THE REPUDLICAN. u'U:mii'ii;li snrr. m, i- I smi: mm. lull r.liNul;. Mil I I VM llltill.ll, ., a,., ,jhl,l c..., I'i'U si 1'iii .Mi: ji phi:, Jl.K I'.Mt ill W. 111. At k. ( A,rr.ff r. Full I'AX AIi COMMISSION lilt. Ilt'.MU S. MO IT, (' ',., e..,v, WnillJ b t'iii,f,l ,y n t, ,,, , , , ,. (tip il on lli" Mil..rt, nn I he Im. lie. lly nill,rre In it, Only tin-It i -iik's tvi mi'i" wilhin t!n' tin,) 11,-m rili!i ii. C"ivr rniin,lrraloil. Apiini, It is iiUiii IIM'CnHllUlllllllLqimillN MAMIIMillH t. KNOW NdTHIM.IVM. N r have already fi'lvrrleil to then!., Vuv ci(rirnitf ly indeed, i. th" l' Ini'tle in nn iiiv. lliL'ler in trie ten.-r ' xtttnti ."''""'' . )i llu - mnltif-lit l t , "ik I III! I" I M I'll I, V. I" r iii.i til III i n t.p..n Ibis Miirilic.ii, mid had '"""I""""" tom riptmiiit.;, . , . . .. llM'lll-C Ivt .1 lIIOW'.,'lilhtlll, r ( I ' ' V llTIII I'- I" linH'il ill, it, here nt least, it was unneci.. Id be ic,lioinnl lit tin' history of the sary in My mgr.-. Itut wnlearn (hut our ,ry, nil, ,, speak jt, ,vwk i'oi'II- I' It .' i ! I 1 I i .i I I" 1,1 MAM. Hiding I'MiUmiliiV W': -il ( I If-1 -I - nn Cuinparj llm pardon, issued l unoCov .. .1. .i e "im lliovtj 01 his lire. ece-.oi. I'.vrrv ' .. .. il II.. . .- .... ' . 1 , - ., .. i .' ' '"'i' n'- i'. nun wMiiiny iiiinrrircs(.ining lion oi tiie name niiij pi inriplt -s ut lho ll ,, your diif ptipiilntioii is increasing, nml it nhl i;,lit' ittr ilm record" (urninst our can- lustriom Washing! n, than wl i u n.nn 1 to tli-ir tore's J. i , I .ii. I. isi.ur to prciimo tlmt ..nun increases didut,. : .i,,, lll)t .,, ;.. .,. ,.: .;.. Was ever mom opposed to tlnr isamo ratio. o.,btle:.s, lv. Utcr , Ml,(!thiVf nilJ n9 s iajm.ierojrryin!lk1t1 ..,.r.l "ii ... . r ,. . , , j- 1 acts nml w rit in sliow. I ho r .. .l.0,., ,., at,..,,, l-rpnlonslor tiimLT1:M,, ,1,,-y or,,,,,,,,,,. ,M. bur , rr(1S(.riliM!, , , DISTRICT MnilNATIIIN. KHt CilNii It 1!SS. Il IVII " tlU'I.A . Of .. C.MUly. I'olt, .HIS. t'AI.IIM III.I., ifa.;l,l Co. mm MN11NAT10NS. Foil COl'NTY ro.I.MIStiONl:it. DAVID KDSS. Of rU-r KOH COl'NTY AI'MTOl;. cr.(mi;M WM.TfMfi, a i:,u iw,i,;1,. than his prcilcrcssors. !v ll in tin) ' lias I oho tlmt cmnc before Simon .Snvib-r. 1 A MS lll.-l rliuicli- tinsrri'lioiiiMi inn in l.ivor nt serl tli;it (iov. Hider is in luvurufu divis- not allowing forei'Miers to voto at all, we norm frun lApcricnce, l i r ,. School Ki.n.l f,,r M.Hrinn n..r. wliellier (.'atliolies or IVoleslnnts Lot Irnvo years of crime, , ngain y.iart. 0!,.s. ' Whilst wo .lo nut envy the i..a.plU'ns,,in",n' " ,,r,si'l'!," ul'liruv,'' ' .when arc coinpantivoly fa, f, it. ,!,, ,,, knw. ,0 be - " St s I'Z , - m.r .,y in a i .overnor on that lusc, u ,,,,,1 1Klnu., that thi.s is only up. lore in fovor of a r,li:;,oi,s t-st for oilke, K HUUjUCt WOUld 1)0 to USeertaill wlu.'llier lie oil n liar Willi their im.nv oilier mn,l,-Q nf but Viisbin"tllll. as IVesl-I.-nt nf the Con- ' I... . . . .' 1 r --. i"is grnntcd iiioro pardons, in proportion niuking w,ir upon the Democracy. In the vention which mado tho Constitution of to the number of applications Lcforo him, j (1 Sl nt caViiss il appears as though any ns iu,u wc misrepresentation, however jross any the United States, sigtipd hi-i namo to an instrument which expres.-dy forbids it. I Iu even went further thnn tliat, and :n nn 'II' 1 II' I I II ii llHII nillL IUIUH.I llltiu lllill, Ull'l II nil uro willing (I0V. lg.?r shall stand or fall.: appeal to prejudine, however absurd-or! address to tlm Caiholics of tho United I),, !,n V u ;ii.t.. I v I i- i- ll.iini . I. i . Mr. iV ii. i ii. m i.i Mi i;.,.i' . i n... i-. 1. 1 ( ,,.. i ..u,i ': . c:."jsx a-t .i. :.rt". ' ::' cri'Tr'rrn I! . :). In .l..r Liu I iv '. . '." :.'!. Ahsh.i. ;' nn!. i:ii.iln-lli, 1 1 t .j ! 1 1 i- i.i' I . il j:.-'.:..- Il.tiii.v. n .'i' t niie - iir i ii. t K 'in.' '.'uM'il Mi : ; l. ; Im i i M - Iii.ui-M'. il.W I'l.iimv, i n i'ri.l.i ; l!'i- f-ili, .'.l ifl, in!. -nt :n ii i.i (link nti'i ill.. i I). "U ii. ii il i.i .' . . nr. .i iii'H.ili-i inn! i-i ,'nl uiiv-. t. il-'.-r A! in-1'!. ii' -1, t !iy -uM -ri r .r niv. nri- uii'', Mir Ii v. ii. lliv .:ni:. n..'1' I J "'. r ; 'i'l. v lull ..'lii ii ; . vi' i. il .r.itl.nv; Iiiii;:iii-, Will flirt t tn '.M..' !..-.' In ml in. ll.' t.:. I), iir I'.illn-i'. vi .'. inii '..r I : '. mi'i, lli wn. inii e i v ' ii ll l"Hir i" n. v : A fii-i- i-o r-wi'i'l. mi -i. '-il In I. nl'', Ti ilii-, ci'i- -i';.r i' ''il l Ill"' hii-'l ii i'.'iv. .1.. I I I' ii. I I i ii I' .i.i. in.. I i i I 1 1 I h . .' i .'I I !; " " i I. ,M '' "i , .... !.,- ' i (..Ii ' ' . Mi I!,. ,' .r.rr ll' III I i. m. l i.i til N ...ll ' - l-.-l I v i' ( ' '.-iuv el ft r i' i : i; . n u, . I .'il I i v . r 0. hii.nili.i nt tin' " i. .1,- ii i- , - 1. 1 :i'l i ...'iiiv , -it n lii,.l, tunu ', ::i'i I . 1- . t mil . I.