Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 07, 1854, Image 2

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Mil. An
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' I '- V.-.Hi.lKM.i , "I l"l". Ill .i,uii,..,s', (..,',l, jf. (lir(flsV,1(n hlIl ,ih
,, .,. ,ir: I , li,"!t '-Mi Cil!, , lin I ,,., ll.n LitllilTtl... Niilii)(f (1(;;v nil1 10 M1, of
our lusl I'Mj-cr, tlini tin-Ilvtm., Ki-i'i ciliilly Vntr. i finm !ic ll-cl"
...(.1 .sm,o,i (,f(ii,ii, n.M.ii,, a. ii. iiii:iuiMA., ' Nrt ,;,,..' j,, ,.,,, nolir l0
HM!:r: mixixitips.
I'm: i " .
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I i'i: rut ;. i . rii.M.'.:i.-..;;.ii.;;.
M tU)r, (, i;:-, r ' ,.
K.! CitfVTV M Dl'l'ir:.
c? i:hs, uf h i 7-.-..
III. I I . I I . IWI. !.
A.ilirc In SuliM i-iln-r .
Tif I'"' M'l''rm nj I 'i' ii , I I , ti u
,',' ri' to nrl tin r.iir tun nfr, .in 7 . i'i r. r
.i'i II Jlini ill i'i HCil, III,' 'v! t',',llll!ll'4 til
iln ir ol I 1'i.iy, iiti'l iv.inii;in;j villi lli' ir
ul'l 1'iii nils i'i 'Mpi'cil nf the li.Mim I
ifinri'lci c.C iho .V.itidiml ! (ritincrncy
in (I 'ii tied of tin- ( ', ;.ual
Iii-!.:;;, l'i-i;il Ln, iiinl Jejuni I'tivilo
"i . ; ninl cniiit nil r;t',i.j,i I i.;iu l-uri t h -
' l.on ii.l -sor r-f - pi itit icn t f.
I itm for
l)v. I. mil. I'mt'ir.
iin.nnrR.iTir mi i.iim. i. i:lk iiiim v.
vntiri 'l tsitf" tlm iifiiliii of llin A ra bin (on
tlio !:li) fi'it) two to lli roc f liillitii, 'J'0
..nrkf.t li..lf.unr lif.rl rlllVPll ll.inil.
In I'lirsuiinre ..rili. irrnitom Iho I), in- VVI,. t,t IkhI mlvrinrctl nine pr-nco. Corn
tit cu7i.
Migiw am nwmMv
Tin) Wliis of Cleurii';!.! ciiunly nro
publicly c l!oJ upon u suo ib;i( "all natur- nso.j
iMiPHMMft immn miw,u uUzu Uou vxiMrs arc H mnr rlu au.'JiPiiti.ra
i i t -
Dcinocrnlsoi CIcailiuKlooiitity I As this j bo just as honest m nny oilier, nnJ
is tin) Inst pnpor wo will issue before thctln-y arc no more ili.sjwirj tiliifr to an-
I'll.plli.M lie ...t! ... I.-, n.l.l n r.,.. I.Jfuiil ni. ill . I. ,'l. .1 !,.... it. . .. .,., ...I.
-..'.) hi. lluCI, IK UU J .1 II. Uj l "J'" lriltl, l.i'j U.lll'l UH . 114. .11 tUIV UH1" , . I
:i I'Mj.i'r, iho '.. aloiiN ii.U,..-ii:,. ,,' .l,ii. I'.il. M ' ii i , timl yen ilrnw llirnco iIid
lurk, ofhvo Ii,.:!, : l-'ini, Hi, ,Aistc.icc of lhttl 'I'" f"f Kow NoU,-
, i . . . . . ii);r nl (:oiit. rcnuiliiiltil bv that liuily.
" I ' ' "'"'""" ' Now I , ,, ,n. tnli. r ol ibm .Svt.oil.'" r.'.'-y of lllk ro.u.iy n,s...l,l,,l fit Iho rJ " , ,.j . 3,s rt ;;, obnroo fir '
oiiJ,,,, iho inciiibiTs tliorrol n r nwurii nn, vi.t.-d lor the rrw.liitioiis re'ernui to, I, Conn Iioiisr in Ki(l.;wa v, on 'i'mssdu y cvo. , B.i..Mn' i,,., ' (,r ni,,, ,'. .lull
..... r. .. :.. i.. .: i ... -i . . M .-...i:,t.. ...;. i. .i... .. ,...i i ... i 1.. . . . I..; i... v... i ... ' . m-. nun uoin. iimim . ivh.. uun.
