it; v' ! "I' -'. M . S ' I rlhli ft ft ;7 V 1M ULIsUKIIINrMUUnKIJUJY l. W. MOORH AND CLARK WILSON; DKYOTF.D TO POLITICS, I.lTLRATU.l'. AGIIICIU.TFKP.. MORALITY. AND I'ORLIGN AND DOMESTIC INTH LI.lfiK XCK f J r J 'I I ' " ! (Iii i s h'U'lN S1 0(,arari" ,l(1anro' VOLUME 5. norroit vol i:si'M-. 77 a: I'oi Kirr .i:sm..ri: nit. v:vi:nv uxv, his own physician. 35: mK fifth l-Min,,,, villi One Hundred Lu- JO. I VII" Mioninj,' liiseascs riiiatioDs .d' the ystem in pvirv W f VJ and f..rm. To whi. ii """""" ""' '"'""'''( .'Mli..-t ..r X. CT it1 T i add. ,1 iv - realise hi Hi.' , ,Ty ' .'' '"' ually 'T.'rli,.M ,. If4, H'l ' of lh, i,M,.rlan.;!, KAI;s 'F K.M'Kl: I i:CK i t'".' f ) t , n.arri.'.! i.!,., ,.r . ,rr:1,.,"'1'1 ' la- ..f .li-.-a-.-.. liiili. n,, ,..,!,., ti. 1 l.'iMJ'lutiii ' laar- rwi;: . I.v M. I. i.i'l !i" (all'T I'f ii.-li:n il tn .ri'M'nt a i'.ij.v f f;i. rsci 'la Firs t . hin i-iiii,i. it iiiy ;;1VL. !:im Inim ii:i curly cravi'. l.ctiij y. mi, l' man or ;.-h.,1;.c .'liti i' itit i til'' ."'i-u-t oi'liiitiui,-ut' inarl i.Ml ;: v. 't'i'.'.'. r'. the l ot h 1. 1' .!'(' I l.I'l 1' ,. ' ici ..if hi:. i lie-' I rum a l:a"'-:ii.-.l ('.inli, I'uin in 1 1 . i.l.:. i .-( K'!-. iiim'mmiv l'iiiiiL's iiicl lie- v. : . . , I train of 1 .-u'itic I'.iifalici, iiinl fiv.'ii i-v i!:"'r 1' lie unothcr iiunn.'iit with, cut . ..ic-;;:::iii; t!i" .I'.M'I I.AF1FS. Ila.c t li Ti,:. i rifil. ur tln.' ali. nl In I'O carricl any iii,in .ii 1 . . .-1 1 r . i hi J ilii.-i truly lumk, a il liu licm l'.; ' "I -:'.viirr tln'ii.-aii'is n uulcHUiial. ci cat i:r i fi' t!m vi"-y ,i..w .- cf ilralli. ;..!! jN'ii"'ii iin;r r i:r) -fivk vkst ."k! . ! id a Idler, ill ri-i i'ivn nne ci;iy of l':ii" '.: l'.r mi i'., 'i hvc .. i ii-- v. iil bo tin; fur 0m; . P. .! '.I:. ui.i't (!"- tiai.l.'i Ml. 1VM. YllI'Xll, No. I..:' ;;i ru.T S'.r.'i t, I'liilu.ii'liilii.i. .!..!. U, l.v I. ly. ).)!i:!?T r:. u:iii, t 11iCK i V.- TC!I MAI, 'Fit. Im ,li!--t r J .'':'' 1 i.' ii : N-'iv Yi ri: umi I'liil'iilrijiina, u If.:,-!.sil -)' n.!l : r ..r.. -m , C..!.W lil.i: Y : n- 'I'.'.-'l '.'I 1 !'!.-; "i'Vi::i, Tins, til'lili'l! . tin.' U-i", 1'IH' l"ltl Cu'i 1' U.'i'l i:;i'i.. ,i ..1' .Me I II in.- v;it -;iMjn'i L'ar Ji'.ll; J'l-i'l .. II.!.. ,'Vln cf J, UHV l.'Mll jlill;'. Blt.i Itim-cVK Vil .'I II i .i j'. i i . ( -.11 w i.j.j ( i. a ''. ill.!.- S; ii .. . i.'ati -r i'.:i: , i- , ... line (i . ,-ilvr r T 'a nii'l Lull).--, and it .Mi.tii.v-. ';'' -. Il-'illl . (mm S lh ill!" IV 7,... i'jn . ,' kee ".if " .'.; ",.. !' I..;,;,;.,.:,. , Ci-ii'i t. A'l cf hi. : : . A!-. II a I') t-i - i. : :. I h" v . ; tin" .7,,7,f .., .' . ,' i'l'r.-,' .-'.,. s.;ii iV'M.t I'T l'lTl'.-I'l r. Hi' :,t cf Sj.eet.i nard (.'h:iin.-, IV::- ii:.1 ' - kc! ft ( n... . A .'. I i: V Ice :' :in t in :i- 'Inks ht-,;.,;. : "I lirti- I'M ' 'li'l- .-i.T'iiiy All lh.- i.uiy l,i 1 1 Ly a:-;. .Ii '.rui- I 1 r"S'i-. . f l.ii-l..-. an. I in. . I I .r i.:.e .'.!"!.. war: .! ,i! 1!'. I ,';i.( :o'.;; i:vs Maui., .'! C'STIXllSnl'e,; ...M, H ;;l.iWA!:;; a Jin.., V st.i;-.' i.i '.. li.v- nie .j 1 e Til .-. : .1' Ii US C. t'lll- Y i .M 'l.. A . at l! . ij.'ili.' .;:.'! . 111'.. ! I,:. i i , ' .- i i.i it-. ,r s iin'" i.t -ir..-, . Mantio ' u -. Kii- , .ics, .-!. . l iiiiei : i. . s. I.I.'I nil hind-. :..KMIivi: .' .!' ci ii , n! ci nl'.i.V V'lil'.'lf ' I i 1 i 1:11 I.- .!'( I ':!" a .Y!ii.i.'!. .V."'' i,i,y mi hand. :il..- I'"r Ill l ami H . I'i'.ia iii.e ;,j h.rtv Ii' 'n e'lini. I. .- ,. ..' er.v.iit hi- tnniilliiihy r.'i.Mi'J.'i;: ly i.t'i'iid, i. In. All hi .d-i of coniery . -hi-- takcJ: in .ctn; i- luniru fa' !'.,.'l;i;i.'s. tmi '.' . "'..,..". 1.. I'.. C.':'.tTL'!t, A;'ent. rie; -!',i.l. April a. 1-a! ly. fY (;t)!)! AT Tj:s: t A-I3 STDFlt- rrVi'- .-..ili-i' Ie - .;:!" ieei i.c.1 i, lare uicl I. m il al. eled si", It cl N(i'.iliS id alino.-; ec rv ti' - ;;, : ;) M'ite'.ltf l iu- .-.lls'i!'. whiell ll" is -!ii.: . ',.! .'! til V. "ly I"'.. il'i'.i.'.'. II " I'.s, "III, i- iy iiivi "-. ih" I'.it'ii'.inn cl till vh,, i-h t-i hay jr ml (i, hi, is lit iIip 1'iKfst j ri'.'cs, ii, ji.ll ut ttm siu if !!!" I' -I'li'.'st (hill'!.-. I 'i.iini " .' iirniluee. cl aha, evi 'v .h -eriiei'iu I'! ,.'i: i'l 11 like! jirn es 111 eM liai t'i-rmm.- ivi: hiaK la 1'Ureha.".'. : n, ; ..,: Icr II ir :u'ji!i' v- ill d :e Icr evcl-. id re,'i e a fair uiii lu . ive him li e; i:. :,., 1 -rth .-i:-'i of the ("III: I'I'T i;i;it' on i "-I.i i iiivi. and i."'!l ai'd In, 1 . i ineed ;'::: tin ie i i.-iCi in lh" veld ; :!ur:(in i.'