-, t '.' i i .v. ,-ii.,r I' ' 'it -i ('"ii'in-tiw i-iiIOi. 1 tin' .s.;j r.-i.n' ( "Urt ol ih ( nt nl'. , ii. il..j I'miTi . f ,- - ..f ( ' M.-I.-M . lit' III. ('..Ill l-l -tl, . v.. fill .nt i'ii' f.'.ir.'ii i i.f ( ! "irl'i'l 1, in I' .- II. .1.-. i I' i;c.r'!" t.tu- I'tU.t)'. nlnirn rnni-t n .-. - . r. .-. hL-LLLL I LU. ; But support , has erred in thU way ;; :iny piUe, however impossible to fulfill,! States, written in December, 177, nc T &&VS?;r.t2'Jii2!2,3,l'. .. I ho nrfenl cimnniiTn m npr I'lnn wili.r . . 'i 01 1 'i. . . ' 1 "''i" i ins error lias lieeii iinon tie nn c ill mernv I ;u ;.i. .1,,.... .,,.;.ii.. i.. ;.;... .,,, i know ed.'es t heir servi'":H. and tesli ies to I ---- '13 llllllll.KI II1.1.UIIV ,Ul!Ullllltl.Jlll(lll.. n ' silh them perfectly legitimate means, and ure wielded by litem with u noneha- be eierted breause Im bent -be i-.n,.r. ii,,,i u ,ir.;,i..,iiv ,.,-,,,1 'ivnr r.-;.,i,,ii .... i , - 1 niiiin umiii) ua mvui l v-uui, iwwui iiiviiuj il... iliiiinriu rs 1 1 rtlrtt n I V 111 I 1 ti I nn.l ... 1"""" " l"v""'-' I energies ol his master mind, to the imm. iii vcr as it more nppa rent mat the pcoplo ll .1 i ii-. . oul iis parallel in mo political History ol at ,nsU Wl0 w ill condemn hi,,, f- lt. this I ommon wcultii. Aever were wing11 j,, w We say, investigate closely und warily their devotion to tin; cause ol American liberty in the fellnwiiej hingiing' ; . "As manliind becenrj rnoro liberal, ihey I X villi lie m.ii'e finl In fili.iw ihnl nil llwisn ''ltl1' u.ale relonn ol every abuse in tho public these stories, however plausible they may U) conduct themselves u.s worthev mem. . i . ..,i... .i. .... .... "" ,w w service. I'.ecatiso he has caused to b ... . . ' linislicd nml rendered productive to the them, one and ull, to be shere fabrications,! sentiments and wishes, in bold and man-,,n vni. i.- i i i 1 . . - ,, , . . h''0 tho Worth liroinch Lant.lcniunieu. coint'd expressly to deceive the unwarv. under a tiiir administration, und1 I ;nou tho School nuestion. wc atTiiin ro- ' l I ' D f ' over bve mn ions of do ars cvtiniidi'il on. fep (mi- n-mlnrc in tin- ivuiinlili-i Inu-q nf i;oi.iai.i:.v. 1:1:1 .si.. V,'. .1. K 1AI.MI, .'ill I'. VVi.Vii iii.Ti'ii.'.! riii-ililii-i mill iniul.' i'!"U- .-ii'lll.. IL' iili hty l-.r lining II 111''':'' W'll'il.'- ,k li.'inil l.u.iin'"-.. I inn I : i n ifi--i:iri i In nll.-r tin' luili'ii- ii ..'i i'i ml n-Mii'liiiiiit nl II I" miiln- appear, and our word for it, you will find; hers jf the community an; equally enti- r..-'!l. t. Iili' Inr tin) i-niii.lrv trn lt tied to the protection of civil government. I hope ever to see America nrnotiLT the -the wliuleof which would have been lS.'iO, l!s-l!) and I Sol, and the systems ofi pact which you took in the uccomj . . . ; - . I r.i.,.:- i i Under the two foremost nations in examples of justice and liberty ; anJ I presume that your fel low-citizens w ill not lorget I ho piwi ioiio; lisli- ; ment of their revolution and the establish-' k- ilffmiicn of all tho drairoomnn. brow '.' do' cei beatiiig, misrepresentations ntnl slanders of tho Whig press. Uov. Iligler's re-clcc : ou j . ' lost. Hccansu ho has caused lo bo com- education theie enacted. 1V, and that too "ly an overw he nunj , . , , ,. , ,, .... . ' . plcted a new track lor the l'lirtam! Rail, i Whis; ad miiiontv. nut as I he n'H are so soon . . . ... . . ,, , uv iroaa avol(lin "IC inclined planes, and en- ston, a sectarian clause y ww'M op- a n;uillll Nvhicll tie Koimin Catholic it to be attain overwhelmed with disappoint-' . t ., ,t, o, , . . 1 .-. t t i . iti, . n r i 11 ahling the Sstale improvements to compete on our l ommon fechool systiun. Under hioii is professd. (tie 11. uiey miuuiu ou u ,oeo u u, ll eas- . . , , ,.,.-. i.- i . I ,, ; ' ' w l i s rivn s I '.( n nn, in ns mik'.., i. i-i i.i ..iv l.iii i.r it trux x iirken mil! bo adopted the cash system of payments The Whins dare not deny this Tin' st'i'-k ciiiiii.ri-'.1.' IUV lAllli't.lMVIll .', i; - M,.-1. .i 'i 1. ;-ti-iif-iM,ii, ( 'i.r"'i.l''r'.s luni Ciiii.'.i.-.i. ))" .-lu'i', Till,:.', In.ii, nt ii miiiiII inlviiiut. fjr lin.'iit nf I ..wilt. r.C llii'ip rii.iioriini.i.,1 r.r tlm im.-.i ..... , t . nn ill ui i n I 1 Ll v. . I 11 1 1 1, 11 i ji in... 1 1 I I III i ,, . , . . . . ministrations ol Uitncr and John-1 , - i. . l.tillfiuati', .N'pt. l lain undioiij lieu .inii ii nn v jeueiiiii 11.1111 - V cnor il i I'l'iiliili.'. 1 1 1-."!:. ri'. )l;.i A ( a". Ci "p.-litiT, I'll i'1'itlt. M .Ii ;i M -i. l)i-.-t lillil'.i nil. Zin... l';lf.. ! ( illiill. J'l.i.r. (iri.i'i. .( o. A I'l'iiili' lluii'liiirr1, i. I.-.. I. ure ef glory before tho election. 1'oor TYRONE riTY STOVE STOKE. K. iJ.U'M '. iv.. ul. 1 :t.( "lei tie' pui'li.', tll,mk 'ou- ''i.tlcmcn, for your kind yuhAy ,:', i ,.'