Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 23, 1854, Image 1

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    ! I!'i
N I 1
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1 A
hi M
fF hi m
a vt.hki.y iwn.n: rnu.isur.iMN
1V.HMSS1 l)n yvrin,., N
uaxuaa. iuukw, Mmjmni.
i tv vr. ;v tin.
I"hic Journal
"il lil: I ;iii . t-1 1 . i
;' .TV li.vil I.
!l MtK ! 1 1 1 roii li 11:1: iiv' vit t i-ntho
ill, ndoil I'i'lit'rs f cr i '.-,',
Swi'llin in a niiHu'm
T'i il ovit ari'liini; -K i .
In.ry liid ;., m,,im,i i,
Kvi-r.v ln.n,.; 1 i.i -a
Iv i'i v MjiiiiT. 1 ia tV,i 1". .- -f .
liv i i y rrirki-t i u ilu in ,. ;
I u'rv niir-ir-ilr, priii',' I , . in 1 1 i 1 1 : i .
I. t-rv M'l'lly li i n tii 1 1 1 ! in.: I'i'I.
I'1. ,'.;. !:uk :m I t'wiinli,.; H.rivar,
Kutv WiiliT-yui.l.'il aril ;
,tv ristii-ilri.;. .a.
Kvt-rv I,.', 'I1,-'.- n,
.-!.v I " :-'.iM . :i ill
U ;.k,' nil L','li,. ni
y ,ii,.ii,',
il li.
;'i: l :
1' :e".-,
vYt: I.
i r- ..i..
r.-"ry pr-al m-.l n..!.' ' ir:i.n!,
r, -, ,'li..,'. u'. v v.r.-l ,,'..-;
;.ii. i,.-,'ll i tail i:ti r. 'a..
i i ll..' li.. la .ii v."..' !.i--.'..r
' :im: IIoijIis. A letter from San
I''r:'i;i';seo savs :
''I'licy are now rradiii the .streets of
the ell, filling in some, rnd euliii: down
o'.h'-rs. V!;eii the former process is be
1114 done, i: becomes meo-ary to raise
the' houses. You have liea id of moving
liouses ntire, but here we lift them r; by
hvilraulic pressure. W'lio'e riles of brick,' . 11 .re urn l.i'.ii,' i'iki'i'
m iiiis in. .eie
("lied up, and
le. ht up to th"
Lis; week a
wbcie tl.e streets have I
thus the lower lloor- are
new lev, 1 ( f the sirret .
wareli'.est! beloiie;n lo A'-.m
feet frmit mid seven",- f" ! d.'
three Stories litl.l a b l, 111' lit, ll
buildinu, w:s rais.-.J f,e f
r co., Inty
', h:ivili
i-'uvy brick
r.nd liu u
mrt.-r-t.iHi! Willi k'kiv, :..
v. i:'noi:! mo io
the clerks v. i:ii
Another store,
out, or even c. 1 u c I ; s .4
their pens at their desks,
not quit' so hir.:, but
thousand tons of harden
A having i:i it two
ware, was raised in
nix days, and a new story
audi, d to it at
A Tun: Woman. Michael Currati was
nrramned before the mavorof Richmond
on Tuesday, for a violent assault upon
hi wi;i'. Officer Seal, who went to the
woman's assistance, found her seated on
the fiour, bruised and bleeding pn!usely.
When called on to tjive in her evidence
Mrs. Cur ran stated tint she was more in
limit than her husband ; that bo was drunk
and had an excuse fir oxliihitin tem;-r,
wliilo she was sober, nn 1 had none ; that
lie hadn't hurt her much, and she did n it
think be would beat liera'aiii. This sim
file candid ci.rcssion, the fruit of the love
ihe poor oman bore her husband, was
not without ellect on the maor, w. 10 1.1, ,
, .. 1 .- ,' .,,1 ,,.,;,;, .,
tu the prisoner. Rklnhond
1 '".".
Shiic Iii'it (it Chiitiui. ,
, . v,.,. ,....,. l" Tiiere is
i 'i in eonsemience of
.. '.... ...c r,, ;.;, sl.avo bv !
, . T rt:t ""; ihe s-.rcet.
'ti i'i il o assistance ofolacers. An
!!'""' '.',i.llMfcml,C,l and res-ito the fugiiive from their losscssion.
rrii, nrtittra inst:.ll
,le :ill:ic;eil I ho
i ..,,.1 ,i... rnnliiiP. l-i'ni.r
uA ..,,,1 n,in,l,n!. ,.n,!oftl..,. mob. The
''"''I - ... n
three were tin n arrested, and arc now be
ing examined before Justice i'l.arcc. An
excited crowd is gathered round the office.