.ril t-J, M'.v .:','! -'.; i. V. I . I F.WIN, I II .ia u Ml AW, A. a. M.YV stout; jy KTiAFII SHAW .t S11X. v,..;,I. 1 'M.e.'tiily . iiilcnii the J 11: l;r I !, il : limy l,nveiu-t n.-!n'. u u. ."-haw old s u Ii i;;" and ell f i d in tin l(i'."ci.;l: "I 1 1 -I'rti.'l.!. i-'i'ted sleek id', ;.ilie,I If. I.i" sea-nii--iiiii"!!!.' :.: li .' I"' I 'luni. i'ry 1, ..ud. in tr-ii? 1 n.ii ly : C'clhii'ir. ;i:.r.!v.atr.i.iu.'"iis ai'i,, Titi-wnrc,'.'i"-. Une.'.--, Helmets, Hats. lll .', 1,11.1 Mines, i.e. The'.- iltl'- eeiniieliiii i:.. and iuvile jier-cns iv sh- in? tn inlP h:'-o to Call ami examine Iheir luvk. ' 'loi.rlield July FviJ.-tr. I, allies and diclCIenieii, IFliLILYK il u L niaxim, Ihat every per-nn ; ph. mid I'tiri'hn.-" w!i.-.-eviT ll.-'V I'lcane. j lut thry nhiiuld not lea hastily helnrelhey 11-- 1 cortiiin hero they 11111 he heft nailed, lwciih'i ,':r,sl r.'-(ie",-'ully iiivite all (ladie-' in ,arli ular) In "nil Hi It. Iileniian'ri sini". mid examine iii- siden- 1 did .i.-.-iir:n,eiit nf ."mli-i Ihi.t mn " 1',' exeelleil iii ' this section nf eniintry lor I '11 ISA I 'A' A'.-'.V, iIh-jMI- ! ifv ,,r titvie. Vi'hieh eon.'sts nf (leiilletimii'.- Imm.I' , tf nil iles. i'iidiii!!.-11 Ml pri' i'-'. Ladii s iind (!eii!h' i T : n'n waders, lms and fill's hoots sho.'s iiinl 'a'- f Ur., Children ni'a.'l inrer can h'' iii':'criiodi'l"d. n. iii.i:x.A.x. 1 .Ian- 21. 1J"4. ' IJ.VMv VTICI'- WE (ho p-ilisc ,'ihcs intend tn Mav npiiHeiitioii tllioii"il Le:,'i.s!iitu:vnt theCcniii'.iii n-ciillli of l'ciinsyl , nnia Tor un net cf Ascnihly tn incori'o ralo a Itiiiikinji C.uiiiiiiiy. v illi lia'ikinir and di.--poiiiiiinif irivilec..?. In I,., called llu 'Cleiirliehl Jinn);," and Ineiitod nt thr horotih of Clearfield, iritli a fr.;ifnl flm k nf f lllil.llllil. A. K. W right, C. Krn' l.liii, Imin..l. !. W wi . ii ,. .. ...... 1 vc, V. illiani Jrv. in nil l aii.m, ,1. n . .-iiiiiu, .1. It. M"l'iia!!v, Jai. T. Lfonnrd. lliilnird Simw.l Jnmes II. Ilriihmn, .Iniif.ihaii Ilcyiitcn i.. -. is .j -it... :,u " . " ... . . VC-ThP llarrishur I limn, v.111 rin,i,.-.. tue ahore nnu innulh, nnd s.'nd m!" '". ,1'tT I 1,1' II I'll. mill! ..,tn,li,l slock of Clotli", Cas.'iaier.. Vest- JL in-.. Trimming, Ar. recently tir"liard hy the mibnerihor. whicn hr will coll or mak" lip timr. Icr. in Iho must fa-liiotinhl and (li'nihlo niiinner, i.t hi? staro ia Shaw's lion.' The material and '1:1 wurranlwl. No cliurro lor slmwing tin bon'.itiful Ud 'll!lip fTDOll!". Ii would inform the Irn.lo in Cleaifiold that lie in tho authorized afeut for lovie' London 11ml Tarie rfhlnn. THOMAS SIIF.A. rioarhflrl. .Inly S, 1?M. 5:1 11 P:1 wiilim three moniiiM, ' iv,, Al ' "en:!) ui.ui: I )Hn,I;l.ill A MlilHCAl, Hurst M tiiiirlii :?n vi-nr fn l r KINK I corner of 'third and fitiou n-f between ! unci Pino. I'jiilui luh hin. l'.i ia.'x, Sg-uce l.NVALIIlS nr apprised tlmt hit. KJXKFl IV routines hi. practice I,, a parimuhir l,r,.h ol'modi- ; ' " ii ion nijriiiri- ih n ritl i v :. 1 t ,'iitinn. Hi' cum inns tlit' n.l :, , i , ... . , , . ' ' i r iiii.uTM.iiui, uns'.l Ir KIN I Kl'.I.IX, (Aiitlmr ..(' a Wi.rlt ol Self -l'n.a, rval'mM ) 1 tn l'r.ive thai liiiiK-tentlis cl Iho rsusc cf iiervc.i dei.iliiv im ai ami iust ilitiitil i..i i an. I I'M.. Meal fiill.'i in.,', ar,. (n.'eal.le in eertniii ,.;ii'UJ. n rami; th" n.'..-t ','eret. v. t ii;i.U anil 1'af'I ' l'.i, ii n.'iiiest ie miM'i yand I'leniatiireiii'irtalifv. AM. FAKncn.AK Nl.-nav.Ti;cr.,i,,; eil hal'it ?i.metnnes imiiiltred in i,v l,j.s , f,,j. I'lil". cltei, e,'i,- ,,,, wit, ,!,, ,,; ,..,,!. ,,,, nl.ieh il nut ri'lnrnn d in due liinn, m,t nly I "t .-"rii.ny .iliMiicle; l iiiatrimniiial l,.',i,i.i,':.-.s "h r, riM' t,,:1 s"r'-' "f I'Vlrm ied iii-iili,,,,. "i,',l ,,.. :va.l:iiiii(t nfi.-!i.,i.". !', ., i- i, ri,,, l tin.- p.nii..i..n jit-aeti, ;,,,. ,i'. ,..,,;. .i. i.i ... until tiiey lied the neniui; -j..,.,., ,h;,t;,.r. '. d, ) 1 flian-e ai.-l tinai i-iiunlalili.' leilu;, s :n a.'ne fear- in tin- mind. i 'i'i.e uiifiirtn-iale the- ,,(Tei fd ln-e'ini". !','.. hi , is niial h In hihur uiiii n eii.inipeil vipir, nr in iii),!y !,i's,I"'!i1,1 -'" ly: iii- .-i.'i is tanlv and w..;ii.. In-:-dull. i-ri'Milni,.. ni.'l i-n.-. - ji;i,.t w;,i, , ' energy than usual. l!' h" eiiianeicat.' l.itnsi'lf l..-f"ie the i.ra, tiee has ileiie its vnr.-:. ujs.l enier jim ri 'ii-.: v. hi- u.amaru i- lllll"Hii:..l. ,;,,J .,., s,., t,.;. ,jm ,1,.,, ,h; 1 :i"-'"d I.,- early f .liies. t!..,..,. ,. .,!.;, r,i,., v. Iiii'lt .