., ij i T. A ; i .ii 1 1 i,. concern for me. While my life and rnv I'lnviu i:c Wio't . ijriotw i-irm ...i.i on the public works, by which lar-4o sums , In ihe lite ofliov. Uigler, privateer, 'ealili shall, in whatever situation :;;;.;;;!;;;; '1;;';:;;;;i' i;,1,;;.;,t:;. ofmonr-v h,.v beet, s;,ve,l to ,1,, ('.,, . , .-., I.i- l...,l i,n ! 1 "'"X h"' l sl,lUI 1,0 ".'' constant elldeuv. ,, (,M)k slV(..v ' in tu i ii v i; iiiviiiiuc a ii. nil i3 1 1 1 1 i ic -1- s ;n ( '-i ., ' : i i. ' it i' ' i i'ii u i i-.'i ri'i in . . . . . . ... . wckh. r.e.:au,o under the pres.:,,: man- ,,al iustanen in which be has not shown , nro ,,, cxpress.ol my conduc. ; and I r. .im.-i.,-., ".-,'1,,;'... ,uA ,.,,lit.v ..r,...,:,!. ; li;:,;.;;:;;:':;;;; wii'of ncmoilt ol the public Work, Ihev ore l,;wcir tl.e f.mi nml Uixt. i'. irnil of our i rnnv the menibcrs of vour societv in Ainer. 'V1 .'"'u'" ""l;:'1' ''""",t'lm':!t :,r" "'"'' ti,.,,l.r luit. wlmn tli.-y i.all lie orKWiiwd an an Ii . ' '"- .111 ; l t" i-i'-li -i ll . " ' rv. . ..r I '.ii. 1-1' I lilt1!. (.- '. - , I V- " ( ,-,-:l!i. !.. I.I'-. " iii.v -'" iitpl Willi. '.'I .-!;,.-. (.. ' - i t,. r. ) r - i;u. iiii.i M.'K'i mi, I'M J lit 1 1 r I I .ilinin.MM c-l'lil. (hn l'i r-n.) fur ('',ll''li"i I..II.T ..I' CI- '.lli'l.l I '.;' I'-ir A'u'.it'.r nl' I 'l .-iu li.-lil cunty. .ti..' II Ai' ik, '.y nn i.i I i.i' llu: O'rii. 'lid Arto::! l'!y nf'..ri'-..iil. ii'n i.iini; "l'..r llm nf ll... iiiiiiiitr-ii-iut'i- ii'i'l i-iiln nf iit,iii'iitiii i.ii.u.-t'n ll.' u I'l'V.-l'lii-," llpprnvt-.l nil 111.' iwciit v-i-inllth ill'V nf A-i il, I.".".!, il is i-iijniii.-.l i.n :i tin' ,Si.-ril,.H i.f tin' .-I'V.-rnl c-'.iiiilii'-: nf tiii (' "iiiiii.,iiw.-i.ltli, l.'mt ll', n 'in. All l.'i'.c t'i tic i.flii .ilinul.l liuvo tiiu iippriil.-iti.'ii s'liii-tii'ti nf tin' .i" pi.' : .In.' ll'A'-'. "i. Il i-i proHi-ntcl tlmt n iiirtri' "'itii l.. r. if lint u iiii.ji.ritv nl Ih.. ..-iir i i..' nf lliis Coih ii. iiiiv'-iihli, nri' lit'i-jily impri i-'-i'il wiiii llm tii-i'.'.v .-it y nf tin- p:i.:i!,'.! nf , iry 1 i. jn nr liov : ,1'n H7i''"M. It i:! itiipi.-. ill.' I., n'ltiiiti u fi-r-Iniii inilii'iiii.iii nf 'i.pii!:ir -liiini'iit r.'laiivi' llmrnt'i l.y nn ii in nl' pi'tiiiiu..-. mul I'.'ii.'iii.itiatii".'. j liifi'D f.'.r.., -r. Tins 1. . It -i i-7 i' .i tli' S'lititi- ii nd 7..iai i,' ' fti-iH' lllittir. f '' tlif I 'nw'.i"rtK tilth i' V HHny( vi, I'ii in tiintrnt AiHiiiil'lif nut, unit it in hi i- lij fn i.n i"l I, ' tin1 (in,'..'.'- .;' miI'. Tlmt tlic .pmli I li.-.l vut.-rs ol tlii.-s t -,111.11.. nwi-nlili me h.T.'l.y unlit imiicil nt ill.' iilaci'M I. .r lu.l.lii.L' Hi" C'li.'rnl pl.-c- Ii.m.- in tiit-ir r.-p..( l iv.- . ,ii 'j, liiii'..iii;iii. iin.t ti.wii- .-ilip.-. nil III'-- K'. 'il'i 'i'll.'-illIN "f IK'lnliiT IKAt. tu ..lf f.riiinl n;.:-i ii ; .'i In".' whi.-l: .'linil i-i.tirely j .. ' l.y pr..i.iT iiri'l l.lltlllll'lIll i'ei:iili.iinni , iiii.i p.'inilii ', i'.e 111:111 lit u tin'.' niiJ snlc "I int-..i- i iiliii,' lii.iifti's,! I'-ir iii.-'lit'tititl. i-jcriin.. iili.!, ui... linnii iil in i.i 111 ti.-i'u'nl pur.f.'.-i. 1 ,i;. iiiin 'J. i'lini the mli'-i'i' iiutlii.rii'il ly law I In IlliM L-ler.ti.Hi. ill I'lC'll wur.l, Imrmiuli IIII'l tilWII I thip nf tl.ia Ciitiiiiiuiiwi'iillii, in-.- li. r.'li.v (lirei'li'l fellow s, they seldom have occasion lo re jjice after the people have spoken through the ballo'-box. II.: will bo elected because he supports Democratic principles. In doin-' so he ..;..i.i; .,,,,.., , ,.,.,., ... ,1... f... ' , , . ... , ... , ; ' :,nim ,te,l .,l,ie f. thn rmr,. snn-it nf ' ,C' . r . 1 .-, 1 .1 .-..n .... 1 u'1,,cti"" 1"'nl-' -iv fr..ra och i,uHliiir(l vrner '. " " "' "- v- common SCIIOOI sysiom ; ami lie lias now 1 - 1 I," - i i ,:'''. !..r t ln-it-ail Ui.-;.i' a liiket mitten orprinte.) on must necessarily support the national ad- 10nweallh than they ever did. ,tI,k(.n (lrm nnJ dcci(!cd ground upon the (hristinnHy, and sUU conduct,. ,g tnan. ,,, -IToldhiiory Uir L.- and lite mmif ration. What lemne rat !. rend v In ; -r...iVL:. ... 1, . . . r. " ... selveS Cl. III" UlUt ul suhect O our rce '' J. L ' . tick . 111 of Iho piopun-d liiw .linll 'r,ntRm - - j . if i. 1 it ii.'..ii-rfv;!i' 11 in. ii.-n-'ii. .. .. .. ... 1... ......... r. . nm... M.n . - . ..w ..... ..- w - .... ii, 1 1 3 I CUe II L JI ltl I, ll Ul I1UIIUU9I. . . .... ... j 7 ., . . .. i ' ' giviTinr.m ewjwj terry uiijiuiui uin ju. , i . i .. .1 . .. . . i net aumiuistrano,. t ,, mere s o i;Umpbcll. Wo deny that be ever bad '.,. xviU U(.lhu firm ftnd steadfast friend e-ihcr reason lor sus-ainm- it, the fact that ..cnuuex.o,i with Judge Campbell," ex- of ,,,e vstcm and will esteem it a duty and the Whig papers "loathc.dcspise and scorn eept us they both happen to belong to the ia c;lijUn. ,0 nssisl i, Mre..gthening and oppose I ranklin T.crce or the mcasutes ed )t.ralis0 0f s ronnexioa with Judge ; a.,lirh hf. Knv. ,.hn ever bs been, unj! ;,. J J 1 1 lTT.vr.KU fvr:,i,i.' i.,.,.,,, ,.l - " .. I 1 1 1 I.. .. ......i:.i...,. V .a. l.