ill is. If V . ,i!l 4 NU'ilillnllV If .'si riM ! I MM It 1 4 , ,r ' II '.I ill.! I til 1,1 the t i !in.niM iihli I 1 ' "' iml ll. ,,, ,, ,, ,, . , , H n ..i ii... i .. ., , i , ! 'I I I I ' ''"I . I Hill l" W llll 1 1 i ,, , 1 - , , ,,,1, ; ' i' lln'iv I, !'i , : I'll- i mi. I, 1 ' IT ll'll. II VI. In 1 r ..Ill' I' I I.I I .1 I. I,, i . I i ... .V, si' ... . 1 h, i, i I Ii, I 1. mi il! .1 : II, ,! 1. 1 IT 'I I . Ii ' .lie., ii'll I' llllll III , :,.M. t.l l.'- il l,. , ! ''Ill Ii " lllil'l. t!..''V t t ii il.i is i c, !' c I in i I'liirci ii il.i.i r,.,.itii..i.u ,t tl, llll. I I l ill I i' V ). III. I HI I'll. .1 I', ill I Mm: !: i 1'i.r i.l.i. !, il 1. 1 i, .1 1 t .14 ! 1, ,. t , I ,1 Mil '.I ill' '-, ,l t 1'Virf Kl'llilV 2, T.l pi.y (1,0 pill, lie. t; 4.-1.1 ll" the I wmN.-iiUJi, i-n.l ,.l i which ...v I, . In' Contract. , I ill cu. of lu,r, r,.j,.. I;:!;,,,,,,,, M,, prc.. liiMirr. ctiiui nnil In ri'.lccin ilu pul.., debt, tlii liiiuro shall at their iii'M n.v.,i..u ufu r ih-.i mh.pti .ii nl llii.-i j4 rt'u.n in.., ilni ('4,11 -i ii iii:,.n, pro. vi.lo by hut ,,r tl.,1, ii 4,f u linking fund, 1'hh.h bli;tll ho lill t! 11' M4i. public il.. Lis lui wholly .:,i,, t,, cou.-is( ui';i l!u' ml iiu ..I i ...I...... 4' 1 11: 1 1 1 ....... 411. I.OI" ,4 Ul.l llll? J I II 1, 111.- 11 III 1.3 llllll 1 , (14. as on 11- 1 i"l ny mo I i4iiliioiiwenllli, or liny other funds m i- sing under uny revenue law now existing or that ' may Fu hen-atler eumicd. so fur ns tin. sauui uiny 1 hi- repaired tn pay the interest ol ku. debt semi", j Hiiiinafly, iiii.l unnuuiiy lo reduce llie jri in-i j ul thereof by h rum not loss limn the handled ti,.,u- i sand ili'llarii, increased yearly by inintKiiiiiiliii at a rule of 11. . I less tbnu live per tiutiim per 111 n; , tlio mill sinking fund shall ho invested in the loan.-, j l.f thn Colli, loilWCallll, which shall bo cuneclle 1 i from timo to tunc in tt manner t bo provided by! law; ti.i portion ol' tlui sinking fund ,il t.w.r ho 1 applied to tin. payment of tho debt of live hun drcd thousand dollars mentioned in l!i 1 lir.-t sec tion of this ai liul.., hut tho raid dinking fun, I rhiill ; ho tij,li..d our, to purpose horviii rpui-iiicil. Si:, Ii. Tho endit of tini Co.iiiii.i.imimIiIi ! rhall not in any way ho iiivoa or lour. .1 lo or in aid of uny individual, conipuny, ci poruiion or us- j r.iciation, nor ehall iho I'mnuionw oiihh hi'mufli r tti'.jmo ;. J i 1 1 1 inviu'i' or stookhohh r in any com- puny, .( imiuu or eorporuti.ui in this ( omiuou-j Vi'iiiiU or eljiM. hero, formed for uny puippo. 1Si:i-tjo.v J. The I'omiiiomvenllh "(hall never 11s-' fumo liiu del. is of any county, city, h.irouuh or' t.iwiiohip, orofiuiy corporation or ib!.ei!itiiiii, un-1 h'oS mull d.dits have been contracted to repel iniu- .-.,., ii'. . -j iiiriincciion, ci i- Uuiena lliu Mute ill nut. iM'..ipr,;niox II, .to nr. aiitu u: m. I'i'iJultiUiitj Jiiid'eyio .SiiLi-i-ijtiiia. Tho LcLu-h.tii-n sioill ti..v,.r ,,il , ,. - -" ' ' l.'.lll.ll' 4.44J UOllll- J ty, oily, ln-ough or toiviifhip, hy vote ol iir citzenr or otherwise, to bncomo a st.nkholder in any joint ' rtock company, atiociatinn or corporation, or to raiso money for, or loan its credit to, or in uid ot'i nuy kueh C4,inpany or a? socintion. oliac. I iU. Jl I AM.l.N, ,i:,iker 0 tl,r S'liHtr. la ISenato, April 2S,-lSol. Pcrolvod, That this resolution pans. Vcan, 22 uays, 6. Kitiact from the Journal. T , T. A. MAtil IKE, Clerk. In Hoiiso of Ileprescntutive.s, April , Isil. Kcrolvod, That thin resolution iiic. Vcuj, 71 .N'uys. -'0. Extract from tho Jmirnal. WM. JACK. Clerk. nLI'RETAIiV'li Ol'I'ICC, ) Kilcl April UK, ls;,4, c. A. BLACK. Hccrotary of the t'oniiuouHealih. J LXXSYL VAXJA, a.S : f" tritKTAR Y9 Omen, Ilarrisburir, July 1, bH. j I I do certify that tho nbove and fore j f-KAL. pnin i.iu truo and correct a copy of the t ' ' I oricinnl "Uosoliition relative lo an iimondment of the Constitution," us the mine re. mains oil file in thin (.Hire. In testimony whereof I have hereunto ret my Land Mid caused lo bp affixed tho real of the Hoc reUiry'( office the day and year above written. 0. f. BLACK, Secretary of the Commouwealtli, Journal of the Senate. "Boolution No. 6li2, entitled -Resolution propo iinR tmondmontii to the Conrtitution of tho Cum monweidth,' waa read a third tinio. On tho ipies. tion, will tho Senato agroo lo the first proposition, tho year nnd nays wero taken, nurreeably to the Constitution, nnd were as follows, viz : Yeas Morr.i. Buckalow, Darlington, Darsie, Furgur.m. Foulkrod, Friek, Fry, Goodwin, Haldo mnn, Hamilton, I). I). Hamlin, li. W. Jlamlin, Ileistor. Hoko, Jamison, McClintoek, Mel'arhiiid! Piatt, Quisle, Sagor, hHifcr, and MTaslin, nica ker 23. 1 Po tho qnertion was doei.led in the affirmative. IMay Morsrs. C'rabb, Crerrwell, Hondrick, Kinior, Kunkle nnd t-kinnor 6. On the question, will the Scnato a;reo to the rocend proporition, the yeas and nays wore taken irroenWy to tho C'oartitution, and were as fol lows, viz : Veas Mesrrs. Buekalcw, Dnrsie, Furcuion, Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, llaldeman, li. 1). Ilnmlin, J-.'. W. Hamlin. Hendricks. Heistcr, HoSe, Jami son, Kinior, MeClinlnck, McKarland. Piatt, Prico, liuiKirle, Klil'or, Wherry. M'-Curlin, Speaker 22. Navs Messrs. Cra"bh, Cresrwell, Darlincion. Hamilton, Kunklo and Skinner 6. tw tliPfiiietionwandoterniined in the affirmative. Journal of liio House of Hopresent itives. "Tho miction re.'urrini: upon the final pasa(;e cf tho Resolutions, the first proposition wuMi.