Our- VieroKi.v. The quern is per
fectly idolized by the people; sic mixes
ameiitr' them familiarly; hut while she
n:.u ll... beadsofthecbildnn
she meet.'', she
takes care to mingle a graceful dignity
villi the cornteseenuen. J be lov.n, enu-
dren, after they have Worked in their gar-
dens, "o out to walk, ini.1 they .ue i - sp -
eiallv instructed to be courteous to
their way. Sometimes herjj)f,j (K; ,,pp0rtuiiity
rir :. Ni 111
majestv will enter n cottage pet haps at
the dinner-time of the occupants and,
silling down al the tabic, partake ot the
food. l.otuha At'us.
teTlt is u glorious sight to see iw o o ,
ht to see two old
people who weathered tic;, sioim ......
basked i-.' the sunshine of hie (..-ether go
linndnud hand, lovingly and trutl.iully ,
togetlier (lewn tne gemie ucc.nuy
. . . -i i
with im anger nor jealousies no
.generatred up aguiiibl cac.i om r, u,
acaiiibl Cecil other, an.
looking with nope am. J 7 ...
ting vouthol heaven, where lliey sbad bo,
C . . . . - . i : . ,,. i.,.i' ,i. u
one I'oreMT.
That is true marriage
for it is a marriage of spirit with spirit. j
pun S1; V, ,
"VV ' ?!
Their love is woven ini
that reiiher time nor death nor eternity
ctin sever.
OSrWhcn in
"theVoi.ntry some time;
av to I'lttslicld, 1 met a
sinro mi mv way
drunkard reelin;
.Ir.ief Ihe roaj 1 w.ia
t0llg int. una i
i i
travelling. Seeing mu he stoppeu.
stranger!' he called out. -
iVV.,1! ' said I.
) 'if
" v" ' . , i . 1,:., i
'I sav, Ptranj
saui ne, v"'1-
i ei , -"""p - ,. ,ril ,as' governments us experience hasstnee suown
you'll (hie) hud any tcio i. , ()f ,.,., 'M ,!CCcssary, and enabled tlios.j o! tlr.i
u worse op.mon . n! :t,'a",,i'flre0 ,oV' other parlv to succeed in their views to a
8elf, I'll topt bis oi.,n..m; Vlor extent .1,...' thev ought to have
own!' Volumes coii.dn i spiu.w , t. When the throes t.nd the troubles
V.l l ,rn' Will VOliT Villi',
i ... ..,,fl,er one menu 10 u....,...- , iuuu .e-v- j
' "Poor leilow 1 I pitv him," was the re.'of p0vcriiinent for the Union than the eld
, . . articles of confederation allbrdcd, the cm),
i j -
CO-RfHiltbis linecurciully.
pmukmi-.M), isy i. w. mooim
-j:, it p:,i, vwihit, ,!;,,. ,,,,,!,,.
,,,, a,,,,,.
Aililrt'ssuf thi! Mute I'riilrtil rimiiaiUtr. f,
lu tne fir tiji.',' of 1 iinsijlcdhia :
1''ku,ov.(,it!i:'s There have been
aniagoiiistical principles mul nntngniiistical
urt;es in avorumci,'. !Vmii iIkmi- l',it in
slitu;iijii lo ih,i jircs'iit I, in.'. 'J'b,. t,w.f
'.al;iii'' from tliu iicc,,!,; nil imwi-r nf sr'u".
"overnment, and in ctli'cf ilen v in thcii' !
i ..' t . ,i ,
jiim as wen as m i r eaa;:itv to govern
.themselves. The other, elaiiliin;; in the
I lanaai;e of our dcci, nation ot" Jmli pcn
j deiico, "that all men ;irc created i ijaa! ; lint
i they arc endowed l,y tiicir er,:a;.)r w ith
certain inalienable lights; that amom; t
.tin 'so nro li!'.', liberty and the purMiit of
;h:ip.iness. to secure these; lihls,
.'.'overumcnts are iu.vituted aninn men.
.ilcrifnL' lltt'i,' ;,'s :,itr-s tram th
';(.' run-
.srn! of iiif ii,, r, ,,:,, ; liiat w believer anv
, lorin ol i;oei-niiient becomes destructive
i.f these ends, i; is the r,:;.;ht of '.be people
! to alter or iibobsii i;, an. J to instiiuie a
new ooveiiuneiit, lay iu i's fuim.b.iimi on
.such principles, and its power.-,
i in such form as to t'a -m shall seem most
. I i lady to fiect their safety and b ippiness,
I It was i1i'-m! uirapuiiiical pr.;:ri;ii, s
that led to our war 1. i Independence. The
;ii'cat mass o; tin! .inerican peopl.j llu n
a-sert' d, di.-l'.nc:!y and lni'ievocaHv,
t'i'it. u'.l 2'utrcr !ln ,rtd i,i ,',',c jfoj.-',;
That they not only d the li'.i.i of
s. lf-e.Heriiliie:i!, but the capicitv also to
ecre:se the r, .
day, und ll.eir
ilrnied this ii ,1
!. ihe l.ritioh id that
I'llierci;!-. m ;lii, ei.ji'.'ry,
1 as wru as ibis capamv.
I'oically maiiita ikii liiiir
cstabli-bi'd tiii-ir rnvern
1 priiirjnles ..r v, Inch they
liur I
potions, mi
oii-ips upon
lit ; ami the
h;m-. !i', .'.!! i Ii.-. 1
eo .iitrv at 1,
in. :u r. 1 re d ny .