..... ... ...... mi iiotiuiii; u u i no i -'".".. .in. i in Minn Mii'.i ntiiuii!i wr ( ihm; "' ! m "i'i"''i, in.,,. Noi'lnti'-i' in tlm Londoii minoy
nt r..'liioiw opinion mid thii forsooth i u n"'1 "l-ro(.r. Inko tlm libtTly t- Mind n motion JI'XSl-: KVI.AIl, J.,., of k(,,' col),ri3 clos.-d nt 0."1 n 05 J.
d.,(Hrt ronn.rt wit!, the ( ,.nsthutin. 'T "T. rt'S('"0"4. '"r''r with I '"X lp., wms t,,.,,,.,,,!.,! IV.'m,I.i nml lUM,t!i F TIB w.V-OiTiciul inltl
i ii w iiinu r i rriini 1.4 i.hmwiv Mwumii ui tiiu.i; i 1 in. m it ni im". i inn . . i
nrn t-pnliticnl Mv,-Vrosrrtj, ; " ' " c ';' ' ' " ns l" ; lo'.imid Urn rdutiout, correctly. I I'-.tom, ol l ox H My. Iah,-,,,, Vnr, of (0 QxrW:lion ,0 ,1m Cri.
oj-iJon'.s .sL; nml n-ain.-t AM, rio,lt 'o " orsl'1!' Al.myh! y (.oil nccoidm- J his .rmd bnn-in session Iron, the l I"'i zetle, mid . .S. Uroekwny, ol . m,., The uholo foreo of the nllie im
iL GILL 'IHAlit. - '' dictates of ll.c-Ir own conscience"- 'l. t" im Mil) of June lm,l received two j Fox, xvero nppoi.ited Vice lVcsidrnts.-. comnmi1, of M,ir(,h(,l St. Armi.,,1,
. ,,, ,,,, ,,., .l"n religious test .hall ever be requir r..i.ini..i,iciioHsl one ro... Uov. eunier,; Jno. I. McAl.btcr, of 1 oS, wh , , 7)000ncn.
ILLaIIL M.IMLV. 'c,l as q., to any ollkc," .VcJ? ! oxpre,8 rrctary. ' " ,s not n;iici j 1(lt nnv f(irtllftr
. iiti i fjiiiiiitiii in re ('ii tii iii ki ( ri'i LM-i'intia i n n i.'ia i . i iiiiw u") rnni'ii i m . . - . .... ... . .
nro the two KMUimin.U upon wl.icl. are in ' , nnJ Union to h..o the ohi,et'of Iho moetin, whiel, l,R "l ,Mll"S W,"'t,,k0 '"U,,
our system oi religious toleration ; IVmisylvmiiu in purtieular (whose printed did in u brief and conriso ninnner. Ti .' i.'rf.n,.i. nr Piu.liJi vn
. i .i i .... I i.imiIa.i 1 . . . I I T l 7 t ' I u i . r c t.. i " " - "a "
m in 'fi'V U'firik n til '..iil'Ii ii. L L 11U M 1 1 L 111 1 IIS III VI IV Mltlf'll 11. 1 V . I 1 1 )( T f n . I St 1 . ft I O fill1 1 I ! inr i it it ..
We believe this class of citizens to' ' ,.,,, ,.,,.,,,,'.' '7. : r . r" !. " n.., r, : .'; . ' . I w . "'. "1C. H.phorus-.. lelt
uou miu yei we near nun see uie beiiimieni I ., ' ., ' ' ' " , , i ,. ., f: to oni tnc inn crimen cxpediiinn.
' UM"' '"""", wn.o, usk.'.I" u ii. niH.i.uiii.iirioipi. iiiiiuoresi.i A.lsfri;ins sti 0cCU.V the nrinci
III I i.i. ii
puu ici v proc uiiinou h it wo can nnu tare i .1 i- . ( . , - 1 ' . 1 , iuu auMniius ami uuupv miu ijhuci.
Lur ill, ,0 his fd.ow.,h.twc will nroi:.S Tho most active ixcrtioiisn.e
... ... , , ' . . . j - .., u , ,1U, ia..v,u- .,....,... ..... ulilI;ins bv ,ho commander-in-chief t.i
iu tins cateliJale for odieo because his , lion denying oil members of secret socio- j Goodrich, dwelt particularly on the No- nvoj,j coiiisj0, wit, th0 Hussions
vvliat we have ulready said touching thclcr, and tho -abovo warning we iherefore
present contest. We assure our readers j lake to be a HASH AND SC'ANDL'LOl-S
religious sei.timcnls are of the wrong kind. ! ''l's ihe rielit of menihership of their . hraska-Knnsns bill which ho defended
tlinlAMOKKIMPOHTANTF.LI'.CTIONllL'Ir I" cverv niturali.-d citi.-n
never TOOK PI.ACH IN THIS COM. the eouniy, whether Whig or Democrat.
At thu base of our iuslilutions lies llse liull),
that freedom of conscience is, like the uir
we breathe, an indefensible right, of which
church. The foliowin' resolutions arc in : with ability.
MONWMALTII. And wo further assure J Their papers "t,iuU in: clusvty examined."
you, THAT TUP. lTlOSl'ICT IS NOW j And why now, moro than upon former cc
MOST CllIiEHING that from -a, jiarts'.cnsionsl What new discovery, or what
of the Slate, the word is, ALL'S WFLL i ntMV crime- Ins been commiiicd bv this
WITH DEMOCRACY and that a CT.U- class of our ciii.e.,s, that their induct "nu t.oj ot any secret oath bound so-
TAIXandGLOUIOUSVlCTOUYawaitsmust be more closely -watched, or their C'L''y? Arc th, American people ready to
tho fricnJs and defenders of Constitutional lawful privily curtailed. ' S?-V ' ,,,,y l f "'"-"imns-your kIi-
liberty, nnJ .he advocates of -equal rights! Hut bcin thus f,m;vncir we hope "ul T kl,lJ' J'uu M
and privileges" to ALL AMERICAN ievcry naturalized citizc, who intends to.',f1d ;our,roIi-,ous ,u,lh or Mt ri,u ,u
,iiT,7i.Vo ii;,,,,.!,,, n. ;..;,.! -tt , , .1... hold olhcc ! Can it be that n member ofan
1. 1 1 ijLi,ie, j ""ri .'vi.iiuui. ui.i.:., 1. 111 j., inc.