-. -.-.. TT ll.'lll. III.. 1 llll. I I ''III 111 'I I'l ' ". il l .1 1 HI 1 ' I ll I r uL.inui- " i.iii..u.i.i. , , , . .... i i .i i . ii . . Inr ( .in-'ri-s. I n ntit it tn Ii" ili-lmi'tlv iii.l.'ii.tiio.l , How severely does 1 lie language we ,i,. i ,,;u , jf ,,,, ner .,.,,, ,., rXi.. have ntinted above reflect ubon tho Know- !. i.f .-! .'.-ry in i-i.v i ny -li:il,-v.'r : t .!:i!ldt T.1,, . ! .1,,. ,1.,,- I '"H I'l'l' ' ''"" ' ' -1 '.I ! . sll tllO L . I'll ll' I'' 1 1 ill lt . llUllllll . llll -.,'1 . II llll -I l-l .1.1, l-..'..lfc -I'l. ...... ., , , !.. . . 1 , i.tiiruril l-i-i-. It. All I II I. Its. ; How dillerent in its spirit Irom the lierce ;r,.iV;i!,.. s,-. 1 i.r i.-. l -;.i I intolernncr! and lii.'o'.rv i' ,i . -i i-1 ... .. ii" should be strong evidence that the na- tit'iia same party, He unpointed Judge Camp. I administration stands upon thought u. Attorney C'ti-ral, bee i use that ap- ' platform. The same phalanx of dii-- p0iii!mt;nt was demanded by the whole' tercsted democrats that marched lo the improving tt. (iliesilull in ins recent spcicn ai luomrose, ,,,....,, ..,,,, ,? .,,- . mvcu i .k 1 1 ""' uina.' ia' wntas. "l or n erotuuitory Liquor l.ntv,'' mid tUo.-i1 Kppufod to ll.o prnpofed law nlmll I I'oiii uii in tlu ll.e lv.inlii, .piiuist u i'roluii- limr,' Lnw," liii-li vim." shul I Im and r i turn.' I In llie mint, nf tin? :unilie! or city, , inwl.i.'lt tli.' mid i'!-'ti.jn flnill lit' liol.l, on tno :"'i f.ll-iti -init r.i'luy i.y iiip return jj'tg-'S, win !: t.l ii.-l nil t i. ,1 i.'i'tm a. I (lie v..l. .- l -! 1 . i in raid ." nr .i!v. t i .!,. . r'.i e ol li .' . "ivtnry rf tl:i ! Washington. . . - ....,",',, .,,... r'i:,,,,'.,n.,r llll.i. uUiLIU.i 1). Hulls. benrin" his lestimony lh'tt the Catholics ''' (ir ( ,, ,!;,.,!,.,! m,a tianniitt -.1. n.vJ . - . . n . . . '. rD't'l Tnnn i-f7;i.iir... f,i r' ti. s it mi in I lie lie -1 ' i.i .i,..u .1.., .l.v.l l.vl.t.... f partv, such was the unanimiiv on tho sub- i 1 gcU.enian, our Kepresentative in m( conducted themselves "as the I utaiul , , r, , r ,..,., ;.!,.,. i ,...,,;; ',,u ''. '.,,,'.,',t,; .iie Vai-l re- polls in to elect franklin Tierce, iectilrit there was no other atmlieant before tke present Congress, is, just now, ibe sui.jects o our irec government, says ivm-. nl.-. ..nd tl..- tttrni.,1 . i.m.ui t . ,rnH ,.. .c.:ti..u..r.', h. ..t.o.i.-I and o-.-nnu-l will again perlonn a set.ond edition of ilvif ,im. i;ut suppose that lo have been nn cr. ; sutyect of deep solicitude on the part of Ibe - ." co"ui", Equally ' cn'Vlf" l' to noble work in triumphan.iy electing lligler ,-or, which we by no means admit, is thrto' Whigs. They had heller save their breath i i)s pro.,,c!jini- 'Washington' furthermore in 1H34. years of ( lovcrtior Digler's administration,!10 C0Cl1 lll('ir lroi!i for, than Mr. Curtis, 1 sayS ... 10)f. cver l0 sec Anrrioi lie will be elf cied because ha sus- ri. i )ls :s f,l,.ii v to the miriv no man knows better how to appreciate , among tho Ion-most nations in examples ' . ' - 1 : : i 1:1 " 13... ..... .. .. iiui '1 im i u secret societv among us doing all it c;in tains the features of the Nebraska-Kansas .un !f.tli k:r,, ',, i,'M w'i, ..f ih.. ! their hvpocriiical synipathv. Decauso Im 1 01 Jl,s"ce. niul "',cr,y' , . . . .. , " t ... t i .Xl-ll I .lUi-U-I ttllHMJ' 11.1 H:il' MM Ik i nil bill because he is in l.ivor ol the people State, and the constitution tr. be condemn, was not re-numinated, cannot, by any ,,o lVustrat(; 'lho h in ,)is rcs)e,ti () in new I erntm ies governing theniselves cd for a single appointment ? We mistake manner oi means, be. construed into a re- i-'at)rr of his Country. When, in if such jbukc of bis course. He was elected for a : connection with the above, wo remember second term, in ISr,', and was not inanyjiuo fact that Washington, in his Tare. I wen Address, warned nis countrymen lyi- i,... i-I.f il..' I;:rni Im. ,ii il .'ei'... . p.,,,,,, r .; yt-v-t l'-.r Oovertiur nr mi.' It.tlf i.f nhi. h ii ntnl.T d f.'ti , nml i? in n ! ,.ni., . p,,init,.,l, und i'oii'id"r.d r llii prayer f'"'d f,;1''' 'f i'"liiKi:ii.i. Tli" I'l'liitji'" U veil i vdt.-M "f this rniiir.i.i.i.v....i!t!i r.'t:i!'.vo t'o a li'iili. fi'.i v. illi WT.!.) Pine. Poplar, Clieiry, Clii -; .li'.l.: t.rv lienor law. nut mul other The l-uid lies well iin.l i.-! .i:i:T1v I!. i 'l the eli.',i..n law rf t'ct :M - iii.-i-iitil.le nf ei:titiil".ii r.n' ni'.te tlirn tie ii(T" In-ill I-I !;e I cr lli'.!". II neli J nf llie li.n l i . .... i .... . . .... uecausJ lie is opposeu m nn resitieiiuns (,e ticlrK)Ciacy ol rcntisyivcrua nu a people capable of self government. ' js la b(. iic.;r verdict. Who that is a sincere advocate of a Ilcm- n will be triumphantly elected bcaiise shape, or under nny circumstances, a can- l!ut very few Congress- against countenancing secret political so- i . -i. . . .i . . . .... . , , . ..