Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 07, 1854, Image 1

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    . il
1! c ji i lb
'- . C I rn .
i Kit .us. ,?i uu ii year 1 1 auvancp
tiii: iu)u:sti:.i.
It ii nut it used to Ic,
When you ii ml X wro young,
When round aeh eiin md nmplo tint,
The honeysuckles i-Iuiir;
Hut st ill I love iho cottage where
1 pii!wd my curly yenr,
Though not a mii-Io fnco i.s there
That lut'inury endears.
It is nt ah it used to bo !
The uioes ia on tho roof,
And from their neats beneath the rnvei,
Tho twullowi keep uloof.
Tho robina how they used to aiuj?'
When you mid I wero youti(; ;
And how did hit the wild bee's wing
The opening flowers among !
It ia nt as it used to lo !
The voiues loved of yore,
And tho forma that we were wont to see.
We see and hear no more,
Xo more ! AIiip, we look in vain
For those to whom we clung.
And love as we can love but once,
When you nnd I were youn;.
"Homo, thy passing joys are lovely
Joys no surangor heart can toll."
Tho following rules arc worthy of bo-
1 11 it nnnff,! If! lnlfnra r.T rsA I...! i
Wp,1 m n n.n;,.ob ... ' : ?. I
household. ' ' "jlough infltctcd . deeper wound than tho
I. From your children, earliest infancy ! l",tCr f h''
jou must inculcate the necessity of instant1- hcr? .u'?3 a '"c,y cross country road
obedience. " " "e vicinity of Kendal, which formed a
2. Unite firmness wi:h gentleness. I t,lort cm ,0 t!,e ,)uaulir"l of Winder-
T.At vnnr,.,, !,. . .i .L. ' The path was rocky nnd narrow.
you mean exactly what vou say I
you menn exactly what you say.
3. Never promise. hen, anything unless
vou are sure vou can give them what you
uromise ' .
1. If you tell a child .to do somethin:
cViciw linn t,i il.-v It
nnd see that it is
,irmp i
v.ilfully disobeying you, but never punish j
hcii in anger! 0 '
. Never let them see that they can !
vex vou. or make vou lose vour self-com-!
ma ud.
7. If they give wnv to petulance nnd I
.per, wait.ill they are calm, and .hen I
nily reason with .hem on the impropriety '
of their conduct
o'n i ,i . .
3. Remember tint a lutlo present pun-
, , ,, ., ., '. r
more efluctunl ihan the thrcaicning of a
great one should the fault be renewed
P. Never give your children anything
because they ery lor it . ,
1J. On no account allow them to do at
one timo what you have forbidden under
liie line ciicumstnnces ai nnoiner.
. 11. Teach them that the only sure and
easy way to njipear good is to bo good.
0 LOOu,
12. Accustom them to make their little '
recitals with perfect truth.
IU. Never allow of laic benriiv
Who Cms. The editor of the Saratoga
Republican having lost his appetite nnd got
the blue, comes out ns follows :
Printing Lsi.ablhhment for Sale.
Having rrnde precisely money enough
nt the nrintinir business, the subscriber is
smiMied to giVo tip nnd retiro lo the poor
house,' Under these circumstances he is '
induced to ofcr the Saratoga Republican
for sale. The paper Ins a circulation of
about pno thousand, cni-fcurth of which
may be called paying, and tho othcrthree-
fourths non-pnyingpntrons. The office .