Tho contest has b?cn waged with almost ' I10'' wiih bis pipers in proper order, for
unprecedented billerness, and iho opposi-: ccimninnd has gnnn forth, ihat iiiileis most iinscrupulotisinheirat-! 'oiJ fu'e ''1,ls prepared, you maybe e'e
tacks upon the Democratic candidate. Our ! "'iv'cd uf the right you have l.i.ui t-xercis.
own follow townsman Ihf pare and lion-!'"" w itliout molchtaiioii for yr.-.r?, and
cot r.i(;i.i.u has been assailed jn t.vcrv . having done so yourselves, u-ftttimr you
f-hnpc that vindicrivenes could suggest. ' '''IW a"-V''o of fuul jj.nj, (t,ut not with
His public nets they shun, and DARI'J ,J') ''cniand ihe papers of those natural
NOT discuss. I'nexampled peace, pros-' citizens who inlend voting theoppe-
ru'l-ltw ,111:1 tullilir- Pnnl..ilmiil tin. 1 S 1 101 j I id. l.'f. Til is l' S VOU f t i " ll I !l lltl I'l ill T
c!e,i,cd .iidmiiar,io. To in or,.,, to'rve the purity o? tho of I Vn vlvania f ; jJ j" .l;;- -S
r r. i ii which h a e ouev ! I - j u
if jou nro mow n huUy . uninnUlic ground, it interferes uiih the
Nothing now from Asia.
t ! i'ii t t v ii ii e 'V Im ro n ra fniviAi- .
answer ? these comtnutncaUons. I he On inolk-n nf Dr. C. R. Ivuly, the ! ;iM)Ut lu.w proposilions-but noli,,
order ol Know Aolhings was also men- 1 resident w as uulhorr.ed to appoint n : jn (i(.jn;te
tinned in debalcs etiually obnoxious, and icomniittt-o of live to draft resolutions ex. 1,... '.'.i.. .t - -i:..i. .1:...
wo cu",,ot bo d've'l-and shall .t be, il Us principles had been as well know,, , prcss.vo of tho sentiments ol the meeting. sjl0t, t() join tho western powers, and as.
that our glorious Constitution, uli, il8 1 ,c- 1 l'a"mc', 'y J' arc 1 have ,, i In chuir appointed Dr. C. 11. Larly, L. Ja rc8Hn for hor con.inued neut-
locliines ate to be subverted at the". "T .men-, .u. i .,., i uea iv.ui.s, i-.sq., jo- ra.t v. that the Kmncror Nicholas has eon-
...I , .. . . . i . . i ...
ojiii uouiKi Qss.iei.-iiion, aspiring to tlie lot- which trio eiinsitai, cliurcti, according to
ty position i f flnu-ninr ofa great Common- i '.'lu V'orc' ' ",L', '",s' "n' cvcr must 'luvo
weal;!,, shall nroelain, In the world, or!,,. ! " mw "'cau 111 nrc ,,ot rcu'Wr
' i
I.i t.,.. !n . I...: i.i .1. Il. I...l 1 M T I. ... .1... ... ... .u,o.u.,u,Su, ,o,.g,,.... .. uuuiuu i.i. ivoss, us me com- d . cvacU(.(0 ,,IC princinalilies
" " u, iniiiauu , umcro,,!.!, . Tho London and I'arii papers contain
those papers to which W nro in answer. During the absence of the com.mUec Ine ( liufi ,)CWS nf mi lncJu
Here are the resolutions : mceling was addressed bv Reuben W ins- n .. . t. ,.. .. ,
L', V.,',., Tl,, tt.L. w .1 t I... j If A I.--..'. t n... . iii" wemimi , i.uKmii-i,, aim
""'"'"'i ..... ...i.7 .j .nil, i.piiiu.1 ii 3 , i., .. i uiiauu, ijii i s., uou 1 lull.
utichurchly nil societies put of the church I Jas. L. Gillis.
and particularly secret societies, whenever
they aim to accomplish those obj'juls,
Ocrmany continued as favorable as the
r. t .....a.t., ,ic;n ti... I,.,.
n.i , . . ., 1 ui.iii'.ii uuuiu ii3niuty uuiiut i i,u ii.ii'
I 1. f'm.l'rn limn r...r. rlo, I llin f. . : I J .
. ?. .v," vests wcto very abundant.