- ncratic lorm ol government win urge w tv2 been "weighed m tlie halanco nipt ' innate wis pin. inn very lew congress-1 cj( tj(,s w(? l))in. n,r,pc j. U3 i( ... ,. ii ' ... ... . n . i . i i . . .. . t i i. . . i . . . . i .. .. . , 1 1 rx'ht or policy o; iihowu.g vuugH bs u ;oi lounil warning. iy cause mrec years men nave serveu us uuig as ue nas, uuu stigmatizing that Know-Aotiiing who tip- r.,i W nn,l on a govern lho honest, nml.iiious and hardy '( hisadministrati .n has fully satisfied the given us much salisfnction to his constii. I peals to Washington as authority fir his !er lms mr.-ie -ir-..--e:..et5 t.. ii-.,:: . pioneers of those Territories.' They leave ; people of his "ability" "to discharge tho ! nenls eci.crally, and more particularly to jconduct either a gross ignoramus or n ' 'r ''' ,Wn their homes, end carry civilization beyond duties rl tho ofiice," & because a "general tho party to which he is attached. With j pslo"in3 n'n0- : f".rl"'71'"'r A "J" ; 1:"11' tho Missouri, and who will say then that feeling of satisfaction" with his firmness of ' the single exception of his opposition lo j The Cholera ;t Columbia, Pti. ' Il'))!' sl:o'' !n ili. lv.vfi not a ri'-lit to make laws for character. anJ. determined purpose to do the Nebraska bill, we believe his official) n,.... vi,,J,r to Tt.o i ' ' R l A C K , their own protection I It wall answer for what is light, "prevails all over the State," course would meet the unanimous appro. rra 8tj rage8 here with great virulence. . cicanieM. an'l v'k In. u-lii-r nnrtv w ho are not only in favor and in t very class of community. Ifever bation of his party throughout the district, i lp to this morning there were seventy. r,h- l.nlinii, of nower. in the nov. ! we have bad a eur. lv Democratic rule. ' Hut no hody fell disposed to quarrel villi j;o deaths, and forty new cases to-day "' , j .... ' . . 1 A II ni.iii.ij K.ienenHr-,1 ? Slat,- ', i. 'Scriliine the Imtir-i "f nu-;iii: i.nd e'.r.fiiip; the ni,il. the reeeruii'ii of v'tei. llie i-uTiitliTni3nt ii ill iiieri'l'.w, nml i;li,,,ii 'f'.l ,1, ins :n ,re i-Fiii;,ilile ( ,- jii,,,,.,) v,,;iii'.-, th" d-fni;. mi; the ?x;.Te ut fir iii'M.i .v. i -f . hii'li rr.ii ' e v-.-il water.'.!, le ,.i.i,.;,(i.m, ai.,i lu.l.lii,? of 'the p'ner.i! 'eleeiinni tl-i-r.' i an a'. n:i. ,. water nn Ih'. pn 1 ,.. i-.-tnru of th- -ami-, I'ml all olli-r inat'ers in- Th.'ii' i-a S'AW-.I1I,, v.;:lii!i 0 r .f the place, ; ,,i.,.,lt ,heielo. he nt;.l the fnve are declared op nml iiiint'-. r within mi., ti. '.ie. The .ii-emee. tu j,,, ,,,, ,,, ,, .-u-ni,,,, i..,ve nuthnnzed. lie'il'ii l uniiii- nn tho river ini'.utit ! mil.. s. 4. That il chll he llie ilmy of th The im "rnvi-inents t-re a ..-. II, ,v , Ditm, . , ',,.',rii' 0f th fcveral cninties of Ihu Comamn. T".'-.'. lii a (.... r nml unt A::.V.i'.. Ti.. re b a!.-o ti j w,..,pl,. -Ti-crt a enpv of this ael iu tlin proeia-yoi-i. r.'.(c.'i; orHttfl t.11 liie place i:, v. liieh ill ,ni,;in fir tho eeneral elee'irn P. Le l-.'ld on U.l I... fo'irel 1 Ii'ii"..' -ri.fu d ii", 1-1 '.'.-. p- pea. l.e-ni..i ; s.-coml Tjc..Iuv of 0' '.'jhor nc.M. oth. r fi'iiits. ; ' c. p. ( HAK. 1 :-e title r I11..1 etai'le mvl tile pror-eny v.l.i '.e Sn, n'.r , f thr .,uie nf AV.'.r.wnf-.fll'Kt 'iitiii i.latiii,; f.'iin 1 us the "n t MTASI.t N'. in ha..: lies'! S,i;ii;cr m'tln- .S'cnutn. ! Arrr.ovi'.ri Tlni twertv-eiu'litli ''.uv of April, I.. J. CtiA.VS, Ch-arfidl, To. 1 onn thou,n.l , i. lit,lred anil Kflv-fW. j V.i. P.UiLER. i T'ne of tii-.. eoimiyof ('h ariiel.l will tuki I nutiee th ' 1 i" kaid li. ncral iUei will bo held at tlio fnih.w in : pl.ic : A! :he ('..nri 1'n.ii-e in th" I: ir...V; ;;h of Clearfu-l.l, i'.r Lawrence i..4tn-hip. At the h.i '0 of William Hnrtvnr. f..r Pradfntd r. ... . ' I .1 ... ..ii u.' emmenl, hut who desiro to keep it in the I without ostentation, or display of any kind, him for this, inasmuch as he was not I 0DXpen.' TL T .option ! alT 1. Kuell. Imrn" of the communi-iit bus been under Governor Hi'-ler. If candidate lor re-nomination. Mr. Curtis 1, . .. . ir, .- .,.. ..i.-p.: (ieiiers Slippor-. Ac. .'.e., of tin- vry 1 lilintltve o pie Clll'f n. of ituty, Ih it I n ha- co n. iiienei u the 'tiir" mi l ei'le f.f ei erv vitiietv I of UOIIO IS iiii.i SIIO'.IS, i-i the new hniht.nir and I 4th doer (.i.-t i.f M0M..11) .V Vi.Pai'll.-' :-t'.re. opiiiniii' where he will alwavi have on l' iii',1 oportlOIl ! a H'-nernl k.- nr;nie,it nf r.'iiilv-mi..!. Th-- P, S! .-, ...5' oi:. li- les lire pur- of 11 p. I'lrimiL'" in rrtrn v .-. , . . .'..,.' 1 ' . 1 " - - 1 . 1 1 , ni ii-iir-. ; i, ,,, nt .l.iiin pr.