has a good variety of jub type nnd a fair '
Tun of work of this description, provided j
tho work is done at the reduced New;
York :i'e.,nr.d tho printer will take "cats
and di." for nay. This village- is ono
of the prettiest places in the world Torn loud and quarrelsome, engrossing nil tho
newspaper publisher. Everybody will j conversation lo himself while Ins bluster
f.nd fault, do the best you can, nnd manner and ill natuicd jokes so dis
editor who pleases himself will stand butlguslcd his companions, that one by one
n Him chance of plcnsin- anybody else. I they silently rose depnit, dreading by
The subscription list nnd good will of the
olfi -o will bo thrown in if tho purchaser
wil! take tho typo, presses nnd materials
for what they aro worth, ond pny for them,
so that there will he no probability of the
present proprietor being obliged to take the
establishment back and return to the busi
ness. ffcVlt is soid tliat the origin ol mo cnoi-
... . . . . i i i
era in Columbia, Pennsyvanin, has been j dressed in ihe grey home-spun cloth of the
traced to the reservoir water. Several country,' uni looked like a wealthy yeo
cit'zens proceeded to tho river and opened , man of the middle class. To Robinson he
th5 bluices thnt threw the water into the j WBS n stranger, ami that worthy continued
feeder. On opening them a number rl
carcassr-sof sheep were found lodged there,
which had been thrown into it.o river i
various times by parlies who had been
freighting on the Pennsylvania railrond.
Of courso the use of tho reservoir water
h3 ceased since tho discovery.
05-perhnps thcro U no set of men less
punctual than mechanics. Do you want
an ui.b .'stcrorl Ho rarely comes when
ho agrees. So with carpenters, painters,
end nearly all oihers. Ti!-" nnd shoe
makers often do not have their articles
homo in lime." The con:equenco is .hat
thousands remain poor oil their lives, wlm,
if they wero moro faithful in iheir word,
uni. 1,1 aifiira n Inrirn run of CUStOm, and
so make their fortunes. Co punciunl, if
you would succeed.
CCrFlour is declining in pric.
IV rr i.minr ....
. J!1 OOJ,h
si '.-; ;r i . -.i
. . . .
Or Wat Robinson, the Bully Butcher.
mo siory i nm about to tell I had from
an nlJ aunt of mine who h;ts Ion" been
gathered to her kindred dust. a
Nitturally ofu strong and vigoiousmind,
my aunt did not herself believo in super
natural agencies ; but they utnuscd her,
and she told those stories so well, that slio
never tired her auditors. It is one of ihe
tales that I am about lo relate. Sho hnd
the facts from my grandfather, who was
himself personally acquainted with Mr.
Loth waite, one of tho actors in the drama.
About a hundred years ago there lived
;in the town of Kendal, Westmoreland,
jl'.nyland, a man of gigantic staturo nnd
great strength, who followed the trade of
a butcher. The person who was called
l Wat Robinson, was noted for his nuarrpi.
jsome rufllunly disposiiion, which won for
' -
....... j uisjuaiiiiui, w men woniorirmn Mr Iilite .,
mm me appell
appellation of Bull v Uobinson. the I
Imr ,r K..n.i..i i . i
her of Kendal. 1-orcmost in the
iSn-o Ho 7" ZL r rt '". !
Iversallv feared and h,Ll
I lliis man was very fund of practical
joKes. i.ui ins joues were like himself,
j nnu originated in tho cruelty and malice of
j ns mind. The pain he indicted upon oth-
:ers aiiorueu nun tlie greatest pleasure
. . Era,Jno tones of Lis coarse brutal
Iu"u ai' "l'lUL""-,u oy ny pedestrian ,
r cqs'n vrllcrs. For some months;
,re.v.,OU8 0 1,10 fr,oJ of u "dl 1 ani now
wrJ"nfe' tllis rjaJ "d got the character of,
seldom Irequented by any pedestrian
nr nntirD nnu I r-i en ah i. v. . . i. 1
got the character of,
being haunted. A hideous npnnriiiori in
" y monster, with horns
itmu uuuis, uus.rueieu inu passage oi irnv-j
'cllers through tho lane, chasing them back ;
nnd hools, obstructed tho nnssngn of Irnv-
.w" ' llr.eaUIU1 u'llowinos a"J d.abol-,
persons bad been fnghlcnrd into
.fll3,b'! lho,Tcro 5 ond one falj,c 11 d '"
had lost his reason, by unexpectedly en-!