-roi'd to as follows, via : Vr.vs -Messrs. Abraham, A lams.'At.herton, Thill, Barton, U. ver, l!i;;hain, B.ivd, Hush, Hv-rly. Cnllwell. Calvin, Carli-l", Chumberli,,, '( cok. Crane, Cummins, Inu;hertv, liuvin, He Frances IHinnine, Fekort, KiUnperi Kblred, Evans, Fos ter, Fry, Gallentine, (iibhonv, llilniom, Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hart, Ilerr, Fliestiiu'd. llillier, Hippie, Horn, Hiiuimel, lliinM, ker. Ilun t"r, Hurtt, Jaclunau, Kihrnre, knight, Lanrv, (Li'hipth,) Linn, Majree, .Mau-uire, .Manderliel'd' M Coiinel, M'Kee, Miller, M.,naAhnri, Monl -oiu cry, Monro, Mon r, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Pnrm lne, Pauiore, Patterson, Porter, Pnlney, Raw lins, Roberl.i, Rowe, S.ilhule, Scott, Sidle." Simon tiin, Smith. (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford.) Stewart, StockdaK Sln.n;;. Strutliers. Wheeler. Wieklein. Wriitht, Zeisler, Chare, Speaker ay.s liniie. So the question was determined in the uftirmative. (in tho queKion will tiie House njrroo to the recond proportion, thu yens and navs were taken, n;-ro. al.y to tho provisions of tho'lOth nrticlo of thL'oiii.Uliitio.. uud are us follows ; Yeah Messrs. Abrnunm. Atherton, Ball, Bar tin. Bee!;, Beyer, Hicham, liovl, Caldwell, Car lisle, Uianil.oiiin, Cook, trail.), Cummins, Iiaut;h. erty, Havis, l)ee;;an, Ho France, Duniiinir. F.ilim' er, Lldred, Kvans, Fry, Gallentinn, Gibbonv, Gii T!r' uii), ilamiiton. liiJsmnd, Hillier. llii.ple, Hiinsecker, Hunter, H,ir;l, Jack niaii, kiljrore, Knight, Laury, (Lehiph.) Lowery, (liog.'i,)Linn, Mnu'oe, Aluuire, Manderliebl, Mc Conuel, NcKee, Monejrhan, Monttromerv, Moore M iser, ,Muse. Palmer, Purko, 1'armJ. e, Pasmore' Patterson, Porter, Rawlins, Roberts. Rowe, Sul hi'l", Scott, Simonton, Smith. Smith, (Berks) Hmth, (Cr..wfor.,) fiUickdalo, Wheolcr, Wieklein, rifht, C base, Speaker 71. Navs Nessrs. Adams, Baldwin, Beans. Bush, liV t0t,U K;li"' Jl''lr,' llurr- ,,or''. llim..l, M I o.nos, Miller, l'm.lron, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, tiron, iftru h-rr, Zoilor 2U. So Hie question Was decided in the nlTiruiutive. Skciif.tapy's Ouh k, 1 Haiuiisuiiio, July 1, IsjI. f PEXXSYLVAMA. . I I do eeitify that llie nhove nnd foro- SKAL. V?oin l 11 (.., .l .. . . ) "1 pas nnd "N VVJ.. lllk(,n ou tip 1: riluiion relative 10 an omendm"iit of the (.iinrtituti'.n of the Commonwee'.tt," as tho tame B)ipears on Iho Jourii l of the two lloiisos ot the General As em hl.T of thisC'ominoiiwealih. for the Se" aion of Witness my hand and the Seal i f raid Oilloo this Urrt day of Julr, one theu. and eitfht hundred and iir'ty-fonr. C. A. BLACK. Keen tury of iho Cuinmoiiwonlih. A Journeyman lubinct jjalirr " v te ,l,r"rd'-,, ll,)ci'ul and eonslant ..' ewploymtnt by tnakinj; steilicntion iinme ilintely to the subscriber. JOHN' Cil'LU'll Ch iirfi.dd, July , 1S4. tf. P I"V''NC,'!i UAOl'F.lUtliAN OALLi: Tn '. C.od B,rl't, '""d""" north of Powell i 1 1 , 1 1 1 III Id! I I n r. i 1 1 i i I I i 1 .1 1 1 s I 1 ... 11 ll., -., f V ( I S I H 1 ' 1. 1 1 I .il'in ; I',.. W ul,: In A 1 Ii 1 4 1. 1 !.:.. -. 1 1 1 ... . s 1 . I I I l I I'.N1 ,(.!' ' I I! I I .1 S III .. V mill : I M 1 Mil. Ill 'i.ii.i: 'V" , t ' ..4.- ' , , L A EL 11 .1.1 . 01 1 . -..Iin,.; 1' il r v 1 , .--i r - i urn i. r ii Inui 1.1 un M i .-1 1:1 1 1 10 v, . ,, evil", 1 1 'oh. 'it 1 .M ep ,. hurt Inn;; Man, lui!.'. ii il Ii nil tin ir lie. 1. 1, i 11:1 in.f I. "I. I il' in, ah r bow . 1 ,. 4. or l lie I ill'.liilii-un lur Mil i.'ty " r ri ui!" tes. in '"'ill lil. in- ce, I. ill, li'., iw'ioli.iie, and It'livillf; the MMl'l.l ill II heller ('. ill. lill. u, l.el llll inlevislcil ( nil in,. I obtain 11 pinui.lili 1 (iree) i.iiiili'iuin 1.111 plo ii i i.l, from tin. ieo-1 r.'.'pe.''h' "in'i of the lieiu lu'iiil r.Miit., ol 11.-. u-.o : l... ,inr !ih l,., r. I1.M11 h.l ly e.'.;.. i i, M1.1l 1'liyMi'iiins, v ! luue u-e.l it in tin ir piiielie.M.nd npn.k 1'ioiu llu iroun ol'MTMll i4il-i, iii:i i:i;;s.-1'. is. pK, kuam, m. j., i ti,,i, X. V. I,. II. 1'i.kmimi, M. l., Caii:inilni;iin, X. V. .M. II. Mu.i.s., .M, ll., lliielicter. N. V. I). , ruon:, 1. I),, f'yiv.cii:.,., X. V. I'l,.!'. imhi;, ; M. I Ihiliiniiii'i..' .M.I. .1. C. Hi;i:ii k. M. ll. Hal tituoic, -Md. V, W. Ici.hsi:, i. Xcw-Vork City. W. l'ui:v , or. ,M. i.. C, i.e, i.l, . II. ,1.1'., iS'i-.M l.ANii, M, i I ii,,,, X. oik. ttcv. 0. ft.: IIk.M!I, (ileiin Sprins, C. l'liiiiphlels hud I'lnlis it I llu fioro of ('. 1). "(iii.Ajieiil, l'iii!.i t, Clouilicl.!, I'u. Alsor old by leadiiiii (irue;irisis in tin. pnm i,al t..wn.- in the ii'i juiniiil,' eiiiiutii...'. : . .1. 1'. .MAKClllSr .1 Co., rioprieti., 1 Ceiuial fepot, ;iu Hioailiiav, X, V. i July :i, l.'.ji.-iiui. i goo (.001) ii vim; is .'m)'., V PI'VIXil f'J'ON m AXI) CASTINiHof iill ) kinds, ul Iho STl)L .IMi HA I! 1' A III) SfdKi; ml.i-.inin-f Leoiianl ,t .Moore's ,tme in Clearii.ilil, where all kinds of Ca-lin-s nro lo he hail on the most rein'mnili!.. term . mi,-I. m r l.'ol. Ion's lint Air Si, iv, . . ol iliili ivni ...i.-s ; (he celebrated. -.allium nder, (a 1 ,,a stove.) Parlor Sloi es fur wo. .d a.ul coal. Mno Piales of dill, reot ,;, llallillir Stoves. Sled Soles. Sieiuh Soles, .Mailtle Ilral4.s l',,r Winter and Summer. Vianllle li s. Ket tles of all sius, and u l:;rt-e a--.irtinent of Hollow U lire of all kinds, A1U, TllllCKIIIMl M ll'IIINr..., CuiKll Mll.l.S, A'.rr'n and iV.o,, of every d. serii' i'..ii.-t.inllv 011 hand. Ci'.l.'is tor all kinds of Ca.-inis ..rlii;-,l nnd Saw Mills, and Ihii-ine.'- e.unpl.'te, IVoin' t,. fortv liorse power, will be tliuuki ullv r.x-eh ed and prompt. -ly aileinUd to. All kinds of eoiiuiry pro. Inc.