I dcn'ed Ut'US,W WCr0 l"1:,n",lous'i The cholera was gradually abating in
,,', . . , ,! all parts of Knrnpo. It was also abating
Ac.M, . hat we, the Democracy of;nm th(.-U(Jssiun nnd nlli(!(1 troops,
L'-llc county, have the L'rcatest confidence- r, , , .. ,. ,-. ,
'i, ,,., j , i .mi . i-i I- .i . -. it i , ra rc f ueri nau reiurneu .0 cnijiu nu.
c 1 l ll nee'-ss: v . v I in. ..y nt, . I, in Itio .1.1,11.1-, ft- .,t. ,t.. ...,.t ..n, 1.. ... ..1 o
e:p:e,, it, total su.'.e.ion of religious l.b-)dlurd), h,a beca'uso they ar calculaicd j our Chief 'w'Z Iler ud P " " ?7
erty and the rights of nun, as man, and , lo produ.-c indilHt towards the Kin-. 1 will give him our undivided support at the ! ;'rS " "'"S f 1,16 fu,r 1U
yet bi) supported bv reading men ? Can it, of Christ, nnd in many cases entire j coming election. ' . '
be that w I
livioJvfl, That in the other candidates
presented for our .standard bearers in the'
Inti:.!I:stim; i kom Si'aix. Mu.SorLK's
moro than lo any other mortal man may I ballot box, mid
WO uscriLe this happy condition of our nf- "10rc scrutinizing than u.,;r;!, it is because
fairs and yd huniust be stricken down.
And what for? Why, merely that the way
lo Iho I'UfiLIC SPOILS may be ugain
ou are invited lo h-.- sn.
We have good reason for believing that
DOIOI'RATS, DIIX'T 1!E AL.tRMEl). the Whig-, and Know Nothings of this
Vhi-' and Native Tickets, sent here county tiro prepared to ft, in.' mien the
opened to tho leaders of tho Whig party. from Philadelphia, have IT. S. M.; as 'people, jtut upon the eve of the d,eiion,
Three years of Democratic rule h is al- j l!lC-r Cilllj- Ulu ,-or v,lin,lU)rr. some grand SrIt;lic r,f darpiim,. Such
met entirely blocked up the avenue of of-j Wo believe this to bo a concerted move-itbings have often been prtis-l before
ficinl speculation. ' Our legislation has been mcn, cn thc fl,rt of l!)0 wire ptUcrs ,0 Hut wo hope our DentocnMc friends will
malertolly reformed. By the late law rc niaUc Democrats believe that .Mr. .Molt-be WIDli AWARD, and well p.cpared for
muraig each act to pass under a separate belongs to the order of Ke-nv-Nothings ! oil .such tricks. "Licrird vi-ilance is the
bill, speculators in the legislation of our, nothing more. Mr. Mlt has unequivocal-; price of Liberty," and th.,e"n-vrr wan v.
Stale. haV6 met W illl nn OVrril lir.lniliur ro. 1.. I ,,- .. .. !. ... i .....
, ' o - ty oenico ms conncciion Willi iius, or any nunc wih-ii mat Miiaucu
l.l, .A In a... .. - .. 111 -
-u,. c.cui now, o may well o(Mer polticn
he has associated himself ''iraiigenient Iroin chtistianily and even
.... 'iivi.i mini., iii-
therewith and taken the oath their dogmas,0 r'll-n . ,, J' . 7 1,1 Spain arc in a comparatively trampti! stale,
, , ., lifso'ir, I hat we regard the so-called i com ng contest we recogmzo Democrats , 1 .,- . c , 1 . i i-
rerpurc, .1,,, bo can yet with a pure con- iV,sli,llt VnUm of Pennsylvania as be- of the Jedcrsoninn Siangan, well worthy l""0"8,0 , B,jV?rn,",j"t1b":n ,,rc
science swear to obey the Const.tution of! hmging to the above clas of societies ;- your support. ; led towards the -en.,ng elections for ihe
JiCsolved, i hnl the proceedings of this i ". .. c , ,
. o "" I he Amerie-i n minister. Air S;inli. hn
writicn a most excellent letter in reply lo
wht-h have nppeare l m tin
j Madrid and oilier journals clmrng liim
(with a participation in the late revolution,
land of bavin- tl'-d from his post, &c., &rc.
Mr. ou!e .--ays, m Ins loiter, tint he lelt
ofiice, which (!od has giver, to civil gov
ernmcnt; and finally, it arrogates to
ilself Christ's office of protection over his
Church, to which he has promised thai ihe
'gales of Hell shall not prevail against it,''
meeting tie puulishetl in Hie Democralic
nnnnru tT tlm " lit f,, . ... I
jc.ccr, n l jj.Mi, lis i.
J. C. M'Amster, Sea.
A Democratic nieeling was held u, l.'.,l .-ll'lll ,U, 'ILI.lll H-.llllSl l, - . '- .1." I M t. I 1 1 1 I. I 1 1 . i; IU-IU ... , , . ,
and "Lo I am with vo'i always, even to Mo-mt Joy School House, in Lnwrr-ncdV , aUS'! ,"n ,,S 'i T,"" ''
the end f the world." ' " fP., on S .t'-.irday cvenin- last. Wm. Wal-, lu 110 wnc b!l0"!J, Un h'. 1
Vusolvol, That wo do .nt leel ours dves lu-e was .-leclc'd President, John O.vms.l "u f"1: !,iS,rc:s , l,r cot5juc- iiM? 'eu,r.of
auihorizcd as a SvnoJ, to procribe toonr'Sr., and Wm. Ogdcn, Vic, Presidenis, 1 1T b! lV ! n'
ccngn-galions special directions, as to the John Owen,, Jr., Secretly. !!r,t ',rr' ,0 lo;lvo . lh
manner in which they shall administer I'd? mceiing was addressed R. J. W i
church discipline among their members ; I l:'-r0 Dr. Role, and II m. (I. R. R u-rett
aOfl tll'lt 1 IllT.-if ,rn n.ti-:.-,. it... .......... , Tberil U'eri' ,v.t 1 1 r-.i'r.nh. It,..