-in Inr li.ini-'il. t( ... .,...1 ... il, 1. 'ri... 1 ly 10 advocate such doctrine, but no Dem- Cvcr three years have elapsed during has thus Inr discuarged his duties witn , in he cnuntry, and others are leaving j,,,,,,,,, (u a ;l;M . h;. c'rnt will sanction it. The Nebraska bill which "chartered monopolies," "specula.; credit to himself and his constituents, and .every hour. Two thirds of the popula-, H.-KS only recognizes the doctrine of popular j tor8, and "State robbc.s," have been held ; ,ll no doubt cont.nuo to do so throughout Vnik itihabiiants m' the I l'""!'"1- . ' :ifif: A"':' 1fi- '"Z 1 soverti"(,tv. and wo hope tho Democratic ; in proper check, it lias been under i.ov.ant. .ippi.Kn-iimg "i. Inlnce: and wiib these we havo fortv now I '' li!Df:i-: us ti Dllts. i .. . .. en ii I rv .... n ...,i ui r,u;.,,r i,.,.;t.. . " -- ,,,, ., .... ,r party are rcauy to Sinn., u. ..,1. - -uii. '.'!-" i frt-Sevcra causes ore ass sued for the P""-" - I n-id cuniv will ,,..t'ivoi'r..p..-.! .Vl'mldir He will bo elected because ho is in ia- i,0' t,e lias urrnstcu tno increaso vor of a sale of lho public works, when- bunking capital by his manly vctocs- .... i. . .... ... i ..... .l ... ..n D,. ,i irr a nriee nnnroneu- he ii n r nr. i n v itieM'-tiii . . . . , . .1 . . ever siiev mi. uuou.u - , ,,- -- -. o anoi her mumn-iu tic mos ra lona one i nericct name exists, rtianv 01 tne nesi .-v n 1:1. .-iini'i'. her credit and can . , , lriii-i.n nrn fnllino- vie.tims. 1 l.tilij.RT Miill 'a ITT, Com.n'r.1 Oifiee, ( 'ur-nan WJA1LR0AD BEETIXC. r,'',VcSLK. cn, .','. the hnii' ' of .Inhn lin-i, f.,r Ih-etilar township. At I he lir a..- of Samuel M. .'mill., f-.r Meccnria tp. At ijie hi.itse of Kaae Picin..;'' initio I'oroiii'h of ( iii'wen.-ville, ! 'i- Pike t'.'weMp. At the 1, '...i.e. nf .1 h .V. ".irer, t'..r fovinton tp. A' the h"it--e f .rin.-rl o.-i-iipied l.y Win. 1'ol.y, M a liiv -rii piiei'l, l'-.r I'.r.-i'Iy t-iwieliiji. A: ine M'.iv li'ni". o,' .s,i:in--1 S-..:'h. f.,r Tcnn tp. i At the n hoc! hmife nmr pinion luirahai'irh for t'hi - t InW llhii. Ai 1 ,?u.,, lliil .-'.'Im I tiouff. fir r.irar.l tp. At llie limine 1.' Tho in,",: K-hr ' - 't;ii-t.iwii'bin. Several causes are assigned lor me . , ' . , ' ,. " ,. . M. ! cuiuy ai i.:et'.vtf.r..p.'-.! i.r . At th- 1 .- of A--.h Kli;.-. fr li-H p.wtublp of,. ,. . ., ra t . r-t i- prccedented virulence. llie mortality ihiv.e i,,r.,9 cii-.-i er at ..r near (iith.-n u ,, ,.. i,,,, ... i i.,wPviii. for Jordan i I broking out ol tho Cholera at Colmb.o,! disres9 liro nifMn. There is : T,,,;-'.-in .'l.,',; t .w,,i,ip. . i i',,. -,t ,,, theithh .h,y t ',, ',i:,:;.',!; ':, ',"yii,,"r.,MI-.t.n,,n;"f Pa. a brief notice of which appears in I roat dillicultv in burrving the dead. A I '.'f Sl'l"l:",,",r "rxl: !" ,'":'1'1r1tir:' '.' .'" ' !' nrl'"l')'- At .!. of Th.-auvs , for l'e,pB,,n t DtS! , , , , ! , . -. y,a r .1 i , I !'la"J and tpeli 'htinn.- will he exnihite-l. At the h,.n?o of Jul n 1. Binidv. f r !'"'; t '.'."." inn their value to the State, and because ; 0f tic State-kept up her credit and can ; !,,.. sin. man, state of the water in I citizens are falling victims. he is opposed to giving them away to a !juslly boast of her condition, ""' ; thc (Jrul)i oul of ;,lich l!ie town is supplied, I m,..,nnr.ltr ; when a bill was mistnkeahle evidetico of her prosperity, i , . . ... , r , , ... , sucuuiiuui. , i . . . anil m o wnien a nuniucr oi ocausnccni . r .l. r i. . e .... ..'p.. passed by .he last Legislature, authorizing But it is the "overthrow of .ho Den were ,hrown from tho car, A bu rkft "r ,3 Z 'SZ? wll the sale at IU,iO0,0U, oltnougn tar ue.Crai,c puny our wing , this waU,nvas nnaysed, and found lo con- be helJ in lho Court house on nextThurs-i July II, l-W.-ll. HtMU'S AND l.)li. lnw their value, ho promptly signed it, ; they care not by what means they effect i . , ..,;, nr ,,,rid snd;Ilir.n, dnv evenin::. A :. . .1. . i e . . :.. o i j i , ,. . c .1 The nmount was not bid becauso tnosc, 0r how t utniui a puuuc ei vum .3 M.n . .... 1 i nil I .11 I : ' . i ! p ii a .... : . . : not appeared at any other point in ' ,r m B,,,, ls nii;i.iiLJiijr itijuio.w. ... mu" v,. i,,-. CoMMISSIoMiRS. t house on next tliurs-l flrtAXCl.S MWWi. aim ..aiccs lo tiie cif.-en,' ; genen.l Ot'l-tldnnCC of, 1 nf Ci. n.l'. -id a el i, i".in, thai h In s n-rni-i;,, who want them, think they will yet per-n down. The "clovcn-foot" cannot boj of(hc .....i- .1,0 ,n,.niives of tho people lo ' concealed-Democrals, will you ..How the; ako less The honest yeomanry of Pcnn- whig parly by such means to triumph?- Ccm: fok tub Dysestabv, or Bloody ... fi.r them, or will have It is for you to say. If they do they will; Flux. As this disease now prevails ir , j in bird mnncv and Gov. Biglcr laugh at vour folly, while they are rejoi- many parts of our county, wo direct atten- day CVOMmg 0r.Sept. Court. By to 00 so, iniwiu nui.ji o i o ... t,r, ... .i. ,: ,: r.ii....