- taken in i xciimi;,-!. for Casting, and (M.i .' ,', ,;,!. L. 11. t'AUTLU, Aftelit. Cleail'el.l, A. lil j, I s j ,. J l.oou to yoi k iii;iii;st, 7 s pfRciiAsi: wniiRr Yiir plkaskis S x I '"I.1' (Trent ph a-nro in nnnouneiii); S 1 to our old flielols. Ho. I I inn i,r,,i I i.. ....II S llll kinds of (illUCIMUl'S cheaper than anv jj other house this side of Phi!u,l,.!phin. fail J 4. and see l.ri....d ll....? ...I ,.. 1... .1... .1 S 'md see prices. Don'; mistake the place, at ? Sthe corner opposite the Pennsvh a, in Kail V S the corner opposite the Pennsvh anin Kail S S Ilmiil I'epnt. Go..!., delivered u; Tvn.uo S S two. lavs afler pur. haiiiiL', Mind that l kern S '..,., ;,. ! ;;,;,,,, r-,., .,,), S iJ "'t- ')", ll c. All of which wiil be .-old lit S a very low profit f .r Cah. J S J. It. FLY. c S II.irii.-l.ur-, Feb. ls:i.-ly. l LL! m:v hoot ,v snoi: sr)iti,. C. S. BLACK, I'i F.SPI.CTFVLLY announces lo the citizens of XV Clearfield, and vicinity, thai 1. . has com mence, 1 the mnnufaetiire and sale of every varhtv of BOOOTS and SIlOKS, in tho new buil'lin ;, 4th dour east of Mosson ,t PottarlTs' store. oi,o,,;ii Shaw's Row whorevho will alnv ln.v i i n penaral assortment of rcady-mado Boots, Shoe-, uiiiiers, cuppers, sc., .tc., ot tho very best quali ty, and ut the lowest prices. Tho Ladies nro par ticularly invited to examine his rtock of DBLSS SHOKS. .Vf;..A share of the nublie n,itrr..,rrn ; ,.n.,.i fully invited. Clearfield, .Us:. Hi, V,l Iv. TYRONE CITY STOVE STOKE. " It. HAI'MAN would t a III t hi kll lare-e supply of tho Lest F1I I LAUL'Ll'll I A and jjii.-DLiu. iiii'., of various Hires and patterns, such as C'UUK, PARLCUl, and BAR stover nnwn; which may ho found the "New World Cook Movt." TheM) stoves have all been selected with careful PA.....l ... .1 '..1 4. - , . , .. . .1 i.i,. .. i i ' iiiii-mh -s i i pi.iti s ami iiinii!y ot metal, i ...4 -i.M. n ..oi.ui ai una esiatiu.-eiiicm arc irnr r. .'. I'ersoin in waul of a pood stove rlimld call ar,d taiuine his stock before buying eh .where. Tyrone City, f.f,t. Jfl, J t-,.'" I . t T. Ocular DciiKinslrutiuns. TIIK "proof of t!:e Pud.lin i is chewing Pa.L'." ti','1 the suie-t nay I-.. u-ct i heap the j ....'..i'.-, ,s io ci'ii en .v. at. IIM.I.S, at the ' ( V'i t 'oi lier VtT," Where he is ju t r ivintt a u. w recruit of ,.lt.,.-i 1 every thivt;; in the line. A particularly Ifr-e : and well r. lected sto-k of Fashionable Readv-! Trimmed BuNNKTS, and Silk laid, Plain I'.he'kl Silk, Watered Siik, ank Fancy eohmred Silk Man-; tillas, nil in the lntesl ai'.l i":it-d .V1... Ms,, a superior lot of GlXi; HAM LAVNS-l,ilc ,u:n. lleini'iiib'T at Ceo J:KI) l'l..l. Julv 12, I. IIO'IIS AM) Mlllll-I. 7 KAN CIS SIli.lRT iiiiuoiinces to the citizen enmtuen. in the R. "1 the inanul'.ietitre of Boots and Shor roit.'h ot Cle.lrtiel.l. 11 1... . .... , ... . .... e ,01111.1 111 " in"i I., in ,::.'. 1 i.y jii" 111. is Shea, up sl.tirs in Shtiw's row on Second street, where he is .r.'pare,l to ,lo all work in his line, nnd will be plo.'i-cd will, a call from m,y ur all ,,f his old cus tomer" nnd as iiiady no-.v cues as may see lit tocx tmd to him their putronnL'c. Clearlield June 21, 1 s.M.-tf. '. Vl'l'l llll Pn'irii.t Ll.l l.ING IB. resreeil'nlU ;.,r.,,. ,.,,1.1;.. , i. , 4 , , , v .."'i X. put. lie, that he constantly keeos on hand n KLrIX oonveiiientt;: Farmers Ro!i , rive 11 - a call nl ih,. 1 ' ,t i'i 1 , "".V'ni.ip, C Biack'!, ''h ;,!.;, lrlil,J ' ,,,,0ry Connlry ,,r..,lee will be taken in evhanro rnr l"',"M'" I Jan. 11, D'51-ly. FAIR RANK'S PATH .N'T SCALES,! VJ' nt U. ir wandion-e No, III Miill;t S;.. I'l, II,,,,,,),, I,:..' Ixuilmn.l, Hay, Ci,l,iiil Fanners' SCAT Ll!-. Set, in i.i, n ...... ..r ,i. -'f , i'iitr.v. hy opr-rieneed work inen. nt,,l on shoitett notice. 12, ISat-lv ,1 ".. ",,V ,'l llll? Klacksmillir, Lonk lo your IutcrcM rnill, n,i,l',,..,t ,..r.. r. ...i ... . . ; I Hl,,.L..t.i '. .i r: ,. .. . '.' M'!',vn ll,, ,.n-.... . , . . V1 ' 1,1 ounly. abl "mm id " til ' ,i Bi t (, I .. . . I f .r a Tailor or Shoemaker , l'or l,,rther i.,frm,.iionin,purc of the uh Jen iyn- irliirtheriiif,,rn,..ii,,nlir,.c.,.. , .. ... i a his ju nil, Ft"?, ,. SAMFKL It. DILLF.fl .. ""gg" "nship. AiiRiist 2, lSJI.-tf. I) At I I tut,..-...,... f of learheM and sdioininir eonntie, ll,, I,. ...:..i. . ha, lilted up ,! ruZcmrF in Ihn Ir.wr, of .hin;i... ...;,t. 0 I,(Jl SE and is fully r,ronrn.l L ZS'll," r;:UT,f-v' ; favor hi in with a call. Feb Is ,.H"y t tllll lUtl III l!' V, K ' 1 v I. I ( ci N I III I II I'll I I! ' I V I III. I'l .ll. 1 1 (' l: -. -I I I C .. I'l I 1 " I I I ., II I' il . nil III" 1 Ll Il,; T 1 1 II Vi ,, 1. 1 I I I 11 i.l f i V 1. J ,' II I I'-.ll I, 1 III. W hi II, ,..., 1 111 '.' v , - 1 ..J -r : , I. I 1... r..l!. r I K :: I ln ul I 11 or I . V II. i.l A M Vi'l'Nii, M. 1 1. f. 4'llil.l. ul n copy of ll hiiiv 1-.IVI vi'iiiiu' in;"! i.r .. 11- ' I nun ri'-. I ,I,CI I.IM I d C,.li ;!i. I'.M.i l,., l!n:.rJ. end ll... .1; -l l I. AIM I 1, nil fi !.:- 4-:: : I . I. .1:11 III I. ill II r,.hl Ill .-, t . 1 b; ! I'liCli 1 c I.l II i:l.'t.nir .bl-1, n, r oil lile ' !!' 1...I I,.. I iii Hie ; llie w iin up hv l! 1 1 .in lb, ' u!V'i'iii- l'. !, n-ile .- i,l . Il".;ll of I ir i lr.-i.'iai, " pli. v ii aii .0 ' i and (iii 4 ii be an. ill,, r M.mii'lit wi'ti- out, (..iii-oir 111 married, or I In luelit, r.. id lln Ilia 1 1 1 ; t ii-1 of Ibe .liSl'l LPI( S. Ilaio the a'.- lit .' i,,, i. lurried any lnip"di iil. u "'fill book, as it has hi en vlin' tin, i.. an, 1 ol iiiiforlni.iili' creatures I'imiii (he I . iv j..',v of d' rlli. v. An pi r on sooilin;; tmiv i ivr. cuvrs cri'ln-iril iii .1 l.'tirr. v ill r4'eei e one copy ol ilii. 