- -.v. i i, in,. .ti4i;-i, . - -- -- - ....v. .... ...... .......ii, ii.i.i'i.i-i .
irvl.ins . .... I - .1.. l.r...' . I ...... Tl. '. i: I I tttr
........ n., c- snui-'H in r .nil1, hi""" '"' ' i i.i; iiii'iaiin- iioiu ie,j
Was t "rcator I-.ol ,.r,lim, ll,,.;- ..,:.. 1 with thrnn nlinnrs r,r ;.,i...
act r'Vort in." !o
.1 i . . . . u
oriraniz-ition. Ihnn i mt r.r cemnna than Im r.rosrnf. IW-n-r. u n-i,w:.-.n .t. . . r r ..v . . .
expect an immediate return to tho old ,i. ,' . ! n '. 1 7..-ii ...... ." nxornT.i.-va Monday eve-n.n- laM.a
... .... nnv '.i..j , ciiK, y i.iiuiivji ut.. ij.ioA w.i t i "'.", .' v.. .u.; u u i u i-i opinion, i uai in j
! neither fears ihe sneers of impertinent
fellows, nor the daggers of assassins. As
to the ins'nuations of the newspapers,
are bcnertlh his contempt, nnd ho
world leave the nu'hors to the infamy of
their inventions.
,..'., i ...
n, wm, u,a-licvu ,!iat ll0 tt,,;,:d bo .so lost lo lienor as
7 ...... " o,g i.,.m'cu-! lllU3 10 8Murt ail umruUlf nnJ ,irnec wt
iivu, mo ,i,j.r.i-iuHi',i; ol Iho coun-;i,,,
try can ns efioctimlly control the Sir
If we hnd neither laws nor Consiiiuiion
I his is why a chan-e is desirpil. Will ! .... ., ,., . . .. i!,:,i ,.ll lw...?.l ,., ;i.:. .: i
i scats, ii wo .nought he was in lea-ue with """"" """iu.-.-iira, uum
it . o iiaru. listed, honest-hearled yeomanry , ,is trmson-vlotti,,. T.wtio,,. wo would nllu"- ci'r.sion of the will of the people
same course of procedure is not advis.iblc
OCT The people of Pennsylvania have to 1 111 0,1 ca--es, and that church disciplii
- j number nf Democrats of Lau rence town-1 The Sireet Preacher Orr, impiously
I Tn-1 bi!,i- m " "ck (i" rva n',,!iii.,n s;: ,o"l
S,n, 08 of Ihe enemy. . Others may act in regard J,a 0 n'1 C OWts.Jor or av,,t a ef ,he difrereri.Protcst'ititchurchcs.theco:,:
",lon- 1 to Mr. Molt as they ; lease, but as for our-; 1 '"l"1"l,,l7 Lnp.or Law. It i.s important sequences abovo referred to, manifest
I XT':!' . . 1 '.'...11.111. . . . . i
of Clearfield county, assist in such a work 1 j
Will VfMl riMf tf fl nil n mini r... .. '
, " , , ,uas,of their patron saint, Benedict Arnold
for your honest neighbor and fellow cili- i - -
izen WILLIAM RIGLRR ?-'-a man who' What the mi'lc inny LxiM'Ct.
more touch him than wc would the rd-ost 1 mny be h"d- ,f a ""j0"'' vole in favor
shin. n-i.inl,li.,l ni f'.., 0.,,, I IT,.,.. ) .. . ,
i , ...i.v. m. , ,,.. .....1. 1. 1 . iui,.y., 'called 'ti
ann organi. 'a hy appointing Geo. 1 horn
1 rcM'Ii.'ni, ni. l'ulleruui, nnd A. Carr,
Rfsolccd, In answer lo Mr. Buckle':
in.piiry, that the congregation rcferted to
have thu right ti slni-c and administer
their constitution in reference lo litis Sub
Vice PiosMcnts; George Halt and C.
Gabriel, while addressing a
small number of persons, whom he called
her by blowing his hnrn, was last
evening arrested bv Cap' Birch, ef the
as will eiF. etually prevent at leasl, the pub
I... ... 11: it.. . ..I............ 'i-i . . . , .. '.. '
ru,tu """ M w liic I IUI,.MH,1- j mere ore now uiirvj-ihrce applications , iio inanuficlure and sale of iho article.
TUD PKOPLK whenever and wherevcrjr nv Banks published in ilu Ilarrisburg! Should the result he otherwise, and a ma.