Ibit ai.hi.i!!i w
man t 1 'jnvcrii
to do it, 111 this '
i.-iiis vv I.!, li no
-I- ' '.'
a re 1 1 ,i.
trom rr-iiic-;
from all the I
taut I. u.lui.d, and obtained Ironi all the
Mivernmenls of Kurope the ivco.;nilien of.
our yovernmi nt, thus established, rt the
d'-si.ots of the old world have over looked
with a jealous rvc upon oar
nd "we bad a jiarty amone
us iluriuj.' the war ol tne rev oiulloll, atel
we hae never b-.ven withcut such a paitv
since, that Tactically have denied man a
lijdit and ability to povern himself.
When the constitution of th1! several
States of th.' I'moii were under consider
ation, i lil.-. party, without an execptim,
were stie:tl.o.i.s 111 th. ir einlcavors to clothe
the government wiili slioiig, if not arbi
: ttarv power ; to k-(-p, as ibey said, ibe
peoj !e in check. They took all the pow
er liiey could from the people and estrd
it in tiie govrrimu.-nt, thus reversing the
: 1 1 . . I . . .1 ..: .... 1 .1 ..
, . r
nisi powers I rem the consent ol the gov.
. .,.., 1 ,.,,1 ti I,,'.,. 1. ii,e r,;,.e.i s .a the
1c from lhat lime lo the pres.-m to cor-
net these arbitrary provisions in their or-
'::anic law. In some of the States, the ar -
istocracv has so iiitivnchcd itself behind
tiie barriers of weal'h and exclusive priv-
il.'nes. that, even in this age of progress,
' the : people have not yet been able entirely
dislodt-e them; and, if not oul v in their
organic lawt in their ordinary legislation
' Hie h:oii'! 01 lliose caaies n,,e: nun suu-
ris-'iected to a restrictmu of their rights,
a tyranny in their government scarcely
exceeded in those countries where despo
tism prevails.
In frumiug the constitution of ihe I nitcd
States, lliese opponents of tliu peoples
ri'dits endeavored to establish a con-mli-
dated government
centralize in the t.
which siiould i, nd to
ner.'il govermiK nt alb
the powers and ri
.-ral States,
! as well as of the
They claimed
magnilicent gov
oli. ccs, bi'di s:il-
,0 tstablisli a sind
cmment with numeieus
; c.r.s a . standing ari.iy,
-r::e navv,
I and v iicnev rr
hi v were iu power, ana
ihc v c
anled these
views into el. cel.
Tho other iiartv In lh'
olutioii. was conipie ed of those who assert -
ed and maintained the rights of the people
Who nut forth tne I ccar..lion ol liiucpcn
imtion ol Iinlcj
, . b.f;cJ , 0V(,rnIn,t p0n
, ,r, cor: J , it. Ours was
i. ,,.m.rame.a ever esiablishcd upon
j . aIi( it !i;1.s been a mod-l
. . ,,.ul.I)t .-()Vrrninei.t.s. I.i liie
i lor nt
I ' stormv da vs f tho ic,
a , . -,., - iii.
I tormV (!avs f the revolution, the I won
.,. 'c,.,,' wns j,r:,l i0ecth
r more by a
st.ns(J o- 1,;;ll.1 danger
, and a
than anv
'ercivc authoritv existing in the govern-
iment of the Union. In the organization
;of the several .State governments, the
( of ( IU,.uvorc,
'them as democratic us they coiinl
the inffuencc of habit, im atlachn.- iit to
the ordinary forms to which they had been
,,an,,v,, n i.nriei i .pr.ri'iir'ii o l ie
iiia.uj.v.i.iv.,, i ---
, ...... .',.;. ...;..:, I.. !, ,
tonus in which inc. i p..... .p--
i best carried out, and a m--iiic.iina!ieii to
(enter upon new and untried theories, pro -
vcntcdaslullandcoinplcte a reform in 1 heir
complete a iviorm in ineir
exnerience bassince shown
. i . l
f , leVO U.tlOll V.XTe IMSsCll, (Hill 11 w .1
r..,n.t n..i....-if to pstnbhs i a better bu'in
veil ion
of J7,s7- assembled lo iiccomplisli
S :,( if1,i(!
iiu si mnniSis, S
ilii-. uii';i( .i'. llri'i' t!,(. Mine r.M'a;;i mis
ti : I'lcnrnl.j IohihI n! wiirk. " The
Iricmls of iho jk i Mc, lu ln vin:: that tiic
r iiiinrV wi-, lic.-t .'ovci'ih.'i! in w hirli the
ioVfl-IHIK-Ilt WIH ii'ilM frit bv llio I,
iu ill lavor
rotaiiiii! Li I - ?
an 1 to Stall, lu vfnimi-iit'i, all j
miu. r ia
ll',(-'''ss;-1'''y rrfpusiiij lo tlic trair acion of j i
ui.' iiusice.-s oi me ;;ei:.a'..l omm iiic'
'I'iiey w i.-,hi:d to coiit'cr upon lh" iv
....vcrnin.-nt only crrtam hj.eei;:c. iiml ciiu. i:, i,,;,,,,, and abiif-c liad been
mcrated .u.'i, tliat v. em alclntely lie- ,-,.., !;, ;(, wi:,t slint, to ealiiuil.i.;, ,,r saeli a hmiied '.roverinn-tit or,,.,. ,l,c rct n-, portion of our
eon;, ,! -in:!..!!. 'J'!., ir o;,,, mi nts as lias ,.; ,.,.,; ,jl. r : oflhe l'lem !; re-
liec'i staleu, were lor ciotliur,' ll.e .'jeneial
'.'oerniuen: itn uiiluni'.eil powers i
, ...