C0U"'c,'nS !hc dem one of the most
'"VV n '
, 1 "1 ,uf ,!,nl!,t10, h;id brcu sc! n
iby so many respectable persons in the ;
town nnd its vicinity, whose veracity, from
lhJ wcI1.known ilv of tIlcir c, arac.'.
tors, tlio most sceptical could scarcely
i , , ,i , ,i u ,,
, doubt, that the public mind became crcnllv
Untrd lv lho'ni hly rccurrt.nco 8Uci,
st"arll; j, -o wcr(J nQ ,(.
! laughed nt for their credulity, in believing
;lmf which so , TSMo witnesses
(0f.!arcd ,0 bc ,ruc-;
The Windermere ghost became tlie gen-j
cral theme of conversation ; and the road
una n h.n ndnnnil hv nil uhn ivcrn nnnn.Tint.
. -,u ,i,0 ,- ,i !,i rni, ,i,
vv ii nu nil mil. lvjiu,ii tuu lanij
by a more public thoroughfare.
. One night n large party assembled in a
public-house in the suburbs of Kendal, to
. drink their nle nnd discuss the news of the
jday. Thcso were chiefly farmers nnd
' sheep-grnziers from the moors nnd fells,
' who had disposed of iho fallings of their
flocks nt the market, and wero returning
in a body to their lonely homes among the
hills. The centre of this group, and a man a
ol no small importance among them, was:
the big butcher of Kendal. lie had been
'a largo purchaser; and iho jolly yeomen j
had Hung back a few shillings from tho j
money they had icceived, to furnish a gen-j
crol treat big Wat himself placed in the,
chair, ns tho great man of the comnnuy.
This was un honor iho bully butcher
never fuiled lo nbuso. As i he fumes of .he ;
alo began lo ascend into his head lie grew:
word or action lo rouse into active opera
tion the mischievous disposition of the
Tho guests ni the "IIolly-Trce" had all
dropped away, until tho butcher and one
young man, who hnd been a silent specta-
tor of ihe scene, nlone occupied tho ehim -
ncy-corner. 1 his person, who was vast-
lv superior in his appearance o tho muni
. . . . . . ,
w10 ,aci intely Idled tho table, nnd was
to eyo him with a sinister glanco ol curi
osity nnu inquiry.
Tho landlord entered to throw on a
fresh billit of wood, for it was winter, and
tho night wns very cold.
"Is tho moon up, Lowther?" said tho
ycomnn, rising to his feet, and bultonin j
his grcat-coat to the chin. "It is limo 1
was on tho road."
"Yes, Mr. Leihwaile, she has been up
soma time, but, sir, if I were in your
place, I would never travel lhat road at
"Why, wlint tho deuce is tho matter
with tho rood! Are you troubled with
robbers in these parts?"
"No sir, tho road is haunted."
"Ilauntcd I" exclaimed tho yeoman,
bursting into a merry laugh.
"Yes, sir; haunted, ond by tho devil,
sirl Ikaw him with my own eyes, nnd
' '' " i1""' " iiiiiii six liionuip, .N
you know, sir, tlio old savin", scninrr !u I
bolin..;,,,, ' I
lumph ! nnd what was tho devil like?" .
Ukc, sir? why, nothing human. Ilo
was as hairy as a liutlhlo, with huge white 1
horn,, a iong whisking tail, and colvcn'
r..V . !
yn, not ttio old story. I never saw j
uu novo no great wish to mnko
Ins acquaintance to-night ; but it is not an
idle woman s tab that will prevent me
Irom taking tho nearest road homo, fray
onter your man to saddle my horse quick -
ly, lor have overstayed my time, al -
tL inn,iu..i i .
listening to tho yeoman with half a sneer,
now turning hastily round addressed him
Yn , 1 ,h , y' , !
"lou wish us to think you a very brave
I .. .:.t .