' ; pnpe rs, will, an aggregate capital of tibout 'jority declare against such a law, or cm
' B.y.h,i8i,"',?CS!,',,C bas Pul aJi"al thcch j nl'Tl;l': MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, i remain silent on .he the suhject,' w0 will
to EXCESSIVE BANKING, and as one Should Pojlock be elected Governor, cv- '.compelled to make the best of cur present
or tho happy fruits, our metropolis the ' cry one of these Banks, if passed by the license lawn,
great Whig city of Philadelphia- now j Legislature, will bo chartered fir tho ben- " ' v
thconlycommercial city in thcUnion whose iofit of bankers and speculators. If Gov. r HUOX Township,
enemies are not curbed by the present j BIGLER is re-elected he is pled-ed to ve- i '. ef " ,!'"! Act ' AsscmbI' iv'"g
monetary pressure. For this, the people! to all such monopolies unless inlocaliiics ', " Col",s-i'" ;3'! c:u, overclccim,
of tho Commonwealth are indebted to his 'where they are demanded by the clearest i t,1!,,nc,s. lownsl.ip tvas decland a
masterly vetoes of innumerable Bank Bills. ' wants of the business com.mmiiv. 1 1... ! M'i,:u',!f: 1 dl'"'t t ll-o late Sess.
and for this ihe noonle of il,f. ,.,,..iridn il,n h,U ,,;n ,,.. v.... ! lons oI 1 nr f ef Common Pleas
i ! J '"" """' 1UUI III" m , ,. ... , , r
V fM limiti i. 1 nr.
.nit, iupi ni. i. a i nun. i err rm-.-n.. n, ...... .... .1... ... , ... ,
T, . " 1 U"U"M'' "IH ""M.,t,P1. r i,.,i,i ,1 1...,: f , I ma. nns mruu:e,i with them at nil ; and
,.m especially should Gov. Bigler be! country flooded with irredeemable raori , 6 K'riU'" i0VV,"i I wish only lo add, that the Lutheran
of the prohibitory law, ihe next legislature
j will be bound lo make such enactments jcet, according lo their own conscientious
Tics'Accd, Thru we as a synodical body
teci ourselves called upon to exercise
.1 I. ,- . i.i .,
.in, o.ii oiscipiiuo omy w tien tneconseqiien-eesaioue-
referred to manil'es (hemscUcs ;
inn nidi, i.i juiiir ice icia nil inn no our
into our conirction, that belongs to such
So far the resolutions of our Synod on
. i . i i . . J
mis sunject, i icci so niuci, the more onx
ious, thai iho world should know our pn
siiiun in this matter as I "uelieve that the
Lutheran chinch in ibis country bus been
the first thai had the court' boldiy lo
express its views in regard to these now-
, 1 erl'ul societies, and our Synod is, as f.u
;.as 1 know, the second ecclesiastical body,
an-.,.nrl. I... I- . f ni . i i I . .. ... null. lull Oil II 11 ( a 1 1 1 1 1 ,n 1. ill nl ll,., -i.u .1...... ..I.I 1 . i .
""ii " piopiu oi cvteariieiu co., Whether you will confine this species of ; , , iu'"u'i '",iiou;,u naicu uv Home, worse
ns no county in the Commonwealth con-! currency to ihe pressin- demands of the : ' W" ; ' know il is l!it! ,1,lan ""V 0,,l,rr "t n Rome hating
tains greater natural resources, so no j business communiiy. If you desire .he 1 '''"I,.''0 ?iZCI1S fs'',id ,0v"sl,i, wi" Vl,wJ S m -.leTt n'r!?'' "-V
county sfandsin greater need of , ho aJformcr, vote for Pollock, 'if ,ho lalter, '"P
sistancc of mnucnltal friends, in order that1 give your votes to BIGLER. icruati lownslup. even as a brand, of Christ, as the word
thoso resources may ho properly develop- ( ,. rr".T, 7 . 1 nn Tnn-n.hh. ...i.i "f Ood teaches that Anti-Christ shall sit
cd. Even vmc, wo have the very fairest UC!lrflt'111 fl l!l fl ,in,aia Ilir 'nlfgrlty. I T Tfl",Kv!lli' l"lm in the tcmf.i of Cod; showing himself lo
prospect ofa RAILROAD passirm ihrou"h W. n'e "0W " ,hrcsbolJ ol' ,1,C!P , "."""'i "J th I,,r,,trr'" 1,0 God ' aJ 09 il .Pven beyond con-
tho very cen're of our rnuntv All ,r c,ccllon nil that has been ba d -'umnuiuurenomit;. nni i.i mat cnurcn mere
L 7J "'ll ' .A" ",and published to .he contrary, we can as. ' in lbo Shoriir. Proclamation. The nr. ""X. P1"" h Pu
. ,.!,.-,, vi ever i'i ire em own.'
of this world's goods, are located here.
lie has done much for us
i.igierowns, or ever expects tn own .'.. Z ' mistake is now nrnrwA. nnA snvinS in Christ in spite of nnnish
fUlU UU IMUIlUn Ml n fl Islfi liPf Mini nn i. Ul,u atv i -
in this mttor!fi.oM wi" h;r d 0,1 "'is Z 11 i
already, and there need be no assurance! 'n UCr -V('omnnr' "lc f""y aroused,
given, that whutever can bo done, he will 0,1(1 wmi a li,;r di,.v' n,,,J u 11,11 votP' "'I'J'
do hereafter. This road comi.lei. d-nml w,;l ro!1 UP a hands..,.'!y INCitEASED
. . . . .