-iri-.,-;.i ul.ici. r.v..,..i 3 robbed ol cm0- over tneir victory. ui: iu mm unuu 11.111.,......,"'.;,, tllu ... ....., eillilil.-lli 'it'tnr." . ("! SI I ill the P..i "i;..'h of Cie.i-.'i. -Id. I!e can !. ! "" i the .-h'1,1 I'-.riu.'ily i.i ,.i'!e hy Thorna-. .--hea, up i ftaii.-. in Shaw's ..-iv i n S-ei.ti.l i-i,-,',.!, win-re he i.--I prepared t" do all work in hi" liee. and will he I plenri d wiib a call f cm. unv or all nf his n!.l en-i- is determined they shall not be the valuo of them. Tax-payers, wi II youlihe treason, they will despise the traitor.", has been handed to us by one of our Good 1 riritarn .Tie carvTV vittiv,". A Uliilimn.JI.ll IfUlf.Wl WI.1-II.1U :, ..,.,.. . . .., ,,, , ...... in 1- ...i.i .l.f IT, 'TV.,,.. !..! I., I,..., 1 1 , . . i ,. 1 .', 1 -, 1. 111 uu ueiu ui 1111, V'lmii 1 iijii.-'. ini 1. ui--i. " - " 1 - order of! ,-:'.'lun" .i:-..--": CoMMimiK. Ailbiirnnl TrrnsiiriT' Sulr. til to li"!l Nwiitlilp. tp. hip. tn. lip. At the non-Hi of John W'niti'.-i'l". lor M'o'.dwurd tp. A: 1I1..' pal. lie i.'',i ml hi.': e, fir (l-'h-a t'.wnthip. At the hon-.e of li. ll, Ihli .1 C .., I'.t liai.haiti, ti.wii hip. At it." s,.,:'. lion ... if It. W. for t'uion tr.. A: il . i ' .1; r Ii.m: - fn- the l;-.r.inirli of Clenrfi. 11. I .1 ti.e lo. 11' of J.:.:i.: Hi'.., 11 f..r the BnrougU of (nrweliilic. A ,,,', r ,' ,',..; ii rr herd. -,'r. .: I '. . ' '. llll pemor.1 '.,,,.', !,.es "f ii... I' .1. '. who .hall bold any 1 '. "I rl'iee or n p .iii'in. M of l.ii-l, mid. r ,l.c govnin- I ':1 ! ....... I . i .1... t',.:, 1 I..I.B ,,' .1 iu lof.' nf an) iiiei.r nr.'ited ili-tiel, whetln r a e.lntni.'iellea of., -. r i.r 1.1 h. rwise, a .tI .I'l.tiiiaf ofieer or agvnt, i.'ho ;. or thi'M he . i.i,'. .veil iir. '.. rthe l.ejrii-lalivu, Ktee.ilivi or Jiiftieinl .!,1.;ki. nt of Ibis i?tut" or All-lorilMlll p.M.K of l ii.-eaieil T.-n.l T will Ink- pi onrl lion-.-, in the hoi-.m :h 1 f Ch-arfel I. 011 M f 1 X - '..ftiie liiiie.l Ma;,.., nr any oily or ineurioruted ! ditrirt. mid iil-o that every 111. mi, her i.f I'ongresf ; nn 1 S.'Me l.-.nri-liilnre. nud of the eoi.ntnon r .uel.-ei I i'Oiiuc'! of one i itv, or eonnni . i(.n''l''c.f nny ineor- ' I di'slri: t, are hy law im.' p'llif of bnldiuj x.'i'.i.-ir.if. nt llm Mime t-iue, llie oinco or up- f thi. Coiiiiiioiiweallh : -tin t lint ni In- r cifi 'C-r ot any futb t leetinn . 11 1: i .i.i..:.. K N innr s r. 1 sue 11 pri-ru unv 11 n nu-, v , , .., . . . . .. . , , r .... ! ,, .. ., . , 1 1 if f 1... . r; . ,1 mi ii-ariie.( roiinty will Ink" pin -o at in- 1 lo..ilu.".i. ol sc. jn-nee.-'i', or . im, "i .tondby him? Or will you repudiate Uov. ; jViEXAXDEB Calpweix, li. Tho 23 ! . ' ,' mik, aiino uor.uru,r, navei.e,,- Bi"lc'r because he has stood by you ? , j.ir0Caie, of the Dili instant, uses He will be elected because he is a true ioWjn language in relerenco to friend of "temperance and virtue, and lcn,.,n's nomination, and we h n ..rot.-nded one. Because his whole; , tlneed his name at tho head of our IWl U 'l"- ' lifa has civen undisputablc evidence, of ppP) as onu 0f the regular nominees .i.;ii;.i.Fness to aid in the great reform. ,,,lswcr ,, SOme intiuiries as lo the ti. , w;t nvpr his "sparkling wine"' nronrietv or necessity of holding a district! . , . Ki.. pro. ! convention, we would say that we can sec : Mr. Kr. u.Mt, nnit. Iiellefonte, wi.-b.s t" exte and give a "paper pie go sn a ,.1 , bi, h,,,m', aeipiain-ance . , j. hibitory liquor I.IW. lie W.,. w Cu,dwe js olR,ady nmiated "-fo ;-,;r(,f7f,,peri.,r ardclo of Stnrr,, read .1 ., c . sweet milk, with a tablcspoonful of black coodness lo inform me if there aro noble-1 l-v. Sept. lsib. m 10 oVl n-k, a. at which fpc.-ior. .one- .or min-r ..rec-r .,f any mOi tieHvm e.S 11)0 lOl-, ' i1 . , . , Cl.,0i time nil the trnoN h'el off nl the former mile, nml ha': he t !i:-il.le ti nr.v ..',i,:e veted for. n il,; nrn pepper, and drink it while hot tho hotter men in lho I ntieri Mans i f..r which dels bme not t,....n lifted, will he r,..j Anl il... l!.-t...-.i .; ml-- nf ib di- 3 , t il... ndonnr-oH BlfirrP nf lho "Vcs, ITia .1111, answered B fulI-Tod Jon-, s.,l,l. 1 tiicls i.r,.v, ?ai 1 me l 'p.ii'.'d (" me"t at the ronrL avc ,l,crc.! tho better. In the advanced stage or the .'. nm onc ofthem." I .TiHIX MePIl KK.SC., Tr,. ' b........ m ih.. i.-..-!. .'f n-ani-M. n th., F1KST r disease, add a small (lliantity of sheep's I ' , Treant-er's Oriee, Jnlv II. ls.,. ' Kill KAY next idler th fiii't second Tuesday ;ad Ol Our, ,, , . , , i lr "' : .j,-? ,.,.r. then end lime Iu iU all ibo.iu IhiiiKi 1 I tallow, and an opium 1 cure will be effected. ,t'iv Ailverlisei.ii'i.ts. , and a speedy 1 Philadelphia Lumber M.u kd. Currei-ti fl i'. ft'.y frum llickiirir liiyi'trr. , llntT 2(1 per. nd. viil., W. '. bils, and plank, ju.rMuv.i of .pniiir mid Stiin.ii.'r (I'.o.N. tu extend' aimlll.v ''.v infj.ii'iion. y i nu , i. .... no.titi.,n to Inn moial variety, lie las a 1, L. ;s i H lute l'ine enns, Wliilo t' i no; pinnea, in tbo year of our I,-...! one e.L-iil ti.