. . i .. . , . i
wn.i.-n, ii .'.l-ai.a.i, nui.s! liuve maile it a
(oiisulid.itt d rovermnrnl, and in the end
sw';dlow lln; Stale j;ovi-rnin-iits entirely.
i lie result ol tliat convention was In es
tablish a "(hc 1111 ncn; !br the 1' 11 ion, of tin-
rivalled e.'.ce!!'. ii.-.', v.iiicli tembiues the
I'-ilerative and Ine ueiiiocralu: 1 mi 1 0 i u ..;, ii. !
li. li a
L'.venmiri,'. ol
.ri.mi-.-, m
rs ol l1,, u I
Mill l- : I j f"i 1 1 '
!, or w Inch ;
mieiit are mm
.!, t 1 tlj..-e e.-
,.!l,.V bv liirn.-t
ll icteil
ami ni ..;..-!! (11. .! mcie.y coiiv:! )
implirati.'li l oan eie.iU.' d. 'i bis o.
erunic;.', wiien ropeiiy admini.-tcrid, has
a! I tic: 1 ...wcrs ntc.-ssary Hr its ui ...-e.-,
and yc P aves to the .reple and to the
.vtaies ail tln :r rights mil rucj-.".!.
The immortal Washington was, bv
mir.nimous consent, pl iceil at the head of
'.lie enveinment. Jb; called around him
ll.e .-.!,!. s 1 ;i, ;i an, Milii.eis of the levui.i
li.ill vet in his cabin"! Wro- I .11I11I ei V
(llscoi'ilan; ma'criais. j.o'li thf!
1. '-lied principles !o v. h'rh u h i
allii'icil were I here npr. .-riC'-d, ,
(j'lil'rj lh .' wl, ile uii.fii! ot' lo;.t
mail's character to po .cut lh, ir 1
e belore
ml it r
C ill .;, ll!
I. ,01, II
lo th", I'.ei'.i lice oi th ' co'aiPi v.
, (',.. 1 1 imduin. .1 man im 'oubtedlv
of I 'I
talent.!, win. bad h.-cn criispiciious I'm- Id
which he had enjoyed much of I ho con li
cence of Gen. Washington, had been te
ed for the situation of secretary of the
isiiry. In the convention of lTT-
has, however, show n his .ia di!e,-l:o;is
for a strei.g government, winch, if adopted,
would have made us little better than an
elective monarchy, with a president and
er of
for lite, lie of course b.-aiK.d the
who coincided wiili bis view, and
ted, or all'ectrd to distru-t, the pow -
1 cope;
lo .'overn themsdvrs.
Thev assume,; o themselves the name of ;
federalists, ial.-.eiy alleging that they were!
the exclusive friends of ihe Ibrm of the
g.-iieral government th.-n organized and '
ill practice.
I The immortal del
-on, the great npn
e author of the 1
, ii ,.c ti;,..,.,:.-.,,
elar.i'ioii of Indi pendence, was selected
for secretary of Slate. Ile espoused the
' pause of the people, and of th" States, and
f.vorcd a strict construction of ihe con -
stituiiuti. lie was able, to a very "real
' t.xit.r,t, to cosinteract the influence of Alex.
Hamilton. He was not, howevi r, abie to
succeed in all thlnes : nnd Ilamiltoii lo
ihe great regret of the republican:; of lhat ' Sialesinrn, the leilcial party were rancor
dav,' succeeded in estabhsiiing the old j cms and malignant in their opposition to
ltank of the I'nited States, which very I 'he goveriiment of the Union, (verging
soon nrostimted it.-elf to noliiical nnreoses. i well i ; i :r li on to treason,) in the doings ol
ltclbre the close of (ien. Washin. 'ton's
administration Mr.Jeli'eison vvitlidrevv from
it, a.s he , as unable to aH'iIiati.' with Col.
Hamilton and those win hold Lis political :g"'g"d 'itli Groat l-mam from IM'ito
v;0vVs. ' j I-lo, enidi:r.ica!ly call, d (he second war
in i;i;t. Gen. Wa-hington h-.ving de- . of 1:1 Jependence, and their constant npol
dined a ca rotid iv- lec'ioii", John Adam-, ; o s lor ihe acts of Great llntain during
then vice president, cud Mr. .h s .n b -
came conij t litors for the presidential chair.
As tiie law l in ii stood, the c.'ii.uidaie who
received the highest v ote became piesident
and be who received the next hili.'.-t vole
. the vice president. On cniintm - the e!
(oral votes it was decided licit Mr. Adam.