-h.mld iitrs!,, u tlu, all. alii;!! cl ihn-e -lii.i-hii iy 'liu.ue.l. Si !i !IIA(i ;C re.ui-..s th" fi hilin. nt r v.t:.', .'" i 'i'in--. in ct-I.-r tl-it it ii,: v rcallv he the eai:---cf t.iu'ind h"',iiH--. I lii.i i' u.ii ..hie!, i'i-m-i-i'ii- nri'tiii cl din..., . : ;. ..r, . !( ,, . . i.,. . j , ,u. l.-c" !'''. in .e:y ii ;.i!., i.'.-eh ..-,-.!. in .....v n.i'e.y ,'im!.! ii !w , .i t.. ; ;.v i , .,;!, . ' and la. ir lilt.'ii.ini t di..',i.i.c.',itmi i,t . ' A;.; ly lie n h;l'.' it is y. 1 tiiiie, in i.rii.-r I" l.nve '. . .. 1 1 1 en ::i.': and relaxed ..r-ani a'.i...', le-hva . .1. r,i i.n d am : tr.'tij;rhi.;ieil. !, n!u, (ihieis Iiiii--,!' under It. Kin!. "Iii.1.- Ii' ..;,! may r. :i"i,.iisly cd'l',,1,. in 1 i... Icimr a.- a ,.ti!,.ian. " id i' i. ii" ii l' e a--ii;-.,.!, . . thai tin r.v!- i f J r. K.V j'tifjii, will ..ivir he (ii-'ic.-e,!. Yen ':,.' nan let n . (al-c inch-sty il.-t. r ..a fnun laahin.' jmir (:i:-e I.i n u cm l:.i. In, a: edmi; imii in d i"tiie"'::hi!iiy can e"rt::;-..!y I.-i'iVt-I v.'ii. fc" laaey think tin y will cm ul lli! -"i-iei m llcir cm 'i, :.r;. . :i!;d cure tlcin-i h . Ah , b. ;v il 'ii i - thi - a i.inl ih ! i-.ini. :,t, l l.i.iv : an,, : ; r.,n,. l-l'i .n:i,',r fiai., '.. i!n hi liai" I ii an ! '"' .'ii ly. r.'is tadi 'l ,.i.( !'', . in Sin lure.- cf lh" uri thii a:e ra t1- ie.' ati'in .,f a new thi re;,, i.nly hy !ir. K: "enkii- -.,ai: I hi! t rnmi ::y i inpit, an tViil I ' iir. ail Is e::!i hi; i. idly r, m.' d Ly ..fill a;i al. a-: d '...-l',,,,'ir!al iii -,T 1 st. nil. lalill' Ii'i'ir i a.-.' .ci; i" . T III all I'l.-ir f-y :i,.ii.!i.. i"i' , !,. '--Or. IVrva, i".i i . lue Ti,''.i'.'l ti ml N'aiilum:!. Life. 'ia n, IT lull Hull- tn. ii iy ii s i- c, jwic-.l. a a i. "U in i, hieii :i ""il; in; l!ie eiilil.ei,!!;. i".'S cl li . ',';' , '',,'.,'.', wl.h leie- I'.r iii" , nf lile. ju-l fr"i!l 11 e )!".-. A li tt.'i v i:h n ii'iii.::. !,.'..' i (' tv ,,r the i.Ii.e in pi,.-1 siu.u,s, a'hl;'.. k'.lin, Fhih, d di'iiia. I'a., u ill -e 'lfe of the uh'i.e h.i.d,- 1 v r.-i u; ,i of M, :tv -ej to ir. Kin- a cop;, cl eal'i'r ail, 1 r 1' ."iiies 1. I! 'ik-el'ers, i-vo'lio 1 1, hole - will he M i l V C. CIVIl' "IT.,, 't' ml" ill tiie ,uV IT'ilit. ;r.i-.i: Ie March I'll c" I"' ;;!! I tvehr..- .'i nts In t . i'i n t. . v. he n n-im ni'is he j. -l-i 'iid. IS.M.-1-. JAMI'S II. LARIMER, Attnreej and Ciiitiiscllii!' ii L-jv 7II.I. attenii tn hii-i-i -s in the , nd mils f Clciirih Id nml Ci nire e n.nlh s. (I Seentid .-tree!, Jchn Weaver. .'' iv .- T. Hale. Cl. . llellef'ilit" li M,-sr.'. lUal.i Ilee. 1. .11!" .1" -n-n. . i. c. 1 . l;. ). .V lh 1 i IV. '.iinisiile, II ;i:.l McM.I .llltlll -. 1:- I 11-a. . Iliintii.mloii 1 .'Al VM. Ill LIS Wen a friend-, and lh" mid fullv infer',, his I ('iiiiiie i.mueniln 1 1"' I iic lin" "I .-til! eortinti".- In at!' ml e all , alls ,11 t! . Ji;.. i At. Oil. i.l , 'MA. ll! I.i ' ntl:ee. a "1:11. 'I . il l, ilin-. in ll.e hnr.iai.'li ,.f l.-arln Id. II" i.n.y he loiiiid ul neai'ly ail times in hit stui o in liif v. . 1 eml cf ihe .Man?i":i li..n ". Artt'iiritil Trrih ins'Tird cn j ! :. ; or ).i . ol. ami ivurraiiti'd lo (rive entire si.thditetinn. Lxtraeiiicr Teeih dune ivitttont ,lan:'"r to tlie ii!i"ii!, ami uith Inil little ) 01 in. Teeth filled ami cleaned il: a t"i r iind urieiililie i.ianiiei. May a, 1.-':,". MSIO !!Ot!i, t I. E.A1.1 llil.i. I'a. rilir: Hihseriher v.'.mhl r.-,cctf!illy inl'"iti. '!', JL I'llhlic thai lie has taken the ahnve old ,' ;e''i tMied slniid, rneeiilly oecuiiied fy Mr. Sainii"l KvaiiH. and entirely rc-f li'iiidied anil lelilled it in such 11 manner as ic render il seemid I" Do lintel in the enmity. The 1!Alt In,- l"'"ii -Icked v illi the Ins' ii.ii,,rn, iind the TAIILK will always h" Mip jdi, d Milh Ihe Imst Ihe inarkel can nf ord. l.Mensive Mahlinf: aliaehi'd tn the ptvnn.-ei'. ami attentive hostlers ulv.ays in atieiidanec. lie respe. (fully n-hs thepiihlie In pive him a trial, leelin,: assured that he can render s 11 1 i-f n -lion. .1011 X LlVIXliSToX. April 1!, W,l -tf. liOTKi,. rsniii: fuhs'Tilmr must rei"ft('u!lv inf.inns the Jt cili;'.'ii. of Clearlield county, and the irnvellini; puhlie L'enernlly, that lie has taken Hi" nhinej named liolel silunled on tho corner nl rronliinu Market streets, in the hnrouf'li cf Clenrfu Id, nl litre he will al nil limes he prepared to iieeiiiniin'iialo 1110-" who nciv favor him ,11 Willi ,,,l-,, .H.