. urner.
it certainly will be if wc hut attend to our ,!AJ0IIlTV n,r 'heir fellow cill WIL-' purchasing certain Yoko of Ox
ordered to bo held as usual nt the house of I a ', nm a.Mn , , ... ,
........ ,iuo , in, iji .CI llllll'U
j to add a few words. It has been slated
jin several papers that tho - Lutheran
! Church in (
T. Ii. D avis cniitions nil nornns .irnin.:t ! whn iliiU'P I'mm lir.i in r.iii tl;. :..
, "5." 1 ; v- 111 im 1 mi i ii i.t iq a
own interc.i our county will at .once
fl,LIAM BIGLER. The vile slanders, in prssession of John Bri-'.'s.
rank among tlm riches', and most .mpor-!0" ,!lcna an ;i'n,('mP!lLI ''"m.-s
. . . . . . ' -...;...
uamcu, oeeie.aiie.s. Addresses were d,;- ,lr,t;ro. ,,, r,or ,.,!,, mi,.,, mmtii,l
luercd by George S.ckctt R. J. Wallace,! j,; unJcr ,.nv of , UnileJ g!:llrs
J. H. ..IcLnalry and Dr. Lute, when the!H8' f;rnCl-, .Hsturber of the peace. Wo
meeting unjournei with three cheers for j ,;1.,;,r,:;ind that be will have to remain in
"'a'L'r' jjail unlii the next term of the court soma
Imcki OriNt.iN- ofJac-kson Short. ' ,hre3 wct'ks hence unless he can induco
ly after Gen. Jack.-on vetoed the V S i sn,:1" f;icni1 t0 his security in the sunt
Bank, Mr. Pollock gave the public the ben-! ()f cr lui ewd haviour.
elit of Ins opinion upon Ihe bank, as well I U 1,0 rccu.lected that in I hiladelplna
as upon Gen. Jackson and the democratic I1'" was also urrcsled, and taken belorc
party generally, bv a toast, at Milton on I Ma-vor Coma(1 10 whom he made n slate
the -It!, of Juiy, ns"fj!ow: jmtnt, in which he said ihnt ho supposed
"Bv Jakks l'oi.toi'K-Th-2 mlncrity InJi;Pen'il ST11,r,! was a place for
tho house of representatives of the 1-nile 1 ! l!,c llo!'J;1'n cf publ.c nice lings, he had a
Stale, distinguished alike fr their talents i rll! ,08Tcak ,ll0rc' T1,u Mayor said that
and patriotism, they resisted, with horoTc ' tthat hu " ,nl!'11" rn:Ulcr ,inJl'r0ie
firmness, the (bin-e'rotij nnd ahirmin- til- s""c ' circumstanct's, under another
tact of an infatuated executive upon the i "'nl.i "ssnma a very grave character
constitution and laws; and althou-d, n 1 a knwledge ol tho result ihut hud at
minority dared to defend the ri"hts of liie i u'n,,cJ '''Q speaking of the prisoner inoih
people agains; a coales.-ed majority, whose i" Pla.ce?' 1,0 cot,ld not Pnrmit such fearful
only rule, of action is the will ofllieir Mas- rxPl;l'".11Cfl!s t0 ho made within tho bounds
tor." 1 of his jurisdiction. Iio was in duty bound
This nmn, who called tho hero who! 10 f rc-servc lhe r"1(,c of 'he city nt all Im
never met an enemy but to conquer him,ards- . 1,0 sllould ,cnu'' 'ho prisoner lo
an "infuiu'itcd c.xtoulive," now n;ks lhe cnItr I)jnds ,000 for his future
people' of Pennsylvania lo make him gov. ; goJ helmvior. Orr said ho would Iravo lhe
ernor! This is "American pride nnj , c"y 111 l!'c morning if the Mayor desired it;
reeling!" .and tho mayor replied that whenever he
- ; hud tirstiranco that he would leave tho ci-
Tiic Ohio River, d. ty, ho should bo liberated. Glolf.
Wiir.Ei.txcj, Oct. 2. There are only,, ;
seventeen inches water in its channel and (ttThe Washington Union in tho
falling. jcoursoof an able nnicle showing the lios-
PtrTsiiLKCJii, Oct. 2. The river is fal- ''!'!-v .0" 'h0 n(,w Nothing creed lo the
ling. The cholera is gradually abaiiti" , 'sellings of lhe Bible, says : Already
and losing its virulent type. i,n '',c days of MOSES were the teachings
v ' " ' n exclusive and proscrtptive nnimiui.
iliiirillC BlMJStrr Four Lives Lost. 1 1V7 expressly rcnudiuted and forbidden bv '
Rostov, Oct. 2. Tho schooner Onla-j 'his eminent and inspired Jewish lawgiver,
ria, henco for Rockland, has been lost in I Among lhe laws enacted by him for the
Broad Sound, and four of her crew were ' rcyulaiion of governmental policy of tho
drowned. Captain Pcnniinan was saved. Hebrew Commonwealth, we discover,
, --- - bearing on lhe point, the following, as re-
.Mr.i.Axcnot.v hrEAitnoAT Disasthh. : corded in the book of Iviticus, lihchnp.