-leetcd president and Mr. Jefferson
prcsiiJC'iit. .vianv persons nowever
1 wer
even-then strunely impressed wiihl
lb.; belief that this result was unfairly pro
duced. Mr, Adr ins entcrc.,1 upon the ires- s
idential duties on the 1th of March, 17b.,!
nnd afiiliating to a great cxti nt w ith the1
views of Colonel Hamilton, si lected lie j
cabinet from those who cntcrtnh.ed like.
views, anil dispose.! ol tiie latronage o tuc
general goveriinienl amung those of like
cliaiTictcr. With the jiowcrs of the gov
ernment and the ni' iiied imlur tic; of the
bank combined, this administration soon
began to show their disposition
or iirtii
trary power. J.y the sum tion law Itiey
sotig'tit to prevent freemen of the country
from speaking their thoughts, an I made
it a cnn.iiiiil olii'iicc punishable by line
nnd imprisonuieiit, to cither verbally or
in writin-'commctit upon or investigate the
1 o:,. II,. ,!,; il.,, 1,1 tv,,l'il,r,r.,.oi..
timtrooer ac s o l ie "ovcrnmei.i : I ias
i iii'i'ii'., i,, . ou,,, , j ... c
Ihe great .alladium ol tho people s rights.
' liy the alien law they gave the pn
the power to order any foreigner on
tne lower m orccrany loreiimeroni oi uie
' country at his own discretion, and in case
country m ins own mscrenon, aim in case
, ofrelu;.!, t. sudbr i.rOrisnnment so long
' as the president mi-lit think llu public
safety required. They raised a large
binding urmy, unnecessarily expended
im,. inns in
rease i.i ihe navy, im-
po-cl direct nnd uiuircct t
, ,
cryth iig which the citizens owned, and
j Idled ihe country wiih hosts of revenue
es np in ev'
, olliccrs ; that like the locusts of I''g.Vpt, nle
I'd!. 'TIC-', M'l'l',!! TUI!I. V 1 11 I'd
7." il ;iir u itliiu nino months, tmd
ami! ti; t. limit
ti!s f iiovi-niiwnt in
ciii1' mik's itm.ii
:!! aii't roMnitin:.i; ilicm lor uil
ilin ii mill ti'.'asun, imlcr tli'' laws
li Mr Ir.iM: .".In ailv rclbrif.l.
r of ii-irlv, i iii: !iati il!v
to !
nu, I 1 r,
v ? : : a "t no i( i"ii ol i.-ni'v.
,i' i
ri.'iiy of ; Ik it duration, and fxj.iri-i
In' 1 1 r m for ul.ii li Mr. Adams liad
', .a
I declared to liave been circled.
I oli. tion were held up as I. ijiliear
to lll
,,,,, ., t;..,;,!
,..i.,r, ,1 ... I.,, .1
1 ee.ssary icsidt of I;
I cies ol' the -!'ptlblie:
. dcm icrulf: tenden
n pal!'-. 'I'll'1 terms
cm, .era!
them a- 1
ran tar'
v- 1,1
heap. , 1 tipnii
The- ivaiibli-
. ol l'i
v in-..' th tic
U;i m
crat, which i.i
advocate of lh.
ation meant an
, 1
1 ..meal oi tiie l copa-,
d the name and id.n i
. nicanin::. l' 1111 y!
.a ! 1..' polit.eal arch,
was 1 orrci. ,', a-- inn,
ra-i v ra-d ip il
miiii, tii..' l.v - tone
in i'r- ei' riaal of
l'i b!,', morions
t ri
umphi.d in her democrat!'; principles and
L'ae im earnest assurance o( what was to
ibihivv in th-- -acceeiiim' vear. lu the
fall of 1 -II ) the rcplc of the 1 'uinn elect.
,.J 'J
in-'s .tefl 1 u and Aaron i'cirr, ihe
tv o In.brs! ciii l. la'.c.-; ,,r j..' .-si. lent and
i e pecsiihct oftiie l uitcd States, cacti
-iv ni.r It
w .;:
ciial num; er oi r.tcs, al
j 11 .((!! v well understood
iormi'i' was
lai'ei" tic v:
' I'
' r''i
I for
I -il.,
I lid
tl.e I ll'i'l' till' Vie.' pi' s.UCIe. J li''
::. n h i. I '. 1 s ieto the hands of
.eiiiaiiv es i. si iect the .n siil-nt an,!
pii ,-id, nt the two, and if w: be - si.i cm.. t.s 1,1 ;.,(.. 'r.u arrojan
tyranny, v.utlan bad exlnbile.l liiu
-A i.'vi.l"i,.'e i,t their niter prf!ic,aev as
arty. I hev vv mspcii d into ihe ear ol
aron Il'irr, w ho was a bold, bad man,
the seeuel showed, that if ho would ac
crue lo their views, lliey wouli;
Id defeat the
o:ce of the people they
would make
lam president. Th
were enabled for a
lull,. 1 1 n.e M:.e i cell .1 if -1 s titer o v S
ing by States,)
t.i proven! the liiauiiity ol the States going
lor Mr. .b li'crsoii. They never were able
lo obtain a majotuy Ibr llurr. Thedcm
ocrali,: m . i.ilers j-ruv e l true lo I heir trust,
; ui.d !.: ! members ol one State at
- length vailed, and Mr. Jclihrsoti received
' lh" liif, joilly. lie was inaugurated ihe
-.'.a ol .VI a i en, J rol . I ic surrounueil Him-
.'' il wil.i th.: (; and best men ol his
party, nnd having obtained the majority
in each lu use of Congress, ho repealed
the obiioxiou.--. laws passed during the ad-
unn, -!:.-. ii, 'll ot ins i -ei;ecessor, sinipliiie i
our govi'iiini'-jiit, iciuinieii the abuses m
its administration, lessened its expenses
am! abolished f.l! parade and ostentation
in fiict, made it the model of republican
: gover
nmcnt that it was originally intended
. ! be, and generally has been since. Af-
i er administering tho g.