-l. "in. . pains will 1 e Fpiired by lhe pr,,,rtetnr tn make his I'lislunierH coinlcrlnhle. and liou.e a linine tn thnsp ilin 11111 v fl"p ith liiia- His STIlLli will he carefully attended lo ami hi.TAI!Li: and UAH supplied with Iho host the n, ivi oril. "' . Aurf. II, IS.,. M T lUMPIitll. J IMVII) JOIIN-TOV ii TilI.'LIl respe. Ifully nnniuinco to Iho 1 ciliens (.turr,l,l ,l ,li,,ii,,f- eounlies that 1: , ' , n ,, ,., rt lll.H' II V I SI'. has titled up and o I in tlin town nl I'liillip.-imr, C. ntro r.mnlv, I'n., and i fully prei ari'd to nil who n,y , favor him with a call Feh. 2S, lS.r,)-lvi nlicc and Caution. 4 LL persons nro lierchy iiaulioucil against hur my account, as I will pay no debts afler this dale, no iiiiitter by wh(im ooniriicli'jl, unlosa ft erhiil or wri.fu oracrislLanoin ino. S'l 6(1 ifpai.l wiihiii si k months, ,S'I CLEARFIELD, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1851. The (,'lriirfirlil Academy I' n ini'.'tiiii; nf tin. Ituanl nl' Tmlooi August '!ih,, the ti.Ui. injr rules ami terms A. W' re a I..). I ,1, ,y. S'J .'.() i.t iii.irtiT f"r eicli in lmlar learning' Or tlii.Lrriihv, ll.'.nlinir. Writing llmie's I'riir.aiv Ai'itliiimlie. anil tii'.-t le-.-i.iit in lli'i)irr,iihv. M OO ,er iiiarler fur uai'li selmlar iiitr.-iiiiu; oilier 1 i'1'i i.i'i;li-h r-1 it t : i '.1. , !j; i( ier j n . i r t r fir eiieli n'linlar li-ari.iiii.; La! lli' I in ami (livel; cr either, ivit'i nr withiuit linVli.-h ciani'iKs. . ' I'''r,l,l!,rll'r f"' Freiieli extra. u.'ti . . n maile Irmii hiil.H exeeit. in eases ( lire rac'eil I neu.. 1 he In: t iiinn-ter eonmiehees on the -If, tl,i 's'' ''"''" l.;'' I. mnl will eml mi tho 2uih nf .V. ii.iim. Hi;. illume lii.-liliilinii is now full v cr:anizeil with tivileaiid i 'luale ie,nrt incuts under the eliare cl' Mr. and Mrs. Cani,hell. Tho Tinslees having ), nieiired cimnietent mid e" lit iii i'd Ti aeheis, Mid liavinj: ml the rates cf liiiii.iii m i v h'"il with similar selumlr, 'nnliii ntly reO 'iiiim nd the Aeadeiuy tn the ,ai r';niire nl the inihiie. Kl' iiAj.H sa.W, l'res'.i'l'llie Heard. .1. II. .V'l.s .i.i.v. S"i r. li'i-v. CI'-nHi'M, A urii -1 lilt, lS.'.l'.' Trial Liit for Srjit. ti nil, Nl. .!. iltl I it I i-t; ut, Tii'ini:,- !..u:r, mv t'V,. S lii. ('.! .-. .." ti i."..!e-, C'.'i.r-" W. Simp. .-i:i::l". I'lhil Mi 1'iitiald l'i:iniiii,i- A Mi 1 1" Vi'itt I'. l.irl: i 1 ' i:. : i i,hcmi. it. i . .M'i"ie, -.1 A l..i;!.. f : .1 1 ah l.ainiiuru. i. I hiinias V.'niid i. Ilradfcrd tv.ii. . al. .hcil ehnnl i. Jiireeinrs, . Ann-truiif; l.'.irry, . ll.ihert Lytl. . . l.yi'.e A limtt.. . .lame- M. Leoiurd, ... Cenre J.i-e'di. i. I'evid Mil. heil, . Ileni.iniiu jlart hum, i. 'I. I'. Wilder. 'I r'Ultlvini' X lleliieh, . V," m. M. ;i,i;-an, Win. II. P, .,.,1,1, I-.ine lliiintu A . -an. s. l'Oujainiu l.imiirln ny, ! re- 1 1 mi -alii.-, s. Vt lih.eini ,t Wan;.. Win. A lilies Timher, w. S .vdi r &!.'e, U'm. Il"ii,l,.r.u, . ,1. M. A .1. I mud, . I'ceal ' il llri'lher, '. Il.-ury Ii. .MilUr. -. .Ins. nil S.l'.'H. 't. al. ' .M. I'l'lllTl.l:. l'rlV. nan , ri v, i:. .l-y, mi, j ivnrv ..i hone's l a i. ii. :i.,, !' i.i! Ke ny c iV" i'. . 1 art" Ii"Vn"i, ,; M. Oi:iv!. lh. !."! ' K'.ily A ii. .h.'ae- M ! ;il i)t!:K 11! I.I J'Ai'.Y At AlXh'tll . i.ottei: ).'.': (Ilv Arrinianv cr tiii: Si tk m.aiiava.) I" ','.., .,. ,', ( ',,! thr tlltl Ut' .,hu. Class D To be Drawn cn the .lii of Sqit. : : : : s,.',iln : : : .. 'an : : : : : : : I.M'li :,tii,,' !' : : $;stl.liili .- and ..lai'r!,,!.- ia priir- In nil. : Tie!.' -i: ".. '....Mi e- c'.aii'- ieati'i'i.- . SAMI'KI. ft WAX. Men';:')!!!, i'y, , Ala..,) dum tri'.-ily I'l'iili'leniiid. A.!'i i,l A .Mail!;;;' r. i i:!);:(ii'L!i iir.DmM'c. a ' live.: ;,;,',.,,, ,, 1!,- c.;. c ;.-;. , . ",'..n f'll'BI"'' lili. flnrm1 lh .i'IV.. rfiiif, f;,iV t't ' II ' "' ' ol I. .'l' II ' , , ,,, I, it li tl,f 11 111 linn' ii nl tin mum:. Tint il shall 111,1 I,.,, he. li.i lei-any .-cine, le.s, .-in. , , nr piits five ct's, ' to a' I.if'-.' in the ih.roimli nf ( 'lea: liel.l. hi: I il ju;iy suih (.Hine, hn;;'. : hnais cr piv- shall he found , rnniiiuit ut laii:.', cm h .-wiae, Inii.--. shoutp or l,iirs : f;al! he forfeit to the said l.uroiiyli, lo he sold hyihe Const.ihic cf the -aid li'ii 'illlih. isl uhii ale, 'who ' is Imrehv i,utlioii.c,I and refill ire 1 to take un cu;li -v. ine. I'.o', 1 u, nits ci 'i,r- Ci uiid 1-1 11 1 11 i 11 -r at liirji' : ai'd tlie roci , il- ari-in from Ihn sale of tin in. n'ier I'ediictimr the e. penses cf sale nud keejiiti!: '"i.l hot;.., the si.iii ccnstahle is In ,i,y over lo the 'i'.ea-nr.'r cl'.