'woi'liby UK'.il, i r li o ("ipie.-i n ill be rent for (. v ( ; Dm I. Alt. A. I li. . -. ,'p ..t p.iid.l Tn. VM. YiiFNii. X'.i. I .'.' Spruce Street, Philadelphia. July 12, K.I. - ly. .V.Ml'.IIU'AV AltTIS .'lo IMON. 'J'he Aiti ni.'AN Aitrtsrs' Cmo, would re-peel-fnlly iii.n.iunee to llie cilia ii ol l!,,. L uin d Stales ami tin i (.'aini.liis, thai for dm purpose of cultiva tiiii; a lii.-lc for llie line aits lluouli.iut t!.e eiuiu Irv.aii'l with (be iew of i nablii: every family In I omo po ses ....I of a gallery of l-.nruvin. , B 'I 11 K FIK--T ARTISTS OF Till': AG K, They have ,1 n-rtniu. il, in oi.l, r ,, r i. :nc an , . t"n-Ue : iii for their Lniriavin nnd t li us nol only K ' " etui'l lyeieet to a lar-e number ol'nrti:.i and I'tli.T.'. ' nt in-pii.. union;; our pnmitrymrn a ta t" inr works of art. tn (ires, lit to tlie pureluin-rs of their enj-'ravii.'; , when L'.l.,li.l of them are .-old, 2ilUi(Hl Cifls, of thi'urlimlfoslofnd.Ot1!). Kaeh purel.a.'i r ol' a Une l;.,ll..r Kmrrtu in ;. iheri'lor... receive j iml oniy an Kiiriivinj; wortii ll.o iniimy, l.ul a!-o a, li.-kei. whieii ciii'.ll.'s him In mi" ul iii.. liilis v, !. .:i ili..v .,re di Irihuted. For i''if ioUii:,a hihiv fn'ii.hed Cur-.v iiir In iiiiifully PAlXTL'il in i.i I i., un. I l H'l.lill 'J ll K K I S, will be sent; or Fivi: IIoi.i.aii's worth of .splendid l.u0-rai in-- can be eclmcd from the Cm Inli, ue. A copy of iho Cali.'.oiii., together with a speci men of one of t'.. l'. ,;;ia in-s, can l.e teen at tiiu oll'u e of this paper. For earb Hollar sent, an; actuti'ily wrtli I'.n.l sum, and a t.ili 'I'iel.el, will iiiimediate ly ho f. i'W.u ile J. AH FATS : The Coininitlec lioli.-v in; that the suecei s of t!iis Ci'iiAr .aiioxi, IMniinAKiMi will be mate rially promoted by llio energy and enterpi i.-o of intelligent and p'Tseverii,(; Airenlri, Inn.) re.-olved to treat wiih sm h on the most liberal lertna. Any p"i in v. i-hin; tj hecmie an Ajfent, by s.mdino; (, ptiid.) if I, li il l, iti;, t;iVK m iiki i iin of mil., a line Hollar Kncrmii, a "llli'T TIC KKT," a Prospectus, a eml ail other ne. cei.-ary iiu' . ", ', ' . "'I'1';"1"', il", the Gifts '"M 1I,:K'''' the ol a Committ.ic of the un tlie Ii li :i I coinpletion ol Ibo sal", the Gift. I i'i in iiasuks t., be nis i nun ri:i),iiin.' n li lli I will he (riven l',iroi:i;li'iiit the t'nit ,1 Si it,- anil I t in. t 'iioh das. I LIST OF (II ITS : ; lln) Marble bu-ts of Washington, at Jim) !'" " " Clav, inn ll " " We'leUT. lull 1 l0 " " Calhoun. loij :,ll 1.., riii.l llil 1 in , 1 . . 1....1 ill J 10,0111) I II. llllll in, lion 1 ll.OUM o.hiill .SCUD .'...Iin 10,01)11 " - ' " 1"..1...J,-, Ml - I' Il'l , , , (Till frames, sie ;i.. f.-t. , ai h. 100 eho'iinl Hil Pniiitiiii;i.2."i ll.e.i'eh OlMI steel phile Ihierav ines, brilliant ly colored iu oil, rich (;ilt frames 50 10 1.V..U inelo's. caeli, 10,001) el. .jrniit steel plate Kn-ravin. colored in oil, of the lt'fiti,n .' iiii, 2 1 1 x 2 G in., ciu h, 237,.IMI Flfcl plalc Ku-raviii-s, from Hill lllilerent plates, now iu l.esi's. sion of, and owned by llie Arti.-ls' I" ii ion, of the market value of, from all cts. lo $ I each, 1 first-class Hcivollinj;, in 31st St., New York Citv, 4 41, Out) 12,0m) I2,0Dil 22 build iin; lots in 100 , 101 si Ms., N. Y. citv. each 2.ivlllll I'l ,1 IIKU) I'll) ilia Sites, cintainitiff each II), OiHI r.p IL in the suburbs nf N'iv York City, and comnmiilin; a loiinilieeut view of tlie Hinhon River and Lonj; l.-lai.. Sound, at ill 3 n'iieiual loam of ca ll, without inn-rest or rcc.irily, of $2itl each io.nun I I ; 20 i ,r,,0l)i) lUD " ;,n 211 ' 5.000 j. llllll ftJUlll In. not; . i .' i ... ''U i.(iO() Referi-nre in ri trard tn the R...,l Kda. . Yissi iikii ,V. Co., Real Frtalo Brokers. New York. Ilr.l'.is, (p.,.-t p,,i,.) money enclosed, to be addressi .1, ,. V. HiH.I' !H )()K 11, Secretary, aii.'i Broadway, N. Y. - 0 .The Ktisravinj's i;i the ealnlo;;!'.'. nr.. n..w ready f r deliverv. u". !l. '.','' i:, i..roaTT to i A.r,;! i:.;. IHrliok's ralcnt Iniprovnl ( i,!rr .'lill, lis Ar niiiirfil for hil. H'dl'i-.lllf. -I, if Ui,; . ll,: 1 oi r ',,( ,-,,, IV'o rtn'. near h.-d tin. Inventor fr e-i the A MIlIi L wth World's Fair, New V It t.i -It the 1 ir t Premium at Slut l'.iir. et ltis'iiir.-h, 1.".,:;, mi'.iber i.l' i'.iiiuIv Fairs. 11 "ii.l the following ci ;! I :i '.it..'KMoU'N W. n. Illi-KOK :.,; I ,:; tl P 1111 in. lui June !' P hi, lo. I I. une d our Iin- proven ri,r .,,;:.s; .,.,! the .Mill 1,.. 11, mil en l-i I I r..i,.l l, ',. 1.... I. ,.l. . . . . , .ler, . ' - -' '""oi 's I nr. ... 1 pel iioiir. 1 l.e,.., ,-r,,un. aonlrs tu1. o I ,.,,.1 I can pre.s out two barrel of cider per hour with two nun. I can recommend your Improved Cider Milllo all fruit prowers, for r I and n. smin',,)' labor. 1 1 in ri.ike thiriy-tlve "iilbms of fr.'.m luiie iiinl a Imlt hu. he, oreoninioi, iip'iles. Tlie ci l'.'r can be p 10 1 IV.. 111 the p.,uiac without 11s ; injr water now. Cider will keep ono year when " " 1 water is not mod at the pres. ,, ! JOHN M'CdMBK. rarin-trs examine this i 1 ..- . -..".tX:,! it. win he dinic,,,, ,0 the ib iiiand. and persons tin, .., ., Letter send in their orders soon. Tl,e price of , Mill h, V,!,?!,1'1 ."t""1 y VT! ,'"i'U ,. ."" "n' V . 'II. - -Ml I. .. , , tf.ii's, Cl. :;rlield, Pa. ...r- n 1.1 n t-l illlMIIU Jj, Ji, V AH- Aililrot-H vonr firilor,- to A. il. IUMVMAN, ..11 I.adjcs and (.I'liUcnim, Jl 1.I.11IV11 it a (rood maxim, that eviry person should purchase (foods wherever Ihcy pli-a'C. liul I hey rhoiild uot buy too hastily before I bey as certain where they can be best suited. 