years. - Should ihis
meet the evo of nny nf ihem or iheir des-
cendiindls, he would bs much gratified to
receive a letter from nny ol them.
Publishers of Newspapers will confer a
favor on the writer by giving these lines
nn insertion in their pnper.
Address : Ilusscltown, Mcningsville,
Canada East.
Thistles fok Cattle The Agricul
tural Society of Clermont (Ohio) recom
mend thistles as a good substitute for green
food, especially for milch cows. It states
that beforo being given for food, the this
tits ought to bo wnshod. And then pla
ced in heaps until they hent which gwr
ally lakes phico iu twenty-four or thirty
hours, and has tho effect of softening them
and cnuiing the prickly portion to bo no
linger troublesome. Oxen eat the this
ites with great appetite when in this state.
If iho vegetation of the thisiles bo some
what advunecd, they thould bo chopped,
scalded, nnd given os a sort of n mash.
CSrLct n mnn do hii best, and tho world
mny do its wort.