-aid horoiijrh, In he ii.proiriateil I'm ', .lo.iLdi piirp'i-es. In failure of said Cniisnihlo to take iip i- .id sn iii", linr--, -imiits or pi','.-, found riinniu at i'ti'L'e. liny citi?."!! cf said l'.e-oii!.'l, i l uiiiiiri.i'd to take the .sauie up, and 1 lake I'uhlie S i!e id t he same u ufore-aid. The said Consia !.!,'. er o her pi i -oii, iii:- in sahi cf said mi ine, li".'-, 'eon!, or .ijr, 'li'ill Ie nilnw.-'i! on e:i' h sale tna I' the siitni.i o...' doi'ar with e.vp'i,-"s of keep- Cll.i' Hai.n .11., liny ci'iils f ir t..liinir up eaeh ". ! "" !":. Ami 1 i: ah" iciviil-l, lluil Chi d' Ihir", -s injy at tiny time !;. r thtt ...iir .-aid s'viii", !,er-.'. si.'iuls r ,:?.. r-iuil ihe IV. r- '!in I Iii" .-am 1 ..ti u .p'.i.'.'ilinn ol' l!ie owner, il 1 In .'irim; the elalm.,!,., I liiii.k- ti,e n.-j re li-"', sm'll ih ei-iot,. 1 Tltir oniimiuee I.i jr , itr tl'.-t cn the l.'ih ol j Septeinh' t l'"l. and the loranr oidiininei) cn Hie -in 'ft I, r..i":,i".i. ('iir.ift'i'l X I'i d'nFFF. .'?,.".. Vi'm. I'oe ; 1: l'.. S ereta-v. Cieai-liehl, S.'j.teai!,,,!' I'., I -',', I, IM I.l IC I 'M)! f. tTi:i ' -ul -1 rll.i r w ill . li'er I'nr Mile ut ptihlie veu- A d'l 1 lh" I'.Uh of Sept. 'iiihcr, heii,-Tuesday cl t:ie C 'lirt. hi-- enl'i'e slick of Parlor. I'.ed lloniu, Iiitiin.." li'i.mi end Kilclcn 1 iirriituif, nilli nthcr artiele--, li- tolmw - : A I;-"" V.'cod M.ii'ide"ii of superior tone ainl tniii'iilaeiure, h.'in:. nne of Cohan's improved. S'.f'i Mahogany and IHnek AYnlnut. 7'.i ' Mni'iile-lop Tier. .Mahugany centre, )in , iiiiiif;, Ten iind K it'.'hen. es.-ini:. Sowing ftn.l lVa.-liiii2. f'hiiir Mahntruny Cushioned, (nne Ilnllnin Uii d live Maple, lloekiiet and Winds,, r. Hook Case and Looks, Wardrohe, Larean, 11, d sti'ilds. Ileds au Iii'ihtiuir. ., I Iiitiin way ('(inking, Fiirlnr, Air-Ti;dit and Ten I'lalc. I'm inl- Three ply, IiiLtriiiie, Yernilitin and Itajj. Si,h".n Lamp". Fluid Lamps, Y'ases nm other Mantle Ornaments. Toilet (.'lasses. Window Cur laiiis, Y"iiitiiin Jdinds. Setts China Ten utiil White Stone Linin,,', v, itli inaiiy nliier nilieh sof Oyiecns wure. Tin ware Cooking uieii-il-. Ae. One llor-e, one Two Horse Wa;roii, two setts of Tun ll.irnes.-, 2 setts b ineli lieavv lirielt llaml.-, 7 ' - 1 ; s " ' , .- v. , . .. ' . . ... , ,,.,.,., anioiinl, nulls with approved seeurily will he taken. puyaiiie on Uiu 1st 01 .May im,.,. 1. J . llll... i ,1.11,1,, Clearfield. Anoint HO, IS,', 4.-ts. I vtate nf I ilitli i iiitr. Ihrntnl. rVOriCK is herehy piven Unit I, tiers of admin - 1 i.-:rntion n Ihn estate cf laiilli Xivlinj:, hue l Woodward tp., dce'd, Inivo il, duo form ..flw; I'fon (,'Ninled In Iho stitnenlier. All persons in - j ileliteii will inahe initue.liiile pnymeni, anil those I ,r ,' tie e, i ' ll. '. no ., 1, ,1 mi. ALIlAItAM XTYLI.X1;, Administrator. Au;n-I -I. ls.i4.-l'.U TiTim of ndvcrlisiiis. liYKUTISIi.MK.XTS are inserted in tho I! A. publican, at onu dollar per mpiarn, for the first threo insertions and tweiity-fiveeonM for naeli I aii.niionai uisoroon. j 9uneeii iinesniaKea sitnnre. 1,, 76, il paid wilhin nine montlis, WII.IT I'REACliniS SliOCLD IIu Tin! Pvi v. Ilinry Ward 1'i fclicr, rrccni ly (lolivi.-ri'il ti snrmun in Washington, in nhicli In; shuilows loilli tlie (jiiitlififiitiuiis tlmt o to inako u succussl'til minister of tho ( liispcl : ACncm ii ox an I'i;i;lkss N'kt. Truo miniblnrs no leaf. I In must lif! ;i wuiriur. Hi; must not iioiich to tin; Jnslice of tins l'c'ico or Iho tionfiti.'.. Ho must go forili ami attack wrong u hurevcr hu may fin J it. Docs ho suy it is peril ous ? Why, it is perilous to live. When preachers sl-nll do their duty fuilhlully '.here will hr; h ss dojjs io hark. They are loM to -mind their own business, and not to be me. Hers. Put tho minister who never '(.rentes an ii"itntion, is like the husband- man who never plows, because ho may rip up some old roots. It is a peculiarity j ie (Jospil that it don't mind ils own: business. It is aggressive. It don't wait. lor man to come to it lor rebel, but it goes! out to find man wherever he is. A church may have all truth in ils creed, but if it; words one, two, three, and that the mo-1 lion to all who are ready to become riti sits on i's eggless nest, and never iueuiii-j mcnt he pronounced the last word, she 7,ens of this country, and who, while they hales, it is just ns dead as its opposite n,u5t Ie! go her hold, and that be doubted , escnpe from the despotism of the Old neighbor, who believes in all manner ol'j not that be emild withdraw the snake be- World, embrace