overmiieiit toremnt
! years, he vo!unir:ly withdrew,
nd vvas
succeeded by Mr. .Madison. During the
whole of the administration of those two
I'.ssex Junto the Hartford convention
the refusal to furnish men and mean-
to carry on the war in which we were en-
, iiM'. war, mourning over our vu and
icpuciug at tho;e ol our enemies. Jack
s.ui, however, ended that war in a bia.e
of glory at New Orleans on liie Kth of
.ianuary, 1M5. Jackson fought many
battl 's. martial and civil, for Ins cojnlry.
I'p to lh; time of thi
war, fedcrilism
atcd, had hel l its
i tilth iu ei fiiled and def
crest erect an I displayed a portion of
former .ride and arrogance. 1 luring this
war, hoyvever it assumed the name of the
"jj.'ve.c juirfi,'' nnd since then has been
known by almost a.s many names as there
Inve been political conflicts in the country.
About the coiichcien of the war, one ol
Its .M.
ii bout e
ing editors in writing to another
piaiiv prominent iu its ranks, ad-
vi sen
a cliang.-!
I be better
they 1. id i
;e of tactics, urging that it
to waive the proud pfi.ten-i-s
lined, of p.isscssi).r ali
ihe talents, all the drrency, mi l all the
learning of the cnumi-v, and seek succe-s
faiitiiiig ti,'. t h,.!, rs of discontent in
the cicinccratic ranks." The hint was ta
ken, the pariv na.iii; was dropped, and
since then tney have been lound, uprin ev-
crv occasion, loincnliiiii divisions in ihe
democratic ranks, by milaming ihe pas
sions and pi'epJ.l
cs .-1 any lortioii ol our
citizens tile ctci
I cither from the influence
ofcireuinstances mid tride upon their j.e-
cuniary alf.iirs, liom political-or personal
disappointments, Iroiu
ojul pro udiees or
habits. Ironi sectarianism or lall iticism in
n-!i irj.i or any other cause, tint that'
hit, , i hi, i'i. Hit j , iiri in nr. i ii"-
. . . . , ii.,.'
;ery ol the proseni o.iy is uie ie i
... i . l . : .i.i-i
o1- 17:i;l, mow n iikuu cunning. It has , thought right. ct mlver-aries unu airoi'U mnin'-i-i -
stenped from its hirh perch, and is now a ! endcavcring t. excitu your sympathies in Uvntcnt.-t, (i. e., lbs democrats and tidhe
mere truckler lor ollice, in which, if . ncc tho cause oi'lium niii v,'s ; us to induce you, rents of Mr. Je.lhison.) If ihe opinion-,
firmly reinstated, it would show nil its ol). ! practically, to violate the constiluiion ol'j of the emigrants are likely to throw then,
noxious trails of r har.ictcr over again. ! our count'ry. '"to the class of malconteiits, (democrats,
The altcirpt to el.cct llurr in Is"'!, nnd I They ore also endeavoring to fonititjiii plain Lingli .h.) they mijht becomo u
IIT 111'., Ml !! M-I'I'V, A N I l' 1!I',IG
if tint, jvii:! until the cvpirr.tinn
ion ol
tli': attcniiit to ili.t'cal ili
lection in IVtin
acts eon: "t-te-il
lire but dd'i'ri'ti'
svlvniiia in 1VM, hv tl
with the
elliutu of
tion : I iv I
vva r,
tin.' sani"! iiartv
"to (dec
'.dl tliey h id Dot
havo ever hcen
llecoili.ilij; In
it and ability ol'
la' i'.'iiii' as tliu,
ta. i place.'
'J'be ii. inerratic ratty
true to their prole:. :.i"ii.s.
their fulie. t exti'iit th.,' rii
ihe in oi'lo to "ovem Ihcmsi
ves, lli. v nave
def im i
lef-mui it the li.-sl policy to have, the pen-
p!e ' . t rijeil as lilt It- as
possible to ilb
stain from the passage of nli arbitrary
laf-i iiilictini; th. ii' persons, property or
liehts to require the citizen to "ive up
I in fewest
us natuial rights, that will
be coiisisient with the safety of society,
and clothe the public servant:; with only
tho.-e i overs ; bat ai e :;b-o!:;!el v neccssarv e
lor t
11 se eiiu.s
aic.l to pal
-to icipiire that ail power .