-il and l.fiy-f.-nr, nn i'.f ih" i'l'h pi'inuneo of lho United .statin tie- Sevfniv. Niniii. WILLIAM POWKI.L, eli'd. Mr. Ileniloek loirs, llemlock wharf timber, Ileniloek Sennt'.in nned, j , nrl if 11 iuiuxi... ' -j .1 lo near oi n snpcri .i nn bill if constitutional in Us details ; ana u counties out of the three cornpns-1 p.u MAN H ndviTtiHcmcnt. not, ho says ho will do as ho has done on j t0 district) anJ lhcrcforo it would be ( - job work "and a slight Win. Jersey ri .. iitUflvi-lr,. Ilo.ntterlv useless for the conferees of the dis-, . . . . .. . ... ." ""P '"''' f.- many occasiun.-., . - disposition to be sicK, musi ue our apoiogy ; Heart retp.. . c. has sworn to support -.he constitution, and tnct to meet. . ifor lho ,nok of intercS i this number or ,,oorin";' what democrat will ask him to v,ato h r-Gov. Bigeiu, in his recent tour to ) wh;ch js ouf wconJ )is lMm'r( ,; oath ? Certain it is, he will neither d.src- tho ,)orthcrn purl 0f ,he Stale, was well j j 'f rrnrrl ibftt obligation, nor swerve num received bv tlio Ucmocracy everywncru, iSbinjrles, Cypres, . . .. ... .. tl. ' l .1.1 .l .Un... ft c.L-nrri! neinlQ. Ill I . i . . . " . .. . t -.'.... j..... nV nanicular on that or any otn- ond addressed tnem ni several pom., UlllJ III QtT number of new advcrlisenicnts , Lath, U hud... per M., aveg, ii niio . oops, country, . .... M,r-n n nhomet nf! .... .... tl. ill . i Slaves, W Inlo Oak pip, Ills spueni' in iiiuii ii"-' i -; are crowueu out. inuy win uj.iicui i j0 II 1 1 rl n 1KUIU31U mil. .... ....0... - uso of tho pardoning power. Ilfiauopaa a t0 do wi,n ,R framing or the j QrBead the very able Bailroad Re- a system at the commencement of his ad- billt ll0 wouId nut have disturbed hnt i of Mf Montg0rnCry. We have no millratidn, by which every case must an- erroneously called the Missoun Compro., d,rponninveS'igation, and in which he mise. pbixc: uiuiw! ,.,,,, r ,.., i,, iJW. I':'T r"-c'-ve,, end i.;.ettin ..t C. Krni.-rV OlVl.'.V l.i'd.T my l and und '"id. nt Clearfield. II.M: I'l.'H'KCASH STtilli:. a splendid ' "iA'i' ,!:'-v ol Heplein' nu nt of Serine; und Snin.ii.'r ( In lul- ,12 HO .' i. ii-! i!ll.liti..n to bin usual vnrielv, lie I as a lii-." ! t of 11 (in (.., 111 00; Tallies' Ore" (,oo,N. ir-bas Pluiil Silk, Jn.tin Silk, "il (10 fit, .Id I'D P,,i,l l.nwn, llroeha SMuiwKSilli.l'ri i.e ami (in-s , - 7 (HI ((' S .',0 nier limine! . Ac AV... ltr-.-o b.t i.f mid " ' " " 7 0 (..( 9 00 'floor "il CI, ,.. I, ,,,v. ( ,'.,7, ami all the' 1 C " 8 (Ml . 8 .Ml new .!"!" of Ore;.-. Shoes, ehmipcr linn fver. :rj1?K jmi.V.c lire d thai a sale of I'll 2.1 HO (.., "(I l.l'i Aoril o. IS.", I. ('. KilAT.iii!. i 1 llnu,-. 'hold and Kit. hen I urnitnre. Farmiiijj 25 "ll (( 3 00 - " jul-jiik Stock, and .Mcii-hticli'ti in More i.f lh la 00 f, . (illi CAItlMVI' M l ll llll 1 IKIM;. M:i,..-r.l."r mil tnl.o . L.e al Pi!'lfr!'rt. one mill lit 00 (,i. IS CO, TOIIV tll'l.IHI would respeeif-.i!!',- i-i. iionnee I..' i.r-t ..f i.'iirw.i.-iiiie. on M.m-tny S-rt 25th, 1:X 20 110 (.r. 2 Oil r th riti7(.,,.f rir.irf!.! i.nd i.'i'iiiv. that l;e! j. ,i. Sale lo . in....'i.c" " oVlock. a. in., and 15 00 (,. IS 110 . nw rsnn.if... turinr all Kin!:, if c. I: I MIT- i to -...U'.iin..i nnlil a.i IU' articles nr.. deposed of. IS no (,,, ::o oo ie. .;. i.;.. ..i, t f;i;..-it,-.i ,,n M..;h..t ti. ol. Teuns inudo knoMi en onv nl sale. 14 Pit ! 2" 00 ,ctv.-een Thir l ami' I'.'inih, n'c'venll 'nin.!snf wn.l; I t 00 ( i, 22 00 in bis line v. ii' l e made in tin! I'C. I : '..i le. iin.l on fvptoniler G, IsjJ. Z l.fon 2 ... h" tno-t farnrahh term.-, und on lho short."-' notico. ; fill 00 (... 55 00 Cn-rivq n.a-le to or.h r on the .hoi l.-.l Tn.tici. 25 00 (n HO 00 ' li,.,.. . 1s..2. r0V r. onli r.d I., inert for parade at tb .il'.oittJK I.EATTT. Vheat, Uye. Corn. Oau. l.raii. Murkcts. Piiii.Anr.Li'Hti $1 V2 hi. 1 V3 1 (in (,.. 1 05 80 and VZ 53 tents. A T r I : M 1 0 Mi 1 A. LX.l i! I 1 Town Hall on tin; ',.nA HeJurdtm t,f Srnt., MAVTI'.II mll .1)1 ATl'.I.Y. Bl i o'clock 1'. M.. in nimmcr unilor. Km It mora - ri.r..M!ni.l.n. OIX j.rtirr-vmai. Sli(..-mnlftrs. V-mstant m-. ber w.U pr .vide bimwdf v. illi 5 of Slunk $2 12 fn! 2 23 J i,ent'w;il be pven. Apply next d.ur lo . enriri Iir". Thr will be a sound drill on the Z4 1 : vi, 1 t(7 tfi ".rnnoTiee, nt the shoo iioie'of i Saturday, at 0 v'.-lnjk. P. l. Hy order of (be 1 .. V. ;i. l.'LAl t. ('in lain. . KlIEtjl, Jr , P. 3. 02 cenu. tvpttnibwr 13. 1 -it. tf. ' , UrfiidJ. ;'ptinl.r 6.