and defend the freedom L'rn,r- i foiti il could have time to strike. of our institutions. DkadMatti:i:. IVaehingis substance ; All stood in breathless horror, awaiting i With these great republican truths em in life. A bull! t must h.nejiower behind , tU! act of lile or death, and the moment I biazoned on our banners defeat is impo ii, or it is dead matter. If men netded . three was pr.uiounced, the doctor jerked , silie. Tlie honest masses of this Old only argument, analysis, and deductions, out the. largest and most diabolical look-! Commonwealth will never sutler the mar iho Ilihle would be enough. Hut thu oh- jog bustle ihat was ever seen in iMis-; ly r-lires of persecution to be lighted on ject ot piraching is not to build up a creed sissippi. The whole aijliir was soon ex- the sod that Pcnn dedicated to religious or a sysiem, but to siqiprcss sin and evil, plained, the fastening of the machine had! free lorn. There is no such word its fail. The chore lies of the present day disputing become loose during the dancing, it had if il, ; Democracy will but inner with riail about the correctness and tendency ofdil- shifted its position in such a way that it and earnestness! I'iiladclphia Argvs. d -rent articles of faith, reminded him ol u danled about and induced the belief that I I number of workmen sseinblcd to erect u building. They begin to cemiiarc thiir nous, disputing which has the b.'s'. tem j per, tnd Iheir axes le.a-tiiig of the skill and i lame of ihu makers but never strike a I blow or make a step towards the erection i of the buildiii". Sh.k Stoi ki.;s axd White Kins. The ministers of these churches think it so sweet and genteel to attack siu diret ily. f 1 . . 1 r liut ine in pel is direct and revlu'iona- ry. I lien; v.iis ,1 iiie.ining 111 tue uec!a- 1 rniion ol jesus t,."tt be came lo send 11 sword anil not peace. The iSaviujr Vi .n.ts stout and Inave na n, u ot gentlemen, in silk s'ockings and kid. gloves. Their preaching must I e bold and npplicatory. Th'! Gospel, it is true, i-. very inconveni ent 10 sinner.-', hut it m ist he nreuc Led so ( p 1 t ... . , .. ,iijii,uii,ii,u n7i, 1 u ic 11 1 ui ma ton-, ywi,, Inat drutik.'iius, stingy and crabbed niN, poitaitce liian a saving of lirno, the h nth-1 v'j!son became q'.iie f: He rushed unjust men, and oppie-sors will fi-el that it cr is left soft, and capable of much longer ! ont f r Ine bouse, leavintr all his sic': chil is al'ler them. ' service than when Ironed in the common i ,.rcn hehmd him, nnd went to a lodging PaitAciiiMj to I'u-Asn the Pews. , way. This article is coming rapidly in-' 10UH3 0p town, where he also died next Sometimes the men in tho pews are im- to favor, and the new process n:ust sooni,,,. frf,m Rothinn' else than downriuht polled to speak ayainst wrong, but their ; supcist-de all now ,,,aciiced for tanning of 1 c.n'r' jc poor man wns panic stricken, pastor tells (hem it is not prudent. If I leather. 1 nnd if it n,d ,,ot been flir the attention of (said i.i.- P.) had a Gospel like that, Ii The same firm have a'co discovered a ! a friend, the family mi 'lii hae been left would throw it overboard. I would nev- j way of scouring and fulling woolen goods, j ni0r.f.,her to -themselves. One of the er preach to please the pews. There are by which ihe use of soap fortius purpose children has since died. congregations of men who build splendid is entirely done away with, and a saving i - - - editicos, with rich pulpits, handsomely 1 effected of over erne half. Boston Ti ar , A Shocking Accidknj:. A most terri- carpeted aisles, well cushioned pews.j - j hie rilamdy occorrr d atd',3 pap: r null of splendid organs, nnd have very respecla-1 Pntrrv tioor. Provisiun against Fam- j jessrs. Thompson, Hanna tc Sons, this bio choirs but don't c.ll such, Churches ! ixf.. V. c are fully pursuadLd, s.v.s the (r,ornjn!, nbout 10 o'clock. A new well of Christ call them Odd Fellows Mil-j Xaiionnl Intelligencer, that ihere is much J wl,;ch had been sunk to the depth of some tual Insurance Companies, anything ns. l moic apprehension expressed about a de-: -ortv rC(,t cay.eii ;n burving a Mr. Robi pcctahle but ch'.irchcs. fic ency in the grain crops of the season t Rcraiij his son, and a mall bov named 1 than is well-founded- There has been s)cnc,,. The two first named individuals "A HARD I101D TO TKAVLL." more than an average crop of wheat, ,vere atworkatthe botlom ofihe well, end It seems 10 b? generally admitted that rje, nnd oals throughout tha country, and ; wrre flU0t C0Ining out when the bank "Jordan is a hard 'mad." Jim Sherwood ', at least half an averaged crop of Indian commenced rivin2"wav at the bottom. iens 01 one mat, u not tlie venlauie 'Jor dan'' itsell, must certainly be its next best ine nil Put let Slier. ;.i.eak for himself. Time, inwardscvening Place, Forks of th" Road, somewhere in North Carolina Log calniL close by Rnd-hcaded bov sit - tin' on TT: fence uhistlini: "Jonia Lian." re, be:h Later traveller on an old i'rev mare loiioing pretty well licit "cm!, Trrrcllrr "Say, boy, which of these, roads go lo Miltun ?" Sf.ittrrinp Boy "B-ob-boih on 'cm goes to thar. Trnv. "Well, which is the quickest ,v t" .'..,. . 11 I. ...!. b-b-both on 'em ji i. 11-ii-u.nii uiihu, u-u-iioiii 011 em I gits there 'b-h- bout the same time 0' day." Trnr. "How far is it ?" Jin!. "T.-b-bout four m ni'miles." Trar. "Which is the best road?" lit)!. "T.t.lbev ain't nnrv nun b-b-best. If yon lake the right hand, and' g g-go on nbout a m-mile, you'll wish vou was in h-h-h-ll; and if you turn ba-k and lake the l-l-left hand one, vou'H w ish you had kt jif nn the other r.r-roiil, A Ti:.. Party A venerable matron t ..,.... .... 1 01 soi 111 ;iuiiiii-, inuss., ;,, vciirs 01 lire, gavo ail "Uld FoiIvS, lea r.irtV, tt lew ! Uuys Since, and Brnoilj; tllO guests W bo were present were four ladies of tho re. spective ages of 80, K2, b(), 70, and three- centlemen of 8.V M), 73. makintr the uni- nr... .,(" tl.n h, ted ages of the eight persons ( including 1 , ,. hostess'! filfl vmm an iivernn,. . . y- ,.. . f...', . . F- ". " 1 IMIICU Ilicy re;iue, III! in one "eigliuor - hood of less than a mile squill and'"1"11'- , i ,luvu hcm cs",tl" of ,0n over fifty j 1 years. I . .. . . COA correspondent of the Dollar News - paper says: The cheapest mode of ma - king vinegar is lo mix five quarts of warm rain Walei Willi two quarts Ol Urleans Mo - lasses, nnO lour quars yeast, in a lew W ever tasted. anl if not paid until the expiration A Morarut of Tfrmr. An citirifj; sci no took place at a b:t! Home wbeic in iMississ:pii last sunitii''r. Amonj; the jiersons present was u young lady who bud n great horror uf snakes, and ulier (lancing u while she wns great ly nhirnieJ by Iceliiij: n sensalinii ns though a serpent had fixed itself beneath the folds of her dress. Grasping the head ol'tlu; monster tightly in her hand she screamed nloud lor assistance. A hastv consultation nmoiiir tho calmest of the ladies was held, when it was deter mined that Dr. Trinson who was present should be called lo their u-'sistanee. lie was quickly on I lie spot find being n man of uncommon courage, he was not many momenls within the circle of weeping and ball' fainting I'einak s before he had caught tin; tail of the snake, run! wound it firmly u round his hand, ti lling Miss. M. that she ,nust lot go the moment he jerked, and m make the act as instantaneous as pos- sible. he told her he would pronounce ibei j wns a snake with an enormous head. The d.irlor foil riuhtdown in bis trucks. - - - - p,--- .. , and he did ! Mohai. : of bu-lks ! Ladies, beware i:.:roKTANr Disc.ovtRiKs. It may not be generally known, ihat by lliu process now in common use for reinovidff the hair anil tanning hides, a period of about six months is consumed, and tho leather is li'U.U; ;o bo burnt and rendered brittle by 1. preparation. An ariiclo has ien discovered bv Mosrs. Vi'ard 6c lloott, nf this city, and thouirniglily tested by persons interested u 1 lie tanning buisncss, by mer ns 1 0f gipbt, and thv were seized with chol winch tlia hair is removed, and ihe hidolen ,;orn patins'green fruit. Soon after h U in such a slate that it may be laimcd ,is vie was tnj:en anj died. Seeing the in eic ;t lLv.s : cini. what is 01 more int., ' T I .11 -I' us see what all this "mourn 10 -A 111,1 C,C'P 01 ls 1 "; ; ,l;,.(0( bus ; ol rye, lo.OOO.OOJ ; ol oats, i 1 ,00,00 ; ol Irish potatoes, C5,0'.)0,. "mi ? ''" a crol' 01 Cl"' nin1 n J,""- ! 1,1 ,v,"'!l m:'.v '"J added sweet potatoes 4. (100,000; 1 uckw'i,ea', 10,000.000; rice, . .(100,000 ; birley, 5,000,0(10 ; peas ami ne.ins, 1 v,ui.'o,iinii. iiesues an uuu- cn., CHVinr, ,n, and some time was con sunlly heavy crop of hay. Hero is about (turood in gt-uinj ready and putting into one million of millions of bushels of what tle W(, R large curb, k- as to sepport the may be called a pretty good pro-. panks. It is cxnected that the bod v of vision, ono would think, lor twenty-six ym,n' Soen:e will soon be reached, as hn ""'dons ol people. ' ft C - ""I m n . . T . . B0BKV .hhistiav-i arson nr . n- , 1 . , " fr :' """"'and various coi'incturcs were afloat as to 1 mil- 1 je.iii.; ...hi;, uuiiiiueiiiiii- mi iDiirningoi a negro loran nirocious mur - d a negro loran atrocious mur - I . . . 