lie set vapts, siiould ictiirn
at stated and slia t pi noils to the j.cople, :
to whom all power bcuni-s. that ihe same .
iinv Ii,: c'liuei red cither on the former
uicuml.en's, when iiuiml worthy, or upon
others :u.'ie meiiieri ca;. For although ;
l ower dots not alway s corrupt, of which1
we have bad many 'admirable examples,
: yet its tendency is to corrupt, of which
we regret to say we have had not a few.
i Tlio t'l inciiiles of these two anta - onis -
j ileal .aiti(-.i are involved in tin; euniiii;;
icouti stiii I'eiinsylvania. The democrat
ic partv, ever lioue.-.t and candid, avow
.(heir prin -i;
in open day ; they bear
i the same lione-,1 name thev have t.oriie lor
i more than half a century. That name
coniei red upon ihcm a a p rm of reproach
has won i's way lo public confidence, and
I e.-p-en
i name
an. I so much is tic: power ot Ilial itisidous aii'l mutetee'teu attempts to un
it, thit ancient federalism, now dermiiic it, that we sb.dl be exposed t-.
C' j model ii v. higgerv, has often sought lo steal
it, to deceive the people. J leniucrncy ad-' Opposition Ij those of foreign birth con
vocates the equal rights of all our citizens, s.titutcs much of the political capital of om
it abhors ail exclusive privileges to tho few, adversaries of the present day. In thi
it knows no distinction between our native they arc close imitators of tho federalists
born and naluralized citizens, other than of 'L'8. w hich the constitution lias created. liy tho 3d section of the alien law, ev
( hie of its lirt acts wlum Mr. Jelierson cry master er commander of any ship o.
eamo into privver was to amend ihe laws-vessel, which shall enter any port of .lb
and facilitate ihe means for tho nattiralizi- United Stales, shall immediately male
lion of foreigners. It remembered among report in writing lo the collector or otlu ;
the causes assigned fur declaring ourcoun- officer of the customs, of (ill aliens en
try independent, an important one, that board his vessel, specifying their names,
the King of Kngland had obstructed the as;e, the dace of nativity, tho country
laws for the naturalization of foreigners ; liom which they shall have conic, the na
and in ihisas in all other acts they have tion to widen they belong and owe alb -carried
put the principles of 17 7ii not the giunco, their occupation, and rt desert)
principles of the miscalled "sons of tho ' lioa of their portions ; and on failure to d .
sires of '7(." . Jso, to forf'e.t the sum of three hundred
Our adversaries are endeavoring to dollars; and in default of payment th
crawl into power at Ibis lime bv n con -
eenii-.iiinn df nil their nu ii iKii li-,ins iiron-
er, and an attempt lo excite am nig others
i i r
nieiiii i.ts nreeoi and inimical to t ie con
stituiion of ihe Tnitcd States, in relation !
to two subjecis calculated lo excite the!
sympathies and prejudices of portions of
nur citizens. The constitution of the Uni
ted States left the institutions of slavery,
which had been' imposed upon us by Ihe
merceiin rv motives o dr. at lil'ilain. 1 list
where it found it a mere municipal leg- imitating ourexaiiijne, nnd being unsui -ulatuui
of the Sh.lcs in which it existed. I cessful, w,rc driven from home andcoun
Pennsylvania immediately upon the clo-e 1 try, to seek nn asylum elsewhere,
of the revolution, abolished this institution j Many of that noble and generous, b,,'
within her borders, and almost all the unfortunate people, after they had tailec
northern Slates have since followed her in their exertions to emancipate lliei,
example. I'.efon; the revolution, it exist-j bleeding country, relying upon the tissu
ed in all the States. If.the true motives ranee ivcn by the congress of 1773 t
of its abolition could be reached, we fearj the Irish nation, that" the region c
that the liorihcrti Slates would not bo cn-j America would nlHud them a snlc asylum
tilled to as much credit a.s many claim for - from oppression," resolved upon makin
its adoption. It was found that slave labor , tics country their Itufus Kin;
vvas unprofitable Icr mere farming purpn- j a high t- ned federalist, one of the parp
scs, and th'.-c, thi; motives ol p cniary 0f "ihe well-horn," a..d a faithful repre.
interest, superadded lo whit wee deemed sentat'lve of their intolerance and bigotry,
the principles .,f litmvinity, uccurcd iu-' was, at that time, the American ministe.
aboliiion in all the origin d Stales north of in louden, at tin court ofSt. James, an
Marv'inl un.l Delaware. The compro. ' the emigration of these Irish pa,
mis.'s of tiie e. institution ujion this sabje", ! triols. A number oft hem who were eon
which j.i'Vciitid any action by the' fined in ibsmtd dungeons, and who had an
al "overmi.eni ou the subject of shivery,' offer of their release on condition ol thee
have been liiitbfullv carried oul bv the
democratic party, in every portion of the
Union. They hold lhat no one Statu bus
a i ioht lo interfere with w hat appropriate
ly belon.'s Id another.