, .v ' V". ' " " u 13 I
maiisio mo n manor oi per eel in-
ditferenro I.,.,l,,it 1i,.,k,:i
difler,cc,"rc,urcd Lethwaitoi hnugh.ity,
and ncymg
f.U hull., l, !. '
stem glance ; "tho man who has faith in iu" 7 T T ' , InsPuc. m'a l,r
i.;,v,.,ir r.. .1 . .. sentecl to tlio traveller tho nnnearnnee of
himself cures
for tho opinions of
ilv .
No offence," said Robinson, v. ho did
uui iiku mo uery ginnceoi iiiscomparnon s
l:i. . I r n
eyo ; "hut if you are determined upon re
turning to Windermero bv the cross road.
it is the duty of a friend io warn you of
your danger -
. "Danger! what, the idle talo I have
!jl'st heard ; none but a coward would turn
j from his path for a gossip's fable."
. "Men as brave ns vou can be have sal-
hed forth at nightfall, to bid defiance, as
"eu lonn at nignu;
they snid to nil the
n,."J, hav0 T lurnL'd
rught as pale as the
i im, c, . . i . r .1 I
uiu powers oi unnniess,
to this house at mid
flight as pale ns tho sheeted dead. There
is not n man in Kendal." cried tho excited
butcher, striking his huge fist on the oak
uiuie, unui me glass upon it chattered nnd
rang nain, "that daro travel that road to-
table, until the tlass upon it cliattcred nnd
nig 't.
'I am sorry ,o think that the decend-
onts of hold Kendal archers can have de-
generated into such a flock of geese," said
tho yeoman. "I have lived too lon nmon"
ho lulls to bo fnghtcned by shadows My
"V " " ,T 1 ,
, . 1' ar Mark'. f ,a,rin3 ""'.' "ted the
butcher, placing his huge person in the
doorway, "to attempt that road to ni 'ht
you wili return to the "Holly. Tree" belorc
morning, half-dead with fright."
The young man smiled inercduously.
"Sir, do you disbelieve nicT
"I think you very credulous."
"Fellow, do you take me f jr a coward I"
cried the butcher, tho red blood rushing
into his bloated face. "Ynn lnul Imiiwr
mind what you say. With one blow I
could annihilate a puny chap like you."
"Real courage cannot bo testod by mere
nnimal strength," said Lethwaite calml v.
"David was a dwarf to Goliah, but mental
courage and tho fear of Clod conquered
his gigantic fue. I do not wish to quarrel
with you, sir. Vou believe in ghosts;
I do not. Good night."
"Ah!" quoth the butcher, shaking his
lingo fist aftcrh'un, "the Windermere ghost
shall punish you for your disbelief.""
Lclliwaites foot was in the stirrup, when
sudden thought seemed to strike him
i nm not ulraid of ghosts, Lowther ; but
I have money about me; the Windermere
demon may bo n poor devil, whom the
lovo of plunder may tempt to do a deed of
violence. It will boas well to examine
the loading of my pistols."
Ho returned with tho landlord lo the
house, nnd both wore not a little plrasodlo
to find Iha.vuicher gone. - Lcthwaito con-
turned chatting some lima with the land-
"I do not like this ghost story of yours,"
ho said. "If such a spectre has really
been seen, depend upon it that it is some
deep conlrivanco lo hide a worse danger.
I wish, fur the good cf tho community, that
I may be lucky enough to full in with the
"Ahl Mr. Lethwaite, sir you aro only
tempting Providence when you talk in that
j careless way. Tho ghost is a real ghost ;
, for though it has frightened mnny,nnd my-
sell among tho rest, l never heard of nny
person being robbed. Did Dodson, the
lamo beggar, lost his senses; but ihcn be
was nlwoys a half-witted creature, nnd a
man's reuon is not his money. Did I not
sco the horrid thing myself I, who, God
forgive mc ! hnd made gamo of it, just ns
you do nt this moment 1 saw tho mon
ster with my own eyes ; nnd how I esca
ped from it I never could tell. I ran so
fust that I never felt tho ground under my
feet, wdiilo il pursued me with tho most
frightful yells. I kept my bed for a week
after, and have taken good core never to
tread tho road by night ngnin."