A despatch, d.-iled Louvilie, September lor, Ddd nnd I'tth verses :
nr, states tint iho steamer .Malta was sunk ,
en nowl"'"1 '-'loiieous staicineni, nnn tiaeri on
; 11 want of knowIed,'o. ns reenrds Ibo R'.itel
.--.n-. .- 0 ' ... . "o, Maies tuai inn sieamcr . .1 la w-.nq Kim . 1.1 ,v,.r n...n .i..
J. II. riilhurn mnf, ,. . . , ... . .' """'ra "I Germany. t'ha. Lutheran i ... , n; ,..., .. c.7. , . , P" J""'" ' 'i.eo "'your
- "...1. onmji. 11 111; in. uas r.u .7...1. .1 l. i-.- . , . ' ".i.i, in,.. 1 U.IUI.UII. it icw oavs a n . it na , ni iw ,mi. 1 1. . .....
tnntin ihoSlale. Will wo prove reer-.n, l,,CKa "",s lr;o rs- '"'ve had ihe cllect a nam her of Iclte-s on band ul,i -I, l, ;. !..... . '.,. : M 1 " "Lr .n?' I Sll'. nd twenty or thirty dock rassen- r:er that dwelle.h with v , .i.-.n'L
to our own welfare, arid give our support! ' ttrm,!i0 11,0 M linc f. J)''!""'!, and ,e,-ly nnJ w.lling to d, liverup to the prop-! the ..monistic church, which is" nt resent 6uoscd ,0 havo Lccn l0iI- ' -VCU1, n one horn among you, ' Wld thou
to men who' nro strangers to us-who' ',crs 01 V' comity U IIO KNOW er persons when called neon lin power, liven whr.lo Lutheran eon-re. r 1,1 Louisville, Kentucky, on tho .10th ,0G. ,i m as Ihysell, for vfi wero
. , 'f'tiM n . .... ... 1. , o ..'.: i 1 1
',.ao no direct or special interest it, com-, ",AiV Uil1 hllQ,v 011 1 ucsday next, Josia!, W. Smith, J-W, propos to d'.;.!"' "8 0 w,,,"l,.,,, last ,wo years cm-
... 1 'inn.., iroin rrt.r a nnn oinnr t joi-m 1
n ,.,l... .... 1 I -v- . , . - . . . . ,
nnlnten. .i.nii. I .nl, I . , ., . Utl III I Ul timo ol Ihn nrnnm t ,T I in tr. o l
, ... V...1.., iiui uavo 111c , 1 , - c ." t-),.-1. .. .. .
no nad not been known as n cand date. '. ' """"Ji'uigism. At a re
uut Iio received a of 'JoO. I v "l --"-"-"oil m vueguany city, lo till a
moil -.V it I, us? Or will we not ratiWact, l,,c' Uo k""w l,,nv ''' nppreciato his pose of several ttaotj of timber l:,.,l
... wiser par,, and support that man bow ,0 defend hi, character , o'fter ,h, " : 1. 1 ZZ in 71 ' "
Minnorli ha. '.hil li ui. 1. tirom sue:, vile ns-ticrtions.' I. . ... . l'"l" ' ' ,t. j- ...... r ,,' .....''. .
II I ...... ii.via 111 i. ll.j
in iiOiiisvuie, iventuclty, on tho .tilth as my son, n
ultimo, William B. Shepard.'tho candidate '.rangers it, ilio Innd of Egypt,
cf the know-nothings, was elected rnavor. Lortl yourGod."
It.. ... .1... r.. .. ,! . i.Cs . ,
lam the
'whoso iiitercsis "are our interests and
'' whose presptrily or adversity is indi.,so
Jubly linked with ours ?
, . We repent, that ALL IS WELL WITlDpresebt month.
.1 vile apportions
......... 1 ....... . ..111 ii.i . . o
loir'er bn fiili.l
dictates ot Iheir owi consciences, and
of the advertisements 'which haveiSZhvTL
ongf, urdinanr for preventing swine run-j heretofore filled our columns will also bo I lurf the Lutheran church, has been rc.
"" Ul l,irPt' "as 0ccri suspended for lhe disposod of, and wo will be enabled lo nivo 1 Pcn,t-'dv imprisoned, and now lives in ex
iiifrinr in K, I.nnvrl .-.C f1. 1
PT Governor Igler reached Plnladcl-. Thompson, tho reeular Democratic con-
,1 !!eh i0.", i?;, T7x f 2rJt!l iull"!,ii,!!'"-'. electovcr the Know-Noth-much
mproved m health and strength.-; inii .candidate by a decided majority.-
if i .,. . 1 hviiiucihijcj I t-LL I 'T III I nn in . I.I i limn nrm 'I'l,- 1. - J
lo our readers n more intrrrsiin. nnn,r " ,or no ol er oticnco, but that ho preach- the corner of Fifth nnd Shier, a,,. ' :C 'Z Ji " : .
"IT" CCJ lllO Word Of (.Oil in nrnr,l,,., ... !.!.' " ..'..ugu. , UIU ,UO Old IH ucgininff ,0 00
j felt in all qurters.
,cd Iho word of God in accordanco with' Saturday evening.