1IT . I . - . I . .;i.i:..i.. Tm tL,:.''' . .. -. ; uer, says: we unncsiiiimig:;, n.urm ma., ihn riumsnnicnf is nnnniml tn ll,c rrimp. ' ie ,' , , , 1 . , , llaa wtn mere, we stiouhi nave a-. hcn a Pn" rvrn 8?Pl,SH:J. I,c P"'"" ! n? ,,"t r hin' w,,h K--l ' l"cher-tho cutting olf a hmh at a lime. and then burning lliem all in a neap. The man who could express such inhi - ; man sentiments as lhe above, would make L r.... ..... r. r . I it ursi r.tie 11 renin 11 10 r a cerium iieji vi ju- t I 111. Hi! Would lake a dcllf-ht 111 the busi- ' nCSS. A 0,,c""ior incna 01 ours pnssmg r. ..iii- i- i UP .vewuruay, picseu u,. 1.. o,e. tio stool lor a moment meuiiatmgi , fjfjon the probable owner, when pressing it to his bus he said . ,.n,,;m, ,, ftprG ,,Q hnsofthe 1 1 I L , Jl Sl ns "T ", ' ," ' ' r K' ' ' ml. unri-h n.iLfi.I ntil ..I nn unnfr ! oow, anu siiiii ; 1 "P.oss, jest please frow dat limbic in de j entry, I jest tlrap it !'' J UT I welve millions of gallons of whi- j key arc solu annually in L.ia-nnnnti, anil o nil part, of .he i I' f tin; car S'2 00 will I charged. NUMBER 31. the iiLinifRATic am. Wo are gratified to see that in all sec tions of the State, the Democracy are planting themselves on the Republican creed and in opposition lo nil institutions and persecutions cither for birthplace or religious faith. In the proceedings of 'ho Fulton County Democratic meeting tha platform is thus laid down: Rcsoverl That we regard the following as the true cardinal points of Democratic Republican faith in the present and in all other con.usses : 1st. Stato rights ns containing the doc trine of popular sovereignty, and exem plified in thoso measures which lenve tha proplu of a State or Territory to control their own institutions and to enact iheir own laws. 'd. Opposition to sectional polities of every name and nature, whether AMi danism or Free Soiism. 3d. A defence of rclinious freedom, as laid down in the Constitution, and nrotec. Dt'lllll of na LdilorfrOUT Trarof Cliol.ra. nin U';i.r, r o,t;.,. .h,. ii i nun. w.ij ji niu Lull. 'in u ii.t Reform Jinntur, ot Hamilton, Canada West, died n few days ago. h appears he had a great fcir r.f :!'e cholera, and 4 is said ihtit since the appearance of the disease th'Te, he would never go out of his house, except wi;h a bottle of cholera mixture in his hand, and a parcel of chlo ride of lime in his pocket, and he regula ted his diet and the economy of his fami ly in strict conformity to the rules laid down by the board of health, but unfortu nvcly his chi'Jrn, thrvc beautiful boys, 1 could not be restricted when thev trot out 1 ';!...: r .:,- - - ! Young Spence was sating at the time at ' the Ion of lbs curb, about two or three lett ,jjwn and W08 carried down with the fal- ;n, earth. Up to ihn time we left tha sne of the disastr r, 3 P. M., none of the uo(j;(,s ,afj been reached. The cnga- ; r(,movin? ihe earth labored under rreat dis'idvantage, in consequence of thr cannot b". a great way down. The other two unlortanate individual , ,t suppnseJ are (ll ,be b,j!;orn f lhft we,; fc!urcs were afloat as to Some are of opinion that , their coudiiion. !.. , , !,. ,lf ,. h rir..,r) hl. ,h ' a J ' fnmo whirh ....j lhe fS but .. . . 1 i tins seems to us 10 ue nriiiin a rramsi nope. Two or thr(.n days must elapse before the , bodies can be reached, S!rU',n;vi.'k Union, &j.t.i. . ; Mow sue itlt when first kissed. JA lady friend of ours sins the first inne sho was kissed by a 'feller,' she felt iiko a bi tub o! roses swimming in honey. cnlogtie, ulmeg and checkerberries. She also felt as if something was running tlmmoh her nerves fin feet rf diamonds. I t-sc-orlt-d by severul little Cupids in Chan- 1 0?. drawn bv onrcls, shaded by honev- ,L.,e ,, ,i. k , 1 ..,i, m.i. cd rainbows. Jerusalem 1 p..wer there is in a full breasted kiS9 ! CCrThe North American Fire Insu rance Company of New lork, acknow ledges iho rerripl of two thousand thrtv hundrrJ nnd ihirteen dollars, through "Father Lark'n" from some unknown person. This must ho put down as case of conscice. Last year there was consumej in this country about 1 0.i.OK't.fljil p unds cane sugar, tii&pie sugar, uni 27,'00,O!)0 pounds il Bo-es toTtidliip, PpL 11, 1S.M. pd. lao ''"'