"It is strange !" said Lethwaile, musina ;
"sorno truth must bo mingled with this
fantastic error 1 What limo of night does
this spectro generally nppear?"
"It has been seen nt all hours, from
twilight until the grey dawn of day. It
wns about nine o'clock in the evening
when it appeared lo mo. It is near eleven
now, sir. You will just reach that black,
crooked turning in tho road, whioh winds
around tho foot of tho hill, by midnight.
That lonely spot is tho demon's favorito
- - -
Y5, il paid
wi!lii:i nine lnonlli?,
"I know the place," said Lcthwaito.
Vf.s 'liu n f,;,.l,'r,,l ..'.I.
1,1,-1, steep banks, and high rocks on cither
side. Dark almost nl noon-day, but doubly
dark at noon of niMu "
Then, whisilingnn old border song, to
keep up his couraKc. tho vcoman dashed
tho fpui s jnto his ful0 horse, and rodo oil'
; at a quirk pace; and in a few minutes
was out of sight, The landlord listened
1 for a few minutes lo tho clicking of his
' horse's hoofs, striking against tho frozen
1 ground, nnd, thinking him a confounded
'lbol, closed tho door, and went to bed.
J.cthwaito sped merrily alon''. The
tho cloudless sky, and tho sharp old wintry
winds whistled in his hair, and chilled his
manlv cheek. An hour's ridinir brouidit
1,im 10 ,hc brow of 11,0 SP crooked h II,
.,;,.i, i,.i i, ..:.,, . .. . . . ,.- , '
" "uu '""iu uui iu mm ua inu
nvorito haunt of the chost
At the foot of this hill, the road took an
abrupt turn, nnd the high rocks projecting
a huge cavern, until ho reached tho hot-
,m o('Uo, lhc 1,10 fusion vanish-
cu. i5iunieu noiiv-irees had snrumr un
among tho crevices of the rocks, nnd their
close dark foliage cast a sepulchral gloom
into the deep hollow below.
"It is nn ugly spot," thought Lethwaite,
as he checked his horse lo tread at foot
fall (he steep descent. "Murder may
hove been committed hero in tho olden
lime, but pooh, pooh, there nre no such
things ns ghosts ; but if ever there was a
spot more capable of inspiring such n dread
than another, it is surely this."
The side of the road to his left was in
deep shadow. The very Spirit of Dark
ness seemed lo brood over the gloomy re
cess, w hile tho moon gilded with a wan
and spectral light tho. opppositc wall of
rock. Leihwaite, in spite of his boasted
courage, R It a sudden chill creep through
him ns ho approached tho fatal spot.
"(!od of heaven ?" he murmcred, in a
tone below his breath, "what can that be?"
as a horrid shapo slowly and distinctly
rose before him, nnd became stationary in
ihe centre of his path. -
It was not tho form of n man, ond cer
tainly it was not a beast, but nppcurcd a
shocking compound of both. Imagine a
creature upwards of six feet high, covered
with shaggy black hair, the head that ofn
bull, with Huge, white, widely extended
horns. The sinewy baro arms of a man
extending nbovo this ghastly hoad.crap.
ing n burning brand, which emitted a .bin!
cloud ol pnlo blue smoke. The lower
par. of tho body was soenveloped in shade
that it only presented a dark, undefined
shapeless mass.
Lethwaite, who had never expected lo
behold a real edition of Iho iY indermere
",s '""r """en, nnu nis icein n,n nj3 nft;Pd nrnis baro, nnd a club ' ",c' words, the country has been unusu
sligbtly chatter, ns he suddenly reigned in smeared with phosphorous mill grasped olly hc'hhy.
his horse, nnd forced himself to look stea- jn bis stiffened hand. I P.ayliss & Davis nre pulling up a steam
uy o,,uu I,,., i.asiiy pnanwm. I no "Hc deserved his death,,' said Low
I. .rso possessing less self-reliance than his l!l0r(?, n3 w 00iej ,,, opon lh(, .,,,,sl.
master. nuned. snorlcl. mil rrnrml no i .... L'. .