1 woiihi most respectfully invite all (ladies iu particular) to call nt It. (llennan's slc.rc. and exnruino his snlen- "rtinent of roimN that com wof he (.vcolbd In " Hli n of country for ('." AI'XKSS. diin.1.11. orull ili'MTin loiiMiin Ur .s. n...i . ' i - ' niii mil-- m"a " C"' i""1 ' !ioes and -ai " ' vnuureii ol all ni ran be nc-oi un.. da l ed. 11. CHIN .VAN, Juno 21, Pvt. Tf mis of Advertising. 4 HVF.ItTlPEMENTS are Inserted in the Tto. -i a . i'u. mean, ni one -aoiiar per pnuare. for the nZvri -"'"'r' " "dditmnal insertion. FourU-en lines make a unnaro. No sdvenisetnent Inserted for leSS than a dol ar. . .". rn,,"ctinn " hosa who advertise y.ti'5 ,) u 'jail. Hi'.MtV (iimi:. Ml Ml I I III, II . I r In I .1 r. i.l "I i. 'i". I Ml.i.." in .M. in. t , i p, I i.. I'l' . lint,. . t im... I.., to' , i i, ml y on b I, a . I ! I' ' i I n v .1 . . ,,t,. n i no I i'i oi.l, r .,n I1'' !' ' '. S. i. li i. I. i.i:vi;it ru:: l, ! I)l.lll.Mlil!l, l.ntb, ,.,,, 'a ..ill iiltend (,,' ) u l I II ini'K in his I, ne, an. I will ul-,, luiiii.h .i., .i.-, Im, i, i, . i, i..iii ebeiip, aiol iioiiiulii,.-I'li-.l in llie I... t sub, aiU luLiiinud. I A" . V, I; ..;'. I TIIOMI'.SO.VS, llMl JVtK'lv, CX). ! Iron I' i, iiuil, rr., Cuiw,.iivilli.. An cxiensiw ii- o'loieni of ( a,,in;;.i ii.;..e t or.l.r. i I l:-,',l. I JACoii i;ii.i;l:u, i.i it r, '('in mill Mi( , i r,i taiiuiarliirir, 1 I iirweni iile, the old fo'in.lrv, on the noil li Mile of Main street, where all Lumii'o.-s in hi- 1 line is ib. ne up in a workmanlike Iiiiinner, nnd on I reasonable term'. Country produeo taken in vx ' chance fur work. Sep. 17, Is;,;,, J O. Ir.MilUUI'rLL, " I f tni.n '! in. iiikI flicH I roil Snc SJ.niu- V . . .. , y .. , .. . , , 4.11 .-oeou.i I'l-eel, ol. 11 Hour Ullllll o A. K. Vi ;',,it',Cl.rl'.il.l. li.'c. 2H, I '.. v.M.T.GiM,.:in,l 1 llll ll lllllll. l II, ,.,.,,, I' I1..11 .. .. .. 11. .4.1... 1' ' I ', " II", ,4-4, ', 111 Hill i Crosi It,, a. Is hoiditv from M 'Gee's Mill to X'ew Vi'ashiiiffion, and from Clied creel; to the river,' whore all tit!! in his lino w.ll bo proinptly atlend- '-'' '" ilureh 2, i:i2. j ' joiix nt'..;LL ;v. c0 j fT WXI'KSau.l Currier-', lirnuipion Hills, ( '1,-ar- j 1 Iii'M tMy, Pa. keep eoii-thiitly ..n hau l an a. on o i ii aiiii'r. i ii..i piud ,.r hides, May I -', 1- . I.- Gin. I TIIO.MAS I!II,Ly, (1'iai'!i nnd Hcl-h MnUrr, i n Third .iivl, between Market and Locust, Clearfield, l'a. A I til Mi, III. ,2. I!. I'. STJiltLING, Oad.llr nnd M.u-iicvs Mtikt-r, and .iuMi.-y of yj ll"1 l'lirc,Curw..iin ill,.. ee. 2H. J.s;,. I'virilAKD (ILKXNING, j 1)ii.t nnd fdioc Hiakitr, can he found at his chop three doors west of the .Mansion House, i w in' re he iin- eon -tn ut ly on hand a lnr;;e assortment both of homo and city iiiuniil'.ieture. Julv S. I J. 1. TIIO.Ml'SON," liirl,sniI,'i.V,'a-oiis, Bu-ie-, Ac. ie.. inmrd 1 ) on short notice, and the very best style, at hi? i '' 111 ""' T'iiijj.Ii of fTtiweiinillc. l i s i I U ( ) ! Ui i T b I.N A Li L , rpaniirr, at the old stand in Curw eii.-ville.. 1 Dec. Its, J.S.-.1, c;i:o. w. RiiiiKM, Sailtllci-, HariicsNnnd Trunk M.iinirhr.ur- Cr. lill See., lid Mreel. immedintely over C. D. 'let.-. ,u's Hruc store.. iee il, s.'i2. U'.M. iCcilAMIlKKS, Ithi'ihvii-lil. ( hair M Lit !:! Il.nip M and Sl.;n TaintiT, Curw --. ill lee. 2-'. s.M. tuomas" s"nii., " ;,i,,vuir.i:TUi..i,i, in 'Shaw's Row. 'on .Mar-i l.-t street in the room formerly on-upicd bv in. Roil. baii):li as Pest Clliee. Dee. 211, lv,!. " ' A. L. SL'Il4FLL,"" riLUInr, Lulli-r-btiri.'. will do his work just as .1 iron. I end as cheap as any other fellow. ' J 'IT. i -.n. j JAS. Al.i:XAM)I'Il,' Sa.lillf r and IlarncvN .I!;, her, in his new shop' . on .Market street, near Mcrrell's hotel. , Dee. 2H. .-.ol. j ! .JOHN II. IIILIJUJtN, " """"j Ioot liliil SUoe Maki r, Second street, nearlv ) opposite A. K. Wright's More, Charlield, Pa. 1 j April HI, ISi2. j j JA.MKS IIOLLKNBACn, )lail.sinilli, n Third street, between Market J and alnut, l Icailicd, Pa. j 1 r 1 1 lo, o2. JOHN Y SI1UGKUT. A raffoii Nalier, comer of Third and Locust ' ' street, Clearlicl !. Itcimli-iiur , 1., .,,.1.... ' iil Hi, 1S.',2. ',' UKO. IUC1IARDS. ! 1 7avliiimsil.le Tailor, we,t of Shaw's Row, up' Mairs, I Icarlicld. ,,.,.. S;,i u:o. j;. cooijlanijfu, j iT,v'-r":i Jakrr. Lulher.bui-. W.nk done ' f to order oi. Mo. i t notice, and 011 imi, 1 1; , -,, 1 '.'. 2 ', I Si I. j JOsi'.i'H 11. i;!;i;tij, plarksmith. nt New Wa hin-'.m, Clea, f, Id ' 1 county, nm re alt kicis 01 w. rk i line of I.iimii. -s on the sl.ort.'-t n.iti, i.'.i. 0:111! .. tern-..'. 'ivf V'I Ifi i; 4 V;- ) i w v.1 .J el OLJ v. a J) w.Ja: ci;.mmln(;.7aV .mi;iiai1'V, j A I I:!; H ANTS ami Fxtensive Healers in Lum-' iM her, Ac. New Wa.-hir.-ton, Charlie!.!, n-: 'v' 'aL M.'. 2'.', 'al-ly. ; WM. L.MOOUF, ! MERCHANT and cxlensive Produce IVule". i . Sco,i. sired, Clcai.ichl, Pa. sep. 2:1. 'ol. ly. ; L. K. CAUTL.ll, A font l"r the sale ol' stvr:, Mill Ciraiiii?. J UIKI HMIIIU'.ofnll kinds. Also. lln. Ir.,;i 1111 1 Nails. Thrnstiiiio ii.l,i,. ll..-. .1 ....:..-: .. . - S. " ' ' 7,111411111- ral iinplemcnls, Ac, on Second street, under the printing office. Jjlir,. 17.13. I SAMUEL AltNOLI). "j I I'ifhant and l'rodiuc Dealer, Luiher-'-j AIL '"'tl', Clearlield county, Pa. I Jas. u. c;raTiam7 1)st Masttr, Slercliant. nnd Dcalt r In J.tiiiilH-r, liriihauiton, Lindlord too n.-hiii. J)oc. 27, I '.,1. 