The congress of the United Stale lias
. -. . -. ... . i. .
he power to aumii new siaies kino uie
I', ,;., nnd their Imvn wis.-lv deteniiiT.ed
""") j - j i -s- -
that, in creating territories and a,'m:!. . tig j itavr vo a, illt'inhf lo give or reluse pel
new states, the people of such new Mates mission to you or an,' other foreigner!,
or lerril.ui' s .shall haven riht to make ' g0 lo the United Stales the ndinissim.
th -ir own laws upon the subject of siaveiy, and residimcc of str'ang"rs in that country
or any other subject that 'belongs riglit-j being a matter that by a late law , (the nh
fullv to a inuniciplu government Our ad-1 en law) c.?rwi7y Moups la the prrsi
. . ,. .1 .!?., I. i II...1 .1.,. n,.,,.n,.,nl
er.-at'ies i.iMD" m ol uie iiitiu -
tion .: o iiice.l on this .subject of slavery by
tne en eta
f the new territories ol Kan
j sas an 1 .r,n,..; i, are tliu oeiii
: oer.itic pntv with I i vn ri n ir tliu cans'
human si
!,,. I, nv,. il.nif. nn such
ih'ug. They
that i-oimrcss,
' merely driermilied" In tiie coiistitu -
tion, has no ritrht to intcrf.-ie i:n lh"'
' subject, and lint to the .f.:.i.. of the Ic ,
ntori.'.sau.l stales, resp.-elivt iv, tins W b,,c
I . . . -
. subt 'et hel.'iiL's. ' in
Ihcv have mm; lies-
ti.mahlv derided rii htlv. l'ei.
i .. .... . . . i
nr nnv n i.ts'H" i, ue i ,i . :'i u- i
morrow revive the institution il it were;', tuy cii.-;; w me "
i . i , . 'Hi i i
!wm tup iHMViii ieniiir-rr:i.
XUMESHll 33.
ibflicullies between dililrciit classes of our
citi'-ns and to array our native: born (Mil
nat'tr ilii.od -bicei's in oj.pofition lo rich
oilier, ami to ei.i ct this tney w-uld luiii";
totb-iraid .sectarian li-clins in rcli;;ien.
Our Ibrelathors wisely inhibited this, when
in every Statu constitution we find a
provision substantially declaring lliat every
man has a rijjht to c-njoy liis liberty of cou
sciei;ce and to-worship Almighty Cod in
tliu manner he shall think to be most an
cejitable, and the constitution of tho Ui.i
tud .Slates prohibits the ecnernl govern
meet from "iviiig preference lo any one
ieli"ious denomination over another.
That constitution, too confers upon natu
i'aii'.ed citizens all the rights conferred u)
on those whn aro native-born, wiih one
piion. We, theretore, protest, 111 the
must distinct nnd holemn manner, against
anv indirect attempts to accomplish that
w hicli the constitution and laws of tin
1 mti J States
and ol the several Wato
so tioiniedlv
and so properly prohib-
its. Jt would Lo ssppin Ihe Inundations
of our free institutions. It would be loose,
ui the bonds which hold us together.
It would be a practical wrong upon ;
j portion of our citizens, who have equal
i rights with ourelvo and making a dc:
' tmclion which the constitution of the I'ni-
led States does not make or permit.
We should guard against all ottcnipn.
Inviolate the principles of that constitu-
tion. it is I no ail; ot our political salety.
It siaiuld never be touched with unhallow-
Open and bout attempts to,
v.o .te 11 are seen through, and at once
excite our resistance. Jt is from Eecre',
ihe greatest daiieer.
, vessel was to Uo daine.'l by suc.i co.l
! tof or other officer,
The collector vva
: ,
so r
:d forthwith lo transmit to th'
department of state true copies uf all sue!
returns. This was virtully closing ou
harbors to loreigu emigration, at the mo.
important crisis oi the nisii rcnciiion, wtici,
ninny of the heroes and patriots of th.
gallant people which rendered so much
service lo the cause of liberty in our ovvi.
revolutionary strucirle, were engaged ii.
... t i . ....
1 l c
going to America, applied lo Mr. King !
vi' lid raw his opposition to their so doing.
In answer to a letter written him by on
of the Irish stale prisoners, Mr. Ilenei v
! Jackson, an nvovved renublican and m.
; enthusiastic liieiid ol liberty, iur. jvin.
i ' i .
, sai.i
... ..
I " (,IC it to in form Voll tlldt I rcalp
1 inin . n is nm ,n..i ur; u, .-..
this country, (langhind.) in the course .
he last year, in coiitt-'ii'-c of my intii
f, rt iicc, i
aveiiie assuiaiice that p'irri'
Hill ill IICIS'IHS in ji, nun, .
i irinl ! mis lllidrrskl'til. lit"! 0111" ti) Ur
i Vnilnl Stnrs, should not be allowed I..
! proceed without our cunsenl. I Ins re-
stra'mt would doubtless he wilhi.riiwn m
W r.l'."rsoiis against w hosoeniigrauoi.
! J si,onl vol oyrri. 1 am sorry m ..
i the rcnarK, mi l snau siauu in wxu
' . 11..... I ... n.,.,,1 ..'
year candor in iloing so, that a larg-
. . i - 7-.....
itiir'inii 1 iik' riiiir""' J ""i
I 'e