.. ,, , ' '
a "iwonsycii me nppanii in advan-
ml, brandishing his fiery weapon in n
threatening manner.
"Steady, boy steady," cried hismas-jcr:
ler, in a sooilunj lone, siianiod out o his
own fears by the terror of his steed
this bo tho devil, stand still, nnd let thy
master faco him like a man."-
Reassured by tho well-known voico, !
and tho caress of tho well-known hand,!
tho noblo animal did ns he was command-j
ed but ho shook and shivered in every
Lethwaite had by this lime drawn a
pistol from his bell; nnd riding towards
the spectre he cried out in a stern voice,
Miserablo impostor! throw off your dis
gu;se, or you nre n dead man ; for by the
God that made me, I will sec if your body
is proof against a leaden ball J"
A wild unearthly yell was the only an
swer ho got to his threat ; nnd the demon
wns now within ten pares of his horse.
Tho sharp report of Lcthwnito's pistol
woke up nil tho lonely echoes of the place,
and The hugo hairy monster fell heavily lo
the earth with a smothered curse ; nnd the
yeoman yielding (or a moment lo uncon
trollable fear, turned the head of his terri
fied steed, nnd never slackened his speed
till ho reached tho door of tho public house.
After a few minutes of breathless sus
pense, his loud hurried knock was answer,
ed by tho landlord, who, thrusting bis
head oul of the garret window, demanded,
in no very geniio tone, the cause of such
an unreasonable attack upon his door.
"It is I, Lowther it is Richard Lcth
wnite ; get up nnd let me in directly."
"Ah, nh ! I thought how it would end,"
said tho landlord, ns ho descended to un
bar tho door; and he called up tho groom
to rcliovo his guest of bis tired horse.
"The ghost has driven you back faster
than you went. This is to disbelieve Ihe
word of honest folks. Why, man, what
havo you seen ? you look like ono just
risen from tho dead."
"I fear I have sent ono to dwell with
tho dead a little before his time," snid
Lethwaite, drinking of the gluss of brandy
proffered to him by his host, at a draught.
"1 have shot iho ghost
- -. - . . .
nnl if not paid until tho expiration
devil, it was lint roof against powder and
ball. 1 am more distressed at tins event
than if 1 had encountered all the hosts of
bell, with Satan himself lo back them.'
Call up your people ; for I can no longer
go alono to that infernal spot and let us
examine nnd identify tho corpse.
It was daylight before Lnwthor could
persuade any of his servants or neighbors
to accompany him nnd Mr. Lothwuiio to
the lane. They believed that the latter
had seen thu gw ; but as to killing it,
that was n sort of waking nightmare
something too increditabloeven for the su
penatural wonders of u 'dream.
Many were the questions nut to Lcth-
waite by tho little bnnd of men ; but he
walked on silently and thoughtfully, with
out speaking n word to anv.
"Why did you not call up (ho big butch
er, Lowther,"suid one of the party. "In
uny case of danger that man is n host in
"I have great doubts nsto his couranc,"
said Lowther, drily. "He is a great bul
ly, nnd these wordy men are nil froth ;
they make n great noise, but are very slow
j J j; U Mr. Loihwuite has killed the
host, big Wat would be of small service
lo us, ns the danger is already past."
"Killed the ghost!" said the first spen
kcr, with a sneer: "whoever heard of
mortal man killing a ghost ? It is not in
llesh and blood lo do lhat.
"But suppose the ghost was a man,"
said Lethwaite "suppose that it was the
big butcher of Kendal himself."
"Now, God forbid !" said several voices
at once : "ihe man is a devil, but not bad
enough to turn ghost."