1 j FIlI'DEIilCK AIINOLD, Icrrhiint nn.l Prmlurp Denier, Lt.ther- llll hiirj; I leariield county. Pa, April IT, 1S.2, I j A. Iv. WRIGHT, I i "'V rcrrhnrtand l lxtrnsh c Dealer In Lum.' ltJLlMT, Second street, one door south of hi.-, rrsi-' , dence, ITenrfield. 1'cc. 2l, Is;,. I j" f rrrhant nml I.iiinlii r Dealer, comer ( f D L Front and Locust streets, Clearfield. I'cc. i.i, lSj(. j lUOSSOr & l'ClTTORFl , 1 clallein f.f'l'oreli'ii rliandlse nnd l.lnuors, n the south side of Market street between front and second, Ch'nrllel 1 '. Sep. 2, j KLL1S IRWIN & SONS, - " r ii uto iinit'B iinra (lenrlield, MEF.CHANTS, and extensive . Manufacturers of ' (l. tie in his e end most May 20, I..;;. 1 I iflHiaji 14,1 U I' 1 ii li' I! I lJ kJ U il T J X t,. ,l( Kso ( UWM, T'li.llM.V AT I W, .r,,.. r, 1 1 ... . i i-li- I I, .lire en S-1'.ili'l Hlliel, I I nillel l, li. I. I .1 A .i. A li'- Pa. II. M'l'.NAl.T.Y. I'l'HlM.N A I l,W. -I on ll,.. cnl -ile id Si eoiol Sin et, In m l y i.l po-ile lliu rt"le of A. K . .iilin i 1 c bl. w ill ill I, lid proinpily lo all (ill iness .1-1 t.l bis cue. I leu- li. Id .luiie I I, I-., I. m. i;. wood, . . . . )ll vli H, may always be found at Iiir rcsi,e,,e,i VMM loiiiidal hi reside, in Cuiwciirr'ille, v'luii not l.rb ssioimllv ah- in I in iM'iu'. ille, vheti not pr.. s.-i-mullv ah- i- "I. Dec. P', i-.'i2. II. liUCUKU SWOOI'IL VUocicy ut I. U, f.iiinerly of the firi.i of 'S. orr A- Swiifi:," lluiitiiicibni, P., will at t' 'nl I iiiiifully tn all professional liii-no-.t .'iilru-l-cd to his ear by the titueus of CleurOolil and ml joitiini; loiiiiiies. Gilioo next ujnr lo, mid over I'.'t). W nirlerV olhce. Oct. 27, I 'v'i. I. I)U. C.llWlONV F. II001', n.,.,.., i ,,. ., r ,. , I ' V-'T'' l""'' "'"."V? r.vnvh - , ,, .. , 1 .. "Mu" 'fviees t.t mo rurromiiiine; ' """"u"n- Jlm" 1U' ls ''!' IWII.'Q ninnrp rnpnnv J..1I,M l.lUULrlj C.UKUDA, A T'l'l il'Vl'l' in I tilt l... , 1 . . tr i i'ri... i.i .ii i,;i ii , iius renri en iiib (u,o o iV to the room ndjoiniiifr en the cast (he Hrue; store of Dr. Lorain, mid will devote his whole at- tentinii to the I'lni liee of his rrofessiou. Ho inav he consull' d in Jan. 1 j. I ?.')!. . . and f'c'mmi. J. Ij. CtJTTLK, l ttnriipy ut I.uvvauil Land Accnt, ollice i inhoiiiimr hi Ch'urlicld. re.-i'lence, on .Market street, Mnreh 3, LSjli. " " A. VVA LLACJC ((oi'licv iG l.iuv, Olfieo his re-i- i 4 li di n. .' i n Second Sti f, opposite the re 'let of Gov. l:i;;lor, Cieaili. Id. April 17, lSo2. I Dli 1'. ANTICS CANFIKLU. HA IXli purehased the pn.pcrly nnd situation . of Dr. Ii. F. Hoops, tenders bis professional 1 service.' to tin . in, u. "f Fivnchv ilie at.d ioinily. 'Illiee one door ex"t of Lltti'i store. I . I une 2, l.-i.',!. - . JIKNIIY LOltAIXK, )liysii i.,n in,,! iiciio ist, on M,,,., etrtvt i....'-ile bis residence, Clearfield. April 10, lsj2. ' ' .-' .. II. I. TJ IOMI'jSON n i ..r.. i i.i !i- i- ." '. . . I'imiii either ut his ottic, or 1 X fit Se.-I,;'s hot profession. .ily absent. i, i ut wcnsviiie, when not Dee. 2!', 1K."1. I (JEOR(.U VJLSO., slelail. nmv be found at his oil',... Pi,,. ti-i., , ,. . ... ,,. . , ll, u wl , , "? """'"r "' L"; iu,inc ' absent on profess.,,,,,,! L'u- lJ. T I McCl'I iOUGIl i TTOR.NKY T LAW I l. -iril,.!,! r i .. i. fi'iin 1 at his cilice one door we.-l of Saw's lorniei ly i.e.-upied by R. Shaw. Deeds and other local instruments prepared with promptness and aeiuri'cy. May 21, LSil. DU. S. L. COP.LF. 1 Ahj stclaii, rc. ii!. ,, uUe mHe and a half rou'li ca t ol l.utnlicr Ciiy, on the Ridi-e road lead- 1; to New ashintoii, iM.-pcct fully ollershis eer 1 s to the surrounding ci.iniii-.initv. Dec. 2.1, H.",3. Dll. H. V. WlLisO.X. I T yi'" ""IIHIVcJ bis oilier) til the liPW Jwc! 1 1. Im;; 111 Second street, will promptly answer ail profes-ioua! , .il'.a u. I June 11, 1 s j.;. j H. L. MILLKU, j Sllivcjor, Bell township, Clearfield county. j AU business entrusted lo him attend-! ed to. Address CheM P. 0., I Icarlicld eountv. ! AprilI.Jt.jl. ' j i Ti-htkrsoxT.6 IJllJ sll iail, can be found at his office in Lutliers- i bur);. Clearlield cuiily, Pa., when not absent i on professional hu.-iiie.-r. Sep. VI, LSjJ. i i TKOUTMAN ,W i;o'H pUAIIl .MAKERS, n, sr.'s,,, ANI) 0liNA. J J a"ta-i Paimi:iis. Pafkr IIancuhs, 4c., Re.-peetfully nuuniinen to the citizens of Clearfield 1 con ui v, and the H'.iblic cenerallv. that ibev I,...-.. i-i.i.iiiioiiiiy 011 nan. 1 at itieir shoi on .Market street, Mi" door cast of the Jew store, in Clearlield, Ph., j a preat variety of Chairs of every description, to which they invite the attention iif those desirous ; of l.iirehasln,;. ( hairs, Settees. Ac., will he n,,..l., i to order on short notice, and oil the most reason able t'Tins, Tin v lire nl-o prepared to d i all kinds of House, S.;;n, Gmamenlal Painting, and Paper Haiiin;;, 111 a manner. From their Ions "xpe notice in tiie busine.s. tln-y fed ati.-lied that they will l.e able t . render ('encral satisiuctioi, to ll,os"e who may favor then, with a share of thiir pnlrnn Juiie 7, 1-61. Iv. .iOilN 1.. t l I I I I'., A ttrtrney at Itv." nnd land Astii. will practice iu Ille r-'M-ial C,'.;n Is of Clearli, Id 1 I md intend to the payment of :cs 011 tins I lali'i .'.;. c ue-,. His I'veeller.ey, William Blle, II irrisbur ; ; l!,,n. I'.liis Lewis. Lancaster : 11 W '.'o..du ar.. Wiikc.-barre : J. C. Kn.,x, Franklin I. C. '.I'.ntL'iit'iery Phiiinleli'l'ia. Sep. 2", D."i2. I.U'll.Vtlll sii , A. II. SHAW. MAY STI)!;!' l' ICIIAItll SIIIW (. so V 1, I V i:n..riu the Millie Heat tl,,.,- I ' Br '" 1. I'".., 1.1111HI it's IPCI II V ii-ciiniiv ,l'..ll.. at R. Sh..'.v's old stand ; it,.- '. , ,.... . ;. . a l.'ire and well sole led stock of (looils, suitable ! t" the sea.