"We shall soon know," said Leihwaite ;
nt the bottom of this hill the riddle will be alleys 20 feet. Tho Capitol Square con
solved." tains 8 ncres. Many buildings aro iu
They hud now reached ihe brow of tho j contemplation to be constructed in Omaha
steep hill. The sun bad just risen above City this fall. A house suitable for a first
the distant mountains ; nnd his first beams
glanced upon Ihe tree-lops, without pene
Uutmg ihe gioomy recesses which still
buried the dense shadow.
Slowly, and w ith evident signs of fear,
ihe Idtlj parly wound down tho hill. One
mnn tried to hum a tune, another to whis -
tie ; while a third talked very loudly about
ins owu courage in reulity, possessing
very links; but all endeavored to dissipate
ihe fear lo which lhey involuntary became
the prey, as they nppronched the dreaded
Leihwaile, who had lingered behind,
now walked briskly forward and headed
iho party. A dark indistinct mass lay
huddled up in the centre of the narrow ; dollars a year, nnd is a well-conducted
road. Alidrewback: Lethwaite stepped ! sheet, filled with Nebraska news of every
up to it nnd remained stationary, beckon-j description.
ing wiih his hand for the oihers to advance. There has been no cholera at Counsil
They did so, but what was thesurpriscand jRlufls this season, nor any other general
astonishment of all, to find, in tho supposed I '.V prevailing epidemic, and comparative-
spectre, the dead nnd bleeding form oi
Wnt Robinson, wrapped up in Hie hidn of
iy corpse, "it was a cruel iinni; oi i;un
! t(1 admit ibl-. Iibh.n.m Hi.,r;.,. ; ,.,,!..,. , I
frjghten his friends and neighbors "
"It wns jus! like tho maif," said nnolh-'
"he was so full of spite and mdice ,
1 if! cou d not hear In srr nlhnra hnm.v
I I 1.11 I , . .
"IIo has paid a heavy prieo for his fil
ly," said Lethwaite. "His melancholy
fato should he a solemn warning lo all
persons who engage in such wicked jokes,
Come, my friend?, lot us carry him hence;
I 01,1 sorry lual ho got his death by my
One of the most singular features in the
eastern markets, in view of Iho remarka
ble season of drouth, is ihe decline in the
price of brcadstulfs. Flour, during the
past week, in New York, declined about
fifty cents a barrel. Tito result is attrib
uted by some to iho fresh supplies received
from mills that havo started since the late
rains; others, with moro reason, atiribu'.o
the change lo the limited demand of flour
for export, in consequence of gooJ crops
on the Continent. In Ireland, we learn
from a gentleman who is recently travel
ed through most of tho counties, the pota
to crop is excellent, and bus suffered but
liitle from iho blight. There is thus some
reason lo believe lhat wc will have no
scarcity of provisions in 1 his country du
ring tho present year. It is lo bo hoped
this calculation will not provo delusive.
Pittsburgh Union.
(KrAt the celebration of the recert an
niversary of Independence, in a town in
California, nn Irishmin offered iho fol
lowing toast: 'Hero's lil iho Ilnrp of
ould Ireland, iho Thistle of Scotland, and
tho Lion of England, who laid bis paw on
the swate flag of Amoriky, and was glad
to take it off again !"
03Yoii rarely, if ever, sco a politician
with smooth hair, a great scholar with fino
hair, nn artist with red hair, a fop with
red hair, a minister with long hnir, or an
editor whoso hnir is carefully adjusted.
0Tho Millcrites have now fixed upon
the 10th of Mnv, lcG5, as the day when
whether manorthe world will positively como lo an end.
. ..
of tlio joar $2 00 Mill bodiarcJ.
Tho Ilarrisburg Platform soys it is ru
mored that Judgo Pollock intends to wait
until within eight or ten days rf tho elec
tion, when ho will corno out nnd deny all
connection with tho secret organization
called "Know Nothings," and this dcninl
will bo printed in handbills nnd in tho
Whig papers, nnd circulated among tho
faithful and unfaithful in all purls of iho
Commonwealth. If Judgo I'ollock has no
connection with this order, let him sny so
now. The Democratic party is ready lo
prove his membership, nnd it does not
wish to wuit until within n few days of tho
election, when tho effect of the deuinl can
not bo counteracted by proorof its falsity.
Wo nsk Democratic editors in nil parts of
tho State to watch this game, nnd nppriso
their readers of il. The hardy sons of
Pennsylvania wish lo know now whether
it is possible for a candidate for Governor
in this great State, to join a secref political
organization for the pnltry purpose of get
ting votes, more especially when that or
der tenches him to regard its laws as par
amount to the Constitution and laws of the
From Nebraska. Tho following is
extracted from a letter dated "Omaha
. Cily, Nebraska Territory, August 20th ;
There nre in this vicinitv about twenty-
five or thirty families, and single families
nnd residents, nnd single residents, and
more daily arriving, lo settlo nnd muk
pcrmanrnt homes in Nebraska. From
Capitol Hill can bc sceti several commo
dious nnd respectable frame buildings.
1 have finished the survey of O.naha
i City. Tho lots nre 06 by 132 feet, and
' Capital has partially been contracted for,
and certninly will be reared this season,
ns tho bricks are now being made on this
side of the river for that purpose. I ihink
ut least twenty buildings will boconstruct-
ed hero d uring this fall, Thcro appear
! to bo but little doubt respecting its being
! tho capital, for a time at least.
ihe presumption is I hot nn election will
bc hold in the lerntory probably in Oc
tober and a session be held next winter;
and, therefore, thoso who aro now on iho
ground arc anxious to have lie country
settled as rapidly os practicable.
Ihe Omaha City Arrow, a weekly pa
; per, is now published at our town at two
l ' D!l1 n Sinu'' amount ol any sickness,
hut few deaths occurring this season ; in
snw nnd grist mill in Omaha City, nnd
; everything begins lo denote a healthy or.r!
1 -vr V ;i ill full- v.vlrwf tli-
J J """o
I,IK Ivasr ExprniTiox-Nearly n
'Mr nnd " half has elapsed since the
! Arr!ic e-M''on, und.jr tha command of
our townsman, Dr. Kane, set sail from
New York. More than n twelvemonth
has passed since Iho last intelligence from
the adventurous explorers was received.
The wdiole of iho season now terminating
has been peculiarly favorablo for their
researches, so lhat their return my not bo
unreasonably expected nt an early period
in tho prudent autumn. Rarely before
was iho Atlantic so full tf drifting ieo as
during (ho past spring. Il seemed, as
veteran navigators said, ns if the frozen
harries which had heretoforo guarded iho
pole bad nt last broken completely away,
opening un egress for tha first time,
probably, within ihe memory of man to
tho daring expeditionists. We look for
great results, in consequence, from tho
enterprise of Dr. Kane. The extraordi
nary conjunction of a favorablo season
and u singularly ublu leader cannot hut
be fruitful of imporlant discoveries. The
cxistanee or non-cxi.tanco of a vnst polar
ocean is almost certain to bo demonstra
ted. It is to bc hoped, however, that tho
ardor of discovery has not templed Dr.
Kane too (ar, so as to prevent tils return
Ibis year. It is enough to lose a Frank
lin. To sacrifice, also, a Kuno in tha
samo generation would bo paying tor
high a penalty even for Arctic explora
tions. N. Y. Pajxr.
Valuahle Application. For wounds
received from old nails, or cuts occasion
ed by broken glass, peach tree loaves, well
steeped, and applied lo tho wound, will
give immediate relief. Ly thickening iho
liquid from which iho leaves havo been
taken, it will keep moist hours. In caso
tlm leaves cannot bo obtained, a tea made
of twigs of penchtreo thickened, will dots
Pkmxsylv afia Statu Debt. The
Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday gays it
learns somi-ofllcially that during tho past
year Cov. Bigler has paid off, by the ju
dicious administration of thq affairs of tho
Commonwealth, nearly on milliou of
dollars of tho Stato debt.