-m, unioiii' whi.-h i,, i... t 1 ( - !"'.'.. varietyTciothi,,,;. ILirdwiIrc t ne , s ware. Tm-ware. Crocerios. Drnr.. ll..,,,,,.., Cup. choc A c. ' 1 hey defy competition, and invite ners,,,,;. ),. ii.i: to i,.c,e to , ,0,1 , " Clciilleld July ,T, IS j l.-li'.' .0 .. ... . .. ...''' i.'1'iu.irM..i'i,, ii::M!nii.i.s iioti:i.. 1 i , i l ' ii'... . 'Olio una I c 1 III .111 1I1ICS 1,0 1111.141. ri,. l ' ,-,io inav luver him with tliei heir custom No ..'.ur to make his I'.oufo a home lo i 1 "'ii oe sj .ne 1 .y loo pr.ipricti I ...!...iu..-. c..::'i..rtal..'. and his I j iiiay snip witli bun. IJ-c4,oIi'i.l'E wiU '"' CIU'(,'"".V nllen l.,! to nnd! .... '-". . nun ii.Ui nipi.l.ed wlih the b est I he; ; ilia i l.e l w ill all. ml. I An II, ls.i WM. J. HEMPHILL. A C.VH1). riUll subscriber lnn.-t re; t.eclfnllr ii. .'.,. i, : JL citue.,si.lVl,,,,;i.i ....f., ... " . I '"'" Ji.eLicctriclT Public c-nerally. . , I , Ci' 7 " 1 T , '? r'"'.n 1 '' hut for Ncrvona name. I ttotel i.itinilc.1 on il.n ..r i... .... .,'... . "' "su n. ... ... . ' "" 1..1..-U ion iiiiovc i ciaimea tnnr mi iu, ... M i-k..i ui i .i i , , . .'.i ami, pro.iuce.i so many cures n the 1-ist M.i.k d Mieel.s in the boimi-h of Clearlield. where i Flee.rln n..i lie v i V..I. 1IILI S Would respectfully inform Lis rTVIU subsenher would iesMPtfu;iy tha friends, and the pnhlie genei'.il.y, that he ': pnl'lic thai he ha? taken Iho above tod ust-ib-v',e" ,""11' "'1 ,u rtillsiu the lin of '"'d Hand, recently oecupi, ,y jtr- pani,IPl I'l -y A '. ttl'HHA TJOXS, at hisollico, ndioininK ' '':v"". i'1"' nl'icly re-funiished Liid n.fittcd il in us dw Ilii,);, In the horouo-h. of Clearfield. Jlomny "u,1 niaiiner n3 to render it second to no hotel in bo found nt nearly all limes in his store iu the west luu county. Iho UAR has heen slocked wllii the end of l!,e Mai. i i.,,, Ilome. Jvent li.,, and the TAULE will alwnv, be sun- Arhnn.,1 7Y-tA imertcd ou date or pivot, and I W1,h e"! Uio mnrket can afTord wiiriunted to pivo ei.tiro satisfaction. IlxtraotinF 1 Extensive Stnhting attached t. the premises and Teet!, done without dancer to the patient, and with I ntl' titivo hostlers alw ays in attendance ' hut little pain. Teeth Idled and cleaned in a proper ' " respectfully nsks the public to Ktrs him a und scientific manner. Slay P. lLVt. ,!'"1'. fft'lmg assured that he er. render satifae. a;..,.. !""?:., . J0II.N UVJXUf5T0-N. - ' -aim iiinii IKItlllUll IHrUelt 'I "UK would inform fhepuhlie that he ' JL bus just cnmpl led a lurpo new building, on tho 8onth end of Second street, Clearfield Pa.,1 wuien no nas lufn, shed and n tea up in the most eomforiuble manner for the accomodation oft ..n- a i . i ' ,wn His charges will be numerate, and Lis house con- ducted iu u decent, sober nnd orderly nin.mnr where all (.iiiet and peace loving ,U.'K visit Clearfield ean find a temporary "home " JOlf V ft ti a i.-r iTt-i ir l t I ll 11 II III Mil 1)11 1 M I'l I I tlM Ml .ii M, llnl i f k (..I. I, . he. I V'i ...! sun l r. MXKI.ItJ em in r l 'I Im . I I... I I limn ,( hrtwrieli h'p-ijJ Mid I'liie, l'bilnd' l bin, l'a. IN Al II'.- an. epii-e.l llinl Ml. KlNkF.I.I, ci o, ii oi'" III M" 1 1 ' i 1"' n in in ...ii, i mo . f. nj r i in.., w ii ii ii i turn ! his un. 1 1 v i i"H all Minn, , en in ioii'i I ne un un inn fi' ana in-1 mr ni run , cuiy I iioii iiivi" ine autumn, men uiaiin 4 i niiHt III" I". 1! l l iiloi.'.i.'lis lile I roti.ptlv ol'lliiuibfj T I.N IV 'MAIIsi I'F i:.l'l llll.M Lin i,, treatiiiein i. ll ciim". i. Misrule" i.iin.-ii'. leprrj in. I Impel leetiy mule i'Momi, lias ennnini h I.i. IX. ( VHIo.r "I w"i ' 'll rrirervRiian j ... ......... il... i . r ll. - . r .... ' ' I ''"' ,"""' " """ '". ""'"'" " " m-rvi ,,, '1",:'l"-v' and e,.IH'.ilioi,al rakii.-s, mmul ami pliVfUiil 4iii:..iui(;, lire to erui 1...1:.. ,. i....... ...i ...,i it.. . w ll .. i o . s, i"i in 4i4ft i ll v l.e . I si-i i in, j ui iieti.ii j aim 14,14 spriii)'snf iloine. 1 ie tuii 1 1 v i'i' I ! n iiiiitiiii. iinirliilii. TAL K PAIiTK'l LAR Xo'l'H K.-There Ii i evil Iml. 11 a nin niiiea Indulge. I In I'V licys, in loll. tilde, often ((lew iiif up w ith tin III to Iniilihou.l, aM which if nut reformed in d'l" time, nut only hec'4 serious oiisiaetes 10 inatriuiontiil niiiipinvss, but jtiver rise to a series of iiroliuctcd Insliliom and do. iislntinjr iifl'uetion. F'ciT of Ihoro who Rio Wbj 1 to thii pcriileio'is priielii 0 are awaro of the cor.w. I'l .-,..., i ii-,.-, ii, iu lliu uri vims n su-iii ruttlier. :l, .! ftnii.R0 and uiiaccountuble feelings u ,...n. ...... n..,11 ll...,. .1. .1 , vannr icurs in inc inluil. The ii.,f..itu,.t.i thus ulTeeted become.! feeble, U unablo to labor will, accustomed viKnr, or to appl. Ins mmd t.. rtmly ; his rtcp is turdy and weak, h is dull, irresoluto, and engages in rport with Uf. . n a . cm ry man usui'l. If he emuncipalo liiinro'f before tho nraetico lm dono its wir, end i nter matrimony, his mania is unfruitl'ul. nml bis , one lelU ),;, il.t. 'l. misc.! by early follies. There are consideration v.lui li should awaken the ailenuoa of those liuii h.rly situnf ed. MAKltlAUK requires tho fitllilment of several conditio!.. . iu crd'.r that it may lvullvbe tho causa ol mill mil happiness. ( nul l tho veil which covers , the oi itiu ot ilinue-tii. wretchedness be raited, and in true source in every instance disclosed, iu how .many could it he traoeii to phyrieal dirquaficationa 1111. 1 their ill leu. hint liisat.poiiilniciil. AmiIv then while it is yet lime, iu order to have your unairumr and relaxed orinii.ution ro-brfieed, revivified and ' strengthened. licin.'inbcr ho who places himself under Dr. . Kinkeliu's treatment may roli;;iousiy conlido in hit , honor as a (rentleman, and rely upon the assuranee , that the scureUt of Dr. K.'s patients will never I disclosed. , Youn' man let no fuise modesty Ueler you from I i.iak'n. your case known to ono who, from educa- I ti. .ti and ii si'i ettibility can certainly befriend you. j '"""' lhy conceal the secret in j I''' " own heart', and cure themselves. Ainu, how ' 1 ' ""'" " J,',u'ii"n. "id how many a prom. j .vmiiK man, who miht have boon an orna- I nient Ui society, Ins faded from the earth. ' Strictures of tho uretha are rapidly removed Ij ) the applicaiion of a new thcrepcuticul atrent, uil ',,,,1, ' w u-4, ....,. ... . j - ... . . in.,,. mm iii.,iii4oi,uhi ug. bility promptly cured, and full vipor restored. Ci iititry invalids can have hy stntinj their can explicitly, together w ith all their symptoms, per , .eiie,, .-ii4.iosuiK a rciuiujince nr. iv. s medicine, iPI'rl'riHlea necordinely. Forwarded to tinv par ,.f ,, I'niU-l Slates, uni pecked soeuro from 1 J iieooo or i iu i'osiVi. ' Head 1 1 Y ou 11, und Mai.liood. r' ' :'"rln '-l-: or J remature Death, Kmkolin on Self-Picservalion flnlv twenty-live eenm. It is n work emineiil'y required", hi a u,oan of i reforming the vices nf the ne iu which wo li v ! Ai'o, .ofir' OaitU, w ith rules for tho prolonauin "f lil',., ju. t from (he press. j A b tl r with a remittanco of twenty -five r'n's, or ll. c value in post sunups, addressed to Iir. Kin- I lie-!., Philadelphia, Pa., will secure a copy of either of ll.o above books oy return of Mail, or 1.' copies ! will he sent freo of postage fur $1. P.ooksellcrf, j Canvassers, Traveling Aleuts. 4e., hiipplied whole sale at the ubl.-her's prices, which admit of a large I profit. I '"tAll letters must ho post paid. I March 2(1, lSo4.-ly. Thrjw Phvsic to llie Do?. 1)ri.VFH.MACIIKA'S llVIiI'.O KLECTKIC Voltaic chaix.;. producing iuftmtro. litf from the most acute Jain, ..i.d p'erma..i.ut!y curiuc I.II Neuralgic diseec, Kheumalism, pH4n. f;:l nnd twolleu Joints, Neurnlpia of the Ftce, Deafness, blindness. St. Vitus lianre, IVlpiU tijn i f the Heart, Periodical Headache, Pains in tho St.imuch, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Uvenue Pains, Paralvsii. etc., etc Tl . I .. ... muse cuuins were urst introduced into the citv of New ; lurk loss than one year sinco, and nftoi i : .... i . .i . . . ... . Loin , . ii'ij" io innir.ucn trials in eVirv h.spit- ul in the city, nnd applied by Dis. Valentin?, ..ion, v.arnocnan, an Huron und others, it was discovered that they possess atrange aad wonder- , un .oner 11, me rcaoi ami cure or the above elusi of diseases, and their sale, nnd tho success that has attended their use. is uiir.iiriill.,1, il Previous to their introduction into this country, they were used in every ho-pitnl ln Kurope, and are secured by patents iu France, Germany. Aus tria, Prussia, and Unhand; uud also in tho'Uniiii4. States. "Think Ci.osn vvn Pomuiii M'rt.L." The prin ciples upon v.hich il is claimed that the Chains produce their marvelous cures, are, ftr.t thai al! Nervous Discuses arc attended and produced, by a dehcieut supply of nervous fluid, and iil ai;ent that ri -einblcs closely electricity, or elect, ' Msin ; and second that llie electro niiinet'. ' ci.ain.i, l.y hein.?worn over nnd upon the part and or,ran dis" c a ' c il, furnish 1 1 the exhausted nervous tiuid which is required 1 1 prodin-o a healthy action through the entire system. No ilis.-usti'nc nosiruni is al lowed t. betaken while using the rl, fcnt a ricid obsc vaiico of tho ptneral laws of lu i.lih are rei:,iirr l. Bri-k. f.iction uii4in tbn r.-.r. .l.un... ! adds rti'ich to the cll'ci Is of the choius, hy increiii I in"; their niajnetie power. ! Oxn TiiursAM. Hi.i.i.Aitti will he riven to any , per.s. , who wiil produce so manv well autbentica , t.'l cfrtiheatcs f cure, both frui ii.,iKent pa- t tients and feieiitific physicians, os have 1 n ef- I f . . l. d l y the use nl PiiK-.p,,,....t,,,'. ri. f ., . - , B 4.11 4.11 IW I Ihiuns. ifl.. v never full !.. ,,.(..,, .1 . I , X I'." "Hit 1.I1.-I. 1141-11,11. " I'erson lias eMTl.fen di r jvcrtis, t,, (t,,. r ,-o 1 1.. .1 . .1 . . I ,a,'"i.f." wl' ".'! "" ""'"' riL Is Fkm.mi; Cisiis more than one hnndrrd wr- ! ... . . '.' 1 r"i.i,i'". I Ion have horn elTcc- j y mJo " e ,n d ,'e," f ""T '"""" 'r Vi .'i , """ 1 .' f tll cl.ain PVr tho r?(i..B ! ' """''"'ei'. u.l Hie einor upon the spine just ' ,u... .it... ' . " C "l""" Nrw ptoms incident " . '"":? UUM" ? removed. . .VUrliE or I ,i; Ti .I....I.I I. .... ne, ore us With Common Vil.evnr r..,.l I'.nr, . nn.l ; of the chain should he r-pplUd directly to the seat 'f I ,ll' l"1"1 or disease, and the other end'opposed to it. tains are not Diseases it is tho world has year as ths Instant P.Fi.irr from the liitd 1 produced nt tho moment of npp.i, uUon much i c',. etually l! an U produced hv opium, In , d its forms. pntn, is mora any Call ar.d ohlaiii a pamphlet (gratis.) . J. STF.INKltT, Sole Agent. ,r''S ltrondwav, cor. Prince St., X, T fold hy C. I). Watson, Clearlield, Pa, Anj. !. lS.'.t ly. !'!I1()V lilli M. I ll'IPI'liii. i. J 7. j( a iv. intti-U JAMES I?. LAR1.MKR. A llAMll.t- a. .. il. ... .li . rul 'd use nor at Ifwrll I kii ,. , . ., W of Cl . ti T"", 'h "fT' r"nrW v 01 '' U.liMa nnd Contra rountUn nfliftn 'JMrn '"''U ro"1"0" of ' r. t.. rr t T. I cTl" W f" TD" J " ; Hell f'ii R v T'r. . ,3? W-''n"", Lsq., I'fUofonto R. B. Pelrekin, Esq., Huntingdon . V ,Jiw J "T. j July 23, 1SS3. ' i ' .